Chapter 7 - WG - Period4 - 5
Chapter 7 - WG - Period4 - 5
Chapter 7 - WG - Period4 - 5
What is a
c. 11-02 KL 3
a place where people:
þ Work
þ Play
þ Live
c. 11-02 KL 4
c. 11-02 KL 5
c. 11-02 KL 6
c. 11-02 KL 7
c. 11-02 KL 8
United States & Canada
◦ The United States and Canada
1. Have market economics
2. Which allow people to own, operate, and profit form their own businesses.
3. A market economy allows businesses to hire employees and pay them for their work.
4. There are laws to protect private property rights, employment opportunities, and the health and safety of workers.
5. As technology transforms the workplace, both countries are developing postindustrial economies, which place emphasis
on heavy industry and traditional manufacturing and more emphasis on service and high-tech businesses.
6. The largest area of economic growth in the United States and Canada is in service industries.
7. Only 77% of the regions workers are employed in service jobs, such as government, education, health care ,and banking.
Many of these jobs are located in the central business district of Urban areas where the high concentration of office
buildings and retail shops is easily accessible from the industrial areas as well as the surburbs.
◦ Manufacturing accounts for about 20 percent of both the U.S. and Canadian economies.
◦ However, advanced technologies such as robotics and computerized automation have transformed manufacturing
in the region.
◦ Factories now produce greater quantities of goods with fewer workers than in the past.
1. Farming in the U.S. and Canada is Key Agriculture Products
overwhelming commercial with agricultural - Cattle ranches operates mostly in the western,
commodities (goods) produced for sale. southern, and midwestern US and in Canada’s
2. Large areas of the region are involved in Prairie Provinces.
agriculture activities. - Other important livestock-producing areas
3. While the average size of farms in the U.S. include the north-central United States,
and Canada has increased since the 1950’s. Quebec, and Ontario.
- Wheatbelt (region – grow wheat)
KNOW: - Corn belt (region for Corn)
- The development of reliable transportation and
communication systems in the United States and Agriculture Technology
Canada was essential because of the large land - Cattle ranching: needed wide-open spaces and
area of both countries, their population, and their natural grasses of the Western prairies and
need to move goods. plains.
Transportation /Automobile
◦ Since WWII, the most popular means of personal transportation in the region has been the automobile.
◦ This extensive reliance on cares has required heavy investment in highways, roads, and bridges, which are also
important in the transport of goods
◦ Reliance on the automobile, however, creates air pollution through the burning of gasoline that affects most urban
◦ Automakers and government agencies are working together to reduce the use of autos in certain urban districts
and to find cleaner, more efficient ways to reduce the use of fuel.
◦ Mass public transportation (another challenge) reduces the number of vehicles.
◦ Busses and commuter trains are also used to ease congestion.