Product Catalog - Analytik Jena Life Science (2014)

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Products and

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Products and
Applications 2014

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Life Science unlimited

Research for life Strong brands fuel the growth and the
international expansion

Researchers in the life sciences study the structures and Analytik Jena is a case study of organic growth and
behavior of living organisms — and the field is experiencing sensible international expansion, with a sense for growth
extremely fast growth. The markets of the future are those markets — a talent evidenced in particular when the
throughout the world where increasing standards of living company successfully expanded its Life Science product
are generating a disproportionately high demand for biotech area within just a few years. The process was accompanied
products, and Analytik Jena is keeping a very close eye on by the acquisition of promising companies that round out
those markets. The company offers its customers one-stop the product portfolio. The competencies underlying the
shopping for all of the instruments and consumables they Biometra, CyBio and UVP brands are having a tremendous
need to obtain results from a sample. The product portfolio impact under the Analytik Jena umbrella and hold enormous
encompasses over 500 reagents and kits, including those potential for the future. Likely the most important sign of this
for nucleic acid isolation, PCR and pathogen analyses. The new direction came when the company made the largest
company’s in-house expertise is protected by 150 patents. acquisition of its 23-year history. In purchasing UVP, LLC
of the United States, Analytik Jena not only acquired one
of the world’s leading providers of digital imaging systems
Bundling expertise under one roof for applications in proteomics, genomics, and plant and
animal research — the company also obtained a respected
firm with a long tradition and an excellent team. The move
A key priority for Analytik Jena is being able to support significantly strengthens the Life Science unit, supplementing
its customers with powerful systems throughout every and rounding out its product portfolio through the inclusion
phase of analysis. Continuously expanding its expertise of a broad range of new in vivo and in vitro systems —
allows Analytik Jena — both the parent company and its the latter ranging from basic gel documentation devices
subsidiaries — to offer its customers a diverse portfolio. to expanded, integrated instruments for fluorescent,
The range of products and services includes DNA isolation, chemiluminescent and colorimetric imaging and quantitative
robotics, standard and real-time PCR instruments, a variety analysis.
of detection methods, and molecular diagnostic kits for
food and water analysis. Automated, high-throughput
screening systems for the pharmaceutical industry remain
part of this extensive portfolio.
A number of instruments are defining new standards in
their fields and enjoying considerable prestige among users
throughout the world.

Always a step ahead with innovation Creating value, retaining value — maintenance
packages from Analytik Jena

Analytik Jena’s broad research and development expertise As Analytik Jena continues to expand its product portfolio,
currently encompasses 30 innovative projects, allowing the company’s sales and service network is becoming
the company to go on the offensive for its life science increasingly comprehensive and productive. The focus of this
customers. As standards of living rise around the globe — development is on robust products with long service lives,
even in developing and emerging economies — demand products that live up to the quality standards represented by
for biotech and molecular diagnostic products is increasing the “Made in Germany” label.
at a disproportionately high rate. And innovation is the In order to ensure high sample throughput and stable test
key to meeting that demand. Analytik Jena recognizes its results over long periods of time, Analytik Jena offers its
customers’ needs and is systematically pressing ahead customers three maintenance packages that include a variety
with innovation management for a diverse array of kits, of instrument care and testing services. These maintenance
maintaining its focus both on the quality and quantity of options begin with the Economy Package, which includes
innovation, and, most importantly, on the speed at which the performance testing, small repairs and reconditioning
company develops marketable solutions. services for worn parts. They progress to the Standard
To this end, the company has recently joined forces with Package, which provides additional calibration services.
its subsidiary AJ Innuscreen to introduce an innovative Finally, there is the Premium Package, and customers opting
technology for enriching and isolating freely circulating DNA. for this also benefit from automatic software updates,
Based on a novel PME (polymer mediated enrichment) personal telephone assistance, and replacement units while
method, this technology allows researchers to study the their instruments are being repaired — all in addition to the
DNA that circulates freely in a variety of bodily fluids, such as services already listed.
plasma, serum, and urine. This type of research is becoming
increasingly important in medical applications, such as sports
medicine, non-invasive prenatal diagnostics, diagnostics
for metabolic diseases, and diagnostics and monitoring
for tumor diseases. The new Analytik Jena PME method
is extremely easy and fast, and does not require large
quantities of reagents.

Let‘s make a Deal
ƒƒ Up-to-date product offers available 24/7
ƒƒ Monthly customer promotions for a wide variety
of products and consumables
ƒƒ Attractive discounts

If you work with our instruments every day, you

should be rewarded for your loyalty and for your
interest in our products. Becoming a premium
member of „Life Science exclusive“ will save you



w w


Laboratory Notebook
Order your own laboratory notebook in
Analytik Jena | Life Science design.

Whether you are scientist or student, laboratory notebook is an essential part of each
research project. With the laboratory notebook of Analytik Jena you are perfectly able to
document your laboratory research and daily work results.

ƒƒ High-quality Analytik Jena | Life Science design

ƒƒ Table of content for your personal structure
ƒƒ Including introduction and conversion table
ƒƒ Size: 120 pages in A4 format (squared paper)

Order information

Order number Quantity

844-MA205-2 1 piece

New Products

PME - Polymer Mediated

Enrichment Products

ƒƒ Unique and novel: enrichment system for extraction

of free-circulating DNA
ƒƒ Easy handling, high efficiency and extremely time
ƒƒ Processing of starting sample volumes up to 5 ml
for Serum/Plasma and 10 ml for urine
ƒƒ Novel, patent pending technology: Polymer Medi-
ated Enrichment (PME)

More information on page 79

innuCONVERT Bisulfit Kits

ƒƒ Optimized Products for Epigenomics
ƒƒ Easy sample purification
ƒƒ Different starting material, e.g. purified DNA
samples, FFPE sections, FFPE tissue plugs, Cell lines,
Bronchial aspirates, swabs, peritoneal cavity fluid,
pleural effusions, sputum, Fresh tissue
ƒƒ Only liquid reagents for conversion and desulfonation
ƒƒ Time-safety Conversion System

More information on page 143 and page 144

VYOO® Multiplex PCR pathogen

detection (Sepsis)

ƒƒ Identifies DNA of 99% of sepsis-relevant pathogens

and key antibiotic resistance-factors
ƒƒ Combines proprietary pathogen-DNA enrichment
technology and highly multiplexed PCR
ƒƒ Culture-independent detection using whole blood
ƒƒ Therapy-relevant diagnostic information within
7 hours

More information on page 197

New Products

LOOXSTER® Enabling Technology

ƒƒ Reduction of mammalian DNA background in DNA

isolates intended to be used for highly sensitive
PCR analysis
ƒƒ Separation of DNA-molecules based on interaction
with non-methyl CpG dinucleotides
ƒƒ High DNA capacity (up to 300 µg/application) and
simple protocol (less than 1 hour)
ƒƒ Manual LOOXSTER® Enrichment kit and instru-
mented preanalytical workflow (LOOXSTER®
Blood & Tissue DNA Kit-KFFLX) available

More information on page 81 and page 132

PureProve® Concept
ƒƒ Consumables for high sensitivity DNA-amplification
assays sensitive to contaminating DNA
ƒƒ Clean room technology minimizes contamination
risks in production, filling and packaging
ƒƒ Plastics are treated with ethylene oxide to destroy
contaminating DNA
ƒƒ Other components are specially treated to destroy or
remove DNA
ƒƒ Each production lot complies to our elaborate quality
assurance criteria

More information on page 131

PCR UV Cabinets and Workstations

ƒƒ Up to three built-in shortwave (254 nm) UV tubes

for decontamination between experiments
ƒƒ Timer sets UV exposure up to 12 h
ƒƒ Safety shut-off switch automatically turns the UV
light off when door is opened
ƒƒ Keylock prevents accidental exposure of samples to UV
ƒƒ Unique, easy-clean antimicrobial coating on the stain
less steel and aluminum surfaces
ƒƒ Different sizes: Cabinet or Workstation to meet each
individual need

More information on page 376

New Products

ChemStudio product line

ƒƒ Imager for chemiluminescence, fluorescence
and colorimetry, upgradeable for NIR/multi-
plexing imaging applications
ƒƒ Selection of highly sensitive, cooled CCD
cameras with fixed-focal-length or zoom lenses
(motorized or manual zoom)
ƒƒ Light-tight darkrooms with large front door and
unique UVsafe gel viewer window
ƒƒ Available as a PC-operated unit or as stand-
alone instrument with integrated color touch-
ƒƒ Easy-to-access filter wheel with to up to five
ƒƒ Integrated overhead (epi) white light for opti-
mum illumination and focusing

More information on page 362

GelStudio Systems
ƒƒ Computer based systems and designed to
provide high functionality with easy-to-use
operating interfaces
ƒƒ GelStudio line also offers instruments with
integrated computer
ƒƒ VisionWorksLS gel analysis software is included
in all GelStudio systems
ƒƒ Brilliant images of fluorescence and colorimet-
ric applications
ƒƒ Monochrome, scientific grade CCD camera for
black & white images
ƒƒ Extraordinary compact systems are designed
for fast saving and printing of gels

More information on page 343

New Products

InnuPure® C96
ƒƒ New and compact design
ƒƒ Adjustable elution volumes (50 - 500 μl)
ƒƒ Ready-to-use purification kits for easy handling and
for the extraction of high quality nucleic acids
ƒƒ Preparation of up to 96 samples in parallel
ƒƒ Preprogrammed extraction protocols for optimal
ƒƒ Minimum number of manual steps
ƒƒ Optimized lysis by using an integrateable thermal

More information on page 292

SpeedMill PLUS Accessories

ƒƒ Sample Holder P12 - Sample Holder in aluminium
design for up to 12 sample, passive cooling function
and storage down to -80 °C
ƒƒ Sample Holder P20 - Sample Holder in aluminium
design for up to 20 sample, passive cooling function
and storage down to -80 °C
ƒƒ Tube Fixation- Lock to fix Lysis Tubes, optimized for
usage of innuSPEED Lysis Tube Q (spike)

More information on page 284


Kits and solutions for nucleid acid isolation

1 Product overview............................................................................................................ 16
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment............................................................. 26
3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer.......................................................88
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction........................................................................ 104
5 Extraction control..........................................................................................................138
6 Epigenomic.....................................................................................................................142

Reagents for molecular biology

1 PCR: polymerases and master mixes....................................................................150
2 cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents .......................................................155
3 Real-time PCR: master mixes...................................................................................158
4 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives...................................................... 160

Kits and reagents for diagnostics

1 Product overview......................................................................................................... 168
2 Human diagnostics.......................................................................................................169
3 Sepsis................................................................................................................................195
4 Food quality control.....................................................................................................201
5 Environmental analysis ..............................................................................................212
6 Veterinary diagnostics.................................................................................................215
7 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases...........................................................................218
8 Antibodies and proteins............................................................................................. 224

Mobile diagnostics
1 MobiLab – Your lab to go.......................................................................................... 246
2 Kits for Mobilab.............................................................................................................251
3 ePaTOX II..........................................................................................................................261


1 Mixing and homogenization..................................................................................... 270
2 Automated nucleic acid isolation........................................................................... 286
3 Spectrophotometer..................................................................................................... 296
4 Liquid handling............................................................................................................. 304
5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler...................................................................................314
6 rapid PCR thermal cycler............................................................................................ 326
7 Standard PCR thermal cycler................................................................................... 336
8 BioImaging...................................................................................................................... 342
9 General laboratory equipment................................................................................ 376

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material...................................................... 384
2 Microplates, tubes, strips and foils......................................................................... 388
3 Consumables for KingFisher ® systems................................................................ 393
4 Pipetting tips.................................................................................................................. 394

1 LABbase® – The LIMS Standard............................................................................. 400
2 readyLIMS® – A compact solution for small partners..................................... 404
3 ENMO®hydro – Automated water quality monitoring..................................... 406
4 AJ Blomesystem in the field of Life Science...................................................... 408

1 Order information.........................................................................................................412
2 Information......................................................................................................................413
3 Numerical index............................................................................................................414
4 A – Z index........................................................................................................................421

Analytik Jena | Life Science offers a comprehen-
sive range of kits for nucleic acid isolation as well
as enzymes, Reagents and additives for PCR.

We also focus on protein analysis and molecular

diagnostic kits.

Kits and solutions for nucleid acid isolation

1 Product overview 16
1.1 Description of product groups 16
1.2 Selection chart for DNA extraction 18
1.3 Slection chart for RNA extraction 24

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment 26

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA 26
2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA 40
2.3 Isolation of plasmid DNA 52
2.4 Cleanup products 58
2.5 Isolation of total RNA 63
2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA 71
2.7 Enrichment 78
2.8 Additional reagents for nucleic acid extraction 82

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer 88

3.1 Isolation of DNA 88
3.2 Isolation of RNA 94
3.3 Lysis Tubes 98

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction 104

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16 104
4.2 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C96 117
4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher -systems

5 Extraction control 138

5.1 Control kits for food diagnostics 139
5.2 Control kits for tick diagnostics 140
5.3 Control kits for internal control 141

6 Epigenomic 142
6.1 Epigenomic solutions and kits 142

1.1 Description of product groups

innuPREP Kits blackPREP Kits

1 Product overview

The innuPREP extraction and purification systems have been The blackPREP Kits are a new product line of specialized kits for
developed for a very fast and efficient isolation of DNA and/or RNA isolation of DNA and/or RNA from different kinds of complex start-
from different kinds of starting materials. The isolation procedure ing materials. The extraction procedure is based on a new patented
is based on a new kind of chemistry, which allows the isolation of technology and combines a very fast and efficient lysis step with
nucleic acids with high yield and quality. The isolation procedure the subsequent binding of DNA or RNA on a Spin Filter surface. The
consists of lysis of starting material, binding of the DNA or RNA on Spin Filter bound nucleic acids are washed and finally eluted using a
the surface of a Spin Filter column, washing of the bound nucleic low salt buffer. All kits are optimized for a specific application to get
acids and its final elution. All steps are performed by means of a maximum yield and high quality DNA or RNA.
table centrifuge.

innuEASY Kits innuSPEED Kits

The innuEASY Kits allow to speed up nucleic acid extraction All innuSPEED Kits are optimized kits for the complete isolation of
processes. Due to the absence of the former necessary steps to nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from various starting materials. These
isolate the nucleic acid, the extracted DNA or RNA can be used im- kits contain special Lysis Tubes with application specific beads for
mediately after a few minutes for further downstream applications. the usage of a homogenizer (e. g. SpeedMill P12 or SpeedMill PLUS).
The extraction procedure is based on a new patented technology. It Furthermore the kits also contain all other components needed for
combines a fast sample lysis of the starting material using a unique the extraction of nucleic acids from the homogenized sample. The
two components formula of solid Reagents. Therefore the whole mechanical disruption of the sample as well as the proteolytic lysis
procedure is finished within 1 hour (sample lysis and rapid PCR) by step take place inside the Lysis Tube. Following the DNA or RNA is
minimal hands on time. All Reagents for sample lysis and amplifica- bound to a Spin Filter membrane, washed and finally eluted. Both,
tion of the nucleic acid are provided in the kit. the yield and quality of the isolated nucleic acids are excellent.

innuPREP Kits - KFml innuPREP Kits - KFFLX

The innuPREP Kits KFml have been developed for the automatic iso- KFFLX innuPREP kits have been specifically adapted to the operating
lation of nucleic acids by using the extraction system KingFisher ml. features of the KingFisher ® FLEX automated extraction system. All
These kits are based on the isolation of nucleic acids by magnetic products contain the consumables and solutions needed for highly
particles. The kits contain all necessary Reagents for the extraction, efficient DNA and/or RNA isolation, which is based on the use of
as well as all needed consumables for the KingFisher processors. specially developed magnetic particles.

1.1 Description of product groups

innuPREP Kits - IPC16 innuPREP Kits - IPC96

1 product overview
All innuPREP-IPC16 kits contain pre-filled, sealed Reagent Strips/ The innuPREP Kits -IPC96 are optimized for the usage of the
Plates, allowing operators to use the InnuPure® C16 for automating InnuPure® C96 and predestinated for extremely fast and efficient
nucleic acid isolation with as few manual steps as possible. The isolation of DNA or RNA from different starting materials. The kits
piercing feature of this unit eliminates the need for removing the contain specialized magnetic or paramagnetic beads, which will be
sealing foil, making potential cross-contamination a thing of the processed in an automized nucleic acid extraction robot. The nucleic
past. Plus, customers can choose between Reagent Strips (for pre- acids to be isolated are adsorbed to surface functionalized magnetic
paring individual samples) and Reagent Plates (for processing up to or paramagnetic particles. Further the kits contain the required extrac-
16 samples in parallel). Following the highly efficient lysis process, tion chemistry, which is optimally adapted to the application or used
nucleic acids are bound to magnetic or paramagnetic particles, starting material and facilitates the isolation of very pure nucleic acids
washed and, in a final step, eluted into a separate vessel. with excellent yields. For extraction up to 96 samples in parallel.

LOOXSTER® PureProve®

LOOXSTER® is a technology for the enrichment of bacterial and The PureProve® concept: following suitable processes for reducing
fungal DNA in DNA isolates containing predominant amounts contamination with DNA, all system components. Clean room
of mammalian DNA. Resulting DNA is available for all kinds of technology minimizes contamination risks in production, filling and
downstream applications. LOOXSTER® is an enabling technology packaging. The plastics are treated with ethylene oxide to destroy
enhancing the efficiency of downstream applications. All system contaminating DNA and other components are specially treated to
components are PureProve® level assuring low risk of foreign destroy or remove DNA. Each production lot complies to our elabo-
DNA contamination. LOOXSTER® enrichment-effect is achieved rate quality assurance criteria.
by the specific affinity of LOOXSTER® for non-methylated CpG
dinucleotides. DNA extracts containing a mixture of predominantly
methylated host DNA and minute amounts of bacterial or fungal
DNA are incubated under stringent conditions with LOOXSTER®.
Under these conditions LOOXSTER® binds to DNA-molecules
containing non-methylated CpG dinucleotides. A stringent washing
step removes methylated DNA and finally enriches bacterial and
fungal DNA can be eluted.

innuAMP Tests

The innuAMP Tests can easily be used for the confirmation of a

successful DNA extraction. The verification is done by amplification
of a specific DNA sequence and the final visualization of the PCR
products on an agarose gel. The test avoids false negative results of
any downstream application and is used as a control of the extrac-
tion procedure.

1.2 Selection chart for DNA extraction

Manual DNA extraction I



innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Direct Kit

x – Recommended Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Masrer Kit

innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit

innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit Plus

innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit
innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit
(x) – Recommended with

innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit


innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit

innuPREP DNA Micro Kit

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A

innuPREP Stool DNA Kit
innuPREP DNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

innuPREP Virus DNA Kit

innuPREP Forensic Kit
Sample type
Catalog page 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 42 43 44 45 74 75 53 54
Agarose gel (TBE or TAE)
Backing powder
(virus, bacteria)
Bacterial cell pellets (x) x
(gram+ & gram-)
Bacterial suspension x
Blood x x x x x x
Bone powder x
Bronchoalveolar lavage x
Cartilage material
Cell culture supernatants x (x) x
Cell cultures (virus) x (x) x
Cell-free body fluids (virus) x (x) x
Chewing gum x
Cigarette butts x
Coffee powder
(virus, bacteria)
Dental floss x
Dust (virus, bacteria)
Eucaryotic cells x x (x)
Finger nails x
Flour (virus, bacteria)
Food Material after
Forensic material x
Fungi x
Fungi spores
Hairs, barb hairs, hair roots x
Mycobacteria x
Mycoplasma x
Paraffin-embedded tissue x x (x)
PCR Fragments
PCR reaction mixes

innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit

innuPREP Plasmid Rapid Kit

innuPREP Plasmid Small Kit

innuPREP PCRpure Kit

innuPREP PCRpure 96 Kit

innuPREP Gel Extraction Kit

innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit

innuPREPDYEpure Kit

blackPREP Swab DNA Kit

blackPREP Rodent tail DNA Kit



blackPREP Food DNA I Kit


blackPREP Tick DNA Kit


blackPREP Tick DNA / RNA Kit


blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit


innuSPEED Tissue DNA Kit

Manual using


innuSPEED Plant DNA Kit


innuSPEED Soil DNA Kit


innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit


innuSPEED Stool DNA Kit

1.2 Selection chart for DNA extraction

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material 1.2
1.2 Selection chart for DNA extraction

Manual DNA extraction II



x – Recommended Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Direct Kit

(x) – Recommended with

innuPREP Blood DNA Masrer Kit

innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit


innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit Plus

innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit
innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit
1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit

innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit

innuPREP DNA Micro Kit

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A

innuPREP Stool DNA Kit
innuPREP Plant DNA Kit

innuPREP Virus DNA Kit

innuPREP DNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Forensic Kit

Sample type
Catalog page 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 42 43 44 45 74 75 53 54
Pepper (virus, bacteria)
Plant material x
Plasma (virus) x (x) x
Plasmid x x
Powder (virus, bacteria)
Rodent tails x
Saliva x
Saliva stains x
Salt (virus, bacteria)
Sand (virus, bacteria)
Serum (virus) x (x) x
Sperm stains x
Spicery (virus, bacteria)
Sputum (Mycobacteria) x
Stamps and envelopes x
Stool x x
Sugar (virus, bacteria)
Swabs x x x (x) x
Tea (virus, bacteria)
Tissue samples x x (x) x x x (x) x

Virus (from various sources) x (x) x

Washing detergent
(virus, bacteria)

innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit

innuPREP Plasmid Rapid Kit

innuPREP Plasmid Small Kit

innuPREP PCRpure Kit

innuPREP PCRpure 96 Kit

innuPREP Gel Extraction Kit

innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit

innuPREPDYEpure Kit

blackPREP Swab DNA Kit

blackPREP Rodent tail DNA Kit


blackPREP Food DNA I Kit


blackPREP Tick DNA Kit


blackPREP Tick DNA / RNA Kit


blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit


innuSPEED Tissue DNA Kit

Manual using


innuSPEED Plant DNA Kit


innuSPEED Soil DNA Kit


innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit


innuSPEED Stool DNA Kit

1.2 Selection chart for DNA extraction

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material 1.2
1.2 Selection chart for DNA extraction

Automated DNA isolation

Automated DNA extraction usingI InnuPure®


InnuPure® C16 InnuPure® 96

innuPREP innuPREP

innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit – IPC16

innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit – IPC96

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit – IPC16
innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit – IPC16

innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit – IPC96

innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit – IPC16
x – Recommended Kit

innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit – IPC16

(x) – Recommended with limitations

innuPREP Swab DNA Kit – IPC16

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

innuPREP Stool DNA Kit – IPC16

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit – IPC16

innuPREP Food DNA Kit - IPC16


innuPREP Forensic Kit - IPC16
innuPREP DNA Kit – IPC16

Sample type
Catalog Page 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 118 119
Bacterial cell pellets (gram+ & gram-) x

Blood x x x x

Bone powder x
Bronchoalveolar lavage (Mycobacteria) x
Cell culture supernatants (virus) x x
Cell-free body fluids (virus) x x

Cerebrospinal fluids (virus)

Chewing gum x
Cigarette butts x
Dental floss x
Eucaryotic cells x
Finger nails x
Food Material after cultivation x
Forensic material x
Hairs, barb hairs, hair roots x
Lichens x
Liquor (virus)
Mycobacteria x

Mycobacteria cell pellets x

Paraffin-embedded tissue x

Plant material x

Plasma (Virus) x x

Rodent tails x
Saliva stains x

Serum (Virus) x x

Sputum (Mycobacteria) x

Stamps and envelopes x

Stool x x x

Swabs x x x x

Tissue samples x x (x)

Virus (from various sources) x x

innuPREP DNA I Kit – KFmL


innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit – KFmL



innuPREP Virus DNA Kit – KFmL


innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit – KFmL


innuPREP Tissue DNA Kit – KF96 & KFFLX



innuPREP Stool DNA Kit – KF96 & KFFLX


innuPREP Blood DNA Kit – KFFLX

Automated DNA extraction using KingFisher ®

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit – KFFLX


PureProve® Blood & Tissue DNA Maxi Kit-KFFLX


LOOXTER® Blood & Tissue DNA Kit-KFFLX


innuPREP Plant DNA Kit - KFFLX


innuPREP DNA/RNA Virus Plus Kit-KFFLX
1.2 Selection chart for DNA extraction

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material 1.2
1.3 Slection chart for RNA extraction

Manual and automated RNA extraction


innuPREP blackPREP innuSOLV

x – Recommended Kit

innuPREP Blood RNA Midi Direct Kit

(x) – Recommended with
1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit


innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit

innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit
innuPREP RNA Midi Direct Kit

blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A
innuPREP Blood RNA Kit
innuPREP Micro RNA Kit

innuPREP Plant RNA Kit

innuPREP Virus RNA Kit

innuSOLV RNA Reagent

innuPREP RNA Mini Kit

Sample type
Catalog Page 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 73 74 75 50 51 87
Backing powder (virus, bacteria) x
Bacterial cells (gram+ & gram-) x x x x x
Blood x x
Cell culture supernatants (virus) x x x
Cell cultures (virus) x x x
Cell-free body fluids (virus) x x x
Cerebrospinal fluid (virus) x x x
Coffee powder (virus, bacteria) x
Dust (virus, bacteria) x
Eucaryotic cells x x x x x
Flour (virus, bacteria) x
Fungi x
Fungi spores
Liquor (virus)
Paraffin embedded material (virus) x x
Pepper (virus, bacteria) x
Plant material x
Plasma (virus) x x x
Powder (virus, bacteria) x
Salt (virus, bacteria) x
Sand (virus, bacteria) x
Serum (virus) x x x
Soil (virus, bacteria) x
Spicery (virus, bacteria) x
Stool samples x
Sugar (virus, bacteria) x
Swabs (virus) x x x
Tea (virus, bacteria) x
Ticks x
Tissue samples x x x x x x x x
Virus (various sources) x x x
Washing powder (virus, bacteria) x
Yeast cells x

innuSPEED Tissue RNA Kit

innuSPEED Plant RNA Kit

Manual using

innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi RNA Kit

innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - IPC16


innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - IPC96

InnuPure® C16 and C96
Automated using InnuPure®

innuPREP Virus RNA Kit – KFmL



innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit – KFmL





134 innuPREP RNA Virus Plus Kit – KFFLX


innuPREP BTV RNA Virus Kit – KFFLX

Automated using KingFisher ®




x innuPREP DNA/RNA Virus Plus Kit - KFFLX
1.3 Slection chart for RNA extraction

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material 1.3
2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

Isolation of genomic DNA

Kits of the innuPREP and blackPREP product groups contain optimized
solutions for isolating genomic DNA from human, animal and plant
starting materials.

The kits utilize well-established Spin Filter technology to extract

excellent yields of high-quality genomic DNA. Nucleic acids are available
2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA within a very short period of time for further downstream applications
englisch or for direct storage.

innuPREP blackPREP
x - Recommended
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(x) - Recommended with limitations

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Direct Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Masrer Kit

blackPREP Rodent tail DNA Kit

innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit
innuPREP DNA Micro Kit

blackPREP Swab DNA Kit


innuPREP DNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit

innuPREP Forensic Kit

Cataloge page 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Blood x x x x x x
Blood sticks/ FPE samples x x
Whole blood 50 µl x x
Whole blood up to 300 µl x
Whole blood 0.3 -1 ml x
Whole blood 0.5 - 2 ml x (x)
Whole blood 0.5 - 5 ml x
Bone powder x
Chewing gum x
Cigarette butts x
Dental floss x
Eucaryotic cells x x (x)
1x 106 cells x x
5x 10 cells
x (x)
Finger nails x
Forensic material x
Fungi x
Hairs, barb hairs, hair roots x
Mycoplasma x
Paraffin-embedded tissue x x
Plant material x
Up to 100 mg x
Fresh x
Frozen x
Dried x
Rodent tails x x
0.5 - 1 cm x x
Mouse tail 0.5 - 1.2 cm x
Rat tail 0.2 - 0.6 cm x
innuPREP D

innuPREP D

innuPREP B

innuPREP B

innuPREP B

innuPREP B

innuPREP P
innuPREP F



2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

Cataloge page 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Blood x x x x x x
Blood sticks/ FPE samples x x
Whole blood 50 µl x x
Whole blood up to 300 µl x
Whole blood 0.3 -1 ml x
Whole blood 0.5 - 2 ml x (x)
2.1 Whole
Isolation of- genomic
blood 0.5 5 ml DNA x
Bone powder x
Chewing gum x
Cigarette butts x
Dental floss x

Eucaryotic cells x x (x)
1x 106 cells Manual
x x
5x 10 cells
6 innuPREP
x (x) blackPREP
- Recommended
nails x

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(x) - Recommended with limitations

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Direct Kit

Forensic material x

innuPREP Blood DNA Masrer Kit

Fungi x

blackPREP Rodent tail DNA Kit

innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit

Hairs, barb hairs, hair roots x

innuPREP DNA Micro Kit

blackPREP Swab DNA Kit


innuPREP DNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit

Mycoplasma x
innuPREP Forensic Kit

Paraffin-embedded tissue x x
Plant material x
Up to 100 mg x
Fresh x
Frozen x
Cataloge 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 x
36 37 38 39
Blood tails x x x x x x x x
0.5 - 1sticks/
Blood cm FPE samples x x x x
Mouse tail 0.550
Whole blood - 1.2
µl cm x x x
Rat tail blood
Whole 0.2 - 0.6 cm300 µl
up to x x
Saliva blood 0.3 -1 ml
stains x x
Sperm blood 0.5 - 2 ml
stains x x (x)
Stamps blood
and 0.5 - 5 ml
envelopes x x
Bone x x x
Chewing swabs x x x
Cigarette from surfaces x
Dental samples
floss x x (x) x
Eucaryotic (host DNA) x x (x) x
Up to 5cells
1x 10 6
mg x (x)
Up to 620
5x 10 mg
cells x (x) x
Up nails
Finger to 50 mg x x
Forensic material x
Fungi x
Hairs, barb hairs, hair roots x
Mycoplasma x
Paraffin-embedded tissue x x
Plant material x
Up to 100 mg x
Fresh x
Frozen x
Dried x
Rodent tails x x
0.5 - 1 cm x x
Mouse tail 0.5 - 1.2 cm x
Rat tail 0.2 - 0.6 cm x
2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

le c t ed pro g ew
se us

innuPREP DNA Micro Kit



für die
for in

tic -v

o-D itr o
iagnos -Di

ƒƒ Simplest method for isolating genomic DNA from a variety

of starting materials in only 8 minutes
ƒƒ Specially optimized to accommodate small starting quanti-
ƒƒ Patented technology utilizing a stringent Lysis Buffer and a
novel Binding Buffer
ƒƒ CE certification for in-vitro diagnostic applications (CE-IVD)

Product description Kit components

The innuPREP DNA Micro Kit represents a fast and effective means Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions,
of purifying genomic DNA from small quantities and with a wide va- Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
riety of starting materials. These include, among others, paraffin and user manual
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

tissue samples, whole blood or blood sticks and eucaryotic cells. The
patented chemistry underlying the purification method combines
extremely fast lysis followed by efficient binding of the genomic DNA Storage conditions and stability
to the optimized surface of a Spin Filter. The bound DNA is then The innuPREP DNA Micro Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months
washed and eluted. The result is an excellent yield of highly pure if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 to 25 °C). The
DNA, available for all subsequent applications after only 8 minutes. recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K is
The kit is also certified for in-vitro diagnostics use (CE-IVD). 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be stored
in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing will
significantly reduce its activity.
1. Lyse the starting
material 1 Sample application
2. Bind the DNA to the Extraction of genomic DNA from 50 µl whole blood samples, fol-
Spin Filter lowed by human-specific PCR (GAPDH).
3. Wash the bound DNA
4. Elute the DNA
Lane 1: DNA ladder
2 Lane 2 – 7: PCR products

Extraction of genomic DNA from various blood sticks, followed by

Product specifications human-specific PCR (GAPDH).
Starting material:
ƒƒ Tissue samples or biopsies of up to 5 mg
ƒƒ Paraffin samples (tissue) Lane 1: DNA ladder
ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells (max. 1 × 106) Lane 2 – 7: PCR products
ƒƒ 1 – 50 µl of whole blood
ƒƒ Blood sticks

Extraction time:
Approx. 8 minutes after lysis

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg gDNA
Order information
Average yield:
Order number Quantity
Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
845-KS-1010010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-1010050 50 reactions
1.7 – 2.0 845-KS-1010250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

le c t ed pro g ew
ähl te
se us P

innuPREP DNA Mini Kit



für die
for in

tic -v os

o-D itr o
iagnos -Diagn

ƒƒ Flexible and universally applicable for a broad range

of starting materials
ƒƒ Patented DC technology for faster lysis and highly efficient
gDNA binding
ƒƒ Spin Filter columns used for isolation
ƒƒ CE-IVD certified

Product description Kit components
The universal innuPREP DNA Mini Kit has been specially designed Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions,
for fast, efficient purification of genomic DNA from a variety of Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
different starting materials. The kit utilizes patented Dual Chemistry user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(DC) technology, which combines a stringent Lysis Buffer with a
novel Binding Buffer to help minimize the time required to purify
DNA. The result is an extraction process that takes no more than Storage conditions and stability
8 minutes (not including lysis). Spin Filter columns are at the heart The innuPREP DNA Mini Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months
of the isolation process, which is very easy to perform and offers a if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 to 25 °C). The
binding capacity of up to 100 µg of gDNA. The innuPREP DNA Mini recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K is
Kit is also certified for in-vitro diagnostics use (CE-IVD). 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be stored
in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing will
significantly reduce its activity.
1. Lyse the starting
material 1 Sample application
2. Bind the DNA to the Isolation of genomic DNA from different quantities of tissue
Spin Filter (mouse liver).
3. Wash the bound
4. Elute the DNA Lane 1: DNA ladder
2 Lane 2 – 4: gDNA from 5 mg
Lane 6 – 8: gDNA from 30 g
Lane 5 and 9: empty

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Tissue samples of up to 50 mg After the DNA was isolated, the mouse DNA was target-specific
ƒƒ Rodent tail specimens 0.5 – 1 cm in length amplified (GAPDH).
ƒƒ Paraffin samples (tissue)
ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells (max. 5 × 106)
ƒƒ Buccal swabs Lane 1: DNA ladder
Lane 2 – 4: Amplification after
DNA isolation from 5 mg tissue
Extraction time: Lane 6 – 8: Amplification after
Approx. 8 minutes after lysis DNA isolation from 30 g tissue

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg gDNA

Average yield: Order information

ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Up to 65 µg
845-KS-1040010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-1040050 50 reactions
1.7 – 2.0 845-KS-1040250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit

ƒƒ For rapid, parallel extraction of genomic DNA and total

cellular RNA from a single starting sample
ƒƒ Flexible for use with different starting materials
ƒƒ Based on nucleic acid extraction using optimized
Spin Filter membranes
ƒƒ Ready-to-use DNA and RNA in just 15 – 40 minutes

Product description Kit components

The innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit is the jack-of-all-trades from Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free water, Elution Buffer,
Analytik Jena. The binding capacity is 50 µg DNA and 100 µg RNA, Spin Filter (blue and purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
which means that both nucleic acids can be isolated from a single user manual
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

starting material to produce excellent quality and yields. Eucaryotic

cells, gram+ and gram– bacteria and tissue samples can all be used
as starting materials. The genomic DNA and total cellular RNA are Storage conditions and stability
available for subsequent downstream applications after only The innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit will remain stable for at least
15 to 40 minutes, each in their own reaction vessel. The DNA is 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 to 25 °C).
eluted in 100 µl Elution Buffer, while the RNA is eluted in 30 to
80 µl RNase-free water.
Sample application
Genomic DNA and total cellular RNA isolated in parallel from a hu-
Procedure man cell line using the innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit. The DNA was
1. Lyse the starting 1 2 then applied to a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel and the RNA was visualized
material on a 1.2 % denaturating formaldehyd gel.
2. Bind the genomic DNA
to the first Spin Filter
3. Bind the total RNA to
the second Spin Filter
4a. Wash the bound DNA
4b. Wash the bound RNA
5a. Elute the DNA
5b. Elute the RNA

4a 4b

5a 5b

Product specifications
Starting material: Lane 1: Marker Lane 1: Marker
ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells (max. 5 × 106) Lane 2 – 5: Genomic DNA Lane 2 – 5: Total cellular
extracted from a human RNA extracted from a
ƒƒ Tissue samples (max. 20 mg) cell line human cell line
ƒƒ Gram+ and gram– bacteria (max. 1 × 109)

Extraction time:
Approx. 15 – 40 minutes

Binding capacity:
Approx. 100 µg RNA; > 50 µg gDNA Order information

Order number Quantity

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material 845-KS-2080010 10 reactions
ƒƒ Up to 60 µg RNA; up to 40 µg DNA 845-KS-2080050 50 reactions
845-KS-2080250 250 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280):
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
RNA: 1.8 – 2.1; DNA: 1.7 – 2.0

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

le c t ed pro g ew
ähl te
se us P

innuPREP Forensic Kit



für die
for in

tic -v os

o-D itr o
iagnos -Diagn

ƒƒ Optimal DNA extraction from very small forensic or

highly contaminated samples
ƒƒ Ready-to-use genomic DNA for immediate downstream
ƒƒ Large range of starting materials have been tested with
positive results
ƒƒ Certified for in-vitro diagnostic applications (CE-IVD)

Product description Kit components
The innuPREP Forensic Kit is a sophisticated tool optimized specifi- Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions,
cally for isolating genomic DNA from tiny samples and from highly Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
contaminated forensic specimens. Extraction has already been user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

successfully tested for a large number of starting materials, such as
blood, traces of blood, hair, hair roots, beard stubble, finger nails,
postage stamps, cigarette butts, chewing gum, traces of sperm, Storage conditions and stability
swab samples and finger prints on a variety of surfaces. The novel The innuPREP Forensic Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months
extraction chemistry used also makes it possible to recover severely if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C). The
degraded nucleic acids. In addition, CE-IVD certification makes the recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K
innuPREP Forensic Kit suitable for use in in-vitro diagnostic is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be
applications. stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing
will significantly reduce its activity.

1. Lyse the forensic 1 Sample application
sample Extraction of genomic DNA from postage stamps, followed by
2. Bind the DNA to the amplification of a target sequence specific to human beings (marker
Spin Filter for the Y chromosome; human GAPDH; marker for aneuploidy on
3. Wash the bound chromosome 21). The amplified DNA fragments were analyzed us-
DNA ing an Agilent Bioanalyzer.
4. Elute the gDNA

(female DNA)

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Blood and traces of blood
ƒƒ Hair, hair roots and beard stubble
ƒƒ Finger nails
ƒƒ Stamps and envelopes Stamps
ƒƒ Cigarette butts (male DNA)
ƒƒ Chewing gum
ƒƒ Swab samples and fingerprints taken from surfaces
ƒƒ Traces of sperm
ƒƒ Bone meal

Extraction time:
Approx. 15 minutes after lysis

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg gDNA Order information

Order number Quantity

Average yield:
Depends on the type and quantity of the sample used 845-KS-1050010 10 reactions
845-KS-1050050 50 reactions
Average quality: 845-KS-1050250 250 reactions
ƒƒ Free of contamination
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
ƒƒ No inhibiting effect on PCRs and other downstream applications

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

le c t ed pro g ew
se us

innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit improved product


better performance

für die
for in

tic -v

o-D itr o
iagnos -Di

ƒƒ Fast, direct isolation of genomic DNA from whole blood

samples of up to 400 µl
ƒƒ High yields of up to 30 µg and extremely high-quality
gDNA, depending on the sample and the amount used
ƒƒ CE-IVD certified
ƒƒ 2 protocols: < 200 µl and up to 400 µl blood sampls
ƒƒ Tested for EDTA and citrate stabilized and for fresh or
frozen blood sample (including long time storage)
ƒƒ Based on patented DC chemistry

Product description Kit components

The new innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit is a highly efficient tool for Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions,
directly isolating DNA from whole blood samples of up to 400 µl. Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (red), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
The new optimized Kit for extraction of DNA from blood guaran- user manual
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

tees extremely high-quality DNA that can be used immediately for

photometric determinations, PCR or other downstream applications.
The innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit is very fast and easy to use. Storage conditions and stability
Isolation of genomic DNA – free of inhibitors or impurities – can be The innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit will remain stable for at least
completed in just 24 minutes. The kit is also CE-IVD certified and 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
has already undergone successful testing: genomic DNA has been 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
isolated from whole blood samples and then used in subsequent Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
diagnostic applications. should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

1. Lyse whole blood 1 Sample application
sample Extraction of gDNA from differrent 400 µl bloos samples (EDTA) in
2. Bind the DNA to the comparison with another competitor. The extracted gDNA was the
Spin Filter visualized on an 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.
3. Wash the bound DNA
4. Elute the gDNA

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Whole blood samples (up to 400 µl)
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen blood
ƒƒ Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate Lane 1: DNA Ladder Comparison of quantity of extracted
Lane 2-3: Extracted gDNA between Kit of analytikjena and
gDNA from 400 µl blood competitor.
Extraction time: samples (EDTA) with The innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit
Approx. 24 minutes, including lysis innuPREP Blood DNA Mini extracted 100 % more gDNA.
Kit (AJ)
Lane 4-5: Extracted
Binding capacity: gDNA from 400 µl blood
Column binding capacity: > 60 µg gDNA samples (EDTA) with a Kit
of competitor
Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on sample and the used volume
ƒƒ Up to 30 µg gDNA Order information

Order number Quantity

Average purity (A 260:A 280):
1.7 – 2.0 845-KS-1020010 10 reactions
845-KS-1020050 50 reactions
845-KS-1020250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit

ƒƒ Extremely simple tool for isolating genomic DNA from

0.5 ml to 2 ml whole blood samples
ƒƒ Excellent purity and yields of up to 50 µg
ƒƒ Processing in mini-Spin Filter format despite large
starting volumes
ƒƒ Patented, optimized extraction chemistry

Product description Kit components
The innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit has been specially designed as Ery Lysis Solution, Lysis Solution, Precipitation Buffer, Proteinase K,
an effective tool for isolating genomic DNA from 0.5 ml to 2 ml Washing Solution, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (vanilla), Receiver
samples of whole blood. The kit combines three steps: erythrocytes Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

are first selectively digested, after which nucleated blood cells are
pelleted and then lysed. After a precipitation step to selectively
remove proteins, the DNA is bound to the surface of a Spin Filter Storage conditions and stability
membrane and then eluted. The extraction process involves the The innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit will remain stable for at least
use of standard bench-top centrifuges and operates on a mini- 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
column scale. Combining a highly stringent Lysis Buffer with a novel 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
Binding Buffer makes it possible to achieve unique yields of highly Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized,
pure DNA. it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

1. Digest erythrocytes Sample application
and then pellet and Human genomic DNA was extracted from 1 ml whole blood
lyse lymphocytes samples. The isolated gDNA was then loaded directly onto a
2. Precipitate proteins 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.
3. Bind gDNA to the
Spin Filter 4
4. Wash DNA 2
5. Perform final elution

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ 0.5 to 2 ml samples of whole blood
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen blood
ƒƒ Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate Lane 1 – 10: Human gDNA isolated from 1 ml whole blood samples

Extraction time:
Approx. 30 – 40 minutes, including lysis

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg gDNA

Average yield: Order information

ƒƒ Depends on the sample and the volumes used
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Approx. 10 – 50 µg gDNA
845-KS-1030010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-1030050 50 reactions
1.7 – 2.0 845-KS-1030250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

innuPREP Blood DNA MIDI Direct Kit

ƒƒ Direct isolation of genomic DNA from up to 1 ml whole

ƒƒ Extraction of up to 30 µg high-quality DNA
ƒƒ Based on the use of optimized MIDI Spin Filters
ƒƒ Centrifugation steps minimized
ƒƒ Simple protocol with no preliminary erythrocyte lysis step

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Blood MIDI Direct Kit was developed for directly The innuPREP Blood MIDI Direct Kit will remain stable for at least
extracting genomic DNA from 0.3 – 1 ml whole blood. The fast 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C – 25°C).
protocol involved omits the initial erythrocyte lysis step, thereby The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase K
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

reducing the number of required centrifugation steps to an absolute is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be
minimum. Following direct lysis of the whole blood sample, the stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated freezing and thawing
nucleic acids are bound to optimized MIDI Spin Filters, washed and will significantly reduce its activity.
finally eluted into a 15 ml tube using 300 – 400 µL elution buffer.
This allows researchers to isolate roughly 35 µg of extremely high-
quality genomic DNA from 1 ml whole blood. Sample application
The following example demonstrates the high quality of DNA isolated
from 6 different whole blood samples. Triple determinations on 1 ml

Procedure 12
whole blood were performed for each preparation. The isolated nucle-
1. Lyse the starting 1
ic acids were subsequently visualized on an 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.

4 15
3 14
2 13

2. Bind the genomic





DNA to the MIDI





Spin Filter



3. Wash the bound

nucleic acids
4. Elute the genomic

14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
7 2 8
6 6
5 5
4 4

Lane 1: DNA ladder lanes 14 – 16: DNA from whole

3 3
2 2

lanes 2 – 4: DNA from whole blood sample 4

blood sample 1 lanes 18 – 20: DNA from whole
lanes 6 – 8: DNA from whole blood sample 5
Product specifications blood sample 2 lanes 22 – 24: DNA from whole
Starting material: lanes 10 – 12: DNA from whole blood sample 6
blood sample 3 lanes 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21: blanks
ƒƒ 0.3 – 1 ml whole blood sample
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen whole blood
ƒƒ Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate An additional DNA extraction was performed on whole blood
samples with different starting volumes. Triple determinations were
Extraction time: performed on these samples as well. The isolated genomic DNA
Approx. 50 minutes was then loaded directly onto a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 50 µg gDNA Lane 1: DNA ladder
lanes 2 – 4: DNA from 0.4 ml
whole blood
Average yield: lanes 6 – 8: DNA from 0.7 ml
ƒƒ Depends on the sample and the volumes used whole blood
ƒƒ From 0.5 ml whole blood: approx. 4 – 12 µg gDNA lanes 10 – 12: DNA from 1.0 ml
whole blood
ƒƒ From 1 ml whole blood: approx. 10 – 35 µg gDNA lanes 5 and 9: blanks

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1,8 – 2,0 Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components 845-KS-3000010 10 reactions

Lysis solution, proteinase K, binding solution, washing solutions, elu- 845-KS-3000025 25 reactions
tion buffer, MIDI Spin Filter, 15 ml tubes, user manual 845-KS-3000050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

innuPREP Blood DNA Master Kit

ƒƒ Uncomplicated method for isolating genomic DNA from

0.5 ml to 5 ml whole blood samples
ƒƒ Extremely high yields of up to 100 µg gDNA
ƒƒ Extraction process using mini-Spin Filter, despite large
starting volumes
ƒƒ Optimized PLP Lysis Tubes reduce the pipetting work
involved and make the process considerably less time-

Product description Kit components
The innuPREP Blood DNA Master Kit is used for extracting genomic Ery Lysis Solution, Lysis Tubes PLP, Precipitation Buffer, Washing
DNA from 0.5 ml to 5 ml whole blood samples. The basis for the Solution, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes, Elution
test is an optimum combination of three steps: selective digestion Tubes, user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

of erythrocytes, along with pelleting and subsequent lysing of nucle-
ated blood cells. The lysis step is performed in what are known as
PLP Tubes, which already contain all of the Reagents required as Storage conditions and stability
well as the proteolytic enzymes, all in a stable form. This is followed The innuPREP Blood DNA Master Kit will remain stable for at
by three additional steps: selective removal of proteins via precipita- least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
tion, binding of the gDNA to a Spin Filter membrane, and the final (14 °C to 25 °C).
elution. Standard bench-top centrifuges for mini-Spin Filters can be
used despite the starting quantity in the master format.
Sample application
DNA was isolated from whole blood in a variety of different starting
Procedure volumes (0.5 – 3 ml) and the human gDNA was then visualized on
1. Digest erythrocytes an 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.
and then pellet and
lyse lymphocytes
2. Precipitate proteins
3. Bind gDNA to the
Spin Filter 4
4. Wash DNA
5. Perform final elution

gDNA from 0.5 ml whole gDNA from 1 ml whole

Product specifications blood samples blood samples
Starting material:
ƒƒ 0.5 – 5 ml samples of whole blood
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen blood
ƒƒ Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate

Extraction time:
Approx. 30 – 40 minutes, including lysis

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg gDNA

Average yield: gDNA from 2 ml whole gDNA from 3 ml whole

ƒƒ Depends on the sample and the starting volumes used blood samples blood samples
ƒƒ Approx. 10 – 100 µg gDNA

Average purity (A 260:A 280): Order information

1.7 – 2.0
Order number Quantity
845-KS-1070010 10 reactions
845-KS-1070050 50 reactions
845-KS-1070250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Isolation of highly pure DNA free of plant inhibitors

and secondary metabolic products
ƒƒ Suitable for use with an extremely wide variety of
plant materials
ƒƒ High yields from up to 100 mg starting material
ƒƒ 3-lysis buffer system for optimized and specialised lysis of
plant material
ƒƒ Specific guidelines according to kind of sample
ƒƒ Tested for fresh or frozen blood sample (including dry
archived material), leafs, wood, seeds, needles, fruits

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Plant DNA Kit has been specially developed for The innuPREP Plant DNA Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months
quickly and easily isolating DNA from an extremely wide variety of if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C). The
plant starting materials (such as leaves, stems, roots, flowers, etc.). recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K is
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

In addition to efficient sample digestion, the extraction routine also 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be stored
includes a prefiltration step to effectively minimize unlysed plant in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing will
components. The DNA is then bound to a Spin Filter column using significantly reduce its activity.
a novel Binding Buffer, after which it is washed and then eluted in a
separate Elution Tube. The extracted nucleic acid is then immedi-
ately available for a number of downstream applications and can be Sample application
stored for future applications without any trouble. Plant DNA was isolated from rice. The purified DNA was analysed
by plant specific Real-Time PCR.

1. Homogenize and
lyse the plant 1
material; follow with
a prefiltration step
(use Prefilter)
2. Bind the DNA to the
Spin Filter 2
3. Wash the bound
4. Elute

Amplification plot of real-time PCR for detection of a plant specific target

Product specifications gene using three different lysis buffer for extraction of DNA from rice.
Lysis Buffer CBV (black), OPT (blue) and SLS (red).
Starting material:
ƒƒ Various plant materials (max. 100 mg)
ƒƒ Fresh, frozen or dried plant material
Lysis Buffer Ø Ct-Value
Extraction time: CBV 27,0
Approx. 30 – 40 minutes OPT 28,8
SLS 29,6
Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 50 µg DNA

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and starting quantity of the plant material
ƒƒ Approx. 3 – 25 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280): Order information

1.7 – 2.0
Order number Quantity
845-KS-1060010 10 reactions
Kit components 845-KS-1060050 50 reactions
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer, 845-KS-1060250 250 reactions
Prefilter (lavender), Spin Filter (green), Receiver Tubes, Elution
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
Tubes, user manual

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

blackPREP Swab DNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimized protocol; chemistry adapted for DNA isolation

from buccal swabs
ƒƒ Fast and easy to use: DNA in just 20 – 25 minutes
ƒƒ Prefiltration step maximizes DNA yields
ƒƒ Includes high-quality swabs for sampling
ƒƒ All black Spin Filter available in colourless

Product description Kit components
The blackPREP Swab DNA Kit has been optimized for fast, simple Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions,
extraction of DNA from buccal swab samples. The kit contains Elution Buffer, Prefilter (colourless), Spin Filter (black), Receiver
optimized swabs for collecting samples. Each swab consists of a Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

wooden stick with a cotton swab and is packaged separately in a
sterile sample vessel. The isolation routine includes a prefiltration
step for optimum swab drying. The DNA is then bound to a Spin Storage conditions and stability
Filter column, washed and eluted. Using the blackPREP Swab DNA The blackPREP Swab DNA Kit will remain stable for at least
Kit allows researchers to isolate high-quality DNA and maximize 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
yields in just 20 – 25 minutes. 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
Procedure and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
1. Transfer the swab
to a reaction vessel
and lyse the starting 3 Sample application
material Genomic DNA was extracted from buccal swabs. The isolated DNA
2. Bind the DNA to the was then loaded directly onto a 1.0 % TBE agarose gel.
Spin Filter
3. Wash the bound
4. Elute the DNA

Product specifications
Starting material:
Buccal swabs

Extraction time: Lane 1 and 12: DNA ladder

ƒƒ Lysis: 10 – 15 minutes Lane 2 – 11: DNA extracted from buccal swabs taken from different
test subjects
ƒƒ Isolation: approx. 10 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg DNA

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on starting sample
ƒƒ Up to 20 µg DNA

Average purity (A 260:A 280): Order information

1.7 – 2.0
Order number Quantity
845-BP-0030010 10 reactions
845-BP-0030050 50 reactions
845-BP-0030250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

blackPREP Rodent Tail DNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimized for extracting genomic DNA from pieces of

rodent tails (complex starting materials)
ƒƒ Extremely fast lysis and highly efficient DNA isolation in
just 1 and no more than 3 hours
ƒƒ Samples do not need to be incubated overnight
ƒƒ Mouse and rat tail pieces can be up to 1.2 cm and
0.6 cm in length, respectively
ƒƒ All black Spin Filter available in colourless

Product description Kit components

The blackPREP Rodent Tail DNA Kit has been specially optimized Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solution,
for isolating DNA from pieces of mouse and rat tails, guaranteeing Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (black), Receiver Tubes, user manual
extremely high yields in a very short period of time. The kit, with its
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

new purification chemistry, is part of a new Analytik Jena product

line for nucleic acid extraction. Like the innuPREP DNA Kits that have Storage conditions and stability
been available now for many years, blackPREP DNA Kits are likewise The blackPREP Rodent Tail DNA Kit will remain stable for at least
based on a reliable separation process using Spin Filter columns. In 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
addition, the extraction process for pieces of rodent tails is complete 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
within 3 hours thanks to a highly efficient sample lysis step that Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
eliminates the need for the traditional overnight lysis process. should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

1. Lyse the pieces of Sample application
mouse or rat tail Genomic DNA was extracted from pieces of rodent tails and the
2. Bind the DNA to the 1 3 extracted gDNA was then visualized on an 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.
Spin Filter
3. Wash the bound DNA
4. Elute the gDNA Lane 1: DNA ladder
Lane 2 – 11: Extracted
2 gDNA from mouse tail pieces
(1.0 cm)

Lane 1: DNA ladder

Product specifications Lane 2 – 11: Extracted gDNA
from rat tail pieces (0.5 cm)
Starting material:
ƒƒ Mouse or rat tail pieces
ƒƒ Maximum mouse tail length = 1.2 cm
ƒƒ Maximum rat tail length = 0.6 cm

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: Between 1 and no more than 3 hours
ƒƒ Isolation: approx. 9 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg DNA

Average yield:
ƒƒ Mouse tail pieces (1.2 cm): 30 – 40 µg
ƒƒ Rat tail pieces (0.6 cm): 35 – 45 µg Order information

Order number Quantity

Average purity (A 260:A 280):
1.8 – 2.0 845-BP-0010010 10 reactions
845-BP-0010050 50 reactions
845-BP-0010250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.1 Isolation of genomic DNA

le c t ed pro g ew
ähl te
se us P




für die
for in

tic -v os

o-D itr o
iagnos -Diagn

ƒƒ A safe, fast and enormously simplified process for isolating

genomic DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded
(FFPE) tissue samples
ƒƒ The need for paraffin removal steps has been
completely eliminated
ƒƒ Toxic solvents such as xylol or octane no longer need
to be used
ƒƒ CE-IVD certified
ƒƒ All black Spin Filter available in colourless

Product description Storage conditions and stability
The blackPREP FFPE DNA Kit has been specially adapted for extract- The blackPREP FFPE DNA Kit will remain stable for at least 12
ing genomic DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
samples. The novel chemistry underlying this purification kit renders 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

the previously standard, time-consuming paraffin removal step utter- Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
ly unnecessary. This means that the entire DNA isolation process can should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
be performed in roughly 2 ½ hours without the use of toxic solvents and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
such as xylol or octane. The blackPREP FFPE DNA Kit is also CE-IVD
certified and has been successfully tested by isolating genomic DNA
from tumor material to verify point mutations in the K-ras gene.[1] Sample application
Successful testing by isolating genomic DNA from tumor material to
verify point mutations in the K-ras gene (K-ras StripAssay used as
Procedure an example). [1]
1. Lyse the FFPE
tissue sample 1 [1] Protrans medizinische diagnostische Produkte GmbH
2. Bind the DNA to 3
the Spin Filter
3. Wash the
bound DNA
– Red Marker Line (top)
4. Elute the gDNA 2
– Control
1 – – K-ras codon 12 Ala
2 – – K-ras codon 12 Arg
3 – – K-ras codon 12 Asp
4 – – K-ras codon 12 Cys
5 – – K-ras codon 12 Ile
6 – – K-ras codon 12 Leu
7 – – K-ras codon 12 Ser
8 – – K-ras codon 12 Val
Product specifications 9 – – K-ras codon 13 Asp
Starting material: 10 – – K-ras codon 13 Cys
ƒƒ FFPE tissue samples (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) 11 – – PCR Negative Control
ƒƒ Approx. 2 × 5 µm; more starting material may also be used 12 – – PCR Positive Control
– Green Marker (bottom)

Extraction time:
Approx. 2.5 hours, including lysis

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: approx. 50 µg Summary:
K-ras: cd12 (Val) present [1]

Average yield:
Depends on type and amount of starting material used

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0 Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components 845-BP-0020010 10 reactions

Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solution, 845-BP-0020050 50 reactions
Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (black), Receiver Tubes, user manual 845-BP-0020250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

Isolation of microbial DNA

The innuPREP and blackPREP product series offer a wide variety of kits
for isolating viral and bacterial DNA.

Along with Spin Filter columns, these products also make use of
magnetic particles for manual DNA separation.
Special highlight: the ability to isolate microbial DNA and RNA at the
same time from a single sample.

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA englisch


innuPREP blackPREP
"x - Recommended
(x) - Recommended with limitations"
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit

innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit

innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit

blackPREP Tick DNA / RNA Kit

innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit

blackPREP Food DNA I Kit

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A
innuPREP Stool DNA Kit

innuPREP Virus DNA Kit

blackPREP Tick DNA Kit

Cataloge page 30 42 43 44 45 74 75 48 49 50 51
Backing powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Bacterial cell pellets (gram+ & gram-) (x) x (x)
1x 109 cells (x) x (x)
Bronchoalveolar lavage x
Cell culture supernatants (Virus) x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Up to 200 µl x x
Cell cultures (Virus) x (x) x
5x 106 cells x (x) x
Cell-free body fluids (Virus) x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Up to 200 µl x x
Coffee powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Dust (Virus, Bacteria) x
Flour (Virus, Bacteria) x
Food material after cultivation x
Mycobacteria x
Paraffin-embedded tissue x (x)
Viral DNA x (x)
Pepper (Virus, Bacteria) x
Plasma (Virus) x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Up to 200 µl x x
Powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Saliva x
Salt (Virus, Bacteria) x
Sand (Virus, Bacteria) x
40 Serum (Virus) x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Backing powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA
Bacterial cell pellets (gram+ & gram-) (x) x (x)
1x 10 cells
9 (x) x (x)
Bronchoalveolar lavage x
Cell culture supernatants (Virus) x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Up to 200 µl x x
Cell cultures (Virus) x (x) x
2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA englisch
5x 106 cells x (x) x
Cell-free body fluids (Virus) x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Up to 200 µl Manuell x x
Coffee powder (Virus, Bacteria) innuPREP blackPREP x
"x - Recommended
Dust (Virus, Bacteria) x

(x) - Recommended with limitations"
Flour (Virus, Bacteria) x

blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit

innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit
Food material after cultivation x

innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit

blackPREP Tick DNA / RNA Kit

innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit

Mycobacteria x
innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit

blackPREP Food DNA I Kit

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A
innuPREP Stool DNA Kit

innuPREP Virus DNA Kit

blackPREP Tick DNA Kit

Paraffin-embedded tissue x (x)

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

Viral DNA x (x)
Pepper (Virus, Bacteria) x
Plasma (Virus) x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Up to 200 µl x x
Cataloge (Virus,
page Bacteria) 30 42 43 44 45 74 75 48 49 50 x
Backing powder (Virus, Bacteria) x x
Salt (Virus,
Bacterial cellBacteria)
pellets (gram+ & gram-) (x) x (x) x
1x (Virus,
109 cellsBacteria) (x) x (x) x
Serum (Virus) lavage
Bronchoalveolar x x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
culture supernatants
to 200 µl (Virus) xx (x) xx

Soil Up to 150 µl (x) x

Up -to50
20 200
mgµl x x x
Cell cultures
Spicery (Virus,(Virus)
Bacteria) x (x) x x
5x 10(Mycobacteria)
x x (x) x
Cell-free body
Up to 200 µl fluids (Virus) x x (x) x
Up to
to 150
5 ml µl x (x)
Up to 200 µl
Stool x x xx
50 -powder
100 mg(Virus, Bacteria) x x
- 400Bacteria)
mg x x
Flour (Virus,
200 - 400Bacteria)
µl x x
FoodHost DNA after cultivation
material x x
Bacterial DNA x x x
Paraffin-embedded tissue
Sugar (Virus, Bacteria) x (x) x
Viral DNA
Swabs xx (x)
(x) x
Pepper (Virus,
Tea (Virus, Bacteria)
Bacteria) x
Ticks (Virus) x (x) x x x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Tissue samples (x) x x (x) x
Up to 200
Biopsies µl DNA)
(viral xx (x) xx
Powder (Virus,
Biospies Bacteria)
(Mycobacteria) x x
Up to 20 mg (viral DNA) x (x) x
Virus(Virus, Bacteria)
(from various sources) x (x) x x
Sand (Virus,
Washing Bacteria)
detergent (Virus, Bacteria) x
Serum (Virus) x (x) x
Up to 150 µl (x)
Up to 200 µl x x
Soil x
20 - 50 mg x 41
Spicery (Virus, Bacteria) x
2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

le c t ed pro g ew
se us

innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit



für die
for in

tic -v

o-D itr o
iagnos -Di

ƒƒ Bacterial DNA extraction from gram+ and gram–

cell cultures
ƒƒ Patented DC technology for short lysis times and
efficient binding of bacterial DNA
ƒƒ DNA isolation from up to 1 × 109 bacterial cells
ƒƒ Certified for in-vitro diagnostic applications (CE-IVD)

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit has been optimized specifically for The innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit will remain stable for at least
isolating bacterial DNA from cell pellets after culturing, making it 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
possible to process both gram+ and gram– bacteria. The extraction 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

process combines an initial lysis step using lysozyme and a subse- Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized,
quent proteolytic digestion step with a highly efficient process for it should be stored in aliquots at -20 °C, because repeated freezing
binding bacterial DNA to the surface of a Spin Filter membrane. The and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
DNA is then washed and desorbed from the surface of the filter.
Extraction is based on Spin Filter columns and, in addition to being
very easy to perform, also makes it possible to bind more than Sample application
50 µg of bacterial DNA. CE-IVD marking also makes the innuPREP Extraction of bacterial DNA from gram+ bacteria. The bacterial DNA
Bacteria DNA Kit suitable for in-vitro diagnostics. is then visualized on an 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.

Lane 1: DNA ladder

Procedure Lane 2 – 7: Bacterial DNA
1. Lyse bacteria
2. Bind the DNA to the 1
Spin Filter 3
3. Wash the bound
4. Elute the bacterial
Arbitrarily primed (AP) PCR with 3 different dilutions of bacterial
DNA. PCR was performed as a double determination followed by
4 analysis on a 2 % TAE agarose gel.

Lane 1: DNA ladder

Lane 2 – 3: Double
determination of dilution I
Lane 4 – 5: Double
Product specifications determination of dilution II
Starting material: Lane 6 – 7: Double
determination of dilution III
ƒƒ Gram+ and gram– bacterial cell pellets after culturing Lane 8: Negative control
ƒƒ Up to 1 × 109 cells

Extraction time:
Approx. 45 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 50 µg DNA

Average yield:
Depends on the type and starting quantity and/or cell count of
the bacteria; up to 35 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280): Order information

1.7 – 2.0
Order number Quantity
845-KS-6000010 10 reactions
Kit components 845-KS-6000050 50 reactions
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions, 845-KS-6000250 250 reactions
Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
user manual

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit

ƒƒ Isolation of mycobacterial DNA from sputum, bronchoal-

veolar lavage or lymph node
ƒƒ Especially effective thanks to sample material pretreatment
with N-acetyl cysteine
ƒƒ High-quality, ready-to-use DNA for all downstream

Product description Sample application
The innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit selectively extracts mycobacte- Respiratory sample material from patients was tested for
rial DNA from sputum, bronchoalveolar lavages or tissue samples M. tuberculosis complex (MTC) at a genomic level. The first step
(e. g. lymph nodes). The extraction process includes a step in was to use the innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit to extract DNA

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

which samples are pretreated with N-Acetyl cysteine followed by from the sample material; the resulting DNA was then introduced
digestion with lysozyme and Proteinase K. After sample digestion, in a specific real-time PCR.
DNA is bound (under optimized binding conditions) to a Spin Filter
membrane, washed and then desorbed from the filter membrane
through the addition of a low-salt buffer. Special protocols adapted
to different starting materials ensure maximum DNA yields and
outstanding purity.

Procedure 3
1. Lyse the starting
material 1

2. Bind the DNA to the

Spin Filter
3. Wash the bound
4. Elute the DNA 2


Sample material from patients Internal standard

Product specifications
Starting material: Amplification plot of the MTB specific, real-time PCR compared to a
ƒƒ Sputum samples, 0.2 – 5.0 ml reference gene
ƒƒ Bronchoalveolar lavages, up to 1.0 ml Red curve: 5 patients were studied; one patient tested positive
ƒƒ Tissues (e. g., lymph nodes) ranging in size from 1.0 mg to Blue curve: Internal standard (reference gene)
no more than 10 mg

Extraction time:
Approx. 15 minutes after lysis

Kit components
NAC Buffer, Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing
Solutions, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes, Elution
Tubes, user manual

Order information
Storage conditions and stability
Order number Quantity
The innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit will remain stable for at least
12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 845-KS-6100010 10 reactions
25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized 845-KS-6100050 50 reactions
Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, 845-KS-6100250 250 reactions
it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

le c t ed pro g ew
se us

innuPREP Stool DNA Kit



für die
for in

tic -v

o-D itr o
iagnos -Di

ƒƒ For isolating bacterial or genomic DNA from human

or animal stool samples
ƒƒ Includes prefiltration for removing undissolved sample
ƒƒ Ready-to-use DNA in just 30 – 45 minutes, free of
inhibitors and other impurities
ƒƒ CE-IVD certified

Product description Kit components

The innuPREP Stool DNA Kit is suitable both for extracting bacte- Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions,
rial DNA from stool samples as well as for isolating genomic DNA Elution Buffer, Prefilter (lavender), Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes,
from sloughed off intestinal epithelial cells. The extraction process Elution Tubes, user manual
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

is based on sample lysis followed by a pre-filtration step to remove

undissolved sample particles. The sample DNA is then bound to the
surface of a Spin Filter membrane and washed, and the bound DNA Storage conditions and stability
is then desorbed from the surface of the Spin Filter column. The The innuPREP Stool DNA Kit will remain stable for at least
innuPREP Stool DNA Kit is also certified for in-vitro diagnostic use 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
(CE-IVD) and makes it possible to purify high-quality, ready-to-use 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
DNA for a variety of downstream applications. Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized,
it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
1. Lyse and Prefilter the
starting material 1 Sample application
2. Bind the DNA to the 3 Extraction of bacterial DNA from stool samples, followed by ampli-
Spin Filter fication of a target sequence (538 bp) specific to E.coli in less than
3. Wash the bound 8 minutes using rapid PCR (SpeedCycler from Analytik Jena).
4. Elute the DNA 2
Lane 1: DNA ladder
Lane 2 – 4: 538 bp fragment
4 specific to E.coli
Lane 5: Negative control

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ 200 – 400 µg of solid stool samples
ƒƒ 200 – 400 µl of liquid stool samples Lane 1: DNA ladder
ƒƒ Of human or animal origin Lane 2 – 4: 538 bp fragment
specific to E.coli
Lane 5: Negative control
Extraction time:
Approx. 30 – 45 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 50 µg DNA

Average yield:
Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material

Average purity (A 260:A 280): Order information

1.7 – 2.0
Order number Quantity
845-KS-7000010 10 reactions
845-KS-7000050 50 reactions
845-KS-7000250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

innuPREP Virus DNA Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Universal kit for isolating viral DNA from a broad range

of starting materials
ƒƒ High-quality, exceptionally pure nucleic acids ideally suited
for later downstream applications
ƒƒ Positive PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR testing results
ƒƒ Including Carrier Mix with internal DNA extraction control

Product description Storage conditions and stability
The innuPREP Virus DNA Kit is ideally suited for isolating viral The innuPREP Virus DNA Kit will remain stable for at least
ssDNA and dsDNA from serum, plasma or other cell-free fluids, 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
from tissue, paraffin or swab samples or from cell cultures. The 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

extraction process is based on a novel extraction chemistry using Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
Spin Filter columns and an optimized binding membrane. Elution should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
volumes can also be varied between 50 µl and 200 µl depending and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
on the starting material. Inhibiting sample components are com-
pletely removed, making viral DNA immediately available for further
downstream applications. Sample application
DNA was isolated from a DNA virus prepared in serum at a number
of different concentrations. The virus was then tested with the
Procedure innuPREP Virus DNA Kit (double determinations) and eluted in
1. Lyse the starting 60 µl. 1.5 µl DNA samples were then added to a virus-specific PCR
material 1 (total reaction volume = 15 µl) in the FlexCycler. Finally, 10 µl of the
2. Bind the viral DNA 3
reaction were visualized on a TAE agarose gel.
to the Spin Filter
3. Wash the bound
4. Elute the viral DNA

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Cell-free bodily fluids such as serum and plasma (200 µl each)
ƒƒ Supernatant from cell cultures (200 µl) Lane 1: DNA ladder
ƒƒ Tissue samples and biopsies of up to 20 mg Lane 2 – 3: 1.5 × 10 4 genome equivalents per 150 µl starting material
Lane 4 – 5: 1.5 × 103 genome equivalents per 150 µl starting material
ƒƒ Cell cultures (max. 5 × 106) Lane 6 – 7: 1.5 × 102 genome equivalents per 150 µl starting material
ƒƒ Swab samples
ƒƒ Paraffin samples (tissue)
Detection system for internal control
Extraction time: innuDETECT Internal Control DNA Assay............................................... 141
Approx. 25 minutes innuDETECT Internal Control RNA Assay................................................ 141
innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay.................................... 141
DNA quality:
Positive PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR testing results

Kit components Order information

Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Carrier Mix, Washing
Order number Quantity
Solutions, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes, Elution
Tubes, user manual 845-KS-4600010 10 reactions
845-KS-4600050 50 reactions
845-KS-4600250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Simultaneous isolation of viral DNA and RNA from

a variety of starting materials
ƒƒ Patented DC technology: rapid lysis and efficient binding
ƒƒ Extraction method based on the use of Spin Filters
ƒƒ Optimum removal of inhibitors ensures trouble-free use of
nucleic acids in subsequent applications
ƒƒ Recommended for samples with unknown virus
ƒƒ Includes Carrier Mix with internal DNA and RNA extraction

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA allows researchers to purify viral The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit will remain stable for at
ssDNA or dsDNA and ssRNA simultaneously from serum, plasma or least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
other cell-free bodily fluids, from tissue, paraffin or swab samples, (14 °C to 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophi-
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

or from cell cultures. A novel extraction chemistry known as “Dual lized Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubi-
Chemistry” (DC) technology guarantees researchers the ability to lized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated
isolate highly pure viral nucleic acids of excellent quality. The use of freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
a Spin Filter membrane maximizes DNA and RNA yields. In addition,
having a number of different extraction protocols makes it possible Sample application
to adapt the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit to the starting material Various concentrations of a DNA virus were prepared in serum and pro-
used. One major advantage of this kit is the time saved by isolating cessed with the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit (double determinations).
nucleic acids simultaneously, particularly when using starting materi- The final nucleic acid elution was performed in 60 µl. 1.5 µl aliquots of
als in which the viral contamination is not clear. this were added to a virus-specific PCR (total reaction volume = 15 µl).
The reaction was then visualized in 10 µl aliquots on a TAE agarose gel.

Procedure Lane 1 and 8: DNA ladder

1. Lyse the starting Lane 2 – 3: 1 × 105 genome
equivalents per 150 µl starting
material 1 material
2. Bind the viral 3 Lane 4 – 5: 1 × 10 4 genome
nucleic acids to equivalents per 150 µl starting
the Spin Filter Lane 6 – 7: 1 × 103 genome
3. Wash the bound equivalents per 150 µl starting
nucleic acids material
4. Elute the viral
nucleic acids The innuPREP DNA/RNA Virus Kit was used for extracting ssRNA
from various RNA virus dilutions in a cell culture medium. The virus
was identified after cDNA synthesis in a TaqMan® real-time PCR
(double determination).

Dilution 1:
Product specifications 1:10³ with Ct 18
Fluorescence (dR)

Dilution 2:
Starting material: 1:10 4 with Ct 21
ƒƒ Serum, plasma, cell-free bodily fluids, supernatants from cell Dilution 3:
cultures (150 µl each) 1:105 with Ct 24
and NTC
ƒƒ Tissues and biopsies of up to 20 mg
ƒƒ Cell cultures (max. 5 × 106)
ƒƒ Swab samples Cycles
ƒƒ Paraffin samples (tissue)

Extraction time: Detection system for internal control

Approx. 25 minutes innuDETECT Internal Control DNA Assay............................................... 141
innuDETECT Internal Control RNA Assay................................................ 141
Nucleic acid quality: innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay.................................... 141
Positive PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR testing results

Order information
Kit components
Order number Quantity
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Carrier Mix, Proteinase K, Washing
Solutions, RNase-free water, Spin Filter (purple), Receiver Tubes, 845-KS-4800010 10 reactions
Elution Tubes, user manual 845-KS-4800050 50 reactions
845-KS-4800250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A

ƒƒ Fast, efficient isolation of DNA and RNA of either viral or

bacterial origin
ƒƒ Based on manual magnetic particle separation with various
magnetic racks
ƒƒ Optimized for a variety of different starting materials and
ƒƒ Positive test results for an extremely wide range of viruses
and bacteria

Product description Storage conditions and stability
The innuPREP MP Basic Kit A was developed for isolating viral/ The innuPREP MP Basic kit will remain stable for at least 12 months if
bacterial DNA and/or RNA from various cell-free bodily fluids. The stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C – 25°C). The recom-
separation technology involved is based on a novel extraction mended storage temperature for the MAG suspension is 4°C. The

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

chemistry that allows users to simultaneously bind DNA and RNA to recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K is 4
the surface of functionalized magnetic particles, thereby combining °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be stored
the steps of first lysing the starting material and then binding the in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing will
nucleic acids to magnetic beads. These are then washed and the significantly reduce its activity.
DNA/RNA is eluted in RNase-free water. The routine is extremely
easy to carry out, yet universally applicable and highly efficient. Sample application
Various magnetic racks (for 1.5 - 50 ml tubes) are available, ac- Plasma was initially spiked with an RNA virus, after which the RNA
commodating an extremely wide variety of starting materials and, could be extracted using the innuPREP MP Basic kit A. Different num-
especially, volumes. bers of copies were used in a virus-specific TaqMan® real-time PCR for

Amplification plot of a
negative control and
of various viral RNA
Product specifications concentrations ranging
Starting material: from 2x 10² to 2x 108
ƒƒ Serum, plasma, synovial fluids, saliva, other cell-free bodily copies.
fluids and supernatants from cell cultures (200 µL each)
ƒƒ Biopsies (1 – 5 mg)
ƒƒ Cell cultures (max. 5 x 106)
ƒƒ Nasopharyngeal swabs
ƒƒ Stool samples (0.05 – 0.1 g) final detection of the isolated viral RNA and for reviewing its quality.
After using the innuPREP MP Basic Kit A to extract the viral RNA, differ-
Extraction time: ent numbers of starting copies were introduced in a virus-specific Taq-
ƒƒ Approx. 20 minutes after lysis Man® real-time PCR in order to assess the quality of the isolated RNA.

Positive test results obtained for the following targets: Amplification plot of
ƒƒ Rift valley fever virus (RNA virus model) various concentrations
of an RNA virus (from
ƒƒ Vaccinia virus (DNA virus model) 10 copies to 1 x 10 4
ƒƒ Yersinia pestis (gram- bacteria) copies per batch).
ƒƒ Bacillus anthracis spores (gram+ bacteria)
ƒƒ Ebola virus
ƒƒ Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV)
ƒƒ Marburg virus
ƒƒ Yellow fever virus
ƒƒ Norovirus
ƒƒ Sigma virus
ƒƒ Influenza A & influenza B virus Available magnetic racks
ƒƒ Francisella tularensis Small magnetic rack for 1.5 – 2.0 ml tubes..........................................250
ƒƒ Bacillus cereus Medium magnetic rack for 15 ml tubes.................................................250
ƒƒ Bacillus thuringiensis Large magnetic rack for 50 ml tubes  ......................................................250

Kit components Order information

Lysis solution, Binding Solution, Washing solutions, RNase-free
Order number Quantity
water, MAG Suspension, user manual
845-KS-4900100 100 reactions
845-KS-4900500 500 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

blackPREP Food DNA I Kit

ƒƒ Extremely fast isolation of bacterial DNA, esp. from food

cultured in a Stomacher apparatus
ƒƒ Established Spin Filter column technology makes the
system easy to use
ƒƒ Only 1 h required for extraction (incl. lysis)
ƒƒ Highly sensitive detection of food pathogens when used
in combination with rapidSTRIPE assays
ƒƒ All black Spin Filter available in colourless

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The blackPREP Food DNA I Kit has been specially developed for The blackPREP Food DNA I Kit will remain stable for at least
extracting bacterial DNA from food after the bacteria have been 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
cultured according to standard procedure in a Stomacher apparatus. 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

The starting material for the extraction is a bacterial pellet taken from Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
1 ml culture. The subsequent purification step is based on binding should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
the extracted DNA to an optimized Spin Filter membrane. Multiple and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
wash steps precede elution; these guarantee highly pure DNA for
later applications. Analytik Jena‘s rapidSTRIPE assays can then be
used as fast, uncomplicated tools for detecting food-borne bacterial Sample application
pathogens in later applications. Ready-to-use kits include, among The blackPREP Food DNA I Kit was used to isolate bacterial DNA from
others, highly-specific systems for detecting listeria and salmonella. meat samples that had undergone the standard culturing process in a
Stomacher apparatus. This was followed by a PCR application specific
to S. enterica. The PCR products were loaded onto a TAE agarose gel.
1. Culture the food 5
according to standard 1
procedure in a 2
Stromacher apparatus
2. Obtain a bacterial
pellet from a 1 ml
Stromacher culture
3. Lyse the cell pellet
4. Bind the DNA to the
Spin Filter
5. Wash the bound DNA 6
6. Elute the DNA

Lane 1: DNA ladder

Lane 2 – 9: PCR products specific to S. enterica
Product specifications
Starting material:
Bacterial cell pellet after standard culturing in a Stomacher Other products for Food Quality Control
apparatus (1 ml) innuAMP Food DNA Test..............................................................................168
rapidSTRIPE Salmonella Assay................................................................... 205
Extraction time: rapidSTRIPE Listeria Assay........................................................................... 206
Approx. 1 hour after culturing (including lysis) rapidSTRIPE E.coli O157 Assay.................................................................. 207
rapidSTRIPE Campylobacter Assay........................................................... 208
Average yield: rapidSTRIPE E.coli O104 Assay.................................................................. 209
Depends on bacteria and culture density rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II Assay........................................................... 210
innuDETECT Salmonella spp. Assay........................................................ 202
Average purity (A 260:A 280): innuDETECT Listeria spp. Assay................................................................ 203
1.7 – 2.0 innuDETECT E.coli O104 Assay................................................................. 204

Kit components Order information

Lysis Tube, Resuspension Buffer, Lysis Solution, Binding Solution,
Order number Quantity
Proteinase K, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (black),
Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual 845-BP-3200010 10 reactions
845-BP-3200025 25 reactions
845-BP-3200050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

blackPREP Tick DNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimized for extracting pathogen DNA from ticks

ƒƒ Includes application-specific Lysis Tubes with homogeniza-
tion beads
ƒƒ When combined with rapidSTRIPE assays, the kit provides
a highly sensitive means of detecting tick-borne pathogens
ƒƒ Based on well-established Spin Filter technology
ƒƒ All black Spin Filter available in colourless

Product description Kit components
The blackPREP Tick DNA Kit has been adapted specifically for isolat- Lysis Tube, Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Binding Solution, Precipi-
ing DNA from ticks. The kit contains Lysis Tubes with optimized tation Buffer, Washing Solutions, Prefilter (colourless), Spin Filter
beads and can be used in combination with the SpeedMill (black), Receiver Tubes, Elution Buffer, user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(Analytik Jena) or other homogenizers as an efficient means of me-
chanically disruption of ticks without degrading the DNA. The steps
that follow lysis (binding and washing the DNA; final elution) guar- Storage conditions and stability
antee highly efficient DNA purification. Analytik Jena´s rapidSTRIPE The blackPREP Tick DNA Kit will remain stable for at least 6 months
assays can then be used in later applications as fast, uncomplicated if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C). The
tools for detecting tick-borne pathogens. These ready-to-use assays recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K
can be used as highly specific tools for detecting Borrelia, Rickettsia, is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be
Anaplasma and Babesia, among other pathogens. stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing
will significantly reduce its activity.

Sample application
The blackPREP Tick DNA Kit was used to isolate the DNA from a
3 variety of different ticks and/or tick species. The nucleic acids were
then introduced into a tick-specific amplification reaction. The PCR
products were visualized on an agarose gel as the final step.

1 2

1. Homogenize and lyse the tick

2. Bind the DNA to the Spin Filter membrane Lane 1: DNA ladder
3. Wash the bound DNA Lane 2 – 8: Tick-specific PCR products
Lane 9: Negative control
4. Elute the DNA

Other products for Tick Born Diseases

Product specifications innuAMP Tick DNA Test.................................................................................168
Starting material: rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay....................................................................... 219
Ticks rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay.......................................................................... 220
rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay................................................................... 222
Extraction time: rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay......................................................................... 223
Less than 1 hour (including lysis)

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0 Order information

Order number Quantity

845-BP-3100010 10 reactions
845-BP-3100025 25 reactions
845-BP-3100050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimized for parallel extraction of DNA and RNA from ticks

ƒƒ Application-specific Lysis Tubes with beads guarantee ef-
fective homogenization of the starting material
ƒƒ Patented extraction chemistry with a stringent Lysis Buffer
system and a novel Binding Buffer
ƒƒ When combined with rapidSTRIPE assays, the kit serves as
a highly sensitive tool for detecting tick-borne pathogens
(including TBE and/or FSME)
ƒƒ All black Spin Filter available in colourless

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit allows researchers to simultane- The blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit will remain stable for at
ously isolate DNA and RNA from ticks. This is of particular interest least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
when testing ticks for RNA viruses (such as TBE or FSME) in ad- (14 °C to 25 °C).
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

dition to bacterial pathogens. The kit contains application-specific

Lysis Tubes, including beads that have been optimized (in terms
of their characteristics and quantity) specifically for homogenizing Sample application
ticks. Following a subsequent lysis process, the DNA is bound to The blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit was used to isolate nucleic acids
one filter membrane and the RNA is bound to another. The nucleic from ticks. This was followed by a TaqMan® real-time PCR specific
acids are then washed and eluted into separate reaction vessels. to TBE or FSME and performed at different dilution levels.
Analytik Jena’s rapidSTRIPE assays can then be used in later applica-
tions as fast, uncomplicated tools for detecting nucleic acids from
tick-borne pathogens. These ready-to-use assays can be used as
highly specific tools for detecting FSME, Borrelia, Rickettsia, Ana-
Fluorescence (dRn)

plasma and Babesia, among other pathogens.

1. Homogenize and lyse 1 2
the starting material Cycles
2. Bind the DNA to the first
Spin Filter Amplification plot of a TaqMan® real-time PCR specific to TBE/FSME.
3. Bind the total RNA to
the second Spin Filter
Cell count/reaction Ct value (average)
4a. Wash the bound DNA
3 3 × 10 4 25.5
4b. Wash the bound RNA
3 × 103 29.0
5a. Elute the DNA
3 × 102 34.1
5b. Elute the RNA
3 × 10 34.7
4a 4b
Ct values from the TaqMan® real-time PCR as a function of cell count

Reference: „Rickettsia aeschlimannii in Hyalomma marginatum Ticks,

Germany“; Rumer L, Graser E, Hillebrand T, Talaska T, Dautel H, Mediannikov
5a 5b O, et al.; Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet].; February 2011; Vol. 17; No. 2

Other products for Tick Born Diseases

Product specifications innuAMP Tick DNA Test.................................................................................168
Starting material: rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay....................................................................... 219
Ticks rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay.......................................................................... 220
rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay................................................................... 222
Extraction time: rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay..................................................................................221
Less than 1 hour (including lysis) rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay......................................................................... 223

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0 Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components 845-BP-5100010 10 reactions

Lysis Tube, Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, Spin Filter, Receiver 845-BP-5100025 25 reactions
Tubes, Elution Buffer, RNase-free water, Elution Tubes, user manual 845-BP-5100050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.2 Isolation of microbial DNA

blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimized for the simultaneous extraction of viral and bac-

terial nucleic acids from difficult samples in powder form of
unknown origin
ƒƒ Optimal removal of inhibitors followed by use of the highly
pure nucleic acids in a broad spectrum of subsequent ap-
ƒƒ Use of innovative polymers in the sample preparation for
maximal nucleic acid yield from solid starting material
ƒƒ Processing in the “mini-Spin Filter format“
ƒƒ All black Spin Filter available in colourless

Product description Kit components
The blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit is particularly ideal for the Reagent 1-3, PBS, Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K,
extraction of viral and bacterial nucleic acids from difficult starting Washing Solution, Elution buffer, RNase-free water, Spin Filter
materials, such as soaps, tea, soil, milk and powdery solids of un- (black), Receiver tubes, user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

known origin. The purification is based on an effective prefiltration
to eliminate insoluble materials and inhibitors. Through the use of a
novel filter membrane, nucleic acids can be optimally collected and Storage conditions and stability
enriched. Ultracentrifugation and special laboratory equipment are The blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit will remain stable for at least 6
not necessary for the purification. The unique extraction routine is months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C to 25°C).
shown in only one protocol and can be used for all materials tested The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase
previously. The isolated highly pure nucleic acids are directly avail- K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be
able for a variety of downstream reactions. stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated freezing and thawing
will significantly reduce its activity.
1. Dissolution of the sample Sample application
and removal of insoluble To use the blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit, different virus concentra-
components through tions of a DNA virus were produced which were then used in the ex-
prefiltration traction as described below. 1.5 µL aliquots of the eluted nucleic acid
2. Complexation of the target were amplified in a virus-specific fashion and the resultant product
molecules, precipitation and 5 including positive and negative control was applied to TAE agarose gel.
3. Release of the target
molecules in solution 2
4. Lysis of the target molecules
5. Binding of the viral and/or 6
bacterial DNA and/or RNA to
the Spin Filter (black)
6. Washing of the bound nucleic
7. Elution of the DNA and/or RNA 3

Product specifications Lane 1 and 2: Amplification product Standard 10 µL virus/ml (150 µl)
Starting material: Lane 3, 21 and 16: DNA controls
Lane 4 and 5: Amplification product dilution series 10 µL virus/ml
ƒƒ Liquid or solid samples (1 ml)
ƒƒ Liquid samples max. 1.2 ml Lane 6 and 7: Amplification product dilution series 1 µL virus/ml
ƒƒ Solid samples max. 0.02 – 0.05 g (1 ml)
Lane 8 and 9: Amplification product dilution series 0.1 µL virus/ml
(1 ml)
Extraction time: Lane 10 and 11: Amplification product dilution series 0.01 µL virus/ml
ƒƒ Sample preparation: approx. 35 minutes (1 ml)
Lane 13: Empty
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 25 minutes
Lane 14: Amplification product positive control
Lane 16: Amplification product negative control
Average quality and yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Successfully tested using a wide variety of RNA and DNA
viruses (ss, ds, enveloped, non-enveloped) and bacteria Order information
ƒƒ Positively tested in a variety of different downstream
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Positively tested in PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR 845-BP-0040010 10 reactions
845-BP-0040050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.3 Isolation of plasmid DNA

Isolation of plasmid DNA

Analytik Jena’s plasmid kits allow researchers to process bacterial
suspensions ranging in size from 250 µL (direct) to 50 mL.

Mini Spin Filters and MIDI Spin Filters can both be used for this task.
The nucleic acids are eluted into a low-salt buffer, after which they
are immediately available for use in sequencing reactions and other
downstream applications.
2.3 Isolation of plasmid DNA englisch

x - Recommended
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(x) - Recommended with limitations

innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit
innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit Plus

innuPREP Plasmid Rapid Kit

innuPREP Plasmid Small Kit

innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit

Cataloge page 53 54 55 56 57
Bacterial suspension (Plasmid) x x x x x
250 µl (direct) x
0.5 - 5 ml x x
> 5 - 10 ml x x x
5 - 15 ml x
25 - 50 ml x
High copy plasmid x x x
Low copy plasmid or P1 constructs x x x
Plasmid x x x x x

2.3 Isolation of plasmid DNA

innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ A combination kit for extracting high-copy and low-copy

plasmid DNA, P1 constructs, etc.
ƒƒ Final yields of up to 40 µg of highly pure plasmid DNA
ƒƒ Starting volumes of the bacterial suspensions to be used
covers a large range (0.5 – 10 ml)
ƒƒ The eluted pDNA can be used immediately prior to

Product description Kit components
The innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit allows researchers to isolate plasmid Resuspension Buffer, Lysis Buffer, Neutralization Buffer, Washing
DNA from bacterial lysates quickly and easily. The method combines Solutions, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (orange), Receiver Tubes,
alkaline lysis with the process of binding plasmid DNA to a filter user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

membrane once the chromosomal DNA and bacterial proteins have
been precipitated. The bound plasmid DNA are then washed and
eluted by adding a low salt buffer. The resulting isolated plasmid Storage conditions and stability
DNA can then be used immediately in a variety of additional down- The innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit will remain stable for at
stream applications. The new method allows scientists to isolate least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
plasmid DNA from 0.5 – 10 ml starting material. The use of a novel (14 °C to 25 °C).
binding membrane makes it possible to isolate up to 40 µg of pDNA.

Sample application
Procedure 1 4 pDNA (Bluescript) isolated using innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit. pDNA
1. Perform alkaline lysis was incubated for 1 hour at 37 °C with HindIII and EcoRI restriction
2. Centrifuge for enzymes. The restriction digestion was then analyzed on a 1 % TAE
10 minutes agarose gel.
to precipitate
chromosomal DNA 5
and proteins 2 Lane 1: DNA ladder
3. Bind plasmid DNA Lane 2, 5 and 8: pDNA,
4. Wash Lane 3, 6 and 9: pDNA,
5. Elute pDNA 3 cleaved with HindIII
Lane 4, 7 and 10: pDNA,
cleaved with EcoRI

Isolated pDNA is of excellent

Product specifications quality for sequencing
Starting material:
ƒƒ Bacterial suspensions
ƒƒ Isolation of high-copy plasmids: 0.5 – 5 ml
ƒƒ Isolation of low-copy plasmid DNA, P1 constructions, etc.:
> 5 – 10 ml

Extraction time:
Approx. 16 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: approx. 40 µg pDNA

Average yield:
Typical yield from 2 ml starting material (high-copy plasmid):
6 – 20 µg
Order information
Average purity (A 260:A 280):
Order number Quantity
1.8 – 2.0
845-KS-5040010 10 reactions
845-KS-5040050 50 reactions
845-KS-5040250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.3 Isolation of plasmid DNA

innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit Plus

ƒƒ Spin Filter column used for preparing 5 – 15 ml bacterial

ƒƒ Isolation of up to 80 µg of highly pure plasmid DNA
ƒƒ Low-salt elution means that extracted pDNA can be used
directly in sequencing reactions
ƒƒ Quality of isolated pDNA is excellent

Product description Kit components

Use of the innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit Plus makes it possible to Resuspension Buffer, Lysis Buffer, Neutralization Buffer, Washing
extract highly pure plasmid DNA from bacterial lysates ranging in Solutions, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (lavender), Receiver Tubes,
volume between 5 and 15 ml. After performing an alkaline lysis Elution Tubes, user manual
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

step and precipitating both chromosomal DNA as well as bacterial

proteins, pDNA is bound to a Spin Filter membrane, washed and
then eluted in a low-salt buffer. This typically results in 60 – 70 µg Storage conditions and stability
plasmid DNA from a 15 ml bacterial suspension – available in The innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit Plus will remain stable for at
just 20 minutes for further downstream applications. As such, the least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
method makes it possible to isolate extremely high-quality plasmid (14 °C to 25 °C).
DNA using a simple “plasmid mini-protocol”.

Sample application
Procedure 1 4 pDNA was extracted from 10 ml starting material using the innuPREP
1. Perform alkaline lysis Plasmid Mini Kit Plus. The pDNA was incubated for 1 hour at 37 °C
2. Centrifuge for with HindIII and EcoRI restriction enzymes. The restriction digestion
10 minutes was then analyzed on a 1 % TAE agarose gel.
to precipitate
chromosomal DNA 5
and proteins 2
3. Bind plasmid DNA
4. Wash
5. Elute pDNA 3

Product specifications
Starting material:
5 – 15 ml bacterial suspension
Lane 1 and 14: DNA ladder
Extraction time: Lane 2, 5, 8 and 11: pDNA, uncleaved
Lane 3, 6, 9 and 12: pDNA, cleaved with HindIII
Approx. 20 minutes Lane 4, 7, 10 and 13: pDNA, cleaved with EcoRI

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: approx. 80 µg pDNA

Average yield:
Typical yield from 15 ml starting material (high-copy plasmid):
60 – 70 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.8 – 2.0 Order information

Order number Quantity

845-KS-5240010 10 reactions
845-KS-5240050 50 reactions
845-KS-5240250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.3 Isolation of plasmid DNA

innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit

ƒƒ Includes MIDI columns for isolating high-copy or low-copy

plasmids from bacterial suspensions of up 50 ml
ƒƒ Yields of up to 100 µg of highly pure pDNA
ƒƒ Plasmid DNA can be used directly for sequencing reactions
ƒƒ No complex ethanol precipitation step required

Product description Kit components
The innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit is a tool for fast, simple isola- Resuspension buffer, Lysis buffer, Neutralization buffer, Washing
tion of plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures of up to 25 ml (high- solutions, Elution buffer, Midi Spin Filter, 15 ml tubes, user manual
copy plasmids) or from bacterial suspensions of up to 50 ml (low-

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

copy plasmids). Unlike the technology used in anion exchangers, Storage conditions and stability
the innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit is based on binding plasmid The innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit will remain stable for at
DNA to the surface of an optimized MIDI Spin Filter membrane. The least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
plasmid DNA is eluted into a low-salt buffer after the bound nucleic (14°C – 25°C).
acids have been washed. Using the innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct
Kit allows researchers to obtain up to 80 µg of plasmid DNA of Sample application
excellent purity and quality while eliminating the need for ethanol The innuPREP Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit was used to isolate plasmid
precipitation. The nucleic acids obtained can be used directly for DNA from 25 ml of a bacterial suspension. The nucleic acids were
other applications. then incubated with HindIII and EcoRI restriction enzymes for 1 hour
at 37ºC. The results were visualized on a 1% TAE agarose gel.



1. Perform alkaline 7

lysis on the starting

4 15
3 14
2 13





2. Centrifuge for 10




minutes to precipitate


2 3

chromosomal DNA
and proteins
3. Bind plasmid DNA
4. Wash 15
13 13

5. Elute pDNA 12
7 3 8
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Bacterial suspension
ƒƒ For isolating high-copy plasmids: up to 25 ml Lane 1: DNA control Lane 1: DNA control
ƒƒ For isolating low-copy plasmid DNA, P1 constructions, Lane 2 und 4: pDNA, uncut Lane 2 und 4: pDNA, uncut
Lane 3 und 5: pDNA EcoRI, Lane 3 und 5: pDNA HindIII,
etc.: up to 50 ml cleaved cleaved

Extraction time:
Approx. 55 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: approx. 100 µg pDNA

Average yield: Order information

ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Typical yield from 25 ml starting material (pBL Bluescript):
approx. 50 – 80 µg 845-KS-2090010 10 reactions
845-KS-2090025 25 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-2090050 50 reactions
1,8 – 2,0
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.3 Isolation of plasmid DNA

innuPREP Plasmid Rapid Kit

ƒƒ Extraction of highly pure plasmid DNA in just 6 minutes

ƒƒ Can accommodate bacterial suspensions having volumes
ranging between 1 and 5 ml
ƒƒ Up to 40 µg pDNA can be bound to the Spin Filter
membrane used
ƒƒ The eluate is directly suitable for plasmid sequencing

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Plasmid Rapid Kit allows users to isolate plasmids The innuPREP Plasmid Rapid Kit will remain stable for at
from 1 – 5 ml bacterial suspensions, radically reducing the time least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
involved to just 6 minutes. Unlike traditional methods for isolat- (14 °C to 25 °C).
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

ing plasmid DNA, this kit utilizes a simple, fast filtration step with a
specially optimized filter membrane to separate out chromosomal
DNA and bacterial proteins. The plasmid DNA are then bound to a Sample application
fiberglass membrane, washed and eluted by adding a low salt buffer. Plasmid DNA (Bluescript) isolation followed by Big Dye Primer
The extracted pDNA can then be used immediately in a wide variety Sequencing.
of subsequent applications.

1. Perform alkaline lysis
2. Isolate chromosomal 3
DNA and bacterial
proteins with the
aid of a special filter
3. Bind plasmid DNA
4. Wash 2
5. Elute pDNA

Product specifications
Starting material:
1 – 5 ml bacterial suspension

Extraction time:
Approx. 6 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: approx. 40 µg pDNA

Average yield:
Typical yield from 2 ml starting material (high-copy plasmid):
6 – 14 µg
Sequence fragment verifying outstanding quality of purified plasmid DNA
Average purity (A 260:A 280): for plasmid sequencing.
1.8 – 2.0

Order information
Kit components
Order number Quantity
Resuspension Buffer, Lysis Buffer, Neutralization Buffer, Washing
Solutions, Elution Buffer, Prefilter (vanilla), Spin Filter (orange), 845-KS-5140010 10 reactions
Receiver Tubes, user manual 845-KS-5140050 50 reactions
845-KS-5140250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.3 Isolation of plasmid DNA

innuPREP Plasmid Small Kit

ƒƒ Direct plasmid isolation from bacterial suspensions with

no need for pelleting and resuspension
ƒƒ Saves time while reducing the number of protocol steps
and work sequences
ƒƒ Eluted plasmid DNA can be used directly in sequencing
ƒƒ High yields and excellent quality

Product description Storage conditions and stability
The innuPREP Plasmid Small Kit provides a fast, simplified method The innuPREP Plasmid Small Kit will remain stable for at
of directly isolating plasmid DNA from a 250 µl bacterial culture. least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
After performing an alkaline lysis step and precipitating chromosom- (14 °C to 25 °C).

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

al DNA and bacterial proteins, the next step is to bind plasmid DNA
to a Spin Filter column. The need to pellet and then resuspend the
bacteria is completely eliminated. The extraction process begins as Sample application
soon as the bacterial culture is lysed; the process is complete in just Plasmid DNA was isolated directly from a 250 µl bacterial suspen-
12 minutes. The resulting isolated plasmid DNA can then be used sion and then visualized on a 1 % TAE agarose gel.
immediately in a variety of additional applications.

Procedure 1
1. Perform alkaline
lysis directly on the
starting material
2. Bind pDNA to the
Spin Filter 4
3. Wash 2
4. Elute plasmid DNA
Lane 1 and 10: DNA ladder
Lane 2 – 9: Extracted pDNA from a 250 µl bacterial suspension

An isolated plasmid DNA (Bluescript) was sequenced using Big Dye

Primer Sequencing (sequence fragment).

Product specifications
Starting material: The quality of the isolated
250 µl bacterial suspension (direct) plasmid DNA was confirmed
to be excellent for plasmid
Extraction time:
Approx. 12 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 20 µg pDNA

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ 250 µl starting material (high-copy plasmid): 1 – 3 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.8 – 2.0

Order information
Kit components
Order number Quantity
Lysis Buffer, Neutralization Buffer, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer,
Spin Filter (orange), Receiver Tubes, user manual 845-KS-5340010 10 reactions
845-KS-5340050 50 reactions
845-KS-5340250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.4 Cleanup products

Cleanup products
Kits in the innuPREP product group include flexible, effective clean-
up products. PCR amplification products are not only isolated in an
optimized process—thanks to adjustable elution volumes, they can be
concentrated efficiently as well.

Solutions are available for processing PCR reactions, agarose gels and
sequencing batches.

2.4 Cleanup products englisch


x - Recommended
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(x) - Recommended with limitations

innuPREP Gel Extraction Kit

innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit

innuPREP PCRpure 96 Kit
innuPREP PCRpure Kit

innuPREPDYEpure Kit

Cataloge page 59 59 60 61 62
Agarose gel (TBE or TAE) x x
Up to 300 mg x x
PCR fragments x x x x
PCR reaction mixes x x x x
Up to 50 µl x x x
Removal of dye terminators x

2.4 Cleanup products

innuPREP PCRpure Kit | innuPREP PCRpure 96 Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ A new, 2-step process for performing PCR purification

in just 3 minutes
ƒƒ Ability to process very small elution volumes of
at least 10 µl
ƒƒ High rates of recovery for a large range of fragment lengths
ƒƒ Extremely fast and simple with minimal steps involved

Product description Comparison with competing products
The innuPREP PCRpure Kit provides an extremely fast, simple and
highly efficient method for purifying amplification products directly innuPREP Bind Elute
from PCR reaction mixtures and/or for concentrating PCR products. Total time: 3 minutes

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

Purification is based on a two-step method and takes only approx.
3 minutes to complete. The need for previously standard wash Bind Wash Dry Elute
steps is eliminated, thereby reducing the overall process to binding
product Total time: 8 minutes
and elution. The process makes it possible to recover amplifica-
tion products ranging in size from > 60 bp to 30 kb with recovery
rates of 75 % to 95 % depending on the length of the amplification
product. Also, elution can be performed with a very small volume Sample application
of just 10 µl, which eliminates the need for specialized “mini-elute” After amplifying a 270 bp fragment, the PCR reaction mixture was
Spin Filter columns. purified using the innuPREP PCRpure Kit and then measured by
using Agilent Bioanalyzer.

Procedure Example of efficient primer removal:

1. Add Binding Buffer to the 2
PCR reaction mixture Before
2. Bind PCR fragments purification
3. Elute

Product specifications
Starting material:
PCR reaction mixtures (up to 50 µl) After
Extraction time:
ƒƒ Approx. 3 minutes
ƒƒ Based on a fast, 2-step process

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 20 µg

Fragment lengths:
> 60 bp – 30 kb Order information

Order number Quantity

Average recovery rate:
ƒƒ Approx. 60 % to 95 % innuPREP PCRpure Kit
ƒƒ Depends on fragment length 845-KS-5010010 10 reactions
845-KS-5010050 50 reactions
845-KS-5010250 250 reactions
Kit components
Binding Buffer, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (green), Receiver Tubes, innuPREP PCRpure 96 Kit*
Elution Tubes, user manual 845-FP-5010192 2 × 96 reactions
845-FP-5010384 4 × 96 reactions

Storage conditions and stability 845-FP-5010960 10 × 96 reactions

The innuPREP PCRpure Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C). * Using 96 well filter Plates and a centrifuge makes it possible to process up to
96 samples in parallel in just approx. 30 minutes.
2.4 Cleanup products

innuPREP Gel Extraction Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Fast, efficient isolation of DNA from TAE or TBE agarose

gels (up to 300 mg)
ƒƒ High recovery rates and excellent quality for subsequent
ƒƒ Capable of processing a large range of fragment lengths
(from 100 bp to 30 kb)
ƒƒ Elution volumes can be reduced to 10 µl

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Gel Extraction Kit is a tool for extremely fast, simple The innuPREP Gel Extraction Kit will remain stable for at
isolation and concentration of DNA fragments from TAE or TBE least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
agarose gels. The first step of the process on which the kit is based (14 °C to 25 °C).
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

is to solubilize agarose gel pieces; this is then followed by selective

binding of the DNA onto a filter membrane. The bound DNA are
then washed and desorbed from the filter membrane by adding a Sample application
low-salt buffer. The elution volumes used in this process may be Following amplification of a
varied between 10 µl and 50 µl. All of the buffers have been ad- 260 bp fragment, the corre-
justed to work well together, resulting in a highly efficient recovery sponding band was cut out of
process. The isolated DNA fragments are suitable for immediate the agarose gel, purified using
use in further applications. the innuPREP Gel Extraction Kit
and then sequenced.

1. Solubilize gel
2. Bind the DNA to the 1
Spin Filter 3
3. Wash the bound DNA
4. Elute the DNA The recovery rate of a 98 bp fragment was determined on an
Agilent Bioanalyzer. Recovery rate: 85 %

4 purification

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ TAE agarose gels (up to 300 mg)
ƒƒ TBE agarose gels (up to 300 mg)
Extraction time: purification
Approx. 20 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 20 µg DNA

Fragment lengths:
100 bp – 30 kb

Average recovery rate:

ƒƒ Approx. 60 % to 90 % Order information
ƒƒ Depends on fragment length
Order number Quantity
845-KS-5030010 10 reactions
Kit components 845-KS-5030050 50 reactions
Gel Solubilizer, Binding Optimizer, Washing Solution, Elution Buffer, 845-KS-5030250 250 reactions
Spin Filter (green), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.4 Cleanup products

innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Combination kit for fast extraction of DNA fragments from

agarose gels or amplification products from PCR reaction
ƒƒ Flexible elution volumes between 30 and 50 µl (standard
protocol) and 10 to 20 µl (“Mini-Elute” protocol)
ƒƒ High recovery rates of up to 95 %
ƒƒ Capable of processing fragment lengths of up to 30 kb

Product description Sample application
The innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit allows efficiently extracting of DNA Purification of various PCR fragments from an amplification reaction.
fragments from TAE or TBE agarose gels and utilizes a novel 2-step The recovery rate is then determined using an Agilent bioanalyzer.
technology for purifying amplification products from PCR reaction

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

mixtures. The Spin Filter column has a binding capacity of over 20 µg,
making it possible to achieve high yields and excellent quality when
isolating DNA fragments. In addition, the kit also produces recovery
rates of up to 95 % depending on the fragment size. Other outstand-
ing features of the innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit include easy handling,
flexible settings for elution volumes and fast purification protocols.

