Anchor Bolts and Fixings - 30-99-75-3232
Anchor Bolts and Fixings - 30-99-75-3232
Anchor Bolts and Fixings - 30-99-75-3232
Sr. Rev.
Date Description of revision
No. No.
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................6
1.3 Definitions..............................................................................................................7
2 Scope ..............................................................................................................9
3 References....................................................................................................10
4 General..........................................................................................................13
8 Bolt Projection..............................................................................................17
APPENDIX- 2......................................................................................................26
1 Introduction
This document specifies minimum requirements and recommendations for selection,
design of anchor bolts and fixings for equipment and structural steelwork applications.
If any conflict arises between this specification and the applicable standards or codes,
this shall be resolved either by application of the most severe design condition or
approval by COMPANY.
1.2 Abbreviations
British Standards – European Norm
ES Engineering Standards (ADNOC-Onshore)
Engineering Procurement and Construction
Front End Engineering Design
HSE Health Safety and Environment
IBC International building Code
ISO International Organization for Standardization
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RDS Remote Degassing Station
1.3 Definitions
For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions shall apply:
COMPANY : Shall mean “Abu Dhabi Company for
Onshore Petroleum Operations (Ltd)”,
ADNOC Onshore
CONTRACTOR : Shall mean “The party which carries out all or
part of the design, engineering, procurement,
construction, commissioning or management
of the PROJECT. CONTRACTOR includes
its approved MANUFACTURER(s),
SUBCONTRACTOR(s). Requirements of this
specification shall be enforced at all levels of
the CONTRACTOR’s procurement process.
The COMPANY shall have access to all
2.1 General
This document contains the mandatory minimum requirements governing the structural
engineering design for anchor bolts for fixing equipment’s and structural steel structures.
This specification is intended for use in all ADNOC Onshore areas including Production
facilities, accommodations, BAB-13, Industrial and Tank farm areas.
If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more
stringent than this specification, CONTRACTOR shall determine by careful scrutiny
which of the requirements are the most stringent and which combination of requirements
will be acceptable as regards to safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects.
CONTRACTOR shall inform COMPANY of any deviation from the requirements of this
specification which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or
local regulations. COMPANY may then negotiate with the concerned Authorities with the
object of obtaining agreement to follow this specification as closely as possible.
Any technical deviations to the Specifications and it’s attachments including but not
limited to any drawings, data Sheets and narrative specifications shall be obtained by
CONTRACTOR only through Technical Deviation format. A Technical Deviation requires
COMPANY’s review/approval prior to implementation of the proposed changes.
Technical changes implemented prior to COMPANY’s approval are subject to rejection.
The CONTRACTOR, and his Supplier, shall operate a quality system satisfying the
applicable provision(s) of ISO 9001:2011 (series), or agreed equivalent standard,
commensurate with the goods and services provided. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure
that his Supplier operate a quality system meeting the specified conformance criteria to
ISO 9001:2008. The CONTRACTOR's quality system will be subject to the COMPANY's
approval prior to issue of a purchase order. Major Supplier of material will be subject to
the same approvals. The COMPANY reserves the right to conduct a quality audit at the
CONTRACTOR's /Supplier facilities at any stage during the tenure of the project activity.
3 References
Anchor bolts and fixings shall conform to the latest revision of the following Specifications
and Codes of Practice.
The Contractor shall notify Company of any conflict between this specification, the
related data sheets, the Codes and Standards and any other specifications noted herein.
Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be obtained from Company in writing
before proceeding with any work.
In case of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the referenced
codes, standards and specifications, the following precedence shall apply:
1. The Laws, Standards and Regulations of the United Arab Emirates
2. ADNOC Codes of Practice
3. Company approved Technical Deviations
4. Project Data Sheets
5. Project Specifications
6. Company Procedures and Codes/Standards
7. Company Specifications and Engineering Practices
8. International oil and gas industry Codes, Standards and Recommended
Practices (all where specified in the above or, where none of above is applicable,
as proposed by Contractor and approved by Company.
