One Word Objective The Earth
One Word Objective The Earth
One Word Objective The Earth
Ans. systematically smashed all gourds to pieces. parents' land was that.........
39. The curio-dealer sold the confiscated (ªf¶°f IYSX³ff) gourd to..... Ans. the hens belonged to Benjy but the land had never
Ans. a wealthy collector in the district for 600 Yen. belonged to his parents.
40. The potential.............are alive in the memory of her 59. It was possible to gauge Benjy's progress by.....
community Ans. thenew chicken houses covering his father’s former land
Ans. catastrophes (°f¶ffWXe). and by the fact that he now employed people to help him.
41. She will have other......... for many of the rituals........of 60. Benjy' parents did not like Florence because..........
pregnancy involve the participation of the others Ans. she had thick heavy legs and loose lips and unreflective
who should support her. grey eyes.
Ans, reinforcements (ÀfbQÐPÞeIYSX¯f), observances(´f½fÊ). 61. When Benjy asked his parents to vacate the front bed
42. In .....societies, except for remarkable accidents, birth room, they..........
is always attended. Ans, they moved without protest.
Ans. non-technocratic, 62. Benjy asked parents to go somewhere else because he.....
43. The description proided by the Amnesty(Af¸f¸ffRÞYe) for Ans. was now the owner of the house,
women of typical muslim marriae was no more than a 63. Henir's parents did not speak when their son drove
coarse........... libel. them down into the town because.........
Ans. abstinence or actual separation of parents. Ans, they were highly aggrieved of Benjys illtreament with
44. Accurate reporting has given place to reporting them and recollect their happy past.
which is at best slipshod and at worst tendentious be 64. India had always been part of the background of
cause it is assumed that ................, my life, but I had............
Ans. readers can be made to believe anything. Ans, never seen it whole and for myself until now.
45. Sensational headlines, fatse emphasis and supposition 65. The very word colour reminds me of the variety of flue
of context are some of the ways to ................ that is Indian life, as ................
Ans, both to distort fact and opinton. Ans. various as our own American human Scene, the special acconplishment of the Press interviewer 66. And India has an amazing way of..........
Ans. Garbling (¦fSXfSmX IYSX³ff) Ans. appearing unexpectedly in other life,
47. The date in the newspaper report had to be changed to... 67. What they did not reckon on, when the ime came,
Ans. conceal(dLX´ff³ff) the fact that the news was already cold. was the .................
48. A simple minded person is............. and .............. Ans. savagery of Nazism and the aggressions of Japan
Ans a simple hearted man, and simple minded man. in Asia.
49. Johnson was more interested in.............. 68. The real indictment against colonialism, however........
Ans, something to do for Benjy. Ans. was to be found in the villages of India.
50. Johnson's possession included ................... READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES AND
Ans. a plough, a two-wheeled can, tools a boay brown mare. STATE WHETHER THEY ARE TRUE OR FALSE
51. Benjy's simplicity seemed gradually to have become..... 1. The tendency of Indian civilization is to elevate the
Ans. a king of cunning moral-being. [Ans. True]
52. Benjy left school at the age of ............ 2. Our distinguishing(d½fVû¿f) characteristic of modern
Ans. fourteen civilization is not an indefinite multiple of human
53. By then Benjy had............hens. wants. [Ans. False]
Ans. forty or fifty. 3. Our civilization, our culture, our swaraj depend upon
54. Benjy's knew about segregating breeds of hens through... multiplying our wants [Ans. False]
Ans, a paper. 4. Dr. Radhakrishan did not brought to the presidency
55. Johnson believed that the earth designed and created mental equipment and a degree of erudition.
by God would.............. [Ans. False]
Ans. one day outgrow its poverty. 5. Nanukaka stood in the doorway of a second class
56. When benjy was 21,his father handed him........... carriage. [Ans. True]
Ans. passbook of the bank, which was opened in his name. 6. America has given the Negro people a bad cheque.
57. Benjy wanted to buy his parents' land to................ [Ans. True]
Ans. put up more incubator houses. 7. We must allow our creative protest to degenerate into
58. The only difference between Benjy's hens and his physical violence. [Ans. False]
55:+ 10/25/2022 4:19 PM Page 5
8. Dr. Radha Krishnan did not brought to the Presidency 35. Long infancy was a biological advantage to mankind.
a mental equipment and degree of erudition. [Ans. True]
[Ans. False] 36. Man's earliest technical skill was devoted
9. According to Zakir Hussain, Dr. Radhakrishnan never increasing their population. [Ans. False]
lost his faith in the essential humanity of man. 37. Congenital skills play a more important role than
[Ans. True] the acquired skills. [Ans. True]
10. Dr. Zakir Hussain was of the opinion that the Process of 38. Unlike birds, human beings can foresee a
constant renewal of our past is indeed the process of catastrophe. [Ans. True]
growth of national culture and national character. 39. Forethought can avert physical danger. [Ans. True]
[Ans. True] 40. The intelligent qualities account for the glory of
11. Dr. Zakir Hussin did not pledge (´fid°fÄff) himself to the man. [Ans. True]
Loyalty of our past cature. [Ans. False] 41. In secure future there are neither worries nor lack
12. Dr. Zakir Hussain stressed upon the need to follow of joy. [Ans. True]
the urge(d½f³f°fe) towards moral development as a free 42. Utilization of fire was a milestone in human progress.
