Prathiba Survey Paper 16 Aug 2024 (2) M
Prathiba Survey Paper 16 Aug 2024 (2) M
Prathiba Survey Paper 16 Aug 2024 (2) M
S. Prathiba1, B. Sivagami 2
1Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Research Centre, S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil –
629002, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli – 627012, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Application, S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil – 629002,
Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli – 627012, Tamil Nadu, India.
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Image de-noising is one of the most fundamental difficulties in image processing and computer vision, with the goal
of estimating the original image by suppressing noise from a noise-contaminated version of the image. The need
for more accurate pictures is steadily increasing, with the growth in the amount of digital images created every day.
Many approaches for removing salt and pepper noise from various image types have been reported in the literature.
This paper explores many de-noising techniques and investigates on noise reduction by considering the de-noising
field's essential properties. This survey considers fifty papers in order to blow light on many de-noising techniques
which helps young researchers to broaden up their knowledge. Since, for the vast majority of image processing
applications, image de-noising is the principal task.
KEY WORD: Salt and Pepper noise, Image de-noising, Impulse noise reduction, Image enhancement, Noise
advantage of using this algorithm is that it restores images with efficiency while using it for high-resolution images and huge
higher visual quality, smoother edges, and better texture detail. noise level.
The demerit of using this algorithm is that it fails to address Sana Sadeghi et al. [25] present a method for impulse noise
Gaussian and Speckle noises. reduction from images using fuzzy cellular automata. The merit
Minghui Zhang et al. [38] put forth a data-driven algorithm for of this method is the Simplicity, robustness, parallel manner and
impulse noise removal via Iterative Scheme-Inspired Network distribution ability for noise enhancement using fuzzy cellular
(ISIN). The suggested network will not only change the focus automata. The limitation of this approach is that the accuracy in
from online optimization to an upfront offline training phase, detecting noisy pixel is less when testing with images with a
but it will also be applied to all new data using the learnt high noise level.
parameters. U. Sahin et al. [30] put forth an image de-noising algorithm to
Lianghai Jin [42] present an image recovery method based restore digital images corrupted by impulse noise. It is based on
on deep convolutional neural network for impulse noise two-dimensional cellular automata (CA) with the help of fuzzy
removal. In this de-noising framework, there are two deep logic theory. The approach describes a local fuzzy transition ru le
CNNs: a classifier network and a regression network. The merit that assigns the next state value as a central pixel value and
of this method is the better de-noising performance. But the assigns a membership value to the corrupted pixel
pitfall is that the running time of this method is very high, also neighborhood. This filter has the benefit of being consistent and
it has a higher computational complexity stable across a wide range of noise levels. The demerit of this
Guanyu Li et al. [45] provide an approach for investigating the filter is that it loses its efficiency while filtering high-resolution
Densely Connected Network for Impulse Noise Removal images.
(DNINR), a method for learning pixel-distribution properties Yi Wang et al. [33] present an adaptive fuzzy switching
from noisy images that use CNN. The goodness of this method weighted mean filter to remove salt-and-pepper (SAP) noise.
is that it shows better performance on edge preservation and Noise detection and noise elimination are the two stages of the
noise suppression. The pitfall of this method is that this scheme de-noising process. The first step is to provide a more precise
loses its glory when applied to other non-Gaussian noises like mathematical expression for SAP noise. Second, in order to
Poisson noise and Rician noise. detect SAP noise, an enhanced maximum Absolute Luminance
Chun Li et al. [56] divulge an impulse noise removal model Difference (ALD) approach is devised.
