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International Journal of Computer Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 1, 2015



Review on Speckle Noise Reduction Techniques for

Medical Ultrasound Image Processing
Vaishali Kumbhakarna MPHIL (Computer Science)III Sem, Vijaya R.Patil MPHIL (Computer Science)III
Sem,Dr.Seema Kawathekar(Asst.Prof)
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University , Department of Computer Science.Aurangabad


Abstract:In medical image processing, for Ultrasound images, the noise can restrain information which is
valuable for the Medical practitioner . Ultrasonic devices are frequently used by healthcare professionals. The
use of ultrasound imaging in medical diagnosis is well established because of its noninvasive nature, low cost,
capability of forming real time imaging and continuing improvement in image quality . The main problem
during diagnosis is the distortion of visual signals .These distortions are termed as Speckle Noise, this makes
the image unclear. In the medical literature, speckle noise is referred as texture. The success of ultrasonic
examination depends on the image quality which is usually retarded due to speckle noise .Therefore, noise
reduction is very important. In medical image processing, image denoising has become a very essential
exercise all through the diagnose. In this review paper several techniques for effective suppression of speckle
noise present in ultrasound images has been studied.
Keywords: - medical imaging, ultrasound, speckle noise, wavelet thresholding

INTRODUCTION:Each of the medical imaging devices is

affected by different types of noise. For example, the
x-ray images are often corrupted by Poisson noise,
while the ultrasound images are affected by Speckle
noise. Speckle is a complex phenomenon, which
degrades image quality with a back scattered wave
appearance which originates from many microscopic
diffused reflections that passing through internal
organs and makes it more difficult for the observer to
discriminate fine detail of the images in diagnostic
examinations[1]. Thus, denoising or reducing these
speckle noise from a noisy image has become the
predominant step in medical image processing.
METHODS:-Speckle reduction can be

ISSN: 2394 -2231

divided roughly into two categories:

1)processing techniques
2)post processing
The first one recovers the image by summing
more than a few observations of the same object
which suppose that no change or motion of the object
happened during the reception of observations. These
techniques do not require any hardware modification
in the image reconstruction system, and hence have
found a growing interest. In this the images are
obtained as usual and the processing techniques are
applied on the image obtained.
Image post processing is an appropriate
method for speckle reduction which enhances the


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International Journal of Computer Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 1, 2015

signal to noise ratio while conserving the edges and

lines in the image.
filters use wavelet thresholding operation for
denoising .Speckle noise is a high-frequency
component of the image and appears in wavelet
coefficients. One widespread method exploited for
speckle reduction is wavelet thresholding procedure.
The basic Procedure for all thresholding method is as
1)Calculate the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of
the image.
2)Threshold the wavelet coefficients. (Threshold may
be universal or sub band adaptive)
3)Compute the Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform
(IDWT) to get the denoised estimate.
:This section
depicts the image-denoising algorithm, which
achieves near optimal soft thresholding in the wavelet
domain for recovering original signal from the noisy
one. The wavelet transform employs Daubechies
least asymmetric compactly supported wavelet with
eight vanishing moments with four scales of
orthogonal decomposition. It has the following steps.

1)Transform the multiplicative noise model into an

additive one by taking the logarithm of the original
speckled data.
2) Log I(x, y) = log S(x, y) + log (x, y).
3) Perform the DWT of the noisy image up to 2 levels
(L=2) to obtain seven sub bands, which are named as
LL1, HH1, LH1, HL1, HH2, LH2, HL2 and LL2.
4) Obtain noise variance using 6.
5) Calculate the weighted variance of signal by 4.
6)Compute the threshold value l for each pixel by 5.

ISSN: 2394 -2231

7) Threshold all sub band coefficients using Soft

thresholding by substituting the threshold value
obtained from 5.
8) Perform the inverse DWT to reconstruct the
denoised image.
9) Take Exponent.

There are many speckle reduction filters available,

some give better visual interpretations while others
have good noise reduction or smoothing capabilities.
Some of the best known speckle reduction filters are
Median, Lee, Kuan, standard Frost, Enhanced Frost,
Weiner, Gamma MAP and SRAD filters.
Some of these filters have unique speckle
reduction approach that performs spatial filtering in a
square-moving window known as kernel. The
filtering is based on the statistical relationship
between the center pixel and its surrounding pixels.
The typical size of filter window can range from 3by-3 to 33-by-33, but the size of window must be
odd. If the size of the filter window is too large,
important details will be lost due to over smoothing.
On the other hand, if the size of the window is too
small, speckle reduction may not yield good results.
Generally a 3-by-3 or 7-by-7 window is used giving
good results
CONCLUSION :-the comparative study of
various speckle reducing filters for ultrasound images
shows that although all standard speckle filters
perform well on ultrasound images but they have
some constraints regarding resolution degradation.
These filters sometimes causes over smoothing.
Wavelet transform is best suited for performance
because of its properties like multiresolution and
multiscale nature. Thresholding techniques used with
discrete wavelet are simplest to implement.
The use of filter in Digital Image Processing
improves the image to a great extent. Mainly in the
case of presence of Speckle noise, filtering is very
much required in order to improve the diagnostic
examination and also to improve the efficiency of


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International Journal of Computer Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 1, 2015

post processing techniques like segmentation this

work proposed method yields significantly improved
visual quality as compared to the other techniques in
the denoising literature.
Speckle Reducing Anisotropic
Diffusion(SRAD) is a nonlinear smoothing filter .
This filter is edge-sensitive, has the ability to preserve
edges while smoothing the rest of the image to reduce
speckle noise . The anisotropic diffusion has been
used by several researchers in image restoration and
image recovery by homomorphicfiltering.
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