Product specifications
Starting material:
A 98 bp fragment after
ƒƒ PCR reaction mixes (up to 50 µl) purification; recovery rate:
ƒƒ TAE agarose gels (up to 300 mg) 85 %
ƒƒ TBE agarose gels (up to 300 mg) B 638 bp fragment after
purification; recovery rate:
76 %
Extraction time: C Recovery rate comparison
ƒƒ PCR purification: approx. 3 minutes (2-step process)
ƒƒ Gel extraction: approx. 20 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 20 µg DNA Extraction of a 538 bp fragment from a section of TBE agarose gel
with subsequent determination of the recovery rate using an Agilent
Fragment lengths: bioanalyzer. Recovery rate: 87 %
ƒƒ PCR purification: > 60 bp – 30 kb
ƒƒ Gel extraction: 100 bp – 30 kb
538 bp fragment before
Average recovery rate: purification
ƒƒ PCR purification: approx. 60 % to 95 %
ƒƒ Gel extraction: approx. 60 % to 90 %
ƒƒ Depends on fragment length

Kit components 538 bp fragment after

Gel Solubilizer, Binding Optimizer, Binding Buffer, Washing Solution, purification
Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (green), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
user manual

Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit will remain stable for at
least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
(14 °C to 25 °C). Order information

Order number Quantity

845-KS-5050010 10 reactions
845-KS-5050050 50 reactions
845-KS-5050250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.4 Cleanup products

innuPREP DYEpure Kit

ƒƒ Effective removal of dye terminators from

sequencing reactions
ƒƒ Novel two-step technology based on Spin Filter
columns results in a very simple procedure
ƒƒ Extremely fast – full purification in just 5 minutes
ƒƒ Elution volume reduced down to 10 µl

Product description Kit components

The innuPREP DYEpure Kit is an especially effective, fast tool for re- DYE Removal Buffer, molecular biology grade H 2O, Spin Filter
moving of fluorescence-labelled didesoxynukleotide triphosphates (green), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual
(dye terminators) from sequencing reactions. Dye terminators are
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

typically used for sequencing by chain termination and can interfere

with the sequence during read-out. The utterly new, patented Dual Storage conditions and stability
Chemistry (DC) technology allows researchers to omit unnecessary The innuPREP DYEpure Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months
wash steps and time-consuming precipitation with ethanol. This if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C).
reduces the process to just binding and elution, allowing the entire
purification process to be completed in no more than 5 minutes.
Thanks to the high quality of the eluate and its exceptional purity, Sample application
the innuPREP DYEpure Kit serves as ideal preparation for subse- A specific rapid PCR was performed, after which the innuPREP
quent sequencing runs. PCRpure Kit was used to purify the PCR product, which was then
subjected to a sequencing reaction with a specific primer. The
innuPREP DYEpure Kit was used to remove unincorporated dye
Procedure terminators (fluorescent marker dyes). Capillary electrophoresis was
1. Add DYE Removal used to separate the pure chain termination product and to analyze
Buffer to the 1 the sequence.
sequencing reaction
mix and bind the
DNA fragments
2. Elute DNA fragments

Part of a sequence to show excellent quality of the PCR product for

sequencing reactions.

Product specifications Order information

Starting material:
Order number Quantity
Sequencing reactions (up to 50 µl)
845-KS-5020010 10 reactions
Extraction time: 845-KS-5020050 50 reactions
ƒƒ Approx. 5 minutes 845-KS-5020250 250 reactions
ƒƒ Based on a fast 2-step process
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

Recovery rate:
> 75 % depending on the fragment size

> 99 % of dye terminators are removed

2.5 Isolation of total RNA

Isolation of total RNA

The innuPREP product line includes kits for extracting total RNA from
an extremely wide variety of starting materials. Because they serve as
a simple, selective tool for separating genomic DNA from samples
(using an initial Spin Filter), none of these RNA kits involve additional
DNase I digestion.
Looking out for operator health: RNA isolation proceeds without the use
of highly toxic b-mercaptoethanol.

2.5 Isolation of total RNA englisch

innuPREP innuSOLV
x - Recommended

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(x) - Recommended with limitations

innuPREP Blood RNA Midi Direct Kit

innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit
innuPREP RNA Midi Direct Kit

innuPREP Blood RNA Kit

innuPREP Micro RNA Kit

innuPREP Plant RNA Kit

innuSOLV RNA Reagent

innuPREP RNA Mini Kit

Cataloge page 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 87
Bacterial cells (gram+ & gram-) x x x x x
5x 106 x
1x 10 9
x x x
max. 5x 10 - 5x 10
8 9
Blood x x x
Whole blood 0.5 - 1.0 ml x
Whole blood 1.5 - 10.0 ml x
Eucaryotic cells x x x x x
5x 106 x x x x
5x 10 - 1x 10
6 8
Fungi x
Plant material x
Up to 50 mg x
Up to 100 mg x
Tissue samples x x x x x
Biopsies x x x
Up to 20 mg x x x
Up to 100 mg x
50 - 200 mg x
Yeast cells x
5x 10 6

2.5 Isolation of total RNA

innuPREP RNA Mini Kit

ƒƒ Fast, efficient purification of total RNA from a wide variety

of different starting materials and in varying amounts
ƒƒ Prefiltration to selectively remove genomic DNA with no
DNase digestion
ƒƒ Eliminates need for using highly toxic b-mercaptoethanol
ƒƒ Ready-to-use RNA isolated after only 15 – 40 minutes;
quality and quantity of isolated RNA is excellent

Product description Kit components

The innuPREP RNA Mini Kit is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free water, Spin Filter
to extracting total RNA that is excellent in terms of both quality and (blue and purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual
quantity. The specially optimized Lysis Buffer system guarantees
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

isolation of intact RNA and lasting deactivation of endogenous and

exogenous RNases. A precolumn contained in the kit can be used Storage conditions and stability
to remove genomic DNA, which utterly eliminates the traditional The innuPREP RNA Mini Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months
need for DNase I digestion. The RNA is then bound to a second if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C).
Spin Filter membrane, washed and finally eluted in 30 – 80 µl of
RNase-free water. As such, the extraction process can be concluded
in 15 – 40 minutes, depending on the starting material. Sample application
Extraction of total RNA from gram+ bacterial pellets. The bacteria
were first digested with lysozyme, after which the bacterial RNA was
Procedure isolated using the innuPREP RNA Mini Kit.
1. Homogenize/lyse
starting material 3
2. Selectively remove 1
genomic DNA
3. Bind total cellular
4. Wash 4
5. Elute 2

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells (max. 5 × 106)
ƒƒ Tissue samples (max. 20 mg)
ƒƒ Gram+ and gram– bacteria (max. 1 × 109)
ƒƒ Biopsies The analysis was performed using an Agilent Bioanalyzer, and shows pure
RNA free of gDNA and with no degradation.
Extraction time:
Approx. 15 – 40 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: approx. 100 µg RNA

Average yield: Order information

ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Up to 100 µg RNA
845-KS-2040010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-2040050 50 reactions
1.8 – 2.1 845-KS-2040250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.5 Isolation of total RNA

innuPREP RNA MIDI Direct Kit

ƒƒ Universal, MIDI-format kit for extracting total RNA

ƒƒ The use of a pre-column to remove genomic DNA elimi-
nates DNase I digestion
ƒƒ Complete elimination of the use of highly toxic
ƒƒ An easy-to-use kit for isolating high-quality total RNA from
a variety of different starting materials and quantities

Product description Kit components
The extraction procedure for the innuPREP RNA MIDI Direct Kit is Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free water, MIDI Spin Filter,
based on a patented technology. After homogenizing and/or lysing Spin Filter, 15 ml tubes, user manual
the starting material, the next step is to remove the genomic DNA

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

from the sample by efficiently binding it to an initial MIDI Spin Filter Storage conditions and stability
column. Adding ethanol to the RNA-containing filtrate binds the The innuPREP RNA MIDI Direct Kit will remain stable for at least 12
nucleic acid to a second MIDI Spin Filter where it is washed and months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 – 25°C).
finally eluted in RNase-free water. The optimized isolation chemistry
inactivates both endogenous as well as exogenous RNases, thereby
guaranteeing a final yield of intact, pure total RNA free of gDNA or Sample application
other contaminants. 4
The innuPREP RNA MIDI Direct Kit was used to extract total RNA from
a variety of different starting quantities of NIH 3T3 cells. The isolated

RNA was then visualized directly on a denaturing formaldehyde gel.

15 13

1 10
Isolation of Total RNA from and 2.5 x 107 NIH 3T3 cells
4 15
3 14

1. Homogenize / lyse
2 13
2 12


starting material Lanes 1 and 11: DNA ladder

6 9

lanes 2 – 5: total RNA from


2. Selectively remove
10 6
12 5

1 x 107 NIH 3T3 cells

14 3

genomic DNA

lane 6: blank
3. Bind total cellular RNA lanes 7 – 10: total RNA from
4. Wash and elute 15
2.5 x 107 NIH 3T3 cells

2 8


The analysis (performed using an Agilent Bioanalyzer) shows pure

RNA free of gDNA and with no degradation. Total RNA was isolated in
each case from 2.5 x 107 NIH 3T3 cells
Product specifications
Starting material: 9

ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells (5 x 106 – 1 x 108)


ƒƒ Tissue samples (50 – 200 mg)

Sample 1 Sample 2

ƒƒ Gram+ und gram- bacteria (max. 5 x 108 – 5 x 109)

Extraction time:
Approx. 65 minutes after the corresponding lysis step

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: approx. 1000 µg RNA RIN: 10 RIN: 10

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material Order information
ƒƒ From 2.5 x 107 NIH 3T3 cells: approx. 200 µg RNA
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ From 1.0 x 107 NIH 3T3 cells: approx. 100 µg RNA
ƒƒ From 150 mg mouse liver: approx. 400 µg RNA 845-KS-2070010 10 reactions
ƒƒ From 4 x 109 Listeria cells: approx. 100 µg RNA 845-KS-2070025 25 reactions
845-KS-2070050 50 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280):
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
1,8 – 2,0

2.5 Isolation of total RNA

innuPREP Micro RNA Kit

ƒƒ Fast, efficient isolation especially of small RNA molecules,

such as mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, snRNA, miRNA, siRNA
ƒƒ Optimized Binding Buffer system for recovering large
amounts of small RNA molecules and total RNA
ƒƒ Selective removal of genomic DNA prevents DNase I
ƒƒ Easy to use; no toxic b-mercaptoethanol

Product description Kit components

Using the innuPREP Micro RNA Kit allows researchers to isolate small Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free
RNA molecules and achieve high yields. The new, optimized Binding water, Spin Filter (blue and purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
Buffer system makes it possible to achieve high rates of recovery for user manual
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

small RNA molecules such as mRNA, tRNA, rRNA and snRNA. The
first step utilizes well-established Spin Filter column technology to
selectively remove genomic DNA; the RNA is then bound, washed Storage conditions and stability
and finally removed from the filter membrane using RNase-free The innuPREP Micro RNA Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months
water. Users have the flexibility to adjust the elution volume within a if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C).
range of 30 µl to 80 µl. Also, the extraction chemistry (DC tech-
nology) renders the use of highly toxic b-mercaptoethanol utterly
unnecessary for isolating RNA. Sample application
Comparison between the innuPREP RNA Mini Kit and the
innuPREP Micro RNA Kit with respect to the recovery of small RNA
Procedure molecules. Both kits were used to extract RNA from human cells,
1. Homogenize/lyse which were then analyzed with an Agilent Bioanalyzer.
starting material 3
2. Selectively remove 1
genomic DNA
3. Bind RNA to a Spin
Filter membrane
4. Wash 4
5. Elute 2

RNA isolated using the innuPREP RNA Mini Kit shows excellent results for
total RNA, but not for small RNA molecules.

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells (max. 5 × 106)
ƒƒ Tissue samples (max. 20 mg)
ƒƒ Gram+ and gram– bacteria (max. 1 × 109)
ƒƒ Biopsies

Extraction time:
Approx. 15 – 40 minutes
RNA isolated using the innuPREP Micro RNA Kit; yield of small RNA
Binding capacity: molecules is shown to be clearly higher. Referring to yield of total RNA
both kits are comparable.
Column binding capacity: approx. 100 µg RNA

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material Order information
ƒƒ Up to 100 µg RNA
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ High recovery rate for small RNA molecules
845-KS-2030010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-2030050 50 reactions
1.8 – 2.1 845-KS-2030250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.5 Isolation of total RNA

innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit

ƒƒ For rapid, parallel extraction of genomic DNA and total

cellular RNA from a single starting sample
ƒƒ Flexible for use with different starting materials
ƒƒ Based on nucleic acid extraction using optimized
Spin Filter membranes
ƒƒ Ready-to-use DNA and RNA in just 15 – 40 minutes
ƒƒ No use of toxic b-mercaptoethanol

Product description Kit components
The innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit is the jack-of-all-trades from Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free water, Elution Buffer,
Analytik Jena. The binding capacity is 50 µg DNA and 100 µg RNA, Spin Filter (blue and purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
which means that both nucleic acids can be isolated from a single user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

starting material to produce excellent quality and yields. Eucaryotic
cells, gram+ and gram– bacteria and tissue samples can all be used
as starting materials. The genomic DNA and total cellular RNA are Storage conditions and stability
available for subsequent downstream applications after only 15 to The innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit will remain stable for at least
40 minutes, each in their own reaction vessel. The DNA is eluted in 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 to 25 °C).
100 µl Elution Buffer, while the RNA is eluted in 30 to 80 µl RNase-
free water.
Sample application
Genomic DNA and total cellular RNA isolated in parallel from a hu-
Procedure man cell line using the innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit. The DNA was
1. Lyse the starting 1 2 then applied to a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel and the RNA was visualized
material on a 1.2 % denaturating formaldehyd gel.
2. Bind the genomic DNA
to the first Spin Filter
3. Bind the total RNA to
the second Spin Filter
4a. Wash the bound DNA
4b. Wash the bound RNA
5a. Elute the DNA
5b. Elute the RNA

4a 4b

5a 5b

Product specifications
Starting material: Lane 1: Marker Lane 1: Marker
ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells (max. 5 × 106) Lane 2 – 5: Genomic DNA Lane 2 – 5: Total cellular
extracted from a human RNA extracted from a
ƒƒ Tissue samples (max. 20 mg) cell line human cell line
ƒƒ Gram+ and gram– bacteria (max. 1 × 109)

Extraction time:
Approx. 15 – 40 minutes

Binding capacity:
Approx. 100 µg RNA; > 50 µg gDNA Order information

Order number Quantity

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material 845-KS-2080010 10 reactions
ƒƒ Up to 60 µg RNA; up to 40 µg DNA 845-KS-2080050 50 reactions
845-KS-2080250 250 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280):
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
RNA: 1.8 – 2.1; DNA: 1.7 – 2.0

2.5 Isolation of total RNA

innuPREP Blood RNA Kit

ƒƒ Isolation of total cellular RNA from whole blood samples

of up to 1 ml
ƒƒ Selective removal of genomic DNA with no DNase diges-
ƒƒ Efficient inactivation of endogenous and exogenous
ƒƒ Extraction of highly pure RNA with no degradation

Product description Kit components

The innuPREP Blood RNA Kit allows users to extract total cellular Buffer (concentrate), Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free
RNA from fresh or frozen whole blood samples, which were water, Spin Filter (blue and purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
stabilized with either EDTA or citrate. The specially optimized Lysis user manual
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

Buffer makes lysis extremely efficient, effectively deactivating

endogenous and exogenous RNases. Using innuPREP Blood RNA Kit
allows researchers to isolate highly pure RNA in an extremely Storage conditions and stability
short amount of time while completely omitting the highly toxic The innuPREP Blood RNA Kit will remain stable for at
b-mercaptoethanol traditionally used in the extraction process. least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
Upon elution in RNase-free water, the final RNA is ready-to-use (14 °C to 25 °C).
and can be integrated in subsequent applications immediately.

Sample application
Procedure Extraction of total RNA from a 1 ml whole blood sample followed
1. Lyse whole blood by analysis of the isolated RNA on an Agilent Bioanalyzer.
sample 3 The analysis shows pure RNA free of gDNA and with no degradation.
2. Selectively remove 1
genomic DNA
3. Bind total cellular RIN 10
4. Wash 4
5. Elute 2

RIN 10

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ 0.5 – 1 ml whole blood samples
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen blood
ƒƒ Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate
RIN 9.7
Extraction time:
Approx. 45 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 20 µg RNA

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on sample
ƒƒ Approx. 1 –8 µg Order information

Order number Quantity

Average purity (A 260:A 280):
1.8 – 2.1 845-KS-2010010 10 reactions
845-KS-2010050 50 reactions
845-KS-2010250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.5 Isolation of total RNA

innuPREP Blood RNA MIDI Direct Kit

ƒƒ Isolates pure total RNA from 1.5 – 10 ml whole blood

ƒƒ Patented extraction chemistry with no DNase I digestion
and no toxic β-mercaptoethanol
ƒƒ Optimized lysis buffer for inactivating endogenous and
exogenous RNases
ƒƒ Based on the use of MIDI-format Spin Filter columns

Product description Kit components
The innuPREP Blood RNA MIDI Direct Kit was specifically developed Buffer (concentrate), Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free
for isolating total RNA from whole blood samples with relatively water, MIDI Spin Filter,15 ml tubes, user manual
large starting volumes. Based on optimized MIDI Spin Filters, this

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

kit can process up to 10 ml blood samples (frozen or fresh); whole
blood stabilized both by EDTA and by citrate has already yielded Storage conditions and stability
positive test results. The first step is to selectively lyse erythrocytes The innuPREP Blood RNA MIDI Direct Kit will remain stable for at
and then collect the lymphocytes. This is followed by washing the least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C
cell pellet and starting homogenization and/or lysis. An initial MIDI – 25°C).
Spin Filter is used to remove genomic DNA from the lysate and the
resulting filtrate is applied to a second filter to bind RNA, allow-
ing users to dispense with an additional, time-consuming DNase I Sample application
digestion step altogether. Total RNA is then eluted into RNase-free The innuPREP Blood RNA MIDI Direct Kit was used to isolate total RNA
water as the final step. 3
2 from a 5 ml whole blood sample. Analysis on the Agilent Bioanalyzer
yielded an RNA integrity number of 9.1, demonstrating the high quality

of the extracted RNA.

15 13


1. Homogenize / lyse
4 15
3 14

starting materials 2


2. Selectively remove

5 10
6 9
9 7

genomic DNA
10 6
12 5
13 4
14 3

3. Bind total cellular RNA


4. Wash and elute


2 8


RIN 9.1

Product specifications 15

Starting material:
ƒƒ 1.5 – 10 ml whole blood samples 9

ƒƒ Fresh or frozen blood 5


ƒƒ Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate


Extraction time:
Approx. 65 minutes

Binding capacity:
Binding capacity der Säule: ca. 50 µg RNA
Order information
Average yield:
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Depends on the amount and quality of the initial sample
ƒƒ From 5 ml whole blood: approx. 4 – 12 µg RNA 845-KS-2100010 10 reactions
ƒƒ From 10 ml whole blood: approx. 5 – 18 µg RNA 845-KS-2100025 25 reactions
845-KS-2100050 50 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280):
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
1,7 – 2,0

2.5 Isolation of total RNA

innuPREP Plant RNA Kit

ƒƒ Ready-to-use total plant RNA in just 30 minutes after

ƒƒ Selection of two integrated Lysis Buffer systems for
optimum adaptation to an extremely wide variety of plant
species and components
ƒƒ Selective prefiltration step to prevent DNase digestion
ƒƒ Optimized extraction chemistry eliminates the need for
toxic b-mercaptoethanol

Product description Kit components

The chemistry underlying the innuPREP Plant RNA Kit, which has Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free water, Spin Filter
been specially adapted for isolating plant materials (e. g. leaves, cau- (blue and purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual
lis, root, blossom), guarantees highly efficient lysis and effectively
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

deactivates endogenous and exogenous RNases.

The innuPREP Plant RNA Kit contains two Lysis Buffers in order to Storage conditions and stability
process as wide a range as possible of different plant materials, The innuPREP Plant RNA Kit will remain stable for at least
particularly plant components with widely differing characteristics. 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
The Lysis Buffer RL, by comparison, is an universal buffer and the (14 °C to 25 °C).
Lysis Buffer PL has been specifically adapted to difficult plants such
as roses or potatoes. The total extracted RNA is of excellent quality
can be used directly in subsequent applications. Sample application
The innuPREP Plant RNA Kit was compared to innuSPEED Plant
RNA Kit by extraction of total cellular RNA from a 50 mg leaf mate-
Procedure rial. The subsequent analysis of the quality of the isolated nucleic
1. Homogenize and acid was performed on an Agilent Bioanalyzer. Data indicate total
lyse the plant 3 plant RNA with intact ribosomal RNA, free of genomic DNA con-
material 1 tamination and with no sign of degradation.
2. Selectively remove
genomic DNA
3. Bind total
cellular RNA 4
4. Wash 2
5. Elute

innuSPEED Plant RNA Kit with RIN 9.8

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Various types of plant samples (100 mg = max.)
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen plant material

Extraction time:
Approx. 30 minutes after homogenization

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: approx. 100 µg RNA innuPREP Plant RNA Kit with RIN 9.5

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the sample Order information
ƒƒ Up to 70 µg
Order number Quantity

Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-2060010 10 reactions

1.8 – 2.1 845-KS-2060050 50 reactions
845-KS-2060250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA

Isolation of microbial RNA

Microbial RNA isolation is another area where Analytik Jena excels,
thanks to the company‘s comprehensive line of kits for manually
isolating high-quality total RNA. Completely eliminating the health
hazards posed by the use of highly toxic β-mercaptoethanol makes
Analytik Jena products all the more attractive.
Researchers can extract viral and bacterial RNA separately or together,
working from an extremely wide variety of starting samples.

2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA englisch

innuPREP blackPREP innuSOLV

"x - Recommended

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(x) - Recommended with limitations"

blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit

innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit
innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit
innuPREP RNA Midi Direct Kit

blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A
innuPREP Micro RNA Kit

innuPREP Virus RNA Kit

innuSOLV RNA Reagent

innuPREP RNA Mini Kit

Cataloge page 64 65 66 67 73 74 75 50 51 87
Backing powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Bacterial cells (gram+ & gram-) x x x x x
5x 10 6
1x 109 x x x
max. 5x 108 - 5x 109 x
Cell culture supernatants (Virus) x x x
Up to 150 µl x x
Up to 200 µl x
Cell cultures (Virus) x x x
5x 10 6
x x x
Cell-free body fluids (Virus) x x x
Up to 150 µl x x
Up to 200 µl x
Cerebrospinal fluid (Virus) x
Up to 200 µl x
Coffee powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Dust (Virus, Bacteria) x
Flour (Virus, Bacteria) x
Paraffin embedded material (Virus) x x
Pepper (Virus, Bacteria) x
Plasma (Virus) x x x
Up to 150 µl x x
Up to 200 µl x
Powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Salt (Virus, Bacteria) x
Sand (Virus, Bacteria) x
Serum (Virus) x x x
Up to 150 µl x x 71
Up to 200 µl x
blackPREP Tic
innuPREP Mic

blackPREP Po




innuPREP Vir

innuPREP Vir
2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA

Cataloge page 64 65 66 67 73 74 75 50 51 87
Backing powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Bacterial cells (gram+ & gram-) x x x x x
5x 10 6
1x 109 x x x
max. 5x 108 - 5x 109 x
Cell culture supernatants (Virus) x x x
Up to 150 µl x x
Up to 200 µl x
Cell cultures (Virus) x x x

2.65x Isolation
10 6
of microbial RNA englisch x x x

Cell-free body fluids (Virus) x x x

Up to 150 µl x x
Up to 200 µl x
innuPREP blackPREP innuSOLV
Cerebrospinal fluid (Virus) x
"x - Recommended
Up to 200 µl x
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

(x) - Recommended with limitations"

Coffee powder (Virus, Bacteria) x

blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit

Dust (Virus, Bacteria) x

innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit

innuPREP DNA / RNA Mini Kit
innuPREP RNA Midi Direct Kit

blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit

Flour (Virus, Bacteria) x

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A

innuPREP Micro RNA Kit

innuPREP Virus RNA Kit

innuSOLV RNA Reagent

Paraffin embedded material (Virus) x x
innuPREP RNA Mini Kit

Pepper (Virus, Bacteria) x

Plasma (Virus) x x x
Up to 150 µl x x
Up to 200 µl x
Powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Cataloge page
Salt (Virus, Bacteria) 64 65 66 67 73 74 75 50 51
x 87
Backing powder
Sand (Virus, (Virus, Bacteria)
Bacteria) x
Bacterial cells (gram+ & gram-)
Serum (Virus) x x x x x x x x
5x 10
Up 6
to 150 µl x x x
to9200 µl x x x x
Soil max.
(Virus, 108 - 5x 109
5x Bacteria) x x
Cell culture
Spicery supernatants
(Virus, Bacteria) (Virus) x x x x
Stool to 150 µl x x x
Up -to100
50 200mg
µl x
Cell cultures
Sugar (Virus, (Virus)
Bacteria) x x x x
5x 10
Swabs 6
(Virus) x x x
Swabs body fluids (Virus) x x x
Up to 150 µl
Nasopharyngeal x x x
Tea Up
(Virus, Bacteria)
to 200 µl x x
Cerebrospinal fluid (Virus) x x
Up samples
to 200 µl x x x x x x x x
Coffee (Virus)(Virus, Bacteria)
powder x x x x
DustUp to 20 Bacteria)
(Virus, mg (Virus) x x x
Virus (various
Flour sources)
(Virus, Bacteria) x x x
Paraffin powder (Virus, Bacteria)
material (Virus) x x x
Pepper (Virus, Bacteria) x
Plasma (Virus) x x x
Up to 150 µl x x
Up to 200 µl x
Powder (Virus, Bacteria) x
Salt (Virus, Bacteria) x
Sand (Virus, Bacteria) x
Serum (Virus) x x x
72 Up to 150 µl x x
Up to 200 µl x
2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA

innuPREP Virus RNA Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Optimized for effective extraction and purification of

viral RNA
ƒƒ Excellent quality and high yields generated from an
extremely wide variety of starting materials
ƒƒ Easy-to-use kit; flexible setting option for elution volumes
ƒƒ Includes Carrier Mix with internal RNA extraction control
ƒƒ Two new protocols for sample volume up to 150 µl and
300 µl

Product description Sample application
The innuPREP Virus RNA Kit is a highly efficient tool for extract- RNA viruses were first diluted in serum. This was followed by RNA
ing viral ssRNA from serum, plasma or other cell-free bodily fluids, extraction using the innuPREP Virus RNA Kit. After cDNA systhesis, a
tissue samples, swab samples and supernatants from cell cultures. PCR specific to the RNA virus was performed. A TaqMan® real-time

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

The novel extraction process is based on the use of Spin Filter PCR was performed in parallel.
columns with optimized binding membranes, thereby guaranteeing
maximum yields and high-quality nucleic acids. In addition, users
can easily vary the final elution volume between 60 µl and 100 µl. Lane 1: Negative control
The isolated ssRNA have been successfully tested in a TaqMan® Lane 2: DNA ladder
Lane 3 – 4: 1:10 4 dilution
real-time PCR. Lane 5 – 6: 1:105 dilution
Lane 7 – 8: 1:106 dilution
1. Lyse the starting
2. Bind the viral RNA to
the Spin Filter
3. Wash the bound RNA
4. Elute the viral RNA 2
Delta Rn vs Cycle
Delta Rn

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Serum, plasma, other cell-free bodily fluids, supernatants
from cell cultures (150 µl each)
ƒƒ Tissues and biopsies, up to a maximum of 20 mg
ƒƒ Swab samples

Cycle number
Extraction time:
Approx. 25 minutes
Amplification plot for the TaqMan® real-time PCR specific to the RNA
Quality of viral RNA: virus; analogous to gel electrophoresis.
Tested with positive results in cDNA synthesis and TaqMan®
real-time PCR
Detection system for internal control
Kit components innuDETECT Internal Control RNA Assay................................................ 141
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Carrier Mix, Washing Solutions, innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay.................................... 141
RNase-free water, Spin Filter (purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution
Tubes, user manual

Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Virus RNA Kit will remain stable for at least Order information
12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
Order number Quantity
(14 °C to 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophi-
lizedProteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubi- 845-KS-4700010 10 reactions
lized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated 845-KS-4700050 50 reactions
freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity. 845-KS-4700250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA

innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Simultaneous isolation of viral DNA and RNA from

a variety of starting materials
ƒƒ Patented DC technology: rapid lysis and efficient binding
ƒƒ Extraction method based on the use of Spin Filters
ƒƒ Optimum removal of inhibitors ensures trouble-free use of
nucleic acids in subsequent applications
ƒƒ Recommended for samples with unknown virus
ƒƒ Includes Carrier Mix with internal DNA and RNA extraction

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA allows researchers to purify viral The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit will remain stable for at
ssDNA or dsDNA and ssRNA simultaneously from serum, plasma or least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
other cell-free bodily fluids, from tissue, paraffin or swab samples, (14 °C to 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophi-
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

or from cell cultures. A novel extraction chemistry known as “Dual lized Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubi-
Chemistry” (DC) technology guarantees researchers the ability to lized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated
isolate highly pure viral nucleic acids of excellent quality. The use of freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
a Spin Filter membrane maximizes DNA and RNA yields. In addition,
having a number of different extraction protocols makes it possible Sample application
to adapt the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit to the starting material Various concentrations of a DNA virus were prepared in serum and pro-
used. One major advantage of this kit is the time saved by isolating cessed with the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit (double determinations).
nucleic acids simultaneously, particularly when using starting materi- The final nucleic acid elution was performed in 60 µl. 1.5 µl aliquots of
als in which the viral contamination is not clear. this were added to a virus-specific PCR (total reaction volume = 15 µl).
The reaction was then visualized in 10 µl aliquots on a TAE agarose gel.

Procedure Lane 1 and 8: DNA ladder

1. Lyse the starting Lane 2 – 3: 1 × 105 genome
equivalents per 150 µl starting
material 1 material
2. Bind the viral 3 Lane 4 – 5: 1 × 10 4 genome
nucleic acids to equivalents per 150 µl starting
the Spin Filter Lane 6 – 7: 1 × 103 genome
3. Wash the bound equivalents per 150 µl starting
nucleic acids material
4. Elute the viral
nucleic acids The innuPREP DNA/RNA Virus Kit was used for extracting ssRNA
from various RNA virus dilutions in a cell culture medium. The virus
was identified after cDNA synthesis in a TaqMan® real-time PCR
(double determination).

Dilution 1:
Product specifications 1:10³ with Ct 18
Fluorescence (dR)

Dilution 2:
Starting material: 1:10 4 with Ct 21
ƒƒ Serum, plasma, cell-free bodily fluids, supernatants from cell Dilution 3:
cultures (150 µl each) 1:105 with Ct 24
and NTC
ƒƒ Tissues and biopsies of up to 20 mg
ƒƒ Cell cultures (max. 5 × 106)
ƒƒ Swab samples
ƒƒ Paraffin samples (tissue)
Detection system for internal control
Extraction time: innuDETECT Internal Control DNA Assay............................................... 141
Approx. 25 minutes innuDETECT Internal Control RNA Assay................................................ 141
innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay.................................... 141
Nucleic acid quality:
Positive PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR testing results
Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Carrier Mix, Proteinase K, Washing 845-KS-4800010 10 reactions
Solutions, RNase-free water, Spin Filter (purple), Receiver Tubes, 845-KS-4800050 50 reactions
Elution Tubes, user manual 845-KS-4800250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA

innuPREP MP Basic Kit A

ƒƒ Fast, efficient isolation of DNA and RNA of either viral or

bacterial origin
ƒƒ Based on manual magnetic particle separation with various
magnetic racks
ƒƒ Optimized for a variety of different starting materials and
ƒƒ Positive test results for an extremely wide range of viruses
and bacteria

Product description Storage conditions and stability
The innuPREP MP Basic Kit A was developed for isolating viral/ The innuPREP MP Basic Kit will remain stable for at least 12 months if
bacterial DNA and/or RNA from various cell-free bodily fluids. The stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C – 25°C). The recom-
separation technology involved is based on a novel extraction mended storage temperature for the MAG suspension is 4°C. The

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

chemistry that allows users to simultaneously bind DNA and RNA to recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K is 4
the surface of functionalized magnetic particles, thereby combining °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be stored
the steps of first lysing the starting material and then binding the in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing will
nucleic acids to magnetic beads. These are then washed and the significantly reduce its activity.
DNA/RNA is eluted in RNase-free water. The routine is extremely
easy to carry out, yet universally applicable and highly efficient.
Various magnetic racks (for 1.5 - 50 ml tubes) are available, ac- Sample application
commodating an extremely wide variety of starting materials and, Plasma was initially spiked with an RNA virus, after which the RNA
especially, volumes. could be extracted using the innuPREP MP Basic Kit A. Different num-
bers of copies were used in a virus-specific TaqMan® real-time PCR for
final detection of the isolated viral RNA and for reviewing its quality.

Product specifications Amplification plot of a

Starting material: negative control and
of various viral RNA
ƒƒ Serum, plasma, synovial fluids, saliva, other cell-free bodily concentrations ranging
fluids and supernatants from cell cultures (200 µL each) from 2x 10² to 2x 108
ƒƒ Biopsies (1 – 5 mg) copies.
ƒƒ Cell cultures (max. 5 x 106)
ƒƒ Nasopharyngeal swabs
ƒƒ Stool samples (0.05 – 0.1 g)

Extraction time: After using the innuPREP MP Basic Kit A to extract the viral RNA, differ-
ƒƒ Approx. 20 minutes after lysis ent numbers of starting copies were introduced in a virus-specific Taq-
Man® real-time PCR in order to assess the quality of the isolated RNA.
Positive test results obtained for the following targets:
ƒƒ Rift valley fever virus (RNA virus model) Amplification plot of
ƒƒ Vaccinia virus (DNA virus model) various concentrations
of an RNA virus (from
ƒƒ Yersinia pestis (gram- bacteria) 10 copies to 1 x 10 4
ƒƒ Bacillus anthracis spores (gram+ bacteria) copies per batch).
ƒƒ Ebola virus
ƒƒ Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV)
ƒƒ Marburg virus
ƒƒ Yellow fever virus
ƒƒ Norovirus
ƒƒ Sigma virus
ƒƒ Influenza A & influenza B virus Available magnetic racks
ƒƒ Francisella tularensis Small magnetic rack for 1.5 – 2.0 ml tubes..........................................250
ƒƒ Bacillus cereus Medium magnetic rack for 15 ml tubes.................................................250
ƒƒ Bacillus thuringiensis Large magnetic rack for 50 ml tubes ......................................................250

Kit components Order information

Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free
Order number Quantity
water, MAG Suspension, user manual
845-KS-4900100 100 reactions
845-KS-4900500 500 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA

blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimized for parallel extraction of DNA and RNA from

ƒƒ Application-specific Lysis Tubes with beads guarantee ef-
fective homogenization of the starting material
ƒƒ Patented extraction chemistry with a stringent Lysis Buffer
system and a novel Binding Buffer
ƒƒ When combined with rapidSTRIPE assays, the kit serves as
a highly sensitive tool for detecting tick-borne pathogens
(including TBE and/or FSME)

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit allows researchers to simultane- The blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit will remain stable for at
ously isolate DNA and RNA from ticks. This is of particular inter- least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
est when testing ticks for RNA viruses (such as TBE or FSME) in (14 °C to 25 °C).
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

addition to bacterial pathogens. The kit contains application-specific

Lysis Tubes, including beads that have been optimized (in terms Sample application
of their characteristics and quantity) specifically for homogenizing The blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit was used to isolate nucleic acids
ticks. Following a subsequent lysis process, the DNA is bound to from ticks. This was followed by a TaqMan® real-time PCR specific
one filter membrane and the RNA is bound to another. The nucleic to TBE or FSME and performed at different dilution levels.
acids are then washed and eluted into separate reaction vessels.
Analytik Jena’s rapidSTRIPE assays can then be used in later applica-
tions as fast, uncomplicated tools for detecting nucleic acids from
tick-borne pathogens. These ready-to-use assays can be used as
highly specific tools for detecting FSME, Borrelia, Rickettsia, Ana-
Fluorescence (dRn)

plasma and Babesia, among other pathogens.

1. Homogenize and lyse 1 2
the starting material Cycles
2. Bind the DNA to the first
Spin Filter Amplification plot of a TaqMan® real-time PCR specific to TBE/FSME.
3. Bind the total RNA to
the second Spin Filter
4a. Wash the bound DNA
3 Cell count/reaction Ct value (average)
4b. Wash the bound RNA
3 × 10 4 25.5
5a. Elute the DNA
3 × 103 29.0
5b. Elute the RNA
3 × 102 34.1
4a 4b 3 × 10 34.7

Ct values from the TaqMan® real-time PCR as a function of cell count

Reference: „Rickettsia aeschlimannii in Hyalomma marginatum Ticks,

5a 5b Germany“; Rumer L, Graser E, Hillebrand T, Talaska T, Dautel H, Mediannikov
O, et al.; Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet].; February 2011; Vol. 17; No. 2

Other products for Tick Born Diseases

Product specifications innuAMP Tick DNA Test.................................................................................168
Starting material: rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay....................................................................... 219
Ticks rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay.......................................................................... 220
rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay................................................................... 222
Extraction time: rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay..................................................................................221
Less than 1 hour (including lysis) rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay......................................................................... 223

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0 Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components 845-BP-5100010 10 reactions

Lysis Tube, Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, Spin Filter, Receiver 845-BP-5100025 25 reactions
Tubes, Elution Buffer, RNase-free water, Elution Tubes, user manual 845-BP-5100050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.6 Isolation of microbial RNA

blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimized for the simultaneous extraction of viral and bac-

terial nucleic acids from difficult samples in powder form of
unknown origin
ƒƒ Optimal removal of inhibitors followed by use of the highly
pure nucleic acids in a broad spectrum of subsequent ap-
ƒƒ Use of innovative polymers in the sample preparation for
maximal nucleic acid yield from solid starting material
ƒƒ Processing in the “mini-Spin Filter format“

Product description Kit components
The blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit is particularly ideal for the Reagent 1-3, PBS, lysis solution, binding solution, proteinase K,
extraction of viral and bacterial nucleic acids from difficult starting washing solution, elution buffer, RNase-free water, Spin Filter
materials, such as soaps, tea, soil, milk and powdery solids of un- (black), receiver tubes, user manual

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

known origin. The purification is based on an effective prefiltration
to eliminate insoluble materials and inhibitors. Through the use of a
novel filter membrane, nucleic acids can be optimally collected and Storage conditions and stability
enriched. Ultracentrifugation and special laboratory equipment are The blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit will remain stable for at least 6
not necessary for the purification. The unique extraction routine is months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C to 25°C).
shown in only one protocol and can be used for all materials tested The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase
previously. The isolated highly pure nucleic acids are directly avail- K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be
able for a variety of downstream reactions. stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated freezing and thawing
will significantly reduce its activity.
1. Dissolution of the sample Sample application
and removal of insoluble To use the blackPREP Powder DNA/RNA Kit, different virus concentra-
components through tions of a DNA virus were produced which were then used in the ex-
prefiltration traction as described below. 1.5 µL aliquots of the eluted nucleic acid
2. Complexation of the target were amplified in a virus-specific fashion and the resultant product
molecules, precipitation and 5 including positive and negative control was applied to TAE agarose gel.
3. Release of the target
molecules in solution 2
4. Lysis of the target molecules
5. Binding of the viral and/or 6
bacterial DNA and/or RNA to
the Spin Filter (black)
6. Washing of the bound nucleic
7. Elution of the DNA and/or RNA 7

Product specifications Lane 1 and 2: Amplification product Standard 10 µL virus/ml (150 µl)
Starting material: Lane 3, 21 and 16: DNA controls
Lane 4 and 5: Amplification product dilution series 10 µL virus/ml
ƒƒ Liquid or solid samples (1 ml)
ƒƒ Liquid samples max. 1.2 ml Lane 6 and 7: Amplification product dilution series 1 µL virus/ml
ƒƒ Solid samples max. 0.02 – 0.05 g (1 ml)
Lane 8 and 9: Amplification product dilution series 0.1 µL virus/ml
(1 ml)
Extraction time: Lane 10 and 11: Amplification product dilution series 0.01 µL virus/ml
ƒƒ Sample preparation: approx. 35 minutes (1 ml)
Lane 13: Empty
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 25 minutes
Lane 14: Amplification product positive control
Lane 16: Amplification product negative control
Average quality and yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Successfully tested using a wide variety of RNA and DNA Order information
viruses (ss, ds, enveloped, non-enveloped) and bacteria
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Positively tested in a variety of different downstream
applications 845-BP-0040010 10 reactions
ƒƒ Positively tested in PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR 845-BP-0040050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.7 Enrichment

More than any other issue, identifying diagnostic targets often goes
hand in hand with concerns about the limits of detection. Various
technologies are now available in the Enrichment product area that
allow users to recover even the tiniest amounts of nucleic acids. In
addition to enriching nucleic acids from a large volume of starting
materials, the following products also simultaneously reduce any
potential inhibitors and contaminants.

The performance, speed and results of these kits are unrivaled.

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

PME free-circulating DNA Extrection Kit.......................................................................... 79

LOOXSTER® Enrichment Kit..................................................................................................81

2.7 Enrichment

PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit

ƒƒ Easy handling, high efficiency and extremely time saving

ƒƒ Processing of starting sample volumes up to 5 ml
ƒƒ Proven for serum and plasma from different blood collec-
tion systems
ƒƒ Novel, patent pending technology: Polymer Mediated
Enrichment (PME)
ƒƒ Enrichment & extraction in approx. 30 min from 1 ml or
approx. 1 h from 5 ml of serum or plasma and up to 10 ml
from urine

Product description Product specifications
Circulating cell-free DNA is a very interesting diagnostic target, but the Starting material:
amount of free-circulating DNA is usually very low and varies among ƒƒ Serum, plasma and urine
different individuals. Further, these nucleic acids are present as short ƒƒ Cell culture supernatants or mediums

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

fragments, typically smaller than 1000 nt, making the efficient extrac- ƒƒ Other cell-free body fluids (except urine)
tion process challenging. Because of the high sample volumes the ƒƒ From up to 5 ml (plasma) or 10 ml (urine)
protocols of commercially available kits are very labor-intensive as well
as time consuming and need a lot of reagents. The PME free-circulat- Time of preparation:
ing DNA Extraction Kit is based on a new, patent-pending technology ƒƒ From 1 ml starting sample: approx. 30 min
called PME – Polymer Mediated Enrichment. As first step cell-free ƒƒ From 5 ml starting sample: approx. 1 h
DNA in the entire sample is captured by a polymer. Afterwards this ƒƒ From 5 ml and 10 ml starting sample: approx 1 h
complex is collected as a pellet by centrifugation. Subsequently the
captured nucleic acid is dissolved in a special buffer thus reducing the Field of applications:
sample volume in the following extraction significantly. ƒƒ Tumor and prenatal diagnosis
ƒƒ Pathological states, including trauma, sepsis, myocardial
infarction, stroke, transplantation, diabetes mellitus, and
Enrichment of Sample preparation of hematologic disorders
free-circulating DNA free-circulating DNA

333 Positive tested for following blood collection systems

111 No. Blood sampling system from Sarstedt

Up to 1 ml

1. S-Monovette® 9 ml Silicat
2. S-Monovette® 9 ml Polyacrylester Gel
3. S-Monovette® 8,5 ml CPDA
4. S-Monovette® 9 ml K3E (EDTA K3)
5. S-Monovette® 10 ml 9NC (Trisodium Citrate Solution, Citrate Solution)
6. S-Monovette® 7,5 ml NH (Natrium-Heparin)
15 15 15 15
15 15
7. S-Monovette® 7,5 ml LH-Gel (Lithium-Heparin)
2 ml up to 5 ml

14 14 14 14
14 14
13 13 13 13
13 13

12 12 12 12
12 12
11 11
8. S-Monovette® 9 ml LH (Lithium-Heparin)
11 11
11 11
10 10 10 10
10 10
9 9 9 9
9 9
8 8 8 8
8 8
7 7 7 7
7 7
6 6 6 6
6 6
5 5 5 5
5 5
4 4 4 4
4 4

3 3 3 3
3 3

Kit components
2 2 2 2
2 2

Enrichment Reagents, Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Carrier Mix,

RNase-free Water, Proteinase K, Precipitation Buffer, Washing Solu-
Procedure tions, Spin Filter (bordeaux), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, Manual
1. Capturing of cell-free DNA 1. Lysis of the Polymer/DNA
in the polymer complex
2. Spin down of the Polymer/ 2. Binding of cell-free DNA to Storage conditions and stability
DNA complex the Spin Filter The PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit will remain stable for at
3. Washing of bound cell-free least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C
DNA to 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
4. Eluting of the cell-free DNA Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

2.7 Enrichment

Validation results/Sample application

1.) Different blood collecting systems for extraction of free- 2.) Isolation of free-circulating DNA using PME free-circulating
circulating DNA: DNA Extraction Kit in comparison to standard purification kit
Besides of the variability amongst different specimens, also the blood for cell-free DNA:
collection system used, has a big influence on the recovery of free- Next to the speed of performance and efficiency of the PME free-
circulating DNA. Therefore the following blood collection systems were circulating DNA Extraction Kit, the whole procedure also convince in
tested. relation to the market leader product, as shown in the following.

Testing the suitability of the PME free-circulating DNA Kit for eight dif- Comparison or cell-free DNA extraction from 1 ml and 5 ml serum
ferent blood collection systems (listed above), at two different starting respectively by using PME technology versus a commercially standard
amounts of sera or plasma (1 ml and 5 ml, respectively). extraction kit for free-circulating nucleic acids. After isolation, the DNA
Extracted free-circulating DNA has been tested by amplification of a has been tested for amplification of a gene coding for the human

human specific target gene: estrogen receptor 1.

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

Figure 1: R
 esultant amplification plots after preparation of 1 ml starting Figure 3: R
 esultant amplification plots after preparation of 1 ml starting
sample volume sample volume

LFigure 2: R
 esultant amplification plots after preparation of 5 ml starting Figure 4: R
 esultant amplification plots after preparation of 5 ml starting
sample volume sample volume

The amplification plots show differences in dependence on type of The red graphs correspond to the extraction based on PME technol-
blood collection systems. Best results can be achieved using ogy and the black graphs correspond to the competitor’s kit (market
S-Monovette® 9 ml LH (Lithium-Heparin, Sarstedt) or S-Monovette® leader).
7,5 ml NH (Natrium-Heparin, Sarstedt) and S-Monovette®
7,5 ml LH-Gel (Lithium-Heparin, Sarstedt).
Related products
innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit................................................................143
innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-in-One Kit......................................................144

Order information

Order number Quantity

845-IR-0003010 10 reactions
845-IR-0003050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.7 Enrichment

LOOXSTER® Enrichment Kit

ƒƒ Enriches bacterial and fungal DNA from predominantly

eucaryotic DNA isolates
ƒƒ Suitable for up to 300 µg of input DNA
ƒƒ Removes over 95% of eucaryotic DNA
ƒƒ Includes DNA cleanup

Product description Kit components
The LOOXSTER® Enrichment Kit is a sample preparation system for Lyophilized LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles, LOOXSTER® Binding
enriching bacterial and fungal deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) in a DNA Buffer, LOOXSTER® Wash Buffer, LOOXSTER® Elution Buffer; tubes
isolate of predominantly eucaryotic origin. The specific affinity of the with caps, desalting spin columns, collection tubes, desalting bind-

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

LOOXSTER® protein for non-methylated CpG dinucleotides is what ing buffer, desalting wash buffer, desalting elution buffer, water,
produces the LOOXSTER® enrichment effect. DNA extracts containing a user manual
mixture of methylated host DNA and small quantities of double-strand-
ed genomic bacterial or fungal DNA, are incubated with LOOXSTER® in Storage conditions and stability
the presence of a stringent buffer. A subsequent wash step can be used A storage temperature between 2° C and 8° C is recommended for
for removing unbound DNA. The enriched bacterial DNA is then eluted lyophilized LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles. All other components can
with the aid of an elution buffer. The PureProve® concept: following be stored at room temperature (15° C to 30° C). The kit will remain
suitable processes for reducing contamination with DNA, all system stable under these conditions for at least 6 months. Reconstituted
components are filled and packaged under clean-room conditions. LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles will remain stable for 1 week at 2° C
to 8° C.
Process sequence
1. Reconstitution of LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles Sample application
2. Add LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles to DNA sample, Separation of genomic DNA based on GC-content and cystein-
BINDING and magnetic separation methylation. To demonstrate the selective affinity of LOOXSTER® for
3. WASHING and magnetic separation non-methylated CpG dinucleotides 1.25 µg of each human, Staphy-
4. ELUTION and magnetic separation lococcus aureus and Escherichia coli genomic DNA was mixed and
5. Transfer of supernatant (Eluate) to Cleanup applied to a 1 ml LOOXSTER® chromatography column. Chromatog-
6. Eluate now ready for downstream application raphy was carried out with a 50-800 mM NaCl gradient. DNA was
eluted at conductivities of 19,615 mS/cm (human; 1), 28,465 mS/
cm (S.aureus; 2) and 39,459 mS/cm (E.coli; 3).

1 3 5

2 4 6

Product specifications
Starting material:
Up to 300 µg of predominantly
eucaryotic DNA

Extraction time:
Approx. 75 minutes
Related products
Yield: Magnetrack small for 1.5 ml tubes
ƒƒ No more than 3 µg of enriched DNA MobiLab Order Information............................................................................. 250
ƒƒ The concentration of bacterial DNA in the enriched DNA de-
pends on the ratio of eucaryotic DNA to procaryotic DNA.
ƒƒ Example: Less than 5% of the human DNA and approx. 50% Order information
of the bacterial DNA (E. coli) were isolated from a
Order number Quantity
100,000-fold excess of human DNA in the starting sample.
203-001-0010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
1.7 - 2.0
2.8 Additional reagents for nucleic acid extraction

Additional reagents for nucleic acid extraction

Supplemental extraction solutions include more than just products
offering effective DNA digestion for RNA extraction. Chemistry based
on time-honored phenol-chloroform precipitation and kits for fast,
uncomplicated, quick and dirty preps may be found here as well.
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

innuEASY Direct Amplification Kit A................................................................................. 83

innuPREP DNase I Digest Kit............................................................................................... 84

innuPREP DNase I................................................................................................................... 85

innuPREP Proteinase K.......................................................................................................... 86

innuSOLV RNA Reagent......................................................................................................... 87

2.8 Additional reagents for nucleic acid extraction

innuEASY Direct Amplification Kit A

ƒƒ Combines fast, simple isolation of genomic DNA followed

by direct rapid PCR
ƒƒ Efficient lysis thanks to a solid formulation of a two-compo-
nent reagent system
ƒƒ Extraction and amplification take no more than 1 hour
ƒƒ Includes all of the reagents required for the entire process

Product description Storage conditions and stability
The innuEASY Direct Amplification Kit A is a fast, simple tool for lys- Store the innuEASY Direct Amplification Kit A in a dry place; lysis
ing samples and then directly amplifying genomic DNA from whole components should be kept at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C)
blood, saliva samples or buccal swabs. The process is based on and PCR Reagents at –20 °C. The kit will remain stable under these

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

lysing the starting sample using a stable, solid Reagent formulation conditions for at least 12 months.
of a two-component system. The eluate is introduced directly into
the amplification reaction after the sample has been lysed. All of
the Reagents involved have been optimized for amplification using Sample application
rapid PCR technology from Analytik Jena AG. The method eliminates Direct amplification was performed on a human GAPDH-specific
the need for a complex DNA isolation step and requires roughly sequence from 3 µl saliva samples, 1 µl buccal swabs, 5 µl whole
1 hour for sample digestion followed by rapid PCR amplification. blood samples and 1 µl whole blood samples. The master mix also
The innuEASY Direct Amplification Kit A contains all of the Reagents contained (in addition to the lysed sample) the Speed ready mix
needed. and innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase. 25 µl reaction aliquots were
then placed in the AlphaSC® and, in the final step, the PCR products
were loaded onto a 2 % agarose gel.
1. Transfer starting 1
material and water
to the Prep A Tube
2. Transfer the reaction
volume from the
Prep A Tube to the
Prep B Tube 2
3. Prepare the master
mix and rapid PCR

Amplification products of different starting materials after GAPDH-

specific PCR:
Lane 1: DNA ladder
Lane 2: Negative control
Product specifications Lane 3 – 4: Saliva sample (3 µl starting material)
Starting material: Lane 5 – 6: Buccal swabs (1 µl starting material)
Lane 7 – 8: Whole blood (5 µl starting material)
ƒƒ Whole blood (1 – 5 µl) Lane 9 – 10: Whole blood (1 µl starting material)
ƒƒ Saliva (1 – 5 µl)
ƒƒ Buccal swabs

Processing time:
ƒƒ Sample lysis: approx. 25 minutes
ƒƒ rapid PCR (e.g. SpeedCycler  ²): up to 40 minutes
ƒƒ Standard PCR: depends on the thermal cycler used
Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components
Prep A Tube (green cap), Prep B Tube (yellow cap), innuTaq HOT-A 845-EP-1000010 10 reactions
DNA Polymerase, Speed ready mix 845-EP-1000050 50 reactions
845-EP-1000200 200 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.8 Additional reagents for nucleic acid extraction

innuPREP DNase I Digest Kit

ƒƒ Can be integrated quickly and easily into the RNA

isolation process
ƒƒ Direct DNase I digestion on the column makes the kit
easy to use
ƒƒ Efficient DNA digestion yields eluted RNA of excellent
ƒƒ Free of RNases and other interfering factors

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP DNase I Digest Kit is a highly efficient tool for remov- The innuPREP DNase I Digest Kit will remain stable for at least
ing DNA from RNA samples that have been contaminated with 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (–20 °C).
DNA. Enzymatic DNA digestion has been designed in such a way
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

that it can be conveniently run during the RNA isolation process. Sample application
This is accomplished by diluting the DNase I in the buffer pro- The innuPREP DNase I Digest Kit was used for on-column DNA
vided and then introducing it directly onto the Spin Filter column digestion during RNA isolation. Therefore the sample was incubated
previously used for binding the nucleic acids. Digestion is followed for 30 min at 37 °C.
by additional wash steps before highly pure RNA is eluted. The Re-
agents provided are free of RNase and, as such, also contribute to
the quality of the RNA. Efficient DNA removal makes the innuPREP
DNase I Digest Kit suitable for applications in which even the tiniest
amounts of DNA could distort the results. Potential applications in-
clude preparing DNA-free RNA, DNase footprinting, Nick translation
or breaking down the DNA template when transcribing to cDNA.

1. Bind the nucleic 3
acids to the Spin
2. Perform DNase I
3. Wash
4. Elute the RNA
(DNA-free) Lane 1: DNA ladder
2 Lane. 2 - 3: Preperation of 2.5 x 106 3T3 Zellen without DNase digest
Lane. 4: Empty
Lane 5 - 6: Preperation of 2.5 x 106 3T3 Zellen with DNase digest

Product specifications
DNase I, 20 KU/µL

Starting material:
RNA samples contaminated with DNA

Required prep time:

20 minutes (digestion only) Order information

Order number Quantity

Quality of viral RNA:
Positive TaqMan® real-time PCR testing results 845-KS-5200010 10 reactions
845-KS-5200050 50 reactions
845-KS-5200250 250 reactions
Kit components (RNase-free)
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
DNase I, Digestion Buffer, user manual

2.8 Additional reagents for nucleic acid extraction

innuPREP DNase I

ƒƒ Efficient DNA digestion in RNA samples

ƒƒ Excellent yields of high-quality RNA
ƒƒ Free of RNases and other interfering/inhibiting substances
ƒƒ Ideal for use following RNA isolation

Product description Kit components (RNase-free)
innuPREP DNase I reliably and efficiently digests even the tiniest DNase I, 10x reaction buffer, EDTA, manual
amounts of DNA that could potentially contaminate extracted RNA
samples. After using a non-sequence-specific DNA endonuclease to

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

cleave the DNA, the reaction is inactivated through the addition of Storage conditions and stability
the EDTA solution provided. Depending on the desired RNA purity innuPREP DNase I will remain stable for at least 12 months if stored
level, a final ethanol precipitation is recommended in order to re- at –20°C
move process-related impurities. All reagents are free of RNases and,
as such, also contribute to the quality of the RNA. innuPREP DNase
I is used for preparing DNA-free RNA, for breaking down the DNA Sample application
template before transcription to cDNA, for DNase footprinting, and for The innuPREP DNase I was used for DNA digestion during RNA
Nick translation. isolation. Therefore the sample was incubated for 30 min at 37 °C.
The innuPREP DNase I Digest kit (page 84) is recommended for
removing DNA during column-based RNA isolation.

Process sequence
1. DNase I digestion following RNA
extraction 1
2. EDTA addition to inactivate

Lane 1: DNA ladder

Lane. 2 - 3: Preperation of 2.5 x 106 3T3 Zellen without DNase digest
Lane. 4: Empty,
2 Lane 5 - 6: Preperation of 2.5 x 106 3T3 Zellen with DNase digest

Product specifications
DNase I, 1 KU/µL

Starting material:
RNA samples contaminated with DNA Order information

Order number Quantity

Required prep time:
30 min. for digestion, 10 min. for inactivation 845-KS-5210005 5,000 Kunitz units
845-KS-5210010 10,000 Kunitz units
Quality of viral RNA: 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
Positive TaqMan® Real-Time PCR testing results

2.8 Additional reagents for nucleic acid extraction

innuPREP Proteinase K

ƒƒ Highly active recombinant protease from Pichia pastoris

with endo- and exoproteolytic activity
ƒƒ Contains no RNases or DNases, and virtually no DNA
ƒƒ Consistent quality and performance
ƒƒ Robust enzyme: stable over a broad pH range
ƒƒ Ideal for a diverse array of applications, such as preparing
cell lysates for subsequent nucleic acid isolation

Product description Storage conditions and stability

Proteinase K is one of the most active endopeptidases known. The The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K
enzyme is extraordinarily effective against native proteins and can is 4°C. Once the Proteinase K has been reconstituted, it should be
be used for quickly inactivating endogenous RNases and DNases. stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated freezing and thawing
2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

Proteinase K is particularly suitable for isolating nucleic acids for use will significantly reduce its activity.
in amplification reactions, for isolating native RNA and DNA from
tissues and cell lines, for promoting cell lysis by activating a bacterial Proteinase K will remain stable for at least 12 months if stored
autolysis factor, and for modifying proteins and/or glycoproteins on under these conditions.
cell surfaces (for membrane structure analyses).

Inhibitors: None of the following inactivate the enzyme: metal ions,

chelating agents (such as EDTA), sulfhydryl reagents, or trypsin and
chymotrypsin inhibitors.

Activators: Proteinase K activity is stimulated by the presence of

denaturing agents (SDS and urea).

Note: SDS can produce a seven-fold increase in Proteinase K activ-


Optimum pH: Proteinase K is stable over a broad pH range (4 to

12.5), and retains its full activity for several hours if incubated at a
pH between 6.5 and 9.5.

The enzyme can reduce proteins to free amino acids if a large ex-
cess of protein is present and if incubated for long periods of time.

Concentration (after reconstituting)

20 mg/mL at an activity of 20 U/mg

> 30 units/mg protein (hemoglobin, pH 7.5, 37°C).

Unit definition
a unit is the enzyme activity that releases the same amount of Fo-
lin-positive amino acids and peptides from hemoglobin as released
by 1 µmol tyrosine over the course of 1 min. at 37°C.

Quality control Order information

Proteinase K is lyophilized and purified via chromatography, after
Order number Quantity
which it is tested to ensure that no RNases, DNases and exonucle-
ases are present. These should not be detectable. 845-CH-0010006 6.0 mg (add 0.3 mL ddH2O)
845-CH-0010030 30.0 mg (add 1.5 mL ddH2O)
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

2.8 Additional reagents for nucleic acid extraction

innuSOLV RNA Reagent

ƒƒ Modified guanidine isothiocyanate/phenol method

for extracting RNA
ƒƒ High-quality RNA with no degradation after just
approx. 1 hour of prep time
ƒƒ Suitable for a variety of different starting materials

Product description Product specifications
The innuSOLV RNA Reagent is a solution for efficiently isolating Starting material:
total RNA from various quantities of different starting materials ƒƒ Tissue samples (100 mg)
(such as tissue samples, cells, bacterial cells, plants, etc.). The ex- ƒƒ Monolayer cells

2 Manual nucleic acid isolation/Enrichment

traction method is based on a single-step, liquid-phase separation ƒƒ Cell suspensions (of animal or plant origin; yeast or bacterial
that saves a significant amount of time. The innuSOLV RNA Reagent cells; max. 5 × 106)
contains a mixture of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate in a
monophasic solution. After adding chloroform and centrifuging, the Required prep time:
homogenization product separates into three phases: Approx. 60 minutes

ƒƒ A reddish, organic phase on the bottom RNA quality:

ƒƒ A whitish intermediate phase Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ A colorless liquid phase on top containing the RNA

The RNA is then precipitated by adding an alcohol. Extraction with Kit components
the innuSOLV RNA Reagent produces high-quality nucleic acids with innuSOLV RNA Reagent
no degradation that are available for a variety of different applica-
tions after just 1 hour of prep time. Storage conditions and stability
The innuSOLV RNA Reagent will remain stable for 6 months if
stored in a dry, dark place at 4 °C.
Procedure 2
1. Add innuSOLV
RNA Reagent and 1
chloroform to the
starting material
2. Phase separation
3. Precipitate the RNA
using isopropanol.
Wash RNA and

Order information

Order number Quantity

845-SB-2090010 10 ml
845-SB-2090100 100 ml
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

3.1 Isolation of DNA

Isolation of DNA
Especially hard and/or compact starting materials often represent
a DNA extraction challenge. The chemical and thermal efficiency of
the lysis process is relatively poor in these cases, and very unevenly
distributed throughout the starting sample.

innuSPEED DNA Kits include optimized lysis tubes that address this
issue. These tubes contain specially designed beads that break down
the starting sample, perfectly preparing it for subsequent nucleic acid
extraction. SpeedMill and other commercially available homogenizers
can be combined with innuSPEED kits.
3.1 Isolation of DNA englisch

Manual using homogenizer

x - Recommended
(x) - Recommended with limitations
innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit
innuSPEED Tissue DNA Kit

innuSPEED Stool DNA Kit

innuSPEED Plant DNA Kit

innuSPEED Soil DNA Kit

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

Cataloge page 89 90 91 92 93
Bacterial cell pellets (gram+ & gram-) x
1x 10 cells
Cartilage material x
Fungi x
Fungi spores x
Plant material x
Up to 100 mg x
Fresh x
Frozen x
Dried x
Rodent tails x
0.5 - 1 cm x
Soil x
Up to 100 mg x
Stool x
200 - 400 mg x
200 - 400 µl x
Bacterial DNA x
Tissue samples x
Up to 50 mg x
Yeast x

3.1 Isolation of DNA

innuSPEED Tissue DNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimized for fast, efficient extraction of genomic DNA

from a variety of different starting materials
ƒƒ For tissue samples, bioptates, specimens from museums
and archives, dried samples, insects and rodent tails,
or other cartilaginous material
ƒƒ Includes a homogenization step using Lysis Tubes
(included in kit) with specialized beads
ƒƒ Optimized for use with homogenizers (such as the

Product description Kit components

The innuSPEED Tissue DNA Kit has been specially designed for us- Lysis Tubes P, Lysis Solution, Precipitation Buffer, Proteinase K,
ing homogenizers in the process of isolating genomic DNA from an Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes,
exceptionally wide variety of starting materials. The SpeedMill from user manual
Analytik Jena (or other homogenizer) serves as an efficient tool for
disrupting various materials using the Lysis Tubes contained in the
kit, as well as rapidly accelerated beads that have been adapted to Storage conditions and stability
this purpose. A precipitation step is then performed to remove all The innuSPEED Tissue DNA Kit will remain stable for at least

tissue proteins in the lysate, after which the genomic DNA is bound 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
to a Spin Filter column. Samples are then washed to remove re- 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
sidual inhibitors; the final DNA elution is performed in up to 200 µl Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
Elution Buffer. should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

1. Homogenize and lyse Sample application
the tissue sample Extraction of genomic DNA from a variety of different tissue
2. Bind the gDNA to the samples. The nucleic acids were then visualized on an 0.8 % TAE
Spin Filter column 3 agarose gel.
3. Wash the bound DNA
4. Perform final elution

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Tissue samples of up to 50 mg
ƒƒ Rodent tails or other cartilaginous material
ƒƒ Samples from museums or archives; dried samples Lane 1, 6, 11 and 16: DNA ladder
ƒƒ Bioptates Lane 2 – 5: DNA from 0.5 cm of mouse tail
Lane 7 – 10: DNA from 20 mg lung
ƒƒ Insects Lane 12 – 15: DNA from 20 mg liver
Lane 17 – 20: DNA from 20 mg kidney
Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization and lysis: 35 minutes
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 10 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg DNA Order information

Order number Quantity

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material 845-KS-1540010 10 reactions
ƒƒ Up to 100 µg 845-KS-1540050 50 reactions
845-KS-1540250 250 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280):
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
1.7 – 2.0

3.1 Isolation of DNA

innuSPEED Plant DNA Kit

ƒƒ Isolation of genomic DNA from a variety of plant materials

ƒƒ Application-specific lysis beads for effective homogeniza-
ƒƒ Optimized for the SpeedMill; may also be used with other
ƒƒ Selective removal of plant metabolic products and other

Product description Kit components

The innuSPEED Plant DNA Kit is a tool for quickly and efficiently Lysis Tubes P, Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Wash-
isolating genomic DNA from various amounts of a wide variety of ing Solutions, Elution Buffer, Prefilter (lavender), Spin Filter (blue),
plant materials (such as leaves, stems, roots, flowers, etc.). To this Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual
end, the kit contains Lysis Tubes with application-specific beads for
selectively homogenizing plant tissue. When used together with
the SpeedMill (Analytik Jena) and optimized extraction chemistry, Storage conditions and stability
this maximizes DNA yields thanks to effective digestion of plant cell The innuSPEED Plant DNA Kit will remain stable for at least

walls. A prefiltration step is also performed to remove residual cell 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
components. Genomic DNA are then bound to a Spin Filter and 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
washed; the nucleic acids are eluted in a final step. Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

Procedure 3
1. Homogenize and lyse
the plant material; 1 Sample application
follow with a Plant DNA was isolated from 50 mg parsley samples, after which
prefiltration step the extracted DNA was first loaded onto an 0.8 % TBE agarose gel
2. Bind the plant DNA and added in parallel to an arbitrary primed (AP) PCR.
to the Spin Filter
3. Wash the bound DNA 2
4. Elute

Product specifications
Starting material:
Up to 100 mg of plant material

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization and lysis: approx. 15 – 30 minutes
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 10 minutes Lane 1: DNA ladder Lane 1: DNA ladder
Lane 2 – 4: Plant DNA from Lane 2 – 4: AP PCR with
50 mg parsley isolated plant DNA
Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg DNA

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the plant material
ƒƒ Up to 100 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280): Order information

1.7 – 2.0
Order number Quantity
845-KS-1560010 10 reactions
845-KS-1560050 50 reactions
845-KS-1560250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

3.1 Isolation of DNA

innuSPEED Soil DNA Kit

ƒƒ Isolation of microbial DNA from soil samples

ƒƒ Includes homogenization (SpeedMill, for instance)
using Lysis Tubes specific to the application
ƒƒ High-quality DNA free of any inhibitors (such as humic acids)
ƒƒ Suitable for use with homogenizers (such as the SpeedMill
or others)

Product description Kit components

The innuSPEED Soil DNA Kit is a tool for extracting microbial DNA Lysis Tubes B, Lysis Solution, Binding Solutions, Washing Solutions,
from soil samples. The extraction combines rapid homogeniza- Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (vanilla), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
tion of extremely complex starting material with efficient digestion user manual
of microbial cell walls in specially developed Lysis Tubes (usingila
SpeedMill or other homogenizer). After breaking down the material
mechanically followed by a thermal lysis step, the DNA is selectively Storage conditions and stability
bound to the surface of a Spin Filter membrane. A novel wash buffer The innuSPEED Soil DNA Kit will remain stable for at

efficiently removes inhibitors such as humic acids. Finally, DNA is de- least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
sorbed from the membrane through the addition of a low-salt buffer. (14 °C to 25 °C).

Procedure Sample application

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

Isolation (double determination) of microbial DNA from 6 differ-
ent soil samples (Amazon rain forest). The isolated DNA was first
applied to an 0.8 % TAE agarose gel and then introduced into a PCR
specific to the microorganisms in question.

1 2

1. Homogenize and lyse the soil sample

2. Perform preliminary and final binding steps to bind DNA
to the Spin Filter
Microbial DNA after purification
3. Perform preliminary and final washing steps on the bound DNA
4. Perform preliminary and final DNA elution steps

Product specifications
Starting material:
Soil samples (100 – 250 mg)

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization and lysis: 30 minutes
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 16 minutes
PCR product specific to microorganisms
Lane 1: DNA ladder, lane 2 – 3: soil sample I, lane 4 – 5: Soil sample II,
Binding capacity: lane 6 – 7: Soil sample III, lane 8 – 9: soil sample IV,
Column binding capacity: > 30 µg DNA lane 10 – 11: Soil sample V, lane 12 – 13: soil sample VI

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of microorganisms in the soil Order information
ƒƒ Up to 30 µg
Order number Quantity

Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-1580010 10 reactions

1.7 – 2.0 845-KS-1580050 50 reactions
845-KS-1580250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

3.1 Isolation of DNA

innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit

ƒƒ Optimum isolation of genomic DNA from gram+ bacteria,

yeast and fungal spores
ƒƒ Includes Lysis Tubes with application-specific beads for
highly efficient homogenization with a SpeedMill (or other
ƒƒ Effective sample disruption for extremely high DNA yields
ƒƒ High-quality DNA; free of inhibitors

Product description Kit components

The innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit has been specially devel- Lysis Tubes S, Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K,
oped for isolating genomic DNA from gram+ bacteria, fungal spores Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer, Spin Filter (vanilla), Receiver
and yeasts. The extraction protocol combines two steps: rapid Tubes, Elution Tubes, user manual
homogenization of these hard-to-access starting materials, and
efficient digestion of microbial cell walls in specially developed Lysis
Tubes (using a SpeedMill or other homogenizer). The material is Storage conditions and stability
first broken down mechanically and then subjected to thermal and The innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit will remain stable for at

enzymatic lysis. The DNA is then selectively bound to the surface of least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C
a Spin Filter membrane, a step that is followed first by wash steps to 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
to remove inhibitors, and then by addition of a low-salt buffer to Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
separate bound DNA from the membrane. should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

1. Homogenize and 1 Sample application
lyse the starting DNA extraction from various samples carrying spores followed by
material 3 an arbitrary primed (AP) PCR. PCR products were then visualized on
2. Bind the DNA to the a TAE agarose gel as the final step.
Spin Filter
3. Wash the bound 2
4. Perform final elution

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Gram+ bacteria (max. 1 × 109)
ƒƒ Fungal spores
ƒƒ Yeasts (max. 1 × 109)

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization and lysis: approx. 30 – 45 minutes
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 12 minutes Lane 1: DNA ladder
Lane 2 – 9: Fragment sample of an AP PCR using a variety of different
target DNA
Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 30 µg DNA

Average yield: Order information

ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material used
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Up to 30 µg
845-KS-1510010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-1510050 50 reactions
1.7 – 2.0 845-KS-1510250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

3.1 Isolation of DNA

innuSPEED Stool DNA Kit

ƒƒ Isolation of bacterial DNA from solid or liquid

stool samples
ƒƒ Includes prefiltration for removing undissolved
sample components
ƒƒ Lysis Tubes and adapted beads for optimum sample
ƒƒ Suitable for use with homogenizers (such as the
SpeedMill or others)

Product description Kit components

The innuSPEED Stool DNA Kit provides an effective means of Lysis Tubes S, Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions,
extracting microbial DNA from stool samples. The first step in the Elution Buffer, Prefilter (lavender), Spin Filter (blue), Receiver Tubes,
process is homogenization (e. g. with a SpeedMill) of the solid or Elution Tubes, user manual
liquid samples in a Lysis Tube using rapidly accelerated beads. This
step is then followed by thermal lysis. This highly efficient homog-
enization process is followed by a prefiltration step, which serves SoStorage conditions and stability
as an optimum method for removing undissolved sample compo- il The innuSPEED Stool DNA Kit will remain stable for at

nents. Microbial DNA are then selectively bound to the surface of a least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
Spin Filter membrane, this is followed first by wash steps to remove (14 °C to 25 °C).
inhibitors, and then by addition of a low-salt buffer to separate
bound DNA from the membrane. The DNA is then ready for use in
all subsequent applications. Sample application

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

Isolation of DNA from stool samples from different subjects. Iso-
lated DNA was immediately introduced in an arbitrary primed (AP)
Procedure PCR and the amplification products were analyzed on a 1.5 % TAE
agarose gel.


1. Lyse and homogenize stool sample

2. Prefiltration and perform final binding step (binding DNA
to the Spin Filter)
3. Wash DNA
4. Elute the bound DNA

Lane 1: Negative control

Product specifications Lane 2 and 11: DNA ladder
Lane 3 – 10: Amplification products of AP PCR
Starting material:
ƒƒ 200 – 400 µg of solid stool samples
ƒƒ 200 – 400 µl of liquid stool samples
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen samples

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization and lysis: 25 minutes Order information
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 15 minutes
Order number Quantity

Binding capacity: 845-KS-1570010 10 reactions

Column binding capacity: > 50 µg DNA 845-KS-1570050 50 reactions
845-KS-1570250 250 reactions
Average yield:
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
Depends on the quantity and condition of the starting material

3.2 Isolation of RNA

Isolation of RNA
Successful RNA isolation: innuSPEED RNA kits contain lysis tubes with
application-specific beads for mechanically homogenizing the starting
sample. Using a SpeedMill or other ball mill tremendously increases
the lysis efficiency during subsequent nucleic acid extraction. Treatment
is gentler on the sample material, and the extracted RNA yields
impressively high RIN values of up to 9.8.

In addition, innuSPEED RNA kits completely eliminate the use of highly

toxic β-mercaptoethanol, which is otherwise common.

3.2 Isolation of RNA englisch

Manual using
"x - Recommended
(x) - Recommended with limitations"
innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi RNA Kit

innuSPEED Tissue RNA Kit

innuSPEED Plant RNA Kit

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

Cataloge page 95 96 97
Bacterial cells (gram+ & gram-) x
1x 10 9
Fungi x
Fungi spores x
Plant material x
Up to 50 mg x
Tissue samples x
Up to 20 mg x

3.2 Isolation of RNA

innuSPEED Tissue RNA Kit

ƒƒ Isolation of total cellular RNA from a variety of tissues

ƒƒ Kit contains Lysis Tubes with beads for homogenization
ƒƒ Optimized for using the SpeedMill
ƒƒ May also be used with other homogenizers
ƒƒ Improved extraction without the use of toxic b-mercapto-

Product description Kit components

The innuSPEED Tissue RNA Kit allows users to isolate total RNA Lysis Tubes P, Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free water,
from a variety of tissue samples quickly and efficiently through the Spin Filter D (blue), Spin Filter R (purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution
use of a homogenizer. A SpeedMill (or other homogenizer) is used Tubes, user manual
as an effective means of digesting the starting material within the
Lysis Tubes contained in the kit. Lysis is performed without the use
of highly toxic b-mercaptoethanol, after which the genomic DNA Storage conditions and stability
is removed through an initial Spin Filter column. The RNA is then The innuSPEED Tissue RNA Kit will remain stable for at

bound to a second Spin Filter membrane, washed and finally eluted least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
in 30 – 80 µl of RNase-free water. (14 °C to 25 °C).

Procedure Sample application

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

1. Homogenize and lyse Extraction of total RNA from 20 mg tissue samples followed by
the tissue sample 3 visualization on a denaturing formaldehyde gel.
2. Use an initial Spin 1
Filter column to
selectively remove Lane 1 – 3:
the gDNA Total RNA isolated from
4 20 mg tissue samples
3. Bind the RNA to a
second Spin Filter 2
4. Wash the bound RNA
5. Perform final elution

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Tissue samples of up to 20 mg
ƒƒ Bioptates

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization and lysis: approx. 20 minutes
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 11 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg RNA

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Up to 100 µg Order information

Order number Quantity

Average purity (A 260:A 280):
1.7 – 2.0 845-KS-2540010 10 reactions
845-KS-2540050 50 reactions
845-KS-2540250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

3.2 Isolation of RNA

innuSPEED Plant RNA Kit

ƒƒ Efficient extraction of total plant RNA from a wide variety

of plant materials
ƒƒ Optimized Lysis Tubes with beads guarantee optimum
homogenization results when using the SpeedMill or
other homogenizers
ƒƒ Optimum sample digestion generates extremely
high yields
ƒƒ No need for toxic b-mercaptoethanol

Product description Kit components

The innuSPEED Plant RNA Kit allows researchers to extract total Lysis Tubes P, Lysis Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free water,
cellular RNA from an extremely wide variety of fresh or frozen plant Spin Filter (blue and purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes,
tissue (such as leaves, stems, roots, flowers, etc.) The Lysis Tubes user manual
in the kit contain beads that are specially tailored to plant tissue and
that optimize the ability of a homogenizer (such as the SpeedMill
from Analytik Jena) to break down the material. The genomic DNA is Storage conditions and stability
then selectively removed by binding it to an initial Spin Filter column. The innuSPEED Plant RNA Kit will remain stable for at

The total plant RNA is then bound to the filter membrane on a least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
second column, washed and finally eluted in 30 – 80 µl of RNase- (14 °C to 25 °C).
free water. Rapidly accelerated beads are used to solubilize plant cell
walls efficiently, which, in turn, maximizes RNA yields.
Sample application
3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

The innuPREP Plant RNA Kit was used to extract total cellular RNA
Procedure from 50 mg leaf material and compared to the innuSPEED Plant
1. Homogenize and lyse RNA Kit. Subsequent analysis of the quality of the isolated nucleic
the plant material 3 acids was performed on an Agilent Bioanalyzer. Data indicate total
2. Use an initial Spin 1 plant RNA with intact ribosomal RNA, free of genomic DNA con-
Filter to selectively tamination and with no sign of degradation.
remove the DNA
3. Bind the RNA to a
second Spin Filter 4
4. Wash the bound RNA 2
5. Elute the plant DNA

innuSPEED Plant RNA Kit, RIN = 9.8

Product specifications
Starting material:
Up to 50 mg of plant material

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization and lysis: 15 minutes
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 12 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 100 µg RNA
innuPREP Plant RNA Kit, RIN = 9.5
Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the plant material used
ƒƒ Up to 100 µg Order information

Order number Quantity

Average purity (A 260:A 280):
1.8 – 2.1 845-KS-2560010 10 reactions
845-KS-2560050 50 reactions
845-KS-2560250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

3.2 Isolation of RNA

innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi RNA Kit

ƒƒ Extraction of total cellular RNA from fungal spores

and gram+ bacteria
ƒƒ No DNase I digestion: filter membrane for fast,
selective removal of genomic DNA
ƒƒ Integrated inactivation of endogenous and
exogenous RNases
ƒƒ Improved extraction without the use of toxic
ƒƒ Optimized for use with homogenizers (such as the SpeedMill)

Product description Kit components

The innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi RNA Kit has been designed for rapid Lysis Tubes S, Lysis Solution, Washing Solution, RNase-free water,
homogenization and includes an efficient process for digesting the Spin Filter (blue and purple), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, user
cell walls of fungal spores and gram+ bacteria in specially developed manual
Lysis Tubes, the process utilizes the SpeedMill (or other homogeniz-
ers). The starting sample is then denatured; the unique Lysis Buffer
deactivates endogenous and exogenous RNases. Once the genomic Storage conditions and stability
DNA has been selectively removed, the RNA is bound to the surface The innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit will remain stable for

of a Spin Filter membrane, washed and then finally eluted from the at least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
membrane. The isolated RNA is immediately available for down- (14 °C to 25 °C).
stream applications.

Sample application
RNA was extractedHomogenisation/ / which are not carrying

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

Procedure Homogenisation
from gram+ bacteria,
Lysis of sample
1. Homogenize and lyse spores using the innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi RNA Kit (triple deter-
the starting material; 3 mination). Isolated bacterial RNA was visualized on a denaturing
deactivate RNases 1 formaldehyde gel. Selective removing
2. Perform filtration step of gDNA
to selectively remove
genomic DNA 4 Lane 1 – 3:
3. Bind the RNA to the Extracted RNA from gram+
2 bacteria
Spin Filter Selective Binding of
4. Wash the bound RNA
5. Elute


Product specifications Elute

Starting material:
ƒƒ Gram+ bacteria (max. 1 × 109)
ƒƒ Fungal spores

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization and lysis: approx. 40 minutes
ƒƒ Purification: approx. 10 minutes

Binding capacity:
Column binding capacity: > 30 µg RNA

Average yield: Order information

ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Up to 30 µg
845-KS-2510010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-KS-2510050 50 reactions
1.7 – 2.0 845-KS-2510250 250 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

3.3 Lysis Tubes

Lysis Tubes

ƒƒ Ideal for mechanically disruption of a very large variety of starting

ƒƒ Fast, efficient preparation of robust samples for isolating nucleic
acids or proteins
ƒƒ 0.5 or 2.0 mL reaction vessels with beads
ƒƒ Flexibility thanks to a variety of bead materials and sizes
ƒƒ Ideal for use with the SpeedMill or other commercially available

innuSPEED lysis tubes include a variety of 0.5 and 2.0 mL reaction As a general rule of thumb: the smaller the sample, the smaller the
3.3 Lysis
vessels Tubes
with skirted englisch
bases and screw caps. Prefilled with beads in beads.
various sizes, materials and quantities, innuSPEED lysis tubes are ide-
ally suited for homogenizing an exceptionally wide variety of starting
materials (e.g., plants, tissues, cells, etc.)

Bead material and Size

Tube size Glass Ceramics Steel Description

0.5 ml 90 – 150 µm - - innuSPEED Lysis Tube D

0.5 ml - 0.4 – 0.6 mm - innuSPEED Lysis Tube C
3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

0.5 ml - 2.4 – 2.8 mm - innuSPEED Lysis Tube P

0.5 ml - - 5x 3.5 mm innuSPEED Lysis Tube I
0.5 ml - - 8x 3.5 mm innuSPEED Lysis Tube H
0.5 ml - - 4.7 mm innuSPEED Lysis Tube F
2.0 ml 90 – 150 µm - - innuSPEED Lysis Tube B
2.0 ml 90 – 150 µm - - innuSPEED Lysis Tube G
2.0 ml - 0.4 – 0.6 mm - innuSPEED Lysis Tube S
2.0 ml - 1.4 – 1.6 mm - innuSPEED Lysis Tube A
2.0 ml - 0.4 – 0.6 mm - innuSPEED Lysis Tube X
1.4 – 1.6 mm
2.0 ml - 2.4 – 2.8 mm - innuSPEED Lysis Tube E
2.0 ml 90 – 150 µm - 3.5 mm innuSPEED Lysis Tube Z
2.0 ml 90 – 150 µm - 4.7 mm innuSPEED Lysis Tube Y
2.0 ml - 1.4 – 1.6 mm 3.5 mm innuSPEED Lysis Tube W
2.0 ml - - 4.7 mm innuSPEED Lysis Tube J
2.0 ml - - Mandrel innuSPEED Lysis Tube Q

Take advantage of our comprehensive homogenization

support by calling +49 (0) 3641 / 77 9460, and learn
more about our high-performance homogenizer
on pages 280 – 284.

3.3 Lysis Tubes

innuSPEED Lysis Tube A

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1010050 50 tubes
845-CS-1010100 100 tubes
845-CS-1010250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube A is a 2.0 ml tube with a screwing cap (colourless) containing optimized
ceramic beads (1.4 - 1.6 mm) for efficient disruption of plant or animal tissue samples
using SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube B

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1030050 50 tubes
845-CS-1030100 100 tubes
845-CS-1030250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube B is a 2.0 ml tube with a screwing cap (blue) containing optimized glass
(90 - 150 µm) beads for efficient disruption of bacteria and fungi samples using SpeedMill
or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube C

Order number Quantity

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

845-CS-1040050 50 tubes
845-CS-1040100 100 tubes
845-CS-1040250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube C is a 0.5 ml tube with a screwing cap (violet) containing optimized ceramic
(0.4 - 0.6 mm) beads for efficient disruption of plant or tissue samples using SpeedMill
or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube D

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1050050 50 tubes
845-CS-1050100 100 tubes
845-CS-1050250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube D is a 0.5 ml tube with a screwing cap (colourless) containing optimized
glass (90 - 150 µm) beads for efficient disruption of bacteria and fungi samples using
SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube E

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1070050 50 tubes
845-CS-1070100 100 tubes
845-CS-1070250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube E is a 2.0 ml tube with screwing cap (orange) containing optimized ceramic
beads (2.4 - 2.6 mm) for efficient disruption of difficult samples as insects, dried tissues
or plants using SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

3.3 Lysis Tubes

innuSPEED Lysis Tube F

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1090050 50 tubes
845-CS-1090100 100 tubes
845-CS-1090250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube F is a 0.5 ml tube with screwing cap (yellow) containing optimized steel
beads (4.7 mm) for efficient disruption of resistant samples as wood, seed or rice grain
using SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube G

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1130050 50 tubes
845-CS-1130100 100 tubes
845-CS-1130250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube G is a 2.0 ml tube with a screwing cap (colourless) containing optimized
glass beads (90 - 150 µm) for efficient disruption of bacteria and fungi samples using

SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube H

Order number Quantity

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

845-CS-1100050 50 tubes
845-CS-1100100 100 tubes
845-CS-1100250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube H is a 0.5 ml tube with screwing cap (violet) containing optimized steel
beads (8x 3.5 mm) for efficient disruption of resistant samples as wood, seed or rice
grain using SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube I

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1110050 50 tubes
845-CS-1110100 100 tubes
845-CS-1110250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube I is a 0.5 ml tube with screwing cap (red) containing optimized steel beads
(5x 3.5 mm) for efficient disruption of resistant samples as wood, seed or rice grain
using SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube J

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1120050 50 tubes
845-CS-1120100 100 tubes
845-CS-1120250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube J is a 2.0 ml tube with screwing cap (blue) containing optimized steel beads
(4.7 mm) for efficient disruption of resistant samples as wood, seed or rice grain using
SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

3.3 Lysis Tubes

innuSPEED Lysis Tube P

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1020050 50 tubes
845-CS-1020100 100 tubes
845-CS-1020250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube P is a 0.5 ml tube with screwing cap (green) containing optimized ceramic
beads (2.4 - 2.8 mm) for efficient disruption for difficult samples as insects, dried tis-
sues or plants using SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube Q

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1180006 6 tubes
845-CS-1180012 12 tubes
845-CS-1180024 24 tubes

The Lysis Tube Q consist of a 2.0 mL tube with a screwing cap (red) and a metal mandrel.
The tube has been specially developed for homogenizing extremely tough starting materi-

als, such as rice, bones and wood. The use of a tube fixation is recommended if using the
Lysis Tube Q with the SpeedMill PLUS. The mandrel is a reusable homogenization element.
Sterilizing or autoclaving the mandrel after use is recommended.

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

innuSPEED Lysis Tube S

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1060050 50 tubes
845-CS-1060100 100 tubes
845-CS-1060250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube S is a 2.0 ml tube with screwing cap (yellow) containing special small
ceramic beads (0.4 - 0.6 mm) for efficient disruption of stool, bacteria and fungi samples
using SpeedMill and other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube W

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1140050 50 tubes
845-CS-1140100 100 tubes
845-CS-1140250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube W is a 2.0 ml tube with screwing cap (red) containing a mixture of ceramic and
steel beads (1.4 - 1.6 mm and 3.5 mm) for efficient disruption of stool, bacteria, fungi and
soil samples as well as cell cultures and spores using SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

innuSPEED Lysis Tube X

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1150050 50 tubes
845-CS-1150100 100 tubes
845-CS-1150250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube X is a 2.0 ml tube with screwing cap (withe) containing a mixture of ceramic beads
(0.4 - 0.6 mm und 1.4 - 1.6 mm) different in size for efficient disruption of stool, bacteria, fungi
and soil samples as well as cell cultures and spores using SpeedMill or other homogenizers.

3.3 Lysis Tubes

innuSPEED Lysis Tube Y

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1160050 50 tubes
845-CS-1160100 100 tubes
845-CS-1160250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube Y is a 2.0 ml tube with screwing cap (brown) containing a mixture of glass
and steel beads (90 - 150 µm und 4.7 mm) for efficient disruption of stool, bacteria,
fungi and soil samples as well as cell cultures and spores using SpeedMill or other

innuSPEED Lysis Tube Z

Order number Quantity

845-CS-1170050 50 tubes
845-CS-1170100 100 tubes
845-CS-1170250 250 tubes

Lysis Tube Z is a 2.0 ml tube with screwing cap (black) containing a mixture of glass and

steel beads (90 - 150 µm und 3.5 mm) for efficient disruption of stool, bacteria, fungi
and soil samples as well as cell cultures and spores using SpeedMill or other homog-
3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

3.3 Lysis Tubes

PureProve® Lysis Tubes LV

ƒƒ Mechanical lysis of cells taken from bodily fluids and

tissues, and from bacteria and fungi
ƒƒ Highly efficient lysis in gram+ and gram- bacteria
ƒƒ Suitable for up to 5 mL of whole blood and/or 1 g of tissue
ƒƒ Recommended for use with the FastPrep-24®
(MP Biomedicals)

Product description Storage conditions and stability

Optimal lyses of cellular material is the essential basis for efficient The lysis tubes and buffer can be stored at room temperature and
DNA extraction and sensitive nucleic acid detection. will remain stable for 12 months.
An ideal combination of multiple types of glass beads ensures ef-
ficient lysis of bacterial and fungal cells for sample volumes of up to
5 mL. For tissues or smaller amounts of sample, customers can Sample application
make up the difference in volume using the buffer provided. An Mechanical lysis was performed on pathogens in 5 mL whole
antifoam agent prevents excessive foam from forming, making the blood samples and the efficiency was determined. Whole blood

lysate easy to remove after a brief centrifugation step. was spiked with pathogens from exponentially growing cultures.
Aliquots of the spiked blood—some undergoing mechanical lysis
The PureProve® concept: following suitable processes for reducing and some not—were diluted, plated onto a suitable substrate and
contamination with all system components are filled and packaged incubated overnight. The number of colonies was counted on the
under clean-room conditions. following day.

3 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer

Data indicate excellent efficiency for fungal cells and for gram+ and
gram- pathogens.

1. Lysis tube filling
2. Homogenizer loading
3. The 2 lysis intervals begin
(45 sec. each with a 5 minutes
pause in between)
4. Cell debris centrifugation and
lysate removal

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Whole blood or other bodily fluids (cerebrospinal fluid, synovial
fluid), up to 5 mL
ƒƒ Tissues (liver, kidney, muscle), up to 1 g
ƒƒ The protocol may need to be optimized if using other samples
or alternative homogenizers.

Lysis time:
Approx. 10 minutes

Order information
Kit components
Order number Quantity
10 lysis tubes, prefilled with glass beads and antifoam agent, 50 mL
sample buffer, user manual 850-301-001-0010 10 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

ƒƒ Automated DNA and/or RNA isolation from a wide variety of

different starting materials
ƒƒ Highly efficient extraction using optimized magnetic and/or
paramagnetic particles
ƒƒ Processes up to 16 samples in parallel
ƒƒ Prefilled, sealed Reagent Strips for individual sample handling and/
or Reagent Plates for processing groups of 8 samples
ƒƒ Any potential cross-contamination is kept to an absolute minimum
ƒƒ Adjustable elution volume

innuPREP Kits – IPC16: Automated nucleic acid isolation using based on Analytik Jena’s patented extraction chemistry (DC tech-
an optimized, universal extraction chemistry nology), which unites a stringent lysis buffer with a novel binding
A wide variety of different kits is available for fast, automated nucle- buffer system. Extraction produces excellent yields of high-quality
ic acid isolation on the InnuPure® C16 automated extraction system. RNA and DNA alike. In addition, ultramodern instrument technol-
Prefilled, sealed reagent plastics make this unit very easy to use, ogy provides for highly efficient magnetic bead collection, reducing
allowing operators to prepare for extraction in just a few manual particle transfer to the final eluate to an absolute minimum. Isolated
steps, while the piercing feature of the InnuPure® C16 eliminates nucleic acids can then be used in subsequent applications (such
the need for opening Reagent Strips/Plates. The result is the nearly as PCR, qPCR, cDNA synthesis, etc.) with no additional purification
complete eradication of any conceivable cross-contamination. All steps.
kits make use of the magnetic particle separation principle and are

Procedure 1. Lysis of the starting material

ƒƒ Mechanical-thermal decomposition
ƒƒ Proteolytic digestion
ƒƒ Lysozyme digestion

5. Elution of the nucleic Transfer of the

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

acid in separate eluate into the

elution tubes Addition of the MAG
vessels for direct
solution and the
storage binding buffer

Addition of the
elution buffer and
mixing Mixing
Collection of the
magnetic particles

Collection of the
nucleic-acid-bound 2. Automated binding
magnetic particles of the nucleic acid
and removal of the
to the magnetic
Collection of the binding buffer
magnetic particles
4. Drying the and removal of the Addition of the
magnetic particles wash buffer wash buffer and

3. Washing of the magnetic particles

and the bound nucleic acids

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP DNA Kit-IPC16

ƒƒ Flexible use: Isolation of genomic DNA from different

starting materials
ƒƒ Automated purification of up to 16 samples when used in
conjunction with the InnuPure® C16
ƒƒ Based on magnetic particle extraction
ƒƒ Utilizes prefilled, sealed Reagent Plates and / or Strips
ƒƒ Effectively prevents any potential cross-contamination

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP DNA Kit-IPC16 is the universal solution for using the Automated purification of genomic DNA from a variety of different tis-
InnuPure® C16 to automate DNA extraction from a wide variety of sue samples, 3T3 cells and segments of mouse tail. The isolated DNA
starting materials. Pre-filled, sealed Reagent Strips and/or Plates was visualized directly on a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.
make the instrument extremely easy to load—just a few manual
steps is all it takes. Using a process based on the magnetic particle
separation principle, the nucleic acids are then separated, washed
and, finally, eluted. In addition, an optimum combination of novel
chemistry and ultramodern instrumentation all but eliminates the
risk of transferring magnetic particles to the eluate. High quality and
excellent yields characterize the resulting DNA, which is immedi-
ately available for subsequent applications such as real-time PCR.

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Tissue samples of up to 20 mg

ƒƒ Rodent tails up to 1.0 cm in length
ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells (max. = 5 x 106)

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: 10–75 minutes (external)

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protcol: 45 minutes Lane 1: DNA control; Lane 1: DNA control;
lanes 2 - 4: DNA from 5 x 106 3T3 cells; lanes 2 - 6: DNA from
lanes: 6 - 8: gDNA from 10 mg heart 0.5 cm segments of
Average yield: mouse tail
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Tissues and rodent tails: up to 50 µg
ƒƒ Eucaryotic cells: up to 25 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.8 - 2.0

Kit components
Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, prefilled Reagent Strips and/or Plates,
tips, elution tubes, user manual

Order information
Storage conditions and stability
Order number Quantity
The innuPREP DNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at least 6 months
if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C–25°C). The 845-IPS-2016016 16 reactions
recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase K is 845-IPS-2016096 96 reactions
4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be stored 845-IPP-2016016 16 reactions
in aliquots at –20°C, because repeated freezing and thawing will
845-IPP-2016096 96 reactions
significantly reduce its activity.
845-IPP-2016480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel with
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP Forensic DNA Kit-IPC16

ƒƒ Automized extraction of genomic DNA

ƒƒ Optimal for smallest forensic or highly contaminated
ƒƒ Successful processing of a large range of different starting
ƒƒ Extraction of high quality DNA for immediate downstream
ƒƒ For usage of InnuPure® C16 and up to 16 samples in parallel

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Forensic DNA Kit-IPC16 is an ideal solution to handle The innuPREP Forensic DNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at least
smallest forensic samples in an automized process. Thereby the 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C – 25 °C).
purification of genomic DNA from up to 16 samples in parallel takes The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase
place within InnuPure® C16. The kit has already been proven with K is 4 °C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be
positive result using a large number of starting materials. Those are stored in aliquots at -20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing
blood and traces of blood, hair, hair roots and beard stubble, ciga- will significantly reduce its activity.
rette butts, chewing gum, traces of sperm, swab samples e. g. from
ear, as well as finger prints on a variety of surfaces and DNA on Sample application
tooth brush. Based on patented DC-Technology and the principle The innuPREP Forensic DNA Kit-IPC16 was used to isolate DNA from
of magnetic particle separation, even highly degraded nucleic acids different forensic material. Afterwards the extracted nucleic acids were
can be recovered. Prefilled, sealed reagent plastic allows a fast, amplified in a TaqMan® real-time PCR to assure quality.
uncomplicated preparation of the device and isolation of very pure
DNA for direct downstream applications.

Process sequence

1. External lysis
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. DNA is washed automatically
4. DNA is automatically eluted
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Blood and traces of blood
ƒƒ Hair, hair roots and beard stubble
ƒƒ Finger nails TaqMan® real-time PCR amplification plot of GAPDH-gene using genomic
ƒƒ Stamps and envelopes DNA of different forensic samples in quadruplicate (turquoise: swab,
violet: blood drive, blue: ear swab, brown: tooth brush, green: cigarette,
ƒƒ Cigarette butts, chewing gum red: chewing gum, yellow: hairs) including NTC (grey).
ƒƒ Swab samples and fingerprints taken from surfaces, ear swab,
tooth brush
ƒƒ Traces of sperm, bone meal

Average yield:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 120 minutes (external)
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 38 - 47 minutes
Order information
Durchschnittliche Ausbeute:
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Depends on the sample and the amount used
845-IPS-2416016 16 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 845-IPS-2416096 96 reactions
1,8 - 2,0 845-IPP-2416016 16 reactions
845-IPP-2416096 96 reactions

Kit components 845-IPP-2416480 480 reactions

Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, Carrier Mix, prefilled Reagent Strips 844-MA205-3 Laboratory Notebook
and/or Plates, tips, Elution Tubes, user manual
IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel in
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

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innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit-IPC16



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ƒƒ Fully automated DNA extraction from up to 200 µL of

whole blood (fresh or frozen)
ƒƒ Up to 16 samples can be processed in parallel using the
InnuPure® C16
ƒƒ Prevents potential cross-contamination thanks to prefilled,
sealed Reagent Strips/Plates
ƒƒ DNA isolation based on well-established magnetic particle
separation principle

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit-IPC16 can be used for isolating The innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at
genomic DNA from up to 200 µL of whole blood. The samples least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C–
used can be fresh or frozen, and stabilized in either EDTA or citrate. 25°C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
When performed on the InnuPure® C16, extraction is fully auto- proteinase K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it
mated, yielding highly reproducible results for all 16 samples. The should be stored in aliquots at –20°C, because repeated freezing and
InnuPure® C16 performs all of the processing for lysis, for subse- thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
quent isolation steps and for final elution. In addition to pre-filled,
sealed Reagent Strips/Plates that reduce manual pipetting steps,
the InnuPure® C16 also includes a piercing feature and intelligent tip Sample application
ejection system that minimize the risk of cross-contamination. The The InnuPure® C16 and innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit-IPC16 were
resulting, high-quality DNA is immediately available for additional used for isolating genomic DNA from 16 whole blood samples. Two
applications or for storage. Reagent Plates were processed in parallel for this experiment. The
extracted DNA was then visualized on a 1.5% TBE agarose gel.

Process sequence
1. Starting material is automatically lysed

2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound DNA is automatically washed
4. DNA is automatically eluted

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen whole blood (up to 200 µL)
ƒƒ Stabilized in EDTA or citrate Lanes 1 and 10: DNA control;
lanes 2 - 9: gDNA from whole-blood samples in Reagent plate 1
(200 µL each);
Extraction time lanes 11 - 18: gDNA from whole-blood samples in Reagent plate 2
ƒƒ Lysis: internal (200 µL each)
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 75 minutes

Average yield
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quality of the starting material
ƒƒ Whole blood samples: up to 10 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.8 - 2.0
Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components
Proteinase K, prefilled Reagent Strips and/or Plates, tips, elution 845-IPS-1016016 16 reactions
tubes, user manual 845-IPS-1016096 96 reactions
845-IPP-1016016 16 reactions
845-IPP-1016096 96 reactions
845-IPP-1016480 480 reactions
844-MA205-3 Laboratory Notebook

IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel in
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit-IPC16

ƒƒ Automated DNA extraction from up to 2 mL whole blood

samples using the InnuPure® C16
ƒƒ Highly reproducible results for the up to 16 samples that
can be run
ƒƒ No measureable cross-contamination thanks to optimized
process sequences and pre-filled Strips/Plates
ƒƒ Optimized magnetic particles with no bleeding

Product description
The innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit-IPC16 can be used for automat- Sample application
ed DNA isolation from 0.5 – 2.0 mL whole blood samples on the Automated DNA purification from 3 different volumes of whole-
InnuPure® C16. The initial work (solubilizing the erythrocytes and blood samples. The extracted genomic DNA was first visualized on
pelletizing the nucleated blood cells) are followed by an additional a TAE agarose gel and then underwent spectrophotometric testing.
lysis step. The InnuPure® C16 fully automates all subsequent work
sequences, such as binding nucleic acids to magnetic particles and
then washing and eluting them. In addition to pre-filled, sealed Lane 1: DNA control;
Reagent Strips/Plates, the kit also contains all of the other solutions lanes 2 - 4: gDNA
from whole-blood
and consumables, such as elution tubes and tips. The extracted samples (0.5 mL each);
DNA is highly pure and can be analyzed immediately in further lanes 5 - 7: gDNA from
downstream applications. whole-blood samples
(1.0 mL each);
lanes 8 - 10: gDNA
from whole-blood
Process sequence samples (2.0 mL each)
1. External erythrocyte lysis and lymphocyte pelleting
2. External lymphocyte lysis

3. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

4. Bound DNA is automatically washed
5. DNA is automatically eluted
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material
ƒƒ 0.5 to 2 mL samples of whole blood
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen blood Spectrophotometric DNA testing: Spectrophotometric DNA testing:
ƒƒ Stabilized in EDTA or citrate 0.5 mL whole-blood sample 1.0 mL whole-blood sample

Extraction time
ƒƒ Lysis: 20 – 40 minutes (external)
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 45 minutes

Average yield
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Whole blood samples: up to 10 – 40 µg
Spectrophotometric DNA testing:
Average purity (A 260:A 280) 2.0 mL whole-blood sample
1.8 - 2.0
Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components
Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, prefilled Reagent Strips and/or Plates, 845-IPS-1216016 16 reactions
tips, elution tubes, user manual 845-IPS-1216096 96 reactions
845-IPP-1216016 16 reactions
845-IPP-1216096 96 reactions
Storage conditions and stability
The innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at 845-IPP-1216480 480 reactions
least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C– 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
25°C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
proteinase K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
should be stored in aliquots at –20°C, because repeated freezing IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity. Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel in
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-IPC16 improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Ideal for processing fresh or frozen plant material

ƒƒ Extracts high-quality plant DNA from up to 16 samples in
ƒƒ Developed and optimized for use with the InnuPure® C16
automated system
ƒƒ Effective removal of inhibiting by-products such as second-
ary plant metabolites
ƒƒ Highly reproducible yields of the DNA to be isolated

Product description Storage conditions and stability

Using the innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-IPC16 allows users to isolate The innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at least
highly pure genomic DNA from a variety of plant materials. Follow- 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C –
ing efficient homogenization using a SpeedMill, other homogenizer, 25°C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
or a mortar and liquid nitrogen, the plant material is lysed, and proteinase K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it
proteins and polysaccharides are effectively removed in a single should be stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated freezing
precipitation step. Once it has been filtered, the lysate is transferred and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
to pre-filled Reagent Strips and/or Plates. Nucleic acid extraction
proceeds automatically on the InnuPure® C16 using a magnetic
particle separation process. Because the final eluate is highly pure Sample application
and free of magnetic particles, it can be used immediately in sub- The InnuPure® C16 was used with the innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-
sequent applications such as qPCR. The kit has been successfully IPC16 for isolating the DNA from 100 mg plant material samples
tested using parsley, chives and rosemary. (after homogenization with a SpeedMill). The final step was direct
visualization of the nucleic acids on a 0.8% TAE agarose gel.

