SLTS Circular 2024

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Aum Sri Sai Ram

State Educational Coordinators
Tamil Nadu

AllDistrict Presidents/District Educational Coordinators

Dear Sai Brother/Sister,

Sai Ram!

The State Level Talent search for the students of Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas of Tamil Nadu will be held on
25th December 2024 at Coimbatore (exact venue will be intimated later).
1. There willbe State level talent search for all the events of all the three groups. Hence students of
Group 1, Group II and Group I students willbe participating in this State Level Talent search.
2. The results of all the District level events should reach the respective State Educational Coordinator
with acopy to the respective State President by 30th November 2024.
3. Date of birth of the participants should be furnished. The following age limit should be strictly

Group Age Date of birth should be between

I 5-9 years 25-12-2015 to 24-12-2019

9-12 years 25-12-2012 to 24-12-2015

III 12 -16 years 25-12-2008 to 24-12-2012

General 14 -18 YEARS 25-12-2006 to 24-12-2010

4. Please follow the eligibility criteria as given below:

The participants in Group I should have been in Balvikas for a minimum period of SIX
The participants in Group II should have been in Balvikas for a minimum period of ONE YEAR.
The participants in Group III & GENERAL category should have been in Balvikas for a
minimum period of THREE YEARS.
Students who have passed the Group II exam but are eligible age wise to participate in Group II
events can do so provided they continue to attend Balvikas classes regularly.
Students who have completed Group Il and are eligible age wise to still participate in Group II
events,can do so provided they continue to attend Group III classes regularly.
Children participating in Group II events should have definitely appeared for the Group II
exams. However, there is no such requirement for GENERAL category.
Aum Sri Sai Ram

One student can participate in a maximum of two individual events only or One group
event and one Individual event subject to the following conditions.
Students cannot participate in two group events. For example, a student participating in
Devotional Singing cannot participate in Altar Decoration or Namakam.
Students participating in Quiz cannot participate in Drawing and vicc versa.
Students participating in Quiz or draving eannot partieipate in any group event. However,
they can participate in any other individual event along with Quiz or Drawing. For
cxample, a student partieipating in Quiz or Drawing can participate in Shloka chanting or
Bhajan or Elocution or Veda,
The students who have already secured 1" position in any event cannot compete again in the
same event in the same group.
Please visit to access the audios of:
Bhajans for Group I &Bhajans for Group lI
Slokas for Group I, Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatam &Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotharam
Bhagawad Gita for Group II&Bhagawad Gila &Bhaja Govindam for Group II
Vedam chanting for Group I, Group II &Group II
List of Group I & Group II bhajans (asper syllabus) eligible for 2024 Talent Search

GROUP I-Syllabus Bhajans GROUP I-Syllabus Bhajans

1. Jaya Guru Omkara 1. Shri Ganesha

2. Krishnam Vande 2. Hara Shiva Shankara

3 Jai Durga Lakshmi 3. Govinda Rama

4 Jai Radha Radha 4. Jaya Jaya Rama

5. Gopala Gopala 5 Gopala Radhey Krishna
6. Alakh Niranjana 6. Jai Jai Jai Manamohana

7 Jai Jai Ram 7. Gangadhara Hara HaraShambho

8. Shaila Girishwara 8 Sitaram Nam Bhajo
9 Om Namo Bhagavate 9. Hari (4) Smaran Karo

10. Mahaganapate 10. Jai Jai Durge

11. Hey Shiva Shankara 11. Hey Madhava
12. Govinda Hare 12. Gurupada RanjanaRam
13. Shiva Shambho 13. Allah Tumho
Aum Sri SaiRam

14. Om Shri Ram Jai Ram 14. Ram Hare Sai Krishna Hare

15. Govinda Krishna Vitthale



S.No.Group -I Group-II Group -Im

1 Bhajans Bhajans - Boys Bhajans - Boys
2 Bhajans Girls Bhajans Girls
District 3 Slokas Slokas - Boys Slokas - Boys
4 Slokas - Girls Slokas Girls
5 Vedam Vedam - Boys Vedam - Boys
6 Vedam - Girls Vedam -Girls
Tamizh chants Tamizh chants -Boys Tamizh chants - Boys
(Individual Tamizh chants - Girls Tamizh chants - Girls
Events) 9 Story Telling(E) Elocution (E) Elocution (E)
10 Story Telling(T) Elocution (T) Elocution (T)
11 Drawing Drawing Drawing
12 Quiz for General category

