Professional Pilot Magazine June 2024

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JUNE 2024

Redtail Air operates exclusive air tours over Utah’s national parks.
At CNY (Canyonlands, Moab UT) are (L–R) Director of Maintenance Willy
Robinet, Pilot Payton Mitchell, Chief Pilot Ethan Johnson, and Director of
Operations Dan Wheeler with a Daher Kodiak 100 and a Robinson R44.

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Jose Marian Tony Murray Eleni Rafael

June 2024 Vol 58 No 6
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June 2024 • Vol 58 No 6


Ad Index 6-24 lyt.indd 2 6/6/24 6: 2 PM

Ad Index 6-24 lyt.indd 3 6/6/24 6: 2 PM
June 2024 Vol 58 No 6

10 Features
Editorial opinion
by Kevin Singh
How bias affects pilot decision-making.

Crew resource management
22 by Don Witt
Training, research, and experience make flight operations safer.

Flight deck electronic aids
by Owen Davies
From basic information to advanced features, here’s what an EFB
application can do for your flight operation.


30 Redtail Air
by Jay Chandler
Tour operator flies adventure seekers out of CNY to national parks
around the Moab UT area.

2024 NBAA Maintenance Conference
by José Vásquez
Annual convention gathers attendees in Portland OR.

34 Salary Study 2024
by Pro Pilot staff
Competitive salaries with increases of 5% or more and strong
benefit packages to retain pilots in the field.


Single-pilot business aircraft
by Shannon Forrest
Some airmen will spend their entire careers operating as a
one-man crew. Here’s a compendium of single-pilot-certified
turbine-powered airplanes.


Contents-June.indd 4 6/ /24 2: PM
Contents-June.indd 5 6/ /24 2: PM
June 2024 Vol 58 No 6

Departments Cover
Redtail Air operates
exclusive air tours over
14 TERMINAL CHECKLIST Utah’s national parks.
Quiz on procedures when flying into BJC At CNY (Canyonlands,
(Rocky Mountain, Denver CO). Moab UT) are (L–R)
Director of Maintenance
Answers on page 16. Willy Robinet, Pilot
Payton Mitchell, Chief
18 SQUAWK IDENT Pilot Ethan Johnson, and
Director of Operations
Pro Pilot subscribers discuss the pilot Dan Wheeler with a Da-
retirement age rule and possible solutions. her Kodiak 100 and
a Robinson R44.
Photo by Redtail Air
News from the business aviation industry.

Read... participate... enjoy

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Contents-June.indd 6 6/ /24 2: PM
Contents-June.indd 7 6/ /24 2: PM

How bias affects pilot decision-making

Kevin Singh in the aviation industry as continuation bias, and these re-
ATP. Global 6000, ports at SKYbrary provide more details on events where
Challenger 600, this type of bias was a factor.
Hawker 800A/850XP Overconfidence bias is another common cognitive
Founder & CEO, trap that can influence cockpit decision-making. Pilots,
Icarus Jet like any professionals, may overestimate their abilities or
the reliability of their equipment, leading to risky deci-
sion-making. This could manifest in a pilot attempting a

n the dynamic world of avi- challenging landing in adverse weather or runway con-
ation, making immediate ditions, underestimating the potential hazards involved.
decisions in the cockpit is Moreover, confirmation bias – a tendency to seek out
part of the process, and the information that confirms pre-existing beliefs – can also
slightest misjudgment could cloud judgment in the cockpit. If a pilot is determined to
have profound consequences. complete a flight despite concerns raised by other crew
As an experienced pilot, I’ve members or external factors, they may selectively focus on
come to realize that our deci- information that supports their decision to proceed, disre-
sion-making methods are not garding warning signs. Constant communication and trust
immune to the complexities of amongst the crew play a huge role in avoiding this mental
human cognition. Based on the work of Amos Tversky and shortcut.
Daniel Kahneman in their book Judgment Under Uncer- Recent incidents in the aviation industry underscore
tainty: Heuristics and Biases, it’s evident that understanding the importance of addressing these cognitive biases.
these cognitive trends is crucial for enhancing safety and The tragic crash of a Bombardier Challenger 605 in
efficiency in modern aviation. 2021 serves as a sad reminder of how heuristics and bi-
The groundbreaking research proposed 50 years ago ases affect decision-making in the cockpit. Investigators
sheds light on how heuristics – mental shortcuts – often found that the flightcrew, influenced by what Tversky and
lead to systematic biases and errors in judgment. These Kahneman would designate as overconfidence bias, ig-
insights are particularly relevant in the cockpit, where pi- nored stall protection system warnings, which resulted in
lots must navigate through uncertain and rapidly changing a left-wing stall and an impact with the ground.
conditions. Allow me to illustrate how these concepts may Similarly, the disaster involving TransAsia Airways flight
play out in real-life aviation scenarios. GE222 in Taiwan back in 2014 highlights the dangers of
Consider the availability heuristic, where individuals overconfidence bias in the cockpit. An investigation ruled
tend to rely on information readily available in their minds. that the cause of the crash was an overconfident pilot
Imagine a scenario where a pilot recently encountered an who missed the runway in poor weather. He also ignored
engine malfunction during a flight. Subsequently, when safety protocols and decided to land instead of staying in
faced with a similar situation, the pilot may overestimate the air and flying on to make a landing elsewhere.
the likelihood of encountering the same issue again, po- In light of these incidents, aviation professionals must
tentially leading to cautious or overly conservative deci- recognize and mitigate the influence of heuristics and
sion-making. biases on decision-making processes. By developing
Representativeness heuristic – another cognitive bias constant awareness, mindfulness, and effective commu-
outlined by Tversky and Kahneman – can also influence nication, pilots can strive for more objective, rational
aviation decisions. Pilots may make judgments based on judgments, ultimately enhancing safety and efficiency
how well a situation aligns with their mental prototype of in aviation operations. Preparation plays a major role in
a particular scenario. For instance, if a certain type of air- achieving the previous while operators worldwide can
craft is known for its robustness in adverse weather condi- play their part by creating a collaborative climate among
tions, a pilot may underestimate the risks associated with the flightcrews with healthy schedules, compensation
flying that aircraft in turbulent weather, relying too heavily schemes, and continuous investment in training.
on past experiences or stereotypes. As we navigate the complex skies of modern aviation,
Adjustment and anchoring further exemplify how pilots’ I stress the importance of considering the invaluable les-
decisions can be influenced by initial information or ex- sons imparted by Tversky and Kahneman’s pioneering
pectations. Picture a pilot planning a flight route based on research, while discussing among other colleagues which
a preconceived notion of ideal weather conditions. De- biases can further impact the safety of an operation. By
spite receiving updated weather forecasts indicating de- embracing a culture of critical thinking and continuous
teriorating conditions along the planned route, the crew learning, we can soar to new heights and ensure the safe-
may anchor their decision to the initial plan, failing to ad- ty and well-being of all those who entrust their lives to our
just adequately to the new information. This is also known care in the air.


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Crew resource management

Training, research, and experience make flight operations safer.

The Staines Air Disaster involving a Hawker Siddeley Trident operated by British European Airways kicked off efforts to develop
CRM training.

By Don Witt to require cockpit voice recorders by Advent of CRM

Contributing writer 1973, and to the development of for-
malized crew resource management Aviation Psychologist Alan Diehl
(CRM) training. was a member of the NTSB inves-

n 1943, Boeing B-17 Flying For- In 1977, the infamous TFN (Tener- tigative team for this accident. He
tress crews in the UK thought of ife North, Spain) runway collision referred to principles of CRM in
the number of missions that they occurred in the confusion of multiple the NTSB report. Shortly thereafter,
had to fly before going home. With diversions to the island airport in ter- NASA held an industry conference
the horrendous loses occurring on rible visibility. It involved one of the to discuss CRM.
each mission, they did not need pa- most blatant examples of failure of In 1981, United Airlines rolled
per and pencil to calculate their odds CRM in aviation history, when the out the very first US CRM training
of surviving the war. They were very captain of KLM Flight 4805 dismissed program at its Denver CO training
close to zero. If a captain somehow the voice of his flight engineer, who center. All pilots had to attend what
brought his crew through to the end warned him twice about Pan Am was nearly a full week of initial CRM
of their tour of duty mostly intact, Flight 1736 still being on the runway. – then called command, leadership,
could one blame him for feeling he As yet, there was no formal require- and resource management (CLR). It
was somehow special? ment for CRM training in the US, nor consisted of some lecture, but it was
After the war, this contributed to did it begin with this event. mostly exercises wherein individu-
the development of a god complex In 1978, United Airlines Flight 173 al pilots roll-played various cockpit
for some airline captains. Failure of experienced an anomaly when the seats in imaginary cockpits, where
such individuals to heed advice or lis- pilots extended the landing gear for they were faced with various difficul-
ten to any plan but their own led to their approach to PDX (Intl, Portland ties. We all got the message about
several serious fatal accidents during OR). The crew became distracted in cooperation and about 2 or 3 heads
the decades after the war. trying to analyze the problem, flying being better than one.
In 1972, British European Airways around PDX for nearly an hour, and Over time, this training – and the re-
Flight 548 – a Hawker Siddeley Tri- finally lost all 4 of the Douglas DC-8’s current CRM training that would fol-
dent – crashed near Staines-upon- engines to fuel starvation. Ten pas- low – had a strong effect on United’s
Thames, killing all 118 aboard. The sengers and 2 crew members died cockpits, although it could not turn
aircraft had 2 flight data recorders, in the subsequent off-airport crash every single pilot into an Al Haynes.
but no cockpit voice recorder. Ac- landing. Richard Ferris, then United In 1989, United Airlines Flight 232
cident investigators concluded that CEO, complemented the captain on Captain Al Haynes and his crew gave
the captain had retracted the lead- his emergency landing with minimal a perfect demonstration of CRM in
ing edge devices at too low a speed, loss of life. Later on, when the cause the most dire of circumstances. The
someone had disabled the shaker of the accident became clear, such center engine of their McDonnell
and pusher when they occurred, and accolades were retracted. The cap- Douglas DC-10 failed catastrophical-
the airplane entered an unrecover- tain had ignored several suggestions ly, taking out all 3 hydraulic systems
able deep stall. This tragedy, known from his crew that the fuel situation of the aircraft, leaving it with no op-
as the Staines Air Disaster, led the UK was becoming critical. erating flight controls whatsoever. In


CRM 6-24 lyt.indd 10 6/6/24 5:2 PM

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CRM 6-24 lyt.indd 11 6/6/24 5:2 PM

in the post flight ride to a hotel.
So, are we there yet? As an interna-
tional aviation community, sadly, the
answer is not quite yet. The high de-
gree of automation in modern cock-
pits has been a fly in the ointment. Air
France Flight 447 crash in the Atlantic
Ocean represented a serious failure
of fundamental CRM in that there
was so little clear communication
between the flying pilots. Both FOs
were at the controls of the Airbus
A330 during the event, while the cap-
tain returned from crew rest quarters
to occupy a jump seat after things
were already hopeless. From the re-
cordings, at times it wasn’t clear who
was flying the airplane.
Completely opposite inputs to the
side sticks were made simultaneous-
Modern cockpits with high degrees of automation pose new challenges to the concept of ly by both pilots during Flight 447’s
crew resource management. loss of control. Sometimes the prior-
ity button on the side stick was used
the face of almost certain disaster, ing, management introduced new without any verbal announcement
the crew calmly employed all the concepts, like threat and error man- to take control. Sometimes they just
principles of CRM. Captain Haynes agement (TEM). made inputs while the other was fly-
solicited input from his copilot and CRM training now harbors more ing. It was complete breakdown of
flight engineer at every point, and than its share of acronyms. At Unit- cockpit discipline and CRM. The side-
even invited a pilot traveling in the ed Airlines, “CUS words” were in- sticks are not mechanically linked in
jump seat up to the cockpit. That troduced. The acronym stands for the A330. There is an aural warning
man’s name was Dennis Fitch, and he Concerned, Uncomfortable, and which sounds when both side sticks
was instrumental in controlling the Safety of flight. They are used by an are deflected, but in the emotionally
aircraft using differential power of the FO or a flight attendant. For exam- charged atmosphere of a loss of con-
wing-mounted engines. The prime ple an FO could say to the captain, trol this could be overlooked.
lesson of CRM here is to invite and “I am feeling uncomfortable with Boeing chose to stick with mechan-
welcome input from every source this approach.” These words focus ically linked control columns and
available. on the FO and his emotional state yokes in its 777 and 787 aircraft to
When Flight 232 contacted Unit- rather than the captain’s errors. Now avoid any confusion about dual in-
ed’s engineering department by ra- the captain could go around and try puts in their new aircraft, which are
dio to learn what procedures existed the approach again, believing that he fly-by-wire. There should not have
for their situation, the company told is merely comforting his less experi- been any dual inputs in the A330
them there were absolutely none. enced FO. Had the FO said some- cockpit, because good CRM would
Failure of all 3 hydraulic systems was thing like “Your approach is unstable, have made it clear at all times who
considered so unlikely that no proce- you should go around,” the captain should have been flying.
dures for this situation had ever been could have felt attacked and reacted As the nature and level of automa-
formulated. negatively, continuing the dangerous tion in cockpits changes, accidents
By the 1990s, CRM principles were approach. like Air France Flight 447 argue that
well understood and accepted in the TEM is a concept now presented in CRM/TEM needs to change with it.
western world. In fact, some United consort with CRM. Whereas CRM fo- Chapter 4 of FAA’s new AC 120-123,
Airlines captains had begun complain- cuses on skills of communication and Flightpath Management, contains a
ing that first officers (FOs) were often resource management, TEM covers good discussion of issues around au-
advocating their positions too strong- the process of managing operational tomation management.
ly and needed to back off. In these threats and crew errors. It is a way of
cases, the worm had certainly turned. compartmentalizing the subject of Don Witt was a USAF
crew performance. F-4 pilot and holds a
Enhancing CRM United Airlines publishes a handy DFC. He is a retired
set of cards to guide various briefings United Boeing 767
As decades passed, the advocacy and debriefings. One card guides de- and Airbus A320
and cooperation that CRM preached brief, covering what the crew did well captain and former
became part of the culture with flight- and what they could have done bet- safety manager for a
crews. More and more, CRM training ter, using each flight as a CRM/TEM large corporate flight
became folded into all aspects of ini- learning experience. CRM training department. He is presently a Learjet
tial and recurrent training. And when should reach every level of the flight instructor and has been a long-time
the subject became routine and bor- operation. It should even be present aerobatic instructor.


CRM 6-24 lyt.indd 12 6/6/24 5:2 PM


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CRM 6-24 lyt.indd 13 6/6/24 5:2 PM

Terminal Checklist 6/24
Answers on page 16

Refer to the 21-1 ILS or LOC Rwy 30R for KBJC (Rocky KBJC/BJC DENVER, COLO
Mountain, Denver CO) when necessary to answer the ROCKY MOUNTAIN METRO 11 JUN 21 21-1 .Eff.17.Jun. ILS or LOC Rwy 30R
following questions:
ATIS DENVER Approach (R) *METRO Tower *Ground

126.25 125.12 CTAF 118.6 121.7


LOC Final
ALIKE DA(H) Apt Elev 5673'
1. Localizer course guidance, glideslope, and GPS would IBJC Apch Crs

111.7 295^ 7000' (1401') 5799' TDZE 5599'
be the only equipment required to transition to and fly
MISSED APCH: Climb to 6380', then climbing RIGHT turn to 10200' on 7600
the ILS approach. heading 360^ and outbound on FQF VOR R-306 to HYGEN INT/D37.9 FQF
and hold, continue climb-in-hold to 10200', or as directed by ATC. 10,700

a True b False

Alt Set: INCHES Trans level: FL 180 Trans alt: 18000'
1. DME or Radar required. 2. Simultaneous reception of IBJC and BJC DME required.
3. DME from BJC VOR. 4. Use local altimeter setting; if not received, use Denver Intl
altimeter setting. 5. REIL and PAPI-L on Rwy 30L. 6. Pilot controlled lighting 118.6.
2. Select all that apply. A minimum altitude of 7000 ft MSL (IAF) ROKXX MAX 210 KIAS
applies to which fixes?

