79 (2012) Rajendhran Rajakumar: Science, Et Al
79 (2012) Rajendhran Rajakumar: Science, Et Al
79 (2012) Rajendhran Rajakumar: Science, Et Al
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AMOC forecast
30 20 10 20 10
20 10 20 10 0
Fig. 4. Multiyear predictions of AMOC transport. RAPID/MOCHA time series are shown in red; ensemble mean forecasts are shown in dark gray, light blue, dark blue, and green for the forecasts starting in January 2008, January 2009, January 2010, and January 2011, respectively. The pale shading represents the 95% confidence intervals of the ninemember forecast ensemble initialized in January 2008, January 2009, January 2010, and January 2011. notis inevitable for as long as in situ ocean interior measurements cannot be made in real time. For all start years, the ensemble-mean forecasts until 2014 indicate a generally stable AMOC (Fig. 4). However, the forecast initialized in 2010 shows a pronounced AMOC minimum in March 2010 that arises from a minimum in EK (fig. S7),
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung North Atlantic project (D.M.) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaftfunded Cluster of Excellence CliSAP (J.B. and W.A.M.). We thank M. Giorgetta, U. Mikolajewicz, and B. Stevens for comments on the manuscript. All model simulations were performed at the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ). Data from the RAPID-WATCH MOC monitoring project are funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and are freely available from www.noc.soton.ac.uk/rapidmoc.
mental and evolutionary origin (7, 8). The ant genus Pheidole is one of the most species-rich genera, with 1100 species worldwide (10, 11). All Pheidole species have two worker subcastes: minor workers (Fig. 1C) that perform most tasks in the nest and forage and soldiers (Fig. 1B) that
1 Department of Biology, McGill University, 1205 Avenue Dr. Penfield, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 1B1. 2Department of Entomology, University of Arizona, Forbes 410, Post Office Box 2100: (36), Tucson, AZ 857210036, USA.
he wingless worker caste, a universal feature of ants (1, 2), has repeatedly expanded into a complex system of morphologi-
cal and behavioral subcastes. The existence of these subcastes has long fascinated biologists (39), yet little is known about their developSCIENCE VOL 335
*Present address: Biodiversity Research Institute UB (IRBio), Department of Animal Biology, University of Barcelona, Avenida Diagonal 643, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain. Present address: Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Quartier Sorge, Le Biophore, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. Present address: Institut de Genomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon, Ecole Normale Suprieure, CNRS UMR 5242, 46 Alle d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France. Present address: Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto, Victoria College 316, 91 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1K7. ||To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ehab.abouheif@mcgill.ca
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which in turn is induced by an extremely negative North Atlantic Oscillation in winter 2009 2010 (28). The real AMOC minimum in March 2010 may turn out to be even deeper than predicted, because our ensemble mean underpredicts AMOC amplitude (fig. S2). We are confident, however, that the AMOC minimum in March 2010 will be a short-lived phenomenon; our confidence is based on the insensitivity of our AMOC and MO forecasts to the start year. We cannot readily generalize our results for 26.5N to other latitudes; recent studies reported a change in the character of AMOC fluctuations around 40N, with a strong decadal component to the north and enhanced higher-frequency variability to the south (2931). However, for 26.5N, we have established AMOC hindcast skill, we understand that this skill arises from the midocean transport, and we confidently predict a stable AMOC at least until the end of 2014. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that skill in climate prediction arises not only from the large ocean thermal inertia but potentially also from the long time scales of internal ocean dynamics.
13. M. Collins et al., J. Clim. 19, 1195 (2006). 14. E. Hawkins, R. Sutton, Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L11603 (2008). 15. R. Msadek, K. W. Dixon, T. L. Delworth, W. Hurlin, Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L19608 (2010). 16. S. A. Cunningham et al., Science 317, 935 (2007). 17. T. Kanzow et al., Science 317, 938 (2007). 18. J. H. Jungclaus et al., J. Clim. 19, 3952 (2006). 19. C. M. Domingues et al., Nature 453, 1090 (2008). 20. D. Stammer, WCRP Informal Publication No. 9, ICPO Publication Series 93 (International CLIVAR Project Office, Southampton, UK, 2006). 21. E. Munoz, B. Kirtman, W. Weijer, Deep Sea Res. Part II Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58, 1848 (2011). 22. E. Kalnay et al., Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 77, 437 (1996). 23. Materials and methods are available as supporting material on Science Online. 24. S. M. Olsen, B. Hansen, D. Quadfasel, S. sterhus, Nature 455, 519 (2008). 25. T. Kanzow et al., J. Clim. 23, 5678 (2010). 26. M. P. Chidichimo, T. Kanzow, S. A. Cunningham, W. E. Johns, J. Marotzke, Ocean Sci. 6, 475 (2010). 27. J. Hirschi et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, 1413 (2003). 28. T. Jung, F. Vitart, L. Ferranti, J.-J. Morcrette, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L07701 (2011). 29. R. J. Bingham, C. W. Hughes, V. Roussenov, R. G. Williams, Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L23606 (2007). 30. M. S. Lozier, V. Roussenov, M. S. C. Reed, R. G. Williams, Nat. Geosci. 3, 728 (2010). 31. J. Willis, Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L06602 (2010).
