Technical Analysis of Battery
Technical Analysis of Battery
Technical Analysis of Battery
Abstract: High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) conductors are introduced with the intention of
mitigating some of the disadvantages of the conventional overhead conductors. When compared to
conventional conductors, HTLS conductors have better electrical and mechanical characteristics and
by using these conductors in overhead transmission lines, some of the complex issues related to power
transmissions could be resolved. However, most of the utilities are still in a quandary about using
these conductors in place of conventional overhead conductors which have provided a commendable
service to them over a period of a century or so. It is because of their lack of experience in using them
in the field as well as because of the novel appearance of the conductors. Almost the entire
transmission system in Sri Lanka comprises of overhead lines constructed using conventional
conductors, especially ACSR conductors. Utility engineers therefore do not have much knowledge on
HTLS conductors and also have very little experience in using them.
This paper discusses the possibility of adopting the HTLS conductor technology in the Sri Lanka’s
transmission system. The properties, behavior and special characteristics as well as the techno-
economic feasibility of using HTLS conductors instead of the conventional conductors are discussed in
depth. Lastly, the issues and challenges related to the application of HTLS conductors are discussed.
The results of this research will provide valuable information on the possibility of using HTLS
conductors in the Sri Lanka’s transmission system.
Keywords: HTLS conductors, Energy loss, Electromagnetic field, Knee point temperature,
Thermal expansion, Sag, Tension
superior performance compared to the Right of Way (ROW) of most of the older lines
conventional conductors. Basically, they have has been disturbed by the public, for instance,
been designed to operate at elevated by constructing illegal buildings beneath the
temperatures which result in lower conductor lines.
sags and improved loss reduction. However, in
The increase in the thermal sag may violate the
Sri Lanka, utility engineers have very limited
electrical clearances and will require the
knowledge and experience in the use of HTLS
removal of such illegal constructions leading to
complicated social issues.
Some of the most popular HTLS conductors
Therefore, conductors having higher thermal
available in the market are[1] as follows:
limits and lower thermal expansion will be
G(Z)TACSR – Gap Type (Super) Thermal
required to overcome the limitations of the
Resistant Aluminium Alloy Conductor
conventional overhead conductors. Typically,
Steel reinforced
HTLS conductors could be operated at elevated
ZTACIR – Thermal Resistant Aluminium
temperatures in the range of 150°C to 250°C,
Alloy Conductor Invar Reinforced
with reduced sag[2].
ACCC – Aluminium Conductor Composite
Core With the reduction of the natural energy
ACSS – Aluminium Conductor Steel sources and the high investments required for
Supported power generation, most of the utilities are
ACCR – Aluminium Conductor Composite compelled to improve the efficiency of their
Reinforced existing electricity systems. HTLS conductors
have been formed in such a way that they have
2. Necessity of HTLS Conductors lower thermal resistance, thus improving the
efficiency of the transmissions.
More than 95% of the transmission lines in the
Sri Lankan grid have been developed using 3. Features of HTLS Conductors
conventional ACSR conductors. They cannot be
operated at temperatures above 90° C. 3.1 Higher Thermal Rating
Most of the proposed lines in the system that As discussed above, HTLS conductors can be
are to be uprated also have been constructed operated at elevated temperatures, and their
using ACSR conductors. Because of their current ratings will be higher than those of the
operating temperature limitations, they are similarly sized conventional conductors. Their
unable to tolerate additional current flows. current ratings can be found using IEEE 738-
Their operation beyond 90°C could cause their 2006 or IEC 61597 standards. This current rating
aluminium outer layers to lose their mechanical is measured using the heat balance equation[3]:
properties due to annealing.
