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Q1class7th Respiration

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Q1. Fill in the blanks. Q12. What is produced during anaerobic
i. In cockroaches, air enters the body respiration in muscles that causes cramps?
through ____________.
ii. During heavy exercise, we get Q13. What is cellular respiration?
cramps in the legs due to the
accumulation of_________________. Q14. What is breathing rate?
iii. Normal range of breathing rate per
minute in an average adult person at rest Q15. Why smoking should be avoided?
iv. During exhalation, the ribs Q16. What are spiracles?
v. Breathing is a part of the process Q17. Why we should eat regularly?
Q18. What is a stomata and what is its
Q2. True/False function?
i. During heavy exercise the breathing
rate of a person slows down. ___ Q19. What is breathing?
ii. Gills are well supplied with blood
vessels for exchange of gases. _____
iii. Plants carry out photosynthesis only Q20. What is inhalation and exhalation?
during the day and respiration only at
night. ________ Q21. How do frogs breathe?
iv. Frogs breathe through their skins as
well as their lungs. _______ Q22. Name some animals that breathe
v. The fishes have lungs for through lungs.
respiration. ________
vi. The size of the chest cavity Q23. Why do mountaineers carry oxygen
increases during inhalation. _________ with them?

Q3. What are some common uses of Q24. Why should we cover our nose while
Yeast? sneezing?
Q25. How does respiration occur in
Q4. Name an organism that can survive in earthworms?
the absence of air.
Q5. How do earthworms breathe? Q26. What role does hair present in the
nasal cavity play in the process of
Q6. What does a breath mean? respiration?
Q7. What is cell? Q27. What is normal range of breathing
Q8. What are all organisms made up of? rate per minute in an average adult person
at rest?
Q9. Name the respiratory organ of birds.
Q28. Why do we get muscle cramps after
Q10. What forms the floor of the chest heavy exercise?
Q29. What happens during exhalation?
Q11. What are the end products of
anaerobic respiration? Q30. What happens during inhalation?
Q31. What happens to the air we breathe Q49. Why do we respire?
Q50. List the similarities and differences
Q32. How does respiration work in yeast? between aerobic and anaerobic
Q33. Why are yeasts used to make wine
and beer? Q51. How do we breathe?
Q52. Take three test-tubes. Fill ¾ th of
Q34. What is the function of gills in fish?
each with water. Label them A, B and C.
Keep a snail in test-tube A, a water plant in
Q35. How do plant roots respire? test-tube B and in C, keep snail and plant
Q36. Why do we feel hungry after a both. Which test-tube would have the
physical activity? highest concentration of CO ? 2

Q37. What is anaerobic respiration? Q53. Write one word for the following:
i. The air tubes of insects - ___________
Q38. Do the plants also respire? ii. Skeletal structures surrounding
chest cavity - _____________
Q39. When we release our breath after iii. Muscular floor of chest cavity -
holding it for some time, we had to ______________
breathe heavily. Why it was so? iv. Tiny pores on the surface of leaf -
Q40. How does exchange of gases take v. Small openings on the sides of the
place in insects? body of an insect - _____________
Q41. When and where does anaerobic vi. The respiratory organs of human
respiration occur in humans? beings - _____________
Q42. What is the percentage of oxygen vii. The openings through which we
and carbon dioxide in inhaled and exhaled inhale - ___________
air? viii. An anaerobic organism - __________
ix. An organism with tracheal system -
Q43. Why do we get relief from cramps ___________
after a hot water bath or a massage?
Q54. Whales and dolphins often come up
Q44. Why do we often sneeze when we to the water surface. They even release a
inhale a lot of dust-laden air? fountain of water sometimes while moving
upwards. Why do they do so?
Q45. How does respiration occur in plants?
Or Q55. Explain the mechanism of breathing
How do the plants breathe in oxygen? with the help of an activity.

Q46. What parts of the human body are

involved in respiration?

Q47. How do the cockroaches breathe?

Q48. Why does an athlete breathe faster

and deeper than usual after finishing the

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