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Ch. 1 GATE EE PYQ's Analog

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GATE - 2025



2001 - 2024
GATE Previous Year Questions

CHANDIGARH : SCO - 134, 135, 136, 3rd FLOOR, SECTOR 34-A

Contact :PTA : 98552-73076,

Website : www.engineerscareerpoint.com

GATE Solved Questions

Sr. No. Topic Pages

1. Diode Circuit ................................................................................................ 1 - 12

2. BJT and FET Biasing ................................................................................... 13 - 27

3. Small Signal Analysis ................................................................................. 28 - 31

4. Frequency Response ................................................................................. 32 - 33

5. Operational Amplifier .................................................................................. 34 - 69

6. Feedback Amplifiers & Oscillators ............................................................ 70 - 75

7. Function Generator & 555 Timer ................................................................ 76 - 78

ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.

1. The cut-in voltage of both zener diode Dz and D shown in Figure is 0.7 V, while breakdown voltage of
the zener is 3.3 V and reverse break down of D is 5 V. The other parameters can be assumed to be
the same as those of an ideal diode. The values of the peak output voltage (V0) are

~ 10sint V0
=314 rad/sec

(a) 3.3 V in the positive half cycle and 1.4 V in the negative half cycle.
(b) 4 V in the positive half cycle and 5 V in the negative half cycle.
(c) 3.3 V in the both positive and negative half cycle.
(d) 4 V in the both positive and negative half cycle.
[1 Mark : GATE-2002]
2. The forward resistance of the diode shown in figure is 5 and the remaining parameters are same as
those of ideal diode. The DC component of the source current is

Vi ~ 45
Vi = Vm sin t
 = 314 rad/sec

Vm Vm Vm 2Vm
(a) (b) (c) (d)
50 50 2 100 2 50 2
[1 Mark : GATE-2002]
3. In the single phase diode bridge rectifier shown in figure, the load resistor is R = 50. The source
voltage is V = 200 sin t, where  = 2 × 50 rad/sec. The power dissipated in the load resistor R is

V ~ A

3200 400
(a) W (b) 400 W (c) W (d) 800 W
 
[2 Marks : GATE-2002]
2 GATE Previous Solved Questions
4. A voltage signal 10 sin t is applied to the circuit with ideal diodes as shown in figure. The maximum
and minimum values of the output waveform of the circuit are respectively
D1 D2
~ Vi 4V


(a) +10V and –10V (b) +4V and –4V
(c) +7V and –4V (d) +4V and –7V
[2 Marks : GATE-2003]
5. The current through the zener diode in the given circuit is

10V RL 3.5V
VZ = 3.3V
RZ = 100 –

(a) 33 mA (b) 3.3 mA (c) 2 mA (d) 0 mA

[1 Mark : GATE-2004]
6. Assuming that the diodes are ideal in figure the current in the diode D1 is

1K 1K

5V D1

(a) 8 mA (b) 5 mA (c) 0 mA (d) –3 mA

[2 Marks : GATE-2004]
7. Assume that D1 and D2 in figure are ideal diodes, the value of current I is

(DC) I
D2 2k

(a) 0 mA (b) 0.5 mA (c) 1 mA (d) 2 mA

[1 Mark : GATE-2005]
ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.
8. What are the states of the three ideal diodes of the circuit shown in figure?


1 5A
D1 D3

(a) D1-ON, D2-OFF, D3-OFF (b) D1-OFF, D2-ON, D3-OFF

(c) D1-ON, D2-OFF, D3-ON (d) D1-OFF, D2-ON, D3-ON
[1 Mark : GATE-2006]
9. Assuming the diodes D1 and D2 of the circuit shown in the figure to be ideal ones, the transfer characteristics
of the circuit will be
D1 V0

2 D2

10V 5V

Vo Vo

(a) (b) 5

Vi Vi
10 5 10

Vo Vo


(c) (d)
Vi 10 Vi

[2 Marks : GATE-2006]
10. The equivalent circuits of a diode, during forward and reverse bias, is shown in figure.
+ –  + –

– +  – +

10sint ~ V0 10k
4 GATE Previous Solved Questions
If such diodes are used in the clipper circuit of figure given above, the output voltage (V0) of the circuit
will be

+5V +5.7V

(a)    t (b)    t
–5V –10V

10V +5.7V
(c)    t (d)    t
–5.7V –5V

[1 Mark : GATE-2008]
11. In the voltage doubler circuit shown in figure, the switch ‘S’ is closed at t = 0. Assuming diodes D1 &
D2 to be ideal, load resistance to be infinite and initial capacitor voltages to be zero, the steady state
voltage across capacitors C1 & C2 will be

t=0 Vc1 D2
+ –
S C1 +
5sint ~ D1 C2

Vc2 Rload

(a) VC1 = 10V, VC2 = 5V (b) VC1 = 10V, VC2 = –5V

(c) VC1 = 5V, VC2 = 10V (d) VC1 = 5V, VC2 = –10V
[2 Marks : GATE-2008]
12. The following circuit has a voltage source Vs as shown in the graph. The current through the circuit is
also shown

a b

VS +
– R 10k

15 1.5
10 1.0
Current (mA)

