MBA III SEM Syllabus
MBA III SEM Syllabus
MBA III SEM Syllabus
S. Subject
Title of the Course L P C Internal External Total
No Code
1. 21MS13T1 Strategic Management 4 - 4 40 60 100
2. 21MS13T2 Legal Aspects of Business 4 - 4 40 60 100
Business Ethics & Corporate
3. 21MS13T3 4 - 4 40 60 100
4. Elective – I 4 - 4 40 60 100
5. Elective – II 4 - 4 40 60 100
6. Elective – III 4 - 4 40 60 100
7. Elective – IV 4 - 4 40 60 100
8. 21MS13B8 Startup Business Plan 2 - 1 - - -
Total Credits for III Semester (C) 29 280 420 700
Subject Code 21MS13T1 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To enable students have a grasp basic concepts of Strategic Management
To discuss the importance of Environmental Scanning in Strategic formulation
To give a snapshot on strategy formulation framework.
To describe procedures, considerations in strategy implementation process
To explain the significant procedures in Strategy Evaluation and Control
Unit –I
Introduction: Concepts in Strategic Management, Strategic Management as a
process – Developing a strategic vision, Mission, Objectives, and Policies –
Hours – 10
Factors that shape a company’s strategy – Crafting a strategy - Industry and
Competitive Analysis.
Unit –II
Environmental Scanning and Leadership: Methods. SWOT Analysis –
Strategies and competitive advantages in diversified companies and its evaluation.
Strategic Analysis and Choice: Tools and techniques- Strategic Leadership: Hours – 10
Leadership and Style – Key Strategic Leadership Actions - Developing Human
Capital and Social Capital – Balanced Scorecard.
Unit – III
Strategy Formulation: Strategy Framework For Analyzing Competition, Porter’s
Value Chain Analysis, Competitive Advantage of a Firm, Exit and Entry Barriers
- Formulation of strategy at corporate, business and functional levels. Types of
Hours – 10
Strategies – Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry – restructuring and
diversification strategies – different methods Turnaround strategy and
diversification strategies.
Unit – IV
Strategy Implementation : Strategy and Structure, Leadership, culture
connection - Strategies for competing in Globalizing markets and internet
Hours –10
economy – Organizational Values and Their Impact on Strategy – Resource
Allocation – Planning systems for implementation.
Unit – V
Strategy Evaluation and control – Establishing strategic controls - Measuring
performance – appropriate measures- Role of the strategist – using qualitative and
quantitative benchmarking to evaluate performance - strategic information Hours – 10
systems – problems in measuring performance – Strategic surveillance -strategic
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory
from any unit.
Ability to understand the basic concept of Strategic Management and its significance
Know the importance of Environmental Scanning in Strategic formulation
Understand the important considerations in strategy formulation
Familiar with the various strategy implementation process
Understand the key considerations in Strategy Evaluation and Control.
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. AzharKazmi, Strategic Management and Business Policy, McGraw Hill, 2008
2. UpendraKachru, Strategic Management, Excel Books, 2009
3. Vijaya Kumar P,.Hitt A : Strategic Management, Cengage learning, New Delhi,2010
4. John A PearceII, AmitaMital: “Strategic Management”, TMH, New Delhi, 2012.
5. Sanjay Mohapatra: “Cases Studies in Strategic Management”, Pearson, New
6. Adrian Haberberg&Alison: Strategic Management, Oxford University Press, New
Delhi, 2010
1 3 - - - - - - -
2 - 3 - - - - - -
3 - 3 - - 3 - - -
4 - - - - 3 - - -
5 - 3 - - - - - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
1 - - - - 3 - - 20
2 - 3 - - - - - -
3 - 3 - - - - - -
4 - 3 - - - - - -
5 - 3 - - - - - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
1 - 3 - - - - - 3
2 - - - 3 - - - -
3 - - 2 - - 3 - -
4 - 3 - - 3 - - -
5 - - - - 3 - - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13F4 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To describe the basics of Investment fundamentals
To provide insight about the relationship of the risk and return
To familiarize the students with the fundamental and technical analysis of the diverse
investment avenues
To describe the various models of Portfolio Analysis and Selection Models
To present the significance of Portfolio Evlauation and Revision.
