AC Rb2CrO4 1998
AC Rb2CrO4 1998
AC Rb2CrO4 1998
Having all these structural data available, one may Table 2. Values of the independent variables used as
try to systematize them in order to extract some sort of input data in regression analyses
structural information for compounds whose structures Values for effective ionic radii taken from Shannon (1976). OchaTgcis
have either not been determined so far or whose the calculated Mulliken charge of the O atom at the tetrahedron
reliability is for some reason questionable. The purpose vertex.
of this paper is to present a possible way of elucidating
Compound R(M*) R(XO~- ) Ochargc
structural information for members in a group of very
closely related compounds. The important precondition K2SO 4 1.38 1.47 -0.864
is that (i) all compounds in question have to be strictly KzSeO4 1.38 1.63 -1.019
KzCrO4 1.38 1.61 -0.736
isostructural (isomorphous) and (ii) accurately refined KzMnO4 1.38 1.605 -0.689
crystal structures are available for a number of these K2FeO4 1.38 1.60 -0.628
compounds. By strictly isostructural (or isomorphous) is Rb2SO4 1.52 1.47 -0.864
meant compounds that crystallize with the same space Rb2SeO4 1.52 1.63 - 1.019
CszSO4 1.67 1.47 -0.864
group and at least the site symmetry and the coordi- CszSeO 4 1.67 1.63 - 1.019
nation numbers of the corresponding atoms are also the Cs2CrO4 1.67 1.61 -0.736
same. For instance, the sulfates, selenates, chromates, Cs2FeO4 1.67 1.60 -0.628
manganates and ferrates of potassium, rubidium and
caesium are beyond doubt all strictly isostructural (15
compounds in all). The structures of Rb2MnO4 and Rb2CrO4, when this project was commenced, the
Rb2FeO4 have not yet been determined, but those of agreement between prediction and observation was
K2MnO4 and K2FeO4 are known (Table la). We have poor. This we attributed to the fact that the structure
predicted the structures of all four compounds. The was determined some 50 years ago. We have therefore
agreement for the K compounds is very good. The carried out a new structure determination which we
structure of Cs2MnO4 is not accurately known. As to report here. The refined structure agrees well with the
For some time, we have been interested in both the
spectroscopic properties and structural relationships
between the compounds of the fl-K2SO 4 family
(Petru~evski & Sherman, 1990, 1994). Encouraged by
the results obtained previously (Petru~evski & Alek-
sovska, 1991, 1994), where the knowledge of the
effective crystal radii (Shannon & Prewitt, 1969;
Shannon, 1976) of the constituent atoms led to a
successful prediction of the unit-cell parameters, an
attempt was made to implement a simple method to
predict the crystal structures of these isomorphs. This
appeared to be possible by means of statistical analyses.
In fact, previous results proved that the unit-cell para-
meters in Tutton salts and alums vary in a regular and
predictable way with composition (Petru~evski &
Aleksovska, 1991, 1994). In the case of both classes of
compounds, the factors of principal significance were
the effective ionic radii of the constituent atoms. The
correlations were highly significant and led to predic-
tions of unit-cell parameters and of unknown values for
the effective ionic radii (e.g. the radius for hexa-coor-
dinated Ru2*). A possible isomorphism between Tutton
salts and dimethylammonium metal(Ill) sulfate hexa-
hydrates (Gale~ic & Jordanovska, 1992) has also been
discussed (Petru~evski, 1994).
Fig. 1. Crystal structure in y-projection of compounds M2XO 4 In the present study the source data in the statistical
isomorphous with/~-K2SO4. analysis (multiple regression) were the effective crystal
Table 3. Regression parameters used in the prediction of dependent variables [cf. (1)]
Variables with t-statistics lower than 3 were rejected in the stepwise selection model.