Radar or GPS required.





D (For Procedure Entry from
115.4 BJC


the Enroute Environment)



295^ 111.7 IBJC PLAAY



3. Select all that apply to approach fix distances. GL
D6.2 BJC
5^ 2.9
LL ^ 7000
a ALIKE – D6.2 from IBJC. G 221 .2 39-50

4 (IF)
b BAAWL – D10.2 from BJC VOR. BAAWL
LL ^
G 221 .2

D10.2 BJC
RADAR FIX 12 114
c HYGEN – D31.5 from DEN VOR.

D37.9 FQF



D31.5 DEN
d Localizer MAP – D1.9 from IBJC. 30
2^ DE

FQ 11 06
11 302


F 6.3 ^
hdg ^
7. ^


Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson. Reduced for illustrative purposes.


4. If using radar to enter the procedure, ATC may not vector


an aircraft to intercept the approach course at an D1.9
D6.2 BJC
GS 7000'
D10.2 BJC

altitude lower than 7000 ft MSL.

BJC 7000' 295^ 7000'
a True b False TCH 52' 295^
TDZE 30R 5599'
TDZE 30L 5628' 4.3 4.0

5. Intercepting the glideslope prior to ALIKE ensures that Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 MALSR
6380' 10200'
3.00^ 372 478 531 637 743 849
the mandatory altitude of 7000 ft at BAAWL will be met.
GS 360^
MAP at D1.9 BJC or hdg
a True b False
ALIKE to MAP 4.3 3:41 2:52 2:35 2:09 1:51 1:37
With Local Altimeter Setting
1 DA(H) ILS DA(H) LOC (GS out) With Local
Altimeter Setting C
With Local
Altimeter Setting

6. If cleared to sidestep to Rwy 30L, the sidestep maneuver 5799'(200') 6124'(525')

MDA(H) 6300'(701')
RAIL out ALS out
6340'(712') Max
Kts MDA(H)

may not be initiated until reaching the MDA of 6340 ft A

12 34 1 1
6340'(667') -1
12 34 13 8 13 4
15 8 13 4 2
2 140 6360'(687') -2
a True b False D 21 4 165 6860'(1187') -3

With Denver Intl Altimeter Setting With Denver Intl With Denver Intl
1 DA(H) DA(H) LOC (GS out) Altimeter Setting C Altimeter Setting
5881'(282') 6206'(607') MDA(H) 6400'(801') MDA(H)

7. Select the true statement(s) regarding landing on 30L. 6440'(812') Max

A 1 2 34 1 90

a Runways 30R and 30L are 1200 ft or less apart. B

12 34
34 1 11 4
11 4 120
6440'(767') -1
1 13 4 21 4
b Runways 30R and 30L are 1200 ft or more apart. C
17 8 2 21 2 21 2 140 6460'(787') -21 4
2 34 6960'(1287') -3
c Landing on Rwy 30L is considered a circling approach.
D 165

1 Missed approach requires a minimum climb gradient of 240'/NM to 9700'.

d Rwy 30L is equipped with the same lighting as CHANGES: Approach frequency. | JEPPESEN, 2001, 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Rwy 30R.
Not to be used for navigational purposes
8. Select all that apply. The DA of 5799 ft MSL applies ______
a when the ALS is out. 10. Select the true statement(s) regarding the missed
b with the Denver Intl altimeter setting. approach.
c with a minimum visibility of 3/4 sm if RAIL is out. a The hold on the 302° radial from DEN is mandatory
d if the airplane can maintain a minimum climb of 240 ft/nm. when implemented by NOTAM.
b HYGEN is identified by the same radials for both the
9. Select all the landing minimums that apply. standard and alternate holding patterns.
a MDA of 6340 – local altimeter setting; ALS out. c A climb to 9700 ft MSL at a gradient of 240 ft/nm is
b DA of 5799 – ALS out; minimum climb of 240 ft/nm. required prior to turning right on a heading of 360°.
c DA of 6206 – Denver Intl altimeter setting; climb 240 ft/nm. d A climb to 6380 ft MSL at a gradient of 240 ft/nm is
d MDA of 6340 – sidestep or circling approach Category B required prior to turning right on a heading of 360°.



Terminal Checklist-6-24 lyt.indd 14 6/6/24 6: PM


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Terminal Checklist-6-24 lyt.indd 15 6/6/24 6: PM

Answers to TC 6/24 questions 6. b When cleared for a sidestep landing, the approach should be flown to the
primary runway, and the sidestep maneuver should be initiated as soon as
possible after the parallel runway is in sight.
1. a Procedural note 1 in the Briefing Strip states that DME or radar is required,
and a note on the plan view indicates that radar or GPS is required for 7. a Sidestep minimums are only published if parallel runways are 1200 ft or less
procedure entry from the enroute environment. According to AIM 1-2-3, a apart. The only time that an aircraft may land on a parallel runway that is not the
suitable RNAV system (GPS approved for IFR terminal procedures) may be straight-in landing runway, using landing minimums other than the circling
used in lieu of DME on IFR terminal procedures. Therefore, as long as the minimums, would be when sidestep minimums have been provided for that
airplane is equipped with GPS, the equipment requirement indicated by both particular approach procedure. If no sidestep minimums were published for
of these notes is met. Rwy 30L, landing on this runway would be considered a circling maneuver, so
circling minimums would apply. According to procedural note 5 in the Briefing
2. a, c A minimum altitude is shown on the routes between ROKXX and PLAAY Strip, Rwy 30L has REIL and PAPI-L. Rwy 30R has PAPI-L and MALSR, as shown
and from NSPYR to BAAWL. However, both LAWNG and BAAWL fixes have in the lighting box.
mandatory altitudes of 7000 ft MSL, as indicated by notes on the plan view.
8. a, c, d The DA of 5799 ft MSL does not change if the RAIL or ALS is out. However,
3. b, c Procedural note 3 in the Briefing Strip states that the DME on the approach the local altimeter setting must be used, and the missed approach requires a
path is based on BJC VOR, not on the localizer (IBJC). Although the missed minimum climb gradient of 240 ft/nm to 9700 ft MSL (as per note 1).
approach holding fix of HYGEN is based on D37.9 FQF, the same fix for the
alternate hold is located on D31.5 DEN. 9. b, d The DA is affected by whether the local altimeter setting is used and by the
requirement of a minimum climb gradient of 240 ft/nm in the missed approach
4. b Because of differences in the areas for minimum vectoring altitudes (MVAs) to 9700 ft MSL. The MDA is affected by the altimeter setting used and whether
and those applied to other minimum altitudes and the ability to isolate specific the approach ends with a sidestep or circle-to-land maneuver. An inoperative
obstacles, some MVAs may be lower than the non-radar minimum altitudes ALS does not affect either the DA or MDA, but does increase minimum visibility
depicted on charts. requirements.

5. b According to the AIM 5-4-5, interception and tracking of the glideslope 10. a, d When implemented by NOTAM, the alternate holding pattern on the 302°
prior to the published glideslope interception altitude does not necessarily radial from DEN is mandatory. HYGEN is identified by the 221° radial from GLL
ensure that minimum, maximum, and/or mandatory altitudes published for for both holding patterns. However, the standard hold is on the 306° radial from
any preceding fixes will be complied with during the descent. If pilots choose FQF and on the 302° radial from DEN for the alternate hold. A climb to 6380
to track the glideslope prior to the glideslope interception altitude, they ft MSL is required prior to a climbing right turn to 10,200 ft on heading 360°.
remain responsible for complying with published altitudes for any preceding The initial climb must be at least at a climb gradient of 240 ft/nm.
step-down fixes encountered during the subsequent descent.

Terminal Checklist-6-24 lyt.indd 16 6/6/24 6: PM

Terminal Checklist-6-24 lyt.indd 17 6/6/24 6: PM
T his is not up for discussion. Age
should not be a factor for retire-
ment. What should be a factor is the
W e are a Part 135 operator. Our
company does not enforce a
retirement age. However, our insur-
ability to perform safely. We have ance company just forced us to. We
3 pilots who are over 70 years old have a pilot who is 82 with more than
and are all going strong! On the oth- 35,000 hours of experience in Part
er hand, I know pilots who are well 121/135/91 operations over a 50-
under retirement age with whom I year career. He still passes an FAA
would not fly. First Class medical each year, and
Russ Appleton passes Part 135 check rides with no
ATP/Helo. Falcon 900/50 problem. He is as sharp and compe-
& MD 500D tent as anyone with whom I fly, but
Dir of Ops our insurance company refused to re-
Airstat new our policy this year with him on
Manning SC it. Therefore, we were forced to retire
him when our insurance policy re-

newed. We have been told by our in-
ur company does not enforce
surance broker that the underwriters
retiring age. They let the pilot
are pushing to make age 70 the cutoff
determine when they would like
for insuring pilots for commercial op-
to retire, not the insurance com-
erators. I think it should be based on
panies. When the pilot gets the
medical exam, and most likely an an- ability, not an arbitrary age.
What’s your company’s viewpoint Andrew Maroney
nual checkup from their healthcare
on enforcing a pilot retiring age? ATP/A&P. Citation Excel/
provider, the checks and balances
What would you suggest regarding Sovereign/CJ3/CJ2
are used to measure the person’s
such proposal? Dir of Ops
capability. I’ve flown with multiple
pilots in their late 60s and early 70s Burgess Aircraft Management

A lthough we don’t have a specific who have been forced to retire, tak- Springfield MO
age to retire, this event should
ing a vast amount of experience and
come when you can no longer be potential teaching moments with o age discrimination here. My
a top-notch and safe pilot who can them. The insurance companies company operates under Part
perform all the normal duties. In our would no longer support their abil- 91, and we just need to pass sim
organization, it is possible to stay on ity to provide a service because of training every 12 months. Commer-
in a management position or similar their age. cial requires a Second Class medical
roles after your flying days are over. Andy Sprott for SIC, while ATP needs Second
Jerry Harrington ATP/CFII. Citation Excel, Class medical for PIC.
ATP/CFI. Falcon 50, Astra, Westwind I Harvey Meharry
Gulfstream G650ER & King Air 90 ATP. Citation XLS+
Av Dept Mgr & Chief Pilot Pilot Chief Pilot
Benson Pacific DHB Falcon Southern Multifoods
San Diego CA Nocona TX Rusk TX

W e do not enforce age retire-

ment. However, insurance
drives it. We operate under Part 91.
New World Aviation has been offering an
Everett Clark
abundance of aircraft services since 1998 and
ATP. Falcon 2000/50EX & Learjet 45
can assist all of your aviation needs with our: Chief Pilot
Park City Aviators
“One Stop Shop Advantage”
Heber City UT

• On Demand Charter
• Aircraft Management
877-359-0100 here is no mandatory age limit in my company. As long as pilots
• MRO Maintenance
can pass an FAA First Class medical
• Avionics Upgrades
exam and the FAA 61.58 or 135
checks, they can continue to fly.
Harold Coghlan
ATP/Helo/CFII. King Air 200/90
85,000 sq ft hangar facility
Lehigh Valley Intl Airport • 987 Postal Road, Allentown PA 18109 Birmingham AL


Squawk-Ident-6-24 lyt.indd 18 6/6/24 5: 6 PM

Squawk Ident

O ur flight department does not

enforce age retirement. We
operate under both, Part 91 for the
I n 1994, I joined Las Vegas-based
Scenic Airlines. At the time, most
captains were retired Part 121 guys
A s long as a pilot can pass an FAA
First Class medical and flight
tests with our training provider, we
owners, and Part 135 when we have from the major airlines, since man- don’t impose retirement based on
no owner flights. datory age retirement back then was age. We value experience with solid
Jon Erickson 60. Many felt they still had plenty of decision-making skills.
ATP. Gulfstream IV-SP skilled and enjoyable flights left, so Cynthia Federici
Chief Pilot & Gen Mgr they continued to fly under Part 135. ATP/CFII. Falcon 2000/LXS
Air Lake Lines Our de Havilland DHC-6 Twin Ot- Chief Pilot
St Paul MN ters are 2-pilot crew. I’ve had “almost GG Aircraft
careers” with Eastern Air Lines right Ewing NJ

N o, they don’t. Here in Argentina,

age retirement for pilots in Part
135 & 121 is 65. In the near future,
before the strike, and also American
Airlines. Since then, I’ve had several
other jobs. Now, in my late 70s, I’m O f course not, there is no age en-
forcement in my flight depart-
it’ll probably change to 67 or 68. currently back with Grand Canyon ment. In Part 91 flight departments,
Gustavo De Ibarra Airlines. It’s been almost 9 years. I’m it feels as though professionals need
ATP. Gulfstream V & still held to the same rigorous and re- to keep themselves accountable
Grand Caravan EX current training standards and ground with inventory to stay productive as
COO schools as all our new hires, as well a team member.
Feeling air as those twice-a-year FAA First Class Dillon Massey
Buenos Aires, Argentina medicals. With great daily scenery ATP. Gulfstream G600/G500
and life in Las Vegas, if you’re still Senior Pilot

I nsurance underwriters are pressur-

ing us to make age 70 a hard rule.
Granted, there is always some influ-
pretty healthy and enjoy hands-on
flying as much as you did when you
began, it’s a great job!
Peoa UT

ence with the underwriters, so retir-

ing at age 70 is probably going to be
a firm rule with insurers.
Bill Gardner
ATP. de Havilland DHC-6 300
I feel there is no one-size-fits-all
suggestion. It all depends on the
pilot’s health, the complexity of the
Jeff Hansen Grand Canyon Airlines airplane, areas of operation, duty
ATP/A&P. Falcon 900/2000, Las Vegas NV time, and a single- or dual-pilot oper-
Challenger 300, Gulfstream ations. I’m 77 years old, and still fly
G150 & Citation CJ4/CJ3
Chief Pilot
Aircraft Services
M y flight department does not en-
force age retirement. And I feel
they shouldn’t.
a King Air 200 all over North Amer-
ica, usually by myself, but we rarely
operate into large metro areas. Al-
Salt Lake City UT Tim Egan though I’m typed in 5 jets, the King
ATP/CFII. Learjet 60/55/35 Air offers the right balance between

C ertainly not! My company

doesn’t enforce a retirement age.
People work as long as they want in
& Falcon 2000/900/50
performance, simplicity, weather ca-
pability, and safety, and is certified
for single-pilot operations. At my
my flight department, as long as they Vero Beach FL age, flying a King Air is much easier
can maintain their medical. than flying a smaller airplane single
Kenneth Gonsalves
ATP. Gulfstream G200
A t the moment, we do not have a
hard stop point from an age per-
spective. But I’m sure those talks will
pilot in weather or long duty days.
Jim Hanson
ATP/Helo/CFI. King Air 200
Flightexec be coming shortly as we have an ag- Owner
Mississauga ON, Canada ing group of pilots. Albert Lea Airport
Justin Whyte Albert Lea MN

