Sage's Guide To Vernestus
Sage's Guide To Vernestus
Sage's Guide To Vernestus
Table of
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Races of Vernestus
f a land forged with machines and covered in Orcs came from a faraway land when Vernestus' ocean turned
and endless sea of sand, the Crown of to desert. Orcs commonly sell themselves as mercenaries in
Vernestus is a kingdom occupied by unique and order to make a living, as they are well suited for combat.
exotic inhabitants. Some of these races may be Sundrians are desert dwelling cactusfolk with a bad
found outside the realm of Vernestus and reputation of piracy. Sundrians have a wide array of
across the multiverse of Dungeons & Dragons, adaptations that let them overcome the harsh desert
but are quite at home within the Crown. Rich environment.
cultures of a multitude of races from the present and past toil Tieflings are nefarious nomads from throughout the world of
across the land. As a player character, you get the chance to Jeevalla. Unaccustomed to the Crown, tieflings traveling
embody a member of these peoples. See chapter 2 of the throughout Vernestus are often up to no good.
Player's Handbook and chapter 2 of Volo's Guide to Monsters Tritons are somber natives of the Plane of Water. Plagued by
for more race options when you are creating a character. This a demon of undeath, tritons are forever in the gloom of its
chapter also provides details about the races found in those dominion.
books in regards to their unique roles in Vernestus. Undergolems are natives of the Plane of Earth who live
If you're a player, consult with your DM before using any of solitary lives underground. The most important part of an
the newly introduced races found in this chapter, especially if undergolem's life is learning of their duty.
you are playing in a setting other than Vernestus. These races
may not be present in all worlds, and a DM ultimately has Height and Weight
creative control over the races that exist in their setting. It You may roll for your character's height and weight on the
takes a significant amount of effort to incorporate a rich Random Height and Weight table for any races that are
backstory and history of a race into a preexisting campaign. introduced in this chapter. The roll in the Height Modifier
Your DM may allow you to use one of these races or they may column adds a number (in inches) to the character's base
modify it in some way. height. To get a weight, multiply the number you rolled for
The following races are detailed in this chapter: height by the roll in the Weight Modifier column and add the
Bots are constructed creatures dating back to before the result (in pounds) to the base weight.
creation of Vernestus. Certain tinkerers have been able to
create their own bots to do their bidding. Random Height and Weight
Cragfar are a race of warmongers originating from the Plane Base Height Base Weight
of Earth. They have the ability to meld their feet with stone Race Height Modifier Weight Modifier
and walk along cliffs. Bot, chrone 5'4" +1d8 105 lb. x (2d4) lb.
Cyborgs are amalgamations of organic beings and bots, a feat
made possible by a blessing from the construct god known Bot,
3'8" +2d4 100 lb. x (1d4) lb.
as the Union. ibakyubakog
Dragonborn are mighty travelers from the Plane of Air. They Bot,
are popular amongst the people of Vernestus for their warforged
5'8" +1d12 340 lb. x (1d4) lb.
oddities and mercantilism. Cragfar, gem 4'8" +2d4 160 lb. x (1d8) lb.
Dwarves are hardy, pragmatic folk that value their clan's
name above all else. The largest businesses in Vernestus Cragfar,
4'8" +2d4 140 lb. x (1d8) lb.
are run by competing clans of dwarves. nomad
Elves are exotic creatures from the Fey Reflection. Although Sundrian 4'8" +2d10 110 lb. x (2d4) lb.
they rarely settle in Vernestus, elves influence the Material
Plane from their eternal thrones. Undergolem 7'6" +2d6 750 lb. x (2d6) lb.
Genasi are denizens of the elemental planes. Genasi use their
elemental powers to reshape the deserts of Vernestus to
suit their needs.
Gnomes are the shortest people of Vernestus. What they lack
in physique they make up for with intellect. Rock gnomes
paved the way for the rise of technology, coinciding with the
start of the Second Era of Vernestus.
Halflings are happy-go-lucky valley dwellers that are
notoriously lucky. Unnoticed by the Crown, halflings
blissfully live out their days without a worry in the world.
Humans are indigenous to Vernestus and have lived in the
area for centuries. They form close connections with the
spirits of the land.
Kenku are wily birdfolk from the Plane of Air. Kenku are
known for their cunning, skillfulness, and loyalty. They can
be found trolling about city centers or Vernestus' deep
Chapter 1 | Races of Vernestus
"Ready! Aim! F—"
"I got 'im, cap'n."
-Killbot, How I Killed at Powderkeg Lake
Bots are creatures unlike any others present in Vernestus.
They are constructs with the sentience of any organic race,
but have the benefit of lacking squishy organs and breakable
bones. Bots can be anything ranging from renowned poets to
fearsome warriors, effectively able to do anything any other
race can, and sometimes better. Although bots aren't alive in
the literal sense, they possess free will and ambition, and just
maybe have souls of their own.
Mutiny of Metal
The introduction of bots to Vernestus has forever changed the
country's social make-up and politics. Bots are able to perform
certain tasks better than others because they can work
without rest and without valuable food and fresh water. One
tricksy gnome took advantage of this fact and has forever left
his mark on history.
Tom Gillycrest, a rock gnome, was known for being the
inventor of the firearm. Shunned by luddite forest gnomes, the
idea of power granted by firearms became popular amongst
the rock gnomes, and word spread like wildfire. In time,
nearly every rock gnome was tinkering with firearms, and it
wasn't long before they sent each and every luddite forest
gnome running for the hills. Gillycrest was pleased with his
success, and his mind became corrupted with delusions of
grandeur. He set to work, and after many years of hard work,
the first prototype warforged were built.