Unit –I
Concept of Investment Education: Investment Vs Speculation, Investment
alternatives - Investment Process - Sources of Investment Information – Trading
System in Stock Exchanges –Market Indices. Calculation of SENSEX and NIFTY Hours – 10
- Return and Risk – Meaning and Measurement of Security Returns. Meaning and
Types of Security Risks: Systematic Vs Non-systematic Risk - Measurement of
Unit –II
Equity and Bond Valuation Models: Preference Shares and Equity Shares
Earning valuation-Cash flow valuation-Asset Valuation-Dividend-discount Hours – 10
model; Valuation of Bonds – Bond Returns and Risks -Bond Pricing Theorems
convexity, duration, bond immunization.
Unit – III
Investment Analysis: Fundamental Analysis – Economy, Industry and Company
Analysis, Technical Analysis – Dow Theory – Elliot Wave Theory – Trends and Hours – 10
Trend Reversals - Efficient Market Theory –Hypothesis- Forms of Market
Unit – IV
Portfolio Analysis and Selection: Elements of Portfolio Management, Portfolio
Models – Markowitz Model, Efficient Frontier and Selection of Optimal Portfolio.
Hours –10
Sharpe Single Index Model and Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing
Unit – V
Portfolio Evaluation and Revision: Performance Evaluation of Portfolios;
Sharpe Model – Jensen’s Model for PF Evaluation, Evaluation of Mutual Fund – Hours – 10
Portfolio Revision.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory
from any unit.
Familiar with the fundamentals of Investments and its avenues.
Understand the relationship of the risk and return
Familiar the students with the fundamental and technical analysis of the diverse
investment avenues
Know the various models of Portfolio analysis and selection
Understand the significance of Portfolio Evaluation and Revision
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. V.K. Bhalla, Investment Management, 13th Edition, S.Chand& Company, 2008
2. S.Kevin: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009
3. PunithavathyPandian: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi,2009
4. SudhendraBhat: Security Analysis Portfolio Management, Excel Books, New Delhi,
5. ZviBodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus, PitabasMohanty, Investment, 10th Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2015.
6. M. Ranganatham, Madhumathi, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Pearson
Education, 2012
7. Robert A Strong: Portfolio Management, Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001
1 - - - - - 3 - -
2 - - - - - 3 - -
3 - - - - - 3 - -
4 - - - - - 3 - -
5 - - - - - 3 - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13F5 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To Understand the historical development of Indian Banking System and to know the
CAMEL Approach
To familiarize the various types of lending and know the various loan products of banks
To familiarize the various Innovations in Indian Banking Industry (Basel, CBS etc.)
To describe the detailed overview of Indian Insurance Industry and also describe the
role of IRDA
To understand the various concepts of Life Insurance and General Insruance.
Unit –I
Introduction to Banking- Meaning of a Bank and Customer- Bank and customer
Relationship - Role of commercial banks in Economic Development - Evolution
of Banking in India – origin, nationalization, reforms and Financial Inclusion in Hours – 10
India - Financial statements of banks with special focus on Indian banks -
Financial statement analysis of banks: CAMEL Approach, Key Performance
indicators- Sources of Bank Funds.
Unit –II
Uses of Bank Funds: Features of Bank Credit - types of lending - assessment of
credit worthiness of a prospective borrower - management of credit process -
different types of loans and their features - Loan Pricing: The basic model, pricing Hours – 10
fixed & floating rate loans, cost-benefit loan pricing, Customer Profitability
Analysis - Non Performing Assets: - gross and net concept of NPAs, causes,
implications & recovery of NPAs.