9. Internationally recognized oil and gas industry sound practices.
The information given in each of the above shall be used, as above, in conjunction
with all other above listed documents.
In cases of conflict between documents in the same level of hierarchy, the most stringent
requirement shall apply. In such cases Contractor shall provide its interpretation in
writing of the most stringent requirement for Company's approval. In all such cases of
conflict Company's decision shall be final.
All plant equipment including horizontal drums, exchangers, pumps, steel structures,
platforms, minor equipment and pipe supports where significant or repetitive tension
loads are not envisaged.
5.2 Type C
Compressors, vertical towers and columns shall be Types A and B, but for use where
larger location tolerances are required and significant or repetitive tension loads are
5.3 Type D
Where necessary due to project or construction requirements, type D bolts may be used
for vertical towers, columns, and drums with skirts requiring bolts 30mm dia. or larger
5.4 Type E
As an alternative to Type A & B bolts, resin anchor fixings or drilled-in expanding anchor
fixings may be used for minor supports/ structures.
5.5 Type F
All as for type A, B and C where significant or repetitive tension loads are envisaged, but
location tolerances are controlled by using robust precise templates to equipment items
supplied by equipment supplier. Where necessary, for large bolt assemblies, top and
bottom templates shall be obtained from the equipment supplier. This is particularly
relevant where bolts are located on a circular arrangement.
5.6 Type G
This type is the same as Type F bolts, for a tension solicitation only, according to section
15 of this Specification.
6 Material and protection
All anchor bolts shall be of grade 4.6, where anchor bolts with grade 8.8 can be used in
a specific cases with COMPANY approval. The nuts used with the anchor bolts shall
match with the bolts material. Anchor bolts can come with one or two nuts as follow:
Bolts with two nuts shall be used under the following conditions:
a) All bolts designed to take tension
b) Steel section bases designed as fixed bases
c) Vertical towers and columns
d) Sliding ends for exchangers and horizontal drums
e) Vibrating equipment
Bolts with one nut shall be used under the following conditions:
a) Fixed ends for exchangers and horizontal drums with no uplift.
b) Steel stanchion bases with no uplift
c) Non-vibrating equipment
d) Tanks and drums with no uplift
6.3 Washers
Because base plates typically have holes larger than standard holes to allow for
tolerance on the location of the anchor bolts, washers are usually used. They maybe
round, square, or rectangular, and generally have holes 1.5 mm larger than the anchor
bolts diameter. The thickness must be suitable for the forces to be transferred.
6.4 Sleeves
Anchors should be installed with sleeves when small movement of the bolt is desired
after the bolt is set in concrete. There are two types of sleeves commonly used with
A partial sleeve is primarily used for alignment requirements, while the full sleeve is used
for alignment. Sleeves do not affect the tensile capacity of the headed anchor because
the tension in the anchor is transferred to the concrete through the head and does not
Security Code: 3 - Confidential
Engineering Specification
Specification for Anchor Bolts & Fixings
rely on the bond between the anchor and surrounding concrete. Sleeved anchors can
only resist shear forces when sleeves are filled with grout.
A partial length sleeve is used where precise alignment of anchors is required during
installation equipment or was bolt groups or patterns involve six or more anchor bolts
with interdependent dimensional requirements. The sleeve should be filled with grout
after installation is complete. Partial length sleeves shall not be used for base plates on
structural steel columns which have oversized holes.
Corrosion of an anchor can be a serious situation affecting the strength and design life
of the anchor.
All Anchor Bolts used shall be Hot Dip galvanized with respect to ISO 1461
Where there is a high risk of the bolt being subject to chemical attack, the use of other
steel shall be considered and designed as a specific.
