The Cross-Section of Non-Professional Analyst Skill
The Cross-Section of Non-Professional Analyst Skill
The Cross-Section of Non-Professional Analyst Skill
August 2020
We examine the cross-section of skill among non-professional analysts (NPAs) on Seeking Alpha,
a prominent crowdsourced investment research platform. We estimate that 60% of NPAs are
skilled, and we document substantial dispersion in skill. Even after accounting for bid-ask spreads
and allowing for a three-day investment delay, following NPAs in the top quintile of past skill
earns annualized abnormal returns of 10%. In contrast, an unconditional strategy that follows all
NPAs earns insignificant returns. An examination of retail and institutional order imbalances
following NPA recommendations suggests that neither group recognizes the sizeable differences
in ability across NPAs.
JEL: G14
Farrell is from the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, [email protected]. Jame and Qiu
are from the Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky, [email protected],
[email protected].
Over the last decade there has been a proliferation of non-professional analysts sharing
investment research on social media. According to a recent survey, nearly one in three affluent
investors in the United States now rely on social media to inform their investment decisions.1 One
disseminates more than 7,000 research reports per month and attracts roughly 15 million monthly
be well-justified. For example, Chen, De, Hu, and Hwang (2014) find that the tone of Seeking
Alpha research forecasts stock returns, and Farrell, Green, Jame, and Markov (2020) find that
Seeking Alpha research facilitates more informative trading among retail investors.
Despite the increasing importance of Seeking Alpha, there has been virtually no research
on the cross-section of skill across the thousands of Seeking Alpha contributors. For example,
what fraction of contributors possess true stock picking skill (i.e., α > 0)? How large is the
dispersion of skill among contributors? Can investors use past performance to identify skilled
contributors? If so, how much value does this create for investors? Are there other contributor
characteristics, apart from past skill, that are associated with superior performance?
This paper answers these questions by conducting the first comprehensive analysis of the
cross-section of skill among non-professional analysts writing research reports on the Seeking
Alpha platform (hereafter: NPAs or contributors). Similar to Crane and Crotty (2020), we measure
analyst skill as the hypothetical abnormal returns that an investor would earn by following the
recommendation of an NPA for a fixed holding period. We classify reports into buy or sell
2019) or the sentiment of the report (Chen et al., 2014), and we measure abnormal returns (six-
factor alphas) over holding periods of either five or 63 trading days. To the extent that markets
efficiently incorporate the content of Seeking Alpha reports, focusing on a relatively short horizon
(e.g., the five-day window) offers a more powerful test of skill. However, much of the five-day
return may be difficult for the typical investor to realize given natural delays in processing
investment research and the substantial transaction costs associated with a high-turnover strategy.
Further, a 63-day window allows for the possibility that the market may overreact or underreact to
NPA research.
This approach uses information from the cross-section of NPA skill to reduce noise and control
for false discoveries (see, e.g., Barras, Scaillet, and Wermers, 2010; Chen, Cliff, and Zhao, 2017;
and Crane and Crotty, 2020). We find that a substantial fraction of NPAs are skilled. For example,
using a 63-day (5-day) horizon, we find that roughly 60% (71%) of NPAs have positive abnormal
returns. We also document sizeable dispersion in skill among NPAs (σ). Specifically, we estimate
a σ of 2.48% over the 63-day holding period, or 10.15% annualized. As a reference, this estimate
is roughly eight times greater than typical estimate of σ for mutual funds.3
The significant heterogeneity in NPA skill suggests that investors can improve their
performance by limiting their attention to NPAs that have historically issued more informative
research. Indeed, we show that conditioning on past alpha, defined as the average six-factor alpha
For example, using bootstrap simulations Fama and French (2010) estimate a true annualized σ of roughly 1.25%.
Similarly, the noise reduced alpha model of Harvey and Liu (2018) yields an estimate of 1.19%.
quintile of past alpha earns abnormal returns of 1.78% per month, which is more than double the
0.79% monthly abnormal return associated with the unconditional strategy of following all
The significant outperformance of contributors in the top quintile of past alpha is robust to
different risk-adjustments, different measures of past performance, and different holding periods.
In addition, the findings continue to hold (with similar magnitudes) after excluding SA research
reports that coincide with other major information events including earnings announcements, sell-
side research reports, and media coverage. This finding suggests the skill of the top performing
Having established significant and persistent differences in NPA skill, we next explore
whether investors can profit from following the top NPAs after incorporating bid-ask spreads and
strategy where investors buy (sell) at the ask (bid) price and subsequently sell (buy) at the bid (ask)
price at the end of the holding period. In addition, we relax the assumption that investors trade on
release of the report. We find that even after incorporating bid-ask spreads and a 72-hour
investment delay, a trading strategy following NPAs in the top quintile of past alpha yields a
statistically significant monthly return of 0.84% or roughly 10.00% annualized. In contrast, the
analogous strategy that follows all NPAs earns a statistically insignificant -0.09% per month.
We also explore whether other contributor characteristics, apart from past alpha, are
associated with more informative research. We find that NPAs who are more active in commenting
on other research reports issue more impactful research. Report are also more informative when
write about similar topics across all reports (Across-Report Focus) or discuss a small number of
topics deeply within an report (Within-Report Focus). However, the economic importance of these
contributor characteristics is more modest than past alpha. For example, a one-standard deviation
increases in either Across-Report (Within-Report Focus) is associated with 0.23% (0.22%) higher
returns over the subsequent 63 days, whereas the corresponding increase for past alpha is 1.21%.
