Plus Two Zoology Notes Navas-2024-25 - Hssreporter - Com
Plus Two Zoology Notes Navas-2024-25 - Hssreporter - Com
Plus Two Zoology Notes Navas-2024-25 - Hssreporter - Com
It is the formation of gametes.
Male gametes are sperms
Female gametes are egg/ovum.
Formation of sperm is called
Formation of egg is called
it is the transfer of sperms into the
female genital tract
it is the fusion of male and female
gamete. It results in the formation of
Attachment of Blastocyst on the The male reproductive system is located in
inner wall of uterus (Endometrium) is the pelvis region. It consists of
called implantation a) A pair of testis
e)Gestation:- b) Accessory ducts
Embryonic development within the c) Glands
uterus of mother is called gestation. d) External genitalia.
Human gestation period is 9 month. a)Testes
Or The testes are situated outside the
The duration between fertilization abdominal cavity (Extra abdominal ) within
and parturition is called gestation. a pouch called scrotum.
f)Parturition:- The scrotum helps in maintaining the
Delivery of the baby is the parturition low temperature of the testes (2–2.5oc
lower than the normal internal body
NAVAS CHEEMADAN/2024 [email protected]
c)External Genitalia
The penis is the male external genitalia .
It is made up of special tissue ( Spongy
erectile tissue ) that helps in erection of
the penis to facilitate insemination.
The enlarged end of penis called the
glans penis is covered by a loose fold of
The regions outside the seminiferous skin called foreskin.
tubules called interstitial spaces, contain
small blood vessels and interstitial cells d) Accessory Glands
or Leydig cell.
It include
Leydig cells synthesise and secrete
testicular hormones called androgens. i)Paired seminal vesicles,
Other immunologically competent cells ii)A prostate and
are also present. iii)Paired bulbourethral glands
(Cowper’s gland).
Ovaries are the primary female sex
Ovaries produce the fem female gamete
(ovum) and several steroid hormones
(ovarian hormones--Estrogen and
The ovaries are located one on each side
of the lower abdomen
Each ovary is about 2 to 4 cm in length
and is connected to the pelvic wall and
uterus by ligaments.
Each ovary is covered by a thin epithelium
which encloses the ovarian stroma.
The stroma is divided into two zones –
a peripheral cortex and an inner
The process of formation of gamete is
called gametogenesis.
The gametes of male is called Sperm
and of female is called Egg/Ovum
The process of formation of sperm is
called spermatogenesis.
The process of formation of egg/Ovum is
called Oogenesis.
Alveoli Mammary tubules
The process of formation of sperm is
Mammary ducts Mammary ampulla
called spermatogenesis.
lactiferous duct
It takes place at testis.
Each testis has about 250 compartments
The mammary glands of the female called testicular lobules.
undergo differentiation during pregnancy Each Testicular lobule contains one to
and starts producing milk towards the three highly coiled seminiferous tubules
end of pregnancy by the process called in which sperms are produced.
lactation. This helps the mother in Each seminiferous tubule is lined on its
feeding the newborn. inside by two types of cells called male
The milk produced during the initial few germ cells (spermatogonia/Sperm
days of lactation is called colostrum mother cells) and Sertoli cells
which contains several antibodies (IgA)
absolutely essential to develop
resistance for the new-born babies.
Breast-feeding during the initial period
of infant growth is recommended by
doctors for bringing up a healthy baby.
Milk synthesizing hormone is =PRL
Milk ejecting hormone is =OT(Oxytocin)
Pregnancy hormone =Progesterone
Attachment of Blastocyst on the inner
wall of uterus (Endometrium) is called
The trophoblast layer of blastocyst
gets attached to the endometrium and
the inner cell mass gets differentiated
as the embryo.
After attachment, the uterine cells divide
rapidly and covers the blastocyst. As a
result, the blastocyst becomes embedded
in the endometrium of the uterus . This is
called implantation and it leads to
After fertilzation zygote starts mitotic
Immediately after implantation, the
division .
inner cell mass (embryo) differentiates
The mitotic division starts as the zygote
moves through the isthmus of the
I. An n outer layer called ectod
oviduct called cleavage towards the
II. An inner layer called endoderm
uterus and forms 2, 4, 8, 16 daughter cells
III. A mesoderm soon appears
called blastomeres.
between the ectoderm and the
The embryo with 8 to 16 blastomeres is endoderm.
called a morula .