The decades that followed became known as the Gnomish
War of Establishment, as warforged were mass produced by
rock gnomes and they asserted their dominance over the
other races that paid them little attention before. The
warforged easily trampled over the fleshy races, and gnomes
were finally given a coveted seat on the world stage.
Before the War
Of course, Tom Gillycrest had to come up with the idea of the
warforged from somewhere. He based his inventions off of the
bots that already existed in Vernestus. First, there were the
chrones; amicable clock-faced bots with a penchant for
chitchat. Chrones, friendly as they are, often found themselves
taking on leadership positions and were beloved by their
followers. Secondly, there were the ibakyubakogs, childlike
bots that used to be toys in a former life. Ibakyubakogs are
formed from a number of blocky, geometrical structures, with
vague analogues of a head, torso, limbs, and a face of sorts. No
two ibakyubakogs look quite the same, even if they have the
same fundamental shapes, due to differences in locations of
joint attachments, extra structures orbiting their bodies, or
Wear and Tear Bot Traits
Bots are awakened golems created by skilled golemancers, or, With bodies vastly unlike those of other races, bots can come
in the case of warforged, a mix of golemancy and tinkering. in a wild variety of shapes and forms. You do, however, have
Because bots aren't made from flesh, they aren't constrained certain traits in common with all others of your kind.
in their years like the fleshy races are. As long as a bot can Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
find someone to repair them, they can effectively live forever. by 1.
Another benefit to being a bot is that they can replace parts of Age. Bots are constructed as adults, and do not age like
themselves that are broken beyond repair. Indeed, bots can other races. Bots can viably live forever with proper
even replace parts of themselves for aesthetic purposes and maintenance, but can live to be around 50 years without
customize their bodies to their liking. regular upkeep.
Alignment. Typically constructed for a purpose, bots tend
Bot Names to be lawfully aligned. Defected bots or those constructed for
nefarious deeds may have different alignments, however.
Bots, unlike other races, don't possess typical families, and Size. Bots come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes
thus have unique naming structures. The way that a bot is depending on their model. If you are a chrone or warforged
named, or chooses a name, also depends on the type of bot. bot, your size is Medium. If you are an ibakyubakog bot, your
Upon being constructed, chrones are aware enough to know size is Small.
their likes and dislikes, and begin developing ambitions and Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
life goals. Infant chrones choose a name in line with their Construct Nature. You are immune to poison damage and
goals. you automatically succeed on saving throws against disease.
Ibakyubakogs that were passed down by an angel may have Additionally, you do not need to breathe, eat, or drink, but you
been given a name by their owner in the Celestial language. may do so if you wish.
Constructed ibakyubakogs may also take a Celestial name, Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
adopt a word or phrase resembling a certain virtue as their Digit, the language of constructs.
name, or use the name of a human deity. Subrace. Depending on how you came into the world, you
Warforged may be given a nickname by their creator or by a likely fall into one of three constructed subraces: chrones,
companion. Their name reflects the reason why they were ibakyubakogs, or warforged. Choose one of these subraces.
built or a particular accomplishments of theirs.
Chrone Names: Copperleg, Finder, Firespell, Gooddoctor, Chrone
Hunter, Ironsmith, Lightsout, Mindtrick, Noblejudge, Chrones are one of several construct subraces dotting the
Pickpocket, Punctuality, Smartwrite, Whitefaith Crown of Vernestus. Extroverted, hospitable, and happy-go-
Ibakyubakog Celestial Names: Aster, Azazel, Baro, Gul, lucky, chrones make ideal companions, as they do officials,
Krahmiel, Laralim, Lazarus, Mazgzagel, Ophadim, Quiriel, nobles, adventurers, and leaders. Like clockwork, chrones
Sarsazi, Seraph, Tohammanah, Vigil effortlessly chisel away at everyday tasks — work made easy
Ibakyubakog "Virtue" Names: Dissonance, Grace, Hearth with heritage drawing all the way back to quite literal cogs in a
and Home, Hymn, I Stand Among, Karma, Order, Piety, machine.
Prudence, Sunder, Tact, Tenacity, Utter the Truth In an event that marked the beginning of the Second Era,
Warforged Nicknames: Altar, Arbiter, Banner, Bull, Cannon, also known as the Era of Constructs, large pieces of the RG2
Chief, Conqueror, Delta, Donkey, Flagship, Galley, Honcho, were torn from its body and discarded into the Material Plane
Mer, Mother, Packer, Pierce, Pulley, Quilt, Rebel, Reel, by the trickster god Lok. Where the pieces of RG2 fell, they
Rigger, Scout, Shaman, Snake, Steel, Thirteen, Trek, mingled with the life found there, and produced the first
Treads, Trover, Viking chrones that possessed souls. To the present day, most
chrones are devoutly religious towards RG2 and protect these
sites as holy grounds and as the ancestral land of their people.
Many chrones exhibit a runaway curiosity. They are quick to
make friends so they can learn of others' family and talents.
Chrones often have niche hobbies such as pigeon breeding,
fern collecting, or training as mediums so they can sate their
curiosity of the world.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
Natural Administrator. You gain proficiency with one of
the following skills of your choice: History, Insight,
Performance, and Persuasion.
Timekeeper. You always know the precise time of day on
your current plane of existence.