5 0.5
0 0
-5 -0.5
-10 -1.0
-15 -1.5
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Time (ms) Time (ms)
ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.
The element connected between ‘a’ and ‘b’ could be
(a) a b (b) a b

(c) a b (d)
a b
[1 Mark : GATE-2009]
13. Assuming that the diodes are ideal in the given circuit, the voltage V0 is

D1 D2
10V V0 15V

(a) 4V (b) 5V (c) 7.5V (d) 12.12V

[1 Mark : GATE-2010]
14. A clipper circuit is shown below


Vi ~ Vz =10V – Vo


Assuming forward voltage drops of the diodes to be 0.7V, the input-output transfer characteristics of the
circuit is

V0 V0

(a) 4.3V (b)

Vi Vi
4.3V 4.3V


5.7V -5.7V
(c) (d)
-0.7V 10V
0.7V 5.7V -5.7V

[2 Marks : GATE-2011]
6 GATE Previous Solved Questions
15. The i-v characteristics of the diode in the circuit given below are

 v  0.7
 A, v  0.7V
i   500
0A, v  0.7V

The current in the circuit is

+ +
10V V
– –

(a) 10 mA (b) 9.3 mA (c) 6.67 mA (d) 6.2 mA

[1 Mark : GATE-2012]
16. In the circuit shown below, the knee current of the ideal zener diode is 10 mA. To maintain 5 V across
RL, the minimum value of RL in  and the minimum power rating of the Zener diode in mW respectively



Vz = 5V RL

(a) 125 and 125 (b) 125 and 250 (c) 250 and 125 (d) 250 and 250
[2 Marks: GATE-2013]
17. A voltage 1000 sin t Volts is applied across YZ. Assuming ideal diodes, the voltage measured across
WX in Volts is



(a) sin t (b) (sin t + |sin t|) / 2

(c) (sin t – |sin t|) / 2 (d) 0 for all t
[2 Marks : GATE-2013]
ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.
18. The sinusoidal ac source in the figure has an rms value of V. Considering all possible values of R ,
the minimum value of RS in  to avoid burnout of the Zener diode is


20 V 5V RL

[1 Mark : GATE-2014]
19. Assuming the diodes to be ideal in the figure, for the output to be clipped, the input voltage vi must be
outside the range


vi 10k v

1V 2V

(a) –1 V to –2 V (b) –2 V to –4 V
(c) +1 V to –2 V (d) +2 V to –4 V
[2 Marks : GATE-2014]
20. A non-ideal diode is biased with a voltage of -00.03 V, and a diode current of I1 is measured. The thermal
voltage is 26m V and the ideality factor for the diode is 15/13. The voltage, in V, at which the measured
current increases to 1.5I1 is closest to
(A) -4.50 (B) -0.09
(C) -0.02 (D) -1.50
[2020 : 2 Marks]
21. Consider the diode circuit shown below. The diode, D, obeys the current-voltage characteristic

  V  
ID  IS  exp  D   1 , +
  nVT  
where n > 1, VT > 0, VD is the voltage across the diode and ID is the current through it. The circuit is
biasedso that voltage, V > 0 and current, l < 0. If you had to design this circuit to transfer maximum
power fromthe current source (I1) to a resistive load (not shown) at the output, what values R1 and R2
would you choose?
8 GATE Previous Solved Questions

(A) Small R1 and small R2 (B) Large R1 and large R2

(C) Small R1 and large R2 (D) Large R1 and small R2
[2020 : 2 Marks]
22. In the circuit shown, a 5 V Zener diode is used to regulate the voltage across load R0. The input is an
unregulated DC voltage with a minimum value of 6 V and a maximum value of 8 V. The value of Rs
is 6W. The Zener diode has a maximum rated power dissipation of 2.5 W, Assuming the Zener diode
to beideal, the minimum value of R0 is__________W

[2021 : 1 Marks]
23. For the circuit shown below with ideal diodes, the output will be

(A) Vout = Vin for Vin > 0 (B) Vout = Vin for Vin < 0
(C) Vout = -Vin for Vin > 0 (D) Vout = -Vin for Vin < 0
[2022 : 1 Marks]
24. All the elements in the circuit shown in the following figure are ideal. Which of the following statements
is/are true?
ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.
(A) When switch S is ON, both D1 and D2 conducts and D3 is reverse biased.
(B) When switch S is ON, D1 conducts and both D2 and D3 are reverse biased.
(C) When switch S is OFF, D1 is reverse biased and both D2 and D3 conduct.
(D) When switch S is OFF, D1 conducts, D2 is reverse biased and D3 conducts
[2023 : 2 Marks]

10 GATE Previous Solved Questions

1. Ans. (b) DC component is
During the positive half cycle, when Vi > 4 V
 Vm 
zener diode is replaced by V2 (ON) & D is   V 
replaced by 0.7 V IdC =  50    m 
    50 
+ During negative half cycle,
3.3V Diode is reverse biased & is replaced by open
Vi ~ 0.7
1k Vo=4V circuit.

