Schmertmann Method
Schmertmann Method
Schmertmann Method
Settlement of spread footing using CPT tests according to Schmertmann theory is based on the formula:
χ - modulus factor
Strain influence factor Iz is located on the horizontal axis of the following chart. The depth below the footing base is located on the vertical
Determination of Iz factor (Schmertmann, 1978)
Diagram of the factor Iz also depends on the ratio of footing length l and footing width b.
For the ratio l/b = 1 maximum value of strain influence factor Izp is in the depth b/2 below the footing bottom and overall settlement is
calculated to the depth 2b below the footing bottom.
For the ratio l/b = 10 maximum value of strain influence factor Izp is in the depth b below the footing bottom and overall settlement is
calculated to the depth 4b below the footing bottom.
Where: σzp - geostatic stress in the depth of b/2 (for ratio l/b = 1) or b (l/b = 10) below the footing bottom
Strain influence factor Iz is interpolated for intermediate values of ratio l/b (1 < l/b < 10).
Schmertmann, J.H. (1970). Static cone to compute static settlement over sand. ASCE Journal of SoilMechanics & Foundations Division, 96
(3), 1011-1043.
Schmertmann, J.H., Hartmann, J.P. and Brown, P.R. (1978). Improved strain influence factor diagrams,ASCE Journal of the Geotechnical
Engineering Division, 104 (GT8), 113
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