Unit – III
Regulation and Innovations in Banking System: Regulation of Bank Capital:
The need to regulate Bank Capital - Concept of Economic Model - Concept of
Regulatory Capital, Basel Accords I,II and III. - Banking Innovations - Core
Hours – 10
Banking Solution - Retail Banking - Products & Services: Nature, Scope, Future
and Strategies - Plastic Money - National Electronic Funds Transfer - ATM -
Mobile Phone Banking - Net Banking- Banc-assurance. Changing role of Banks
as Financial Intermediaries. Customer service quality in Indian banking industry.
Unit – IV
Introduction to Insurance: Insurance as a Risk Management Tool- Principles of
Insurance - Characteristics of Insurance contract - Functions of Insurers:
Production, Underwriting, Rate Making, Managing Claims and Losses,
Hours –10
Investment & Financing, Accounting & Record Keeping and other miscellaneous
functions - Types of Insurers- Concept of Reinsurance, uses and advantages -
Marketing channels: Agents & brokers - responsibilities, classification, criteria for
appointment and capital adequacy norms for broker - an overview of IRDA.
Unit – V
Life Insurance and General Insurance: The concept of Life Insurance - types of
Life Insurance contracts - Tax treatment of Life Insurance- Life Insurance
Products- Classification of Life Insurance - The Actuarial Science- Provisions of Hours – 10
Life Insurance contracts - Special Life Insurance forms - Health and General
insurance–Overview, Types, Third Party Administrators- Micro Insurance in India
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory
from any unit.
Ability to understand the Indian Banking system and know the CAMEL Approach
Adhere the how the banks used their funds and understand the various loan products
Adhere the recent innovations in Indian banking system
Familiar the Indian Insurance sector and adhere the role of IRDA
Ability to understand the various concepts in Life Insurance and General Insruance
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. R.Shanmugham: Financial Services, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2010
2. M.Y.Khan , Financial Services, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Harsh V.Verma, Marketing of Services, Global Business Press, 2002
4. Bhole : Financial Institutions and Markets, TMH, New Delhi, 2009
5. MY Khan, Indian Financial System, TMH, New Delhi, 2009
6. Gayatri V. Pathak, Indian Financial System, Perason Education, 2011
7. Padmalatha Suresh, Dr. Justin Paul, Management of Banking and Financial Services,
Pearson Education, 4 Edition,
8. NeelamGualti, Life and General Insurance, Excel Books, 2011
9. Emmett J. Vaughan, Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance, 11 th Edition, Wiley
1 - - - - - 3 - -
2 - - - - - 3 - -
3 - - - - - 3 - -
4 - - - - - 3 - 2
5 - - - - - 3 - 2
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13F6 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To know the overview of Project and Project Management fundamentals
To illustrate the various Project Feasibility studies and steps in Project Life Cycle .
To present the project evaluation methodology and project evaluation technqiues.
To familiarize the overview of Project Management techqniuesPERT and CPM
To specify the role various stakeholders of the Project and the roles and responsibilities
of project Manager
Unit - I
Project – Classification – Importance of Project Management – An Integrated
Approach – Project Portfolio Management System – The Need – Choosing the
appropriate Project Management Structure: Organizational considerations and Hours – 10
project considerations – steps in defining the project – project Rollup – Process
breakdown structure – Responsibility Matrices – External causes of delay and
internal constraints.
Unit – II
Project Feasibility Studies - Opportunity studies, General opportunity studies,
specific opportunity studies, pre-feasibility studies, functional studies or support
studies, feasibility study – components of project feasibility studies – Managing Hours – 10
Project resources flow – project planning to project completion: Preinvestment
phase, Investment Phase and operational phase – Project Life Cycle – Project
Unit – III
Project Evaluation under certainty - Net Present Value (Problems - Case
Study), Benefit Cost Ratio, Internal Rate of Return, Urgency, Payback Period,
Hours – 10
ARR – Project Evaluation under uncertainty – Methodology for project evaluation
– Commercial vs. National Profitability – Social Cost Benefit Analysis,
Commercial or National Profitability, social or national profitability.