√ …(1)
The second option would be to replace the
where RT-Unit resistance at a given temp. (Ω)
existing conductors with the same type of
PSol-Solar heat gain by the conductor (W)
conductors of a higher cross section. By doing PRad- Heat loss by radiation (W)
so, the current flow can be increased up to the PConv-Convection heat loss (W)
desired limit without exceeding the maximum
operable temperature. However, with the HTLS conductors are so manufactured that
introduction of larger conductors, the increased their AC resistance is lower than that of
forces that will acton the towers will violate the similarly sized (diameter) ACSR conductors at
safety factors of the towers. any given temperature. This is usually achieved
by altering the heat treatment of their
Therefore, conductors having mechanical aluminium outer layers and by increasing the
properties similar to those of ACSR conductors fill factor using trapezoidal outer strands.
capable of withstanding higher temperatures
will have to be used in the thermal uprating of Table 1 - Aluminium conductor outer layer
the existing lines. Type
Tem. (°C)
When conductors are operated at elevated
Hard Drawn 1350-H19 61.2 90
temperatures, the thermal sag of the lines will Fully Annealed 1350-O 63 250
increase, violating the stipulated ground Thermal Resistant TAL 60 150
clearances. This may cause the violation of the Ultra-Thermal
ZTAL 58 200
Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) limits under the Resistant
Source: CTC conductor manual
power lines. It can also be observed that the
*IACS (International Annealed Copper Standards) a value of layer is responsible for takingup the mechanical
100% refers to a conductivity of 5.8 x 107 Siemens per meter[4]
tension of the conductor.
Table 1 shows the heat treatment methods of
Usually during the initial stage, conductor
various types of outer layers made of
tension is shared between the outer and inner
aluminium and aluminium alloy that are used
cores. When the temperature of the conductor is
for bare overhead conductors. The outer layer
increased, the amount of tension taken up by
of ACSR conductors is made of hard drawn
each core will get changed as the two cores
aluminium and thus they cannot operate
have different expansion coefficients. Since
beyond 90°C.
steel has a lower thermal expansion coefficient,
However, HTLS conductors are made of other there will be more tension in the steel core and
types of aluminium alloys or by using alternate the aluminium outer layer will begin to
heat treatment methods and they can therefore compress.
withstand higher temperatures.
In ACSR conductors, the total tension cannot be
3.2 Lower Linear Thermal Expansion taken up by the steel core since the temperature
The conductor sag will depend on the linear cannot exceed a particular temperature.
expansion of the conductors. It is calculated However, HTLS conductors have been formed
using Equation (2). to enable the core material to take up the entire
tension beyond a certain temperature, which is
…(2) known as the KPT. Therefore, when finding the
tension of a HTLS conductor at a temperature
where D- Conductor Sag (m)
W - Unit weight of the conductor (N/m)
higher than the KPT, the state equation will
T- Conductor tension at any given have to be used twice, initially for the tension
temperature (N) shared between the outer and the inner layers
S- Span (m) when the temperature is between the initial
(minimum) temperature and the KPT and later
The conductor tension (T) at a given temperature
will depend on several factors. Usually, it is
for only the inner layer when the temperature
calculated using the State Equation given by; lies between the KPT and the final operating
* + ...(3)
Modulus of Elasticity
where H2- Stress at given temperature (N/mm2)
H1- Initial Stress (N/mm2) The value of “E” in Equation (3) has to be
E- Modulus of Elasticity (N/mm2) selected depending on whether the temperature
A - Conductor Cross Section (mm2) is less than or more than the KPT.
mc1- Initial unit mass (kg/m)
mc2- Unit mass at given temp. (kg/m) …(4)
g- Gravitational Constant (ms-2)
α- Thermal Expansion coefficient (°C-1) where EAL- Elasticity of aluminium (GPa)
t1- Initial Temperature (°C) EST- Elasticity of steel (GPa)
t2- Operating temperature (°C) EAS- Elasticity of aluminium +steel (GPa)
S - Span Length (m) ATOTAL- Total cross sectional area (mm2)
AAL- Area of aluminium strands (mm2)
“T” can be calculated by multiplying the stress
AST- Area of steel strands (mm2)
by the conductor cross section. With the
increase in the temperature, the conductor Expansion Coefficient
tension will decrease. However, according to In Equation (3), “α” shall also be selected based
Equation (3), when the thermal expansion is on the temperature as the effective expansion
reduced, the reduction of the tension can also will depend on the amount of tension shared
be lowered and according to Equation (2) the between the core and the outer layer.
sag will then not increase. This phenomenon is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) …(5)
used in the HTLS conductors in a unique way.
