Debt Capital 2023
Debt Capital 2023
Debt Capital 2023
COMPANY LAW of a company whether constituting a charge on the assets of the company or
______________________________________________________________ Generally, a debenture refers to a document containing an acknowledgement
_____________________ of indebtedness and it's issued by the company under its common seal giving
Every trading company is deemed to have borrowing powers even if these are an undertaking to repay the debt at a specified date or at the option of the
not expressly specified in the MOA. company and in the meantime to pay interest thereon (on it) at a fixed rate or
There is no such implied power for a non-trading company and its MOA must at intervals stated in the debenture.
lay down such powers to enable it to borrow. A company having power to All companies public or private can issue debentures. They may be issued at
borrow may do so to any extent within the limitations laid down by the MOA par, premium or discount either privately or through a prospectus. The legal
and AOA. requirements of issuing and allotting debentures are the same as those of
shares except that the following conditions do not apply to debentures.
Ultra vires borrowing ● No 5% of the nominal value in cash is required
If a company borrows beyond the powers specified in the MOA, the ● No minimum subscription is required before allotment
borrowing is ultra vires and therefore void. In such a case, no debt is created ● No legal restrictions are imposed e.g. issuing at a discount.
and any security which may have been given in respect of the borrowing is
inoperative. A company has no power to ratify a void contract even if every Types of debentures
member purports to do so. In this case the lender cannot sue the company for ● Secured debentures
the repayment of the loan. These are secured by some charge on the property of the company.The charge
may be fixed or floating hence there may be fixed or floating charge
Remedies available to the ultra vires lender debentures.
a) If the money has not been spent by the company, the lender can obtain ● Unsecured(naked) debentures
an injunction to prevent the company from parting with it. They are not secured by any charge on the assets of the company. The holders
b) If he can identify the property purchased with the money, he is entitled of such debentures are like ordinary unsecured creditors of the company.
to a tracing order and can recover it. ● Registered debentures
c) If the money has been used to pay off legitimate debts of the company, These are debentures that are payable to the registered holder. A registered
the lender may sue the company as he steps into the shoes of the holder is one whose name appears both on the debenture certificate and in the
creditors who have been paid off by virtue of the principle of company’s register of debenture holders. The holders of such debentures can
subrogation. Similarly, the lender can retain the securities given to him transfer them like shares but such transfer must be registered. A registered
for such part of the money lent that is equivalent to the legitimate debenture contains the following clauses: -
debts paid. a) A covenant to pay the principal sum
b) A covenant to pay interest
c) A description of the charge on the company’s undertaking or assets.
d) A statement that it is issued subject to the conditions endorsed on it
Lecture Notes by Soita JL Page 1
● Redeemable debentures d) A company may purchase its own debentures but it is not open to it to
These provides for the repayment of the principal sum on a specified date or purchase its shares.
on demand. e) In case of liquidation, debenture holders rank first for repayment
● Irredeemable (perpetual) debentures whereas shareholders can only obtain anything after all the outside
In this case, the issuing company does not fix a date by which they should be creditors have been paid.
redeemed and the holder of such debentures cannot demand payment from the f) Debentures may be issued at a discount but shares cannot be issued at
company so long as it is a going concern. They are normally payable during a discount.
liquidation or in case of some serious default by the company. g) Interest is paid on debentures while dividends are paid on shares.
● Convertible debentures
They contain an option entitling the holder to convert his debt at times stated Debenture Stock
in the debenture to ordinary or preference shares of the company at a stated It refers to the borrowed capital consolidated into one mass The difference
rate of exchange. If the holder exercises this right, he ceases to be a lender of between debenture & debenture stock is that a debenture is usually for a fixed
the company and becomes a member. sum & is transferable in its entirety (complete units) whereas debenture stock
can be transferred in fractions. Similarly, a debenture may be issued with or
Characteristics (features) of a debenture without a security whereas debenture stock is generally created by a trust
1) It is issued by company and is usually in the form of a certificate deed.
acknowledging indebtedness of the company
2) It usually specifies a particular period as the date of repayment unless it is Debenture Trust Deed
irredeemable. This is a document by which a trustee for debenture holders secured by a
3) It generally creates a charge on the undertaking of the company or on its floating charge is appointed. Such debenture holders may not have time to
property although some are without charge. look after their interests in the property charged. They therefore appoint some
4) A debenture holder does not have a right to vote in the general meetings of persons among themselves as trustees for purposes of protecting their
a company. interests.
5) It attracts a fixed rate of interest. By the terms of the deed the company undertakes to pay the debenture holders
the principal sum & interest and normally charges its property to the trustees
Distinction between debentures & shares as security. The trustees must act diligently in the discharge of their duties and
a) A shareholder is a part owner of the company but a debenture holder is any clause in the trust deed which exempts them from liability for breach of
only a creditor. their duty is void.
b) Income on debentures is fixed & certain whether or not a company
makes profits whereas income on shares is uncertain and depends the Contents of Debenture Trust Deed
on the availability of profits & the discretion of directors. ● The fact of the appointment of a trustee for debenture stock holders.
c) A shareholder has normal rights of a member e.g. right to receive ● The nominal amount of the debenture stock
notices of general meeting, to vote etc. whereas a debenture holder is ● The date or period of repayment of the principal amount.
not a member & hence not entitled to some of these rights. ● The rate of interest or interest payment date.