Unit – IV
Developing a Project Plan - Developing the Project Network – Constructing a
Project Network (Problems) – PERT – CPM – Crashing of Project Network
(Problems - Case Study) – Resource Leveling and Resource Allocation – how to
Hours –10
avoid cost and time overruns – Steps in Project Appraisal Process – Project
Control Process – Control Issues – Project Audits – the Project Audit Process –
project closure – team, team member and project manager evaluations.
Unit – V
Managing versus Leading a project - managing project stakeholders – social Hours – 10
network building (Including management by wandering around) – qualities of an
effective project manager – managing project teams – Five Stage Team
Development Model – Situational factors affecting team development – project
team pitfalls
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory
from any unit.
Understand the overview of fundamentals of Project Management .
Familiar with the various Project Feasibility Studies
Know the various methodologies and technique of Project Evaluation
Understand the overview of PERT and CPM methods and Project Crashing techqniues
Ability to understand the roles and responsibilities of project manager and also know the
role of various stakeholders of project
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. Prasanna Chandra, Projects, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 9thEdiation,
2. Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson, Gautam V. Desai, Project Management :
The Managerial Process, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 9 thEdiation, 2019.
3. Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson, Gautam V. Desai, Project Management :
The Managerial Process, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 9 thEdiation, 2019.
4. SitangshuKhatua, Project Management and Appraisal, Oxford University
5. 2011.
6. Jeffrey K Pinto, Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage,
Pearson Education India, 5th Edition, 2020.
7. Bhavesh Patel, Project Management: Financial Evaluation with Strategic
Planning, Networking and Control ,Vikas Publishing House, 2nd Edition,
1 2 - - - - 3 - -
2 - 3 - - - - - -
3 - - - - - - - 3
4 - - - - - 3 - -
5 - 2 - - - - - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
1 - - - - - 3 - -
2 - - - - - 3 - -
3 - - - - - 3 - -
4 - - - - - 3 - 2
5 - - - - - 3 - 2
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13M4 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To disucssthe basic concept of Consumer Behaviour with the assumptions of various
To describe the Psychological Foundation of Consumer Behaviour
To illustrate the Consumer Communication Process
To disseminate the concept of Consumerism, and related discussions
To provide the legislative framework of Consumper Protection.
Unit –I
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour- Understanding consumers and market
segments. Evolution of consumer behaviour, consumer analysis and business
Hours – 10
strategy. Models of Buyer Behaviour, Howard Model, Howard- Sheth Model,
EKB Model, Webster and Wind Model and Sheth Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Unit –II
Psychological Foundations of Consumer Behaviour: Consumer Motivation,
Perception, Personality and Behaviour, Learning and Behavior Modification,
Information Processing, Memory Organization and Function, Attitude Formation Hours – 10
and Attitude Change. Social and Cultural Environment Economic, Demographic,
Cross Cultural and Socio–Cultural Influences, Social Stratification, Reference
Groups and Family, Personal influence.
Unit – III
Communication and Consumer Behaviour: – Components of communications
process, designing persuasive communication and Diffusion of Innovations.
Hours – 10
Consumer Decision Processes High and Low Involvement, Pre-purchase
Processes, Post Purchase processes, Consumption and evaluation, Brand Loyalty
and Repeat Purchase Behaviour.
Unit – IV
Consumerism: The roots of consumerism, consumer safety, consumer
information, environmental concerns, consumer privacy, legislative responses to Hours –10
consumerism and marketer responses to consumer issues.
Unit – V
Consumer Protection: Consumer Protection Act 1986, Central consumer
protection council, state consumer protection councils, consumer disputes
Hours – 10
redressal agencies, consumer disputes redressal forum, National Consumer
Disputes redressal Commission.