Vigilant. When you would fall asleep, you remain aware of
your surroundings. You appear inert but you aren't rendered
Sundrian Names
Sundrians are an androgynous race, and thus lack gender
specific names. Names are chosen from the sundrian's unique
dialect of Primordial, and are often conserved within families.
Family names are typically derived from the occupations of
the family's ancestors.
Sundrian Names: Agalder, Bathanai, Desnera, Fel, Gorelda,
Grith, K'nithka, Nethai, Ragdid, Rampark, Themien,
W'nartan, Yelod, Yembora, Yugdeth, Zeke
Family Names: Baloranegdi (Bigflower), Degdark'neld
(Clothseller), Kontarzekper (Cointaker), Prickelamanai
(Thornwrestler), Yarheldbarnem (Dunecrester)
rave adventurers require a repertoire of fantastic Engineering and Innovation
abilities in order to thwart the supernatural
opponents they face in their day to day lives. The Tinkermages are alight with a constant flow of ideas pouring
class you choose for your character represents through their heads. They are gifted with the brainpower of
their specialization in the way that they deal with geniuses, allowing them to push the boundaries of all known
their enemies. You can find the twelve base science and adapt their findings to create practical solutions
classes and more about what your class to everyday problems. Be it for the greater good or for
represents in the Player's Handbook. personal reasons, tinkermages do just that — solve problems
This section includes two classes; the tinkermage, and the — and they do it with immaculate efficiency.
guerrilla. If you are playing in Vernestus, you can choose to Tinkermages come in a variety of shapes and sizes within
use the tinkermage or the class it is based upon, the artificer, the Crown of Vernestus. The revolution of mechanical
which can be found in the Unearthed Arcana articles. industry began with the gnomes during the War of
Later in this section you can find nine subclasses for Establishment, but the practice has been adopted by many.
existing classes in the Player's Handbook: the College of the Tinkermages range from government officials ordered to
Homefront for the bard, the Automaton Domain for the cleric, produce firearms for the military to crackpot scientists
the Way of Hulking Earth for the monk, the Sniper Conclave building illegal warforged in their basements.
for the ranger, the Desperado Archetype for the rogue, the
Fragment Origin for the sorcerer, the Pact of the Giga for the Cutthroat Rivalries
warlock, and the School of Slinging and the School of the In an era where technology is moving faster than it ever has
Greats for the wizard. before, inventors have the opportunity to make breakthroughs
in science that will solidify their name in history. As a natural
Tinkermage result, tinkermages will often develop rivals with other
Standing precariously atop a ladder, a gnome engineer grasps tinkerers as they race to create new feats of engineering. In
at the apex of her mechanical wonder. As fast as lightning, her some circumstances, rivals may turn into cutthroat enemies,
hands move between wrenches, gears, wires, and pliers. who may resort to physical violence or stealing secret
Hours pass, and she doesn't break a sweat. blueprints.
Trapped in a holding cell, a red-skinned tiefling ruffles Master
through a leather bag ladened with colorful patches. He
scratches his chin before he settles on a skinny vial of a Tinkermages may have an innate acumen, but many must
bubbling green liquid. He breaks the vial against the cell wall, learn to hone their skills with an instructor to truly succeed.
and the acid within begins crumbling the stonework Many start their journey into magic and technology as an
immediately. apprentice to a master tradesman or professor at a university.
In an onslaught of battle, a towering warforged equips their If you decide that you were taught by a master, consider the
inbuilt blunderbuss against the charging hoard of barbarians. unique aspects of your master. What was their specialty?
They look down the sights of their bronzed shotgun, crank the What are their quirks and personality? Was there a set of
charging apparatus, and fire off a deadly burst of lightning circumstances that separated you and your master, or do you
down the barrel. still work together with them as a colleague?
Tinkermages, as the name may suggest, are engineers that
hail from the Crown of Vernestus. They are as varied in Masters
talents as the people of the Crown, settling in many distinct d6 Master
specialties regarding a technological approach to magic. You learned from an instructor that gave large
1 lectures at a university and you don't know them at a
personal level.
Your teacher was a sentient book written by a tinkerer
of legend.
Your master was a very successful entrepreneur that
happened to attract many rival tinkerers.
You were taught by a family member when you were
4 young, but they disappeared before they completed
your training.
Your master was a stern member of the Crown who
berated you for even the simplest of mistakes.
You learned from a humble old timer who wanted to
impart their wisdom before they passed.
The heat of competition brews creations that are stronger
than those without it. Many tinkerers define themselves by
their triumphs over their rivals and support their status by
crossing their adversaries.
When creating the backstory for your tinkermage character,
consider introducing a rival, and how they influenced you.
What caused them to become your rival? What is the nature
of your rivalry? Are they a friend in an amicable competition or
a serious, conniving adversary? Do you secretly admire your
rival, or wish you could be in their position?
d6 Rival
Your rival is a childhood friend who stabbed you in
the back after you courted the person they fancied.
Your rival is your former master. They grew sour when
you began outperforming them.
Your adversary is a wicked witch who foils your plans
with grotesque concoctions.
Your rival is a former coworker that employs thieves
to steal your inventions.
Your adversary is a metal elemental who believes that
humanoids are unfit to meddle with technology.
You consider yourself the rival of a notorious tinkerer
that hasn't heard of your existence.
Creating a Tinkermage
When creating a tinkermage character, think about your
characters origin as an inventor and how they relate to the
world around them. Talk with your DM about the job you hold
as a tinkerer, if you possess a job, and the inventions that you
have created.