(INRM) algorithm based on logarithmic image prior for medical Vikas Singh et al. [35] put forth an adaptive Type-2 fuzzy filter
image. Herein used the split Bregman iterative method to solve for removing salt and pepper noise from the images. The benefit
the objective function. The input used in this model are natural of employing this technique is that the filter keeps important
images and CT and MRI images. The goodness of this algorithm visual data even when there is a lot of noise. The stumbling
is that it is better than some existing classic algorithms for block of using this technique is that the computational time
impulse signal removal. The downfall of this algorithm is that it increases drastically for the images which have a high noise
fails to address the inverse problem such as image patching level.
problems, image segmentation problems, image blending to
noise. C) Mean based filter
XuYan et al. [58] developed Unsupervised Image De-noising Wei-Yu Han et al. [8] use the Minimum-Maximum Exclusive
algorithm based on Generative Adversarial Networks Mean (MMEM) filter, to remove impulse noise from highly
(UIDGAN). The model employs perceptual loss and cycle- corrupted images. This technique is preferable since it removes
consistency loss to ensure consistency of content information high impulse noises while simultaneously preserving image
which is considered it to be its shinning side. The drawback of information. The pitfall of this filter is that it loses its efficiency
this method is that it considers many parameters which in turn when it is applied for other types of images other than grey
increases its complexity and processing time. images.
B. Smolka et al. [11] divulge a method, where a new class of
B) Fuzzy logic filters for noise attenuation is introduced. It is considered to be
Stefan Schulte et al. [15] present an impulse noise reduction the modified and improved version of Vector Median Filter
method called a Novel Fuzzy Impulse Noise Detection Method (VMF) and its relationship with commonly used filtering
(NFIND) for color images. Color information is considered in techniques is also investigated. The root of the mean squared
this paper in order to design an improved impulse noise error (RMSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and normalized
detection algorithm that filters just the corrupted pixels while mean square error (NMSE) were used for the comparisons The
maintaining color and edge sharpness. The pitfall of this method goodness of this method is that it has a low computational
is that it fails to reduce α-stable (a mixture of Gaussian and complexity. The flaw of this method is that it works efficiently
impulse noise) efficiently. The use of an additive noise reduction only for a particular application, and less reliable. Also, the
method is not adequately examined in this method. degradation of image quality is possible.
Kenny Kal Vin Toh et al. [22] develop a filter called, the Cluster- X.M. Zhang et al. [18] propose the Adaptive Switching Mean
based Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median (CAFSM) which (ASM) filter to remove impulse noise. The filter uses
consists of a detail-preserving noise filter and a cascading, easy- conditional morphological noise detection to identify the
to-implement impulse detector. The advantages of the proposed corrupted pixels, and then uses the adaptive mean filter to
CAFSM filter are its capability in handling realistic impulse eliminate the identified impulses. In terms of noise reduction
noise model for real-world applications and the relatively fast and detail retention, this ASM filter surpasses many switching -
runtime. The pitfall of this framework is that it loses its
based filters. The stumbling block of this filter is that, it is technique (NLSP) for restoring heavily distorted images due to
incompatible with high-resolution images. impulse noise by removing only corrupted pixel by the median
Samsad Beagum Sheik Fareed et al. [36] present a mean filter value, or by it neighboring pixel value. The benefit of this filter
for effectively removing salt and pepper noise from images with is that, it prevents image blurring for large window sizes. This
greater noise densities. In this method, the filter works under filter also performs consistently and reliably over a wide range
two stages like Impulse Detection and Restoration (IDR). The of noise levels. This loses its efficiency while using switching
first stage finds the noisy pixels, whereas the second stage window technique which heads to low performance
recovers the noisy pixels that have been identified. The Zhengya Xu et al. [20] present a geometric features-based
advantage of employing this filter is that it consumes less time filtering technique called as the Adaptive Geometric Features
to compute than other adaptive filters. The disadvantage of this Based Filtering Technique (AGFF) along with its restoration
filter is its computational complexity technique which is based on the modified median for the
Qianqian Liu et al. [47] put forth a nonlinear Spline Adaptive removal of impulse noise in corrupted color images. The
Filter based on the Robust Geman-McClure estimator (SAF- goodness of this technique is that it provides a very reliable
RGM).Herein used the steady-state excess mean-square-erro r impulse noise type and ratio discrimination method. The pitfall
(EMSE) ζ to measure the performance of an adaptive filter. Also of this technique is that it is not integrated with other benchmark
cost function based on Geman-McClure is used in this approach. techniques to suppress a mixed Gaussian and impulse noise
The merit of using this filter is that it has a better stable contamination for color images which results in low
performance against impulsive noise. The drawbacks of using performance.
