Network Unit 2
Network Unit 2
Network Unit 2
Protocols are set of rules that help in governing the way a particular technology will function
for communication.
In other words, it can be said that the protocols are digital languages implemented in the form
of networking algorithms.
There are different networks and network protocols, user's use while surfing.
There are various types of protocols that support a major and compassionate role in
communicating with different devices across the network. These are:
It divides any message into series of packets that are sent from source to destination
and there it gets reassembled at the destination.
The IP addresses in packets help in routing them through different nodes in a network
until it reaches the destination system.
Types of files may include program files, multimedia files, text files, and documents,
HTML tags are used for creating links. These links may be in any form like text or
The server acknowledges the request initiated by the client and responds accordingly.
HTTP is used for transferring data between the client browser (request) and the web
server (response) in the hypertext format, same in case of HTTPS except that the
transferring of data is done in an encrypted format.
So it can be said that https thwart hackers from interpretation or modification of data
throughout the transfer of packets.
9. Telnet:
Telnet is a set of rules designed for connecting one system with another.
The system which requests for connection is the local computer, and the system
which accepts the connection is the remote computer.
10. Gopher:
Gopher is a collection of rules implemented for searching, retrieving as well as
displaying documents from isolated sites.
Some other popular protocols act as co-functioning protocols associated with these primary
protocols for core functioning. These are:
o Below layer 1 is the physical medium through which the actual communication takes
o In a layered architecture, unmanageable tasks are divided into several small and
manageable tasks.
o The data is passed from the upper layer to lower layer through an interface. It also
ensures that the implementation of one layer can be easily replaced by another
o A set of layers and protocols is known as network architecture.
o The OSI model is divided into two layers: upper layers and lower layers.
o The upper layer of the OSI model mainly deals with the application related issues, and they
are implemented only in the software. The application layer is closest to the end user. Both the
end user and the application layer interact with the software applications.
o The lower layer of the OSI model deals with the data transport issues. The data link layer
and the physical layer are implemented in hardware and software. The physical layer is the
lowest layer of the OSI model and is closest to the physical medium. The physical layer is
mainly responsible for placing the information on the physical medium.
1. Physical Layer
2. Data-Link Layer
3. Network Layer
4. Transport Layer
5. Session Layer
6. Presentation Layer
7. Application Layer
1) Physical layer
o The main functionality of the physical layer is to transmit the individual bits from one node
to another node.
o It is the lowest layer of the OSI model.
o It establishes, maintains and deactivates the physical connection.
o It specifies the mechanical, electrical and procedural network interface specifications.
3) Network Layer
o It is a layer 3 that manages device addressing, tracks the location of devices on the network.
o It determines the best path to move data from source to the destination based on the
network conditions, the priority of service, and other factors.
o Routers are the layer 3 devices, they are specified in this layer and used to provide the routing
services within an internetwork.
o The protocols used to route the network traffic are known as Network layer protocols. Examples
of protocols are IP and Ipv6.
4) Transport Layer
o The Transport layer is a Layer 4 ensures that messages are transmitted in the order in which
they are sent and there is no duplication of data.
o The main responsibility of the transport layer is to transfer the data completely.
o It receives the data from the upper layer and converts them into smaller units known as
o This layer can be termed as an end-to-end layer as it provides a point-to-point connection
between source and destination to deliver the data reliably.
5) Session Layer
o A Presentation layer is mainly concerned with the syntax and semantics of the information
exchanged between the two systems.
o It acts as a data translator for a network.
o This layer is a part of the operating system that converts the data from one presentation
format to another format.
o The Presentation layer is also known as the syntax layer.
o An application layer serves as a window for users and application processes to access
network service.
o It handles issues such as network transparency, resource allocation, etc.
o An application layer is not an application, but it performs the application layer functions.
o This layer provides the network services to the end-users.
Internet Layer
o An internet layer is the second layer of the TCP/IP model.
o The main responsibility of the internet layer is to send the packets from any network, and
they arrive at the destination irrespective of the route they take.
o The internet layer defines an official packet format and protocol called IP (Internet
o The protocols used by this layer are IP, ARP, ICMP, IGMP
Transport Layer
The transport layer is responsible for the reliability, flow control, and correction of data
which is being sent over the network.
The two protocols used in the transport layer are User Datagram protocol and Transmission
control protocol.
Application Layer
o An application layer is the topmost layer in the TCP/IP model.
o It is responsible for handling high-level protocols, issues of representation.
o This layer allows the user to interact with the application.
o When one application layer protocol wants to communicate with another application layer, it
forwards its data to the transport layer.
o The protocols used by this layer are HTTP, SNMP, SMTP, DNS, TELNET ,FTP
Difference between OSI and TCP/IP
It stands for Open System Interconnection. It stands for Transmission Control Protocol.
OSI model has been developed by ISO It was developed by ARPANET (Advanced
(International Standard Organization). Research Project Agency Network).
It is an independent standard and generic protocol It consists of standard protocols that lead to the
used as a communication gateway between the development of an internet. It is a
network and the end user. communication protocol that provides the
connection among the hosts.
In the OSI model, the transport layer provides a The transport layer does not provide the surety
guarantee for the delivery of the packets. for the delivery of packets.
This model is based on a vertical approach. This model is based on a horizontal approach.
In this model, the session and presentation layers are In this model, the session and presentation
separated, i.e., both the layers are different. layer are not different layers. Both layers are
included in the application layer.
It is also known as a reference model through which It is an implemented model of an OSI model.
various networks are built. For example, the TCP/IP
model is built from the OSI model. It is also referred
to as a guidance tool.
In this model, the network layer provides both The network layer provides only
connection-oriented and connectionless service. connectionless service.
Protocols in the OSI model are hidden and can be In this model, the protocol cannot be easily
easily replaced when the technology changes. replaced.
OSI model defines the services, protocols, and In the TCP/IP model, services, protocols, and
interfaces as well as provides a proper distinction interfaces are not properly separated. It is
between them. It is protocol independent. protocol dependent.
The usage of this model is very low. This model is highly used.