District and Altar Decoration

State Level
2 Devotional Singing
(Group Events) Namakam Chanting

Please read the following detailed instructions:

Group I Category Topic/Theme/Syllabus Number of Other details as
1 Participants applicable

1 Bhajans Any 5 bhajans from Group I ONLY ONE Click hereto visit
syllabus (Students to bring their STUDENT from our Website
list of 5 songs) each district
One Boy or One
INDIVIDUAL Click here to visit
Slokas Group-I Slokas, ONLY ONE
EVENTS STUDENT from our Website
Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatam,
Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotharam 1-54 each district
One Boy or One
Aum Sri Sai Ram

3 Vedam Ganapathi Prarthana ONLY ONE Click here to visit

Shivopasana Mantram STUDENT from Our Website
Chanting each district
Narayana Upanishad
Kshanna Prarthana One Boy or One
ONLY ONE 5 minutes
Story How did you learm "Ceiling on
Desires" from the life of STUDENT from
Telling each district
English Young Sai?
One Boy or One
5 oTLD SVruulit ONLY ONE 5minutes
Telling - STUDENT from
Tamizh each district
sTÙUIG D_T0H STÜ? One Boy or One
Twameva Matha Cha Pita ONLY ONE Quarter size chart
Drawing STUDENT from Time- One hour
each district
EVENTS One Boy or One
Tamizh Audio & lyrics will be shared ONLY ONE The student
STUDENT from selected for this
Chants shortly event should not
each district
One Boy or One be participating in
Girl Bhajans

Group II S1. Category Topic Themme/Syllabus Number of Other details as
N Participants applicable

Bhajans - Any 10 bhajans from Group II ONLY ONE Boy Click here to visit
Boys syllabus from each district our Website
(Students to bring their list of
2 Bhajans - Any 10 bhajans from Group II ONLY ONE Girl Click here to visit
Girls syllabus from each district our Website
(Students to bring their list of
GROUP II 10 songs)
3 Slokas - Bhagawad Gita Slokas ONLY ONE Boy Click here to visit
INDIVIDUAL Boys (Group 2), from each district our Website
EVENTS Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatam,
Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotharam,
Group I slokas
4 Slokas - Bhagawad Gita Slokas ONLY ONE Girl Click here to visit
Girls (Group 2), from each district our Website
Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatam,
Sri Sathya Sai Ashtotharam,
Group I slokas
5 Vedam Mantrapushpam, Durga Suktam ONLY ONE Boy Click here to visit
Chanting -|Purusha Sukhtam, Neela Suktam from each district our Website
Aum Sri Saí Ram

Vedam Mantrapushpam, Durga Suktam ONLY ONE Girl Click here to

Chanting Purusha Suktam, Neela Suktam from cach district yisit our
Girls Website
Elocution - Voice of Godcan be heard only in ONLY ONE 5 rminutes
English the depth of Silence. STUDENT from each
One Boy or One
Elocution - ONLY ONE 5 rminutes
Tamizh STUDENT from each
One Boy or One
Drawing Patram pushpam phalam toyarn ONLY ONE The student
STUDENT from each should Not
district participate in
INDIVIDUAL One Boy or One Quiz or any
Girl Other Group
10 Tamizh Audio&lyrics will be shared ONLY ONE Boy The student
Chants from each district selected for
this event
Boys should not be
in Bhajans
11 Tamizh Audio & lyrics will be shared ONLY ONE Girl The student
Chants from each district selected for
Girls this event
should not be
in Bhajans

Group III SI. Category TopicTheme/Syllabus Number of Other details as
No. Participants applicable
1 Bhajans A set of 5 bhajans not forming ONLY ONE Boy Click here to visit
Boys part of the syllabus bhajans (can from each district our Website
be sourced from Sundaram
Bhajans or Sri Sathya Sai
Bhajans Official YouTube
&&Any 10 bhajans from Group II /
GROUP III Group I syllabus
(Students tobring their list of 15
EVENTS 2 Bhajans - A set of 5 bhajans not forming ONLY ONE Girl Click here to visit
Girls part of the syllabus bhajans (can from each district our Website
be sourced from Sundaram
Bhajans or Sri Sathya Sai
Bhajans Official YouTube
&Any 10 bhajans from Group II /
Group I syllabus
Aum Sri Sai Ram