The Tinkermage
Proficiency Infusions Infused Cantrips
Level Bonus Features Known Items Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Magical Tinkering, Spellcasting — — 2 2 — — — —
2nd +2 Infuse Item 3 2 2 2 — — — —
Tinkermage Specialist, Tool
3rd +2 3 2 2 3 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 2 3 — — — —
5th +3 Extra Attack 4 2 2 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Tinkermage Specialist Feature 4 3 2 4 2 — — —
7th +3 — 5 3 2 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 3 2 4 3 — — —
9th +4 — 5 3 2 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Mage of Experience 5 3 3 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 — 6 4 3 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 3 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 — 6 4 3 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 Tinkermage Specialist Feature 6 4 4 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 — 7 4 4 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 7 5 4 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 — 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Spell-Storing Item 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 8 5 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Soul of Artifice 8 5 4 4 3 3 3 2
What is the invention that you're most proud of? What does it Proficiencies
do, and how did you come about building it? Perhaps you had Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
to go on a quest to obtain a key component of the invention. Weapons: Industrial weapons, hand crossbows, heavy
Why do you create inventions? Do you sell them for money, crossbows
use them for personal use, or some other reason? Maybe Tools: Tinker's tools, one other tool of your choice
you're indebted to a poor village and seek to increase the Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
quality of life of those who live there. Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation,
Quick Build Medicine, Nature, Sleight of Hand
You can make a tinkermage by following these suggestions. Equipment
First, put your highest ability score in Intelligence, followed by You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Constitution or Dexterity. Second, choose the inventor or sage equipment granted by your background:
(a) two knuckledusters or (b) any industrial melee weapon
Class Features 20 powder slugs and (a) a blunderbuss or (b) a flintlock
(a) tinker's tools or (b) any tool of your choice
As a tinkermage, you gain the following class features. (a) studded leather armor or (b) scale mail
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per tinkermage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
modifier per tinkermage level after 1st
Creating a Guerrilla
When creating a guerrilla character, the most important thing
to consider is your relationship with the characters of the
other players. Oftentimes, guerrillas are the glue that hold
adventuring parties together. What is your role among the
adventurers, and how did you end up with them? Are any of
them from the same village as you? If so, were they involved in
the same escapade that led you down the path of becoming a
Additionally, consider the people that your character grew
up with. What is your character's relationship with their
parents like? Do they have any childhood friends that they still
communicate with? What do they do for a living, and how
often do you visit them? Do you have any mementos from the
people of your home village? Details like these bring your
village to life and enhance the story of your guerrilla character.
Quick Build
You can make a guerrilla quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest ability score,
followed by Constitution or Charisma. Second, choose the folk
hero or luddite background.
Desperado (Rogue)
Your archetype is known by many names – the bandit, cowboy,
bronco, and most commonly in Vernestus, the desperado. You
fully accept the tools that the badlands have to offer, namely Hogtie
the saddle and the firearm. By horseback, you travel the Starting at 9th level, the escape DC of your nets is now equal
desolate wastes as an outlaw, fighting either for the greater to 8 + your Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) modifier.
good or for your personal gain.
Gunsling King
Bonus Proficiencies At 13th level, you've mastered the art of gunslinging. When
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain you make an attack with a firearm, you can choose for the
proficiency with flintlocks, muskets, nets, revolvers, and land powder slug to ricochet off a point on a surface within range
vehicles. before hitting your target. The powder slug travels from you to
the point you choose and then bounces towards the target,
Horseback Bandit potentially ignoring the target's cover if they have any.
Starting at 3rd level, mounting or dismounting a creature
costs you only 5 feet of movement, rather than half your Showdown
speed. While you are mounted, you don't suffer disadvantage Starting at 17th level, you can choose to showdown with a
when making an attack with a net beyond its normal range. hostile creature that you can see whenever you roll for
You also gain an additional way to use your Sneak Attack; initiative. The showdown lasts until you or the hostile creature
you don't need advantage on the attack roll to use your Sneak drops to 0 hit points or until you choose another creature to
Attack against a creature if you are mounted, there are no showdown with. You have advantage on attack rolls against
creatures within 5 feet of you besides your mount, the the creature you are showing down with. Additionally, you
creature is at least one size smaller than your mount, and you have advantage on all saving throws the creature forces you to
don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. make.
Magic Desperado
Beginning at 6th level, once per turn when you hit a target
with a spell attack from your flintlock, the target takes an
School of Slinging (Wizard) extra 1d6 piercing damage from the powder slug. Additionally,
your flintlock attacks count as magical for the purpose of
Almost as long as there have been firearms in Vernestus, overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical damage.
there have been curious students of the arcane trying to figure
out how to incorporate them into their practices. By using Perk
firearms as a vessel, these wizards, known as slingers, are By 10th level, you've honed your slug slinging craft into a
able to package their spells into powder slugs and use them to personalized style. Choose one of the following perks.
deliver the arcane potential. Flintlocks are the weapon of Amplify. Once per turn when you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage
choice to slingers as they are more readily available than die for a spell you cast with a flintlock, you can reroll the die
other firearms, and as such they are what upcoming slingers and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.
learn to use. In addition, they are lightweight and easily You must have used a bonus action to steady the flintlock
concealable, making flintlocks ideal for law enforcement and beforehand to gain this benefit.
villainy alike. Deadeye. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with
flintlocks if you used a bonus action to steady the flintlock
Bonus Proficiencies beforehand. If you cast a spell with your flintlock that requires
When you choose this school at 2nd level, you gain proficiency multiple attack rolls, you only gain this bonus for the first
with flintlocks. You can use a flintlock as a spellcasting focus attack roll.
for your wizard spells. Suppress. If you cast a spell from a flintlock that forms a
cone or line, the spell extends an extra number of feet equal to
Arcane Slug Slinging 5 x your Intelligence modifier.
