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Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846

Gharb Niroo Consulting Engineering Company, Tehran, Iran
Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin,Iran
[email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]

Increased energy consumption in industrial and commercial subtransmission networks has considerably increased the loading of
transmission lines. In order to satisfy consumer demand, this capacity should be increased. Three main ways of increasing capacity
are using high-temperature low-sag (HTLS) conductors, increasing the number of bundles, and building new subtransmission lines.
This paper is a report on an attempt to increase the power transfer capacity of Tehran Regional Electric Company (TREC)
subtransmission network through the above-said methods. For the purpose of re-conductoring, the existing LYNX conductors
(ACSR) in the network under study were replaced with equivalent HTLS conductors (ACSS). Calculations were performed for sag
tension, current carrying capacity, and electrical parameters. The methods were simulated using DigSilent software for the peak
load in the year 2014. The three methods were compared in order to determine which one produces the best results. The
comparison took account of the costs associated with power loss and considered technical and economic issues.
Keywords: Increasing current capacity, HTLS conductor, Subtransmission lines, Economic Studies, Tehran Regional Electrical
subtransmission network of Tehran Regional Electric Company
(TREC). This paper reports an attempt to increase the power
Increasing the capacity of transmitted electricity is affected transfer capacity of the TREC subtransmission network using
by the high cost of constructing new lines and the difficulty of Aluminum Conductor Steel-Supported (ACSS) conductors, a
obtaining new rights from licensing organizations (Da Silva, type of HTLS conductors. ACSS conductors were chosen
2011). Many methods of increasing overhead line capacity have because they sag significantly less than other HTLS conductors
been proposed. Increasing overhead line voltage using at high temperatures of up to 250 ºC and because they are not
composite cross-arm is an innovative way of increasing power affected much by long-term creep of aluminum (Thrash, 1999).
transfer capacity (Kopsidas, 2010). Although this method has Sag tension was calculated to obtain the temperature in which
fulfilled the insulating criteria, there is a need to replace the the sag of the LYNX wire was equalized with that of the ACSS
existing switchgears in substations with new ones having higher conductor (considering the loading condition of the Tehran
voltage levels, but this is not economical in short overhead lines region). Then, the current carrying capacity (CCC) was
in subtransmission networks. An alternative method is to calculated to obtain the nominal current of the ACSS conductor
increase the number of bundles and introduce new overhead at the obtained temperature. Then, the operation of the ACSS
lines. Both methods require the existing overhead line towers to conductor in the TREC network was evaluated. The three
be reinforced (Exposito, 2007, Mateescu, 2011). Another way methods of using HTLS conductors, increasing the number of
of increasing the current capacity is using high-temperature bundles, and introducing new subtransmission line were
low-sag (HTLS) conductors, a method which does not require compared in order to determine which one leads to maximum
new lines to be introduced or the towers and their foundation to power transfer capacity.
be altered and reinforced. The required capacity would be TREC has 10 power plants, 6,167,282 consumers, and 6,800
achieved by replacing normal high-load Aluminum Conductor kilometers of transmission and subtransmission lines. It
Steel-Reinforced (ACSR) conductors in transmission and possesses almost 20% of Iran's electrical industry, with an
subtransmission lines with equivalent HTLS conductors. It is electricity peak growth of approximately 4% (Electric-
worth noting that after replacing an ACSR conductor with an Company, 2010). This annual load growth would lead to a
equivalent HTLS one, the conductor sag should be equalized to voltage drop in 63-kv busbars and an increase in the loading of
consider the standard clearance. transmission and subtransmission lines.
LYNX conductors (ACSR) have been widely used in the