Ability to Understand the concept of Consumer Bheaviour with the assumptions
Clearly know the psychological foundation of Consumer behavior
Familiarize the steps in Consumer Communication process.
Understand the Consumerism and related concepts
Familiar with the legal framework of Consumer protection
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. Leon G.Schiffman, Lesile Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behaviour, Person Education,
2. S. Ramesh Kumar, Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education, 2017
3. RamneekKapoor, Nnamdi O Madichie: “Consumer Behaviour Text and Cases”, TMH, New
Delhi, 2012.
4. RamanujMajumdar: “Consumer Behavior insight from Indian Market”, PHI Learning, New
Delhi, 2011
5. M.S.Raju: “Consumer Behavior Concepts, applications and Cases”, Vikas Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2013.
6. David L Loudon and Albert J Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour, 4/e, TMH, New Delhi, 2002.
1 - - - - - 3 - -
2 - - - - - 3 - -
3 - - - - - - 3 -
4 - - - - - 3 - -
5 - - - - 3 - - 2
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13M5 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To familiarise the basic concept of retailing in India.
To discuss the various retail strategies formulated by the retailers .
To famariaze the various considerations in selection relation locations
To know the concept of Store Layout and Design to attract the customers
To understand various Retail pricing strategies at retail stores in India.
Unit –I
Basic concept of retailing – Retail development – types and functions of retailers
Hours – 10
– Multi channel retailing – organized retailing in India – special characteristics of
retailing services retailing- legislation for retailing in India.
Unit –II
Retail strategy: Market strategy – retail format and target market – building
Hours – 10
sustainable competitive advantage – growth strategies – strategic retail planning
Unit – III
Retail location: Types, location opportunities – selection of location and Site
Hours – 10
analysis - financial strategy – strategic profit model – setting and measuring
performance objectives.
Unit – IV
Store layout and design: Store operations and inventory management
merchandise planning and control, buying merchandise – developing assortment Hours –10
Unit – V
Retail pricing strategy: Category management, customer services – retail
branding- International retailing – promotional strategies – advertising, sales Hours – 10
promotion, store atmosphere.
Able to understand the basic concept of retailing in India.
Familiar the various retail strategies of retail firms.
Know the various considerations in selection retail location.
Know the concept of Store Layout and Design to attract the customers
Understand various Retail pricing strategies at retail stores in India.
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. A.J. Lamba:“The Art of Retailing”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. New
2. SwapnaPradhan, “Retail management”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi, 2012
3. Sheikh and Kaneez Fatima, “Retail Management”, Himalaya Publishing House,
Mumbai, 2012
4. Sivakumar, A, “Retail Marketing”, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2007
5. Gibson G. Vedamani, Retail Management, Functional Principles and Practices, Jaico
6. Chetan Bajaj, RajnishTuli, Nidhi Varma Srivatsava, Retail Management, Oxford
University Press, 2016
7. David Gilber, Retail Marketing Management, Pearson Education, 2003.
1 - - - - - 3 - 2
2 - - - - 3 - - -
3 - 2 - - - 3 - -
4 - - - - - 3 - -
5 - - - - - 3 - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13M6 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To describe the importance of Customer Relationship Management in Marketing
Decision Making
To demonstrate the various CRM strategies adopted by the companies.
To familiarize the various Marketing aspects in Customer Relationship Management
To illustrate the various customer retention strategies and other relavant topics
To describe the various operational and implementation aspects in Customer
Relationship Management
Unit –I
Introduction: Definition of CRM –Elements of CRM – CRM Processes and
systems, Importance of CRM, Critical success factors for a winning CRM Hours – 10
program – Advantages of CRM – Integrated CRM system –Planning and
Managing CRM Programme - Application areas.
Unit –II
CRM as an integrated business strategy: Nature of CRM strategy – Contents of
Hours – 10
CRM Strategy – Description of Customer – Supplier Relationships, The dynamics
of Relationships, The relationship oriented organization.