These three layers give rise to all
tissues (organs) in adults.
D) Gestation
The human foetus within the uterus
The duration between fertilization and
parturition is called gestation.
E) Parturition
The average duration of human
1st month of pregnancy=Heart
Heart is
pregnancy is about 9 months.
Vigorous contraction of the uterus at the
1st sign of growing foetus may be
end of pregnancy causes
noticed by the listing to the heart
expulsion/delivery of the foetus. This
process of delivery of the foetus
By the end of second month-Limbs
(childbirth) is called parturition.
and digits formed
Parturition is induced by a complex
com neuro
By the end of 12 weeks (1st
endocrine mechanism.
trimester)= major organs formed
The signals for parturition originate
(Limbs and external genital organs
from the fully developed foetus and the
placenta which induce mild uterine
NAVAS CHEEMADAN/2024 [email protected]
[email protected]
01-Counseling and creative awareness
With the help of audio-visual and the print-
EPRODUCTIVE EALTH media governmental and non-
governmental agencies have taken
various steps to create awareness among
the people about reproduction-related
According to the World Health aspects
Organisation (WHO),
02-Sex education
Reproductive health means a total well-
Introduction of sex education in schools
being in all aspects of reproduction, i.e.,
should also be encouraged to provide
physical, emotional, behavioural and
right information to the young so as to
discourage children from believing in
myths and having misconceptions about
The term ‘Reproductive health’ simply
sex-related aspects
refers to healthy reproductive organs
Proper information about reproductive
with normal functions
organs, adolescence and related
Therefore, a society with people having
changes, safe and hygienic sexual
physically and functionally normal
practices, sexually transmitted diseases
reproductive organs and normal emotional
(STD), AIDS, etc., would help people,
and behavioural interactions among them
especially those in the adolescent age
in all sex-related aspects might be called
group to lead a reproductively healthy life.
reproductively healthy
03-family welfare information
STRATEGIES Fertile couples and those in marriageable
India was amongst the first countries in age group must be educated in the
the world to initiate action plans and following aspects.
programmes at a national level to attain I-Available birth control options,
total reproductive health as a social ii- Care of pregnant mothers,
goal iii-Post-natal care of the mother and child,
Iv-Importance of breast feeding,
Programmes involved in maintaining v- Equal opportunities for the male and
Reproductive health the female child, etc.
1. Family Planning Programme (Initiated in Vi-Desired size of the family
2. ‘Reproductive and Child Health Care 04-Social evils
Social evils like sex-abuse and sex-
(RCH) programmes’ related crimes, etc., need to be created to
enable people to think and take up
necessary steps to prevent them and
Major Task under Family planning thereby build up a socially responsible
Programme and RCH and healthy society
01-Create awareness among people about
05-Statutory ban on amniocentesis
various reproduction related aspects
Amniocentesis is the pre-natal diagnostic
02-Provide facilities and support for building
technique of foetal sex determination and
up a reproductive healthy society determination of genetic disorder of the
foetus based on the chromosomal pattern in
the amniotic fluid surrounding the
developing embryo
NAVAS CHEEMADAN/2024 [email protected]
iii)Lactational amenorrhea :
(Absence of menstruation)
This method is based on the fact that
ovulation and therefore the cycle do not
NAVAS CHEEMADAN/2024 [email protected]
Sterilisation procedure in the Female is
called tubectomy.
In tubectomy, a small part of the fallopian
tube is removed or tied up through a small
incision in the abdomen or through
HSE-March 2023
HSE-August 2021
104. Observe the diagram and answer the
98. Mothers milk is considered essential for new a) Identify A and B
born infants (1) b) What is the function of C
a)Name the fluid secreted by mother from c) In which of the marked part reduction
breast during the initial days of lactation division takes place? What is the significance
b)What type of immunity it provides of it?
a)Label A and B
b)On which day of menstrual cycle Graffian
follicle rupture?
c)Name the process induces the rupture of
graffian follicle
a)What do A and B stands for? (1)
d)Write the name and function of the
119. Nalini is four month pregnant at the
structure forming inside the ovary after
insistence of her mother in law, she
rupture of Graffian follicle?