Dependent vari- m n p q ~Radjusted) 2
" "
a (~) 2.57908 1.18523 0.22567 2.36889 0.997
b (A) 2.75848 2.13064 -0.18438 2.98931 0.986
c (A) 1.47847 1.01167 -0.25069 2.04336 0.983
x(M1) 0.01487 -0.03747 -0.02513 0.68620 0.981
y(M1) -0.01136 0.01353 Rejected 0.40702 0.580
x(M2) -0.00827 Rejected -0.01500 -0.01152 0.783
y(M2) -0.00968 Rejected -0.03111 0.69056 0.986
x(X) 0.02705 -0.03845 0.00862 0.25974 0.962
y(X) -0.00613 0.00868 Rejected 0.41521 0.787
x(O1) 0.08702 -0.15457 -0.00279 0.14242 0.999
y(O1) -0.01797 0.01996 -0.01587 0.39904 0.811
x(O2) Rejected Rejected Rejected 0.29896 0.000
y(O2) -0.03845 0.07496 0.02168 0.51931 0.968
x(O3) 0.01117 Rejected 0.02175 0.30406 0.658
y(O3) 0.01605 -0.02379 Rejected 0.36423 0.924
z(O3) 0.04920 -0.11862 -0.02612 0.12588 0.992
radii of the constituent ions and the atomic charges# of to be o r t h o r h o m b i c requires the d e t e r m i n a t i o n of three
the O atoms in the tetrahedral anions. A t o m i c charges parameters. Within this isostructural group the
were calculated at the ab initio H a r t r e e - F o c k (HF) SCF observed variation in each cell p a r a m e t e r is --q2%. As
level of theory [with the GAUSSIAN94 (Frisch et al., seen above, five atoms are in special positions whose
1995) package, on a pentium IBM compatible PC and a variable parameters are x and y (ten parameters) and
dual pentium-pro Digital workstation], using a 6-311 + one O atom is in a general equivalent position (three
G (triple zeta) basis set. This set includes diffuse parameters). Within the group there is a wide range of
functions for a better description of the anionic wave- observed p a r a m e t e r variation, some such as x (O1)
functions. The Mulliken scheme for the population varying by 0.05, whereas the smallest variation is in y
analysis was applied (Mulliken, 1955a,b). Atomic (O1), only 0.0026. Thus, in all, 16 parameters need to be
charges obtained by fitting to the electrostatic potential, determined.
with point selections according to the CHelp (Chirlian The STA T G R A P H I C S (Statistical Graphics
& Francl, 1987) and C H e l p G ( B r e n e m a n & Wiberg, Corporation, 1989) package on an IBM PC-486 was
1990) scheme, were also calculated, but these electro- used in the statistical calculations. Stepwise variable
static-potential-derived values gave somewhat worse selection was performed. This is a multiple regression
results c o m p a r e d with those obtained using the analysis that includes or rejects an i n d e p e n d e n t variable
Mulliken scheme. A l t h o u g h the potential-derived in the model, depending on the value of the t-statistics.
charges may seem more realistic, one has to be aware The point is to judge whether the inclusion of a given
that, in general, atomic charges are not quantum- i n d e p e n d e n t variable, in the presence of other variables,
mechanical observables, so they cannot be computed is statistically significant.
exactly 'from first principles'. Thus, having in mind the Since the crystal structures of the compounds were
arbitrariness of all charge assignment schemes, the use refined by various groups of authors, there are differ-
of Mulliken charges for this correlation seems to be ences in the choice of cell, orientation of axes and atom
fully justified. It should be mentioned, in addition, that designation. In order to avoid possible confusion, all
characterizations of even rather involved molecular data were transformed to match the choices made in/3-
systems are often performed employing Mulliken K2SO 4 (McGinnety, 1972). It should be mentioned, in
population analysis (Dimitrova, 1995, and references passing, that there is a misprint in one of the fractional
therein). coordinates of Rb2SeO4 (Takahashi et al., 1987) The
The parameters to be determined are the cell paper gives 0.4911 as the x coordinate of Rb(1),
dimensions and atomic coordinates. Asssuming the cell whereas it should be 0.4111.