Unit – III
CRM marketing aspects: Customer knowledge, value of customer knowledge,
utilization of data as an asset, multi-channels and communication- Influence of the Hours – 10
channels on pricing and the formation of relationships – The relationship policy to
improve size, quality and relationship with the customer base.
Unit – IV
Analytical CRM: Relationship data management – Expanding the size of
customer database - Data analysis and data mining – Concept of customer loyalty
Hours –10
– customer value assessment – Customer Retention strategies – Retention and
Cross – sell analyses – effect of marketing activities – Reporting the results
Unit – V
Operational CRM and CRM implementation: Call center Management –
internet and the websites – traffic building – Providing quality during the visit to
the website – Process of developing, producing, sending and following – up direct Hours – 10
mailings. Causes for disappointing CRM results – The best CRM implementation
strategies –Privacy and ethics Consideration in CRM implementation
Ability to understand the importnace of Customer Relationship Management in
Marketing Decision Making
Familiar with the various CRM strategies adopted by companies.
Adhere the various marketing aspects in CRM
Understand the various customer retention strategies
Familiar with the operational and implementational aspects of CRM.
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. S.Shanmugasundaram: “Customer Relationship Management” Prentice Hall of India.
2. Jagadish N. Seth, AtulParvatiyar, G. Sahinesh, Customer Relationship Management,
McGraw Hill, 2008.
3. Ed Peelen: “Customer Relationship Management” Pearson, Education
4. Roger J Baran, Robert J Galka and Daniel P Strunk: “Customer Relationship
Management” Cengage learning
5. V. Kumar, Wener J. Reinartz, Customer Relationship Management, Wiley India 2003.
6. Kaushik Mukherjee, Customer Relationship Management, Prentice Hall of India, 2009.
1 - - - - - 3 - 2
2 - - - - 3 - - -
3 - - - - 3 - - -
4 - - - - 3 - - -
5 - - - - 3 - - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
1 - - - - - 3 - 2
2 - - - - - 3 - -
3 - - - - - 3 - -
4 - - - - - 3 - -
5 - - - - - 3 - 2
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13H4 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To describe the various Leadership Models
To familiarize the various Motivational theories
To understand the Leadership Development in organisations
To describe the significance of Strategic Leadership in organization.
To demonstrate the various cross cultural Leadership across the globe
Unit –I
Organisational Leadership: Definition, Components and evaluation of
leadership, factors of leadership, Situational Leadership Behaviour: Meaning,
Fiedler Contingency Model, Path Goal and Normative Models - Emerging
Leadership Behaviour: Transformational, Transactional and Visionary Leadership Hours – 10
- Leadership for the new Millennium Organisations - Leadership in Indian
Organisations. Leadership Effectiveness: Meaning, Reddins’ 3-D Model, Hersey
and Blanchard Situational Model, Driving Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership
for Organisational Building.
Unit –II
Leadership Motivation, Culture: Motivation Theories for Leadership:
Maslow’s, Herzberg, X, Y and Z theories of Motivation - Similarities and
Distinctions of Need Hierarchy and Two Factors theories. ERG – McClelland -
Hours – 10
Expectancy - Porter and Lawler Theories. - Emerging Challenges in Motivating
Employees. Motivation, Satisfaction, Performance. Organisational Culture:
Meaning, Definitions, Significance, Dimensions, Managing Organisational
Culture, Changing organisational Cultural.
