Heart Chakra Handout
Heart Chakra Handout
Heart Chakra Handout
Deb Phelps
THE HEART 608 216 2805
Those with an open, well balanced heart chakra Meditation can help to restore proper energy flow to
are full of love, forgiveness and compassion. But if the heart chakra. And since meditation is such a
this chakra is blocked, anger, grief, hatred and deeply personal experience, you should take time to
jealousy will manifest. And no matter whether a find a practice that works best for you.
person has experienced blockage since childhood, or Try this guided meditation:
Positive affirmations can help you increase The corresponding spoken Bijas Mantra for the fourth
the positive energy associated with the fourth chakra. chakra is Yam, which is considered to be the seed of
These can include little notes you leave for yourself the heart and depicted in the heart chakra
on the bathroom mirror or computer monitor. symbolism. So the mantra for the anahata is ‘YAM.’
“I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” Chant this to heal both the physical and the spiritual
“My heart is open to love.” love and compassion. Mantras can be repeated
seemingly opposite energies, one of the best DEB PHELPS, C.MI, MMT, RYT 500, LVCYT, YOGA THERAPIST IT
breathwork techniques that not only balances your Certified Mindfulness Meditation Instructor