Outline Comm 215

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2020-05-04, 11:10 AM

COMM 215
Business Statistics
Section EC
Summer 2020
This syllabus is subject to change and any changes will be posted in the Announcements
section of your eConcordia portal.

Disclaimer: In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control,

the content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.

About the Course


Instructor: Dr. Fassil Nebebe

Instructor Contact Information: [email protected]

This email address allows you to contact the Professor directly with any general inquiries. If you have any
questions or concerns about the course, or if there is a delay in hearing back from your TA, please do not
hesitate to use this email.

TA Contact Information: available through the course website

Note: Please email your TA with any questions or concerns you have, or if you require further feedback.
Also, allow for a 24 hour response time during the week (Monday-Friday). Teaching Assistants check their
messages once over the 48 hour weekend period and are not available on statutory or university

Course Description

This course introduces the fundamentals of statistics as applied to the various areas of business and
administration. Topics covered include techniques of descriptive statistics, basic theory of probability and
probability distributions, estimation and hypotheses testing, chi-square tests in contingency table analysis
and for goodness-of-!t, and linear regression and correlation.

Prerequisite: MATH 208 or equivalent and MATH 209 or equivalent; DESC 200 or INTE 290 or COMP 248

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previously or concurrently.

Learning Objectives

This course introduces statistics as a tool for dealing with information in quantitative form. Students will
learn statistical skills that will contribute e"ectively to management and policy formation. This course
aims at helping the student to achieve the following learning objectives:

1. Understand the essentials of business data collection and the identi!cation of di"erent types of
2. Describe collected data using various graphical, tabular and numerical summary methods.
3. Understand the notion of probability and sampling variability and their role in business decision
making for both continuous and categorical data measurements
4. Analyze observational or experimental studies involving multi-dimensional data using the
technique of regression.
5. Use statistical software package and/or EXCEL statistics add-in for the analysis of business data
and the e"ective presentation of statistical !ndings.

Course Materials

The material for this course consists of a required textbook and the COMM 215 course website which
includes the video lectures, assignments and other course material.

Required Textbook

Textbook Title: Business Statistics in Practice: Using Data, Modeling, and Analytics
Author: B. Bowerman, R. O’Connell and E. Murphree
ISBN10: 1259687953 | ISBN13: 9781259687952
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Chapter 1: All Sections; Chapter 5: Sections 5.1 - 5.3; Chapter 9: Sections 9.1 - 9.4;
Appendix 1.1, 1.3 Appendix 5.1, 5.3 for Binomial only Appendix 9.1, 9.3

Chapter 2: All Sections; Chapter 6: Sections 6.1, 6.3, 6.4; Chapter 12: Sections 12.1 -
Appendix 2.1, 2.3 Appendix 6.1, 6.3 12.2; Appendix 12.1, 12.3

Chapter 3: Sections 3.1 - Chapter 13: Sections 13.1 -

Chapter 7: Sections 7.1, 7.2
3.6; Appendix 3.1, 3.3 13.6; Appendix 13.1, 13.3;

Chapter 4: Sections 4.1 - Chapter 8: Sections 8.1 - 8.4; Chapter 14: Section 14.1 - 14.7;
4.6 Appendix 8.1, 8.3 Appendix 14.1, 14.3

This textbook is only available online as an e-book through the course website.

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Once you purchase your account to access the online course, register your Texidiumaccount
The electronic textbook materials can be downloaded from TexidiumWindows or Mac mobile
The electronic textbook materials can be printed in the Texidiumdesktop apps for Windows and
Mac or the online version.

Additional Resource Materials

Minitab,Statistical Software Package – most recent version for data management and analysis
McGraw-Hill’s “Connect”– a web-based assignment and assessment platform accessible via
the publisher’s online learning system

To access Connect for the !rst time, follow the instructions “Connect Registration Instructions” posted
in the Getting Started in the Top Navigation. For all other lessons, click on “Study Activities” component
box to access the Connect activities for that lesson..