underwent an illegal diagnostic procedure by
which the sex of the baby was determined to
be female .Nalini’s mother in law cursed her
115. “STDs present a major health concern in
for conceiving a girl child.
both industrialization and developing
a)What is the diagnostic procedure used
a) What you meant by STD?
b) “scientifically, Nalini is not responsible for
b) Name two STDs?
conceiving a girl child”. How will you
c) Suggest two preventive measures?
substantiate this statement? (1)
116. Some stages of embryonic development are
120. Observe the diagram provided and
given below. Observe these diagram and
identify the process: (2)
answer the question (3)
The above graph shows the level of ovarian
hormones in a normally menstruating women
during follicular phase (3)
a)Name A and B
b)Mention the role of pituitary hormones in
maintaining this condition
a)Label; A,B,C and D c)Reconstruct the graph for luteal phase?
b)Why the gametes produced are haploid
even though the gamete mother cells are HSE-SAY-2010
diploid? 125. Select the ART that uses an early embryo
121. Raju has lost his mother at birth. He is with upto 8 blastomeres (1)
unhealthy and contract diseases easily. In his a)ZIFT )IUT c)GIFT d)IUI
Doctor’s opinion, Raju’s ill health is due to his 126. The total population in India is alarmingly
not drinking mother’s milk. increased to 1 billion according to 2001
How will you justify the doctor’s opinion in censes. The population growth rate was still
the light of your knowledge of immunity? (2) around 1.7%, a rate at which our population
could be double in 33 years
HSE-MARCH-2011 Cite the probable reasons for such an
122. One among the contraceptive method is increase in population growth rate? (2)
peculiar. Find the odd one and what is the 127. The graph shown below shows the levels
common among others? (1) of LH and FSH at various stages of menstrual
a)Periodic abstinence cycle. (3)
c)Lactational amenorrhea
128. Given below is the diagrammatic
representation of Human blastocyst. Observe
Previous year Question/+2/2024 [email protected]
a)Identify A and B
b)Write the function of A and B
129. When the urine sample of a lady is tested,
presence of Human chorionic gonadotropin
(HCG) was detected (2)
a)What does the presence of HCG indicate?
b)Which is the source of HCG?
130. Diagram shown below is a surgical
method used for female sterilization
a) What is the method shown in the diagram?
b) Mention any two IUDs to prevent
c)what is surgical method of male sterilization
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Human Reproduction
Reproductive Health
Previous year Question/+2/2024 [email protected]
They are alternative form of a gene He was an Austrian monk.
Genes which code for a pair of contrasting
He is known as father of genetics.
traits are known as alleles.
He conducted hybridisation experiment on
Eg: T,t,R,r,Y,y
garden pea plant (Pisum sativum ) for 7 years
The physical appearance of an organism is (1856-1863)
called Phenotype Based on his experiment , he proposed ‘laws
The visible/observable characteristics of an of inheritance’ in living organisms .
organism is called phenotype During Mendel’s investigations into
Eg: Tall plant, blue eye, round seed inheritance patterns , it was for the first time
Principles of inheritance and variation/2024
It was developed by British geneticist
Reginald C Punnet
It is the graphical representation to
calculate the probability of all possible
genotype of an offspring in a genetic
cross .
The possible gametes are written on 2
sides, usually on the top row and left
column. All possible combinations are
written in boxes below in square, which
generates a square output form
Test Cross
It is the crossing of (F1) progeny with its
recessive parent.
It is used to find unknown genotype of an
2. Law of segregation
(2nd law/law of purity of gamete)
This law is based on the fact that the alleles
Diagrammatic representation of a test crosses do not show any blending and that both
the characters are recovered as such in the
F2 generation though one of these is not
seen at the F1 stage.