Starting at 2nd level, you can choose to fire a wizard spell
from a flintlock if the spell deals damage. You fire a powder Gunmetal Amplifier
slug from the flintlock as part of casting the spell, and the At 14th level, your flintlock amplifies spells you cast through it.
target becomes the point of origin for the spell. In this case, When you cast a cantrip through your flintlock as an action on
you use the range of the flintlock to determine the range of the your turn, you can immediately cast the cantrip again as part
spell. Spells that form cones or lines instead originate from of the same action.
the flintlock. If the spell requires an attack roll, you can use
either your spell attack modifier or your attack modifier for
the flintlock to determine the outcome of the roll.
merging from a history of friends and foes, Suggested Characteristics
quests and misdeeds, ups and downs, your Inventors are often quirky folk, having a reputation of having
character is equipped with the memories above average smarts, but poor social skills, although this isn't
and experience that makes them the right necessarily the case with all inventors. You have a mind fit for
choice to become an adventurer. Your problem solving and critical thinking, even when the threat of
character's background reflects all that your an enemy looms near.
character did, learned, and acquired before
the moment that your game of Dungeons & Dragons begins. d8 Personality Trait
Presented in this chapter are two background options for
characters in Vernestus, the inventor and the luddite. See 1
I assume that others will understand what I say, even
chapter 4 of the Player's Handbook, "Personality and when I speak with jargon and technobabble.
Background," for more about backgrounds. 2 I keep my chin up, even when my plans end in failure.
My mentor taught me everything that I know, and I
Inventor 3
wish to spread that knowledge to all that I can.
You are among the many bright minds in Vernestus that 4 I yearn to help others.
dedicate their lives to the creation of brand new innovations.
You streamline daily life by inventing and manufacturing 5
In a formal setting, I can never seem to find the right
unique objects. Perhaps you developed a weapon of war and words. Otherwise, I blather constantly.
sold it to the highest bidder, you partake in the manufacturing I analyze each and every scenario as if it were a
of warforged for the Crown, or you fancy crafting your own 6
problem, and only I can find the solution.
firearms over those made by others.
I get so caught up in my thoughts that others assume
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Insight I have a bad attention span. They're mostly right.
Tool Proficiencies: Tinker's tools, vehicles (land) I only share my ideas with others if I know they are
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a book of schematics 8
without flaw.
and musings, tinker's tools, and a pouch containing 10 gp
Area of Expertise d6 Ideal
A successful inventor is the expert on a particular subject. Humanism. Invent to solve the problems plaguing us
Choose or randomly determine your area of expertise that 1
all. (Good)
defines you as an inventor. Entrepreneurship. Don't waste time on activities that
d8 Area of Expertise d8 Area of Expertise aren't profitable. (Neutral)
1 Armor 5 Magic items Advancement. We must push technology further if we
want a better society. (Lawful)
2 Circuitry 6 Potions
Devotion. Once you take on a task, always see it
3 Firearms 7 Vehicles 4
through to the end. (Lawful)
4 Machines 8 Warforged Technocracy. Those that wield the most dangerous
inventions are those that ought to rule. (Evil)
Feature: Masterful Invention 6 Creativity. Always show your true colors. (Any)
You are the creator of an invention that you built for some
group, such as a local county, guild, or company. Because of d6 Bond
your invention, this particular group has seen an increase in I keep my workshop spick and span, as its where I
success. This group acknowledges your contribution by 1
spend my of my time.
offering you and your adventuring companions with a place to
stay, and they may grant you monetary assistance if you are in 2
Nothing is more important to me than my book of
dire need of it. If you fail to maintain friendly relations, the diagrams.
group is by no means obligated to offer aid. Talk with your DM I teach my apprentice all that I know so one day they
about the invention you created and which organization 3
may take over for me.
adopted it.
4 My loyalty is to my kingdom and the people within.
No one may know the precious secrets that underlay
all of my inventions.
6 I am eternally grateful for the tutelage of my master.
Chapter 3 | Backgrounds
d6 Flaw d8 Personality Trait
I rarely get an adequate amount of sleep since I stay I don't mind getting my hands dirty when the task at
1 1
up all night working on my inventions. hand calls for it.
I think I work best when there's a heavy amount of 2 Nothing calms me down like a clear open sky.
mead running through my body.
3 Family comes before any other organization.
3 I am a complete sham.
Bartering is my preferred method of procuring goods
I publicly show myself as an inventor, but its a cover and services.
up to hide my true business.
5 Magic is much too complicated for me to grasp.
5 My inventions explode with alarming frequency.
I fret constantly about the advances of technology
I am slow to trust others, as I think they want to steal and how they will undermine my way of life.
my trade secrets.