The Resources Available in Connect Include in Particular:

All digital learning experience

Online adaptive learning tools (SmartBook®/LearnSmart®)
Online practice questions, videos, interactives
Robust learning and progress reports
Online option of discounted loose-leaf version of the textbook

Note: Commercial uses and unauthorized production and distributions of the provided materials are
strictly prohibited.

Course Website

The course website can be accessed at www.econcordia.com

Your eConcordia account will be valid until the end of the term for which you are registered.

Your account will allow you to access the online course material, which includes videos, notes, discussion
boards, all graded course components, useful links, readings and many more resources from the course
website for the duration of the term.


Graded Assessments

Activity %

Quizzes (best 4 of 6) 10

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Midterm Examination 25

Connect Study Activities 10

Data Analysis Project (DAP) 10

Final Examination** 45

Total 100

**To receive credits for the course, a student must score at least 50% in

the !nal examination.

Description of Graded Assessments

Quizzes: Best 4 of 6 (10%)

Quizzes are administered online through eConcordia Learning Management System. Students must make
sure that they attempt the quizzes with functional equipment and a stable internet connection. You will
NOT be able to redo a quiz if you encounter a computer or connection problem. There will be SIX online
quizzes designed to evaluate the learning outcome of certain topics with conceptual and business
application skill-developing questions. The best 4 of the 6 quiz results will be counted and there is no
replacement quiz for missing (or not able to complete) a quiz, whatever the reasons are.

Quiz 1: On data collection and their description using graphical and tabular methods as well as
numerical measures (material covered in Chapters 1, 2 and 3)
Quiz 2: On basic probability concepts and include all of Chapter 4.
Quiz 3: On the general concepts of discrete & continuous probability distributions (material
covered in Chapters 5 & 6).
Quiz 4: On sampling distributions and their roles in statistical inferences such as interval
estimation (material covered in Chapters 7 & 8).
Quiz 5: On the notion of hypothesis testing, its applications in tests of goodness of !t &
independence (Chapters 9 & 12)
Quiz 6: On measure of association and linear regression analysis (Chapter 13);


The questions of the above quizzes are mainly from the indicated chapters. However, correct
answer to questions may require knowledge of material covered in previous chapters.
Quizzes are at most 60 minutes long and contain multiple-choice questions. They are scheduled
(see Agenda) to be taken independently on scheduled Quiz Day at any one of the time-slots
starting at 16:00 and ending 24 hours later. You must complete your attempt in one instance.

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It is recommended that all quizzes be attempted on campus computers with wired connections.

Midterm Examination (25%)

A midterm exam online has been scheduled for due date/time. The examination has a duration of 90 to
120 minutes, to be written on any time-slot on due date/time. It is based on materials from the relevant
sections of Chapters 1 to 8 of the textbook. The midterm examination will have both multiple-choice
questions and regular word problems to solve and to ‘!ll-in-the-blanks’ with numerical answers.

Study Activities (10%)

Study Activities include assignment and pre-class readings assigned on Connect. Pre-class readings are
expected to cover contents that will be helpful in mastering the material before you attempt the multiple-
choice-questions. They are intended to prepare you for a better chance of answering questions correctly
without guessing. To receive 10%, student must purchase the book with a Connect License which can be
found in the ‘Getting Started’.

Please note that you will receive a participative grade upon completion of all activities completed
on or before due date/time. This activity is used to reinforce your theoretical learning throughout
the course.
Due date/time for CONNECT activities is at 16:00 on Quiz-Day covering those quiz chapters.
Marks for CONNECT activities are based on the average mark of 3 attempts earned
per question.

Data Analysis Project (DAP) (10%)

EXCEL, EXCEL Add-Ins and/or Minitab Statistical Software Package, can be used for this assignment. The
‘Data Analysis Project (DAP)’ is intended to reinforce speci!c methodological objectives treated in the
course to be applied to real case projects, in using the correct models for estimation and testing, the
analyses of results and their presentation, and how statistics are used to answer the business questions.
The project may be done individually or in teams consisting of at most 5 students. Please note the due
date/time for DAP team formation (sign-up Google sheet), access to the assignment and the competed
work uploading.

