Safety Pe2 Group-3
Safety Pe2 Group-3
Safety Pe2 Group-3
• It is state of being safe;
freedom from the occurrence
of risk or injury, danger or loss.
• “Practicing exercise safety
helps optimize the health
benefits of a fitness routine”.
• Temperature regulation
• Hydration and fluid replacement
- Fluid intake is the most important
nutritional factor during competition.
Dehydration is a concern during any
physical activity. Atheletes should aim
to drink regularly rather than wait
until they become thristy is often poor
indicator of hydration.
• Fluid requirements very
remarkably between athletes
and between exercise situations.
Fluid losses and the onset of
dehydration are affected by:
- Genetics - some people innately
sweat more than others.
- Body - larger athletes tend to
sweat more than smaller athletes.
- Fitness - fitter people sweat
earlier in exercise and larger