7 I value honesty over any other virtue.
Many sing the praises for the swift uprise of technology in d6 Ideal
Vernestus, although it isn't without its dissent. Farming folk,
outlanders, and those living on the brink of civilization get 1 Protection. I stick up for those that need it. (Good)
along just fine without any fancy technology, even preferring Orthodoxy. Stick to the traditional, proven ways of
the way that things once were. Luddites band together to 2
doing things. (Lawful)
advocate for the control and downsizing of technology across Propagandize. Keep the public unwitting, so only the
the land. 3
knowledgeable remain in power. (Evil)
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Athletics Tribute. Respect the deceased and pay homage to
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools 4
those that have done you well. (Lawful)
Languages: One of your choice Rebellion. Strike when its least expected and stir
Equipment: A set of artisan's tools (one of your choice), a 5
revolution. (Chaotic)
mess kit, a minor family heirloom, a set of common clothes,
and a pouch containing 10 gp 6
Community. The people around you are the ones that
matter the most. (Any)
Feature: Old Ways
You have made a living for yourself that relies on deeply d6 Bond
rooted interpersonal relationships. You belong to a tightly knit
community that thinks highly of you and will readily accept 1
I will do whatever it takes to recover my family's
your ideas. Members of your community will give you a place stolen heirloom.
to hide, rest, or recuperate, unless you start to show yourself I lead a local band of like minded luddites that thwart
to be dangerous to them. They will shield you from the law or 2
technological innovation.
anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their My tools define who I am and what I am capable of
lives for you. 3
doing, so I take them with me wherever I go.
Suggested Characteristics 4 I protect the lives of the working man.
Luddites are often well-meaning, down to earth, family Someday I wish to return to my home village and
oriented folk. Most lead simple lives in rural environments, 5
raise a family of my own.
resenting the hustle and bustle of cities. Wherever you find
yourself, you likely value the traditional way of doings things, 6
All the treasures and baubles I gather during my
as its foolish to try and fix those things that aren't broken. adventures go to support my family.
d6 Flaw
My dislike of technology extends to all those who use
I secretly admire fancy gadgets, but I fear I would be
2 rejected by my community if I were to engage with
3 I'm rather grouchy and enjoy a fine drink.
I destroy machines when I see them, regardless of
who they belong to.
I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind, especially if I
get a good reaction out of somebody.
I dislike the idea of newcomers entering my
community, especially if we aren't of the same race.
Chapter 3 | Backgrounds
Chapter 4: Equipment
cons of Vernestus include the grandiose barges of the
sundrians barreling over desert dunes and the
mountains of powder kegs that power gnomish
clockwork guns. This chapter includes new
equipment available for the adventurers of Vernestus
to purchase in addition to the equipment found in
chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook, "Equipment."
Markets across Vernestus are places where culture and
livelihoods thrive. The domains of Vernestus depend on trade
with each other to succeed, and as such Vernal governments
place a large emphasis on supporting the development of
trade routes and the protection of caravans.
Copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces are the most
common forms of currency. Gems, artifacts, and magic goods
are uncommon commodities, but will often fetch a hefty
amount of coin with the right buyer. Many reputable locations
may exchange labor or favors for goods.
Starting Wealth
Chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook, "Equipment," describes
how much wealth you start with when you create a character
if you choose to pass the equipment you gain from your class
and background. If you are playing a tinkermage or guerrilla
character, see the Starting Wealth by Class table to determine
how much gold you have to spend.
Starting Wealth by Class
Class Funds
Tinkermage 5d4 x 10 gp
Guerrilla 2d4 x 10 gp
Industrial Weapons
Industrial weapons are a new weapon type for adventures set
within Vernestus. Rock gnomes, blessed with knowledge
given by the god of constructs, created the first industrial
weapons. With innovations in technology and magic, firearms
and weapons of exquisite craft have entered the stage along
with typical fantasy weapons.
Although members of all races have adopted the use of
industrial weapons, their design often incorporates gnomish
motifs. The percolation of gnomish culture across the world is
a point of pride for many gnomes, as well as the warforged, a
race created by the gnomes.
The Industrial Weapons table shows you the new weapons
available to you in Vernestus, their price and weight, the
damage they deal when they hit, and any special properties
they possess. See chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook,
"Equipment," for more information about weapons, as well as
a list of simple and martial weapons.
Chapter 4 | Equipment
Industrial Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Industrial Melee Weapons
Cestus 10 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 1 lb. Hand, light
Knuckleduster 10 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 1/2 lb. Finesse, hand, light
Tekko 15 gp 1d4 slashing 1/4 lb. Finesse, hand, light
Tigerclaw 35 gp 1d8 slashing 1½ lb. Finesse, hand
Vajra 15 gp 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Hand, light
Industrial Ranged Weapons
Blunderbuss 100 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), loud, spread, two-handed
Ammunition (range 150/600), loading, loud, steady,
Cogwork rifle 250 gp 2d6 piercing 9 lb.
Ammunition (range 30/120), heavy, loud, spread,
Crank shotgun 150 gp 1d12 piercing 5 lb.
Ammunition (range 10/30), heavy, spread, two-
Firebomb 220 gp 1d10 fire 14 lb.
Flintlock 100 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), light, loading, steady
Hipshooter 250 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), loud, spread, steady
Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, loud, steady,
Musket 120 gp 1d10 piercing 8 lb.
Pepperbox 130 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), loud, spread
Ammunition (range 100/400), loading, loud, two-
Phoenix 200 gp 1d10 fire 9 lb.