3.3 Knee Point Temperature Where αAS -Conductor coefficient of thermal
Knee Point Temperature (KPT) is the expansion
temperature at which the conductor tension is αST - Steel coefficient of thermal
completely takenup by the conductor core. expansion
αAL- Aluminium coefficient of thermal
Normally, conductors are made up of two
layers which are known as inner and outer
layers. The outer layer is mainly responsible for Usually, the conductor core is made of material
conducting the current flow while the inner that has a lower thermal expansion co-efficient.
Table 2 shows the coefficient of expansion The ACSR conductor is non-homogeneous. The
values of different conductor material. outer layer is made of hard drawn aluminium
(1350-H19) and the inner layer is made of
Table 2 - Properties of conductor core material galvanized steel. Conductor strands are circular
Modulus in shape. Hard drawn aluminum is not heat
Tensile Coefficient
Description Strength of Exp. (x 10- treated and hence ACSR conductors cannot be
(N/mm2) 6/°C)
(GPa) operated at temperatures above 90°C.
HS steel 200 1379-1488 11.50
EHS steel 200 1517 11.50
Aluminium 4.2 GTACSR Conductor (Gap)
162 1103-1344 13.00
Hybrid 110-150 2275-2585 1.60
Invar Alloy 160 1034-1069 3.00
Source: CTC conductor manual
Unlike ACSR conductors, all HTLS conductors Thermal Resistant
achieve their KPTs within their operating Al Strands Grease
ranges. However, different HTLS conductors EHS Steel Core
have different KPTs, depending on the
conductor material, conductor formation etc. It
is always better to have a smaller KPT, so that Figure 3 - Gap Conductor
low sag properties could be achieved In this conductor, there is a gap between the
beforehand. Figure 1 summarizes KPTs of outer and the inner layers. The outer layer is
different types of conductors[5]. made of a zir conium doped hard drawn
aluminium alloy. The strands in the outermost
layer are circular in shape and the strands in
the layer below are trapezoidal in shape. The
annular gap is filled with thermal resistant
grease. The inner core is made of high strength
steel. The steel core and the aluminium core can
move independently due to the presence of
grease [6].
GTACSR conductors can be operated at 150°C
(TAL) and GZTACSR conductors can be
operated at 210°C (ZTAL). Stringing
requirements of these conductors are different
to that of conventional conductors. Two-stage
Figure 1 - KPT of different types of conductors stringing is used with gap conductors where
It can be seen from Figure 1 that the KPT of ACSR 70% of the conductor is tensioned together with
conductors is more than their maximum operating Al and steel cores. The rest of the 30% is
temperatures. ACCC and GTACSR have lower tensioned on the steel core alone. By doing so,
KPTs, thus they start showing lower sags at low conductor sag can be made to depend only on
operating temperatures. the expansion behavior of the steel layer.
4.3 ACCC Conductor
4. Formation of various
conductors Composite
1350-O Al
4.1 ACSR Conductor
Steel Core
Outer Al layer
core utilizes a high temperature epoxy resin 4.6 ACCR Conductor
matrix to bind hundreds of thousands of
The ACCR conductor is similar to the ZTACIR
individual fibers into a unified load bearing
conductor in shape. However, it has a unique
tensile member. The central carbon fiber core is
conductor core which is made of an aluminium
surrounded by high grade boron free glass
fiber matrix. The Al-Zrouter layer is fully
fibers to improve flexibility and toughness. This
annealed and can operate up to 240°C[10].
also prevents galvanic corrosion between the
carbon fiber core and the aluminium strands. 5. Use of HTLS Conductors in the
The aluminium strands are made of annealed Transmission System in Sri Lanka
aluminium (1350-O) which has a higher
conductivity compared to hard drawn In this paper, the use of HTLS conductors in the
aluminium and they are trapezoidal in shape. Sri Lanka’s grid is discussed under the
ACCC conductors can be safely operated up to following three main categories.
180°C. These conductors require special Re-construction of existing lines
installation methods and careful handling Clearance improvement of existing lines
during stringing [7].
Construction of new transmission lines
A separate algorithm is proposed for each
4.4 ZTACIR Conductor category to enable the identification of the most
appropriate conductor.