Research Article 3903

Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846 Indian Journal of Science and Technology

d. The conductor has improved self-damping

characteristics and exhibits a high degree of resistance to
vibration fatigue
e. The conductor generates the same mechanical load on
the tower as does a LYNX conductor with equal area and
There are three major ways of increasing the current diameter.
capacity of subtransmission lines (Exposito,SantosandCruz The conductor is designed in a way that in temperatures of
Romero, 2007): over 60ºC, almost 100% of the tension load will be applied to
1) Using HTLS conductors the steel core (Thrash, 1999). So, the two essential requirements
2) Increasing the number of bundles of equalizing ACSS sag with the LYNX conductor, which are
3) Introducing a new overhead line low coefficient of linear expansion and Young's modulus, are
fulfilled in this kind of conductor. A comparison of ACSS and
LYNX conductors is given in Table 1 (Alumtek-Company,
The power transfer capacity in a transmission network can be
increased by replacing the existing ACSR conductors with their
equivalent HTLS conductors. Two major advantages of HTLS
conductors are (Exposito,SantosandCruz Romero, 2007,
Thrash, 1999):
1) High working temperature which increases the
transmission and subtransmission power transfer Cross section mm2 226.2 226.2
Diameter mm 19.53 19.53
capacity. Weight kg/km 841 841
2) Low sag in high temperature, as the allowable Tension kg 8137 8021
distance between conductor and ground would be DC Resistance in 20oC ohm/km 0.1522 0.1511
Young's Overall kg/mm2 8160 3000
kept in standard limits.
Modulus Core kg/mm2 21000 21000
Increasing the working temperature of the HTLS conductors
Linear Overall ×10-6/oC 17.8 17.8
beyond a specific level will lead to an increase in its sag in coefficient
comparison to the case where ACSR conductors were in use of Core ×10-6/ oC 11.5 11.5
(Thrash, 1999). Thus, the sag-tension calculation should be expansion
Maximum allowable oC
performed to obtain the suitable working temperature at which 90 250
working temperature
the HTLS conductor sag after re-conductoring will be equalized
with the ACSR conductor before re-conductoring. Once an Table 2 shows sag-tension calculations for the ACSS
appropriate working temperature level is chosen for the HTLS conductor. The loading conditions are span, environmental
conductor, thus specifying its nominal current and ohmic temperature, wind pressure, and ice thickness (250 m, 30ºC,
resistance, there will be no need for modifying the tower 28.3 kg/m2, and 0 mm, respectively). It can be seen that at
structure. Also, in order to have the same mechanical loads on 210ºC, the sag value of the LYNX conductor is almost equal to
the tower, the weight, cross section, and diameter of the HTLS that of the equivalent ACSS conductor. This temperature was
conductor should be almost the same as in the case of the selected as the working temperature of the ACSS conductor,
ACSR conductor. and calculations for ohmic resistance and rated current were
The working temperature of the LYNX conductor, widely carried out based on this temperature. Fig.1 is the sag diagram
used in the TREC 63-kv subtransmission network, is between of LYNX and ACSS conductors with respect to conductor
80 and 90ºC. These temperature levels would be increased to temperature.
150 and 210 ºC for HTLS conductors. The ACSS conductor
provides engineers with more design options when they decide
to upgrade the existing lines or design new lines. Some of the
options are (Thrash, 1999):
a. The conductor continues to operate properly at
temperatures of up to 250ºC. 10 3.32 1990 24 2.8 3058 37.1
b. The conductor will sag significantly less than other 30 3.98 1660 20 3.2 2061 25
50 4.65 1418 17.1 3.45 1915 23.2
HTLS conductors at high temperatures. 250
70 5.32 1240 14.9 3.71 1780 21.6
c. The conductor not affected much by long term-creep 90 5.95 1110 13.4 4 1650 20
of aluminum 110 - - - 4.29 1540 18.7 3904 Research Article

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846

130 - - - 4.58 1440 17.5

150 - - - 4.91 1345 16.3
170 - - - 5.22 1265 15.3
190 - - - 5.55 1190 14.4
Current Carrying Capacity

Current Capacity (A)

8 500 ACSS
6 0 LYNX
Sag (m)