defend the nest and process food (11). This complex worker caste system is thought to have promoted the remarkable diversification of Pheidole by enhancing the division of labor (11). In a wild P. morrisi colony, we discovered several anomalous soldier like individuals. These individuals are anomolous because they are significantly larger than normal soldiers (Fig. 2, A and B, and fig. S1), and unlike normal soldiers, they have mesothoracic wing vestiges (Fig. 2, C and D) and rarely occur in nature. These anomalous soldiers are similar to a supersoldier subcaste, which is known to be continually produced in eight Pheidole species (fig. S2) (1012). These species co-occur with army ants and live exclusively in the deserts of the American southwest and northern Mexico (11). In one of these species, P. obtusospinosa (Fig. 2, E and I), a major function of the supersoldier subcaste is to block the nest entrance with their extra-large heads and engage in combat to defend against army ant raids (13). The similarity between the supersoldier-like anomalies in P. morrisi and the supersoldier subcaste suggests that they share a developmental origin. Normal soldier development in Pheidole may provide insight into how supersoldier-like anomalies may have originated. The soldier subcaste is determined late in larval development at a soldierminor worker switch point (Fig. 1), which is largely controlled by nutrition (5) and mediated by juvenile hormone (JH) (14, 15). Soldier development is defined by two features: (i) Soldier-determined larvae grow larger than minor worker larvae; and (ii) they develop a pair of vestigial forewing discs in their mesothoracic segment (Fig. 1, E and F) (1416). These discs show a soldier-specific expression of spalt (sal ) (Fig. 1E) (1), a key gene in the network underlying wing polyphenism in Pheidole. Sal is a key gene because its expression is spatiotemporally associated with the induction of apoptosis in these vestigial forewing discs (17, 18). Therefore, the supersoldier-like anomalies we found in P. morrisi were likely to have originated from the abnormal growth of soldier larvae and their vestigial wing discs. Based on this insight, we predicted that the evolution of the supersoldier subcaste in Pheidole occurred through developmental changes that elaborated these two features. We tested this prediction in P. obtusospinosa and P. rhea, two species that have a supersoldier subcaste (11). As predicted, their supersoldier larvae grow larger (Fig. 2, F and J, and fig. S3, B and F) and develop two pairs of large vestigial wing discs relative to their soldier larvae (Fig. 2, G and K, and fig. S3, C and G). Furthermore, vestigial wing discs in supersoldier larvae show an elaborated pattern of sal expression in the wing pouch relative to those of soldier larvae (Fig. 2, H and L, and fig S3, D and H, black arrows). We then resolved the evolutionary history of their supersoldier subcaste by reconstructing a phylogeny of 11 Pheidole species (fig. S5). Of these, only P. obtusospinosa and P. rhea have a supersoldier subcaste. Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that the supersoldier subcaste has evolved independently, because P. rhea is one of the most basal species of this genus, whereas P. obtusospinosa is derived (fig. S5) (10). Therefore, the supersoldier subcaste has evolved in parallel, because similar developmental changes underlie its independent evolution in P. obtusospinosa and P. rhea. Furthermore, our phylogenetic analysis suggests that, relative to P. obtusospinosa, there are six basal and four derived species (fig. S5). We found that soldier larvae of these basal and derived species differ in their vestigial wing disc number and wing pouch expression of sal (fig. S6). This indi-
Fig. 2. Comparison of P. morrisi (Pm) ants: (A, left) Normal adult soldier (SD) and (A, right) anomalous supersoldier (aXSD). (B) Mean and standard deviation of head width of normal SD (gray) and aXSD (black) (fig. S1), and thorax of (C) a normal SD and (D) an aXSD. Comparison of P. obtusospinosa (Po) ants: adults of (E) SD and (I) supersoldier (XSD); larvae of (F) SD and (J) XSD; and vestigial wing discs [stained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)] and sal expression in SD (G and H and fig. S4A) and XSD (K and L and fig. S4B). White arrowheads indicate the presence of mesothoracic vestigial wing buds or discs; asterisks denote their absence. Black arrowheads indicate sal expression in the wing pouch. Adult, larval, and vestigial wing disc images are all to scale. See fig. S3 for a comparison of P. rhea SD and XSD. VOL 335 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org
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Fig. 1. Wing polyphenism A B C in P. morrisi: the ability of a single genome to produce (A) winged queens and wingless (B) soldiers and (C) minor workers (2). Caste determination occurs at two JH-mediated switch points in response E F to environmental cues D hinge (1, 15, 30). (D) Wing discs in queen larvae showing conservedhingeandpouch pouch expression of sal. (E) Vestigial wing discs in soldier larvae showing a soldierspecific pattern of sal expression, where it is conqueen soldier minor worker served in the hinge but JH down-regulated in the pouch. Asterisks represent the absence of visiJH ble wing discs and sal expression in (E) soldier and (F) minor worker larvae. Scale bars indicate the relative sizes of queen, soldier, and minor worker larvae and adults.