Dihybrid cross-Inheritance
Inheritance of 2 genes
“It is a cross involving 2 characters
characters/a cross
involving plants differing in 2 characters”
Phenotypic ratio=1:2:1
Genotypic ratio=1:2:1 Example-2
Starch grain size in Pea seed
When crossed a true-breeding red
breeding red- Starch
tarch synthesis in pea seeds is controlled
flowered (RR) Antirrhinum and true by one gene. It has two alleles (B and b)
breeding white-flowered Antirrhinum BB------starch
starch synthesized effectively
plants (rr), the F1 (Rr) was pink (Large sized starch grains)
Publication Of Rediscovery of
Mendel’s Work Mendelian Principle
Mendel published his work his work in In 1900, three scientist namely
1865. Carl correns
But scientists of his time did not accept his Hugo De Vries
theory because Von Tschermak
Reason for non-acceptance of Mendel’s independently rediscovered mendel’s
work results on the inheritance of characters.
i. Communication was not easy (as it is By this time microscope are advanced.
now) in those days and his work Scientist observed cell division.
could not be widely publicised. This lead to the discovery of a structure in
ii. He used maths to explain biological the nucleus that appeared to double and
phenomenon was totally new and divide just before cell division, these were
unacceptable to many of the called chromosome (Colored body-
biologists of his time because that can be visualised only by
iii. He could not provide any physical staining )
proof for the existence of factors or By 1902 chromosomal movement during
what they were made of. meiosis had been worked out.
iv. His concept of genes (or factors, in Chromosomal theory
Mendel’s words) as stable and
discrete units that controlled the of Inheritance
expression of traits and, of the pair
Proposed by Walter Sutton and Theodore
of alleles which did not ‘blend’ with
Bovery In 1902
each other, was not accepted by his
Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri noted
contemporaries as an explanation
that the behavior of chromosomes was
for the apparently continuous
parallel to the behavior of genes. (The
variation seen in nature..
important things to remember are that
chromosomes as well as genes occur in
Reason for Mendel’s success
pairs. The two alleles of a gene pair are
1. Gradual planning
located on homologous sites on
2. Attention was focused only on one
homologous chromosomes)
character at a time
They used chromosome movement to
3. Maintenance of accurate record of result
explain Mendel’s law.
They studied behavior of chromosome
4. Careful experimentation and
during mitosis and meiosis.
Paring and separation of a pair of
5. His experiments had a large sampling
chromosome will lead to segregation of a
size, which gave greater credibility to
pair of factor they carried”
the data that he collected
6. He was a lucky person (didn’t find Sutton united chromosomal segregation
linkage phenomenon with Mendelian principles and called it as
chromosomal theory of inheritance. It
states that “Genes are located on
Mapping of genes
oss (deletions) or gain
(insertion/duplication) of a segment of
DNA, result in alteration in chromosomes.
Since genes are known to be located on
chromosomes,, alteration in chromosomes
results in abnormalities or aberrations
(Chromosomal aberrations).
Chromosomal aberrations are seen in
cancer cells.
Mutations are of 2 types
a)Point mutation
b)Frame shift mutation
It is a sex linked (X-linked) recessive
Here a single protein that is a part of chain
(cascade) of protein involved in clotting of
blood is affected. Due to this, in affected
individual a simple cut will result nonstop
Genotypes are
Normal male XHY
Normal female XHXH
Hemophilic male X hY
Hemophilic female XhXh
Hemophilic carrier (Female-) XHXh
Such females are
ovaries are rudimentary
lack of other secondary sexual characters Hence, in the heterozygous condition, the
recessive trait is seen due to non-functional
enzyme or because no enzyme is produced.
Turner’s syndrome
Concept of Dominance
Every gene contains the information to
express a particular trait.
A gene that contains the information for
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producing an enzyme
In a diploid organism, there are two copies
of each gene, i.e., as a pair of alleles.
In heterozygous conditions (Tt), there are
dominant and recessive alleles.
34. Observe the cross of a pure violet and white
flower (2)
In a cross between a true breeding red flowered
and a true breeding white floweredplants, the F1
generation was pink coloured flowers. From this
cross – (2)
(a) Identify the Inheritance.
(b) Give an example for this type of Inheritance.
(c) Write the F2 phenotypic and genotypic ratio.