Finally, to more directly examine how investors respond to differences in skill across
recommendations While both retail and institutional order imbalances exhibit a significant
correlation with NPA recommendations, we find little evidence that this correlation varies
systematically with measures of NPA quality, including past alpha. This finding is perhaps
surprising given retail investors tendency to chase mutual fund managers with superior past
performance (e.g., Ippolito, 1992; and Sirri and Tufano, 1998). One potentially important
difference between NPAs and mutual funds is that past performance for NPAs is not disclosed,
making it a far less salient attribute. The fact that neither retail nor institutional investors recognize
the sizeable differences in skill across NPAs helps explain why following the recommendations of
the top NPAs remains a profitable investment strategy even after incorporating trading delays of
up to three days.
Our analysis relates to the literature that explores whether investors can profit from sell-
side (i.e., professional) analysts. Barber, Lehavy, McNichols, and Trueman (2001) find that the
average sell-side analyst investment recommendations are valuable, and Mikhail, Walther, and
Willis (2004) documents significant persistence in sell-side analyst skill; however both conclude
that incorporating transaction costs and small investment delays eliminates all potential trading
attributable to the market being far less efficient in recognizing differences in skill among NPAs.
Our findings also differ dramatically from the literature on mutual fund performance,
which concludes that at best, a very small fraction of managers are skilled enough to outperform
the market after expenses (see, e.g., Fama and French, 2010; and Harvey and Liu, 2018).4 The
stark contrast between mutual funds and NPAs is likely attributable to the fact NPAs are free of
several of the constraints that erode mutual fund performance including fund expenses, decreasing
returns to scale (Berk and Green, 2004; Pastor, Stambaugh, and Taylor, 2015) and liquidity-
motivated trading (Edelen, 1999; Alexander, Cici, and Gibson, 2007). This contrast also raises the
interesting possibility of whether NPAs will begin to offer more mutual fund like services using
an organizational structure that is free from many of the limitations that diminish mutual fund
performance. For example, Seeking Alpha recently launched SA Marketplace which allows
individuals access to suggested portfolios, exclusive investment research, and private chat-room
Finally, our paper relates to the literature that explores the consequences of social media
for financial markets. This literature has focused primarily on whether the investment
recommendations across different social media sites contain value (see, e.g., Chen et al. 2014;
Jame, Johnston, Markov, and Wolfe, 2016; Avery, Chevalier, and Zeckhauser, 2016; and Bartov,
Faurel and Mohanram 2018). We extend this literature by providing a more complete picture of
the distribution of contributor skill. We believe our findings will be of natural interest to retail
investors, who tend to have limited access to sell-side research, and thus rely more heavily on non-
There is, however, evidence that investors can outperform by investing in the best hedge funds (see, e.g., Kosowski,
Naik, and Teo, 2007; Jagannathan, Malakhov, and Novikov, 2010; and Chen, Cliff, and Zhao, 2017).
become increasingly relevant for institutional investors. In particular, the recent passage of MiFID
II in Europe now requires institutional investors to pay directly for sell-side research. Initial
evidence suggests that the price of sell-side research can be quite high, making Seeking Alpha a
relatively more valuable source of investment research, particularly among smaller institutions
with more limited research budgets.5 Lastly, our results should be of interest to regulators who
have repeatedly expressed concerns about investors relying on social media for investment advice
(e.g., SEC 2011, 2015, 2017). Our findings suggest that requiring more disclosure of contributors’
We collect research reports of non-professional analysts (NPAs) from Seeking Alpha (SA),
a prominent social media website that crowdsources investment research. As of 2018, more than
7,000 NPAs publish 10,000 investing ideas every month for more than 15 million unique visitors.6
NPA reports are intended to provide thorough investment analysis and research to support their
We obtain all reports that were published between 2005 and 2017 on the SA website. For
each reports, we collect the date and time of the report publication, the complete text of the report,
the ownership disclosures of the contributor (i.e., information on whether the author has any
The consequences of MiFID II have been discussed extensively in the media, including on Seeking Alpha (see,
Following Chen et al., (2014), we limit the sample to reports associated with a single ticker. We
further limit the sample to common stocks (CRSP share codes 10 and 11) with available data in
both NYSE TAQ and the CRSP-Compustat merged database. Our resulting sample includes
We assign each report as either: positive, negative, or neutral using a two-step procedure.
First, following Campbell, DeAngelis, and Moon (2019) we classify all reports in which an NPA
discloses a long (short) position in the stock as positive (negative). For all remaining positions, we
follow Chen et al. (2014) and compute the tone of the report as the percentage of negative words
in the report (Percent Negative), where the negative word list is taken from Loughran and
McDonald (2011). We assign reports in the bottom (top) tercile of Percent Negative relative to the
distribution of report tone on the previous day as positive (negative). Overall, we classify roughly
45% of reports as positive, 30% of reports as negative, and the remaining 25% of reports as
Following Crane and Crotty (2020), we define the estimated abnormal return (𝛼̂) associated
where 𝐷𝑖𝑘 is equal to 1 for positive reports and -1 for negative reports, 𝑟𝑘𝑡 is the return on stock
discussed in report k on day t, and 𝑟𝑏𝑡 is the return on a benchmark. We measure returns starting from
day 0. For reports issued outside of trading hours, the day 0 return is the CRSP return for the trading
day following the recommendation. For reports issued during trading hours, we obtain the prevailing
The tilt towards positive reports is attributable to the fact that contributors are far more likely to disclose long
positions relative to short positions.
calculate the day 0 return from the quoted midpoint to the closing price.