this technique are that it has high time consumption and high Smaïl Akkoul et al. [21] propose an Adaptive Switching Median
computational complexity (ASWM) filter for removing impulse noise from distorted
Mustapha Bouhrara et al. [48] develop an efficient method for images. The benefit of ASWM is that no a priori Threshold is to
noise estimation and reduction in multispectral MR images. be given as in the case of a classical SWM (Switching Median
This filter is a multispectral extension of the nonlocal maximum Filter) filter. Instead, using weighted statistics, the threshold is
likelihood filter (NLML) combining both spatial and spectral calculated locally from image pixel intensity values in a sliding
information. The goodness of this filter is that the Numerical window. The advantage of this filter is that, the psycho visual
and experimental analysis indicated the better performance for results are of high quality. The downside of this filter is that it
estimation of noise SD (Standard Deviation). The performance has a fixed window size, which implies it cannot use the
is limited in spatially heterogeneous regions, such as edges and switching window technique.
small structures, where patch redundancy is relatively poor Wei Wang et al. [24] present the framework of switching median
which mitigates its efficiency. filtering for removing impulse noise from corrupted images. In
this method, the noisy pixels are distinguished by Local Outlier
D) Median based filter Factor incorporating with Boundary Discriminative Noise
Zhou Wang et al. [9] use a Progressive Switching Median (PSM) Detection (LOFBDND) algorithm. The advantage of this
filter to remove the impulsive noise and also retaining the framework is that here the noise detection algorithm minimizes
integrity of the images. The merits of this method are that better the miss detection rate and false detection rate. The drawback of
results are obtained while using PSM filters. The stumbling this framework is that it will not support the huge noise level.
block of this method is that it works only for grayscale images; Iyad F. Jafar et al. [27] put forward a method with efficient
hence it can't support other types of images. Also this filter holds Improvements on the Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection
high computational complexity. (BDND) Filtering Algorithm which is a popular switching
F.J. Gallegos-Funes et al. [10] introduces The Median M-type median filter for the removal of high-density impulse noise. This
K-nearest neighbour (MM-KNN) filter to remove the salt and filter is tweaked by removing the restriction on expanding the
pepper noise from highly corrupted images. The robust point of filtering window and incorporates the spatial information of the
the pixels within the filtering frame is estimated by the filters. pixels in the filtering process.
Xiaoyin Xu et al. [12] present an adaptive two-pass rank order Osama S. Faragallah et al. [32] describe an optimal method for
filter (ATPMF) which undergoes two-pass filtering operations suppressing salt-and-pepper (S&P) noise under the Adaptive
to remove salt and pepper noise in highly corrupted images. The Switching Weighted Median Filter (ASWMF) paradigm. The
merit of this method is that the adaptive process detects ASWMF includes noise detection and noise removal stages. The
irregularities in the spatial distribution of the estimated impulse goodness of this technique is that it provides good performance
noise at the same time the false alarm was also corrected for a wide set of images. The stumbling block of this method is
efficiently. The main demerit is a high time consumption since that this method cannot be supportive of the huge noise level.
the filtration method is done twice in this method. Jiayi Chen et al. [40] put forth an Adaptive Sequentially
Zhonghua Ma et al. [13] use a neighborhood evaluated adaptive Weighted Median Filter (ASWMF) for images corrupted by
vector filter (NEAVF) which utilizes a novel neighborhood impulse noise. The benefit of implementing this ASWMF is that
evaluation process to improve the performance of noise it outperforms state-of-the-art filters when there is impulse
detection and detail preservation. The main detriment of this noise. Furthermore, the computation time is really short. The
method is the usage of a highly sophisticated filter that considers stumbling block of this filter is that it is hard to be applied for
color images as an only input and loses its credibility while real-time de-noising.