30. From the following, find out the symbol used in a) By using the F, progeny design a test cross.
the human pedigree analysis representing male. b) Mention the significance of test cross
(1) 35. Each symptom of two chromosomal disorders are
given below : (2)
Rudimentary ovary and lack of secondary
sexual characters
31. Observe the figure given below showing Mendel’s
(a) Identify the disorders.
experiment using pea plants. (2)
(b) Give the reason for these disorders
49. The following table shows the F2 generation
of a Dihybrid cross. Identify the phenotype
with homozygous recessive genotype. Find
out A:B:C:D (2)
57. Diagrammatic representation of the pedigree
analysis of the inheritance of sickle cell
anaemia is shown below. (3)
b)What is aneuploidy ?
73. A poultry farm manager was cursing his hens for Turner’s syndrome ..........a........
Sterile female
producing lion share of cocks in its progeny. ---------b-------- 44A+XXY ..........c.........
Hearing this, Kumar-farm manager starts to lame --------d--------- Trisomy-21 Mental
his wife for delivering consecutive girl children. retardation
Analyse the situation scientifically and state 77. In Pea plant the gene for yellow seed colour is
whether you agree with kumar? (3) dominant over green and round seed shape is
HSE-SAY-2012 dominant over wrinkled. Write the four types of
gametes formed in heterozygous pea plant with
74. Diagrammatic representation of chromosome Yellow and round seeds (YyRr) (1)
map of Drosophila is given below (2) 78. The first child of a couple is affected with
Phenyketonuria. During the second pregnancy
they visited a genetic counsellor and Prepared a
pedigree chart of their family. (2)
a)What is pedigree analysis?
Y- Yellow
b)Draw the symbols for
W- White i) Affected female
M- Miniature ii) Sex unspecified
a)Which genes are more linked? iii)Consanguineous mating
b)Who mapped chromosome firstly?
c)Tightly linked genes show low
recombination. Why?
75. Work of a student is given below: (3) 79. Symbols used in human pedigree analysis and
their meanings are provided in the table. Fill in the
blanks with suitable meaning or symbols (1)
Ans :
This length that is far greater than the A typical nucleosome contains 200 bp of DNA
dimension of a typical nucleus (approximately helix.
10–6 m). There for total number of nucleosome in
The negatively charged DNA is wrapped human
around the positively charged histone
octamer to form a structure called
The beads-on-string structure in chromatin is
packaged to form chromatin fibers that are
further coiled and condensed at metaphase
stage of cell division to formchromosomes.
The packaging of chromatin at higher level
requires additional set of proteins that
collectively are referred to as Non-histone
Chromosomal (NHC) proteins.
DNA transcription
The process of copying genetic information
from one strand of DNA (Template) into RNA
is called transcription.
The enzyme involved in transcription is DNA a) A promoter
dependent RNA polymerase. It is the site where DNA dependent RNA
In DNA transcription only a segment of DNA polymerase bind
(Gene,A gene is defined as the functional Transcription starts from promoter site.
unit of inheritance) and only one of the Promoter is located towards the 5’ end
strand (Template strand, 3’—5’)
5’) is copied to (Upstream) of the structural gene (The
RNA reference is made with respect to the polarity
of Coding strand )
What is a gene?
A gene is defined as the functional unit of
The DNA sequence coding for tRNA or rRNA
molecule also define a gene.
A cistron is a segment of DNA coding for a
polypeptide. (coding region within a gene)
A gene can be monocistronic (containing one
cistron) or polycistronic (containing multiple
cistrons) depending on the organism
The structural gene in a transcription unit
could be said as monocistronic
It is present in mostly in eukaryotes
Monocistron codes for a single polypeptide chain
Genetic Code
It is the sequence of nucleotides (Nitrogen
base) in the mRNA that containing
information for Protein synthesis (Translation
DNA fingerprinting was initially developed
by Alec Jeffreys.
DNA finger printing is a very quick way to
compare the DNA sequences of any two
The DNA from a single cell is enough to
perform DNA fingerprinting.
DNA fingerprinting involves identifying
differences in some specific regions in
DNA called repetitive DNA, because in
these sequences, a small stretch of DNA is
repeated many times
Alec Jeffrey used satellite DNA as the
basis of DNA fingerprinting that shows
HSE-March 2024
HSE-March 2023
a)Re draw the diagram, rectifying if any mistakes
b)Name the two enzymes involved in DNA 29. One of the salient features of genetic code is
Replication process (3) “Universal”. (2)
(a) Write any other two salient features of Genetic
HSE-July-2020 code
b) Which is the initiator codon ? And name the
26. (a) Complete the flow chart given below showing
amino acid it codes.