We measure the cumulative returns from day 0 through day x, where we set x equal to either five
or 63 trading days. The five-day horizon allows us to benchmark our findings for NPAs to Crane and
Crotty (2020) who consider a five-day horizon in their analysis of sell-side analysts. Further, if markets
are able to efficiently incorporate the information content of NPA research, focusing on the relatively
short-horizon offers a more powerful test of contributor skill that is less susceptible to research design
choices (e.g., risk-model choices). However, the evidence in Chen et al. (2014) suggests that the market
is not efficient in incorporating the investment value of SA research. In addition, much of the five-day
returns may be difficult for the typical investor to realize given natural delays in processing investment
research and the substantial transaction costs associated with high-turnover trading strategies. For this
reason, we also consider the longer 63-day horizons, and in some tests, we also explore the impact of
We compute the benchmark returns (𝑟𝑏𝑡 ) for full trading days based on the Fama-French (2015)
five-factor model augmented to include the Carhart (1997) momentum factor. Specifically, we define
the benchmark return as: 𝑟𝑓𝑡 + 𝛽̂𝑘,1 (𝑀𝐾𝑇𝑅𝐹) + 𝛽̂𝑘,2 (𝑆𝑀𝐵) +𝛽̂𝑘,3 (𝐻𝑀𝐿) +𝛽̂𝑘,4 (𝑅𝑀𝑊) +𝛽̂𝑘,5 (𝐶𝑀𝐴)
+𝛽̂𝑘,6 (𝑀𝑂𝑀), where the beta of stock k with respect to each factor is estimated from the six-factor model
with daily returns over the [-272, -21] trading day window relative to the report release.8 In robustness
tests, we also consider alphas for alternative factor models as well as market-adjusted -returns (see Table
5). Since the intraday returns are not readily available for each factor, the intraday benchmark (i.e., the
The returns for the factor portfolios are taken from Ken French’s website:
We measure contributor skill by computing the average alpha for each NPA i as:
̂𝑖 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝛼̂𝑖𝑘𝑡 , (2)
where n equals the number of positive and negative research reports published by NPA i. To be
included in the sample, we require that the NPA have at least 10 reports. The final sample includes
1,879 NPAs who have authored 123,120 positive or negative research reports. Conditioning on the
10 reports cutoff, the median (average) NPA has authored 25 (66) reports.
Table 1 reports descriptive statistics for 𝛼̅̂ and t(𝛼̅̂ ), defined as 𝛼̅̂ scaled by its standard
error. We find that the average 𝛼̅̂ across all the NPAs in the sample is 0.38% over a 5-day horizon
and 0.68% over the 63-day horizon. Both estimates are consistent with the average contributor
having economically meaningful skill in their investment recommendations. One caveat is that the
analysis limits the sample to contributors with at least 10 research reports. To the extent that
contributors with stronger initial performance are more likely to remain on Seeking Alpha (i.e.,
survivorship bias), our estimates could be biased upwards. In unreported tests, we also examine
the average 𝛼̅̂ across all NPAs in the sample with less than 10 research reports. We find the mean
for the five-day (63-day) holding period is 0.28% (0.56%). The estimates are lower than the
corresponding estimates for NPAs with more than 10 research reports and suggest that
survivorship bias likely results in moderately inflated estimates of average skill. However,
survivorship bias will not impact tests focusing on out-of-sample performance (e.g., Tables 4 -7),
63-day horizon, the standard deviation is 6.62% with an interquartile range of -2.21% to 3.06%.
The estimates are also measured with considerable noise. The cross-sectional average standard
error over the 5-day (63-day) horizon is 1.44% (3.82%) and the average t-statistics are less than
0.30. Similarly, only 10% (13%) of NPAs have an 𝛼̅̂ that is significantly greater than 0 over the 5-
day (63-day) window, roughly double what one would expect by chance.
The summary statistics from the previous section suggest that there is substantial dispersion
in NPA skill. This dispersion could be attributable to two factors: 1) differences in true skill and
2) estimation error (i.e., luck). Following Crane and Crotty (2020), we attempt to disentangle these
distributions. We assume there is an unknown number of J groups of NPAs with different skill
levels. We ultimately find that a mixture of J =2 skill groups results in the best fit for the 63-day
horizon, so our subsequent discussion assumes J=2.9 For each group j (j = 1 and 2) the skill of
NPAs is assumed to follow a normal distribution centered at 𝜇𝑗 . The model assumes that each
individual NPA belongs to a specific group and that his (or her) true skill, 𝛼𝑖 , is a function of both
the group mean, 𝜇𝑗 , and an individual component 𝜔𝑖 . Hence, the true alpha for NPA i who belongs
to group j is: 𝛼𝑖 = 𝜇𝑗 + 𝜔𝑖 , where 𝜔𝑖 is normally distributed with mean zero and variance 𝜎𝑗2 .
