Math 101 Syllabus - Spring 2023
Math 101 Syllabus - Spring 2023
Math 101 Syllabus - Spring 2023
Spring 2023
Course Information
Lecture Meeting Days and Times: Section 1: S//T/T 8-9, Section 3:12.30-14.00 M/W
Prerequisites: none
Co-requisites: none
Instructor Details
● You can contact me by email for any inquiries. Please do not text me unless it is
something extremely urgent.
● Questions concerning the content of the course will be answered during office hours and
not by mail.
● Your emails will be answered daily from 4 pm-7 pm but NOT during weekends unless it
is something urgent.
This course studies the behavior and characteristics of functions from graphic, numeric, analytic,
3 and applied perspectives, including general polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic
functions. Focus is also on systems of linear equations and/or inequalities in several variables,
emphasizing matrix solutions.
The course will consist of live class lectures covering each topic with explanations of definitions,
properties, and theorems supported by solving examples and exercises. Midterms and final
4 exams will be on campus. All course information and updates will be on the Moodle page, which
students are expected to check regularly.
- Details on the attendance policy and the grade distribution can be found in this syllabus.
- All lectures and resources (book, slides, etc.) will be available on the Moodle course
Topics Covered
Functions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic).
Matrix algebra and systems of linear equations.
Graded Work
The purpose of the below assessments is to provide you, the learner, with feedback regarding
your level of knowledge, skills, and competencies related to the above Course Learning
Outcomes. Your performance on these items is also used to determine your overall final grade for
the course.
Grading Scale
A (4.0) 93 - 100 Superior
A- (3.7) 90 - 92
B+ (3.3) 87 - 89 Good
B (3.0) 83 - 86
B- (2.7) 80 - 82
C+ (2.3) 77 – 79 Satisfactory
C (2.0) 73 - 76
C- (1.7) 70 – 72
D+ (1.3) 67 – 69 Unsatisfactory
D (1.0) 60 – 66
F (0) Below 60 Fail
Technology Requirements:
Technical Support:
This course will require that you have a laptop computer capable of running Moodle, flat world
platform and any additional component.
All students are responsible for following the requirements in the student handbook, including
but not limited to the following expectations. Students should be alert and willing to participate
in class activities and discussions and refrain from having disruptive conversations during class.
Students must bring to the class a notebook for writing course notes, a calculator if the course
requires it, the needed stationery, and a copy of the syllabus.
Students who come without a math notebook and stationary in the class will not be
accepted in the lesson.
Students are asked to limit the use of their laptop computers or tablets to class purposes. Students
who violate this may not be allowed to use their personal laptop computers and tablets during the
class lecture. Students should limit the usage of their smart/cell phones during the class lecture,
whereas their usage is prohibited in quizzes, tests, exams and evaluations.
Classroom Conduct
Students are advised to conduct themselves in a collegial manner at all times when in class.
Rude, disrespectful, aggressive, or threatening language or behavior will not be tolerated, and
students displaying this will be asked to leave the class. Students should avoid distracting
behavior; otherwise they may be asked to leave the class and marked absent for the day.
Examples of distracting behavior include:
Grade Disputes
Unless grades are added up incorrectly, the grades will not change after quizzes/exams are
handed back to the students. Any grade related issue might be discussed in detail during office
hours, and not in class time. If there is a dispute concerning the final grade for the course,
students have the right to make a formal grade appeal within the period set by the Registrar
office. Details on this process can be found in the Academic Catalog, page 40 (please check the
catalog for updated page number).
Incomplete Grades
In the unlikely event that it becomes necessary to assign an “I”, for incomplete, as the final grade
in the course, the affected student(s) and professor will adhere to the incomplete grade policy on
as described in the Student Services documentation:
This syllabus is subject to change. It is the duty of the instructor to inform students of changes in
a timely fashion. Students are obliged to be cognizant of any changes.
Courses of four credit-hours: AUIS adheres to the United States federal definition of a credit
hour, as established by the US Department of Education. As a four credit-hour course, you are
expected to attend four hours of direct instruction per week, and spend a minimum of eight hours
out of class per week in homework, studying, preparing, and otherwise engaging with the
material of this course.
Courses of three credit-hours: AUIS adheres to the United States federal definition of a credit
hour, as established by the US Department of Education. As a three credit-hour course, you are
expected to attend three hours of direct instruction per week, and spend a minimum of six hours
out of class per week in homework, studying, preparing, and otherwise engaging with the
material of this course.
Courses of two credit-hours: AUIS adheres to the United States federal definition of a credit
hour, as established by the US Department of Education. As a two credit-hour course, you are
expected to attend two hours of direct instruction per week, and spend a minimum of four hours
out of class per week in homework, studying, preparing, and otherwise engaging with the
material of this course.
Courses of one credit-hour: AUIS adheres to the United States federal definition of a credit hour,
as established by the US Department of Education. As a one credit-hour course, you are
expected to attend one hour of direct instruction per week, and spend a minimum of two hours
out of class per week in homework, studying, preparing, and otherwise engaging with the
material of this course.
