Starting A Small Business in SA
Starting A Small Business in SA
Starting A Small Business in SA
Starting a
Small Business
in South Africa
Table of contents
will help you run your business and you will have
First, grab a pen and notebook – you’ll need to
take notes, jot down ideas and document what
Start with the right mindset
you’re thinking. Ultimately your business plan and
There are two key secrets to start-up success: You financial plan will live in a word document and an
need to plan properly, and you need to execute excel document, but we’ve got you covered there
that plan. Just having an idea isn’t enough. Real too, with two free downloads: your own business
success lies in how you put that idea into place – plan template and financial planning tool.
Work through the guide slowly. There’s no rush.
This is a lot of information to take in and it won’t
happen overnight. If your ultimate goal is to
launch a start-up that can change your life and
those around you though, this will give you the
foundation you need.
1: Write your business plan like a pro
As a start-up entrepreneur you know you need a business Start with an idea that will work
What does stress-testing my idea mean?
We believe it’s to ensure success. Your business plan
should be a step-by-step guide that makes sure you’ve A stress-test, according to Harvard Business Review, is a
thought of everything you need to do to build a great test of how a system, process or idea works in the real
world, when it’s under pressure.
Here’s the reality: Many start-ups fail because The point of a stress-test is to help you see where your
entrepreneurs make crucial mistakes during their business business is weakest before it’s really in trouble.
Many start-ups are based on assumptions. This isn’t Step 1: Keep these 5 key questions top-of-mind the entire
necessarily a bad thing. Successful start-up entrepreneurs time you are researching your market and creating your
spot problems and go with their gut while they develop business plan.
Think about it this way: You’re trying to find all the reasons
Some of the world’s biggest and most successful why your idea and business won’t work so that you can
businesses have been built on gut-instinct – on knowing solve any potential problems before they pop up.
on market feedback.
application. Make sure all of your documents are product, you’ve launched too late.”
Here’s how the lean start-up method Grow your plan as you grow your business. Start with the
important parts: The purpose of the business, your
ultimate motivation for starting, who your target market is
Tip 1: Keep it simple, stupid (KISS)
straight forward. Don’t overcomplicate your plan too early Top Tip: If you have your plan in the Cloud, your whole
by including everything, just start with the essentials.
team will have access to it, and it can grow seamlessly
• Your strategy.
• The data you pull along the way (what you need to Tip 3: Keep things loose
be measuring – in LinkedIn’s case this was users on You need to stay on top of your ever-changing plan. You
the platform).
expected, that’s great. Your plan tells you how the different
areas are connected so that you can adjust everything else.
• What you think your business will achieve.
Did something take longer than expected? Go back to don’t want to spend hours writing your plan, only
your plan and look at how everything is interconnected to be told that you need to rework it into another
and establish the reasons why it took longer. Once you format.
• Look online: Most organisations offer Business Your full business plan is important for three reasons.
Plan guidelines on their websites in the 1. If you want to approach a funder or lender
Application section.
referring to it again.
it? Be critical!
2. Company Description
it is (how to register your business is covered in Part 4), much are you going to charge, and what your distribution
who the owners are and if there are any signif icant assets.
strategy will be.
Also include your business mission statement, business How to get this section right:
1. The Market
2. The Industry
2. Unpack your industry. What industry are you
3. The Opportunity
3. Stress-test your work. Does your pitch hold up a. Where is the gap in the market?
3. Market Breakdown
4 . Keep it lean
This section should be between 2 to 3 pages. It involves a Remember that as you learn more; your market,
high level of research and includes insights into the industry and opportunity may change. By keeping
industry your business operates in and the opportunity your business plan agile, you can re-adjust your
4. Strategic Plan
one-to-two well-researched pages: How will you compete? 5. Business Model Description
motivations and requirements? What is your primary Your business model determines how much prof it you will
competitor doing? How will you compete with them? make. Keep this section to approximately a page, and
Where could unexpected competition come f rom? include your products and services, why your offering is
you’ll make minus costs, and how much money it will take
to get your business off the ground. You need to use your
2. What makes your business special?
Stress-test your business model to see if your business will 7. Marketing Strategy
make payments.
they are (both online and offline).
8. Operational Strategy
Operations is all about the day-to-day running of your Don’t overload this section with detailed f inancials.
business. Where will your off ices be? What equipment are Rather have projections and supporting document in the
you using? What processes will your team follow? What appendix. Your detailed f inancials live in your Financial
will keep the business running, and how much money is Plan.
needed to do so?