0 100 200 300

LYNX (ACSR) Conductor Temperature (oC)
0 100 200 300 The conductor's ohmic resistance can be obtained from Eq
Conductor Temperature 1(Heidari, 2000):
Eq 1: Rt  R20 1   t t  20  
Table 3 shows the results of current carrying capacity  t = Thermal resistance coefficient
calculations for LYNX and ACSS conductors. The loading Rt = DC resistance at 20ºC (Table 1)
conditions are environmental temperature, frequency, wind t= Maximum working temperature
speed, solar absorption coefficient, and emissivity coefficient at RLYNX  R20 1   t 90  20  0.1948 () (Ω)
values of 40oC , 50 HZ, 0.61 ft/sec, 0.9 and 0.9, respectively.
RACSS  R20 1   t 210  20  0.266 ()
Fig.2 is the current capacity diagram for LYNX and ACSS
conductors with respect to conductor temperature. Considering It is revealed that an increase in the conductor's working
the 210ºC as the working temperature of the ACSS conductor temperature will lead to an increase in ohmic resistance. So,
(to ensure the equality of the conductor's sag before and after changing conductors is only possible for the lines where the
re-conductoring), the current capacity of the ACSS conductor voltages of destination busbars are in a desirable condition
would be 925 amperes. (between 0.9 to 1 Pu).

Increasing the number of bundles in the existing

subtransmission lines (from 1 to 2) would double the power
transfer capacity. In this situation, three electrical
60 356 365 characteristics of the line, including ohmic resistance,
70 431 440
80 493 501
reactance, and nominal current would be changed (Heidari,
90 546 556 2000).
100 598 Increasing the number of bundles in an existing
110 635
subtransmission line (from 1 to 2) would decrease the value of
120 672
130 707 the line's resistance by half. So, this value declines from 0.15 to
140 740 0.075 for a single-bundle subtransmission line having a LYNX
150 770 conductor.
160 799 The line's reactance can be obtained from Eq 2, Eq 3, and Eq
170 827
180 - 853 4 (Heidari, 2000):
190 878 GMD
200 902 Eq 2: X l  0.1447  log
210 925 GMR
220 948 Where:
230 970 GMD- Geometric Mean Distance (cm)
240 992
250 1013 GMR- Geometric Mean Radius (cm)
Xl- Line's reactance
Eq 3: GMD  ( Dab  Dbc  Dca )

Research Article 3905

Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846 Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Eq 4: GMR  0.7788  r the single-bundle situation. Despite increased the power transfer
Where Dab, Dac, Dbc, and r are phase distances and capacity and decreased power loss, this solution is flawed in
conductor radius (cm). three major ways:
Regarding the equations and assuming phase distances of 4 1) Increasing the forces affecting towers and the need
meters, reactance for single bundle condition can be calculated for reinforcing existing towers or introducing new
as follows: ones(Da SilvaandDe Barros Bezerra, 2011).
GMD  (400  400  800)1 3  504 (cm) 2) Potential opposition from owners of land areas
between towers makes this solution impossible for
GMR  0.7788  (1.953 2)  0.76 (cm)
some lines.
504 3) Decreasing the value of line impedance will lead to
X l  0.1447  log  0.408 ( / km) (Ω/𝑘𝑚)
0.76 an increase in the short circuit capacity of the
For the two-bundle condition, the value of GMR can be destination busbar of the high load line.
calculated from Eq 5:
2 2 0.25
Eq 5: GMD  ((0.7788  r )  d )
Introducing a new subtransmission line would lead to an
Where d is the distance between bundles, with a standard
increase in power transfer, thus resolving the problem of
value of 20 cm.
loading high-load subtransmission lines. Implementing this
GMD  ((0.76) 2  20 2 ) 0.25  3.9 (cm)
solution could be so costly and sometimes impossible in the
504 case of problems like finding the proper path, obtaining the
X l  0.1447  log  0.305  / km (Ω/𝑘𝑚)
3.9 approval of land owners, and securing enough budgets.
It can be seen that reactance in this case is 26% less than in

Financial estimation for introducing the new transmission line is given in Table 4. This comparison is based on the price of 1-
km single-bundle/double-circuit 63-kv subtransmission line with a rolling span of 250 m which needs three suspension towers and
one tension tower.