Final Examination (45%)

The !nal examination is cumulative and worth 45% of the total mark for this course. However, in order to
pass the course, you must score at least 50% of the !nal examination. The !nal examination is
comprehensive and will cover all of the chapters and sections of the textbook listed above. The !nal
examination will have both multiple-choice questions and regular word problems to solve and to ‘!ll-in-
the-blanks’ with numerical answers.

Course-embedded assessment of learning objectives

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Midterm Exam Final Case


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Understand the Essentials of Business Data Collection and the Identi!cation of Di"erent
Types of Measurements

LO 1: Assessed by activities: Quiz 1, Midterm Exam and the Final Examination.

Multiple-choice questions are used in quiz 1, and both the midterm exam and !nal have
multiple choice and word problems formulated in the setting of a short business application
some of which involve di"erent scales of measurement

Describe Collected Data Using Various Graphical, Tabular and Numerical Summary Methods.

Assessed by activities: Quiz 1, Midterm Exam, Final Examination and a Data Analysis Project.
2: The student is asked both conceptual and technical calculation questions in quiz 1, midterm
exam and !nal. In the data analysis project, the student is presented with data from a
business application and asked to summarize the data and draw conclusions using
appropriate methods.

Understand the Notion of Probability and Sampling Variability and Their Role In Business
LO 3:
Decision Making for Both Continuous and Categorical Data Measurements

Assessed by activities: Quizzes 2 to 5, Midterm Exam, Final Examination and a Data Analysis

LO Analyze Observational or Experimental Studies Involving Multi-Dimensional Data Using the

4: Technique of Regression.

Assessed by activities: Quiz 6 and the Final Examination.

There are both multiple-choice and word problems in the !nal exam that present both
hypothetical and real application scenario designed to test the conceptual understanding and
the technical knowledge in regression analysis

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LO 5: Use Statistical Software Package and/or Statistics Add-In for the Analysis of Business Data
and the E"ective Presentation of Statistical Findings

Assessed by activities: Data Analysis Project.

The DAP requires extensive uses of Minitab and/or EXCEL and add-ins for an in-depth data
analysis. The student is required to submit a formal report based on guidelines.

Important Points to note

You MUST read carefully and follow the instructions on the front page of the examination paper.
The !nal examination is run by the Examination O#ce. You should resolve any issues regarding
the !nal examination with the Examination O#ce. Please refer to the “general Final Examinations
regulations”, “room regulations” and “academic code of conduct” on their website

Disclaimer: In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content
and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.


In order to view your grades throughout the semester, click on the My Grades link in your eConcordia

It is your responsibility to ensure your work has been received (to be veri!ed as outlined in your
assignment instructions) and to contact your TA via e-mail for clari!cation if you have any questions
concerning your grades.

Feedback and Grading

The objective of this course is to broaden your knowledge and skills in the area of Business Statistics.
Problem solving sessions in the tutorials will enable you to develop a better understanding of this !eld.
Feedback will be provided to you throughout the course.

At the end of each course, the instructor will submit a letter grade for every student registered. Using the
grade point equivalents listed below, Grade Point Averages (GPA) are calculated for the evaluation of
academic achievement, Honours standing, prizes, and academic standing.

Grading Distribution

The following list provides the equivalent letter and number grades for assignments in this course:

Letter Number

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A+ ≥ 90%

A 90 > x ≥ 85%

A- 85% > x ≥ 80%

B+ 80% > x ≥ 77%

B 77% > x ≥ 73%

B- 73% > x ≥ 70%

C+ 70% > x ≥ 67%

C 67% > x ≥ 63%

C- 63% > x ≥ 60%

D+ 60% > x ≥ 57%

D 57% > x ≥ 53%

D- 53% > x ≥ 50%

F < 50%

* D- is the minimum requirement to pass the course

Third Party Software/Website

Here is an excerpt on Concordia's policy on Educational software or services developed and owned by
third parties, including those linked to textbooks, in-class surveys, lecture capture, virtual classrooms,
course assignments and quizzes can be invaluable tools for the development and teaching of courses.

