ATSG Blog - The JF011E Jatco CVT To The JF015E CVT-7
ATSG Blog - The JF011E Jatco CVT To The JF015E CVT-7
ATSG Blog - The JF011E Jatco CVT To The JF015E CVT-7 1/4
9/3/2020 ATSG Blog - The JF011E Jatco CVT to the JF015E CVT-7
This is a Normally Closed On/Off solenoid, which when in P/N, the TCM sends 12 volts to the solenoid. Once the desired
gear is selected (D or R), within approximately five seconds power is cut to the solenoid by the TCM. This explains the
normal three-second delay into gear. This also means, besides possible TCM issues, engagement problems can arise
due to a malfunctioning Lock-up select solenoid, select switching valve or select control valve, as well as a flow control
valve problem in the pump. This valve will be covered near the end of this article.
From a diagnostic standpoint, when it comes to pressure testing, transducers are most favorable in CVT applications.
Pressures can reach more than 800 psi with some CVT transmissions. This transmission is equipped with having a
complete set of pressure taps for keener diagnostics. The forward and reverse clutch, the secondary and primary pulley,
TCC release and TCC apply and main line pressures are all available (Figure 5, secondary pulley tap located front side
above axle as seen in Figure 6).
This transmission also has primary and secondary pulley pressure transducers inside the transmission (Figure 7). In some
cases, checking the voltage signal on these wires is easier, safer and quicker to do should pulley pressures need to be
monitored. However, Mitsubishi eliminated the use of the secondary pressure transducer with 2010 model year vehicles.
When 0 psi is in the system, approximately 0.5 volts will be seen. As pressure increases inside the pulley this voltage
signal will increase proportionally. When 4.5 volts is seen it indicates approximately 870 psi of pressure is present inside
the pulley chamber. With a 0.5 volt equaling 0 psi to 4.5 volts equaling 870 psi, by plotting out the numbers in-between
this range, approximate pressures can be determined. For example, 2.5 volts would represent an approximate 435 lbs. of
pressure inside the pulley chamber. Having both pulley voltages graphed out on a scope or digital graphing multi-meter is
a nice way to see the pressures vary between these two pulleys.
The case connector containing these wires is next to where most of the pressure taps are located on the case (Figure 8).
Some confusion can take place here if you are not careful. Dodge, Jeep and Mitsubishi use the same terminal numbering
system with their wiring diagrams while Nissan is totally different, as seen in Figure 9. The functions are identical meaning
that the wires internally go to the same solenoids, pressure transducers, TFT sensor and EEPROM with all four
Dodge, Jeep and Mitsubishi terminal number assignments are as follows:
1. Pressure Control Solenoid (PCS)
2. Secondary Pressure Control Solenoid (SPCS)
3. Lock-Up Control Solenoid (LCS)
4. Lock-up Selection Solenoid (LSS)
5. + For Pressure Switches and ROM
6. Dodge only -- ground (G301) for PCS, SPCS & LCS
7. Secondary Pressure Sensor Signal
8. Stepper Motor
9. Stepper Motor
10. Stepper Motor
11. Stepper Motor
16. ROM
17. TFT Signal
18. Primary Pressure Sensor Signal
19. Ground Pressure Sensors, ROM, TFT
21. ROM
22. ROM 2/4
9/3/2020 ATSG Blog - The JF011E Jatco CVT to the JF015E CVT-7
unit. In fact, Yoram Levy from Edmond Garage has already dealt with worn valve bodies, particularly with the TCC
Regulator Valve. He has also seen leaking high clutch pistons, a loss of a speed sensor signal due to an internal speed
sensor ring not spinning and input shaft-bearing noises. The good news is that it is a very nice transmission to repair. With
the right tools, it all comes apart and goes back together again very easily, including the primary and secondary pulleys.
We’ll take a glance at this transmission next month. 4/4