ENME 373 Syllabus

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ENME 373 Advanced Computer-Aided Design

Instructor Information
Instructor: James Rhodes
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: TBD

Course Descriptions

Advanced two and three dimensional drawing by using computer aided design (CAD) software
systems, dimensioning; specifications, and tolerance; introduction of basic CAD analysis tools;
students will complete a design project.

Credits hours: 3 credits

Prerequisite: ENES 220, 221, MATH 432
Co-requisites: ENME 331
Requirements: Junior standing, approval of the department chair.

Textbook: None


 Introduction to CAD systems

 Dimensioning Engineering Drawings
 Feature-based Component Modeling
 Assembly of Components
 Detailing with design specification and tolerances
 Create Motion Studies
 Complete Mass Property Studies

Learning Outcomes

The main objectives for this course are to provide students with a conceptual understanding of
the principles of CAD systems, the implementation of these principles, and its connections to
CAD based analysis tools.

 Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability.

 Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

 Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

Grading Policy
Assignments: 30%
Weekly Discussions: 10%
Two In-class Exams: 40%
Final Project: 20%

Assignments: Each module will contain an assignment that must be submitted. Assignments will
be assigned and due according to the attached schedule or the date announced in class (if any
changes to the schedule are made). Assignments may be turned in up to one week later and shall
receive a penalty of 10 points. No late homework will be graded or accepted without prior approval
of the instructor beyond this period unless for extreme circumstances. Students missing class will
need to make arrangements to turn in assignments by the announced deadline. Missing class is not
a valid excuse for not having homework complete. Assignments will consist of several problems and
must be completed as individuals. Assignment problems will be graded and returned in a timely

Assignments may be turned in by:

 Submission to Canvas

Assignments may not be given to another student to be turned in on your behalf. (See Academic
Integrity section.)

Discussions: Each module will contain a discussion prompt that students must create a response to
by the 5th day of the module and must reply to at least two other students by the 7th of the module.

Exams: Two Open Book/Open Notes/Closed Neighbor tests will be given as announced in the
attached course schedule. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP TESTS. All tests must be taken during
the assigned dates – including the final exam. If a student is going to miss a test due to an “excused
absence”, arrangements must be made before the regularly scheduled test. Students must
communicate with the instructor before the test via email. Students may not seek help from other
students or any other individual while taking exams and evidence of cheating will be taken

Final Project: Final project requirements will be discussed at a later date in the course and will be
used to demonstrate the skills learned within this course. The student will need to record a brief
presentation to share with the class.

Final Grade Determination: All grades will be recorded to the nearest 0.1 percent in the grade book.
The final grade determination will be based on a final grade rounded to the nearest whole number.
The final grades will be determined using the following table:

Grade Range Reported Grade

90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
Below 60 F
Academic Integrity
The University is an academic community. Its fundamental purpose is the pursuit of knowledge.
Like all other communities, the University can function properly only if its members adhere to
clearly established goals and values. Essential to the fundamental purpose of the University is
the commitment to the principles of truth and academic honesty. A zero grade will be signed to
any missing work and any identical work by cheating.

Please read the following Universities policies


RELIGIOUS OBLIGATIONS: Students requiring special accommodations due to religious

observances will need to contact the instructor during the first week of class to discuss any possible
required arrangements.

EMAIL POLICY: Emails are considered official business communication and should be treated as
such. Should you need to contact your instructor by email, please follow the following guidelines
to ensure a prompt response:
 Use a Frostburg email account: (due to FERPA regulations)
 Do not leave the subject line blank. Include the course number and subject as well as a brief
statement as to the reason for the email (i.e. EGR 209 – homework question, EGR 209 – class
 Conclude email with your name
Under normal circumstances, emails will be responded to within 24 hours. When possible, an
announcement will be made in class and posted to the class website if response times will be longer
than usual.

Frostburg State University and its faculty are committed to maintaining a campus environment that
supports diversity and respect for individuals who represent that diversity. Fostering a community that
values diversity and respect for differences is a fundamental goal of higher education and ranks
among the highest priorities of this institution.

To meet our commitment to supporting diversity, in all its forms, FSU has an established Office of
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In addition, the University has a committee of faculty, staff, and
students to continually monitor the campus climate and to recommend changes to policies and
processes. FSU citizens (faculty, staff, students, and visitors) are expected to act with decency and
mutual respect. The university has mechanisms for reporting and investigating hate and bias
incidents. To report issues of hate or bias, please go to the following
link: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?FrostburgStateUniv&layout_id=1

For more information about FSU’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, please
visit: https://www.frostburg.edu/student-life/campus-services/center-for-student-diversity-equity-
ENME- Spring 2023
Tentative Course Outline
Week Start Date Module Topic Assignments Assigned
- 0 Course Introduction, Icebreaker, Icebreaker Discussion
Solidworks Installation
1/25 1 Basic Sketching Hw 1, Discussion 1
2/1 2 Modifying Sketches Hw 2, Discussion 2
2/8 3 Basic Modeling Hw 3, Discussion 3
2/15 4 Intermediate Parts Hw 4, Discussion 4
2/22 5 Advanced Part Modeling Hw 5. Discussion 5
3/1 6 Basic Engineering Drawings Hw 6, Discussion 6
3/8 7 Midterm Exam Midterm Exam
3/15 8 Castor Assembly and Final Project Final Project Proposal
Overview Hw 7
3/22 - Spring Break
3/29 9 Castor Assembly Drawings Hw 8
4/5 10 Gearbox Project Hw 9
4/12 11 Motion Studies, Mass Analysis, Hw 10, Discussion 7
and Animations
4/19 12 Free Form Modeling Hw 11, Discussion 8
4/26 - Free Week for Final Projects
5/3 14 Final Project Presentations Final Project
5/10 15 Final Exam Final Exam

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