Process sequence
1. External homogenization e.g. SpeedMill and lysis of starting

2. Selective removal of proteins and polysaccharides
3. Automized binding of DNA to magnetic particles
4. Automized washing of bound DNA
5. Automized elution of DNA

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications Lane 1: DNA control;
Starting material lanes 2 - 4: grass;
lanes 5 - 7: parsley;
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen plant material (up to 100 mg) lanes 8 - 10: chives;
ƒƒ Plant material containing a large proportion of water lanes 11 - 13: cress;
(up to 100 mg) lanes 14 - 16: rosemary

Extraction time
ƒƒ Homogenization: Homogenizer: approx. 30 seconds - 3 minutes
ƒƒ Liquid nitrogen: approx. 5 - 10 minutes
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 40 - 45 minutes
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 45 minutes

Average yield
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material Order information
ƒƒ Up to 60 µg
Ordner number Quantity

Average purity (A 260:A 280) 845-IPS-1516016 16 reactions

1.8–2.0 845-IPS-1516096 96 reactions
845-IPP-1516016 16 reactions
845-IPP-1516096 96 reactions
Kit components
Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, Precipitation Buffer, Prefilter, prefilled 845-IPP-1516480 480 reactions
Reagent Strips and/or Plates, tips, elution tubes, user manual 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel with
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP Food DNA Kit-IPC16 improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Automated extraction of genomic DNA from a variety of

food samples
ƒƒ Food categorized into lysis-specific groups, followed by
preparation protocol (specific guidelines)
ƒƒ Isolates large quantities of highly pure DNA without trans-
ferring magnetic particles
ƒƒ No discoloration of the DNA eluate
ƒƒ RT PCR setup recommendations for each food category

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Food DNA Kit-IPC16 is a simple, safe, automated tool The innuPREP Food DNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at least 6
for extracting DNA from a variety of food samples. Thanks to pre- months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C – 25°C).
filled, sealed Reagent Strips/Plates, using InnuPure® C16 eliminates The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase K
the need for time-consuming prep steps. Once the starting material is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been reconstituted, it should be
has been homogenized (using a homogenizer such as the SpeedMill stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated freezing and thawing
PLUS) and external lysis is complete, the InnuPure® C16 automated will significantly reduce its activity.
extraction system carries out all of the remaining steps. Based
on patented DC technology and the magnetic particle separation
principle, the system utilizes a stringent lysis buffer and optimized Sample application
binding buffer to achieve large yields of high-quality nucleic acids. Isolating genomic DNA from potato chips served as a basis for suc-
The isolated DNA contains virtually no inhibitors and is immediately cessful testing; the results were compared to those from a compet-
available for subsequent applications (such as qPCR). ing product.

Product sequence
1. External lysis of categorized food samples

2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

3. DNA is automatically washed
4. DNA is automatically eluted
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material
Categorized food samples: TaqMan® Real-Time PCR curves (double determinations) for the amplified
ƒƒ Meat and sausage products gene in genomic DNA taken from a food sample (paprika-flavored
potato chips) (Analytik Jena: red = undiluted sample, pink = 1:10 sample
ƒƒ Canned foods (frankfurters and fish) dilution; competing product: turquoise = undiluted sample, blue = 1:10
ƒƒ Convenience foods sample dilution), includes NTC (green).
ƒƒ Baked goods, chips, muesli
ƒƒ Chocolate Undiluted 1:10 dilution
ƒƒ Flour, baking mixtures, spices
Analytik Jena AG 21.9 25.7
ƒƒ Ketchup, mustard, sauces, jams, bread spreads
Competing product 37.4 28.1
ƒƒ Dairy products
ƒƒ Oils and fats
ƒƒ Up to 200 mg of material

Extraction time
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 60 minutes (external) Order information
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 38 or 47 minutes
Ordner number Quantity

Average yield 845-IPS-5716016 16 reactions

Depends on the sample and the amount used 845-IPS-5716096 96 reactions
845-IPP-5716016 16 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280)
845-IPP-5716096 96 reactions
845-IPP-5716480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
Kit components
Proteinase K, Lysis Solutions, prefilled Reagent Strips and/or Plates, IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
tips, elution tubes, user manual IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel with
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16


ƒƒ Automized and safe extraction of genomic DNA from FFPE

(formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) tissue samples
ƒƒ Complete elimination of any steps for removal of paraffin
ƒƒ Without the need of typically used toxic solvents such as
Xylol or Octane
ƒƒ High quality of isolated DNA from up to 16 samples by
InnuPure® C16

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The combination of innuPREP FFPE DNA Kit-IPC16 and The innuPREP FFPE DNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at least
InnuPure® C16 offers a platform for easy, safe, automized DNA 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C – 25 °C).
extraction from formalinfixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase
samples. Because of a novel chemistry, the typically used, extensive K is 4 °C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be
process to remove paraffin is completely eliminated. Thus the isola- stored in aliquots at -20 °C, because repeated freezing and thawing
tion of genomic DNA is done without the use of toxic solvents, like will significantly reduce its activity.
Xylol or Octane. An additional Proteinase K digestion breaks down
proteins within cell lysates and releases the nucleic acids. Subse- Sample application
quent DNA isolation is performed by magnetic particle separation Successful testing by isolating genomic DNA from FFPE tissue
and is based on patented DC technology using InnuPure® C16. Pre- samples..
filled, sealed Reagent Strips and/or Plates can significantly reduce
the risk of cross-contamination between samples. The highly pure
DNA obtained is then available for subsequent applications such as

Process sequence
1. External lysis
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. DNA is washed automatically
4. DNA is automatically eluted

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material: Amplification plot of the TaqMan® real-time PCR of amplified
ƒƒ FFPE tissue samples (formalin-fixed, paraffinembedded) GAPDH-gene of genomic DNA different FFPE-samples in quadruplicate
(red: sample 1, blue: sample 2, green: sample 3) including NTC (grey).
ƒƒ Approx. 2x 5 μm, more starting material may also be used

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 120 minutes (external)
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 38 - 47 minutes

Average yield:
Depends on the sample and the amount used

Average purity (A 260:A 280): Order information

1,8 - 2,0
Order number Quantity
845-IPS-5916016 16 reactions
Kit components 845-IPS-5916096 96 reactions
Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, prefilled Reagent Strips and/or 845-IPP-5916016 16 reactions
Plates, tips, Elution Tubes, user manual
845-IPP-5916096 96 reactions
845-IPP-5916480 480 reactions
844-MA205-3 Laboratory Notebook

IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel in
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP Swab DNA Kit-IPC16

ƒƒ Automated DNA isolation from buccal swabs using the

InnuPure® C16
ƒƒ Includes swabs (in sterile packaging) for easy sampling
ƒƒ Pre-filled, sealed reagent delivery format (Strips or Plates)
keep prep work to a minimum
ƒƒ Magnetic particle based extraction method for up to 16
samples in parallel

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP Swab DNA Kit-IPC16 has been specially developed The InnuPure® C16 was used for fully automated extraction of gDNA
for automated extraction of genomic DNA from buccal swabs. Using from buccal swabs taken from 8 different test subjects. Eight Reagent
the InnuPure® C16 in conjunction with pre-filled, sealed Reagent Strips from the innuPREP Swab DNA Kit-IPC16 were used for this
Strips/Plates is a highly efficient method for isolating high-quality experiment. The final step was to load the DNA directly onto a 0.8%
genomic DNA. In addition the kit also contains swabs for easy sam- TAE agarose gel.
pling. Lysis is very fast and highly efficient, after which a Prefilter
is used for extracting virtually all of the lysate from the swab and
transferring it to the Reagent Plastic. The gDNA is then bound to
magnetic particles in a subsequent separation step—a process that,
like all wash steps and the final elution, are fully automated on the
InnuPure® C16. The piercing feature of the InnuPure® C16 makes
this process extremely easy to handle, while eliminating the risk of


1. External lysis of the buccal swab

2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound DNA is automatically washed
4. DNA is automatically eluted
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications Lane 1: DNA control

Starting material lanes 2 - 9: highly pure DNA from buccal swabs
Buccal swabs

Extraction time
ƒƒ Lysis: 15 minutes
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 45 minutes

Average yield
ƒƒ Depends on the quality and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Up to 15 µg DNA

Average purity (A 260:A 280)

1.8 – 2.0
Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components
Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, Swabs, Prefilter, prefilled Reagent Strips 845-IPS-2116016 16 reactions
and/or Plates, tips, elution tubes, user manual 845-IPS-2116096 96 reactions
845-IPP-2116016 16 reactions
845-IPP-2116096 96 reactions
Storage conditions and stability
The innuPREP Swab DNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at least 6 845-IPP-2116480 480 reactions
months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C – 25°C). 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase
K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it should be IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated freezing and thawing IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
will significantly reduce its activity. Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel with
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit-IPC16

ƒƒ Optimized for automated bacterial DNA extraction using

the InnuPure® C16
ƒƒ Suitable for tissue samples and for gram- or gram+
bacterial pellets
ƒƒ Optional cell-wall lysis using lysozyme
ƒƒ Fast, simultaneous DNA isolation from up to 16 samples
thanks to pre-filled Reagent Strips/Plates

Product description Sample application

Using the innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit-IPC16 allows researchers Automated extraction from an overnight E. coli culture. The isolated
to isolate bacterial DNA both from bacterial cultures (gram+ and bacterial DNA was loaded directly onto a 1.5 % TBE agarose gel.
gram-) and from tissue samples. The corresponding extraction rou-
tine proceeds on the InnuPure® C16 automation system. Following
external lysis, the sample is transferred to pre-filled, sealed Reagent
Strips/Plates. The subsequent processes of binding the nucleic acid
to magnetic particles, washing and final elution are fully automated.
The option of initially lysing the cell walls with lysozyme, especially
if working with gram+ bacteria is recommended. Yields and purity
of the isolated, bacterial DNA are excellent.

Process sequence
1. Optional: External cell-wall lysis with lysozyme
2. External proteolytic digestion
3. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

Lane 1: DNA control;
4. DNA is automatically washed and eluted lanes 2 - 17: E. coli-DNA

Product specifications
Starting material

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Bacterial pellets (gram+ and gram-) after culturing
(no more than 1 x 109)

Extraction time
ƒƒ Lysis: 30 - 40 minutes
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 45 minutes

Average yield
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Up to 25 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280)

1.8 - 2.0

Kit components Order information

Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, prefilled Reagent Strips and/or Plates,
Order number Quantity
tips, elution tubes, user manual
845-IPS-5516016 16 reactions
845-IPS-5516096 96 reactions
Storage conditions and stability 845-IPP-5516016 16 reactions
The innuPREP Bacteria DNA Midi Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at
845-IPP-5516096 96 reactions
least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C–
25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized 845-IPP-5516480 480 reactions
proteinase K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
should be stored in aliquots at –20°C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity. IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel in
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit-IPC16

ƒƒ Automated isolation of mycobacterial DNA from sputum,

bronchoalveolar lavages or bacterial cell pellets
ƒƒ Processes up to 16 samples in parallel using the
InnuPure® C16
ƒƒ Extracted DNA is of high quality
ƒƒ Cell-wall lysis may be performed either using lysozyme or
by elevating the temperature

Product description Storage conditions and stability

When used in conjunction with the InnuPure® C16, the The innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for
innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit-IPC16 automates the process of at least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
extracting mycobacterial DNA from sputum, bronchoalveolar lavages (14°C – 25°C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophi-
or cultured mycobacterial cell pellets. Cell walls can be lysed either lized proteinase K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubi-
by treating with lysozyme or, alternately, by raising the temperature. lized, it should be stored in aliquots at – 20°C, because repeated
This is followed by proteinase K digestion to break down proteins in freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
the cell lysates and to release the nucleic acids. Subsequent DNA
isolation is performed using magnetic particle separation and is
based on patented DC technology. Prefilled, sealed Reagent Strips
and/or Plates can significantly reduce the risk of cross-contamina-
tion between samples.

Process sequence
1. External lysis
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

3. DNA is washed automatically

4. DNA is automatically eluted

Product specifications
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Starting material:
ƒƒ Mycobacterial cell pellets (max. 1 x 109 cells)
ƒƒ Sputum
ƒƒ Bronchoalveolar lavages (up to 1 mL)

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: Mycobacterial cell pellets, approx. 55 – 65 minutes
ƒƒ Sputum samples, approx. 105 minutes (external)
ƒƒ Bronchoalveolar lavages, approx. 60 – 75 minutes (external)
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 45 minutes

Average yield:
Depends on the sample and the volumes used

Average purity (A 260:A 280): Order information

1.8 – 2.0
Order number Quantity
845-IPS-5816016 16 reactions
Kit components 845-IPS-5816096 96 reactions
Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, prefilled Reagent Strips and/or Plates, 845-IPP-5816016 16 reactions
tips, elution tubes, user manual
845-IPP-5816096 96 reactions
845-IPP-5816480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel in
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

innuPREP Stool DNA Kit-IPC16

ƒƒ Ideal for automatically isolating bacterial DNA from fresh or

frozen stool samples
ƒƒ For use with the InnuPure® C16 and for processing up to
16 samples in parallel
ƒƒ Isolates highly pure DNA without transferring magnetic
ƒƒ Includes pre-filled, sealed Reagent Strips/Plates that keep
prep work to a minimum
ƒƒ Effectively prevents any potential cross-contamination

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Stool DNA Kit-IPC16 has been specially designed for The innuPREP Stool DNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at least
automated isolation of bacterial DNA from stool samples. Pre-filled, 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C–
sealed Reagent Strips or Plates reduce time-consuming manual 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
preparation steps to an absolute minimum. The first steps are to proteinase K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it
homogenize the starting material (using a homogenizer such as the should be stored in aliquots at –20°C, because repeated freezing
SpeedMill) followed by external lysis. The InnuPure® C16 then car- and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
ries out all of the remaining steps, which include binding bacterial
DNA to magnetic and/or paramagnetic particles, washing the DNA
and automatically transferring it to a closeable elution tube. Using a Sample application
stringent lysis buffer in conjunction with an optimized binding buf- Stool samples of 100 mg each were used for automated DNA
fer produces excellent yields of high-quality nucleic acid. The near extraction in the InnuPure® C16 (with 8 Reagent Strips). This was
complete removal of all inhibitors means that the isolated DNA can followed by PCR specific to E. coli. Visualizing the amplification
be used immediately afterwards in further applications. products on an agarose gel was the final step.

Process sequence

1. Homogenization of starting material (e.g., SpeedMill)
2. External lysis of the starting material
3. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
4. Bound DNA is automatically washed
5. DNA is automatically eluted

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material
ƒƒ Solid stool samples (fresh or frozen) up to a maximum of 100 mg
ƒƒ 100–300 µL of liquid stool samples
Lane 1: DNA control;
Extraction time lanes 2 - 9: E. coli-specific amplification products
ƒƒ Homogenization: maximum = 3 minutes
ƒƒ Lysis: 30 minutes
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 45 minutes

Average yield
Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material

Average purity (A 260:A 280) Order information

1.8 – 2.0
Order number Quantity
845-IPS-3016016 16 reactions
Kit components 845-IPS-3016096 96 reactions
Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, Precipitation Buffer, Prefilter, prefilled 845-IPP-3016016 16 reactions
Reagent Strips and/or Plates, tips, elution tubes, user manual
845-IPP-3016096 96 reactions
845-IPP-3016480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel with
the InnuPure® C16.

4.1 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16

le c t ed pro g ew
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innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit-IPC16



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ƒƒ Novel kit for isolating viral DNA and RNA using

InnuPure® C16
ƒƒ Optimized for processing serum, plasma, cell-free bodily
fluids, cell culture supernatants, swabs and even stool
ƒƒ Up to 16 samples can be run in parallel when used with
InnuPure® C16
ƒƒ Sealed consumables effectively reduce cross-contamination
ƒƒ Carrier Mix for internal extraction monitoring

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The novel innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC16 is an extraction kit The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC16 will remain stable for at
for isolating viral DNA and RNA at the same time and from the least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C–
same sample. Used in conjunction with the InnuPure® C16, the kit 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
is suitable for an exceptionally wide variety of starting materials. The proteinase K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solubilized, it
kit contains carrier nucleic acids so that researchers can perform an should be stored in aliquots at –20°C, because repeated freezing
internal extraction control to prevent false-negative findings (using and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
innuDETECT Internal Control kits, p. 141). The system automatically
processes up to 16 samples in pre-filled Reagent Strips/Plates. In
addition to internal lysis, the viral nucleic acids are bound to magnetic
and/or paramagnetic particles, washed and then eluted. The sealed
Reagent Plastic and the piercing feature of the InnuPure® C16
effectively prevent cross-contamination among samples. Manual
prep steps are reduced as well, which minimizes contact between
users and infectious materials.

Process sequence
1. Combine the Carrier Mix and lysis buffer
2. Internal lysis occurs once the sample is added
3. Viral DNA / RNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
4. Bound viral DNA / RNA is automatically washed
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

5. Final, automated elution of viral DNA / RNA

Product specifications
Starting material
ƒƒ Serum (200 µL)
ƒƒ Plasma (200 µL)
ƒƒ Cell-free bodily fluids (200 µL) Detection system for internal control
ƒƒ Cell culture supernatants (200 µL) innuDETECT Internal Control DNA Assay............................................... 141
ƒƒ Swab samples innuDETECT Internal Control RNA Assay................................................ 141
ƒƒ Stool samples (200 µL) innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay.................................... 141

Extraction time
ƒƒ Lysis: internal
ƒƒ InnuPure® C16 protocol: approx. 75 minutes
Order information
Average yield
Order number Quantity
Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
845-IPS-5016016 16 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280) 845-IPS-5016096 96 reactions
1.8 - 2.0 845-IPP-5016016 16 reactions
845-IPP-5016096 96 reactions

Kit components 845-IPP-5016480 480 reactions

Proteinase K, Lysis Solution, Carrier Mix, prefilled Reagent Strips 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
and / or Plates, tips, elution tubes, user manual
IPS = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Strips for processing individual samples
IPP = Kit contains prefilled Reagent Plates for running 8 samples in parallel
Note: Prefilled Reagent Strips and Reagent Plates can be used in parallel in
the InnuPure® C16.

4.2 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C96

Isolation kits for the InnuPure® C96

ƒƒ Efficient purification kits for a large variety of possible starting

materials for fully automatic isolation of nucleic acids
ƒƒ Includes pre-filled Reagent Plates to minimize manual handling
ƒƒ Based on the well-established magnetic particle separation for
excellent yields and high-quality DNA/RNA
ƒƒ Simultaneous fully automatic processing of up to 96 samples
ƒƒ Provision and purging of all necessary Reagents during the nucleic
acid extraction through automated pipetting

Flexible, optimized kits for simple and rapid absolute minimum with the aid of pre-filled Reagent Plasticware,
nucleic acid purification an integrated lysis step (optimized for the corresponding starting
A variety of different DNA/RNA extraction kits are available for the materials), as well as pipetting, mixing and heating steps contained
InnuPure® C96. Based on the well-established nucleic acid separa- in the routine. The entire purification process is completely taken
tion via the binding of the DNA/RNA to magnetic particles, excellent over by InnuPure® C96, and thus possible contaminations can be
results with a high purity and yield are also guaranteed in the 96 specifically reduced. In addition, the elution of high-quality nucleic
well format. It is ensured that the end product is free of proteins, acids takes place in a separate 96 well microplate. The previously
nucleases and other contaminants and can be immediately used for defined volume can be adjusted in an application-specific manner.
subsequent applications. The complete system provides a signifi- All components needed for high throughput extraction in a 96 well
cant time savings. Manual interventions can be kept to the format are contained in the kits.

Procedure 1. Lysis of the starting material

ƒƒ Mechanical-thermal decomposition

ƒƒ Proteolytic digestion
ƒƒ Lysozyme digestion

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

5. Elution of the nucleic
Transfer of the
acid in separate
eluate into the
vessels for direct elution tubes Addition of the MAG
storage solution and the
binding buffer

Addition of the
elution buffer and
mixing Mixing
Collection of the
magnetic particles

Collection of the
2. Automated binding
magnetic particles
Collection of the and removal of the
of the nucleic acid
nucleic-acid-bound binding buffer to the magnetic
magnetic particles particles
4. Drying the and removal of the
wash buffer Addition of the
magnetic particles
wash buffer and

3. Washing of the magnetic particles

and the bound nucleic acids
4.2 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C96

innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit-IPC96

ƒƒ InnuPure® C96 for fully automated extraction routines;

accommodates whole blood samples of up to 200 µL in
ƒƒ Processes 96 samples in parallel
ƒƒ Reliable, reproducible extraction of high-quality DNA
ƒƒ Specially optimized magnetic particles prevent bleeding
ƒƒ Pre-filled Reagent Plates for minimum hands-on time

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit-IPC96 is a highly efficient tool Fully automated extraction of human genomic DNA from 200 µL
for extracting genomic DNA from whole blood samples of up to whole blood samples (fresh, EDTA). The isolated DNA was directly
200 µL in volume. This completely integrates the lysis step into the applied to a 1.5 % TAE agarose gel (120 V, 25 min, 200 ms).
automated extraction routine on the InnuPure® C96. The proto-
col also includes binding DNA to magnetic particles, washing the
genomic DNA and the final elution step (in separate Elution Plates).
This eliminates the manual pipetting steps that would be required
to transfer the nucleic acids to appropriate storage vessels.
Cross-contamination is reliably prevented thanks to the kit’s pre-
filled, sealed Reagent Plates, that also reduces hands-on time to an Lane 1 – 12: human gDNA from 200 µl blood, Position A1-A12
absolute minimum. Lane 13: DNA ladder
Lane: 14 – 25: human gDNA from 200 µl blood, Position B1-B12

Process sequence
1. Automatic lysis of starting material
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

3. Bound DNA is automatically washed

4. DNA is automatically eluted
Lane 26 – 37: human gDNA from 200 µl blood, Position C1-C12
Lane 38: DNA ladder
Lane: 39 – 50: human gDNA from 200 µl blood, Position D1-D12
Product specifications
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Starting material
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen whole blood (up to 200 µL)
ƒƒ Stabilized with EDTA or citrate

Extraction time
ƒƒ Lysis: internal lysis
ƒƒ InnuPure® C96 protocol: approx. 85 min. Lane 51 – 62: human gDNA from 200 µl blood, Position E1 - E12
Lane 63: DNA ladder
Lane: 64 – 75: human gDNA from 200 µl blood, Position F1-F12
Average yield
ƒƒ Depends on the whole-blood sample used
ƒƒ Up to 10 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280)

1.7 – 2.0

Lane 76 – 87: human gDNA from 200 µl blood, Position G1-G12

Kit components Lane 88: DNA ladder
Lane: 89 – 100: human gDNA from 200 µl blood, Position H1-H12
Prefilled Reagent Plates, tips, Sample Plate, Elution Plate, user

Storage conditions and stability Order information

The innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit-IPC96 will remain stable for at
Order number Quantity
least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
(14 °C – 25 °C). 845-IP-1096096 96 reactions
845-IP-1096480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.2 Isolation kits for InnuPure® C96

innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC96

ƒƒ Automated isolation of viral DNA and RNA from serum,

plasma and other cell-free bodily fluids or supernatants from
cell cultures
ƒƒ Extraction based on magnetic particles and is optimized for
the InnuPure® C96
ƒƒ Prefilled, sealed Reagent Plates keep prep work to a mini-
ƒƒ Initial lysis of the starting material is integrated in the auto-
mated process

Product description Sample application

When used in combination with the InnuPure® C96, the A RNA virus was first spiked in serum. This was followed by
innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC96 serves as a tool for automated automated RNA extraction using the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA
isolation of viral DNA from a wide variety of starting materials. Kit-IPC96. A TaqMan® Real-Time PCR was performed after cDNA
Isolation is based on mangetic particle separation. Therefore the synthesis to verify the presence of the virus.
whole procedure to extract nucleic acids is completely automated
on the InnuPure® C96. After a fast stringent lysis step, the viral
DNA/RNA are then bound to magnetic particles, washed multiple
times and then eluted in a final step into a 96 well plate. Prefilled,
sealed Reagent Plates allow researchers to all but rule out the risk
of cross-contamination between samples. The rate of errors as well
as manual handling steps are reduced to an absolutely minimum.

Process sequence
1. Internal lysis
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

3. DNA is washed automatically
4. DNA is automatically eluted

Product specifications

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Starting material Amplification plot of a TaqMan® Real-Time PCR specific to the RNA virus.
ƒƒ Serum (200 µL)
ƒƒ Plasma (200 µL)
ƒƒ Supernatants from cell cultures (200 µL)
ƒƒ Cell-free bodily fluids (200 µL)

Extraction time
ƒƒ Lysis: Internal lysis
ƒƒ InnuPure® C96 protocol: approx. 90 minutes

DNA quality
Positive PCR, cDNA synthesis and TaqMan® real-time
PCR testing results

Kit components
Prefilled Reagent Plates, tips, Sample Plate, Elution Plate, user

Storage conditions and stability Order information

The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC96 will remain stable for at
Order number Quantity
least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
(14 °C – 25 °C). 845-IP-5112096 96 reactions
845-IP-5112480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

Isolation kits for KingFisher® systems

ƒƒ Automated nucleic acid extraction for medium to high throughput

ƒƒ 1 – 15 and/or 24 and 96 samples can be processed in parallel
ƒƒ Optimized products for the KingFisher® mL and KingFisher® FLEX
automated extraction systems
ƒƒ Manual filling protocols makes these kits flexible and adaptable
ƒƒ Based on magnetic particle separation using magnetic or
paramagnetic particles
ƒƒ Workflows are especially fast and easy for samples up to 1 mL

innuPREP Kits – KF: nucleic acid extraction using the KingFisher® steps, and transfer magnetic particles from one solution to the next
mL or KingFisher ® FLEX extraction systems using a stamp and plastic comb. Rapid up and down movements
Patented DC technology also serves as the basis for extraction mix the samples.
chemistry developed at Analytik Jena for use on KingFisher ® proces- A large number of isolation products are available for an extremely
sors. Combining highly stringent lysis buffer with a special binding wide variety of starting materials. In addition to genomic DNA from
buffer shortens the overall DNA/RNA isolation process tremendous- human samples, these systems can also isolate bacterial and viral
ly, while achieving exceptionally high yields and excellent purity. nucleic acids from cultures and cell-free fluids. The DNA and/or
The manual filling protocols makes all KingFisher ® kits flexible and RNA obtained in this way is immediately available for use in subse-
adjustable. These automated systems do not involve any pipetting quent applications. No additional cleanup step required.


Magnet Fast up Magnet

and down
Slow up and movement
Tip collecting
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Transfer Tip

Reagent 1 and Magnetic particles Well 1 Well 2 Reagent 2 and Magnetic particles

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP DNA I Kit - KFml

ƒƒ Flexible, automated DNA purification using the

KingFisher ® ml
ƒƒ Optimized for a variety of different starting materials
ƒƒ Saves considerable time by processing up to 15 samples
in parallel
ƒƒ Extremely efficient lysis and high DNA yields

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP DNA I Kit-KFml has been optimized for automated The innuPREP DNA I Kit - KFml and the KingFisher ® ml system were
DNA extraction using the KingFisher ® ml processor. The kit yields used to isolate highly pure DNA from 150 µl whole blood samples.
highly pure DNA from whole blood samples as well as from (par- The DNA was visualized on a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel. A GAPDH-PCR
affin-embedded) tissue samples, mouse tails or buccal swabs. The was then carried out and the amplification products were analyzed
extraction method is based on the principle of magnetic particle on a second agarose gel.
separation and utilizes patented chemistry from Analytik Jena AG.
The kit contains all of the Reagents and plastic supplies needed for
lysis and the automated process. Large yields of high-quality DNA
are then available for later downstream applications within a very
short period of time.

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Whole blood samples (up to 150 µl)
ƒƒ Tissue samples of up to 30 mg

ƒƒ Rodent tail specimens (0.4 cm – 1.0 cm)
ƒƒ Paraffin samples (FFPE material: formalin-fixed,
paraffin-embedded) Lane 1: DNA ladder
ƒƒ Buccal swabs Lane 2 – 16: DNA from 150 µl whole blood samples

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: Whole blood samples: approx. 20 min
Tissue samples and rodent tails: approx. 30 min – 3 h
Paraffin samples (FFPE material): approx. 2 h
Swabs: approx. 10 – 15 min
ƒƒ KingFisher ® ml protocol: approx. 28 min

Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Typical yield from 30 mg of tissue: 4 – 14 µg
ƒƒ Typical yield from 150 µl of whole blood: 4 – 10 µg
Lane 1: DNA ladder
Average purity (A 260:A 280): Lane 2 – 16: GAPDH PCR products
Lane 17: Negative control
1.7 – 2.0

Kit components
Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer,
MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® Tip Combs, KingFisher ® Tube Strips,
user manual

Storage conditions and stability Order information

The innuPREP DNA I Kit-KFml will remain stable for at least 6 months
Order number Quantity
if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 25 °C). The
recommended storage temperature for lyophilized Proteinase K and 845-KF-8015015 15 reactions
MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, 845-KF-8015250 250 reactions
it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing 845-KF-8015750 750 reactions
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit - KFml

ƒƒ Highly efficient tool for isolating bacterial DNA from

gram+ or gram– cell pellets
ƒƒ Optimized for extracting up to 15 samples using the
KingFisher ® ml
ƒƒ Different lysis protocols ensure effective sample break-
down and maximum DNA yields
ƒƒ Automated process for isolating high-quality DNA within
an extremely short period of time

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit - KFml has been designed specifi- The innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit - KFml will remain stable for at least
cally for use with the KingFisher ® ml automated extraction system. 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
The kit offers more than one lysis protocol: optimized lysozyme 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
digestion or efficient thermal/mechanical breakdown with a ho- Proteinase K and MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has
mogenizer (such as the SpeedMill). These distinct approaches allow been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because
researchers to easily adapt the innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit - KFml repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
to different bacteria. Plus, the kit also contains all of the Reagents
and consumables needed for magnetic particle separation. The
overall system is easy to use, isolates high-quality nucleic acids and Sample application
produces outstanding yields. The KingFisher® ml system and the innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit - KFml
were used to process 15 samples from an E.coli overnight culture.
The isolated DNA was then loaded directly on a 0.8 % TAE agarose
Procedure gel and visualized.
1. Mechanical/thermal breakdown or lysozyme digestion of
starting material
2. External proteolytic lysis

3. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

4. Bound DNA is automatically washed
5. DNA is automatically eluted
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ 1.0 ml bacterial culture
ƒƒ Gram+ or gram– bacterial cell pellets

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 40 – 45 minutes
ƒƒ KingFisher ® ml protocol: approx. 30 minutes Lane 1: DNA ladder
Lane 2 – 16: Bacterial DNA (E.coli overnight culture)
Average yield:
Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0

Kit components Order information

Lysis Tubes, Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Binding Solution, Washing
Order number Quantity
Solutions, Elution Buffer, MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® Tip Combs,
KingFisher ® Tube Strips, user manual 845-KF-6015015 15 reactions
845-KF-6015250 250 reactions
845-KF-6015750 750 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP Virus DNA Kit - KFml

ƒƒ Automated tool for isolating high-quality viral DNA from

an extremely wide variety of starting materials
ƒƒ Optimized for using the KingFisher ® ml automated
extraction system
ƒƒ Processes up to 15 samples in parallel

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP Virus DNA Kit - KFml is a fast, efficient tool for extract- The KingFisher ® ml system was used to automate extraction of viral
ing viral DNA using the KingFisher ® ml. The purification principle DNA from serum. A series of three 1:10 dilutions were prepared
is based on magnetic particle separation and uses Analytik Jena’s from a starting concentration of 7 × 105 DNA viruses per ml. The
patented extraction chemistry (DC technology), making extremely isolated DNA was then introduced into a virus-specific PCR and
high-quality viral nucleic acids available within a very short period amplified (double determinations).
of time. The kit is designed as a universal tool for an exceptionally
wide variety of starting materials, such as cell-free bodily fluids, cell
culture supernatants, tissue samples, biopsies and paraffin-embed-
ded tissue samples.

1. External lysis of the starting material
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound DNA is automatically washed
4. Automated, final elution in a low-salt buffer

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Cell-free bodily fluids such as serum, plasma and cerebrospinal

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

fluid (up to 200 µl)
ƒƒ Cell culture supernatant, enrichment medium (up to 200 µl) Lane 1: DNA ladder
ƒƒ Tissues and biopsies (approx. 1 – 10 mg) Lane 2: Negative control
Lane 3 – 4: PCR products, 1:10 dilution of the starting material
ƒƒ Swab samples Lane 5 – 6: PCR products, 1:100 dilution of the starting material
Lane 7 – 8: PCR products, 1:1,000 dilution of the starting material
Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 15 – 30 minutes, up to 90 minutes for
tissue samples
ƒƒ KingFisher ® ml protocol: approx. 30 minutes

DNA quality:
Positive PCR and TaqMan® real-time PCR testing results

Kit components Order information

Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions,
Order number Quantity
Elution Buffer, MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® Tip Combs,
KingFisher ® Tube Strips, user manual 845-KF-4715015 15 reactions
845-KF-4715250 250 reactions
845-KF-4715750 750 reactions
Storage conditions and stability
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
The innuPREP Virus DNA Kit-KFml will remain stable for at least
6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
Proteinase K and MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has
been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because
repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP Virus RNA Kit - KFml

ƒƒ Optimized for automated extraction of viral RNA

ƒƒ For use with the KingFisher ® ml automation system
ƒƒ Wide variety of potential starting materials
ƒƒ Based on automated magnetic particle separation
ƒƒ Processes up to 15 samples in parallel

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP Virus RNA Kit-KFml can be used in conjunction with Shown in this image is a specific TaqMan® real-time PCR for detect-
the KingFisher ® ml automated extraction system. Magnetic particle ing classical swine fever virus (CSFV). This involved automated
separation technology makes it possible to process up to 15 sam- extraction of RNA from organ grit, transcribing the RNA to cDNA and
ples quickly and in parallel. The kit has been adapted to work with then testing for the virus.
a large number of different starting materials. The viral RNA eluted
in the final step is ready for use and can easily be introduced into
downstream applications such as real-time PCR. The kit contains all
of the Reagents and consumables needed for fast, uncomplicated
RNA purification.

1. External lysis of the starting material
Fluorescence (dRn)

2. Viral RNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

3. Bound RNA is automatically washed
4. Final automated elution

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Cell-free bodily fluids such as serum, plasma and cerebrospinal
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

fluid (up to 200 µl)

ƒƒ Cell culture supernatant, enrichment medium (up to 200 µl)
ƒƒ Tissues (approx. 1 – 5 mg)
ƒƒ Swab samples
ƒƒ Stool samples (approx. 50 – 100 mg) Cycles

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 15 – 30 minutes, up to 60 minutes for tissue Amplification plot of the CSFV-specific TaqMan® real-time PCR [1]
[1] Data provided with kind permission from Dr. A. Engelhardt, LUA Berlin,
ƒƒ KingFisher ® ml protocol: approx. 30 minutes

Quality of viral RNA:

Tested with positive results in cDNA synthesis followed by
TaqMan® real-time PCR

Kit components Order information

Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions, RNase-free
Order number Quantity
water, MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® Tip Combs, KingFisher ® Tube
Strips, user manual 845-KF-4515015 15 reactions
845-KF-4515250 250 reactions
845-KF-4515750 750 reactions
Storage conditions and stability
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
The innuPREP Virus RNA Kit-KFml will remain stable for at least
6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for the MAG Sus-
pension is 4 °C.

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - KFml improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Parallel extraction produces high yields of high-quality

viral DNA and RNA
ƒƒ Based on automated magnetic particle separation
ƒƒ Up to 15 samples can be processed in parallel
ƒƒ Optimized for KingFisher ® ml automation systems
ƒƒ Includes Carrier Mix with internal DNA and RNA extraction

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - KFml is an extraction system The KingFisher ® ml and the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - KFml
for isolating viral DNA and RNA simultaneously. The kit is suitable were used to extract viral RNA from serum (1:10 dilutions of a DNA
for use with an extremely wide variety of starting materials. Binding virus in patient serum). This was followed first by cDNA synthesis
nucleic acids to magnetic particles forms the basis for the automat- and then a PCR. In the final step, the PCR products were visualized
ed routine, along with the use of the KingFisher ® ml processor. Up on an agarose gel.
to 15 samples can be processed in parallel following a fast, highly
efficient lysis step. Excellent yields of extremely high-quality nucleic
acids are eluted in the final step and the resulting DNA can be used Lane 1 and 12: DNA ladder
directly in downstream applications. Lane 2 – 11: PCR products
(serum dilutions ranging from
1:10 to 1:1011)

1. External lysis of the starting material
2. Viral nucleic acids are automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound nucleic acids are automatically washed
4. Final, automated elution of DNA and RNA

Product specifications
Starting material: A DNA virus was diluted in different patient serum samples. This
ƒƒ Cell-free bodily fluids such as serum, plasma and cerebrospinal was followed by DNA extraction (using the innuPREP Virus DNA/

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

fluid (up to 200 µl) RNA Kit - KFml) and a virus-specific PCR. The following
ƒƒ Cell culture supernatant, enrichment medium (up to 200 µl) image shows the amplification products.
ƒƒ Tissue samples (approx. 1 – 5 mg)
ƒƒ Swab samples

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 15 – 30 minutes, up to 60 minutes for tissue
ƒƒ KingFisher ® ml protocol: approx. 30 minutes

Quality of viral nucleic acids:

Tested with positive results in cDNA synthesis, PCR and
TaqMan® real-time PCR

Lane 1: Positive control, lane 2: Negative control, lane 3: DNA ladder,

Kit components lane 4 – 12: Virus-specific PCR products
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Carrier Mix, Washing Solutions,
RNase-free water, MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® Tip Combs, Detection system for internal control
KingFisher ® Tube Strips, user manual innuDETECT Internal Control DNA Assay............................................... 141
innuDETECT Internal Control RNA Assay................................................ 141
innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay.................................... 141
Storage conditions and stability
The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - KFml will remain stable for at
least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C Order information
–25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for the MAG
Order number Quantity
Suspension is 4 °C.
845-KF-4615015 15 reactions
845-KF-4615250 250 reactions
845-KF-4615750 750 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP BTV RNA Kit - KFml

ƒƒ Optimized, automated extraction of BTV RNA from whole

blood samples
ƒƒ Kit for the KingFisher ® ml automated extraction system;
simultaneous processing of up to 15 samples
ƒƒ High-quality RNA within a very short period of time

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP BTV RNA Kit - KFml with the KingFisher ® ml extraction The innuPREP BTV RNA Kit-KFml will remain stable for at least
system combine to make an efficient tool for isolating bluetongue 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
virus (BTV) nucleic acids from up to 15 whole blood samples 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
simultaneously. Lysis is followed by all subsequent steps, such as Proteinase K and MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has
binding the RNA to magnetic particles, washing the nucleic acid been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because
and, finally, fully automated elution on the KingFisher ® ml. The repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
kit contains all of the Reagents and plastic supplies needed. The
innuPREP BTV RNA Kit - KFml is easy to use and produces high
yields of extremely high-quality RNA.

1. External lysis of the whole blood sample
2. Viral RNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound RNA is automatically washed
4. Final automated BTV RNA elution

Product specifications
Starting material:
Whole blood samples (200 µl max.)
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 15 minutes
ƒƒ KingFisher ® ml protocol: approx. 30 minutes

Quality of viral RNA:

Tested with positive results in cDNA synthesis followed
by TaqMan® real-time PCR

Kit components
Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions,
RNase-free water, MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® Tip Combs,
KingFisher ® Tube Strips, user manual

Order information

Order number Quantity

845-KF-4815015 15 reactions
845-KF-4815250 250 reactions
845-KF-4815750 750 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP Tissue DNA Kit - KF96 & KFFLX improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Extraction kit for automated DNA extraction using the

KingFisher ® 96 or the KingFisher ® FLEX
ƒƒ Highly effective processing of up to 96 samples in parallel
ƒƒ Isolation of high-quality DNA from a variety of different
tissue samples within a very short period of time
ƒƒ Includes protocol for paraffin samples (FFPE material:
paraffin-fixed, formalin-embedded)

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Tissue DNA Kit - KF96 & KFFLX contains all of the The innuPREP Tissue DNA Kit-KF96 & KFFLX will remain stable for at
Reagents and consumables needed for automated extraction of least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
DNA from tissue samples, rodent tails and paraffin samples (FFPE 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
material). The kit can be used for both the KingFisher ® 96 and the Proteinase K and MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has
KingFisher ® FLEX, making it suitable for processing samples at high been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because
throughput rates (up to 96 samples in parallel). Based on magnetic repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
particle separation in combination with Analytik Jena’s patented ex-
traction chemistry, the kit allows researchers to purify large amounts
of extremely high-quality nucleic acids. These are then available Sample application
immediately for subsequent use as a template for a wide variety of Bovine tissue samples from different animals were used for auto-
downstream applications. mated DNA extraction in the KingFisher ® 96. Spleen, uterus, lymph
nodes, heart and kidney samples (20 mg each) were first homoge-
nized using the SpeedMill P12 and then lysed in the KingFisher ® 96
Procedure automation system. In the final step, the extracted DNA was loaded
1. External, highly efficient lysis of tissue samples directly onto an agarose gel.
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

3. Bound nucleic acids are automatically washed
4. Automated elution in a 96 well plate

Product specifications

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Starting material:
ƒƒ Tissue samples of up to 30 mg
ƒƒ Rodent tail specimens (0.4 cm – 0.8 cm)
ƒƒ FFPE tissue samples (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded)

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: Tissue samples and rodent tails: approx. 30 min – 3 h Lane 1 and 2: Spleen genomic DNA
FFPE tissue samples: approx. 2 h Lane 3 and 4: Uterine genomic DNA
Lane 5 and 6: Lymph node genomic DNA
ƒƒ KingFisher ® 96 protocol: approx. 39 minutes Lane 7 and 8: Heart genomic DNA
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX protocol: approx. 39 minutes Lane 9 and 10: Kidney genomic DNA

Average yield: [1] Dr. A. Bondzio of the Institut für Veterinärbiochemie at the Freie Univer-
sität Berlin kindly granted permission for the use of this image.
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Typical yield from 30 mg of tissue: 4 – 14 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0

Kit components Order information

Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions, Elu-
Order number Quantity
tion Buffer, MAG Suspension, KingFisher® 96 Tip Comb with 96 DW
Plate, KingFisher® 96 DW Plate, KingFisher® 96 Plate, user manual 845-KF-7115096 96 reactions
845-KF-7115480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP Stool DNA Kit - KF96 & KFFLX improved product

better performance

ƒƒ Efficient extraction kit for the KingFisher ® 96 processor or

KingFisher ® FLEX
ƒƒ Fast, automated extraction of bacterial DNA from stool
ƒƒ Processes up to 96 samples in parallel under high-through-
put conditions
ƒƒ Isolates highly pure, ready-to-use DNA for a number of
later downstream applications

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Stool DNA Kit-KF96 & KFFLX is an extraction system The innuPREP Stool DNA Kit-KF96 & KFFLX will remain stable for at
for isolating DNA from fresh or frozen, solid or liquid stool samples. least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
The kit was developed specifically for use with the KingFisher ® 96 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
automation system and, as such, is especially well suited for high Proteinase K and MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has
sample throughput. Up to 96 samples can be processed in parallel been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because
thanks to the use of magnetic particle separation and a patented, repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
highly efficient chemistry. In addition, inhibitors are removed via a
highly effective prefiltration step. The isolated, ready-to-use bacte-
rial nucleic acids are of exceptionally high quality. Downstream ap- Sample application
plications can easily be carried out immediately after the extremely The image below shows high-quality DNA extracted from vari-
fast isolation process. ous guinea pig excrement samples. The KingFisher ® 96 and the
innuPREP Stool DNA Kit-KF96 were used for automatic nucleic acid
processing. The isolated DNA were then separated via gel electro-
Procedure phoresis on a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.
1. External homogenization and prelysis of the stool samples
2. Homogenized samples undergo prefiltration step

3. Proteolytic digestion
4. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
5. Bound DNA is automatically washed
6. Final automated nucleic acid elution
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ 200 – 400 µg of solid stool samples
ƒƒ 200 – 400 µl of liquid stool samples

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 40 – 45 minutes Lane 1 and 20: DNA ladder
ƒƒ KingFisher ® 96 protocol: approx. 30 minutes Lane 2 – 19: DNA extracted from guinea pig excrement
ƒƒ KingFisher ®FLEX Protokoll: 30 minutes

Average yield:
Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0

Kit components Order information

Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Prefilter, Receiver Tubes, Binding
Order number Quantity
Solution, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer, MAG Suspension,
KingFisher ® 96 Tip Comb with 96 DW Plate, KingFisher ® 96 DW 845-KF-7015096 96 reactions
Plate, KingFisher ® 96 Plate, user manual 845-KF-7015480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

le c t ed pro g ew
ähl te
se us P


innuPREP Blood DNA Kit - KFFLX improved product

better performance

für die
for in

tic -v os

o-D itr o
iagnos -Diagn

ƒƒ Fully automated DNA extraction from up to 96 whole

blood samples
ƒƒ Highly efficient kit for the KingFisher ® FLEX automation
ƒƒ Extremely high-quality, ready-to-use DNA in just
approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Based on magnetic particle separation
ƒƒ CE-IVD certification for innuPREP Blood DNA Kit - KFFLX

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP Blood DNA Kit - KFFLX is an optimized extraction kit The innuPREP Blood DNA Kit - KFFLX will remain stable for at least
for isolating DNA from 200 µl whole blood samples. Using the 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
KingFisher® FLEX processor allows researchers to extract nucleic 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
acids from up to 96 samples in parallel within a very short period of Proteinase K and MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has
time. Fully automated lysis is followed by a second subprotocol for been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because
automated binding, washing and final elution of the DNA in a repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
96 well plate. Nucleic acids can be used in later downstream applica-
tions in just approx. 50 minutes – the design of the 96 well elution
plate allows for the use automated pipetting stations (such as the Sample application
SELMA 96 or GeneTheatre) in subsequent processing steps. The innuPREP Blood DNA Kit - KFFLX was used to extract DNA from
each of 96 whole blood samples (200 µl each). The routine was
fully automated and performed on the KingFisher® FLEX system. The
Procedure isolated DNA was then loaded directly onto a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.
1. Blood samples are automatically lysed in the KingFisher ® FLEX
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound DNA is automatically washed

4. Automated DNA elution in a 96 well plate

Product specifications
Starting material:

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

ƒƒ Whole blood samples (200 µl)
ƒƒ Fresh or frozen blood
ƒƒ Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate

Extraction time:
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX lysis protocol: approx. 25 minutes
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX isolation protocol: approx. 37 minutes
Lane 1 and 50: DNA ladder
Average yield: Lane 2 – 49 and lane 51 – 98: DNA extracted from 200 µl whole blood
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Up to 10 µg DNA

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0

Kit components Order information

Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer,
Order number Quantity
MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® 96 Tip Comb with 96 DW Plate,
KingFisher ® 96 DW Plate, KingFisher ® 96 Plate, user manual 845-KF-8096096 96 reactions
845-KF-8096480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit - KFFLX

ƒƒ Optimized for fully automated DNA extraction from

1 ml whole blood samples
ƒƒ Processes up to 24 samples in parallel in the
KingFisher ® FLEX
ƒƒ Based on magnetic particle separation
ƒƒ Rapid isolation with minimal prep time

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit - KFFLX allows users to process Genomic DNA was extracted from 1 ml whole blood samples using
up to 24 whole blood samples in parallel using the KingFisher® FLEX the innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit - KFFLX. The entire isolation process
automated extraction system. The method is based on magnetic was fully automated using the KingFisher® FLEX system. The DNA
particle separation and isolates DNA (including lysis) from 1 ml was then loaded directly on a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel and visualized.
starting material in just approx. 45 minutes. The kit contains all of the
Reagents and consumables needed for extracting highly pure DNA
and maximizing yields. The risk of cross-contamination can be all
but ruled out. The extracted nucleic acid is ready for use and can be
introduced directly into downstream applications.

1. Blood samples are automatically lysed in the KingFisher ® FLEX
2. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound DNA is automatically washed
4. Automated DNA elution in a 24 well plate

Lane 1 – 8 and 10 – 17: gDNA from 1 ml whole blood samples

Product specifications Lane 9: DNA ladder
Starting material:
ƒƒ Whole blood samples (1 ml)
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

ƒƒ Fresh or frozen blood Fully automated DNA extraction of 1 ml whole blood samples using
ƒƒ Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate the KingFisher ® FLEX (double determinations). This image shows
the isolated genomic DNA on a 0.8 % TAE agarose gel.
Extraction time:
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX lysis protocol: approx. 20 minutes
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX isolation protocol: approx. 27 minutes Lane 1: DNA ladder
Lane 2 – 3, 5 – 6 and 8 – 9:
gDNA from 3 whole blood
Average yield: samples (double determinations)
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the starting material
ƒƒ Approx. 15 – 60 µg DNA

Average purity (A 260:A 280):

1.7 – 2.0

Kit components
Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer,
MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® 24 Tip Comb with 24 DW Plate,
KingFisher ® 24 DW Plate, user manual

Storage conditions and stability Order information

The innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit - KFFLX will remain stable for at
Order number Quantity
least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized 845-KF-4396024 24 reactions
Proteinase K and MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has 845-KF-4396120 120 reactions
been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

PureProve® Blood & Tissue DNA Maxi Kit - KFFLX

ƒƒ Mechanical lysis and automated DNA extraction from up to

5 mL of whole blood and tissue samples
ƒƒ Highly efficient lysis for eucaryotic and procaryotic cells
ƒƒ Recommended for use with the FastPrep-24® homogenizer
(MP Biomedicals) and the KingFisher® FLEX system
ƒƒ PureProve®: reduced background DNA for high-sensitivity
ƒƒ Tailored for enriching microbial DNA using the LOOXSTER®
Enrichment Kit

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The PureProve® Blood & Tissue DNA Maxi Kit - KFFLX utilizes ef- A storage temperature of 2° C to 8° C is recommended for the lysis
ficient, mechanical of cells and of gram+ and gram- bacteria in tubes, total DNA beads and protease. All other components are
the blood, tissue and other bodily fluids, which it combines with a stored at room temperature (15° C to 30° C). The kit will remain
highly effective DNA extraction process. Automated DNA extraction stable under these conditions for at least 6 months.
is carried out with paramagnetic particles and the KingFisher® FLEX
magnetic processor. All of the Reagents and materials needed for
Lysis and extraction are included with the PureProve® Blood & Tissue Sample application
DNA Maxi Kit - KFFLX. The PureProve® concept: following suitable Yields achieved by isolating DNA with the PureProve® & Tissue DNA
processes for reducing contamination with DNA, all system compo- Maxi Kit - KFFLX were correlated to the theoretical DNA content of blood
nents are filled and packaged under clean-room conditions. (7.18 pg DNA per leukocyte). The number of leukocytes (white blood
count, or WBC) was determined at the Institute for Transfusion Medicine
Procedure at Jena University Hospital (Institut für Transfusionsmedizin, Univer-
1. Mechanical lysis sitätsklinikum Jena).
2. Cell debris centrifugation and lysate removal DNA samples from bodily fluids and tissues after mechanical lysis:
3. The automated KingFisher ® FLEX system is loaded
4. Processing (proteolysis, binding, washing, elution)

1. 2. 3. 4.

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Whole blood (5 mL)
ƒƒ Other bodily fluids (No more than
2 mL for substances such as synovial fluid or other highly the PureProve® Blood & Tissue DNA
viscous sample matrices. Sample buffer is used for filling the Maxi Kit - KFFLX was used for pre-
remaining volume.) paring the lysates according to the
ƒƒ Tissue samples standard protocol; the lysates were
then visualized on an agarose gel.
Extraction time: Approx. 75 minutes

Eluate volume: 1.2 mL Lanes 1 and 6: I = Lambda BstEII,

lane 2: blood,
lane 3: liver,
Binding capacity: > 600 µg DNA lane 4: muscle,
lane 5: synovial fluid
Average yield:
ƒƒ Depends on the starting quantity and/or WBC
ƒƒ Normal blood: 100 – 300 µg

Average purity (A 260:A 280): 1.7 – 2.0 Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components 850-300-001-0012 12 reactions

Lysis tubes, prefilled with glass beads and antifoam agent, prefilled 850-300-001-0024 24 reactions
buffer plates user manual , reagents, Magnetic particles, plastic ware 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

LOOXSTER® Blood & Tissue DNA Kit - KFFLX

ƒƒ DNA isolation and bacterial-, fungal DNA enrichment from

blood and other bodily fluids, and from eucaryotic cell and
tissue samples.
ƒƒ Suitable for up to 600 µg of input DNA
ƒƒ Removes over 95% of eucaryotic DNA
ƒƒ Includes efficient mechanical lysis, DNA extraction and
DNA cleanup

Product description
The LOOXSTER® Blood & Tissue DNA Kit – KFFLX is a complete preana- Extraction time: Approx. 120 minutes
lytical system for preparing bacterial and fungal DNA from blood and
other bodily fluids, and from eukaryotic cell and tissue samples. The Yield:
system consists of mechanical lysis, total DNA isolation and a ƒƒ No more than 6 µg of enriched DNA
LOOXSTER® enrichment step for the isolated bacterial and fungal DNA. ƒƒ The concentration of bacterial DNA in the enriched DNA de-
The specific affinity of the LOOXSTER® protein for non-methylated CpG pends on the ratio of eucaryotic DNA to procaryotic DNA.
dinucleotides is what produces the enrichment effect. DNA extracts ƒƒ Example: Less than 5% of the human DNA and approx. 50%
containing a mixture of methylated host DNA and small quantities of of the bacterial DNA (E. coli) were isolated from a
double-stranded genomic bacterial or fungal DNA, are incubated in the 100,000-fold excess of human DNA in the starting sample.
presence of a stringent buffer along with LOOXSTER® protein that has
been immobilized on paramagnetic particles. A subsequent stringent Average purity (A 260:A 280): 1.7 - 2.0
wash step can be used for removing unbound DNA. The bacterial DNA
is then eluted with elution buffer. The PureProve® concept: following Kit components
suitable processes for reducing contamination with DNA, all system Lysis tubes, prefilled with glass beads and antifoam agent, prefilled
components are filled and packaged under clean-room conditions. buffer plates LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles, LOOXSTER® Binding Buf-
fer, LOOXSTER® Wash Buffer, LOOXSTER® Elution Buffer; tubes with

caps, desalting spin columns, collection tubes, desalting binding buffer,

Process sequence desalting wash buffer, desalting elution buffer, water, user manual.
1. Mechanical lysis
2. Transfer to the KFFLX automated system: Storage conditions and stability
■ DNA isolation A storage temperature of 2°C to 8°C is recommended for lysis tubes,
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

■ DNA binding to the LOOXSTER® particles total DNA beads, spin columns, LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles and
■ Washing step for the LOOXSTER® particles protease. All other components are stored at room temperature
■ Elution of the enriched DNA (15°C to 30°C). The kit will remain stable under these conditions for
3. Desalting and concentration processes for the at least 6 months.
enriched DNA (via cleanup columns)
LOOXSTER® Workflow Sample application
Total Cell Lysis

Whole Blood (5 ml)

Cell Lysate


Total DNA Extraktion and Microbial DNA Enrichment

24 Deep Well Plate

50 µg of human DNA and 0.5 ng of E.coli DNA was mixed and treated
with LOOXSTER® Blood & Tissue DNA Kit-KFFLX. In a series of 8 indepen-
dent applications LOOXSTER® removes 96,9% of the human DNA and
isolates 67,7% of the E.coli DNA resulting a 22-fold relative enrichment
of the bacterial DNA.

Product specifications Order information

Starting material:
Order number Quantity
ƒƒ Whole blood (5 mL)
ƒƒ Other bodily fluids, cells or tissues with a maximum DNA 850-201-004-0012 12 reactions
content of 600 µg 850-201-004-0024 24 reactions
ƒƒ Tissue samples 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit - KFFLX

ƒƒ Automated isolation of DNA from a variety of different

plant components and species of plants.
ƒƒ Optimized for use with the KingFisher ® FLEX automated
extraction system
ƒƒ Processes up to 96 samples in parallel
ƒƒ Selectively removes inhibiting components such as the
products of plant secondary metabolism

Product description Storage conditions and stability

When used in conjunction with the KingFisher ® FLEX system, the The innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-KFFLX will remain stable for at least
innuPREP Plant DNA Kit – KFFLX allows researchers to isolate DNA 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C – 25°C).
from up to 96 plant samples within an extremely short period of The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized proteinase K
time. The first step is to homogenize the plant material using a and MAG suspension is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been solu-
highly efficient method, e.g., under liquid nitrogen or using a tool bilized, it should be stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated
such as the SpeedMill. This is followed by lysis and efficient protein freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
and polysaccharide extraction. PCR inhibitors are all but eliminated.
The KingFisher ® FLEX system is used for isolating the nucleic acids
from the lysate in a fully automated process based on specially Sample application
optimized magnetic particles. All of the Reagents and PCR materials The innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-KFFLX was used to extract DNA from a
needed for extraction are included with the innuPREP Plant DNA variety of different plant species:
Kit – KFFLX.

Host plant Pathogen

Prozessablauf Poinsettia Xanthomonas axonopodis

1. Homogenization of starting material (e.g., SpeedMill) (Euphorbia pulcherrima) poinsettiicola

2. External lysis Common grape vine (Vitis vinifera) Agrobakterium vitis
3. DNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
4. Bound DNA is automatically washed
5. Automated DNA elution in a 96-well plate The host tissue made extraction considerably more difficult in both
cases. The following image shows the DNA yield obtained using the

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-KFFLX as compared to that obtained using
Product specifications 2 competing products:[1]
Starting material:
ƒƒ Different types of plant material (no more than 100 mg)
ƒƒ Plant material containing a large proportion of water
(no more than 150 mg)
ƒƒ Fresh, frozen or dried plant material

Extraction time:
ƒƒ Homogenization:  Homogenizer: approx. 30 seconds – 3 minutes
Liquid nitrogen: approx. 5 – 10 minutes
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 40 – 45 minutes Lane 1: DNA control
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX protocol: approx. 27 minutes Lane 2: DNA size standard (25 ng)
Lane 3: DNA size standard (50 ng)
Lane 4: DNA size standard (100 ng)
Average yield: Lanes 5, 8 and 11: Negative control
ƒƒ Depends on the type and quantity of the plant sample used Lanes 6 – 7: 2x positive controls (competing product 1)
Lanes 9 – 10: 2x positive controls (innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-KFFLX)
ƒƒ Up to 60 µg DNA Lanes 12 – 13: 2x positive controls (competing product 2)

Average purity (A 260:A 280): [1]

Data cited with the kind permission of Dr. Frank Brändle, IDENTXX GmbH,
1,7 – 2,0 Stuttgart

Kit components Order information

Lysis solution, Proteinase K, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions,
Order number Quantity
Elution Buffer, MAG Suspension, Prefilter, KingFisher ® 96 Tip Comb
with 96 DW plate, KingFisher ® 96 DW plate, KingFisher ® 96 plate, 845-KF-4998096 96 reactions
user manual 845-KF-4998480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

le c t ed pro g ew
se us


innuPREP RNA Virus PLUS Kit - KFFLX improved product

better performance

für die
for in

tic -v

o-D itr o
iagnos -Di

ƒƒ Automated, parallel extraction of viral DNA and RNA from a

single starting sample
ƒƒ Optimized for high throughput using the automated King-
Fisher ® FLEX system for up to 96 samples
ƒƒ Includes CarrierMix with internal DNA and RNA extraction control
ƒƒ CE-IVD certification for the innuPREP DNA/RNA Virus PLUS
ƒƒ High-quality nucleic acids in only about 45 minutes (de-
pending on the starting material)

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP DNA/RNA Virus PLUS Kit – KFFLX allows the user to The innuPREP RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX was used to process organ
isolate both viral DNA and viral RNA from the same sample in only grit for the purpose of extracting influenza A RNA with the
about 45 minutes. The kit is set up for working with an extremely KingFisher ® FLEX. cDNA synthesis and quantitative virus determina-
wide variety of starting materials, including cell-free bodily flu- tion were performed in a OneStep TaqMan® real-time PCR.
ids, biopsies, swabs and stool samples. In combination with the
KingFisher® FLEX automated extraction system, magnetic particle
separation makes it possible to process up to 96 samples in parallel.
In the final step, the isolated nucleic acids are eluted into a 96-well
plate, where they are immediately available for use in subsequent
applications. In addition, CE-IVD certification means that the kit can
be used for in vitro diagnostic applications.
Fluorescence (dR)

1. Automated lysis of the starting material (except for tissue
samples) in the KingFisher ® FLEX

2. RNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

3. Bound RNA is automatically washed
4. Automated RNA elution in a 96 well plate
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Cell-free bodily fluids such as serum, plasma and cerebrospinal
fluid (up to 200 µl) Cycles
ƒƒ Cell culture supernatant, enrichment medium (up to 200 µl)
ƒƒ Tissues (approx. 1 – 5 mg)
ƒƒ Swab samples Amplification plot of the TaqMan® real-time PCR specific to influenza A [1]
ƒƒ Stool samples (approx. 50 – 100 mg)
[1] Data provided here with the kind permission of Dr. A. Engelhardt, LUA
Berlin, Germany
Extraction time:
ƒƒ Manual lysis: tissue samples only (30 – 60 minutes)
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX lysis protocol: approx. 20 minutes
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX purification protocol: approx. 37 minutes Detection system for internal control
innuDETECT Internal Control DNA Assay............................................... 141
Quality of viral RNA: innuDETECT Internal Control RNA Assay................................................ 141
Tested with positive results in cDNA synthesis followed innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay.................................... 141
by TaqMan® real-time PCR

Kit components
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Carrier Mix, Washing Solutions,
RNase-free water, MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® 96 Tip Comb with
96 DW Plate, KingFisher ® 96 DW Plate, KingFisher ® 96 Plate, user Order information
Order number Quantity

Storage conditions and stability 845-KF-4596096 96 reactions

The innuPREP RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX will remain stable for at least 845-KF-4596480 480 reactions
6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for the MAG Sus-
pension is 4 °C.

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP BTV RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX

ƒƒ Optimized for extracting RNA from the bluetongue virus

(whole blood samples)
ƒƒ For high-throughput applications using the KingFisher ®
ƒƒ Can process up to 96 samples simultaneously
in less than 1 hour
ƒƒ Fully automated isolation of high-quality, single-stranded
(ss) RNA

Product description Sample application

The innuPREP BTV RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX is a fast, efficient tool for The KingFisher® FLEX and the innuPREP BTV RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX
extracting bluetongue virus (BTV) ssRNA and is particularly suitable were used to extract bluetongue virus (BTV) RNA. This was followed
for high-throughput applications. When used in combination with by cDNA synthesis and a BTV-specific TaqMan® real-time PCR.
the KingFisher® FLEX, this kit provides a fully automated method for
processing up to 96 whole blood samples (150 µl each). High-quality
nucleic acids are available for immediate downstream applications Amplification plot
after just 60 minutes. The closed system all but rules out the risk of the BTV-specific
TaqMan® real-time
of contamination. The kit contains all of the plastic supplies and PCR [1]
Fluorescence (dRn)

Reagents needed for fast, simple isolation.

1. Whole blood samples are automatically lysed in the
KingFisher ® FLEX
2. RNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound RNA is automatically washed

4. Automated RNA elution in a 96 well plate

Product specifications Control amplification

Starting material: plot for the
extraction (EGFP

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Whole blood samples (150 µl) system, TaqMan®
real-time PCR) [1]
Fluorescence (dRn)

Extraction time:
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX lysis protocol: approx. 25 minutes
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX protocol: approx. 37 minutes

Quality of viral RNA:

Tested with positive results in cDNA synthesis followed
by TaqMan® real-time PCR

Kit components
Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer,
MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® 96 Tip Comb with 96 DW Plate,
KingFisher ® 96 DW Plate, KingFisher ® 96 Plate, user manual
[1] Data provided with kind permission from Dr. A. Engelhardt, LUA Berlin,

Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP BTV RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX will remain stable for at
least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C
–25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
Proteinase K and MAG Suspension is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has
been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because
repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity. Order information

Order number Quantity

845-KF-4896096 96 reactions
845-KF-4896480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

innuPREP BVDV / INFL / SP Virus Kit - KFFLX

ƒƒ Fully automated ssRNA extraction from serum and plasma

ƒƒ Optimized for the influenza, bovine viral diarrhea and
swine fever viruses
ƒƒ High-throughput sample handling with the KingFish-
er ® FLEX automation system
ƒƒ Saves an enormous amount of time: up to 96 samples in
just approx. 45 minutes

Product description Sample application

Combining the innuPREP BVDV / INFL / SP Virus Kit - KFFLX with the The innuPREP BVDV / INFL / SP Virus Kit - KFFLX was used in combi-
KingFisher ® FLEX automation system creates an extremely fast tool nation with the KingFisher ® FLEX for fully automated extraction of
for isolating viral ssRNA under increased throughput conditions. The viral RNA. Serum samples and cell culture media contaminated
process has been tailored to the influenza, bovine virus diarrhea with classical swine fever virus (CSFV) were used as starting materi-
and swine fever viruses and can be used to process up to 200 µl als. Isolating the CSFV RNA was followed by a specific TaqMan®
serum or plasma. Based on magnetic particle separation and a pat- real-time PCR. The resulting amplification plots are shown below:
ented extraction chemistry, the kit allows researchers to process up
to 96 samples in just approx. 45 minutes. The viral ssRNA is then
automatically eluted into a 96 well plate, where it is immediately Amplification plot
available for additional applications. of the CSFV-specific
TaqMan® real-time
PCR after isolating
Fluorescence (dRn)

RNA from serum [1]

1. Starting material is automatically lysed in the KingFisher ® FLEX
2. RNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles
3. Bound RNA is automatically washed

4. Automated RNA elution in a 96 well plate

Product specifications
Starting material:
4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Serum or plasma (200 µl)

Extraction time: Extraction control

KingFisher ® FLEX protocol, including lysis: approx. 47 minutes amplification (EGFP
system, TaqMan®
real-time PCR) [1]
Fluorescence (dRn)

Quality of viral RNA:

Tested with positive results in cDNA synthesis followed by
TaqMan® real-time PCR

Kit components
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions, Elution Buffer, [1] Data provided here
MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® 96 Tip Comb with 96 DW Plate, with kind permission
from Dr. A. Engelhardt,
KingFisher ® 96 DW Plate, KingFisher ® 96 Plate, user manual
Cycles LUA Berlin, Germany

Storage conditions and stability

The innuPREP BVDV / INFL / SP Virus Kit - KFFLX will remain stable
for at least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
(14 °C to 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for the
MAG Suspension is 4 °C.
Order information

Order number Quantity

845-KF-4996096 96 reactions
845-KF-4996480 480 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

4.3 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems

le c t ed pro g ew
ähl te
se us P


innuPREP DNA/RNA Virus PLUS Kit - KFFLX improved product

better performance

für die
for in

tic -v os

o-D itr o
iagnos -Diagn

ƒƒ Optimized for isolating viral RNA under high-throughput

ƒƒ Use of the KingFisher ® FLEX automation system for running
up to 96 samples in parallel
ƒƒ Automated elution in a 96 well plate
ƒƒ CE-IVD certification for innuPREP RNA Virus PLUS Kit-KFFLX
ƒƒ Includes Carrier Mix with internal DNA and RNA extraction

Product description
The innuPREP RNA Virus PLUS Kit - KFFLX can be used to automate Sample application
extraction of viral RNA from up to 96 samples in just approx. 45 The innuPREP RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX was used to process organ
minutes. The method, which is based on magnetic particle separa- grit for the purpose of extracting influenza A RNA with the
tion and on the use of patented extraction chemistry in the King- KingFisher ® FLEX. cDNA synthesis and quantitative virus determina-
Fisher ® FLEX system, can be used for isolating an extremely wide tion were performed in a OneStep TaqMan® real-time PCR.
variety of starting materials, such as cell-free bodily fluids, biopsies,
swabs and stool samples. The isolated viral nucleic acids are then
available for immediate use in downstream applications. The high
quality of the RNA has been successfully tested and confirmed us-
ing the TaqMan® real-time PCR (after cDNA synthesis).

Fluorescence (dR)

1. Automated lysis of the starting material (except for tissue

samples) in the KingFisher ® FLEX
2. RNA is automatically bound to magnetic particles

3. Bound RNA is automatically washed
4. Automated RNA elution in a 96 well plate

Product specifications

4 Automated nucleic acid extraction

Starting material:
ƒƒ Cell-free bodily fluids such as serum, plasma and cerebrospinal
fluid (up to 200 µl)
ƒƒ Cell culture supernatant, enrichment medium (up to 200 µl) Cycles
ƒƒ Tissues (approx. 1 – 5 mg)
ƒƒ Swab samples
ƒƒ Stool samples (approx. 50 – 100 mg) Amplification plot of the TaqMan® real-time PCR specific to influenza A [1]

[1] Data provided here with the kind permission of Dr. A. Engelhardt, LUA
Extraction time:
Berlin, Germany
ƒƒ Manual lysis: tissue samples only (30 – 60 minutes)
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX lysis protocol: approx. 20 minutes
ƒƒ KingFisher ® FLEX protocol: approx. 37 minutes
Detection system for internal control
Quality of viral RNA: innuDETECT Internal Control DNA Assay............................................... 141
Tested with positive results in cDNA synthesis followed innuDETECT Internal Control RNA Assay................................................ 141
by TaqMan® real-time PCR innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay.................................... 141

Kit components
Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Washing Solutions, Carrier Mix,
RNase-free water, MAG Suspension, KingFisher ® 96 Tip Comb with
96 DW Plate, KingFisher ® 96 DW Plate, KingFisher ® 96 Plate, user Order information
Order number Quantity
845-KF-4596096 96 reactions
Storage conditions and stability 845-KF-4596480 480 reactions
The innuPREP RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX will remain stable for at least 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C to
25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for the MAG Sus-
pension is 4 °C.

5 Extraction control

Extraction control
Analytik Jena also offers a panel of extraction controls as an additional
application following nucleic acid extraction. These controls are
optimized PCR assays based on amplification of the specific DNA
sequences of the starting material used.
The use of extraction controls confirms successful nucleic acid isolation
and prevents false negatives in subsequent detection sequences.

5.1 Control kits for food diagnostics

innuAMP Food DNA Test............................................................................................ 139

5.2 Control kits for tick diagnostics

innuAMP Tick DNA Test..............................................................................................140

5 Extraction control

5.3 Control kits for internal control

innuDETECT Internal Control DNA / RNA Assay................................................ 141


5.1 Control kits for food diagnostics

innuAMP Food DNA Test

ƒƒ A fast, simple, external control assay for assessing

DNA extraction from food
ƒƒ Optimized for standard and rapid PCR
ƒƒ Includes all plastic supplies and PCR Reagents
ƒƒ Highly sensitive, highly specific detection reaction

Product description Sample application

The innuAMP Food DNA Test is a control test used for assessing the Bacterial cells were cultured in a Stromacher apparatus and pellet-
success of DNA extraction from bacterial cell pellets. The kit has ized. The blackPREP Food DNA Kit I was then used to extract the bac-
been specially optimized for DNA templates isolated after perform- terial DNA. The isolated nucleic acids were introduced directly into
ing a standard bacterial culture method on food samples (in a the amplification reaction using the innuAMP Food DNA Test. The
Stomacher apparatus). The test is based on amplifying a universal, final step involved visualizing the PCR products on a 2 % agarose gel.
bacteria-specific DNA sequence (DNA coding for 16 S RNA). The
innuAMP Food DNA Test is an effective tool for preventing false
negatives in subsequent detections of microbial DNA (e. g. tests Lane 1: DNA ladder
for salmonella or listeria). This ready-to-use kit contains all of the Lane 2 – 4:
260 bp fragment

5 External extraction control

consumables and PCR Reagents needed, as well as a positive and confirmation
control. The innuAMP Food DNA Test has been adapted to unique of successful DNA
rapid PCR technology using either a Low-Profile Rapid (LPR) block extraction
Lane 5:
or a Standard Profile Rapid (SPR) block (Analytik Jena). The test has Negative control
also been optimized for use with standard thermal cyclers such as
the FlexCycler (Analytik Jena). The advantage of rapid PCR is the
ability to perform tests in less than 45 minutes.

Product specifications
Starting material:
DNA extracted from a bacterial cell pellet after standard culturing
in a Stomacher apparatus (1 ml)
Other products for the food sector
Amplification time: blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48
ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler  ²): approx. 30 minutes innuDETECT Salmonella spp. Assay........................................................ 202

ƒƒ Standard PCR: Depends on thermal cyclers, approx. 2 hours innuDETECT Listeria spp. Assay................................................................ 203
innuDETECT E.coli O104 Assay................................................................. 204
Detection time: rapidSTRIPE Salmonella Assay................................................................... 205
Approx. 20 minutes at 100 mA rapidSTRIPE Listeria Assay........................................................................... 206
rapidSTRIPE E.coli O157 Assay.................................................................. 207
Evaluation: rapidSTRIPE Campylobacter Assay........................................................... 208
Visible 260 bp fragment on a 2 % agarose gel after electrophoresis rapidSTRIPE E.coli O104 Assay.................................................................. 209
rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II Assay........................................................... 210

Kit components
Plastic PCR supplies, positive control, primer, dNTPs, PCR-grade
H 2O, polymerase

Storage conditions and stability Order information

Components of the innuAMP Food DNA Test will remain stable for
Order number Quantity
6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and thawing will
significantly reduce the activity of individual Reagents and should 845-IA-2007010 10 reactions
be avoided. 845-IA-2007025 25 reactions
845-IA-2007050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

5.2 Control kits for tick diagnostics

innuAMP Tick DNA Test

ƒƒ Optimized test kit for verifying successful DNA

extraction from ticks
ƒƒ Optimized for standard and rapid PCR
ƒƒ Contains all of the necessary consumables and
PCR components
ƒƒ Sensitive, highly reproducible detection of all members
of the Ixodidae family

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuAMP Tick DNA Test provides verification of tick-specific Components of the innuAMP Tick DNA Test will remain stable for
DNA and, as such, can be used to determine how well a nucleic acid 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and thawing will
isolated from ticks can be amplified – an especially important fea- significantly reduce the activity of individual Reagents and should
ture with respect to subsequent diagnostic tests for detecting bacte- be avoided.
rial pathogens. In other words, the use of the innuAMP Tick DNA
Test prevents false negatives in downstream nucleic acid studies.
The amplification protocols for the tick-specific mitochondrial gene Sample application
have been adapted to unique rapid PCR technology using either The blackPREP Tick DNA Kit was used initially to isolate DNA from
a Low-Profile Rapid (LPR) block or a Standard Profile Rapid (SPR) ticks. The innuAMP Tick DNA Test was then used to subject the
5 External extraction control

block (Analytik Jena AG). The protocols have also been optimized for nucleic acids to a tick-specific amplification reaction. In the final step,
use with standard thermal cyclers such as the FlexCycler the PCR products were visualized on a 2 % agarose gel.
(Analytik Jena). The kit also contains all of the necessary consum-
ables, PCR components and a positive control.

Product specifications
DNA was extracted from 100 ticks as part of the validation process
for the innuAMP Tick DNA Test. The eluates were then tested for
the presence of amplifiable DNA.

The following table provides an overview of the study results.

Tick species
Total Results Lane 1: DNA ladder, lane 2 – 8: 150 bp fragment confirming successful
Dermacentor reticulatus 20 20 DNA extraction, lane 9: Negative control

Ixodes hexagonus 1 1
Haemaphysalis concinna 5 5
Ixodes ricinus 74 74
Other products for tick diagnostics
Total 100 100
blackPREP Tick DNA Kit................................................................................... 49
blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit........................................................................ 50
Detection of tick-specific DNA rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay....................................................................... 219
rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay.......................................................................... 220
rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay..................................................................................221
Starting material: rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay................................................................... 222
The test has been developed to detect DNA from all members of rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay......................................................................... 223
the Ixodidae family (hard-bodied ticks).

Amplification time:
ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler  ²): approx. 30 minutes
ƒƒ Standard PCR: Depends on thermal cyclers, approx. 2 hours

Detection time:
Approx. 20 minutes at 100 mA
Order information
Order number Quantity
Visible 150 bp fragment on a 2 % agarose gel after electrophoresis
845-IA-2006010 10 reactions
845-IA-2006025 25 reactions
Kit components 845-IA-2006050 50 reactions
Plastic PCR supplies, positive control, primer, dNTPs, PCR-grade
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
H2O, polymerase

5.3 Control kits for internal control

innuDETECT Internal Control DNA / RNA Assay

ƒƒ System for detecting internal DNA and RNA Carrier Mix

controls from nucleic acid purification kits
ƒƒ Flexible for use in all commonly used real-time PCR ther-
mocyclers, accommodating both rapidPCR and standard
PCR formats
ƒƒ Based on the use of TaqMan® exonuclease assays
ƒƒ Highly sensitive and specific for qualitative and quantitative
analyses alike

Product description Sample application

The innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay is a highly sensi- The amplification plots below show internal control detection for
tive, selective tool for detecting internal DNA and RNA controls. The DNA and RNA when amplifying DNA and RNA of different patho-
assay is based on a TaqMan® exonuclease assay that yields qualita- gens at different dilutions. This was done by amplifying targets at
tive and quantitative information for verifying results. Using TAMRA different concentrations of E. coli O104 DNA and RNA strains of the
as a reporter fluorophore makes the assay suitable for multiplex bird flu virus (H5N1).
applications. The innuDETECT Internal Control DNA / RNA Assay
is universally compatible with all commercially available real-time
rapidPCR thermocyclers and with standard PCR thermocyclers that Cells/ Ct Ct Ct
use a TAMRA test channel. No.
initial value value value,
sample 1 1 IC DNA

5 External extraction control


1 10 6 20.97 21.08 32.47

2 10 5 24.25 24.71 31.66
Process sequence 3 10 4 27.94 28.14 31.51
1. Denaturation: All DNA molecules in the sample are present
in their single-stranded form. Fluorescence cannot be measured.
2. Annealing/elongation: The exonuclease activity of the enzyme
amplifies the target
DNA and breaks R Amplification plot showing the dilution series for E. coli O104 DNA
down the probe. (Stx2 gene; FAM marker) multiplexed with IC DNA (TAMRA marker).
5’ 3’
3. Fluorescence
measurement: The R
Sample Virus
Ct Ct Ct
value value value,
reporter fluorophore 5’ Q No. strain
1 1 IC RNA

is released and
R 1 Strain 1 17.60 16.90 19.78
fluorescence is R Q
Q 2 Strain 2 20.36 20.64 20.34
measured. 3’ 5’ 3 Strain 3 25.48 24.44 20.53


Starting material
Internal DNA and RNA carrier mix controls from nucleic acid Amplification plot of different strains of the H5N1 bird flu virus (HA
purification kits for different starting materials. gene; FAM marker) multiplexed with IC RNA (TAMRA marker).

Detection time
ƒƒ Rapid qPCR (qTOWER): approx. 50 minutes PCR products
ƒƒ Standard qPCR (qTOWER 2.0 or TOptical): approx. 2 h innuSCRIPT Reverse Transcriptase............................................................157
innuMIX qPCR MasterMix Probe.................................................................159
Sensitivity/detection innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase...............................................................152
Detection of fluorescence and of IC DNA or IC RNA. 50x inNucleotide Mix (12.5 mM)..............................................................161

Kit components
Primer/probe mix, PCR-grade H2O, Carrier Mix Order information

Ordner number Quantity

Storage conditions and stability innuDETECT innuDETECT innuDETECT

The components of the innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Internal Control Internal Control Internal Control
Assay will remain stable for 6 months when stored at –20°C. DNA Assay RNA Assay DNA/RNA Assay
Repeated thawing and freezing should be avoided since this will 845-ID-0006010 845-ID-0007010 845-ID-0008010 10 reactions
negatively affect the activity of the individual Reagents.
845-ID-0006100 845-ID-0007100 845-ID-0008100 100 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

6.1 Epigenomic solutions and kits

Epigenomic solutions and kits

Bisulfite conversion along with Easyfficient extraction of cell-free DNA:
the epigenomics section contains optimized kits, patent-pending
technologies and extremely easy sequences.
The epigenomics product line is characterized by high recovery and
conversion rates, extremely easy application, and exceptionally fast,
reliable results.

innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit...................................................................................... 143

innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-In-One Kit............................................................................144

PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit........................................................................ 145

6 Epigenomic

6.1 Epigenomic solutions and kits

innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit

ƒƒ Complete conversion of non-methylated cytosine to uracil

in just a few hours
ƒƒ Flexible for use in all commonly used thermocylers or heat-
ing blocks
ƒƒ Denaturation and conversion combined in a single work

Product description product:

The innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit allows users to completely
convert non-methylated cytosine to uracil in just a few hours. DNA
sample denaturation and bisulfite treatment are combined in the
same reaction vessel. After a total reaction time of approx. 3 hours,

the converted DNA is isolated and desulfonated in a column. The
eluted DNA is then ready-to-use in downstream applications (such
as PCR, sequencing, etc.).

Process sequence
1. Addition of DNA sample to 1
the Conversion Reagent
2. DNA denaturation and cycles
conversion (approx. 3h)
3. DNA purification and
desulfonation in the Fig. 1 Amplification plot of eluted DNA from Jurkat cells: undiluted and
column a 1:10 dilution, treated with innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit (blue);
2 compared to a competing product (red) and a negative control (green).
4. DNA elution


6 Epigenomic
Product specifications
Starting material
Isolated DNA

Purification time
Approx. 4 hours

Kit components Fig. 2 Melting curves of eluted Fig. 3 Melting curves of

Conversion Reagent, column-based DNA purification and desulfo- DNA from Jurkat cells: treated converted (green) and
with innuCONVERT Bisulfite unconverted (blue) DNA.
nation module, user manual Basic Kit (blue); compared to a Basic was carried out using
competing product (red) and a the innuCONVERT Bisulfite
negative control (green). Conversion Kit.
Storage conditions and stability
Store the purification components of the innuCONVERT Bisulfite
Basic Kit at room temperature (14˚ C to 25˚ C); store the conversion
Reagent at –20˚ C. The kit will remain stable under these conditions Order information
for at least 12 months.
Order number Quantity
845-IC-1000008 8 reactions
Sample application 845-IC-1000040 40 reactions
A ß-actin gene sequence was amplified before and after conver- 845-IC-1000080 80 reactions
sion, comparing innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit with a competing
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

6.1 Epigenomic solutions and kits

innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-In-One Kit

ƒƒ DNA extraction for different starting materials

ƒƒ Includes a module for completely converting non-methylat-
ed cytocine to uracile in a few minutes
ƒƒ Liquid reagents are stable and can be stored.
ƒƒ Denaturation and conversion combined in a single work
ƒƒ Overall optimized process is complete in under 5 hours.

Product description Kit components

The innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-In-One Kit al-lows researchers to Lysis Solution, Proteinase K, Conversion Reagent, on-column purifi-
extract DNA from a variety of relevant starting materials and then cation and desulfonation module, elution tubes, user manual
completely convert non-methylated cytosine to uracil in a few hours.
A specially optimized universal buffer can be used for processing Storage conditions and stability
different lysis protocols, while DNA sample/lysate denaturation and The innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-In-One Kit will remain stable for at
bisulfite treatment take place in a single reaction vessel. This is fol- least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14°C
lowed by on-column purification and desulfonation of the converted – 25°C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
DNA. The pure nucleic acid obtained can then be easily used for later proteinase K is 4°C. Once the proteinase K has been reconstituted, it
downstream applications (such as PCR, sequencing). should be stored in aliquots at -20°C, because repeated freezing and
thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

Product description Sample application

1. External lysis of various Extraction of DNA from 3T3 cells with the optimized lysis buffer of innu-
starting materials CONVERT Bisulfite All-In-One Kit and subsequent conversion reaction:
2. Addition of the DNA
sample or lysate to the
conversion reagent
3. DNA denaturation and
4. DNA purification and 2 4
5. DNA elution
6 Epigenomic

3a Fig 1: Amplification of ß-actin methylation-independent fragment with

5 innuMIX qPCR MasterMix SyGreen after (red) and before (blue) of the
bisulfite conversion.

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Purified DNA samples (500 pg – 10 µg)
ƒƒ FFPE tissue sections (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, 1-3

sections, 10 µm each)
ƒƒ FFPE tissue plugs (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, 10 mg)
ƒƒ Cell lines (no more than 5 x 105 cells)
ƒƒ Bronchial aspirates, swabs, peritoneal cavity fluid, pleural effu-
sions, sputum
ƒƒ Fresh tissue (no more than 1 mg) Fig 2: Melting curves of the DNA after (red) and before (blue) of the
bisulfite conversion. The converted DNA shows a significant decrease in
the melting temperature of the PCR fragment.
Extraction time:
ƒƒ Lysis: approx. 3 hours or more
ƒƒ Conversion reaction: 45 minutes Order information
ƒƒ Purification and desulfonation: 45 minutes
Order number Quantity

Average yield: 845-IC-2000008 8 reactions

Depends on the sample and the amount used 845-IC-2000040 40 reactions
845-IC-2000080 80 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280):
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
1.8 – 2.0

6.1 Epigenomic solutions and kits

PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit

ƒƒ Easy handling, high efficiency and extremely time saving

ƒƒ Processing of starting sample volumes up to 5 ml
ƒƒ Proven for serum and plasma from different blood collec-
tion systems
ƒƒ Novel, patent pending technology: Polymer Mediated
Enrichment (PME)
ƒƒ Enrichment & extraction in approx. 30 min from 1 ml or
approx. 1 h from 5 ml of serum or plasma and up to 10 ml
from urine

Product description Product specifications

Circulating cell-free DNA is a very interesting diagnostic target, but the Starting material:
amount of free-circulating DNA is usually very low and varies among ƒƒ Serum, plasma and urine
different individuals. Further, these nucleic acids are present as short ƒƒ Cell culture supernatants or mediums
fragments, typically smaller than 1000 nt, making the efficient extrac- ƒƒ Other cell-free body fluids (except urine)
tion process challenging. Because of the high sample volumes the ƒƒ From up to 5 ml (plasma) or 10 ml (urine)
protocols of commercially available kits are very labor-intensive as well
as time consuming and need a lot of reagents. The PME free-circulat- Time of preparation:
ing DNA Extraction Kit is based on a new, patent-pending technology ƒƒ From 1 ml starting sample: approx. 30 min
called PME – Polymer Mediated Enrichment. As first step cell-free ƒƒ From 5 ml starting sample: approx. 1 h
DNA in the entire sample is captured by a polymer. Afterwards this ƒƒ From 5 ml and 10 ml starting sample: approx 1 h
complex is collected as a pellet by centrifugation. Subsequently the
captured nucleic acid is dissolved in a special buffer thus reducing the Field of applications:
sample volume in the following extraction significantly. ƒƒ Tumor and prenatal diagnosis
ƒƒ Pathological states, including trauma, sepsis, myocardial
infarction, stroke, transplantation, diabetes mellitus, and
Enrichment of Sample preparation of hematologic disorders
free-circulating DNA free-circulating DNA

333 Positive tested for following blood collection systems

111 No. Blood sampling system from Sarstedt

Up to 1 ml

1. S-Monovette® 9 ml Silicat

6 Epigenomic
2. S-Monovette® 9 ml Polyacrylester Gel
3. S-Monovette® 8,5 ml CPDA
4. S-Monovette® 9 ml K3E (EDTA K3)
5. S-Monovette® 10 ml 9NC (Trisodium Citrate Solution, Citrate Solution)
6. S-Monovette® 7,5 ml NH (Natrium-Heparin)
15 15 15 15
15 15
7. S-Monovette® 7,5 ml LH-Gel (Lithium-Heparin)
2 ml up to 5 ml

14 14 14 14
14 14
13 13 13 13
13 13

12 12 12 12
12 12
11 11
8. S-Monovette® 9 ml LH (Lithium-Heparin)
11 11
11 11
10 10 10 10
10 10
9 9 9 9
9 9
8 8 8 8
8 8

7 7 7 7
7 7
6 6 6 6
6 6
5 5 5 5
5 5
4 4 4 4
4 4

3 3 3 3
3 3

Kit components
2 2 2 2
2 2

Enrichment Reagents, Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Carrier Mix,

RNase-free Water, Proteinase K, Precipitation Buffer, Washing Solu-
Procedure tions, Spin Filter (bordeaux), Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, Manual
1. Capturing of cell-free DNA 1. Lysis of the Polymer/DNA
in the polymer complex
2. Spin down of the Polymer/ 2. Binding of cell-free DNA to Storage conditions and stability
DNA complex the Spin Filter The PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit will remain stable for at
3. Washing of bound cell-free least 6 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature (14 °C
DNA to 25 °C). The recommended storage temperature for lyophilized
4. Eluting of the cell-free DNA Proteinase K is 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has been solubilized, it
should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because repeated freezing
and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.

6.1 Epigenomic solutions and kits

Validation results/Sample application

1.) Different blood collecting systems for extraction of free- 2.) Isolation of free-circulating DNA using PME free-circulating
circulating DNA: DNA Extraction Kit in comparison to standard purification kit
Besides of the variability amongst different specimens, also the blood for cell-free DNA:
collection system used, has a big influence on the recovery of free- Next to the speed of performance and efficiency of the PME free-
circulating DNA. Therefore the following blood collection systems were circulating DNA Extraction Kit, the whole procedure also convince in
tested. relation to the market leader product, as shown in the following.

Testing the suitability of the PME free-circulating DNA Kit for eight dif- Comparison or cell-free DNA extraction from 1 ml and 5 ml serum
ferent blood collection systems (listed above), at two different starting respectively by using PME technology versus a commercially standard
amounts of sera or plasma (1 ml and 5 ml, respectively). extraction kit for free-circulating nucleic acids. After isolation, the DNA
Extracted free-circulating DNA has been tested by amplification of a has been tested for amplification of a gene coding for the human
human specific target gene: estrogen receptor 1.

Figure 1: R
 esultant amplification plots after preparation of 1 ml starting Figure 3: R
 esultant amplification plots after preparation of 1 ml starting
sample volume sample volume
6 Epigenomic

LFigure 2: R
 esultant amplification plots after preparation of 5 ml starting Figure 4: R
 esultant amplification plots after preparation of 5 ml starting
sample volume sample volume

The amplification plots show differences in dependence on type of The red graphs correspond to the extraction based on PME technol-
blood collection systems. Best results can be achieved using ogy and the black graphs correspond to the competitor’s kit (market
S-Monovette® 9 ml LH (Lithium-Heparin, Sarstedt) or S-Monovette® leader).
7,5 ml NH (Natrium-Heparin, Sarstedt) and S-Monovette®
7,5 ml LH-Gel (Lithium-Heparin, Sarstedt).
Related products
innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit................................................................143
innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-in-One Kit......................................................144

Order information

Order number Quantity

845-IR-0003010 10 reactions
845-IR-0003050 50 reactions
844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook

6.1 Epigenomic solutions and kits

6 Epigenomic

Analytik Jena offers all from one hand: polymerases
and master mixes for PCR or real-time PCR respec-
tively, as well as PCR buffer, additives, dNTP‘s, DNA
ladders and loading dyes for gel electrophoresis.
We know the requirements of our customers. And
we know to what they attach special importance: to
highest quality ”Made in Germany“ and a service,
which deserves that characteristic.

Reagents for molecular biology

1 PCR: polymerases and master mixes 150

1.1 Polymerases 151
1.2 Master mixes 153

2 cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents 155

3 Real-time PCR: master mixes 158

4 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives 160

1 PCR: polymerases and master mixes

PCR: polymerases and master mixes

The following product group includes a variety of highly efficient
polymerases and master mixes for PCR, providing the flexibility
needed for easy PCR optimization. Reagents are suitable both for

rapidPCR and for standard PCR.

1.1 Polymerases

innuTaq DNA Polymerase........................................................................................... 151

innuTaq RED DNA Polymerase................................................................................. 151

innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase............................................................................. 152

innuTaq UltraPure DNA Polymerase........................................................................ 152

1.2 Master mixes

innuMIX rapidPCR MasterMix....................................................................................153

innuMIX Standard PCR MasterMix...........................................................................153

innuMIX Green PCR MasterMix.................................................................................154

1.1 Polymerases

innuTaq DNA Polymerase

Order number Quantity

845-EZ-1000500 500 units

ƒƒ Optimal for routine PCR Product description

ƒƒ Convenient and reliable amplification Analytik Jena‘s innuTaq DNA Polymerase is a highly purified recombinant thermostable
ƒƒ Extremely thermostable DNA polymerase that has been isolated from E.coli carrying a vector encoding the Thermus

1 PCR: polymerases and master mixes

ƒƒ Best reproducible results aquaticus DNA polymerase gene. The enzyme has 5’ → 3’ DNA polymerase activity. It ex-
hibits high thermal stability in withstanding prolonged incubations at elevated temperatures
(95 °C). It is recommended for use in routine PCR reactions.

Concentration*: 5 U/µl
Enzyme storage buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0; 100 mM KCl; 1 mM DTT; 0.1 mM EDTA;
0.5 % Tween 20; 0.5 % Nonidet P40; 50 % Glycerol
PCR Buffer: n 10× PCR Buffer with KCl; 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.8 at 25 °C); 500 mM KCl;
0.8 % Nonidet P40
n 10× PCR Buffer with (NH ) SO ; 750 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.8 at 25 °C);
4 2 4

200 mM (NH4)2SO4; 0.1 % Tween 20

Mg 2+ solution: MgCl  2 stock solution 25 mM

Store at –20 °C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing.

Sample application
Amplification of a 420 bp DNA fragment using innuTaq DNA Polymerase
Lane 1: innuSTAR 100 bp DNA Ladder, lane 2 – 4: innuTaq DNA Polymerase

innuTaq RED DNA Polymerase

Order number Quantity

845-EZ-2000500 500 units

ƒƒ Easy visual recognition Product description

ƒƒ Time saving – direct loading onto innuTaq RED DNA Polymerase has a special formulation, which contains a non-toxic and
agarose gels non-hazardous red dye. The strong red color also provides an easy and quick check of reac-
ƒƒ Optimal for routine PCR tions to which the enzyme has been added, facilitates the confirmation of complete mixing,
ƒƒ Convenient, consistent, reliable making it very suitable for standard applications.
The reaction products are ready for direct gel loading and the dye serves as marker for elec-
trophoresis progress monitoring. The presence of the dye has no effect to the application.
Purified from an recombinant thermostable DNA polymerase that has been isolated from
E.coli carrying a vector encoding the Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase gene. The enzyme
has 5` → 3` DNA polymerase activity. It exhibits high thermal stability in withstanding pro-
longed incubations at elevated temperatures (95 °C).

Concentration*: 1 U/µl
Enzyme storage buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0; 100 mM KCl; 1 mM DTT; 0.1 mM EDTA;
0.5 % Tween 20; 0.5 % Nonidet P40; 50 % Glycerol
PCR Buffer: n 10× KCl reaction buffer, without MgCl  2
n 10× (NH ) SO reaction buffer, without MgCl
4 2 4   2

Mg 2+ solution: MgCl  2 stock solution, 25 mM

Store at –20 °C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing.

Sample application
Amplification of a 330 bp DNA fragment using innuTaq RED DNA Polymerase
Lane 1: innuSTAR 100 bp DNA Ladder, lane 2 – 4: innuTaq RED DNA Polymerase

1.1 Polymerases

innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase

Order number Quantity

845-EZ-3000500 500 units

ƒƒ High-fidelity combined with improved Product description

specificity of hotstart innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase provides improved specificity and sensitivity when amplify-
ƒƒ Convenient PCR setup at room ing low-copy-number targets in complex backgrounds or when prolonged room temperature
temperature set up is required. The polymerase activity is blocked at ambient temperature and switched
1 PCR: polymerases and master mixes

ƒƒ No unwanted secondary extensions, on automatically at the onset of the initial denaturation. The thermal activation prevents the
reduced background extension of nonspecifically annealed primers and primer-dimer formation at low tempera-
ƒƒ Very high specificity and PCR sensitivity tures during PCR setup. The enzyme catalyzes the polymerization of nucleotides into duplex
DNA in 5‘ → 3‘ direction in the presence of magnesium. It also possesses a 5‘ → 3‘ polymer-
ization-dependent exonuclease replacement activity but lacks a 3‘ → 5‘ exonuclease activity.

innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase requires no prolonged heating or denaturing step. The poly-
merase inhibiting ligand is quickly released at the increased temperature of thermal cycling.

Concentration*: 5 U/µl
Enzyme storage buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl; 100 mM KCl; 0.1 mM EDTA; 1 mM DTT;
0.5 % Tween 20; 0.5 % Nonidet P40; 50 % (v/v) Glycerol; pH 8.0 (25 °C)
PCR Buffer: n 10× Hot Start Buffer complete; 200 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.5 at 25 °C);
500 mM KCl; 15 mM MgCl  2
n 10× Hot Start Buffer without MgCl ; 200 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.5 at 25 °C);

500 mM KCl
Mg 2+ solution: MgCl  2 stock solution 25 mM

Store at –20 °C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing.

Sample application
Amplification of a 1 kb DNA fragment using innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase
Lane 1: 1 kb DNA ladder, lane 2 – 4: innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase

innuTaq UltraPure DNA Polymerase

Order number Quantity

845-EZ-6000500 500 U

ƒƒ Ultrapure, highly concentrated Taq DNA Product description

polymerase, free of bacterial DNA innuTaq UltraPure DNA Polymerase is an ultrapure, DNA-free Taq polymerase that has been
ƒƒ Can readily be used for conventional and tested for protein purity and the absence of DNA. The enzyme can be used whenever even
real-time PCR alike tiny amounts of bacterial DNA would distort results. The chemicals included are ultra-pure and
ƒƒ Highly specific, efficient amplification have undergone sterile filtration. In addition, the scope of delivery includes a 50 mM MgCl2
ƒƒ Chemicals are ultra-pure and have solution. Thus an optimization of special PCR requirements become possible at any time.
undergone sterile filtration
Concentration: 5 U/µl
Enzyme Storage buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 100 mM KCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT,
0.5% NP40, 0.5% Tween 20, 50% (v/v) Glycerol
PCR buffer: 670 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.8 at 25 °C, 166 mM (NH4)2SO4, 4.5%
Triton®-X-100, 2 mg/ml gelatine.
MgCl2-solution: 50 mM MgCl2 in PCR-grade H2O.
Storage: Store at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated
thawing and freezing.

Sample application:
innuTaq UltraPure DNA Polymerase was used for determining the total microbial count for a listeria
1 culture sample; the results were compared to those obtained with conventional Taq polymerase
Enzyme Ct 1 Ct 2
1 Conventional Taq polymerase 16,77 17,07
3 2 innuTaq UltraPure DNA Polymerase 16,21 16,42
3 NTC conventional Taq polymerase 32,71 33,78
4 NTC innuTaq UltraPure DNA Polymerase NoCt NoCt

1.2 Master mixes

innuMIX rapidPCR MasterMix

Order number Quantity

845-AS-1600100 1 mL for 100 reactions of 20 µL each

845-AS-1600200 2 mL for 200 reactions of 20 µL each

ƒƒ Ideal for rapidPCR runs Product description

ƒƒ Ready-to-use: including Taq DNA poly- Besides having an optimized buffer system, the innuMIX rapidPCR MasterMix contains an
merase with high amplification speed ideal amount of magnesium and a high quality dNTP mix of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP. It

1 PCR: polymerases and master mixes

ƒƒ Quick and easy preparation of the PCR also contains a Taq DNA polymerase with high amplification speed that is specially matched
batch for rapidPCR applications.
ƒƒ Excellent yield and quality of the PCR The ready-to-use master mix offers uncomplicated and time-efficient preparation of the PCR
products with high sample throughput batch, resulting in an effectively increased sample throughput while maintaining yield and
product quality.

The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix is already ideal, eliminating the need to add
any more.

Concentration: 2x master mix

Storage: Store at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated thawing and freezing.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sample application:
Lanes 1 - 3: DNA amplification of a DNA fragment using in-house PCR chemistry (innuTaq HOT-A DNA
polymerase, 50x inNucleotide mix and MgCl2 solution); Lane 4: NTC using in-house PCR chemistry;
Lane 5: DNA control; Lanes 6 - 8: DNA amplification of a DNA fragment using innuMIX rapidPCR
MasterMix; Lane 9: NTC using innuMIX rapidPCR MasterMix

innuMIX Standard PCR MasterMix

Order number Quantity

845-AS-1700100 1 mL for 100 reactions of 20 µL each
845-AS-1700200 2 mL for 200 reactions of 20 µL each

ƒƒ Ideal for use in routine PCR Product description

ƒƒ Simplified and faster preparation of PCR The innuMIX standard PCR MasterMix contains both an optimized buffer system, high quality
batches dNTPs (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP) and an ideal amount of MgCl2.
ƒƒ Optimized buffer/dNTP mix combined The ready-to-use mix also contains a Taq DNA polymerase that is ideally suited for routine
with an adapted Taq DNA polymerase PCR.
ƒƒ High quality and yield of the PCR prod- As a result of the extremely simple and fast preparation of the PCR batch, using the innuMIX
ucts standard PCR MasterMix achieves a higher sample throughput with a conventional thermocy-
cler without having to forgo the quality and yield of PCR products.

The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix is already ideal, eliminating the need to add
any more.

Concentration: 2x master mix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Storage: Store at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated thawing and freezing.

Sample application:
Lanes 1 - 3: DNA amplification of a DNA fragment using in-house PCR chemistry (innuTaq HOT-A DNA
polymerase, 50x inNucleotide mix and MgCl2 solution); Lane 4: NTC using in-house PCR chemistry;
Lane 5: DNA control; Lanes 6 - 8: DNA amplification of a DNA fragment using innuMIX standard PCR
MasterMix; Lane 9: NTC using innuMIX standard PCR MasterMix

* One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to catalyze the incorporation of 10 nmol of dNTPs into a polynucleotide fraction in 30 minutes at 70 °C.

1.2 Master mixes

innuMIX Green PCR MasterMix

Order number Quantity


845-AS-1400100 1 mL for 100 reactions of 20 µL each

845-AS-1400200 2 mL for 200 reactions of 20 µL each

ƒƒ Maximum simplification of routine PCR Product description

ƒƒ A composition of two dyes for direct The innuMIX Green PCR MasterMix was developed to make routine PCR as time-efficient
1 PCR: polymerases and master mixes

loading of agarose gels, a Taq DNA poly- and simple as possible.

merase and high quality dNTPs A combination of all the necessary PCR chemicals of optimal concentration ensures that the
ƒƒ Excellent PCR efficiency innuMIX Green PCR MasterMix delivers fast, highly specific and ultrasensitive amplification of
ƒƒ Suitable for use with most PCR instru- DNA fragments of up to 4 kb. Only the template and primers need to be added to the reac-
ments tion, followed by enough water (suitable for PCR) to produce the final volume.
Thanks to the two dyes (yellow and blue) contained in the innuMIX Green PCR MasterMix,
the amplification products can be loaded directly on an agarose gel.

The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix is already ideal, eliminating the need to add
any more.

Concentration: 2x master mix

Storage: Store at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated thawing and freezing.
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample application:
Detection of the amplification products of the GAPDH gene in human DNA using the innuMIX Green
PCR MasterMix
Lane M: DNA marker, Lanes 1 – 5: innuMIX Green PCR MasterMix, Lanes 6 – 10: Competing product,
Lanes 1 and 6: Negative control, Lanes 2, 3, 7 and 8: DNA isolated from 5 µL whole blood;
Lanes 4, 5, 9 and 10: DNA isolated from 50 µL whole blood

2.1 cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents

cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents

With their enzymes, kits and reagents for cDNA synthesis, in-
nuSCRIPT products are hallmarked not only by large yields, but
also by significantly improved enzyme activity across an extremely
broad range of temperatures.
Individual enzymes are just as readily available as ready-to-use
kits. The perfect solution for every application.

2 cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents
innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR Probe Kit.......................................................................156

innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit..................................................................156

innuSCRIPT Reverse Transcriptase.................................................................................. 157

2.1 cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents

innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR Probe Kit

Order number Quantity

845-RT-7000100 1 mL for 100 reactions of 20 µL each
845-RT-7000200 2 mL for 200 reactions of 20 µL each

ƒƒ Contains thermostable reverse transcrip- Product description

tase (50° C to 55° C) and an effective The innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR Probe Kit is a ready-to-use, 2x master mix uniting reverse
RNase inhibitor. transcription with subsequent qPCR in a single reaction vessel. Positive test results are already
ƒƒ Reverse transcription followed by real- available for the reaction mix on a variety of commercially available real-time thermal cyclers.
time PCR in a single step The innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR Probe Kit is based on cDNA synthesis and subsequent
ƒƒ Highly sensitive real-time PCR using specific probe-detection technologies. The kit composition was validated
ƒƒ Universally applicable: standard and fast in such a way that each RNA template can be quantified, including mRNA, total RNA and viral

cyclers, GC- and AT-rich templates sequences. Detection is also highly efficient for targets for which the number of copies is ex-
ƒƒ Simple handling and superior reproduc- tremely small. Adding RNA template and primer to the reaction are the only preparation steps
ibility involved. The final step is to add PCR-grade water to achieve the final volume.
ƒƒ Fast amplification rate for Ct values that
can be detected early Concentration: 2x master mix
2 cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents

Mg 2+ Lösung: The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix has been optimized,
eliminating the need for adding more MgCl2.
Storage: Store at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated thawing and freezing.

Sample application:
Comparison between the innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR Probe Kit and various competing products;
comparison included Ct value assessment.

Kit Ct 1 Ct 2
1 innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR Probe Kit 22.56 22.76
2 Competing product 1 23.14 23.36
3 Competing product 2 no Ct 27.80

innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit

Order number Quantity

845-RT-6000100 1 mL for 100 reactions of 20 µL each
845-RT-6000200 2 mL for 200 reactions of 20 µL each

ƒƒ Reverse transcription and real-time PCR in Product description

a single step The innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit was developed for fast, highly reproducible re-
ƒƒ Real-time PCR using an intercalating dye verse transcription and subsequent real-time PCR and has been validated on the most common
ƒƒ Simple, well-established handling and real-time PCR instruments. The innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit includes a dye that in-
superior re-producibility tercalates with double-stranded DNA without inhibiting the PCR reaction as many traditional PCR
ƒƒ Compatible with most real-time PCR fluorescent dyes do. The 2x concentrated master mix also contains a thermostable reverse tran-
thermocyclers scriptase (50° C to 55° C) and an effective RNase inhibitor. The composition of the innuSCRIPT
ƒƒ Highly specific, efficient reverse transcrip- One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit has been optimized to yield an excellent slope at optimum PCR
tion and subsequent real-time amplifica- efficiency. Users now only need to add the RNA template and primers to the reaction, followed
tion by enough water (suitable for real-time PCR) to produce the final volume.

The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix is already ideal, eliminating the need to add any more.