(Students to bring their list of 15

3 Slokas - BhagawadGita (Group 3) ONLY ONE Boy
Boys slokas, from cach district Click here to visit
Bhagawad Gita (Group 2) Qur Website
Bhaja Govindam slokas,
Group I slokas, Sri Sathya Sai
Suprabhatam, Sri Sathya Sai
4 Slokas - ONLY ONE Girl
Bhagawad Gita (Group 3) Click here to visit
Girls slokas, from each district
Qur Website
Bhagawad Gita (Group 2)
Bhaja Govindam slokas,
Group I slokas, Sri Sathya Sai
Suprabhatam, Sri Sathya Sai
Vedam Narayana Sukhtam, ONLY ONE Boy Click here to visit
Chanting Medha Sukhtam, Bhuu from each district our Website
Boys Sukhtam, Sri Sukhtam
Vedam Narayana Sukhtam, ONLY ONE Girl Click here to visit
Chanting - Medha Sukhtam, Bhuu from each district our Website
Girls Sukhtam, Sri Sukhtam
Elocution Dil mey Ram, Hath mey ONLY ONE 5 Minutes
- English Kaam" - How do you follow STUDENT from
this in your life? each district
One Boy or One
8 Elocution D6Tslo TrDT, STIGoflá) ONLY ONE 5 Minutes
Tamizh STUDENT from
each district
56DLMgslpru? One Boy or One
(contd..) Girl
Drawing Everything is a reflection of ONLY ONE The student
inner being STUDENT from should Not
each district participate in
B0DTaliT LlrgUsÜGu! One Boy or One Quiz or any
Girl Other Group
10 Tamizh Audio & lyrics will be shared ONLY ONE Boy The student
Chants shortly from each district selected for this
event should not
be participating in
GROUP II 11 Tamizh Audio & lyrics will be shared ONLY ONE Girl The student
Chants selected for this
shortly from each district
event should not
be participating in
Aum Sri Sai Ram

(contd..) 12 Quiz for Summer Showers in Brindavan ONLY ONE The student should
General 1973 - Discourse based on STUDENT from Not participate in
Category Bhaja Govindam each district Drawing or any
Other Group
One Boy or One Event
Group SI. Category Topic/Theme/Syllabus Number of Other details as
Events No. Participants applicable
1 Altar All the groups will be uniformly A GROUP of 4 Time Duration -
Decoration provided the necessary materials BOYS from each Maximum One
Boys for altar decoration District can hour
participate in this
event, It can be a mix
of Group II and II
2 Altar Allthe groups will be uniformly AGROUPof 4 Time Duration
Decoration provided the necessary materials GIRLS from each Maximum One
Girls for altar decoration District can hour
participate in this
event. It can be a mix
of Group II and II

3 Rudram Audio &lyrics will be shared A group of 2-4 Boys

Namakam shortly (minimum 2,
Chanting maximum 4) from
Boys Group 2 and/or
Group 3 can
participate in this

4 Rudram Audio & lyrics will be shared A group of 2-4 Girls

GROUP II Namakam shortly (minimum 2,
Chanting maximum 4) from
Girls Group 2 and/or
Group 3 can
participate in this

GROUP I 5 Devotional Audio & lyrics will be shared Agroup of 3-5 Boys
GROUP II Singing shortly (minimum 3,
Boys maximum 5)from
GROUP II groups 1, group 2
and/or group 3 can
participate in this

GROUP I 6 Devotional Audio & lyrics will be shared Agroup of 3-5 girls
GROUP II Singing Shortly (minimum 3,
& Girls maximum S)from
GROUP I groups 1, group 2
and/or group 3 can
participate in this
Aum Sri Sai Ram

GENERAL Quiz Summer Showers in Brindavan ONLY ONE

(14 -18 yrs) 1973 - Discourse based on Bhaja STUDENT from
Govindam each district
One Boy or One

Please note carefuly,the number of students per event eligible to participate from each District at the
State Level events:

Group Individual Events Number of students eligible to participate from

each District at the State Levyel
Tamizh Chants ONLY ONE STUDENT per event
from each district
Story Telling English -Either One boy OR One Girl
Story Telling Tamil

Elocution English ONLY ONE STUDENT per event

Elocution Tamil from each district
Drawing -Either One Boy OR One Girl

& Sloka TWO STUDENTS per event from each district
Vedam One boy AND One Girl
Tamizh Chant