Unit –III
Leadership Development: Leadership development: Significance – Continuous
Learning: Principles of learning to develop effective leadership – Vision and
Goals for organisation: significance of goals for leaders – Charting vision and
Hours – 10
goals of Indian leaders and abroad - Tools for developing dreams for effective
leadership dreams – Leaders vision in organisation building – Leadership
Attitude: significance – Developing and Maintaining positive attitude for effective
Unit – IV
Strategic Leadership: Leader Self management: significance - Developing self-
esteem and balancing emotions – Interpersonal Leadership Skills: Praise – Hours –10
Criticise – Communicate – Leadership Assertiveness: Circle of influence and
circle of concern – Leadership with Edification: Tools of edification – Leadership
and creativity: Developing creative thinking – Leadership and Team Building:
Principles of team building, individual versus Group versus Teams – Leadership
and Integrity: Developing character and values
Unit – V
Leadership in the cross cultural context: Leadership across Globe:
Characteristics - Significance – Functions – GLOBE research program of
Wharton School – challenges of leadership in varying culture and values – Global
Hours – 10
perspectives of leadership – Leadership in USA – Leadership in Japan – European
leadership – Leadership in Arab countries – Implications of global leadership –
Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility across globe
Familiar the various Leadership Models
Understand the various theories of Motivation
Understand the Leadership Development in organisations
Ability to know the importance of Strategic Leadership
Ability to understand the various cross cultural Leadership across the globe
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. Peter G. Northouse, Leadership, 2010, Sage. Publication.
2. Uday Kumar Haldar “Leadership and Team Building” Oxford Higher Education 2010
3. Richard L. Daft “Leadership” Cengage Learning 2005.
4. Richard L Hughes, Robert C Ginnett, Gordon J Curphy “Leadrship” Tata McGraw Hill
Education Private Limited 2012.
5. Peter Lornge, Thought leadership Meets Business, 1st edition, 2009, Cambridge.
6. John ADAIR, Inspiring Leadership, 2008, Viva Books.
1 - - 3 - - 2 - -
2 - - 3 - - 2 - -
3 - - 3 2 - 2 - -
4 - - 3 - - 2 - -
5 - - 3 2 - 2 - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester For the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13H5 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To demonstrate the various wage concepts and related concpets
To present the various Job Evaluation technqiues and compensations structures.
To describe the Wage and Salary Administration in India
To familiarize the functions of payroll department.
To discuss the Pay structure and its various components
Unit - I
Compensation: concept and definition – objectives and dimensions of
compensation program – factors influencing compensation –Role of compensation
and Reward in Modern organizations. Compensation as a Retention strategy-
aligning compensation strategy with business strategy – concept of reward - non-
Hours – 10
financial compensation system-Reward management process - Managing
Compensation: Designing a compensation system – internal and external equity–
pay determinants - frame work of compensation policy - influence of pay on
employee attitude and behavior - the new trends in compensation management at
national and international level.
Unit – II
Job evaluation and Compensation Structure: Introduction to Principles and
Procedures of job evaluation programs-Introduction to basic job evaluation
methods-Compensation Structure History and past practices, elements of Hours – 10
,management compensation –Types of compensation system, Role of
compensation and Reward in modern organizations-compensation surveys
Incentive payments and its objectives.
Unit – III
Wage and Salary administration: Nature and Purpose, Wage surveys-
Administration of wage and salary-Principles-Components of wages-Theory of Hours – 10
wages-Wage differentials-Importance Wage differentials in India-Executive
compensation plans-Legal frame work for wage and salary administration.
Unit – IV
Control systems for labour costs: Introduction-Direct and Indirect labour , Role
of various departments-The personnel department-Industrial engineering
department-Types of worker Payroll department-Process and steps for preparation Hours –10
of payroll-Wage analysis-Cost accounting treatment of wages components-
Compensation surveys-Profit sharing.
Unit – V
Pay Structure and Tax Planning: Introduction- Compensation Structures-
Hours – 10
Performance based and Pay based structures-Designing pay structures-comparison
in evaluation of different types of pay structures-Significance of factors affecting-
Tax Planning –Concept of Tax planning-Role of tax planning in compensation
benefits-Tax efficient compensation package-Fixation of tax liability salary
Understand the various wage concepts
Familiar with the various methods of Job Evlautions
Understand the functions of Payroll Department.