DNA finger-printing technique. (2)
30. Observe the figure given below : (3)
(b) Who developed the DNA finger-printing (a) Identify the process in the picture.
technique ? (b) Name any two enzymes needed for this
(c) Write the full form of VNTR. process.
27. Schematic structure of a transcription unit is given (c) Write the peculiarities of the newly
below : (2) synthesized daughter strands
31. A DNA sequence is provided below. 5' –
(a) Write down the sequence of its
complementary strand.
(b) Name the enzyme involved in transcription of
(a) Identify a, b and c. DNA.
(b) The coding sequences/expressed sequences in (c) What would happen if both the strands of the
eukaryotes are known as ________. DNA act as templates for transcription
28. Lactose catabolism in the absence of inducer in E.
Coli is given below (3)
40. “Human genome project is a mega molecule. Evaluate the statement and
project” give two reason to explain explain it (3)
this? (2) b) Observe the diagram of Lac –Operon
41. Observe the diagram and answer the and Identify Labelled part A,B,C and
following (2)
HSE-March 2013
a)What is ‘P’?
b)Name the enzyme produced by the
structural gene ‘Z’,’Y’, and ‘A’ ?
a)Identify the process c)Re draw the diagram in the presence of
b)Name the enzyme catalyses this process an Inducer
c)What are the additional complexities in
eukaryotes in this process ? (3)
86. A transcription unit is given below.
Observe it and answer the question (3)
a)How can you identify the coding strand ? Click here/Scan to watch video lesson
b)Write the sequence of RNA formed from
this unit ?
NAVAS CHEEMADAN [email protected]
Evolution/2024 [email protected]
Adaptive radiation/
Divergent evolution
The process of evolution of different species
in a given geographical area starting from a
point and literally radiating to other areas of
geography (habitats)
tats) is called adaptive
Eg:1) : Galapogos finches
Darwin went to Galapagos Islands.
There he observed an amazing diversity Convergent evolution
of creatures. Of particular interest, small a
When more than one adaptive
black birds later called Darwin’s radiation appeared to have occurred in an
Finches amazed him. isolated geographical area (representing
He realised that there were many different habitats), one can call this
varieties of finches in the same island. convergent evolution
All the varieties, he conjectured, evolved Eg: Placental mammals in Australia appears to
on the island itself. be ‘similar’ to a corresponding marsupial
From the original seed-eating features, olf and Tasmanian wolf
e.g.,Placental wolf
many other forms with altered beaks
arose, enabling them to become
insectivorous and vegetarian finches.
Evolution/2024 [email protected]
Evolution/2024 [email protected]
Evolution/2024 [email protected]
50. The above shown pictures are beaks of 53. Given below is the diagrammatic
a particular type of bird seen in an representation of operation of natural
island during Darwin’s journey selection on different traits
(HSE-March 2015)(2) a)Identify the type of natural selection
a)identify the bird and name the A,B, and C with explanation of each.
island? b)Define Hardy-weinberg principle?
b)write the significance of this process (HSE-March 2014)(4)
in evolution ?
51. Arrange the following in a hierarchical
manner in ascending order based on
their period of evolution.
(HSE-June 2014)(1)
rotozoan disease
It include Malaria and Amoebiasis
Pathogen :
Plasmodium (aa tiny protozoan
Different species of Plasmodium ((P. vivax,
P. malaria and P. falciparum)
fa are
responsible for different types of malaria.
Of these, malignant malaria caused by
Plasmodium falciparum is the most
Treatment of AIDS : serious one and can even be fatal.
Treatment of AIDS with anti-retroviral
retroviral drugs Part of the body it infect :
is only partially effective. They can only prolong Liver, RBC
the life of the patient but cannot prevent death, Symptoms :
which is inevitable. The rupture of RBCs is associated
asso with
Prevention of AIDS : release of a toxic substance,
As AIDS has no cure, prevention is the haemozoin, which is responsible for
best option. Moreover, HIV infection, more often, the chill and high fever recurring every
spreads due to conscious behavior patterns and is three to four days
not something that happens inadvertently, llike Spread :
pneumonia or typhoid. Of course, infection in Female
emale Anopheles mosquitoes
blood transfusion patients, new-borns borns (from transmitting agent
mother) etc., may take place due to poor
monitoring. The only excuse may be ignorance
and it has been rightly said – “don’t die of
Treatment of cancer :
The common approaches for treatment of
cancer are surgery, radiation therapy and
In radiotherapy, tumor cells are irradiated
lethally, taking proper care of the normal
tissues surrounding the tumor mass.