Extra High Aluminium
Strength Strands
The forces on the towers with the Zebra
conductor were calculated and the additional
forces due to the Lynx conductor are
summarized in Table 4.
Table 4 - Additional Forces exerted by the
Zebra conductor compared to the existing
Lynx conductor
Additional Transverse force 46.5%
HTLS conductors having similar dimensions,
Electric Field Vs Offset
unit weights and UTS as the existing Lynx
114 140 173.5 147.8
when CCC
is 800A (°C)
Offset (m) Sag @
operating 5.72 7.81 7.33 8.84
Figure 8b - New Electrical Field Temp. (m)
ICNIRP (International Commission on Non- Energy Loss 15,774 18,720 23,295 17,810
Ionizing Radiation Protection) is an (MWh)
independent organization, which provides Note: Amb. Tem32°C, Emissivity and solar absorption 0.5, Solar
Radiation 1000 W/m2, Atmosphere clear, wind speed 0.5 ms-1
scientific advice and guidance on the health
and environmental effects of non-ionizing It can be seen from Table 8 that by selecting
radiations. Table 6 shows the limitations under HTLS conductors, the required capacity
power lines published by ICNIRP.[12] improvement could be achieved without
Table 6 – ICNIRP published values for affecting the tower safety. Additionally, it can
permissible EMF levels be observed that the ACCC conductor provides
the lowest sag and lowest energy loss. If Zebra
Electric Filed Magnetic Field conductors are used, the energy loss will be
(kV/m) (μT) 7,111 MWh. Therefore, the energy loss in HTLS
Public 5 100 conductors will be higher as shown in Table 8.
Occupational 10 500 Thus, designers will have to make compromises
on the energy loss when selecting HTLS
However, once the initial tension is reduced up
conductors for capacity upgrading.
to 32kN (40% UTS), it could be observed that
the electric field and the magnetic field under 5.2 Clearance Improvement of Existing Lines
the power line become 6.4 kV/m and 12.2 μT
Most of the older transmission lines have
respectively. Therefore, it is clear that the
violated their required safe clearances due to
electric field has violated the required ICNIRP
reasons such as,
In conclusion, it can be seen that the capacity Conductor creep which has taken place
uprating is hard to achieve with conventional over the years
conductors due to issues related to the safety of Alteration of ground profile by human
the towers and ground clearance. activities and weather
As a solution, the option of using HTLS Construction of illegal buildings/
conductors was considered. residences under the power lines
Table 7 - HTLS Conductors considered for the Some of the conventional methods used to
case study improve such clearances are as follows:
1. Reduction of number of discs in suspension
ACCC GAP ZTACIR ACSS insulators strings wherever possible.
2. Use of suspension towers as section towers.
Name Oriole 200 mm2 159-160 Lark
3. Use of new conductors replacing the conductors that
77.8 have crept
UTS (kN) 98.3 80 63.7
4. Tower modifications such as addition of body
Safety 4.4 Extensions
5.5 4.5 3.5
RTS 18.1 22.2 27.8 22.8
Table 9 - Selection of HTLS conductors
Exp. Coef. (x 11.5 3.78 1.6 11.5
10-6 °C-1)
KPT (°C) 32 >110 30-80 50-100
Temp. when
69.6 69.5 60.2 62.9
I = 450 A
Sag at
operating 5.82 5.89 4.39 5.91
Temp. (m)
Annual Cost of Energy Loss = { ( ) }
, -
] …(6)
(Phase current)2 Unit Resistance Line Length
Number of Conductors Loss Factor 8760 where I =discount rate
n =number of years
Note: Load Factor = Average Demand/ Peak Demand
Loss Factor = 0.2 x Load Factor + 0.8 x Load Factor
C0 = Initial Investment
C = Recurring cash flow
Life Cycle Cost (LCC): The life cycle cost
Nowadays in the CEB, it is a common practice
associated with a transmission project is the
to use Zebra conductors for new transmission
sum of all recurring expenses including annual
lines. Zebra conductors are cheaper compared
capital costs and cost of line losses. The LCC, by
to similarly sized HTLS conductors. Therefore,
definition, is dependent on dynamic market
to be economically feasible, HTLS conductors
factors such as escalating energy costs, load
during their operation need to save an amount
growth etc. Therefore, the Net Present Value
sufficient enough to compensate their higher
(NPV) approach is more appropriate when
capital cost. This can only be achieved through
determining the best estimate of long term
the reduction of line losses.
project feasibility.