Suspension kg 12000 1 12000

Tension kg 4000 1 4000
80 KN Set 18 57 1026
Purchasing 120 KN Set 12 61 732
Accessories 80/120 KN Set 18/12 68 2040
LYNX kg 6×841×1.1 2.8 15541.68
Conductor and shield wire
7no8 kg 1×400×1.01 2.5 1010
Suspension m3 7 178.5 1249.5
Tension m3 10 178.5 1785
Suspension kg 12000 0.3 3600
Introducing Tower
Tension kg 4000 0.3 1200
Suspension km 6 715 4290
Tension km 1 715 715
Overall price 56560.18

Table 5 gives the financial estimation for increasing the number of bundles from one to two. Assumptions for this estimation
are adding six wire strings in addition to interspersing three alternate suspension towers among the existing ones.

Item Unit Quantity Unit price ($) Total price ($)

Designing km 1 5035 5035
Purchasing Tower Suspension kg 12000 1 12000 3906 Research Article

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846

Tension kg 0 1 0
80 KN Set 18 57 1026
120 KN Set 0 61 0
Accessories 80/120 KN Set 18/12 43.5 1305
Conductor and shield LYNX kg 6×841×1.1 2.8 15541.68
wire 7no8 kg 0 2.5 0
Suspension m3 7 178.5 1249.5
Tension m3 0 178.5 0
Suspension kg 12000 0.3 3600
Introducing Tower
Tension kg 0 0.3 0
Suspension km 6 715 4290
Tension km 0 715 0
Overall price 44047.18

Financial estimation for replacing the LYNX conductor with the ACSS conductor can be seen in Table 6. In this case, the six
previous ACSR conductor strings are replaced with six new ACSS conductor strings. The prices given for purchasing towers,
insulators, accessories (for LYNX and ACSS conductors), and conductor wire (LYNX and ACSS) are based on enquiries from
Bonyad Pooshesh, Maneh, Alda, and Aloomtek companies, respectively. The operational cost is based on enquiries from the
contractors of transmission lines.

Suspension kg 0 1 0
Tension kg 0 1 0
80 KN Set 0 57 0
Purchasing 120 KN Set 0 61 0
Accessories 80/120 KN Set 18/12 45 1350
Conductor and shield ACSS kg 6×841×1.1 4.3 23867.58
wire 7no8 kg 0 2.5 0
Suspension m3 0 178.5 0
Tension m3 0 178.5 0
Suspension kg 0 0.3 0
Introducing Tower
Tension kg 0 0.3 0
Suspension km 6 928.5 5571
Tension km 0 928.5 0
Overall price 34466.58

Because of increased current capacity in the ACSS conductor, some accessories should be upgraded. The same goes for
increasing the bundles where some accessories should be added to the existing towers. Also, some special wiring technologies are
needed for the ACSS conductor (Thrash, 1999).
While consumption demands are constantly changing, the value of power loss varies at different hours of the day. Energy loss
is calculated through Eq 6 (Heidari, 2000):
Eq 6: EL  T  LSF  PL
EL= energy loss in the study period (Mwh)
T= study period (h)
LSF= loss coefficient in the study period
PL= loss in peak load (Mwh)
The value of loss coefficient can be obtained using Eq 7 (Heidari, 2000):
Eq 7: LSF  1.08  LF 2
LF= load coefficient (0.65)
Calculation was performed for a one-year period. Considering Eq 6 and Eq 7 above:
EL  (365  24  1)  (1.08  (0.65) 2 )  PL  3997  PL (kwh)
Table 7 compares the costs associated with energy loss in order to determine an appropriate way of increasing power transfer

Research Article 3907

Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846 Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Introducing a new
Name Unit price Increasing number of bundles Using ACSS conductors
subtransmission line
First bus Second bus PL EL Price ($/km) PL EL Price ($/km) PL EL Price ($/km)
Golshahr junc. Golshahr 50 0.35 1423 15143 0.65 2617 27842 1.44 5756 61229

