on 20.06.2024 at the test centre Study Feeds German Education Consultants
with the following results:
Core Module 0 100 0 200
Subject Module Mathematics, Computer
0 Science, Natural Science 100 0 200
Total score 138
A description of the TestAS result scales can be found at www.testas.de/zertifikat
This certificate was issued electronically by the
TestDaF Institute and is valid without a signature. The authenticity of the certificate can be checked online.
Participant no. 496801
Test for Academic Studies (TestAS) is a registered trademark
of the Gesellschaft für Akademische Studienvorbereitung und Testentwicklung e. V. (g.a.s.t.) (Society for Academic Study Preparation and Test Development). The development of TestAS was sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors‘ Conference (HRK). The format and item types of the digital TestAS were developed in cooperation with the Department of Differential Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics at the University of Ulm and the Department of Psychological Diagnostics at the University of Kassel.