Life Processes
Life Processes
Life Processes
Q1.What is the most important characteristic of living organism? Q2.Why are viruses in the border of living and nonliving? Q3. Define life processes? Q4.Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirement of the body? Q5. Define photosynthesis Q6. Name the stored carbohydrate of plants and animals? Q7. Explain the events of photosynthesis. Q8. Name the mode of nutrition (i) food is digested outside the body (ii) nutrition is derived from other organism without killing (iii) whole material is taken and digested inside body. Q9. What are the functions of saliva? Q10. Name the enzyme present in saliva and its function? Q11. Which gland of stomach secretes gastric juice? Q12. What are the three constituents of gastric juice and its constituents? Q13. Why do herbivores have longer small intestine than carnivores? Q14.What is the secretion of liver and its function. Q15. Explain the functions of pancreas? Q16. What are the end products of carbohydrate, fat, protein digestion? Q17. Give schematic figure showing break down of glucose by various pathways. Q18. Differentiate between aerobic & anaerobic respiration.(Hint-product, energy, site, oxygen dependence) Q19. Why does muscle cramp take place after vigorous exercise? Q20. Name the energy currency of body. Q21. What happens to the energy released in respiration process? Q22. What are the two factors on which diffusion of gases between plants and environment depends? Q23. Why is breathing rate much faster in aquatic organism than others? Q24. Why do fish open and close the mouth and operculum during respiration? Q25. What are the characteristics of respiratory surface? Q26. Why does trachea has rings of cartilage? Q27. What is the function of balloon like structure of lungs? Q28. Explain mechanism of breathing. Q29. What do you mean by residual volume of air? What is its function? Q30. Name the respiratory pigment of our blood? In which component is it present? Q31. Why respiratory pigment is required for transportation? Q32. What is the average surface of our lungs? Q33. What type of tissue is blood? Q34. Name the three substances transported by blood? Q35. Name the organ and their function in transportation? i. Pumping organ. ii. Network of tubes. iii. Repair and damage network Q36. What is the advantage of separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in 4chambered heart? Q37. Name the device that measures blood pressure? What is the normal blood pressure of human beings? Q38. Differentiate systole and diastole?
Q39. Differentiate artery and vein with respect to i. Wall ii. Direction of blood flow. iii. Valves Q40. Why are capillaries thin walled? Q41. Name the blood vessel where arteries and vein join? Q42. Write the functions of Platelets. Q43. Write the functions of blood cells. Q44. Differentiate blood and lymph? Q45. The wall of ventricle is thicker than atrium. Why? Q46. Write the functions of Valve. Q47. Name the blood vessel that: i. Carries blood to lungs. ii. Brings blood to heart from lungs. iii. Carry deoxygenated blood to heart. iv. Take oxygenated blood to body part. Q48. Why do plants need low energy than animals? Q49. What are the two cells of Xylem that transport water? Q50. Differentiate between xylem and phloem. Q51. How does water enter into root cells from soil? Q52. Name the process of movement of ions into the root cells. Q53. How does water rise in tall trees? Q54. Which process transports soluble products of Photosynthesis? Q55. Name two materials transported by phloem tissue. Q56. In which form photosynthate is transported in phloem tissue? Q57. Explain the mechanism of transport of photosynthate? Q58. Define excretion? Q58. What are the main organs of excretion? Q59. Name two main constituent of urine. Q60. Describe the mechanism of urine formation. Q61. Name three causes that reduce the activity of kidney. Q62. What are the various ways of excretion by plant? Q63. Draw the labeled diagram of: i. Main organs of excretion in human. ii. Main organs of respiration. iii. Digestive system. iv. Human heart. v. Nutrition in Amoeba. vi. Stomata. vii. Glomerulus.