Kamal Aabad Golshahr junc. 50 0.42 1681 15093 0.77 3070 27561 1.7 6806 61092

Hashtgerd Soheylie 50 0.26 1054 14685 0.49 1947 27121 1.04 4146 57744
Karaj Azimie junc. 50 0.2 823 12109 0.39 1544 22702 0.74 2942 43264
Hashtgerd Nazar Aabad 50 1.17 4641 9398 3.04 12156 24617 5.96 23828 48253
Besat Yakhchi Aabad 50 0.92 3694 10259 2.08 8307 23075 3.86 15408 42801
Eslamshahr Zehtabi 50 0.85 3420 10058 1.95 7783 22890 3.57 14264 41952
Pardis Roodehen 50 0.93 3741 9353 2.52 10056 25139 3.81 15248 38120
Manavi National 50 1.8 7562 25722 1.63 6500 22109 5.33 21306 72470
Hashtgerd Old Hashtgerd 50 0.51 2036 8570 1.26 5055 21274 2.13 8499 35772
Vardavard Mega motor 50 0.7 2778 8626 1.68 6715 20854 2.88 11520 35775

Dastvare junc. Dastvare 50 0.26 1071 8708 0.68 2712 22047 1.09 4340 35287

Rey Gazi Dastvare junc. 50 0.43 1735 8673 1.1 4401 22003 1.76 7045 35223
overall price ($/km) 156397 309234 608982

400 kv/230 kv 18 9000

230 kv /63 kv 79 12580
400 kv /63 kv 1 200
The modeling and simulation of the TREC network were
63 kv /20 kv 484 13646
carried out in DigSilent software. The network under study has
the following characteristics for the peak load in the year 2010:
1) 10 power plants with a generation capacity of 7480
Active power (MW) 7164
MVA, Reactive power (MVAR) 1880.2
2) 326 busbars for the generation, transmission, and Generated power (MVA) 7480.52
subtransmission network, Power factor 0.98
3) 547 transmission and subtransmission lines with a
length of approximately 6550 km,
4) Peak load of 7245 MVA with an average power Active power (MW) 8422.5
Reactive power (MVAR) 2235.6
factor of 0.97.
consumed power (MVA) 8714.15
Power factor 0.97
Besides, TREC is connected to Zanjan, Gilan, Mazandaran, The value of network loss in 2010 was 114.6 MW,
Semnan, Bakhtar, and Esfahan regional electrical companies amounting to 1.9% of the total network generation.
with 18 transmission lines of 230 and 400 kv. In simulation, According to the studies carried out by the planning bureau
these connections are considered as input and output load (P, of TREC and considering the necessary prospects related to the
Q)(Electric-Company, 2010). Also, active power and reactive number of consumers, peak load and load factor, estimations
power limits of all the power plants are taken into for the requirements of TREC development in the year 2014 are
consideration(Electric-Company, 2010). A summary of TREC given in Table 12, Table 13, and Table 14 (Electric-Company, 2010)
statistics for the year 2010 is presented in Table 8, Table 9,
Table 10, and Table 11.

400kv lines 9 527

400kv lines 22 1216.5
230kv lines 8 72
230kv lines 63 1574.2
63kv lines 463 3761.1 63kv lines 135 931 3908 Research Article

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846

Active power (MW) 11994

Reactive power (MVAR) 3661
Developing existing power plants (MW) 1767
Consumed power (MVA) 12540
Building new power plants (MW) 4018
Power factor 0.96

In 2014, total generation of power plants will be 12209 MW, and total loss will be 215 MW, equal to 1.7% of the total network
Table 15 presents the characteristics of high-load subtransmission lines of the TREC network for the peak load in 2014.