considering grayscale images. C. Jaspin Jeba Sheela et al. [44] present an Adaptive Switching
K. S. Srinivasan et al. [16] propose a filter which uses a Modified Decision Based Un-symmetric Trimmed Median
decision-based algorithm and non-linear signal processing Filter (ASMDBUTMF) for noise reduction in grayscale MR
Images which are affected by salt and pepper noise. The good pixels from noise-free pixels when their intensity levels are
point of this technique is that it can be used as a preprocessing identical is addressed in this study in two steps by detecting
method for scanning machines for better robustness against the fixed-valued impulse noise.
noisy environment. The drawback of this method is that it Ruixuang Wang et al. [31] provide a single-patch technique for
cannot work efficiently for other types of images except MRI. detecting and removing nonpoint wise Random-Valued Impulse
Golam Muktadir Mukti et al. [57] present a MatLab-based Noise Noise within a generalized joint low-rank and sparse matrix
Removal Technique (MNRT) for removing salt and pepper recovery framework. The merit of this method is that it shows
noise from brain MR image. The goodness of this technique is better performance on non-point wise RVIN. The method's
that this weighted median filter provides high quality images by limitations include that, while most image patches are low-rank
removing salt and pepper noises. The drawback of this after being properly orientated, there are a few patches that do
technique is that it loses its efficiency while working with the not meet the low-rank assumption.
kernel size above three. Qing-Qiang Chen et al. [34] illustrate an effective and adaptive
algorithm called Noise Removal Algorithm (NRA) for
E) Miscellaneous removing pepper and salt noise. The algorithm contains noise-
Igor Aizenberg et al. [14] put forth the impulse-detecting pixel-detection and noise-filtering processes. The advantage of
Boolean functions for detection and elimination of impulsive this method is that it performs better in term of the PSNR (Peak
noises. This can be achieved by using single-pass filtering. The Signal to Noise Ratio). The drawback of this approach is that it
smoothing of edges and destruction of details are prevented, only supports grayscale images; thus, it cannot handle any other
which can be considered as the merit of this method. The pitfall type of image, resulting in poor performance.
of this method is that the priority given for edge preservation. Ganzhao Yuan et al. [39] put forth a model in the field of
Hence, the textures are not preserved regularization-based image processing. A new sparse
Wenbin Luo et al. [17] present an algorithm called Impulse optimization method, called `l0TV-PADMM, solves the (Total
Noise Removal Algorithm (INRA) which can remove impulse Variation) TV-based restoration problem with `l0-norm data
noise from corrupted images while preserving image details. fidelity. The benefit of utilizing this approach is that image de-
Impulse noise detection and impulse noise cancellation are the noising and de-blurring difficulties in the presence of impulsive
two steps followed in this algorithm. The goodness of this noise are better addressed. The stumbling block of this
algorithm is the efficiency, and it requires no previous training. technique is that this technique cannot support efficiently high -
The demerit of this algorithm is that, it fails to support gray - resolution images.
scale images of high noise level. Sonali et al. [41] present a noise removal and contrast
Y. Shih et al. [19] present a convection diffusion equation for enhancement algorithm for fundus image. Integration of filters
processing image de-noising, edge preservation and and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
compression. In this method a PDE (Partial Differential (CLAHE) technique is applied for solving the issues of de-
Equations) based image restoration method called Convection noising and enhancement of color fundus images. The benefits
diffusion equation is used for image de-noising. The of utilizing this technique include the removal of noise and the
implementation gains its merit by removing noise without using enhancement of contrast in fundus images. The demerit of this
the nonlinear smoothing kernel which needs extra cost in technique is that it works only for the Medical domain and
solving the heat equation. The demerit of this method is that due restricted to fundus images
to the implementation of highly sophisticated method the time Xiaoqin Zhang et al. [43] put forth an Exemplar-based image
consumption and computational complexity is very high. de-noising algorithm (EIDA) which has shown better potential
S. Huang et al. [23] present an image restoration method (IRM) for image restoration. The goodness of using this algorithm is
for removing salt-and-pepper noise. This method concentrates that it shows better potential for image restoration. The pitfall of
on the removal of salt-and-pepper noise, where the noisy pixels this algorithm is that it is not dealt with multiple datasets. Also,
can take only the maximum and minimum values in the dynamic it cannot work efficiently for other types of images.