Concentration: 2x master mix

Storage: at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated thawing and freezing.

Sample application:
Comparison between the innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit and various competing products,
including Ct value assessment.
Kit Ct 1 Ct 2
1 innuSCRIPT One Step RT-PCR SyGreen kit 18,73 19,19
3 2 Competitor 1 23,16 22,98
2 3 Competitor 2 28,15 24,58
4 Negative controls no Ct

2.1 cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents

Enzymes for cDNA synthesis (reverse transcription)

innuSCRIPT Reverse Transcriptase

Order number Quantity

845-RT-5000010 10 reactions (250 U)
845-RT-5000050 50 reactions (1,250 U)
845-RT-5000200 200 reactions (5,000 U)

ƒƒ Improved specificity and activity in cDNA Product description

synthesis innuSCRIPT Reverse Transcriptase is a genetically engineered version of MMLV reverse tran-
ƒƒ Can be used at a wide range of tempera- scriptase. Genetic engineering has made the enzyme more specific and active in cDNA syn-
tures (42° C – 55° C) thesis—even within a broad temperature range of 42° C to 55° C. Plus, innuSCRIPT Reverse
ƒƒ Positive test results for product sizes of Transcriptase produces higher cDNA synthesis yields than traditional enzymes, delivering

0.5 – 9 kb excellent results for real-time PCR. innuSCRIPT Reverse Transcriptase has been tested for
ƒƒ Free of detectable endonuclease, exo- cDNA synthesis using various RNA starting samples and product sizes ranging from 0.5
nuclease and RNase activity to 9.0 kb.

The enzyme tested negative for detectable endonu-clease, exonuclease and RNase activity.

2 cDNA synthesis: RT enzymes and reagents

Concentration: 25 U/µL
Enzyme storage buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0; 0.1 mM EDTA; 1 mM DTT; 0.01% Igepal
CA-630; 0.1 M NaCl; 50% Glycerol
10× RT-Buffer: 500 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3 at 25 °C); 750 mM KCl; 30 mM MgCl2
DTT solution: 100 mM
Fluorescence (dRN)

Storage: Store at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated thawing and freezing.

Sample application:
cDNA synthesis from total RNA was performed at various reaction temperatures (42°C, 50°C and
55°C) using oligo(dT) primer. The amount of template used was the same as the amount of total
RNA added to the cDNA synthesis reaction (100 ng, 10 ng, 1 ng). qPCR of the ODC gene (using
Brilliant ® SYBR® Green qPCR Master Mix from Stratagene) showed that Ct values were the same for
any given quantity of RNA, regardless of the incubation temperature (see graph), e.g., 100 ng RNA
yielded Cts of 19.27, 19.30 and 19.44 at 42°C, 50°C and 55°C, respectively (see table).

Temperature (°C)

RNA quantity 42°C 50°C 55°C

100 ng Ct 19.27 Ct 19.30 Ct 19.44
10 ng Ct 23.00 Ct 22.83 Ct 23.12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 ng Ct 26.59 Ct 26.31 Ct 26.92

9 kb
6 kb
NTC no Ct no Ct no Ct

1 kb
Comparison between innuSCRIPT Reverse Transcriptase and traditional cDNA enzymes at various
0.5 kb
42 50 55 42 50 55 42 50 55 Lanes 1 – 3: innuSCRIPT Reverse Transcriptase, Lanes 4 – 6 and 7 – 9: MMLV reverse transcriptases
Temperature [°C]
from various providers

3.1 Real-time PCR: master mixes

Real-time PCR: master mixes

Whether you’re working with intercalating dyes or probe assays,
innuMIX master mixes are the ideal amplification reagents for a
variety of different real-time PCR applications.
The concentration of these mixes has been doubled, which enor-
mously simplifies setup, significantly reduces hands-on steps and
minimizes sources of error.

innuMIX qPCR MasterMix Probe...................................................................................... 159


innuMIX qPCR MasterMix SyGreen................................................................................. 159

3 Real-time PCR: master mixes

3.1 Real-time PCR: master mixes

innuMIX qPCR MasterMix Probe

Order number Quantity

845-AS-1200100 1 mL for 100 reactions of 20 µL each
845-AS-1200200 2 mL for 200 reactions of 20 µL each

ƒƒ Ready-to-use master mix for use in Product description

probe-based, real-time PCR innuMIX qPCR MasterMix Probe has been developed for fast, highly reproducible, real-
ƒƒ Includes innuTaq Hot-A DNA Polymerase time PCR and validated on the most common real-time instruments. The master mix can
and high-quality dNTPs in a 2x formula- be readily combined with an extremely wide variety of probe systems, including TaqMan®
tion and rehybridization probes. By delivering the perfect combination of the latest chemistry
ƒƒ Simple, well-established handling and PCR enhancer developments with a hot-start Taq DNA polymerase, this product allows
combined with superior reproducibility researchers to achieve highly specific, ultrasensitive, real-time PCR results. Plus, it also
ƒƒ Excellent PCR efficiency and slope significantly reduces the time required to prepare the qPCR batch, while making the process
ƒƒ Ideal for most commercially available radically easier to handle. Users now only need to add the template, probes and primers
real-time PCR instruments to the reaction, followed by enough water (suitable for real-time PCR) to produce the final
volume—prep work that can readily be carried out at room temperature.

The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix is already ideal, eliminating the need to add any more.

Concentration: 2x master mix

Storage: Store at -20 °C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing by preparing aliquots.

Sample application
Using a FAM-labeled probe in qTOWER 2.0 to identify the SRY gene in human DNA

3 Real-time PCR: master mixes

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ct 1 26.52 26.08 26.21 26.62 26.56 26.58 26.25 26.17 26.38
Ct 2 26.10 26.15 26.03 26.10 26.31 26.43 26.72 26.42 26.41

innuMIX qPCR MasterMix SyGreen

Order number Quantity

845-AS-1300100 1 mL for 100 reactions of 20 µL each
845-AS-1300200 2 mL for 200 reactions of 20 µL each

ƒƒ Ready-to-use master mix for use in Product description

real-time PCR innuMIX qPCR MasterMix SyGreen is a ready-to-use master mix for real-time PCR. The mix
ƒƒ Includes highly specific Taq DNA includes a dye that intercalates with double-stranded DNA and, unlike many other PCR fluo-
polymerase, high-quality dNTPs and rescent dyes, does not inhibit the PCR reaction. The composition of innuMIX qPCR MasterMix
intercalating dye SyGreen has been tested using the most common real-time instruments, validating an excellent
ƒƒ Very high reproducibility and PCR slope at optimum PCR efficiency. Another advantage of the system is its simple handling and
efficiency fast qPCR batch preparation. After adding the template and primers, the only remaining step is
ƒƒ Simple handling and fast qPCR to add enough suitable water to achieve the desired final reaction volume; the reaction will then
preparation be immediately ready for qPCR. The results achieved are highly reproducible and sensitive.
ƒƒ Can be used on most qPCR
thermocyclers The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix is already ideal, eliminating the need to add any more.

Concentration: 2x master mix

Storage: Store at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated thawing and freezing.

Sample application
DNA dilution series for detecting the human SRY gene (using innuMix qPCR MasterMix SyGreen and

Dilution undiluted 1:10 1:100 1:1,000 1:10,000 1:100,000

Ct 1 8.34 11.39 14.78 18.15 21.41 24.82
Ct 2 8.37 11.41 14.74 18.20 21.43 24.88

4.1 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

dNTP’s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

Complementing its line of PCR and real-time PCR enzymes and
master mixes, Analytik Jena also offers an array of products for
gel electrophoresis, home-made PCR reactions and additives for
special applications.

50× inNucleotide Mix.......................................................................................................... 161

inNucleotide Set.................................................................................................................... 161

innuSTAR 100 bp DNA Ladder Express.........................................................................162

innuSTAR 1 kb DNA Ladder Express..............................................................................162

6× Loading Dye Bromophenol Blue...............................................................................162

6× Loading Dye Orange G.................................................................................................162



10× PCR Reaction Buffer with NH4................................................................................163

4 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

10× PCR Reaction Buffer with KCl..................................................................................163

PCR-grade H2O.......................................................................................................................163

4.1 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

Desoxynukleotide (dNTP’s)
50× inNucleotide Mix (12.5 mM, 2 × 25 µmol)

Order number Quantity

845-AS-9000100 2 × 0.5 ml

ƒƒ Purity > 98 % (RP-HPLC) Product description

ƒƒ RNase-free, Protease-free Analytik Jena‘s ready-to-use nucleotide mix provides highest quality of desoxynucleotides. All
ƒƒ Free from PCR inhibitors dNTPs are ultra pure (> 98 %) and quality checked by a set of PCR, RT-PCR and Klenow reac-
tions. It is supplied as a 50-fold concentrated mix of ultra pure dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP with
12.5 mM each. The total amount of dNTP in each tube is 25 µmol (6.25 µmol of each dNTP).

Quality control: The desoxynucleotide solution has a purity of > 98 % and is functionally
tested by real-time amplification of 30 kb DNA fragments.
Pack size: 2 × 25 µmol
Concentration: 12.5 mM of each dNTP
Store at –20 °C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing.

inNucleotide Set (100 mM; 4 × 25 µmol)

Order number Quantity

845-AS-1100250 4 × 0.25 ml

ƒƒ Purity > 98 % (RP-HPLC) Product description

ƒƒ RNase-free, Protease-free A set of 4 separate 100 mM solutions (dATP, dGTP, dCTP, dTTP). Each tube contains
ƒƒ Free from PCR inhibitors 25 µmol (250 µl) of the corresponding dNTP.

Quality control: The desoxynucleotide solutions have a purity of > 98 % and are function-
ally tested by real-time amplification of 30 kb DNA fragments.
Pack size: 4 × 25 µmol
Concentration: 100 mM of each dNTP
Store at –20 °C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing.

4 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

4.1 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

DNA ladders and loading buffers

DNA ladders from innuSTAR have been developed for determining the
precise size of DNA fragments on an agarose gel; fragment sizes range
between 100 and 1,000 bp and/or between 300 and 10,000 bp.
These ladders have received excellent reviews when compared to
other products available on the market. innuSTAR DNA ladders are
stable for long periods, and yield distinct, easy-to-recognize bands.

Features of the ladder:

ƒƒ 100 lanes per tube
ƒƒ Stable for 6 months at 4°C; may be stored for longer periods
at -20°C
ƒƒ Contains no dNTPs
ƒƒ Ladders consist of a 1:10 blend of ladder and bromophenol blue
and can be loaded directly onto the gel.
100 bp DNA Ladder Express 1 kb DNA Ladder Express
0.5 µg/lane = 5 µL; 0.5 x TBE 0.5 µg/lane = 5 µL; 1 x TAE buffer, ƒƒ Uniformly visible bands after staining with ethidium bromide.
buffer, 1.5% agarose gel 1.0% agarose gel

Number of bands: 10 Number of bands: 13 Volume: 500 µL/tube

Size range: 10 – 1,000 bp Size range: 300 – 10,000 bp Concentration: 0.1 µg/µL
Band size: contains bands in Band size: contains bands in the
multiples of 100 bp (100 bp, following increments: 300 bp, Recommended loading volume: 5 µL
200 bp, 300 bp, 400 bp, 500 bp, 500 bp, 700 bp, 1,000 bp,
600 bp, 700 bp, 800 bp, 900 bp, 1,500 bp, 2,000 bp, 2,500 bp, Storage and stability: May be stored for long periods at -20°C;
1,000 bp) 3,000 bp, 4,000 bp, 5,000 bp,
6,000 bp, 8,000 bp and 10,000 bp
avoid repeated thawing and freezing.

innuSTAR 100 bp DNA Ladder Express

Order number Quantity


845-ST-1010100 500 µL
845-ST-1010500 5 × 500 µL

innuSTAR 1 kb DNA Ladder Express

4 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

Order number Quantity

845-ST-1020100 500 µL
845-ST-1020500 5 × 500 µL

6× Loading Dye Bromophenol Blue

Order number Quantity

845-ST-3010003 3 × 1 mL
845-ST-3010006 6 × 1 mL

Product description: The 6x loading dye contains bromophenol blue and xylene cyanol FF.
This ready-to-use solution is suitable for loading samples onto agarose and polyacrylamide gels.

Composition: 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 0.03% bromophenol blue, 0.03% xylene cyanol FF,
60% glycerol, 60 mM EDTA.

6× Loading Dye Orange G

Order number Quantity

845-ST-4010003 3 × 1 mL
845-ST-4010006 6 × 1 mL

Product description: The 6x loading dye contains Orange G and xylene cyanol FF. This
ready-to-use solution is suitable for loading samples onto agarose and polyacrylamide gels.

Composition: 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 0.15% Orange G, 0.03% xylene cyanol FF,
60% glycerol, 60 mM EDTA.

4.1 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

Reagents and additives


Order number Quantity

845-AS-1000015 3x 1.5 ml (25 mM)
845-AS-1010015 3x 1.5 ml (50 mM)

Product description: A MgCl2 solution for polymerase chain reaction, 25 mM or 50 mM.

The amount of MgCl2 has to be optimized in dependance on other PCR conditions
(Taq polymerase, primer, template etc.).

10× PCR Reaction Buffer with NH 4

Order number Quantity

845-AS-7000015 3 × 1.5 ml

Product description: A 10-fold concentrated Taq Polymerase Buffer for PCR. This buffer is
optimized to improve amplification rates of a PCR amplification process, especially for longer
and difficult templates. The buffer can also be used together with all DNA polymerases from
Analytik Jena.

Storage and stability: Store at –20 °C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing.

10× PCR Reaction Buffer with KCl

Order number Quantity

845-AS-8000015 3 × 1.5 ml

Product description: A 10-fold concentrated Taq Polymerase Buffer for PCR. The buffer can
also be used together with all DNA polymerases from Analytik Jena.

Storage and stability: Store at –20 °C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing.

4 dNTP‘s, DNA ladders, buffers and additives

PCR-grade H2O

Order number Quantity

845-AS-1800002 2.0 mL
845-AS-1800010 5x 2.0 mL

ƒƒ Contains no nucleases Product description: PCR-grade H2O contains no nucleases or nucleic acids of any kind that
(DNase or RNase) could produce false positives in real-time PCR. This product can be used for all molecular
ƒƒ Contains no gDNA biology techniques, as it contains only sterile, deionized water and no chemicals such as
or nucleic acid DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate). The water can be used immediately and requires no prepara-
contaminants tion, mixing or autoclaving steps.
ƒƒ Contains no proteases
ƒƒ Suitable for use in Quality control: PCR-grade H2O is tested for bacterial contamination using real-time PCR.
microbiology, PCR Store at -20°C and aliquot to prevent repeated thawing and freezing.
and real-time PCR
applications Storage and stability: PCR-grade H2O will remain stable for at least 1 year if unopened and
ƒƒ Autoclaved and stored at room temperature.
membrane filtered
ƒƒ No DEPC treatment

Analytik Jena | Life Science offers a comprehen-
sive range of kits and reagents for nucleic acid
and protein diagnostic in human, veterinary, food
and environment area.


Kits and reagents for diagnostics

1 Product overview 168

2 Human diagnostics 169

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays 170
2.2 Qualitative real-time assays 181
2.3 Endpoint detection 185
2.4 Immuno-assays 191

3 Sepsis 195

4 Food quality control 201

4.1 Quantitative real-time assays 202
4.2 Endpoint detection 205

5 Environmental analysis 212

6 Veterinary diagnostics 215

7 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases 218

Laboratory Notebook
Order your own laboratory notebook in
Analytik Jena | Life Science Design.

Whether you are scientist or student, laboratory notebook is an essential part of each
research project. With the laboratory notebook of Analytik Jena you are perfectly able to
document your laboratory research and daily work results.

ƒƒ High-quality Analytik Jena | Life Science design

ƒƒ Table of content for your personal structure
ƒƒ Including introduction and conversion table
ƒƒ Size: 120 pages in A4 format (squared paper)

Order information

Order number Quantity

844-MA205-2 1 piece


Kits and reagents for diagnostics

8 Antibodies and proteins 224

Product overview

rapidSTRIPE Assays Immuno-Assays

The rapidSTRIPE Assays use as final detection system a lateral flow ELISA for detection and quantification of neurodegenerative
strip (LFS) which shows a clear yes or no result and is independable diseases (BSE, CJD, AD, PD), virus infections (PRRSV) and other
from expensive equipment. The assays is composed in modules pathological processes (TG2).
which all fit to each other. By that way nucleic acid exraction, ampli-
fication and detection can be choosen individuallly.

innuDETECT Assays RoboGene® Assays

The innuDETECT Assays use real-time PCR as detection platform. RoboGene® Assays are Real-Time PCR Kits for quantitative and
The integrated new and patented probe system is as sensitive and qualitative detection of nucleic acids target sequences. Kit versions
specific as standard probe systems. As the assays are composed in for several targets are available which fit with the majority of Real-
modules nucleic acid extraction, amplification and detection can be Time PCR platforms on the market. The kits have a perfect analyti-
choosen individually. cal and diagnostic specificity.


VYOO® is a multiplex PCR assay containing a mechanical lysis step LOOXSTER® is a technology for the enrichment of bacterial and fun-
for whole blood, automated total DNA extraction and a unique gal DNA in DNA isolates containing predominant amounts of mam-
patented pathogen DNA enrichment technology VYOO® rapidly malian DNA. Resulting DNA is available for all kinds of downstream
identifies sepsis causing bacteria, fungi and antibiotic resistances applications. LOOXSTER® is an enabling technology enhancing the
with high sensitivity and specificity. efficiency of downstream applications. All system components are
PureProve® level assuring low risk of foreign DNA contamination.

Antibodies and proteins

Well characterized antibodies for use in different immunochemi-

cal techniques (ELISA, WB, IHC, IP, FACS) – for neurodegenerative
diseases partially unique worldwide. Recombinant and synthetic
proteins are offered for research of neurodegenerative diseases.

2. Human diagnostics

Human diagnostics
Nowadays it is increasingly important to be able to identify human
pathogens quickly and clearly. For this purpose, we have developed
CE-IVD certified ready-to-use kits specially designed for the highly
sensitive detection of various microorganisms.

The Kits of the product group rapidSTRIPE and RoboGene convince

trough accurate and reliable results even at lowest detection limits.

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

2 Human diagnostics
RoboGene® HBV DNA Quantification Kit - CE....................................................... 170
RoboGene® HCV RNA Quantification Kit - CE....................................................... 171
RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit................................................................172
RoboGene® HIV-1 Quantification RNA Kit...............................................................173
RoboGene® HCMV DNA Quantification Kit............................................................ 174
RoboGene® EBV DNA Quantification Kit................................................................. 175
RoboGene® PVB19 Quantification DNA Kit............................................................ 176
Minimal residual disease (MRD) in hematology / oncology..............................177
Normalization of gene expression quantification data......178
Multidrug resistance......................................................................................................... 179
Tumor research (apoptosis, cell cycle).......................................................................180
2.2 Qualitative real-time assays
RoboGene® HSV DNA Qualitative DNA Kit............................................................. 181
RoboGene® BF H5N1 RNA Qualitative Kit..............................................................182
RoboGene® TB DNA Qualitative Kit..........................................................................183
RoboGene® Norovirus RNA Detection Kit...............................................................184
2.3 Endpoint detection
rapidSTRIPE Bordetella Assay........................................................................................185
rapidSTRIPE Pertussis Assay..........................................................................................186
rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Detection Assay | rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Assay - KF...............187
rapidSTRIPE Influenza A/B Assay.................................................................................189
2.4 Immuno-assays
Kits for human Alpha-Synuclein................................................................................... 191
Kits for human TAU protein............................................................................................192
Kits for prion proteins...................................................................................................... 193
Kits for special parameters & staining........................................................................194

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

le c t ed pro g ew
se us

RoboGene HBV DNA Quantification Kit – CE




für die
for in

tic -v

o-D itr o
iagnos -Di

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of Hepatitis B virus (HBV)

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Not intended for screening of blood or blood products for
HBV DNA or for confirmation of an HBV infection
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards
ƒƒ Low detection limit (17 IU/ml)
ƒƒ Detects all HBV genotypes
ƒƒ CE-IVD labelled (see order information)

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The RoboGene® HBV DNA Quantification Kit is intended for real- The RoboGene ® HBV DNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room
time PCR quantification of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) DNA in human temperature except the Taq polymerase and PCR buffer which are
EDTA plasma or serum samples. The level of HBV DNA in plasma shipped on dry ice. Store the HBV DNA Quantification Kit and Taq
2 Human diagnostics

or serum can be used in conjunction with other clinical markers polymerase at –15°C to – 40°C in the dark immediately upon arrival.
and clinical findings to distinguish between acute and chronic HBV
infection and to assess the viral response to antiviral treatment. Sample application
Diagnostic evaluation: comparison of the RoboGene® HBV DNA Quan-
Procedure tification Kit (sample purification with the INSTANT Virus DNA Kit) with
During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included the CobasTaqMan HBV kit. The correlation of quantitative results from
via Extraction tubes DNA_D1 to control DNA extraction and to both tests (n=101) was analyzed by linear regression. The equation of
indicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Quantitation standard the respective regression lines is included in the figure.
consists of 8 tubes coated with given amounts of synthetic HBV
DNA, which must be amplified in parallel. Amplification of HBV DNA
Log10 HBV DNA detected (IU/ml); RoboGene HBV

in samples and standards and of IC DNA is measured independent- y = 0,9913x - 0,1168

R = 0,9131
ly at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with different 6

fluorescence reporter dyes.


Product specifications
Starting material
DNA from human blood or tissue samples 2

Detection time 0

Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 2.5 hours 0 2 4 6 8

log10 HBV DNA given (IU/ml); Cobas TaqMan

Analytical and diagnostic specificity

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 16 non-HBV-
positive specimens. Furthermore, 108 plasma samples from blood DNA isolation products
donors which have been tested negative for HBV DNA using the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
CobasTaqMan HBV kit were analysed to determine the diagnostic
specificity. The RoboGene ® HBV DNA Quantification Kit had a Order information
perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity. None of the analyzed
Product/ Order Contents Version IvD
samples gave positive test results for HBV DNA.
Description number
RoboGene® 847-0207300102 100 tests ABI
Kit components HBV DNA 847-0207300104 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC DNA and carrier nucleic acid Quantification
847-0207300142 100 tests Rotor-Gene
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of Kit CE
847-0207300144 50 tests 3000/6000
synthetic HBV DNA, IC DNA and amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer 847-0207300162 100 tests Low profile-Block
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing HBV and Internal control 847-0207300164 50 tests cycler
DNA (IC) specific primers, probes and dNTPs
847-0207300182 100 tests
ƒƒ Taq DNA polymerase and corresponding PCR buffer TOptical RUO
847-0207300184 50 tests
847-0207300152 100 tests
SmartCycler® RUO
847-0207300154 50 tests
847-0207300132 100 tests
LightCycler™ RUO
847-0207300134 50 tests
847-0207300172 100 tests
Spartan Dx-12 RUO
847-0207300174 50 tests

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

le c t ed pro g ew
ähl te
se us P

RoboGene HCV RNA Quantification Kit – CE




für die
for in

tic -v os

o-D itr o
iagnos -Diagn

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Not intended for screening of blood or blood products for
HCV RNA or for confirmation of an HCV infection
ƒƒ stably coated and ready-to use standards
ƒƒ Low detection limit (68 IU/ml)
ƒƒ Detects all HCV genotypes
ƒƒ CE-IVD labelled (see order information)

Product description Sample application
The RoboGene® HCV RNA Quantification Kit is intended for real- Diagnostic evaluation: comparison of the RoboGene® HCV RNA
time quantification of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA in human plas- Quantification Kit with the the CobasTaqMan HCV kit. A: sample
ma or serum samples. The level of HCV RNA in serum and plasma purification with the QIAamp DSP Virus Kit (n=108). The correlation

2 Human diagnostics
can be used in conjunction with other clinical markers and clinical of quantitative results from both tests was analyzed by linear regres-
findings to distinguish between acute and chronic HCV infection sion. The equation of the respective regression lines is included in
and to assess the viral response to antiviral treatment. the figure.

During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included
Log10 HCV RNA detected (IU/ml);

y = 0,8623x + 0,8196
via Extraction tubes RNA_D1 to control RNA extraction and to 7 2
R = 0,8758
indicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Quantitation standard
RoboGene HCV RNA

consists of 8 tubes coated with given amounts of synthetic HCV

RNA, which must be amplified in parallel. Amplification of HCV RNA
in samples and standards and of IC RNA is measured independently
at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with different fluo- 3
rescence reporter dyes.

Product specifications 1
1 3 5 7
Starting material
log10 HCV RNA given (IU/ml); Cobas TaqMan
RNA from human blood or tissue samples

Detection time
Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 3 hours

Analytical and diagnostic specificity RNA isolation products

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 12 non-HCV innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
positive specimens. Furthermore, 105 plasma samples from blood
donors which have been tested negative for HCV RNA using the Order information
CobasTaqMan HCV kit were analysed to determine the diagnostic
Product/ Order Contents Version IvD
specificity. The RoboGene® HCV RNA Quantification Kit had a
Description number
perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity. None of the analyzed
samples gave positive test results for HCV RNA. RoboGene® 847-0207200102 100 tests ABI
HCV RNA 847-0207200104 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
Kit components Quantification
847-0207200142 100 tests Rotor-Gene
ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC RNA and carrier nucleic acid Kit CE
847-0207200144 50 tests 3000/6000
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of
synthetic HCV RNA, IC RNA and amplification enhancer 847-0207200162 100 tests Low profile-
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer 847-0207200164 50 tests Block cycler
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing HCV and Internal control RNA
847-0207200182 100 tests
(IC) specific primers and probes TOptical RUO
ƒƒ RT-PCR enzyme mix and corresponding 2x reaction mix 847-0207200184 50 tests
847-0207200152 100 tests
Storage conditions and stability SmartCycler® RUO
847-0207200154 50 tests
The RoboGene® HCV RNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room
847-0207200132 100 tests
temperature except the RT-PCR enzyme, 2 x reaction mix and LightCycler™ RUO
Mg-sulfate solution, 50 mM which are shipped on dry ice. Store 847-0207200134 50 tests
the HCV RNA Quantification Kit incl. RT-PCR enzyme/2x reaction 847-0207200172 100 tests
mix/Mg-sulfate solution at –15 C to – 40°C in the dark immediately Spartan Dx-12 RUO
847-0207200174 50 tests
upon arrival.

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of HDV RNA

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Not intended for screening of blood or blood products for
HDV RNA or for confirmation of an HDV infection
ƒƒ Low detection limit (500 IU/ml)
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards

Product description Sample application

The RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit is intended for real- RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit. Analytical sensitivity determi-
time quantification of Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) RNA in human EDTA nation using HDV positive serum and a Rotor-Gene 3000 instrument.
plasma and serum. The level of HDV RNA in serum and plasma can
2 Human diagnostics

be used in conjunction with other clinical markers and clinical find-

ings to distinguish between acute and chronic HDV infection and to
assess the viral response to antiviral treatment.

During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included
via Extraction tubes RNA_D1 to control RNA extraction and to
indicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Quantitation standard
consists of 8 tubes coated with given amounts of synthetic HDV
RNA, which must be amplified in parallel. Amplification of HDV RNA
in samples and standards and of IC RNA is measured independently Abb. A.: HDV target saturation curves: standards (pink), 1000 IU/ml
at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with different fluo- (blue), 500 IU/ml (red), negatives (green).
rescence reporter dyes.

Product specifications
Starting material
RNA from human blood or tissue samples

Detection time
Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 3 hours

Analytical and diagnostic specificity

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 15 non-
HDV positive specimens. Furthermore, 10 plasma samples from
blood donors which have been tested negative for HDV RNA were
analysed to determine the diagnostic specificity. The RoboGene®
HDV RNA Quantification Kit had a perfect analytical and diagnostic
specificity. None of the analyzed samples gave positive test results
for HDV RNA.

Kit components
ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC RNA and carrier nucleic acid RNA isolation products
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
synthetic HDV RNA, IC RNA and amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing HDV and Internal control Order information
RNA (IC) specific primers and probes
Product/ Order Contents Version IvD
ƒƒ RT-PCR enzyme mix and corresponding 2x reaction mix
Description number
Storage conditions and stability RoboGene® 847-0207400502 100 tests ABI
The RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room HDV RNA 847-0207400504 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
temperature except the RT-PCR enzyme, 2 x reaction mix and Quantification
847-0207400542 100 tests Rotor-Gene
Mg-sulfate solution, 50 mM which are shipped on dry ice. Store Kit RUO
847-0207400544 50 tests 3000/6000
the HDV RNA Quantification Kit incl. RT-PCR enzyme/2x reaction
mix/Mg-sulfate solution at –15 C to – 40°C in the dark immediately 847-0207400562 100 tests Low profile-Block
upon arrival. 847-0207400564 50 tests cycler

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

RoboGene® HIV-1 Quantification RNA Kit

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of HIV-1 RNA

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Not intended for screening of blood or blood products for
HIV-1 RNA or for confirmation of an HIV-1infection
ƒƒ Low detection limit (300 IU/ml)
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards
ƒƒ Detects the most of HIV-1 genotypes

Product description Sample application
The RoboGene® HIV-1 RNA Quantification Kit is intended for RoboGene® HIV-1 RNA Quantification Kit. Quantification limits de-
real-time quantification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 termination using a Rotor-Gene 3000 instrument. Blue thick curves:
(HIV-1) RNA in human EDTA plasma and serum. The level of HIV-1 300 IU per ml (150 copies per ml).

2 Human diagnostics
RNA in serum and plasma can be used in conjunction with other
clinical markers and clinical findings to distinguish between acute
and chronic HIV-1 infection and to assess the viral response to
antiviral treatment.

During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included
via Extraction tubes RNA_D1 to control RNA extraction and to
indicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Quantitation standard
consists of 8 tubes coated with given amounts of synthetic HIV
RNA, which must be amplified in parallel. Amplification of HIV RNA Abb. A.: RoboGene® HIV-1 RNA Quantification Kit. Quantification
in samples and standards and of IC RNA is measured independently limits determination using a Rotor-Gene 3000 instrument. Blue thick
curves: 300 IU per ml (150 copies per ml).
at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with different fluo-
rescence reporter dyes.

Product specifications
Starting material
RNA from human blood or tissue samples

Detection time
Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 3 hours

Analytical and diagnostic specificity

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 15 non HIV-
positive specimens. Furthermore, 10 plasma samples from blood
donors which have been tested negative for HIV-1 RNA were
analysed to determine the diagnostic specificity. The RoboGene®
HIV-1 RNA Quantification Kit had a perfect analytical and diagnostic
specificity. None of the analyzed samples gave positive test results
for HIV-1 RNA. RNA isolation products
innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
Kit components
ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC RNA and carrier nucleic acid
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of Order information
synthetic HIV RNA, IC RNA and amplification enhancer
Product/ Order number Contents Version IvD
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing HIV and Internal control RNA
(IC) specific primers and probes RoboGene® 847-0207200302 100 tests ABI
ƒƒ RT-PCR enzyme mix and corresponding 2x reaction mix HIV-1 847-0207200304 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
847-0207200342 100 tests Rotor-Gene
Storage conditions and stability RNA Kit RUO
847-0207200344 50 tests 3000/6000
The RoboGene® HIV RNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room
temperature except the RT-PCR enzyme, 2 x reaction mix and Mg- 847-0207200362 100 tests Low profile-Block
sulfate solution, 50 mM which are shipped on dry ice. Store the HIV 847-0207200364 50 tests cycler
RNA Quantification Kit incl. RT-PCR enzyme/2x reaction mix/Mg-
847-0207200352 100 tests
sulfate solution at –15 C to – 40°C in the dark immediately upon SmartCycler ® RUO
arrival. 847-0207200354 50 tests

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

RoboGene® HCMV DNA Quantification Kit

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of HCMV DNA

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Not intended for screening of blood or blood products for
HCMV DNA or for confirmation of an HCMV infection
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards
ƒƒ Low detection limit (500 copies/ml)

Product description Sample application

The RoboGene® HCMV DNA Quantification Kit is intended for real- Quantification of HCMV genomes using an ABI PRISM 7000 SDS. The
time PCR quantification of Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA in data show the amplification of a dilution series (500,000; 50,000;
human EDTA plasma or serum samples. 5,000 and 500 copies/ml, respectively) of OptiQuant CMV DNA
2 Human diagnostics

Quantification Panel.
During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included
via Extraction tubes DNA_D1 to control DNA extraction and to
indicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Quantitation standard
consists of 8 tubes coated with given amounts of synthetic HCMV
DNA, which must be amplified in parallel. Amplification of HCMV
DNA in samples and standards and of IC DNA is measured inde-
pendently at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with
different fluorescence reporter dyes.

Product specifications
Starting material
DNA from human blood or tissue samples

Detection time
Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 2.5 hours

Analytical and diagnostic specificity

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 15 non
HCMV-positive specimens. Furthermore, 10 plasma samples from
blood donors which have been tested negative for HCMV DNA
were analysed to determine the diagnostic specificity. The Robo-
Gene® HCMV DNA Quantification Kit had a perfect analytical and
diagnostic specificity. None of the analyzed samples gave positive DNA isolation products
test results for HCMV DNA. innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74

Kit components
ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC DNA and carrier nucleic acid Order information
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of
Product/ Order number Contents Version IvD
synthetic HCMV DNA, IC DNA and amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing HCMV and Internal control RoboGene® 847-0207500202 100 tests ABI
DNA (IC) specific primers, probes and dNTPs HCMV DNA 847-0207500204 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
ƒƒ Taq DNA polymerase and corresponding PCR buffer Quantification
847-0207500242 100 tests Rotor-Gene
847-0207500244 50 tests 3000/6000
Storage conditions and stability
The RoboGene® HCMV DNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room 847-0207500262 100 tests Low profile-Block
temperature except the Taq polymerase and PCR buffer which are 847-0207500264 50 tests cycler
shipped on dry ice. Store the HCMV DNA Quantification Kit and Taq
847-0207500252 100 tests
polymerase at –15 C to – 40°C in the dark immediately upon arrival. SmartCycler® RUO
847-0207500254 50 tests
847-0207500232 100 tests
LightCycler™ RUO
847-0207500234 50 tests
847-0207500272 100 tests
Spartan Dx-12 RUO
847-0207300274 50 tests

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

RoboGene® EBV DNA Quantification Kit

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Not intended for screening of blood or blood products for
EBV DNA or for confirmation of an EBV infection
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards

Product description Sample application
The RoboGene® EBV DNA Quantification Kit is intended for real- DNA from 200 µl of frozen patient EDTA blood sample evalu-
time PCR quantification of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA in human ated positive for EBV IgG (5,400 copies/ml) was purified with
blood or tissue samples. EBV is associated to the etio-pathogenesis the INSTANT Virus DNA Kit. 50 ng of purified sample DNA were

2 Human diagnostics
of an increasing number of tumors, e.g. B-cell Non-Hodgekin measured in duplicate experiments using the RoboGene® EBV DNA
lymphoma and Burkitt’s lymphoma. Detection/quantification of EBV Quantification Kit.
in pathology samples is relevant since its high prevalence in some
cancers makes the virus a promising target of monitoring the suc-
cess of specific therapies.

During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included
via Extraction tubes DNA_D1 to control DNA extraction and to Patient

indicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Quantitation standard

consists of 8 tubes coated with given amounts of synthetic EBV
DNA, which must be amplified in parallel. Amplification of EBV DNA
in samples and standards and of IC DNA is measured independent-
ly at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with different
fluorescence reporter dyes.

Product specifications
Starting material
DNA from human blood or tissue samples

Detection time
Standard qPCRcycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 2.5 hours

Analytical and diagnostic specificity

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 16 non-
EBV positive specimens. Furthermore, 10 plasma samples from
blood donors which have been tested negative for EBV DNA were
analysed to determine the diagnostic specificity. The RoboGene®
EBV DNA Quantification Kit had a perfect analytical and diagnostic
specificity. None of the analyzed samples gave positive test results
for EBV DNA.

Kit components DNA isolation products

ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC DNA and carrier nucleic acid innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of
synthetic EBV DNA, IC DNA and amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer Order information
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing EBV and Internal control DNA
Product/ Order number Contents Version IvD
(IC) specific primers, probes and dNTPs
ƒƒ Taq DNA polymerase and corresponding PCR buffer
RoboGene® 847-0207300302 100 tests ABI
Storage conditions and stability EBV DNA 847-0207300304 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
The RoboGene® EBV DNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room Quantification
847-0207300342 100 tests Rotor-Gene
temperature except the Taq polymerase and PCR buffer which are Kit RUO
847-0207300344 50 tests 3000/6000
shipped on dry ice. Store the EBV DNA Quantification Kit and Taq
polymerase at –15 C to -40°C in the dark immediately upon arrival. 847-0207300362 100 tests Low profile-Block
847-0207300364 50 tests cycler

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

RoboGene® PVB19 Quantification DNA Kit

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of PVB19

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Not intended for screening of blood or blood products for
PVB19 RNA or for confirmation of an PVB19 infection
ƒƒ Detects all three erythrovirus (PVB19) genotypes (geno-
type 1, 2, 3)
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards

Product description Sample application

The RoboGene® PVB19 DNA Quantification Kit is intended for real- Quantification of PVB19 genomes using an ABI PRISM 7000 SDS. Satu-
time PCR quantification of Parvovirus B19 DNA in serum, plasma, ration curves. The data represent the amplification of the ready-to-use
amniotic or synovial fluid samples. The detection of PVB19 DNA PVB19 DNA controls (9x107, 9x106, 9x105, 2.25x105, 9x104, 2.25x104,
2 Human diagnostics

assay is recommended on suspicion of Parvovirus infection of 4.5x103, 9x102 IU per tube) and WHO standard for PVB19 NAT assay;
pregnant women, trans-placentalhydropsfetalis measured in umbili- NIBSC code 99/800; Charge EN63QG; 1x106 IU/ml.
calcord blood, severe fetal anemia, cardiomyopathy, and PVB19-
associated athritis in synovial fluid of immune suppressed patients
with persisting infection. Detection of PVB19 in clinical samples is
relevant in monitoring the success of specific therapies.

Quantitation standard consists of 8 tubes coated with given
amounts of synthetic PVB19 DNA, which must be amplified in par-
allel. Amplification of PVB19 DNA in samples and standards is mea-
sured in the FAM channel of the respective real-time instrument.

Product specifications
Starting material
DNA from human blood or tissue samples

Detection time
Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 2.5 hours

Analytical and diagnostic specificity

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 16 non-PVB19
positive specimens. Furthermore, 10 plasma samples from blood
donors which have been tested negative for PVB19 DNA were anal-
ysed to determine the diagnostic specificity. The RoboGene® PVB19
DNA Quantification Kit had a perfect analytical and diagnostic
specificity. None of the analyzed samples gave positive test results
for PVB19 DNA.

Kit components
ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with carrier nucleic acid
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of
synthetic PVB19 DNA and amplification enhancer DNA isolation products
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing PVB19 specific primers,
probes and dNTPs
ƒƒ Taq DNA polymerase and corresponding PCR buffer Order information

Product/ Order number Contents Version IvD

Storage conditions and stability
The RoboGene® PVB19 DNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room
temperature except the Taq polymerase and PCR buffer which are RoboGene® 847-0207300402 100 tests ABI
shipped on dry ice. Store the PVB19 DNA Quantification Kit and Taq PVB19 847-0207300404 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
polymerase at –15 C to -40°C in the dark immediately upon arrival. Quantification
847-0207300442 100 tests Rotor-Gene
847-0207300444 50 tests 3000/6000
847-0207300462 100 tests Low profile-Block
847-0207300464 50 tests cycler

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

Minimal residual disease (MRD) in hematology / oncology

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of cDNA

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards

Product description Sample application
Minimal residual disease (MRD) is the name given to small num- Quantification of M-BCR cDNA using an ABI PRISM 7000 SDS. Satura-
bers of leukaemic cells that remain in the patient during treatment, tion curves. The data represent the amplification of the ready-to-use
or after treatment when the patient is in remission. It is the major M-BCR DNA controls.

2 Human diagnostics
cause of relapse in cancer and leukaemia in cancertreatment,
particular lyleukaemia, MRD testing has several important roles: de-
termining whether treatment has eradicated the cancer or whether
traces remain, comparing the efficacy of different treatments,
monitoring patient remission status and recurrence of the leukae-
mia or cancer and choosing the treatment that will best meet those
needs (personalization of treatment). 5 Kits are offered for detec-
tion of MRD: RoboGene® M-BCR-ABL Kit, RoboGene® mi-BCR Kit,
RoboGene® PML-RARA Kit, RoboGene® MBR Kit and RoboGene®

Total RNA or mRNA samples prior transcribed into cDNA using
random hexanucleotides are amplified and detected by Real-Time
PCR. The quantification of M-BCR-ABL, mi-BCR, PML-RARA, MBR
or HER2/NEU is performed by using 8 standards. The data should
be normalized to the number of c-ABL or GAPDH transcripts as
housekeeping genes. RNA isolation products
innuPREP Blood RNA Kit................................................................................. 68
Product specifications innuPREP Blood RNA Midi Direct Kit.......................................................... 34
Starting material
cDNA from human blood or tissue samples
Order information
Kit components
Product Order number Contents Version IvD
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of
synthetic M-BCR-ABL, mi-BCR, PML-RARA, MBR or HER2/NEU
DNA and amplification enhancer RoboGene® 847-0202000102 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer M-BCR- 847-0202000142 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing M-BCR-ABL, mi-BCR, PML- ABL Kit;
847-0202000162 100 tests Low profile-Block cycler RUO
RARA, MBR or HER2/NEU DNA specific primers, probes and t(9;22)
dNTPs 847-0202000132 100 tests LightCycler™ RUO
RoboGene® 847-0202000202 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
Storage conditions and stability mi-BCR 847-0202000242 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO
After delivery at room temperature store cDNA Quantification kits- Kit; t(9;22)
847-0202000232 100 tests LightCycler™ RUO
tubes at –20°C. Protect Real-Time reagent mix, lyophilized always
from light and store at –20°C in the dark. RoboGene ®
847-0202001602 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
PML-RARA 847-0202001642 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO
Kit; t(15;17)
847-0202001632 100 tests LightCycler™ RUO
RoboGene® 847-0202002102 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
MBR Kit; 847-0202002142 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO
847-0202002132 100 tests LightCycler™ RUO
RoboGene ®
847-0202001402 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
HER2/ 847-0202001442 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO
847-0202001462 100 tests Low profile-Block cycler RUO
847-0202001432 100 tests LightCycler™ RUO

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

Normalization of gene expression quantification data

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of cDNA

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards

Product description Sample application

Housekeeping genes are typically constitutive genes that are Quantification of c-ABLcDNA using an ABI PRISM 7000 SDS. Satura-
required for the maintenance of basic cellular function, and are tion curves. The data represent the amplification of the ready-to-
expressed in all cells of an organism under normal and patho physi- use c-ABL DNA controls.
2 Human diagnostics

ological conditions. In vitro quantification of glyceraldehyde-3-phos-

phate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and c-ABL reference transcripts
are suited for normalization of several target gene expression data
in total RNA/mRNA samples which are prior reverse transcribed
into cDNA using random hexanucleotides. Two kits are offered
as housekeeping genes: RoboGene® GAPDH Kit and RoboGene®
c-ABL Kit.

Total RNA or mRNA samples prior transcribed into cDNA using
random hexanucleotides are amplified and detected by Real-Time
PCR. The quantification of housekeeping genes is performed in
parallel to the quantification of several target genes and used for
the normalization of target gene expression data.

Product specifications
Starting material
cDNA from human blood or tissue samples

Kit components RNA isolation products

ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of innuPREP Blood RNA Kit................................................................................. 68
synthetic GAPDH or c-ABL DNA and amplification enhancer innuPREP Blood RNA Midi Direct Kit.......................................................... 34
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing GAPDH or c-ABL specific
primers, probes and dNTPs Order information

Product/ Order Contents Version IvD

Storage conditions and stability
Description number
After delivery at room temperature store cDNA Quantification kits at
–20°C. Protect Real-Time reagent mix, lyophilized always from light RoboGene® 847-0202001202 100 tests
ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
and store at –20°C in the dark. GAPDH Kit
847-0202001242 100 tests
Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO

847-0202001262 100 tests

Low profile-Block cycler RUO

847-0202001232 100 tests

LightCycler™ RUO

RoboGene® 847-0202002002 100 tests

ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
c-ABL Kit
847-0202002042 100 tests
Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO

847-0202002062 100 tests Low profile-Block

847-0202002032 100 tests
LightCycler™ RUO

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

Multidrug resistance

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of cDNA

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards

Product description Sample application
Multidrug resistance, the principal mechanism by which many can- Quantification of MRPc DNA using an ABI PRISM 7000 SDS. Saturation
cers develop resistance to chemotherapy drugs, is a major factor in curves. The data represent the amplification of the ready-to-use MRP
the failure of many forms of chemotherapy. It affects patients with a DNA controls.

2 Human diagnostics
variety of blood cancers and solid tumors, including breast, ovarian,
lung, and lower gastrointestinal tract cancers. As primary candidates
for mediating MDR a diverse group of membrane transport proteins
called the ABC (ATP-binding cassette) protein family has been
identified. Most prominent members of this family are the classical
chemoresistance mediating transporter gene products mdr-1 and
MRP coding for P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated
protein (MRP), respectively. Two test Kits are offered for the detec-
tion of multidrug resistance genes: RoboGene® MDR-1 Kit and
RoboGene® MRP Kit.

Total RNA or mRNA samples prior transcribed into cDNA using
random hexanucleotides are amplified and detected by Real-Time
PCR. The quantification of MDR-1 or MRP is performed using 8
standards. The data should be normalized to the number of GAPDH
transcripts as housekeeping gene.

Product specifications
Starting material
cDNA from human blood or tissue samples

Kit components
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of
synthetic MDR-1 or MRP DNA and amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing MDR-1 or MRP specific prim-
ers, probes and dNTPs

Storage conditions and stability RNA isolation products

After delivery at room temperature store cDNA Quantification kits at innuPREP Blood RNA Kit................................................................................. 68
–20°C. Protect Real-Time reagent mix, lyophilized always from light innuPREP Blood RNA Midi Direct Kit.......................................................... 34
and store at –20°C in the dark.

Order information

Product/ Order Contents Version IvD

Description number
RoboGene® 847-0202001002 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
MDR-1 Kit 847-0202001042 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO
RoboGene ®
847-0202001102 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
MRP Kit 847-0202001142 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO

2.1 Quantitative real-time assays

Tumor research (apoptosis, cell cycle)

ƒƒ Real-time PCR quantification of cDNA

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use standards

Product description Sample application

Deregulation of the apoptotic machinery plays a major role in cell Quantification of MDM-2cDNA using an ABI PRISM 7000 SDS. Satu-
death, cellular transformation and cancer. Amongst other genes ration curves. The data represent the amplification of the ready-to-
MDM-2 and BCL-2 play a role in this deregulation. The oncogenic use MDM-2 DNA controls.
2 Human diagnostics

properties of the human MDM-2 and BCL-2 gene products have

been attributed mostly to its interaction with the tumor suppres-
sor gene p53. High expression of BCL-2 mRNA was shown to be a
determinant of poor prognosis or drug resistance in AML, human
cervical cancer ovarian carcinoma, and Kaposi’s sarcoma. In numer-
ous tumor cell lines and malignant tumors, particularly sarcomas,
the human MDM-2 protein overexpression is a characteristic feature
which can be correlated to poor prognosis. Two kits are offered:
RoboGene® MDM-2 Kit and RoboGene® BCL-2 Kit.

Total RNA or mRNA samples prior transcribed into cDNA using
random hexanucleotides are amplified and detected by using Real-
Time PCR. The quantification of MDM-2 or BCL-2 is performed by
using 8 standards. The data should be normalized to the number of
GAPDH as housekeeping gene.

Product specifications
Starting material
cDNA from human blood or tissue samples

Kit components
ƒƒ Quantitation standard tubes coated with different amounts of
synthetic MDM-2 or BCL-2 DNA and amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing MDM-2 or BCL-2 specific
primers, probes and dNTPs

Storage conditions and stability RNA isolation products

After delivery at room temperature store cDNA Quantification kits at innuPREP Blood RNA Kit................................................................................. 68
–20°C. Protect Real-Time reagent mix, lyophilized always from light innuPREP Blood RNA Midi Direct Kit.......................................................... 34
and store at –20°C in the dark.

Order information

Product/ Order Contents Version IvD

Description number
RoboGene® 847-0202000302 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
MDM-2 Kit 847-0202000342 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO
RoboGene ®
847-0202000402 100 tests ABI 7000/7300/7700 RUO
BCL-2 Kit 847-0202000442 100 tests Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 RUO

2.2 Qualitative real-time assays

RoboGene® HSV DNA Qualitative DNA Kit

ƒƒ Qualitive real-time PCR kit for detection of HSV DNA

ƒƒ detects all types of virusses (HSV-1 and HSV-2)
ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ stably coated and ready-to use positive controls
ƒƒ Low detection limit (10 copies/run)

Product description Sample application
The RoboGene® HSV DNA Qualitative Kit is intended for real-time Linearity of the RoboGene® HSV DNA Qualitative Kit. The study was
detection of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) performed with synthetic, HPLC calibrated HSV DNA specimen (5)
DNA in human serum, EDTA blood, liquor, blister aspirates, tissue on Rotor-Gene 3000.

2 Human diagnostics
biopsies, and swabs of lesions, rashes or ulcer samples. The level
of HSV DNA in different kind of samples can be used in conjunc-
tion with other clinical markers and clinical findings to diagnose HSV
infection and to assess the viral response to antiviral treatment.

During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included
via Extraction tubes DNA_D1 to control DNA extraction and to in-
dicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Qualitative standard tubes
are coated with 2 different amounts of synthetic HSV-1 and HSV-2
DNA, respectively, which must be amplified in parallel. Amplification
of HSV DNA in samples and standards and of IC DNA is measured
independently at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with
different fluorescence reporter dyes.

Product specifications
Starting material
DNA from human blood or tissue samples

Detection time
Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 2.5 hours

Analytical and diagnostic specificity

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 18 non-HSV
positive specimens. Furthermore, 15 plasma samples from blood
donors which have been tested negative for HSV DNA were
analysed to determine the diagnostic specificity. The RoboGene®
HSV DNA Qualitative Kit had a perfect analytical and diagnostic
specificity. None of the analyzed samples gave positive test results
for HSV DNA.

Kit components DNA isolation products

ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC DNA and carrier nucleic acid innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
ƒƒ Qualitative standard tubes coated with 2 different amounts of
HSV-1 and HSV-2 DNA, respectively, IC DNA and amplification
enhancer Order information
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
Product/ Order number Contents Version IvD
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing HSV and Internal control
DNA (IC) specific primers, probes and dNTPs
ƒƒ Taq DNA polymerase and corresponding PCR buffer RoboGene® 847-0207500602 100 tests ABI
HSV DNA 847-0207500604 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
Storage conditions and stability Qualitative
847-0207500642 100 tests Rotor-Gene
The RoboGene® HSV DNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room Kit RUO
847-0207500644 50 tests 3000/6000
temperature except the Taq polymerase and PCR buffer which are
shipped on dry ice. Store the HSV DNA Quantification Kit and Taq 847-0207500662 100 tests Low profile-
polymerase at –15 C to -40°C in the dark immediately upon arrival. 847-0207500664 50 tests Block cycler

2.2 Qualitative real-time assays

RoboGene® BF H5N1 RNA Qualitative Kit

ƒƒ Qualitative real-time PCR Kit for detection of BF H5N1 RNA

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ Stably coated and ready-to use positive controls

Product description
The RoboGene® Bird Flu H5N1 RNA Qualitative Kit is intended for Sample application
qualitative detection of Bird Flu Virus (H5N1) RNA in nasopharyn- Typical amplification run of BF positive control tubes (10,000; 1000,
geal (human samples), cloacal swabs (animal samples), serum or and 100 copies) using an ABI PRISM 7000 SDS.
2 Human diagnostics

plasma samples.

During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included
via Extraction tubes RNA_D1 to control RNA extraction and to
indicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Positive control consists
of 3 tubes coated with given amounts of synthetic BF H5N1 RNA,
which must be amplified in parallel. Amplification of BF H5N1 RNA
in samples and standards and of IC RNA is measured independently
at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with different fluo-
rescence reporter dyes.

Product specifications
Starting material
RNA from nasopharyngeal (human samples) or cloacal (animal
samples) swabs, serum or plasma samples

Detection time
Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 3 hours

Analytical and diagnostic specificity

The analytical specificity was evaluated by analyzing 15 non-BF
positive specimens. Furthermore, 10 plasma samples from blood
donors which have been tested negative for BF RNA were anal-
ysed to determine the diagnostic specificity. The RoboGene® BF
H5N1 RNA Qualitative Kit had a perfect analytical and diagnostic
specificity. None of the analyzed samples gave positive test results
for BF RNA.

Kit components RNA isolation products

ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC RNA and carrier nucleic acid innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
ƒƒ Positive control tubes coated with different amounts of synthetic innuPREP Virus RNA Kit................................................................................... 73
BF H5N1 RNA, IC RNA and amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing BF H5N1 and Internal control
RNA (IC) specific primers and probes Order information
ƒƒ RT-PCR enzyme mix and corresponding 2x reaction mix
Product/ Order number Contents Version IvD
Storage conditions and stability
The RoboGene® Bird Flu H5N1 RNA Qualitative Kit is delivered at RoboGene® 847-0207400402 50 tests ABI
room temperature except the RT-PCR enzyme, 2 x reaction mix and BF H5N1 847-0207400404 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
Mg-sulfate solution, 50 mM which are shipped on dry ice. Store RNA
847-0207400442 100 tests Rotor-Gene
the RoboGene® Bird Flu H5N1 RNA Qualitative Kit incl. RT-PCR Qualitative RUO
847-0207400444 50 tests 3000/6000
enzyme/2x reaction mix/Mg-sulfate solution at –15 to –40°C in the Kit
dark. 847-0207400462 100 tests Low profile-Block
847-0207400464 50 tests cycler

2.2 Qualitative real-time assays

RoboGene® TB DNA Qualitative Kit

ƒƒ Qualitive real-time PCR kit for detection of M. tuberculosis

ƒƒ Perfect analytical and diagnostic specificity
ƒƒ stably coated and ready-to use positive controls
ƒƒ Low detection limit (10 copies/ml)

Product description Sample application
The RoboGene® M. tuberculosis (MTB) Qualitative Kit is a real-time Typical run of simultaneous amplification of MTB DNA and Internal
PCR test which specifically detects the strains M. tuberculosis and Control DNA (IC) using an ABI PRISM 7000 SDS. DNA purified from
M. bovis of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA by target- cultured M. tuberculosis using the INSTANT Mycobacteria DNA Kit.

2 Human diagnostics
ing both the multicopy target IS6110 insertion element and also A dilution series of the eluate (1:10; 1:100; 1:1,000; 1:10,000 and
a common genomic subsequence. The test is intended for rapid 1:100,000; respectively) was amplified by real-time PCR using the
qualitative detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) DNA RoboGene® M. tuberculosis (MTB) Qualitative Kit. The MTB control
from sputum, bronchalveolar lavage, or tissue biopsies (e.g. lymph amplicon was recorded in the FAM channel.

During sample preparation a synthetic internal control is included
via Extraction tubes DNA_D1 to control DNA extraction and to in-
dicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Standard tubes are coated
with a cut-off amount of synthetic MTB DNA, which must be ampli-
fied in parallel. Amplification of MTB DNA in samples and standards
and of IC DNA is measured independently at different wavelengths
due to probes labelling with different fluorescence reporter dyes.

Product specifications
Starting material
DNA from sputum, bronchalveolar lavage, or tissue biopsies (e.g.
lymph nodes)

Detection time
Standard qPCR cycler (e.g. TOptical, Rotor-Gene) approx. 2.5 hours

Diagnostic specificity
Sputum samples of healthy donors not diseased from TB were
analyzed to determine the specificity of the RoboGene® M. DNA isolation products
tuberculosis (MTB) Qualitative Kit, which is expressed as negative innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit.................................................................. 43
result in absence of the target. 10 donor samples were analysed to
determine the diagnostic specificity. The RoboGene® M. tuberculo- Order information
sis (MTB) Qualitative Kit has a good diagnostic specificity. None of
Product/ Order number Contents Version IvD
the analyzed samples gave positive test results for MTB DNA.
Kit components RoboGene® 847-0207300502 100 tests ABI
ƒƒ Extraction tubes coated with IC DNA and carrier nucleic acid TB DNA 847-0207300504 50 tests 7000/7300/7700
ƒƒ Standard tubes coated with a cut-off amount of synthetic MTB Qualitative
847-0207300542 100 tests Rotor-Gene
DNA, IC DNA and amplification enhancer Kit RUO
847-0207300544 50 tests 3000/6000
ƒƒ Sample tubes coated with amplification enhancer
ƒƒ Lyophilized reagent mix containing MTB and Internal control 847-0207300562 100 tests Low profile-Block
DNA (IC) specific primers and probes 847-0207300564 50 tests cycler
ƒƒ Taq DNA polymerase and corresponding PCR buffer
847-0207300552 100 tests
SmartCycler® RUO
Storage conditions and stability 847-0207300554 50 tests
The RoboGene® MTB DNA Quantification Kit is delivered at room 847-0207300532 100 tests
temperature except the Taq polymerase and PCR buffer which are LightCycler™ RUO
847-0207300534 50 tests
shipped on dry ice. Store the MTB DNA Quantification Kit and Taq
polymerase at –15 C to -40°C in the dark immediately upon arrival. 847-0207300572 100 tests
Spartan Dx-12 RUO
847-0207300574 50 tests

2.2 Qualitative real-time assays

RoboGene® Norovirus RNA Detection Kit

ƒƒ Detection of Norovirus RNA from stool samples by

real-time PCR
ƒƒ Verification and differentiation of genogroups GI and GII in
parallel with an internal control
ƒƒ CE-certified for use with ABI7500 fast real-time-PCR
ƒƒ Kit contains reaction vessels coated with positive controls
ƒƒ Sample preparation with InnuPure® C16 for up to 16
samples in parallel

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The RoboGene® Norovirus RNA Detection Kit allows the qualita- The RoboGene® Norovirus RNA Detection Kit should be stored at
tive detection of Norovirus genogroups GI and GII in human stool -40°C to -15°C, always protected from light.
samples by real-time PCR. Amongst other genotypes the kit is able to
2 Human diagnostics

detect the currently circulating strain „Sydney2012“ (GII.4).

Using differently labeled fluorescent probes it is pos-sible to differen- Sample application
tiate both genogroups. This enables a first epidemiological analysis of Norovirus reference samples from the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI),
samples without time and work consuming sequencing steps. genotyped by sequencing, were purified with the InnuPure C16
The evaluation of the whole diagnosis process rang-ing from RNA using the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC16. Afterwards extracted
extraction to detection is possible by analysing of the ranging control, RNAs were amplified using the RoboGene® Norovirus RNA Detection
amplified in parallel. Kit. Reference samples comprised genotypes GI.3; GI.7; GI.b; GII.4
(Sydney 2012); GII.2 and GII.g.
The RoboGene® Norovirus RNA Detection Kit is CE validated for use
with ABI7500 Fast real-time-PCR-system in combination with the
InnuPure® C16, applying the innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC16 for
RNA extraction.

1. RNA extraction using the InnuPure C16, including the innuPREP
Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC16
2. Amplification and detection of Norovirus RNA by real-time PCR
using the ABI7500 Fast
3. Analysis and process control assessing the internal control
(Extraction Tubes)
Amplification of RKI-Reference material (bue) and positive controls (red)

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ human stool samples

Detection time:
ƒƒ Amplification approximately 2 h

RNA isolation products

Kit components innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC16........................................................ 116
Extractions Tubes coated with internal control and carrier RNA
Sample Tubes – Reaction vessels coated with amplification
enhancer Order information
Positive controls – Reaction vessels coated with Norovirus GI Order number Contents IVD
and GII positive control RNA (3 different concentrations, each) and
847-0207400684 50 tests CE
internal control RNA
Reagent Mix containing all Norovirus and IC specific Primers and 847-0207400682 100 tests CE
RT-PCR-Enzyme-Mix, water, optical tape and Manual

2.3 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE Bordetella Assay

ƒƒ Molecular detection system for Bordetella, including

B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica
ƒƒ Detection is based on RAH technology (Rapid Amplifica-
tion and Hybridization)
ƒƒ Includes all of the reagents needed
ƒƒ Comes with protocols for rapid and standard
PCR thermal cyclers

Product description Kit components
The rapidSTRIPE Bordetella Assay is a detection system for Borde- PCR tubes, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR buffer, PCR-
tella in nasopharyngeal and throat swabs. Based on RAH technol- grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample
ogy, the assay is used to detect B. pertussis, B. parapertussis vessel

2 Human diagnostics
and B. brochiseptica with certainty in a reaction. The rapidSTRIPE
Bordetella Assay also comes with all of the reagents needed for
the combined amplification/hybridization reaction and for analyzing Storage conditions and stability
the results on a lateral flow strip (LFS). The user-friendly test strip is PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Bordetella assay will remain
stable over long periods and can be archived for documenting results. stable for 6 months if stored at -20°C. Repeated freezing and thawing
will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents and should
be avoided.

Process sequence 3’ 5’ Sample application

1. Standard or rapidPCR 5’ 3’
To use the rapidSTRIPE Bordetella Assay, the first step was to isolate
with tag-marked primer the DNA from a throat swab (innuPREP DNA Mini kit). The extracted
2. Hybridization with nucleic acid was then diluted to different levels and introduced into
5’ 3’
sequence-specific the specific RAH reaction. The hybridization products were subse-
antigen-marked probe quently visualized on a lateral flow strip (LFS).
3. Detection on a lateral
flow strip (LFS) via
an antigen-antibody
interaction Strip 1: Undiluted
1 2 3 4 5 6 Strip 2: Dilution 1:10
Strip 3: Dilution 1:100
Strip 4: Dilution 1:1.000
Strip 5: Dilution 1:10.000
Product specifications Strip 6: Negative control
Performance characteristics:
ƒƒ Detection of B. pertussis, B. bronchioseptica and B. parapertussis
ƒƒ No cross-reaction with human DNA.
ƒƒ Over 200 repetitions of the same samples with various kit
batches yield 100% reproducible results

Starting material:
Nasopharyngeal or throat swabs

Time required for amplification and hybridization (RAH):

ƒƒ rapidPCR (SpeedCycler²): approx. 50 min
ƒƒ Standard PCR: approx. 2 – 2.5 h, depending on the thermal cycler

Detection time:
Approx. 10 – 20 minutes

Sensitivity: Order information

The assay was compared to conventional PCR for the same gene
Order number Quantity
segment, and sensitivity was found to be comparable for both
methods. The rapidSTRIPE Pertussis assay is recommended as a 845-IV-1300010 10 reactions
means of further narrowing down detection of Bordetella to 845-IV-1300025 25 reactions
B. pertussis. 845-IV-1300050 50 reactions

2.3 Endpoint detection

le c t ed pro g ew
se us

rapidSTRIPE Pertussis Assay



für die
for in

tic -v

o-D itr o
iagnos -Di

ƒƒ CE-IVD certified, ready-to-use assays for fast, highly sensi-

tive detection of pertussis
ƒƒ Includes optimized reagents for DNA extraction, for the am-
plification and hybridization reaction and for final detection
ƒƒ Based on highly specific rapid amplification and hybridiza-
tion (RAH) technology
ƒƒ Designed for use with a standard or rapid PCR thermal

Product description Kit components

The rapidSTRIPE Pertussis Assay is a complete, highly sensitive Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions, Elu-
system for detecting Bordetella pertussis in human sample material tion Buffer, Spin Filter, Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, plastic PCR sup-
(nasopharyngeal or throat swabs). The kit contains the reagents plies, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR buffer, PCR-grade
2 Human diagnostics

needed for manually extracting DNA using proven Spin Filter H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample containers
technology, as well as solutions for the amplification/hybridization
reaction and accessories for final detection using sensitive lateral
flow strips. The appearance of a test line confirms the presence of Storage conditions and stability
pertussis-positive amplification products. The strips also include a PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Pertussis Assay will remain
control line indicating whether the strips are working properly. The stable for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and
kit is CE-IVD certified, which makes it approved for human diagnos- thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents
tic applications. and should be avoided. Store lyophilized Proteinase K and the test
strips (including running buffer) at 4 °C. Once the Proteinase K has
been solubilized, it should be stored in aliquots at –20 °C, because
Procedure 3’ 5’ repeated freezing and thawing will significantly reduce its activity.
1. Perform PCR using a 5’ 3’
tag-labelled primer
2. Hybridize with Sample application
5’ 3’
antigen-tagged probe The rapidSTRIPE Pertussis Assay was used to first isolate DNA
3. Detect on a lateral from a nasopharyngeal swab sample. The combined amplification/
flow strip (LFS) hybridization reaction was then performed in the AlphaSC® on a va-
riety of different dilutions of the starting template. In the final step,
the amplification products were loaded onto lateral flow strips
and analyzed.
Product specifications
Performance characteristics: Order information
ƒƒ Detection of B. pertussis DNA (target sequence IS481) in swab
samples (throat, nasopharyngeal tract)
ƒƒ No cross-reactions with B. bronchioseptica, B. parapertussis or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
human DNA
ƒƒ Repeatedly testing the same sample over 200 times with differ-
ent kits produced 100 % reproducible results

Starting material:
Nasopharyngeal or throat swabs

Time required for amplification and hybridization (RAH):

ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler  ²): approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Standard PCR: depends on thermal cycler, approx. 2 – 2.5 hours
Strip 1: Undiluted, strip 2: 1:10 dilution, strip 3: 1:100 dilution,
Detection time: strip 4: 1:1,000 dilution, strip 5: 1:10,000 dilution, strip 6: 1:100,000
dilution, strip 7: Negative control
Approx. 10 – 20 minutes

The target sequence IS481 is found over 50 times in the genome Order number Quantity
of B. pertussis, which results in a highly sensitive test. Sensitivity 845-IV-1100010 10 reactions
was found to be comparable when compared to conventional PCR
845-IV-1100025 25 reactions
for the same gene segment.
845-IV-1100050 50 reactions

2.3 Endpoint detection

le c t ed pro g ew
se us

rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Detection Assay | rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Assay - KF



für die
for in

tic -v

o-D itr o
iagnos -Di

ƒƒ CE-IVD certified, ready-to-use assays for rapid, highly sensi-

tive detection of influenza A, H1N1 subtype (swine flu)
ƒƒ Includes optimized reagents for automatic RNA extraction
(only for the rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Assay - KF), RT-PCR,
PCR amplification and final detection
ƒƒ Based on highly specific rapid amplification and hybridiza-
tion (RAH) technology
ƒƒ Optimized for standard and rapid PCR

Product description Product specifications
The rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Detection Assay and the rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Performance characteristics:
Assay - KF are ready-to-use kits for highly sensitive detection of The performance characteristics of the method were established
A/H1N1 from throat or nasal swabs. The kits contain all of the solu- using tests of cultured viral material (A/California/04/2009,

2 Human diagnostics
tions and plastic materials required for upstream cDNA synthesis, A/Hamburg/4/2009); over 200 patient samples were prepared.
for a combined amplification and hybridization reaction using a The TaqMan® real-time PCR [1] method published and validated by
sequence-specific probe and for final detection on a lateral flow the Robert-Koch Institute was used as the standard comparison
strip. Both assays are approved for in-vitro diagnostic applications. method.
Results from visual detection (strip test) were comparable to those
from traditional, established TaqMan® real-time PCR for the same rapid PCR Standard PCR
gene segment. (AlphaSC®) (TProfessional)

Diagnostic specificity:
Includes RNA extraction: rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Assay - KF 97 % 90 %
(NC/(NC + FP) × 100 %)*
The rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Assay - KF also includes an optimized extrac-
Diagnostic sensitivity:
tion and purification chemistry that has been tailored for compat- 88 % 85 %
(PC/(PC + FN) × 100 %)*
ibility with the KingFisher ® ml and KingFisher ® FLEX automated
Negative predictive value:
extraction systems. RNA isolation is based on Analytik Jena’s 89 % 83 %
(NC/(NC + FN) × 100 %)*
patented DC technology and on the proven method of magnetic
Positive predictive value:
particle separation. 97 % 91 %
(PC/(PC + FP) × 100 %)*

* NC-negative control, PC-positive control, FN-false negative, FP-false positive


3’ 5’ Starting material:
Throat or nasal swabs
5’ 3’
Time required for cDNA synthesis, amplification and
ƒƒ cDNA synthesis: approx. 30 minutes
5’ 3’ ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler  ²): approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Standard PCR: Depends on thermal cycler, approx. 2 – 2.5 hours

Detection time:
Approx. 10 – 20 minutes

Comparable to TaqMan® real-time PCR
1. Synthesize cDNA (RT-PCR)
2. Perform standard or rapid PCR using tag-labelled primer
3. Hybridize using sequence-specific, antigen-tagged probe Kit components
(perform in the same vessel along with reaction 2) Plastic and reagents for isolating RNA with a KingFisher ® instrument
4. Antigen/antibody interaction for detection on a lateral flow (only for rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Assay - KF), PCR plastic, positive control,
strip (LFS) primer, probe, dNTPs, RT enzyme, RT buffer, DDT, PCR buffer,
PCR-grade H 2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer,
sample containers

2.3 Endpoint detection

Storage conditions and stability No. Dilution Cell count Ct values LFS
PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Detection Assay and/ 1 1:2 1.8 × 106 26.5 Positive
or rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Assay - KF will remain stable for 6 months if 2 1 : 20 1.8 × 105 29.1 Positive

stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and thawing will significantly 3 1 : 200 1.8 × 10 4 33.0 Positive
4 1 : 2,000 1.8 × 103 35.4 Positive
reduce the activity of individual reagents and should be avoided.
5 1 : 20,000 1.8 × 102 38.7 Negative
Store test strips and running buffer in a dry place at 4 °C.
6–9 Negative samples – No Ct Negative
NTC NTC – No Ct Negative

Sample application
[1] TaqMan® real-time PCR for detecting the HA gene of porcine
Comparing the performance of the two methods showed the sensi-
influenza A/ H1N1 viruses (new flu) by the Robert-Koch-Institut, NRZ
tivity of the rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Detection Assay to be comparable to Influenza on 5/20/2009

that of TaqMan® real-time PCR.

RNA isolation products

innuPREP Virus RNA Kit................................................................................... 73
innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit....................................................................... 74
2 Human diagnostics

Fluorescence (dR)

“rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Test for Detection of the Pandemic Swine Origin
Influenza A (H1N1) Virus”; Pranav Patel, Elmara Graser, Stephan Robst, Roger
Hillert, Axel Meye, Timo Hillebrand and Matthias Niedrig; J. Clin. Microbiol.;
April 2011; Vol. 49; No. 4


TaqMan® real-time PCR curves of different sample dilutions (double

determinations), including internal control, NTC and negative material
from test subjects [1]

Order information

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Order number Quantity
For rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Detection Assay
845-IV-1020010 10 reactions
845-IV-1020025 25 reactions
845-IV-1020050 50 reactions
845-IV-1020100 100 reactions
For rapidSTRIPE H1N1 Assay - KF*
845-IV-1010015 15 reactions
845-IV-1010050 50 reactions
845-IV-1010100 100 reactions

Analysis of rapid PCR amplification products at various dilutions of the * Includes certified RNA extraction chemistry for either the KingFisher ® ml or
starting template using a lateral flow strip (LFS); includes NTC and the KingFisher ® FLEX.
negative material from test subjects

2.3 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE Influenza A/B Assay

ƒƒ Ready-to-use assay for sensitive, highly specific detection

of influenza A and influenza B
ƒƒ Optimized for use with unique rapid PCR technology and a
standard PCR thermal cycler
ƒƒ Extremely easy to use and saves substantial time: total test
duration is just 1.5 hours

Product description Kit components
The rapidSTRIPE Influenza A/B Assay is a PCR-based detection Plastic PCR supplies, positive control, primers, probe, dNTPs, RT
system for viral RNA from influenza A and influenza B. Following enzyme, RT buffer, DDT, PCR buffer, PCR-grade H2O, polymerase,
cDNA synthesis, the target is introduced to two separate amplifi- lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample containers

2 Human diagnostics
cation and hybridization reaction mixtures and processed with a
PCR program. Final detection proceeds on a lateral flow strip (via
integrated antigen-antibody interaction) and takes only 10 – 20 min- Storage conditions and stability
utes. The appearance of a test line confirms positive samples. The PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Influenza A/B Assay will
rapidSTRIPE Influenza A/B Assay contains all of the reagents and remain stable for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freez-
consumables needed for cDNA synthesis, for the combined amplifi- ing and thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual
cation/hybridization reaction and for detection. reagents and should be avoided. Store test strips and running
buffer in a dry place at 4 °C.

Sample application
3’ 5’
The rapidSTRIPE Influenza A/B Assay was compared with a tradi-
5’ 3’ tional TaqMan® real-time PCR in 2 dilution series. The sensitivities of
each method were found to be comparable.

5’ 3’
Intensity [I]

1. Synthesize cDNA (RT-PCR)

2a. Perform standard or rapid PCR with tag-labelled primers for
influenza A and B
2b. Hybridize using a sequence-specific, antigen-tagged probe for Detection of influenza A and NTC: TaqMan® real-time PCR curves
influenza A and B (perform in the same vessel along with showing various sample dilutions
reaction 2a)
3. Perform detection on a lateral flow strip (LFS) via antigen/
antibody interaction 1

Product specifications
Starting material:
Throat or nasal swabs

Time required for cDNA synthesis, amplification and Analysis of rapid PCR amplification products at various dilutions of the
hybridization: starting template using a lateral flow strip (LFS) for detecting influenza A
ƒƒ cDNA synthesis: approx. 30 minutes
ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler  ²): approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Standard PCR: Depends on thermal cycler, approx. 2 – 2.5 hours No. Dilution Ct values LFS
1 1:2 24.5 Positive
Detection time: 2 1 : 10 29.6 Positive

Approx. 10 – 20 minutes 3 1 : 100 31.8 Positive

4 1 : 1.000 35.1 Positive
5 1 : 10.000 40.0 Positive
NTC NTC No Ct Negative
Comparable to TaqMan® real-time PCR

2.3 Endpoint detection

Order information
Intensity [I]

Order number Quantity

Influenza A/B Assay Detection Assay*

Cycles 845-IV-2020010 845-IS-9000010 10 reactions

845-IV-2020025 845-IS-9000025 25 reactions

Detection of influenza B and NTC: TaqMan real-time PCR curves

® 845-IV-2020050 845-IS-9000050 50 reactions
showing various sample dilutions 845-IV-2020100 845-IS-9000100 100 reactions

* The rapidSTRIPE Influenza A/B Assay contains lateral flow strips (LFS)

for detecting both influenza A and B on a single LFS. The rapidSTRIPE

Detection Assay, which contains lateral flow strips, running buffer and
sample containers, must also be used in order to distinguish between
3 influenza A and B by separately applying their corresponding PCR
4 products onto two lateral flow strips.
2 Human diagnostics

Analysis of rapid PCR amplification products at various dilutions of the

starting template using a lateral flow strip (LFS) for detecting influenza B

No. Dilution Ct values LFS

1 1:2 18.8 Positive
2 1 : 10 24.1 Positive
3 1 : 100 27.2 Positive
4 1 : 1,000 30.3 Positive
5 1 : 10,000 32.4 Positive
NTC NTC No Ct Negative

RNA isolation products

innuPREP Virus RNA Kit................................................................................... 73
innuPREP Virus RNA Kit - KFml....................................................................124
innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-KFml..........................................................125
innuPREP RNA Virus PLUS Kit-KFFLX........................................................134
innuPREP DNA/RNA Virus PLUS Kit-KFFLX............................................137

2.4 Immuno-assays

Kits for human Alpha-Synuclein

ƒƒ Detection of pathological associated α-Synuclein aggre-

gates, multiple epitopes and total α-Synuclein
ƒƒ Quantification in biological samples (serum, plasma, CSF)
ƒƒ ELISA in 96-well-format containing controls and standards
ƒƒ TMB and ECL format

Product description Storage and stability
Immunoassays for detection of patholgical related forms of α− At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
Synucleins (PATHO), multiple epitopes and differ-ent aggregate
forms (MULTI) and total α−Synucleins in biological samples from

2 Human diagnostics
human, especially for Parkinson and Lewy-Body-Diseases. Sample application
Unique specificity of PATHO kits depends on characteristics of Differentiation between monomeric () alpha-Synuclein prepara-
capture antibody 5G4 (Kovacs et al. 2012). tion and aggregated () α-Synuclein preparation using HUMAN

Process sequence
H 2O 2 +

+ + Synuclein
ELISA plate with
capture antibody

ƒƒ α-sheet aggregates, multiple epitopes or total human

ƒƒ ELISA, 96 well
ƒƒ TMB or ECL

ƒƒ Detection in human serum, plasma, CSF, biological samples
from animal and cell models
ƒƒ Quantification of antigen

ƒƒ Sequentially process for 2 - 48 h

Detection limit:
ƒƒ 100 pg/ml TMB
ƒƒ 10 pg/ml ECL

Kit components Order information

ELISA plates, Washing buffer, Dilution buffer, standards, Conjugate,
Ordner number Product
Staining buffer, TMB or Enhancer solution, Peroxide solution, Stop
solution 847-0104000108 Human Alpha-Syn PATHO ELISA kit
847-0104400108 Human Alpha-Syn PATHO ELISA kit ECL
847-0104000113 Human Alpha-Syn MONO ELISA kit
847-0104400113 Human Alpha-Syn MONO ELISA kit ECL
847-0104000114 Human Alpha-Syn MULTI ELISA kit
847-0104400114 Human Alpha-Syn MULTI ELISA kit ECL

2.4 Immuno-assays

Kits for human TAU protein

ƒƒ Detection of pathological associated P-TAU (P199, P202,

P231), aggregated TAU and TAU total
ƒƒ Quantification in biological samples (serum, plasma, CSF)
ƒƒ ELISA in 96-well-format containing controls and standards
ƒƒ TMB and ECL format

Product description Storage and stability

Immunoassays for detection of phosphorylated forms of human At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
TAU on different positions like P199, P202 and P231, of TAU ag-
gregates and TAU total in biological samples of human especially of
2 Human diagnostics

forms of Alzheimer dementia. Sample application

Specificity of assays depends on specific antibodies to different Human P231 TAU kit was used for detection of P231 phosphorylat-
epitopes as well as phosphorylated amino acids. ed TAU in AD patient CSF sample cohort in comparison to healthy
patient CSF control sample co-hort. Differences between groups
were significant (p=0.01).
Process sequence
H 2O 2 +

+ + antibody
ELISA plate with
capture antibody

ƒƒ Human TAU, P199-, P202- und P231-phosphorylated TAU,
aggregated TAU

ƒƒ ELISA, 96 well
ƒƒ TMB or ECL

ƒƒ Detection in human serum, plasma, CSF, biological samples
from animal and cell models
ƒƒ Quantification of antigen

ƒƒ Sequentially process for 2 - 48 h

Detection limit: Order information

ƒƒ 100 pg/ml TMB
Order number Product
ƒƒ 10 pg/ml ECL
847-0104000110 Human P199 TAU kit
847-0104400110 Human P199 TAU kit ECL
Kit components 847-0104000111 Human P202 TAU kit
Immunostrips, positive and negative controls, washing buffer concen-
847-0104400111 Human P202 TAU kit ECL
trate, dilution buffer, HRP-conjugate, staining buffer, TMB/enhancer
solution, Peroxide solution, stop solution, sealing tapes, instruction 847-0104000112 Human P231 TAU kit
for use. 847-0104400112 Human P231 TAU kit ECL
847-0104000113 Human TAU total kit
847-0104400113 Human TAU total kit ECL
847-0104000114 Human TAU aggregate kit
847-0104400114 Human TAU aggregate kit ECL

2.4 Immuno-assays

Kits for prion proteins

ƒƒ Detection of pathological prion proteins PrPres

ƒƒ Detection and quantification of prion proteins in biological
samples (serum, plasma, CSF)
ƒƒ ELISA in 96-well-format containing controls and standards
ƒƒ TMB format

Product description Storage and stability
Immunoassays for detection of prion proteins from different species At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
in biological samples from bovine, ovine and human. EC approved
post mortem test for detection of BSE in (RL999/2001 EU). Quan- Application

2 Human diagnostics
tification of human prion protein in CSF, blood and brain samples. Detection and quantification of prions in sera of patients for exami-
Purifcation kits with proteinase K digestion für detection of PrPres. nation of significance regarding cognitive disorders. (Breitling et al.

Process sequence
H2O2 + TMB

+ + antibody
ELISA plate with
capture antibody

ƒƒ Human prion protein, Scrapie and BSE prion protein (PrPres)

ƒƒ ELISA, 96 well
ƒƒ TMB

ƒƒ Detection in human serum, plasma, CSF, biological samples
from animal and cell culture models
ƒƒ Detection in Obex (BSE, Scrapie)
ƒƒ Quantification of antigen

ƒƒ Sequential process 2 – 24 h

Detection limit:
ƒƒ 100 pg/ml TMB

Kit components
Immunostrips, positive and negative controls, washing buffer concen- Order information
trate, dilution buffer, HRP-conjugate, staining buffer, TMB/enhancer
Order number Product
solution, Peroxide solution, stop solution, sealing tapes, instruction
for use. 847-0104000102 BetaPrion BSE EIA test kit, EC approved
For purification kit homogenisation tubes, proteinase K with buffer, 999/2001
precipitation solution, solubilisation buffer. 847-0104000103 BetaPrion SCRAPIE EIA test kit
847-0104000104 BetaPrion HUMAN EIA test kit
847-0104300101 BSE sample syringe, EC approved
847-0104100102 BetaPrion purification kit

2.4 Immuno-assays

Kits for special parameters & staining

ƒƒ Detection and quantification of tissue tarnsglutaminase

(TG2), human and murine IgG
ƒƒ Detection and quantification in biological samples (serum,
plasma, CSF)
ƒƒ ELISA in 96 well format containing controls and standards
ƒƒ TMB and ECL format
ƒƒ PCR-ELISA for detection of PCR products
ƒƒ Staining kits

Product description Storage and stability

Immunoassays for detection of tissue transglutaminase, human and At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
murine IgG and FITC/Biotin labelled PCR products are also available
for quantification of parameters wanted.
2 Human diagnostics

Ultrasensitive staining kits based on TMB are useable for ELISA and Application
blot membranes. Quantification of tissue transglutaminase in several mammalian cell
lines using Human tTG Kit ECL (Wolf et al. Anal. Biochem. 2011).

Process sequence
H2O2 + TMB

+ + antibody
ELISA plate with
capture antibody

ƒƒ Human tissue transglutaminase (TG2),
human and murine IgG, FITC/Biotin PCR products

ƒƒ ELISA, 96 well

ƒƒ Detection in human serum, plasma, CSF, biological samples
from animal and cell culture models
ƒƒ Quantification of antigen

ƒƒ Sequential process 2 – 24 h
ƒƒ Staining 5 – 15 min

Detection limit:
ƒƒ 100 pg/ml TMB
ƒƒ 10 pg/ml ECL

Kit components Order information

Immunostrips, positive and negative controls, washing buffer concen-
Order number Product
trate, dilution buffer, HRP-conjugate, staining buffer, TMB/enhancer
solution, Peroxide solution, stop solution, sealing tapes, instruction 847-0104000105 Mouse IgG ELISA
for use. 847-0104000106 Human IgG ELISA
847-0104000107 Human tTG Kit
847-0104400107 Human tTG Kit ECL
847-0104000109 PCR ELISA Kit

3.1 Sepsis

Molecular diagnostics for life-threatening infections
Statistics show that someone dies of sepsis in Germany every
10 minutes, making this infection the third most common cause of
death overall and the top problem in intensive care wards. Also known as
blood poisoning, sepsis is a life-threatening infection affecting the entire
organism. Fast, well-directed treatment is key if the patient is to survive.

Our innovative diagnostic tools help physicians make fast, precise

decisions about the right treatment to pursue.

VYOO......................................................................................................................................... 197

LOOXSTER Enrichment Kit................................................................................................ 200

3 Sepsis

3.1 Sepsis

Multiplex PCR
pathogen detection (Sepsis)

Life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections and their outcome

The challenges in sepsis diagnostics sepsis and consecutive organ failure are one of the most frequent
causes of death in the ICU. Initiation of an adequate antibiotic
VYOO® is a multiplex PCR assay containing a mechanical lysis step treatment within the first few hours of infection is a crucial step for

for whole blood, automated totalDNA extraction and a unique an effective therapy. Today’s gold standard technique for pathogen
patented pathogen DNA enrichment technology VYOO® rapidly detection relies on blood culture and needs 2 to 3 days to obtain
identifies sepsis causing bacteria, fungi and antibiotic resistances results. In addition, blood culture fails to detect non-cultivable
with high sensitivity and specificity. pathogens and is sensitive to antibiotic treatment prior to sample
withdrawal thereby remaining negative in 80-90% of all sepsis
3 Sepsis

Early information for targeted antibiotic therapy

VYOO® Therapy

Blood culture Therapy


VYOO® is approved for In-Vitro Diagnostic use according to IVD Directive

time 7h 48 - 72 h 98/79/EC.

 p to 5 ml whole blood 
Proprietary automated 
Covers 99% of sepsis VYOO®
samples sample preparation on relevant species plus Innovative add-on to conventional
magnetic beads major resistances blood culture, delivering early

 accessibility of fungal and
pathogen identification
bacterial cells > 90% reduction of 
Unaffected by anti-
and overcoming deficiencies
human DNA background biotic pre-treatment

I nternal control of culture based methods
in complex samples

Automated array

Internal control ensures
more pathogen DNA in readout optional
technical validity
PCR reaction

3.1 Sepsis


ƒƒ IVD product for detecting sepsis-related pathogens and

resistance factors in EDTA whole blood
ƒƒ DNA-based detection
ƒƒ Independent of blood cultures
ƒƒ Results available in 7 hours
ƒƒ Recommended for use with special instrumentation
ƒƒ Includes application training at the user’s site

Product description Product

VYOO® Specifications
VYOO® is a diagnostic multiplex PCR method for qualitative Total Cell Lysis

detection of specific bacteria and fungi in patients’ blood when a Whole Blood (5 ml)

systemic infection and/or sepsis is suspected. The test requires

1.0 - 5 mL EDTA whole blood.
In addition to total cell lysis, DNA isolation and enrichment of bacte- Cell Lysate

rial and fungal DNA (LOOXSTER® technology), the system com-

prises highly specific, highly sensitive detection of sepsis pathogens

(via multiplex PCR). Total DNA Extraktion and Microbial DNA Enrichment

The test specifically identifies the following 46 sepsis-related patho- 24 Deep Well Plate

gens (99% of all sepsis-related pathogens) and resistance genes

(34 bacterial species, 7 fungal species and 5 resistances):

3 Sepsis
Bacteria: Acinetobacter baumannii, Bacteroides fragilis, Burk- KingFisher®

holderia cepacia complex, Clostridium perfringens, Enterobacter Multiplex PCR

aerogenes, E. cloacae, Enterococcus faecalis, E. faecium, Esch-

erichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, H. influenzae type B capsule,
Klebsiella oxytoca, K. pneumoniae, Morganella morganii, Neisseria 2 VYOO®
meningitidis, Prevotella buccae, P. intermedia, P. melaninogenica, Pools

Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Mastercycler® S

Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, S. hominis,

S. saprophyticus, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Streptococcus Report

agalactiae, S. bovis, S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, S. mutans,

S. pneumonia, S. pyogenes, S. sanguinis

Fungi: Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. Array Strip

glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis
Array Mate Reader

Antibiotic resistances: mecA, vanA, vanB, blaCTX-M15, blaSHV

Analytical sensitivities (5 mL whole blood):

Bacteria and fungi DSMZ ATCC Sensitivity in CFU/mL
Acinetobacter baumannii 30007 T
19606 10
Aspergillus fumigatus 819 9197 100
Bacteroides fragilis 2151 T
25285 5
Burkholderia cepacia complex 7288T 25416 50
Candida albicans MYA-2876 30
Candida dubliniensis 13268 50
Candida glabrata 11226 90030 30
Candida krusei 90878 50
Candida parapsilosis 5784 T
22019 50
Candida tropicalis 90874 90
Clostridium perfringens 756T 13124 5
Enterobacter aerogenes 30053T 13048 10
Enterobacter cloacae 30054T 13047 10

3.1 Sepsis

Analytical sensitivities (5 mL whole blood):

Bacteria and fungi DSMZ ATCC Sensitivity in CFU/mL
Enterococcus faecalis 20478 T
19433 5
Enterococcus faecium 20477 T 19434 5
Escherichia coli 10806 5
Haemophilus influenzae 4690T 33391 5
H. influenzae type B capsule, 11969 10
Klebsiella oxytoca 5175T 13182 5
Klebsiella pneumoniae 30104T 13883 10
Morganella morganii 30164T 25830 10
Neisseria meningitidis 10036 T 13077 5
Prevotella intermedia 20706 25611 30
Prevotella melaninogenica 7089 25845 5
Prevotella buccae 20615 30
Proteus mirabilis 4479T 29905 5
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 50071 T
10145 5
Serratia marcescens 30121T 13880 10
Staphylococcus aureus 20231 T
12600 30

Staphylococcus epidermidis 20044T 14990 30

Staphylococcus haemolyticus 20263 T
29970 30
Staphylococcus hominis 20328T 27844 100
Staphylococcus saphrophyticus 20229 T
15305 30
3 Sepsis

Stenotrophomon maltophilia 50170T 13637 30

Streptococcus agalactiae 2134 T
13813 10
Streptococcus bovis 20480T 3317 5
Streptococcus dysgalactiae 6176 356 10
Streptococcus mutans 20523T 25175 10
Streptococcus pneumoniae 20566 T 33400 5
Streptococcus pyogenes 20565T 12344 5
Streptococcus sanguinis 20567 T
10556 10

Results from VYOO® validation: limits of detection (sensitivities) Application

for bacterial and fungal (type) strains from the collections at the Results: Optimized software automatically generates the final assess-
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas VA, U.S.) and ment and results report. The following is a sample report showing a
the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ positive result:
GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany). T = type strain
Case number / Patient / ID

Experimental Results
Receipt of results

The analytical sensitivity of individual VYOO tests was determined

® Testing a patient sample with VYOO

Sample ID:
VYOO® test report
Dr. Mustermann · Laboratory · Street · 000 City · Germany

via cell spiking in 5 mL EDTA whole blood (donor blood, WBC =

Test sample 3
Sample preparation operator:
Detection operator:

4.3 – 9.6 x 109/L). Sensitivity lies between 5 and 100 CFU/mL,

VYOO expiration date: VYOO lot No.

12/31/2013 VAS250
Program version Installation date:

1.4 9/30/2013
Title of experiment:

depending on the targets in question.

4 - {2491CC16-DB2E-4AC0-98D7-6C510E13D2C
Computer ID: Windows login:
AM_04A0019 User

Date and time of assessment:

Thursday, November 07, 2013, 1:47:43 PM
Summary: Positive control  Spotting control  NTC 

Positive results, targets detected


Gram-positive bacteria Result Gram-negative bacteria (Fs.) Result

Clostridium perfringens not detectable Neisseria meningitidis not detectable
CoNS not detectable Prevotella buccae not detectable

Kit components
Enterococcus faecalis not detectable Prevotella intermedia + detected +
Enterococcus faecium not detectable Prevotella melaninogenica not detectable
Staphylococcus aureus not detectable Proteus mirabilis not detectable
Streptococcus agalactiae not detectable Pseudomonas aeruginosa not detectable
Streptococcus bovis/sanguinis/mutans not detectable Serratia marcescens not detectable

Lysis tubes; protease; prefilled buffer plates and tubes for lysis;
Streptococcus dysgalactiae not detectable Stenotrophomonas maltophilia not detectable
Streptococcus pneumoniae not detectable
Streptococcus pyogenes not detectable Resistance
beta-lactamase blaCTX-M not detectable
Gram-negative bacteria beta-lactamase blaSHV not detectable

binding, washing, elution, hybridization and adjustment buffers; total

Acinetobacter baumannii not detectable mecA not detectable
Bacteroides fragilis not detectable vanA not detectable
Burkholderia cepacia complex not detectable vanB not detectable
Enterobacter aerogenes not detectable
Enterobacter cloacae not detectable Fungi

DNA beads; plastic materials for KingFisher® FLEX, PCR and cleanup;
Escherichia coli not detectable Aspergillus fumigatus not detectable
Haemophilus influenzae not detectable Candida alb./parapsil./tropic./dublin. not detectable
Haemophilus influenzae type B capsule not detectable Candida glabrata not detectable
Klebsiella oxytoca not detectable Candida krusei not detectable

microbial DNA beads; spin columns; multiplex primer pools for PCR;
Klebsiella pneumoniae not detectable
Morganella morganii not detectable
Comments (laboratory):

multiplex PCR mix; PCR-grade water; array strips; HRP conjugate; Dr. Max Mustermann
Test provided by

000 City, Germany Street

conjugate buffer; HRP substrate; user manual

E-mail: [email protected] Date, Name, Signature

©Analytik Jena AG Program version: 1.4 VYOO is registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG.

Storage and stability Order information

Storage: 2-8°C or 15-30°C (room temperature)
Order number Product
Stability: 10 weeks following preparation
850-100-007-005 5 reactions

3.1 Sepsis

Case number / Patient / ID

Experimental Results
Receipt of results

Testing a patient sample with VYOO

Dr. Mustermann · Laboratory · Street · 000 City · Germany Sample ID:

Test sample 3
Sample preparation operator:
Detection operator:
VYOO expiration date: VYOO lot No.

12/31/2013 VAS250
Program version Installation date:

1.4 9/30/2013
Title of experiment:
4 - {2491CC16-DB2E-4AC0-98D7-6C510E13D2C
Computer ID: Windows login:
AM_04A0019 User

Date and time of assessment:
Thursday, November 07, 2013, 1:47:43 PM
Summary: Positive control  Spotting control  NTC 

Positive results, targets detected

3 Sepsis

Gram-positive bacteria Result Gram-negative bacteria (Fs.) Result

Clostridium perfringens not detectable Neisseria meningitidis not detectable
CoNS not detectable Prevotella buccae not detectable
Enterococcus faecalis not detectable Prevotella intermedia + detected +
Enterococcus faecium not detectable Prevotella melaninogenica not detectable
Staphylococcus aureus not detectable Proteus mirabilis not detectable
Streptococcus agalactiae not detectable Pseudomonas aeruginosa not detectable
Streptococcus bovis/sanguinis/mutans not detectable Serratia marcescens not detectable
Streptococcus dysgalactiae not detectable Stenotrophomonas maltophilia not detectable
Streptococcus pneumoniae not detectable
Streptococcus pyogenes not detectable Resistance
beta-lactamase blaCTX-M not detectable
Gram-negative bacteria beta-lactamase blaSHV not detectable
Acinetobacter baumannii not detectable mecA not detectable
Bacteroides fragilis not detectable vanA not detectable
Burkholderia cepacia complex not detectable vanB not detectable
Enterobacter aerogenes not detectable
Enterobacter cloacae not detectable Fungi
Escherichia coli not detectable Aspergillus fumigatus not detectable
Haemophilus influenzae not detectable Candida alb./parapsil./tropic./dublin. not detectable
Haemophilus influenzae type B capsule not detectable Candida glabrata not detectable
Klebsiella oxytoca not detectable Candida krusei not detectable
Klebsiella pneumoniae not detectable
Morganella morganii not detectable
Comments (laboratory):

Dr. Max Mustermann Test provided by

Tel.: 000
Fax: 000
000 City, Germany Street
E-mail: [email protected] Date, Name, Signature

©Analytik Jena AG Program version: 1.4 VYOO is registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG.

VYOO® test report

3.1 Sepsis

LOOXSTER® Enrichment Kit

ƒƒ Enriches bacterial and fungal DNA from predominantly

eucaryotic DNA isolates
ƒƒ Suitable for up to 300 µg of input DNA
ƒƒ Removes over 95% of eucaryotic DNA
ƒƒ Includes DNA cleanup

Product description Kit components

The LOOXSTER® Enrichment Kit is a sample preparation system for Lyophilized LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles, LOOXSTER® Binding
enriching bacterial and fungal deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) in a DNA Buffer, LOOXSTER® Wash Buffer, LOOXSTER® Elution Buffer; tubes
isolate of predominantly eucaryotic origin. The specific affinity of the with caps, desalting spin columns, collection tubes, desalting bind-
LOOXSTER® protein for non-methylated CpG dinucleotides is what pro- ing buffer, desalting wash buffer, desalting elution buffer, water,
duces the LOOXSTER® enrichment effect. DNA extracts containing a user manual
mixture of methylated host DNA and small quantities of double-strand-
ed genomic bacterial or fungal DNA, are incubated with LOOXSTER® Storage conditions and stability

in the presence of a stringent buffer. A subsequent wash step can be A storage temperature between 2° C and 8° C is recommended for
used for removing unbound DNA. The enriched bacterial DNA is then lyophilized LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles. All other components can
eluted with the aid of an elution buffer. The PureProve concept: follow- be stored at room temperature (15° C to 30° C). The kit will remain
ing suitable processes for reducing contamination with DNA, all system stable under these conditions for at least 6 months. Reconstituted
components are filled and packaged under clean-room conditions. LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles will remain stable for 1 week at 2° C
3 Sepsis

to 8° C.
Process sequence
1. Reconstitution of LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles Sample application
2. Add LOOXSTER® Magnetic Particles to DNA sample, Separation of genomic DNA based on GC-content and cystein-
BINDING and magnetic separation methylation. To demonstrate the selective affinity of LOOXSTER® for
3. WASHING and magnetic separation non-methylated CpG dinucleotides 1.25 µg of each human, Staphy-
4. ELUTION and magnetic separation lococcus aureus and Escherichia coli genomic DNA was mixed and
5. Transfer of supernatant (Eluate) to Cleanup applied to a 1 ml LOOXSTER® chromatography column. Chromatog-
6. Eluate now ready for downstream application raphy was carried out with a 50-800 mM NaCl gradient. DNA was
eluted at conductivities of 19,615 mS/cm (human; 1), 28,465 mS/
cm (S.aureus; 2) and 39,459 mS/cm (E.coli; 3).

1 3 5

2 4 6

Product specifications
Starting material:
Up to 300 µg of predominantly
eucaryotic DNA

Extraction time:
Approx. 75 minutes
Related products
Yield: Magnet rack small for 1.5 ml tubes
ƒƒ No more than 3 µg of enriched DNA MobiLab Order Information............................................................................. 250
ƒƒ The concentration of bacterial DNA in the enriched DNA
depends on the ratio of eucaryotic DNA to procaryotic DNA.
ƒƒ Example: Less than 5% of the human DNA and approx. Order information
50% of the bacterial DNA (E. coli) were isolated from a
Order number Quantity
100,000-fold excess of human DNA in the starting sample.
203-001-0010 10 reactions
Average purity (A 260:A 280): 844-MA205-2 Laboratory Notebook
1.7 - 2.0
4. Food quality control

Food quality control

Are you looking for a highly sensitive tool for identifying and quantifying
Then our innuDETECT and rapidSTRIPE Assays are the kits for you.
Based on real-time PCR or endpoint detection, these kits can detect
even the tiniest quantities of the most commonly occurring pathogens
in food inspection settings.

All of the kits can be used with most commercially available

thermocyclers and real-time thermocyclers.

4.1 Quantitative real-time assays

innuDETECT Salmonella spp. Assay.......................................................................202

innuDETECT Listeria spp. Assay...............................................................................203

innuDETECT E.coli O104 Assay................................................................................204

4.2 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE Salmonella Assay..................................................................................205

rapidSTRIPE Listeria Assay..........................................................................................206

rapidSTRIPE E.coli O157 Assay.................................................................................207

4 Food quality control

rapidSTRIPE Campylobacter Assay..........................................................................208

rapidSTRIPE E.coli O104 Assay.................................................................................209

rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II Assay.......................................................................... 210

rapidSTRIPE Pork Assay................................................................................................211

4.1 Quantitative real-time assays

innuDETECT Salmonella spp. Assay

ƒƒ Highly sensitive, real-time detection of Salmonella ssp.

ƒƒ Patented probe system (rehybridization probes)
ƒƒ Suitable for universal application, both in real-time rapid
thermal cyclers as well as in standard qPCR systems
ƒƒ For qualitative and quantitative detection

Product description Storage conditions and stability

At the heart of the innuDETECT Salmonella spp. Assay is a pat- The components of the innuDETECT Salmonella Assay will remain
ented real-time system utilizing rehybridization probes. Detection stable for 6 months when stored at -20°C. Repeated freezing and
of all Salmonella serotypes is highly specific, and the sensitivity thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents
of the test is comparable to that of real-time TaqMan® PCR. Up to and should be avoided.
10 copies can be detected reproducibly per PCR batch. The probe
system is universally applicable and the assay can be used in
virtually all commercially available real-time thermal cyclers. Sample application
A Salmonella spp. dilution series (1 to 105 copies per PCR batch)
was prepared for the purpose of comparing real-time amplification
using TaqMan® to amplification with the new rehybridization probe.
Procedure Both systems yielded comparable plots and sensitivities.
1. Denaturation:
All DNA molecules in the sample are present in their single-
stranded form. Sam- Cell/ Cell/
2. Annealing/elongation: The exonuclease activity of the enzyme ple initial PCR-
No. probe batch
amplifies the target

1 107 10 5 23,59
DNA and breaks

R 2 10 6 10 4 27,55
down the probe. Q 3 10 5 10 3 32,31
5’ 3’
3. Probe 4 10 4 100 35,64
5 10 3 10 38,83
rehybridization: R
6 100 1 No Ct
Intact probes are Q cycles
5’ 3’ 7 NTC NTC No Ct
4 Food quality control

rehybridized and
fluorescence is Amplification plots from TaqMan® real-time PCR.
measured. 3’ 5’
5’ 3’

Sam- Cell/ Cell/

ple initial PCR
Product specifications No. probe batch
Starting material: 1 107 10 5 24,19

DNA from food samples after standard culturing 2 10 6 10 4 27,45

3 10 5 10 3 31,11
4 10 4 100 34,24
Detection time: 5 10 3 10 37,23
ƒƒ Rapid qPCR (qTOWER): approx. 50 minutes 6 100 1 No Ct
ƒƒ Standard qPCR (qTOWER 2.0 or TOptical): approx. 2 hours cycles 7 NTC NTC No Ct

Sensitivity: Amplification plots from real-time PCR using rehybridization probes.

ƒƒ Comparable to real-time TaqMan® PCR
ƒƒ Detection of 10 target genomes per PCR batch
ƒƒ Detects all serotypes of Salmonella or DNA isolation products
Salmonella enterica respectively blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48

innuDETECT Salmonella spp. Assay: the 16s-23S rRNA spacer Order information
region and/or hyperinvasive locus A (hilA)
Order number Quantity
845-ID-0002010 10 reactions
Kit components 845-ID-0002100 100 reactions
Positive control, primer/probe mix, PCR-grade H2O
Other chemicals needed: SensiFAST™ Probe Lo-ROX kit (Bioline)

4.1 Quantitative real-time assays

innuDETECT Listeria spp. Assay

ƒƒ System for highly specific detection of Listeria spp.

ƒƒ Qualitative and quantitative analysis based on real-time
PCR plots
ƒƒ Use of a patented probe system (rehybridization probes)
ƒƒ Flexible for use both in rapid and in standard
qPCR thermal cyclers

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuDETECT Listeria spp. Assay is a molecular test system The components of the innuDETECT Listeria spp. Assay will remain
for detecting Listeria cells based on real-time PCR. The patented stable for 6 months when stored at -20°C. Repeated freezing and
rehybridization probe system serves as a highly sensitive, specific thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents
detection tool delivering results comparable to those from TaqMan® and should be avoided.
real-time PCR. Both assays are also suitable for universal application
in all commonly used real-time thermal cyclers.
Sample application
The following amplification plots show a comparison between
TaqMan®-based, real-time PCR and the use of the new rehybridiza-
Procedure tion probes. This study was performed by using Listeria ssp. DNA at
1. Denaturation: different concentrations as the target in the amplification reaction.
All DNA molecules in the sample are present in their single-
stranded form.
2. Annealing/elongation: The exonuclease activity of the enzyme Sam- Cell/ Cell/ Ct- Ct-
ple initial PCR- value value
amplifies the target DNA and breaks down the probe. No. probe batch 1 2
3. Probe

1 107 10 5 18,96 19,04

rehybridization: R 2 10 6 10 4 22,33 22,39

Intact probes are Q
3 10 5 10 3 26,41 26,1
5’ 3’ 4 10 4 100 29,6 29,93
rehybridized and
5 10 3 10 33,88 33,67
fluorescence is R 6 100 1 No Ct No Ct
measured. 5’
Q 7 NTC NTC No Ct No Ct

4 Food quality control

R R Q Amplification plots based on TaqMan® real-time PCR.
3’ 5’
5’ 3’
Sam- Cell/ Cell/ Ct Ct
ple initial PCR value value
Product specifications No. probe batch 1 2
Starting material: 1 107 10 5 19,76 20,6

DNA from food samples after standard culturing 2 10 6 10 4 23,98 23,81

3 10 5 10 3 27,79 27,55
4 10 4 100 31,73 31,85
Detection time: 5 10 3 10 35,11 35,27
ƒƒ Rapid qPCR (qTOWER): approx. 50 minutes cycles
6 100 1 No Ct No Ct
7 NTC NTC No Ct No Ct
ƒƒ Standard qPCR (qTOWER 2.0 or TOptical): approx. 2 hours

Sensitivity: Amplification plots based on real-time PCR using rehybridization probes.