 I= 0

During the negative half cycle, 3. Ans. (b)

Zener diode becomes forward biased and PN The given circuit can be redrawn as
junction diode becomes reverse biased, then
D1 D4
Vi ~ Vo ~ C D
– D2 D3

Vi B
Vo =
= 5sin t R
Vomax = –5V V(t) ~ i(t)
2. Ans. (a)
During positive half cycle,
During the positive half cycle of the input then
Diode is forward biased & is replaced by 5
D1 & D3 – ON,  short circuit
D2 & D4 – Off  open circuit
V  t  200sin t
Vi ~ 45 i(t) = 
R 50
= 4 sin t Amp.
Vi During the negative half cycle of the input,
D1 & D3 – Off  open circuit
D2 & D4 – ON  short circuit

V(t) ~ R

Vi V t
i(t) = i(t) =  4sin t
50 R
Vm In full wave rectifier, power dissipated in the
i(t) = sin t
50 load resistor R is
ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.
V(t) 5. Ans. (c)
Given that Vo= 3.5V
VZ = 3.3V

i(t) Then zener diode offers Rz = 0.1 k of dynamic

0 So, Vz + IzRz = 3.5
 3.5  3.3 
V t  i t  200 4 Iz =  R   2mA
P=  =   z 
2 2 2 2
6. Ans. (c)
P = 400W
In the circuit, D2 must be forward bias where
4. Ans. (d) D1 is first replaced by open circuit
For positive half cycle Apply Nodal analysis at node 1
(i) When Vi>4V, D2  ON, D1  OFF then
V1  5 V1  8
Vo = 4V  0
10 10
(ii) When Vi<4V, D1 & D2  OFF
1K V1 1K
 Vo = Vi
10k 1
+ 5V 8V

~ Vi 4V 4V Vo=4V
– V1  5  V1  8 = 0
For negative half cycle, D1  ON, & D2OFF
2V1 = –3
10 k
V1 = –1.5V
 D1 is Reverse biased
Vi ~ 4V Vo
ID1 = 0
10 k
– 7. Ans. (a)
Vi – 10I + 4 – 10I = 0 The current always search the low resistance
path. D1-ON and D2-OFF.
 Vi  4  The I directed from N type to P–type of D2
I=   mA
 20  (D2–R.B) As D2 is reverse biased & is replaced
When Vi = –10V (maximum negative value) by open circuit.
 I =0
I= mA
Vo + 4 – 10I = 0
Vo = 10I – 4

 6 
= 10    4
 20 
= 3  4  Vo  7V
12 GATE Previous Solved Questions
in parallel and voltage across them must be same.
D1 2k So that the value of output voltage from potential
1mA divider network is
(DC) I
D2 2k
 10  Vi
Vo = Vi    Vo  5sin t
 10  10  2
8. Ans. (a)
Therefore, voltage across diode is always less
In the given circuit, we can analyse that the
than 0 V, VD < 0 i.e., diode is reverse biased for
the given input.  V0 = 5 sint
11. Ans. (d)
1K At t = 0, switch is closed and During the positive
D2 half cycle of input,
10V 1K 5A
D1 D1 is forward biased & D2 is reverse biased
‘C’, will charge upto +5V
D1 – ON VC1 = 5V

D2 – ON & + –
D3 – OFF then +
But no current flows through D2 because current –
~ Vi

always search the low resistance path (through

short circuit path D1) Therefore D2 also OFF During the negative half cycle of input voltage
9. Ans. (a) D1 – Off

When Vi =0, Dl-OFF and D2 also OFF D2 – ON

+ –
+ +
2 D2 +
Vi RL= Vo
Vi ~ –
10V 5V
– –
Vo = 10V Apply KCL
Vi + VC2 + VC1 = 0
When Vi > 10V, D1–ON and D2–OFF VC2 =  Vi  VC1
+ + = –5 – 5
2 = –10V
Vi V0
10V  C2 will charge upto –10V
– –
12. Ans. (a)
During the positive half cycle, diode gets forward
10V biased then Vo = Vi.
During negative half cycle, diode gets reverse
Vi biased then Vo = 0
0 10V
13. Ans. (b)