range. The goodness of this method is that it simplifies noisy Qi Wang et al. [46] describe a Fractional Differential Gradient
pixels detection. The demerit of this method is that there is a (FDG) approach for detecting noise locations in images, as well
possibility that some noise-free pixels may also be considered as an enhanced image de-noising algorithm based on fractional
as noisy pixels. integration. The merit of using this model is that it can remove
Zayed M. Ramadan [28] presents a method for Impulse Noise the noise and preserves the details of image edges in a better
Elimination and Edge Preservation (INEEP). In this paper, two manner. The demerit of this model is that it shows less
impulsive noise models are applied to multiple images with performance with other types of images.
various features, and a wide range of noise densities is explored. Lina Jia et al. [49] develop an image de-noising algorithm,
The benefit of this method is that it surpasses existing state-of- which is based on discriminative weighted nuclear norm
the-art methods in the literature of the image restoration field. minimization (DWNNM) in order to improve LDCT (Low-dose
The pitfall of this method is that there is a possibility of blurring computed tomography) image. This method shows better
of images because of high smoothing operation. performance in noise and artifacts removal, and also in details
Umesh Ghanekar et al. [29] introduce an Impulse Detection and structure preservation. The pitfall of this algorithm is that
Scheme (IDS) that detects all kinds of fixed-valued impulse the parameter is selected in a rough manner hence the de-noised
noise and distinguishes between noisy and noise-free pixels of images fail to achieve a better accuracy.
equal intensity levels. The difficulty of differentiating noisy
Table 1 represents the analysis on de-noising techniques that is CAFSM[22], FCA[25], IDR[30], SAP[33], MF[35] falls into
been used since the previous fifteen years. The total number of Fuzzy logic, NMEM[8], VMF[11], ASM[18], IDR[36], SAF -
papers considered for this study is fifty. The table also holds the RGM[47], NLML[48] techniques uses Mean based filter,
information regarding the author, the journal on which it g ets PSM[9], MM-KNN[10], ATPMF[12], NEAVF[13], NLSP[16],
published and also the published year. Also the de-noising AGFF[20], ASWM[21], LOFBDND[24], BDND[27 ],
techniques used in the previous fifteen years has been ASWMF[32], ASMDBUTMF[44] techniques uses Median
segregated and classified in to five groups’ namely Deep based filter, Rest of the other techniques like IDBF[14],
learning and neural network, Fuzzy logic, Mean based filter, INRA[17], PDE[19], IRM[23], INEEP[28], IDS[29],
Median based filter and Miscellaneous, and each technique falls RVIN[31], CA[34], l0TV-PADMM[39], CLAHE[41],
on to any appropriate group. Techniques like NNAF[7], EIDA[43], FDG[46], DWNNM[49] falls into Miscellaneous
ADPF[26], RBF[37], ISIN[38], DNINR[42], INRM[56] falls type.
into Deep learning and Neural network group, NFIND[1 5 ],
24% Nil Training
13% Accuracy
4% Advanced Techniques
Retaining image details
15% Edge Preservation
Other Benefits
User friendly
16% 4%
23% Works on a particular
9% technique
Less powered technique
14% Complexity
Time Consumption
Table 2 and Fig (1) & (2) describes the Merit and the short [31],[33],[44], [48],[52], works on a particular technique
coming of the de-noising technique that is been considered in [16],[30],[45],[51],[56], less power techniques [20],[21],
our study. The merits of the implemented noise reduction [25],[34], [37],[38], [39],[46], [49],[52], complexity [6],[7],
techniques include performance [10], [16], [18], [31], [32], [42], [19],[24], [27],[29], [36],[47], time consumption [9],[42],
[47], [48], [49], [50], [55], [56], nil training [54], [17], accuracy [47],[50], real time implementation [18],[40],[50],[53],[55 ],
[13], [53], [41], [34], [20], [21], [24], [26], advanced techniques works on a particular type of images [8],[10], [13],[17],
[51], [39], [22], [9], retaining image details [7], [14], [18], [35], [32],[35], [41],[43], [48]. This table also has the details of noise
[36], [43], [46], edge preservation [14], [28], [33], [45], and a ratio considered and also the achieved psnr value.