How to get this section right: ensure everything is covered. Experienced investors,
10. Appendix
Don’t skip any steps in this section. Supporting documents can slow a reader down, but
• Start-up costs: How much it will cost you to investors might still want to review them after they’ve read
launch your business and where you expect to get your business plan. That’s where your appendix comes in.
by quarter.
financial plan
Financial planning is one of the biggest factors that can if your costs are higher than projected, an issue many
make or break a start-up business. That’s why it’s essential start-ups run into.
The good news is that if this does happen, you will have
We know this can be a daunting task for many the tools and information you need to decide if you must
entrepreneurs, particularly if you’re new to budgeting and increase sales or adjust your business model to reach your
We’ve built this beginner’s guide to give you a good However, without a roadmap to follow, it’s much harder to
understanding of each part of a comprehensive Financial hit your turnover goals and ensure you make a prof it.
of time
Best of all, the process of creating – and then following – a become a working document you can revisit on a
financial plan stress-tests your numbers and your monthly basis.
assumptions, radically increasing your chances of
succeeding in your entrepreneurial venture.
The financial plan of an established business will include Financial plans are really important if you want to
financial statements, balance sheets, and other financial approach investors and banks:
• Venture capitalists, angel investors, alternative
funders and banks, require you to be able to prove
A new business (without a trading history) should include that your business is on a growth path.
Why financial planning is so important for • Banks and other lenders need to see that your
your business?
There are two reasons that all business owners need a 6 Benefits of a financial plan
financial plan:
4. It also includes a Forecast to predict how much Great entrepreneurs will tell you that you need to do the
revenue your business will generate, and when opposite – once you create your f inancial plan, you need to
check it regularly.
5. Financial planning keeps you on top of your cash Your f inancial plan is the ideal tool for effectively and
flow – more specif ically, it helps you to keep cash prof itably managing your business.
occur when expenses outpace revenue forecasts. To master your f inancial plan like a boss, block out one
Poor cash flow is often the result of overspending day a month where you f ill in your actual numbers in the
projections. Now you know how your business is doing,
your business, and to detect cash flow problems Not only will this help you to revise future projections, but
early on so that you can address them quickly and you will immediately notice if your cash flow is under
pressure, may be under pressure in the future, or if costs
a monthly basis.
Poor cash flow happens for a number of different reasons: the expense of creating the goods or services that
• It’s difficult to make the best decisions for your 1. For start-ups, a financial plan can show if or when
business in the short- and long-term if you don’t your business will start making a profit.
Once the business is operational, your financial
• You also need to understand how much you need 3. plan will guide your day-to-day spending
to spend in order to offer your product or service to decisions.
the market (including salaries, office rentals etc)
third years.
• Pricing
• Unit costs
Once you have your Gross Margin, you will know what you
have left to cover general administration costs and what
• Units x unit costs = cost of sales you can invest in your brand’s growth through marketing,
branding, capital expenditure etc.
recommends that entrepreneurs with new business capacity to deliver a service or product, and your
ideas get into the market as quickly as possible. This ability to gain a maximum prof it for your business.
The difference between Fixed and Variable
realistic as well
• A E
n xpense Budget is the tool that helps you to
you might require, storage, distribution, marketing,
• It lists Fixed Costs and Variable Costs and helps you • Operating costs are made up of Fixed Costs and
Goods Sold’
List each item separately, and then add them all up to get
off ice overheads etc, which you would incur even if
an operational cost.
you didn’t manufacture a single item.
Variable Costs:
• Marketing
Sale or COGS.
List each item separately, and then add them all up.
Your COGS per unit must be lower than the • A Cash Flow Statement shows the amount of cash
revenue it generates, or you will be running at a your business brought in, how much you paid out
determine whether your product is priced • Cash is the life-blood of businesses, making this a
correctly, and if your Sale Forecast will cover your critical document for you.
7. The rule of thumb is to aim to make double that month-by-month for the f irst year of operations.
and signing large deals, but forget that without cash flow,
• A Cash Flow Statement shows the physical rands Flow Statement will help you plan this.