The following corrosion allowance shall be made for design of anchor bolts in tension
and shear:
I. Tension: the effective tensile stress diameter shall be reduced by 3mm
II. Shear: the nominal bolt diameter shall be reduced by 3mm.
Bolt Types A, B and C which require a larger diameter than 42mm shall be designed as
a specific.
Bolt Type D greater than 64mm diameter shall be designed as a specific.
Grade 8.8 steel bolts may be used provided that the bolts will not be damaged prior to,
or during erection. These bolts should only be considered where large diameter bolts are
required to resist high tensions and shears and shall be designed as a specific and with
the approval of the Company.
The washer plate shall be non-standard and of higher thickness specific for bolt grade.
The base plat and vertical stiffeners shall be checked for maximum tensile stress of the
anchor bolts.
8 Bolt Projection
Bolt projection (P) above structural concrete shall be calculated as follows:
Projection P = t + b + (n + 0.5) d. + (50mm for bolts > 36mm diameter to allow for taper)
Where t = thickness of grout
b = thickness of base plate or frame or height of the anchor chair of vessel
n = number of nuts
d = diameter of bolt
0.5 = allowance for one washer and a small projection beyond the nuts.
b. Where a polystyrene sleeve is not required for bolt Types A and B, the length of
the bolt may be reduced by the length of the polystyrene sleeve. This variation of
bolt shall be added in the space provided on the schedule.
c. Where the bolt projection exceeds the maximum standard projection stated in the
schedule additional bolt details shall be added in the space provided on the
d. The thread length required at the top of the anchor bolt must be sufficient to
accommodate the required number of nuts and about ½ of the anchor bolt
diameter projecting above the top nut. Normally a thread length of about 3 bolt
diameter will be sufficient to provide some tolerance for errors in the elevation of
the anchor bolt placement during construction.
e. Anchor bolts shall be designated on the drawings (as given below) and the total
number of bolts for each type with designation shall be summarized on Anchor
Bolt Material Requisition.
Anchor Bolt Designation: A-XX-P/N
A Indicates Bolt Type
XX Indicates bolt diameter
P the bolt projection, as calculated from section 8
N Number of nuts required
Construction drawings shall call up the bolts to the appropriate designation and shall
state the required projection above the top of structural concrete level.
10 Bolt Diameters
a. The diameter of anchor bolts shall be designed in accordance with Section 15.0 of
this Standard, or obtained from equipment and structural drawings, provided they
have been designed to the same design parameters.
b. Where equipment drawings show only the size of the hole in the base plate, the
bolt diameter shall be agreed with the equipment supplier.
c. Anchor bolts greater than 80mm diameter and less than 16mm diameter (except
Type E) shall not be used.
d. Anchor bolts greater than 42mm diameter shall conform to the following standard
range only: 48mm, 56mm, 64mm, 72mm and 80mm.
e. For bolts 72 mm and 80 mm, the embedment depth need to be calculated based
on the actual conditions.
11 Pedestal Edge Distances
a. Minimum distance from the centre line of bolt to edge of concrete pedestal shall
be as follows:
Up to and including:
20 mm dia. = 125 mm
24 mm dia. = 150 mm
30 mm dia. = 160 mm
36 mm dia. = 180 mm
42 mm dia. = 210 mm
48 mm dia. = 240 mm
56 mm dia. = 280 mm
64 mm dia. = 320 mm
Minimum edge distance from the bottom washer plate in types C, D & F shall
be 75 mm.
Bolt edge distance for compressors shall not be less than 150 mm.
4.6 240
8.8 560
Transmittal of horizontal shear force between steel column and pedestal shall be
by Shear connectors only (shear key) for major structures (pipe racks, shelters
and platforms) and by bolts for minor structures (pipe support) provided that
washer is welded to the base plate. Frictional resistance at the interface between
the base plate and the foundation shall not be considered.
