DC024 Practical
DC024 Practical
DC024 Practical
" The best way
to learn is to
teach "
Course Framework DC024 (PRACTICAL)
Student Learning Time: 2 hours per week (Face-to-face – 22 hours, Non Face-to-face – 22 hours)
Topic 2.0 Introduction to Scratch 2.0 Software
CLO 2: Demonstrate skill of programming in computing practise
Week 3 2.1 Asset Students work in pair to explore all the assets. Dancing Cat 2
Date : 2.1.1 Identify different types of Students can use the sample project and try to Dancing Man
asset make their own project
Practical Test 1 Draw a house using shapes that have been learnt in previous class. You should include at least three shapes
Date : ie triangle, square and rectangle.
Week 6 2.2 Scripts Situation: A diver dives in the sea. When he Single Selection –
Date : 2.2.1 Identify different types of touches a fish, he will stop and say “Hello! Diver and Fish
block code What is your name”. Then, the fish will answer
Events and the answer will be recorded in the
Sensing animation.
Students should write the pseudocode for this
situation before do the animation in Scratch.
Week Topic Activity Remarks
Week 7 2.2 Scripts Situation: A diver dives in the sea. When he Dual Selection –
Date : 2.2.1 Identify different types of touches a fish, he will stop and say “Hello! Diver and Fish
block code What is your name”. Then, the fish will answer
Sensing and the answer will be recorded.
Operator If he doesn’t touch the fish, he will bounce back
when he touches the edge.
2) Block Reference Guide – to help students understand the function of every blocks in Scripts
3) Scratch Interface
4) Show and run a basic, simple project – Sprite move from a point to another, Dancing Cat Project
Activity Dancing Cat
a) Drag “Move 10 steps” from Motion Block – can change the number of steps to make distance smaller or
b) Drag and stack the “Play drum” from Sound Block below the “Move 10 Steps” block. – can change the sound
c) Click this stack of two blocks, and you can see the cat moving and play the drum sound
d) Duplicate this two blocks and change the 10 steps to -10 steps (moving backward)
e) Click this stack of four blocks, and you can see the cat is dancing forward and backward.
f) You can duplicate this blocks again, as much as you want and see the cat dancing
g) Finally, you can add “When Flag clicked” on top of the blocks. Now, you can click on the flag to make the cat
start dancing. (instead of click the blocks)
Topic : Asset – Backdrop, Sprite, Costume, Sound (Week 2-3)
In this lesson, we encourage students to explore Scratch in open ended way. Students are encouraged to work together,
ask each other for help and share their own work/project.
Activity Dancing Cat 2
Can try Dancing Cat 2 and see the difference. Can use Control block - “repeat 10” or duplicate the blocks like before.
Use “Flip left-right” button in Costumes Section to get the costume2
3) Introduce the concept of Sequence – Sequence: identify the series of steps for a task
Activity Monster Face Game – Refer Monster Face PDF document (from Computational Thinking in Computer
Science (CTCS) Workshop)
Activity Move 100 Steps
Activity Draw a Triangle
Activity Draw a Square – compare this animation with the “Move 100 steps” task
Activity Dual-Selection
Script for Fish2