Pockmarker 50 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (20/60), light, steady
Revolver 200 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (30/120), light, loud, steady
Powder slug (5) 1 gp — 1/2 lb. —
Weapon Properties Common Magic Items
Some industrial weapons have special properties not found Powerful magic items are rare across Vernestus, only
among those in the Player's Handbook, as shown in the belonging to individuals of particularly great privilege or found
Industrial Weapons table. sprinkled across the land, deep within the most dangerous
Hand. This weapon is made to fit over your hand. You can dungeons and crypts. However, more mundane magic items
use your hand to provide somatic components or hold another are commonly seen throughout, often integrated with some
weapon or object while wielding this weapon. form of technology. The following are some of these common
Loud. When you make an attack with this weapon, it items that you are likely to come across in Vernestus. See
creates a loud noise audible up to 300 feet away, alerting any chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, "Treasure," for
creatures within the area of your presence. more information about magic items.
Spread. Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't
impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls with this Arcane Holster
weapon. Wondrous item, common
Steady. You can use a bonus action on your turn to ignore Any firearm weighing 10 pounds or less can fit entirely within
the disadvantage granted from attacking beyond the weapon's the holster, regardless of its volume. Any items other than
normal range. The steadying effect lasts until the start of your firearms are unable to fit within the holster.
next turn.
Dune Vehicles Wondrous item, common
Sundrians are known for their cunning wit and This odd key shaped object has 3 charges. You can insert the
craftsmanship, but not necessarily for their creativity. Dune antilockpick into a mundane lock and expend a charge to
vehicles are technological marvels created by the sundrians permanently transmute the internal mechanisms of the lock
from reverse-engineered gnomish technology. to a state that renders all existing keys for that lock unusable.
Resembling ships you would find at sea, dune vehicles are The antilockpick regains all expended charges daily at dawn.
able to sail across the sand of deserts. Many fear exploring the
Desneran desert for fear of meeting a dune barge staffed with Autoreel
sundrian pirates. However, dune vehicles are able to be Wondrous item, common
purchased as equipment for adventurers.
Vehicle Proficiency. If you have proficiency with vehicles This reel is made to fit around your wrist and attach to a
(land), you can add your proficiency bonus to any check you single weapon. The reel has a line that extends up to 60 feet.
make to control a dune vehicle in difficult circumstances. On your turn, you can cause the reel to draw a weapon on the
end of the line back into your hand, no action required.
Dune Vehicles
Item Cost Speed
Caravan boat 4,500 gp 1 mph
Desert galley 45,000 gp 4 mph
Dune sailboat 12,000 gp 3 mph
Dune schooner 28,000 gp 3 mph
Wind dinghy 75 gp 2 mph
Chapter 4 | Equipment
Bag of Minor Gaana Stones Cog of the Timekeeper
Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
This bag comes with 1d20+10 shiny black stones. Any These cogs were originally used by the ancestral chrones
creature holding the bag of stones can cast the magic stone enacting the functions of RG2, but have become
cantrip, as long as they use the gaana stones as part of the commonplace as watches. While you are attuned to this item,
spell. After a gaana stone is used, it disappears in a silent burst you always know the time on your current plane of existence.
as it planeshifts to the Plane of Earth. If you are a chrone, the cog also gifts you certain mental
benefits while you are attuned to it. You can perform
Boots of the Caravan mathematical operations with ease, and perfectly remember
Wondrous item, common everything that happened within the past 7 days of being
attuned to the cog.
These boots don't leave footprints in sand.
Candle of Bug Repelling Wondrous item, common
Wondrous item, common
This thick white paper has a glossy sheen to it. If you set fire
Used by the canoe traders of Vernestus' bayou, this candle is to the paper while you hold it, it does not burn, but rather the
adept at repelling pesty bugs. Nonmagical insects and scenery in your field of view appears as an image on the
arachnids are unable to move closer than 15 feet to the candle glossy side. Afterwards, the paper loses its magical properties.
while it is alight.
Glimmer Slug
Candle of Ignition Weapon (powder slug), common
Wondrous item, common
When shot, the point this powder slug hits begins to glow,
This candle is kept in a glass tube. Once removed from the shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an
tube, the candle will automatically ignite after 1 minute. additional 30 feet. The light fades after 1 minute.
Celestial Toy Box Gnomish War Whistle
Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, common
This wooden box is decorated with flourishing angelic When you blow on this whistle, only warforged are able to
symbols and contains 2 cubic feet of space. Additionally, it perceive the sound.
comes with a random fanciful childrens' toy. If the toy is left in
the box for 8 hours without the box being opened, it magically Hearing Screw
transforms into a different toy. You can use the following table Wondrous item, common
to determine the form the toy takes.
This ordinary looking screw is able to hear your voice. When
d8 Toy d8 Toy you instruct the screw to insert itself into an object, it will fly
1 Doll 5 Toy animal up to 30 feet and do so. After inserting itself into an object, it
2 Leather ball 6 Wooden blocks
will no longer listen unless a creature calls its serial number
(inscribed on the screw). When called, the screw will fall out of
3 Popgun 7 Wooden train an object and fly up to 30 feet towards the creature that called
4 Spinning top 8 Yo-yo
its serial number and drop at their feet.
Keystone Cube
Wondrous item, common
This 1-foot stone cube is completely weightless and is only
able to be moved from force provided by creatures. Force
from objects, spells, gravity, and weather fail to move the cube.
Machinist's Gloves
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
As an action, you can cause the tips of the gloves to sprout a
set of ethereal tinkers' tools. You can dismiss the ethereal
tinkers' tools as an action.