Specifically, we estimate the maximum likelihood model, Equation (4) for J = 1, 2, 3 and,4 and select the model
that minimizes the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).
be independent of 𝜔𝑖 and is normally distributed with a mean of zero and a variance of 𝑠𝑖2 . Thus,
the estimated abnormal performance is 𝛼̂𝑖 = 𝜇𝑗 + 𝜔𝑖 + 𝑒𝑖 . Under these assumptions, the density
function for the estimated average abnormal return for NPA i is:
̂ 𝑖 − 𝜇0
𝛼 ̂ 𝑖 − 𝜇1
𝑓(𝛼̂𝑖 ) = 𝜋0 × 𝜙 ( ) + 𝜋1 × 𝜙 ( ),
√𝜎02 +𝑠𝑖2 √𝜎12 +𝑠𝑖2 (3)
where 𝜙(. ) represents the standard normal density function. The likelihood function 𝐿 for a
Panel A of Table 2 reports the maximum likelihood estimates from Equation (4) for both
the five-day and 63-day holding period.10 The estimates for the 63-day holding period suggest that
roughly 94% of NPAs belong to the lower skill group. However, this group is still characterized
by positive performance. The average alpha for this group is 0.37% and the dispersion in true alpha
for the group (i.e., 𝜎0 ) is 1.44%. The remaining 6% of NPAs belong to a higher skill group with
We estimate the mixture model with 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-component distributions. We find that the 2-component
distribution results in the lowest BIC for both holding periods. We chose to report the 1-component distribution for
the five-day holding period because the BIC improvement from moving from 1 to 2 components is negligible (less
than 0.1%) and the percentage of NPAs belonging to the 2nd component is very small (less than 0.5%).
The mixture model also allows us to estimate the distribution of alpha across the full
sample, which we report in Panel B.11 The average alpha is 0.43% and the standard deviation is
2.48%. The standard deviation of estimated alpha reported in Table 1 is 6.62%. This suggests that
estimation error accounts for roughly 63% of the dispersion in estimated alphas, while true
dispersion in skill accounts for the remaining 37% of the dispersion. Thus, eliminating estimation
error results in considerably more precise estimates. For example, we now estimate that 60% of
NPAs have positive skill. This compares favorably to Table 1 which reports that only 56% of
NPAs have positive alphas, and only 13% of NPAs have alphas that are significantly positive at a
5% level.
Although estimation error accounts for a sizeable fraction of the variability in the observed
performance in NPAs, the true dispersion in skill of 2.48% over a 63-day holding period (9.92%
annualized) remains economically sizeable. As a benchmark, Harvey and Liu (2018) and Fama
and French (2010) estimate a true annualized standard deviation for mutual funds of 1.19% and
1.25% respectively. Thus, dispersion in true ability among NPAs is roughly eight times larger than
dispersion in mutual fund performance. The larger dispersion is perhaps not surprising since
mutual funds tend to hold much more diversified portfolios. Further, capacity constraints and fund
expenses likely shrink the performance of skilled mutual funds towards zero (Berk and Green,
To calculate the quantiles of the mixture distribution, we solve for the return value q that solves:
𝑞− 𝜇0 𝑞− 𝜇0
𝑋 = 𝜋0 𝜙 ( ) + 𝜋1 𝜙 ( ) for percentile X, where 𝜙(. ) represents the standard normal density function.
𝜎0 𝜎0
may be better off following the investment recommendations of NPAs rather than delegating their
money to mutual funds managers. Second, given the sizeable dispersion in NPA ability, investors
can likely earn superior returns by limiting their attention to the subset of the NPAs with a track
record of excellent past performance. In the next section, we quantify the potential profits to
investors from following NPA recommendation, both for the entire set of NPAs and the subset of
To quantify the trading profits that accrue to investors from following NPA
Zhu, 2010, and Jame, 2018). We begin by describing the unconditional strategy that follows all
NPA recommendations. For this strategy, each time an NPA issues a positive report, we place $1
of the stock in the long portfolio. Similarly, each time an NPA issues a negative report, we place
$1 in the short portfolio. We hold the position for 63 trading days, which mimics the 63-day
holding period studied in the previous analysis. Each additional positive (negative) report on the
stock results in an additional $1 long (short) investment at the time of the report. If existing reports
offer conflicting recommendations, we unwind existing positions rather than include the same
For example, if there is a positive report for a stock on trading day 5 and a negative report for the same stock on
trading day 10, the trading strategy would: 1) initiate a long position starting on trading day 5, 2) close the long position
on trading day 10, 3) initiate a short position on trading days 68 (63 trading days after the initial long position), and
4) close the short position on trading day 73.
and short portfolios. The return calculation is identical to the previous analysis. Specifically, the
returns for days [1,63] are taken from CRSP. For day [0] returns, if the report was issued outside
of trading hours, the day [0] return is the CRSP return for the trading day following the
recommendation; if the report is issued during trading hours, we obtain the prevailing midpoint
quote from TAQ for stock i at the time the report is published on Seeking Alpha, and we calculate
the day 0 return from the quoted midpoint to the closing price. We note that while our methodology
is appropriate for quantifying contributor skill, it likely overstates the potential trading profits since
it ignores trading costs and assumes investors can instantaneously process NPA research. We view
these assumptions as providing a useful upper bound, and we consider more realistic assumptions
in subsequent analysis.