ƒƒ Comparable to real-time TaqMan® PCR
ƒƒ Detection of 10 target genomes per PCR batch
ƒƒ Detection of all serotypes of Listeria DNA isolation products
blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48
innuDETECT Listeria spp. Assay: invasion associated protein
(iap) gene Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components 845-ID-0001010 10 reactions

Positive control, primer/probe mix, PCR-grade H2O 845-ID-0001100 100 reactions
Other chemicals needed: SensiFAST™ Probe Lo-ROX kit (Bioline)

4.1 Quantitative real-time assays

innuDETECT E.coli O104 Assay

ƒƒ Molecular diagnostic assay for detecting all

O104-positive E.coli
ƒƒ Flexible for use in all commonly used real-time PCR ther-
mal cyclers, both rapid and standard
ƒƒ Utilizes a real-time chemistry based on the use of rehybrid-
ization probes
ƒƒ Highly sensitive and specific for qualitative and quantitative
analyses alike

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The innuDETECT E.coli O104 Assay is a highly sensitive, specific The components of the innuDETECT E.coli O104 Assay will remain
tool for detecting all O104-positive strains of E.coli. The assay is stable for 6 months when stored at -20°C. Repeated freezing and
based on a patented system of rehybridization probes providing thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents
both qualitative and quantitative information that can be used for and should be avoided.
verifying results. The innuDETECT E.coli O104 Assay is a universal
test that can be combined with all commercially available, real-time
rapidPCR and standard PCR thermal cyclers. Tests parallel to Sample application
TaqMan® real-time PCR produce comparable Ct values. Different dilutions were performed on E.coli DNA (positive for
the O104 surface antigen) and then subjected to real-time PCR
amplification. The following graph shows the plots obtained from
Procedure rehybridization probes.
1. Denaturation:
All DNA molecules in the sample are present in their single-
stranded form.
2. Annealing/elongation: The exonuclease activity of the enzyme
amplifies the target DNA and breaks down the probe.

3. Probe

Intact probes are 5’ 3’
rehybridized and
fluorescence is Q
4 Food quality control

measured. 5’ 3’

3’ 5’
5’ 3’
Amplification plots from rehybridization probe systems.
Product specifications
Starting material:
Sample No. Dilution Ct value No
DNA from food samples after standard culturing
1 undiluted 26,18
Detection time: 2 1:10 29,7
ƒƒ Rapid qPCR (qTOWER): approx. 50 minutes 3 1:100 33,01
ƒƒ Standard qPCR (qTOWER 2.0 or TOptical): approx. 2 hours 4 1:1.000 36,67
5 1:10.000 38,88
Sensitivity / specificity: 6 NTC No Ct
ƒƒ Comparable to real-time TaqMan® PCR
ƒƒ Detects all O104-positive E.coli
DNA isolation products
Detection: blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48
WckD gene from the O104 antigen cluster*
(*Wang,L., Briggs,C.E., Rothemund,D., Fratamico,P., Luchansky,J.B. and
Reeves,P.R. Sequence of the E.coli O104 antigen gene cluster and Order information
identification of O104 specific genes JOURNAL Gene 270 (1-2), 231-236
(2001)) Order number Quantity
845-ID-0003010 10 reactions
Kit components 845-ID-0003100 100 reactions
Positive control, primer/probe mix, PCR-grade H2O
Other chemicals needed: SensiFAST™ Probe Lo-ROX Kit (Bioline)

4.2 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE Salmonella Assay

ƒƒ Highly specific detection of Salmonella enterica

ƒƒ Includes all of the reagents required for the amplification
and hybridization reaction and for final detection
ƒƒ Lateral flow strips for fast, easy yes/no results
ƒƒ Complete test can be performed in just 1 hour

Product description Sample application

The rapidSTRIPE Salmonella Assay has been optimized for fast, Meat samples were first cultured in a Stromacher apparatus, after
highly sensitive detection of S.enterica. The DNA is purified (using which the DNA was purified using the blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.
a blackPREP Food DNA Kit I, for instance) after preparing a standard Various dilutions were prepared of the extracted DNA, and these
culture of the food to be studied. The extracted nucleic acids are were immediately introduced into an amplification and hybridiza-
then introduced into a combined, highly specific amplification and tion reaction specific to S.enterica (rapidSTRIPE Salmonella Assay).
hybridization reaction. If the results are positive, the PCR product An established real-time PCR method was used in parallel to double
will bear a tag and an antigen for final detection on a lateral flow check the samples.
strip (LFS). The appearance of a test line indicates positive results.
The strip also includes a conjugate control, which is visible as a
second test line and serves as a functional check for the LFS. Detection of specific

1 2 3 4 5 6 amplification products
on lateral flow strips

Procedure 3’ 5’

1. Perform PCR using a 5’ 3’

tag-labelled primer
2. Hybridize with

5’ 3’
antigen-tagged probe
3. Detect on a lateral
flow strip (LFS)
No. Dilution Ct values (qPCR) Lateral Flow Strip (LFS)
1 1 : 2 × 102 22.05 Positive

4 Food quality control

2 1 : 2 × 103 24.7 Positive

Product specifications 3 1 : 2 × 10 4 30.5 Positive

4 1 : 2 × 105 37.25 Positive
Starting material:
5 1 : 2 × 106 43.25 Negative
DNA from food samples after standard culturing
6 1 : 2 × 107 No Ct Negative
NTC NTC No Ct Negative
Detection time:
ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler  ²): approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Standard PCR: Depends on thermal cyclers, approx. 2 – 2.5 hours
ƒƒ Detection: approx. 10 – 20 minutes
Intensity [I]

Comparable to real-time PCR


Kit components
PCR plastic supplies, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR An established real-time PCR was used as a crosscheck
buffer, PCR-grade H 2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running (determination of Ct values)
buffer, sample containers

DNA isolation products

Storage conditions and stability blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48
PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Salmonella Assay will remain
stable for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and
thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents Order information
and should be avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry
Order number Quantity
place at 4 °C.
845-IS-1004010 10 reactions
845-IS-1004025 25 reactions
845-IS-1004050 50 reactions

4.2 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE Listeria Assay

ƒƒ Ready-to-use kit for highly specific detection of

Listeria monocytogenes in food
ƒƒ Final results can be available in less than 1 hour
ƒƒ Optimized protocols for standard and rapid PCR
ƒƒ Sensitivity comparable to that of real-time PCR

Product description Sample application

The rapidSTRIPE Listeria Assay is a fast, highly specific tool for The blackPREP Food DNA Kit I was used to isolate DNA from meat
detecting the genus Listeria monocytogenes in food after standard samples that had been cultured in a Stomacher apparatus. The
culturing. This involves a subsequent, specific amplification reaction rapidSTRIPE Listeria Assay was then used to introduce the nucleic
in the same reaction vessel, combined with a hybridization step. acid (diluted to different concentrations) into an amplification/hy-
In the final step, the PCR products are applied to an user-friendly bridization reaction specific to L. monocytogenes. The results were
test strip; the appearance of a test line indicates positive results. compared to those obtained using an established qPCR method.
A second control line (in the form of a conjugate control) confirms
that that lateral flow strip (LFS) is working properly. The kit is ready-
to-use and contains all of the reagents and consumables needed Detection of specific
amplification products on

for the PCR, hybridization and final detection. 1 2 3 4 5
lateral flow strips

1. Perform PCR using a
tag-labelled primer
2. Hybridize with a

antigen-tagged probe
3. Detect on a lateral flow
strip (LFS) No. Dilution Ct values (qPCR) Lateral Flow Strip (LFS)
1 Undiluted 20.9 Positive
2 1:10 24.1 Positive
4 Food quality control

Product specifications 3 1:100 27.7 Positive

4 1:1,000 31.2 Positive
A validation experiment was performed in which the performance
5 1:10,000 35.4 Positive
data from the rapidSTRIPE Listeria Assay were compared to that
NTC NTC No Ct Negative
obtained from classic Listeria monocytogenes detection methods
(samples were cultured and then assessed under a microscope;
duration = 5 days). The following table summarizes the data after
samples had been cultured for 24 hours:
Intensity [I]

Relative Relative Relative

precision sensitivity specificity
Meat products 91.50 % 97.00 % 100 %
Fish 93.33 % 89.47 % 100 % Cycles
Fruits/vegetables 96.33 % 89.66 % 100 %
Dairy products 91.67 % 87.18 % 100 %
An established real-time PCR was used for a crosscheck
Overall 92.30 % 87.90 % 100 % (determination of Ct values)

Detection with rapidSTRIPE after culturing for 24 hours; percentages

derived from a comparison with the classic detection method DNA isolation products
blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48

Storage conditions and stability

PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Listeria Assay will remain stable
for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and thawing will
significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents and should be Order information
avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry place at 4 °C.
Order number Quantity
845-IS-1005010 10 reactions
Kit components 845-IS-1005025 25 reactions
Consumables, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR buffer, 845-IS-1005050 50 reactions
PCR-grade H 2O, polymerase, LFS, running buffer, sample containers

4.2 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE E.coli O157 Assay

ƒƒ Highly specific, sensitive detection of all E.coli O157 strains

ƒƒ Detection system based on patented RAH technology
(Rapid Amplification and Hybridization)
ƒƒ Optimized for rapid and standard PCR thermocyclers
ƒƒ Final visualization of hybridization products on user-friendly,
stable test strips

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The rapidSTRIPE E.coli O157 Assay is a simple, fast molecular biol- PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE E.coli O157 Assay will remain
ogy test system for detecting the O157 surface antigen. The assay stable for 6 months if stored at -20°C. Repeated freezing and thawing
is based on a highly specific amplification reaction (PCR), which is will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents and should
followed immediately by a combined hybridization reaction. In the be avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry place at 4°C.
final step, PCR products are visualized in just 10 – 20 minutes on
a stable lateral flow strip (LFS). The kit comes with all of the compo-
nents needed for detection, as well as optimized protocols for rapid Sample application
and standard PCR thermocyclers. Bacteria from a food sample were first cultured in a Stomacher,
after which the bacterial DNA were extracted using the blackPREP
Food DNA I kit. The SpeedCycler² and the rapidSTRIPE E.coli O157
Assay were then used for introducing different template concentra-
tions into the amplification/hybridization reaction. The figure below
Process sequence shows the results visualized on lateral flow strips (LFS):
1. Standard or rapidPCR 3’ 5’

with tag-marked primer 5’ 3’

2. Hybridization with

sequence-specific 5’ 3’
Strip 1: Undiluted
antigen-marked probe Strip 2: 1:10 dilution
1 2 3 4 5 6 Strip 3: 1:100 dilution
3. Detection on a lateral Strip 4: 1:1000 dilution
flow strip (LFS) via Strip 5: 1:10,000 dilution
an antigen-antibody Strip 6: Negative control

4 Food quality control


Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Bacterial culture after standard food culturing in a Stomacher
ƒƒ Swab samples

Time required for amplification and hybridization:

ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler²): approx. 40 – 45 min
ƒƒ Standard PCR: approx. 2 – 2.5 h, depending on the thermocycler
DNA isolation products
Detection time: innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit............................................................................ 42
Approx. 10 – 20 minutes blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48

Sensitivity: Related products:

ƒƒ 30 – 40 copies in the PCR batch rapidSTRIPE E. coli O104 Assay.................................................................. 209
ƒƒ Specific detection of the O157 surface antigen, which is typical of rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II Assay........................................................... 210
these E.coli bacteria

Kit components Order information

PCR tubes, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR buffer, PCR-
Order number Quantity
grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample
vessel 845-IS-1011010 10 Reactions
845-IS-1011025 25 Reactions
845-IS-1011050 50 Reactions

4.2 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE Campylobacter Assay

ƒƒ Assay for specific detection of Campylobacter strains such

as Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Campylo-
bacter lari
ƒƒ Testing is highly sensitive, fast and very easy
ƒƒ Detection is based on patented Rapid Amplification and
Hybridization-Technology (RAH)

Product description Kit components

The rapidSTRIPE Campylobacter Assay has been specially designed Lysis Solution, Binding Solution, Proteinase K, Washing Solutions,
as a sensitive detection tool for thermophilic Campylobacter Elution Buffer, Spin Filter, Receiver Tubes, Elution Tubes, PCR tubes,
strains after cultivation in a Stomacher. The test system is based on positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR buffer, PCR-grade H2O,
specific amplification of the glyA gene region and combined probe polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample vessel
hybridization. Hybridization products can then be assessed on a
user-friendly test strip, with the appearance of a test line confirming Storage conditions and stability
the presence of Campylobacter in the sample. A second line, the PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Campylobacter Assay will re-
control line, indicates whether the lateral flow strip (LFS) is working main stable for 6 months if stored at -20°C. Repeated freezing and
properly. thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents
and should be avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry
place at 4°C.

Process sequence
3’ 5’
1. Standard or rapidPCR Sample application
with tag-marked 5’ 3’ The blackPREP Food DNA I kit was used to extract DNA from a
primer bacterial cell pellet. The rapidSTRIPE Campylobacter Assay and

2. Hybridization with 5’ 3’
SpeedCycler² was then used for introducing the DNA at different
sequence-specific concentrations as the target of the amplification reaction. The
antigen-marked probe amplification products were subsequently visualized on lateral flow
3. Detection on a lateral strips (LFS).
flow strip (LFS) via
4 Food quality control

an antigen-antibody
interaction Strip 1: Undiluted
1 2 3 4 5 6 Strip 2: Dilution 1:10
Strip 3: Dilution 1:100
Strip 4: Dilution 1:1.000
Strip 5: Dilution 1:10.000
Product specifications Strip 6: Negative control
Starting material:
Bacterial culture after standard food culturing in a Stomacher

Time required for amplification and hybridization (RAH):

ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler²): approx. 40 – 45 min
ƒƒ Standard PCR: approx. 2 – 2.5 h, depending on the thermocycler

Detection time:
approx. 10 – 20 minutes

ƒƒ 30 – 40 copies in the PCR batch DNA isolation products
ƒƒ The following Campylobacter strains are detected: Campylo- innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit............................................................................ 42
bacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48
ƒƒ Specific detection of the glyA gene for serine hydroxymethyl-
transferase from thermophilic Campylobacter strains

Order information

Order number Quantity

845-IS-1010010 10 reactions
845-IS-1010025 25 reactions
845-IS-1010050 50 reactions

4.2 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE E.coli O104 Assay

ƒƒ Quick and simple detection of E.coli O104

ƒƒ Based on the patented Rapid Amplification Hybridization
(RAH) technology
ƒƒ Includes optimized reagents for the amplification/hybridiza-
tion and the final, highly sensitive detection on a lateral
flow strip (LFS)
ƒƒ Ideal for cell cultures and swabs
ƒƒ Optimized kits for nucleic acid extraction available

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The rapidSTRIPE E.coli O104 Assay is used for the specific detection The PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE E.coli O104 Assay are
of all E.coli O104 strains. Initially, the DNA is isolated from the start- stored at -20°C and are stable for 6 months under these conditions.
ing material and used in an amplification reaction which specifically Repeated thawing and freezing should be avoided since this will
reproduces the gene region for the surface antigen O104. The negatively affect the activity of the individual reagents. The test strips
amplification is combined in the same vessel through a subsequent including running buffer are stored in a dry place at 4 °C.
hybridization reaction with an E.coli O104-specific probe. This
reaction format allows the specific detection of those E.coli strains
which have the surface antigen O104 and thus prevents the occur- Sample application
rence of false-positive results as a result of a possible mispriming. Two different reference nucleic acids from E.coli O104:H4 and E.coli
The detection of the hybridization products then takes place using a O104:H21 were used in the combined amplification and hybridiza-
lateral flow strip (LFS). tion reaction (rapidSTRIPE E.coli O104 Assay) using the SpeedCycler².
The final detection of the hybridization products then took place
using a stable, highly sensitive lateral flow stripe (LFS):
1. Standard or rapidPCR 3’ 5’
with tag-marked

5’ 3’
primer LFS 1: Negative control
2. Hybridization with LFS 2: Positive for E.coli O104:H4
5’ 3’ 1 2 3 (Referenz-DNA)
sequence-specific LFS 3: Positive for E.coli O104:H21
antigen-marked probe (reference DNA)
3. Detection on a lateral

4 Food quality control

flow strip (LFS) via
an antigen-antibody

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Bacterial culture after subjecting food to a standard culturing
process in a Stomacher apparatus
ƒƒ Swabs
Products for DNAn purification
Time for cDNA-Synthese, amplification and hybridization: innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit............................................................................ 42
ƒƒ rapidPCR (SpeedCycler²): approx. 40 – 45 min blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48
ƒƒ Standard PCR: Dependent on the thermal cycler approx. 2 – 2.5 h
Related products:
Detection time: rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II Assay........................................................... 210
Approx. 10 – 20 minutes

ƒƒ 30 – 40 copies in the PCR batch
ƒƒ Positively tested for E.coli O104:H4 or E.coli O104:H21
ƒƒ No detection of E.coli O157, O103 and O26 Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components 845-IS-1006010 10 reactions

PCR tubes, positive control, primer, probe, dNTP’s, PCR buffer, PCR- 845-IS-1006025 25 reactions
grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample vessel 845-IS-1006050 50 reactions

4.2 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II Assay

ƒƒ Highly sensitive assay for detecting lectin verotoxin 2

(i.e., Shiga-like toxin or Shiga toxin-producing bacterial
ƒƒ Based on a specific, combined amplification/hybridization
ƒƒ Fast detection on a stable lateral flow strip (LFS) suitable
for archiving
ƒƒ Includes all of the consumables and reagents needed

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II Assay is a ready-to-use kit for spe- PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II Assay will re-
cific detection of the EHEC strains that produce Shiga toxin II. Dif- main stable for 6 months if stored at -20°C. Repeated freezing and
ferent EHEC strains have distinguishing serological properties that thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents
allow scientists to differentiate, for instance, between bacteria pro- and should be avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry
ducing lectin verotoxins 1 and 2 (Shiga-like toxins, or Shiga toxins place at 4°C.
for short). The name is derived from the compounds’ considerable
similarity to the neurotoxic, necrotizing toxin produced by Shigella
dysenteriae. The rapidSTRIPE Shigella Toxin II assay contains all of Sample application
the reagents needed for PCR-based detection and for visualizing The SpeedCycler² was used to introduce two different E.coli refer-
amplification products on a user-friendly lateral flow strip. ence nucleic acids into the combined amplification/hybridization
reaction. After just 40 – 50 minutes, the PCR products were applied
on a lateral flow strip (LFS) and the final result was visualized as a
Process sequence positive test line.

1. Standard or rapidPCR 3’ 5’
with tag-marked primer

5’ 3’
2. Hybridization with
sequence-specific LFS 1 – 2: Positive for
antigen-marked probe 5’ 3’ Shigella toxin II (reference
1 2 3 4 5 DNA: E.coli O104:H4)
3. Detection on a lateral LFS 3 – 4: Positive for
flow strip (LFS) via Shigella toxin II (reference
4 Food quality control

an antigen-antibody DNA: E.coli O104:H21)

LFS 5: Negative control

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Bacterial culture after standard food culturing in a Stomacher
ƒƒ Swab samples

Time required for amplification and hybridization: DNA isolation products

ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler²): approx. 40 – 45 min innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit............................................................................ 42
ƒƒ Standard PCR: approx. 2 – 2.5 h, depending on the thermocycler blackPREP Food DNA Kit I.............................................................................. 48

Detection time: Related products:

Approx. 10 – 20 minutes rapidSTRIPE E.coli O104 Assay.................................................................. 209

ƒƒ 30 – 40 copies in the PCR batch
ƒƒ Positive test results for E.coli O104:H4 and/or E.coli O104:H21

Order information
Kit components
Order number Quantity
PCR tubes, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR buffer, PCR-
grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample 845-IS-1008010 10 reactions
vessel 845-IS-1008025 25 reactions
845-IS-1008050 50 reactions

4.2 Endpoint detection

rapidSTRIPE Pork Assay

ƒƒ Ready-to-use assay based on PCR or rapidPCR, including

endpoint detection on a lateral flow strip
ƒƒ RAH (rapid amplification and hybridization) technology
ƒƒ Simple detection of pork in other types of meat
ƒƒ Low limit of detection: identifies Sus scrofa in samples at
concentrations of only 5%
ƒƒ Includes all of the reagents and consumables needed

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The rapidSTRIPE Pork Assay is a fast, uncomplicated tool for detect- PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Pork Assay will remain stable
ing the presence of pork in other types of meat, and delivers a for 12 months if stored at -20°C. Repeated freezing and thawing will
positive result for pork at concentrations as low as 5%. The reaction significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents and should be
is based on amplification of a sequence specific to Sus scrofa, avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry place at 4°C.
followed immediately by hypridization with a labeled probe. Both
reactions take place one after the other in a single cavity that does
not need to be opened. The final result is visualized by the appear- Sample application
ance of a test line on a lateral flow strip and confirmed by a control The first step was to use the innuPREP DNA Mini Kit in order to
line. extract the DNA from different types of meat, some pure and some
with added pork. This was followed by Sus scrofa-specific amplifica-
tion and hybridization. The final step was to visualize the results on
a lateral flow strip.
Process sequence

1. Standard or rapid PCR 3’ 5’

with a tagged primer

Strips 1 and 2: lamb;
5’ 3’
2. Hybridization with a strips 3 and 4: turkey;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 strips 5 and 6: chicken;
sequence-specific, strip 7: 5% added pork;
5’ 3’
antigen-marked probe strip 8: 10% added pork;
3. Detection on a lateral strips 9 and 10: beef
flow strip (LFS) via

4 Food quality control


Product specifications
Starting material:
Successfully tested for lamb, turkey, chicken, beef and pork

Time required for amplification and hybridization:

ƒƒ rapid PCR (on a SpeedCycler², etc.): approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Standard PCR: approx. 2 – 2.5 h, depending on the thermocycler

Detection time:
Approx. 10 – 20 minutes

Tests conducted on various types of meat (beef, lamb and poultry)
indicated that pork can be detected at concentrations as low as 5%.

Sus scrofa, detection of species-specific mitochondrial DNA Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components 845-IS-1001010 10 reactions

PCR tubes, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR buffer, PCR- 845-IS-1001025 25 reactions
grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample 845-IS-1001050 50 reactions

5.1 Environmental analysis

Environmental analysis
Analytik Jena also offers specific, optimized assays delivering reliable
detection reactions and fast results for applications in environmental

See for yourself what the “Made in Germany” seal of quality really
means—test the assays of your choice today!

rapidSTRIPE Mycoplasma Assay....................................................................................... 213

rapidSTRIPE Bacillus Anthracis Assay.............................................................................. 214

5 Environmental analysis

5.1 Environmental analysis

rapidSTRIPE Mycoplasma Assay

ƒƒ Rapid and highly specific detection of mycoplasmas in cell

ƒƒ Ready-to-use assay consisting of extraction, amplification/
hybridization and final detection
ƒƒ Optimized for both rapidPCR technology and standard PCR
ƒƒ Archivable documentation of the results, stable over the
long term

Product description Kit components

The rapidSTRIPE Mycoplasma Assay is a kit for the highly sensitive Prep A tube, prep B tube, PCR tubes, positive control, primer, probe,
detection of Mycoplasma species in cell cultures. The assay - as dNTPs, PCR buffer, PCR-grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips,
a complete detection system - already contains all components running buffer, sample vessel
(reagents and consumables), from nucleic acid purification and the
amplification and hybridization reaction to detection on a lateral
flow strip. The DNA purification in this case is based on the well- Storage conditions and stability
established Spin Filter technology. A mycoplasma-positive result The PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Mycoplasma Assay are
appears as a violet test line on the easy-to-use strips. In addition, a stored at -20°C and are stable for 5 months under these conditions.
control line confirms the proper function of the lateral flow strips. Repeated thawing and freezing should be avoided since this will
negatively affect the activity of the individual reagents. The test strips
including running buffer are stored in a dry place at 4°C.

Procedure 3’ 5’
1. Standard or rapidPCR Sample application
5’ 3’
with tag-marked primer Using extraction chemistry which is already contained in the rapid-
2. Hybridization with STRIPE Mycoplasma Assay, mycoplasma DNA is isolated from a cell
sequence-specific 5’ 3’ culture in a first step. The nucleic acid was then used in different
antigen-marked probe dilution stages in a specific amplification/hybridization reaction in
3. Detection on a lateral the SpeedCycler². The visualization and evaluation on the lateral flow
flow strip (LFS) via strips (LFS) contained in the rapidSTRIPE Mycoplasma Assay was
an antigen-antibody performed as the final step.

Strip A: Undiluted
Strip B: 1:10 dilution

A B C D E F Strip C: 1:100 dilution
Product specifications Strip D: 1: 1.000 dilution
The rapidSTRIPE Mycoplasma Assay is a molecular diagnostic test Strip E: 1:10.000 dilution
system to detect Mycoplasma species in cell cultures. To do so, a Strip F: Negative control
mycoplasma-specific 16S RNA sequence is detected.
The following species can be detected:
5 Environmental analysis
ƒƒ M. fermentans ƒƒ M. salivarium
ƒƒ M. hyorhinis ƒƒ M. hominis
ƒƒ M. arginini ƒƒ M. pulmonis
ƒƒ M. orale ƒƒ M. pirum.

Time for cDNA-Synthese, amplification and hybridization:

ƒƒ rapidPCR (SpeedCycler²): approx. 50 min
ƒƒ Standard PCR: Dependent on the thermal cycler approx. 2 – 2.5 h

Detection time:
Approx. 10 – 20 minutes

Detection of approx. 30 – 40 copies per PCR preparation Order information

Order number Quantity

845-IS-7000010 10 reactions
845-IS-7000025 25 reactions
845-IS-7000050 50 reactions

5.1 Environmental analysis

rapidSTRIPE Bacillus Anthracis Assay

ƒƒ Multiplex assay for simultaneous detection of the pXO1

and pXO2 virulence plasmids
ƒƒ Easy to use
ƒƒ Reaction volume of only 10 µL
ƒƒ Sensitivity: < 100 target copies

Product description Sample application

The rapidSTRIPE Bacillus Anthracis Assay is a molecular biological Sensitivity was tested by preparing a dilution series comprised of
test system (internal progress control included) for fast, easy detec- 500 to 10 copies of isolated B. anthracis DNA. Lateral flow strips
tion of the pXO1 and pXO2 virulence plasmids. The assay is based were used for detection following amplification and hybridization.
on a highly specific, multiplex amplification reaction (PCR), which is
followed immediately by a combined hybridization reaction (rapid
amplification and hybridization technology, or RAH). PCR products
are then visualized within 30 minutes on a stable lateral flow strip
(LFS). The assay can reproducibly detect up to < 100 copies per
PCR batch. The assay does not detect cross-contamination with
B. cereus and B. thuringiensis.

Product specifications
Starting material:
Bacterial DNA

Amplification and hybridization time (RAH):

Approx. 150 minutes

Detection time: Picture 1: Arrangement of test and control

Approx. 30 minutes lines on the lateral flow strip

< 100 target copies

Kit components
PCR tubes, primer, probes, ready-to-use reaction mix, PCR-grade
H2O, progress control, lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample
containers, user manual
5 Environmental analysis

Storage conditions and stability

The rapidSTRIPE Bacillus Anthracis Assay will remain stable for at
least 12 months if stored in a dry place at room temperature
(14°C – 25°C).

LFS 1: 500 copies LFS 4: 75 copies

LFS 2: 200 copies LFS 5: 50 copies
LFS 3: 100 copies LFS 6: 10 copies

Order information

Order number Quantity

848-MX-1004010 10 reactions
848-MX-1004025 25 reactions
848-MX-1004050 50 reactions
848-MX-1004100 100 reactions

6.1 Veterinary diagnostics

Veterinary diagnostics
With the new PRRSV assays we have a unique solution for fast PRRSV
antibody detection and distinction in the market for a target-oriented
and eradication of contagious, economically devastating disease.

Analytik Jena recently obtained the approval for two new assays for
screening of swine sera for PRRSV (porcine reproductive and respiratory
syndrome virus) antibodies and for evaluation. The new ELISA-based
tests differentiate into PRRSV Type I (Europe-Type) and Type II (North

PRRSV DETECT ELISA.......................................................................................................... 216

PRRSV NA/EU TYP ELISA.................................................................................................... 217

6 Veterinary diagnostics

6.1 Veterinary diagnostics


ƒƒ PRRSV antibody detection in pig sera

ƒƒ Detection of IgG positive reactions to antigens of PRRSV
type 1 and 2
ƒƒ Analysis of max. 92 sera
ƒƒ Testduration 90 min
ƒƒ Possible to combine with PRRSV NA/EU TYPE ELISA

Product description Sample application

The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) Detection of PRRSV antibodies in sera of different origin (n=56 field
causes the most important economical loss in pig industry. Several sera) in contrast to negative sera without antibodies (n=32).
vaccination programs are trying to raise immunity of the flocks.
PRRSV DETECT ELISA detects in sera of pigs antibodies to dieffer-
ent virus antigens and could analyze type 1 and type 2 antibodies
as well as significant differentiate positive from negative sera.

Product specifications
PRRSV detection kit bases on direct ELISA with bound PRRSV
antigenes on plate as mixture of different recombinant proteines
specific für NA and EU type, respectively, that are recognized and
bound by anti-PRRSV antibodies in pig sera. For discrimination of
unspecific reactions in pig sera a control protein is coated onto
plate. Positive control with specific anti-PRRSV antibodies to NA
and EU and negative control without antibodies to both PRRSV
types are used for calculation of raw data. Bound antibodies are
detected using HRP anti pig-IgG via TMB/H2O2 staining.

Approval according to German TSG § 17c

6 Veterinary diagnostics

ƒƒ Approval number FLI-B 609

Kit components
Immunostrips, positive and negative controls, wash-ing buffer con-
centrate, dilution buffer, HRP-conjugate, staining buffer, TMB solution,
Peroxide solution, stop solution, sealing tapes, instruction for use.

Order information
Storage conditions and stability
Ordner number Product
At 2 - 10°C. Shelf life time 6 months.
847-0104000120 Test for analysis of 92 pig sera

6.1 Veterinary diagnostics


ƒƒ PRRSV antibody differentiation in pig sera

ƒƒ Differentiation of IgG positive reactions into PRRSV type 1
and/or type 2 response
ƒƒ Analysis of max. 26 sera
ƒƒ Testduration 90 min
ƒƒ Possible to combine with PRRSV DETECT ELISA

Product description Sample application

The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) Differentiation of antibodies in n=56 PRRSV positive field sera from
could be discriminated into 2 main serotypes, type 1 – EU (Euro- pigs.
pean type) and type 2 – NA (Northamerican type), that normally
could be detected using PCR.
PRRSV NA/EU-TYP ELISA is able to differentiate antibodies in sera
of pigs kann into type 1 and/or type 2 specific if no virus nucleic
acid won’t still detectable.

Product specifications
PRRSV differentiation kit bases on direct ELISA with bound PRRSV
antigenes on plate as mixture of different recombinant proteines
specific für NA and EU type, respectively, that are recognized and
bound by anti-PRRSV antibodies in pig sera specific to NA and/or
EU type antigens. For discrimination of unspecific reactions in pig
sera a control protein is coated onto plate. Positive control with
specific anti-PRRSV antibodies to NA and EU and negative control
without antibodies to both PRRSV types are used for calculation
of raw data. Bound antibodies are detected using HRP anti pig-
IgG via TMB/H2O2 staining.

6 Veterinary diagnostics
Approval according to German TSG § 17c
ƒƒ Approval number FLI-B 610

Kit components
Immunostrips, positive and negative controls, washing buffer concen-
trate, dilution buffer, HRP-conjugate, staining buffer, TMB solution,
Peroxide solution, stop solution, sealing tapes, instruction for use. Order information

Ordner number Product

Storage conditions and stability 847-0104000121 Test for analysis of 46 pig sera
At 2 - 10°C. Shelf life time 6 months.

7.1 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

With every bite of a tick a variety of pathogens can be transmitted to
humans. To estimate the infection risk we have developed a number
of highly sensitive rapid assays to test the appropriate tick for the most
common pathogens.

Why is fast ticks diagnosis important?

Each year we have thousands of cases of meningitis. The sign of the
tick induced disease can`t be treated causally. It often leaves permanent
physical damage such as paralysis or speech problems, the mortality
rate are one percent.

rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay............................................................................................. 219

rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay................................................................................................220

rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay........................................................................................................221

rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay......................................................................................... 222

rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay............................................................................................... 223

7 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

7.1 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay

ƒƒ Test system for fast, uncomplicated detection of

Rickettsia in ticks
ƒƒ Final detection performed on a stable lateral flow strip
(LFS) suitable for archiving
ƒƒ Kit contains all consumables and solutions needed,
including the positive control
ƒƒ Kit has been optimized for rapid and standard PCR
thermal cyclers

Product description Storage conditions and stability

The rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay can be used as a fast, simple, PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay will remain
highly sensitive tool for testing ticks for the presence of Rickettsia. stable for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and
The system is based on RAH technology, which uses a sequence- thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents
specific probe to link PCR amplification with hybridization. Both and should be avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry
reactions proceed in the same reaction vessel. The RAH product is place at 4 °C.
applied to a lateral flow strip in the final step; the appearance of a
visible test line confirms the presence of Rickettsia. The ready-to-
use kit contains all of the necessary reagents and plastic materials. Sample application
DNA was first isolated from various ticks and/or tick species. The
nucleic acids were then introduced into the specific RAH reaction
Procedure 3’ 5’ using the rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay and applied to lateral flow
1. Perform PCR using a 5’ 3’ strips for evaluation. Amplification was also performed with no probe
tag-labelled primer by way of comparison. The resulting PCR products were visualized on
2. Hybridize with an agarose gel.
5’ 3’
antigen-tagged probe
3. Detect on a lateral
flow strip (LFS) A B C D

Product specifications
The rapidSTRIPE Rickettsia Assay was used to test 400 ticks.
Rickettsia-positive results were then sequenced for final verification
and classification. The following species of tick were tested:
ƒƒ Marsh tick (Dermacentor reticulatus)

7 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

ƒƒ European dog tick (Ixodes hexagonus) Lane 1: DNA ladder
ƒƒ Haemaphysalis concinna Lane 3, 7 and 9 – 10:
A B C D Rickettsia-specific PCR prod-
ƒƒ Castor bean tick (Ixodes ricinus) ucts and the corresponding
bands on lateral flow strips
The following table provides an overview of the study results: Lane 2, 4 – 6, 8 and 11 – 12:
Rickettsia-negative samples
Tick species Rickettsia species
Total Positive
R. raoultii (subtype:
Dermacentor reticulatus 36 16
Ixodes hexagonus 1 –
Haemaphysalis concinna 5 –
Ixodes ricinus 358 39 R. helvetica
Total 400 55
DNA isolation products
blackPREP Tick DNA Kit................................................................................... 49
blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit........................................................................ 50
Kit components
Plastic PCR supplies, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR

buffer, PCR-grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, Order information
sample containers
Order number Quantity
845-IS-1001010 10 reactions
845-IS-1001025 25 reactions
845-IS-1001050 50 reactions

7.1 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay

ƒƒ Rapid detection of Borrelia in ticks

ƒƒ Ready-to-use kit includes all consumables and reagents
needed for PCR and detection
ƒƒ Based on a highly specific, rapid amplification/hybridization
reaction (RAH)
ƒƒ Detection performed on a stable lateral flow strip
suitable for archiving

Product description Sample application

The rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay can be used for direct detection of The first step was to use the blackPREP Tick DNA Kit to isolate the
Borrelia from DNA isolated from ticks. The kit contains all of the DNA from a variety of different ticks. A specific PCR was then per-
consumables and reagents needed for the combined amplification/ formed in parallel with the combined amplification/hybridization re-
hybridization reaction and for final detection on a lateral flow strip. action (using the rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay). The PCR amplification
The reaction format thus allows specific detection of Borrelia DNA products were visualized on an agarose gel. Hybridization products
and prevents false positive results due to mispriming. Protocols for were assessed on lateral flow strips (LFS).
detection are available either for using rapid PCR or standard PCR.
In addition, kits that optimize nucleic acid extraction from ticks are
offered as part of the blackPREP product line.
NTC 1 2 3 4

Procedure 3’ 5’

1. Perform PCR using a 5’ 3’

tag-labelled primer
2. Hybridize with
5’ 3’
antigen-tagged probe
3. Detect on a lateral
flow strip (LFS)

Product specifications Lane 1: DNA ladder

Lane 2: Negative control

The rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay was used to examine 400 ticks. 1 2 3 4

Lane 3 and 6: Borrelia-
Positive test results were then sequenced for the purpose of clas- positive samples and the
sifying the specimens by Borrelia species. corresponding bands on
7 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

Lateral flow strips

Lane 4 – 5: Borrelia-
The following table provides an overview of the study results: negative samples and the
corresponding lateral flow
Quantity strips
Tick species Borrelia species
Total Positive
Dermacentor reticulatus 36 2 B. afcelii
Ixodes hexagonus 1 –
Haemaphysalis concinna 5 –
Ixodes ricinus 358 56 B. afcelii, B. garinii DNA isolation products
Total 400 58 blackPREP Tick DNA Kit................................................................................... 49
blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit........................................................................ 50

Kit components
Plastic PCR supplies, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR
buffer, PCR-grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running
buffer, sample containers

Order information
Storage conditions and stability
Order number Quantity
PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay will remain stable
for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and thawing will 845-IS-1002010 10 reactions
significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents and should be 845-IS-1002025 25 reactions
avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry place at 4 °C. 845-IS-1002050 50 reactions

7.1 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay

ƒƒ Assay for specific, sensitive detection of TBE in ticks

ƒƒ Detects European (FSME) as well as Far-Eastern (RSSEV)
TBEV strains
ƒƒ Ready-to-use kit for cDNA synthesis, amplification,
hybridization and final detection
ƒƒ Contains all of the necessary consumables and reagents

Product description Kit components

The rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay is a ready-to-use kit for fast, sensitive Plastic PCR supplies, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, RT
detection of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), including conclusive enzyme, RT buffer, DDT, PCR buffer, PCR-grade H 2O, polymerase,
identification of European and Far-Eastern viral strains. The kit lateral flow strips, running buffer, sample containers
contains reagents for cDNA synthesis, the combined amplification/
hybridization reaction (using a thermal cycler) and materials for final
visualization on a lateral flow strip (LFS). Analytik Jena also offers an Storage conditions and stability
extraction kit in its blackPREP product line that isolates tick DNA and PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay will remain stable
RNA in parallel. This means that one sample can be tested both for for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and thawing will
TBE viral RNA as well as for DNA from bacterial pathogens such as significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents and should be
Borrelia, Rickettsia, Anaplasma and Babesia. avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry place at 4 °C.

Procedure 3’ 5’ Sample application

1. Perform cDNA 5’ 3’
The blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit was used to extract nucleic acids
synthesis from ticks. The isolated RNA was then transcribed in cDNA synthesis
2a. Perform PCR using a reactions, after which the combined amplification/hybridization reac-
5’ 3’
tag-labelled primer tion was performed on several different cDNA dilutions. Products
2b. Hybridize with were loaded onto a lateral flow strip for final detection.
antigen-tagged probe
3. Detect on a lateral
flow strip (LFS) LFS A: TBEV-positive,
dilution 1:100

LFS B: TBEV-positive,
dilution 1:1,000
Product specifications LFS C: TBEV-positive,
Primer sequences have been optimized for the assay and make it dilution 1:10,000

7 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

LFS D: TBEV-positive,
posible to identify European strains of TBEV (FSME) as well as Far- dilution 1:100,000
Eastern strains (RSSEV). The rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay can also be used LFS E: TBEV-negative,
to amplify louping-ill. dilution 1:1,000,000
LFS NTC: Negative control

The assay has been validated for the following TBEV strains:
ƒƒ Tick-borne encephalitis virus, K23 strain
ƒƒ Tick-borne encephalitis virus, Sofjin strain
ƒƒ Tick-borne encephalitis virus, Neudörfl strain
ƒƒ Louping-ill virus
DNA isolation products
Time required for cDNA synthesis, amplification and blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit........................................................................ 50
ƒƒ cDNA synthesis: approx. 30 minutes
ƒƒ rapid PCR (SpeedCycler  ²): approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Standard PCR: Depends on thermal cycler, approx. 2 – 2.5 hours

Detection time:
Approx. 10 – 20 minutes

Order information
Order number Quantity
Comparable to TaqMan® real-time PCR
845-IS-1003010 10 reactions
845-IS-1003025 25 reactions
845-IS-1003050 50 reactions

7.1 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay

ƒƒ Highly specific detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum

following DNA extraction from ticks.
ƒƒ Includes all PCR reagents and consumables
ƒƒ Easily combined with the blackPREP Tick DNA Kit
ƒƒ Stable lateral flow strips used to evaluate results in a
very short time

Product description Sample application

The rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay is a ready-to-use PCR kit for sensi- The blackPREP Tick DNA Kit was used to isolate DNA from various
tive, highly specific detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum. The ticks; the rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay was then used to test for
test is performed using bacterial DNA that was previously isolated Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Parallel detection on the agarose
from ticks using the blackPREP Tick DNA Kit (for example). Nucleic gel consisted of a PCR performed with no hybridization step. The
acids are then introduced into a combined amplification and hybrid- following figures show 4 independent reproducibility studies (each
ization reaction. If the results are positive, the PCR product will be with a negative control) performed on a tick determined to be
detected on a lateral flow strip (LFS) in a final step. A test line will ap- anaplasma positive.
pear in just 10 – 20 minutes, confirming the presence of A. phagocy-
tophilum. In addition, the LFS contains a conjugate control for testing
the reaction and making certain that the strip is working properly. 1 2 3 4

Procedure 3’ 5’

1. Perform PCR using a 5’ 3’

tag-labelled primer
2. Hybridize with a
5’ 3’
antigen-tagged probe
3. Detect on a lateral
flow strip (LFS)

Analysis on agarose gel

1 2 3 4 (no hybridization step)
Product specifications
400 ticks were examined as part of the validation process for
the rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay and tested for infection with Analysis on lateral flow strips
7 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Positive test results were then (LFS)

sequenced to verify the results.

The following table provides an overview of the study results:

Tick species
Total Positive
Dermacentor reticulatus 36 –
Ixodes hexagonus 1 –
Haemaphysalis concinna 5 –
DNA isolation products
Ixodes ricinus 358 2
blackPREP Tick DNA Kit................................................................................... 49
Total 400 2
blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit........................................................................ 50

Storage conditions and stability

PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay will remain
stable for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and
thawing will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents
and should be avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry

place at 4 °C.
Order information

Order number Quantity

Kit components
PCR plastic items, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR buf- 845-IS-1007010 10 reactions
fer, PCR-grade H 2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running buffer, 845-IS-1007025 25 reactions
sample containers 845-IS-1007050 50 reactions

7.1 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay

ƒƒ System for fast, sensitive detection of Babesia following

DNA extraction from ticks
ƒƒ Includes all of the plastic supplies and reagents required for
amplification, hybridization and detection
ƒƒ Based on RAH (rapid amplification and hybridization)
ƒƒ Protocols for standard and rapid PCR thermal cyclers

Product description Kit components

The rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay has been optimized for detect- Plastic PCR supplies, positive control, primer, probe, dNTPs, PCR
ing Babesia DNA. Once the nucleic acid has been extracted from buffer, PCR-grade H2O, polymerase, lateral flow strips, running
ticks (using the blackPREP Tick DNA Kit, for instance), the DNA buffer, sample containers
is introduced into a specific combination reaction consisting of
amplification and subsequent hybridization. Both of these reactions
occur uninterrupted within the same reaction vessel. The final step Storage conditions and stability
involves loading the hybridized amplification product onto a lateral PCR components of the rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay will remain sta-
flow strip. A positive test result for Babesia is confirmed by the ap- ble for 6 months if stored at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and thawing
pearance of a test line. The strip also includes a control line (conju- will significantly reduce the activity of individual reagents and should
gate control) to ensure the reaction is working properly. The lateral be avoided. Store test strips and running buffer in a dry place at 4 °C.
flow strips developed for this assay are stable for long periods and
can be archived.
Sample application
Once the DNA had been isolated from a Babesia-bearing tick, the
Procedure rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay was used to introduce the isolated nucle-
ic acid (various dilutions) into the specific amplification/hybridization
1. Perform PCR using a 3’ 5’ reaction. Final detection was performed on lateral flow strips.
tag-labelled primer 5’ 3’
2. Hybridize with a
sequence-specific, LFS 1: Babesia-positive,
5’ 3’ dilution 1:100

antigen-tagged probe 1 2 3 4
LFS 2: Babesia-positive,
3. Detect on a lateral dilution 1:1,000
flow strip (LFS) LFS 3: Babesia-positive,
dilution 1:10,000
LFS 4: Babesia-positive,

7 Diagnostics for tick-born diseases

dilution 1:100,000
LFS 5: Negative control

Product specifications
The test was used to examine 400 ticks for Babesia infections.
Positive test results were then sequenced to verify the results and
to classify the Babesia specimens.

Tick species DNA isolation products
Total Positive
blackPREP Tick DNA Kit................................................................................... 49
Dermacentor reticulatus 36 –
blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit........................................................................ 50
Ixodes hexagonus 1 –
Haemaphysalis concinna 5 –
Ixodes ricinus 358 18
Total 400 18

Order information

Order number Quantity

845-IS-1009010 10 reactions
845-IS-1009025 25 reactions
845-IS-1009050 50 reactions

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Antibodies and proteins

The epitope specificity of the monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
available from our Proteins and Antibodies product line has been well
characterized. These antibodies react with various antigens, especially
with the proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases.

We also offer recombinant proteins and synthetic proteins for use in

research on neurodegenerative diseases.
8 Antibodies and proteins

Antibodies for human alpha-Synuclein..........................................................................225

Antibodies for human TAU and phospho-TAU.............................................................226

for Beta-Amyloid Antibodies..............................................................................................227

Antibodies prion protein.....................................................................................................228

Antibodies for human Tissue Transglutaminase.........................................................229

Special monoclonal antibodies.........................................................................................230

Product finder Antibodies...................................................................................................231


TAU proteins............................................................................................................................238

Prion proteins.........................................................................................................................239

Beta-Amyloid proteins.........................................................................................................240

Recombinant and synthetic proteins..............................................................................243

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Antibodies for human alpha-Synuclein

ƒƒ Detection of pathological associated α-Synuclein

ƒƒ Application in ELISA, WB, Dot Blot, IHC, ICC, FACS

ƒƒ Characterized Epitopes
ƒƒ AC purified

8 Antibodies and proteins

Product description Units
Monoclonal antibodies (mab) are offered that all specifi-cally for hu- ƒƒ 100 µg
man alpha-Synuclein and well characterized regarding their binding ƒƒ 1 mg
to antigen especially their epitope specificity.
Mab 5G4 recognizes α-sheets of amino acids 47-53 of alpa-Synu- Storage and stability
clein that is described as amyloidogenic rea-gion and pathologic At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
related structure for detection of synucleopathies (Kovacs 2012).
Mab 10D2 binds to amino acids 118-125 within c-terminal part of
the protein and is very suitable for detection of all alpha-Synuclein Application
forms in different applications. Mab 10C3 is reactiv to amino acids Specifically detection of pathologic related structures by mab 5G4 in
98-105. Additionally, polyclonal rabbit anti-bodies to alpha-Synucle- PD L. Coeruleus (picture 1) and MSA (picture 2) without un-specifi-
in are available. cally background staining (Kovacs et al. 2012).

Antibody: Picture 1
ƒƒ monoclonal, polyclonal

ƒƒ mouse
ƒƒ rabbit

ƒƒ IgG

ƒƒ Alpha-Synuclein peptides
ƒƒ Alpha-Synuclein recombinant protein

Purification: Picture 2
ƒƒ Affinity chromatography

ƒƒ PBS ph 7.4 without additives
ƒƒ serum

ƒƒ Western and Dot Blot
ƒƒ Immunoprecipitation
ƒƒ Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry

Human alpha-Synuclein

Cross-reactivity: Order information

not known
Order number Product
847-010200… All mabs are listed in product
finder page 231

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Antibodies for human TAU and phospho-TAU

ƒƒ Detection of pathological associated phosphory-lation

sites of TAU
ƒƒ Application in ELISA, WB, Dot Blot, IHC, ICC, FACS

ƒƒ Characterized Epitopes
ƒƒ AC purified
8 Antibodies and proteins

Product description Units

Monoclonal antibodies (mab) are offered that all specifically for hu- ƒƒ 100 µg
man TAU and well characterized regarding their binding to antigen ƒƒ 1 mg
especially their epitope specificity.
Mabs to phosphorylated amino acids 181, 199, 202, 199/202, 231, Storage and stability
231/235 as well as different TAU antibodies recognize specific At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
amino acid sequences of TAU inclusive exon 2 and exon 2 + 3 are
high sensitive and specific in different immunochemical techniques.
Addi-tionally, polyclonal rabbit antibodies to TAU are available. Application
Specific detection of astrocytic plaques using mab 9D8 (picture 1)
or mab 4C10 (picture 2) in brain of patient with Alzheimers disease
Specifications (Prof. Dr. Kovacs, Vienna).
ƒƒ monoclonal, polyclonal

Host: Picture 1
ƒƒ mouse
ƒƒ rabbit

ƒƒ IgG

ƒƒ TAU peptides phosphorylated
ƒƒ TAU recombinant protein

ƒƒ Affinity chromatography

ƒƒ PBS ph 7.4 without additives Picture 2
ƒƒ serum

ƒƒ Western and Dot Blot
ƒƒ Immunoprecipitation
ƒƒ Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry

ƒƒ P181, P199, P202, P199/202, P231, P231/235
ƒƒ TAU all isoforms
ƒƒ TAU Exon 2/3

Cross-reactivity: Order information

not known
Ordner number Product
847-010200... All mabs are listed in product
finder page 231

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Antibodies for Beta-Amyloid

ƒƒ Monoclonal antibody
ƒƒ β-amyloid spezifical
ƒƒ Useful for ELISA, WB and IHC

ƒƒ Suitable for human and transgenic mouse tissue

8 Antibodies and proteins

Product description Storage and stability
Monoclonal antibodies (mab) are available here the epitopes are At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
well described as well as the reactivity of each antibody in different
Presentation of monoclonal antibody 6D11 which recognizes Sample application
deposits of β-amyloid in brains of Alzheimer’ disease patients and Detection of β-amyloid pathological related deposits in Cortex tis-
transgenic mouse models very specifically. sue of an Alzheimer disease patient using mab 6D11 1:100 diluted.*
The 6D11 antibody appears to be suitable for the detection of
disease-associated β-amyloid in senile plaques and associated with
cerebral blood vessel in brain tissue from Alzheimer’s disease pa- Picture A
tients and from transgenic mouse models with β-amyloid pathology



IgG, IgM Picture B


Affinity chromatography

PBS ph 7.4 without additives

Applications: * Immunohistochemical analysis were kindly performed by group

ƒƒ ELISA of Prof. Dr. Steffen Rossner, Paul-Flechsig-Institute Leipzig.
ƒƒ Western and Dot Blot
ƒƒ Immunoprecipitation
ƒƒ Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry


not known

Units Order information

ƒƒ 100 µg
Ordner number Product
ƒƒ 1 mg
847-0102… All mabs are listed in product
finder page 231

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Antibodies prion protein

ƒƒ Detection of prion protein

ƒƒ Application in ELISA, WB, Dot Blot, IHC, ICC, FACS
ƒƒ Characterized Epitopes

ƒƒ AC purified
8 Antibodies and proteins

Product description Storage and stability

Monoclonal antibodies (mab) are available here the epitopes are At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
well described as well as the reactivity of each antibody in different
techniques. Most of them were used by different reasearch groups
or in actually used diagnostic kits around the world. Sample application
Mabs to bovine, ovine, human or murine prion proteins are high Immunohistochemical detection of plaque-like deposits in peri-
sensitive and specific in different immunochem-ical techniques. vacuolar areas of cortical grey matter and deep nuclei [A] and fine
Additionally, polyclonal rabbit antibodies to TAU are available. synaptic accumulation in some nuclei such as the dentate nucleus
of the cerebellum [B] in sections from a patient with proven clas-
sicform of CJD using mab 14D11.
Antibody: Picture A
monoclonal, polyclonal

mouse, rabbit


Prion protein recombinant

Purification: Picture B
Affinity chromatography

PBS ph 7.4 without additives, serum

ƒƒ Western and Dot Blot
ƒƒ Immunoprecipitation
ƒƒ Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry

Cattle, human, sheep, deer

Between species

ƒƒ 100 µg
ƒƒ 1 mg
Order information

Order number Product

847-0102… All mabs are listed in product
finder page 231

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Antibodies for human Tissue Transglutaminase

ƒƒ Monoclonal & poylclonal antibodies

ƒƒ TG2 spezifical
ƒƒ Useful for ELISA, WB and IHC

ƒƒ Suitable for human and mouse tissue and cell lines

8 Antibodies and proteins

Product description Storage and stability
Monoclonal antibodies (mab) are offered all specific for human tis- At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
sue transglutaminase and well characterized regarding their binding
to specific epitopes on the antigen.
Mab 3C10 recognizes amino acids 350 –359 of human tissue trans- Application
glutaminase (TG2) and is suitable for detec-tion of enzyme within Estimation of in isolated erythrocytes and cerebral cortex of human
several techniques (Wolf et al. Anal. Biochem. 2011). Mab 10F3 as well as liver and cebral cortex of mice. Western blot using mab
recognizes amino acids 457–462 + 389–394 of human tissue 10F3 after separation of 10 μg or 20 μg of protein from tissue ho-
transglutam-inase (TG2) and is suitable for detection of enzyme mogenates by means of SDS-PAGE (Wolf et al. Anal. Biochem. 2011).
within several techniques. Additionally polyclo-nal rabbit antibodies
to TG2 are available.

Monoclonal, polyclonal

Mouse, rabbit

Picture 1
Recombinant protein

Affinity chromatography

PBS ph 7.4 without additives

ƒƒ Western and Dot Blot
ƒƒ Immunoprecipitation Picture 2
ƒƒ Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry


Not known

ƒƒ 100 µg Order information
ƒƒ 1 mg
Ordner number Product
847-0102… All mabs are listed in product
finder page 231

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Special monoclonal antibodies

ƒƒ Monoclonal antibodies
ƒƒ Cyclooxygenase 1 and 2
ƒƒ Calpain 2

ƒƒ HANTA and DENGUE virus

ƒƒ Useful for ELISA, WB and IHC
8 Antibodies and proteins

Product description Storage and stability

Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) are offered specifically to human At 2-10°C. Shelf life time 12 months.
Cyclooxygenase 1 or 2, Calpain 2, HANTA virus (Dobrava, Puumala),
Dengue virus (NS1), FITC, DIG and BSA.
MAk 5F6 is specifically for human COX 1 and can be used in dif- Application
ferent immunochemical techniques. Mab 5E10 recognizes isoform Immunoflurescence of intracellular calpain in bovine lens epithel
COX 2 and is suitable for immuno-chemical assays. Mab 1E8 is cells using mab 1E8 (green).
specifically für protease Calpain 2.
For HANTA virus exist mabs which are specifically for or cross reac-
tive between Dobrava and Puumala, respec-tively.
Antibodies to FITC, DIG or BSA bind spezifically their antigen.
For DENGUE virus mabs are available which recognize C-terminal or
N-terminal NS1, respectively.




Recombinant proteins, peptides, carrier hap-tens

Affinity chromatography

PBS ph 7.4 without additive

ƒƒ Western and Dot Blot
ƒƒ Immunoprecipitation
ƒƒ Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry

See product finder

Not known
Order information
Order number Product
ƒƒ 100 µg
ƒƒ 1 mg 847-0102… All mabs are listed in product
finder page 231

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Product finder Antibodies

Product name Cataloge number Size Tested application Reactive to:


Antibodies to human alpha-Synuclein

Anti-human a-Synuclein 10C3, 847-0102001801 100 µg x x x n.t. human alpha-Synuclein

8 Antibodies and proteins

847-0102001803 1 mg x x x n.t.

Anti-human a-Synuclein 5G4, 847-0102004001 100 µg x x x n.t. human alpha-Synuclein

monoclonal pathological related forms only
847-0102004003 1 mg x x x n.t.

Anti-human a-Synuclein, monoclonal 847-0102004701 100 µg x x x n.t. human alpha-Synuclein

antibody 10D2
847-0102004703 1 mg x x x n.t.

Anti-human tau total pAB 64, 847-0103001001 100 µl x x n.t. n.t. human alpha-Synuclein
847-0103001003 1 ml x x n.t. n.t.

TAU & Phospho-TAU antibodies

Anti-human phospho-181 tau-1E7, 847-0102003801 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 181 (T)
847-0102003803 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-181 tau-8B11, 847-0102003901 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 181 (T)
847-0102003903 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-181 tau-8D2, 847-0102006201 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 181 (T)
847-0102006203 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-181 tau-10D3, 847-0102006201 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 181 (T)
847-0102006203 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-199 tau-1F3, 847-0102003201 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 199 (S),
847-0102003203 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-199/202 tau- 847-0102004601 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
9C8, monoclonal amino acid position 199 (S) and
202 (S), TAU
847-0102004603 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-202 tau-10F8, 847-0102004501 100 µg x x x x PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 202 (S), TAU
847-0102004503 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-231 tau-2B11, 847-0102003501 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 231 (T)
847-0102003503 1 mg

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Product finder Antibodies

Product name Cataloge number Size Tested application Reactive to:


Anti-human phospho-231 tau-5G7, 847-0102003601 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at

monoclonal amino acid position 231 (T)

847-0102003603 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-231 tau-9D8, 847-0102003701 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 231 (T)
8 Antibodies and proteins

847-0102003703 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-231 tau-4C10, 847-0102003101 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
monoclonal amino acid position 231 (T)
847-0102003103 1 mg
Anti-human phospho-231/235 tau- 847-0102004401 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, phosphorylated TAU at
3G3, monoclonal amino acid position 231 (T) and
235 (S)
847-0102004403 1 mg
Anti-human TAU total, monoclonal 847-0102004801 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, TAU 441
antibody 4B5 847-0102004803 1 mg
Anti-human TAU total, monoclonal 847-0102005101 100 µg x x x x PHF TAU, TAU 441
antibody 8F10 847-0102005103 1 mg
Anti-human TAU total, monoclonal 847-0102005201 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, TAU 441
antibody 12C2 847-0102005203 1 mg
Anti-human TAU total, monoclonal 847-0102005301 100 µg x x x n.t. PHF TAU, TAU 441
antibody 18B5 847-0102005303 1 mg
Anti-human TAU total, monoclonal 847-0102006301 100 µg x x x n.t. TAU 441 all isoforms, TAU total
antibody 7E5 in CSF
847-0102006303 1 mg
Anti-human TAU-E3, monoclonal 847-0102006401 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. Exon 3 human TAU
antibody 2B6 847-0102006403 1 mg
Anti-human TAU-E2+E3, monoclonal 847-0102006601 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. Exon 2 + 3 humanTAU
antibody 9E11 8470102006603 1 mg
Anti-human tau total pAB 64, 847-0103001001 100 µl x x n.t. n.t. human TAU
polyclonal 847-0103001003 1 ml
Tau, rabbit polyclonal antibody, to all 6 847-0103000801 100 µg x x x n.t. Recognizes recombinant and
isoforms (rP-Ref: T-1308-1) native tau protein; Reactive to
human, pig, rat. Others not

Tau, DC 25, Mab, to all 6 isoforms 847-0102001901 100 µg x x x x Recognizes tau protein, shows
(rP-Ref: T-1301-1) no cross-reactivity with other
MAPs or tubulin; Reactive to
human, pig, rat, mouse, cow,
rabbit. Reacts with the non-
phosphorylated as well as
phosphorylared tau forms
Tau, DC 39N1, Mab, to 1st N-terminal 847-0102002001 100 µg x x x n.t. Recognizes N1 insert in tau
insert (rP-Ref: T-1302-1) proteins (2N4R, 1N4R, 2N3R,
1N3R); Reactive to human.
Stains pretangles present in the
brains of patients in preclinical
(2nd stage) as well as late
stages of Alzheimer´s disease
(6th stage)

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Product name Cataloge number Size Tested application Reactive to:


Tau, DC 11, Mab to AD Tau (rP-Ref: 847-0102002101 100 µg n.t. x x x No cross-reactivity with MAPs or

T-1303-1) tubulin; Reactive to human.
Recognizes only Alzheimer´s tau,
that is conformationally different
from normal tau. Does not react
with tau from age- matched

8 Antibodies and proteins

control brains or with six
recombinant tau isoforms
Tau, DC 39, Mab to C terminus (rP-Ref: 847-0102002201 100 µg x x x x Shows no cross-reactivity with
T1304-1) other MAPs or tubulin; Reactive
to human, pig, rat, bovine,
rabbit, mouse. Recognizes
C-terminus of tau protein.
Reacts with the non-
phosphorylated as well as
phosphorylated tau isoforms
Tau, DC 4R, Mab to second repeat 847-0102002301 100 µg x x x n.t. Recognizes 4 - repeat isoforms
(rP-Ref: T-1305-1) of tau; Reactive to human, pig,

Beta-Amyloid antibodies
Anti-human ABETA, monoclonal 847-0102006501 100 µg x x x n.t. Beta-Amyloid
antibody 6D11 847-0102006503 1 mg
Beta-Amyloid DC 1 monoclonal 847-0102002601 100µg n.t. n.t. x n.t. all stages of amyloid deposits in
antibody (rP-Ref: A-1301-1) AD brains

Antibodies to prion proteins

Anti-bovine prion protein 4F7, 847-0102000701 100 µg x x x n.t. bovine and human prion
monoclonal protein, PrPres
847-0102000703 1 mg
Anti-bovine prion protein 1E5, 847-0102000801 100 µg x x x n.t. bovine and human prion
monoclonal protein, PrPres
847-0102000803 1 mg
Anti-bovine prion protein 3E7, 847-0102000901 100 µg x x x n.t. bovine, human and ovine prion
monoclonal protein, PrPres
847-0102000903 1 mg
Anti-bovine prion protein 3B8, 847-0102001001 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. bovine and ovine prion protein,
monoclonal PrPres
847-0102001003 1 mg
Anti-bovine prion protein 7B6, 847-0102001101 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. bovine, human, sheep and deer
monoclonal prion protein
847-0102001103 1 mg
Anti-bovine prion protein pAB R10, 847-0103000101 100 µl x x n.t. n.t. sheep, human, cattle, deer and
polyclonal mouse prion protein
847-0103000103 1 ml
Anti-bovine prion protein pAB M01, 847-0103000401 100 µl x x n.t. n.t. bovine and human prion protein
847-0103000403 1 ml
Anti-human prion protein 5C4, 847-0102001201 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human, cattle, sheep and deer
monoclonal prion protein
847-0102001203 1 mg

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Product finder Antibodies

Product name Cataloge number Size Tested application Reactive to:


Anti-human prion protein 1E2, 847-0102001301 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human and cattle prion protein

847-0102001303 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 15B6, 847-0102001401 100 µg n.t. x n.t. n.t. human and cattle prion protein
8 Antibodies and proteins

847-0102001403 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 6G3, 847-0102001501 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human, cattle, sheep and deer
monoclonal prion protein
847-0102001503 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 5B9, 847-0102001601 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human and bovine prion protein
847-0102001603 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 3F3, 847-0102003301 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human and bovine prion protein
847-0102003303 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 15F5, 847-0102003401 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human and bovine prion protein
847-0102003403 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 6E2, 847-0102004101 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human and cattle prion protein
847-0102004103 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 7D5, 847-0102004201 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human and cattle prion protein
847-0102004203 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 5G11, 847-0102004301 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. human and cattle prion protein
847-0102004303 1 mg
Anti-human prion protein 14D11, 847-0102001704 50 µg x x x n.t. human, sheep and cattle prion
monoclonal protein
Anti-human prion protein pAB M02, 847-0103000501 100 µl x x n.t. n.t. cattle, human, sheep, deer and
polyclonal mouse prion protein
847-0103000503 1 ml
Anti-mouse prion protein T188, 847-0102002701 100 µg x x x n.t. murine and ovine prion protein
847-0102002703 1 mg
Anti-mouse prion potein T325, 847-0102002801 100 µg n.t. x x n.t. murine, cervid, bovine and
monoclonal ovine prion protein
847-0102002803 1 mg
Anti-ovine prion protein 683, 847-0102002901 100 µg x x x n.t. "PrP of murine sequence and
monoclonal ovine PrP sequences other than
the ARR genotype"
847-0102002903 1 mg
Anti-ovine prion protein A516, 847-0102003001 100 µg x x x n.t. ovine and murine prion protein
847-0102003003 1 mg
Anti-sheep prion protein pAB M03, 847-0103000601 100 µl x x n.t. n.t. sheep, human, cattle and deer
polyclonal prion protein
847-0103000603 1 ml

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Product name Cataloge number Size Tested application Reactive to:


Anti-deer prion protein pAB M04, 847-0103000701 100 µl x x n.t. n.t. sheep, human, cattle and deer

polyclonal prion protein

847-0103000703 1 ml

tTG Antibodies

8 Antibodies and proteins

Anti-human tissue transglutaminase 847-0102004901 100 µg x x x x human tissue transglutaminase
(TG2), monoclonal antibody 3C10
847-0102004903 1 mg
Anti-human tissue transglutaminase 847-0102005001 100 µg x x x x human tissue transglutaminase
(TG2), monoclonal antibody 10F3
847-0102005003 1 mg
Anti-human tissue transglutaminase 847-0103000201 100 µl x x x x human tissue transglutaminase
pAB R08, polyclonal
847-0103000203 1 ml
Anti-human tissue transglutaminase 847-0103000301 100 µl n.t. x n.t. x human tissue transglutaminase
pAB R24, polyclonal
847-0103000303 1 ml

Other Antibodies
Anti-Cyclooxygenase-1 5F6, 847-0102000101 100 µg x x x n.t. COX-1 from human, mouse, rat;
847-0102000103 1 mg
Anti-Cyclooxygenase-2 5E10, 847-0102000201 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. COX-2 from human, mouse, rat
847-0102000203 1 mg
Anti-Calpain-2 1E8, monoclonal 847-0102000601 100 µg x x x x Calpain-2 from cattle and
847-0102000603 1 mg
Anti-HANTA Puumala 7C10, 847-0102005401 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. HANTA virus protein strain
monoclonal Puumala
847-0102005403 1 mg
Anti-HANTA Puumala 10G11, 847-0102005501 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. HANTA virus protein strain
monoclonal Puumala
847-0102005503 1 mg
Anti-HANTA Puumala 1D11, 847-0102005601 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. HANTA virus protein strain
monoclonal Puumala
847-0102005603 1 mg
Anti-HANTA Dobrava 8F10, monoclonal 847-0102005701 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. HANTA virus protein strain
847-0102005703 1 mg
Anti-HANTA Dobrava 4B7, monoclonal 847-0102005801 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. HANTA virus protein strain
847-0102005803 1 mg
Anti-HANTA 5D8, monoclonal 847-0102005901 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. HANTA virus protein strains
Dobrava and Puumala
847-0102005903 1 mg
Anti-FITC 7F4, monoclonal 847-0102006001 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. FITC, PCR products and proteins
labelled with FITC
847-0102006003 1 mg

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Product finder Antibodies

Product name Cataloge number Size Tested application Reactive to:


Anti-DIG, monoclonal antibody 11C8 847-0102006701 100 µg x n.t. n.t. n.t. Digoxygenin

847-0102006703 1 mg
Anti-Dengue NS1, monoclonal 847-0102006801 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. NS1 protein Dengue-virus type
antibody 4B2 847-0102006803 1 mg 2, C-terminal

Anti-Dengue NS1, monoclonal 847-0102006901 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. NS1 protein Dengue-virus type
8 Antibodies and proteins

antibody 6B2 847-0102006903 1 mg 2, N-terminal

Anti-Dengue NS1, monoclonal 847-0102007001 100 µg x x n.t. n.t. NS1 protein Dengue-virus type
antibody 5C3 847-0102007003 1 mg 2, N-terminal

GFAP, DC 47, Mab 847-0102002401 100 µg n.t. x n.t. x Recognizes glial fibrillary acidic
protein; Reactive to human, rat.
DC47 recognizes both fibrous
and protoplasmic astrocytes in
the rat and human brain tissues.
Mouse Anti-Beta-Tubulin, DC 126, Mab 847-0102002501 100 µg x x n.t. x Recognizes beta tubulin;
Reactive to human, pig.

8.1 Antibodies and proteins


8 Antibodies and proteins
Product description
Recombinant Synuclein proteins are offered for use in research e. g.
aggregation experiments or analysis of Lewy body disease pathology.

Specifications and order information

Product Description Catalogue no. Size Reference

Alpha-Synuclein 847-0101005402 0.5 mg S-1001-1
Alpha-Synuclein 847-0101005403 1.0 mg S-1001-2
Alpha-Synuclein, 1 – 60 847-0101005502 0.5 mg S-1011-1
Alpha-Synuclein, 1 – 95 847-0101005602 0.5 mg S-1012-1
Alpha-Synuclein, 61 – 140 847-0101005702 0.5 mg S-1013-1
Alpha-Synuclein, 96 – 140 847-0101005802 0.5 mg S-1014-1
Alpha-Synuclein, A53T mutant 847-0101005902 0.5 mg S-1002-1
Alpha-Synuclein, A53T mutant 847-0101005903 1.0 mg S-1002-2
Alpha-Synuclein, A30P mutant 847-0101006002 0.5 mg S-1005-1
Alpha-Synuclein, A30P mutant 847-0101006003 1.0 mg S-1005-2
Alpha-Synuclein, A30P, A53T mutant 847-0101006102 0.5 mg S-1006-1
Alpha-Synuclein, A30P, A53T mutant 847-0101006103 1.0 mg S-1006-2
Alpha-Synuclein, E46K mutant 847-0101006202 0.5 mg S-1008-1
Alpha-Synuclein, E46K mutant 847-0101006203 1.0 mg S-1008-2
Beta-Synuclein 847-0101006302 0.5 mg S-1003-1
Beta-Synuclein 847-0101006303 1.0 mg S-1003-2
15N Alpha-Synuclein, Uniform label 847-0101006402 0.5 mg S-1004-1
15N Alpha-Synuclein, Uniform label 847-0101006403 1.0 mg S-1004-2
Gamma-Synuclein 847-0101006502 0.5 mg S-1007-1
Gamma-Synuclein 847-0101006503 1.0 mg S-1007-2
Gamma Synuclein, Mouse 847-0101008102 0.5 mg S-1009-1
Gamma Synuclein, Mouse 847-0101008103 1.0 mg S-1009-2
Alpha-Synuclein, Delta-NAC 847-0101006602 0.5 mg S-1015-1
Alpha-Synuclein, 112 (NACP112) 847-0101006702 0.5 mg S-1016-1
847-0101008501 100 µg
human α-Synuclein, His tagged 847-0101008502 500 µg
847-0101008503 1 mg
847-0101008601 100 µg
human α-Synuclein 847-0101008602 500 µg
847-0101008603 1 mg

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

TAU proteins
8 Antibodies and proteins

Product description
Recombinant Tau proteins are offered for research use e. g.
researching projects about Alzheimer disease.

Specifications and order information

Product description Cat. no. Size Reference

Tau-441, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004304 50µg T-1001-1
Tau-441, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004301 100 µg T-1001-2
Tau-410, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004404 50µg T-1002-1
Tau-410, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004401 100 µg T-1002-2
Tau-412, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004504 50µg T-1003-1
Tau-412, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004501 100 µg T-1003-2
Tau-381, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004604 50µg T-1004-1
Tau-381, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004601 100 µg T-1004-2
Tau-383, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004704 50µg T-1005-1
Tau-383, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004701 100 µg T-1005-2
Tau-352, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004804 50µg T-1006-1
Tau-352, Human, Recombinant 847-0101004801 100 µg T-1006-2
Tau Protein Ladder, of all 6 isoforms 847-0101004904 50µg T-1007-1
Tau Protein Ladder, of all 6 isoforms 847-0101004901 100 µg T-1007-2
Tau-441, (2N4R), R406W mutant 847-0101005004 50 µg T-1011-1
Tau-441, (2N4R), V337M mutant 847-0101005104 50 µg T-1012-1
Tau-441, (2N4R), G272V mutant 847-0101005204 50 µg T-1013-1
Tau-441, (2N4R), P301L mutant 847-0101005304 50 µg T-1014-1

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Prion proteins

8 Antibodies and proteins
Product description
Recombinant prion proteins are offered for research use e. g.
researching projects about TSE.

Specifications and order information

Product description Cat. no. Size Product description Cat. no. Size
recombinant bovine 847-0101000101 100 µg recombinant sheep 847-0101007401 100 µg
prion protein 847-0101000102 500 µg prion protein, genotype 847-0101007402 500 µg
AL141RQ 847-0101007403 1 mg
847-0101000103 1 mg
recombinant human 847-0101000301 100 µg recombinant sheep 847-0101007501 100 µg
prion protein 847-0101000302 500 µg prion protein, genotype 847-0101007502 500 µg
847-0101000303 1 mg AHQ 847-0101007503 1 mg
recombinant sheep 847-0101000601 100 µg recombinant sheep 847-0101007601 100 µg
prion protein 847-0101000602 500 µg prion protein, genotype 847-0101007602 500 µg
847-0101000603 1 mg VRQ 847-0101007603 1 mg
recombinant deer prion 847-0101000701 100 µg
protein 847-0101000702 500 µg
847-0101000703 1 mg
recombinant mouse 847-0101007101 100 µg
prion protein 847-0101007102 500 µg
847-0101007103 1 mg
recombinant sheep 847-0101007201 100 µg
prion protein, genotype 847-0101007202 500 µg
ARR 847-0101007203 1 mg
recombinant sheep 847-0101007301 100 µg
prion protein, genotype 847-0101007302 500 µg
AF141RQ 847-0101007303 1 mg

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Beta-Amyloid proteins
8 Antibodies and proteins

Product description
Recombinant and synthetic Beta-Amyloid proteins are offered for
research use e. g. researching projects about Alzheimer disease.

Specifications and order information

Product description Cat. no. Size Reference Product description Cat. no. Size Reference
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101000802 0.5 mg A-1001-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101001402 0.5 mg A-1165-1
Ultra Pure, TFA Ultra Pure, NaOH
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101000803 1.0 mg A-1001-2 Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101001403 1.0 mg A-1165-2
Ultra Pure, TFA Ultra Pure, NaOH
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101000902 0.5 mg A-1153-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101001502 0.5 mg A-1166-1
Ultra Pure, HFIP Ultra Pure, HCl
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101000903 1.0 mg A-1153-2 Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101001503 1.0 mg A-1166-2
Ultra Pure, HFIP Ultra Pure, HCl
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101001002 0.5 mg A-1155-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-42) 847-0101100202 4 x 0.5 A-1160-1
Ultra Pure, NaOH Starter Kit new mg
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101001003 1.0 mg A-1155-2 Beta-Amyloid (1-42) 847-0101100203 4 x 1 mg A-1160-2
Ultra Pure, NaOH Starter Kit new
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101001102 0.5 mg A-1156-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101002002 0.5 mg A-1008-1
Ultra Pure, HCl Mouse/Rat, TFA, new
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101001103 1.0 mg A-1156-2 Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101002003 1.0 mg A-1008-2
Ultra Pure, HCl Mouse/Rat, TFA, new
Beta-Amyloid (1-40) 847-0101100102 4 x 0.5 A-1150-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101001702 0.5 mg A-1004-1
Starter Kit mg scrambled), TFA
Beta-Amyloid (1-40) 847-0101100103 4 x 1 mg A-1150-2 Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101001703 1.0 mg A-1004-2
Starter Kit scrambled), TFA
Beta-Amyloid (1-40), 847-0101001902 0.5 mg A-1007-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-43), 847-0101001802 0.5 mg A-1005-1
Mouse/Rat, TFA, new Ultra Pure, TFA
Beta-Amyloid (1-40, 847-0101001602 0.5 mg A-1003-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-43), 847-0101001803 1.0 mg A-1005-2
scrambled), TFA Ultra Pure, TFA
Beta-Amyloid (1-40, 847-0101001603 1.0 mg A-1003-2 Beta-Amyloid (1-46), 847-0101007701 0.1 mg A-1083-1
scrambled), TFA TFA, new
Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101001202 0.5 mg A-1002-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-46), 847-0101007702 0.5 mg A-1083-2
Ultra Pure, TFA TFA
Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101001203 1.0 mg A-1002-2 Beta-Amyloid (1-40, 847-0101002101 100 ug A-1011-1
Ultra Pure, TFA F4W), TFA
Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101001302 0.5 mg A-1163-1 Beta-Amyloid (1-40, 847-0101002103 1.0 mg A-1011-2
Ultra Pure, HFIP F4W), TFA
Beta-Amyloid (1-42), 847-0101001303 1.0 mg A-1163-2
Ultra Pure, HFIP

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Beta-Amyloid proteins

Product description Cat. no. Size Reference Product description Cat. no. Size Reference
Beta-Amyloid (1-40, 847-0101002201 100 ug A-1012-1 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003501 0.1 mg A-1134-1
Y10W), TFA (1-42), Rat U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-40, 847-0101002203 1.0 mg A-1012-2 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003503 1.0 mg A-1134-2
Y10W), TFA (1-42), Rat U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-40, 847-0101002301 100 ug A-1013-1 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003603 1.0 mg A-1107-1
D23N), TFA (1-43), Uniform label

8 Antibodies and proteins

Beta-Amyloid (1-40, 847-0101002303 1.0 mg A-1013-2 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101007903 0.1 mg A-1179-1
D23N), TFA (1-46), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002401 100 ug A-1021-1 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101008003 0.5 mg A-1179-2
M35V), TFA (1-46), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002403 1.0 mg A-1021-2 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003303 1.0 mg A-1137-1
M35V), TFA (11-40), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002501 100 ug A-1022-1 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101008303 1.0 mg A-1140-1
R5G), TFA (11-40), Rat, U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002503 1.0 mg A-1022-2 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101008403 1.0 mg A-1120-2
R5G), TFA (11-42), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002601 100 ug A-1023-1 13C, 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003702 0.5 mg A-1103-1
Y10A), TFA (1-40), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002603 1.0 mg A-1023-2 13C, 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003703 1.0 mg A-1103-2
Y10A), TFA (1-40), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002701 100 ug A-1024-1 13C, 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003802 0.5 mg A-1104-1
F4W), TFA (1-42), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002703 1.0 mg A-1024-2 13C, 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003803 1.0 mg A-1104-2
F4W), TFA (1-42), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002801 100 ug A-1025-1 13C, 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003902 0.5 mg A-1108-1
H6A), TFA (1-43), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002803 1.0 mg A-1025-2 13C, 15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003903 1.0 mg A-1108-2
H6A), TFA (1-43), U. label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002901 100 ug A-1026-1 13C Beta-Amyloid 847-0101004002 0.5 mg A-1105-1
H13A), TFA (1-40), Uniform label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101002903 1.0 mg A-1026-2 13C Beta-Amyloid 847-0101004003 1.0 mg A-1105-2
H13A), TFA (1-40), Uniform label

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, 847-0101003003 1.0 mg A-1027-2 13C Beta-Amyloid 847-0101004102 0.5 mg A-1106-1
H14A), TFA (1-42), Uniform label

15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101007801 0.1 mg A-1147-1 13C Beta-Amyloid 847-0101004103 1.0 mg A-1106-2
(1-38), U. label (1-42), Uniform label

15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101007803 1.0 mg A-1147-2 13C, Beta-Amyloid 847-0101004202 0.5 mg A-1109-1
(1-38), U. label (1-43), U. label

15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003101 0.1 mg A-1101-1 13C, Beta-Amyloid 847-0101004203 1.0 mg A-1109-2
(1-40), Uniform label (1-43), U. label

15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003103 1.0 mg A-1101-2 Biotin-Beta-Amyloid 847-0107000102 0.5 mg A-1111-1

(1-40), Uniform label (1-40)

15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003403 1.0 mg A-1131-1 Biotin-Beta-Amyloid 847-0107000103 1.0 mg A-1111-2

(1-40), Rat U. label (1-40)

15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003201 0.1 mg A-1102-1 Biotin-LC-Beta-Amyloid 847-0107000202 0.5 mg A-1112-1

(1-42), Uniform label (1-40)

15N Beta-Amyloid 847-0101003203 1.0 mg A-1102-2 Biotin-LC-Beta-Amyloid 847-0107000203 1.0 mg A-1112-2

(1-42), Uniform label (1-40)

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Product description Cat. no. Size Reference Product description Cat. no. Size Reference
Fluorescein-Beta- 847-0107000302 0.5 mg A-1113-1 Beta-Amyloid (22-35) 847-0107001606 5.0 mg A-1059-2
Amyloid (1-40)

Biotin-Beta-Amyloid 847-0107000402 0.5 mg A-1117-1 Beta-Amyloid (25-35) 847-0107001703 1 mg A-1060-1


Biotin-LC-Beta-Amyloid 847-0107000502 0.5 mg A-1118-1 Beta-Amyloid (25-35) 847-0107001706 5 mg A-1060-2

8 Antibodies and proteins

Fluorescein-Beta- 847-0107000602 0.5 mg A-1119-1 Beta-Amyloid Precursor 847-0107001802 250 ug A-1201-1

Amyloid (1-42) Protein, CTF-31

Beta-Amyloid (1-11) 847-0107000703 1 mg A-1051-1 Beta-Amyloid Precursor 847-0107001902 250 ug A-1202-1

Protein, CTF-50

Beta-Amyloid (1-11) 847-0107000706 5 mg A-1051-2 Beta-Amyloid Precursor 847-0107002002 250 ug A-1203-1

Protein, CTF-57

Beta-Amyloid (1-16) 847-0107000803 1 mg A-1052-1

Beta-Amyloid (1-16) 847-0107000806 5 mg A-1052-2

Beta-Amyloid (1-28) 847-0107000902 0.5 mg A-1053-1

Beta-Amyloid (1-28) 847-0107000903 1.0 mg A-1053-2

Beta-Amyloid (1-38) 847-0107002102 0.5 mg A-1078-1

Beta-Amyloid (11-22) 847-0107001003 1.0 mg A-1055-1

Beta-Amyloid (11-22) 847-0107001006 5.0 mg A-1055-2

Beta-Amyloid (11-40) 847-0107001102 0.5 mg A-1061-1

Beta-Amyloid (11-40), 847-0107001201 100 ug A-1062-01


Beta-Amyloid (11-40), 847-0107001202 0.5 mg A-1062-1


Beta-Amyloid (11-42) 847-0107002202 0.5 mg A-1063-1

Beta-Amyloid (12-28) 847-0107001302 0.5 mg A-1056-1

Beta-Amyloid (12-28) 847-0107001303 1.0 mg A-1056-2

Beta-Amyloid (17-40) 847-0107001402 0.5 mg A-1057-1

Beta-Amyloid (17-40) 847-0107001403 1.0 mg A-1057-2

Beta-Amyloid (17-42) 847-0107001502 0.5 mg A-1058-1

Beta-Amyloid (17-42) 847-0107001503 1.0 mg A-1058-2

Beta-Amyloid (22-35) 847-0107001603 1.0 mg A-1059-1

8.1 Antibodies and proteins

Recombinant and synthetic proteins

8 Antibodies and proteins
Product description
Recombinant and synthetic proteins are offered for research use e. g.
researching projects about neurodegenerative diseases.

Specifications and order information

Product description Cat. no. Size Reference Product description Cat. no. Size Reference
Apolipoprotein E, 847-0106000104 50 ug A-2001-1 Calmodulin, Porcine 847-0106000303 1 mg C-1001-1
Human Plasma,
VLDL Calmodulin, 847-0106100301 100 ug C-1002-1
Tubulin, Porcine 847-0106000203 1 mg T-1201-1 Porcine, Biotinylated
Calmodulin, 847-0106200301 100 ug C-1003-1
Mouse Anti-Beta- 847-0102002501 100 ug T-1307-1 Porcine, Fluorescein
Tubulin, DC 126, Calmodulin, 847-0106300301 100 ug C-1004-1
Mab Porcine, Rhodamine
Alpha 1 847-0106000501 100 ug A-2002-1 Calmodulin, 847-0106400303 2 ml C-1005-1
Antichymotrypsin Porcine,
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin 847-0106000603 1 mg A-2003-1 ImmobilizedAgarose
Calmodulin,Wheat 847-0106400501 200 ul C-1006-1
Alpha 2 847-0106000703 1 mg A-2004-1 (T. aestivum)
Macroglobulin Porcine
Chymotrypsin 847-0106000801 100 ug A-2005-1 Calmodulin-SH, 847-0106000402 250 ug C-1007-1
Wheat (Triticum
Haptoglobin 847-0106000903 1 mg A-2006-1 aestivum)
Calmodulin, Wheat, 847-0106100404 50 ug C-1008-1
Myeloperoxidase 847-0106001001 100 ug A-2007-1 Biotinylated
Calmodulin, Wheat, 847-0106200404 50 ug C-1009-1
Plasmin 847-0106001103 1 mg A-2008-1 Fluorescein
Calmodulin, Wheat, 847-0106300404 50 ug C-1010-1
Plasminogen 847-0106001203 1 mg A-2009-1 Rhodamine
Calmodulin-SH, 847-0106400401 200 ul C-1011-1
Transferrin 847-0106001305 10 mg A-2010-1 Wheat, Immobilized

Amylin 847-0101006802 0.5 mg R-1001-1

Amylin 847-0101006803 1.0 mg R-1001-2

15N, Amylin, 847-0101006901 0.1 mg R-1101-1

Uniform Label
15N, Amylin, 847-0101006903 1.0 mg R-1101-2
Uniform Label
13C, 15N, Amylin, 847-0101007003 1.0 mg R-1102-1
Uniform Label

1 MobiLab – Your lab to go 1.1 MobiLab

Analytik Jena AG | Life Science developed,

based on own patents, the laboratory on the way.

The system is ideal suitable for a mobile nucleic

acid extraction and an integrated efficient
It already enables even persons with a non
biological background to work on molecular
diagnostic questions.


Mobile diagnostics

1 MobiLab – Your lab to go 246

1.1 MobiLab 246

2 Kits for Mobilab 251

2.1 Detection systems for human diagnostics 252
2.2 Detection systems for food control 253
2.3 Detection systems for environmental analysis 260

3 ePaTOX II 261

1.1 MobiLab

MobiLab | The lab-to-go for fast and mobile on-site molecular

diagnostics of biological pathogens

1 MobiLab – Your lab to go

The demands for a molecular pathogen diagnostic under field conditions and the associated robust
and fast analytic are increasing. Currently available pathogen detections require proof testing of
samples in a qualified laboratory by trained personnel, whereby manpower, time and money are
enormous. In order to reduce waiting times and to enable a low-cost sample analysis
in the field, Analytik Jena has developed
a device platform that meets these re-
quirements. The overall system is very
easy to use which makes the operation
for laymen possible and as well reliable.
The system also provides state-of-the-
art, highly specific pathogen detection
in less than one hour.

MobiLab Case

1.1 MobiLab

1 MobiLab – Your lab to go
Simple, robust and mobile:
The operative words for the entire
design concept, whether you’re using
MobiLab One or MobiLab Case.
Both instruments combine an entire
laboratory, including extraction, thermal
mixer and rapid PCR thermal cycler in
a single unit.

MobiLab One

Ultramodern instrument platform: MobiLab

The MobiLab is designed so that even non- the system allows very flexible applications Both the robust housing and the soft-touch
specialists will be guided step by step – future-oriented in the field. Due to the ex- control panel are optimized for the outdoor
through a computerized manual from be- ternal power supply the MobiLab can be use and realize an easy and thorough clean-
ginning of the sampling to the specific operated indoor on a surface of a sheet of ing and disinfecting.
pathogen detection. This can be done eas- DIN A4 paper to replace an entire laboratory.
ily and quickly, as the MobiLab combines On the position, where normally one lap-
nucleic acid extraction, thermal mixer and top finds its place, now two fully equipped “A well-thought-out product
rapid PCR cycler in an expedient way. workplaces can be established. The over-
line offering tremendous
On the basis of an integrated high perfor- all concept offers enormous variety and is
mance battery and supply in a robust case therefore suitable for different applications.

1.1 MobiLab

To meet the requirements of every user and

various applications the MobiLab is available
Mature technology for on-site analyses
in two versions. Both devices combine an en-

tire laboratory, including extraction, thermal

mixer and PCR thermal cycler in a suitcase. If This is the first ever mobile system for DC technology and proceeds by binding
a simple Yes/No statement of a single sam- nucleic acid isolation followed by targeted the nucleic acids to magnetic par ticles.
ple or a sample pool is needed the MobiLab rapid PCR amplification and final detection. A specially designed magnetic trap rapidly
One is the right choice. With its removable separates bound nucleic acids from other
1 MobiLab – Your lab to go

Blocksystem Combi it allows easy storage Yet another highlight: the system saves cellular components.
and building up at lowest place. If samples an enormous amount of time. The full pro-
should be analyzed under field conditions or cess is t ypically completed in less than The device also includes a rapid PCR ther-
even in a wet-wet environment the MobiLab 60 minutes. The MobiLab system includes mal cycler in which the sequence of interest
Case is the best system. The operation takes an integrated thermal shaker for effective is quickly amplified using RAH-(Rapid Am-
place by a 5.7’’ touchscreen and an integrat- sample lysis of different starting materials. plification and Hybridization) technology and
ed Windows CE computer. DNA/RNA extraction is based on patented then hybridized in the same reaction.

Redefining pathogen detection

Ready-to-use kits, containing all of the re- reagents for nucleic acid extraction and PCR This closed system reduces operating errors
agents and consumables needed to detect components in a pre-formulated and stor- and contamination to an absolute minimum.
different pathogens, have been perfectly able form. Final pathogen detection is highly sensitive
adapted to the MobiLab system. Novel reaction cartridges, in which the entire and is performed on a Lateral Flow Strip (LFS)
Kits include, among other materials, sam- amplification and detection process takes containing an additional conjugate control
pling vessels and materials (such as swabs), place, are also included. to verify the reaction.

All included. MobiLab kits combine

all of the reagents and consumables
needed for nucleic acid extraction,
combined rapid PCR/hybridization
reaction and final detection on a
single, stable Lateral Flow Strip.

1.1 MobiLab

Perfectly equipped

Rapid PCR technology makes it possible to

perform full pathogen detection in just one
hour. This makes MobiLab unique in terms

of flexibility and the speed with which re-
sults are made available: if the results are
positive, users now have the option of tak-
ing preliminary action before the final report
from the lab is finished.

1 MobiLab – Your lab to go

This makes fast, reliable selfmonitoring an
option for an extremely wide variety of us-
ers. Furthermore, the protocols are extraor-
dinarily easy to process, which means that a
wide variety of pathogens can be detected
by individuals who do not possess a pro-
found knowledge of molecular biology a
pioneering step in on-site analysis.

Contact person

Analytik Jena AG Melanie Trenkmann

Life Science Productmanager
Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 1
07745 Jena/Germany Phone +49 (0) 36 41 77-94 61
Fax +49 (0) 36 41 77 76 77 76 E-mail [email protected]
[email protected]

1.1 MobiLab

Order information

Order number Description


844-10001-2 MobiLab ONE – Base unit

for use with block systems of Analytik Jena, including battery pack, power supply and power cable,
delivered in a robust and impact resistant case
844-10002-0 MobiLab ONE – Block system Combi
Block system to be used with MobiLab ONE - Base unit and Analytik Jena’s ready-to-use kits, including
1 MobiLab – Your lab to go

thermal mixer, rapidPCR thermal cycler and Magnetrack for 1.5 – 2.0 ml tubes
844-10002-2 MobiLab CASE
Stand alone mobile instrument system, including battery pack, power supply and power cable, thermal
mixer, rapidPCR thermal cycler and Magnetrack for 1.5 – 2.0 ml tubes, delivered in a robust and impact
resistant case, to be used with Analytik Jena’s ready-to-use kits

The Magnetracks are used to wash, incubate and to seperate magnetic beads for volumes from
1.5 till 2.0 ml, 15 ml and 50 ml. They are suitable for all microbiological and molecularbiological
applications with Magnetic Beads, like cell seperation, mRNA isolation, sequencing reactions,
single strand seperation, etc...
845-MG-2000002 Magnetrack small for 1.5 till 2.0 ml tubes
ƒƒ Suitable for single 0.5 and 2.0 ml micro screwed cap tubes and 1.5 ml reaction tubes
ƒƒ Contains 2 powerful neodymium iron boron permanent magnets for the magnetic particle
ƒƒ Material: aluminium alloy
845-MG-2000015 Magnetrack middle for 15 ml tubes
ƒƒ Suitable for single 15 ml Falcon and reaction tubes
ƒƒ Contains 2 powerful neodymium iron boron permanent magnets for the magnetic particle
ƒƒ Material: aluminium alloy
845-MG-2000050 Magnetrack big for 50 ml tubes
ƒƒ Suitable for single 50 ml Falcon and reaction tubes
ƒƒ Contains 4 powerful neodymium iron boron permanent magnets for the magnetic particle
ƒƒ Material: aluminium alloy

2. Kits for MobiLab

Kits for MobiLab

Fast, safe, on-site pathogen detection is becoming increasingly

indispensable, and Analytik Jena offers the perfect platforms to
meet these demands in the fields of human diagnostics, food safety,
environmental analysis and toxin detection.

The systems combine the speed for which Analytik Jena is known
along with innovative, user-friendly detection systems that make them
suitable even for non-specialists.

2 Kits for MobiLab
MobiLab Influenza A/H1N1 Assay................................................................................... 252
MobiLab Salmonella spp. Assay....................................................................................... 253
MobiLab Listeria spp. Assay............................................................................................... 254
MobiLab E.coli O157 Assay............................................................................................... 255
MobiLab Campylobacter Assay........................................................................................ 256
MobiLab E.coli O104 Assay............................................................................................... 257
MobiLab Shigella Toxin II Assay........................................................................................ 258
MobiLab Pork Assay............................................................................................................. 259
MobiLab Mycoplasma Assay............................................................................................. 260

2.1 Detection systems for human diagnostics

MobiLab Influenza A/H1N1 Assay

ƒƒ Kit is ready to use with the MobiLab

ƒƒ For mobile, on-site diagnosis of influenza A/H1N1 with very
small space requirements
ƒƒ Includes all reagents and PCR materials for sampling,
nucleic acid extraction, amplification and final detection
ƒƒ Patented cartridge serves as a closed reaction chamber
both for amplification and for detection

Product description Kit components

The MobiLab Influenza A/H1N1 Assay is a molecular diagnostic test Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
system for mobile detection of influenza A/H1N1 (swine flu) and al- Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
lows for fast, highly specific detection in pharyngeal swabs and lavage master mix (dry reagents), running buffer
2 Kits for MobiLab

fluid. This easy-to-use test completely eliminates the need not only
for additional equipment and consumables, but also for quantitative
Storage conditions and stability
pipetting. The PCR product is applied to a lateral flow strip following
Store the MobiLab Influenza A/H1N1 assay in a dry place. The assay
nucleic acid extraction and the combined amplification/hybridization
will remain stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4 ºC) and for
reaction, with the appearance of a test line confirming a positive result.
2 weeks at room temperature (14 ºC – 25 ºC).
A second line parallel to the first line serves as a control line indicating
whether the strip is working properly.
Sample application
Combining MobiLab and the MobiLab Influenza A/H1N1 Assay allows
1. users to detect viruses quickly and easily. RNA was extracted from
swab samples and used to reconstitute the master mix, which is in
MobiLab reaction cartridge solid form. The resulting mixture was then transferred to the reaction
1. Syringe for filling the cartridge and subjected to amplification. This was followed by visual-
3. izing the results on the integrated test strip.
2. PCR chamber
3. Integrated lateral flow strip
(LFS) for detection
(3a = test line, 1. 2.
3b = control line)


Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Swab specimens (pharyngeal) Reaction cartridge 1:
two bands (control and test
ƒƒ Pharyngeal lavage fluid (up to 400 µL) lines) = the sample tested
positive for influenza A/H1N1
Reaction time:
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes
Reaction cartridge 2:
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx. 50 minutes one band (control line) =
ƒƒ Detection: approx. 20 minutes negative control

Approx. 105 cells per swab and/or per 400 µL

Detection: Order information

Influenza A / H1N1 (swine flu) Order number Starting material Quantity
845-ML-0112025 Swab 25 reactions
845-ML-0114025 Pharyngeal lavage fluid 25 reactions

2.2 Detection systems for food control

MobiLab Salmonella spp. Assay

ƒƒ Quick and easy on-site detection of Salmonella spp.

ƒƒ Includes DNA extraction, amplification/hybridization and
final detection on a lateral flow strip (LFS)
ƒƒ Highly specific, sensitive detection
ƒƒ Ready-to-use assay comes with all required reagents and

Product description Kit components
The MobiLab Salmonella spp. Assay is a molecular diagnostic test system Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
for mobile detection of the genus Salmonella, including reliable detection Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
of all serotypes of the two subspecies (S. enterica and S. bongori), in a master mix (dry reagents), running buffer

2 Kits for MobiLab

variety of matrices. The assay comes with nucleic acid extraction reagents
and all PCR components in a preformulated, stable form. Also included
Storage conditions and stability
are novel reaction cartridges in which the entire amplification/hybridiza-
Store the MobiLab Salmonella spp. Assay in a dry place. The assay
tion and detection processes occur. Final detection is highly sensitive
will remain stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4 ºC) and for
and takes place on a test strip located within the reaction cartridges.
2 weeks at room temperature (14 ºC – 25 ºC).
Because detection is performed within a closed system, operator er-
ror and contamination during the testing process can be reduced to an
absolute minimum. Sample application
A dilution series containing 50,000, 5000, 500 and/or 50 Salmonella
cells per 100 µL eluate was first prepared for detecting the specific
pathogen. One fiftieth of each was then introduced into an amplifica-
tion reaction (PCR). DNA was also isolated from real samples in order
MobiLab reaction cartridge
3. to monitor the extraction process. Reproducibility and sensitivity of the
1. Syringe for filling the cartridge
mobile instrument version were compared to those of an established
2. PCR chamber
3b. detection system.
3. Integrated lateral flow strip
(LFS) for detection 3a.
(3a = test line, 1000 500 100 50 10 1 0

3b = control line)


Product specifications The gel electrophoresis separation in fig. 1 shows the results of the Salmo-
nella dilution series, while fig. 2 shows the results from application on a
Starting material:
lateral flow strip. Each number represents the theoretical number of copies of
ƒƒ Food samples after standard culturing in a Stomacher Salmonella DNA contained in the sample prior to the amplification reaction.
ƒƒ Swab specimens from various surfaces
ƒƒ Water samples (up to 200 mL)
ƒƒ Animal feed samples (up to 2 g)
By way of comparison, fig. 3 shows the results
visible on the lateral flow strip (LFS) integrated
Reaction time: into the cartridge.
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes One band (control line): the sample tested
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx 50 minutes negative for Salmonella
ƒƒ Detection: approx 20 minutes Two bands (control and test lines): the
sample tested positive for Salmonella

ƒƒ Swab and Stomacher samples: approx. 3000 – 4000 copies/mL Order information
ƒƒ Water samples: approx. 10 copies/mL Order number Starting material Quantity
ƒƒ Animal feed samples: approx. 5000 copies/sample
845-ML-0011025 Stomacher culture 25 reactions
845-ML-0012025 Swab 25 reactions
845-ML-0013025 Water 25 reactions
ƒƒ Salmonella spp.
ƒƒ All serotypes of the Subspezies S. enterica and S. bongori 845-ML-0014025 Animal feed 25 reactions

2.2 Detection systems for food control

MobiLab Listeria spp. Assay

ƒƒ Ready-to-use kit for mobile detection using the MobiLab

ƒƒ Fast, sensitive detection of Listeria spp. in various matrices
ƒƒ Includes all reagents and PCR materials for sampling,
nucleic acid extraction, amplification, hybridization and final
ƒƒ Optimized step-by-step instructions on the MobiLab

Product description Kit components

Developed for performing mobile, on-site diagnostic testing using the Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
MobiLab, the MobiLab Listeria spp. Assay gives researchers a fast, Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
highly specific tool for detecting Listeria spp. in cell cultures, swab master mix (dry reagents), running buffer
2 Kits for MobiLab

specimens and water samples. This easy-to-use test completely elimi-

nates the need not only for additional equipment and consumables,
Storage conditions and stability
but also for quantitative pipetting. Following DNA extraction and am-
Store the MobiLab Listeria spp. assay in a dry place. The assay will
plification/hybridization, final detection is performed on a lateral flow
remain stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4 ºC) and for 2
strip (LFS) within a reaction cartridge. The appearance of a test line
weeks at room temperature (14 ºC – 25 ºC).
confirms a positive result. A second line parallel to the first line serves
as a control line indicating whether the strip is working properly.
Sample application
The MobiLab Listeria spp. Assay was used to isolate Listeria DNA from
1. swab samples. Once extracted, the nucleic acid was then diluted in
MobiLab reaction cartridge various stages and introduced in the specific amplification/hybridiza-
1. Syringe for filling the tion reaction in the MobiLab. Double determinations were performed
cartridge on each sample, final detection was performed once by loading the
2. PCR chamber 3. sample onto an agarose gel and once using a reaction cartridge with
3. Integrated lateral flow strip an integrated lateral flow strip.
(LFS) for detection
(3a = test line,
3b = control line) 3a.

Lane 1: Undiluted
Lane 2: 1:10 dilution
Lane 3: 1:100 dilution
Lane 4: 1:1000 dilution
2. Lane 5: DNA control
Lane 6: Negative control

Product specifications 1 2 3 4

Starting material:
ƒƒ Food samples after standard culturing in a Stomacher
ƒƒ Swab specimens from various surfaces
ƒƒ Water samples (up to 200 mL)

Reaction time:
Strip 1: Undiluted
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes Strip 2: 1:10 dilution
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx 50 minutes Strip 3: 1:100 dilution
Strip 4: 1:1000 dilution
ƒƒ Detection: approx 20 minutes Strip NTC: Negative control

Water samples: approx. 10 copies/mL Order information

Order number Starting material Quantity

845-ML-0021025 Stomacher culture 25 reactions
Listeria spp.
845-ML-0022025 Swab 25 reactions
845-ML-0023025 Water 25 reactions

2.2 Detection systems for food control

MobiLab E.coli O157 Assay

ƒƒ Mobile, on-site detection of E. coli O157 using MobiLab

ƒƒ Processes different matrices, such as surface swabs or cell
ƒƒ Ready-to-use assay includes all consumables and reagents,
from DNA isolation to the specific detection
ƒƒ No quantitative pipetting required
ƒƒ Contains an optimized, wizard-based protocol

Product description Kit components
When used in combination with the MobiLab, the E.coli O157 Assay Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
provides a fast, easy tool for detecting all EHEC strains bearing the Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
typical O157 surface antigen. The kit contains all of the components master mix (dry reagents), running buffer

2 Kits for MobiLab

required, from sampling and nucleic acid extraction to the highly spe-
cific amplification/hybridization reaction and final detection. This is
Storage conditions and stability
accomplished with a patented reaction cartridge that, as a closed sys-
Store the MobiLab E.coli O157 Assay in a dry place. The assay will
tem, reduces any potential contamination to an absolute minimum.
remain stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4 ºC) and for 2
The detection strip located within the cartridge can be removed after
weeks at room temperature (14 ºC – 25 ºC).
the reaction and archived to document the results.

Sample application
Magnetic particle separation using a magnetic trap is the basis for the
1. first step, in which the MobiLab E.coli O157 Assay and the MobiLab
MobiLab reaction cartridge were used for extracting DNA from an E.coli cell pellet. The stable, dry
1. Syringe for filling the PCR reagents were then reconstituted with the eluate and the mixture
cartridge was transferred to the reaction cartridge. Amplification/hybridization
2. PCR chamber took place in the PCR module of the MobiLab. In the final step, the
3. Integrated lateral flow strip amplification product was washed by injecting the running buffer into
(LFS) for detection the reaction cartridge and onto the test strip. The results were visual-
(3a = test line, ized after just 15 – 20 minutes.
3b = control line)

1. 2.
Reaction cartridge 1:
One band (control line) = the
sample tested negative for
2. E.coli O157

Reaction cartridge 2: Two

Product specifications bands (control and test lines) =
the sample tested positive for
Starting material: E.coli O157
ƒƒ Food samples after standard culturing in a Stomacher
ƒƒ Swab specimens from various surfaces

Reaction time:
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Detection: approx. 20 minutes

30 – 40 copies in the PCR batch

Detection: Order information

ƒƒ E.coli O157 Order number Starting material Quantity
ƒƒ Specific detection of the O157 surface antigen typical
845-ML-0041025 Stomacher culture 25 reactions
of those bacteria
845-ML-0042025 Swab 25 reactions

2.2 Detection systems for food control

MobiLab Campylobacter Assay

ƒƒ Fast and mobile on-site detection of various Campylo-

bacter strains
ƒƒ Easy-to-use with the MobiLab
ƒƒ Wizard-driven protocol with no quantitative pipetting
ƒƒ Includes all of the components required, from sample
preparation to final detection on a lateral flow strip (LFS)

Product description Kit components

The MobiLab Campylobacter Assay has been specially designed and Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
optimized for the MobiLab. Combining these two products gives users Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
a mobile tool for detecting different Campylobacter strains from a vari- master mix (dry reagents), running buffer
2 Kits for MobiLab

ety of matrices. The assay is based on a very simple structure and con-
tains all of the consumables and reagents needed, not only for DNA
Storage conditions and stability
extraction, but also for the specific amplification reaction, subsequent
Store the MobiLab Campylobacter Assay in a dry place. The assay will
probe hybridization and final detection on a user-friendly test strip. No
remain stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4 ºC) and for 2
quantitative pipetting is required for any part of the procedure.
weeks at room temperature (14 ºC – 25 ºC).