T here is no age limit for retirement

in my flight department. We op-
erate a Pilatus PC-12, and pilot age is
ATP. Citation CJ4
Dir of Aviation
POET Biofuel R etirement depends on the health
and experience level of the pilot.
72. Pilots are required by insurance Wichita KS If your health history is excellent and
to have an FAA First Class medical. you pass an FAA Second Class med-
However, we convinced them it is
not required since I do an annual
EKG for a special issuance.
W e do not enforce a retirement
age, and I recommend no
change. If a pilot is healthy and compe-
ical and check ride, then you are
perfectly fine to go until 80. After
80, it’s not the best idea to risk other
Gary Garavaglia tent, we appreciate his/her experience. people’s lives.
ATP/CFII. John Rempel Ronald Nelson
Pilatus PC-12/45 ATP. Challenger 300 ATP. Citation S/II
Chief Pilot Dir Flight Ops Chief Pilot
Pierson Wireless Flight North Holdings Aircraft Management Assoc
Statesville NC Winnipeg MB, Canada Hartland WI


Squawk-Ident-6-24 lyt.indd 19 6/6/24 5: 6 PM

Squawk Ident

O perating under Part 91, we have

more liberty concerning age. If
a crew member is able to maintain
N o enforcement, only percep-
tion. The owner’s wife does
have concerns about a pilot being
the appropriate medical and is fit for too old, but seems fine with me.
flight, then we hope that they are I’m 67 years old – I’ll be 68 in a few
able to make the decision to retire months – and my FAA examiner,
on their own terms. just a week ago, said I’m an exam-
Jeff Schneider ple of why airline pilots should be
ATP. Falcon 2000/900EX allowed to continue to fly until 67.
Dir of Flight Ops My though has always been if pi-
Barry-Wehmiller lots can pass their FAA First Class
Chesterfield MO medical and recurrent training, they
should be allowed to continue fly-

I was released from my position

with Executive Jet Management in
January as a results of the NetJets
ing. If FAA or the owner want pilots
over 67 to have First Class medicals
every 3 or 4 months, that’s fine.
age 70 rule. When I asked for data Brent Myers
where age 70 and above profession- ATP. Hawker 850XP
al pilots were identified as causal Aviation Mgr & Captain
in transport category aircraft, I was Lyon Management
informed that the data did not ex- Los Angeles CA
ist. I was told that the release of the
affected pilots was in the interest of
safety. My personal belief is that this
was “eyewash.” I believe a pitch to
A mandatory retirement age is
discriminatory and a waste of
resources. There should be no age
prospective clients could include, restrictions for any pilot. If a pilot
“Look how safe we are. We only use can pass the required qualification
younger, vibrant flightcrew mem- checks and medical certificates for
bers!” Again, my personal belief is the position, he/she must be con-
that if a professional pilot who is 70 sidered legal to fly in that position.
years old or older passes 2 required There are no age restrictions to work
FAA First Class medical in addition to as a surgeon, President of the United
2 yearly Part 142 training events, that States, or member of US Congress.
should suffice. If a reason exists for Their own union bylaws prohibit
further investigation, such operation- discrimination. Yet, they fought the
al incidents or violations, then that is change to age 67 for airline pilots.
a separate issue. Discarding years of Age restrictions in any profession
professional experience seems very limit the supply of qualified workers.
short-sighted. Everywhere you turn, This causes the compensation to be
you are reminded that age discrimi- higher. Management in corporate
nation is illegal – until it isn’t. and commercial aviation activities
Charles O’Hara should be fighting against all restric-
ATP/Helo. Challenger 650/605/ tions of age for this reason alone.
604/350/300 David Orr
Lead Captain ATP/CFII. Airbus A321/A320/
Jet Aviation A319, Boeing 757/737 &
Haddonfield NJ Convair CV580
COO & Former Airline Captain

Icould go to age 80 as long as I pass

my class 2 medical, my annual re-
current training at FSI, and we all feel
Anthem AZ

that I’m performing mentally and

physically at a high level, like I’ve
been since the first day of employ-
T otally disagree with enforcing an
age limit. If one is able to pass
his/her medical, then so be it.
ment over the past 26 years. Nino Desposati
Dave Bassignani ATP. Gulfstream G650/G550
ATP/Helo. Citation CJ4 & Falcon 2000EASy
Senior Pilot Sr Captain
Golden State Lumber Jet Aviation
Petaluma CA Danbury CT


Squawk-Ident-6-24 lyt.indd 20 6/6/24 5: 6 PM

Squawk Ident

M y employer has no mandatory

retirement age. However, some
of my employer’s customers do. Giv-
Ibelieve non-regulatory forced retire-
ment should be treated as age dis-
crimination, and the companies en-
H ere in Malaysia, the retiring age
is 65 years old for commercial
transportation services. Pilots may
en that medical advances have made forcing these practices should be held keep flying past that age only for
it possible for people to remain in accountable. It’s nothing more than private flying, training, and leisure.
good health at much later ages than a cost-saving measure that decreases We are of the opinion that there
decades ago, it makes sense not to wage expenses by getting rid of highly should be a pilot retiring age, and
adhere uncritically to premises about experienced – and highly paid – senior we adhere to our civil aviation au-
aging pilots from decades ago. Hav- pilots. thority’s policy.
ing said that, it is a fact that the hu- Jonathan Jacober Bagawan Singh
man body is at a different place as ATP. Gulfstream G650 ATP/Helo. Airbus H125
it ages into the 60s and 70s than for Captain Managing Director &
younger ages, and also, the rate at Jet Aviation Type Rating Instructor
which individuals may age can vary Hatboro PA Helistar Resources
significantly one from another, both Selangor, Malaysia
physiologically and mentally, based
on lifestyle, diet, and genetics. There-
fore, I do think that as a pilot ages be-
Y es, I was just forced to retire at Net-
Jets after 58 years of flying, with
32,000 hours TT and having visited 83 M y company did not have a re-
tirement age. However, the
yond the 60–65 range, greater scruti- countries. I’m a recipient of the FAA insurance company did when I
ny of the physical and mental health Master Pilot Certificate. Never had any reached 74. They refused to insure
is reasonable. As long as a pilot de- accidents or violations, and I was never with myself as a single pilot in a King
sires to continue flying and can pass fired or reprimanded. NetJets was re- Air. Therefore, I am now retired.
this greater level of scrutiny, I see no sponsible for the “optional” retirement Bruce Rainwater
need for some arbitrary age limit. limit that only is applicable to a handful ATP/CFII. Citation I, Beechjet 400
Michael O’Brien of Part 135/91K operators. And only & Mitsubishi MU-300
ATP/Helo. Leonardo AW139 NetJets has opted for it, even though Former Pilot
AW139 Captain they are shorthanded. They got their Richmond TX
PHI Aviation congressman to slip this into the FAA
Pensacola FL Reauthorization Act. I feel the law/rule
should apply to all or no one, the same F ederal law age limitations on
any job are no longer valid.

T he industry uses age because it

is the easiest way to manage the
exit door. There are individuals who
as Part 121.
William Goin
ATP. Airbus 320, Boeing 757/737,
Health values have improved great-
ly since implementations of age
limits, which was only due to the
need to be excused way sooner, Challenger 600, Citation Longitude/ companies wanting to limit upper
while others stay sharp and healthy Latitude/III/I, Falcon 10, senior staff salaries. The insurance
way into their late 70s. If you have Hawker 700, Gulfstream IV-SP, companies are now more the
management and a flight team who & Beechcraft 99 rule in aviation business with their
are willing to make the call when Former Captain own actuarial processes. Even Part
enough is enough, then fly on as NetJets 91 operations are being restrict-
long as your insurance provider is Mesa AZ ed as to pilot age by insurance
not pricing your most seasoned pi- underwriters. Check with them
lots out of the cockpit.
Bryan Davies
ATP/CFII/A&P. Piper Aerostar
F or Part 91 operators, I think the limit-
ing factor will be their insurance com-
pany. I’m a 71-year-old ATP/CFII with
about how they determine their
findings and manage policy valua-
tions, costs. That would be a Front-
President more than 1000 hours in type. And so line-type article worth pursuing.
Savage Capitol far, insurance hasn’t been a problem. Whatever the company viewpoint
Bartlett TN John Scherer is matters not at all when insurance
ATP/CFII. Beech B35 Bonanza companies make it impossible

W e do not have a forced retire-

ment age. However, the in-
dustry in which we work has the age
Twico Aviation
Monterey CA
to keep highly valued pilots with
massive experience and technical
value, all because of some age
set at 65. I believe that you should factoring that is generalized per
be cleared to fly as long as you are
medically fit.
Stuart Low
M y company operates under Part
135. At this time, we do not have a
mandatory retirement age.
their business model and not indi-
vidual evaluation.
Dave Gurney
Comm-Multi-Inst/Helo. Rick Wilson ATP/CFI/A&P.
King Air B350/200, Caravan, ATP. Citation X/Excel/XLS/CJ3, Falcon 2000, Premier I
Airbus H145 & Bell 206L3 Beechjet 400 & King Air 350i & King Air 350i/C90CTi
CEO Captain Dir Flight Ops
Acher Aviation Wheels Up Boardroom Aviation
Durban North, South Africa High Point NC Reno NV


Squawk-Ident-6-24 lyt.indd 21 6/6/24 5: 6 PM


Flight deck electronic aids

From basic information to advanced features, here’s what an EFB
application can do for your flight operation.
By Owen Davies
Contributing writer

enior readers probably recall ForeFlight’s vener-
risking back strain just to board able and popular
their airplanes lugging a bag EFB is among the
most powerful.
with up to 40 lb of charts, manuals,
and miscellaneous paper. For most
pilots, electronic flight bags (EFBs)
have sent all that paper for recycling.
So much has changed since we
looked at EFBs. Let’s take another
look at the digital cockpit aids now
available to corporate pilots. Even if
you already carry an EFB, as you sure-
ly do, you may find alternatives worth
considering and new functions that
may have escaped your notice.

Basic functions
For the rare pilot whose flight bag
still hasn’t been digitized, here is the
least you can expect from an EFB:

Image courtesy Foreflight

• A way to create and file a flight
plan without leaving your tablet or
• All the charts needed for flight plan-
ning and en route, plus airport charts
for taxiing to and from the runway.
• A digital wiz wheel.
• A pilot logbook.
• A documents library that includes Note that the software we’ll ex- charts. Jeppesen VFR procedures are
operations manuals, aircraft check- amin is just a tiny fraction of the EFB available as an add-on.
lists, aircraft continuing airworthiness programs now available. Unless oth- Add daily and hourly weather fore-
records, NOTAMs, and so on – all up- erwise specified, they run on Apple casts anywhere in the world; graphi-
dated automatically. iOS devices. cal AIR/SIGMETs and center weather
• Some level of weather reports advisories; and in-flight weather for
and forecasting – METARs, area fore- ForeFlight those with Automatic Dependent
casts, SIGMETs, AIRMETs, and pireps Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) or
can be expected. This Boeing subsidiary’s EFB was the SiriusXM satellite weather ser-
• Automatic flight logging and re- one of the first to reach the market. vice; Internet-based global air traffic
porting. Almost 230 updates later, it offers via FlightAware for pilots without
Most EFB programs offer a unique more functions than we can list here ADS-B. ForeFlight offers its own Sen-
twist on even basic features, and – much less explain. try ADS-B receiver with GPS to up-
come in several varieties, from a ba- ForeFlight comes in 3 varieties. The grade the experience.
sic plan that even recreational pilots entry-level Basic Plus, offers all the The Pro Plus upgrade adds synthet-
would find handy to more advanced usual charts for the US, Canada, and ic vision; dynamic winds and tem-
levels that may include anything Europe; global aeronautical maps peratures; previews of weather in 3D
from synthetic vision to optimized that can zoom from the entire conti- and in profile view, which displays
autorouting. Although the programs nent down to airport maps; terminal Internet-based icing and turbulence
all have unique features, a significant area charts, VFR flyways, and heli- forecasts at various altitudes; and a
distinction among them is the level of copter route charts. “Breadcrumbs” terrain profile view that highlights po-
sophistication available in each tier. can track your flightpath on the tential hazards.


Cockpit Electronic Aids 6-24 lyt.indd 22 6/6/24 5:2 PM

Performance Plus provides all Garmin
those features. In addition, there are
3D previews of your planned route Introduced in 2012, Garmin Pilot is
and airport environments that can available for both iOS and Android
be viewed from any angle; optimized devices. Its flight planning facility of-
autorouting; improved time and fuel fers all the usual charts, comprehen-
calculations based on the airframer’s sive weather data, NOTAMs, and
data; digital automatic terminal infor- even fuel prices. Built-in calculators
mation service (ATIS); and enroute estimate fuel burn, enroute legs, ar-
fuel prices and FBO fuel orders at rival times and other key data. It can
planned stops. file VFR flight plans globally and IFR
Cost for the 3 tiers is $10, $20, and flight plans in the US, Canada, and
$30 per month, respectively, and it’s Europe. It can also import flight plans
billed annually. from
This app also provides full enroute
navigation on a moving map or VFR/
Jeppesen IFR charts. It can use either your de-
The oldest maker of EFB software, vice’s built-in GPS or a separate de-
and still one of the most popular, vice. A unique radial menu provides
offers 2 products – the Jeppesen access to airport and airspace data,
Aviator EFB and the special-purpose navaids, weather, TFRs, SiriusXM
FliteDeck Advisor. They both remain weather, and more. With a compati-
airline-oriented, but can assist any pi- ble ADS-B receiver, the patented Tar-
lot or operator. getTrend traffic display offers a quick
In Jeppesen Aviator, operators can way to judge aircraft trajectories and
mix and match the following mod- closure rates.
ules to fit their needs: Comprehensive flight logging is
synced with the cloud for access Garmin Pilot 6.2 can share Garmin avion-
• Aviator Briefings streamlines the ics flight data.
production and distribution of flight from other devices. Uniquely, in air-
plans and provides live weather in craft equipped with Garmin hard-
text and graphic formats. The Jour- ware, avionics can share traffic and
ney Log lets pilots capture a wide weather information, GPS position, hone, or even your Apple Watch. It in-
range of information about the flight altitude, and even engine data with cludes all the standard flight planning
for later analysis. the EFB. tools and a bit more. Vertical weather
• Aviator Dashboard provides Garmin offers a host of specific profile, radar forecast, and a unique
the most up-to-date weather data, plans for the US and the Caribbe- ATC radio transcription and playback
a graphical route overview, and an, Canada, Europe, Australia, Asia, with a custom aviation speech rec-
1-touch access to origin and arrival Africa, and Latin America. Standard ognition system make for a powerful
charts. Its workflow can be tailored plans ($110/year) offer navigation package. Data is updated automati-
with 23 dashboard tiles. and terrain and obstacle data, inter- cally, even when the app is closed.
• Aviator Documents handles all active maps, comprehensive aviation Pre-flight weather planning tools
the stuff that used to be paper – air- weather, VFR flight planning, check- are comprehensive. This EFB offers ic-
plane documents, flight deck manu- list, document viewer, logbook, and ing and turbulence layers, convective
als, and all the other dead trees your more. Adding the Premium upgrade outlooks, SkewT plots of radiosonde
back doesn’t need to carry anymore. ($185 total; $210 in the US) brings data from NOAA’s Storm Prediction
• Aviator Navlog provides mete- synthetic vision, terrain and obstacle Center, color-coded satellite imagery,
orological and waypoint informa- alerts, graphical weight and balance, airport forecasts, and radar simula-
tion, an interactive weather map, and – with a separate subscription – tions up to 3 days out. Weather data
and time and fuel trends. Weather Jeppesen charts. feeds into a vertical weather profile
items include global IR satellite and For Europe, add-ons include con- of probable conditions along your
radar composites, satellite imagery, tinent-wide IFR charts ($150), full flight route up to 8 days in advance.
winds and temperatures aloft, radar European VFR charts ($225), and You can add the usual sectionals
echo tops, turbulence, icing, pireps, country-specific VFR charts, and for and charts, approach plates, ter-
AIRMET/SIGMET... The list goes on. the Continent, the UK, and Ireland rain avoidance and warning system
• Aviator Tools includes a compre- (variously priced from $25–$100). (TAWS) alerts and advisories, check-
hensive flight computer, a measure- A world-wide subscription also is lists, and more, including attitude and
ment converter, and a de-icing hold- available for $600. heading reference system (AHRS)
over timer, among other functions. with synthetic vision.
Meanwhile, Jeppesen FliteDeck Stratus Insight The company offers its own ADS-B
Advisor uses OEM data and the orig- and WAAS GPS device for weath-
inal flight plan to provide aircraft-spe- Offered by Appareo, an electron- er and traffic information and an
cific in-flight advisories designed to ics engineering and manufacturing electronic attitude indicator. A sub-
improve the flight schedule and re- company based in Fargo ND, Stratus scription is $10 per month or $100
duce fuel burn by 1 to 2%. Insight puts a full EFB on your iPad, iP- per year.