One of the harsher realities of business is that how much Your Cash Flow Statement is also the area of your business
profit you are projected to make each month is that lenders and investors will want to review before
meaningless if you don’t have cash flowing into your bank considering giving you a loan or funding, as it’s a good
account. Profits on paper do not pay salaries, overheads or indicator of the health of your business.
suppliers. If you want to build a successful business, cash in
hand is critical. 4. Your Income Statement / Profit & Loss Statement
make money
• Track your invoices against your Cash Flow • This means that your Projected Income Statement
Statement as well to ensure every customer has is a way to plan your Profit and Loss Statement
been invoiced on time.
before the financial year begins
f rom past sales, then ask these three questions: 5. Your Balance Sheet: Assets and Liabilities
hand to sell)
How your Balance Sheet tracks Assets and • Equity: Owner’s equity, investor shares, retained
The total of your liabilities plus your total equity always What is a Break-even Analysis?
equals the total of your assets.
• It’s an important step in understanding whether • Variable Costs: Semi-variable costs that go up or
you have a good business idea: Can you realistically down depending on the activity of your business
generate sufficient sales revenue to cover your (includes raw materials).
Because a Balance Sheet is essentially an equation that
Having a clear understanding of your Break-even Point balances out, Assets go on one side of the sheet, and
(BEP) allows you to set your prices appropriately so that Liabilities on the other.
you can forecast when (and if) your business will become • If selling 600 units does not seem possible, you
3: Understanding business funding and finance
In this guide we unpack the difference between
99% of businesses in South Af rica fall into the second government grants, loans, equity funding, venture capital,
category – they launch a business without any f inancial angel investment and personal debt f inance so that you
can determine which funding or f inance options best suit
your needs.
funding though, and most companies reach a point where Government grants for small businesses are popular with
they need some capital to help them grow or fulf il a large start-up business owners because unlike bank loans that
need to be repaid with interest, grant funding does not
need to be repaid.
venture capitalist f irms and even the government, there This doesn’t mean it’s ‘f ree money’. The hurdles you need
are substantial sources of f inancial aid available for you to to go through to access partial or full f inancial support can
boost your business venture. You just need to know what be intense:
• Your business will need to align with a specif ic Who are government grants best suited to?
department’s website)
Make sure you approach the best government empowerment, job creation and developing the economy.
Because grants do not need to be repaid, there are disadvantaged individuals. This group includes black-
strict guidelines for applications and the process is owned, youth-owned and female-owned businesses.
funds you need to launch and grow your South You don’t need to pay grant money back (not even
Top tip: Government grants are there to support small staff, as one of government’s goals is job creation.
securing funding will increase if you can show how your Grants are designed to help you build your business, but
business will improve the lives of others. This can be also to pay it forward, so consider who else will benef it
through employment, solving a need or contributing to f rom your small business’s success.
economic growth.
What are the pros of government grants?
• This means that the barrier to entry is low if you’re The NYDA provides business funding for start-ups and
previously disadvantaged, young, or female and established businesses run by young entrepreneurs
have a solid business idea or plan.
• The funding criteria is specific and you may not Youth Pipeline Development Programme
• Find out: What they stand for, what they are trying
to achieve, and who they have awarded grants to in
Tourism Transformation Fund
the past. This should all be on their websites.
• If there is an export council in your industry,
Technology Innovation Agency (TIA)
approach them as well – they will be able to assist
The TIA has a number of grants available to fund start-ups you in the entire process.
based on research conducted in partnership with a higher
education institution or science council. The funding sations_contacts.jsp
2. Loan financing
Personal loans
• They invest in businesses, but they need to make Many start-ups are too new to have a strong track record.
sure it’s a safe investment
• A strong track record and usually some form of Should you choose to fund your business using money
surety are required to access a business loan.
from a personal loan, the lender will only consider your
personal finances, and a credit score over 700 is required
More recently, alternative funders have joined the lending to qualify.
f inance.
3. Equity funding
investors make money in two ways:
What is equity funding? • They earn dividends when the business makes
money. Your equity finance agreement will outline
Unlike a business loan, the investor takes an ownership the percentage of profits your investors will earn
percentage of the business in exchange for funding. There and when they will earn it.
• Holding companies that own a number of What are the pros of equity funding?
What are the pros of equity funding? Equity investment is a partnership. Whether you
approach a Private Equity Firm or Venture
• Equity investors are part-owners in your business. Capitalists, it’s important to make sure everyone
They have a strong interest in how well the business has the same values and goals for the business.
does and that their money fuels growth.
• If your equity funder is hands-on, you could face South African equity funders
Business Partners
business plans and forecasts that prove a secure 4. Venture capital funding
Businesses that are specifically built for growth are most • VC funding boosts your business’s credibility,
suited to venture capital. A VC will typically want to exit or inviting other investors and their networks to take
sell their shares within five to seven years. At that stage, an interest in you and even invest in your business.
they will ideally sell their shares for 10 times what they paid
for them.