GENERAL ONLY ONE STUDENT from each district

(14-18 yrs) One Boy OR One Girl

Groups Group Events Number of students eligible to participate from each

District at the State Level
Altar Decoration Mix of Group II and Group II students
& ONE GROUP per district consisting of
II 4 girls and ONE GROUP per district consisting of 4
Aum Sri Sai Ram

Devotional Singing Mix of Group I, Group II and Group IIstudents

ONE GROUP per event consisting of
3-5girls and ONE GROUP per event consisting of
3-5 boys.
Rudram Namakam Chanting Mix of Group II and Group II students
ONE GROUP per event consisting of
2- 4 girls and ONE GROUP per event consisting of
2-4 boys.
Please see annexure for judging parameters and procedures,

Allare advised to gothrough the annexure in detail

Slokas Bhaavam-5 marks, Tune -5 marks, Pronunciation -10 marks, Memory -10marks
(30 marks) (Total 30 marks)
Meanings not to be asked for any Group
(Individual For Group l, the judges may assess the child in the Group Isyllabus:
Event) any sloka appearing in the Group I syllabus,
Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatam &
Sri Sathya Sai Ashtothara Shata Namavali 1-54,
For Group II, Judges to assess the children in the Group II syllabus:
Sri Sathya Sai Ashtothara Shata Namavali 55- 108.
In addition to Group II syllabus, Judges can also assess child in the Group Isyllabus:
any sloka appearing in the Group I syllabus,
Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatam &
Sri Sathya Sai Ashtothara Shata Namavali 1-54.
However, more weightage to be given for the Group II syllabus.
For Group II, Judges toassess the students in the Group III syllabus
Bhagawad Gita slokas for Group III
Bhaja Govindam slokas
In addition to Group IIsyllabus, Judges can also assess the student in Group IIsyllabus:
Bhagawad Gita slokas for Group II
Sri Sathya Sai Ashtothara Shata Namavali 55 - 108.
Apart from the above, Judges can also assess the student in Group I syllabus:
any sloka appearing in the Group I syllabus,
SriSathya Sai Suprabhatam &
Sri Sathya Sai Ashtothara Shata Namavali 1 - 54.
However, more weightage to be given for the Group III syllabus.
Slokas-Boys & Slokas-Girls -to be judged as 2separate events for Groups II & III

Participants have been advised to mandatorily follow the same tune, intonation and
metre as given in the audioS made available in our Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Website
Aum Sri Sai Ram

and hence the judges are required to ensure adherence of the same, by the

The event coordinators are therefore required to send out the Group-wise audios
and syllabus (strictly as given in the Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas website) along with this
circular and these guidelines to the judges, in advance.
Bhajans Shruthi- 10 marks, Bhaavam-10 marks, Ragam - 10marks, Taalam -10 marks,
(50 marks) Memory & Pronunciation -10 marks
(Individual Group I-Participant students to bring their list of 5bhajans from Group I syllabus
Group II-Participant students to bring their list of 10 bhajans from Group IIsyllabus
Group III-Participant students to bring their list of Sbhajans NOT forming part of
Group I / II syllabus but featuring in Sundaram bhajans or Sri Sathya Sai
Bhajans Official YouTube Channel and another list of 10 bhajans from
Group VII syllabus bhajans
Bhajan-Boys & Bhajan-Girls tobe judged as 2 separate events for Groups II & II
Judges are requested to find out the sruthi from the participants and set the
same in the harmonium/sruthi box.

Participants have been advised to mandatorily follow the samne raga,

intonation and metre as given in the audios made available in our Sri Sathya
Sai Balvikas Website and hence judges are required to ensure adherence of
the same, by the participants
The event coordinators are therefore required to send out the Group-wise audios
and syllabus (strictly as given in the Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas website) along with this
circular and these guidelines to the judges, in advance.

Vedam Pronunciation-15 marks, Bhaavam-5 marks, Intonation-15 marks,

Chanting Memory-15 marks. (Total 50 marks)
Vedam-Boys & Vedam-Girls to be judged as 2 separate events for Groups II & III
Event) While assessing the participants, Judges are requested to note the following:
a) The participants are to be assessed in the specific syllabus content of
that Group only.
b) Meanings not to be asked.
c) Participants have been advised to mandatorily follow the same intonation and
metre as given in the audios made available in our Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas
Website and hence the judges are required to ensure adherence of the same, by
the participants.