Cockpit Electronic Aids 6-24 lyt.indd 23 6/6/24 5:2 PM

For pilots in Canada, the company
offers 10 regional and topographic
maps at €20 to €25 each.

On your wrist
Apple’s App Store carries dozens
of aviation apps for the Apple Watch.
Here are a few examples. The Fore-
Flight Watch app provides NOTAMs,
airport details, and local weather. It
even translates weather data to plain
English – and synthetic vision on your
watch is astonishing. It is installed
when your iPhone app is updated.
MiraCheck CoPilot is a voice-con-
trolled checklist app for the iPhone
and iPad with an accessory watch
interface. MyRadar delivers weather
radar imagery, current weather, and
a 5-day forecast to your wrist. And
Sporty’s E6B Flight Computer packs
Stratus Insight offers all the usual features plus unique ATC radio transcription and play- most of a wiz wheel into your Watch.
back; comprehensive weather planning, including NOAA radiosonde data; and a profile
of likely en-route conditions up to 8 days ahead.
In sum
This has been only the briefest look
AvSoft Australia Air Navigation
at the electronic aids that can stream-
AvPlan is the only EFB we have This Swiss-based company got its line flight deck procedures and make
found that specifically targets the start in 2008, when the CEO devel- sure that any resource pilots need
needs of corporate aviation. It was oped Air Navigation Pro for his own is only a couple of clicks – or taps –
born in Melbourne, and its website is use. It has been adopted by about away. At least a dozen more EFB op-
clearly aimed at pilots down under, al- 350,000 pilots around the world. tions are probably worth considering.
though the company offers plans for Air Navigation comes in 3 fla- A number of companies also pro-
the US, Europe, the Middle East, and vors. Smart Lite (€120) includes the vide add-ons for EFB software. For
New Zealand, plus a worldwide op- Smartchart utility, with interactive example, Collins Aerospace offers
tion. Versions are available for both vector maps of worldwide terrain, FlightHub – an electronic flight folder
iOS and Android. Tablets with GPS waypoints, airspaces, and more. In accessible from many EFBs. It collates
and cell service are recommended. the US, it provides sectionals, an information into a single stream, from
In the US, AvPlan EFB Standard FAA procedures chart, and world flight plans and weather info to post-
($59) is intended for day VFR pilots. raster charts for the US. Official flight summaries. The company’s
It offers full flight planning, sectional ICAO charts are available for most Flight Profile Optimization provides
and IFR charts and A/FD, AvPlan Live European countries, as well as topo- up-to-the-minute flight plan informa-
flight tracking, FSS support, cloud graphic charts. Third-party aeronau- tion from other aircraft and ground
data storage, and ADS-B In. tical charts are available for Canada, sources to save fuel by fine-tuning the
The Premium version ($149) is de- South America, Russia, Australia, and flightpath. A host of other 3rd-party
signed for IFR ops. It adds instrument other countries. programs are available to add to or
procedures, advanced worldwide SafeSky shows live traffic on your streamline full-featured EFBs.
flight planning, a minimum enroute chart. Add worldwide obstacles, in- Note that this account is sure to be
altitude (MEA) calculator, glide plan- teractive NOTAMs, and basic weath- obsolete within 6 months. EFB makers
ner, geo-referenced airport diagrams er. Flight planning gives access to crit- revise their software frequently, add-
and procedures, and the Jeppesen ical aeronautical and meteorological ing features that improve their cock-
FliteDeck Pro interface. data. Users can create a route in sec- pit utility. This probably is the fast-
The company intends AvPlan EFB onds, either directly on the chart or est-moving corner of aviation.
Enterprise for flight departments. by entering ICAO identifiers. Once
Its primary addition is mobile de- the nav plan and weight and balance
vice management. This provides are finished, Air Navigation Pro can Owen Davies is a
enhanced security, enables bulk en- submit the flight plan to ATC. veteran freelance
rollment of devices for larger fleets, Smart Classic (€150) adds syn- writer specializing
streamlined device configuration for thetic vision. And Smart Advanced in technology. He
IT managers, remote troubleshooting (€180) provides satellite imagery and has been a futurist
and support, centralized data man- advanced weather, with animated at Forecasting Inter-
agement, and other organization-ori- winds, precipitation forecasts, rain national and
ented functions. radar, and more. TechCast Global.

24 PROFESSIONAL PILOT / June 2024 © 2024 G


Cockpit Electronic Aids 6-24 lyt.indd 24 6/6/24 5:2 PM

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© 2024 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

24-MCJT65111 CJ2 Retofit Ad-8.375x10.875-ProPilot.indd 1 4/30/24 7:51 AM

Cockpit Electronic Aids 6-24 lyt.indd 25 6/6/24 5:2 PM

Gulfstream G700 earns EASA certification
tion on March 29. By that date, Gulfstream had already
Photo courtesy Gulfstream

announced performance enhancements for range,

speed, and cabin altitude for the aircraft. Its range was
increased to 7750 nm at Mach 0.85 or 6650 nm at Mach
0.90 – an increase of 250 nm in both cases over original
projections. In addition, the G700’s maximum operating
speed increased from Mach 0.925 to Mach 0.935. These
improvements make the G700 the fastest aircraft in the

G ulfstream’s G700 has received EASA type certifi-

cation. This will open up G700 deliveries for many
Gulfstream fleet. At the same time, Gulfstream con-
firmed additional enhancements. Notably, G700 cabin

Photo courtesy Airbus

more international customers. “During the flight test altitude was reduced to 2840 ft at FL410. The G700 now
program, we took the G700 across the globe, and the offers a balanced field length takeoff distance of 5995 ft
response to the aircraft’s cabin size, flexibility, and perfor- and a landing distance of 3150 ft – improvements that al-
mance has been outstanding,” says Gulfstream President low customers more operational flexibility and increased
Mark Burns. The G700 had received FAA type certifica- airport availability.

Airbus secures contract to maintain French

Sécurité Civile and Gendarmerie fleet
A irbus Helicopters and Babcock have been awarded a
12-year contract to support 48 EC 145s operated by
the French Ministry of Interior. The contract, which starts
rescue, emergency
medical services, and
firefighting missions.
this year, was signed with the Direction de la Maintenance Airbus Helicopters
Aéronautique (DMAé), the organization in charge of over- and Babcock fulfill
seeing and providing maintenance for aircraft operated by the role of ensuring
the French government. This new contract covers techni- that EC 145s are secure and available for the missions of
cal support, supply of spare parts, logistic solutions, tech- the Sécurite Civile and the Gendarmerie airborne forces.
nical data management, and software data for the 33 EC “Both play a key role in safeguarding our communities in
145s operated by the Sécurité Civile and the 15 EC 145s France,” says Airbus Helicopters Executive VP Customer
operated by the Gendarmerie. It includes the helicopters Support and Services Romain Trapp. “We measure our re-
stationed at 41 bases in mainland France and 5 bases in sponsibility in guaranteeing that their EC 145s are available
overseas French territories. EC 145s are used in search and 24/7 for their critical missions.”

New World Aviation offers Starlink installation on Gulfstreams

through its constellation of satellites, even at cruising al-
titude. Unlike traditional options with limitations such
as latency and coverage, Starlink offers uninterrupted
high-speed connection, so passengers can enjoy video
Photo courtesy Gulfstream

conferencing, streaming, and real-time communica-

tion, transforming business travel. This reliable Internet
access ensures continued productivity from takeoff to
landing. Gulfstream aircraft equipped with Starlink by
New World Aviation receives model specific attention
to ensure optimal performance and integration. This al-
lows more operators to maximize the benefits of Star-

N ew World Aviation has received authorization to in-

stall SpaceX’s Starlink Internet on various Gulfstream
models, including G450, GV, G550, and G650 series.
link’s enhanced connectivity. Located strategically in
Allentown PA, near major cities like New York and Phil-
adelphia, New World Aviation minimizes downtime and
This upgrade uses the Nextant STC and promises to rev- logistical challenges for operators based in the US east
olutionize inflight connectivity for both passengers and coast. This prime location allows for efficient upgrades
operators. Starlink delivers high-speed Internet globally without disrupting schedules significantly.


Pireps 6-24 lyt.indd 26 6/ /24 8:5 M

Avfuel levels up on sustainability certification

A vfuel has announced its new tier 2 status as a green

aviation business under NATA’s Sustainability Stan-
dard. This is the second year Avfuel has received rec-
ognition under the standard. “The enhancement of our
NATA Sustainability Standard Certificate underscores our
unwavering commitment to preserving our planet,” says
Avfuel VP of Marketing Marci Ammerman. “Renewing
the certification each year is an important opportunity to

Photo courtesy Avfuel

reflect on our progress and reinforce our environmental
commitment.” As part of the tier 2 certification process,
the Avfuel team conducted a thorough assessment of its
carbon footprint and sustainable processes. Currently,
Avfuel continues to neutralize carbon emissions from its
annual operations. The latest offset focuses on funding
domestic projects with US-based carbon credits. In ad- to support it customers in developing and reaching their
dition, Avfuel recently launched its Avfuel Zero program own sustainability goals.

Phillips 66 Aviation grows network with AirQuest FBOs

P hillips 66 Aviation has added AirQuest Aviation BTP

(Pittsburgh-Butler Regional, PA) and BVI (Beaver Falls
PA) to its FBO network. AirQuest customers will have ac-
cess to a Jet A and 100LL Avgas fuel plus all the benefits
Phillips 66 offers to its FBOs. “We joined the Phillips 66
network because our supplier, Purvis Brothers, is a local
company,” says AirQuest Aviation General Manager Matt

Photo courtesy Sonoma Aviation

Steele. Located 30 miles north of Pittsburgh, AirQuest Avia-
Photo courtesy Air Quest

tion BTP is building a reputation for its stress-free commute

to the city and as a preferred aircraft repair station. Over
the past decade, AirQuest’s FBO has tripled the size of its
maintenance department. Its BVI location is 20 miles north-
west of Pittsburgh and specializes in maintaining the high-
er-end single-engine planes made by Diamond Aircraft.

Sonoma Aviation earns top safety rating for FBOs

S onoma Aviation has achieved IS-BAH Stage 3 accredi-

tation, remarking its commitment to safety, profession-
alism, and operational excellence at its CLD (Carlsbad
it is especially meaning-
ful to us to achieve the
IS-BAH Stage 3 safety
CA) and STS (Sonoma Co, Santa Rosa CA). IS-BAH sets standard at CLD and
the standard for top-tier operational practices and contin- STS mere days after our
ues to enhance the safety record already demonstrated highly successful Green
by business aviation. It guides FBOs in establishing and Fuel Day, which raised
maintaining strong safety management systems (SMS) awareness of the avail-
and operational programs. This voluntary accreditation ability of SAF at STS.”
process included an attentive in-person audit performed CLD and STS focus on (L-) Sonoma Aviation Safety
Mgr Josh Foster, and VP Clay-
by MacPherson Aviation Audits. Stage 3 certification is offering flight operations ton Lackey present their IS-BAH
the program’s highest standard, and it is marked by the full with safe aviation ser- Stage 3 certification.
integration of safety management activities and the culti- vices, connecting guests
vation of a positive safety culture. Sonoma Aviation CEO with business and leisure destinations in northern and
Josh Hochberg says, “As a company that lives our values, southern California.


Pireps 6-24 lyt.indd 27 6/ /24 8:5 M

Milestone bolsters Lufttransport’s offshore fleet with 3 AW139
2025 and will support Lufttransport’s offshore missions.
“We’re thrilled to partner with Lufttransport on their
fleet expansion,” declares Milestone Chief Commercial
Officer Sébastien Moulin. “This agreement highlights
Photo courtesy Luftransport

our commitment to financing both new and pre-owned

helicopters, fostering growth in the offshore industry.
We offer tailored solutions to meet our clients’ specific
needs and address the rising demand for helicopter lift.”
Lufttransport CEO Erlend Olsen continues, “We deeply
appreciate Milestone’s strong support and partnership.
Securing these 3 AW139s with full ice protection is a sig-

M ilestone Aviation Group announced a deal with

Norwegian operator Lufttransport for 3 new Leon-
ardo AW139 helicopters. These helicopters, equipped for
nificant step for us. The Milestone team’s agility and in-
novative approach were crucial in finalizing this deal. We
look forward to a continued collaboration that enhances
harsh North Sea conditions, are scheduled to deliver in our capabilities and service offerings.”

Titan Aviation Fuels soars in Europe, adds

sustainable options and aerobatic team

F ocusing on sustainability, Titan Aviation Fuels expands

in Europe with more eco-friendly SAF options in Spain.
The company is collaborating with CEPSA to offer sus-
VAT and fuel taxes,
allowing clients to
focus on their core
tainable fuel at Madrid, Barcelona, Palma, Malaga, and business. Further-
Seville airports. Despite high demand, SAF availability re- more, to inspire the
mains a hurdle in Europe. Titan addresses this by actively next generation
increasing supply in Spain, partnering with CEPSA, and and address indus-

Photo courtesy Titan Fuels

offering carbon offsets when SAF isn’t available. Titan’s try talent shortages, Titan, celebrating its 50th anniversa-
services include real-time fuel planning, digital quotes, ry next year, acquired the renowned AeroShell Aerobat-
and easy pre-ordering. Customers benefit from a secure ic Team. Their performances in classic North American
network of approved suppliers, competitive pricing, and AT-6 Texans will ignite passion for aviation, showcasing
24/7 support. Titan even handles the complexities of the thrill, expertise, and innovation the field offers.