Each d e p e n d e n t variable d (numerical value of a
t The importance of including the radii of the ions is unquestionable. unit-cell p a r a m e t e r or fractional atomic coordinate) was
The atomic (Mulliken) charge was added to account for the different
bonding ability of the O atoms in various oxo anions. In the presented as a function of the type
calculation it was assumed (for consistency) that the X--O bond
length of an XO]- anion is equal to the sum of Shannon's radii and no d = m.R(M +) + n.R(X--O) + p.Ocharge + q, (1)
further optimization was performed. The package GAUSSIAN94
(Frisch et aL, 1995) was employed for the quantum mechanical
calculations. where R(M+), in ,~, is the effective crystal radius
X-ray intensity data were collected on an automated Extinction method Larson (1970)
Extinction coefficient 1.98 (16)
four-circle Picker diffractometer using Zr-filtered Source of atomic scattering International Tables for X-ray
MoKc~ radiation with pulse-height analysis. The factors Crystallography (1974, Vol. IV)
correction 00 was checked against 12 reflections at 0 --
32 ° from a crystal of sodium chloride. Data reduction Computer programs
and all other computations were carried out using the Data reduction N R C V A X DA TRD2 (Gabe et al.,
N R C V A X package (Gabe et aL, 1989). Crystal data are 1989)
Structure solution N R C V A X S O L V E R (Gabe et aL,
t Although, as mentioned, the univalent cations in this family of Structure refinement N R C V A X L S T S Q (Gabe et al.,
crystals are known to be 9-, 10- or l 1-coordinated, values for the 1989)
effective crystal radii for M ÷ ions were taken for coordination number Preparation of material for N R C V A X T A B L E S (January 1994
(CN) 6, since they are usually considered to be most reliable. publication Version)
Table 5. Unit-cell parameters and fractional atomic T a b l e 6. Selected interatomic distances (A) and angles (°)
coordinates in RbeCr04 in RbzCr04 (1~1 as for Table 5)
The predicted and redetermined structures (present work; standard Distance ( , ~ , ) Predicted (i) Refined (ii) [6ii -il
deviations given in parentheses refer to the least significant digit) are
given together for the purposes of comparison. 161 is the absolute Rbl--O1 2.899 2.876 (16) 0.022
difference between values in the columns indicated. The coordinates Rbl--O2 3.388 3.385 (15) 0.003
z(Rbl), z(Rb2), z(Cr), z(O1) and z(O2) are all necessarily 0.25, and Rbl--O2 3.074 3.051 (2) 0.023
are not listed. Rbl--O3 3.272 3.243 (10) 0.029
Rbl--03 3.312 3.285 (10) 0.027
Parameter Predicted (i) Redetermined [~ii - i[ Rbl--03 3.083 3.071 (10) 0.021
(ii) Rb2--O1 3.062 3.048 (15) 0.014
Rb2--O1 3.292 3.260 (6) 0.032
a (.4,) 8.0314 7.976 (4) 0.0554 Rb2--O2 2.886 2.865 (15) 0.021
b (,&) 10.7482 10.692 (1) 0.0562 Rb2--O2 2.949 2.936 (14) 0.013
c (,&) 6.1039 6.057 (2) 0.0469 Rb2--O3 2.889 2.890 (10) 0.001
x(Rbl) 0.6670 0.66788 (23) 0.0009 Rb2--O3 2.945 2.924 (10) 0.021
y(Rbl) 0.4115 0.41051 (17) 0.0010 Cr--O1 1.645 1.634 (16) 0.017
x(Rb2) -0.0131 -0.01460 (22) 0.0015 Cr--O2 1.654 1.631 (14) 0.023
y(Rb2) 0.6987 0.69781 (16) 0.0009 Cr--O3 1.649 1.632 (10) 0.017
x(Cr) 0.2326 0.2331 (4) 0.0005
y(Cr) 0.4199 0.42117 (25) 0.0013 O 1 - Cr--O2 110.4 111.0 (8) 0.6
x(O1) 0.0279 0.0285 (19) 0.0006 O1--Cr--O3 109.8 109.5 (5) 0.3
y(O1) 0.4155 0.4145 (14) 0.0010 O2--Cr--O3 108.4 108.8 (5) 0.4
x(O2) 0.2990 0.2980 (18) 0.0010 O3-Cr-O3' 109.9 109.0 (5) 0.9
y(O2) 0.5656 0.5658 (13) 0.0002
x(O3) 0.3050 0.3057 (13) 0.0007