Third-Party software/websites that require personal information (name, email,

student number, etc.):

Students are advised that external software and/or websites will be used in the course and
students may be asked to submit or consent to the submission of personal information (for
example, name and email) to register for an online service. Students are responsible for reading and
deciding whether or not to agree to any applicable terms of use. Use of this software and service is

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voluntary. Students who do not consent to the use the software or service should identify themselves to
the course instructor as soon as possible, and in all cases before the DNE deadline, to discuss alternate
modes of participation.

Third-party software/websites for work submission:

Students are advised that external software and/or websites will be used in the course and
students may be asked to submit or consent to the submission of their work to an online service.
Students are responsible for reading and deciding whether or not to agree to any applicable terms of use.
Use of this software and service is voluntary. Students who do not consent to the use the software or
service should identify themselves to the course instructor as soon as possible to discuss alternate modes
of participation that do not require them to give copyright or the right to use their work to a third party.

By using the external software or websites, students agree to provide and share their work and certain
personal information (where applicable) with the website/software provider. Students are advised that
the University cannot guarantee the protection of intellectual property rights or personal information
provided to any website or software company. Intellectual property and personal information held in
foreign jurisdictions are subject to the laws of such jurisdictions.

Third-party technology to record a course:

Note that, as a part of this course, some or all of the lectures and/or other activities in this course may be
recorded. Recordings will be focused on the instructor and will normally exclude students. It is possible,
however, that your participation may be recorded. If you wish to ensure that your image are not
recorded, speak to your instructor as soon as possible.

Also, please note that you may not share recordings of your classes and that the instructor will only share
class recordings for the purpose of course delivery and development. Any other sharing may be in
violation of the law and applicable University policies, and may be subject to penalties.

Tutorial Companies

Please note that private tutorial companies, some of whom aggressively promote their services on and o"
campus, are not authorized by Concordia University to distribute $yers on University premises and may
not use Concordia University facilities to promote or provide their services.

Concordia University and its academic departments do not have any a#liation with these companies
even though names such as JMSB, Concordia, or references to speci!c departments often appear in a
visible way. If you are interested in the University’s approved tutoring services, consult the services listed
in your course outline or other services listed on the University’s website.

Important Information

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Topic Link

Academic Integrity Academic Integrity

software or services
Educational Technology
developed and
owned by third

Access Centre for Students with


Concordia Library Citation & Citing - Help & How-

Style Guides to

Course Communication Tools Communication

eConcordia Policies Policies

Final Exams Information Final Exams

Helpdesk/Support FAQ

Refunds Refunds

Technical Requirements

Tips for Studying Online Studying Tips

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COMM 215 - Business Statistics

Summer 2020
All deadlines indicated are on the due date listed by 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.

Week 1: May 4 - May 10

May 04 Classes Begin

May 05 Discussion Board opens at 2 PM.

Week 1: Monday, May 6, 2019 - Sunday, May 12, 2019

Review the Course Outline and Agenda

Navigate the Course Website

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Business Statistics and Analytics (All

Sections; Appendix 1.1, 1.3)

Week 2: May 11 - May 17

Chapter 2: Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Methods &

Descriptive Analytics (All Sections; Appendix 2.1, 2.3)

Chapter 3: Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods and some Predictive

Analytics (Sections 3.1-3.6; Appendix 3.1, 3.3)

May 11 Last day to add or swap courses in this term.

May 11 DNE Date: Academic withdrawal deadline (with tuition refund)

Week 3: May 18 - May 24

Chapter 4: Probability and Probability Models (Sections 4.1- 4.6)

Journée nationale des patriotes (Quebec), Victoria Day (elsewhere in

May 18
Canada) — University closed.