Satcom Direct celebrates first STC for SD Plane Simple Ka-band terminal

S atcom Direct (SD) received FAA approval for the first

ever supplemental type certificate (STC), allowing in-
stallation of its SD Plane Simple Ka-band satellite terminal
on a Gulfstream G650 business jet. This is a major mile-
stone for SD as the terminal provides superior connectivi-
ty features compared to previous options. Key benefits of
the SD Plane Simple Ka-band terminal include compati-
bility with next-generation Viasat satellites for significantly
Photo courtesy Satcom Direct

higher data transmission and reception speeds. Access

to high speed Internet enables video streaming, live TV,
video calls, and file transfers for passengers and crew. Ex-
panded service plans from Jet ConneX include an hourly
payment option. SD is a preferred provider of connectiv-
ity services for Gulfstream bizjets, and expects to receive
STCs for additional aircraft models in the near future.


Pireps 6-24 lyt.indd 28 6/ /24 8:5 M

Pireps 6-24 lyt.indd 29 6/ /24 8:5 M

Redtail Air

Tour operator flies adventure seekers

out of CNY to national parks around
the Moab UT area.

By Jay Chandler eastern Utah with air tours, river water rafting down the Colorado and
Photo c our tesy D a her / B ur k ha r t

Contributing writer shuttles, and FBO services. Redtail Green Rivers.

Air is the only air operator based in In addition to the FBO and air tour

ith the world slowly get- Moab to hold permits issued by FAA operation, flight training remains ac-
ting back to the “pre-pan- and the National Park Service to fly tive at CNY, along with FAA-certified
demic normal,” participa- directly above Arches and Canyon- charter service to common domestic
tive escapes or adventure vacations lands National Parks, as well as Mon- airline hubs, which saves hours over
are more popular than ever. There ument Valley. land transportation.
still remains the slow and relaxing, Redtail Jet Center, a full service FBO, The company is often asked wheth-
then the step up to theme parks’ ex- operates year-round, with the peak air er it was named after the Tuskegee
treme rides, and then there are ad- tour season running from April to Oc- Airmen from World War II, and the
venturous vacationers wanting to get tober. Redtail Air is the air tour side of answer is no. The company is named
out there and live. Moab UT is a mec- the operation, providing river shuttles for the red-tailed hawk – a large bird
ca for “getting out there,” with some in piston and turbine airplanes. of prey commonly found throughout
107 outfitters competing for these As an old Vermonter expression the region.
thrill-seekers’ custom, according to goes, “You can’t get there from
Tripadvisor, including Redtail Air at here.” And so it goes in Moab. Roads Operations
CNY (Canyonlands, Moab UT). don’t go in a straight line here, and
air shuttles not only take customers With a field elevation of 4579 ft,
The beginning directly to the outfitter handoff, but and density altitude frequently reach-
also provide stunning views of the ing 9000 ft in the summer, Redtail
In 1978, Redtail Air started air tours area the vacationer expects to expe- Director of Operations Dan Wheeler
with 1 pilot and 1 airplane. Today it rience, whether it be by off-roading, keeps aircraft performance on every-
still serves adventurers visiting south- horseback riding, hiking, or white one’s mind. Redtail operates 2 Ko-


Redtail Air 6-24 lyt -final.indd 30 6/6/24 5: 2 PM

Kodiak 100 flies passengers over
the breathtaking scenery of Can-
yonland. Redtail Air’s Kodiaks can
acommodate up to 9 passengers.

Photos c our tesy R ed ta i l A i r

Adventurers board a Redtail Kodiak 100 at CNY.

(L) Kodiak aircraft have remarkable short takeoff and landing capabilities and are fitted
with large windows, perfect for sightseeing. (R) Mesmerizing views of Green River from the
air allow the rafters to enjoy their tour from above.

diak 100 turboprops, 3 Cessna 207s, outfitters, dropping off and picking and beauty of the area. Many of the
2 GippsAero GA8 Airvans, a Cessna up clients who mountain bike, ride pilots have been guides for the local
Skyhawk SP. Helicopter tours are also horseback, off-road, climb moun- outfitters, learned to fly part-time,
available in a Robinson R44 operated tains, or hike. For the less adventur- and eventually accumulated enough
by Pinnacle Helicopters. Normally, ous, there still remains a relaxing air hours to work at Redtail.
there are 2 or 3 year-round pilots, tour around the parks in the Robin- For the most part, successful pilots
including the helicopter pilot. During son R44 or any of the Redtail planes, at Redtail love the outdoors and are
the summer, however, the pilot pool depending on group size. Fortunate- nature enthusiasts themselves. In
swells to 8–10. ly, there is never a shortage of unbe- addition to flying the aircraft, pilots
All the aircraft remain busy, with lievable beauty by air in Moab. are tour guides, pointing out local
each pilot averaging 350 hours per scenery and attractions. R44 Pilot
year. Redtail works closely with white Flight crews Michael Fowler flies about 1/3 of the
water outfitters, delivering the cus- air tours. His air tour experience start-
tomers directly to the rafter’s starting Even as US airline pilot hiring begins ed with flying along the beaches of
point. A normal rafting trip includes to slow, Chief Pilot Ethan Johnson Pensacola FL, and he hopes to fly for
challenging white water rafting daily, says they have no shortage of pilot an EMS operator or firefighting com-
followed by a camping experience applicants. Although he acknowl- pany one day.
next to the river. The 4- or 5-day trips edges that air tour pilots are starting Other piloting skills Redtail Air
can be exhilarating but exhausting, out on the bottom rung of their pilot holds in high regard is previous moun-
and the weary rafters stare out the careers, his pilots enjoy the flying be- tain and short field flying. Johnson
aircraft windows in awe as they enjoy cause of the scenery and interaction says the longevity for pilots looking
their 50-minute return flight, instead with the clients. Whenever possible, to move up the aviation ladder nor-
of a 5-hour van ride. Johnson prefers to hire local pilots mally spans 2 or 3 years before they
Redtail Air partners with several who are familiar with the rich history move on to their next experience.


Redtail Air 6-24 lyt -final.indd 31 6/6/24 5: 2 PM

Passengers receive a safety briefing before boarding
the Pinnacle Helicopters Robinson R44.

Sunset tours around the park’s bound-

ary provide majestic memories.
Pilots perform additional duties of tour guide and fel-
low nature enthusiasts.

Safety first and Redtail Air, a Garmin inReach utes or 1 hour past expected times.
satellite communicator system Since the Part 135 certificate is
To ensure safe operations and air- is assigned to each aircraft or pi- VFR-only, Redtail Air can hire 500-
craft accountability, Redtail uses a de- lot. This allows the pilot to notify hour pilots for the charter flights,
tailed aircraft dispatch system. Most Redtail if there are delays, mainte- which helps enlarge the pool of pilot
of the destinations are the same, and, nance issues, or safety concerns. respondents. Once IFR operations
through experience, the duration of In addition to the Garmin inReach, are approved by FAA, Redtail Air’s
each leg is well known. To facilitate accident plans include actions re- minimum hour requirement for an
communication between flightcrews quired for aircraft that are 30 min- IFR PIC will be 1200 hours.

The Cessna 207 is a versatile single-engine aircraft that can comfortably accommodate 7 pax. Its unique design allows it to operate from
a variety of surfaces, including short, unpaved airstrips and even well-maintained gravel roads.


Redtail Air 6-24 lyt -final.indd 32 6/6/24 5: 2 PM

The GippsAero GA8 Airvan was designed for remote
strips. It providing excellent views for 7 passengers.
(Right) a Redtail Airvan waits for tired hikers.

Maintenance ternational tourists made up 20% of

the clients flown, with the remainder
At present, Redtail Air performs being domestic tourists. Today, the
most of its maintenance in-house and number of international tourists is
obtains Kodiak parts from Daher’s barely 5%. Redtail Air attends tour-
Idaho facility. DOM Willy Robinet re- ist conventions and other marketing
ports excellent parts availability from events to expand its client base. Re-
Daher, as well as from Textron for cently, after attending the Go West
its Cessna fleet. However, as with all Conference, the company secured
aviation concerns, completion times an agreement with a French compa-
for engine maintenance events, such ny to add Redtail Air as a partner. This
as overhauls, continue to be lengthy, deal will bring 20 buses carrying tour-
very difficult to schedule, and pricey. ists to Redtail annually. With a wide wingspan and powerful en-
Airvan parts, on the other hand, are gine the Airvan is a popular choice for pas-
Redtail Air’s strength is that it is
senger transport.
tougher than normal to source be- small enough to provide personal-
cause they ship from Australia. Over- ized service to its clients. They focus
all, however, the maintenance depart- on the unique and special experience
ment keeps a high availability rate, that aviation brings to the adventure. with a 2-hour flight. This would cer-
even with each aircraft flying between Limiting company growth for air tours tainly add Moab as a destination for
300 and 600 hours annually. are the national park permits, which Grand Canyon visitors.
Robinet says they had 3 A&P me- limit the time of day and number of To further expand the interest in air
chanics last year, but are down to 2 overflights of the parks. Helicopters tours, Redtail Air added sunset tours.
now. Due to the smaller staff, the Ko- are not allowed to overfly the nation- The company has already added a
diak annuals are performed at Turbo al parks due to their noise signature, Moab Best Arches Tour, but permits
Air in Boise ID, with the remaining and are relegated to the periphery of limit the number of daily flights and
work done at Redtail Air facilities. the parks. the time of day they take place, and
Qualified A&P technicians contin- With an eye to raising safety levels, impose annual overflight limits. An-
ue to test maintenance workforces Redtail Air sees adding a turbine-pow- other promising event that occurred
across the country, and Redtail Air ered Robinson R66 at some point in in 2021 was the Utah Film Commis-
is not immune. To expand its main- the future, and possibly a pressurized sion scouting for and selecting film
tenance force, they are exploring turboprop capable of flying at higher locations near Moab to film a new
the FAA OJT program for aspiring and smoother altitudes to provide a TV series. With film activities, aircraft
mechanics who wish to obtain their higher level of service. By providing traffic and air tour business increased
ratings while on the job under the su- pressurized turboprop service, Red- substantially.
pervision of FAA-certified A&Ps. tail Air hopes to expand its reach by
bringing customers from their home Jay Chandler has writ-
Looking forward airports directly to the majestic views ten for Pro Pilot since
and activities that adventurous va- 1995, and has flown
Interestingly, Redtail Air continues cationers crave. Another advantage for FAA, military, and
to operate with numbers similar to of a pressurized turboprop aircraft, Part 91 and 135 oper-
pre-Covid-19 figures. Air tours are such as the Pilatus PC-12, is that the ators throughout his
on the rise, although with a notable Grand Canyon comes into reach, po- 30-year career.
difference. Prior to the pandemic, in- tentially replacing a 6-hour car ride


Redtail Air 6-24 lyt -final.indd 33 6/6/24 5: 2 PM


2024 NBAA Maintenance Conference

By José Vásquez ing Into the Future theme, underscor- NBAA Maintenance Committee
Art Director ing the industry’s need to be pre- awarded scholarships.
pared for the anticipated expansion The 2025 NBAA Maintenance Con-

ustling Portland OR offered and continued success of business ference will be held in Columbus OH
a vibrant atmosphere during aviation in the post-pandemic era. from April 29–May 1.
the 2024 NBAA Maintenance The conference kicked off with
Conference, held at the Oregon Con- inspiring keynotes. Former Blue An-
vention Center from April 30–May 2. gels Commander Greg Wooldridge
Attendees from 46 states gathered shared leadership strategies for peak
for inspiring keynotes, connections team performance. Organizational
within the bizav maintenance com- Psychologist Amy Grubb offered in-
munity, and exploration of top-notch sights on embracing change and max-
exhibitor offerings. imizing professional growth.
NBAA Pres & CEO Ed Bolen high- Student mechanics took center
lighted the industry’s growth poten- stage at the conference. Led by re-
tial and focus on sustainability. He cord-setting pilot Capt Barrington The Gogo team was assisting attendees
emphasized the Climbing. Fast. cam- Irving, they competed in challenges in finding the perfect inflight connectivi-
paign and net-zero goal, while urging like safety wiring and troubleshoot- ty solution for their needs. Gogo recently
attendees to counter mischaracter- ing for a chance to win scholarships achieved FCC approval for HDX & FDX an-
izations and promote the industry’s and tools. tennas ahead of the upcoming Gogo Gal-
positive contributions. The conference championed fu- ileo launch. In addition, Atlas Air is devel-
NBAA Maintenance Comittee ture technicians, raising more than oping European STCs for the system.
Chair Nate Dietsch and Vice Chair $23,000 for the NBAA AMT Schol-
Brett Semple emphasized the Grow- arship Travel Fund. In addition, the

New World Aviation manages and ser-

vices high-end bizjets at competitive rates,
Garmin G5000 allows pilots to fly more West Star Aviation offers a wide range of prioritizing client safety. Eager to discuss
precise approaches using WAAS/LPV services at multiple locations across the offerings were (L–R) Pres Darrell Frey, Svc
technology, and it has features for voice US. At their booth, rewarding attendees Center Coord Shaina Merli, and Business
calling and texting through a phone or tab- with free shirts was Aviation Digital Brand Office Mgr Marcy Fries.
let. At the booth, Regional Sales Mgr-Avi- Mktg Mgr Alissa DiDonato.
ation Jim Laster was eager to demonstrate
Garmin systems.
Photos by José Vásquez

Western Aircraft provides aircraft main-

Viasat has provided connectivity solutions tenance services, from avionics upgrades
for more than 30 years, empowering com- and interior refurbishments to major CAMP provides technical consulting for
panies to meet the needs of today’s con- structural repairs and painting. (L–R) Re- optimal maintenance planning with ded-
nected pax and prepare for the future of gional Sales Managers Jet Lee Miles and icated analysts with in-depth knowledge
inflight technology. At the booth were Tech Jeff Soderberg, with MRO Reg Sales Mgr of your specific aircraft model. CAMP rep-
Sales Engineer William Rowell (L) and Sr Heather Aldred and Dir of MRO Sales & resentatives were available to answer
Dir Global Business Devt James Person. Mktg Kerry Heiss. questions at the show.


RH NBAA2 Maintenance conf-June.indd 34 6/6/24 6: PM

Mid-Continent Instru-
ments & Avionics show-
cased its product line,
including certified lithi-
um-ion batteries, digital
clocks, USB chargers,
electrical power sys-
tems, and other aviation
solutions. At the booth,
Sr Acc Mgr William
With multiple locations across California,
Elliott was available to
Aviation & Marketing International pro- ACIJET caters to travelers seeking a con-
answer questions.
vides competitively priced parts, tech venient and personalized approach to pri-
support services for troubleshooting and vate aviation. They provide aircraft man-
maintenance, and comprehensive custom- agement and charter flights, MRO, ground
er support for turbine engines to a global support and concierge services. (L–R) SVP,
clientele. Pictured are Pres Dan Pradel (L) Aircraft Maintenance Dave Jensen, Dir of
and Dir of Technical Services Bleu Stalder. Mktg John Tucker, and Repair Station Mgr
Jonathan Carlyle.