The event coordinators are therefore required to send out the Group-wise audios
Aum Sri Sai Ram

and syllabus (strictly as given in the Sri Sathya Sai Balvikaswebsite) along Wi
circular and these guidelines to the judges, in

Elocution Presentation, Content and Language -10 marks each

& English Story/Elocution and TamilStory/Elocution judged as separate events and
StoryTelling hence separale prizes awarded for English and Tamil Story/Elocution events.
(30Marks) The judges to note the time once the student starts his or her story / elocution. 1ne
(Individual Judges to permit the student to render the narration / elocution for the full iive
Event) minutes without any questions /reminders of time etc in between.
If the student exceeds the prescribed time, judges tonote the same for appropriau
consideration at the time of assessment.
Drawing Theme, colour coordination and layout-10marks each
(30marks) Drawing to be done on a quarter size chart for Group I.
Drawing to be done on a half size chart for Groups II &II.
The drawing should depict /represent the themeltopic only through the drawing. There
(Individual should be no or very minimum writing (Only the topic and a maximum of 5 to o
Event) words) on the chart. Judges are requested to assess accordingly.
Devotional Shruthi- 10 marks, Bhaavam-10 marks, Ragam-10marks, Taalam - 10 marks,
Singing Memory & Pronunciation -10 marks, Harmony- 10 marks
(60 marks)
Devotional Singing - Girls AND Devotional Singing - Boys to be judged as separate
events and separate prizes awarded for Girls and Boys.
Minimum of 3students and Maximum of 5 students can participate in this
(Group Group event
Event) The participants are to be assessed in the specific songs of that Group
accompaniments, only
The students can sing in their comfortable scale/shruthi. No
harmonium / sruti box for setting the sruthi.
send out audios and weblinks
The event coordinators are therefore required to
in advance.
along with this circular and these guidelines to the judges,
Pronunciation-10 marks, Memory-10marks.
Tamizh Chants Bhaavam -5 marks, Tune-5 marks,
(30 marks) (Total 30 marks) judged as 2 separate events for
Tamil Chant -Boys & Tamil Chant -Girls to be
(Individual Group 2 and Group 3.
requested to note the following:
While assessing the participants, Judges are only.
in the specific content of that Group
a) The participants are to be assessed
b) Meanings not to be asked. mandatorily follow the same tune and metre as given
c) Participants have been advised to
inthe audios made available along with the
circular and hence the judges are required to
ensure adherence of the same, by the
to send out the Group wise audios
The event coordinators are therefore required adyance.
and these guidelines to the judges, in
and weblinks along with this circular
Aum Sri SaiRam

Quiz GENERAL CATEGORY (14- 18 years)

Discourse based on Bhaja Govindam
Based on: Summer Showers in Brindavan 1973 -
English book in Pdf format attached to this circular.
the books given here and the
Event) The Quiz will be based only on the content of the above
only from
participants should mandatorily respond to the Quiz questions
mentioned content and not from other references or sources.
Rudram Pronunciation-15 marks, Bhaavam-5 marks, Intonation-15 marks,
Namakam Memory-15 marks. (Total 50 marks)
Chanting 4 students can participate in this
Y Mininmum of 2 students and Maximum of
(50 marks)
Group event
separate events
Namakam -Boys & Namakam -Girls to be judged as 2
(Group Event) Group II and or Group II students.
Y1he participating group can have a mix of note the following:
While assessing the groups, Judges are requested to
MeaningsS not to be asked.
intonation and
Participants have been advised to mandatorily follow the same
our Sri Sathya Sai Bålvikas
metre as given in the audios made available in
of the same, by
Website and hence the judges are required to ensure adherence
the participants.
Group-wise audios
The event coordinators are therefore required to send out the
website) along with this
and syllabus (strictly as given in the SriSathya Sai Balvikas
circulár andthese guidelines to the judges, in advance.
30 marks)
Altar Aesthetics, Resource Management & Teamwork -10 Marks each (Total
Decoration As this is a group event, the participating group can have a mix of Group II
and Group III students.
(30 Marks)

(Group Event)
While assessing the groups, Judges are requested to note the following:
The overall presentation must befit Swami's altar - it must be able to create an
ambience of a Holy Place and set a spiritual tone.
Whether the group has been able to utilize fully the space allotted to them, and all
the materials given in an optimalmanner, withinthe prescribed time limit.
Whether each member has contributed to the overall presentation and whether the
team has exhibited a sense of comradeship and team spirit while decorating the


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