This approach results in a single time-series of daily returns for both the long and short
portfolio, starting in January 2007 and ending in March of 2018.13 We compute the six-factor alpha
for the long (or short) portfolio by regressing the daily return on the long (short) portfolio in excess
of the risk-free rate on the Fama-French (2015) five-factors and the Carhart (1997) momentum
The estimation of the abnormal returns to the conditional strategies are similar, except we
first limit the analysis to the subset of NPAs that meet a performance requirement (e.g., (𝛼̂𝑖10 ) in
the top quintile of the distribution). For each SA report, we measure the past performance of the
NPA who authored the report as the average abnormal return across her most recent 10 reports
(𝛼̂𝑖10 ). In calculating 𝛼̂𝑖10 we exclude reports that were issued within the past 63 trading days,
Our sample of Seeking Alpha research reports ends in December 2017. However, stocks remain in the buy and
sell portfolio for 63-trading days after the research report is published.
group all NPAs into quintiles based on their most recent 𝛼̂𝑖10 relative to the distribution of 𝛼̂10 as
of the end of the previous month. The distribution includes all contributors who have issued at
least one research report in the past year and at least five reports since the start of the sample.
Panel A of Table 3 provides summary statistics on the portfolio size and the factor loadings
of the long, short, and long-short portfolio for the unconditional strategy. On an average day, the
long portfolio is based on 1,556 reports from the trailing 63-trading days, resulting in long
positions in 451 different stocks, while the short portfolio is based on 786 reports resulting in short
positions in 270 different stocks. The long-short portfolio tends to have a tilt towards larger stocks,
growth stocks, and momentum stocks. Panels B and C reports analogous results for the strategy
that only follows contributors in the top or bottom quintile of past alpha. We find that relative to
contributors in the bottom quintile of past alpha, contributors in the top quintile of past alpha tilt
their recommendations towards momentum stocks and stocks with strong past profitability.
Panel A of Table 4 reports the six-factor alpha of the long and short portfolios for the
strategy that follows all NPAs. For ease of interpretation, we convert the daily alpha to a monthly
alpha by multiplying by 21. We find that the alpha of the long portfolio is 0.40% per month which
is statistically significant at a 1% level. The alpha of the short portfolio is -0.39% per month.
Although the estimate is similar in magnitude (in absolute value terms), it is not reliably different
from zero. The long-short portfolio earns an economically sizeable 0.79% per month. The
significant return on the long-short portfolio is broadly consistent with the evidence in Table 2
performance. We find that conditioning on past 𝛼̂𝑖10 can generate significantly larger portfolio
returns. For example, a strategy that only follows NPAs in the top quintile of 𝛼̂𝑖10 generates a long-
short return of 1.78% per month or more than 21% annualized. The long-short spread
monotonically declines and becomes significantly negative for NPAs in the bottom quintile of
𝛼̂𝑖10 . Panel C also confirms that following NPAs in the top quintile of 𝛼̂𝑖10 outperforms the
In Table 5, we examine whether the findings from Table 4 are robust to key research design
choices. For reference, we report the key estimates from the baseline setting (as reported in Table
4) in Row 1. Rows 2 through 4 confirm that our results are similar for different definitions of past
skill including: measuring skill using only the past five reports (Row 2), measuring skill using all
reports issued over the prior 12 months (Row 3), or measuring skill using t(𝛼̂𝑖10 ), defined as 𝛼̂𝑖10
scaled by its standard error (Row 4). Rows 5 through 8 show that the results are robust to a variety
of different risk adjustments including: market-adjusted returns, alphas from the Fama-French
(1993) three-factor model, the Fama-French (1993) three-factor model augmented to include the
Carhart (1997) momentum factor, and the Fama-French (2015) five-factor model. Rows 8 and 9
document that the findings are qualitatively similar if we replace the one-quarter holding period
with holdings periods of one-month or six-months, respectively. Row 10 indicates that the results
are similar if we exclude microcap stocks, defined as stocks below the NYSE 20th percentile. This
finding suggests that the results are not being driven by the smallest stocks, which tend to be highly
making it difficult to separate the impact of the event itself from the NPA’s analysis of the event.
We address this concern using two approaches. In our first approach, we exclude SA research
reports issued after trading hours (57% of the sample). Focusing on intraday reports, coupled with
our calculation of intraday returns, helps isolate the price discovery associated with the SA
research report, rather than any previous news. Admittedly, it is still possible that some of the
return following the SA report is attributable to a delayed reaction to some underlying news event.
While this distinction has implications for understanding how NPAs add value, this subtlety is
likely irrelevant to investors, since the trading profits that accrue to following an NPA’s
recommendation would remain the same. Our second approach to addressing this concern is to
exclude the roughly 60% of SA research report that are issued on the same day or the day after an
earnings announcement, sell-side research report, or media article. The results of these two
approaches are reported in Rows 12 and 13 of Table 5. Although both approaches eliminate the
following NPAs in the top quintile of past skill. Further, the point estimates are roughly 80%-90%
of the baseline estimates. This finding suggests that much of skill of the best NPAs extends beyond
We also examine whether the outperformance of the top NPAs is concentrated in certain
time periods. Figure 1 plots the trading profits associated with following contributors in the top
quintile of 𝛼̂𝑖10 for each year in the sample period (2007-2017). We find that the trading profits
are positive in 10 of the 11 years and are statistically significant (at a 5% level) in eight of the 11
years. Further, the average magnitude is similar in the first five years of the sample (1.89%) and
remained large despite the increasing popularity of the Seeking Alpha platform.