Collins Aerospace Pro Line Fusion avionics

system equips your aircraft with next-gen-
eration tools for unparalleled situational
awareness. Intuitive touch-screen inter-
Seattle Aviation Solutions (SAS) provides face and integrated features streamline
aircraft parts, pilot supplies, and tooling – decision-making for pilots. Enhanced
all accessible through its online portal. It Veryon is an aviation software solution weather detection and head-up vision
prioritizes quality, supplying new, rebuilt, designed to streamline maintenance, op- systems keep you informed and in control
and certified parts. In addition, they offer erations, manuals, and diagnostics. This in any conditions. At the show, staff mem-
inventory management and assistance comprehensive platform empowers busi- bers were busy showcasing their offerings
with MRO needs. VP Business Devt Justin nesses of all sizes in the aviation industry, to visitors.
Miller (L) and Sales Dir Doug Cole. to achieve greater aircraft uptime. A team
of representatives explained their products PartsBase
to attendees. streamline
your buying
and selling
sectors of the
aviation in-
dustry. Find
Wyvern is a leader in aviation safety and of inventory, including 15 billion parts and
risk management. Its mission is to help repair capabilities for 3.3 million aviation
aviation service providers build a strong components. Pictured is Account Exec
Hillsboro Aviation HIO (Hillsboro OR) Jordan Love.
safety culture by creating and implement-
offers a variety of services, including air-
ing effective safety management systems.
craft sales and management, FBO, and
VP Sales & Mktg Trent Corcia and VP Ad-
parts sales. Greeting customers were Dir
ministration Patti Arnott greeted guests.
of Service Ctr & FBO Danny Yazzolino (L)
and Service Ctr Coord Nolan Hamar.

Kadex Aero Supply

gets your aircraft
back in the air quick-
ly and affordably.
It has an extensive
network of repair
stations and strong TrustFlight specializes in fully integrat-
partnerships with ed operational management for the
Global Aviation HIO offerings include air- OEMs, offering a aviation industry. Their aim is to im-
craft charter, maintenance, and FBO sup- wide range of capa- prove safety and efficiency through a
port, with a 96,000-sq-ft hangar featuring bilities at competitive suite of digital tools that replace pa-
executive offices, meeting rooms, and a prices. Sales Dir - per-based workflows. At the booth
pilot lounge. Representing the company at Cargo Helicopter and Aerial Spray Nikki were Aerospace Specialist Thomas Le-
the show was DOM Randy Wirkkala. Storr welcomed customers. maire (L) and VP Sales Brian Lee.


RH NBAA2 Maintenance conf-June.indd 35 6/6/24 6: PM


Salary Study 2024

Competitive salaries – increases of 5% or more depending on aircraft type
– and strong benefit packages to retain pilots in the field.

Bombardier Global 6000

Pro Pilot Staff Report On the other hand, the pilot short- This is a study rather than a sur-
age is a condition that airlines have vey, since we also networked with
to face and resolve, too. And the key business aviation organiza-

B usiness aviation is a good op-

portunity to consolidate a pilot’s
career. About 15 years ago, Part 121
retirement age for airline pilots (65
years old) doesn’t help. Many air-
line pilots are set to retire within
tions and pilot placement agencies.
These organizations have provided
us with more detailed information
increased the minimum flight time the next few years, which is already about salaries and benefits, based
requirements to become an airline increasing the demand for pilots in on what’s happening in their own
pilot, from 250 to 1500 flight hours, this field. As a consequence, and in flight departments.
making corporate aviation a more order to keep their pilots, corporate Salaries are presented in US dol-
attractive option for pilots. Howev- flight departments have to keep up lars, and categorized by aircraft
er, the current challenge for business with competitive incentives so flight type and size. Basic annual salaries
aircraft operators is retaining pilots department personnel stay and de- were used to compile these survey
once they have reached the 1500 velop a long-term career in Part 91. results, with average, low, and high
flight hours mark. In order to over- This year, pilots are enjoying sala- figures. Professional Pilot maga-
come this situation, some compa- ry increases of approximate 5% – a zine doesn’t add bonuses, profits,
nies pay large retention bonuses to little more in some cases, depending overtime, vehicles, fuel, or other
keep their pilots around. on type of aircraft flight operations. benefits that pilots may receive to
Being a corporate pilot can be a Professional Pilot magazine has the dollar figures presented.
profitable career due to good salaries conducted this salary study for 52 Seniority, cross training, number of
and benefit packages, which may in- years. For this edition, 1086 elec- aircraft operated, or region where
clude bonuses, health insurance, re- tronic survey forms, representing a company is headquartered were
tirement plans, and salary increases 12.8% return, were received in our not included in these calculations
to keep up with cost of living – not offices in Alexandria VA by the May either. Also, these salaries shown
to mention the opportunity to have 15, 2024 cutoff date. A total of 839 are before taxes.
a great balance between work and forms were used as being properly We’d like to thank all of our read-
personal life. filled out. ers who contributed to this study.


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 36 6/ /24 :5 M

Responses by use of aircraft Responses by level of education Responses by position

0.8% Regional 0.2% Offshore oil

0.2% Eng-Electr MA/MS 1.4% First officer
1.4% EMS 0.4% PhD
0.1% Logging degree
1.4% Police High
8.8% Av dept mgr
Charter 9.1% 19.7%
degree 10.5%

19.6% 57.9%
51.6% Chief pilot
80.4% Captain
Some college BA/BS
Corporate degree


Professional Pilot Pilot magazine has conducted a salary were disqualified due to inconsistencies, errors, inclusion
study by aircraft type for 52 years, matching compen- of part-time or contract pilot positions, or lateness.
sation to specific fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft models. Each form was reviewed carefully to ensure reliability
During March 2024, 8492 electronic survey forms were of data. In addition to salary averages, Pro Pilot com-
sent to a random selection of qualified Pro Pilot readers pared remuneration details provided by various corpo-
worldwide. rate flight departments and pilot placement agencies.
A total of 1086 survey forms, representing a 12.8% For monthly military basic rates of pay published by
return, came back to Pro Pilot offices in Alexandria VA by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel
the May 15, 2024 cutoff date. After a thorough review, a & Readiness, go to
total of 839 survey forms qualified as being properly filled Basic-Pay/Active-Duty-Pay/ (Active Duty Pay, January
out by eligible respondents. A total of 247 survey forms 2024 update).

Responses by company benefits % Responses by achievements %

Health insurance 89.0 IS-BAO 13.5

Dental insurance 83.0 Other 6.4

401K 77.1 CAM 5.0

Life insurance 55.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Disability insurance 52.2

Uniforms 49.5
Responses by licenses held %
Loss-of-license ins 21.5

Retirement 17.0
ATP 96.0
Profit sharing 15.0
Others 8.6
Commercial 38.0
Stock options 8.2 A&P 10.1

Car 5.8 Helo 9.1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 37 6/ /24 :5 M

2024 US
Salary Study
Av dept mgrs operating a Global 6000 under Part 91 in the US can expect
salaries as high as $330,000 annually, with an average of $260,000, and
a low of $196,000. Chief pilots flying this aircraft can earn up to $277,000
yearly, with an average of $237,000, and as low as $172,000.

Corporate jet Average Low High

Average Low High
Chief pilot
Aviation dept mgr
Heavy intl jets
Heavy intl jets Airbus ACJ318/319 235,000 177,000 261,000
Airbus ACJ318/319 255,000 196,000 337,000 Boeing 727 202,000 153,000 219,000
Boeing 727 228,000 160,000 253,000 Boeing 737/BBJ 234,000 175,000 265,000
Boeing 737/BBJ 245,000 190,000 326,000 Challenger 600/601 168,000 145,000 206,000
Challenger 600/601 215,000 156,000 296,000 Challenger 604/605 206,000 152,000 253,000
Challenger 604/605 235,000 171,000 309,000 Challenger 650 210,000 158,000 261,000
Challenger 650 239,000 175,000 317,000 Falcon 7X/8X 218,000 163,000 258,000
Falcon 7X/8X 256,000 176,000 321,000 Falcon 900/900EX 210,000 152,000 254,000
Falcon 900/900EX/900LX 247,000 172,000 316,000 Global Express/5000/6000 237,000 172,000 277,000
Global Express/5000/6000 260,000 196,000 330,000 Global 7500 242,000 177,000 284,000
Global 7500 267,000 201,000 334,000 Gulfstream IV/G450 212,000 158,000 258,000
Gulfstream IV/G450 247,000 183,000 314,000 Gulfstream V/G550 241,000 180,000 280,000
Gulfstream V/G550 262,000 193,000 327,000 Gulfstream G500/G600 247,000 183,000 282,000
Gulfstream G500/G600 266,000 199,000 330,000 Gulfstream G650 253,000 189,000 288,000
Gulfstream G650 270,000 203,000 334,000
Large jets
Large jets Falcon 2000/2000EX/LX 188,000 153,000 223,000
Falcon 2000/2000EX/LX 215,000 172,000 276,000 Gulfstream III 152,000 124,000 192,000
Gulfstream III 171,000 152,000 220,000
Supermidsize jets
Supermidsize jets Challenger 300/350 171,000 142,000 208,000
Challenger 300/350 206,000 166,000 238,000 Citation Latitude 174,000 143,000 205,000
Citation Latitude 209,000 171,000 246,000 Citation Longitude 167,000 135,000 202,000
Citation Longitude 205,000 164,000 235,000 Citation X 173,000 147,000 210,000
Citation X 212,000 175,000 261,000 Embraer Legacy 600 163,000 132,000 188,000
Embraer Legacy 600 183,000 154,000 201,000 Embraer Legacy 450/500 168,000 135,000 195,000
Embraer Legacy 450/500 202,000 170,000 263,000 Embraer Praetor 500/600 170,000 142,000 210,000
Embraer Praetor 500/600 207,000 168,000 243,000 Falcon 50/50EX 160,000 127,000 197,000
Falcon 50/50EX 188,000 146,000 245,000 Gulfstream Galaxy/G200/G280 164,000 133,000 195,000
Gulfstream Galaxy/G200/G280 183,000 157,000 211,000
Midsize jets
Midsize jets Citation Excel/XLS 142,000 109,000 176,000
Citation Excel/XLS 161,000 132,000 191,000 Citation Sovereign 157,000 123,000 188,000
Citation Sovereign 173,000 141,000 205,000 Falcon 20/200 122,000 101,000 152,000
Falcon 20/200 130,000 111,000 161,000 Gulfstream Astra/G100/G150 142,000 124,000 178,000
Gulfstream Astra/G100/G150 156,000 128,000 193,000 Hawker 800/800XP/1000 139,000 119,000 171,000
Hawker 800/800XP/1000 166,000 131,000 203,000 Hawker 850/850XP/900/900XP 156,000 121,000 177,000
Hawker 850/850XP/900/900XP 179,000 134,000 221,000 Learjet 35/36 110,000 93,000 133,000
Learjet 35/36 117,000 103,000 139,000 Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR 131,000 110,000 151,000
Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR 151,000 121,000 178,000 Learjet 55/60/60XR 141,000 117,000 162,000
Learjet 55/60/60XR 165,000 129,000 201,000 Learjet 70/75 145,000 121,000 170,000
Learjet 70/75 167,000 131,000 205,000
Light jets
Light jets Beechjet 400/Hawker 400XP 120,000 101,000 146,000
Beechjet 400/Hawker 400XP 127,000 108,000 162,000 CitationJet/CJ1/CJ2/M2 112,000 98,000 144,000
CitationJet/CJ1/CJ2/M2 126,000 102,000 160,000 Citation II/SII/Bravo/CJ3/CJ4 121,000 97,000 158,000
Citation II/SII/Bravo/CJ3/CJ4 134,000 110,000 176,000 Citation V/Ultra/Encore 125,000 101,000 159,000
Citation V/Ultra/Encore 136,000 111,000 176,000 Citation Mustang 96,000 88,000 116,000
Embraer Phenom 100 119,000 101,000 152,000 Embraer Phenom 100 101,000 92,000 121,000
Embraer Phenom 300 130,000 114,000 164,000 Embraer Phenom 300 117,000 101,000 136,000
Premier I 119,000 101,000 152,000 Premier I 107,000 96,000 131,000


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 38 6/ /24 :5 M

Average Low High

Heavy intl jets
Airbus ACJ318/319 184,000 165,000 229,000
Boeing 727 164,000 135,000 191,000
Boeing 737/BBJ 183,000 166,000 223,000
Challenger 600/601 154,000 130,000 188,000
Challenger 604/605 175,000 137,000 225,000
Challenger 650 181,000 144,000 242,000
Falcon 7X/8X 186,000 150,000 230,000
Falcon 900/900EX 177,000 130,000 224,000
Global Express/5000/6000 204,000 154,000 261,000
Global 7500 210,000 159,000 265,000
Praetor 600 captains flying under Part 91 can make up to $190,000
Gulfstream IV/G450 187,000 141,000 232,000
yearly, an average of $153,000, an a low of $123,000. First officers
Gulfstream V/G550 204,000 156,000 255,000
operating this aircraft can receive as much as $118,000 per year,
Gulfstream G500/G600 209,000 161,000 261,000
with an average of $103,000, and a low of $85,000.
Gulfstream G650 214,000 167,000 267,000

Large jets
Falcon 2000/2000EX/LX 168,000 126,000 214,000 Average Low High
Gulfstream III 141,000 117,000 177,000
Challenger 600/601 101,000 91,000 117,000
Supermidsize jets Challenger 604/605 114,000 105,000 125,000
Challenger 300/350 154,000 124,000 188,000 Challenger 650 120,000 112,000 131,000
Citation Latitude 157,000 128,000 187,000 Falcon 7X/8X 118,000 107,000 130,000
Citation Longitude 151,000 121,000 181,000 Falcon 900/900EX 116,000 104,000 126,000
Citation X 158,000 129,000 188,000 Global Express/5000/6000 123,000 107,000 137,000
Embraer Legacy 600 138,000 112,000 167,000 Global 7500 137,000 121,000 147,000
Embraer Legacy 450/500 154,000 127,000 183,000 Gulfstream IV/G450 120,000 105,000 131,000
Embraer Praetor 500/600 153,000 123,000 190,000 Gulfstream V/G550 126,000 109,000 143,000
Falcon 50/50EX 143,000 116,000 178,000 Gulfstream G500/G600 127,000 112,000 144,000
Gulfstream Galaxy/G200/G280 151,000 120,000 189,000 Gulfstream G650 130,000 116,000 147,000
Midsize jets
Large jets
Citation Excel/XLS 121,000 102,000 156,000
Falcon 2000/2000EX/LX 109,000 95,000 124,000
Citation Sovereign 143,000 115,000 159,000
Gulfstream III 103,000 86,000 116,000
Falcon 20/200 108,000 92,000 137,000
Gulfstream Astra/G100/G150 132,000 107,000 156,000 Supermidsize jets
Hawker 800/800XP/1000 130,000 106,000 160,000 Challenger 300/350 103,000 86,000 114,000
Hawker 850/850XP/900/900XP 135,000 112,000 161,000 Citation Latitude 106,000 87,000 118,000
Learjet 35/36 99,000 88,000 123,000 Citation Longitude 99,000 82,000 112,000
Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR 122,000 102,000 145,000 Citation X 108,000 91,000 122,000
Learjet 55/60/60XR 127,000 108,000 147,000 Embraer Legacy 600 92,000 79,000 110,000
Learjet 70/75 131,000 115,000 151,000 Embraer Legacy 450/500 102,000 80,000 114,000
Embraer Praetor 500/600 103,000 85,000 118,000
Light jets Falcon 50/50EX 100,000 80,000 111,000
Beechjet 400/Hawker 400XP 107,000 93,000 129,000 Gulfstream Galaxy/G200/G280 92,000 76,000 112,000
Cirrus Vision 90,000 81,000 111,000
CitationJet/CJ1/CJ2/M2 98,000 86,000 117,000 Midsize jets
Citation II/SII/Bravo/CJ3/CJ4 108,000 89,000 137,000 Citation Excel/XLS 79,000 71,000 93,000
Citation V/Ultra/Encore 115,000 93,000 143,000 Citation Sovereign 90,000 76,000 109,000
Citation Mustang 89,000 81,000 109,000 Falcon 20/200 71,000 58,000 85,000
Eclipse EA500/EA550 89,000 81,000 109,000 Gulfstream Astra/G100/G150 76,000 66,000 95,000
Embraer Phenom 100 94,000 86,000 115,000 Hawker 800/800XP/1000 84,000 74,000 105,000
Embraer Phenom 300 103,000 90,000 129,000 Hawker 850/850XP/900/900XP 90,000 79,000 111,000
HondaJet HA420 94,000 86,000 115,000 Learjet 35/36 67,000 57,000 79,000
Premier I 101,000 85,000 119,000 Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR 81,000 66,000 94,000
Pilatus PC-24 107,000 89,000 138,000 Learjet 55/60/60XR 86,000 76,000 103,000
Learjet 70/75 89,000 78,000 106,000
First officer/copilot
Light jets
Heavy intl jets Beechjet 400/Hawker 400XP 66,000 60,000 79,000
Airbus ACJ318/319 113,000 101,000 127,000 CitationJet/CJ1/CJ2/M2 64,000 54,000 75,000
Boeing 727 103,000 89,000 119,000 Citation II/SII/Bravo/CJ3/CJ4 70,000 64,000 79,000
Boeing 737/BBJ 117,000 104,000 126,000 Citation V/Ultra/Encore 72,000 67,000 81,000


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 39 6/ /24 :5 M

Airbus H155 av dept mgrs remuner-
ations can be as high as $189,000,
with an average of $142,000, and a
low of $130,000 yearly. Chief pilots
flying this aircraft can earn a high of
$175,000, an average of $131,000,
and a low of $119,000 annually. And
captains can receive a high salary of
$158,000 annually, an average of
126,000, an a low of $108,000.