Golshahr junc. Golshahr LYNX 1 4.7 135 1.37 450 607

Kamal Aabad Golshahr junc. LYNX 1 5.57 134.8 1.6 450 607
Hashtgerd Soheylie LYNX 1 3.59 132 1 450 594
Karaj Azimie junc. LYNX 1 3.4 115 0.78 450 517
Hashtgerd Nazar Aabad LYNX 1 24.7 114.2 6.77 450 513
Besat Yakhchi Aabad LYNX 1 18 111.7 4.37 450 502
Eslamshahr Zehtabi LYNX 1 17 110.5 4 450 497
Pardis Roodehen LYNX 1 20 105 5 450 471
Manavi National LYNX 2 14.7 103.6 3.22 900 931
Hashtgerd Old Hashtgerd LYNX 1 11.8 102.7 2.65 450 462
Vardavard Mega Motor LYNX 1 16.1 102.4 3.53 450 460
Dastvare junc. Dastvare LYNX 1 6.1 102 1.42 450 459
Rey Gazi Dastvare junc. LYNX 1 10 101.9 2.31 450 459

Table 16 gives the results of load flow calculations for subtransmission lines with a loading of over 100% after alteration of
electrical characteristics from the LYNX conductor to the ACSS conductor.

Name Rated
Type of No. of Length Loading Loss/P Current
First bus Second bus Conductor circuits (km) (%) (%) (A)
Golshahr junc. Golshahr LYNX 1 4.7 67 2.5 450 619
Kamal Aabad Golshahr junc. LYNX 1 5.57 66.92 2.87 450 618
Hashtgerd Soheylie LYNX 1 3.59 65 1.83 450 601
Karaj Azimie junc. LYNX 1 3.4 56.3 1.4 450 520
Hashtgerd Nazar Aabad LYNX 1 24.7 59.5 12.87 450 549
Besat Yakhchi Aabad LYNX 1 18 56 7.93 450 517
Eslamshahr Zehtabi LYNX 1 17 55.4 7.41 450 512
Pardis Roodehen LYNX 1 20 53 9.14 450 488
Manavi National LYNX 2 14.7 51.56 5.81 900 952
Hashtgerd Old Hashtgerd LYNX 1 11.8 51.22 4.82 450 473
Vardavard Mega Motor LYNX 1 16.1 51.23 6.42 450 473
Dastvare junc. Dastvare LYNX 1 6.1 50.8 2.62 450 470
Rey Gazi Dastvare junc. LYNX 1 10 50.8 4.25 450 470

The difference (5%) between the allowable value and the ratio of power loss to power transfer capacity makes it
impossible to utilize ACSS conductor in all lines. Thus, this conductor can be used in short-distance lines with respect
to the above criterion.
Table 17 gives the results of load flow calculation for subtransmission lines with over 100% loading after altering
electrical characteristics of high-load lines from single-bundle to two-bundle.

Research Article 3909

Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846 Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Name Rated
Type of No. of Length Loading Loss/P Current
First bus Second bus Conductor circuits (km) (%) (%) (A)
Golshahr junc. Golshahr LYNX 1 4.7 65.6 0.65 450 591
Kamal Aabad Golshahr junc. LYNX 1 5.57 65.5 0.77 450 590
Hashtgerd Soheylie LYNX 1 3.59 64.8 0.49 450 583
Karaj Azimie junc. LYNX 1 3.4 56.9 0.39 450 512
Hashtgerd Nazar Aabad LYNX 1 24.7 53.1 3.04 450 477
Besat Yakhchi Aabad LYNX 1 18 53.8 2.08 450 484
Eslamshahr Zehtabi LYNX 1 17 53.4 1.95 450 480
Pardis Roodehen LYNX 1 20 51.87 2.52 450 466
Manavi National LYNX 2 14.7 51.66 1.63 900 929
Hashtgerd Old Hashtgerd LYNX 1 11.8 49.85 1.26 450 448
Vardavard Mega Motor LYNX 1 16.1 49.48 1.68 450 445
Dastvare junc. Dastvare LYNX 1 6.1 49.62 0.68 450 446
Rey Gazi Dastvare junc. LYNX 1 10 49.58 1.1 450 446

Table 18 summarizes the results of load flow calculation for subtransmission lines with a loading of more than 100% after
introducing new subtransmission lines. It was assumed that a new single-circuit/bundle subtransmission line would be introduced.