Therefore, in order to analyze the project, a operation and maintenance and the cost of
hypothetical double circuit transmission line of additional construction time required for HTLS
50 km length was considered. The maximum conductors because of the need for unique
current requirement of the line was taken as 600 stringing methods have not been considered in
A and with the use of IEEE 738-2006, the this study.
operating temperature of each HTLS conductor
The algorithm in Figure 10 shows the way to
was calculated for delivering the same current.
select the most appropriate conductor for the
Table 10 shows the results of the analysis.
construction of new transmission lines.
Table 10 - Selection of HTLS conductors for
The other advantage of HTLS conductors is that
new lines
they can reduce the number of towers required
Base Conductor ACCC GAP ZTACIR for a transmission line. This is due to the low
sags of these conductors. Unlike the typical
% Reduction in line loss 22.62 12.57 -1.53 galvanized steel core in the ACSR conductors,
Saving (MLKR/year) 82 46 -6
the rate of expansion of the cores of HTLS
conductors is not high. Their cores are designed
CO2 Saving
9.4 5.2 -0.6 with material such as St-Ni, epoxy carbon
Reduction in 30-year matrices, aluminium fibres etc, and thus they
948.9 527.1 -64.3 exhibit lower sags even at high temperatures.
line losses (MLKR)
Initial Cost (MLKR) 2400 1950 2700 This phenomenon becomes very helpful in
situations where the construction of new towers
Net Saving over 30-year
period compared to 48.9 77.1 -1246.3 becomes difficult due to the presence of marshy
Zebra (MLKR) lands, archeologically important terrain, river
Note: i = 10% and construction cost of Zebra line = 30
crossings etc.
MLKR/km. cost factors of above conductors were taken as 4, 2.5,
Figures11a and 11b show the PLS-CADD
5 respectively. Average Electricity Cost=13 LKR/kWh, CO2
emission=0.8 kg/kWh, Carbon Credit 1860.2 LKR/MT simulation of Kirindiwela – Kosgama proposed
132 kV line with the use of Zebra ACSR and
According to Table 10, the use of correct HTLS ACCC drake conductors. The line is around 11
conductors could become profitable in the long km in length and requires 43 towers to
run when considering the cost of Zebra lines. construct the complete line using ACSR Zebra
However, this decision is highly sensitive to conductors. However, with ACCC conductors
economic factors that could vary with time due 30 towers would be sufficient.
to many external factors. Moreover, the cost of
Figure 11a- PLS Simulation of Kirindiwela- Kosgama line with ZebraACSR conductor
Figure 11b- PLS Simulation of Kirindiwela- Kosgama line with ACCC Drake conductor
6. Stringing of HTLS Conductors introduction of HTLS conductors, such as the
cost of operation and maintenance, cost of
Unlike with conventional ACSR conductors, spares etc. need also to be considered in the
stringing plays a big role in the case of HTLS analysis.
conductors. The stringing requirements of
HTLS conductors are different to each other HTLS conductors can become advantageous in
and the process of stringing depends on many unique situations such as when there is a
factors such as conductor formation, KPT, necessity to construct a lower number of towers
material etc. due to ROW restrictions as its conductor sag at
high temperatures is lower than the sag of
Conductors such as those made of ZTACIR do conventional ACSR conductors.
not require special stringing techniques as they
have a higher KPT. ACCC, ACCR and ACSS
conductors require additional care during
handling/ stringing as they have been Authors would like to thank Eng. KP. Kusum
constructed with 1350-O aluminium that could Shanthi (DGM- Transmission Design and
get damaged rather easily compared to hard Environment) of the utility for his collaboration
drawn aluminium. At the same time, in this research.
conductors made of GTACSR have a KPT
below ambient temperature and requires a two-
stage stringing through which aluminium and
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