Several chemotherapeutic drugs are used to
kill cancerous cells. Some of these are specific
a faster and stronger immunological For determining the cause of allergy, the
response upon future memory is patient is exposed to or injected with very
exposure developed small doses of possible allergens, and the
reactions studied.
The use of drugs like anti-histamine,
adrenalin and steroids quickly reduce the
symptoms of allergy.
Modern-day life style has resulted in
lowering of immunity and more sensitivity to
Human Health and disease/2024 [email protected]
34 Consumption of drug and alcohol affect
29 List of some diseases commonly
the person’s mental and physical
occurring in man are given below.
health very badly. List the warning sign
Arrange them based on causative
of alcohol or drug abuse
organism in the table. Malaria,
(HSE-March 2018)(2)
Common cold, Typhoid, Ascariasis.
(a)Aspergillus (b)Clostridium
(c)Trichoderma (d)Acetobacter
31. Select a bio-control agent from the
given microbe (HSE-June-2016)(1)
a)Baculo virus b)Rhino virus
c)Picorna virus d)Adeno virus
32. “BOD is commonly calculated as an
index of water pollution” 37. Some bioactive molecule, their sources
and their medical importance are given
a)Do you agree with this statement? Why?
in the table below. Fill up the missing
b)Expand BOD? (HSE-March 2016)(2)
33. In our state waste management is a part (HSE-March 2013)(2)
problem. Government promote and
give subsidy to biogas plants. Comment
Biodiversity and Conservation More than 70 per cent of all the species
recorded are animals,, while plants (including
algae, fungi, bryophytes, gymnosperms and
Biodiversity angiosperms) comprise no more than 22 per
cent of the total.
There are more than 20,000 species of ants, Among animals, insects are the most species-
3,00,000 species of beetles,, 28,000 species rich taxonomic group, making up more than
of fishes and nearly 20,000 species of 70 per cent of the total (it
it means that, out of
orchids. every 10 animals on this planet, 7 are
Biodiversity is the term popularized by the insects.)
sociobiologist ,Edward Wilson to describe The number of fungi species in the world is
the combined diversity at all the levels of more than the combined total of the species
biological organization of fishes, amphibians, reptiles and
Biodiversity can be described as the sum mammals.
totall of genes, species and ecosystem of a The number of fishes among vertebrates are
region more than total number of o mammals, Birds,
(i) Genetic diversity reptiles and Amphibians !
A single species might show high diversity at
the genetic level over its distributional range
Eg: The genetic variation shown by the
medicinal plant Rauwolfia vomitoria growing
in different Himalayan ranges might be in
terms of the potency and concentration of the
active chemical (reserpine)) that the plant
India has more than 50,000 genetically
different strains of rice, and 1,000 varieties of
(ii) Species diversity:
The diversity at the species level.
Eg: the Western Ghats have a greater
amphibian species diversity than the Eastern
(iii) Ecological diversity:
The diversity at the ecosystem level.
Eg: India has variety of ecosystem like deserts,
rain forests,
sts, mangroves, coral reefs,
wetlands, estuaries, and alpine meadows has Biologists are not sure about how many
a greater ecosystem diversity than a prokaryotic species there might be India has
Scandinavian country like Norway. only 2.4 per cent of the world’s land area, its
share of the global species diversity is an
How Many Species are there on impressive 8.1 per cent. (This makes our
Earth and How Many in India? country one of the 12 mega diversity
According to the IUCN (2004), ), the total countries of the world.)
number of plant and animal species Nearly 45,000 species of plants and twice as
described so far is slightly more than 1.5 many of animals have been recorded from
million. India.
According to Robert May total the global If we accept May’s global estimates, only 22
species diversity Is about 7 million. per cent of the total species
speci have been