person. [Ans. True] [Ans. True]
13. I had just taken the oath of nationality to the 43. Fire was used only for cooking. [Ans. False]
constitution of India. [Ans. False] 44. Domestication of animals had nothing to do with
14. Dr. Zakir Husain was a great nationalist. [Ans. True] religion. [Ans. False]
15. The individual can grow in full perfection without a 45. Our earliest form of writing was pictorial.(d¨fÂf¸f¹f)
conesponding advance of the collective social [Ans. True]
existence [Ans. False] 46. Invention of agriculture was less imponant
16. The past is dead and static. [Ans. False] domestication of animals. [Ans. False]
17. We can neglect the end-product only at our peril. 47. In course of time (Àf¸f¹f IZY ´ffNëIiY¸f) we have progressed.
[Ans, True] [Ans. True]
18. This dual effort will give to the life of our state a 48. In a traditional society, a pregnant woman has to follow
special flavour [Ans. True] the conventional procedure of child birth. [Ans. True]
19. It was very easy for the narrator to get sent on a 49. Even taboos and prohibitions help to manage
foreign assignment. [Ans.False] anxiety, [Ans. True]
20. Ratiram was the son of Sohanlal Ratiram. [Ans. True] 50. Western women suffer mostly because they have to
21. Sohanlal Ratiram was the Party boss in Delhi. manage everything on theirown. [Ans. True]
[Ans.True] 51. In traditional societies, childbirth is a family affair.
22. Nanukaka went to Lala Sohanlal because they both [Ans.True]
were Zamindars. [Ans.False] 52. The family support and conventional (´ffSX¸´fdSXIY)
23. Nanukaka visited Lala Sohanlal in the guise (·û¿f) procedure lessen the mother-infant mortality.
of an astrologer. [Ans. False] [Ans. Falsel]
24. Nanukaka's meeting with Sohanlal Ratiram was 53. Freedom to live our own lives is more important than
very successful. [Ans. True] prenatal mortality. [Ans.True]
25. The hopes of the Negro population were fulfilled by 54. Western people do not think that all mother-in-laws
the signing of the emancipation (¸fbdöY) are unjust (A³¹ff¹f´fcc¯fÊ) and vindictive(´fid°fVfû²fe). [Ans. False)
Proclamation (§fû¿f¯ff). [Ans. False] 55. Silent opposition in international conferences is not
26. The condition of the Negroes was appalling. a major difficulty in the way of feminists. [Ans. False]
[Ans. True] 56. In many traditional societies the relation between
27. The bank of justic" is bankrupt. [Ans.False] mother and child is more important than that be
28. The author prefers racial discrimination.[Ans. False] tween husband and wife. [Ans. True]
29. The nation could overlook Negro problems. 57. For Sylheti women, the whole matter of pregnancy is
[Ans. False) one of celebration [Ans. True]
30. The Negroes of America had citizenship rights. [Ans. False) 58. Garlands of turmeries and garlic are worn to please
31. The author hates the white Americans. [Ans. False) gods. [Ans. False]
32. He advocates non-violent struggle. [Ans. True] 59. The songs they sing are about the lives of women in
33. Ideas help mankind. [Ans. True] Bengal. [Ans. True]
34. Survival was never a problem for homo sapiens. 60. Visiting mother's house is one of the rewards of
(Ans. False) pregnancy. [Ans. True]
55:+ 10/25/2022 4:19 PM Page 6
61. In Bangladesh Rupthoka is a kind of sweet dish. his parents in the other. [Ans.True]
[Ans. False] 80. Benjy paid utmost attention to his ageing parents.
62. All technological changes cause social developments. Ans. [False]
[Ans. True] 81. Lomov is a neighbour of the Stepanova.[Ans. False]
63. Child birth in modern hospital is more bratal. [Ans. True] 82. He wore the morning coat to attend a party. [Ans. False]
64. Press is free everywere. [Ans. True] 83. Mr. Choobookov becomes angry to know Lomov's
65. There is no internal censorship on the press. [Ans, True] desire. [Ans. False]
66. Proprietors(¸ffd»fIY) have their personal interests 84. Lomoy is a man of nervous temperament.[Ans.True]
as well. [Ans.True] 85. Natalia is a quiet and peace loving lady. [Ans. False]
67. Advertisers contribute to the revenue of the news paper. 86. The ownership of Ox-Meadows is disputed. [Ans. True]
[Ans.True] 87. Pearl S. Buck had an Indian family doctor. [Ans. True]
68. The author was very fond of gardening and keeping cats. 88. The Mongolian from Europe invaded Kashmir.
[Ans. False] [Ans. False]
69. The author had delivered 20,000 words in the space 89. According to the writer, the Indians belonged to
of an hour and a quarter. [Ans. False] the Caucasian race. [Ans.True]
70. To misrepresent a man's attitude and opinion is no 90. The first woman President of the General Assembly
offence. [Ans. False] of the United Nations was an Indian. [Ans.True]
71. To get misleading(¦fb¸fSXfWX IYSX³fZ ½ff»ff) statements 91. The writer wanted to listen to four groups of people.
corrected is very easy. [Ans. False] [Ans.False]
72. Any public person is subtly made to feel that if he 92. The young Indian intellectuals were disappointed
offends the press he will suffer for it. [Ans.True] with the English rule. [Ans. True]
73. The press can make or break reputation. [Ans.True] 93. Indians were willing to fight in the Second World
74. Johnson was a hard-working man. [Ans.True] War at England's command. [Ans. False]
75. Johnson was interested in preaching. [Ans.True] 94. Indians believed in the nobility of means to achieve
76. Johnson had an insane son. [Ans. False] a noble end. [Ans. True]
77. Benjy hated his hens. [Ans. False] 95. The worst effect of colonisation was seen in towns,
78. With the arrival of Florence as Benjy's wife, the in the form of unemployment. [Ans. True]
house was filled with happiness. [Ans. False] 96. Indians, under the British rule, had a life span of
79. Benjy and his wife lived in one part of the house and just twenty seven years. [Ans. True]
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