Ability to understandnthe Wage and Salary Administration in India
Familiar the Pay structure and its various components
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. Dr. Kanchan Bhatia “Compensation Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, New
Delhi 2012.
2. A.M.Sarma, N.Sambasiva Rao: “Compensation and Performance management”,
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
3. DewakarGoel:“Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management”, PHI Learning,
New Delhi, 2012
4. ER SoniShyan Singh ‘Compensation Management’ – Excel Books, New Delhi – 2008.
5. Mousumi S Bhattacharya NilanjanSengupta , “Compensation Management” – Excel
Books, New Delhi – 2009
6. Tapomoy Deb “Compensation Management” – Excel Books, New Delhi – 2009
1 - - - - - 3 - -
2 - - - - - 3 - -
3 - - - - - 3 - -
4 - - - - - 3 - -
5 - - - - - 3 - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Code 21MS13H6 Internal Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 External Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
To demonstrate the overview of Performance Management
To disseminate the Performance Management Planning Process.
To discuss the performance management systems
To describe the Performance Monitoring and Couseling
To describe the various performance management skills
Unit - I
Introduction: –Definition –concerns-scope-Historical developments in
performance management-Over view of performance management-Process for Hours – 10
managing performanceImportance –Linkage of PM to other HR processes-
Performance Audit
Unit –II
Performance Management Planning: Introduction-Need-Importance-
Approaches-The Planning Process—Planning Individual Performance- Strategic Hours – 10
Planning –Linkages to strategic planning-Barriers to performance planning-
Competency Mapping-steps-Methods.
Unit – III
Management System: objectives – Functions- Phases of Performance
Management System- Competency based Performance Management Systems-
Reward based Performance Management Systems- Electronic Performance Hours – 10
Management Systems- HR ChallengesAppraisal for recognistion and reward-
Purpose of Appraising –Methods of AppraisingAppraisal system design-
Implementing the Appraisal System-Appraisal and HR decisions.
Unit – IV
Performance Monitoring and Counseling: Supervision- Objectives and
Principles of Monitoring- Monitoring Process- Periodic reviews- Problem
Hours –10
solving- engendering trust- Role efficiency- Coaching- Counseling and
Monitoring- Concepts and Skills
Unit – V
Performance Management Skills – Operational change through performance
management. High Performing Teams: Building and leading High performing
Hours – 10
teams – team oriented organizations – developing and leading high performing
teams- Role of Leadership
Familiar with the overview of Performance Management
Know the overview of Peroframnce Management planning
Understand the performance management systems
Understand the significance of Performance Monitoring and counseling.
Ability to know the various performance management skills
Five one page answer questions from each unit.
Three easy type questions out of five questions.
Case Study (Compulsory question)
1. PremChadha: “Performance Management”, Macmillan India, New Delhi, 2008.
2. A.S. Kohli, Tapomay Deb, Performance Management, Oxford University Press, 2008.
3. Michael Armstrong & Angela Baron, “Performance Management”: The New Realities,
Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010.
4. T.V.Rao, “Appraising and Developing Managerial Performance”, Excel Books, 2003.
5. David Wade and RonadRecardo, “Corporate Performance Management”, Butter
Heinemann, New Delhi, 2002.
6. DewakarGoel: “Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management”, PHI
Leaarning, New Delhi, 2009
7. A.M. Sarma “Performance Management Systems” Himalaya Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2010.
1 - - - - - 3 - -
2 - - - - 3 - - -
3 - - - - - 3 - -
4 - - - - - 3 - -
5 - - - - - 3 - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching
Department of Management Science
Syllabus- MBA III Semester for the Autonomous Batch starting from A.Y. 2021-2022
1 - - - - - 3 - -
2 - - - - - 3 - -
3 - - - - - 3 - -
4 - - - - - 3 - -
5 - - - - - 3 - -
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 – Low; 0 = No Matching