The results from the previous sections indicate that the recommendations of NPAs in the
top quintile of 𝛼̂𝑖10 generate economically larger returns over the subsequent 63 trading days.
However, as noted earlier, our estimated returns overstate the potential trading profits that would
accrue to investors since they do not account for the bid-ask spreads and investment delays. In this
Panel A of Table 6 reports the results for top quintile of 𝛼̂𝑖10 . Row 1 reports the baseline
results from Table 4 as a reference. Row 2 incorporates bid-ask spreads but continues to assume
no investment delays. Specifically, following positive reports, investors now purchase the stocks
at the ask price at the time of the report publication and sell the stock at the bid price at the end of
the 63-day holding period. Similarly, following negative reports, investors sell the stocks at the
bid price at the time of the report publication and repurchase the stock at the ask price at the end
of the 63-day holding period. We find that incorporating bid-ask spreads reduces the long-short
spread from 1.78% to 1.19%, a roughly 30% decline.14 However, the 1.19% estimate remains
highly significant.
This finding suggests that investors who trade immediately following the recommendations
of NPAs in the top quintile of past alpha can earn significant abnormal returns even after
accounting for bid-ask spreads. One point of caution, however, is that our analysis excludes other
Our estimates incorporate 4 transactions (initiating and closing positions on both the long and short side), implying
a half-spread of roughly 0.15% ((1.78% – 1.19%)/4). This estimate is very similar to the 0.16% effective half-spread
reported in Boehmer et al. (2020).
impact are likely to be modest for smaller retail investors, they can be substantial for larger
institutional investors (e.g., Korajczyk and Sadka, 2004; and Frazzini, Israel, and Moskowitz,
2018), which may help explain why the potential trading gains are not completely eliminated by
Rows 3 and 4 continue to incorporate the bid-ask spread, but now also examine the impact
of investment delays of 24 or 72 hours. For example, if a positive research report was published at
10:30 am on Monday, the 24 (72) hour delay would assume investors purchased the stock at the
ask price as of Tuesday (Thursday) at 10:30 am. Farrell et al. (2020) find that many retail investors
respond to SA research within 30 minutes of the release of the SA report, suggesting that these
investment delays are likely to be far longer than necessary for many attentive investors.
Nevertheless, they provide a useful benchmark for assessing the sensitivity of trading profits to
investment delays.
We find that incorporating a 24-hour delay reduces the trading profits by roughly 20%
(from 1.19% to 0.98%). The 72-hour delay results in the trading profits falling further to 0.84%,
an additional 15% decline relative to the 24-hour delay, or a roughly 50% decline relative to the
baseline results. Nevertheless, the 0.84% long-short spread reported in Row 4 is still statistically
than 10%. In addition, we note that the long-only portfolio also generates a highly significant
monthly abnormal return of 0.55%, indicating that the value of the trading strategy is not
Panel B of Table 6 reports analogous results for the unconditional trading strategy. We find
that incorporating bid-ask spreads and investment delays eliminates all of the abnormal returns.
delays, the long-short spread for the unconditional strategies falls to -0.09%. In fact, even
incorporating bid-ask spreads eliminates the trading profits associated with following all NPAs,
indicating that even the most attentive investors would be unable to profit from the unconditional
The evidence from Panel B of Table 6 is consistent with the findings of Barber et al. (2001)
who find that incorporating transaction costs and modest investment delays eliminates the profits
associated with following the recommendations of sell-side analysts. However, our evidence that
investors can profit from conditional strategies contrast with the findings on sell-side analysts. In
particular, Mikhail, Walther, and Willis (2004) consider trading strategies that condition on the
past performance of sell-side analyst recommendations. Like us, they find persistent differences
in stock-picking ability among analysts. However, they find that after incorporating transaction
costs and a three-day investment delay, the returns to both conditional and unconditional trading
strategies are insignificant. This is primarily attributable to the fact that the majority of returns that
accrue to sell-side analyst recommendations are incorporated within three trading days of the
report release.15 In contrast, we find that much of the returns following NPA recommendations,
particularly the most skilled NPAs, are only incorporated into prices with a significant delay.
5. Additional Analysis
A secondary consideration is that the bid-ask spreads in their sample, which pre-dated decimalization, were also
considerably larger.
are associated with more informative research. While past performance is a natural predictor of
future performance, the evidence from the mixture models in Table 2 suggest that a large fraction
of past performance is attributable to luck rather than skill, which points to the possibility that
reports. We emphasize that the objective of this section is not to develop implementable trading
strategies, but rather to simply explore whether any other NPA attributes are associated with more
impactful research.
industry experience, as (self) reported in the NPA’s biography on the SA platform. Prior work
finds that fund managers with a PhD, an MBA, or an undergraduate degree from a top university
are more skilled (see, e.g., Chaudhuri, Ivkovic, Pollet, and Trzcinka, 2020; Chevalier and Ellison,
1999; Li, Zhang, and Zhao, 2011). 16 Accordingly, we include indicators equal to one if the
contributor’s bio mentions having a PhD (PhD), an MBA (MBA), or any degree from a school in
the top 50, as measured by the school’s 75th percentile SAT score based on the 2015 vintage of (Top School). There is also evidence that hedge funds and private equities
funds tend to be relatively skilled (see, e.g., Kaplan and Schoar, 2005 and Kosowski, Naik, and
Teo, 2007), which motivates the inclusion of indicators equal to one if the contributor’s bio
mentions having prior work experience with a hedge fund (HF) or private equity fund (PE).
