Procedure To Update IMO Supplements
Procedure To Update IMO Supplements
Procedure To Update IMO Supplements
Attached the email update zipped file. Copy and save the update zipped file to the desktop folder of the
e-reader installed computers.
1) Open the e-reader and use the "Internet Updates" function and choose the "Available Updates - Last
checked dated______" tab.
2) Click on the "Import email update".
3) Direct the location of the above email update zipped file that you have saved. This will automatically
import the update to your e-reader.
4) Now select the 'Downloaded Updates' folder and you will notice the above-mentioned supplement
would have been imported with the respective description annotation. Double click on the latest
supplement to view the text contents.
1) Open the e-reader and use the "Internet Updates" function and choose the "Available Updates - Last
checked dated______" tab.
2) Click on the "Check for Content Update".
3) A pop up appears “Do you wish to check for updates now?” Select “Yes”.
4) Now select the 'Downloaded Updates' folder and you will notice the above-mentioned supplement
would have been downloaded with the respective description annotation. Double click on the latest
supplement to view the text contents.