cates that the supersoldier subcaste has evolved in parallel despite the evolutionary divergence of soldier development. Application of methoprene (a JH analog) to Pheidole larvae has been shown to induce the development of unusually large soldier pupae (15). In P. morrisi, we found that methoprene can induce the development of larvae and adults that mimic the anomalous supersoldier-like individuals of P. morrisi and the supersoldiers of P. obtusospinosa and P. rhea. First, induced Fig. 3. Methopreneinducedsupersoldiers(iXSD) in P. morrisi (Pm): comparison of (A) normal SD with (B) iXSD. (C) Thorax of an iXSD. Comparison of (D) SD and (G) iXSD larvae, and of vestigial wing discs (stained with DAPI) and sal expression in (E and F) normal SD and (H and I) iXSD. White arrowheads indicate the presence of mesothoracic vestigial wing buds or discs; asterisks denote their absence. Black arrowheads indicate sal expression in the wing pouch. Adult, larval, and vestigial wing disc images are all to scale. supersoldier larvae (Fig. 3G) and adults (Fig. 3B) are significantly larger than untreated controls (Fig. 3, D and A, and fig. S7), and several of the induced adult supersoldiers have mesothoracic wing vestiges (Fig. 3C). Second, the relative size ranges of induced supersoldiers overlap with those of anomalous and naturally produced supersoldiers (fig. S8). Finally, we found vestigial wing discs of induced supersoldier larvae (Fig. 3, H and I, and fig. S9, B to D and F to H) that mimic those of supersoldier larvae in P. obtusospinosa (Fig. 2, K and L) and P. rhea (fig. S3, G and H). Therefore, although P. morrisi lacks a supersoldier subcaste, there is a developmental potential to produce supersoldiers that can be induced through JH. Furthermore, the occurrence of supersoldier-like anomalies in P. morrisi (Fig. 2A) and other Pheidole species (16) suggests that this potential is recurrently induced in nature. This recurrent induction, which is probably mediated by JH, may be caused by nutrition, because it has been shown that environmental variation in nutrition (3) and experimentally increasing nutrition (5) produces supersoldier-like anomalies in Pheidole colonies. We discovered that this developmental potential to produce supersoldiers can be induced by methoprene in other derived (P. hyatti) and basal (P. spadonia) Pheidole species that lack a supersoldier subcaste. As in P. morrisi, we found vestigial wing discs of induced supersoldier larvae in P. hyatti (fig. S9, J and N) and P. spadonia (fig. S9, R and V) that mimic those of supersoldier larvae in P. obtusospinosa (Fig. 2, K and L) and P. rhea (fig. S3, G and H). Therefore, the developmental potential to produce supersoldiers has been retained and was probably present in the common ancestor of all Pheidole (Fig. 4). Without a priori knowledge of this ancestral developmental potential, we would have inferred that the supersoldier subcaste has evolved de novo: once in P. rhea and once in P. obtusospinosa (fig. S5) (10). However, our results support an alternative explanation for the parallel evolution of supersoldiers: The developmental potential and phenotypic expression of a novel supersoldier subcaste originated in the common ancestor of all Pheidole (Fig. 4, section i); the phenotypic expression of supersoldiers was subsequently lost, but the ancestral potential to produce them was retained (Fig. 4, section ii); and this potential was then actualized in P. obtusospinosa, leading to the reevolution of a supersoldier subcaste (Fig. 4, section iii). Finally, we showed that this ancestral potential was actualized in P. obtusospinosa through the re-evolution of a second JH-sensitive period mediating a soldier-supersoldier switch point (fig. S10). We applied methoprene to larvae that had passed the soldierminor worker switch point but whose caste fate as either soldiers or supersoldiers was still undetermined. We found that applying methoprene to these larvae induced the development of a significantly greater proportion of supersoldiers (fig. S11). Collectively, our results indicate that the supersoldier subcaste in P. obtusospinosa re-evolved through genetic accommodation. This process occurs when: (i) a novel phenotype is induced and (ii) this phenotype is incorporated into the population through selection on genes that control its frequency and form of expression (19, 20). Environmental induction of the ancestral potential may have recurrently produced supersoldier-like anomalies in P. obtusospinosa. These anomalies would persist, because colonies of Pheidole generally care for and buffer anomalies against purifying
P. rhea
~35 to 60 MYA (i) gain of XSD potential & expression
natural XSD
P. megacephala
P. spadonia
P. pilifera P. tysoni