All holding down bolts shall be hot dipped galvanized to ISO 1461.
b. Threads shall be ISO Metric screw threads, coarse series, free fit, Class (7H/8g)
to BS3643 Parts 1 and 2. Bolts greater than 64 diameter to have constant 6 mm
c. Where bolts are manufactured from Bar Stock, the shanks shall be machined to
sizes and tolerances in accordance with BS4190. This is particularly relevant
where bolts are to be set out using stiffener type jig templates.
d. For tall structures where the predominant load is wind, consideration should be
given to post tensioning the foundation bolts. Where bolts are post tensioned the
appropriate Grades of steel shall be used.
e. A ductile anchorage design as one where the yielding of the anchor controls the
failure of the anchorage system. The anchors shall be designed to be governed
by tensile or shear strength of the steel and the steel shall be ductile material. A
ductile design is achieved when the anchoring capacity of the concrete is greater
than that of the embedded anchor in tension, in shear or in a combination of both.
This is a strength requirement and is independent of the magnitude of the applied
f. For design of maximum tensile capacity the effective tensile stress diameter has
been reduced by 3mm to allow for corrosion in accordance with Section 6.5.3 of
this Specification.
g. For design of maximum shear capacity the nominal bolt diameter has been
reduced by 3mm to allow for corrosion in accordance with Section 6.5.3 of this
h. All concrete design and stresses shall be as per BS 8110.
i. The ultimate horizontal shear force on the anchor bolt shall be resisted by the
horizontal bearing of the bolt on the concrete. In the case of bolts Type A and B
the depth of the bolt within the pocket, if provided, shall be included in the
determination of the bearing resistance. In the case of bolts Type C the depth of
the bolt within the tube shall be used in the determination of the bearing
j. Bolts Type A and B
Ultimate loads are resisted by bond excluding the length within the pocket if provided.
Embedment lengths designed in accordance with BS 8110. Ultimate anchorage bond
stress is 1.4 N/mm2.
k. Bolt Type C, F and G
Ultimate loads are resisted by the shear cone through the concrete from the washer plate
bearing on the concrete.
The critical shear perimeter is designed in accordance with BS 8110; design concrete
shear stress is 0.35 N/mm2. To allow for close grouping of bolts, the perimeter calculated
in accordance with BS 8110 has been reduced to approximately one eighth of that
In pedestals where the washer plate is within the height of the pedestal and the faces of
the pedestal are inside the shear perimeter, then reinforcement shall be provided above
and below the point where the shear line crosses the reinforcement for full anchorage
bond length.
l. Bolt Type D
Ultimate loads have been designed to be resisted by:
Security Code: 3 - Confidential
Engineering Specification
Specification for Anchor Bolts & Fixings
I. The shear cone through the concrete from the washer plate bearing on the
concrete for a bolt spacing greater than 10 x bolt diameter.
II. The shear from the concrete taken by the plinth reinforcement for a bolt
spacing between 10 x bolt diameter and 6 x bolt diameter.
The critical shear perimeter is designed in accordance with BS 8110, design concrete
shear stress is 0.35 N/mm2. To allow for close grouping of bolts the perimeter calculated
in accordance with BS 8110 has been reduced for bolt spacing of 10 x bolt diameter. In
pedestals where the washer plate is within the height of the pedestal and the face of the
pedestal is inside the shear perimeter, then reinforcement shall be provided above and
below the point where the shear line crosses the reinforcement for full anchorage bond
For bolt spacing between 10 x bolt diameter and 6 x bolt diameter the embedment depth
of the washer plate, shown in the standard Anchor Bolt Type D drawings is insufficient
to resist the ultimate load purely by shear on the concrete and the ultimate load must
therefore be transferred to the pedestal reinforcement. Provide the following Type 2
deformed high yield reinforcement to BS 4447 for full anchorage bond length both sides
of the points where the shear line crosses the reinforcement in the pedestal:
Note: For a large number of bolts in close proximity, the required reinforcement may be
calculated for actual details and geometry of foundation.
RATIOS, FOR H.D BOLTS GRADE S275 TO BS EN 10025 (Sheet 1 of 2)