10. Ans. (a)

Diode branch and 10k resistor are connected
ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.
10K i
I V0 +
10V 10V v
10K – –

D1 is forward biased (ON),

D2 is reverse biased (Off). From (1) and (2)
I =  0.5mA 10  1000i  0.7 9.3
20  103 i= =  2i
500 500
V0 = 10  103 I
V0 = 5V 9.3
 3i =
14. Ans. (c)
During positive half cycle of the input. 3.1
i= A  6.2mA
When Vi < 5.7V, diode will be off and Zener
diode will not operate in breakdown region 16. Ans. (b)
Therefore, Vo = Vi
When Vi > 5.7V, diode will be ON, as it is on, Is
Vo = 5.7V
Rs =100
Zener diode will never operate in break down
region (i.e., it will always be in off state)
During negative half cycle of input, IL
Vs =10V Iz
Diode is reverse baised and Zener diode gets
forward biased when Vi  – 0.7V Vz = 5V RL



Vi Given, knee current of zener diode,
0.7V 5.7V
Iz knee = 10 mA
Then, Vo = –0.7V Current supplied by source,
When Vi > –0.7V, diode will be off and zener
diode get reverse biased. Vs  Vz 10  5
Is =   50mA
Rs 100
Then, V0 = Vi
15. Ans. (d) Maximum load current
i – v characteristic of the diode : IL max = Is – Iz knee

 IL max = 50 – 10 = 40 mA
v  0.7
i= A, v  0.7V ...(1) Minimum load resistance,
From the given circuit, Loop equation : Vz 5
RL = I   125
L max 40  103
v = 10 – 1000 i, v  0.7V ...(2)
Maximum current in zener diode = Iz max
14 GATE Previous Solved Questions
Maximum power dissipation of Zener diode 19. Ans. (b)
determines the minimum power rating of zener Case-I: Vi  – 4V
diode. Maximum current in Zener diode gives
maximum power dissipation in diode which occurs D2  ON
when load current is zero. Maximum current in D1  OFF
diode flows when load is open circuited.
So, Vo = –2V
Maximum current in Zener diode,
Case-II: –4 V  Vi  –2 V
Iz max = Is = 50 mA
Both the diodes will be OFF.
Maximum power dissipation in zener diode,
PD = Vz Iz Vo = V1'
max max

= 5 × 50 × 10–3 W Case–III: Vi  –2V

 PD max = 250 mW D1  ON
Minimum power rating of diode, D2  OFF
Pz = PD max = 250 mW Vo = –1 V
17. Ans. (d) 20. Ans. (B)
For positive half cycle
1k  
I1  I0 e15/1326 mV  1
W Y X  
Z As, VD = -ve‘1’ cannot be neglected in diode
current equation

VWX = 0 I1  I0  e 30 mV/30 mV  1

For negative half cycle

1k  I0 [e 1  1]  0.64 I0 ...........(i)

Z 1.5I1  I0 e VD /30 mV  1

1k - 1.5 ´ 0.64I0 = I0  e VD /30 mV  1

 
Short circuit condition
0.96  e VD 2 /30 mV  1
VWX = 0
1  0.96  eVD /30 mV  0.04  eVD /30 mC
18. Ans. 299 to 301
30 mV in(0.04)  VD  VD  0.96 V
IS  IZ + IL
21. Ans. (C)
1 20 – 5
 (Putting IL = 0 ) R2
20 Rs R1 , low, R 2 high : VD  V 
R1  R 2
 RS   300 
If R2 is large Vd (high). R1 is less VD = V
Hence, R Smin = 300 So for maximum power to deliver to load R1 is
small and R2 is large.
ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.
22. Ans. (30)
To calculate R0 min, we must find IL max
Is min = Iz min + IL max

Vi min  Vz
 I z min  I L max
For ideal zener diode, Iz min = 0

Vi min  Vz 65
 I L max   I L max
Rs 6

IL max  A

Vz 5
R 0min    30 
I L max 1/ 6

23. Ans. (A)

Positive half cycle

D1 and D2 will be ON.

For Negative half cycle

D1 and D2 will be OFF.
16 GATE Previous Solved Questions

The output waveform

So, V0 = Vin for Vin > 0

24. Ans. (B, C)

When switch on,

ANALOG Soil Mechanics & Foundation
EE Engg.

D3 off by observation

Assume D1 and D2 off

KCL is being violated. Assume D1 on, D2 off

18 GATE Previous Solved Questions
\ D2 is reverse biased, \ our assumption is correct, i.e., D1 = ON and D2 = OFF and D3 = OFF.
When switch is off,

\ D1 is reverse biased, \ D1 is OFF

Switch off : D1 off, D2 and D3 on.


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