user-friendly approach [11], [23], [25], [37], [38], [40]. Some of Fig 3 gives a detailed chart on the various noise reduction
the short comings of these techniques were the window size and techniques that is been used on various corrupted noise level and
resolution [27],[36], performance [11],[14], [15],[20], [26],[28], the PSNR value obtained for each techniques.
Unsupervised NLF[54]
Modified VMF[11]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fig. 3: Implemented noise reduction technique and the PSNR value obtained.
Table 3: Methodoloy and Types of Dataset
1. PSM[9] Pepper 512 X 512 5% to 70%
2. MM-KNN[10] 1.Lenna 256 X 256 15%
500 X 500
500 X 500
3. Modified VMF[11] 2.Peppers 11.5%
500 X 500
3. Gold hill etc…
4. ATPMF[12] 625 X 625 20% to 35%
5. NEAVF[13] 256 X 256
2.Parrot 0.5% to 20%
6. TBF[14] 1.Girl 256 X 256 1% to 30%
1.Lenna 256 X 256
2.Baboon 256 X 256
7. NFIND[15]
3. Parrot 175 X 150 5% to 40%
4. Boat 300 X 300
1. Lenna
8. NLSP[16] 2. Girl
256 X 256 10% to 90%
2. Bridge
9. INRA[17] 20 %
3. Gold hill 512 X 512
Etc …
1.Pepper 512 X 512
10. ASM[18] 10 % to 70%
1.License plate Image 198 X 85
11. PDE[19] 2.Spade-Heart-Diamond-Club Image 257 X 257
3.Elaine 257 X 257 5% to 20%
512 X 512
12. AGFF[20] 2.Zoomed portion of a Parrot
1986 X 1986 5% to 50%
1. Lenna
13. ASWM[21] 2. Boat Not Mentioned
10 % to 60%
3. Pepper etc…
14. CAFSM[22] 100 Grayscale test images 512 X 512 5% to 50%
15. IRM[23] Grey-scale Lena image 512 X 512 10% to 90%
2. Gold hill
16. LOFBDND[24] 512 X 512 10% to 90%
3. Boat
4. Bridge
17. FCA[25] 2.Peppers Not Mentioned 10% to 80%
1. Lenna
2. Corrupted Bridge
18. ADPF[26]
3. Peppers 512 X 512 10% to 90%
4. Baboon
1. Camera man
19. BDND[27] 2. Peppers Not Mentioned
10% to 90%
3. Boat etc…
1. Bridge
20. INEEP[28] 2. Mammogram Not Mentioned
4% to 60%
3. Compound Eye of Fly.
1. Lenna
21. IDS[29] 2. Peppers
512 X 512 10% to 60%
3. Baboon
1. Lenna 256 X 256
22. CA[30] 10% to 70%
2. Bridge 512 X 512
23. RVIN[31] 2. Finger
300 X 300 10% to 20%
3. Bridge etc…
Unsupervised NLF[54]
Modified VMF[11]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
2%3% 256x256
3% 512x512
34% 300x300
Fig. 5: Chart on the various resolutions of input images that is been used on various denoising techniques.