We also explore whether NPAs who engage with others on the SA platform issue more
informative research. NPAs who read and comment on other SA reports are likely to be more
In contemporaneous work, Farrell et al. (2020) find that retail trading tends to be more informative following SA
research reports written by contributors with better academic qualifications.
be more reliable predictors of future performance than SA research reports (Chen et al., 2014), it
is plausible that NPAs who comment on other reports are likely to be more informed than other
NPAs. We include two comment variables: Self-Comments, the natural log of 1 plus the number
of comments in the past 12-months written by an NPA on any of her own reports (e.g., responding
to other comments about her report), and Other-Comments, the natural log of 1 plus the number
Our final set of variables focus on the extent to which NPAs specialize on certain topics.
To identify topic specialization, we first encode each report as a set of weights among twenty
topics, which we estimate using an unsupervised machine learning technique, Latent Dirichlet
Allocation or LDA (Blei, Ng, and Jordan, 2003). Figure 2 reports the top 10 characteristic words
for each of 20 topics. We find that many of the topics are industry related. For example, Topic 4
includes words like drug, patient, trial, treatment, FDA, etc. and naturally corresponds to the
pharmaceutical industry. However, we also see that there are non-industry topics. For example,
Topic 19 includes words like: deal, management, acquisition, shareholder, value, board, etc. and
We compute two variables that are related to specialization: Within-Report and Across-
Report Focus. Within-Report Focus is calculated as the standard deviation of the topics’ weights
within a report, averaged across the contributor’s prior reports. To calculate Across-Report Focus,
we compute the standard deviation of each topic weight across the contributor’s past reports, and
then calculate the average standard deviation across each of the twenty topics. Thus, Within-
Report Focus measures a contributor’s tendency to write reports that are dedicated to a specific
topic (even if the topics vary over time), while Across-Report Focus measures a contributor’s
topics). To facilitate interpretation, we multiply both variables by negative 1, so that higher values
The dependent variable, 𝛼̂𝑖𝑘𝑡 , is the 63-day six-factor alpha associated with each report k issued
by NPA i at time t, as defined in equation (1). The main variables of interest are past alpha (𝛼̂𝑖10 )
and NPA_Char which includes PhD, MBA, Top School, HF, PE, Self-Comments, Other-
Comments, and Within-Report and Across-Report Focus. We also explore whether the
informativeness of the recommendation varies with firm characteristics. We include the following
firm characteristics taken from Fama and French (2008): market capitalization (Size), book-to-
market (BM), the level of net stock issues (NS), an indicator equal to one if the firm had no new
stock issues (Zero NS), the cumulative stock return over the prior two to twelve months (Mom),
growth in assets (dA/A), profitability (Y/B), an indicator equal to one if profitability is negative
(Neg Y), and the change in operating working capital scaled by book equity (Ac/B). We further
split Ac/B into Pos Ac/B and Neg Ac/B based on whether the values of Ac/B are greater than or less
than zero. More detailed variable definitions are provided in the Appendix. We standardize all
continuous variables to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1, and we cluster standard errors by
Table 7 reports the results. Specification 1 only includes past alpha (𝛼̂𝑖10 ). The results
confirm the findings from the previous analysis that NPA skill is highly persistent. The point
estimate indicates that a one standard deviation increase in contributor skill is associated with a
1.33% increase in the 63-day return associated with the NPA recommendation.
achievement (PhD, MBA, or Top School) or industry experience (HF and PE) are associated with
more informative recommendations. We do find that more engaged NPAs, as measured by Other-
increase in Other-Comments is associated with 0.55% greater alpha over the subsequent quarter.
This contrasts with authors who comment heavily on their own articles: a one standard deviation
explanation for this is that self-comments are often responses to critical questions from skeptical
readers, perhaps as a consequence of unclear or low-quality research reports. We also find that
both focus-related variables are significantly related to returns. A one-standard deviation increase
in Across-Report Focus is associated with a 0.22% increase in 63-day ahead returns, while the
corresponding estimate for Within-Report Focus is 0.24%. We note that while both focus variables
are statistically significant at a 5% level, their magnitude are less than one-fifth of the estimated
Specification 3 includes both past skill and NPA_Char. The inclusion of past skill does not
Focus, and all three estimates remain statistically significant at (at least) a 5% level. Specification
4 adds Firm_Char. We find very little evidence that the informativeness of NPAs
recommendations vary systematically with firm characteristics. Further, the inclusion of the firm
Finally, Specifications 5 and 6 repeat Specification 4 after decomposing the 63-day return
[0,63] into a short-term market reaction [0,1] and a subsequent drift [2,63]. We find that across all
five significant predictors of the 63-day returns (𝛼̂𝑖10 , Self-Comments, Other-Comments, Across-
impounded into prices in the short term. In fact, only one of the four predictors is statistically
significant over the [0,1] holding period (𝛼̂𝑖10 ), and even for this variable the immediate market
The findings from Tables 6 and 7 suggest that much of the differences in skill across NPAs
is not immediately impounded into prices. One plausible explanation for this finding is that
investors simply do not recognize differences in NPA skill. To explore this possibility more
carefully, we examine retail and institutional order imbalances following the release of SA
The dependent variable, OIB, is either retail investor order imbalance (Retail OIB) or institutional
investor order imbalance (Inst OIB). Retail OIB is defined as the difference between daily retail
buy volume and retail sell volume, scaled by total daily retail trading volume, where retail buy and
sell volume are calculated using the methodology of Boehmer et al. (2020). Similarly, Inst OIB is
the difference between daily institutional buy volume and institutional sell volume, scaled by total
daily institutional trading volume, where institutional buy (sell) volume is defined as aggregate
buy (sell) volume less retail buy (sell) volume, and aggregate trading is signed using the Lee and
Ready (1991) algorithm. We measure both retail and institutional trading over the [0,1] interval
Long is an indicator equal to 1 for positive reports, and 0 for negative reports, with reports
being classified as positive or negative using the two-step procedure described in Section 2.1.