Chapter 4 | Equipment
Monocle of Diagnosis Phial of Goodpolish
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) Potion, common
This monocle has 3 charges. While you are wearing the This glossy red phial contains 8 ounces of a sweet smelling
monocle, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and liquid known as goodpolish. Dropping 1 ounce of goodpolish
target an object of size Huge or smaller. For 1 minute, you onto a metal surface instantly cleans 25 square feet of the
perceive the object's strong points to glow green and the metal.
object's weak points to glow red. The brightness of the glow
depends on how strong or weak each point is. The monocle Sack of Loyal Sand
regains all expended charges daily at dawn. Wondrous item, common
Rainbow Slug This sack is filled with 100 pounds of seemingly ordinary
Weapon (powder slug), common sand. As an action, you can hold up the sack and speak the
sand's command word, causing all spilled loyal sand within 60
This special powder slug deals a random type of damage feet of you to flow back into the sack.
when fired from a firearm. When you hit with a rainbow slug,
roll on the following table to determine the type of damage the Sponge Stone
slug deals. Wondrous item, common
d8 Damage Type d8 Damage Type This porous stone is small enough to fit in your hand. If placed
1 Acid 5 Lightning in water, it will sponge up to 5 gallons. The stone never leaks,
unless you use an action to squeeze the stone and release up
2 Cold 6 Poison to 1 gallon of water.
3 Fire 7 Psychic
Silencing Chip
4 Force 8 Thunder Wondrous item, common
Ring of Sharpness
This small black chip can be placed on any metal surface,
such as a firearm or loud machinery. Once attached, any
Ring, common (requires attunement) sounds originating from within a 1-foot radius of the chip are
While wearing this ring, weapons in your possession never muffled, only allowing sounds from within to be heard up to 5
dull. Additionally, body parts such as teeth, claws, and spines feet away.
never dull. Also, due to the ability of the chip to silence the area, it
grants resistance to thunder damage to any object or creature
Ring of Spring that fits entirely within a 1-foot radius area of the chip.
Ring, common (requires attunement) Once the chip is removed from a metal surface, its effects
This ring has 3 charges. While you are wearing the ring, you
can use an action to expend 1 of its charges can cause the Tinkerer's Coin of Rescue
ring to transform into a spring and leap up to 5 feet away from Wondrous item, common
you, striking with great force. You can use the ring to attempt
to knock a creature prone, force open a door, or something As an action, you can churn the coin between your fingers,
else at your DM's discretion, using the ring's statistics instantaneously ending your attunement to one of your magic
(Strength score of 18). After being used, the spring transforms items. Once used, the coin disappears. Cursed items are
back into a ring. The ring regains all expended charges daily unaffected by this coin.
at dawn. Wings of Tectonica
Rod of Hand Extension Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
Rod, common These wings are fashioned out of mystical roc feathers and
This 10-foot long bronze rod has a metallic hand on one end are used by the mighty duskrinde warriors on the Plane of
and an ergonomic grip on the other. While holding the rod Earth. When you fall and aren't incapacitated, you can
with one hand, you can manipulate the metallic hand as subtract up to 30 feet from the fall when calculating falling
competently as you could your own hand. The hand is damage, and you can move up to 2 feet horizontally for every
incapable of effectively using weapons, however. 1 foot you descend.
Jar of Shade
Wondrous item, common
This glass jar contains 20 ounces of the essence of shade. As
an action, you can spread 1 ounce of shade over an area of up
to 1 square foot. The shade remains for 8 hours, or until a
creature uses their action to sweep it away.
Chapter 4 | Equipment
Chapter 5: Customization Options
our choice of race, class, and background are the
core building blocks that make up your Multiclassing
character. However, these choices represent Titles such as clerics, fighters, monks, and wizards do not
broad categories. Your character is a unique encompass all of those that call Vernestus their home. Some
individual with a multitude of flourishing characters mix the classes presented in chapter 2, "Class
qualities. Some character concepts aren't able to Options," and the classes found in the Player's Handbook to
be fully realized with the options laid out before create multiclass characters. Multiclassing is an optional rule
you previously. This chapter focuses on ways to further that your DM may choose to include in your campaign. See
customize your character with optional rules. chapter 6 of the Player's Handbook, "Customization Options,"
for more about the rules of multiclassing.
To qualify for a new class, you must meet the ability score
prerequisites for both your current class and your new one.
See the Multiclassing Prerequisites table and page 163 of the
Player's Handbook for the prerequisites necessary to
Multiclassing Prerequisites
Class Ability Score Minimum
Tinkermage Intelligence 13
Guerrilla Dexterity 13 and Charisma 13
When you first gain a level in a class other than your initial
class, you gain only some of the new class's starting
proficiencies. See the Multiclassing Proficiencies table and
page 164 of the Player's Handbook for the proficiencies you
Multiclassing Proficiencies
Class Proficiencies Gained
Tinkermage Industrial weapons, tinker's tools
Light armor, shields, simple weapons,
improvised weapons
Your choice of class represents the majority of the abilities
that your character possesses. A fighter adeptly wields a
sword as a wizard deftly casts spells from a spellbook.
However, classes alone do not represent the full breadth of
abilities that a character can use.
Feats are an optional rule that your DM may choose to
include. At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability
Score Improvement feature. Using the optional feats rule, you
can forgo taking that feature to take a feat of your choice
instead. Below is a list of feats available to characters
adventuring within Vernestus. See chapter 6 of the Player's
Handbook, "Customization Options," for more feats and
additional rules regarding feats.