Table 3 and Fig (5) describes the various de-noising techniques 14. CAFSM[22] High
that is been used on different noise level. It also holds the 15. IRM[23] High
information about the types of data sets that is been used as an 16. LOFBDND[24] High
input and the resolution of the various types of input images. It 17. FCA[25] Medium
also describes the details of the Noise ratio percentage. From 18. ADPF[26] High
this chart it is clear that most of the noise reduction techniques 19. BDND[27] High
have considered 512 x 512 resolution as its maximum inputs. 20. INEEP[28] Very High
Apart from input images of different resolution certain 21. IDS[29] Very High
techniques also considered databases like Medical Databases 22. CA[30] Very High
namely cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) and real time database 23. RVIN[31] Very High
from Kerala Institute of Medical Science (KIMS), BSD68
24. ASWMF[32] Very High
DATASET Containing Medical Images, Images from Berkeley
25. ALD[33] Medium
segmentation dataset, Synthetic Data obtained from Brain Web
26. NRA[34] Very High
27. MF[35] Very High
Table 4: Performance Evaluation 28. IDR[36] Very High
29. RBF[37] Excellent
1. PSM[9] Medium 31. l0TV-PADMM[39] Very High
2. MM-KNN[10] Medium 32. ASWMF[40] Very High
3. Modified VMF[11] Fair 33. CLAHE[41] Very High
4. ATPMF[12] Fair 34. CNN[42] Very High
5. NEAVF[13] Medium 35. EIDA[43] Excellent
6. TBF[14] Fair 36. ASMDBUTMF[44] Excellent
7. NFIND[15] Fair 37. DNINR[45] Excellent
8. NLSP[16] Fair 38. FDG[46] Excellent
9. INRA[17] High 39. SAF-RGM[47] High
10. ASM[18] High 40. NLML[48] Excellent
11. PDE[19] High 41. DWNNM[49] Excellent
12. AGFF[20] High 42. RNRM[50] Excellent
13. ASWM[21] High 43. IMF[51] Excellent
Unsupervised NLF[54]
Modified VMF[11]
0 20 40 60 80
Fig. 6: PSNR Vs. Percentage of noise ratio.
Unsupervised NLF[54]
ASW MF[40]
IS IN[38]
ASW MF[32]
FCA [25]
ASW M[21]
Modifi ed VMF[11]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Performance Evaluation
Fig. 7: Performance Evaluation of various noise reduction techniques on various corrupted noise level which is based on its
corresponding PSNR values.
Table 4 describes the various noise detection and reduction techniques and Fig (7) displays the performance evaluation of
techniques. It also carries the information of its performance each techniques by considering PSNR in to account. From the
evaluation. Herein Fig (6) exhibits the pictorial representation table 4 and Fig (7) it is clear that the recent techniques like
of PSNR values on various noise ratio used in various Demand-Oriented Framework (DOF) [55] and Impulse noise
removal model algorithm (INRM) [56] performs better. The 8. Wei-Yu Han and Ja-Chen Lin, “Minimum-Maximum
weighted median filter technique (MNRT) [57] outperforms all Exclusive Mean (MMEM) filter to remove impulse noise from
other filters and methods and has high PSNR value than the state highly corrupted images”, IEEE electronics letter, vol. 33,
of the art method. issue 2, pp. 124–125, Jan. 1997.
IV CONCLUSION 9. Zhou Wang and David Zhang, “Progressive switching
Image de-noising research continues to be in great demand as median filter for the removal of impulse noise from highly
the complexity and requirements of the process have escalated. corrupted images’’, IEEE transactions on circuits and
This study pours light on the virtues and downsides of multiple systems—i: analog and digital signal processing, vol. 46, issue
image de-noising algorithms that have been developed in the 1, pp. 78–80, Jan. 1999.
past few years. The advent of techniques has recently 10. F.J. Gallegos-Funes, V.I. Ponomaryov, S. Sadovnychiy
supplanted the old local de-noising model, resulting in a new and L. Nino-de-Rivera, “Median M-type K-nearest neighbour
theoretical branch and substantial breakthroughs in image de- (MM-KNN) filter to remove impulse noise from corrupted
noising approaches, such as sparse representation, low-rank, and images”, IEEE electronics letter, vol. 38, issue 15, pp. 786 -787,
CNN (more precisely, deep learning) based methods. The July 2002.
purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the different 11. B. Smolka, R. Lukac, A. Chydzinski, K.N. Plataniotis
de-noising methods. Also this study categorizes each and W. Wojciechowski, “Fast adaptive similarity-based
methodology in to five groups. Hence INRM [56] from Deep impulsive noise reduction filter”, ELSEVIER real-time
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