NPA_Char includes four NPA characteristics that are significantly associated with report
𝛽1 (𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔) measures whether order imbalances are correlated with the direction of the report
recommendation, and 𝛽2 (𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔 × 𝑁𝑃𝐴_𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟) measures whether this correlation is stronger for
contributors with attributes associated with more informative recommendations. Char is a vector
of firm characteristics (taken from Boehmer et al. 2020) and includes retail or institutional order
imbalances over the prior week (Retail OIB w-1 or Inst. OIB w-1), past one-week returns (Retw-1),
past one month returns (Retm-1), past two to seven month returns (Retm-7,m-2), market capitalization
(Size), share turnover (Turnover), volatility of daily returns (Volatility), and book-to-market (BM).
With the exception of the order imbalance and return variables, all control variables are measured
at the end of the previous year and are in natural logs. The regression also includes date fixed
effects. We standardize all continuous variables to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1, and we
Specification 1 of Table 8 reports the results for retail order imbalances prior to the
inclusion of NPA_Char. Consistent with Boehmer et al (2020), we find that retail order imbalances
are highly persistent and strongly negatively related to past one-week returns. More importantly,
consistent with Farrell et al (2020), we find that that retail order imbalances are strongly related to
NPA recommendations (i.e., 𝛽1 > 0). The point estimate indicates that retail order imbalances are
1.23 percentage points higher following positive reports relative to negative reports.
that retail investors respond more strongly to reports authored by more skilled contributors. None
of the four NPA characteristics are significantly different from zero. The lack of a differential
We exclude Self-Comments since the sign is not in the predicted direction. In untabulated tests, we find no
evidence that order imbalances are correlated with either Self-Comments or Long × Self-Comments.
that retail investors chase fund managers with recent past performance (e.g., Sirri and Tufano,
1998). One critical difference, however, is that mutual fund returns are featured prominently on
websites, brokerage accounts, fund prospectuses, and in the media. In contrast, the past
performance of NPAs is generally not disclosed, which makes the information far less salient. In
this sense, our findings are broadly consistent with a vast literature that suggests that the salience
of information, rather than the information content itself, is often a primary driver of mutual fund
flows (see, e.g., Kaniel and Parham, 2017; Hartzmark and Sussman, 2019; and Clifford, Fulkerson,
Specifications 3 and 4 of Table 8 report the results for institutional order imbalances.
Institutional order imbalances are related to SA report recommendation (i.e. 𝛽1 > 0), although the
magnitude is much smaller than the estimates for retail investors. Institutional order imbalances
are also more strongly correlated with report recommendations when the report is authored by an
NPA who comments on other contributor’s research. However, the estimates for the other three
NPA attributes are economically small and statistically insignificant. Institutional investors failure
to response more strongly to NPAs with stronger past performance is perhaps puzzling since this
strategy earns abnormal returns even after incorporating bid-ask spreads. However, as discussed
previously, incorporating other transactions costs, most notably price impact, may reduce the
appeal of this trading strategy for large institutional investors. Alternatively, it is possible that the
institutional order imbalance measure is dominated by uninformed trading (e.g., index fund
trading, liquidity-motivated trading, and trading of unskilled asset managers). Regardless, the
evidence from Table 8 indicates that neither retail nor institutional investors react more strongly
to research reports authored by contributors with stronger past performance. The lack of a strong
that the investment value of their recommendations is only incorporated into market prices after a
significant delay.
6. Conclusion
this paper, we offer a first look at the cross-section of skill among NPAs contributing investment
research on the Seeking Alpha Platform. We estimate that a substantial fraction (60%) of NPAs
are skilled. More importantly, we document substantial dispersion in skill. In particular, after
accounting for variability due to estimator error, we find that the dispersion in true ability among
NPAs is roughly eight times as large as cross-sectional dispersion in performance across mutual
fund managers.
The market does not fully recognize skill differences across NPAs. A simple transaction-
based calendar time strategy that only follows the recommendations of NPAs in the top quintile of
past performance generates annualized abnormal returns in excess of 10% even after incorporating
bid-ask spreads and allowing for a three-day investment delay. In contrast, an analogous strategy
that follows the recommendations of all NPAs does not generate significant outperformance.
Despite the sizeable trading gains associated with following only the most skilled contributors, an
analysis of retail and institutional order imbalances around NPA recommendations suggests that
Our findings are consistent with much of the recent literature that suggests social media
can have positive effects on financial markets and improve investment decision making. At the
same time, the markets’ failure to incorporate sizeable differences in ability across NPAs suggests
social media sites, or possibly even regulators, should provide more readily available information
about NPA attributes, including past performance, to help investors better recognize differences
in ability.
Monthly Alpha
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017