TBM 960 av dept mgrs flying under Part 91 can earn high an- Corporate helicopter
nual salaries of $121,000, with an average of $100,000, and a
low of $90,000. Chief pilots can be paid as high as $109,000 Average Low High
per year, an average of $93,000, and a low of $77,000.
While TBM 960 captains can gross a high an annual salary of Aviation dept mgr
$99,000, with an average of $84,000, and a low of $66,000.
Airbus Heli AS350/H120/H125 110,000 97,000 130,000
Airbus Heli AS355/H135 114,000 102,000 135,000
Corporate turboprop Airbus Heli AS365/H155 142,000 130,000 189,000
Airbus Heli H145 128,000 117,000 163,000
Average Low High Bell 206/206L/AW119 Koala 105,000 90,000 130,000
Bell 212/222/230 111,000 92,000 132,000
Aviation dept mgr Bell 407/Airbus Heli H130 116,000 100,000 137,000
Bell 412/430 118,000 104,000 139,000
Caravan 81,000 69,000 100,000 Bell 429 141,000 121,000 173,000
Cheyenne II/III 86,000 70,000 103,000 Bell 427 126,000 110,000 163,000
Conquest II 87,000 74,000 108,000 Leonardo AW109 121,000 99,000 144,000
King Air 90/100 99,000 84,000 128,000 Leonardo AW139 165,000 142,000 180,000
King Air 200/250 113,000 92,000 133,000 MD 500 series 106,000 89,000 131,000
King Air 300/350 120,000 99,000 144,000 MD 900 series 125,000 108,000 156,000
King Air 360 125,000 104,000 149,000 Sikorsky S-76 167,000 146,000 214,000
Mitsubishi MU2 85,000 69,000 103,000 Sikorsky S-92 173,000 155,000 232,000
Piaggio P180 Avanti 103,000 91,000 126,000
Pilatus PC-12 103,000 88,000 127,000 Chief pilot
TBM700/850 87,000 75,000 105,000
Airbus Heli AS350/H120/H125 99,000 88,000 123,000
TBM900/910/930 92,000 81,000 114,000
Airbus Heli AS355/H135 102,000 90,000 127,000
TBM 940/960 100,000 90,000 121,000
Airbus Heli AS365/H155 131,000 119,000 175,000
Airbus Heli H145 120,000 106,000 154,000
Chief pilot Bell 206/206L/AW119 Koala 98,000 81,000 123,000
Caravan 74,000 63,000 95,000 Bell 212/222/230 104,000 87,000 120,000
Cheyenne II/III 76,000 64,000 97,000 Bell 407/Airbus Heli H130 107,000 92,000 129,000
Conquest II 81,000 69,000 100,000 Bell 412/430 111,000 95,000 131,000
King Air 90/100 88,000 72,000 109,000 Bell 429 126,000 110,000 158,000
King Air 200/250 103,000 78,000 126,000 Bell 427 117,000 102,000 150,000
King Air 300/350 109,000 83,000 139,000 Leonardo AW109 112,000 91,000 131,000
King Air 360 116,000 87,000 142,000 Leonardo AW139 152,000 129,000 164,000
Mitsubishi MU2 74,000 64,000 94,000 MD 500 series 98,000 79,000 123,000
Piaggio P180 Avanti 95,000 75,000 114,000 MD 900 series 116,000 99,000 148,000
Pilatus PC-12 96,000 76,000 118,000 Sikorsky S-76 160,000 136,000 203,000
TBM700/850 77,000 65,000 97,000 Sikorsky S-92 165,000 148,000 222,000
TBM900/910/930 85,000 72,000 102,000
TBM 940/960 93,000 77,000 109,000
Airbus Heli AS350/H120/H125 92,000 76,000 114,000
Captain Airbus Heli AS355/H135 96,000 77,000 118,000
Airbus Heli AS365/H155 126,000 108,000 158,000
Caravan 68,000 57,000 86,000 Airbus Heli H145 112,000 94,000 145,000
Cheyenne II/III 69,000 58,000 89,000 Bell 206/206L/AW119 Koala 91,000 71,000 110,000
Conquest II 71,000 65,000 94,000 Bell 212/222/230 96,000 80,000 108,000
King Air 90/100 83,000 67,000 103,000 Bell 407/Airbus Heli H130 98,000 83,000 114,000
King Air 200/250 96,000 72,000 116,000 Bell 412/430 102,000 87,000 122,000
King Air 300/350 99,000 75,000 123,000 Bell 429 117,000 98,000 143,000
King Air 360 104,000 79,000 127,000 Bell 427 108,000 92,000 136,000
Mitsubishi MU2 68,000 60,000 85,000 Leonardo AW109 102,000 85,000 121,000
Piaggio P180 Avanti 85,000 69,000 101,000 Leonardo AW139 138,000 123,000 147,000
Pilatus PC-12 87,000 68,000 105,000 MD 500 series 90,000 70,000 111,000
TBM700/850 72,000 59,000 88,000 MD 900 series 108,000 92,000 136,000
TBM900/910/930 77,000 67,000 92,000 Sikorsky S-76 151,000 126,000 182,000
TBM 940/960 84,000 66,000 99,000 Sikorsky S-92 157,000 138,000 200,000


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 40 6/ /24 :5 M

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Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 41 6/ /24 :5 M

Average Low High

Challenger 601 98,000 80,000 114,000

Challenger 604/605 103,000 83,000 122,000
Falcon 900/900EX 109,000 85,000 131,000
Falcon 2000/2000EX 107,000 85,000 126,000
Falcon 7X 114,000 94,000 141,000
Challenger 350 captains operating under Part 135 can earn up to
Global Express/5000/6000 111,000 87,000 133,000
$170,000 yearly, an average of $145,000, and a low of $114,000. Gulfstream III 84,000 74,000 106,000
First officers can average an annual compensation of $84,000, as Gulfstream IV/G450 107,000 79,000 118,000
much as $110,000, and as low as $72,000. Gulfstream V/G550 113,000 86,000 125,000
Gulfstream G500/G600 120,000 94,000 131,000
Gulfstream G650 125,000 101,000 142,000
Charter jet
Supermidsize and midsize jets
Average Low High
Challenger 300/350 84,000 72,000 110,000
Captain Citation Excel/XLS 78,000 65,000 101,000
Citation Sovereign 79,000 69,000 103,000
Heavy intl jets and large jets Citation X 85,000 76,000 109,000
Airbus ACJ319 184,000 150,000 205,000 Embraer Legacy 600 77,000 68,000 95,000
Boeing 737/BBJ 186,000 152,000 207,000 Falcon 50 78,000 69,000 94,000
Boeing 757/767 194,000 153,000 210,000 Gulfstream Astra/G100/G150 76,000 64,000 95,000
Challenger 601 130,000 122,000 163,000 Gulfstream Galaxy/G200/G280 77,000 70,000 98,000
Challenger 604/605 151,000 133,000 181,000 Hawker 800/800XP/1000 77,000 64,000 99,000
Falcon 900/900EX 158,000 139,000 183,000 Hawker 850/850XP/900/900XP 79,000 66,000 101,000
Falcon 2000/2000EX 153,000 127,000 175,000 Learjet 35/36 66,000 56,000 79,000
Falcon 7X 188,000 150,000 208,000 Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR 68,000 58,000 83,000
Global Express/5000/6000 180,000 143,000 200,000 Learjet 55/60 74,000 64,000 92,000
Gulfstream III 141,000 119,000 160,000 Learjet 75 80,000 70,000 102,000
Gulfstream IV/G450 169,000 140,000 197,000
Gulfstream V/G550 185,000 146,000 204,000 Light jets
Gulfstream G500/G600 194,000 151,000 217,000 Beechjet 400/Hawker 400XP 65,000 57,000 76,000
Gulfstream G650 200,000 158,000 223,000 CitationJet/CJ1/CJ2 63,000 54,000 74,000
Citation Bravo/CJ3/CJ4 66,000 59,000 76,000
Supermidsize and midsize jets Citation V/Ultra/Encore 69,000 61,000 80,000
Challenger 300/350 145,000 114,000 170,000
Citation Excel/XLS 107,000 91,000 129,000
Citation Longitude 137,000 110,000 171,000 Charter turboprop
Citation Sovereign 118,000 104,000 138,000
Citation X 125,000 117,000 161,000 Captain
Embraer Legacy 600 123,000 113,000 143,000
Falcon 50 123,000 110,000 143,000 Caravan/Conquest 65,000 58,000 86,000
Gulfstream Astra/G100/G150 114,000 99,000 138,000 King Air 90/100 76,000 64,000 95,000
Gulfstream Galaxy/G200/G280 128,000 108,000 149,000 King Air 200/250 83,000 67,000 103,000
Hawker 800/800XP/1000 118,000 99,000 140,000 King Air 300/350 87,000 76,000 112,000
Hawker 850/850XP/900/900XP 126,000 105,000 147,000 Piaggio P180 Avanti 77,000 68,000 97,000
Learjet 35/36 95,000 82,000 114,000 Pilatus PC-12 77,000 66,000 100,000
Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR 105,000 91,000 123,000
Learjet 55/60 114,000 101,000 140,000 First officer/copilot
Learjet 75 121,000 102,000 145,000
King Air 90/100 55,000 50,000 71,000
Light jets King Air 200/250 57,000 54,000 77,000
Beechjet 400/Hawker 400XP 101,000 84,000 123,000 King Air 300/350 63,000 56,000 81,000
Cirrus Vision 88,000 77,000 108,000
CitationJet/CJ1/CJ2 89,000 80,000 109,000
Citation Bravo/CJ3/CJ4 100,000 82,000 114,000
Citation V/Ultra/Encore 102,000 80,000 123,000
Embraer Phenom 100 86,000 76,000 103,000
Embraer Phenom 300 92,000 79,000 114,000

First officer/copilot
Heavy intl and large jets
Airbus ACJ319 112,000 87,000 140,000
Boeing 737/BBJ 110,000 85,000 139,000
Boeing 757/767 114,000 88,000 141,000 Pilatus PC-12 captains in Part 135 can receive salaries as high as
$100,000, with an average of $77,000, and a low of $66,000 annually.


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 42 6/ /24 :5 M

Charter helicopter
Average Low High
Airbus Heli AS350/H120 86,000 75,000 110,000
Airbus Heli AS355/H135 92,000 80,000 118,000
Airbus Heli AS365 103,000 96,000 127,000
Airbus Heli H145 105,000 92,000 128,000
Bell 206/206L 87,000 71,000 108,000
Bell 407 92,000 80,000 117,000
Bell 429 103,000 87,000 128,000
Leonardo AW109 97,000 77,000 117,000
Leonardo AW139 132,000 119,000 154,000
MD 900 88,000 75,000 113,000
Sikorsky S-76 130,000 122,000 149,000

First officer/copilot
Airbus Heli AS365 78,000 68,000 96,000 Sikorsky S-76 captains operating under Part 135 can be paid up
to $149,000 yearly, with an average of $130,000, and a low of
Leonardo AW139 87,000 75,000 108,000
$122,000. First officers can make as high as $108,000, with an aver-
Sikorsky S-76 87,000 74,000 108,000
age of $87,000, and a low of $74,000 yearly.

Regional turboprop
Average Low High
ATR72 104,000 88,000 114,000
Beech 1900C/D 62,000 48,000 85,000
DHC Dash 8-100/200/300 94,000 67,000 118,000
DHC Dash 8-Q400 114,000 95,000 133,000
Saab 340 76,000 60,000 109,000

First officer
ATR72 60,000 43,000 76,000
Embraer 195 captains flying in the regional field can earn as Beech 1900C/D 44,000 41,000 61,000
high as $161,000, an average of $124,000, and as low as DHC Dash 8-100/200/300 58,000 44,000 71,000
$101,000 per year. First officers can average salaries of $66,000,
DHC Dash 8-Q400 61,000 50,000 77,000
with a high of $94,000, and a low of $54,000 annually.
Saab 340 51,000 42,000 64,000

Regional jet
Bombardier CRJ100/200 120,000 85,000 152,000
Bombardier CRJ700 121,000 88,000 157,000
Bombardier CRJ900 125,000 102,000 159,000
Embraer ERJ135 111,000 78,000 128,000
Embraer ERJ140/145 114,000 91,000 151,000
Embraer 170/175 121,000 89,000 158,000
Embraer 190/195 124,000 101,000 161,000

First officer
Bombardier CRJ100/200 59,000 44,000 77,000
Bombardier CRJ700 60,000 49,000 84,000
Bombardier CRJ900 68,000 53,000 90,000
Embraer ERJ135 58,000 44,000 78,000
Embraer ERJ140/145 62,000 50,000 84,000 DHC Dash 8-Q400 captains operating in the regional field can re-
Embraer 170/175 65,000 53,000 90,000 ceive high salaries of $133,000, with an average of $114,000, and a
Embraer 190/195 66,000 54,000 94,000 low of $95,000 yearly. First officers can receive as much as $77,000,
an average of $61,000, and as low as $50,000 per year.