What are the cons of venture capital?
A venture capitalist is therefore looking for three things:
Make sure you can answer these three key questions for • The better your company is managed, the higher
funders: Will they make money on the deal? Do you and the return the VC is likely to get. This could interfere
your team have the experience in your market to drive with how you want things to run.
AngelHub Ventures
Registered businesses have access to things that informal
The sooner you register your business in South Africa, the companies do not, including:
In South Africa, all businesses are registered with the More importantly, you need a business banking account
you don’t need to register before you start trading, but and not just on your personal bank balance.
• It provides a track record that’s important when Here are the four different types of businesses that can be
applying for a loan or for funding, because it shows registered:
The type of business you have will depend on two key 3. Proprietary Limited company (Pty Ltd)
of the court.
- Financial year-end
4. Public Company
- Number of directors
- Company name
A public company trades its shares on a stock exchange. - Whether the company name serves as the registration
How the share is trading will measure the value of the number
whole business. Anyone can become an equity owner in - The reserved name and reservation number
Once you’ve determined which type of business you will be This document needs to contain the following:
- Notice of Incorporation
- Memorandum of Incorporation
Supporting documents
Notice of Incorporation
your business, along with the CoR 14.1, CoR 15.1A for a
website at
- Type of company
- Incorporation date
Depending on the type of business, registration can cost • Costs. You can apply for up to four names during the
you anything between R125 and R475. You can register application process, but each name will cost your
your business within 24 hours if you aren’t reserving a around R50.
name first.
Register online
You may have heard the term ‘trading as’, which means
You can use the CIPC website to register your company the business is using their ‘trade name’ instead of their
online. Once you’ve registered as a CIPC customer, you legal business name.
need to have Pty Ltd after it, or other legal endings. For
example, McDonald’s is a trade name. The global fast-food There’s a time limit. You can register your name as
giant’s real legal business name is McDonald’s Corporation, a ‘defensive name’ and keep it safe until you’re
which doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.
ready to launch. This only lasts for two years. If you
But, if you’re planning to operate under a different name still aren’t ready to launch, you’ll need to re-register
from your legal business name, you’ll need to register your your defensive name.
trade name as well.
If you can’t come up with a name yourself, there are How do I make sure I get the company name I
business name generators to help you find a great name want?
for your business, here are three examples:
• Oberlo
• You have about 3 months to get sorted. You need
Using defensive names
to do this within 60 business days of starting your
business, whether you’re registering your company
Protect your name. You can also register a with CIPC or not.
employees or are importing/exporting goods you could employees. How it works is, you’ll put money aside f rom
also be liable for other taxes, duties, levies and your employees’ salaries so if they ever f ind themselves
contributions such as: unemployed, they can receive short-term relief f rom the
fund.imported goods.
Wh en can I o p en a Business B kA
an ccount ?
deducted f rom their salary or wages and is treated as Once you’ve registered your business and you’ve been
you’re running?
Skills Development Levy (SDL) : This is a levy that - Proof of CIPC registration: This can be a certif icate or a
employers must pay to encourage learning and group of documents depending on what type of business
against them.
Should I register my trademark overseas? What do I need to know about domain names
You may benefit from registering your trademark for websites?
overseas if you want to:
to start a business
Disclaimer: The web tools referred to in this section do not Communication & productivity tools for
belong to Old Mutual or are connected to Old Mutual in entrepreneurs
or solution to market.
low-cost tools and resources that are available for your The basic plan includes :
business. These tools save you time and help you to run your
• Gmail: G-Suite offers you an enhanced, ad-f ree
start-up smoothly and as you grow you can migrate to more
version of Gmail, offering your employees email
extensive packages that do come with a price-tag (but by
addresses with your business domain name.
• Google Docs and Google Sheets: These are text handling quotes and invoices.
documents and spreadsheets that you can create in
your browser. This tool enables employees to work
on a single document simultaneously.
Although this software isn’t free, Sage does offer a free trial
Affordable cloud accounting technology is available and and the prices are quite reasonable. They can be viewed
vital to help grow your business.
Online marketing & sales tools for MailChimp also offers detailed analytics that help you:
3. MailChimp
idea to set up a mailing list, create newsletters and send c) How many unsubscribed after receiving your email
d) These are all excellent data points that will help you
MailChimp is a one-stop shop for all your mass-email build better campaigns going forward.
