Lezione-Presentazione RI 2021-22
Lezione-Presentazione RI 2021-22
Lezione-Presentazione RI 2021-22
(email: [email protected])
Benvenuti - Welcome
This class
Mon – Tues – Wedn 10:00-11.30 (Aula Anfiteatro)
Inside this team: Economics of Globalization RI 2021-22
There is a tutor
Office Hours:
Mon and Thurs (Wedn) 15-16
Composition. It is quite an heterogenous class. English.
This is a subject within the Master Degree in IntRel.
Double degree UniCa-MGIMO
Some other programs: Formed
Erasmus Students
Benvenuti - Welcome
March: all weeks on Mon Tues Wedn
April: 4-5-6
Chapters: 1-2-3(3.1-3.2-3.3-3.4)-7-9-11
Benvenuti - Welcome
This is about economics written for the wide public. It verifies many
concepts of the manual in the real world.
It talks about several different contexts; it talks about history; it talks
about GOVERNANCE of a process.
Then there are your skills.
Presenting and discussing to an audience is important. I want to discuss with you.
WTO: http://stat.wto.org/CountryProfiles/E28_e.htm
EUNdata: http://data.un.org/CountryProfile.aspx
World Bank: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/country-profiles
Actual Routes
Production fragmentation: Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Lot’s people worry (a lot!)
• Why trade has become such an important question?
– In 1995 imports of toys from China to the US were
5,4 billion $.
– Since trade continue to increase, the apparent
competitive pressure from China worries lots of
– How to use data is crucially important; if we read
wrong the data ‘poisoning’ ‘toxic’ discussions can
Resourse on line
• https://www.khanacademy.org/test-
Jeffrey Sachs
Doubts on recently discussed global trade agreements
What’s Globalization?
Interesting questions
1. Why do countries trade? (Old questions)
2. How gains from trade are distributed?
3. Policies in the global market. Protectionism.
4. Why do multinationals exist?
5. Which are their main characteristics?
6. Which institutions govern our globalization wave? IMF, WB.
7. How do they regulate relations between countries?
8. Measurement issues
9. Phenomena which seem contrasting but connected:
global trade agreements (TTIP e TPP) and regional blocs:
European Union
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement – USA, Canada e Messico)
MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brasile, Paraguay e Uruguay + others)
ASEAN Free Trade Area (Association of South-East Asian Nations)
Historical trade maps
Land and Sea routes
How did perfume was created?
Venetians’ ‘mude’ (maps)
Historical prospective
• Ancient time: empires traded a lot.
• The Middle Ages: European downturn, Asian
dynamism (silk road, islamic empire)
• Renaissance (trading post in France); Franz Von Taxis
(Innsbruck Brussels in 5 days)
• Colonial empires (mercantilism, protectionism);
• Industrial Revolution
How to define Globalization?
• Economics: integration, which means
no barriers or easiness in exchanges of goods, services,
capital, knowledge (ideas) and people movement
Overestimating levels of globalization
(General public)
Globalization of Markets:
1950-2015; 1950=100; source: WTO
Export composition
Companies can
Ø lower their overall cost structure
Ø improve the quality or functionality of their product
Ø Plastic for the body and hair comes from Taiwan and Japan.
Ø Moldes and colors from USA.
Ø Assembly used to take place in Philippines and Taiwan, but it was
then moved to other countries in South-Est Asia (Indonesia,
Malaysia , China).
Ø Cotton cloth for dresses comes from China.
Ø Most Barbie dolls are shipped to USA from Hong Kong.
Ø Value of the doll in Hong Kong (1995) was 2$: 35 cents labor, 65
cents materials, 1$ intermediation and transport.
Ø Sale price in USA was about 10$: 1$ Mattel profits and the rest
general overhead and distribution costs and margins, etc.
GVC: A more recent example
The Value Chain of a Product Any product has many different activities involved in its manufacture.
Panel (a) lists some of these activities for a given product in the order in which they occur. The value
chain in (b) lists these same activities in order of the amount of high-skilled/low-skilled labour used in
each. In panel (b), the assembly activity, on the left, uses the least skilled labour, and R&D, on the right,
uses the most skilled labour.
Because we assume that the relative wage of skilled labour is higher at Home and that trade and capital
costs are uniform across activities, there is a point on the value chain, shown by line A, below which all
activities are offshored to Foreign and above which all activities are performed at Home.
Rivoli (2009), The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist
Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade
Ritornando a:
1. processo di globalizzazione nella storia (first unbundling)
2. GVC (second unbundling)
First unbundling. Fino al 1990
First unbundling
Second Unbundling
Intermediate goods trade
Interesting web sites
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHBoxRdd08o
• http://atlas.media.mit.edu/
• Culture production:
• http://pantheon.media.mit.edu/map/map/all/all/-4000/1/H15/pantheon
• https://www.marinetraffic.com/
How Does Globalization Affect National Sovereignty?
• Is today’s global economy shifting economic power
away from national governments toward supranational
organizations like the WTO, the EU, and the UN?
• Critics argue that unelected bureaucrats have the
power to impose policies on the democratically elected
governments of nation-states
• Supporters claim that the power of these organizations
is limited to what nation-states agree to grant
• Rodrik argument on Globalization / National policies (I can trace some ppt with
summaries of some chapters)
• http://banmarchive.org.uk/collections/soundings/07_61.pdf
• http://faculty.washington.edu/aseem/BAP%20symposium.pdf
• http://www.epi.org/research/trade-and-globalization/
Appendix on MNCs
Evidence at the base of the New New Theory. What’s happening now in
IT research stems from such evidence.