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 43 6/ /24 :5 M

EMS captains operating a Leonardo AW109 GrandNew can obtain
a salary as high as $129,000 yearly, with an average of $110,000,
MD 900 captains flying in the law enforcement field can earn an av- and a low of $90,000.
erage salary of $109,000 annually, with a high of $127,000, and a
low of $91,000. Emergency medical service (EMS) fixed-wing
Average Low High
Police helicopter Captain
Average Low High King Air 90/100 87,000 76,000 99,000
Captain King Air 200/300/350 99,000 83,000 118,000
Learjet 35/36 77,000 69,000 101,000
Airbus Heli AS350/H120 105,000 89,000 121,000 Learjet 45/55/60 93,000 85,000 114,000
Airbus Heli AS365N 126,000 107,000 138,000 Pilatus PC-12 88,000 79,000 109,000
Bell 412/430 123,000 107,000 136,000 TBM 700/850 86,000 77,000 101,000
Bell 206/206L/OH58 104,000 88,000 118,000
Bell 212 111,000 95,000 131,000
Bell 407/Airbus Heli H130 108,000 92,000 126,000 Emergency medical service (EMS) helicopter
Leonardo AW139 127,000 107,000 139,000
MD 500 99,000 87,000 115,000 Captain
MD 900 109,000 91,000 127,000
Sikorsky S-76 126,000 104,000 138,000 Airbus Heli AS350/H120 97,000 81,000 110,000
Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk 126,000 104,000 138,000 Airbus Heli AS355/H135 99,000 90,000 119,000
Airbus Heli AS365/H155 114,000 91,000 131,000
Offshore helicopter Airbus Heli H145 110,000 93,000 125,000
Bell 206/206L/OH58 96,000 82,000 113,000
Bell 407/Airbus Heli H130 98,000 87,000 117,000
Captain Bell 412/427/430 106,000 90,000 123,000
Bell 429 109,000 93,000 125,000
Airbus Heli AS355/H135 113,000 99,000 126,000 Leonardo AW109 110,000 90,000 129,000
Bell 407/Airbus Heli H130 111,000 92,000 125,000 Leonardo AW119 Koala 100,000 84,000 123,000
Bell 412/429/430 118,000 98,000 128,000 Leonardo AW139 123,000 95,000 137,000
Leonardo AW139 137,000 111,000 154,000 MD 900 series 96,000 82,000 112,000
Sikorsky S-76 137,000 111,000 155,000 Sikorsky S-76 125,000 97,000 127,000
Sikorsky S-92 144,000 125,000 162,000

Electronic news gathering (ENG) helicopter

Airbus Heli AS350/H120 91,000 77,000 117,000
Airbus Heli AS355/H135 93,000 82,000 121,000
Bell 206/206L/407/OH58 90,000 76,000 115,000

Logging/construction helicopter
Bell 205/212/214/412 99,000 87,000 122,000
Boeing BV107/234 105,000 92,000 131,000
Bell 430 captains operating in the offshore oil field can receive a high Kaman K-Max 106,000 90,000 137,000
annual salary of $128,000, with an average of $118,000, an a low Sikorsky S-64 110,000 103,000 141,000
of $98,000.


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 44 6/ /24 :5 M

2024 International
Salary Study
All salaries given in US dollars

Corporate intl Challenger 605 av dept mgrs based overseas and flying in the cor-
porate field can earn as high as $266,000 yearly, with an average
Average Low High of $224,000, and a low of $166,000. Chief pilots flying the same air-
Jet craft can make up to $230,000, with an average salary of $197,000,
Heavy intl jets an a low of $151,000 annually.
Aviation dept manager 224,000 166,000 266,000
Chief pilot 197,000 151,000 230,000 Regional intl
Captain 180,000 127,000 218,000
Average Low High
Large jets Jet
Aviation dept manager 182,000 141,000 210,000
Chief pilot 161,000 124,000 188,000 Captain
Captain 148,000 113,000 175,000
Bombardier CRJ100/200 116,000 97,000 140,000
Supermidsize and midsize jets Bombardier CRJ700 125,000 110,000 144,000
Aviation dept manager 167,000 129,000 191,000 Bombardier CRJ900 133,000 112,000 155,000
Chief pilot 148,000 111,000 162,000 Embraer ERJ135 102,000 93,000 125,000
Captain 131,000 101,000 156,000 Embraer ERJ145 115,000 98,000 140,000
Embraer 170/175 122,000 110,000 144,000
Light and entry-level jets Embraer 190/195 135,000 117,000 159,000
Aviation dept manager 149,000 113,000 163,000 Fairchild Dornier 328JET 95,000 83,000 121,000
Chief pilot 130,000 101,000 144,000 Fokker 70/100 96,000 87,000 122,000
Captain 115,000 85,000 134,000
First officer
Turboprop Bombardier CRJ100/200 68,000 53,000 89,000
Bombardier CRJ700 71,000 60,000 96,000
Aviation dept manager 134,000 102,000 146,000 Bombardier CRJ900 78,000 66,000 104,000
Chief pilot 116,000 82,000 131,000 Embraer ERJ135 64,000 50,000 86,000
Captain 104,000 74,000 121,000 Embraer ERJ145 67,000 53,000 90,000
Embraer 170/175 71,000 60,000 96,000
Helicopter Embraer 190/195 78,000 66,000 104,000
Aviation dept manager 145,000 114,000 168,000 Fairchild Dornier 328JET 63,000 50,000 84,000
Chief pilot 122,000 99,000 147,000 Fokker 70/100 64,000 50,000 84,000
Captain 110,000 86,000 137,000
Charter intl
ATR42 81,000 71,000 101,000
Heavy intl and large jets ATR72 90,000 76,000 111,000
Captain 167,000 113,000 197,000 DHC Dash 8-100/200/300 90,000 72,000 109,000
DHC Dash 8-Q400 105,000 78,000 119,000
Supermidsize and midsize jets
Fairchild Dornier 328 75,000 60,000 91,000
Captain 138,000 98,000 149,000
Saab 340 78,000 65,000 101,000
Light and entry-level jets Saab 2000 92,000 74,000 109,000
Captain 110,000 80,000 131,000
First officer
ATR42 56,000 50,000 77,000
Turboprop ATR72 64,000 54,000 83,000
Captain 98,000 67,000 117,000 DHC Dash 8-100/200/300 64,000 50,000 77,000
DHC Dash 8-Q400 70,000 57,000 85,000
Helicopter Fairchild Dornier 328 54,000 48,000 75,000
Saab 340 54,000 48,000 75,000
Captain 101,000 76,000 127,000 Saab 2000 61,000 51,000 84,000


Salary Study-6-24 lyt.indd 45 6/ /24 :5 M


Single-pilot business aircraft

Some airmen will spend their entire careers operating as a one-man crew.
Here’s a compendium of single-pilot-certified turbine-powered airplanes.

Kodiak 900 PC-12 NG

By Shannon Forrest ing it. Don’t embarrass me. We’re all and there’s nothing better than sin-
Contributing writer watching.” gle-pilot operations to provide those
If the aircraft is a single-engine pis- opportunities. A lot is gleaned from
ton with meager power to begin with, operating solo. Those with fat log-

t some point, every pilot is it performs differently without the books and a lot of years behind the
alone in an aircraft as the weight of the now absent instructor. controls can attest that there’s a lot
sole manipulator of the flight The procedures are the same, such of “could have, would have, should
controls. For some, it happens during as extending flaps at defined points have” stories hidden in those pages.
training. More specifically, during in the traffic pattern. However, as the A typical career path for a nascent
solo flight, as required by the regu- aircraft is lighter, the power settings professional pilot is to start with re-
lations that define the certification that have been maintaining mem- ciprocating piston engines, even-
requirements. It doesn’t matter how orized airspeeds and descent rates tually moving on to turboprops or
many years have elapsed since that are no longer accurate. More often jets. All the turboprops that would
first solo, every pilot can still remem- that not, the pattern is high and fast be considered corporate aircraft are
ber it when the instructor wasn’t the first time around. Savvy students certified for single-pilot operations,
there for the first time. In the civilian question why and adapt accordingly including the single-engine Cessna
world, when the instructor thinks the the second time around. Caravan, Daher’s Kodiak and TBM
time is right to solo, he or she directs products, the Pilatus PC-12, and Pip-
the student to the ramp, gets out of Single-pilot ops er’s M series aircraft. Multi-engine
the aircraft, and says something like, turboprops include Beech King Air,
“Take it around 3 times by yourself. Learning is defined as a change in Cessna Conquest, Piper Cheyenne,
Do it exactly the way we’ve been do- behavior as a result of experience, Piaggio Avanti, and Mitsubishi MU-

Piper M700 Fury TBM 960


Single Pilot Ops-6-24 lyt.indd 46 6/6/24 5:4 PM

King Air 360 Citation CJ4

2B aircraft. On the jet side, options In many cases there was a wide dis- (confirm), then completes the action
include various Cessna Citation mod- parity between the answers, which (activate). The PM then maintains an
els, the Eclipse 500, Cirrus Vision Jet, generated introspection and hope- active watch over the flight parame-
Embraer’s Phenom 100 and 300, the fully induced change in the case of ters (monitor), and if the results are
HondaJet, and the Pilatus PC-24. unsafe behavior correlated with his different than what’s expected, per-
personality. forms an action to remedy the situa-
Crew resource management Over the years, CRM has transi- tion (intervene).
tioned away from the individual to a
A pilot’s transition from being by more team-oriented approach. The Safety
oneself to working with someone in most recent iteration is described as
the close confines of a cockpit re- threat and error management. The In single-pilot operations, the
quires a paradigm adjustment. Here’s goal is to identify potential threats checks and balances and monitoring
where crew resource management and apply defenses before an unde- component associated with a second
(CRM) comes in. FAA’s AC 120-51E, sired state develops. pilot are absent. In short, there’s no
Crew Resource Management Training, One methodology related to CRM one telling the pilot that he or she is
prescribes CRM curriculum, train- in crew operations is the concept of doing something wrong. Nor is there
ing, and evaluation. The most salient monitoring. More experienced pilots a PM to look over and spot fatigue
topics include situational awareness, will remember the days when pilots and related errors.
decision-making, workload manage- in a 2-pilot crew were called the pi- The safety of single-pilot turbine
ment, communication, stress man- lot flying (PF) and the pilot not flying aircraft operations is constantly
agement, and fatigue mitigation. (PNF). From a psychological perspec- called into question, and an honest
Early iterations of CRM focused tive, it’s better to tell someone what assessment requires acknowledging
heavily on personal types and to do (monitor) than what not to do biases. In the entry-level turboprop
self-awareness. One classic exercise (not fly). Therefore, the terminology market, there’s a significant number
involved identifying whether a pilot was changed, and the PNF is now of self-flying business owners who
was concerned more for people or called pilot monitoring (PM). describe it as a hassle – both in terms
process (and to what degree), and In practice, the PM model uses of time and money – to hire a pilot
this information was cataloged on a the acronym CAMI (confirm, acti- to function as a second-in-command.
grid. One twist to the exercise was vate, monitor, intervene) as an oper- On the opposite end of the spec-
that after a pilot self-identified his ating technique. Before making an trum is the Air Line Pilots Association
personality type, his colleagues then appreciable change, the PF asks the (ALPA), which opposes vehement-
specified what they thought of him. PM if he/she agrees with the action ly any operation conducted with

Cirrus Vision Jet Phenom 300


Single Pilot Ops-6-24 lyt.indd 47 6/6/24 5:4 PM

HondaJet Elite II Pilatus PC-24

one pilot when 2 could be present. 2 pilots operate the same single-pi- stall indicator and stick shaker, and
There’s an inexorable financial stake lot-certified aircraft type is reduced automated ice protection. When
on both sides of the argument. After workload during critical phases of things go really bad, there’s a sin-
all, single-pilot flight departments flight, such as takeoff and landing. gle-button wing leveler/altitude hold
save the cost of the additional salary It’s interesting to note that some function and an emergency autoland
and benefits. corporate and charter operators function.
The first approval for single-pilot use a second pilot in turbine aircraft Legacy single-pilot jet and turbo-
jets came in 1977, with the Cessna certified for single-pilot operations. prop operators could also benefit
Citation I SP. To receive a certifi- It’s possible that this is a function of from a host of aftermarket avionics
cation to operate with one pilot, a insurance requirements, the type of packages that can aid in situational
manufacturer had to demonstrate regulations under which the flight is awareness and decision-making. In
that one pilot could access all the operated, or the comfort factor of single-pilot operations, technology is
controls and handle the workload of the passengers. It could also be that a surrogate for the pilot monitoring.
the aircraft and the operating envi- the operator philosophically believes
ronment. More than 4 decades later, that 2 pilots are better than one. Conclusion
many business aircraft have received One of the shortfalls of accident
the certification. However, transport analysis is the benefit of hindsight. From the standpoint of human fac-
category aircraft still require a crew What’s relevant but is unknowable, tors, ensuring one is fit for flight (eg,
of 2 or more. is how many potential accidents have following the guidelines within the
been averted because of the actions FAA IMSAFE checklist) and strict ad-
Are 2 pilots better than one? of a single pilot or a crew. Unless herence to standard operating proce-
the event makes the news (or pilots dures are good practices. It’s doing
There’s an adage in the military self-disclose or violate an FAR), no the right thing when no one is watch-
special operations community that one knows about it. ing. More specifically, it’s easy to take
says one is none, 2 is one, and 3 is procedural shortcuts when there’s no
for me. The principle is that more is How do we make single-pilot other pilot present.
always better. It’s logical to draw a aircraft safer? In many cases, this normalization of
conclusion that 2 pilots are safer than deviance is the precursor to an acci-
one. However, that’s not always the As single pilot turbine operations dent. Resist the urge. The difference
case. There’s a lot of things that turn a are here to stay, a better question may between the very first solo flight and
2-pilot crew into an ad hoc single-pi- be how these operations could be as operating a turboprop or jet solo is
lot operation. A wide authority gra- safe as possible without the benefit of the experience gained in between.
dient between crew members can another pilot. Aircraft manufacturers Despite that time lapse, when flying
cause the junior member to “shut have taken a technological approach. solo, many of us continue to hear the
down” and fail to monitor and chal- Pilatus touts its single-pilot-certified sage words of that initial instructor
lenge deviations effectively. Person- airplanes as having the advanced when he stepped out of the plane
ality conflicts and communication avionics of high-end business jets tai- and left us alone for the first time. He
problems also divide the cockpit. lored for the single pilot. To aid sin- told us to aviate, navigate, and com-
Nearly all pilots with experience in a gle-pilot situational awareness, Pilatus municate. In that order. Those words
crewed operation can recall at least includes tactile feedback in unusual still hold true.
one instance in which they felt un- attitudes, emergency descent mode,
comfortable interacting with the oth- and a multi-function display that calls Shannon Forrest is
er pilot, and that environment led to up electronic checklists. a current line pilot,
a reduction in safety. Daher takes a human-centered ap- CRM facilitator, and
Over the years, there have been proach that benefits from operation- aviation safety con-
many studies comparing accidents al expertise and customer feedback. sultant. He has more
involving single-pilot and dual-pilot Its E-Copilot system incorporates than 15,000 hrs TT
crews flying the same jet aircraft type. electronic stability and underspeed and holds a degree in
The slight safety advantage in having protection, angle of attack (AoA)/ behavioral psychology.


Single Pilot Ops-6-24 lyt.indd 48 6/6/24 5:4 PM

Our latest TBM very fast turboprop aircraft delivers the full
benefits of digital power. Taking maximum advantage of today’s
turboprop technology, the single-engine TBM 960 provides
high efficiency for more sustainability. In its Prestige cabin,
passengers regulate temperature and ambiance lighting
with exactitude. Featuring outstanding safety systems
such as the TBM e-copilot® and HomeSafe™ emergency
autoland, the TBM 960 is the quintessential TBM.



Visit us at
or speak to a Daher TBM expert:
TBM (Americas) +1 954 993-8477,
TBM (International) +33 6 07 38 05 07

Single Pilot Ops-6-24 lyt.indd 3 6/6/24 5:4 PM

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