y(O3) 0.3503 0.3510 (9) 0.0007
z(O3) 0.0289 0.0306 (16) 0.0017 T a b l e 7. Predicted structures of Rb2Mn04 and Rb2Fe04
Rb2MnO4 Rb2FeO4
a (A,) 8.036t 8.044
given in Table 4. T h e r e d e t e r m i n e d cell d i m e n s i o n s a n d b (A) 10.729 10.707
a t o m i c c o o r d i n a t e s are listed in T a b l e 5.t c (/k) 6.087 6.067
xRbl 0.6660 0.6646
yRbl 0.4115 0.4114
3.2. Predicted structures xRb2 -0.0138 -0.0147
T h e results of the m u l t i p l e r e g r e s s i o n are s u m m a r - yRb2 0.6973 0.6954
xMn/Fe 0.2332 0.2339
ized in Tables 5 a n d 6. It m a y be s e e n t h a t virtually all yMn/Fe 0.4198 0.4198
p a r a m e t e r s of the p r e d i c t e d s t r u c t u r e ( e x c e p t for the a xO1 0.0285 0.0291
a n d b axes) are e q u a l w i t h i n o n e s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n to yO1 0.4147 0.4136
the c o r r e s p o n d i n g v a l u e s of t h e r e d e t e r m i n e d s t r u c t u r e . xO2 0.2990 0.2990
yO2 0.5662 0.5672
S e l e c t e d i n t e r a t o m i c d i s t a n c e s a n d i n t e r b o n d angles are
xO3 0.3061 0.3074
set o u t in Table 6. T h e a v e r a g e d e v i a t i o n of R b - - O yO3 0.3504 0.3506
d i s t a n c e s b e t w e e n p r e d i c t e d a n d r e d e t e r m i n e d struc- zO3 0.0283 0.0273
t u r e s is "-'1.8 pm, t h a t of C r - - O d i s t a n c e s is also 1.8 p m
Predicted dimensions of the MnO]- and FeO~- anions (A and °)
a n d the d e v i a t i o n of the O - - C r - - O angles is 0.5 °.
It s e e m s t h e r e f o r e that t h e p r o p o s e d m e t h o d gives MnO~- FeO42-
v e r y g o o d results, at least for a series of strictly
MnFFe-- O1 1.646 1.649
i s o s t r u c t u r a l c o m p o u n d s . T h e real a d v a n t a g e of t h e Mn/Fe -- 02 1.657 1.663
m e t h o d is that it m a y give a c c u r a t e l y p r e d i c t e d struc- Mn/Fe -- 03 1.649 1.650
tures for c o m p o u n d s that can o n l y be o b t a i n e d in
p o w d e r o r m i c r o c r y s t a l l i n e f o r m or are c h e m i c a l l y O1 --Mn/Fe-- O2 110.5 110.7
O 1 -- Mn/Fe -- 03 109.9 109.9
unstable. For instance, the s t r u c t u r e s of R b 2 M n O 4 a n d O2-- Mn/Fe-- 03 108.3 108.3
Rb2FeO4 m a y be p r e d i c t e d in this way, since n o single- 03 -- Mn/Fe -- 03 109.9 109.9
crystal s t u d y is a v a i l a b l e for e i t h e r c o m p o u n d . A n
t Cell dimensions from powder diagram (Herbstein et al., 1971):
a c c u r a t e s t r u c t u r e is k n o w n for K2MnO4 ( P a l e n i k , 8.00 (2), 10.65 (2), 6.08 (2) A.
1967) a n d o u r p r e d i c t i o n s fit the s t r u c t u r e v e r y well, the
largest d i s c r e p a n c y in a n y a t o m i c p a r a m e t e r b e i n g
0.0022. O n l y p o w d e r d a t a are available for R b 2 M n O 4
t Lists of atomic coordinates, anisotropic displacement parameters ( H e r b s t e i n et al., 1971). In v i e w of t h e g o o d a g r e e m e n t
and structure factors have been deposited with the IUCr (Reference:
o b t a i n e d for K z M n O 4 a n d the g o o d a g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n
LI0250). Copies may be obtained through The Managing Editor,
International Union of Crystallography, 5 Abbey Square, Chester the p r e d i c t e d a n d o b s e r v e d unit-cell p a r a m e t e r s for
CH1 2HU, England. Rb2MnO4, we give the p r e d i c t e d a t o m i c c o o r d i n a t e s in
120 fl-K2SO4-TYPE I S O M O R P H S
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