4. Hootsuite
How this tool enables entrepreneurs: Social media is a great (and free) tool that can help you
• MailChimp offers an easy-to-use and customisable build your brand. Keeping up with multiple daily posts is
programme, with many options to make your email difficult and time consuming though, which is where
campaigns unique to your business.
• If you have less than 2000 email subscribers, you How this tool enables entrepreneurs:
5. HubSpot
In today’s connected world, people want to be able to talk • Sales Hub: Sales software that is designed as a
by yourself.
business owners to connect with customers.
Instead of wasting time trying to stay ahead of all of these Although not free, this software isn’t prohibitively
vital areas, you can use HubSpot to do it for you. expensive for start-ups and it can significantly help
your business growth if you utilise it. Find the prices
• This tool can automate your daily business • offers almost 400 step-by-step plans
activities, track sales and engage customers on for your marketing activity to help you achieve
different platforms, so you can focus on growing repeatable success and saves you the time of
your business.
• You can integrate the platform with your other • The benef its of using include detailed
tools like Microsoft Off ice, MailChimp, Google Apps how-to guides, designed specif ically to be used by
and cloud-based connectors.
• This tool works well for a start-up, small business, • The following guides are on offer:
This marketing platform is free if you’re working online, • Custom domain: Your website address will have
but if you want to download any of the plans and your business name in it.
resources, you’ll need to pay a fee every month. Access • Integrated with Google Maps: Google My Business
prices here.
9. Wix
8. Google My Business
website is a must. However, a poorly designed, broken, The templates are interchangeable and have customisable
slow or uninformative website will chase potential clients options, so you can design exactly what you’re looking for
away just as fast as having no website at all.
in terms of your online presence.
minutes. This tool is free, easy to use and you can edit your
website from your computer or phone. Here are some of • User-friendly designs allow you to drag and drop
the benefits of using Google My Business:
10. WordPress WordPress isn’t just for start-ups. Many top international
brands use WordPress including: Time Magazine,
WordPress started out as the go-to spot for bloggers, but Facebook, The New Yorker, Sony, Disney and The New York
has since grown into a powerful website builder and Times.
content management system.
The tool is easy-to-use and flexible enough to make your 11. Google Analytics
• A lot of people using WordPress aren’t web • How many new visitors you have
track how much traffic is coming to your pages and How this tool empowers entrepreneurs:
• You can pull powerful customisable reports that • You can easily add new tasks and assign them to
can tell you even more about the performance of your team members.
your website
• You can track any marketing campaign that is 13. Zoho Projects
Zoho Projects offers a 10-day free trial before you’ll need to Although the basic options are free, here are the prices for
start paying the subscription fees. Compare prices here.
14. SurveyMonkey
15. MoneyVersity
16. Coursera
17. Udemy
Coursera offers over 124 courses across 17 categories and is Udemy is another online course education site. It offers
the largest open online course education site in the world.
over 65 000 online video courses, with new additions every
It offers the option of taking a course for free, but you have month. Udemy also offers ongoing learning specifically for
to pay for the certificate at the end of the course.
How this tool empowers entrepreneurs: How this tool empowers entrepreneurs:
ongoing learning.
You can learn to optimise every aspect of your life with the
Evan Carmichael offers personal success and business tips He offers three f ree ‘PhilosophersNotes’ as eBooks to get
for entrepreneurs on his website. His site is f ree and offers you started and if you want to learn more you can sign up
eBooks to help you improve your skills and for the full experience.
20. Blinkist
Blinkist offers you key action points f rom the world’s best
• You still gain the benef its of the book, without • You can watch or listen to these interviews with
• The app is f ree to download and use, and gives you processes in place and eventually grow.
considered yet.
reasons why they succeed. But there are some situations discount their prices, believing they need to be the
that pretty much all start-ups will face at some point. cheapest option in order to beat their competitors.
MBA, it’s unlikely you tick all the boxes by yourself. This is
The faster you know what needs to be tweaked - Kerryne Krause-Neufeldt, founder of I-Slices
and know-how
Next Steps
YOUR Guide to Run Your Small Business like a Big Business and
- Join a networking group or business association.
Your Guide to Growing a Stronger Business.
- Your local chamber of commerce should be able to You can also access a comprehensive range of ‘how to’
point you towards a networking group in your area.
business articles designed to support you along every step
- There are many business groups on Facebook and of your start-up and growth journey on Old Mutual’s
solutions and how to get the right tools for your business.