Sample application
MobiLab reaction cartridge The MobiLab and MobiLab Campylobacter Assay were used to iso-
1. Syringe for filling the late the DNA from a bacterial cell pellet, after which the combined
cartridge amplification and hybridization reaction proceeded in the reaction
2. PCR chamber cartridge. This required first reconstituting the stable master mix us-
3. Integrated lateral flow strip ing the DNA sample and then transferring it to the PCR chamber.
(LFS) for detection Subsequent detection was performed on a lateral flow strip integrated
(3a = test line, in the cartridge.
3b = control line)

1. 2.
Reaction cartridge 1:
One band (control line) =
negative control

Reaction cartridge 2: Two

bands (control and test lines) =
the sample tested positive for
Product specifications Campylobacter in der Probe
Starting material:
ƒƒ Food samples after standard culturing in a Stomacher
ƒƒ Swab specimens from various surfaces

Reaction time:
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Detection: approx. 20 minutes

30 – 40 copies in the PCR batch

ƒƒ The following Campylobacter strains were detected: Cam-
Order information
pylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari
ƒƒ Specific detection of the glyA gene for serine Order number Starting material Quantity
hydroxymethyltransferase from thermophilic Campylobacter 845-ML-0051025 Stomacher culture 25 reactions
strains 845-ML-0052025 Swab 25 reactions

2.2 Detection systems for food control

MobiLab E.coli O104 Assay

ƒƒ Specific detection of E. coli O104 via the surface antigen

ƒƒ Optimized for mobile detection using the MobiLab
ƒƒ Contains all of the reagents and consumables needed,
from nucleic acid extraction to final detection
ƒƒ Wizard-driven protocol makes all components easy to use
ƒƒ No quantitative pipetting

Product description Kit components
As a detection system for on-site analysis, the MobiLab E.coli O104 Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
Assay combines all molecular diagnostic steps, from nucleic acid iso- Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
lation to amplification/hybridization and PCR product detection. The master mix (dry reagents), running buffer

2 Kits for MobiLab

work sequence for the overall detection process is very simple: the
user is given step-by-step instructions for carrying out the protocol,
Storage conditions and stability
which requires neither quantitative pipetting nor an in-depth back-
Store the MobiLab E.coli O104 Assay in a dry place. The assay will
ground in molecular biology. DNA extraction is based on magnetic
remain stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4 ºC) and for 2
particle separation using a magnetic rack, after which the nucleic acid
weeks at room temperature (14 ºC – 25 ºC).
is introduced into a specific amplification reaction, hybridized with a
probe and applied to a lateral flow strip for final detection. The test
strip developed for this assay is stable and can be archived for docu- Sample application
menting the results. A reference nucleic acid from E.coli O104 was used to reconstitute the
dry reagents of the master mix contained in the kit. This mixture was
1. then transferred to the reaction cartridge. The combined amplifica-
tion and hybridization reaction proceeded exclusively in the MobiLab.
MobiLab reaction cartridge
This was followed by detection of the hybridization products on the
1. Syringe for filling the
highly sensitive lateral flow strip (LFS) integrated within the cartridge.
2. PCR chamber
3. Integrated lateral flow strip
(LFS) for detection
(3a = test line, 1. 2.
3a. Reaction cartridge 1:
3b = control line) Two bands (control and test
lines) = the sample tested
positive for the E. coli O104
reference DNA

Reaction cartridge 2: One

band (control line) = negative

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Food samples after standard culturing in a Stomacher
ƒƒ Swab specimens from various surfaces

Reaction time:
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Detection: approx. 20 minutes

30 – 40 copies in the PCR batch
Order information
Detection: Order number Starting material Quantity
ƒƒ E.coli O104
845-ML-0041025 Stomacher culture 25 reactions
ƒƒ Specific detection of the E.coli bacteria O104 surface antigen
845-ML-0042025 Swab 25 reactions

2.2 Detection systems for food control

MobiLab Shigella Toxin II Assay

ƒƒ Test system for mobile detection of Shiga toxin II formers

(as well as lectin verotoxin II or Shiga-like toxin)
ƒƒ Optimized, wizard-driven operation via MobiLab
ƒƒ Very easy to use with no additional equipment or
ƒƒ Optimized for a variety of starting materials

Product description Kit components

Using the MobiLab Shigella-Toxin II Assay in conjunction with the Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
MobiLab instrument system gives users a simple, highly specific tool Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
for detecting bacterial strains that produce Shiga toxin II. The assay master mix (dry reagents), running buffer
2 Kits for MobiLab

requires users to perform 3 steps in succession: a magnetic particle

separation step to isolate DNA from the starting sample, followed by
Storage conditions and stability
a highly sensitive amplification reaction and subsequent hybridization.
Store the MobiLab Shigella Toxin II Assay in a dry place. The assay will
The overall reaction process takes place in a closed, patented cartridge.
remain stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4 ºC) and for 2
This cartridge also contains a lateral flow strip (LFS) for final detection,
weeks at room temperature (14 ºC – 25 ºC).
a feature that virtually eliminates potential cross-contamination.

Sample application
Reference DNA was used for checking the reaction sequence of the
MobiLab reaction cartridge MobiLab Shigella Toxin II Assay. After the amplification and hybridiza-
1. Syringe for filling the 1. tion reaction, the PCR product was transferred to the integrated test
cartridge strip. The result could then be seen on the lateral flow strip (LFS) as
2. PCR chamber shown below.
3. Integrated lateral flow strip
(LFS) for detection 3.
(3a = test line,
3b = control line) 1. 2. Reaction cartridge 1:
Two bands (control and test
lines) = the sample tested
3a. positive for Shigella toxin II

Reaction cartridge 2: One

band (control line) = negative

Product specifications
Starting material:
ƒƒ Food samples after standard culturing in a Stomacher
ƒƒ Swab specimens from various surfaces

Reaction time:
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Detection: approx. 20 minutes

30 – 40 copies in the PCR batch Order information

Order number Starting material Quantity

845-ML-0221025 Stomacher culture 25 reactions
Positive test results for E.coli O104:H4 and/or E.coli O104:H21
845-ML-0222025 Swab 25 reactions

2.2 Detection systems for food control

MobiLab Pork Assay

ƒƒ Uncomplicated, on-site detection of pork in other types of

ƒƒ Low limit of detection: identifies Sus scrofa in samples at
concentrations of only 5%
ƒƒ Includes DNA extraction, amplification and detection
ƒƒ No quantitative pipetting
ƒƒ The MobiLab includes step-by-step instructions that guide
users through the protocol

Product description Kit components
When used in conjunction with the MobiLab, the MobiLab Pork As- Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
say is a fast, reliable tool for detecting the presence of pork in other Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
types of meat. The results are of interest any time there is a need for master mix (dry reagents), running buffer

2 Kits for MobiLab

monitoring imported food or for auditing cleaning routines in the meat
industry. The MobiLab Pork Assay can also be used for quality control/
Storage conditions and stability
assurance purposes in food retail or for food labeling. The simple
Store the MobiLab Pork Assay in a dry place. The assay will remain
step-by-step instructions and the comprehensive kit components al-
stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4°C) and for 2 weeks at
low even lay persons to test materials easily and assess the results
room temperature (14°C – 25°C).
with no additional equipment or consumables.

Sample application
The MobiLab Pork Assay was used to test a ground beef mixture for
MobiLab reaction cartridge 1. the presence of pork.
1. Syringe for filling the
2. PCR chamber
3. Integrated lateral flow strip 3.
(LFS) for detection (3a =
test line, 3b = control line)
1. 2. Reaction cartridge 1:
3a. two bands (control and test
lines) = the sample tested
positive for pork

Reaction cartridge 2:
one band (control line) =
2. negative control

Product specifications
Starting material:
Successfully tested for lamb, turkey, chicken, beef and pork

Reaction time:
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Detection: approx. 20 minutes

Sensitivity: Order information

Tests conducted on various types of meat (beef, lamb and poultry)
Order number Starting material Quantity
indicated that pork can be detected at concentrations as low as 5%.
MobiLab Pork Assay
Detection: 845-ML-0210025 Meat samples 25 reactions
Sus scrofa, detection of species-specific mitochondrial DNA MobiLab Startup Kit
845-ML-1000001 Homogenizer, 25x bags 25 reactions

2.3 Detection systems for environmental analysis

MobiLab Mycoplasma Assay

ƒƒ Mobile detection of mycoplasmas in cell culture

ƒƒ Optimized for use with the MobiLab instrument system
ƒƒ Absolutely no need for additional equipment and/or PCR
ƒƒ Provides simple, step-by-step instructions during testing
ƒƒ Based on a combined, highly specific amplification/hybrid-
ization reaction

Product description Kit components

The MobiLab Mycoplasma Assay is a tool for simple, on-site detection Sampling material, extraction reagents, sample and reaction vessels,
of mycoplasmas in cell culture supernatants. With a footprint the size Pasteur pipettes, reaction cartridges, syringe with attachment, stable
of a DIN A4 sheet of paper, the MobiLab instrument system combines master mix (dry reagents), running buffer
2 Kits for MobiLab

nucleic acid extraction, including a specific amplification/hybridization

reaction, with final detection. The kit contains all reagents, including
the master mix (in solid form) and all consumables. No other equip-
Storage conditions and stability
ment is needed. In addition, the patented reaction cartridge in which
Store the MobiLab Mycoplasma Assay in a dry place. The assay will
detection takes place eliminates virtually all potential contamination.
remain stable for 6 months under cool conditions (+4 ºC) and for 2
The closed system also reduces hands-on time and manual steps to
weeks at room temperature (14 ºC – 25 ºC).
an absolute minimum.

Sample application
MobiLab reaction cartridge Magnetic particle separation was used as a basis for initial isolation
1. Syringe for filling the of DNA from a 200 µL cell culture. The eluate was then used for
cartridge reconstituting the stabilized master mix and transferred to the reac-
2. PCR chamber tion chamber of the cartridge. This was followed by amplification and
3. Integrated lateral flow strip hybridization in the MobiLab. The running buffer was used to wash
(LFS) for detection 3b. PCR products onto the lateral flow strip in the cartridge, and the final
(3a = test line, results could be seen after approx. 20 minutes.
3b = control line) 3a.

1. 2. Reaction cartridge 1:
Two bands (control and test
lines) = the sample tested
positive for mycoplasmas

Reaction cartridge 2:
Product specifications One band (control line) =
negative control
Starting material:
Cell culture supernatant

Reaction time:
ƒƒ DNA extraction: approx. 40 – 50 minutes
ƒƒ Amplification and hybridization: approx. 50 minutes
ƒƒ Detection: approx. 20 minutes

Detection of approx. 30 – 40 copies per PCR batch

ƒƒ Selective detection of a mycoplasma-specific 16S RNA sequence.
ƒƒ The following species can be detected:
Order information
ƒƒ M. fermentans ƒƒ M. salivarium
ƒƒ M. hyorhinis ƒƒ M. hominis Order number Starting material Quantity
ƒƒ M. arginini ƒƒ M. pulmonis 845-ML-0036025 Cell culture supernatant 25 reactions
ƒƒ M. orale ƒƒ M. pirum.

3. ePaTOX II

ePaTOX II | Fast, sensitive, chip-based detection of toxins and pathogens

The ePaTOX II is a versatile instrument for highly sensitive, chip-based
detection of proteins, toxins, nucleic acids and other biomolecules in ƒƒ Identification and quantification of toxins and pathogens
a wide range of samples. Suitable for use in the laboratory, this instru- ƒƒ Fully automated, stable, electrochemical detection on
ment can also be integrated into mobile detection systems. microarrays
ƒƒ Plug & play operation using disposable one way chipsticks
Operators are able to use the instrument after only a brief intro- ƒƒ User-friendly operation and data analysis, incl. alarm feature
duction thanks to uncomplicated, ready-to-use kits and user-friendly ƒƒ Robust housing for mobile NBC detection systems such
control/analysis software. Full detection of nucleic acids or proteins as those found in emergency management vehicles or for
typically takes 8 or 20 minutes, respectively. stationary monitoring systems used in public buildings
ƒƒ In-house production of monoclonal antibodies for
quantification and detection
ƒƒ Samples are easy to handle
ƒƒ Short measurement times (approx. 20 minutes for toxins/
proteins; approx. 10 minutes for DNA/RNA)
ƒƒ Limit of detection = approx. 0.5 ng/mL


ePaTOX II with a laptop

3. 3. ePaTOX II

Detection principle Clearly structured and intuitive

The principle of Chip-detection with the ePaTOX II is based on an The ePaTOX II is particularly easy to use: its fully automated, user-
electrochemical reaction. The process utilizes chips with extremely friendly software controls the analytical process, provides the user
fine, nanoscale electrode structures produced using the state of the with necessary instructions and analyzes the test results. The system

art silicon semiconductor technology. A biochip of this kind includes also displays important notes for error-free routines. A simple syringe
16 measuring positions which are then loaded with various receptor filtration step is used for preparing protein or toxin samples. Appropri-
molecules specific to the application. Depending on how the biochip ate, ready-to-use kits are also available.
is configured, this allows scientists to detect multiple toxins or patho-
gens in parallel on a single chip. The sample to be studied is automati-
cally pumped across the chip during the detection process, allowing
the target molecules in the sample to bind to their complementary
receptor molecules (e.g., antibodies, oligonucleotides), which are im-
mobilized on the surface of the chip. This step is followed by enzyme

Chip size: 10 x 9 mm, 16

measuring positions, each
500 µm in diameter

marking. Fixed on the chip in this way, the enzyme then converts a
substrate that can be detected in an electrochemical reaction. The
electrode structures on the chip make it possible to measure an elec-
trical signal — the size of the signal is directly proportional to the con-
centration of the target molecules in the sample. This electrochemical
detection principle makes it possible to achieve high analytical sensi-
tivity, and the resulting detection system is immune to the effects of
Ready-to-use Kits
turbidity and other sources of optical interference.

3. ePaTOX II

The ePaTOX II is ideal for integration into mobile ABC systems and
for the monitoring systems used in public buildings such as airports,
harbors and subways or laboratories. The system offers extensive,
group-specific detection options for toxins and/or pathogens. Toxins
detected include ricin, staphylococcus enterotoxin B and botulinum
toxin A, B and E. The system can detect the following pathogens af-
ter appropriate DNA extraction and PCR: Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia
pestis, Francisella tularensis and Orthopoxvirus. One special feature
of the system is its high tolerance to a variety of different sample
matrices (such as water, milk, starch, flour, juice, soil, aerosols, etc.)

Target and detection limits:

Chart showing the test results produced by the user-friendly software ePaTOX Toxin Kit I
ƒƒ Botulinum toxin A: 2 ng/mL (30 ng/mL complex)
ƒƒ Botulinum toxin B: 2 ng/mL (20 ng/mL complex)
Array-based test format ƒƒ Botulinum toxin E: 5 ng/mL (50 ng/mL complex)
Simultaneous analysis of multiple electrode positions is the test prin- ƒƒ SEB: 0.5 ng/mL
ciple underlying an array-based, electrical biochip. For detection to

ƒƒ Ricin: 2 ng/mL
occur, the target molecules must bind to the specific receptor mol- ƒƒ
ecules immobilized on the chip. To this end, each of the 16 mea- ePaTOX Toxin Kit II
suring positions have been modified with corresponding receptor ƒƒ Botulinum toxin A: 2 ng/mL (30 ng/mL complex)
oligonucleotides and/or antibodies, thereby enabling detection of ƒƒ Botulinum toxin B: 2 ng/mL (20 ng/mL complex)
multiple biomolecules in parallel within a single sample. Because an

ƒƒ Botulinum toxin F: 5 ng/mL (50 ng/mL complex)
exceptionally wide variety of receptor molecules can be immobilized ƒƒ SEB: 0.5 ng/mL
on the chip, a considerable number of solid-phase-bound detection ƒƒ Ricin: 2 ng/m
systems (such as ELISA, i.e., enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay“)
can be transferred to the biochip.
ePaTOX Pathogen DNA Kit I
ƒƒ Bacillus anthracis
ƒƒ Yersinia pestis
1. Immobilization of the receptor antibodies Receptor

2. Analyte solution
antibodies ƒƒ Francisella tularensis
3. Specific affinity binding ƒƒ Orthopoxvirus
4. Enzyme marking Electrical antibody ƒƒ Detection limit: 10 – 100 DNA copies in the starting material
5. Signal from specific position


recycling Quinone imine

Schematic representation of array-based detection using electric


Antibodies Toxins DNA / PCR

Cells / Spores RNA

Basic detection system for the ePaTOX II

3. ePaTOX II

Technical specifications
Weight 13,7 kg
Dimensions (WxHxD) 350 x 300 x 340 mm
Power source 24 V DC / 100 – 240 V AC
Protection class IP 42
Interface RS 232
Data analysis separate PC (Win XP and up)
Detection principle electrochemical
Operating temperature 10 – 35°C
Sample volume diluted to 500 µL
Shelf life of consumables approx. 6 months at 4°C

Order information

Order number Description


847-20101-2 ePaTOX II
Instrument system (not including PC), including control and analysis software,
2 reagent holders and 1 sample holder
847-30250-0 ePaTOX Toxin Kit I
ƒƒ Detection of 5 toxins in parallel: SEB/ ricin/ BoNT A,B,E

ƒƒ Includes reagents for 5 individual tests

ƒƒ Total number of tests: 5x 5 targets
847-30251-0 ePaTOX Toxin Kit II
ƒƒ Detection of 5 toxins in parallel: SEB/ ricin/ BoNT A,B,F
ƒƒ Includes reagents for 5 individual tests
ƒƒ Total number of tests: 5x 5 targets
847-30260-0 ePaTOX Pathogen DNA Kit I
ƒƒ Detection of 4 pathogens in parallel: Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis,
Francisella tularensis and Orthopoxvirus
ƒƒ Includes reagents for 5 individual tests
ƒƒ Total number of tests: 5x 4 targets
ƒƒ Includes specifications for DNA extraction and PCR reports
847-30270-0 ePaTOX Demo & Control Kit
ƒƒ Simple test for checking performance or demonstrating the ePaTOX II with
non-toxic target molecules
ƒƒ For training users in the analysis process with non-toxic sample material
ƒƒ Includes reagents for 2 tests
847-30340-0 ePaTOX Maintenance Kit
ƒƒ For thoroughly cleaning the instrument after analyzing toxic samples
ƒƒ Before storing or transporting the instrument
847-30350-0 ePaTOX Washing Kit
ƒƒ For cleaning the instrument after analyses
847-30360-0 ePaTOX Conditioning Kit
ƒƒ For improving signal intensity and reproducibility of the results
ƒƒ Use when the instrument has been in storage or has not been used for
a relatively long period of time

3. ePaTOX II


Speed, precision, flexibility and innovation characterize the
instruments manufactured by Analytik Jena | Life Science.
We supply total automated as well as individual solutions
for your lab application.

Made in Germany!
Convince yourself!


1 Mixing and homogenization

1.1 Thermal mixer 270
1.2 Hybridization Ovens 276
1.3 UV Incubator 278
1.4 Homogenization 280

1 Mixing and homogenization

2 Automated nucleic acid isolation
2.1 InnuPure® C16 286
2.2 InnuPure C96

3 Spectrophotometer
3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer 296

4 Liquid handling
4.1 GeneTheatre 304
4.2 SELMA 96 / 384 309

5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

5.1 qTOWER 314
5.2 qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2 320

6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

6.1 SpeedCycler  ² 328

7 Standard PCR thermal cycler

7.1 FlexCycler2 336

1 Mixing and homogenization

Laboratory Notebook
Order your own laboratory notebook in
Analytik Jena | Life Science Design.

Whether you are scientist or student, laboratory notebook is an essential part of each
research project. With the laboratory notebook of Analytik Jena you are perfectly able to
document your laboratory research and daily work results.

ƒƒ High-quality Analytik Jena | Life Science design

ƒƒ Table of content for your personal structure
ƒƒ Including introduction and conversion table
ƒƒ Size: 120 pages in A4 format (squared paper)

Order information

Order number Quantity

844-MA205-2 1 piece



8 BioImaging
8.1 Gel Imaging 342
8.2 Chemiluminescence 362
8.3 Transilluminators 370

1 Mixing and homogenization

9 General laboratory equipment
9.1 PCR UV Cabinets & Workstations 376
9.2 Crosslinker 380

1.1 Thermal mixer


Thermal mixers are the basic equipment of every laboratory.

We offer several high-end instruments making it easy to find the
appropriate mixer for different applications. All instruments of the

BioShake series are perfect for mixing small volumes in microplates

as well as for daily routine using tubes or glass vials. As all thermal
mixers offer a choice of several different blocks, every requirement
can be met.
1 Mixing and homogenization

High-speed mixer and thermal mixer in compact design
The BioShake series puts the traditional way of thinking upside
down and defines completely new the requirements of a labora-
tory mixer – a category which, in the light of downsizing of reaction
volumes and upsizing of the well numbers in microplates, is faced
permanent increasing demands.

The BioShake series meets exactly these new requirements: The

instruments are mixing also smallest volumes in shortest time, offer
a simple handling, outstanding comfort and a maximum of safety,
advantages unknown by then. In contrast to that the required space
is minimized. BioShake iQ (High-Speed Thermal Mixer)

Integrated 3D-Shake-Control and Anti-Vibration-Technology enable

high-precise and effective shaking on even smallest benches. Time
consuming centrifugation steps after mixing can be cut down. An-
noying vibration and noise are things of the past.

Rapid and gentle mixing with 2 mm orbit and up to 3,000 rpm for
optimal results of even sensitive samples and liquids.

Controlled planar mixing avoids wetting of lids, sample spillage and
sample contamination with close-by samples.

Outstanding smooth running conditions without any vibration and
any noise.

BioShake XP (High-Speed Mixer)

1.1 Thermal mixer

Effective mixing without sample loss

The adjustment of the optimal mixing frequency for microplates or
reaction tubes should always be done depending on the basis of

the well size and the filling volume. Only this way optimal results
without loss of samples can be achieved highly reproducible and in
shortest time.

1 Mixing and homogenization

Recommended mixing frequencies for reaction tubes
Recommended mixing frequencies [rpm] for tubes against filling volume [%] for aqueous substances

Filling volume 0.2 ml tubes 0.5 ml tubes 1.5 ml tubes 2.0 ml tubes
10 % - 50 % 1,400 – 1,800 1,200 – 1,600 1,000 – 1,300 1,000 – 1,300
50 % - 75 % 1,200 – 1,500 1,100 – 1,300 1,000 – 1,200 900 – 1,200
75 % - 100 % 1,000 – 1,300 1,000 – 1,200 900 – 1,100 900 – 1,100

Recommended mixing frequencies for microplates

Recommended mixing frequencies [rpm] for microplates against filling volume [%] for aqueous substances

Filling volume 96 well 384 well 384 well 1536 well

(standard) (standard) (small volumes) (standard)
10 % 1,800 – 2,200 2,200 – 2,600 2,800 – 3,000 2,800 – 3,000
25 % 1,600 – 2,000 2,000 – 2,400 2,400 – 3,000 2,600 – 3,000
50 % 1,400 – 1,800 1,800 – 2,200 2,200 – 2,600 2,400 – 2,600
75 % 1,200 – 1,600 1,600 – 2,000 2,000 – 2,400 2,200 – 2,600

1.1 Thermal mixer

BioShake series | High-speed mixer and thermal mixer for small and
very small volumes in microplates and reaction tubes

The BioShake series allows for the first time high precise and
efficient mixing in the microliter scale for a wide range of applica- ƒƒ Fast shaking and mixing up to 3,000 rpm
tions. Assays in microplates or reaction vessels can be realized fast ƒƒ For microplates, PCR plates, deep well plates, tubes
and safe with using adjustable speed of 200 up to 3,000 rpm. The and glass vials
BioShake mixing-technology is obviously more robust, vibration free ƒƒ Sample preparation for Next Generation sequencing (e.g.
1 Mixing and homogenization

and needs less maintenance compared to classical mixers. bead-technology)

ƒƒ Customized adapters on request
ƒƒ Vortex and Short-mix function
ƒƒ 3D-Shake-Control: rapid and gentle mixing in orbits for
sensitive samples
ƒƒ Anti-Spill-Technology: controlled planar mixing
ƒƒ Anti-Vibration-Technology: outstanding smooth running
conditions without vibration and noise
ƒƒ Compact and lightweight aluminum design

BioShake XP (High-Speed Mixer) BioShake iQ (High-Speed Thermal Mixer)

Programming the BioShake XP and BioShake iQ works via direct The temperature accuracy is ±0.1 °C, the temperature uniformity
touch buttons. In addition two buttons for start and storage of time through all samples is better than ±1 °C.
and mixing modes enable the instrument to run complex applica-
tions. This opens new points of view on the daily laboratory work The BioShake series is characterized by minor space requirement.
and optimizes routine application enormously.
The BioShake series comes with a variety of standardized and spe-
The short mix button allows short and fast mixing in between. cific adapter plates. The adapters allow an optimal fit for standard
tubes, lysis tubes, microplates, conical 15 and 50 ml tubes, glass
The two line LCD display guarantees simultaneous and safe read- vials and other sample vessels. An excellent temperature uniformity
ing of all programmed and measured parameters as time, mixing and homogeneity is guaranteed by using these adapters.
frequency and for BioShake iQ additional temperature.
Customized adapters!
The BioShake iQ is the high end thermal mixer of the BioShake se- You need an adapter plate for specially shaped microplates, tubes
ries. In addition to the technical specifications of the model or vials?
BioShake XP, the BioShake iQ comes with an very accurate heating Please send us a sample and detailed information about manufac-
technology. This allows highly reproducible results. The temperature turer, description and article number.
range from RT to 99 °C is adjustable in 0.1 °C steps. You will receive your special formed adapter plate!

1.1 Thermal mixer

Adapters for microplates (MTP)

Adapter for BioShake

BioShake adapter

1 Mixing and homogenization

Flat bottom, high base Flat bottom, high base 96 well round bottom, universal 96 well standard PCR plate

Adapters for deep well plates

384 well standard PCR plate 96 well, 1,000 µl (Eppendorf) 96 well, 500 µl (Eppendorf)

Adapters for tubes

24 × 2.0 ml and 15 × 0.5 ml 24 × 1.5 ml and 15 × 0.5 ml 40 × 0.5 ml and 28 × 0.2 ml 96 × 0.2 ml

Customized Adapters


35 × 2.0 ml and 24 × 0.5 ml 35 × 1.5 ml and 24 × 0.5 ml 35 × Lysis Tubes, 0.5 – 2.0 ml For individual reaction vessels

Adapters for glass vials

30 × 2.0 ml 20 × 4.0 ml 4 x 50 ml Falcon tubes 12 x 15 ml Falcon tubes

1.1 Thermal mixer

Technical data
BioShake XP BioShake iQ

Removable Adapter Plates

Microplates 96-, 384- and 1536 well microplates, 96-, 384- and 1536 well microplates,
deep well plates and PCR plates deep well plates and PCR plates
Tubes 0.2 up to 2.0 ml standard and lysis tubes 0.2 up to 2.0 ml standard and lysis tubes
(with skirt), 5 ml conical tubes (with skirt), 5 ml conical tubes
1 Mixing and homogenization

Glass vials 2.0 and 4.0 ml glass vials 2.0 and 4.0 ml glass vials
Falcon tubes 15 ml and 50 ml Falcon 15 ml and 50 ml Falcon
Others On request On request

Tempering function
Temperature regulation range – Ambient to 99 °C
Temperature setting – 0,1 °C increments,
adjustable from 0 °C to 99 °C
Temperature regulation accuracy – ± 0.1 °C
Temperature uniformity – ƒƒ ±0.5 °C up to 45 °C
ƒƒ ±0.7 °C from 45°C to 75 °C
ƒƒ ±1.0 °C from 75°C to 95 °C
Heat-up time – ƒƒ Approx. 7 °C/min
ƒƒ Approx. 10 min from ambient to 95 °C

Mixing function
Microplates 200 up to 3,000 rpm 200 up to 3,000 rpm
Reaction tubes, glass vials 200 up to 1,800 rpm 200 up to 1,800 rpm
Falcon tubes 200 up to 1,000 rpm 200 up to 1,000 rpm
Mixing orbit Constant 2 mm Constant 2 mm
Speed setting resolution 50 rpm increments 50 rpm increments
Mixing regulation accuracy ± 25 rpm ± 25 rpm
Short-mix function Yes Yes

Timer function
Timer setting 1 min to 99 h 1 min to 99 h
with automatic switch to stand-by with automatic switch to stand-by
Timer setting resolution 1 minute steps 1 minute steps
Readabaility Minutes, seconds Minutes, seconds
Continous working Yes Yes
Audible alarm Yes when program finished Yes when program finished

Programs stored 2 2
Definable buttons P1, P2 P1, P2
Individual program capacity 3 steps 3 steps

1.1 Thermal mixer

BioShake XP BioShake iQ

Display 2-line LCD-Display 2-line LCD-Display
Set values and present values Time and mixing frequency Time, mixing frequency and temperature

1 Mixing and homogenization

Electrical parameters XP iQ
Controller Micro controller Micro controller
Power switch Yes Yes
Operating Voltages 24 V DC input,100 Watt 24 V DC input,100 Watt
Power Supply External, 100 – 240 V AC (input), External, 100 – 240 V AC (input),
50 – 60 Hz, 24 V DC (output) 50 – 60 Hz, 24 V DC (output)

Housing material Aluminum (anodized) Aluminum (anodized)
Environment operating range +5 °C to 45 °C +5 °C to 45 °C
(80 % max. relative humidity) (80 % max. relative humidity)
Dimensions (W × D × H) 142 × 170 × 80 mm 142 × 170 × 80 mm
Weight 2.7 kg 2.7 kg

Order information

Order No. Description

848-1808-0505 BioShake XP (Europe power cable)
848-1808-0555 BioShake XP (USA power cable)
848-1808-0565 BioShake XP (Japan power cable)
848-1808-0506 BioShake iQ (Europe power cable)
848-1808-0556 BioShake iQ (USA power cable)
848-1808-0566 BioShake iQ (Japan power cable)

848-1808-1021 Adapter for microplates – flat bottom
848-1808-1022 Adapter for microplates – flat bottom, high base
848-1808-1031 Adapter for microplates – 96 well round bottom
848-1808-1041 Adapter for microplates – 96 well standard PCR plate
848-1808-1051 Adapter for microplates – 384 well standard PCR plate
848-1808-1061 Adapter – 24 × 2.0 ml tubes and 15 × 0.5 ml tubes
848-1808-1062 Adapter – 24 × 1.5 ml tubes and 15 × 0.5 ml tubes
848-1808-1063 Adapter – 40 × 0.5 ml tubes and 28 × 0.2 ml tubes
848-1808-1064 Adapter – 96 × 0.2 ml tubes
848-1808-1065 Adapter – 35 × 2.0 ml tubes and 24 × 0.5 ml tubes
848-1808-1066 Adapter – 35 × 1.5 ml tubes and 24 × 0.5 ml tubes
848-1808-1067 Adapter – 35 × lysis tubes 0,5 – 2.0 ml
848-1808-1071 Adapter – 30 × 2.0 ml glass vials (Ø = 12 mm)
848-1808-1072 Adapter – 20 × 4.0 ml glass vials (Ø = 15 mm)
848-1808-1093 Adapter for 4 x 50 ml Falcon tubes (also for straight frame) or 2 x 15 ml Falcon tubes
848-1808-1094 Adapter for 12 x 15 ml Falcon tubes (conical)
848-1808-1095 Adapter - 12 x 5 ml conical tubes
848-1808-1121 Adapter for deep well plates – 96 well, 1,000 µl (Eppendorf)
848-1808-1131 Adapter for deep well plates – 96 well, 500 µl (Eppendorf)
848-1808-1000 Customized adapters for specially shaped microplates, tubes or vials (on request)

1.2 Hybridization Ovens

Hybridization Ovens | Versatile instruments for all kind of common

hybridization applications


The hybridization ovens OV 500, OV 1000, OV 2000 and OV ƒƒ Broad portfolio of hybridization ovens
4000 utilize carousels for a variety of different bottle or tube ƒƒ Accurate temperature and rotation speed control
sizes. The high capacity of the carousels allows incubation of sev- ƒƒ Variable bottle sizes and offset bottle positioning
eral bottles or tubes in parallel. By adjusting the bottle positioning ƒƒ Easy to clean interior made of stainless steel
offset a continuous flow of buffer across the complete surface ƒƒ Two independent incubation chambers (OV 4000)
1 Mixing and homogenization

of the hybridization membranes is generated and the volume of

hybridization solution can be decreased significantly.

Ease of handling Crosslinker and oven

The large diameter of the bottle necks allows membranes to be The model OV 2000 combines a hybridization oven and a UV
easily inserted and removed. Bubble trapping or leaking using crosslinker (254nm UV) in one unit. The oven and the crosslinker
conventional hybridization bags is avoided. Nylon meshes allow operate independently and provide the functionality for crosslink-
each hybridization bottle to accommodate several membranes ing of nucleic acids to membranes and subsequent hybridization.
simultaneously or to incubate very large, overlapping membranes The crosslinker offers preset and manual controls for ultraviolet or
separated from each other. Therefore using the nylon meshes time exposure.
optimal utilization of the system is given and which helps to avoid
unnecessary delays. Two ovens in one
The hybridization oven OV 4000 is designed with two separate in-
Safety cubation chambers that work as separate, independent units and
The interior of all models is made of easy to clean stainless steel. can be used for a variety of applications. The two chambers allow
Moreover the ovens OV 1000, OV 2000 and OV 4000 addition- simultaneously hybridization and blotting procedures requiring dif-
ally are equipped with a removable protective tray to allow easy ferent sized bottles, motions or temperature settings. The upper
cleanup of spilled liquids. The window on the door of the cross- chamber is equipped with a shaker tray that can be exchanged by
linker in the hybridization oven OV 2000 blocks UV radiation to an acrylic carousel or an orbital tray that are available as optional
allow riskless viewing of processes. accessories. The hybridization oven OV 4000 therefore offers
several motion functions like shaking, rolling, orbital rocking and
rotating all in one unit. This unique workstation format lends itself
to a wide variety of applications, for example:

ƒƒ For high throughput purposes the upper incubation chamber

can be equipped with an optionally available second sample
carousel for the incubation of two different sets of hybridiza-
tions experiments at different temperatures.
ƒƒ While using the lower chamber for hybridization experiments,
the upper chamber can be used for temperature incubation of
hybridization buffers.
ƒƒ In situ hybridizations can be carried out in the lower chamber
as gels are being destained in a tray on the shaking platform in
the upper chamber. The OV 4000 accomplishes all these func-
tions in a compact format and a small footprint.

1.2 Hybridisation Ovens

Ovens OV 500 OV 1000 OV 2000 OV 4000
Order Number 849-30004-4 (115V) 1
849-30001-4 (115V) 1
849-30002-4 (115V) 1
849-30003-4 (115V)1

1 Mixing and homogenization

849-30004-2 (230V)2 849-30001-2 (230V)2 849-30002-2 (230V)2 849-30003-2 (230V)2
849-30004-3 (230V)3 849-30001-3 (230V)3 849-30002-3 (230V)3 849-30003-3 (230V)3
849-30004-5 (100V)4 849-30001-5 (100V)4 849-30002-5 (100V)4 849-30003-5 (100V)4
Number of 1 1 1 2
Hybridisation chambers plus crosslinker
Lower chamber Upper chamber
Min. Temperature 10 °C above RT 10 °C above RT 10 °C above RT 10 °C above RT 10 °C above RT
Max. Temperature 80 °C 99.9 °C 99.9 °C 99.9 °C 80°C
Temperature Accuracy ± 0.5°C to 68°C ± 0.3°C to 68°C ± 0.3°C to 68°C ± 0.3°C to 68°C ± 0.3°C to 68°C
Temperature Uniformity ± 0.1°C to 68°C ± 0.1°C to 68°C ± 0.1°C to 68°C ± 0.1°C to 68°C ± 0.1°C to 68°C
Rotor Speed 12 rpm 10 - 15 rpm 10 - 15 rpm 10 - 18 rpm 12 - 20 rpm
Bottles (30 cm) - 10 10 10 10
Bottles (15 cm) 4 20 20 20 20
50 ml tubes 8 - - - -
15 ml tubes 8 - - - -
Shaker tray - - - Yes, upper chamber
Shaking speed - - - 54-106 rpm
Crosslinker - - Yes -
5 x 8W 254nm bulbs
Footprint (W x D) 33 x 20 cm 40 cm x 38 cm 45 cm x 38 cm 45 cm x 38 cm
Height / Weight 23 cm / 5.1 kg 45 cm / 19.5 kg 61 cm / 27.2 kg 72 cm / 34.0 kg

Optional accessories
- Orbital tray Orbital tray Orbital tray
Rotation speed - 30 rpm @ 2° angle 30 rpm @ 2° angle 30 rpm @ 2° angle
Maxium load - 1,36 kg 1,36 kg 1,36 kg
- Rocker tray Rocker tray Rocker tray
Shaking speed - 7-14 rpm 7-14 rpm 7-14 rpm
Shaking angle - 12° 12° 12°
- - - 2nd Carousel
- - - Reciprocating Shaker Tray


Order number Product quantity

849-30080-0 Hybridization bottle large, 30 x 3.5 cm incl. cap, O-ring and PFTE seal
849-30081-0 Hybridization bottle medium, 15 x 3.5 cm incl. cap, O-ring and PFTE seal
849-30082-0 Hybridization bottle small, 10 x 3.5 cm incl. cap, O-ring and PFTE seal
849-30083-0 Bottle cap incl. O-ring and PFTE seal
849-30084-0 Nylon meshes 15 x 10 cm
849-30085-0 Nylon meshes 23 x 23 cm
849-30050-0 Rocker Tray (for OV 1000, OV 2000 and OV 4000)
849-30051-0 Orbital Tray (for OV 1000, OV 2000 and OV 4000)
849-30052-0 Reciprocating Shaker Tray (for OV 4000)
849-30057-0 Carousel, acrylic (for upper chamber OV 4000)
US plug 2
UK plug 3
Euro and UK plug 4
US plug 277
1.3 UV Incubator

UV Incubator | Incubation and UV sterilization in benchtop format

The UV incubator UI 950 provides precise temperature control ƒƒ Minimal benchtop space

and uniformity for the incubation of biological assays, fungal, bac- ƒƒ Microprocessor controlled for high temperature uniformity
terial cultures, eggs and other samples up to 68°C. The instrument ƒƒ Reliable sterilization by shortwave (254nm) UV light
is equipped with a built-in overhead shortwave 254nm UV tube ƒƒ Shelves adjustable at three positions
for sterilization of the incubation chamber between experiments.
By utilizing the germicidal properties of UV light eliminating viable
1 Mixing and homogenization

fungi, bacteria and yeast cross contamination between experi-

ments is prevented.

Safety Flexibility
For protection of the personnel the incubator door blocks UV light The instrument is delivered with two shelves made of stainless
and will not allow UV radiation to pass through. The germicidal lamp steel that can be adjusted at three different positions. This flexibility
will shut off if the door is opened. There is no risk of damage to can be used for simultaneously incubation of various samples of
unprotected eyes and skin by the powerful source of UV radiation. different heights.
For safety the UV incubator UI 950 provides an automated process
for the decontamination by high-intensive shortwave UV light.
Furthermore the interior of the instrument is made of stainless steel Footprint
and easy to clean by non-abrasive mild detergents. The small footprint of 44.5 x 37.5 x 45.7 cm (W x D x H) makes the
UV incubator UI 950 fit into any laboratory and the ideal instrument
for incubating low to medium sample numbers.

1.3 UV Incubator

Technical data
Incubator UI 950

Order number 849-30005-2, 230V, UK plug
849-30005-3, 230V, EU and UK plug
849-30005-4, 115V, US plug
849-30005-5, 100V, US plug
Controller PI

1 Mixing and homogenization

Setpoint Digital
Display Digital LED
Temperature Range Ambient +3 °C to 68 °C
Temperature Sensor LM345 Integrated Temperature Sensor
Temperature Accuracy +1°C
Temperature Uniformity +0.5°C at 37°C
Interior volume 26.9 liters
Average Relative Humidity ~ 80%
Interior Stainless steel
Exterior Aluminum powder coated
Door Acrylic
Exterior W x H x D 44.5 x 43.2 x 35.6 cm
Interior W x H x D 35.6 x 27.2 x 27.7 cm
Dimensions shelves (W x D) 33.8 x 21.6 cm
Construction shelves Formed stainless steel
Surface area shelves 729.35 cm2
Heating Element 1,250 Watts
3,923.9628779 BTU/hr (115V, 10A)
4,265.1777 BTU/hr (230V, 10A)
Weight 21.3 kg
Max. Power Consumption 115V 60 Hz, 230V 60 Hz or 110V 50/60 Hz and 1150 W
Working conditions 5°C to 40°C, max.
2,000 m NN

Order information
Order Number Optional Accessories
849-30200-0 Key, replacement
849-00015-0 Tube, 8-watt, 254nm shortwave germicidal
849-30201-0 Shelve, stainless steel ventilated
849-20602-0 Face Shield, UV blocking (UVC-803)
849-00011-0 UVX Radiometer
849-00012-0 UVX Sensor (UVX-25)

1.4 Homogenization

SpeedMill PLUS | Powerful and high efficient homogenizer

Homogenizer for various starting materials

The SpeedMill PLUS is a highly efficient homogenization system ƒƒ Entire and reproducible homogenizing
for various starting materials used for the subsequent isolation and ƒƒ Efficient sample cooling during the whole preparation

purification of DNA, RNA or proteins. ƒƒ Flexible homogenizing system for various starting materials
ƒƒ Broad portfolio of Lysis Tubes enables individual
The homogenization process is based on an innovative mechanical extensions of the homogenizing system
principle for which a patent has been filed. This new process allows ƒƒ Touch control panel and large display provide considerable
users to operate the SpeedMill PLUS continuously if necessary. operating convenience
1 Mixing and homogenization

The high efficiency of energy input into the sample, based on a ver- ƒƒ Pre-programed protocols or user-defined programing with
tical movement, procures a homogeneous disruption of the sample freely selectable parameters
without destroying the target molecules. ƒƒ Compact construction
ƒƒ Can easily be operated continuously with
ƒƒ No tools required to operate the instrumenty
ƒƒ Homogenizing comparably low-noised

1.4 Homogenization

Efficient sample cooling: prior, during and after preparation

For the optimized sample holder, which is used inside the SpeedMill
PLUS, different temperature ratings are freely selectable due to the

storage down to –80 °C. According to this an efficient sample cooling
during the whole homogenization process is warranted and the
substantial sample warming that occurs with other homogenizers is
prevented. The often problematic handling of liquid nitrogen or dry
ice is thus a thing of the past. Additionally the considerably expense

1 Mixing and homogenization

factor of this additives, which have to be loaded continuously, is not
applicable. Besides the sample holder allows an easy transport of the
sample tubes and a long term storage of starting or homogenized
material at adequate temperatures.

Exchangeable sample adapters enable an easy sample handling

Guaranteed safety during homogenizing due to bayonet catch

1 Mixing and homogenization 1.4 Homogenization

A wide range of different kinds of Lysis Tubes with application specific

beads for an effective homogenization

Modern preparation of samples: SpeedMill PLUS They also contain all other components needed for isolating DNA
The samples to be processed are rapidly and efficiently homog- or RNA from different starting materials. Optimized kits for sample
enized in Lysis Tubes that have been specially optimized for the processing with the SpeedMill results in extremely rapid and highly
system and, as such, contain different and/or application-specific efficient nucleic acid isolation. Both the yield and quality of the
beads. Using beads makes it possible to completely and reproduc- nucleic acids are excellent. The standard isolation protocol requires
ibly homogenize even the toughest starting materials, such as only about 20 to 30 minutes.
cartilage and chitin shells of insects or ticks within a very short time.
2.0 mL and 0.5 mL containers (Lysis Tubes) with different beads
are available for sample preparation, allowing users to adapt sample Nucleic acid extraction principle
processing to a diverse range of soft and hard starting materials. DNA isolation: Mechanical disruption of the starting material is
Operating processes, such as loading and removing of the sample followed by a proteolytic lysis step. The genomic DNA is adsorbed
tubes, are very simple and no tools are required. In addition user- onto a Spin Filter, washed and then eluted. The yield and quality of
defined protocols can be entered and saved as well as pre-installed the DNA are excellent.
programs are available. Homogenization parameters, like time and
using cyclic routines are freely selectable. RNA isolation: After the mechanical disruption and denaturation of
the starting material, genomic DNA is removed by adsorbtion onto
an initial Spin Filter. The RNA is then adsorped onto a second Spin
Filter, followed by a wash step and finally by elution of the RNA.

innuSPEED Kits: optimized for DNA and RNA isolation including Lysis Tubes

Optimized extraction kits for the SpeedMill

The SpeedMill also accommodates kits for complete nucleic acid
(DNA and RNA) isolation from various starting materials. All kits
have been optimized for the SpeedMill for extremely fast and ef-
ficient nucleic acid isolation. The yields produced are impressively
high and the quality of the isolated nucleic acids is outstanding.
These kits contain special Lysis Tubes with application-specific
beads as well as pre-made buffers. Various sample holders for several fields of applications

1.4 Homogenization

Technical data

System parameters

Homogenization time 30 sec to 4 min (depending on the starting material)
DNA/RNA purification time 20 – 30 min for standard protocols (complete nucleic acid purification)
Device handling Stand-alone device, simple starting and handling of device by using modern touch sensors
Acceleration time No acceleration

1 Mixing and homogenization

Deceleration time No deceleration

Application parameters
Homogenization routines User-defined programming with user-defined parameters, as well as pre-programmed protocols
Sample handling Simple sample tube loading and removal
Sample capacity Up to 20 samples simultaneously
Sample cooling Passive cooled sample holder; storage at temperatures down to –80 °C

Programming parameters
Homogenization time range 1 sec to 4:59 min
Steps of adjusting time 1 sec
Pre-programmed protocols Yes
User-defined protocols Yes
Storable protocols 20
Number of cycles 1 – 99
Protocol steps 1–6

Lysis Tubes Broad ranged portfolio of chooseable Lysis Tubes with various volumina and beads
Complete purification innuSPEED Kits containing Lysis Tubes for standardized starting materials enable effective extraction
of nucleic acids without previous homogenizing optimization

Other technical data

Dimensions (W × H × D) 154 × 275 × 257 mm
Weight 12 kg
Power Supply AC 220 V, 50 Hz/110 V, 60 Hz
Power consumption 150 W (max)
Warranty 2 years

1.4 Homogenization

Order information

Order No. Description


845-00007-2 SpeedMill PLUS

220 V stand-alone instrument system, including Sample Holder P12 (passive cooling function, 12
positions, aluminium, black)
845-00008-2 SpeedMill PLUS
1 Mixing and homogenization

110 V stand-alone instrument system, including Sample Holder P12 (passive cooling function, 12
positions, aluminium, black)
845-60051-0 Sample Holder P12
Sample Holder in aluminium design (black) for up to 12 sample, passive cooling function and storage
down to -80 °C

845-60053-0 Sample Holder P20

Sample Holder in aluminium design (black) for up to 20 sample, passive cooling function and storage
down to -80 °C

845-60053-0 Tube Fixation

Lock to fix Lysis Tubes, optimized for usage of innuSPEED Lysis Tube Q (mandrel)

Order information on page 89 - 97 (innuSPEED Kits)

and page 98 - 102 (innuSPEED Lysis Tubes)

1.4 Homogenization

1 Mixing and homogenization 1.4
2.1 InnuPure® C16

InnuPure® C16 | Magnetic particle based extraction system

Exceptionally fast walk-away principle

The InnuPure® C16 is a flexible and efficient extraction system ƒƒ Flexible and efficient extraction system
for fully automated isolation and purification of nucleic acids. The ƒƒ Completely automated and compact
system, which was developed and manufactured in Germany, is de- ƒƒ Up to sixteen samples in parallel
signed for small and medium sample throughput and can process ƒƒ Isolation of very pure nucleic acids
a wide range of starting materials. The system combines a unique ƒƒ Suitable for a wide variety of starting materials, including
liquid handling method with an extremely fast walk-away principle. forensic samples
ƒƒ Pre-programed protocols
Labor-intensive sample lysis steps are no longer necessary, as they ƒƒ Adsorption of the isolated material onto magnetic or
are now incorporated into the automated extraction process in paramagnetic particles
keeping with the starting material. The nucleic acids to be isolated ƒƒ Adjustable elution volumes
are then adsorbed onto magnetic or paramagnetic particles whose ƒƒ Automatic transfer of eluates into Elution Tubes with caps

surfaces have been specially adapted for this purpose. The required ƒƒ Easy and convenient to use thanks to the portable
extraction chemistry has been optimized for the application at HID-Pro 320 user interface
hand, allowing users to isolate high yields of very pure nucleic acids. ƒƒ No cross-contamination
ƒƒ Highly reproducible
ƒƒ Fast, reliable and efficient
2 Automated nucleic acid isolation

ƒƒ Optional available: UV lamp for easy decontamination of

sample room

2.1 InnuPure® C16

2 Automated nucleic acid isolation
The fully automatic magnetic particle separation process is carried
out in the wells of the plastic extraction vessels. After the starting
material has been introduced into the isolation process, the neces-
sary reagents are pipetted to the sample and then automatically
removed by pipette tip.

Once the nucleic acids have been bound to magnetic particles,

they collect at the bottom of the wells and, depending on the
routine in use, are resolubilized by pipetting them in and out in an
optimized process. Finally, the DNA is eluted into separate, capped
Elution Tubes for direct storage or other applications. The extrac-
tion principle also efficiently prevents the cross contamination that
often occurs in vacuum-based purification methods. In addition, the
InnuPure® C16 is equipped with pre-installed application protocols
in order to avoid time-consuming programming. The high flexibility
of the system allows users to isolate DNA from up to 16 samples in

The smart Sample Tray and a wide selection of pre-filled reagent plastics
allow a single and a multiple sample preparation.

2.1 InnuPure® C16

HID-Pro 320 for fast and easy operation

Users operate the InnuPure® C16 from a flexible, portable
HID-Pro 320 unit with the large 5.7" touchscreen. Because this PC-
based system operates in a Windows CE environment, users have
typical Windows functions and a clearly structured menu on the
interface, making the entire system a stand-alone device.
The real-time display allows scientists to check the status of the
current extraction and follow each routine clearly and continuously.
In addition, the USB interface makes it easy to update software and
upload new isolation protocols.
2 Automated nucleic acid isolation

Easiest preparation of the Sample Tray with help of the Priming Station

Sample application
Isolation of genomic DNA from 200 μL aliquots of whole blood
(fresh, EDTA). The process encompasses full isolation (including au-
tomated lysis of the whole blood samples) with no need for manual
Highest user confidence due to the HID-Pro 320 and it's
5.7" colored touchscreen

Extremely easy handling thanks to optimized extraction kits

Extraction kits adapted to the InnuPure® C16 allow users to process
forensic samples and isolate genomic DNA, and viral or bacterial
nucleic acids. These kits are ideal automation tools for efficiently
isolating high-quality nucleic acids with no contamination.
All purification kits are ready for use and have been optimized for
different starting materials and quantities. Lane 1: DNA ladder, Lane 2 – 17: gDNA from whole blood sample on a
1.5 % agarose gel
Fully pre-filled Reagent Strips and Plates minimize manual steps
and save an impressive amount of time. In addition, the intelligent
sample tray allows users to process individual samples. Therefore Use of genomic DNA (1 µl each) isolated from 200 μL whole
the positions of the deep-well Reagent Plates can be assembled blood samples for amplifying a human-specific target sequence in
with an additional adapter: a process that can be performed in just real-time. Amplification was performed in a qTOWER.
one easy step. This makes it possible to adapt up to 4 pre-filled
Reagent Strips for individual sample handling and, as such, the
InnuPure® C16 can be easily adapted to handle a quantity from
1 to 16 samples.

Amplification plots of GAPDH specific target sequence, after isolation of

human gDNA from 16x 200 µl of whole blood

2.1 InnuPure® C16

Sample position
(mixing of starting material
and magnetic particles)

(for usage of Reagent Strips)
Pre-filled Reagent Plates
(Deep-well Plates with optimized
extraction chemistry)

Pre-filled Reagent Strips
(for single sample handling)

Filter Tips

2 Automated nucleic acid isolation

Elution Tubes
(for direct (transfer of solutions)
storage of
nucleic acids)

The system (including Sample Tray and extraction kits) is Step 2: After loading the Sample Tray, position it in the Innu-
extremely fast and easy to use, allowing users to fully prep Pure® C16 with the elution vessels in front. The Sample Tray
samples for nucleic acid isolation in just three steps. will be drawn into the device automatically upon activation of the
integrated soft-touch function.
Step 1: First, load the Sample Tray as shown with the appropri-
ate accessories (You may wish to consult the kit user manual Step 3: Finally, open the list with the pre-installed isolation proto-
for details on how to position the Reagent Strips/Plates, elution cols and the InnuPure® C16 will automatically run the extraction.
vessels and Filter Tips.) The correct order for the prefilled, plastic
reaction containers depends on the application. The number of After the routine is finished, the Sample Tray containing the purified sam-
elution vessels and Filter Tips depends on the number of samples ples will automatically move out of the InnuPure® C16. The extraction
to be processed. process will take about 40 – 75 minutes depending on the application.

Please order the optimized extraction kits separately.

For further information please have a look into the
chapter »Reagents« on page 105 – 116

2.1 InnuPure® C16

Technical data

System parameters
Drive 5 quiet long-life servomotors
Operation Stand-alone (HID-Pro 320 with 5.7“ color touchscreen)
Maintenance Maintenance-free due to the use of non-wearing stainless steel pistons
Cleaning Easy access to the system components through the front door
Extraction time Minimum 40 minutes (depending on starting material)
Number of samples 1 to 16
Tempering Heated position up to 50 °C inside the sample

Application parameters
Consumables ƒƒ Kit contains all consumables.
ƒƒ Sealed, pre-filled Reagent Strips or Plates
2 Automated nucleic acid isolation

Extraction routines Pre-programed protocols (optimized for different starting materials)

Piercing function Yes. No need to remove sealing foils from the Reagent Strips or Plates
Filter tip volume Maximum 1000 µl

Other technical data

Accessories Sample Tray and Priming Station for up to 16 samples
Weight Approx. 28 kg
Dimensions (W × H × D) 380 mm × 435 mm × 530 mm
Power supply Internal power supply 110 – 230 V/50 – 60 Hz
Warranty 2 years

Order information

Order No. Description

845-00002-2 InnuPure® C16
Instrument system, incl. user interface HID-Pro 320, Priming Station and Sample Tray for up to 2
Reagent Plates
845-60004-0 Priming Station for InnuPure® C16
845-60005-0 Sample Tray for InnuPure® C16
845-60006-0 Adapter for 4 Reagent Strips
845-60007-0 Piercing Tool for InnuPure® C16 (for perforation of sealed consumables)
845-60008-0 UV lamp for InnuPure® C16

2.1 InnuPure® C16

2 Automated nucleic acid isolation 2.1
2.2 InnuPure® C96

InnuPure® C96 | Fast and efficient high-throughput nucleic acid


The InnuPure® C96 allows a fast and fully automated nucleic acid ƒƒ Fully automated nucleic acid extraction based on proven
extraction from complex starting materials in 96 well standard for- magnetic particle separation
mat. The InnuPure® C96 extraction system is founded on the prov- ƒƒ Preparation of up to 96 samples in parallel
en principles of liquid handling and purification based on magnetic ƒƒ Preprogrammed extraction protocols for optimal reproduc-
particle separation. Therefore high yields and excellent purities are ibility
achieved. The purification of DNA and/or RNA is one of the most ƒƒ Adjustable elution volumes
common methods for sample preparation and thus constitutes a ƒƒ Ready-to-use purification kits for easy handling and for the
standard in molecular biology and medical diagnostics. The built-in extraction of high quality nucleic acids
96 well precision pipetting head with 96 simultaneously operating ƒƒ Minimum number of manual steps
channels and an established tip sealing principle is well suited for ƒƒ Tight desktop device for any lab bench

complex purification processes with high sample throughput. It also ƒƒ Optimized lysis by using a heated position
ensures excellent and reproducible results. ƒƒ Minimized contamination and easy decontamination due
The automated extraction process also allows a flexible time man- to an optional UV lamp and HEPA filter
agement which enables to plan and prepare subsequent experi- ƒƒ Highly flexible system for a wide variety of starting materi-
ments comprehensively. als and volumes
2 Automated nucleic acid isolation

2.2 InnuPure® C96

Fast preparation with minimal effort High operating comfort for every routine application
Pre-filled and sealed Reagent Plates facilitate the preparation of High quality robot technology with a very user-friendly software
the isolation routine enormously. Just the starting material has to make the InnuPure® C96 to an attractive extraction system, both
be provided in 96 well format. The reagent plastics are opened in research institutions and for its use in routine applications. The
manually by using an optimized piercing tool. Thus a peeling of effective and flexible software allows preprogrammed standard
the foil can be avoided easily. The subsequent purification process methods to be loaded, protocols to be configured easily and to be
and the supply or discharge of the necessary reagents take place adjusted to customer-specific applications. The clear user interface
along a linear distance with 4 function positions. The plate transport ensures current experiments to be easily understood by providing
system consisting of a two position wagon guarantees a high level of schematic and graphical representations, detailed user instructions
flexibility and speed. and displaying the active extraction step in real-time.

The nucleic acids, bound to magnetic particles, are collected at

the bottom of the wells and, depending on the protocol, resolu-
bilized by up and down pipetting in an optimized process. Using
an automated, tempered position necessary heating steps can be
performed without any manual intervention. Therefore the lysis
efficiency can be set optimally while reducing the lysis duration at

2 Automated nucleic acid isolation

the same time.

Integrated high precision pipetting head with 96 pistons working in

parallel for filter tips up to 1000 µL

ƒƒ Integrated lysis step (depending on the starting material)

ƒƒ Isolation of high quality nucleic acids by binding them to mag-
netic or paramagnetic particles Automatic moevment of all plates due to the 3 position wagon and the
ƒƒ Variable elution into separate tubes for direct storage stacker

Flexible, optimized kits for efficient nucleic acid purification

In addition, the InnuPure® C96 provides maximum protec- For the InnuPure® C96 a variety of different DNA extraction kits is
tion against possible contamination, which can be successfully available. Based on the proven separation of nucleic acids bound to
prevented with the help of the innovative extraction principle. An magnetic particles, excellent results with high purity and yield are
optionally, retrofittable UV lamp and HEPA filter in combination with guaranteed. This ensures the final product to be free of proteins,
the closed working area make the contamination protection of the nucleases and other contaminants and to be used immediately for
extraction system, the individual samples and the isolated nucleic subsequent applications. The whole system makes sure that time
acids complete. is saved significantly and manual interventions are reduced to an
absolute minimum. Pipetting, mixing and heating steps including in
the routine are all operated by the extraction automat.

2.2 InnuPure® C96

Technical data

System parameters
Device operation PC control software
Decontamination ƒƒ Optional: UV lamp
ƒƒ Optional: HEPA filter
Number of samples Up to 96
Tips 96 each with 1000 µl
Liquid handling principle 96 channel precision pipetting head with proven tip sealing principle
Temperature control Automated heating position

Plate transfer ƒƒ 4 function positions in the device

ƒƒ Linear, movable 2 position wagon

Application parameters
Extraction principle Based on surface-functionalized magnetic or paramagnetic particles
2 Automated nucleic acid isolation

Lysis step Automated in the device (depending on the starting material)

Consumables Fully included in the required kit
Extraction routines Preinstalled protocols (optimized for a variety of starting materials)
Elution ƒƒ Adjustable volume (50 - 500 µl)
ƒƒ Transfer of the nucleic acid into a separate plastic for direct storage or for further applications

Other technical data

Dimensions (W x H x D) 690 mm x 810 mm x 400 mm
Power supply Internal power supply 100 – 240 V/50 – 60 Hz
Warranty 2 years

Order information

Order number Description

845-00003-2 InnuPure® C96
Instrument system without PC, including PC operating software

2.2 InnuPure® C96

2 Automated nucleic acid isolation 2.2
3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer

ScanDrop® | Nano-volume spectrophotometer

New generation of spectrophotometer

The ScanDrop® combines easy measurement of microliter volumes ƒƒ Combination of two generations of spectrophotometer
down to 0.3 µl with a standard measuring position for 10 mm ƒƒ Measurement of microliter volumes down to 0.3 µl
cuvettes. This feature results in an exceptionally versatile instru- ƒƒ 16 channels per CHIPCUVETTE® with fully automated
ment for routine work. The modular system is available as a single measuring of up to 32 positions at path lengths of
instrument for small sample volumes, as a standard 10 mm position 0.1 or 1.0 mm
instrument or as a combination of both. Unlike other systems, no ƒƒ Automated sample positioning (CHIPCUVETTE®)
warm up time is necessary. The instrument is ready to use almost ƒƒ Measuring position for 10 mm standard cuvettes
as soon as it is switched on thanks to a long-life xenon flash lamp. ƒƒ Usage of TrayCell®: single measurements of small samples
The lifetime of the lamp with 109 flashes (approx. 100,000 h) at path length of 0.2 mm or 1.0 mm
outperforms conventional ligth sources easily. Furthermore the ƒƒ Maintains best user and sample protection
Split-Beam-Technology provides high stable and reproducible ƒƒ No evaporation
measurement results. One additional highlight is the new portable ƒƒ No cross-contamination
HID-Pro 320 user interface with a 5.7” color touchscreen, which ƒƒ No carryover effects
turns the ScanDrop® into a fully functional and space-saving stand- ƒƒ Easiest sample recovery
alone system. ƒƒ Sample storable in the CHIPCUVETTE®
ƒƒ Suitable for multi-channel pipettes
ƒƒ Powered by SPECORD® technology
ƒƒ High-precision optics with aberration-corrected grating
3 Spectrophotometer

3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer

3 Spectrophotometer
Reliable, versatile and robust Fully automated measurement
The ScanDrop® uses next to cuvettes in 10 mm standard format a The CHIPCUVETTE® is convenient and easy to use thanks to fully
unique patented CHIPCUVETTE®, which allows the user to easily automatic movement and measurement of predefined measuring
measure sample volumes even as small as an impressive 0.3 µl. positions. Up to 32 measurements can be performed during one
The CHIPCUVETTE® provides consistent measuring conditions, such run at which a double determination of one sample at two different
as path lengths, which leads to enhanced reproducibility com- pathlenght can be performed. This feature offers a matchless ad-
pared to other available “open drop” or “microliter” systems. It also vantage especially if sample concentrations are unknown, because
provides optimum user and sample protection, utterly eliminating any dilution becomes unecessary.
sample evaporation and the risk of cross-contamination or carryover
effects. This new chip technology makes it easy to recover or simply
store the sample after measurement. High-precision optics – powered by SPECORD® technology
The polychromator system, designed to work without any movable
The CHIPCUVETTE® provides 16 separate micro channels and is components, is the heart of ScanDrop®. Its high-precision optics
suitable for multichannel pipettes. Its technology ensures precise consist of an aberration-corrected grating, a mechanical slit and a
UV VIS absorption measurements between 190 nm and 720 nm. diode array detector. Encased in a rugged titan-based spectrometer
body, it is permanently adjusted, fixed and insensitive to external

3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer

Measurement position for CHIPCUVETTE® Measurement position for 10 mm standard cuvettes

The formula module The formula module allows users to compile, store and reuse cus-
Mathematical functions such as: tomized computation formulas; the quantification module automati-
ƒƒ Addition cally calculates unknown concentrations by creating a calibration
ƒƒ Subtraction curve containing standard samples. A number of typical methods

ƒƒ Multiplication are preprogrammed. The formula module mathematically combines

ƒƒ Division up to six fixed wavelengths and the quantification module chooses
ƒƒ Factor between different calibration curves.
ƒƒ Square
ƒƒ Square root
3 Spectrophotometer

ƒƒ Sine External user-interface HID-Pro 320

ƒƒ Cosine The new portable HID-Pro 320 user interface eliminates the need
ƒƒ Logarithm ln for a PC and makes the system exceptionally easy to operate. Its ex-
ƒƒ Binomial theorems tra large 5.7” color touchscreen eliminates the need for a keyboard
or mouse. The software, which is based on Windows CE, offers
typical Windows functions and operating environment, as well as an
Bio method module – wide selection intuitive menu bar.
The following preprogrammed methods are available: The HID-Pro 320 consists of a LAN and USB port for optimum con-
ƒƒ Absorbance 260 nectivity and is also compatible with other instruments from
ƒƒ DNA purity (A 260/A 280) Analytik Jena | Life Science, such as the SpeedCycler  2 thermal cycler
ƒƒ ssDNA concentration (A 260 × factor 33) or InnuPure® C16 extraction automate.
ƒƒ RNA concentration (A 260 × factor 40)
ƒƒ DNA concentration (A 260 × factor 50)
ƒƒ Absorbance 280
ƒƒ Absorbance 280, factor 1.38
ƒƒ Kalb and Bernlohr
ƒƒ Warburg-Christian formula for DNA
ƒƒ Warburg-Christian formula for proteins
ƒƒ Whitaker and Granum
ƒƒ Kalckar and Shaffran
ƒƒ and more...

PC controlled or stand alone

The ScanDrop® is controlled either by PC or by a new portable
user interface with a touchscreen, and includes the corresponding Portable and versatile user-interface HID-Pro 320 with a 5.7”
measurement and analysis software. This software provides several touchscreen, USB and LAN port
modules meeting the needs of every user. The method module
allows users to select any preprogrammed nucleic acid and protein
analysis method.

3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer

ScanDrop software Validation CHIPCUVETTE®

Methods can be stored individually and organized in user-defined The Validation CHIPCUVETTE® is used for revising the following de-
directories. Users may also select a quick-start menu for frequently vice parameters, particularly those affecting to the CHIPCUVETTE®
used methods. An USB and LAN port allows users to exchange measuring position:
methods to other systems and export analysis data. The operating
language can be easily changed at the touch of a button. ƒƒ Zero transmission
If there is PC already available in the laboraty, ScanDrop® can be used ƒƒ Baseline variation
as well by novel software FlashSoft Pro. FlashSoft Pro convinces by a ƒƒ Baseline noise (RMS)
comparable flexibility of the functional range and allows an intuitive ƒƒ Long-term stability
handling as well as the automized analysis of the measuring results. ƒƒ VIS photometry
ƒƒ Baseline accuracy

WG280 NG1 NG4 NG3 NG9 Holmium-
oxide glass

The validation of VIS photometry is done with the aid of the neutral

3 Spectrophotometer
glass filters NG1, NG4, NG3 and NG9. A holmium oxide glass filter
is also used for checking wavelength accuracy. WG 280 glass is neces-
sary as reference filter.

FlashSoftPro Validation CHIPCUVETTE® external certified by Hellma®

3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer

Technical data

System parameters
Optical principle Powerful diode array spectrophotometer for the UV VIS range
Optical system Polychromator system
Light source Xenon flash lamp
Wavelength range 190 – 720 nm (in steps of 0.5 nm)
Measuring time Minimal 1 sec
Longterm stability 0,003 A/h
Sample temperature control Approximately 4 – 90 °C optional
Control HID-Pro 320 or PC
Software ASpect Nano or FlashSoft Pro

Application parameters
Scan application Simultaneous, Split-Beam-Technology
Mode Energy, absorbance, transmittance

Cuvettes Standard cuvette CHIPCUVETTE® TrayCell®

Pathlength Up to 10 mm 0.1 mm 1.0 mm Both 0.2 mm 1.0 mm
Sample volume 2 ml (min. 1.7 ml) Min. 0.3 µl Min. 2.0 µl Min. 4.0 µl 0.7 - 4.0 µl 3.0 - 5.0 µl

Other technical data

3 Spectrophotometer

Instrument dimensions (W × H × D) 240 × 170 × 200 mm

Instrument weight Approx. 5 kg
Electrical requirements 110 – 220 V ± 10 %, 50 – 60 Hz
Instrument operation + 15 °C to 35 °C, rel. humidity max. 90 % at 30 °C
PC interface USB
Warranty 2 years

3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer

Order information

Order No. Description

844-00200-2 ScanDrop® 100
Instrument system BU, for 10 mm cuvettes, no PC, incl. FlashSoft Pro and two 10 mm cuvettes
(glass and quartz)
844-00201-2 ScanDrop® 200
Instrument system BU, for CHIPCUVETTE®, no PC, incl. FlashSoft Pro and 2 pieces of CHIPCUVETTE®
844-00202-2 ScanDrop® 250
Instrument system BU, combination instrument for CHIPCUVETTE ® and 10 mm cuvettes, no PC, incl.
FlashSoft Pro and two 10mm cuvettes (glass and quartz) as well as 2 pieces of CHIPCUVETTE®
844-00050-2 HID-Pro 320
Portable and versatile user interface with 5.7” color touchscreen, LAN, USB, incl. ASpect Nano

Accessories/optional features

Order No. Description
844-00210-0 Cell holder, temperature-controlled, without stirrer
ƒƒ For cells with path lengths of up to 10 mm; external fluid thermostat for temperatures
ranging from –10 °C up to 95 °C;
ƒƒ 4 m tubing, tubing connector

3 Spectrophotometer
ƒƒ Cells and thermostat have to be ordered separately!
ƒƒ Only available for ScanDrop® 100 or 250
844-00211-0 Cell holder, temperature-controlled, with stirrer (230 V)
ƒƒ For cells with path lengths of up to 10 mm; external fluid thermostat for temperatures
ranging from – 10 °C up to 95 °C;
ƒƒ Integrated magnetic stirrer
ƒƒ 4 m tubing, tubing connector, 10 stirring magnets
ƒƒ Cells and thermostat have to be ordered separately!
ƒƒ Only available for ScanDrop® 100 or 250
844-00212-0 Peltier temperature-controlled cell holder
ƒƒ Temperature range 0 °C up to 95 °C (at room temperature 25 °C)
ƒƒ For cells with path lengths of up to 10 mm
ƒƒ Peltier temperature-controlled single cell holder, integrated magnetic stirrer
ƒƒ Temperature accuracy ± 0.1 °C
ƒƒ Including controller PTC 100
ƒƒ Only for ScanDrop® 100 or 250 available
820-60145-0 Bath thermostat A 106 T
ƒƒ Temperature range up to 100 °C
ƒƒ Temperature stability ± 0.05 °C
ƒƒ Heating power 1.5 kW
ƒƒ Bath volume 5 – 7 L
ƒƒ Analog temperature display
820-60147-0 Compact cooling thermostat 230 V
ƒƒ Temperature range – 10 °C up to 120 °C
ƒƒ Temperature stability ± 0.05 °C
ƒƒ Heating power 1.5 kW
ƒƒ Bath volume 3 – 4.5 L
ƒƒ Digital temperature display

3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer

Order No. Description

844-70200-0 CHIPCUVETTE® – 5 pieces
844-70201-0 CHIPCUVETTE® – 25 pieces

The CHIPCUVETTE® is an automized UV VIS

multi-channel measuring cell for smallest volumes,
which can be used in ScanDrop® 200, as well as in
ScanDrop® 250.

ƒƒ Double determination of one sample at

pathlenght of 0.1 mm and 1.0 mm
ƒƒ Up to 32 measurements per run with fully
automized sample positioning
ƒƒ Sample volumes from 0,3 till 4,0 µl
ƒƒ Independent of centre height
ƒƒ Recovery of sample is possible
ƒƒ Easy application

Due to the integrated measurement channels, the CHIPCUVETTE® can be loaded easy and fast by using

commercial available pipettes. The 0.1 mm and 1.0 mm measuring spots offer defined pathlength in each
measuring channel. In comparison to standard cuvettes with 10 mm pathlength a virtual dilution of 1:100 or
1:10 is achieved respectively. Because of fully automized positioning of CHIPCUVETTE® reproducible results
are guaranteed without manual influence and effort.
3 Spectrophotometer

844-70210-0 Validation CHIPCUVETTE®

844-70211-0 Pipetting aid for up to 4 CHIPCUVETTE®s

3.1 Nano-volume spectrophotometer

Order No. Description

820-60242-0 TrayCell®

The TrayCell® is a fibre-optic ultra-micro cell designed

for UV VIS based micro volume analysis .
The dimensions of the TrayCell® are equivalent to
10 mm standard cuvettes in order to work in
ScanDrop® 100, as well as in ScanDrop® 250.

ƒƒ Inclusive lids for pathlenght of 0.2 mm and 1.0 mm

ƒƒ For uncomplicated single sample measurements
ƒƒ Sample volumes from 0.7 till 4.0 µl and 3.0 till 5.0 µl
ƒƒ Suitable for centre heigth of 8.5 mm, 15 mm
and 20 mm
ƒƒ Recovery of samples is possible
ƒƒ Easy application and cleaning

Due to the integrated beam deflection and the use of fibre-optic cables it is possible to measure the sample
directly on the surface of the optical window. The 0.2 mm or 1.0 mm lid create a measuring chamber with a

defined optical light path. In comparison to standard cuvettes with 10 mm pathlength a virtual dilution of
1:50 or 1:10 is achieved respectively. During filling and cleaning stages, the cell remains inside the
photometer. This guarantees a continuously identical position of the aperture in the light beam and no
variation in comparison to the reference measurement.

3 Spectrophotometer
Application list | Summary application reports ScanDrop®

Reference No. Application

BS_SD_01_10_e Determination of different lambda DNA Concentrations using ScanDrop® with CHIPCUVETTE®
BS_SD_01_11_e Application of TrayCell® using ScanDrop® 100

4.1 GeneTheatre

GeneTheatre | Highly flexible liquid handling

Automated pipetting routines: simple and fast

The use of the GeneTheatre greatly simplifies all pending pipetting ƒƒ Automated, highly fexible liquid handling
and dispensing tasks in a laboratory and allows for full automation. desktop system
In addition to microplate handling, this highly flexible workstation also ƒƒ Highly reproducible, precise pipetting and
accommodates the use of strips, single vessels and glass slides. dispensing results
Users may choose from any of 12 desk positions in the standard- ƒƒ Modern servomotors provide fast, quiet operation
format 96 well SBS, making it easy to adjust the system to any ƒƒ Capacity ranges from 0.5 µl to 1000 µl
conceivable application. The GeneTheatre is also perfectly suited ƒƒ Interchangeable pipettes with 1 or 8 channels
for the use of thermal mixers, heating or cooling plates, and vacuum ƒƒ Free definable sample configuration within the 9 mm,
stations. In addition, the GeneTheatre can also be adapted to spe- 4.5 mm or 2.25 mm grid
cific applications. Single and multiple channel pipettes with ƒƒ 12 freely selectable positions in 96 well SBS standard-format
8 channels are available. A simple mechanism allows users to ƒƒ Users may select from different waste box systems for
change pipettes without tools – an effortless process requiring no used tips
technical expertise. ƒƒ Accommodates active and passive cooling
ƒƒ Optional available UV lamp
4 Liquid handling

4.1 GeneTheatre

Highly precise, fully variable workstation

Thanks to its various pipettes and tips, the volume capacity of

the GeneTheatre ranges from 0.5 to 1000 µl. Pipetting results –
even for complex liquid handling tasks – are highly consistent and
precise. Users may also integrate new plastic products into the
software in only a few steps, with the calibration wizard and mod-
ern servomotors simplifying the learning process of the robot and

4 Liquid handling
omitting the time-consuming process of entering coordinates.

A large range of different adapters and passive cooling blocks

makes it possible to position the necessary consumables directly on
the working desk of the device. The closed housing and two-piece,
front sliding door all but eliminates potential contamination. In the
event that contamination does arise, however, the optional available
UV lamp allows users to decontaminate the unit quickly and easily.

ƒƒ High precise pipetting, dispensing and mixing

ƒƒ Closed, robust plexiglass housing with a front sliding door
ƒƒ Accommodates use of external equipment, such as mixers,
thermal mixers or vacuum chambers
ƒƒ Piercing function
ƒƒ Optional available UV lamp

The simple exchange of pipetting heads allows an easy adaption of the

GeneTheatre to different liquid handling requirements.

4.1 GeneTheatre

Use in a great variety of application areas

Thanks to its many versatile features, the GeneTheatre can be used Different applications require different numbers of tips, which is
in virtually any application, such as: why the GeneTheatre has an intelligent waste box system that al-
lows the user to choose whether used tips are discarded into a box
ƒƒ Preparing whole PCR and real-time PCR batches on the work desk or into a box outside the housing. This gives users
ƒƒ Reformatting microplates in the 96, 384 and 1536 format the option of using up to minimum 600 tips (1000 µl) in a run with
ƒƒ Dispensing or distributing reagents no difficulty.
ƒƒ Running automated dilution series
ƒƒ Hit-picking and sample pooling
ƒƒ Running microarray applications with freely selectable spot Intuitive and clear software concept
layouts and dots (starting at 0.5 µl) The GeneTheatre operating system uses a clearly structured,
ƒƒ Performing mother-daughter plate transfers and single-tube easy-to-learn user interface. Predefined pipetting and dispensing
transfers (0.2 – 2.0 ml) parameters allow users to set up different liquid handling routines
quickly. For more complicated runs, users may also adjust a number
of different influencing factors such as velocity, correction capacity,
and approach height. Saved procedures can always be used again
and be adjusted to different sample throughput rates.

Technical data
Number of positions 12 in MTP – standard format (SBS), freely selectable

Tips Size (µl) Sterile/ not sterile ART- filter (sterile)

50 × ×
250 × ×

1000 × ×
Working capacity 0.5 - 25 µl, as well as 5 -250 µl and 100 -1000 µl
Pipettes 1- channel pipette and 8- channel pipette
4 Liquid handling

Other technical data

Interfaces USB
Voltage 110 – 230 V
Power consumption 160 VA
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Operating system At least windows XP
Processor Pentium II
Hard drive 20 MB
Dimension (W × D × H) 642 mm x 607 mm x 495 mm
Weight Approx. 40 kg

Basic unit 2 years
Pipette 2 years

4.1 GeneTheatre

Order information

Order No. Description

844-00401-2 GeneTheatre
Liquid Handling robot without pipette and without PC, incl. Software, Height Adapter and Waste Box I

A number of different pipettes are available for GeneTheatre and these can be interchanged easily
without any tools. The customer may choose between 1 and 8 channel pipettes for pipetting volumes
of 0.5 – 25 µl, 5 – 250 µl and 100-1000 µl.

844-00410-0 1-channel pipette (0.5 - 25 µl)

844-00411-0 1-channel pipette (5 - 250 µl)
844-00412-0 1-channel pipette (100 - 1000 µl)
844-00413-0 8-channel pipette (0.5 - 25 µl)
844-00414-0 8-channel pipette (5 - 250 µl)
844-00415-0 8-channel pipette (100 - 1000 µl) Adapter for FasTrans

GeneTheatre accessories include different kinds of adapters for tips and MTPs as well as passive
cooling blocks for 0.2 – 2.0 ml tubes, strips or microplates. This makes the GeneTheatre suitable for a
wide range of plastics, and even allows it to handle 384 well microplates.

844-00430-0 Waste Box I (small)

Waste Box for GeneTheatre to be positioned on the work desk inside

the device, autoclavable

844-00431-0 Waste Box II (large)

Waste Box for GeneTheatre to be positioned outside the device,

4 Liquid handling
capacity to waste 600 x 1 ml tips.

844-00432-0 UV lamp for GeneTheatre

UV lamp for GeneTheatre for decontamination of workdesk
via UV light

844-00433-0 Adapter standard 96 well

Adapter for 96 well microplates, autoclavable

844-00434-0 Adapter standard 384 well

Adapter for 384 well microplates, autoclavable

844-00435-0 Adapter 0.2 ml, passive cooling

Adapter for 96 well microplate 0.2 ml non skirted, half skirted,
full skirted and 96 0.2 ml tubes with passive cooling function,
including Height Adapter 40 mm

4.1 GeneTheatre

Order information

Order No. Description

844-00436-0 Adapter 2.0 ml, passive cooling
Adapter for 24x 1.5 ml and 2.0 ml tubes with passive cooling function,
including Height Adapter 40 mm

844-00437-0 Adapter kombi, passive cooling

Adapter for 8x 0.2 ml, 8x 0.5 ml, 8x 1.5/2.0 ml tubes with passive
cooling function, including Height Adapter 40 mm

844-00438-0 Adapter 0.5 ml, passive cooling

Adapter for 24x 0.5 ml tubes with passive cooling function,
including Height Adapter 40 mm

844-00439-0 Adapter 96 Well microplate LP, passive cooling

Adapter for 96 well microplate LP with passive cooling function,
including Height Adapter 40 mm

844-00440-0 Adapter 384 Well microplate, passive cooling

Adapter for 384 well microplates with passive cooling function, including

Height Adapter 40 mm

844-00441-0 Adapter 0.1 ml QIAGEN, passive cooling

4 Liquid handling

Adapter for 24x6 0.1 ml tubes QIAGEN with passive cooling function,
including Height Adapter

844-00442-0 Soft touch adapter

Adapter for optimal dry pipetting of small volumes

844-00443-0 Tip tray adapter 1000 µl

Adapter for hosting 1000 µl tip rack

844-00444-0 Tip tray Adapter for used tips

Adapter for collecting used tips on deck position, autoclavable

844-00445-0 Height Adapter 40 mm

Height Adapter 40 mm for 50 μl/ 250 μl Tip Box

4.2 SELMA 96 / 384

SELMA 96 / 384 | Automated pipetting system

Constantly moving your thumbs up and down to pipette solutions

is the defining feature of day-to-day lab work - along with arm and ƒƒ 96- or 384-channel instrument with a minimal footprint
joint pain. The SELMA 96 / 384 is a semi-automated pipetting ƒƒ A fast, precise tool for processing 96 and 384 samples
system, which processes liquid handling steps fast, precise and (and/or 96 and 384 well microplates) and individual
with a high reproducibility. Equipped with 96 or 384 tips working in columns
parallel, 96 and 384 well microplates can be filled in the twinkling ƒƒ Available in various volume ranges from 0.5 µl up to 1000 µl
of an eye. Making painful tendonitis a thing of the past. ƒƒ For preparing dilution series
ƒƒ TipTray technology: Proven tip sealing concept makes
All movements and processes, which are important for high preci- changing tips easy and secure
sion as well as for reproducibility, are achieved by reliable motors. ƒƒ Touchscreen for easy, intuitive operation
This ensures always excellent and constant results. ƒƒ Memory function and automatic parameter use
ƒƒ External equipment such as mixers, heating and cooling
adapters, vacuum chambers, etc. may be used
ƒƒ Error-free, reproducible results with 96 or 384 parallel
working pistons
ƒƒ Automatic positioning to different heights
ƒƒ Two working positions for microplates and reservoirs

4 Liquid handling

4.2 SELMA 96 / 384

The automated tip drawing feature avoids the complex process of The SELMA 96 / 384 is characterized through very easy handling
mounting tips. Prepackaged tips can be used immediately with no without the need of a separate controlling by PC. Pipetting, dis-
time-consuming loading process. A special feature: The manual pensing and a lot of more modes are chooseable by the usage
control of the correct fit of each single tip is not necessary anymore of a modern 3.5" touchscreen. That panel is used for entering
due to the automatic tightening of the tips and the tip sealing desired parameters, as volume and pipetting speed for instance
technology, that has been proven effective under high throughput and for the start of the routine afterwards. All manual processing
conditions. Tips can be changed effortlessly within a few seconds, steps, like changing of microplates, are shown on the display. Thus
after which the SELMA 96 / 384 is ready for the next application. a fast and precise handling of microplates is guaranteed.

For SELMA 96 / 384 the usage of different types of microplates

is a matter of course. To facilitate the best depth of dipping into
the single wells, the pipetting head can be easily positioned in
the right way, thanks to a rotary knob. For recurrent processes the
chosen settings of pipetting height, volumes and dosing speed can
be saved and reloaded at any times. Additionally two easy-to-load
positions are available for microplates and reservoirs, eliminating
the constant need to move filled plastic ware.

The multi-position touchscreen of SELMA 96 / 384 allows a userfriendly

handling while standing or sitting
4 Liquid handling

4.2 SELMA 96 / 384

Exciting flexibility
The option of using many different accessories – such as reservoirs,
trays for various inserts and a variety of TipTrays – allows users to
perform an exceptionally wide variety of applications. Cleaning and
replacing accessory equipment is easy, which allows operators to go
back to work quickly. The open design of the SELMA 96 / 384 can
be used with existing and/or external equipment, such as heating
and cooling adapters, mixers and thermal mixers or vacuum cham-
bers, etc. Special adjustment points allow for correct positioning.

Positioning of the pipetting head and setting the right height – very easy
due to the integrated rotary knob.

Possible applications for SELMA 96 or 384

ƒƒ Plate Replication
ƒƒ Plate Reformatting
ƒƒ Adding of medium (cell biology)
ƒƒ Reagent adding
ƒƒ Plate coating

ƒƒ Plate dilution, serial dilution

Reproducible, comparable results every time

The 96 or 384 channels of the SELMA 96 / 384 allow users to

4 Liquid handling
transfer 96 or 384 samples safely, with no mistakes and in a single
step without confusing samples or forgetting individual wells –
problems that used to plague day-to-day work. The high-quality tips
Single rows (e. g. to produce seriel dilutions) can be pipetted easily due and tip sealing concept have been tested under high-throughput
to 8 channel magazine conditions over the course of several years and always provide
precise, reproducible results. A silicone mat perfectly and uniformly
seals tips along the front. The pistons are controlled by a motor
to produce extremely homogeneous movements which, in turn,
ensure that the results will always be reproducible and precise with
no differences in pipetting technique. In addition, different versions
of the system are also available, each delivering precise results for
maximum volumes of 25 µL, 60 µL, 250 µL and 1000 µL,
respectively. The compact design means that the SELMA 96 / 384
can be used in a clean bench, thereby preventing any potential

In short, this is a pipettor for everyone.

Small, fast and extremely effective – the 96-channel head

of the SELMA 96

4.2 SELMA 96 / 384

Technical data

Liquid handling parameters

Channels ƒƒ 96 or 384 channels in parallel
ƒƒ Processing column by column possible
Pipetting head Motorized motion in z-direction
Number of positions Two, in MTP standard format (SBS)
Microplate formats ƒƒ 96 well, 384 well
ƒƒ Shallow and Deep Well

Tips* High precision tips; standard; sterile; sterile PCR; sterile PCR Filter
Functions ƒƒ Pipetting, reverse pipetting
ƒƒ Dispensing
ƒƒ Dilutions and dilution series
ƒƒ Mixing

Device Volume Precision (CV) Tips
SELMA 96 (25 µl) 0,5 – 25 µl 2 – 5 µl ≤ 2 % SW: 10 µl, 25 µl
> 5 - 25 µl ≤ 1 % DW: 60 µl
SELMA 96 (60 µl) 1 – 60 µl 3 – 5 µl ≤ 2 % SW: 10 µl, 25 µl
> 5 - 60 µl ≤ 1 % DW: 60 µl
SELMA 96 (250 µl) 5 – 250 µl 10 – 25 µl ≤ 2 % SW: 250 µl
> 25 - 250 µl ≤ 1 % DW: 250 µl
SELMA 96 (1000 µl) 10 – 1000 µl 25 – 100 µl ≤ 2 % SW: -
> 100 - 1000 µl ≤ 1 % DW: 1000 µl

Device Volume Precision (CV) Tips
SELMA 384 (25 µl) 0,5 – 25 µl 2 – 5 µl ≤ 2 % SW: 10 µl, 25 µl
> 5 - 25 µl ≤ 1 % DW: 60 µl
4 Liquid handling

SELMA 384 (60 µl) 1 – 60 µl 3 – 5 µl ≤ 2 % SW: 10 µl, 25 µl

> 5 - 60 µl ≤ 1 % DW: 60 µl

System parameters
Stand alone device Yes, with 3.5” touch screen (colored)
Software ƒƒ Integrated
ƒƒ Function for saving and automatically re-use of parameters
ƒƒ Automatically moving to pre-saved heights in different routines
Memory capacity > 10 parameter sets per pipetting mode

Additional technical data

Dimensions (W x D x H) 307 mm x 480 (520**) mm x 325 mm
Weight Approx. 15 kg (20 kg**)
Warranty 12 month
** SELMA 96 (1000 µl)

4.2 SELMA 96 / 384

Order information

Order number Description

844-00180-2 SELMA 96 (25 µl)
Semi-automated, stand-alone pipetting station; includes 96-channel pipette head (0.5 to 25 µL)
and 2 work positions for 96-well plates
844-00184-2 SELMA 96 (60 µl)
Semi-automated, stand-alone pipetting station; includes 96-channel pipette head (1 to 60 µL)
and 2 work positions for 96-well plates
844-00181-2 SELMA 96 (250 µl)
Semi-automated, stand-alone pipetting station; includes 96-channel pipette head (5 to 250 µL)
and 2 work positions for 96-well plates
844-00185-2 SELMA 96 (1000 µl)
Semi-automated, stand-alone pipetting station; includes 96-channel pipette head (10 to 1000 µL)
and 2 work positions for 96-well plates
844-00186-2 SELMA 384 (25 µl)
Semi-automated, stand-alone pipetting station; includes 384-channel pipette head (0.5 to 25 µL)
and 2 work positions for 96-well plates
844-00187-2 SELMA 384 (60 µl)
Semi-automated, stand-alone pipetting station; includes 384-channel pipette head (1 to 60 µL)
and 2 work positions for 96-well plates
844-00182-2 8-channel magazine for the SELMA 96 (250 µl)
Magazine accommodating 8 tips for the SELMA 96 (250 µl)
844-00188-2 8-channel magazine for the SELMA 96 (25 µl or 60 µl)
Magazine accommodating 8 tips for the SELMA 96 (25 µl or 60 µl)

844-00189-2 8-channel magazine for the SELMA 96 (1000 µl)
Magazine accommodating 8 tips for the SELMA 96 (1000 µl)
844-00190-2 Tip magazine for SELMA 96 (1000 µl)
Magazine for accomodating 96x 1 ml tips for SELMA 96 (1000 µl), metal

4 Liquid handling
844-00191-2 Tip transfer tool for SELMA 96 (1000 µl)
Tool for easy fill up of tip magazine for SELMA 96 (1000 µl) standard, pre-streilized and filter;
teflon coated metal
844-00192-2 Table for extra-high vessels
Special table with 2 work positions for processing extra-high vessels, filter blocks, vacuum stations etc;
vessels height up to 80 mm
844-00198-0 MTP Adapter 384 Well, enhanced
Adapter for processing of 384 well microplates using SELMA 96

5.1 qTOWER

qTOWER | Quantitative real-time rapid PCR

The real-time thermal cycler qTOWER sets new standards for speed
on the qPCR market. Based on the established rapid PCR, the ƒƒ High speed, real-time PCR up to 10 times faster than
qTOWER is up to 10 times faster than commonly available systems, conventional cyclers
achieving heating rates of 12 °C/sec and cooling rates of 8 °C/sec. ƒƒ Patent pending, fiber-optic system achieves high signal
Completely quantitative PCR runs can be performed in less than intensities
25 min. The significant reduction of reaction volumes (down to 5 µL) ƒƒ Enormous cost reduction – works with reaction
is yet another highlight, as is the exceptional savings (up to 75 %) of volumes of just 5 µL
expensive real-time reagents. Consumables have been optimized, ƒƒ Highly energy efficient and RoHS compliant
making reaction volumes up to 20 µL possible and completely ƒƒ Integrated, user-friendly control and analysis software
matching comparable instruments with its maximum capacity of 96 ƒƒ Attractive high-gloss design

high end optical components

✶ 10 Years ✶ er
er Pr enverb

G rrreen
a ntny

lo n g -te rm wa

q PC

✶ MIQE compliant ✶

ds tof fe
H o ch le istu n g s opt i k

✶ 10 Jahre ✶
p l e c o n s u mp
s am t io
ow n

L a n g z e i t g aG
r raeen
n t in


rg y-
q PC

s a v i ng , l o w
i ro
ct nm
a l i mp a en t
5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

5.1 qTOWER

ƒƒ qPCR with up to 96 samples in less than 25 minutes The integrated SPS (Sample-Protection-System) also provides opti-
ƒƒ Adjustable ramping rates from 0.1 °C/sec up to 12 °C/sec mum sample protection within the thermal block, which is cooled
ƒƒ Reaction volumes of 5 – 20 µL generate outstanding savings down to 25 °C while the lid heats up to 120 °C prior to starting the
of expensive reagents actual PCR. The adjustable lid temperature and high contact pres-
sure results in nearly 100 % sample recovery. In addition, conden-
sation effects can also be avoided for small reaction volumes.

Impressive flexibility
The patented fiber-optic system at the heart of qTOWER guarantees
detection of homogenous fluorescence signals across the whole
microplate. The qTOWER can be equipped with up to four different
measuring channels, which makes the device very flexible and 5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler
adaptable for various applications. The user can choose from nine
high-resolution qPCR excitation and emission filters (Color and
FRET modules).
As a result, the qTOWER is capable of performing ambitious multi-
plex analyses and covers a broad range of commonly used fluores-
cence dyes. In addition, the exceptional scan speed of the plate is
impressive, because one 96 well microplate will be read out in just
four seconds, regardless of the number of colors measured.

ƒƒ 9 different Color and FRET modules

ƒƒ Open for future applications and adaptations
ƒƒ Detects 96 samples in just four seconds independent from the
number of dyes

5.1 qTOWER

qPCRsoft – simple and intuitive

The integrated, intuitive qPCRsoft software serves as the founda- Intuitive, exceptionally fast and easy-to-use qPCRsoft controls not
tion for the final analysis of real-time PCR curves. The program only rapid PCR runs and detects fluorescence signals, it also uses
automatically generates different methods for evaluating measured various qPCR methods for evaluating the final data.
fluorescence data. The program can determine PCR efficiencies
and perform absolute and relative quantifications, as well as the It follows that qTOWER and the corresponding software combine
delta-delta Ct method and allele discrimination. Researchers can to form an excellent, highly flexible and exceptional fast real-time
use qPCRsoft to investigate reliable concentrations and precise al- rapid PCR system that truly leaves nothing to be desired.
lele conditions and to display exact expression ratios. Once defined,
parameter sets can be applied as templates for future applications
and be reused continuously. Initiative for energy efficiency
No environmentally hazardous substances, such as lead, mercury,
cadmium, hexavalent chromium, PBB or PBDE, were used during
the production of qTOWER.

The qTOWER also stays ahead of the pack in terms of energy con-
sumption. Up to 23 times more efficient than competing models,
the qTOWER can dramatically reduce both costs and CO2 emissions.

Go green and earth friendly: qTOWER – quantitative real-time

rapid PCR.

Energy consumption





qPCRsoft 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ƒƒ Highly diverse range of analysis methods Competitive products


ƒƒ Absolute and relative quantification
ƒƒ PCR efficiency and delta-delta Ct method
ƒƒ Discrimination of allelic conditions and expression ratios
ƒƒ MIQE compliant Energy consumption of different real-time devices
5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

Engery consumption

Real-time thermal cycler qTOWER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

kWh/year* 92.40 154.00 343.20 352.00 374.00 418.00 528.00 557.33 1,672.00 2,112.00
CO 2 emissions** 57.29 95.48 212.78 218.24 231.88 259.16 327.36 345.55 1,036.64 1,309.44

* Corresponds to 4 real-time PCR runs per day on 220 working days

** 1 kWh = 0.62 kg CO 2 ( [09.04.2010])

5.1 qTOWER

Technical data

Optical system
Principle of measurement Top-reading fluorescence detection via 8 optical light fibers with color modules for excitation and
emission filters
Light source High-power, long-life LEDs
Detector ƒƒ CPM – channel photo multiplier
ƒƒ Highly sensitive
ƒƒ Increased SNR
Number of color modules ƒƒ 11 available
ƒƒ 4 positions inside device

Parameters: color modules

Name Excitation Emission Dyes* (examples)
Color module 1 470 nm 520 nm FAMTM, Sybr ®Green, Alexa488®
Color module 2 515 nm 545 nm JOE TM, HEX TM, VIC®, YakimaYellowTM
Color module 3 535 nm 580 nm TAMRATM, DFOTM, Alexa546®, NEDTM
Color module 4 565 nm 605 nm ROX TM, TexasRed®, Cy3.5®
Color module 5 630 nm 670 nm Cy5®, Alexa633®, Quasar670TM
FRET 1 470 nm 580 nm FAMTM (donor)/TAMRATM (acceptor)
FRET 2 470 nm 670 nm FAMTM (donor)/Cy5® (acceptor)
FRET 3 470 nm 705 nm FAMTM (donor)/Cy5.5® (acceptor)
FRET 4 515 nm 670 nm JOE TM (donor)/Cy5® (acceptor)
FRET 5 470 nm 470 nm FAMTM (Donor)/ROX TM (Akzeptor)
Color modul Protein 1 490 nm 580 nm SYPRO® Orange

Analytical parameters
Sensitivity 1 nM FAMTM in minimal 15 µL PCR buffer (equivalent to 15 fmol FAMTM per well)
Read-out time 4 sec for 96 wells, regardless of the number of spectral channels
Microplate format Ultrathin-walled 96 well microplate LP (low profile)
Sample volume 5 – 20 µL
Sample capacity 96 in parallel

System and rapid PCR application parameters
Heating rate 12 °C/sec max, (0.1 to 12 °C/sec)
Cooling rate 8 °C/sec max, (0.1 to 8 °C/sec)
Block homogeneity ± 0.2 °C 5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler
Control accuracy ± 0.2 °C
Block temperature 4 °C – 105 °C
Time incr./decr. ± 0.1 to 1 sec/cycle
Temperature incr./decr. ± 0.1 to 1 °C/cycle
Contact pressure 60 kg/plate, automatic
No. of programs Not limited on PC
Run time Down to < 25 min (depending on application)
Temperature control mode ƒƒ Block Control
ƒƒ (Simulated) Tube Control
Lid ƒƒ Sliding lid can be heated to up to 120 °C (motorized opening/closing)
ƒƒ SPS technology

* Yakima Yellow is registered trademark of Epoch Biosciences, Inc. Cy is a trademark of GE Healthcare. FAM, HEX, JOE, VIC, TAMRA, NED and ROX are
trademarks of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the US and/or certain other countries. SYBR, Alexa Fluor, SYPRO and Texas Red are registered
trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc. TaqMan and LightCycler are registered trademarks of Roche Group, Inc. Quasar Dyes are trademarks of Biosearch
Technologies Inc. DFO™ is a trademark of Eurogentec S.A. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

5.1 qTOWER

Technical data

Other technical data

Weight Approx. 10 kg
Dimensions (W × H × D) 240 mm × 430 mm × 255 mm
Power supply 100 – 240 V ± 15 % (47 – 63 Hz)
Power consumption 420 W (max.)
PC-interface USB port
Software ƒƒ qPCRsoft
ƒƒ Control and evaluation software
ƒƒ Absolute and relative quantification
ƒƒ Delta-delta ct
ƒƒ Allele discrimination
ƒƒ PCR efficiency
ƒƒ Melting curve analysis
ƒƒ MIQE compliant
Warranty ƒƒ 10 years warranty on the components of the high power optics
ƒƒ 2 years warranty on the device system and the thermal block

Application list | Summary application reports qTOWER

Reference No. Application

BS_qTOWER_01_11_e Determination of different Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) concentrations using qTOWER

BS_qTower_07_12_en Determination of uniformity and sensitivity using “qTOWER Demokit”

BS_qTOWER_10_11_en Determination of different Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) concentrations using qTOWER
5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

5.1 qTOWER

Order information

Order No. Description

844-00301-2 qTOWER
Instrument system, without PC, including qPCRsoft, thermal block and optical detection* for
quantitative real-time rapid PCR
844-00320-0 Color module 1 – FAMTM, Sybr ®Green, Alexa488®
844-00321-0 Color module 2 – JOE TM, HEX TM, VIC®, Yakima YellowTM
844-00322-0 Color module 3 – TAMRATM, DFOTM, Alexa546®, NEDTM
844-00323-0 Color module 4 – ROX TM, TexasRed®, Cy3,5®
844-00324-0 Color module 5 – Cy5®, Alexa633®, Quasar670TM
844-00325-0 FRET 1 – FAMTM (donor)/TAMRATM (acceptor)
844-00326-0 FRET 2 – FAMTM (donor)/Cy5® (acceptor)
844-00327-0 FRET 3 – FAMTM (donor)/Cy5.5® (acceptor)
844-00328-0 FRET 4 – JOE TM (donor)/Cy5® (acceptor)
844-00329-0 FRET 5 – FAMTM (Donor)/ROX TM (Akzeptor)
844-00330-0 Color module Protein 1 – SYPRO® Orange

* Color modules or FRET modules for detection have to be ordered separately. The qTOWER can hold up to four modules.


Order number Description Properties Quantity

844-70050-0 96 well Microplate LP transparent 25 pieces
844-70051-0 96 well Microplate LP transparent 100 pieces
844-70052-0 96 well Microplate LP transparent 250 pieces

848-MX-1000100 Demokit qTOWER 100 reactions

5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

* Yakima Yellow is registered trademark of Epoch Biosciences, Inc. Cy is a trademark of GE Healthcare. FAM, HEX, JOE, VIC, TAMRA, NED and ROX are
trademarks of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the US and/or certain other countries. SYBR, Alexa Fluor, SYPRO and Texas Red are registered
trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc. TaqMan and LightCycler are registered trademarks of Roche Group, Inc. Quasar Dyes are trademarks of Biosearch
Technologies Inc. DFO™ is a trademark of Eurogentec S.A. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

5.2 qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2

qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2 | Standard real-time PCR with striking design

Now, in addition to the qTOWER for rapid qPCR, the product family
includes the standard real-time thermal cycler qTOWER 2.0. Featuring ƒƒ Quantitative real-time PCR in proven 96 well SBS
a striking, modern design, this system allows quantitative PCR in an standard format
established 96 well SBS standard format. The qTOWER 2.0 offers an ƒƒ State-of-the-art ramping rates of up to 5.5 °C/sec
open platform for any kind of real-time PCR plastic materials, such as ƒƒ For usage of different optical plastic ware: 0.2 ml
0.2 ml single tubes, 8 well strips or 96 well microplates. Tubes, 8 well strips or 96 well microplates
The high quality silver block of the qTOWER 2.0 ensures an outstanding ƒƒ Optimized for volumes of 10 – 60 µl
level of temperature homogeneity of 0.2 °C along the whole block ƒƒ Available with or without gradient function (max.
and is therefore ideally suited for all real-time PCR applications. In temperature range of 40 °C)
combination with the optional gradient function, different assays can ƒƒ Patented high performance optical system with a
be optimized with minimum effort. The qTOWER 2.0 is equipped with long-term warranty of 10 years
a patented, fiber-optic shuttle system for the best possible excitation ƒƒ Individual configuration with up to 6 different mea-
and detection of a variety of known fluorescence dyes. surement channels
ƒƒ Selection out of 12 high-resolution, retrofittable
color or FRET modules
ƒƒ High-speed scan: 6 sec. for a 96 well microplate (in-
dependent of the number of dyes to be measured)
ƒƒ Multilingual intuitive control and evaluation software
ƒƒ Wide variety of different evaluation methods

high end optical components

✶ 10 Years ✶
lo n g -te rm wa rr a nt y

✶ MIQE compliant ✶
H o ch le istu n g s opt i k

✶ 10 Jahre ✶
5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

qTOWER 2.0 with gold-coated 96 well silver thermal block

5.2 qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2

Silver block technology

The 96 well block of the qTOWER 2.0 is the basis for performing
quantitative real-time PCR. The thermal block is made of gold-coat-
ed silver to achieve the best possible performance and maximum
thermal conductivity. The resulting outstanding homogeneity and
uniformity of temperature combined with state-of-the-art heat-

ing rates of up to 5.5 °C/sec and cooling rates of up to 4.0 °C/sec
make the instrument the first choice for standard real-time PCR.
Optionally, the qTOWER 2.2 with gradient function is available. The
maximum gradient temperature range of 40 °C across 12 columns
optimally prepares the instrument to establish new primer pairs.
Thereby a special feature is the possibility of programming linear 5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler
gradients, which not only significantly simplifies the evaluation of
results, but also optimizes the whole adaptation process.

ƒƒ Quantitative real-time PCR in proven 96 standard SBS format

ƒƒ Flexible use of different optical plastic materials: 0.2 ml tubes,
8 well strips or 96 well microplates
ƒƒ State-of-the-art ramping rates of up to 5.5 °C/sec
ƒƒ High performance gradient function across 12 columns with a
range of 40 °C

To avoid potential condensation and to prevent possible sample

loss the qTOWER 2.0 is equipped with a heated lid. It is adjustable
up to 110 °C and guarantees optimum contact pressure on the
sample tubes or plates during the complete run, independent of the
used consumables.

5.2 qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2

Patented fiber optical shuttle system Maximum flexibility

The qTOWER 2.0 works with 3 independent, blue, white and red, The qTOWER 2.0 can be freely configured with the available Color
long-term stable LEDs to optimally excite the different applicable and FRET modules. Depending on the application it can be adapted
fluorescence dyes in a wide spectral range. It ensures the high- to either intercalating or DNA binding dyes, hydrolysis probes or
est possible quantum yield to be achieved in each real-time PCR even to hybridization probes (FRET probes). The system can easily
experiment. The qTOWER 2.0 can process sophisticated multiplex be retrofitted for future use with additional so-called Color or FRET
experiments with up to 6 different fluorescence-labelled probes modules. This keeps the field of applications of the qTOWER 2.0
– ranging from blue to the far-red spectral range – without any dif- extremely flexible and easily expandable.
ficulty. Moreover, the patented optical system consists of a shuttle
with 8 high performance fibers, which guarantee a read-out of the ƒƒ Mounting of up to 6 different Color or FRET modules
96-well block within only 6 seconds – independent of the number ƒƒ Use of intercalating or DNA binding dyes, hydrolysis probes
of dyes to be measured. and hybridization probes
ƒƒ Freely configurable color filter selection

The evaluation and control software qPCRsoft also offers the high-
est level of flexibility and ease of use. The logical arrangement of all
tools, intuitive handling and, last but not least, the parameter-orien-
tated memory and programming concept make the software easy
to use and clear. While a cycle is in progress, the operator can easily
evaluate the data of previous experiments in parallel. Based on
the Ct value determination via manually or automatically adapted
thresholds, the samples can be quantified absolutely or relatively
and the efficiency of the PCR can be determined. In addition, the
delta-delta Ct method (with or without relation to PCR efficiency)
and a method for allelic discrimination, e.g. for the detection of
point mutations, are available.

