In this book, based on a South African lullaby and folk story, a boy and his father come up with a plan to save the townspeople from a giant, Abiyoyo.
Here are several activities
you and your child can do Tambourines together after watching this Just as in the video about Abiyoyo, you can episode. make your own music with a tambourine.
You will need:
• 2 paper plates Giant, May We Cross Over? • stapler or tape • dry beans or peas Everyone can play this game. The • crayons or markers more players you have, the merrier. Use crayons or markers to color the bottom side of 1. Establish a “safe zone” at each end the paper plates to make them very special. Staple of the playing field. A total space of together the two plates with the coloring on the about 25 feet is ideal. 2. The “Giant” stands on one safety outside. Leave a small opening to insert the beans or line, the rest of the players line up peas. Then finish stapling the two plates together so along the other safety line facing the the beans or peas won’t fall out. “Giant.” 3. As a group, players ask, “Giant, may You are ready to shake, rattle and roll! Enjoy making we cross over?” your own music. Try and keep time with music 4. The “Giant” answers, “Not unless playing on the radio or television! you…(wear something red, have brown hair, have on white sneakers, OPTION: If you have no paper plates, use a plastic are a girl, have the letter P in your or cardboard container with a lid, such as a margarine name, and so on…) 5. Players who qualify can pass to the tub or snack food can. Cover the outside with paper other side. Other players try to make and decorate. Place dried beans or peas inside. a run for it. If caught by the “Giant” the players change roles and the game resumes with a new “Giant.”
Visit Your Community Library
Here are some books you can check out on your next trip to the library
◆ Blackberry Ink by Eve Merriam
◆ Ayu and the Perfect Moon by David Cox ◆ Peter and the Wolf adapted by Sergei Prokofiev Episode 35