Students who do not show-up to an exam session at the scheduled time will receive a score of
zero points for that exam. Make-up exams are not given; however, under extraordinary
circumstances and with the requirement of a note from the Dean of Students office explicitly
stating the nature of the circumstance, a re-distribution of grades could occur.
12 Diversity Statement
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are important to AUIS, and we are committed to providing a safe
and inclusive environment for all students. The different backgrounds, traits, values, and
viewpoints that students bring to our university are a source of strength and enrich the experience
for everyone. We engage with each other respectfully when we disagree, and we strive to
increase our capacity for understanding others. Disruptive, insulting, or disrespectful language or
behavior will not be tolerated. Together, we can create a positive learning environment for all
members of AUIS.
Academic Support
13 The students are encouraged to make use of an instructor’s office hours. The Department will
provide additional support for students such as tutorials and help sessions.
Disability Accommodations
Students with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations through the AUIS Student
Attendance Policy
Academic success requires class attendance and engagement. Students are expected to attend
classes and participate when given the opportunity.
All undergraduate students have a set minimum of absences before they incur a penalty in the
A student will incur a penalty (failing the class) after they miss:
○ six classes for courses that meet once a week
Students will be notified twice before they are penalized. These notifications should be received
when students have used approximately one-half of the absences and when they have used their
final absence before a penalty is incurred. The Registration Office, the University Registrar, and
the Dean of Students will be included in these notifications.
Students with extenuating or emergency circumstances can submit documentation and a request
for accommodations to the Director of Academic Success and the Dean of Students. Students
have the right to privacy and communications between the members of the Student Services team
and the student will not be shared without consent. Once the student approves how much
information is permitted to be disclosed, either the Dean or the Director will notify the instructor
so accommodations can be put in place.
Extenuating circumstances are situations that could result in more time away from class
than is permitted due to factors outside the student’s control. Students with chronic health
issues, acting as caretakers for immediate family, or working full-time while also enrolled
in courses are examples of extenuating circumstances.
Emergency circumstances are unexpected situations that may not disrupt a student’s
physical attendance but may interfere with their learning. Major injuries,
harassment/assault, and mourning/grief are all examples of emergency circumstances.
Accommodation requests are sent to the instructor for approval and implementation.
Instructors would like to adjust or discuss the request before approval can meet with the
Dean of Students and the Director of Academic Success.
Emergency Evacuation
In case of an emergency or a fire alarm during a class, all students must follow the directions of
the class/laboratory instructor and evacuate the room in an orderly manner to the assembly area.
Failure to do so is a violation of AUIS Health and Safety Policy on emergency evacuation and
will be subject to disciplinary action.
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Integrity is honest behavior in a school setting. Academic integrity is more than the
absence of cheating. It is necessary for students to truly learn new skills and develop as human
beings. By struggling with her own studies and by making honest mistakes and discoveries, a
student learns about the world and herself. Using another’s work inappropriately prevents this
intellectual and emotional growth.
Plagiarism is using other people’s ideas and/or words without clearly acknowledging the source
of the information. If a student uses content or grammatical structures from the internet, a
professional writer, or another student and does not inform the reader, he plagiarizes. A student
who allows another student to use his writing without attribution is also guilty of plagiarism.
Cheating will not be tolerated in this class. All major written assignments completed outside of
class time must be submitted via A student found to be cheating for the first
time will receive a zero for the assignment and the Dean of Students will be notified. In the event
of a second offense confirmed by the Dean of Students, the student will fail the course. A third
16 instance of cheating will result in that student being dismissed from the American University of
Iraq, Sulaimani. Students are directed to the AUIS Honor Code and the Academic Integrity
policy section of the Academic Catalog (available online at These documents
provide guidance in cases of academic dishonesty, so we should all be familiar with them.
At the end of each assignment the following statement should be added and signed:
“I pledge that I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this academic assignment,
exercise, or examination.”
5 Week of Mar.12 3.2 Slope of The Equation of a Line (exclude 3.2.9) Quizzes 11,12
03/15 Suli 3.4 Functions (exclude 3.4.6)
forum-no Wednesday 03/15 no classes
6 Week of Mar.19 EID
No classes
7 Week of Mar.26 3.5 Graphs of Functions (exclude 3.5.5,3.5.6,3.5.7) Quizzes 13,14,15
3.6 Transformations of Functions
8 Week of Apr. 2 3.7 Combining Functions (exclude 3.7.6) Quizzes 16,17,18
3.8 Inverse Functions Thursday, April 6
Exam 1(Chapters
9 Week of Apr. 9 4.1 Quadratic Functions (exclude 4.1.9) Quizzes 19,20,21
4.2 Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs
10 Week of Apr. 16 4.3 Dividing Polynomials Quizzes 22,23
Advising period 4.4 Real Zeros of Polynomials(exclude 4.4.6)
04/20 no Tuesday 04/20 no classes
11 04/23 no Sunday 04/23 no classes Quizzes 24,25
classes 5.1 Graphing Rational Functions
Week of Apr. 23 6.1 Exponential Functions(exclude 6.1.5,6.1.6,6.1.8)