ƒƒ qPCRsoft: easy to use and clearly structured

ƒƒ Integrated evaluation algorithms, e.g. absolute and relative
quantification, delta-delta Ct method, PCR efficiency, allelic
ƒƒ Parameter-orientated program guides
Result display and analysis using qPCRsoft ƒƒ User management with 3 authorization levels
ƒƒ MIQE compliant

ƒƒ Patented high performance optical system with 8 optical fibers The qTOWER 2.0 or 2.2 convinces in every aspect and is the ideal
and 3 LEDs instrument for quantitative standard real-time PCR.
ƒƒ Optimum homogenous excitation and detection for each well
ƒƒ Read-out of a 96 well microplate within only 6 seconds - inde-

pendent from the number of dyes

Each component of the high performance fiber optical system has a

10-year long-term warranty.
5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

Example of an allelic discrimination presented in a scatter plot

5.2 qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2

Technical data

Optical system
Principle of measurement Top-reading fluorescence detection via 8 optical fibers with color modules for excitation
and emission filters
Light source High-power, long-life LEDs
Detector ƒƒ CPM – channel photo multiplier
ƒƒ Highly sensitive
ƒƒ Increased SNR
Number of color modules ƒƒ 12 available
ƒƒ 6 positions inside device

Parameters of the color modules

Name Excitation Emission Dyes* (examples)
Color module 1 470 nm 520 nm FAMTM, Sybr ®Green, Alexa488®
Color module 2 515 nm 545 nm JOE TM, HEX TM, VIC®, YakimaYellowTM
Color module 3 535 nm 580 nm TAMRATM, DFOTM, Alexa546®, NEDTM
Color module 4 565 nm 605 nm ROX TM, TexasRed®, Cy3.5®
Color module 5 630 nm 670 nm Cy5®, Alexa633®, Quasar670TM
Color module 6 660 nm 705 nm Cy5.5®, LightCycler Red®
FRET module 1 470 nm 580 nm FAMTM (donor) / TAMRATM (acceptor)
FRET module 2 470 nm 670 nm FAMTM (donor) / Cy5® (acceptor)
FRET module 3 470 nm 705 nm FAMTM (donor) / Cy5.5® (acceptor)
FRET module 4 515 nm 670 nm JOE TM (donor) / Cy5® (acceptor)
FRET module 5 470 nm 605 nm FAMTM (Donor)/ROX TM (acceptor)
Color modul Protein 1 490 nm 580 nm SYPRO® Orange

Analytical parameters
Sensitivity 1 nM FAMTM in minimal 30 µl sample volume
Read-out time 6 seconds for 96 wells independent of the number of dyes to be measured
Block capacity 96 wells for 96 well microplates, 8 well strips or individual tubes
Sample volumes 10 – 60 µl

System and application parameters of the thermal cycler
Heating rate 5.5 °C/sec max
Cooling rate 4.0 °C/sec max.
Block homogeneity ± 0.2 °C 5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler
Control accuracy ± 0.1 °C
Sample block temperature 3 °C – 99 °C
Time inc/dec ± 0.1 to 1 sec/cycle
Temperature inc/dec ± 0.1 to 1 °C/cycle
Contact pressure 10 kg/plate, automatically
Number of programs Not limited
Gradient Max. 40 °C across 12 columns
Lid ƒƒ Heated lid up to 110 °C
ƒƒ SPS technology

* Yakima Yellow is registered trademark of Epoch Biosciences, Inc. Cy is a trademark of GE Healthcare. FAM, HEX, JOE, VIC, TAMRA, NED and ROX are
trademarks of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the US and/or certain other countries. SYBR, Alexa Fluor, SYPRO and Texas Red are registered
trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc. TaqMan and LightCycler are registered trademarks of Roche Group, Inc. Quasar Dyes are trademarks of Biosearch
Technologies Inc. DFO™ is a trademark of Eurogentec S.A. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

5.2 qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2

Technical data

Other technical data

Weight Approx. 20 kg
Dimensions (W x H x D) 275 mm x 585 mm x 275 mm
Power supply 100 – 240 V
PC interface USB
Software ƒƒ qPCRsoft
ƒƒ Control and evaluation software
ƒƒ Absolute and relative quantification
ƒƒ Delta-delta Ct method
ƒƒ Allelic discrimination
ƒƒ PCR efficiency
ƒƒ Melting curve analysis
ƒƒ MIQE compliant
Warranty ƒƒ 2 years
ƒƒ 10 years warranty on the components of the high performance optical system

Application list | Summary application reports qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2

Reference No. Application

BS_qTower2_03_12_en Comparison of SybrGreen / EvaGreen Kits
BS_qTower2_08_12_en Comparison of white and clear plates
5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

5.2 qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2

Order information

Order number Description

844-00501-2 qTOWER 2.0
Instrument system for 220 V, without PC, including qPCRsoft, thermal block and detection module*
for the performance of quantitative real-time PCR
844-00501-4 qTOWER 2.0
Instrument system for 115 V, without PC, including qPCRsoft, thermal block and detection module*
for the performance of quantitative real-time PCR
844-00501-5 qTOWER 2.0
Instrument system for 110 V, without PC, including qPCRsoft, thermal block and detection module*
for the performance of quantitative real-time PCR
844-00502-2 qTOWER 2.2
Instrument system for 220 V with gradient function, without PC, including qPCRsoft, thermal block
and detection module* for the performance of quantitative real-time PCR
844-00502-4 qTOWER 2.2
Instrument system for 115 V with gradient function, without PC, including qPCRsoft, thermal block
and detection module* for the performance of quantitative real-time PCR
844-00502-5 qTOWER 2.2
Instrument system for 110 V with gradient function, without PC, including qPCRsoft, thermal block
and detection module* for the performance of quantitative real-time PCR
844-00520-0 Color module 1 - FAMTM, Sybr ®Green, Alexa488®
844-00521-0 Color module 2 - JOE TM, HEX TM, VIC®, Yakima YellowTM
844-00522-0 Color module 3 - TAMRATM, DFOTM, Alexa546®, NEDTM
844-00523-0 Color module 4 - ROX TM, TexasRed®, Cy3,5®
844-00524-0 Color module 5 - Cy5®, Alexa633®, Quasar670TM
844-00525-0 Color module 6 - Cy5.5®, LightCycler Red®
844-00526-0 FRET module 1 - FAMTM / TAMRATM
844-00527-0 FRET module 2 - FAMTM / Cy5®
844-00528-0 FRET module 3 - FAMTM / Cy5.5®
844-00529-0 FRET module 4 - JOE TM / Cy5®
844-00531-0 FRET module 5 - FAMTM / ROX TM
844-00530-0 Color module 1 - SYPRO® Orange

* The Color or FRET modules can be ordered separately. The qTOWER 2.0 or 2.2 can be equipped with up to 6 modules.

Consumables 5 Real-time PCR thermal cycler

Order number Description Properties Quantity
846-050-258 Optical sealing foil self-adhesive 100 pieces
846-050-259 96 well microplate white 50 pieces
846-050-260 96 well microplate black frame, white wells 50 pieces

848-MX-1001100 Demokit qTOWER 2.0/2.2 100 reactions

* Yakima Yellow is registered trademark of Epoch Biosciences, Inc. Cy is a trademark of GE Healthcare. FAM, HEX, JOE, VIC, TAMRA, NED and ROX are
trademarks of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the US and/or certain other countries. SYBR, Alexa Fluor, SYPRO and Texas Red are registered
trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc. TaqMan and LightCycler are registered trademarks of Roche Group, Inc. Quasar Dyes are trademarks of Biosearch
Technologies Inc. DFO™ is a trademark of Eurogentec S.A. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Ultrafast DNA amplification with rapid PCR

The demands on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Fast control algorithms activate the peltier elements that almost
speed, efficiency and quality of results have grown with the instantaneously regulate the temperature of the rapid block. The
increasing number and variety of applications of this key tech- transfer of the energy into the sample solution, that is so crucial for
nology. The rapid cycle PCR technology, which is introduced the PCR experiment, occurs very effectively through the thin-well
here, offers substantial advances while honoring the increased walls. The sum of the effects described here is, that the rapid PCR
demands on PCR. technology reaches a very high thermal effectiveness. Heating and
In addition to a description of the technical foundations, the cooling rates of clearly more than 12 °C/sec make cycle times of
properties of the rapid PCR system will be clarified through 20 seconds possible and, hence, the realization of PCR protocols
examples of use. with 30 cycles in 8 – 15 minutes.

Since the development of the PCR method in 1985 by Kary Mullis In addition to the comparatively high ramp rates of the rapid
[1] [2]
and coworkers, continual innovation has contributed to the thermal cycler, the very short, necessary holding times of the three
fact, that PCR has developed into a key technology for biological re- temperature phases of PCR (denaturation, annealing, elongation)
search and routine diagnostics. Among the principles employed for also determine the duration of the rapid protocols. Whereas in the
heating and cooling the blocks (heating lamps, electrical resistance standard peltier thermal cycler, a large part of the time is needed
heating, water cooling, etc), today almost all thermal cyclers use for changing the temperature of the metal block and the plastic
peltier elements since this technology allows a robust and compact walls of the sample container, the time during the temperature
apparatus construction. steps in the rapid PCR system can be almost completely used for
the chemical (denaturation of the DNA double strand) or biochemi-
A disadvantage of those instruments are the slow heating and cool- cal (DNA synthesis) processes.
ing rates within the sample (1 – 2 °C/sec) that is a function of the
large volume of the metal blocks and the relatively thick walls of the
plastic sample wells (200 – 300 µm). Because of this, cycle times High speed and specificity
of 3 – 8 minutes and a total time of one and a half to three hours is The practical value of the thermal cycler system is determined by
needed for a typical PCR experiment. not just the physical performance parameters such as heating and
cooling rates or thermal efficiency. The characteristic features of
[1] Saiki, R.K. et al., Science 230 (1985), 1350 ff the molecular biological experiment such, as the duration of a PCR
[2] Mullis, K.B., Scientific American (1990), 56 ff protocol and the yield and quality of the PCR products are more im-
portant. Particularly in medical diagnostics and forensic applications,
PCR is often still the rate-determining step in a series of analytical
methods. A high specificity of the amplified DNA is especially desir-
rapid PCR able for the further use in cloning or sequencing.
Because control of the temperature cycles plays a central role in the
6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

polymerase chain reaction, alternatives were soon being sought that For preparing the rapid PCR reactions, standard enzymes, compo-
would lead to a more rapid process execution. The experimental nents and buffers in normal commercial quality and from different
experience with commercially available system led to the definition manufacturers were employed. The final concentrations of the
of the ultrafast PCR as: “rapid cycle PCR“ – by means of 30 amplifi- components in the rapid PCR master mix also corresponded to that
cation cycles in less than 30 minutes. [3] of normal PCR reactions.

Aside from shortening the PCR experiments, a further advantage of

the rapid PCR is the improved quality of the PCR products. Through Conclusions
the quicker cooling rates and shorter annealing times, more precise The rapid PCR devices, which applies rapid cycle technology, was
primer-template pairing occurs that, hence, leads to a higher speci- developed as a joint research project of Analytik Jena | Life Science
ficity of the amplicon. and the Hans-Knöll-Institut für Naturstoff Forschung. With this
apparatus the ultrafast amplification of DNA fragments of different
lengths and origin with a clearly higher PCR product specificity is
[3] Wittwer, C.T. et al., in Mullis, K. et al. (Eds.), The polymerase chain possible. The advantages of the rapid PCR system presented here
reaction. Birkhauser, Boston (1994), 174 – 181 result from the combination of the peltier technology and the use

of a microplate as the sample carrier.

rapid PCR Thermal Cycler | rapid PCR without chemical additives

With the rapid PCR Thermal Cycler, Analytik Jena | Life Science has An unsurpassed thermal efficiency of over 90 percent is achieved.
completely re-defined the standard for speed and flexibility of Through this innovative technology, applications using so-called
thermal cyclers. Different (rapid) cycler-systems are available to fit to “touch and go” protocols can be performed in exceptionally short
the respective demand of PCR applications. True heating and cooling times. PCR programs can be carried out in even less than 8 minutes.
rates of up to 15 °C/sec and 10 °C/sec, respectively, are realized.
Thus the rapid thermal cyclers are enormous fast due to its tech- These low-profile microplates has been optimized for very small
nique and do not necessarily require special chemical additives. sample consumption and the use of inexpensive standard PCR
reagents. The need of costly and often limiting chemical additives is
The choice of rapidPCR systems of blocks running with standard consciously avoided.
PCR consumables as well as blocks running with special patented,
ultrathin-walled low-profile microplates. ƒƒ LPR systems for 2 – 20 µl with heating and cooling rates up to
15 °C/sec and up to 10 °C/sec
ƒƒ Rapid heat transfer through SAC technology
Standard-Profile-Rapid (SPR) systems – rapid PCR under stan- ƒƒ Optimized for low reagent consumption
dard conditions
Equipped with the latest generation of peltier elements the
Standard-Profile-Rapid (SPR) systems provide unrivaled heating Excellent results
and cooling speed even at use of 0.2 ml standard consumables. In addition to the duration of the PCR program, quality and yield
The SPR block achieves so far unattained heating and cooling rates are decisive criteria. These, among other factors, are dependent on
of 12 °C/sec and 8 °C/sec accompanied by excellent temperature the correctness of the set temperature as well as the accuracy of
uniformity. Unlike other available thermal cyclers these specifica- the temperature control. Employing the latest generation of high-
tions are not unreachable “top values” but parameters a user really performance peltier elements completely prevents the occurrence
can rely on. Thus all SPR blocks provide precise reaction conditions of temperature inaccuracies within the sample blocks of conven-
and enormous short run times. tional peltier thermal cyclers and results in outstanding temperature
homogeneity throughout the block.
ƒƒ SPR systems for 0.2 ml sample volume
ƒƒ Heating and cooling rates up to 12 °C/sec and up to 8 °C/sec Primer mismatching during annealing is effectively prevented
through the combination of extremely rapid temperature ramp rates
and optimal temperature control accuracy. This, in turn, results in
Low-Profile-Rapid (LPR) systems – best performance at lowest more specific amplification products.
sample consumption
Special patented, low-profile and ultrathin-walled microplates con- ƒƒ Higher quality results
tribute to a never before achieved thermal efficiency. Through SAC ƒƒ Reduced primer mismatching

6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

(Self-Adapting-Container) technology, the thermoelastic walls of ƒƒ More specific amplification products
the sample container adapt to the shape of the sample block like a ƒƒ Exceptional temperature homogeneity – no edge effects
second skin and thus, ensure rapid heat transfer into the samples.

Temperature [ °C]

0 50 100 150 200 250

standard Time [sec]


Comparison of standard and rapid PCR referring to the cycle time

6.1 SpeedCycler  ²

SpeedCycler  2 | Ultra high-performance thermal cycler

Ultra high-performance thermal cycler

With the SpeedCycler  2, Analytik Jena has launched the second ƒƒ rapid PCR in less than 8 minutes
generation of the original SpeedCycler technology with an ƒƒ Heating and cooling rates of up to 15 °C/sec and
instrument even faster than its predecessor and delivering 10 °C/sec, respectively
extraordinary high heating and cooling rates of up to 15 °C/sec and ƒƒ SAC (Self-Adapting-Container) technology delivers out-
10 °C/sec, respectively. That makes the SpeedCycler  2 the fastest standing heat transfer
available thermal cycler in the world. ƒƒ Low-Profile-Rapid (LPR) blocks for 20 µL
ƒƒ Standard-Profile-Rapid (SPR) blocks for 0.2 mL standard
A smaller footprint, the modular design, the external control panel consumables
and, last but not least, ultra high-performance distinguishes the ƒƒ Optimized for low reagent consumption and reduced
SpeedCycler  2 from other available instruments. The system is running costs
ideal as space-saving thermal cycler and is available in 4 different ƒƒ Small footprint satellite system
versions to meet each individual need - the choise is yours. ƒƒ Four different blocks available
ƒƒ Thermal blocks made of massive sterling silver with
a gold layer
ƒƒ Portable user-interface HID-Pro 320
ƒƒ Reduced primer mismatching
6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

6.1 SpeedCycler  ²

6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

It grows with the requirements of its user.
The SpeedCylcer2 is available in four different versions, comprising:

ƒƒ Standard-Profile-Rapid (SPR) block

ƒƒ Standard-Profile (SP) block
ƒƒ Low-Profile-Rapid (LPR) block
ƒƒ Low-Profile (LP) block

This means that standard PCR consumables can be used as well as

low-profile PCR consumables.

The LPR format, in particular, has been optimized for low sample
consumption and maximizes performance. Sample loss and
condensation are effectively prevented by the enormously high lid
contact pressure, even for volumes as small as 2 µL.

Low-Profile-Rapid (LPR) blocks use specially patented, ultrathin-

walled microplates or strips based on the SBS standard format,
which contributes greater thermal efficiency than ever before. SpeedCycler  2 without HID-Pro 320

SAC (Self-Adapting Container) technology allows the thermoelastic

walls of the sample containers to adapt to the shape of the sample The SpeedCycler  2 has been optimized for very small sample con-
block like a second skin, thus, ensuring rapid heat transfer into the sumption and for the use of inexpensive standard PCR reagents.
samples and achieving unsurpassed thermal efficiency of over Costly and often limiting chemical additives can be consciously
90 percent. rapid PCR is the only technology suitable for applications avoided and are not necessary for rapid PCR amplification. Further-
using what are known as “touch and go” protocols. A whole experi- more, the higher cooling rate significantly improves specificity of the
ment can be carried out in less than 8 minutes. PCR products compared to those from standard thermal cyclers.

6.1 SpeedCycler  ²

The HID-Pro 320 external user interface Users can easily change the operating language by clicking a button.
The new portable HID-Pro 320 user interface eliminates the need The HID-Pro 320 is also compatible with other instruments from
for a PC and makes the system exceptionally easy to operate. Its ex- Analytik Jena, such as the ScanDrop® microliter spectrophotometer.
tra large 5.7” color touchscreen eliminates the need for a keyboard The built-in power failure function restarts the cycler automatically.
or mouse. The software restarts with the denaturing step of the last active
cycle to eliminate any possible unspecific annealing

The software, which is based on Windows CE, offers typical Windows

functions and operating environment, as well as an intuitive menu ƒƒ Software based on Windows CE
bar. Programs can be stored individually and organized in user- ƒƒ USB and LAN port for uncomplicated data exchange
defined directories. An USB and LAN port allows users to exchange ƒƒ Power failure function
programs to other cyclers, export data from executed PCR runs, and ƒƒ Multilingual software (English, German, Greek, Russian and
connect the cycler directly to other basic units. Spanish; others to come)
ƒƒ Reduced primer mismatching

Portable and versatile HID-Pro 320 user-interface with 5.7"color SpeedCycler² with gold-coated silver rapid sample block in standard
touchscreen format
6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

96 LPR block; 96 × 20 µL
For 96 × 20 µL Microplate LP or 8 well Strips LP
HR 15 °C/sec; CR 10 °C/sec

96 LP block; 96 x 20 µL
For 96 x 20 µL Microplate LP or 8 well Strips LP
HR: 15 °C/sec; CR: 10 °C/sec

96 SPR block; 96 × 0.2 ml

For 96 × 0.2 ml standard tubes, 8 well strips or PCR plates
HR 8 °C/sec; CR 6 °C/sec

96 SP block; 96 × 0.2 ml
For 96 × 0.2 ml standard tubes, 8 well strips or PCR plates
HR 5.5 °C/sec; CR 4 °C/sec

Schematic drawing of thermal blocks

Overview Plates and Tubes......................................................................... 384
Order information on Tubes and Strips.................................................. 388
Order information on Microplates and Microtiterplates.................... 390
Order information on Sealingfoils and Sealingfilms............................391

6.1 SpeedCycler  ²

Technical data

Sample capacity
SpeedCycler2 96 LPR ƒƒ 96 x 20 µL
SpeedCycler² 96 LP ƒƒ 96 x 20 μL
SpeedCycler2 96 SPR ƒƒ 96 x 0.2 mL
SpeedCycler2 96 SP ƒƒ 96 x 0.2 mL

Heating and cooling rates

SpeedCycler2 96 LPR Heating rate 15 °C/sec max. Gold-coated silver
Cooling rate 10 °C/sec max.
SpeedCycler² 96 LP Heating rate 15 °C/sec max. Aluminum alloy
Cooling rate 10 °C/sec max.
SpeedCycler2 96 SPR Heating rate 8 °C/sec max. Gold-coated silver
Cooling rate 6 °C/sec max.
SpeedCycler2 96 SP Heating rate 5.5 °C/sec max. Aluminum alloy
Cooling rate 4 °C/sec max.

General Data
Temperature control mode ƒƒ Block Control
ƒƒ (Simulated) Tube Control
Sample block temperature range 4 °C – 105 °C
Control accuracy < ± 0.2 °C at 72 °C
Block homogeneity < ± 0.3 °C at 72 °C
Lid ƒƒ Can be heated up to 120 °C
ƒƒ Adjustable contact pressure
User interface ƒƒ PC via included software
ƒƒ Alternative via HID-Pro 320

6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

Number of programs Nearly unlimited; 500 on HID-Pro 320

Other technical data

Dimensions (W x H x D) 280 × 290 × 250 mm
Weight 12 kg
Power supply 100 – 240 V ± 15 % (47 – 63 Hz)
Power consumption 800 W

Basic unit 2 years
Thermal blocks 2 years

6.1 SpeedCycler  ²

Order information

Order No. Description

844-00050-2 HID-Pro 320, Portable and versatile user interface with 5.7” touch screen, LAN, USB
844-00041-2 SpeedCycler 2 96 LPR, 96 x 20 µl
844-00042-2 SpeedCycler 2 96 SPR, 96 x 0.2 ml
844-00043-2 SpeedCycler 2 96 SP, 96 x 0.2 ml
844-00044-2 SpeedCycler² 96 LP, 96 x 20 µl
6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

6.1 SpeedCycler  ²

SpeedCycler | Application Note

rapid PCR in 8 minutes from heating the lid until cool down to Excellent block homogeneity, even for extremely short time
standby temperature protocols
The SpeedCycler makes it possible to amplify a 536 bp ß-globin- Outstanding temperature uniformity over the entire sample block
specific fragment (human genomic DNA) in less than 8 minutes. (and thus within the sample) results in excellent block homogeneity
The PCR was performed using Analytik Jena‘s thermostable Hot and no edge effects. Amplification of a 793 bp specific fragment of
Start enzyme (innuTaq HOT-A DNA Polymerase) and an ultra-rapid the p53 gene from human genomic DNA served as an example for
2-step protocol with an initial 30-second denaturation step at 96 °C the precise and specific functionality of the SpeedCycler rapid PCR.
followed by 25 cycles with a 0-second denaturation step at 96 °C p53, also known as tumor protein 53, is a transcription factor that
and a 0-second combined annealing/elongation step at 60 °C. The regulates the cell cycle and hence functions as a tumor suppressor. [1]
yield of specific PCR products is nevertheless high, which is due to
the sharp characteristic temperature curve of the device and to the These 793 bp can be amplified in 9 min and 30 sec. using a 3-step
ultra thin-walled SpeedCycler microplate. time protocol with 28 cycles of 0-second denaturation at 95 °C
followed by a 0-second annealing step at 60 °C and finished with a
1-sec elongation step at 72 °C

Ultrarapid amplification of a 536 bp ß-globin fragment from human Rapid amplification of a 793 bp p53 fragment from human genomic
genomic DNA: outstanding uniformity in less than 8 minutes. Markers DNA: outstanding uniformity in less than 9 minutes. Markers are
are 1500 bp, 850 bp, 400 bp, 200 bp and 50 bp long. 1500 bp, 850 bp, 400 bp, 200 bp and 50 bp long.

[1] [02.07.2007]

6 rapid PCR thermal cycler


Sample layout of the used 96 well Microplate LP 96 LPR format for 96 well Microplate LP

6.1 SpeedCycler  ²

Application list | Summary of application reports for rapid PCR

Low-Profile-Rapid (LPR) block

Reference No. Application

BS_PCR_01_04_e Amplification of microbial strains from soil isolates

BS_PCR_02_04_e Long Range PCR: SpeedCycler amplification of a 24 kb fragment from human genomic DNA (placenta DNA)
BS_PCR_01_05_e One Step RT-PCR using the SuperScriptTM III System with Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase (Invitrogen)
BS_PCR_02_05_e Amplification of a beta globin fragment (210 bp) with BD TitaniumTM Taq DNA Polymerase (BD Biosciences)
BS_PCR_01_06_e Amplification of a beta globin fragment (538 bp) from human genomic DNA
BS_PCR_02_06_e Amplification of a 430 – 750 bp fragment, a tandem repeat at chromosome 1 (The D1S80 – system)
BS_PCR_03_06_e Amplification of ITS2 (part of 45S rDNA) from plant Brachycome dichromosomatica
BS_PCR_04_06_e Amplification of a E. coli specific 536 bp target sequence within 8 minutes
BS_PCR_06_06_e Multiple (STR) PCR using Applied Biosystem AmpFl STR® SGM Plus® with SpeedCycler
BS_PCR_07_06_e PCR amplification of a 123 bp fragment from the insertion element IS6110 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
BS_PCR_08_06_e Reliable detection of clinically relevant Staphylococci using the hyplex StaphyloResist® test system
BS_PCR_09_06_e Amplification of a 129 bp HB Virus specific sequence for Hepatitis B determination by using rapid PCR
BS_PCR_10_06_e Quantitative cPCR considered on the example of Porphyromonas gingivalis wildtype (488 bp) and competitor
(276 bp) amplification
BS_PCR_11_06_e PCR amplification of an Actinobacillus actinomycetem-comitans wild type (547 bp) and competitor (274 bp)
specific fragment as optimization to accomplish cPCR
BS_PCR_12_06_e Optimization of PCR conditions to amplify a specific Treponema denticola wildtyp and competitor sequence to
accomplish cPCR
BS_PCR_13_06_e STR Typing by using Promega‘s PowerPlex® 16 System combined with SpeedCycler
BS_PCR_14_06_e Amplification of a 641 bp specific Bacteroides forsythus sequence by using rapid PCR with SpeedCycler
BS_PCR_15_06_e The enteric Helicobacter bilis as target for rapid amplification with SpeedCycler
BS_PCR_16_06_e Validation for SNP diagnostics of the Factor V Leiden mutation – Amplification of the relevant sequence with
BS_PCR_01_07_e Detection of genetically modified – Roundup Ready® – soybeans by using rapid PCR with SpeedCycler
6 rapid PCR thermal cycler

BS_PCR_02_07_e Detection of transgenic Maize by rapid polymerase chain reaction with SpeedCycler
BS_PCR_03_07_e Determination of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by using rapid PCR with SpeedCycler and two different polymerases

Standard-Profile-Rapid (SPR) block

Reference No. Application

BS_PCR_05_06_e Amplification of alleles of the HLA-DRB1 gene, optimized for 50 µl-assays

BS_PCR_04_07_e Detection of a human-specific Alu insertion using a PV92 primer mix with SpeedCycler
BS_PCR_01_08_e Detection of 3 different human-specific beta-globin fragments using 4 different primers and the AlphaSC®
BS_PCR_01_09_e Amplification of a 1 kb DNA fragment from the bacteriophage lambda using the SPR 48 block of AlphaSC®

6.1 SpeedCycler  ²

6.1 6 rapid PCR thermal cycler
7.1 FlexCycler 2

FlexCycler2 | The new standard PCR Thermal cycler

The FlexCycler2 is a modern thermal cycler with large graphical dis-

play and exceptional design. The instrument offers state-of-the-art ƒƒ Quick-X-Change block exchange system
heating and cooling rates in combination with high control accuracy. ƒƒ Automatic block recognition
Thanks to the excellent temperature uniformity over the complete ƒƒ 96 well and 48 well twin-block optionally with gradient
temperature range the system consistently ensures reproducible function
conditions. ƒƒ Twin-blocks independently controllable
ƒƒ Multiblock start- and stop-function
By the Quick-X-Change block exchange system the FlexCycler2 can ƒƒ Large ¼ VGA display
be flexibly adapted to different requirements. In combination with ƒƒ High Performance Smart Lid (HPSL) for always optimal
the user friendly software concept and extensive software options contact pressure
the FlexCycler2 is the perfect system for PCR applications. ƒƒ USB A and USB B port
ƒƒ Comfortable user administration
ƒƒ GLP compliant documentation of PCR runs
ƒƒ Comprehensive additional software functions
7 Standard PCR thermal cycler

7.1 FlexCycler 2

Housing Heated Lid

The housing of the FlexCycler2 attracts by its distinctive design with The heated lid of the FlexCycler2 is equipped with High
clear layout of the line and functionality. Due to the high quality of Performance Smart Lid (HPSL) technology that ensures the
workmanship, the unit is designed for continuous use in the routine. formation of a homogenous tempered air cushion between
For example, the airstream inside the instrument is optimized to dis- the samples. The instrument therefore provides excellent
sipate excess heat as effectively as possible. This keeps the energy temperature uniformity over the entire block and reproducible
consumption low and the block temperature uniformity at any time PCR conditions regardless of the positioning of the samples.
in the optimum range. In addition, the FlexCycler2 by its compact Additionally, by the integrated clutch mechanism, it is ensured
design occupies a minimum of space in the laboratory. The display that always the same pressure is applied, regardless of the
and keyboard are arranged in an ergonomically angle, allowing height and shape of the used plastic ware. The even distribu-
the comfortable operation of the instrument and also preventing tion of pressure on all tubes/wells serves for a secure closure
unwanted light reflections in the display from the surroundings. during the PCR and optimal temperature transition between
the block and the reaction mix, simultaneously evaporation
and condensation effects are avoided. After pressing the push
Block exchange system button on the front the heated lid it automatically swings up
By Quick-X-Change technology the FlexCycler2 block modules can and can subsequently be closed by gently pressure.
be exchanged within seconds. The built-in fast block exchange
system makes the use of additional tools or the time-consuming
loosening of block fittings unnecessary. Simply raise the block ex- User Interface
change lever, remove the block to be replaced, insert the new block The FlexCycler2 user interface provides the convenience of a
and connect it to the base unit by lowering the block exchange user-specific choice of operating language and allows the pro-
lever. The new block is automatically detected and installed by the gramming of temperature programs in clearly arranged table
instrument. The block exchange function of the FlexCycler2 provides format (Easy Spreadsheet Programming (ESP). All parameters
the flexibility to adapt the configuration of the instrument in sec- can be set in one single screen, it is not necessary to open
onds. Besides single block modules also twin block modules are sub-windows to set variables for special program functions
available which are equipped with two independently controllable and to toggle forth and back between different windows.
blocks and heated lids. The twin block modules offer the possibility Simply press the “graph” button and the temperature profile
to run two different protocols at the same time, thereby increasing can also be displayed graphically and parameters edited. The
the flexibility for the user. Optionally blocks can also be equipped FlexCycler2 offers a total memory capacity for more then 300
with gradient function which allows the quick and easy optimization programs.
of new PCR assays.

7 Standard PCR thermal cycler


7.1 FlexCycler 2

In addition to the programming of temperature protocols the User administration

software offers useful functions like extended self test, display of The FlexCycler2 can manage up to 30 different user directories
run-logfiles or the creation of service info files. After start of the ex- which can be optionally protected by a PIN code. PCR protocols in
tended self test, the FlexCycler2 checks itself summarizes the results protected directories can not be modified or deleted by other users.
in a well arranged protocol. If the test should not be passed the In addition to the normal users the supervisor (administrator) has
user receives a corresponding message. In run-logfiles important in- additional privileges. The supervisor has its own menu to man-
formation und events for the last run are summarized. Run-logfiles age the system and can for example delete user directories (also
therefore are ideal to control and monitor PCR runs. In service cases protected directories). Moreover, the supervisor can set the boot
service info files allow a remote diagnosis of the instruments status language of the system.
by the service department.

User-specific quick start of protocols

The FlexCycler2 logs user specific the five most recently used or
modified protocols. By a simple keypress on “block” the user cur-
rently logged-in to the instrument gets a list of protocols that can be
started directly. The comfortable quick start option eliminates the
need to search for the right protocol in the user directory.

USB functions
By a USB stick temperature programs can be exchanged eas-
ily between different FlexCycler2 instruments. Moreover for GLP
compliant documentation of PCR runs run-logfiles and in service
cases service info files can be saved. For this purpose standard USB
sticks can be connected to the USB A port on the front side of the
instrument. By the USB B port on the backside of the FlexCycler2
software updates can be uploaded from a connected computer and
installed conveniently.
Tabular programming...
7 Standard PCR thermal cycler

or graphical programming

7.1 FlexCycler 2

Technical specifications

Order number 844-00062-x 844-00060-x 844-00064-x 844-0065-x

844-00063-x 844-00061-x
FlexCycler2 twin 48 FlexCycler2 96 FlexCycler2 twin 30 FlexCycler2 twin combi
FlexCycler2 twin 48G FlexCycler2 96G
Capacity 2 x 48 x 0.2 ml tubes, 2 x 96 x 0.2 ml tubes, 6 x 2 x 30 x 0.5 ml tubes 2 x 48 x 0,2 ml tubes,
6 x 8er stripes 8er stripes 2 x 6 strips of 8 or
0.2 ml or 2 x 48 well 0.2 ml or 96 well 2 x 48 well microplates,
microplates microplates 2 x 18 x 0.5 ml tubes
Block material Aluminum Aluminum Aluminium Aluminium

Block surface coating Silver-coloured anodised Silver-coloured anodised Silver-coloured anodised Silver-coloured anodised

Block exchange Quick-X-change Quick-X-change Quick-X-change Quick-X-change

Time block exchange Less than 10 s Less than 10 s Less than 10 s Less than 10 s

Maximum heating rate* 4.5 °C/s 4.0 °C/s 4.0 °C/s 3.0 °C/s

Maximum cooling rate* 4.5 °C/s 4.0 °C/s 4.0 °C/s 3.0 °C/s

Average heating rate* 4.5 °C/s 3.0 °C/s 3.3 °C/s 2.4 °C/s

Average cooling rate* 4.5 °C/s 3.0 °C/s 3.3 °C/s 2.4 °C/s

Gradient** 20°C 30°C - -

Temperature uniformity < ± 0.4 °C at 70 °C after 15 s

Temperature uniformity 3 °C to 99 °C
Temperature range** 20 °C to 99 °C
Control accuracy ± 0,1 °C
Software Quick start of the 5 latest programs, program preview, toggle between easy spreadsheet and graphical
programming mode, graphical display of gradients, multiblock start- and stop-function, variable heating and
cooling rates, extended self test, service info file for remote diagnosis, versatile USB-functions like storage of
programs, run-logfiles or SINF-files
Programming modes Spreadsheet or graphical
Program memory 350 programs in 30 user directories with optional PIN-code protection
Display ¼ VGA screen, 320 x 240 pixel
Autorestart function Yes

7 Standard PCR thermal cycler

Smart Lid technology Yes
Lid temperature range 30 to 99 °C
Max. power consumption 600 Watt
Operation voltage 100, 115, 230 Volt, 50-60 Hz
Weight 15 kg
Dimensions 26.4 cm x 28.9 cm x 40.0 cm
(Width x Height x Depth) 26.4 cm x 47.9 cm x 40.0 cm with lid opened
Noise emission Very low
Interfaces USB A, USB B
Working conditions 15 °C to 35 °C, 70 % humidity, max 2.000 m above sea level
* measured inside the block
** Only for gradient enabled models

7.1 FlexCycler 2

Order information

Order number Description

844-00060-2 FlexCycler2 96, 230V, English manual
844-00060-4 FlexCycler2 96, 115V, English manual
844-00060-5 FlexCycler2 96, 100V, English manual
844-00061-2 FlexCycler2 96G, 230V, English manual
844-00061-4 FlexCycler2 96G, 115V, English manual
844-00061-5 FlexCycler2 96G, 100V, English manual
844-00062-2 FlexCycler2 twin 48, 230V, English manual
844-00062-4 FlexCycler2 twin 48, 115V, English manual
844-00062-5 FlexCycler2 twin 48, 100V, English manual
844-00063-2 FlexCycler2 twin 48G, 230V, English manual
844-00063-4 FlexCycler2 twin 48G, 115V, English manual
844-00063-5 FlexCycler2 twin 48G, 100V, English manual
844-00064-2 FlexCycler2 twin 30, 230V, English manual
844-00064-4 FlexCycler2 twin 30, 115V, English manual
844-00064-5 FlexCycler2 twin 30, 100V, English manual
844-00065-2 FlexCycler2 twin combi, 230V, English manual
844-00065-4 FlexCycler2 twin combi, 115V, English manual
844-00065-5 FlexCycler2 twin combi, 100V, English manual
844-60060-0 FlexCycler2 block 96
844-60061-0 FlexCycler2 block 96G
844-60062-0 FlexCycler2 block twin 48
844-60063-0 FlexCycler2 block twin48G
844-60064-0 FlexCycler2 block twin 30
844-60065-0 FlexCycler2 block twin combi
844-00069-2 FlexCycler2 base unit
7 Standard PCR thermal cycler

7.1 FlexCycler 2

7.1 7 Standard PCR thermal cycler
8.1 Gel Imaging

Introduction | A choice of systems for different needs

The whole range of Analytik Jena gel imaging systems is suited for System Type of camera
the documentation of agarose and polyacrylamide gels with fluores- GelTower, Digital single lens reflex camera
cent and visible colored stains.

GelStudio digital for color and black & white images

UVsolo, Monochrome, scientific grade CCD
The most typcial stains for these applications are ethidium bromide,
SYBR® Green, SYBR® Gold, SYBR® Safe, GelStar ®, SYPRO® Orange, GelStudio live, camera for black & white images
SYPRO® Ruby, OrioleTM, SYPRO® Red, WesternDotTM 625 with GelStudio SA
Qdot®-nano crystals, and silver and Coomassie Blue.
8 BioImaging

For all of these stains the adequate bandpass filters and transil- Decision guidance – which is the most appropriate system?
luminators are available. Visible stains on membranes and also
Requirement Especial recommended system
radiographs can be documented, additionally.
Primarily saving and UVsolo
Laboratories with a very limited bench space will enjoy the systems printing of images
GelTower and UVsolo. The extraordinary compact systems are Limited bench space GelTower, UVsolo, GelStudio digital
designed for fast saving and printing of gels. No separate computer compact, GelStudio live compact
is necessary.
Colored images GelTower, GelStudio digital

The computer driven systems of the GelStudio line offer an Especial light-sensitive GelStudio live, GelStudio SA,
advanced comfort and include a versatile software for analysing system UVsolo
gel and blot images as standard delivery. Two different versions are Documentation of small UVsolo, GelStudio live,
available. They mainly differ in the type of camera included. gels with maximum zoom GelStudio SA
Documentation and GelStudio digital
Users who prefer an advanced imaging system without a separate
analysis of large gels
computer will enjoy the stand-alone system GelStudio SA. A large
touch screen allows for a self-explanatory image acquisition. Quantification of samples GelStudio live, GelStudio SA

8.1 Gel Imaging

Technische Daten

GelStudio Systems

UVsolo GelTower GelStudio digital GelStudio live GelStudio SA

Type Stand-alone Computer-controlled Computer-controlled Computer-controlled Stand-alone

8 BioImaging
Resolution 1.3 MP 12.2 MP * 12.2 MP * 2.0 MP, exentable to 2.0 MP, exentable to
6.0 MP 6.0 MP
Sensor monochrome color color monochrome monochrome
Sensor size ½´´ 22.2 mm x 17.4 mm 22.2 mm x 14.7 mm ½´´ ½´´
Data depth 8 bit (16 bit file) 8 bit (gray scales) 8 bit (gray scales) 12 bit 12 bit
24 bit (color) 24 bit (color) (16 bit file) (16 bit file)

Light-sensitivity ++ + + ++ ++
Filter changer Filter drawer 5-position filter GelStudio Box: GelStudio Box: 5-position filter
wheel 4-position filter wheel 4-position filter wheel wheel

White light from above + + with GelStudio Box with GelStudio Box +
UV transilluminator fixed pull-out BDA Hood: separate BDA Hood: separate pull-out
GelStudio Box: GelStudio Box:
pull-out pull-out
UV light from above - - GelStudio Box 2 GelStudio Box 2 optional
Image acquisition + + + + +

Gel analysis optional + + + + (for separate computer)

* Please check homepage for current resolution

A detailed description of each system is given on the following pages.

Silver stained polyacrylamide gel Ethidium bromide stained Silver stained polyacryamide gel Ethidium bromide stained agarose
(white light, black & white photo) agarose gel (UV light, black & (white light, color photo) gel (UV light, black & white photo)
white photo)

SYBR® Green stained agarose gel Coomassie Blue stained Ethidium bromide stained agarose
(UV light, color photo) polyacryamide gel (white light, gel (UV light, color photo)
color photo)
8.1 Gel Imaging

UVsolo | Stand-alone gel docmentation system

UVsolo is an extra compact system for gel documentation without the

need for a personal computer. The system is designed to acquire gel
images very easily and without any need for training.

ƒƒ Self-explanatory stand-alone system

ƒƒ Light-sensitive 1.3 MP CCD camera
ƒƒ Touch screen for simple handling
ƒƒ Ideal for multi-user laboratories Converter plate
8 BioImaging

The system Analysis of gel images

The UVsolo system comes with a light-sensitive black & white CCD Main application of the UVsolo typically is saving and printing of gel
camera with a high resolution of 1.3 megapixels. An also light-sen- images. But it is also possible to analyse gels with the optional gel
sitive zoom lens provides for images of high contrast. The system is analysis software. It is the same analysis software that is included
controlled by a touch screen with an intuitive to use image acquisi- as a standard in the computer-controlled systems „GelTower“ and
tion software. „GelStudio“. Users of the UVsolo install the optional VisionWorksLS
software on a separate personal computer. Gel images in tif or
With live view all changes of the camera´s integration time, the lens jpg file format can be imported into the VisionWorksLS analysis
aperture setting or of the zoom area are displayed in real-time on software.
the 8 inch screen. Saturation monitoring allows the easy capture of The calculation of fragment sizes or a quantification of sample
fully quantifiable images. material is easily done in a few steps. For details please see section
The gel images are saved in the universal file formats tif, jpg, or gif
on USB storage device, the internal computer memory or via net-
work connection on a network computer. For prints a printer with Further converter plates
USB interface can be connected to the UVsolo. For blue-light illumination of fluorescent dyes one of the UV-to-blue
light converter plates can be applied.
With a software print button printing is directly started. Recom- Furthermore a UV-to-UV converter plate is available which converts
mended printer is a high-resolution thermal printer which creates 302 nm UV to 365 nm UV. This is excellent for preparation and gel
brilliant prints on high-glossy paper. excision work.

The transilluminator Features Benefit

Two different sizes are available: 20 cm x 20 cm UV filter size for
Touch screen with image Easy to use, simple to clean
small to middle sized gels or 25 cm x 26 cm filter size for larger
gels. It is possible to control the UV intensity in 3 levels: Image acquisition software
acquisition should always be done with maximum UV intensity with Saving of images on USB stick, High flexibility, perfect for
switch setting “High”. For cutting samples out of gels it is recom- computer or by network groups with many users
mended to reduce the UV intensity to avoid a damage of the sam- Filter drawer for bandpass Easy change of filter for use of
ples. This can be done with switch settings “Medium” and “Low”.
filters different fluorescent staining

UV protection Self-explanatory operation and Well-suited for laboratories with

Users of the UVsolo are savely protected against UV radiation: maximum UV protection for varying users and for practical
Opening the front door automatically switches off the UV light. users courses
A direct and safe view to the fluorescent gel under UV illumina- Compact system with footprint Requires minimum of bench
tion is possible through the gel viewing window in the front door. size of a transilluminator space
For cutting gels under UV illumination two side-access doors are
included. When somebody prefers to cut out of the fluorescent
gel with open front door this can also be done: The UV override
switch allows to turn on UV light with open door. Closing the door
automatically re-activates the UV protection switch. This ensures a
save operation for subsequent users.

Documentation of colored gels

The image acquisition of non-fluorescent gels, e.g. silver or Coo-
massie Blue stained polyacrylamide gels can be done with the
optional available converter plates. Such plates are directly placed
on top of the UV transilluminator. The plate converts the UV light to
visible light, similar to the light of a white light table.

8.1 Gel Imaging

8 BioImaging
Order information

Order number Item

849-00500-2 230 V UVsolo: Monochrome, digital ½ ´´ CCD camera, resolution 1280 (H) x 1024 (V), manual zoom lens 8 – 48 mm,
bandpass filter for e.g. EtBr, darkhood with 8 ´´ LCD touch screen with tilt capability, USB port for USB stick, network
849-00500-4 115 V connectivity, safety interlocking door, UV override switch, gel viewing window, side access doors for gel cutting, UV
transilluminator (302 nm, 20 cm x 20 cm filter size, UV intensity switch), overhead LED white light, USB 2.0 ports
for connecting e.g. a printer. English manual. Dimensions with camera: 78.0 x 36.1 x 33.8 (H x W x D, cm)
849-000501-2 230 V UVsolo 2: see UVsolo, but transilluminator with filter size 25 cm x 26 cm
849-000501-4 115 V

Order number Item
849-00401-0 Bandpass filter for SYBR® Green stains, for UVsolo filter drawer
849-00402-0 Bandpass filter for SYBR® Gold stains, for UVsolo filter drawer

849-20100-0 Digital thermal printer Mitsubishi P95DE,

high resolution (325 dpi), USB 2.0 port, dimensions: 8.5 x 15.4 x 23.9 (H x B x T, cm)
849-20111-0 Thermal paper KP65HM, matt, high-contrast, 4 rolls à 20 m
849-20110-0 Thermal paper K95HG, high-glossy, high-contrast, 5 rolls à 18 m
849-20510-0 Converter plate, UV-to-white, 21 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20511-0 Converter plate, UV-to-white, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20520-0 Converter plate, UV-to-blue “Visi-Blue”, 21 cm x 26 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm
849-20521-0 Converter plate, UV-to-blue “Visi-Blue”, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm
849-20523-0 Converter plate, UV302-to-UV365, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size
846-057-012 UV transparent acrylic tray for preparative tasks on a transilluminator, 29 cm x 23 cm
846-057-013 UV transparent gel scoop, scoop size 14 cm x 15 cm
846-057-002 UV bulb 8 W, 302 nm, for UV table
846-055-001 UV light face protection shield

849-00202-0 VisionWorksLS: analysis software for gel images in tif, jpg, bmp, gif or png format. Single use license.
849-00203-0 VisionWorksLS software: as above, but five user license

8.1 Gel Imaging

GelTower | Simplify and maximize precast and mini gel imaging

ƒƒ Brilliant color or grayscale publication-quality images with

12.2 MP resolution

ƒƒ Perfect for precast and mini gels up to 11.5 x 16 cm

ƒƒ Illuminate nucleic acid and protein gels with interchange-
able transillumination sources: white, blue, midrange and
longwave UV
ƒƒ Analyze results using simple workflow-focused software
8 BioImaging

ƒƒ Reduces lab space requirements with its compact design

– footprint is smaller than 330 mm x 330 mm

The small imager GelTower is perfect for small gels up to 11.5 to Easily accessible controls
16 cm size. The computer-controlled imager comes with a digital The control panel enables easy selection of emission filters and
single lens reflex camera and provides for high-resolution images in lighting. The emission filter selector controls the five-position filter
color and gray scales. Simply place the gels on the transillumination tray, located on the side of the darkroom, which includes an ethid-
plate, then capture brilliant color images. The streamlined software ium bromide filter. Add additional filters as required for other types
interface guides through the image capture process with automated of stains. The lighting selector controls choice of epi white light or
pre-set capture buttons. Alternatively, individual settings can be transillumination lighting. A safety switch automatically shuts the
defined for quick, personalized image capture. Analysis of gels is transillumination lighting off when the transilluminator is opened or
done with the user-friendly VisionWorksLS software. The use of this after ten minutes.
compact imager doesn´t require any training.
Simple software interface
The GelTower utilizes a built-in midrange 302 nm UV transillumina- The software interface features pre-set, one-touch preview and
tor. The imaging capabilities can be maximized by adding inter- capture buttons to simplify image acquisition. The capture buttons
changeable sample plates to view a wide range of fluorophore and control the camera and lighting settings. Or, define and save spe-
colorimetric stains. The modular design enables easy placement cific settings as templates which can easily be accessed for repeat
of sample plates to illuminate precast or mini gels with sizes up to experiments. Images are publication-ready and highly quantifi-
11.5 x 16 cm. able. They are clear and ready for analysis. Easily perform image
enhancements and 1D analysis with the VisionWorksLS software.
Selection of optional sample plates that convert 302 nm UV: Calibrate using Molecular Weight (MW) standards from the software
library or add your own standards. Create, document and print
ƒƒ Visi-Blue™ Light Plate: Converts UV to 460/470 nm for viewing detailed and customizable reports of analysis data.
stains such as SYBR® Green, GelRed TM and GelGreenTM.
ƒƒ White Light Plate: Converts UV to white light for viewing Coo-
massie Blue and silver stained gels.
ƒƒ Longwave UV Plate: Converts 302 nm UV to 365nm UV, which
reduces photonicking of samples.

A Black Sample Plate is included with the GelTower for placement

of samples not requiring transillumination lighting. A Sample Plate
Holder is available for storage of the plates.

8.1 Gel Imaging

Order information

Order number Item

220 V 115 V
849-00510-2 849-00510-4 GelTower Imager: DSLR camera with 12.2 MP resolution, 302 nm UV transilluminator with

11.5 cm x 16 cm filter size, epi-white light, 5-position filter-wheel, emission filter for e.g. EtBr, black
sample plate, VisionWorksLS acquisition and analysis software. Dimensions 39.4 x 32.5 x 33.0
(H x W x D, cm)

849-00520-0 Visi-BlueTM Sample Plate, converts 302 nm UV to 460 - 470 nm for viewing stains such as SYBR®

8 BioImaging
Green, SYBR® Safe and GelGreenTM
849-00521-0 White Light Sample Plate, converts 302 nm UV to white light for viewing Coomassie Blue and
silver stained gels
849-00522-0 Longwave UV Sample Plate, converts 302 nm UV to 365 nm UV, which reduces photonicking
of samples

849-00523-0 Sample Plate Holder

849-00401-0 Emission filter, 50 mm square, with transmission range 510 - 560 nm, for e.g. SYBR® Green
849-00402-0 Emission filter, 50 mm square, with transmission range 520 - 620 nm, for e.g. SYBR® Gold

849-20100-0 Thermal printer Mitsubishi P95DE, high resolution (325 dpi), USB2.0 interface,
dimensions 8.5 x 15.4 x 23.9 (H x W x D, cm)
849-20111-0 Thermal printer paper KP65HM, high contrast, 4 rolls à 20 m
846-20110-0 Thermal printer paper K95HG, high glossy, 4 rolls à 18 m

840-90000-2 Personal computer for GelTower, fully installed, with 19´´ TFT monitor

8.1 Gel Imaging

GelStudio Systems | Advanced imaging systems with

separate computer or as stand-alone version
GelStudio imaging systems are computer based systems and are optimal results and user comfort. The GelStudio system with digital
designed to provide high functionality with easy-to-use operating single lens reflex camera is referred to as GelStudio digital, the

interfaces. The GelStudio line also offers an instrument with inte- systems with monochrome CCD camera are named GelStudio live,
grated computer: The GelStudio SA comes with a large touchscreen resp. GelStudio SA for the stand-alone version. The VisionWorksLS
and doesn´t require a separate computer. Depending on the camera gel analysis software is included in all GelStudio systems. It is an
type a specific image acquisition software is included to attain up-to-date software for fast and versatile analysis of gels and blots.
8 BioImaging

GelStudio digital | GelStudio with digital single lens reflex color camera
Note: System with Gelstudio Box is available from spring 2014. Please check The camera is widely software-controlled and provides versatile functions for fast and easy image acquisition.The software offers
many tools for image capture, image enhancement and reporting
GelStudio digital provides state-of-the-art digital photography. Heart and supports compliance with 21 CFR Part 11. The gel files can
of the system is a digital single lens reflex camera with amazing be reliably analysed by self-explanatory VisionWorksLS software
high resolution and autofocus. routines (For details please see section “VisionWorksLS Analysis
Software“). The high resolution images are particularly useful for
ƒƒ High-class digital camera with 12.2 megapixels* the detection of close banded gels and for band quantification.The
ƒƒ Specifically developed software combination of zoom lens with high resolution of the sensor makes
ƒƒ Powerful VisionWorksLS gel analysis software the system ideal for acquisition of extra large gels.
ƒƒ Choice of small darkhood or advanced GelStudio Box

Image acquisition software

for control of
ƒƒ Acquisition mode (auto, manual) ƒƒ Image enhancement
ƒƒ Automatic and manual focus ƒƒ Live preview
ƒƒ User-defined and default settings and templates ƒƒ Loading and saving files (tif, jpg,bmp)
ƒƒ Color and gray scales ƒƒ Printing

* Please refer to the Analytik Jena homepage for latest camera resolution.

8.1 Gel Imaging

Darkhoods Features Benefit

The modular design offers the choice between the cost-effective High-resolution images in High versatility
GelStudio digital compact with small darkhood or GelStudio digital

color or in gray scales
systems with the advanced darkhood GelStudio Box.
Real-time image preview Exact gel positioning prior to UV
The small darkhood of GelStudio digital compact is placed on top of exposure
a UV transilluminator. Together with a UV converter plate GelStudio Individual profiles with Only one click for an image
is ready for documentation and analysis of fluorescent and colored camera settings

8 BioImaging
gels and blots.
Manual focussing possible Even samples with diffuse bands
can be photographed perfectly
Application of the GelStudio Box is the perfect choice for all users
looking for a bright overhead white light and for a pullout transil- Ingenious camera anti-theft No risk of camera theft
luminator. For details of GelStudio Box please refer to section mounting
“GelStudio Darkhood“. Independent use of camera Camera can also be used for other
possible laboratory tasks and microscopy
Small darkhood available High-quality gel documentation
GelStudio digital systems are equipped with a UV transilluminator out
of the wide range of the benchUV line. For details please see section with cost-effective and space-
“Transilluminators“. saving “compact“ set

For details of transilluminators please see section 8.3

"Transilluminators" on page 370.

For ordering information please see page 357.

GelStudio digital system

GelStudio digital compact and

benchUV transilluminator

Effective anti-theft protection of the camera

8.1 Gel Imaging

GelStudio live | GelStudio with digital monochrome CCD camera

Available from spring 2014. Please check

ƒƒ Light-sensitive scientific-grade CCD camera


ƒƒ High resolution camera of 2.0 MP and high-quality motorized or

manual zoom lens
ƒƒ Extended dynamic range of 12 bit for 4096 gray levels
ƒƒ Auto-exposure enables the perfect image exposure of gels
below the saturation level
8 BioImaging

ƒƒ Powerful VisionWorksLS analysis software

GelStudio is the system of choice for professional gel documentation.

A digital CCD camera with light-sensitive lens provides for brilliant gel
images. The camera comes with 2.0 megapixel resolution and can
be extended to 6.0 MP. The data depth of 12 bit makes it ideal for
precise band detection and accurate sample quantification. A manual
zoom lens as well a motorized zoom lens are available. The intuitive Features Benefit
image acquisition software allows the creation of high-contrast im-
Advanced camera Perfect performance for
ages in a few steps.
specifications documentation, quantification
and publication
Image acquisition software Live image Exact gel positioning before
for control of exposure to UV
ƒƒ Automatic or manual exposure
Image acquisition software with Clear documentation of faint
ƒƒ Brightness
optimisation tools like signal fluorescent samples for
ƒƒ Contrast
enhancement maximum results
ƒƒ Gamma correction
ƒƒ Signal enhancement Robust and easy to use Perfect for practical courses
ƒƒ Motorized zoom lens and routine applications
ƒƒ Gel rotation Different darkhoods with Upgrade from simple hood to
ƒƒ Live view similar mounting of camera advanced darkhood possible
ƒƒ Inverting
ƒƒ Saturation monitoring
ƒƒ Creation of image sections
ƒƒ Loading and saving files (16 bit tif, 8 bit tif, jpg, bmp, gif, png) GelStudio live is available as complete system including darkhood
ƒƒ Printing GelStudio Box, transilluminator, thermal printer, installed up to date
computer and converter plate or it can be composed of GelStudio
live core set including camera and software plus further required

GelStudio system

8.1 Gel Imaging

An especial space and budget-saving version of GelStudio live is the

GelStudio live compact set. The set consists of the core set with
camera, bandpass filter, image acquisition and analysis software

plus small darkhood “GelStudio Hood“. This hood is directly placed
on top of the transilluminator. A small sliding door allows an easy
aligning of the gel on the UV table.

The images can be directly analysed with the VisionWorks LS soft-

8 BioImaging
ware. The analysis software offers the convenience of an automatic
or semi-automatic band detection with subsequent size and mass
calibration on the basis of custom markers.

For details of software features please see next page.

For details of darkhood GelStudio Box please see page


For details of transilluminators please refer to section 8.3

"Transilluminators" see page 370.

GelStudio live compact and benchUV transilluminator

For ordering information please see page 357.

8.1 Gel Imaging

VisionWorksLS Analysis Software | Gel analysis in a few steps

ƒƒ 1D quantitation, area density analysis and colony counting The analysis software convinces with its self-explanatory design and
ƒƒ User defined master templates for selecting and saving settings can be easily used without extensive training.
for repeat experiments

ƒƒ Report generation and export of data to Excel The software offers many non-destructive process filters, enhance-
ƒƒ Support for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance ment features and annotation tools that can be applied to images
ƒƒ Included in GelTower and GelStudio systems for visualization and publication. Annotations tools include text, lines
ƒƒ Optional component for UVsolo and highlights. Filter tools include align, rotate, emboss, sharpen,
resize and background correction. Researchers can personalize
8 BioImaging

The VisionWorksLS software is a powerful package of imaging and workspace preferences and save profiles by user name. Also, user
analysis software supporting different camera models. The software accounts can easily be set up with passwords to save and protect
provides sample analysis of electrophoresis gels and blots with best user data. Master templates are great time savers and allow users
results in a minimum amount of time. The software can be used for to set and save camera settings for quick, easy capture of samples.
fluorescent, colorimetric and chemiluminescent applications and ac- Reports are created showing extensive analysis results including
cepts typical file formats like JPG, TIF, and BMP. Gel images can be Molecular Weight (MW), Rf, band intensities and area density calcu-
analysed. Also files generated with other acquisition sources can be lations. Data can be exported to Excel. The image history is tracked
imported. The user-friendly interface provides for efficient analysis with change logs and supports 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.
and generates precise band size calculations.

ƒƒ Automatic lane and band recognition
ƒƒ Add, delete and separate lanes and bands
ƒƒ Optimisation of detection parameters
ƒƒ Different choices for background adjustment
ƒƒ Automatic calculation for size/MW, mass, RF
ƒƒ Result sheet
ƒƒ Compensation of gel smiling and distortions
ƒƒ Zoom, invert and pseudocolor functions
ƒƒ Add annotations and arrows
ƒƒ Generate lane profile graphs
ƒƒ Perform dendrogram analysis
ƒƒ Colony counting
ƒƒ Support for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance
ƒƒ One-touch automated macros
ƒƒ Define user-profiles and preferences
ƒƒ Generate extensive reports and export data
ƒƒ Multiple user network license available

8.1 Gel Imaging

GelStudio Darkhood | GelStudio Box – the ultimate darkhood

ƒƒ Dedicated to imaging of fluorescent and colored gels and blots

ƒƒ Premium user convenience
ƒƒ Integrated UV protection

ƒƒ 2 different configurations

The GelStudio Box is designed for daily use in the laboratory. The
robust construction provides high functionality and excellent ergo-
nomics over years.

8 BioImaging
Features Benefit
Compact size and small footprint ƒƒ Saves valuable bench space
Smooth surfaces and inside ƒƒ Easy to clean
coated with black protective ƒƒ Long-term resistent against ionic buffers and UV light
varnish ƒƒ Reflexion free
Comfort sliding door ƒƒ Light-tight cabinet
ƒƒ Free access to the imaging area with one fingertip
ƒƒ Space-saving opening proper for narrow laboratory corridors
ƒƒ Gels can be placed directly in front of the hood for easy gel transfer to the UV table
Integrated UV protection shield ƒƒ Protects the user from UV exposure also during sliding out the UV table
ƒƒ Freely adjustable according to individual needs
ƒƒ Applicable for cutting gels without the need for additional protection equipment
Bright overhead white light ƒƒ Supports sample positioning and is suitable for acquisition of colored blots
Panel with liquid protected ƒƒ Clearly arranged and designed for intensive use
switches for UV and white-light
Easy access to lamps and filters ƒƒ Absolute service friendly
and other replacement parts

Selection of darkhood configurations

Tailored to different budgets and application requirements four different darkhood versions are available: The GelStudio Box comes with an
ingenious “all-in-one” camera mounting to be compatible with all supplied GelStudio box and GelStudio hood systems. Using an individual
adapter, all different cameras can be mounted. This provides the possibility for users to adapt their existing hood to other camera types when
application requirements are changing.

8.1 Gel Imaging

Darkhood version
Feature GelStudio Box GelStudio Box 2
Standard version Advanced version
Epi-white light + +

UV protection shield + +
Mounting of UV bandpass filter 4-position filter wheel 4-position filter wheel
Transilluminator Pull-out Pull-out
Epi-UV light – +
8 BioImaging

UV Transilluminators Blue light transilluminators

The GelStudio can be equipped with one of the different UV table Alternatively to a UV transilluminator a blue light table can be used.
versions of benchUV. Important characteristics of benchUV are the Blue light illumination is applicable for fluorescent stains with an
excellent illumination uniformity and the low background signal. For excitation range around 470 nm. This is true for e.g. SYBR® Green,
documentation of gels with colorimetric dyes or radiographs a UV GelGreenTM, SYBR® Safe, SYBR® Gold or SYPRO® Ruby.
converter plate is supplied. The plate is directly placed on top of the
UV table and thus extends the application range from documenta-
tion of fluorescent samples to all visible signals. A more detailed Overhead UV illumination
description of transilluminators and converter plates is given in Some applications require a UV excitation from above: membrane
section “Transilluminators“. blots with UV fluorescent stains. Even for gels showing a high back-
ground signal it can be advisable to excite the sample fluorescence
from above. This will enhance the sample signal against the gel
There is the choice between: background noise.
GelStudio Box 2 is available with epi-UV of 254 nm and 365 nm.
Filter size ƒƒ 15 cm x 15 cm
Alternative 302 nm UV is supplied on request.
ƒƒ 20 cm x 20 cm
ƒƒ 21 cm x 26 cm
ƒƒ 25 cm x 26 cm
UV wavelength ƒƒ 254 nm
ƒƒ 302 nm
ƒƒ 365 nm
ƒƒ 302/365 nm
ƒƒ 254/302/365 nm
Intensity setting ƒƒ Switch for variable intensity in
steps “high, medium, low“
Overhead white light in Overhead white light and
GelStudio Box overhead UV light in
GelStudio Box 2

For details of the blue light transilluminators please see

section “Transilluminators“ on page 372.

8.1 Gel Imaging

Filter wheel for bandpass filters

The acquisition of UV fluorescent images requires a specific bandpass filter in front of the camera lens.

There are different possibilities to place the filter in front of the camera lens:

Filter mounting Application Darkhood

Filter is directly screwed to the ƒƒ Cost-saving version for laboratories who mainly apply a certain stain, GelStudio Hood of
camera lens different stains with similar emission wavelengths or the bandpass “GelStudio compact“

8 BioImaging
filter with wide bandpass
With 4-position filter wheel ƒƒ High flexibility for use of staining dyes with different filter GelStudio Box,
requirements GelStudio Box 2
ƒƒ Accepts all filters with 58 mm diameter standard screw socket

Filter wheel Slider for easy inserting of new filters

8.1 Gel Imaging

Emission filters for GelStudio with GelStudio Hood or GelStudio Box |

High-grade filters for different dyes

For the documentation of UV fluorescent images an emission filter Optimal results with every dye are always achieved with the respec-

has to be attached in front of the camera lens. The filter has to be tive dedicated filter. Nevertheless it is possible to apply an emission
choosen in respect to the applied sample staining. The most com- filter with a wider bandpass which covers several dyes with dif-
monly used filter has a transmission maximum of 590 nm and fits ferent emission maxima. This might be helpful when a stand or a
e.g. to ethidium bromide, OrioleTM, SYPRO® Orange and SYPRO® darkhood without filter wheel is used. Analytik Jena offers such an
Ruby staining. An alternative filter is available for fluorescent dyes emission filter with wide bandpass: filter BP590/200.
8 BioImaging

with emission wavelengths between 500 and 580 nm, e.g. for
SYBR® Green, SYBR® Gold, SYBR® Safe and GelStar ®.

UV fluorescent dye examples and compatible emission filters

Order number Filter transmission Compatible dye Excitation maximum Emission maximum
849-00600-0 BP590
565 – 615 nm For nucleic acids:
ƒƒ Ethidium bromide 312 nm, 518 nm 595 nm
ƒƒ GelRed TM 315 nm, 520 nm 605 nm
For proteins:
ƒƒ OrioleTM 270 nm 604 nm
ƒƒ SYPRO® Orange 300 nm, 470 nm 570 nm
ƒƒ SYPRO® Ruby 280 nm, 450 nm 610 nm
849-00601-0 BP540/80
500 – 580 nm For nucleic acids:
ƒƒ GelGreenTM 270 nm, 510 nm 525 nm
ƒƒ GelStar ® 300 nm, 493 nm 527 nm (RNA: 532 nm)
ƒƒ SYBR® Gold 284 nm, 382 nm, 494 nm 537 nm
ƒƒ SYBR® Green I 254 nm, 497 nm 521 nm
ƒƒ SYBR® Green II (for RNA) 521 nm
ƒƒ SYBR® Safe 280 nm, 502 nm 530 nm
849-00602-0 BP590/200
resp. 490 – 690 nm For nucleic acids and proteins:
849-00603-0* All dyes compatible with filter 849-00600-0 and 849-00601-0,
see above, and additionally:
For proteins:
ƒƒ SYPRO® Red 300 nm, 550 nm 630 nm
For proteins, on Western Blots:
ƒƒ WesternDotTM 625 with Qdot® 254 nm, 488 nm 625 nm

* Application of emission filter BP590/200

With GelStudio Box, in filter Insert 849-00603-0 (= filter 849-00602-0 + adapter ring + sealing ring) directly in the filter wheel.
With GelStudio Hood or with With GelStudio live compact: Screw filter 849-00602-0 directly to the camera zoom lens.
stand With GelStudio digital compact: Screw filter 849-00602-0 with adapter ring 846-034-019
(58 – 55 mm) to the lens.

8.1 Gel Imaging

GelStudio systems with computer-control | Order information

Note: Systems with Gelstudio Box and GelStudio live compact are available from spring 2014. Please check

Order number Item

230 V 110/115 V GelStudio digitalb
849-00530-2 849-00530-4 GelStudio digital core set: Digital SLR cameraa with USB2.0 interface, camera power supply,
VisionWorksLS software for image acquisition and gel analysis. English manual.
849-00531-2 849-00531-4 GelStudio compact: GelStudio digital core set, small darkhood GelStudio Hood

8 BioImaging
GelStudio liveb
849-00540-2 849-00540-4 GelStudio live core set: Digital monochrome ½´´ CCD camera with USB2.0 interface, resolution
1600 x 1200 pixels, manual zoom lens 8 – 48 mm (F1.0 – F1.2), VisionWorksLS software for image
acquisition and gel analysis
849-00541-2 849-00541-4 GelStudio live Plus core set: Digital monochrome 1/2“ CCD camera, USB2.0 interface, resolution
1600 x 1200 pixels, motorized zoom lens, motor zoom controller, VisionWorksLS software for image
acquisition and gel analysis.
849-00542-2 849-00542-4 GelStudio live compact: GelStudio live core set (with manual zoom lens), small darkhood GelStudio

Darkhoods (Transilluminator not included. Please refer to section „Transilluminators“.)

849-00533-2c 849-00533-4c GelStudio Box: Darkhood (52 cm x 54 cm x 51 cm, H x W x D), overhead white light, 4-position filter
849-00544-2d 849-00544-4d wheel, UV protection shield, drawer for transilluminator (for one of benchUV models)
849-00534-2c 849-00533-4c GelStudio Box 2: dto., plus overhead UV light (245 nm, 365 nm)
849-00545-2d 849-00544-4d

Order number Emission filters and related accessories

849-00600-0 BP590, emission filter for ethidium bromide stains, 58 mm Ø
849-00601-0 BP540/ 80 emission filter with transmission range of 500 to 580 nm,
e.g. for SYBR® Green stains, 58 mm Ø
849-00602-0 BP590/200 emission filter with wide emission, transmission range of 490 – 690 nm for different dyes,
e.g. ethidium bromide and SYBR® Green, 55 mm Ø
849-00603-0 dto., but plus adapter ring for filter wheel of GelStudio Box
849-00604-0 Amber filter for use with UV-to-blue converter plate or a blue light transilluminator in computer-controlled
GelStudio systems, 58 mm Ø

Please check our homepage for the current camera resolution.
Emission filter is not included. Please choose one of the list below according to used staining dye.
including anti-theft adapter for GelStudio digital camera
including adapter for GelStudio live camera
Without a GelStudio Box please order adapter ring 846-035-027 additionally for mounting the emission filter directly at the camera lens.

8.1 Gel Imaging

Order number Item


849-20100-0 Thermal printer Mitsubishi P95DE, high resolution (325 dpi), USB2.0 interface,
dimensions 8.5 x 15.4 x 23.9 (H x W x D, cm)
849-20111-0 Thermal printer paper KP65HM, high contrast, 4 rolls à 20 m
849-20110-0 Thermal printer paper K95HG, high glossy, high contrast, 5 rolls à 18 m, only compatible with printer P95DE!
8 BioImaging

849-20510-0 Converter plate UV-to-white, 21 cm x 26 cm filter size

849-20511-0 Converter plate UV-to-white, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20520-0 Converter plate UV-to-blue “Visi-Blue“, 21 cm x 26 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm
849-20521-0 Converter plate UV-to-blue “Visi-Blue“, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm
849-20523-0 Converter plate UV302-to-UV365, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20605-0 UV transparent acrylic tray for preparative tasks on a transilluminator, 29 cm x 23 cm
846-057-013 UV transparent gel scoop, scoop area 14 cm x 15 cm

840-90000-2 Personal computer, plus TFT monitor, completely installed

849-00202-0 VisionWorksLS software (already included in GelTower and all GelStudio systems): Analysis software for
gel images in tif, jpg, bmp, gif or png format. Single user license.
849-00203-0 VisionWorksLS software, see above. 5 user license.

8.1 Gel Imaging

GelStudio SA | Advanced stand-alone imaging system with touch screen

ƒƒ Scientific-grade monochrome CCD camera with motorized

zoom lens

ƒƒ Brilliant images of fluorescence and colorimetric applica-
ƒƒ Large 15.6´´ touch screen for self-explanatory image
ƒƒ Compact darkroom with slide-out transilluminator

8 BioImaging
Touch Screen
Researchers can perform simplified imaging with the integrated
image capture software and touch screen interface.

ƒƒ Ease of use: The straightforward interface guides users through

live preview, capture and save functions. When a function is
active, the software clearly highlights the status for ease of
workflow and navigation.

ƒƒ Touch screen: Users can easily control settings with the user-
intuitive touch screen interface.

The function control panel lets users fine tune exposure, aperture,
zoom and focus functions which can be adjusted with a touch of
the screen. All current settings are clearly displayed on the main
screen. Additional software functions are a click away with the
conveniently located buttons:

ƒƒ Saturation warning: A colored overlay shows oversaturated

areas of an image, alerting users to adjust the exposure and/or
aperture settings.
ƒƒ Auto Adjust: This efficient tool automatically adjusts the image
histogram to generate ideal imaging results.
ƒƒ Lighting and filters: This menu allows selection of epi and trans-
illumination lighting and emission filters.
ƒƒ Preferences: The user preferences window allows adjustment
The introduction of the new GelStudio SA Imaging System marks a of default system settings such as location for saving captured
new generation of simplicity and imaging control for researchers. This images.
imager successfully combines a powerful computer, integrated touch ƒƒ Selection of language: English is the standard language format
screen and software interface into an easy-to-use plug and play unit. of the software. Users can alternatively select from German,
A light-sensitive CCD camera provides for high-resolution images Chinese (simplified), Turkish, Japanese, Spanish, Korean and
with 2.0 MP and 12 bit data depth. The image capture functions are Russian for all screen text and buttons.
presented in a straightforward and efficient workflow format. Users
can be assured of quick and simple image capture with a touch of
the screen!
The built-in computer creates a networkable stand-alone system.
Users can easily capture images and save to a flash drive. Or transfer
the images to a separate computer via wired or wireless network for
further documentation or analysis. For high-resolution prints a digital
thermal printer is recommended.

8.1 Gel Imaging

The compact, light-tight darkroom is ideal for multiple users and Researchers performing colorimetric visible light imaging can use
multiple applications. a converter plate or can add the optional LED white light plate.

This plate supplies uniform white light transillumination. The Visi-

Emission filters are placed in the easy access five-position filter Blue Plate converts the transilluminator’s UV to 460 – 470 nm for
tray. An ethidium bromide filter is standard, additional filters are imaging e.g. SYBR® Green, GelGreenTM and other stains requiring
available. blue light. For multiplex imaging researchers can add the eLite
MultiSpectral Light Source for epi-excitation of a wide range of
8 BioImaging

The transilluminator is placed on the easy access roll-out tray. A fluorophores.

wide choice of transilluminators with different filter sizes and UV
wavelengths are available. Add filters to meet specific wavelength requirements. Epi white
lights are built into the darkroom for lighting and focusing purposes.
A gel viewing window in the front door blocks UV while allowing For UV excitation from above optional UV modules are available.
visualization of samples without opening the cabinet door. The modules can be removed for handheld use. There is the choice
between longwave (365 nm), shortwave (254 nm) or combination
254/365 nm lamp modules. USB and SD Ports are located on the
side of the cabinet for saving images.

Five-position filter wheel LED white light plate

8.1 Gel Imaging

Order information

Order No. Description

230 V 115 V
849-00550-2 849-00550-4 GelStudio SA: Digital monochrome ½´´ CCD camera, resolution 1600 x 1200 pixels (2.0 MP, extentable
to 6.0 MP), motorized zoom lens (12.5 – 75 mm, F1.2), 12 bit data depth, 16 bit file depth (65,536
grayscales), emission filter (580 – 630 nm) for e.g. EtBr, five position filter wheel, 15.6´´ touch screen,
integrated computer, with access port for optional eLite source, epi-white light, pull-out tray for

8 BioImaging
transilluminator, USB flash drive, keyboard, mouse, VisionWorksLS software for image acquisition and
analysis. Dimensions: 85.1 x 44.4 x 36.8 (H x W x D, cm).
The transilluminator is not included and has to be choosen from section “Transilluminators”!

Emission filters
849-00401-0 Emission filter, 50 mm square, with transmission range 510 - 560 nm, for e.g. SYBR® Green
849-00402-0 Emission filter, 50 mm square, with transmission range 520 - 620 nm, for e.g. SYBR® Gold

Converter plates
849-20510-0 Converter plate UV-to-white, 21 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20511-0 Converter plate UV-to-white, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20520-0 Converter plate UV-to-blue "Visi-Blue", 21 cm x 26 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm
849-20521-0 Converter plate UV-to-blue "Visi-Blue", 25 cm x 26 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm
849-20523-0 Converter plate UV302-to-UV365, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20500-0 LED white light plate

Epi UV modules
849-20700-0 UV module UVGL-25 (254/365 nm). Two are recommended.
849-20701-0 UV module UVL-21 (365 nm). Two are recommended.
849-20702-0 UV module UVG-11 (254 nm). Two are recommended.

849-00202-0 VisionWorksLS software (already included in GelStudio SA): Analysis software for gel images in tif,
jpg, bmp, gif or png format. Single user license.
849-00203-0 VisionWorksLS software, see above. 5 user license.

Further accessories
849-20100-0 Thermal printer Mitsubishi P95DE, high resolution (325 dpi), USB2.0 interface, dimensions 8.5 x
15.4 x 23.9 (H x W x D, cm)
849-20111-0 Thermal printer paper KP65HM, high contrast, 4 rolls à 20 m
846-20110-0 Thermal printer paper K95HG, high glossy, 4 rolls à 18 m

8.2 Chemiluminescence

ChemStudio product line | Highly sensitive chemiluminescence systems

The ChemStudio product line has been designed for a wide range
of imaging applications. Depending on system configuration, usages ƒƒ Imager for chemiluminescence, fluorescence and colorim-
range from simple gel and chemiluminescent documentation to etry, upgradeable for NIR/multiplexing imaging applications

advanced, multispectral and multifunctional imaging. Significant ap- ƒƒ Selection of highly sensitive, cooled CCD cameras with
plications include high-resolution detection of chemiluminescence, fixed focal length or zoom lenses (motorized or manual)
fluorescence and colorimetric samples. ChemStudio can be used to ƒƒ Light-tight darkrooms with large front door and unique UV-
meet countless BioImaging needs, both in the fields of proteomics safe gel viewer window
and genomics. When operated with VisionWorksLS software, auto- ƒƒ Available either as a PC-operated unit or as a stand-alone
8 BioImaging

mated image acquisition and analysis can be realized. instrument with integrated color touchscreen
In addition to comprehensive image acquisition features, the soft- ƒƒ Easy-to-access filter wheel with to up to five positions
ware provides extensive and detailed image analysis tools, including ƒƒ Integrated overhead (epi) white light for optimum illumina-
1D, area density and colony counting capabilities. tion and focusing
ƒƒ Chemi tray for sample placement on the black, non-reflec-
tive surface
ƒƒ Telescoping transilluminator tray provides easy access to
the UV transilluminators
ƒƒ Upgrade options with versatile accessories such as mul-
tispectral light sources, overhead UV light sources, LED
white light plates and much more
ƒƒ VisionWorksLS Software with comprehensive features

8.2 Chemiluminescence

8 BioImaging
ChemStudio ChemStudio SA ChemStudio PLUS

ƒƒ Simple, efficient darkroom configuration ƒƒ Stand-alone system with integrated PC ƒƒ High-end darkroom for a variety of
and 15.6” color touchscreen imaging applications

ƒƒ Cost-effective alternative to other ƒƒ Simple, intuitive software user interface ƒƒ Motorized or manual platform lift
chemiluminescence systems ƒƒ USB ports as well as wired and wireless available
networking capabilities for saving

ƒƒ 4-position emission filter wheel ƒƒ 5-position emission filter wheel ƒƒ 5-position emission filter wheel

ƒƒ Manually controlled illumination and ƒƒ Fully automatic control: illumination, ƒƒ Fully automatic control: illumination,
emission filter wheel camera, lens and emission filter wheel camera, lens and emission filter wheel
ƒƒ Camera and lens controlled manually or
via software

ƒƒ VisionWorksLS software: image ƒƒ Stand-alone software: acquisition, ƒƒ VisionWorksLS software: image

acquisition and analysis multilingual acquisition and analysis
ƒƒ VisionWorksLS software: image analysis
(requires external computer)

Multifunctional darkrooms A winning combination: CCD-Cameras and lenses

All ChemStudio darkrooms are absolutely light tight and extraor- In order to meet the requirements for recording different types of
dinarily user friendly. The large front door and unique gel viewer signals, a set of scientific-grade, cooled CCD-Cameras with resolu-
window provide easy access to the instrument interior for optimal tions of up to 8.1 MP is available. The cameras are combined with a
control of blot and gel images. The overhead white light further variety of high-quality lenses, either with fixed focal length or zoom
supports sample positioning and focusing. Especially for chemilumi- capabilities. Moreover, the integrated Peltier cooling is essential for
nescence image capture, the integrated chemi tray offers an ideal, detection of low light chemiluminescence signals, e.g. for Northern,
non-reflective black background. Additionally, the filter wheel can Western and Southern Blots. When compared directly to other
be equipped with up to five different emission filters to support a detection methods, cooled CCD-Cameras are superior in terms of
variety of applications (e.g. for EtBr). sensitivity, accuracy, dynamic range, speed and ease of handling.

ƒƒ Chemiluminescence, fluorescence and colorimetry Analytik Jena‘s BioImaging products eliminate the need for film and
ƒƒ Expandable to IR/NIR multiplex applications accordant processing chemicals. Thus, the ChemStudio line sup-
ƒƒ Designed with simplicity and ease-of-use in mind ports eco-friendly, imaging practices.
ƒƒ Extensive standard equipment

8.2 Chemiluminescence

Application CCD-Camera 810 CCD-Camera 610 CCD-Camera 510

Chemiluminescence +++ +++ ++
Fluorescence +++ ++ ++

Colorimetry +++ ++ ++
NIR ++ +++ +
Multiplex ++ +++ +
8 BioImaging

Specifications CCD-Camera 810 CCD-Camera 610* CCD-Camera 510

Greyscale 65,536 65,536 65,536
Bit depth 16 Bit 16 Bit 16 Bit
Pixel resolution 3296 x 2472 2184 x 1472 2336 x 1752
Megapixels 8.1 (may be expanded to 16.2*) 3.2 (may be expanded to 9.6*) 2.1 (may be expanded to 7.4*)
Cooling Room temp - 35 °C Room temp - 50 °C Room temp - 35 °C
Peltier cooling Peltier cooling Peltier cooling
Binning 1 x 1 up to 8 x 8 1 x 1 up to 10 x 10 1 x 1 up to 8 x 8
Quantum eff. Peak / 425 nm 50 % and 42 % 86 % and 53 % 50 % and 42 %
Lenses 50 mm f/1,2 50 mm f/1,2 12,5 – 75 mm f/1,2 Zoom lens
30 mm f/1,4 30 mm f/1,4

* Only for ChemStudio and ChemStudio PLUS

Image acquisition and analysis: Simple and intuitive Vision- ƒƒ 1D lane analysis
WorksLS software ƒƒ Area density analysis
Chemiluminescence imaging and subsequent analysis are greatly ƒƒ Colony counting analysis
significantly simplified using a combination of ChemStudio systems ƒƒ Plant imaging
and VisionWorksLS software. VisionWorksLS is a modern software ƒƒ Molecular weight standards
package with an extensive array of features to simplify the imaging ƒƒ Protein quantification
of chemiluminescence, fluorescence and colorimetric gels, blots, ƒƒ Quantitative analysis of PCR experiments
colonies and membranes. ƒƒ Western Blot densitometry
Once positioned on the imaging platform, the sample is focused ƒƒ GFP expression tracking
and the picture is captured. ƒƒ Multiplexing and more
The full dynamic range can be acquired with the use of dynamic
and sequential integration capabilities. High sensitivity and superior
resolution cameras guarantee excellent, publication quality and Flexibility and modularity: Accessories for convenient system
quantifiable results. expansion
All chemiluminescence systems can be combined with a selection
ƒƒ Extensive imaging capabilities of transilluminators for ethidium bromide or differently stained gels.
ƒƒ Image enhancement functions Models are available with a single excitation wavelength of 302 nm
ƒƒ User-defined master templates for simple, 1-click image capture or with multiple excitation wavelengths in the UV range. Addition-
ƒƒ Support for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance ally, white light converter plates and LED white light plates allow for
ƒƒ Reporting and data export to Excel visualization of colorimetric gels, colony plates, autoradiograms or
other samples being excited by white light. Furthermore, Visi-BlueTM
Most combinations of camera and lens allow imaging settings to converter plates enable blue light excitation of samples containing
be automatically controlled. The VisionWorksLS software menu GelGreen, SYBR Green and other “safe” stains. Analytik Jena also
provides a variety of features to ensure high quality, repeatable im- offers overhead (epi) UV modules for an optimum image presenta-
age acquisition. tion of thin-layer chromatography plates.
Multiplex and fluorescence Western Blot imaging are accomplished
ƒƒ Integration: On-chip, sequential or dynamic with the eLITE multi spectral light sources. The fiber optic cables are
ƒƒ Binning directly connected within the darkroom to provide a brilliant, highly
ƒƒ Saturation preview intense excitation of the samples. All light sources use specialized
ƒƒ Automatic exposure filters to meet the wavelength requirements of different dyes such
as GFP, RFP, CY and IR-dyes.
Furthermore, the software offers a substantial range of tools for
detailed image analysis. These features, which are easy to use and ƒƒ Transilluminators and overhead (epi) UV modules
intuitive to apply, provide the capability to automate all experiments ƒƒ Multiple excitation and emission filters are available
with precise quantification. Creation of profile graphs with intensity ƒƒ White light converter plates and LED white light plates
histograms, concentration curves and much more are available with ƒƒ Visi-BlueTM converter plates
VisionWorksLS. ƒƒ Multispectral light sources

8.2 Chemiluminescence

Technical data
ChemStudio ChemStudio SA ChemStudio PLUS
Darkroom Simple, efficient darkroom Stand-alone system with High-end darkroom for a variety

configuration integrated PC and 15.6” color of imaging applications
Emission filter wheel 4 positions 5 positions 5 positions
Lighting White overhead (epi) lighting White overhead (epi) lighting White, blue and 365 nm UV
overhead (epi) lighting

8 BioImaging
Control of filters and lighting Manual (software) Fully automated Fully automated
Transilluminator (optional) ƒƒ 3 UV or single UV
ƒƒ Large filter size up to 25 x 26 cm
ƒƒ Roll-out tray
Platform lift - - Manual or automated for real
zoom functionality
Application Chemiluminescence, Fluorescence, Colorimetric, Multiplex / NIR ready
Dimensions (W x D x H) (W x D x H) (W x D x H)
Exterior [mm] 470 x 380 x 810 444 x 368 x 851 445 x 445 x 813
(+ camera cover)
Weight [kg] Approx. 26.8 kg Approx. 43.1 kg Approx. 36.7 kg
(motorized darkroom)
Approx. 27.7 kg
(manual darkroom)

Camera/lenses CCD-Camera 810 CCD-Camera 610* CCD-Camera 510

Greyscale 65,536 65,536 65,536
Bit depth 16 Bit 16 Bit 16 Bit
Pixel resolution 3296 x 2472 2184 x 1472 2336 x 1752
Megapixels 8.1 (may be expanded to 16.2*) 3.2 (may be expanded to 9.6*) 2.1 (may be expanded to 7.4*)
Cooling Room temp - 35 °C Room temp - 50 °C Room temp - 35 °C
Peltier cooling Peltier cooling Peltier cooling
Binning 1 x 1 up to 8 x 8 1 x 1 up to 10 x 10 1 x 1 up to 8 x 8
Quantum eff. Peak / 425 nm 50 % and 42 % 86 % and 53 % 50 % and 42 %
Lenses 50 mm f/1,2 50 mm f/1,2 12,5 – 75 mm f/1,2 Zoom lens
30 mm f/1,4 30 mm f/1,4

* Only for ChemStudio and ChemStudio PLUS

8.2 Chemiluminescence

Order information

Order number Description


230 V 100 / 115 V

849-00100-2 849-00100-4 ChemStudio
ƒƒ Darkroom for chemiluminescence imaging
ƒƒ Without PC, without Camera/Lens Kit and without transilluminator
ƒƒ Including epi white light, Ethidium Bromide emission filter, gel ruler and tray, focus target, Chemi tray
8 BioImaging

ƒƒ VisionWorksLS Acquisition & Analysis (single license)
849-00101-2 849-00101-4 ChemStudio SA
ƒƒ Darkroom for chemiluminescence imaging
ƒƒ Stand alone with integrated 15.6“ color touchscreen
ƒƒ Without Camera/Lens Kit and without transilluminator
ƒƒ Including epi white light, Ethidium Bromide emission filter, gel ruler and tray, focus target, Chemi tray
ƒƒ VisionWorksLS Acquisition & Analysis (single license, separate PC required)
849-00102-2 849-00102-4 ChemStudio PLUS motorized
ƒƒ Darkroom for chemiluminescence imaging with automated platform lift
ƒƒ Without PC, without Camera/Lens Kit and without transilluminator
ƒƒ Including Ethidium Bromide, SYBR Green and SYBR Gold emissions filter, epi white light, gel ruler
and tray, focus target, Chemi tray (black), LED white light plate
ƒƒ VisionWorksLS Acquisition & Analysis (single license)
849-00103-2 849-00103-4 ChemStudio PLUS manual
ƒƒ Darkroom for chemiluminescence imaging with manual platform lift
ƒƒ Without PC, without Camera/Lens Kit and without transilluminator
ƒƒ Including Ethidium Bromide, SYBR Green and SYBR Gold emissions filter, epi white light, gel ruler
and tray, focus target, Chemi tray (black), LED white light plate
ƒƒ VisionWorksLS Acquisition & Analysis (single license)

Product Order number

Camera & Lens Kit ChemStudio
manual motorized
CCD-Cam. 510, 12.5-75 f/1.2, man. 849-00110-0 - - -
CCD-Cam. 510, 12.5-75 f/1.2, mot. 849-00111-0 849-00112-0 849-00113-0 -

CCD-Camera 610, 50 f/1.2 849-00120-0 - - 849-00120-0

CCD-Camera 610, 30 f/1.4 849-00121-0 - - 849-00121-0

CCD-Camera 810, 50 f/1.2 849-00130-0 849-00131-0 849-00130-0 849-00130-0

CCD-Camera 810, 30 f/1.4 849-00132-0 849-00133-0 849-00132-0 849-00132-0

Order number Description

230 V 100 / 115 V
849-20021-0 849-20021-4 benchUV 26Xi
Benchtop transilluminator, 8 W, 302 nm, variable intensity,
25 x 26 cm filter size
849-20014-0 849-20014-4 benchUV 26SML
Benchtop Transilluminator, 8 W, 254/302/365 nm, 21 x 26 cm filter size

8.2 Chemiluminescence


Product Order number Comment

Gel ruler, fluorescent 849-20600-0 Included with order of darkrooms, double pack

Gel tray 849-20605-0 29 x 23 cm, scope of delivery of darkrooms
Gel cutter 849-20603-0 Double pack
Gel scooper 846-057-013 UV transparent, 14 x 15 cm
Faceshield 849-20602-0 UV blocking
Focus target, fluorescent 849-20601-0 Scope of delivery of darkrooms, double pack

8 BioImaging
LED white light plate 849-20500-0 Scope of delivery of ChemStudio PLUS
Chemi tray (black) 849-20501-0 Scope of delivery of darkrooms


Product Order number Comment

VisionWorksLS Acquisition & Analysis 849-00202-0 Single user license
VisionWorksLS Acquisition & Analysis 849-00203-0 Five user license

Converter plate

Product Order number Comment

Converter UV to white 849-20510-0 21 x 26 cm
Converter UV to white 849-20511-0 25 x 26 cm
Converter UV to white 849-20512-0 20 x 40 cm
Visi-Blue Converter 849-20520-0 460 – 470 nm, 21 x 26 cm
Visi-Blue Converter 849-20521-0 460 – 470 nm, 25 x 26 cm
Visi-Blue Converter 849-20522-0 460 – 470 nm, 20 x 40 cm

MultiSpectral light sources

Product Order number Comment

230 V 100/115 V
eLITE Xenon 849-00300-2 849-00300-4 Kit with epi light fibers
eLITE motorized 849-00301-2 849-00301-4 Kit with epi light fibers
eLITE manual 849-00302-2 849-00302-4 Kit with epi light fibers

8.2 Chemiluminescence

Order information

Emission filter

Product Order number Comment


Emission Filter 580 - 630 nm 849-00400-0 Deep Purple, EtBr, RFP

Emission Filter 510 - 560 nm 849-00401-0 SYBR® Green
Emission Filter 520 - 620 nm 849-00402-0 SYBR® Gold
Emission Filter 465 - 495 nm 849-00403-0 CFP mice
8 BioImaging

Emission Filter 503 - 523 nm 849-00404-0 GFP mice

Emission Filter 513 - 557 nm 849-00405-0 Cy2®, FITC, FAMTM, GFP, SYBR® Green, SYBR® Gold
Emission Filter 565 - 625 nm 849-00406-0 Alexa555®, Cy3®, SYPRO® Orange
Emission Filter 607 - 682 nm 849-00407-0 Alexa568®, SYPRO® Red, TexasRed®
Emission Filter 668 - 722 nm 849-00408-0 Alexa633®, Cy5®
Emission Filter 700 - 740 nm 849-00409-0 IRDye 680®, CF 680
Emission Filter 767 - 807 nm 849-00410-0 Alexa750®, Cy7®
Emission Filter 780 nm long pass 849-00411-0 Alexa750®
Emission Filter 800 nm long pass 849-00412-0 IRDye 800®, CF 770

Excitation filter for eLITE motorized and eLITE Xenon

Product Order number Comment

Excitation Filter 450 nm short pass 849-00330-0 CFP, SYPRO® Ruby
Excitation Filter 455 - 495 nm 849-00331-0 Cy2®, FITC, FAMTM, GFP, SYBR® Green
Excitation Filter 502 - 547 nm 849-00332-0 Deep Purple, Et Bromide, RFP
Excitation Filter 533 - 587 nm 849-00333-0 Alexa568®, Rhodomine Red TM, SYPRO® Red
Excitation Filter 600 - 645 nm 849-00334-0 Alexa633®, Cy5®, IRDye 680®, CF 680
Excitation Filter 687 - 748 nm 849-00335-0 Alexa750®, Cy7®, IR
Excitation Filter 700 - 740 nm 849-00336-0
Excitation Filter 750 - 780 nm 849-00337-0 IRDye 800®, CF 770

Excitation filter for eLITE manual

Product Order number Comment

Excitation Filter 450 nm short pass 849-00330-0 CFP, SYPRO® Ruby
Excitation Filter 455 - 495 nm 849-00331-0 Cy2®, FITC, FAMTM, GFP, SYBR® Green
Excitation Filter 502 - 547 nm 849-00332-0 Deep Purple, Et Bromide, RFP
Excitation Filter 533 - 587 nm 849-00333-0 Alexa568®, Rhodomine Red TM, SYPRO® Red
Excitation Filter 600 - 645 nm 849-00334-0 Alexa633®, Cy5®, IRDye 680®, CF 680
Excitation Filter 687 - 748 nm 849-00335-0 Alexa750®, Cy7®, IR
Excitation Filter 700 - 740 nm 849-00336-0
Excitation Filter 750 - 780 nm 849-00337-0 IRDye 800®, CF 770

* Yakima Yellow is registered trademark of Epoch Biosciences, Inc. Cy is a trademark of GE Healthcare. FAM, HEX, JOE, VIC, TAMRA, NED and ROX are
trademarks of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the US and/or certain other countries. SYBR, Alexa Fluor, SYPRO and Texas Red are registered
trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc. TaqMan and LightCycler are registered trademarks of Roche Group, Inc. Quasar Dyes are trademarks of Biosearch
Technologies Inc. DFO™ is a trademark of Eurogentec S.A. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

8.2 Chemiluminescence

8 BioImaging

8.3 Transilluminators

Transilluminators | High-quality transilluminators for UV fluorescent stains

UV transilluminators for UV fluorescent stains The UV transilluminators feature a uniform and bright illumination.

ƒƒ Filter sizes from 15 cm x 15 cm up to 25 cm x 26 cm The exclusive application of high-grade filter glass provides for
or 20 cm x 40 cm excellent documentation results with lowest background signal.
ƒƒ Exceeding uniform illumination The great illumination uniformity allows the reliable quantification of
ƒƒ High-grade filter glass for low background electrophoretically separated fluorescent samples.
ƒƒ Wide choice of standard and high-performance models
8 BioImaging

benchUV 20SML

The bench UV transilluminators are equipped with an ultraviolet

benchUV 26Xi blocking cover to shield the user from UV radiation. The base is
painted with high-quality, scratch-resistant powder coat. Models
include a stainless steel top assembly or powder coat paint.

Features Benefit Benchtop UV transilluminator

The compact models of the benchUV line include the economical
Compact size with small Saves bench space and is
single intensity and variable intensity transilluminators which are
footprint compatible with GelStudio gel equipped with 8-watt, 302 nm UV tubes.
documentation darkhoods
Stainless steel filter frame Robust and easy to clean for The variable intensity models feature:
daily routine ƒƒ High setting allows UV excitation of fluorophores on gels for
routine photography. Also excites gels with low sample concen-
Freely adjustable UV protection User UV protection during
shield handling the gel
ƒƒ The medium intensity is excellent for viewing and quick single-
Lamp control with electronic Flicker-free illumination and band excision.
high-frequency operating extended lamp durability ƒƒ Low setting is used for positioning and preparation of the gel,
system excising multiple bands, and focusing for photography.
Quiet, temperature controlled Samples are protected from
ventilation heating For users who prefer the choice between 302 nm UV and 365 nm
UV the benchUV ML models are suited. These models come with
single intensity setting and 8-watt UV bulbs of 302 nm and 365
nm. Available filter sizes are 20 cm x 20 cm or 21 cm x 26 cm.

8.3 Transilluminators

Transilluminators with extraordinary uniform illumination

The benchUV FirstLight ® transilluminators represent a unique
highly uniform 302 nm UV excitation source for quantitative fluores-
cent imaging in a wide range of applications.

ƒƒ Produces <5% coefficient of variance (CV) across the full filter

8 BioImaging
ƒƒ Exceptionally uniform, edge-to-edge illumination
ƒƒ Accurate gel to gel comparison
ƒƒ Uniformity ensures consistent illumination over the imaging
surface resulting in high quality images benchUV FirstLight ®
ƒƒ Applications range from DNA and protein gel documentation
and analysis

Achieve accurate and reproducible RNA, DNA and protein results.

The illuminator emits 302 nm UV excitation and combined with a
patented phosphor coating configuration generates exceptionally
uniform UV illumination over each band and lane. Multiple gels may
be placed on the surface with assurance of uniformity for each gel.

High performance UV transilluminators

All high performance UV transilluminators benchUV i include the
exclusive 25-watt ultraviolet tubes and provide a total of 100-watts
of brilliant UV illumination.
ƒƒ Deliver high UV output and intensity, no light flicker, fast lamp
start-up and reduced electrical consumption
ƒƒ Stainless steel frame enables easy cleaning
ƒƒ The back-lit UV illumination is further enhanced with long-life
filter and uniformity screen
ƒƒ UV blocking cover, included with each transilluminator, is adjust-
able for access to the filter surface

benchUV 40Lhi

8.3 Transilluminators

Transilluminators | Blue light transilluminators for fluorescent stains

Blue light transilluminators are a quite interesting alternative to

UV transilluminators as there is no risk of sample damage during ƒƒ Blue light illumination for e.g. green fluorescent stains
illumination. This is important when samples shall be processed ƒƒ Safe solution: No damage of DNA, no risk of UV exposure

furthermore after gel documentation. Users also benefit from it as for users
there is no risk of UV exposure. Blue light excitation is applicable
for fluorescent dyes for nucleic acid or protein stains with excitation
wavelengths around 470 nm. Examples for compatible stains are:
SYBR® Green, GelGreenTM, SYBR® Safe, SYBR® Gold or SYPRO® Ruby
8 BioImaging

and GFP stains.

The blue light illuminator benchBL is available as compact 8-watt

model and in its size similar to the benchtop models „benchUV“.
The amber protective cover blocks blue light transmission, allows
visualization of most samples above 500 nm.

benchBL 26

UV-to-blue converter plates

Alternative to a blue light transilluminator a converter plate can be
applied on top of a UV transilluminator to convert UV light to blue
light. Three different sizes of the Visi-Blue converter plate are
available. In combination with a camera system an amber camera
filter has to be applied.

Visi-Blue converter plate

8.3 Transilluminators

Transilluminators | Documentation of visible colored samples

White/UV transilluminator: benchUV WL.

The benchUV transilluminator is also available as dual use version:
UV table and white light table. benchUV WL features a 20 cm x

20 cm filter size for UV fluorescent samples and additional a 20
cm x 20 cm filter size for white light transillumination. The white
light table can be used for the documentation of all visible colored
samples like silver or Coomassie Blue stained gels as well as for ra-
diographs. The benchUV WL can not be integrated into a GelStudio

8 BioImaging
darkhood due to its geometry.

benchUV WL

UV to white light converter plates

Alternatively to the use of a white light table a converter plate can
be applied at the top of a UV transilluminator. The converter plate
converts the UV light to visible light and thus economically extents
the application scope of all UV table models to the visualisation of
colored dyes.

White light table benchWL

For documentation of only visible colored samples without the need
for any UV light the white light transilluminator benchWL is the table
of choice. It comes with a 21 cm x 26 cm filter size. The exceeding
uniform illumination provides for bright sample images.


8.3 Transilluminators

Order information

Order number Description

230 V 110 - 115 V UV transilluminators without intensity setting, 302 nm UV

849-20015-0 849-20015-4 benchUV 15, filter size 15 cm x 15 cm, 8 W 302 nm UV, UV protection shield
849-20016-0 846-20016-4 benchUV 20, filter size 20 cm x 20 cm, 8 W 302 nm UV, UV protection shield
849-20017-0 849-20017-4 benchUV 26, filter size 21 cm x 26 cm, 8 W 302 nm UV, UV protection shield

UV transilluminators with variable intensity setting, 302 nm UV

8 BioImaging

846-20018-0 846-20018-4 benchUV 15i, filter size 15 cm x 15 cm, 8 W 302 nm UV, high/medium/low intensity setting,
UV protection shield
849-20019-0 849-20019-4 benchUV 20i, filter size 20 cm x 20 cm, 8 W 302 nm UV, high/medium/low intensity setting,
UV protection shield
849-20020-0 849-20020-4 benchUV 26i, filter size 21 cm x 26 cm, 8 W 302 nm UV, high/medium/low intensity setting,
UV protection shield
849-20021-0 849-20021-4 benchUV 26Xi, filter size 25 cm x 26 cm, 8 W 302 nm UV, high/medium/low intensity setting,
UV protection shield

UV transilluminators without intensity setting, 2 UV wavelengths: 302 nm, 365 nm

849-20011-0 849-20011-4 benchUV 20ML, filter size 20 cm x 20 cm, 8 W 302/365 nm UV, UV protection shield
849-20012-0 849-20012-4 benchUV 26ML, filter size 21 cm x 26 cm, 8 W 302/365 nm UV, UV protection shield

UV transilluminators without intensity setting, 3 UV wavelengths: 245 nm, 302 nm, 365 nm
849-20013-0 849-20013-4 benchUV 20SML, filter size 20 cm x 20 cm, 8 W 254/302/365 nm UV, UV protection shield
849-20014-0 849-20014-4 benchUV 26SML, filter size 21 cm x 26 cm, 8 W 254/302/365 nm UV, UV protection shield

FirstLight® uniform UV transilluminators, without intensity setting, 302 nm UV

849-20001-0 849-20001-4 benchUV FirstLight ® 20, filter size 20 cm x 20 cm, 302 nm UV grid, UV protection shield
849-20003-0 849-20003-4 benchUV FirstLight ® 26, filter size 25 cm x 26 cm, 302 nm UV grid, UV protection shield

High-Performance UV transilluminators with variable intensity setting, 302 nm or 365 nm UV

849-20035-0 849-20035-4 benchUV 20hi, filter size 20 cm x 20 cm, 25 W 302 nm UV, high/medium/low intensity setting,
UV protection shield
849-20037-0 849-20037-4 benchUV 30hi, filter size 25 cm x 30 cm, 25 W 302 nm UV, high/medium/low intensity setting,
UV protection shield
849-20034-0 849-20034-4 benchUV 40Lhi, filter size 20 cm x 40 cm, 25 W 365 nm UV, high/medium/low intensity setting,
UV protection shield

Blue light transilluminator, 460 - 470 nm with variable intensity setting

849-20070-0 849-20070-4 benchBL 26, filter size 21 cm x 26 cm, 8 W 460 - 470 nm, high/medium/low intensity setting, amber
protection shield

UV (302 nm)/white light transilluminator, without intensity setting

849-20052-0 849-20052-4 benchUV WL20, filter size 20 cm x 20 cm for UV and 20 cm x 20 cm for white light, 8 W 302 nm UV,
8 W white light, UV protection shield

White light transilluminator, without intensity setting

849-20060-0 849-20060-4 benchWL 26, filter size 21 cm x 26 cm, 8 W white light

8.3 Transilluminators

Order number Description

Converter plates

849-20510-0 Converter plate UV-to-white, 21 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20511-0 Converter plate UV-to-white, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size
849-20512-0 Converter plate UV-to-white, 20 cm x 40 cm filter size
849-20520-0 Converter plate UV-to-blue "Visi-Blue", 21 cm x 26 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm*
849-20521-0 Converter plate UV-to-blue "Visi-Blue", 25 cm x 26 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm*

8 BioImaging
849-20522-0 Converter plate UV-to-blue "Visi-Blue", 20 cm x 40 cm filter size, 460 nm - 470 nm*
849-20523-0 Converter plate UV302-to-UV365, 25 cm x 26 cm filter size*

* Includes amber 50 mm square camera filter, compatible with UVsolo, GelStudio SA.

For compatibility of transilluminators with Analytik Jena imaging systems please check this table:

Gel imaging system

GelStudio digital compact GelStudio digital Dimensions
GelStudio live compact GelStudio live (height incl. protection shield)
Transilluminator version GelStudio SA H x W x D, cm
benchUV with 8 W tubes + + 12.2 x 35.6 x 27.9
For SML models:
13.7 x 35.6 x 27.9
benchUV FirstLight ® + + 14.3 x 35.6 x 27.9
benchUV high performance with + -
25 W tubes (but not with benchUV 40Lhi)
benchBL + + 14.3 x 48.6 x 33.7
benchUV WL - - 14.3 x 48.6 x 33.7
benchWL + + 10.8 x 33.7 x 24.1

Order number Description
849-20602-0 UV light face protection shield
846-055-002 UV light protecting glasses
849-20605-0 UV transparent acrylic tray for preparative tasks on a transilluminator, 29 cm x 23 cm
846-057-013 UV transparent gel scoop, scoop area 14 cm x 15 cm

Spare parts
Bestellnummer Description
846-057-007 UV bulb 8 W, 254 nm
846-057-002 UV bulb 8 W, 302 nm
846-057-009 UV bulb 8 W, 365 nm
846-057-016 UV bulb 25 W, 302 nm
846-057-017 UV bulb 25 W, 365 nm
34-9-720-007 White light bulb, 8 W

UV transparent gel scoop

9.1 PCR UV Cabinets & Workstations

PCR UV Cabinets and Workstations |

Systems for a contamination free work area

Analytik Jena offers a complete line of PCR UV systems. PCR UV


hoods use shortwave ultraviolet to control unwanted transfers of ƒƒ Up to three built-in shortwave (254 nm) UV tubes
nucleic acids. The systems bring together UV irradiation and antimi- for decontamination between experiments
crobial coated stainless steel and aluminum to create a dual-attack ƒƒ Timer sets UV exposure up to 12 h
environment against PCR contaminations. ƒƒ Safety shut-off switch automatically turns the UV light
In addition to standard PCR UV² models, PCR UV³ HEPA systems off when door is opened
with integrated three-stage filters are available. The equipment pro- ƒƒ Keylock prevents accidental exposure of samples
vides efficient use of lab space and a perfect arranged working area to UV
for any application, like sample preparation, nucleic acid isolation, ƒƒ Unique, easy-clean antimicrobial coating on the stain
PCR or Real-Time PCR preparation and more. less steel and aluminum surfaces

ƒƒ Hinged door flips up for easy access to the work area

ƒƒ Built-in power outlets for operation of equipment inside
Two styles are available: The standard PCR UV and the the work area
PCR UV HEPA systems. ƒƒ Two shelves allow placement of small equipment
ƒƒ MAKROLON® panels block UV below 400 nm
9 General laboratory equipment

Two sizes are available: The cabinet features a smaller ƒƒ With or without three-stage HEPA filter
work area than the workstation. ƒƒ Different sizes: Cabinet or Workstation to meet each
individual need

9.1 PCR UV Cabinets & Workstations

6 7




9 General laboratory equipment

High efficient UV decontamination Perfect antimicrobial protection
All PCR UV Cabinets and Workstations create an ideal environment Additional contamination control is provided with a coated stainless
for preparing PCR master mixes and other reactions by reducing any steel and aluminum design that maintains antimicrobial efficacy.
possible sample contamination significantly by the built-in 254 nm The durable coating material is a safe and natural agent for continu-
UV tubes for inactivation of DNA / RNA between experiments. ous protection. Resultant the easy-clean surface is stain as well as
Thereby the use of UV irradiation is a reliable standard laboratory fingerprint resistant and suppresses the growth of bacteria, molds
practice and reduces surface and airborne contaminants and fungi on surfaces.
in the chamber. Maintain a clean work area to save time and reduce
the repeat experiments.
The hoods include a timer to control UV decontamination of the Efficient work area
chamber, by simply setting the desired time. A key operates the PCR UV systems are designed for placement of large instruments
UV providing a means for preventing accidental UV irradiation of on the work area or small items on the two removable shelves.
samples. Both types feature a safety shut-off switch, which auto- Overhead white light brightly illuminates the work area and up to
matically turns the UV light off when the door is opened, protecting four built-in power outlets allow operation of additional equipment
users from UV exposure. within the chamber. Furthermore the non-ventilated, circulation free
chamber limits exposure of equipment to an open lab environment.