Name Rated
Type of No. of Length Loading Loss/P Current
First bus Second bus Conductor circuits (km) (%) (%) (A)
Golshahr junc. Golshahr LYNX 2 4.7 64.6 0.63 900 581
Kamal Aabad Golshahr junc. LYNX 2 5.57 64.5 0.74 900 580
Hashtgerd Soheylie LYNX 2 3.59 63.8 0.47 900 574
Karaj Azimie junc. LYNX 2 3.4 56.7 0.38 900 510
Hashtgerd Nazar Aabad LYNX 2 24.7 51.2 2.82 900 458
Besat Yakhchi Aabad LYNX 2 18 53.1 2.02 900 477
Eslamshahr Zehtabi LYNX 2 17 52.7 1.89 900 473
Pardis Roodehen LYNX 2 20 50.8 2.42 900 455
Manavi National LYNX 3 14.7 66.8 2.03 1350 900
Hashtgerd Old Hashtgerd LYNX 2 11.8 48.7 1.21 900 438
Vardavard Mega Motor LYNX 2 16.1 48.92 1.64 900 439
Dastvare junc. Dastvare LYNX 2 6.1 48.96 0.66 900 440
Rey Gazi Dastvare junc. LYNX 2 10 48.8 1.07 900 440

Nowadays, the high price of land and opposition from landowners make introducing new lines a costly and difficult solution.
Therefore, increasing the number of bundles and utilizing HTLS conductors are the best ways of reaching the goal. For both
solutions, some equipment in substations should be controlled because of an increase in rated line currents.
According to Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6 the costs associated with using the ACSS conductor decreases by 22 and 40%
proportionate to the cost of increasing the number of bundles and introducing the new subtransmission line, respectively. Table 18
shows that increasing the number of bundles rather than using the ACSS conductor would annually save 299748 ($/km) in power
However, because of opposition from landowners, especially in urban areas, it is not always possible to introduce new towers
among the existing ones in order to increase the number of bundles. In such cases, the use of HTLS conductors will be the best
solution if the ratio of loss to transmission power is within the standard limit (less than 5%). Obviously, introducing a new
subtransmission line will be inevitable if neither solution is applicable. Table 19 prioritizes different solutions for all high-load lines. 3910 Research Article

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol: 6 Issue: 1 January 2013 ISSN:0974-6846

Name Introducing new Increasing number of Using HTLS

First bus Second bus subtransmission line bundles conductor
Golshahr junc. Golshahr Third choice First choice Second choice
Kamal Aabad Golshahr junc. Third choice First choice Second choice
Hashtgerd Soheylie Third choice First choice Second choice
Karaj Azimie junc. Third choice First choice Second choice
Hashtgerd Nazar Aabad Second choice First choice Not possible
Besat Yakhchi Aabad Second choice First choice Not possible
Eslamshahr Zehtabi Second choice First choice Not possible
Pardis Roodehen Second choice First choice Not possible
Manavi National Second choice First choice Not possible
Hashtgerd Old Hashtgerd Third choice First choice Second choice
Vardavard Mega motor Second choice First choice Not possible
Dastvare junc. Dastvare Third choice First choice Second choice
Rey Gazi Dastvare junc. Third choice First choice Second choice

4. T. R. Electric-Company, "Results of power flow

This paper electrically and economically compared calculations (18/07/2010)," 2010.
different ways of increasing the power transfer capacity of the
TREC subtransmission network: replacing the existing LYNX 5. A. G. Exposito, J. R. Santos and P. Cruz Romero
conductor with the ACSS conductor, increasing the number of (2007) Planning and Operational Issues Arising From
bundles, and introducing new subtransmission line were. the Widespread Use of HTLS Conductors. Power
TREC's generation, transmission, and subtransmission network Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 22(4), 1446-1455.
were simulated using DigSilent software for the peak load in
the year 2010. In order to identify high-load overhead 6. D. G. Heidari (2000) Electrical Design of Overhead
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Research Article 3911


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