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Data Analysis Project (DAP) Team formation begins (sign-up Google

May 21

May 24 QUIZ 1 on contents covered in Sections of Chapters 1, 2 and 3

May 24 CONNECT-1 Study Activities on Chapters 1, 2, 3, due at 16:00:00

Week 4: May 25 - May 31

Chapter 5: Discrete Random Variables (Sections 5.1 to 5.3; Appendix 5.1,

5.3 for Binomial only)

Week 5: June 1 - June 7

Chapter 6: Continuous Random Variables (Sections 6.1, 6.3, 6.4; Appendix

6.1, 6.3)

June 04 QUIZ 2 on contents covered in Sections of Chapter 4

Week 6: June 8 - June 14

Chapter 7: Sampling Distributions (Sections 7.1, 7.2)

June 10 DAP access opens to assignment at 00:00:01

Week 7: June 15 - June 21

Chapter 8: Con!dence Intervals (Sections 8.1 - 8.4; Appendix 8.1, 8.3)

June 16 CONNECT-3 Study Activities on Chapters 5, 6, due at 16:00:00

June 16 QUIZ 3 on contents covered in Sections of Chapters 5 and 6

June 18 Mid-term break starts

Week 8: June 22 - June 28

Chapter 9: Hypothesis Testing (Sections 9.1 - 9.4; Appendix 9.1, 9.2)

June 24 Mid-term break ends

June 24 Fête Nationale - University Closed

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June 28 CONNECT-4 Study Activities on Chapters 7, 8, due at 16:00:00

June 28 QUIZ 4 on contents covered in Sections of Chapters 7 and 8

Week 9: June 29 - July 5

Chapter 9: Hypothesis Testing (Sections 9.1 - 9.4; Appendix 9.1, 9.3) ...

Chapter 12: Chi Squared Tests (Sections 12.1 - 12.2; Appendix 12.1, 12.3)

July 01 Canada Day - University Closed

Midterm Exam online on contents covered in sections of Chapters 1 to 8.

July 05 Duration: at most 120 minutes, open for access in a window from 18:00 to

Week 10: July 6 - July 12

Chapter 13: Simple Linear Regression Analysis (Sections 13.1 - 13.6;

Appendix 13.1, 13.3)

July 08 DISC Date: Academic withdrawal (without tuition refund)

Week 11: July 13 - July 19

Chapter 13: Simple Linear Regression Analysis (Sections 13.1 - 13.6;

Appendix 13.1, 13.3) ... continued.

Week 12: July 20 - July 26

Chapter 13: Simple Linear Regression Analysis (Sections 13.1 - 13.6;

Appendix 13.1, 13.3) ... continued.

Chapter 3: Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods and some Predictive

Analytics (Section 3.4)...Continued.

July 21 QUIZ 5 on contents covered in Sections of Chapters 9 and 12

July 21 CONNECT-5 Study Activities on Chapters 9, 12, due at 16:00:00

Week 13: July 27 - August 2

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Chapter 14: Multiple Regression Analysis and Model Building (Section 14.1
- 14.7; Appendix 14.1, 14.3)

July 29 Course Evaluation released

August 02 QUIZ 6 on contents covered in Sections of Chapter 13

August 02 CONNECT-5 Study Activities on Chapter 13, due at 16:00:00

Week 14: August 3 - August 9

Chapter 14: Multiple Regression Analysis and Model Building (Section 14.1
- 14.7; Appendix 14.1, 14.3) ... continued.

Week 15: August 10 - August 16

August 10 DAP Report uploading due at 23:00

August 12 Deadline to complete the course evaluation.

August 12 Last day of classes

Examination Period: August 13 - August 18

Exam format: online with MCQ and FitBQ

Final Examination coverage: Comprehensive – All covered
To receive credits for the course, a student must score at least
50% in the !nal examination.

Final Exam date, time and location is posted on your MyConcordia


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