ƒƒ Decontaminate apparatus and reagents within minutes Cabinets and larger workstations sizes are available for both the
ƒƒ Integrated timer to set UV irradiation from 5 min up to 12 h PCR UV² and UV³ HEPA styles.
ƒƒ Important features for user and sample protection

9.1 PCR UV Cabinets & Workstations

Sophisticated platform for any sample preparation PCR UV³ HEPA feature
All Analytik Jena Cabinets and Workstations combine a whole slew Next to all specifications noted above the PCR UV³ Cabinet & Work-
of important features for contamination-sensitive applications: station also include a three-stage filter module with built-in

254 nm shortwave UV light source. The system circulates filtered

and decontaminated air into the PCR chamber.
This positive pressure laminar flow can be set to high or low,
whereby a honeycomb metal grid guarantees a stabilized air flow.
6 7
ƒƒ Pre-filter helps to preserve the life of other filters by capturing
large dust particles
ƒƒ Activated carbon filter specializes in capturing ozone, gases,

9 odors and smoke

2 ƒƒ HEPA filter provides a barrier (99.99 %) against dust, bacteria
and mold down to 0.3 microns

9 General laboratory equipment

A side access with a slide out design makes changing filters and UV
tube easy. Protection is given due to the automatic safety switch,
10 which shuts UV off when the side door is opened.


11 Pre- Carbon- UV Tube Centrifugal HEPA Filter

5 Filter Filter (254nm) Blower (99,99 %)

Airflow enters
filter system
1. Three-stage filter system:
Pre-filter; Carbon-filter; HEPA Filter; Plus UV to decontaminate
Overhead Airflow entering
2. Antimicrobial coated surface prevents contamination white light PCR Chamber Overhead UV
3. MAKROLON® panels blocks UV below 400 nm
4. Built-in power outlets for operating equipment inside B
5. Large working area
6. Power switches are conveniently located
7. UV timer
8. UV lock prevents accidental UV exposure of samples Slots for Shelves
9. Shortwave 254 nm UV light for decontaminating the chamber
10. Two removable shelves for placement of small objects UV
11. Door flips open for easy access to interior;
UV shuts off when door is open

UV Air Built-in Access port for UV Air

Circulator (In) power outlets measuring UV Circulator (Out)

PCR UV³ HEPA drawing

The PCR UV³ HEPA drawing (below) front cut-out view demon-
strates the air flow through the filter module. These models supply
three UV sources (UV³) which are indicated in the drawing: filter
area (A), chamber (B) and UV/air circulator (C).

9.1 PCR UV Cabinets & Workstations

Technical data


Cabinet Workstation Cabinet Workstation

UV source ƒƒ Two 254 nm shortwave UV sources ƒƒ Three 254 nm shortwave UV sources
ƒƒ Chamber and UV/air circulator ƒƒ Chamber, UV/air circulator and filter module

White light Overhead white light brightly illuminates the work area

Three-stae filter module - - ƒƒ Pre-filter

ƒƒ Carbon filter
ƒƒ HEPA filter

Power outlets 2 4 2 4

Shelves 2 2 2 2

Design Antimicrobial coated aluminum

Dimensions 222 x 102 mm 330 x 107 mm 222 x 102 mm 330 x 107 mm

9 General laboratory equipment

Timer UV timer UV timer UV timer UV timer

Adjustment 1 5 – 60 minutes in increments of 5 minutes

Adjustment 2 1 – 12 hours in increments of 15 minutes

Safety shut off Automatic switch off of ultraviolet light, when door is opened

Design Stainless steel, aluminum and MAKROLON®

Interior ƒƒ Uniquely coated stainless steel and aluminum design and easy-clean surface
ƒƒ Durable coating material contains silver ions:
a. Providing continuous antimicrobial protection
b. Stain and fingerprint resistant
c. Listed by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an
antimicrobial agent
d. Suppresses growth of bacteria, molds and fungi on surfaces
Interior Aluminum powder coated

Door and side panel MAKROLON® panels block wavelength below 400 nm

Dimensions (W x D x H) (W x D x H) (W x D x H) (W x D x H)

Exterior [mm] 544 x 610 x (729) 737 x 610 x (729) 544 x 610 x (826) 737 x 610 x (826)

Interior [mm] 500 x 544    706 x 544 500 x 544       706 x 544

Weight [kg] 40.8 kg 46.7 kg 57.6 kg 63.5 kg

Order information

Order number Description Order number Description

849-00001-02 PCR UV² Cabinet, 230 V (UK plug) 849-00005-02 PCR UV² Workstation, 230 V (UK plug)

849-00001-03 PCR UV² Cabinet, 230 V (Euro plug) 849-00005-03 PCR UV² Workstation, 230 V (Euro plug)

849-00001-04 PCR UV² Cabinet, 115 V (US plug) 849-00005-04 PCR UV² Workstation, 115 V (US plug)

849-00001-05 PCR UV² Cabinet, 100 V (US plug) 849-00005-05 PCR UV² Workstation, 100 V (US plug)

849-00002-02 PCR UV³ HEPA Cabinet, 230 V (UK plug) 849-00006-02 PCR UV³ HEPA Workstation, 230 V (UK plug)

849-00002-03 PCR UV³ HEPA Cabinet, 230 V (Euro plug) 849-00006-03 PCR UV³ HEPA Workstation, 230 V (Euro plug)

849-00002-04 PCR UV³ HEPA Cabinet, 115 V (US plug) 849-00006-04 PCR UV³ HEPA Workstation, 115 V (US plug)

849-00002-05 PCR UV³ HEPA Cabinet, 100 V (US plug) 849-00006-05 PCR UV³ HEPA Workstation, 100 V (US plug)

9.2 Crosslinker

UVLink 1000 Crosslinker | Immobilisation of nucleic acids to membranes

The UVLink 1000 crosslinker is a microprocessor controlled UV

irradiation system dedicated to nucleic acid linking to membranes ƒƒ Crosslinking of DNA and RNA to nylon or nitrocellulose
for Southern, Northern, Dot and Slot Blot applications. It can also be membranes

used for UV sterilisation and for elimination of PCR contaminations. ƒƒ Microprocessor control provides precise UV dosis control
ƒƒ Irradiation can be defined as Energy (Joules/cm²)
or Time (seconds)
ƒƒ Preset programs for nucleic acid immobilisation at
120 mJoule/cm2
ƒƒ Safety interlock door with UV protection glass
9 General laboratory equipment

Microprocessor control provides reproducibility

The programmable microprocessor constantly monitors the UV
light emission. The irradiation stops exactly when the programmed
energy is achieved. Thus the effect of decreasing UV intensity due
to bulb aging is compensated.

Durability Ease of use

The UVLink 1000 Crosslinker combines the latest UV technology The large display providing a series of predefined methods makes
with high quality manufacturing: UV exposure chamber in stain- the crosslinker an easy to use but yet powerful instrument for im-
less steel, protective quartz disk on the UV sensor cell and a highly mobilisation of nucleic acids to membranes. The programmed data
resistant keypad. are shown on the LED display.

Technical data
UV light 5 × 8 W 254 nm
UV irradiation energy 0 up to 99.99 J/cm²
Maximum time of exposure 999.9 min
Instrument dimensions (H x W x D, cm) 22.2 x 40.0 x 34.9
Chamber (inside) dimensions (H x W x D, cm) 12.7 × 25.4 × 30.5

Order information

Order number Description

849-30101-2 UVLink 1000 Crosslinker, 254 nm UV, 230 V
849-30101-4 UVLink 1000 Crosslinker, 254 nm UV, 115 V
846-057-007 UV tube, 8 Watt, 254 nm, 29 cm long

9.2 Crosslinker

9 General laboratory equipment 9.2 8.2
Consumables supplied by Analytik Jena |
Life Science combine an outstanding price/
performance ratio with exceptional quality.
All delivered consumables are optimzied for
our devices and therefore easen up your work
and will meet your requirements.



1 Selection charts/Overview starting material 384

2 Microplates, tubes, strips and foils 388

2.1 Strips and tubes 388
2.2 Microplates 390
2.3 Sealing foils and sealing films 391

3 Consumables for KingFisher ® systems 393

4 Pipetting tips 394

4.1 Tips for GeneTheatre 394
4.2 Tips for SELMA 96 / 384 395
4.3 Tips for FasTrans 396
5.1 Adapter for GeneTheatre 397

1.1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

Selection chart for rapid PCR and real-time rapidPCR

Device and blocks SpeedCycler  ²
96 LPR/LP 36 LPR 48 SPR 96 SPR / 96 SP
(1 × 96 well) (1 × 36 well) (1 × 48 well) (1 × 96 well)

Plastics Order number Low-Profile Low-Profile 0.2 ml 0.2 ml

0.2 ml thin-walled tubes 844-70010-0 × ×
0.2 ml Tubes 846-050-310 × ×
1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

0.5 ml thin-walled tubes 844-70015-0

0.5 ml Tubes 846-050-320
Microplate 36 LP 844-70000-0 ×
Microplate 96 LP 844-70050-0 ×
Microplate 48 well 846-050-225 × ×
Microplate 96 non-skirted 844-70030-0 ×
Microplate 96 well w/o skirt 846-050-253 ×
Microplate 96 well w/o skirt, 846-050-213 ×
Microplate 96 semi-skirted 844-70031-0 ×
Microplate 96 well full skirted 846-050-232 ×
Microplate 96 well full skirted, white, 846-050-259 ×
white wells
Microplate 96 well full skirted, black, 846-050-260 x
white wells
Microplate 384 fully-skirted 844-70032-0
Microplate 384 well full skirted 846-050-231
8 well Strip LP 844-70060-0 ×
8 well strip 0.2ml, domed caps 846-050-255 × ×
8 well strip 0.2ml, flat caps 846-050-254 × ×
RoboStrip PC clear 8 well Strips (0.2 ml)
847-0501000103 × ×
RoboStrip® PC clear 8 well Strips 847-0501000203 × ×
low profile (0.1 ml)
RoboStrip® PP clear 8 well Strips 847-0501000502 × ×
low profile (0.1 ml)
RoboStrip® PP white 8 well Strips 847-0501000602 × ×
low profile (0.1 ml)

1.1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

SpeedCycler qTOWER
96 (LPR) 36 (LPR) 24 (SPR) 96 (LPR)
(1 × 96 well) (1 × 36 well) (1 × 24 well) (1 × 96 well)

Low-Profile Low-Profile 0.2 ml Low-Profile

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

× ×

× × ×

1.1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

Selection chart for standard PCR and real-time PCR

Device and blocks FlexCycler

Twin30 (2 × 30 well) Twin48 (2 × 48 well) Mono96 (1 × 96 well)


Plastics Mono60 (1 × 60 well) TwinMix (1 × 48 well)

TwinMix (1 × 30 well)
Order number 0.5 ml 0.2 ml 0.2 ml
1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

0.2 ml thin-walled tubes 844-70010-0 × ×

0.2 ml Tubes 846-050-310 × ×
0.5 ml thin-walled tubes 844-70015-0 ×
0.5 ml Tubes 846-050-320
Microplate 36 LP 844-70000-0
Microplate 96 LP 844-70050-0
Microplate 48 well 846-050-225 ×
Microplate 96 non-skirted 844-70030-0 ×
Microplate 96 well w/o skirt 846-050-253
Microplate 96 well w/o skirt, 846-050-213
Microplate 96 semi-skirted 844-70031-0 ×
Microplate 96 well full skirted 846-050-232
Microplate 96 well full skirted, white, 846-050-259
white wells
Microplate 96 well full skirted, black, 846-050-260
white wells
Microplate 384 fully-skirted 844-70032-0
Microplate 384 well full skirted 846-050-231
8 well Strip LP 844-70060-0
8 well strip 0.2ml, domed caps 846-050-255 ×
8 well strip 0.2ml, flat caps 846-050-254 ×
RoboStrip PC clear 8 well Strips (0.2 ml)
RoboStrip® PC clear 8 well Strips 847-0501000203
low profile (0.1 ml)
RoboStrip® PP clear 8 well Strips 847-0501000502
low profile (0.1 ml)
RoboStrip® PP white 8 well Strips 847-0501000602
low profile (0.1 ml)

* Plates are divisible into 12 strips at 8 wells; use ½ plate for the 48 well blocks and a ¼ plate for 24 well blocks

1.1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

FlexCycler² qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2

Mono384 Twin48 | 48G Mono96 | 96G Twin30 Twin combi 96 Well

(1 × 96 well) (2 × 48 well) (1 × 96 well) (30 × 0,5 ml) (48 × 0,2 ml / (1 × 96 well)
(18 × 0,5 ml)
0.2 ml 0.2 ml 0.2 ml 0.2 ml

1 Selection charts/Overview starting material

× × ×
× × ×
× ×

× ×

× ×


× × ×
× × ×

× ×

2.1 Strips and tubes

Strips and tubes

2 Microplates, tubes, strips and foils

0.2 ml thin-walled tubes with flat cap

Order number Quantity Description
844-70010-0 500 tubes, transparent 0.2 ml thin-walled tubes with flat cap
standard PCR
844-70011-0 500 tubes, red 0.2 ml thin-walled tubes with flat cap
standard PCR
844-70012-0 500 tubes, yellow 0.2 ml thin-walled tubes with flat cap
standard PCR
844-70013-0 500 tubes, green 0.2 ml thin-walled tubes with flat cap
standard PCR
844-70014-0 500 tubes, blue 0.2 ml thin-walled tubes with flat cap
standard PCR
846-050-310 1000 pcs., transparent 0.2 ml tubes with caps

Green 0.2 ml thin-walled tube Red 0.2 ml thin-walled tube Blue 0.2 ml thin-walled tube
with flat cap with flat cap with flat cap

0.5 ml thin-walled tubes with flat cap

Order number Quantity Description
844-70015-0 500 tubes, transparent 0.5 ml thin-walled tubes with flat cap
for standard PCR
846-050-320 1000 pcs., transparent 0.5 ml tubes with caps

2.1 Strips and tubes

Ultrathin-walled 8 well Strip LP

Order number Quantity Description
844-70060-0 Packet of 125 pieces Ultrathin-walled 8 well strip, low profile format for rapid PCR,
Optimized for 2 – 20 µl, Sealing foils are available seperately
(see 2.3 Sealing foils)
844-70061-0 Packet of 500 pieces Ultrathin-walled 8 well strip, low profile format for rapid PCR,
Optimized for 2 – 20 µl, Sealing foils are available seperately
(see 2.3 Sealing foils)

2 Microplates, tubes, strips and foils
8 well strips with caps
Order number Quantity Description
846-050-254 Packet of 125 pcs. 0.2 ml strips of 8 tubes and flat caps
846-050-255 Packet of 125 pcs. 0.2 ml strips of 8 tubes and domed caps 125 pcs.

8 Well RoboStrip® to be closed with sealing tapes

Order number Quantity Description

847-0501000103 Package á 125 pieces RoboStrip® PC clear 8 Well Strips (0.2 ml)
Polycarbonat, clear, UV exposed, thin-walled 8 Well Strips,
excellent heat transfer and temperature resistance properties,
4-fold increased surface for improved stuck adherence of covers,
capless, to be closed with adhesive covers, specially developed
for Immuno-PCR
847-0501000203 Package á 125 pieces RoboStrip® PC clear 8 Well Strips low profile (0.1 ml)
Polycarbonat, clear, UV exposed, thin-walled 8 Well Strips,
excellent heat transfer and temperature resistance properties,
4-fold increased surface for improved stuck adherence of covers,
capless, to be closed with adhesive covers, specially developed
for Immuno-PCR
847-0501000502 Package á 125 pieces RoboStrip® PP clear 8 Well Strips low profile (0.1 ml)
Polypropylen, clear, UV exposed, thin-walled 8 Well Strips,
excellent heat transfer properties, 4-fold increased surface for
improved stuck adherence of covers, capless, to be closed with
adhesive covers, ideal for Standard PCR & liquid handling
847-0501000602 Package á 125 pieces RoboStrip® PP white 8 Well Strips low profile (0.1 ml)
Polypropylen, white, UV exposed, thin-walled 8 Well Strips,
excellent heat transfer properties, 4-fold increased surface for
improved stuck adherence of covers, capless, to be closed with
adhesive covers, improved PCR product yield (sensitivity) in
real-time PCR application

2.2 Microplates


Microplate 36 LP
Order number Quantity Description
844-70000-0 Packet of 25 pieces Ultrathin-walled 36 well microplate, low profile format for rapid PCR. Sealing foils
seperately available (see 2.3 Sealing foils)
844-70001-0 Packet of 100 pieces Ultrathin-walled 36 well microplate, low profile format for rapid PCR. Sealing foils
seperately available(see 2.3 Sealing foils)
844-70002-0 Packet of 250 pieces Ultrathin-walled 36 well microplate, low profile format for rapid PCR. Sealing foils
seperately available(see 2.3 Sealing foils)

Microplate 96 LP
Order number Quantity Description
2 Microplates, tubes, strips and foils

844-70050-0 Packet of 25 pieces Ultrathin-walled 96 well microplate, low profile format for rapid PCR and real-time
rapidPCR. Sealing foils are available seperately (see 2.3 Sealing foils)
844-70051-0 Packet of 100 pieces Ultrathin-walled 96 well microplate, low profile format for rapid PCR and real-time
rapidPCR. Sealing foils are available seperately (see 2.3 Sealing foils)
844-70052-0 Packet of 250 pieces Ultrathin-walled 96 well microplate, low profile format for rapid PCR and real-time
rapidPCR. Sealing foils are available seperately (see 2.3 Sealing foils)

Microplate 48 well
Order number Quantity Description
846-050-225 50 pieces 48 well microplate

Microplate 96 well
Order number Quantity Description
844-70030-0 50 pieces Thin-walled microplate 96, non-skirted, transparent
844-70031-0 50 pieces Thin-walled microplate 96, semi-skirted, transparent
846-050-259 50 pieces 96 well microplate, fully-skirted, white, suitable for real-time PCR
846-050-232 25 pieces 96 well skirted
846-050-213 25 pieces 96 well non-skirted (low profile)
846-050-253 25 pieces 96 well non-skirted
846-050-260 50 pieces 96 well microplate, black fram, white wells , suitable for
real-time PCR

Microplate 384 well

Order number Quantity Description
844-70032-0 50 pieces Thin-walled microplate 384, fully-skirted, transparent
846-050-231 50 pieces HSQ 384 well skirted

2.3 Sealing foils and sealing films

Sealing foils and sealing films

Sealing foil S36

Order number Quantity Description
844-70020-0 Packet of 25 pieces Adhesive sealing foil S36, aluminium, piercing and peeling able,
suitable for 36 well microplate low profile format, dimension
50 × 55 mm
844-70021-0 Packet of 100 pieces Adhesive sealing foil S36, aluminium, piercing and peeling able,
suitable for 36 well microplate low profile format, dimension
50 × 55 mm
844-70022-0 Packet of 250 pieces Adhesive sealing foil S36, aluminium, piercing and peeling able,
suitable for 36 well microplate low profile format, dimension

50 × 55 mm

2 Microplates, tubes, strips and foils

Sealing foil PP36
Order number Quantity Description
844-70025-0 Packet of 25 pieces Adhesive sealing foil PP36, transparent polypropylene, peeling
able, suitable for 36 well microplate low profile format, dimension
50 × 55 mm
844-70026-0 Packet of 100 pieces Adhesive sealing foil PP36, transparent polypropylene, peeling
able, suitable for 36 well microplate low profile format, dimension
50 × 55 mm
844-70027-0 Packet of 250 pieces Adhesive sealing foil PP36, transparent polypropylene, peeling
able, suitable for 36 well microplate low profile format, dimension
50 × 55 mm

Sealing foil S96

Order number Quantity Description
844-70070-0 Packet of 25 pieces Adhesive sealing foil S96, aluminium, piercing and peeling able,
suitable for 96 well microplate low profile format, dimension
74 × 40 mm
844-70071-0 Packet of 100 pieces Adhesive sealing foil S96, aluminium, piercing and peeling able,
suitable for 96 well microplate low profile format, dimension
74 × 40 mm
844-70072-0 Packet of 250 pieces Adhesive sealing foil S96, aluminium, piercing and peeling able,
suitable for 96 well microplate low profile format, dimension
74 × 40 mm

2.3 Sealing foils, sealing mats, sealing films

Sealing foil PP96

Order number Quantity Description
844-70075-0 Packet of 25 pieces Adhesive sealing foil PP96, transparent polypropylene, peeling
able, suitable for 96 well microplate low profile format, dimension
74 × 40 mm
844-70076-0 Packet of 100 pieces Adhesive sealing foil PP96, transparent polypropylene, peeling
able, suitable for 96 well microplate low profile format, dimension
74 × 40 mm
844-70077-0 Packet of 250 pieces Adhesive sealing foil PP96, transparent polypropylene, peeling
able, suitable for 96 well microplate low profile format, dimension

74 × 40 mm
2 Microplates, tubes, strips and foils

Adhesive sealing foil strip

Order number Quantity Description
844-70080-0 Packet of 125 pieces Adhesive sealing foil strip, transparent polypropylene, peeling
able, suitable for ultrathin-walled 8 well Strip low profile format,
dimension 65 × 10 mm
844-70081-0 Packet of 500 pieces Adhesive sealing foil strip, transparent polypropylene, peeling
able, suitable for ultrathin-walled 8 well Strip low profile format,
dimension 65 × 10 mm

Adhesive sealing foils

Order number Quantity Description
846-050-256 Packet of 100 pieces Adhesive sealing film, RNase- and DNase-free, transparent
846-050-258 Packet of 100 pieces Adhesive sealing film for optical detection (real-time PCR),
RNase- and DNase-free, transparent
844-70042-0 Packet of 100 sheets Adhesive sealing foils, RNase- and DNase-free

3.1 Consumables for KingFisher ® systems

Consumables for KingFisher ® systems

Consumables for KingFisher ® FLEX

Order number Quantity Description
845-KF-1296010 KFFLX Plate Set 50× KF 96 DW Plate, 10× KF 96 Tip Comb with KF 96 DW Plate,
10× KF 96 Plate

3 Consumables for KingFisher ® systems

4.1 Tips for GeneTheatre

Tips for GeneTheatre

All sterile tips are certified to be DNase, RNase, DNA, pyrogen and ATP-free.
Non-sterile tips are certified to be RNase and DNase free.

Order number Quantity Description

844-70129-0 96 tips/box, 10 boxes per packing 50 µl Tip Box for GeneTheatre, non-steril, PCR-certified
844-70130-0 96 tips/box, 10 boxes per packing 50 µl Tip Box for GeneTheatre, pre-sterilized, PCR-certified
844-70131-0 96 tips/box, 10 boxes per packing 50 µl Tip Box for GeneTheatre, net volume 40 µl, pre-sterilized
with ART-filter, PCR-certified
844-70132-0 96 tips/box, 10 boxes per packing 250 µl Tip Box for GeneTheatre, non-steril, PCR-certified
844-70133-0 96 tips/box, 10 boxes per packing 250 µl Tip Box for GeneTheatre, pre-sterilized, PCR-certified
844-70134-0 96 tips/box, 10 boxes per packing 250 µl Tip Box for GeneTheatre, net volume 160 µl, pre-sterilized
with ART-filter, PCR-certified
844-70135-0 96 tips/rack, 16 racks per packing 1000 µl TipRack for GeneTheatre, non-steril, PCR-certified
844-70136-0 96 tips/rack, 16 racks per packing 1000 µl TipRack for GeneTheatre, pre-sterilized, PCR-certified
844-70137-0 96 tips/rack, 16 racks per packing 1000 µl TipRack for GeneTheatre, pre-sterilized with ART-filter,
4 Pipetting tips

4.2 Tips for SELMA 96 / 384

Tips for SELMA 96

High precision pipetting tips (polypropylene) for SELMA 96, ready-to-use racked in a disposable tray

10 µl TipTray for SELMA 96 (25 µl and 60 µl)

Order number Quantity Description
844-70170-0 96 tips/tray, 30 trays per package 10 µl TipTray, non-sterile
844-70171-0 96 tips/tray, 30 trays per package 10 µl TipTray, sterile
844-70172-0 96 tips/tray, 30 trays per package 10 µl TipTray, sterile, PCR certified

25 µl TipTray for SELMA 96 (25 µl and 60 µl)

Order number Quantity Description
844-70173-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 25 µl TipTray, non-sterile
844-70174-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 25 µl TipTray, sterile
844-70175-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 25 µl TipTray, sterile, PCR certified
844-70186-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 25 µl TipTray for SELMA 96, sterile, PCR certified, with filter

60 µl TipTray for SELMA 96 (25 µl and 60 µl)

Order number Quantity Description
844-70176-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 60 µl TipTray, sterile
844-70177-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 60 µl TipTray, sterile, PCR certified
844-70178-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 60 µl TipTray, sterile, PCR certified, with filter
844-70179-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 60 µl TipTray, sterile, PCR certified, with filter

250 µl TipTray for SELMA 96 (250 µl)
Order number Quantity Description
844-70180-0 96 tips/tray, 18 trays per package 250 µl TipTray, non-sterile, DW
for usage of deep well plates

4 Pipetting tips
844-70181-0 96 tips/tray, 18 trays per package 250 µl TipTray, sterile, DW
for usage of deep well plates
844-70182-0 96 tips/tray, 18 trays per package 250 µl TipTray, sterile PCR certified, DW
for usage of deep well plates
844-70183-0 96 tips/tray, 18 trays per package 250 µl TipTray, sterile, PCR certified,
with filter, net volume 250 µl, DW
for usage of deep well plates
844-70184-0 96 tips/tray, 18 trays per package 250 µl TipTray, non-sterile, SW
for usage of shallow well plates
844-70185-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 250 µl TipTray, sterile, SW
for usage of shallow well plates
844-70186-0 96 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 250 µl TipTray, sterile, PCR certified, SW

1000 µl TipRack for SELMA 96 (1000 µl)

For usage with SELMA 96 (1000 µl) tips has to be transferred from TipRack to a tip magazine (metal; 844-00190-2). Therefore a tip-transfer
tool (844-00191-2) is available.

Order number Quantity Description

844-70192-0 96 tips/rack, 16 racks per package 1000 µl TipRack, non-sterile
844-70193-0 96 tips/rack, 16 racks per package 1000 µl TipRack, sterile
844-70194-0 96 tips/rack, 16 racks per package 1000 µl TipRack, sterile, with filter

4.3 Tips for FasTrans

Tips for SELMA 384

10 µl TipTray for SELMA 384 (25 µl)

Order number Quantity Description
844-70160-0 384 tips/tray, 30 trays per package 10 µl, unsteril
844-70161-0 384 tips/tray, 30 trays per package 10 µl, sterile
844-70162-0 384 tips/tray, 30 trays per package 10 µl, sterile, PCR certified

25 µl TipTray for SELMA 384 (25 µl)

Order number Quantity Description
844-70163-0 384 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 25 µl, non-sterile
844-70164-0 384 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 25 µl, sterile, PCR certified
844-70165-0 384 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 25 µl, sterile, PCR certified, with filter, net volume 13 µl

60 µl TipTray for SELMA 384 (60 µl)

Order number Quantity Description
844-70166-0 384 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 60 µl, non-sterile
844-70167-0 384 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 60 µl, sterile, PCR certified
844-70168-0 384 tips/tray, 24 trays per package 60 µl, sterile, PCR certified, with filter, net volume 18 µl

Tips for FasTrans

All sterile tips are certified to be DNase, RNase, DNA, pyrogen and ATP-free.
4 Pipetting tips

Non-sterile tips are certified to be RNase and DNase free.

Tips for pipetting

Order number Quantity Description
844-70120-0 One unit * 10 µl Poly (clear), with ART-filter, pre-sterilized
844-70121-0 One unit * 20 µl Poly (clear), pre-sterilized
844-70122-0 One unit * 20 µl Poly (clear), non-sterile
844-70123-0 One unit * 50 µl Poly (clear), with ART-filter, pre-sterilized
844-70124-0 One unit * 50 µl Poly (clear), pre-sterilized
844-70125-0 One unit * 50 µl Poly (clear), non-sterile
844-70126-0 One unit * 175 µl Poly (clear), with ART-filter, pre-sterilized
844-70127-0 One unit * 200 µl Poly (clear), pre-sterilized
844-70128-0 One unit * 200 µl Poly (clear), non-sterile

* 1 unit includes always 96 tips/tray, 10 trays/pack, in total 960 tips

4 channel pipetting head with 50 µl

pipetting tips

4 Pipetting tips 4.3
Working hand in hand with Analytik Jena’s
subsidiary AJ Blomesystem, we can generate
customized Laboratory Information and
Management Systems.

With 30 years of experience in this field the

AJ Blomesystem GmbH is the perfect partner.



1 LABbase® – The LIMS Standard 400

1.1 LABbase® 400
1.2 Customization using LABbase Report Generator and Designer
1.3 Data and facts 403

2 readyLIMS® – A compact solution for small partners 404

3 ENMO®hydro – Automated water quality monitoring 406

4 AJ Blomesystem in the field of Life Science 408

1.1 LABbase®


LABbase® is a Laboratory Information Management System,

based on blomesystem®, which can be adjusted to the special
requirements of each customer. It comprises all functionalities

necessary for the daily work routine in a professional laboratory.

With the blomesystem® Designer you receive a tool with which

trained staff is able to further customize the system – without
jeopardizing the update ability of the system.
1 LABbase® – The LIMS Standard

A LIMS for all and everything Multi location support

LABbase® handles the entire workflow of a modern laboratory. The Your company has several locations? With LABbase® there is only one
modular design as well as integrated customization tools allow our central database needed – the same master files can be used by all
licensed contractors to address the requirements of their customers users. Defined access rights control the access to the data for indi-
individually, modify the analytic – if required – and adjust the re- vidual users groups. Due to the combination of multilingualism and
porting to changing requirements. Modular extensions are available interfaces to modern office communication technology, LABbase®
for laboratories which work production or batch orientated. opens up a new dimension of multi location labwork. Database
maintenance and security tasks are centralized in one location.

Validation and QA
LABbase® is a completely qualified product. All 800 integrated ob- Service and support
jects were evaluated using risk analysis and were tested to exhaus- If you wish continuing support after the completion of a project and
tion. Therefor the effort for validating the LIMS is greatly reduced for implementation of the blomesystem® application, it is advisable to
laboratories deciding on LABbase®. conclude a software maintenance contract. Software maintenance
AJ Blomesystem is DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. Customer audits includes services for updates, upgrades and, if desired, a hotline
confirm the outstanding quality guaranteed by this system. service. As an option, the software maintenance contract can be
expanded by a defined quota of service days. These service days
can be called up according to requirements. Moreover, comprehen-
Multilingualism sive training courses are offered and regular user meetings are or-
Applications are currently available in English, French and German. ganized. In addition, we provide the possibility to use the extensive
A module for the translation of mask and block titles as well as field support forum on our website.
labels etc. is available. Reports are independent from the language
the user interface is set to.

1.1 LABbase®

LABbase® in action

Order creation

1 LABbase® – The LIMS Standard

Document dispatch
Sample receipt

Sample registration / Certificate of

order registration analysis (COA)

The LIMS Standard Sample
and release


Result registration
Online data entry

Manual data entry

LABbase® workflow

1.2 Customization using LABbase® Report Generator and Designer

Customization with the blomesystem® Report Generator and Designer

LABbase® – one software and two unique tools:


1. The blomesystem® Report Generator 2. The blomesystem® Designer

The blomesystem® Report Generator is an exclusive tool for query, The integrated blomesystem® Designer empowers the user to
definition and input of data. Depending on requirements, the customize the preconfigured standard application and creates a
trained user will be able to create data entry forms, reports, evalua- product that exactly meets your requirements. This tool enables
tions and statistics, without the need to change the source code of you to comprehensively modify and extend the functionality of the
1 LABbase® – The LIMS Standard

the application or the database design. application as well as the underlying data-base.

Flexibility... flexibel and...

Printable templates can be generated and be used for data entry. The Designer is a fully developed and reliable tool thanks to the
Standardized, given paper forms can be replicated as entry mask on active input of numerous leading companies. It is beneficial for
the screen – it eases orientation and saves time. those customers who want to integrate LABbase® into their current
company IT. It is up to you whether you commission changes to the
relevant modules or whether you make changes by yourself.

...Efficiency ...unrestricted updateable

As results and reports are directly created and saved in LABbase®, A unique feature of the blomesystem® Designer: despite of changes
there is no need to export data into other applications. This means made to the application one is able to carry the structures and
that administrative work, like filing and protecting Office documents, programs including the data into the next higher system version
is no longer necessary. Additionally, the fields in mask and report when an update is available. It is possible because all changes to
allow the user to insert and save text of unlimited size. Thus, an the application are saved in a separate installation directory while
additional word processing program is not needed. the source code remains unchanged.

Conclusion: The blomesystem® Report Generator increases your Conclusion: The blomesystem® Designer is the optimal tool to
workflow efficiency and avoids potential errors. customize LABbase®.

1.3 Data and facts

Data and facts

ƒƒ Tight network of certified service partners ƒƒ Multilingualism (applications, master data, labels)
ƒƒ Customer-specific adjustments ƒƒ Ad hoc limits
ƒƒ Rapid prototyping ƒƒ Transparent, bidirectional interface to Microsoft Office

ƒƒ Concurrent licensing ƒƒ GAMP level III standard system
ƒƒ Client capability ƒƒ Suitable for working under GxP requirements

1 LABbase® – The LIMS Standard

Modules which are part of the LABbase® core functionality:
Basics – General functions and record keeping (i. e. users, contacts, etc.)
Core LIMS – All information required for sample processing
Audit trail – Configurable change history
Storage of binary objects – Allocation of files to each record
Limits administration – Interactive evaluation of results
Test methods – Administration of test parameters and methods
Units – Administration of units and their conversion
Sample locations – Administration of sampling locations
Device management – Administration and maintenance of instruments
Reporting – Adminstration and creation of COAs based on templates

Optional add ons for LABbase®:

Accounts – Accounting module (from order to invoice)
Production – Production module (items, recipes and production oriented samples)
Control charts – Control chart module (average, blank, range and spike charts)
Calibration – Calibration (calculation of process data)
SOP administration – Standard Operating Procedures (location dependent)
CRM – Customer administration and reminder module
Interface module – Interface module to connect with various systems (e. g. TEIS)
CSP – Cyclical sample planning (planning module for cyclic samples)
Projects – Project administration
Public Web Server – Module for retrieving sample information via the web

2.1 readyLIMS®


readyLIMS®is a modern multilingual commercial off-the-shelf

Laboratory Information Management System which follows the
concept of multi tier architecture.
2 readyLIMS® – A compact solution for small partners

The application will consist of three logical layers: Native Windows application:
Persistence Layer (Database Tier) ƒƒ Windows look and feel
The data of an object are transferred into a non-volatile condi- ƒƒ Comfortable GUI with extensive possibilities of data aggregation
tion here. This basically corresponds to the storage of data in a and assortment
database. ƒƒ Support of Windows Vista and Windows 7
ƒƒ Support of function keys (e. g. F1 –  F12 in combination with Alt
Business Layer (Logic Tier) and/or Strg) and shortcuts (Strg + S for memory or Strg + L
The processing of data takes place on this layer. The essential tasks for load, ...)
of the application server are realized here. ƒƒ Application is as far as possible controllable over the keyboard
ƒƒ Contextsensitive menu
Presentation Layer (Client Tier) ƒƒ Support of different charts
This task is primarily represented by the Client. The user interacts
with the data or calls up functions with which the data can be Crystal Reports as a reporting tool:
manipulated and modified. The processing basically takes place on Creates your reports with the common reporting tool Crystal Reports.
the Business Layer level.
Integrated document management:
Filing of reports as PDFs directly in the database.
readyLIMS®offers a number of advantages:
Webfarm: Integrated formula interpreter:
readyLIMS®can be allocated, depending upon user load, on differ- Calculation formula can be defined freely.
ent servers. This includes vertical and horizontal scaling. An exten-
sion of hardware can be the upgrade of a server or the extension of Configurable workflow
the server farm by new servers. Release mechanisms for master and other data can be managed
via state machines.
readyLIMS®supports the use of cluster databases. Individual optimized processes
Use of work lists and automatic modes for quick execution of
Multi-tier-architecture individual tasks in the system.
Modern multi layer application which separates database,
application and client.
readyLIMS®is offered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). In addition,
Web based: you only need for the Clients the appropriate number of comput-
Fast connection of clients via WWW. ers with Internet connection and Microsoft. Net Framework version
2.0 + 3,5, which can be downloaded from the Internet free of
SSL encryption for secure communications: charge. readyLIMS®as SaaS model brings your LIMS from local serv-
Data encryption via SSL over TCP/IP and HTTP. ers to heavy-duty machines of professional providers and uses the
possibilities of operational fund division. It contributes to the idea
Click-Once-Deployment of Green IT and additional expenditures with the purchase of data
Simple installation on a client computer which fulfills the system processing technology such as computers and servers are avoided
requirements. as far as possible.
The client can be downloaded from the company-owned intranet
without assistance by an external IT-worker on site.

Worksheet samples
readyLIMS® in action
2.1 readyLIMS®

2 readyLIMS® – A compact solution for small partners 2.1
3.1 ENMO®hydro


ENMO®hydro is a software system for the efficient control,

administration and evaluation of automated water quality mea-
suring networks and offers new possibilities in an innovative
software environment. The functionality of the 100 % web-
based multi-tier-system comprises workflows for automatic
sampling and quality assurance, the administration and control
of equipment in the measuring stations, numerous options for
data evaluation, illustration and export as well as a notification
system. ENMO®hydro furthermore complies with the require-
ments for a certification of the measuring network according to
EN/ISO 17025.
[email protected]

ENMO®hydro consists of three components: The ENMO® IT SEES plug-in –


ƒƒ ENMO® Site automatic alarm index creation

ƒƒ ENMO® Server With the optionally available ENMO® IT SEES plug-in – a tool for the
ƒƒ ENMO® Client real-time detection of unnatural or conspicuous water conditions –
the functionality of ENMO®hydro is considerably extended once
again. ENMO® IT SEES analyses and evaluates fed-in data sets – i.e.
3 ENMO®hydro – Automated water quality monitoring

ENMO® Site continuously collects data, status messages and error classic water parameters and biomonitors – with respect to whether
reports from the installed measuring systems in the measuring sta- they fulfil the criteria of “conspicuousness”.
tions. The data records are buffered on the ENMO®-Site-Computers ENMO® IT SEES determines the alarm index from all suspicious
and are then transmitted via the Internet to the ENMO® Server. With events with different weightings. Each irregularity increases the
the optional available ENMO® IT SEES plug-in, the system checks value of the alarm index by a value defined for the respective
the data for irregularities and an automatic alarm index is generated, measurement. If defined thresholds are exceeded, ENMO® IT SEES
which simplifies a fast evaluation of the current water situation. generates a warning. When the highest threshold is crossed, the
“announcement stage” is reached. Dynamic detection procedures
ENMO® Server: The data and status messages of all measuring such as the double-sigma test and Hinkley detector offer a sensitive
stations are collected in a measuring network centre and are stored detection of irregularities in the water and thus also significantly re-
in an Oracle database. The ENMO® Server automatically evaluates duce the probability of a false alarm. ENMO® IT SEES was developed
incoming data – if the alarm index points to a suspicious water con- by bbe Moldaenke, Kiel and Hamburg’s water quality measuring
dition, the responsible users are informed automatically by SMS and network within the context of the research and development project
email. At the same time, a workflow is started for the analysis of the “EASE – Development of Alarm Criteria and Incident Measurement
automatically obtained alarm samples from the measuring stations. in Measuring Stations for International Danger Prevention.”

ENMO® Client: Transmitted datasets can be displayed, evaluated and

validated via the modern, intuitive interface ENMO® Client – this is ENMO®hydro represents the newest developments in dynamic,
made possible by a multitude of tools (see below). With little effort, continuous and automated water quality monitoring and thus
the client can be configured in such a way that the user can obtain an makes an important contribution to the early detection of disas-
overview of all the measurands necessary for an assessment of the ters or accidents as well as to the evaluation of hazard potentials.
water quality within the shortest possible time. The equipment, mas- With respect to the illustration of all workflows relevant for water
ter data, access rights and schedules including maintenance routines monitoring as well as regarding the possibilities for data evaluation,
can also be managed using the client. In order to be able to present export and illustration, ENMO®hydro is unique to date.
the data obtained without unnecessary efforts, the ENMO® Client is
able to export vector graphics, Excel sheets and bitmap graphics – at
the same time, the layout defined in the client remains unchanged.

3.1 ENMO®hydro

Disaster scenario


ENMO® Client
ENMO® Server

2 4
1 5





2 4
1 5


3 ENMO®hydro – Automated water quality monitoring

ENMO® Site

1) A toxic substance is emitted into a river for example after a disaster at a tanker or a chemical factory.
2) ENMO® Site reads the values and transmits them to ENMO® IT SEES – the alarm index “warning” or
“announcement stage” is created.
3) Values and alarm index are transmitted via Internet to ENMO® Server.
4) ENMO® Server evaluates alarm index as significant. The user is notified by SMS and email. Automatic sampling in
the measuring station to store the samples.
5) The user analyses the values and alarm index via ENMO® Client to ensure that with the utmost probability a
non-natural event has occurred. The user then obtains the samples from the measuring station and initiates an
analysis in the laboratory.
6) The laboratory delivers an analysis of the samples.
7) The user immediately informs the authority responsible for the warning and alarm plan.

4.1 AJ Blomesystem in the field of Life Science

Unlike classic LIMS, working processes in Molecular Biology are ex- AJ Blomesystem allows to extend and change the structure of their
tremely heterogeneously. Classic LIMS present their user interfaces products by using a specifically developed blomesystem® Designer
in a sample-oriented manner. A LIMS in the biotechnology sector to meet these requirements.
has to present user interfaces focused on the specific methodology. Through structural changes AJ Blomesystem allows maintaining the
Most LIMS are standardized systems, which can be configured on natural workflow of each laboratory and thus directs the functional-
field level but not in the design structure. ity to the unique features of their customers.

Following some examples for the capability of

AJ Blomesystem applications:

Process and manage non structured information together with

structured data. In this case the validation of qualitative PCR or With multifunctional worksheets, complex workflows in life science
DNA extraction. laboratories can be surveyed and validation can be done in situ.
4 AJ Blomesystem in the field of Life Science

Quantitative calculation of signals received by reverse PCR. Shown

graphics are real-time graphics, which are automatically updated with
each change in data.
AJ Blomesystem reports have the unique ability, to be editable.
This allows presenting and editing the data in various structures,
here in a microtiter plate like manner.

We are not satisfied until
the optimal solution has been found.



1 Order information 412

2 Information 413

3 Numerical index 414

4 A – Z index 421

Order information

We are pleased to receive your order. Please call your distributor.


Your local distributor, and order forms you`ll find on our website:

2.1 Information


Copyright © 2013 Analytik Jena AG | Life Science.

All Rights Reserved.

The rights to company, product and brand names mentioned in this

document are solely owned by their respective owners.

The information contained in this document is subject to change

without notice at any time, in particular specifications and order
numbers due to further technical development.

Alexa Fluor® is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes Inc. PureProve® is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG (formerly
BIAffinity ® is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG SIRSLab)
blomesystem® is a registered trademark of AJ Blomesystem GmbH Quasar™ is a registered trademark of Biosearch Technologies Inc.

2 Information
Cy® is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare Bio-Science Corp. ROX™ is a trademark of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the
DFO™ is a trademark of Eurogentec S.A. US and/or certain other countries
ECL™ is a registered trademark of Amersham Biosciences ScanDrop ® is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG
ENMO® is a registered trademark of AJ Blomesystem GmbH SPEKOL® is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG
Excel® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SYBR®Green is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc.
FAM™ is a trademark of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the SYPRO® Orange is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc.
US and/or certain other countries TAMRA™ is a trademark of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in
HEX™ is a trademark of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the the US and/or certain other countries
US and/or certain other countries TaqMan® is a registered trademark of Roche Group, Inc.
InnuPure® is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG Teflon® is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours
JOE™ is a trademark of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the TexasRed® is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes Inc.
US and/or certain other countries TaqMan ® is a registered trademark of Roche Group, Inc.
KingFisher® is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. VIC ® is a trademark of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the US
LABbase® is a registered trademark of AJ Blomesystem GmbH and/or certain other countries
LightCycler® is a registered trademark of Roche Group Systems, Inc. VYOO® is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG (formerly
LOOXSTER® is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG (formerly SIRSLab)
SIRSLab) Whatman® is a registered trademark of Whatman Gruppe
NED™ is a trademark of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the Windows ® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
US and/or certain other countries Yakima Yellow™ is a registered trademark of Epoch Bioscience Inc.

These trademarks and registered trademarks are accurate to the best

of our knowledge at the time of printing.

3.1 Numerical index

Numerical index

34-9-720-007  375 844-00324-0  319 844-10002-2  250 844-70127-0  396

203-001-0010  81, 200 844-00325-0  319 844-60041-0  332 844-70128-0  396
820-60145-0  301 844-00326-0  319 844-60043-0  332 844-70132-0  394
820-60147-0  301 844-00327-0  319 844-60044-0  332 844-70133-0  394
840-90000-2  347, 358 844-00328-0  319 844-60060-0  340 844-70134-0  394
844-00044-2  332 844-00329-0  319 844-60061-0  340 844-70135-0  394
844-00050-2  301, 332 844-00330-0  319 844-60062-0  340 844-70136-0  394
844-00060-2  340 844-00401-2  307 844-60063-0  340 844-70137-0  394
844-00060-4  340 844-00401-3  379 844-60064-0  340 844-70170-0  395 , 396
844-00060-5  340 844-00410-0  307 844-60065-0  340 844-70171-0  395 , 396
844-00061-2  340 844-00411-0  307 844-70000-0  384, 386 , 390 844-70172-0  395 , 396
844-00061-4  340 844-00412-0  307 844-70001-0  390 844-70173-0  395
844-00061-5  340 844-00413-0  307 844-70002-0  390 844-70174-0  395
844-00062-2  340 844-00414-0  307 844-70010-0  384, 386 , 388 844-70175-0  395
844-00062-4  340 844-00415-0  307 844-70011-0  388 844-70177-0  395
844-00062-5  340 844-00430-0  307 844-70012-0  388 844-70178-0  395

844-00063-2  340 844-00431-0  307 844-70013-0  388 844-70179-0  395

844-00063-4  340 844-00432-0  307 844-70014-0  388 844-70181-0  395
844-00063-5  340 844-00433-0  307 844-70015-0  384, 386 , 388 844-70182-0  395
844-00064-2  340 844-00434-0  307 844-70020-0  391 844-70183-0  395
844-00064-4  340 844-00435-0  307 844-70021-0  391 844-70184-0  395
3 Numerical index

844-00064-5  340 844-00436-0  308 844-70022-0  391 844-70185-0  395

844-00065-2  340 844-00437-0  308 844-70025-0  391 844-70187-0  394, 395
844-00065-4  340 844-00438-0  308 844-70026-0  391 844-70190-0  395
844-00065-5  340 844-00439-0  308 844-70027-0  391 844-70191-0  394, 395
844-00069-2  340 844-00440-0  308 844-70030-0  384, 386 , 390 844-70200-0  302
844-00180-2  313 844-00441-0  308 844-70031-0  384, 386 , 390 844-70201-0  302
844-00181-2  313 844-00442-0  308 844-70032-0  384, 386 , 390 844-70210-0  302
844-00182-2  313 844-00443-0  308 844-70041-0  392 844-70211-0  302
844-00184-2  313 844-00444-0  308 844-70042-0  392 844-MA205-2  7, 166 , 268
844-00185-2  313 844-00445-0  308 844-70050-0  319, 386 , 390 845-00002-2  290
844-00186-2  313 844-00501-2  325 844-70051-0  319, 390 845-00003-3  294
844-00187-2  313 844-00501-5  325 844-70052-0  319, 390 845-00007-2  284
844-00188-2  313 844-00502-2  325 844-70060-0  384, 386 , 389 845-00008-2  284
844-00189-2  313 844-00502-4  325 844-70061-0  389 845-60004-0  290
844-00190-2  313 844-00502-5  325 844-70070-0  391 845-60005-0  290
844-00191-2  313 844-00520-0  325 844-70071-0  391 845-60006-0  290
844-00192-2  313 844-00521-0  325 844-70072-0  391 845-60007-0  290
844-00198-0  313 844-00522-0  325 844-70075-0  392 845-60008-0  290
844-00200-2  301 844-00523-0  325 844-70076-0  392 845-60051-0  284
844-00201-2  301 844-00524-0  325 844-70077-0  392 845-60053-0  284
844-00202-2  301 844-00525-0  325 844-70080-0  392 845-AS-1000015  163
844-00210-0  301 844-00526-0  325 844-70081-0  392 845-AS-1010015  163
844-00211-0  301 844-00527-0  325 844-70120-0  396 845-AS-1100250  161
844-00212-0  301 844-00528-0  325 844-70121-0  396 845-AS-1200100  159
844-00301-2  319 844-00529-0  325 844-70122-0  396 845-AS-1200200  159
844-00320-0  319 844-00530-0  325 844-70123-0  396 845-AS-1300100  159
844-00321-0  319 844-00531-0  325 844-70124-0  396 845-AS-1300200  159
844-00322-0  319 844-10001-2  250 844-70125-0  396 845-AS-1400100  154
844-00323-0  319 844-10002-0  250 844-70126-0  396 845-AS-1400200  154

3.1 Numerical index

845-AS-1600100  153 845-CS-1090050  100 845-IC-2000040  144 845-IPP-5816480  114

845-AS-1600200  153 845-CS-1090100  100 845-IC-2000080  144 845-IPP-5916016  111
845-AS-1700100  153 845-CS-1090250  100 845-ID-0001010  203 845-IPP-5916096  111
845-AS-1700200  153 845-CS-1100050  100 845-ID-0001100  203 845-IPP-5916480  111
845-AS-1800002  163 845-CS-1100100  100 845-ID-0002010  202 845-IPS-1016016  107
845-AS-1800010  163 845-CS-1100250  100 845-ID-0002100  202 845-IPS-1016096  107
845-AS-7000015  163 845-CS-1110050  100 845-ID-0003010  204 845-IPS-1216016  108
845-AS-8000015  163 845-CS-1110100  100 845-ID-0003100  204 845-IPS-1216096  108
845-AS-9000100  161 845-CS-1110250  100 845-ID-0006010  141 845-IPS-1516016  109
845-BP-0010010  38 845-CS-1120050  100 845-ID-0006100  141 845-IPS-1516096  109
845-BP-0010050  38 845-CS-1120100  100 845-ID-0007010  141 845-IPS-2016016  105
845-BP-0010250  38 845-CS-1120250  100 845-ID-0007100  141 845-IPS-2016096  105
845-BP-0020010  39 845-CS-1130050  100 845-ID-0008010  141 845-IPS-2116016  112
845-BP-0020050  39 845-CS-1130100  100 845-ID-0008100  141 845-IPS-2116096  112
845-BP-0020250  39 845-CS-1130250  100 845-IP-1096096  118 845-IPS-2416016  106
845-BP-0030010  37 845-CS-1140050  101 845-IP-1096480  118 845-IPS-2416096  106

845-BP-0030050  37 845-CS-1140100  101 845-IP-5112096  119 845-IPS-3016016  115
845-BP-0030250  37 845-CS-1140250  101 845-IP-5112480  119 845-IPS-3016096  115
845-BP-3100010  49 845-CS-1150050  101 845-IPP-1016016  107 845-IPS-5016016  116
845-BP-3100025  49 845-CS-1150100  101 845-IPP-1016096  107 845-IPS-5016096  116
845-BP-3100050  49 845-CS-1150250  101 845-IPP-1016480  107 845-IPS-5516016  113

3 Numerical index
845-BP-3200010  48 845-CS-1160050  102 845-IPP-1216016  108 845-IPS-5516096  113
845-BP-3200025  48 845-CS-1160100  102 845-IPP-1216096  108 845-IPS-5716016  110
845-BP-3200050  48 845-CS-1160250  102 845-IPP-1216480  108 845-IPS-5716096  110
845-BP-5100010  50 , 76 845-CS-1170050  102 845-IPP-1516016  109 845-IPS-5816016  114
845-BP-5100025  50 , 76 845-CS-1170100  102 845-IPP-1516096  109 845-IPS-5816096  114
845-BP-5100050  50 , 76 845-CS-1170250  102 845-IPP-1516480  109 845-IPS-5916016  111
845-CH-0010006  86 845-CS-1180006  101 845-IPP-2016016  105 845-IPS-5916096  111
845-CH-0010030  86 845-CS-1180012  101 845-IPP-2016096  105 845-IR-0003010  80 , 146
845-CS-1010050  99 845-CS-1180024  101 845-IPP-2016480  105 845-IR-0003050  80 , 146
845-CS-1010100  99 845-EP-1000010  83 845-IPP-2116016  112 845-IS-1001010  211, 219
845-CS-1010250  99 845-EP-1000050  83 845-IPP-2116096  112 845-IS-1001025  211, 219
845-CS-1020050  101 845-EP-1000200  83 845-IPP-2116480  112 845-IS-1001050  211, 219
845-CS-1020100  101 845-EZ-1000500  151 845-IPP-2416016  106 845-IS-1002010  220
845-CS-1020250  101 845-EZ-2000500  151 845-IPP-2416096  106 845-IS-1002025  220
845-CS-1030050  99 845-EZ-3000500  152 845-IPP-2416480  106 845-IS-1002050  220
845-CS-1030100  99 845-EZ-6000500  152 845-IPP-3016016  115 845-IS-1003010  221
845-CS-1030250  99 845-FP-5010192  59 845-IPP-3016096  115 845-IS-1003025  221
845-CS-1040050  99 845-FP-5010384  59 845-IPP-3016480  115 845-IS-1003050  221
845-CS-1040100  99 845-FP-5010960  59 845-IPP-5016016  116 845-IS-1004010  205
845-CS-1040250  99 845-IA-2006010  140 845-IPP-5016096  116 845-IS-1004025  205
845-CS-1050050  99 845-IA-2006025  140 845-IPP-5016480  116 845-IS-1004050  205
845-CS-1050100  99 845-IA-2006050  140 845-IPP-5516016  113 845-IS-1005010  206
845-CS-1050250  99 845-IA-2007010  139 845-IPP-5516096  113 845-IS-1005025  206
845-CS-1060050  101 845-IA-2007025  139 845-IPP-5516480  113 845-IS-1005050  206
845-CS-1060100  101 845-IA-2007050  139 845-IPP-5716016  110 845-IS-1006010  209
845-CS-1060250  101 845-IC-1000008  143 845-IPP-5716096  110 845-IS-1006025  209
845-CS-1070050  99 845-IC-1000040  143 845-IPP-5716480  110 845-IS-1006050  209
845-CS-1070100  99 845-IC-1000080  143 845-IPP-5816016  114 845-IS-1007010  222
845-CS-1070250  99 845-IC-2000008  144 845-IPP-5816096  114 845-IS-1007025  222

3.1 Numerical index

845-IS-1007050  222 845-KF-4815250  126 845-KS-1570010  93 845-KS-4900500  47, 75

845-IS-1008010  210 845-KF-4815750  126 845-KS-1570050  93 845-KS-5010010  59
845-IS-1008025  210 845-KF-4896096  135 845-KS-1570250  93 845-KS-5010050  59
845-IS-1008050  210 845-KF-4896480  135 845-KS-1580010  91 845-KS-5010250  59
845-IS-1009010  223 845-KF-4996096  136 845-KS-1580050  91 845-KS-5020010  62
845-IS-1009025  223 845-KF-4996480  136 845-KS-1580250  91 845-KS-5020050  62
845-IS-1009050  223 845-KF-4998096  133 845-KS-2010010  68 845-KS-5020250  62
845-IS-1010010  208 845-KF-4998480  133 845-KS-2010050  68 845-KS-5030010  60
845-IS-1010025  208 845-KF-6015015  122 845-KS-2010250  68 845-KS-5030050  60
845-IS-1010050  208 845-KF-6015250  122 845-KS-2030010  66 845-KS-5030250  60
845-IS-1011010  207 845-KF-6015750  122 845-KS-2030050  66 845-KS-5040010  53
845-IS-1011025  207 845-KF-7015096  128 845-KS-2030250  66 845-KS-5040050  53
845-IS-1011050  207 845-KF-7015480  128 845-KS-2040010  64 845-KS-5040250  53
845-IS-7000010  213 845-KF-7115096  127 845-KS-2040050  64 845-KS-5050010  61
845-IS-7000025  213 845-KF-7115480  127 845-KS-2040250  64 845-KS-5050050  61
845-IS-7000050  213 845-KF-8015015  121 845-KS-2060010  70 845-KS-5050250  61
845-IS-9000010  190 845-KF-8015250  121 845-KS-2060050  70 845-KS-5140010  56
845-IS-9000025  190 845-KF-8015750  121 845-KS-2060250  70 845-KS-5140050  56
845-IS-9000050  190 845-KF-8096096  129 845-KS-2070010  65 845-KS-5140250  56

845-IS-9000100  190 845-KF-8096480  129 845-KS-2070025  65 845-KS-5200010  84

845-IV-1010015  188 845-KS-0040010  51, 77 845-KS-2070050  65 845-KS-5200050  84
845-IV-1010050  188 845-KS-0040050  51, 77 845-KS-2080010  30 , 67 845-KS-5200250  84
845-IV-1010100  188 845-KS-1010010  28 845-KS-2080050  30 , 67 845-KS-5210005  85
3 Numerical index

845-IV-1020010  188 845-KS-1010050  28 845-KS-2080250  30 , 67 845-KS-5210010  85

845-IV-1020025  188 845-KS-1010250  28 845-KS-2090010  55 845-KS-5240010  54
845-IV-1020050  188 845-KS-1020010  32 845-KS-2090025  55 845-KS-5240050  54
845-IV-1020100  188 845-KS-1020050  32 845-KS-2090050  55 845-KS-5240250  54
845-IV-1100010  186 845-KS-1020250  32 845-KS-2100010  69 845-KS-5340010  57
845-IV-1100025  186 845-KS-1030010  33 , 49 845-KS-2100025  69 845-KS-5340050  57
845-IV-1100050  186 845-KS-1030050  33 845-KS-2100050  69 845-KS-5340250  57
845-IV-1300010  185 845-KS-1030250  33 845-KS-2510010  97 845-KS-6000010  42
845-IV-1300025  185 845-KS-1040010  29 845-KS-2510050  97 845-KS-6000050  42
845-IV-1300050  185 845-KS-1040050  29 845-KS-2510250  97 845-KS-6000250  42
845-IV-2020010  190 845-KS-1040250  29 845-KS-2540010  95 845-KS-6100010  43
845-IV-2020025  190 845-KS-1050010  31 845-KS-2540050  95 845-KS-6100050  43
845-IV-2020050  190 845-KS-1050050  31 845-KS-2540250  95 845-KS-6100250  43
845-IV-2020100  190 845-KS-1050250  31 845-KS-2560010  96 845-KS-7000010  44
845-KF-1296010  393 845-KS-1060010  36 845-KS-2560050  96 845-KS-7000050  44
845-KF-4396096  130 845-KS-1060050  36 845-KS-2560250  96 845-KS-7000250  44
845-KF-4396480  130 845-KS-1060250  36 845-KS-3000010  34 845-MG-2000002  250
845-KF-4515015  124 845-KS-1070010  35 845-KS-3000025  34 845-MG-2000015  250
845-KF-4515250  124 845-KS-1070050  35 845-KS-3000050  34 845-MG-2000050  250
845-KF-4515750  124 845-KS-1070250  35 845-KS-4600010  45 845-ML-0011025  253
845-KF-4596096  134, 137 845-KS-1510010  92 845-KS-4600050  45 845-ML-0012025  253
845-KF-4596480  134, 137 845-KS-1510050  92 845-KS-4600250  45 845-ML-0013025  253
845-KF-4615015  125 845-KS-1510250  92 845-KS-4700010  73 845-ML-0014025  253
845-KF-4615250  125 845-KS-1540010  89 845-KS-4700050  73 845-ML-0021025  254
845-KF-4615750  125 845-KS-1540050  89 845-KS-4700250  73 845-ML-0022025  254
845-KF-4715015  123 845-KS-1540250  89 845-KS-4800010  46 , 74 845-ML-0023025  254
845-KF-4715250  123 845-KS-1560010  90 845-KS-4800050  46 , 74 845-ML-0036025  260
845-KF-4715750  123 845-KS-1560050  90 845-KS-4800250  46 , 74 845-ML-0041025  255 , 257
845-KF-4815015  126 845-KS-1560250  90 845-KS-4900100  47, 75 845-ML-0042025  255 , 257

3.1 Numerical index

845-ML-0051025  256 847-30251-0  264 847-0101002503  241 847-0101005602  237

845-ML-0052025  256 847-30260-0  264 847-0101002601  241 847-0101005702  237
845-ML-0112025  252 847-30270-0  264 847-0101002603  241 847-0101005802  237
845-ML-0114025  252 847-30340-0  264 847-0101002701  241 847-0101005902  237
845-ML-0210025  259 847-30350-0  264 847-0101002703  241 847-0101005903  237
845-ML-0221025  258 847-30360-0  264 847-0101002801  241 847-0101006002  237
845-ML-0222025  258 847-0101000101  239 847-0101002803  241 847-0101006003  237
845-ML-1000001  259 847-0101000102  239 847-0101002901  241 847-0101006102  237
845-RT-5000010  157 847-0101000103  239 847-0101002903  241 847-0101006103  237
845-RT-5000050  157 847-0101000301  239 847-0101003003  241 847-0101006202  237
845-RT-5000200  157 847-0101000302  239 847-0101003101  241 847-0101006203  237
845-RT-6000100  156 847-0101000303  239 847-0101003103  241 847-0101006302  237
845-RT-6000200  156 847-0101000601  239 847-0101003201  241 847-0101006303  237
845-RT-7000100  156 847-0101000602  239 847-0101003203  241 847-0101006402  237
845-RT-7000200  156 847-0101000603  239 847-0101003303  241 847-0101006403  237
845-SB-2090010  87 847-0101000701  239 847-0101003403  241 847-0101006502  237
845-SB-2090100  87 847-0101000702  239 847-0101003501  241 847-0101006503  237
845-ST-1010100  162 847-0101000703  239 847-0101003503  241 847-0101006602  237
845-ST-1010500  162 847-0101000802  240 847-0101003603  241 847-0101006702  237

845-ST-1020100  162 847-0101000803  240 847-0101003702  241 847-0101006802  243
845-ST-1020500  162 847-0101000902  240 847-0101003703  241 847-0101006803  243
845-ST-3010003  162 847-0101000903  240 847-0101003802  241 847-0101006901  243
845-ST-3010006  162 847-0101001002  240 847-0101003803  241 847-0101006903  243

3 Numerical index
845-ST-4010003  162 847-0101001003  240 847-0101003902  241 847-0101007003  243
845-ST-4010006  162 847-0101001102  240 847-0101003903  241 847-0101007101  239
846-050-213  384, 386 , 390 847-0101001103  240 847-0101004002  241 847-0101007102  239
846-050-225  384, 386 847-0101001202  240 847-0101004003  241 847-0101007103  239
846-050-231  384, 386 , 390 847-0101001203  240 847-0101004102  241 847-0101007201  239
846-050-232  384, 386 , 390 847-0101001302  240 847-0101004103  241 847-0101007202  239
846-050-253  384, 386 , 390 847-0101001303  240 847-0101004202  241 847-0101007203  239
846-050-254  384, 386 , 389 847-0101001402  240 847-0101004203  241 847-0101007301  239
846-050-255  384, 386 , 389 847-0101001403  240 847-0101004301  238 847-0101007302  239
846-050-258  325 , 392 847-0101001502  240 847-0101004304  238 847-0101007303  239
846-050-259  325 , 384, 386 847-0101001503  240 847-0101004401  238 847-0101007401  239
846-050-260  325 , 384, 390 847-0101001602  240 847-0101004404  238 847-0101007402  239
846-050-310  384, 386 , 388 847-0101001603  240 847-0101004501  238 847-0101007403  239
846-050-320  384, 386 , 388 847-0101001702  240 847-0101004504  238 847-0101007501  239
846-055-001  345 847-0101001703  240 847-0101004601  238 847-0101007502  239
846-055-002  375 847-0101001802  240 847-0101004604  238 847-0101007503  239
846-057-002  345 , 375 847-0101001803  240 847-0101004701  238 847-0101007601  239
846-057-007  375 , 380 847-0101001902  240 847-0101004704  238 847-0101007602  239
846-057-009  375 847-0101002002  240 847-0101004801  238 847-0101007603  239
846-057-012  345 847-0101002003  240 847-0101004804  238 847-0101007701  240
846-057-013  345 , 367, 375 847-0101002101  240 847-0101004901  238 847-0101007702  240
846-057-016  375 847-0101002103  240 847-0101004904  238 847-0101007801  241
846-057-017  375 847-0101002201  241 847-0101005004  238 847-0101007803  241
846-20016-4  374 847-0101002203  241 847-0101005104  238 847-0101007903  241
846-20018-0  374 847-0101002301  241 847-0101005204  238 847-0101008003  241
846-20018-4  374 847-0101002303  241 847-0101005304  238 847-0101008102  237
846-20110-0  347, 361 847-0101002401  241 847-0101005402  237 847-0101008103  237
847-20101-2  264 847-0101002403  241 847-0101005403  237 847-0101008303  241
847-30250-0  264 847-0101002501  241 847-0101005502  237 847-0101008403  241

3.1 Numerical index

847-0101008501  237 847-0102002903  234 847-0102005503  235 847-0104000109  194

847-0101008502  237 847-0102003001  234 847-0102005601  235 847-0104000110  192
847-0101008503  237 847-0102003003  234 847-0102005603  235 847-0104000111  192
847-0101008601  237 847-0102003101  232 847-0102005701  235 847-0104000112  192
847-0101008602  237 847-0102003103  232 847-0102005703  235 847-0104000113  191, 192
847-0101008603  237 847-0102003201  231 847-0102005801  235 847-0104000114  191, 192
847-0101100102  240 847-0102003203  231 847-0102005803  235 847-0104000120  216
847-0101100103  240 847-0102003301  234 847-0102005901  235 847-0104000121  217
847-0101100202  240 847-0102003303  234 847-0102005903  235 847-0104100102  193
847-0101100203  240 847-0102003401  234 847-0102006001  235 847-0104300101  193
847-0102000101  235 847-0102003403  234 847-0102006003  235 847-0104400107  194
847-0102000103  235 847-0102003501  231 847-0102006201  231 847-0104400108  191
847-0102000201  235 847-0102003503  231 847-0102006203  231 847-0104400110  192
847-0102000203  235 847-0102003601  232 847-0102006301  232 847-0104400111  192
847-0102000601  235 847-0102003603  232 847-0102006303  232 847-0104400112  192
847-0102000603  235 847-0102003701  232 847-0102006401  232 847-0104400113  191, 192
847-0102000701  233 847-0102003703  232 847-0102006403  232 847-0104400114  191, 192

847-0102000703  233 847-0102003801  231 847-0102006501  233 847-0106000104  243

847-0102000801  233 847-0102003803  231 847-0102006503  233 847-0106000203  243
847-0102000803  233 847-0102003901  231 847-0102006601  232 847-0106000303  243
847-0102000901  233 847-0102003903  231 847-0102006701  236 847-0106000402  243
3 Numerical index

847-0102000903  233 847-0102004001  231 847-0102006703  236 847-0106000501  243

847-0102001001  233 847-0102004003  231 847-0102006801  236 847-0106000603  243
847-0102001003  233 847-0102004101  234 847-0102006803  236 847-0106000703  243
847-0102001101  233 847-0102004103  234 847-0102006901  236 847-0106000801  243
847-0102001103  233 847-0102004201  234 847-0102006903  236 847-0106000903  243
847-0102001201  233 847-0102004203  234 847-0102007001  236 847-0106001001  243
847-0102001203  233 847-0102004301  234 847-0102007003  236 847-0106001103  243
847-0102001301  234 847-0102004303  234 847-0103000101  233 847-0106001203  243
847-0102001303  234 847-0102004401  232 847-0103000103  233 847-0106001305  243
847-0102001401  234 847-0102004403  232 847-0103000201  235 847-0106100301  243
847-0102001403  234 847-0102004501  231 847-0103000203  235 847-0106100404  243
847-0102001501  234 847-0102004503  231 847-0103000301  235 847-0106200301  243
847-0102001503  234 847-0102004601  231 847-0103000303  235 847-0106200404  243
847-0102001601  234 847-0102004603  231 847-0103000401  233 847-0106300301  243
847-0102001603  234 847-0102004701  231 847-0103000403  233 847-0106300404  243
847-0102001704  234 847-0102004703  231 847-0103000501  234 847-0106400303  243
847-0102001801  231 847-0102004801  232 847-0103000503  234 847-0106400401  243
847-0102001803  231 847-0102004803  232 847-0103000601  234 847-0106400501  243
847-0102001901  232 847-0102004901  235 847-0103000603  234 847-0107000102  241
847-0102002001  232 847-0102004903  235 847-0103000701  235 847-0107000103  241
847-0102002101  233 847-0102005001  235 847-0103000703  235 847-0107000202  241
847-0102002201  233 847-0102005003  235 847-0103000801  232 847-0107000203  241
847-0102002301  233 847-0102005101  232 847-0103001001  231, 232 847-0107000302  242
847-0102002401  236 847-0102005103  232 847-0103001003  231, 232 847-0107000402  242
847-0102002501  236 , 243 847-0102005201  232 847-0104000102  193 847-0107000502  242
847-0102002601  233 847-0102005203  232 847-0104000103  193 847-0107000602  242
847-0102002701  234 847-0102005301  232 847-0104000104  193 847-0107000703  242
847-0102002703  234 847-0102005303  232 847-0104000105  194 847-0107000706  242
847-0102002801  234 847-0102005401  235 847-0104000106  194 847-0107000803  242
847-0102002803  234 847-0102005403  235 847-0104000107  194 847-0107000806  242
847-0102002901  234 847-0102005501  235 847-0104000108  191 847-0107000902  242
3.1 Numerical index

847-0107000903  242 847-0202002132  177 847-0207300504  183 848-1808-1000  275

847-0107001003  242 847-0202002142  177 847-0207300532  183 848-1808-1021  275
847-0107001006  242 847-0207200102  171 847-0207300534  183 848-1808-1022  275
847-0107001102  242 847-0207200104  171 847-0207300542  183 848-1808-1031  275
847-0107001201  242 847-0207200132  171 847-0207300544  183 848-1808-1041  275
847-0107001202  242 847-0207200134  171 847-0207300552  183 848-1808-1051  275
847-0107001302  242 847-0207200142  171 847-0207300554  183 848-1808-1061  275
847-0107001303  242 847-0207200144  171 847-0207300562  183 848-1808-1062  275
847-0107001402  242 847-0207200152  171 847-0207300564  183 848-1808-1063  275
847-0107001403  242 847-0207200154  171 847-0207300572  183 848-1808-1064  275
847-0107001502  242 847-0207200162  171 847-0207300574  183 848-1808-1065  275
847-0107001503  242 847-0207200164  171 847-0207400402  182 848-1808-1066  275
847-0107001603  242 847-0207200172  171 847-0207400404  182 848-1808-1067  275
847-0107001606  242 847-0207200174  171 847-0207400442  182 848-1808-1071  275
847-0107001703  242 847-0207200182  171 847-0207400444  182 848-1808-1072  275
847-0107001706  242 847-0207200184  171 847-0207400462  182 848-1808-1093  275
847-0107001802  242 847-0207200302  173 847-0207400464  182 848-1808-1094  275

847-0107001902  242 847-0207200304  173 847-0207400502  172 848-1808-1095  275
847-0107002002  242 847-0207200342  173 847-0207400504  172 848-1808-1121  275
847-0107002102  242 847-0207200344  173 847-0207400542  172 848-1808-1131  275
847-0107002202  242 847-0207200352  173 847-0207400544  172 848-MX-1000100  319

3 Numerical index
847-0202000102  177 847-0207200354  173 847-0207400562  172 848-MX-1001100  325
847-0202000132  177 847-0207200362  173 847-0207400564  172 848-MX-1004010  214
847-0202000142  177 847-0207200364  173 847-0207400682  184 848-MX-1004025  214
847-0202000162  177 847-0207300102  170 847-0207400684  184 848-MX-1004050  214
847-0202000202  177 847-0207300104  170 847-0207500202  174 848-MX-1004100  214
847-0202000232  177 847-0207300132  170 847-0207500204  174 849-00001-02  379
847-0202000242  177 847-0207300134  170 847-0207500232  174 849-00001-03  379
847-0202000302  180 847-0207300142  170 847-0207500234  174 849-00001-04  379
847-0202000342  180 847-0207300144  170 847-0207500242  174 849-00001-05  379
847-0202000402  180 847-0207300152  170 847-0207500244  174 849-00002-02  379
847-0202000442  180 847-0207300154  170 847-0207500252  174 849-00002-03  379
847-0202001002  179 847-0207300162  170 847-0207500254  174 849-00002-04  379
847-0202001042  179 847-0207300164  170 847-0207500262  174 849-00002-05  379
847-0202001102  179 847-0207300172  170 847-0207500264  174 849-00005-02  379
847-0202001142  179 847-0207300174  170 847-0207500272  174 849-00005-03  379
847-0202001202  178 847-0207300182  170 847-0207500602  181 849-00005-04  379
847-0202001232  178 847-0207300184  170 847-0207500604  181 849-00005-05  379
847-0202001242  178 847-0207300274  174 847-0207500642  181 849-00006-02  379
847-0202001262  178 847-0207300302  175 847-0207500644  181 849-00006-03  379
847-0202001402  177 847-0207300304  175 847-0207500662  181 849-00006-04  379
847-0202001432  177 847-0207300342  175 847-0207500664  181 849-00006-05  379
847-0202001442  177 847-0207300344  175 847-0501000103  384, 389 849-00011-0  279
847-0202001462  177 847-0207300362  175 847-0501000203  384, 389 849-00012-0  279
847-0202001602  177 847-0207300364  175 847-0501000502  384, 389 849-00015-0  279
847-0202001632  177 847-0207300402  176 847-0501000602  384, 389 849-00100-2  366
847-0202001642  177 847-0207300404  176 848-1808-0505  275 849-00100-4  366
847-0202002002  178 847-0207300442  176 848-1808-0506  275 849-00101-2  366
847-0202002032  178 847-0207300444  176 848-1808-0555  275 849-00101-4  366
847-0202002042  178 847-0207300462  176 848-1808-0556  275 849-00102-2  366
847-0202002062  178 847-0207300464  176 848-1808-0565  275 849-00102-4  366
847-0202002102  177 847-0207300502  183 848-1808-0566  275 849-00103-2  366
3.1 Numerical index

849-00103-4  366 849-00530-2  357 849-20037-0  374 849-30052-0  277

849-00110-0  366 849-00530-4  357 849-20037-4  374 849-30057-0  277
849-00111-0  366 849-00531-2  357 849-20052-0  374 849-30080-0  277
849-00112-0  366 849-00531-4  357 849-20052-4  374 849-30081-0  277
849-00113-0  366 849-00533-2  357 849-20060-0  374 849-30082-0  277
849-00120-0  366 849-00533-4  357 849-20060-4  374 849-30083-0  277
849-00121-0  366 849-00534-2  357 849-20070-0  374 849-30084-0  277
849-00130-0  366 849-00540-2  357 849-20070-4  374 849-30085-0  277
849-00131-0  366 849-00540-4  357 849-20100-0  345 , 358 , 361 849-30101-2  380
849-00132-0  366 849-00541-2  357 849-20110-0  345 , 358 849-30101-4  380
849-00133-0  366 849-00541-4  357 849-20111-0  345 , 358 , 361 849-30200-0  279
849-00202-0  358 , 361, 367 849-00542-2  357 849-20500-0  361, 367 849-30201-0  279
849-00203-0  358 , 361, 367 849-00542-4  357 849-20501-0  367 850-100-007-005  198
849-00300-2  367 849-00544-2  357 849-20510-0  345 , 358 , 361 850-201-004-0012  132
849-00300-4  367 849-00544-4  357 849-20511-0  345 , 358 , 361 850-201-004-0024  132
849-00301-2  367 849-00545-2  357 849-20512-0  367, 375 850-300-001-0012  131

849-00301-4  367 849-00550-2  361 849-20520-0  345 , 358 , 361 850-300-001-0024  131

849-00302-2  367 849-00550-4  361 849-20521-0  345 , 358 , 361 850-301-001-0010  103
849-00302-4  367 849-00600-0  356 , 357 849-20522-0  367, 375
849-00330-0  368 849-00601-0  356 , 357 849-20523-0  345 , 358 , 375
849-00331-0  368 849-00602-0  356 , 357 849-20600-0  367
3 Numerical index

849-00332-0  368 849-00603-0  356 , 357 849-20601-0  367

849-00333-0  368 849-00604-0  357 849-20602-0  279, 367, 375
849-00334-0  368 849-20001-0  374 849-20603-0  367
849-00335-0  368 849-20001-4  374 849-20605-0  358 , 367, 375
849-00336-0  368 849-20003-0  374 849-20700-0  361
849-00337-0  368 849-20003-4  374 849-20701-0  361
849-00400-0  368 849-20011-0  374 849-20702-0  361
849-00401-0  345 , 361, 368 849-20011-4  374 849-30001-2  277
849-00402-0  345 , 361, 368 849-20012-0  374 849-30001-3  277
849-00403-0  368 849-20012-4  374 849-30001-4  277
849-00404-0  368 849-20013-0  374 849-30001-5  277
849-00405-0  368 849-20013-4  374 849-30002-2  277
849-00406-0  368 849-20014-0  366 , 374 849-30002-3  277
849-00407-0  368 849-20014-4  366 , 374 849-30002-4  277
849-00408-0  368 849-20015-0  374 849-30002-5  277
849-00409-0  368 849-20015-4  374 849-30003-2  277
849-00410-0  368 849-20016-0  374 849-30003-3  277
849-00411-0  368 849-20017-0  374 849-30003-4  277
849-00412-0  368 849-20017-4  374 849-30003-5  277
849-00500-2  345 849-20019-0  374 849-30004-2  277
849-00500-4  345 849-20019-4  374 849-30004-3  277
849-000501-2  345 849-20020-0  374 849-30004-4  277
849-00501-4  345 849-20020-4  374 849-30004-5  277
849-00510-2  347 849-20021-0  366 , 374 849-30005-2  279
849-00510-4  347 849-20021-4  366 , 374 849-30005-3  279
849-00520-0  347 849-20034-0  374 849-30005-4  279
849-00521-0  347 849-20034-4  374 849-30005-5  279
849-00522-0  347 849-20035-0  374 849-30050-0  277
849-00523-0  347 849-20035-4  374 849-30051-0  277

4.1 A – Z index

A – Z Index
Borrelia Assay  140, 220
Botulinum toxin  263
Accessories  13 BTV RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX   135
Adapter for BioShake   273 Buffer  28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50,
Adapter for FasTrans   307 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 76, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97,
Alpha-Synuclein  191 121, 122, 123, 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 136, 151, 152, 157, 163, 186
Anaplasma Assay  140, 222 BVDV / INFL / SP Virus Kit - KFFLX   136
Antibodies  168
for human Alpha-Synuclein   225
for human TAU   226
for human tissue transglutaminase   229 Campylobacter Assay  208, 256
Product finder  231, 232 , 234, 236 cDNA synthesis  46, 73, 74, 124, 125, 126, 134, 135, 136, 137, 157, 187,
189, 221
Special monoclonal antibodies   230
Cell cycle  180
Apoptosis  180
ChemStudio  10, 363, 366
Automated isolation  133
ChemStudio PLUS  363
Automated nucleic acid extraction   104, 292
ChemStudio PLUS manual   366
Automatic isolation of nucleic acids   117
ChemStudio PLUS motorized   366
ChemStudio product line   362
B CCD-Camera 510  364
Babesia Assay  140, 223 CCD-Camera 610  364
Bacillus anthracis  263 CCD-Camera 810  364
Bacteria DNA Kit   42, 122 ChemStudio SA  363, 366
Bacteria DNA Kit - KFml   122 CHIPCUVETTE®  296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302
Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit   92, 97 Cleanup products  58
Bacteria/Fungi RNA Kit   97 innuPREP DOUBLEpure Kit   61
benchBL  375
innuPREP DYEpure Kit   62
benchBL 26  372
innuPREP Gel Extraction Kit   60
benchUV  375
benchUV FirstLight®  375
innuPREP PCRpure 96 Kit   59
innuPREP PCRpure Kit   59, 62

benchUV high performance   375
benchUV WL  373, 375 Color or FRET modules   322
benchWL  373 Consumables  13
Beta-Amyloid Antibodies  227 Consumables for KingFisher ® systems  393
BIAffinity®  413 Contamination protection  293
BioImaging  342 Control kits  140, 141

4 A – Z index
BioShake adapter  273 for tick diagnostics   140 , 141
BioShake iQ  270, 271, 272, 274, 275 Crosslinker  380
BioShake XP  270, 271, 272, 274, 275
Bisulfite All-In-One Kit   144
Bisulfite Basic Kit   143 D
blackPREP  16, 18, 20, 24, 37, 38, 39, 48, 49, 50, 76, 77, 80, 139, 140, 141, Desoxynukleotide  161
146, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223 Ladders and gel loading   162
FFPE DNA Kit   39 Reagents and additives   163
Food DNA Kit I   48 , 139, 205 , 206 Detection systems  170, 181, 185, 191, 202
Powder DNA/RNA Kit   51, 77 Diagnostics of Nucleic Acids   168, 169, 201, 218
Rodent Tail DNA Kit   38 Diagnostics of proteins   168
Swab DNA Kit   37 Direct Amplification Kit A   83
Tick DNA Kit   49, 140 , 219, 220 , 222 , 223 DNA amplification  326
DNA extraction  18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Tick DNA/RNA Kit   50 , 76 , 140 , 219, 220 , 221, 222 , 223
DNA Ladder  151, 162
blomesystem®  400, 402, 408, 413
6× Loading Dye Bromophenol Blue   162
Designer  400 , 402 , 408
6× Loading Dye Orange G   162 , 163
Report Generator  402
Blood DNA Kit - KFFLX   129
innuSTAR 100 bp DNA Ladder   151, 162
Blood DNA Master Kit   35 innuSTAR 100 bp DNA Ladder Express   162
Blood DNA MIDI Direct Kit   34 DNA Micro Kit   28
Blood DNA Midi Kit   33, 130 DNA Mini Kit   29, 32
Blood DNA Mini Kit   32 DNA Polymerase  83, 151, 152, 333, 334
Blood DNA Mini Kit-IPC96   118 DNA/RNA extraction  293
Blood RNA Kit   68 DNA/RNA Mini Kit   30, 67
Blood RNA MIDI Direct Kit   69 dNTP’s  161
Blood & Tissue DNA Kit - KFFLX   132 DOUBLEpure Kit  61
Blood & Tissue DNA Maxi Kit - KFFLX   131 DYEpure Kit  62
Bordetella Assay  185

4.1 A – Z index

E.coli O104 Assay   139, 204, 209, 211, 257 Immuno-Assays
E.coli O157 Assay   207, 255, 259 Kits for human Alpha-Synuclein   191
Emission filter  345, 356, 368 Kits for human TAU protein   192
ENMO® Client  406, 407 Kits for Prion proteins   193
ENMO®hydro  406 Kits for special parameters & staining   194
ENMO® Server  406, 407 Influenza A/B Assay   189, 190
ENMO® Site  406, 407 Influenza A/H1N1 Assay   252
Enrichment Kit  81 innuAMP Food DNA Test   139
Enzymes  157 innuAMP Tests  17
ePaTOX II  261, 262, 264 innuAMP Tick DNA Test   76, 140
Conditioning Kit  264 inNucleotide  161
Demo & Control Kit   264 innuCONVERT  144
Maintenance Kit  264 innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit   80, 143
Pathogen DNA Kit I   263, 264 innuCONVERT Bisulfit Kits   8
Toxin Kit I   263, 264 innuDETECT  139, 141
Washing Kit  264 innuDETECT Assays  8, 168
Extraction kits for KingFisher® systems  133 E.coli O104 Assay   204
Extraction system  122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 130, 286 Internal Control DNA Assay   141
Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay   141
F Internal Control RNA Assay   141
Falcon tubes  273 Listeria spp. Assay   203
FFPE DNA Kit-IPC16   111 Salmonella spp. Assay   202
FlexCycler  45, 139, 140, 386 innuDETECT Internal Control DNA Assay   74
FlexCycler²  336, 386 innuDETECT Internal Control DNA/RNA Assay   74
Food DNA  48, 139, 205, 206 innuEASY Kits  16
Food DNA Kit-IPC16   110 innuMIX  153
Forensic Kit  31 innuMIX Green PCR MasterMix   153, 154

Francisella tularensis  263 innuMIX qPCR MasterMix Probe   159

free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit   79, 145 innuMIX qPCR MasterMix SyGreen   159
innuPREP  16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 42, 43,
44, 45, 46, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 84, 96,
G 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122,
Gel Extraction Kit   60 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 188, 190
4 A – Z index

Gel Imaging  342 Bacteria DNA Kit   42 , 122 , 207, 208 , 209, 210
GelStudio  10, 349, 356 Bacteria DNA Kit-IP-C16   113
GelStudio Box  356 Bacteria DNA Kit - KFml   122
GelStudio Box 1   354 Blood DNA Kit - KFFLX   129
GelStudio Box 2   354, 355 Blood DNA Master Kit   35
GelStudio Darkhood  353
Blood DNA MIDI Direct Kit   34
GelStudio digital  343, 348, 375
Blood DNA Midi Kit   33 , 130
GelStudio digital compact   375
GelStudio Hood  356
Blood DNA Midi Kit-IP-C16   108
GelStudio live  343, 350, 375 Blood DNA Midi Kit - KFFLX   130
GelStudio live compact   351, 375 Blood DNA Mini Kit   32
GelStudio SA  359, 375 Blood DNA Mini Kit-IP-C16   107
GelStudio Systems  348 Blood RNA Kit   68
GelTower  343, 346 Blood RNA MIDI Direct Kit   69
Gene expression  178 BTV RNA Kit - KFml   126
GeneTheatre  129, 304, 305, 306, 379, 394 DNA I Kit - KFml   121
Green PCR MasterMix   154 DNA Kit-IP-C16  105
DNA Micro Kit   28
H DNA Mini Kit   29, 32
H1N1 Assay  187, 188
DNA/RNA Mini Kit   30 , 67
Hematology  177 DNA/RNA Virus PLUS Kit - KFFLX   137
HEPA filter  292 DNase I  85
HID-Pro 320  286, 288, 290, 296, 298, 300, 301, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332 DNase I Digest Kit   84
Homogenizer  280 DOUBLEpure Kit  61
SpeedMill PLUS  16 , 276 , 280 , 282 , 284 DYEpure Kit  62
HOT-A DNA Polymerase   83, 152, 333 Forensic DNA Kit-IPC16   106
Human Diagnostics  170, 181, 185 Forensic Kit  31
Human TAU protein   192 Gel Extraction Kit   60
Hybridization Ovens  276

4.1 A – Z index

Micro RNA Kit   66 Plant RNA Kit   70 , 96

MP Basic Kit A   47, 75 Soil DNA Kit   91
Mycobacteria DNA Kit   43 Stool DNA Kit   44, 93 , 128
Mycobacteria DNA Kit-IP-C16   114 Tissue DNA Kit   89, 127
PCRpure 96 Kit   59 Tissue RNA Kit   95
PCRpure Kit  59, 62 innuTaq  83, 151, 152, 333
Plant DNA Kit-IP-C16   109, 110 DNA Polymerase  83 , 151, 152 , 333 , 334
Plant DNA Kit - KFFLX   133 HOT-A DNA Polymerase   83 , 152 , 333
Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit   55 RED DNA Polymerase   151
Plasmid Mini Kit   53 , 54 UltraPure DNA Polymerase   152
Plasmid Mini Kit Plus   54 Instruments  13, 269
Plasmid Rapid Kit   56 Automated nucleic acid isolation   286
Plasmid Small Kit   57 Biomolecular interaction analysis   376
RNA MIDI Direct Kit   65 Liquid handling  304
RNA Virus PLUS Kit - KFFLX   134 Mixing and homogenization   270
Stool DNA Kit   44, 93 , 128 Sample preparation  283
Stool DNA Kit-IP-C16   115 Spectrophotometer/fluorescence detection  296
Stool DNA Kit - KF96   128 Thermal cycler  83 , 186 , 187, 189, 221, 247, 248 , 298 , 326 , 328 , 336
Swab DNA Kit-IP-C16   112 Internal Control Assays   141
Tissue DNA Kit   89, 127 In-vitro diagnostics  28, 29, 42
Isolation kits for InnuPure® C16
Virus DNA/RNA Kit   46 , 74, 125
innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit-IP-C16   113
Virus DNA / RNA Kit-IP-C16   116
innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit-IP-C16   108
Virus RNA Kit   188 , 190
innuPREP DNase I   85
innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit-IP-C16   107
innuPREP Kits - IP-C16   17 innuPREP DNA Kit-IP-C16   105
innuPREP Kits - KFml   16 innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit-IP-C16   114
innuPREP Proteinase K   86 innuPREP Plant DNA Kit-IP-C16   109, 110
InnuPure® 96  22 innuPREP Stool DNA Kit-IP-C16   115

InnuPure® C16  22, 24, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 298 innuPREP Swab DNA Kit-IP-C16   112
Adapter for 4 Reagent Strips   290 innuPREP Virus DNA / RNA Kit-IP-C16   116 , 118
Priming Station  288 , 290 Isolation kits for InnuPure®-systems  104, 117
Sample Tray  287, 288 , 289, 290 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems  120
UV lamp for InnuPure® C16  290 Isolation of genomic DNA   16, 26, 29, 32, 90

4 A – Z index
InnuPure® C96  11, 24, 117, 292, 293, 294 blackPREP FFPE DNA Kit   39
innuSCRIPT  156 blackPREP Food DNA Kit   48 , 139, 205 , 206
innuScript Reverse Transcriptase   157 blackPREP Rodent Tail DNA Kit   38
innuSOLV  24 blackPREP Swab DNA Kit   37
innuSOLV RNA Reagent   86, 87 blackPREP Tick DNA Kit   49, 140 , 219, 220 , 222 , 223
innuSPEED  16, 18, 20, 24, 65, 70, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit   50 , 76 , 80 , 140 , 146 , 219, 220 , 221,
101, 102, 282
222 , 223
Bacteria/Fungi DNA Kit   92 , 97
Blood DNA MIDI Direct Kit   34
Bacteria/Fungi RNA Kit   97
innuEASY Direct Amplification Kit A   83
Lysis Tube A   99
innuPREP Blood DNA Master Kit   35
Lysis Tube B   99
innuPREP Blood DNA Midi Kit   33 , 130
Lysis Tube C   99
innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit   32
Lysis Tube D   99
innuPREP DNA Micro Kit   28
Lysis Tube E   99
innuPREP DNA Mini Kit   29
Lysis Tube F   100
innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit   30 , 67
Lysis Tube G   100
innuPREP Forensic Kit   31
Lysis Tube H   100
innuPREP Plant DNA Kit   36
Lysis Tube I   100 Isolation of microbial DNA   40, 91
Lysis Tube J   100 innuPREP Bacteria DNA Kit   42 , 122
Lysis Tube P   101 innuPREP Mycobacteria DNA Kit   43
Lysis Tube Q   101 innuPREP Stool DNA Kit   44, 128
Lysis Tube S   101 innuPREP Virus DNA Kit   45 , 123
Lysis Tube W   101 INSTANT Virus DNA Kit   45
Lysis Tube X   101 Powder DNA/RNA Kit   51
Lysis Tube Y   102 Isolation of microbial RNA   71
Lysis Tube Z   102 innuPREP Virus RNA Kit   73 , 124, 188 , 190
Plant DNA Kit   36 , 90 Powder DNA/RNA Kit   51

4.1 A – Z index

Isolation of plasmid DNA   52 innuSPEED Lysis Tube E   99

innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit   53 , 54 innuSPEED Lysis Tube F   100
innuPREP Plasmid Mini Kit Plus   54 innuSPEED Lysis Tube G   100
innuPREP Plasmid Rapid Kit   56 innuSPEED Lysis Tube H   100
innuPREP Plasmid Small Kit   57 innuSPEED Lysis Tube I   100
isolation of plasmid DNA   55 innuSPEED Lysis Tube J   100
Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit   55 innuSPEED Lysis Tube P   101
Isolation of total RNA   63 innuSPEED Lysis Tube Q   101
blackPREP Tick DNA/RNA Kit   50 , 76 , 80 , 140 , 146 , 219, 220 , 221, innuSPEED Lysis Tube S   101
222 , 223 innuSPEED Lysis Tube W   101
Blood RNA MIDI Direct Kit   69 innuSPEED Lysis Tube X   101
innuPREP Blood RNA Kit   68 innuSPEED Lysis Tube Y   102
innuPREP Micro RNA Kit   66 innuSPEED Lysis Tube Z   102
innuPREP Plant RNA Kit   70 , 96 Lysis Tubes LV   103
innuPREP RNA Mini Kit   64, 66
innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit   46 , 74, 125 M
innuPREP Virus RNA Kit   73 , 124, 188 , 190 Magnetic particle based extraction system   286
innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi RNA Kit   97 Magnetic particle separation   117, 292
innuSPEED Plant RNA Kit   70 , 96 magnetic racks  75
innuSPEED Tissue RNA Kit   95 Magnetrack  81, 250
RNA MIDI Direct Kit   65 Manual and automated RNA extraction   24
Manual DNA extraction   18, 20
Microplate  317, 330, 333, 384, 386, 390
K Microplate 36 LP   384, 386 , 390
KingFisher®  22, 24, 393 Microplate 96 LP   384, 386
Kits and reagents for diagnostics   12 Microplate 96 non-skirted   384, 386
Kits and reagents for nucleid acid isolation   12 Microplate 384 fully-skirted   384, 386
Kits for human Alpha-Synuclein   191 Micro RNA Kit   66

Kits for human TAU protein   192 MIDI Spin Filter   34, 55, 65, 69
Kits for Prion proteins   193 Minimal residual disease   177
Kits for special parameters & staining   194 MobiLab  246, 247, 248, 249
Campylobacter Assay  256
L CASE  250
4 A – Z index

LABbase®  400, 401, 402, 403, 413

E.coli O104 Assay   257
Laboratory automation E.coli O157 Assay   255 , 259
GeneTheatre  129, 304, 305 , 306 Influenza A/H1N1 Assay   252
InnuPure® C16  286 , 287, 288 , 289, 290 , 298 Listeria spp. Assay   254
SELMA 96 / 384   129, 309, 310 , 311, 395 , 396 Mycoplasma Assay  260
SpeedMill PLUS  16 , 276 , 280 , 282 , 284 ONE – Base unit   250
Laboratory notebook  7, 166, 268 ONE – Block system Combi   250
Ladders and gel loading   162 Pork Assay  259
6× Loading Dye Bromophenol Blue   162 Salmonella spp. Assay   253
6× Loading Dye Orange G   162 , 163 Shigella Toxin II Assay   258
innuSTAR 100 bp DNA Ladder   151, 162 Mobile diagnostics  12
innuSTAR 100 bp DNA Ladder Express   162 MP Basic Kit A   75
Life Science unlimited   4 MRD  177
LIMS  13, 400, 401, 403, 404, 408 Multidrug resistance  179
Liquid handling  292, 304 Mycobacteria DNA Kit   43
GeneTheatre  129, 304, 305 , 306 , 379
SELMA 96 / 384   129, 309, 310 , 311, 395 , 396 N
Listeria Assay  139, 206 Normalization of gene expression quantification data   178
LOOXSTER®  9, 17, 132, 200, 413 Norovirus RNA Detection Kit   184
LOOXSTER® Enrichment  200 Nucleic acid extraction using a homogenizer   88
LOOXSTER® Enrichment Kit   81
Lysis Tubes  16, 35, 49, 50, 76, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 103, 122,
273, 282
Oncology  177
innuSPEED Lysis Tube A   99
One Step RT-PCR Probe Kit   156
innuSPEED Lysis Tube B   99
One Step RT-PCR SyGreen Kit   156
innuSPEED Lysis Tube C   99
Orthopoxvirus  263
innuSPEED Lysis Tube D   99 Overview starting material   384, 385, 386, 387

4.1 A – Z index

rapidSTRIPE  45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 73, 74, 76, 125, 134, 137, 139, 140, 168,
186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 214, 219, 220, 221,
PCR enzymes and reagents   150 222, 223
PCR-grade H2O  163
Anaplasma Assay  140 , 222
PCRpure 96 Kit   59
Babesia Assay  140 , 223
PCRpure Kits  59, 62
Bacillus Anthracis Assay   214
PCR Reaction Buffer with KCl (10x)   163
PCR Reaction Buffer with NH4 (10x)   163 Bordetella Assay  185
PCR UV Cabinets & Workstations   9, 376 Borrelia Assay  140 , 220
Pertussis Assay  186 Campylobacter Assay  208
Pipetting head  306 E.coli O104 Assay   209, 210 , 211
Plant DNA Kit   36, 90 E.coli O157 Assay   207
Plant DNA Kit - KFFLX   133 H1N1 Assay  187, 188
Plant RNA Kit   70, 96 H1N1 Detection Assay   187
Plasmid MIDI Direct Kit   55 Influenza A/B Assay   189, 190
Plasmid Mini Kit   53, 54
Listeria Assay  139, 206
Plasmid Mini Kit Plus   54
Mycoplasma Assay  213
Plasmid Rapid Kit   56
Pertussis Assay  186
Plasmid Small Kit   57
Plastic  139, 140, 187, 189, 219, 220, 221, 223 Rickettsia Assay  140 , 219
Microplates, tubes, strips and foils   388 Salmonella Assay  205
Pipetting tips  394 Shigella Toxin II Assay   209, 210
rapidSTRIPE Anaplasma Assay   76
Sealing  389, 390 , 391, 392
rapidSTRIPE Babesia Assay   76
Selection chart  384, 386
rapidSTRIPE Borrelia Assay   76
PME free-circulating DNA Extraction   79, 145
rapidSTRIPE TBE Assay   76
Polymer Mediated Enrichment   8, 79
Reaction Buffer with KCl   163
Pork Assay  211, 259
Reaction Buffer with NH4   163
Priming Station  288, 290
readyLIMS®  404, 405
prion protein  228
Reagents  163
Prion proteins  193

Cleanup products  58
Proteinase K  86
Proteins  168 Desoxynukleotide  161
Beta-Amyloid proteins  240 , 241 Detection systems  170 , 181, 185 , 191, 202
Prion proteins  239 Enzymes for cDNA synthesis   157
Recombinant and synthetic proteins   243 External extraction control   138 , 142
innuSPEED Kits  16

4 A – Z index
Synucleins  237
TAU proteins  238 innuSPEED Lysis Tubes   99
PRRSV DETECT ELISA   216 Isolation kits for InnuPure®-systems  104, 117
PRRSV NA/EU TYP ELISA   217 Isolation kits for KingFisher®-systems  120
PureProve®  9, 17, 103, 131, 413 Isolation of genomic DNA   16 , 26 , 29, 32 , 90
Blood & Tissue DNA Maxi Kit - KFFLX   131 Isolation of microbial DNA   40 , 91
Isolation of microbial RNA   71
Isolation of plasmid DNA   52
Q Isolation of total RNA   63
qPCR  205, 206, 315, 316 Ladders and gel loading   162
qPCR MasterMix Probe   159 rapidSTRIPE  48 , 49, 50 , 76 , 139, 140 , 168 , 186 , 187, 188 , 189, 190 ,
qPCR MasterMix SyGreen   159
205 , 206 , 208 , 219, 220 , 221, 222 , 223
qPCRsoft  322
Reagents and additives   163
qTOWER  202, 203, 204, 314, 315, 316, 319, 384
Reagents for molecular biology   12
qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2   202, 203, 204, 320, 321, 386
Real-time PCR
Quantitative real-time PCR   320
qTOWER  314, 315 , 316 , 319
Quick-X-Change block exchange system   336
qTOWER 2.0 / 2.2   320
TOptical  319, 325
R Real-time PCR assays for food quality control   168
rapid PCR  16, 44, 62, 83, 139, 140, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 202, 203, 204, Real-time system  202
205, 206, 208, 220, 221, 223, 247, 248, 314, 316, 317, 319, 326, 327, 328, 329, RED DNA Polymerase   151
333, 334, 384, 389, 390 Reverse Transcriptase  157
Sealing foils  389, 390 , 391, 392 Ricin  263
Rickettsia Assay  140, 219
Sealingfolien  389
RNA extraction  24, 25
SpeedCycler  2  298 , 328 , 329
RNA Mini Kit   30, 64, 66, 67
rapidPCR  141
RNA Reagent  87
rapidPCR MasterMix  153
RNA Virus Kit - KFFLX   134, 135, 137

4.1 A – Z index

RoboGene®  172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 181, 182, 183, 184 Thin-walled tube  388
RoboGene® Assays  168, 170 Tick DNA Kit   49, 140, 219, 220, 222, 223
BF H5N1 RNA Qualitative Kit   182 Tick DNA/RNA Kit   50, 76, 140, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223
EBV DNA Quantification Kit   175 Tick DNA Test   140
HBV DNA Quantification Kit – CE   170 Tissue DNA Kit   89, 127
HCMV DNA Quantification Kit   174 Tissue DNA Kit - KF96   127
Tissue RNA Kit   95
HCV RNA Quantification Kit – CE   171
TOptical  202, 203, 204
HDV RNA Quantification Kit   172
Total RNA  30, 50, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 76, 87, 95
HIV-1 Quantification RNA Kit   173
extraction of viral and bacterial nucleic acids   51
HSV DNA Qualitative DNA Kit   181 Toxin  261
Norovirus RNA Detection Kit   184 Transilluminators  370, 372, 373
PVB19 Quantification DNA Kit   176 benchUV 20SML  370
TB DNA Qualitative Kit   183 benchUV 26Xi  370
RoboStrip® benchUV 40Lhi  371
8 Well RoboStrip® to be closed with sealing tapes   389 benchUV FirstLight®  371
Rodent Tail DNA Kit   38
UVstar WL  372
Tube Fixation  284
S Tubes with flat cap   388
Salmonella Assay  205 Tumor research  180
Sample Holder P12   284
Sample Holder P20   284
Sample Tray  287, 288, 289, 290 U
Sealing foil  391, 392 Ultrathin-walled 8 well Strip LP   389
SEB  263 UV Incubator  278
Selection charts  384, 385, 386, 387 UV lamp  292
SELMA 96 / 384   129, 309, 310, 311, 313, 395, 396 UVLink 1000 Crosslinker   380
Sepsis  195 UVsolo TS  342, 343, 344, 345
Service  13 UVsolo TS2  345

Shigella Toxin II Assay   210, 258 UVstar-Transiluminatoren  370

Soil DNA Kit   91 UV transparent gel scoop   375
Special parameters & staining   194
Spectrophotometer  296
ScanDrop®  296 , 297, 298 , 301, 330 , 413 V
SpeedCycler  384 Validation CHIPCUVETTE®  299, 302
4 A – Z index

SpeedCycler²  298, 328, 329, 384 Virus DNA Kit   45, 123

SpeedMill  11 Virus DNA Kit - KFml   123
SpeedMill PLUS  16, 276, 280, 282, 284 Virus DNA/RNA Kit   46, 74, 125
Speed ready mix   83 Virus DNA/RNA Kit-IPC96   119
Standard PCR devices   208, 336 Virus DNA/RNA Kit - KFml   125
Standard PCR enzymes and reagents Virus RNA Kit   73, 124, 188, 190
Desoxynukleotide  161 Virus RNA Kit - KFml   124, 190
Enzymes for cDNA synthesis   157 Visi-Blue converter plate   372
Ladders and gel loading   162 VisionWorksLS Analysis Software   352
VisionWorksLS software  364
Standard qPCR  202, 203, 204
VYOO®  8, 197, 413
Stool DNA Kit   44, 93, 128
Stool DNA Kit - KF96   128
Strips  121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 288, 289, 290, 330, 384, 386, 388,
Yersinia pestis  263
Swab DNA Kit   37
Swabs  121

TBE Assay  140, 221
Thermal cycler  83, 186, 187, 189, 221, 247, 248, 298, 314, 316, 326, 328,
FlexCycler  45 , 139, 140
SpeedCycler  2  298 , 328 , 329
Thermal mixer  270
BioShake iQ  270 , 272 , 274, 275
BioShake XP  270 , 272 , 274, 275
Thermopapier  345

4.1 A – Z index

4 A – Z index













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