* *
P. moerens P. obtusospinosa
(iii) regain XSD expression
* * * * * *
natural XSD induction induction
Fig. 4. Evolutionary history of ancestral developmental potential and phenotypic expression of supersoldiers (XSDs). MYA, million years ago. Purple represents the pattern of sal expression; asterisks indicate the absence of vestigial wing discs and sal expression. Green arrows and boxes represent the induction of XSD potential. www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 335
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selection (3). Selection on P. obtusospinosa colonies may have incorporated induced supersoldierlike anomalies by increasing their frequency through modification of the JH system (fig. S12) and by inhibiting the formation of any wing vestiges (fig. S13 and S14). Army ant raids may have been a selective pressure that incorporated these anomalies, because P. obtusospinosa supersoldiers currently use their extra-large heads to defend against these raids (13). Selection for re-evolving supersoldiers may generally be reduced, because almost all Pheidole species lack a supersoldier subcaste (10, 11). P. hyatti provides insight into how this selective pressure can be reduced: Although P. hyatti retains the developmental potential (Fig. 4) and lives in an ecological environment similar to that of P. obtusospinosa, it has not re-evolved a supersoldier subcaste (11). Instead, P. hyatti uses nest evacuation behavior when attacked by army ants (21). The retention of this potential in P. hyatti and other Pheidole species that lack a supersoldier subcaste may therefore be due to a clade-specific constraint (22). This constraint may have arisen from having the same hormone (JH) mediate the determination of both soldiers and supersoldiers in the common ancestor of all Pheidole. Soldiers and supersoldiers are both defined by their larval size and the development of their vestigial wing discs, which indicates that their developmental programs share many modules. Therefore, the ancestral potential to produce supersoldiers cannot be lost without compromising the developmental program of soldiers. Recurrent phenotypes reflecting ancestral potentials have long been recognized as widespread in plants and animals (6, 19, 2328). Because of the lack of empirical evidence, however, the evolutionary significance of these recurrent phenotypes has been underappreciated (19, 29). We uncovered an ancestral developmental potential to produce a novel supersoldier subcaste that has been retained throughout a hyperdiverse ant genus that evolved ~35 to 60 million years ago (10) (Fig. 4). Our results suggest that the recurrent induction of ancestral developmental potential is an important source of adaptive variation for selection that facilitates the adaptive and parallel evolution of novel phenotypes.
References and Notes
1. E. Abouheif, G. A. Wray, Science 297, 249 (2002). 2. B. Hlldobler, E. O. Wilson, The Ants (The Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990). 3. W. M. Wheeler, Science 15, 766 (1902). 4. R. Gregg, Ecology 23, 295 (1942). 5. W. Goetsch, Naturwissenschaften 25, 803 (1937). 6. C. Darwin, On the Origin of Species (J. Murray, London, 1859). 7. E. O. Wilson, Q. Rev. Biol. 28, 136 (1953). 8. D. E. Wheeler, Am. Nat. 128, 13 (1986). 9. B. Hlldobler, E. O. Wilson, The Superorganism (W. W. Norton, New York, 2009). 10. C. S. Moreau, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 48, 224 (2008). 11. E. O. Wilson, Pheidole in the New World (Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003). 12. M. H. Huang, D. E. Wheeler, Insectes Soc. 58, 539 (2011). 13. M. H. Huang, J. Insect Sci. 10, 1 (2010). 14. D. E. Wheeler, H. F. Nijhout, Science 213, 361 (1981). 15. D. E. Wheeler, H. F. Nijhout, J. Insect Physiol. 29, 847 (1983). 16. D. E. Wheeler, H. F. Nijhout, Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol. 10, 131 (1981). 17. S. J. Shbailat, A. Khila, E. Abouheif, Evol. Dev. 12, 580 (2010). 18. S. Y. Sameshima, T. Miura, T. Matsumoto, Evol. Dev. 6, 336 (2004). 19. M. J. W. Eberhard, Developmental Plasticity and Evolution (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 2003). 20. Y. Suzuki, H. F. Nijhout, Science 311, 650 (2006). 21. R. Droual, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 12, 203 (1983). 22. S. C. Stearns, Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 38, 215 (1994). 23. A. E. Bely, J. M. Sikes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 1464 (2010). 24. C. C. Ledon-Rettig, D. W. Pfennig, N. Nascone-Yoder, Evol. Dev. 10, 316 (2008). 25. A. Meyer, in Homology, G. R. Bock, G. Cardew, Eds. (Wiley, London, 1999), vol. 22, pp. 141157. 26. M. P. Harris, S. M. Hasso, M. W. J. Ferguson, J. F. Fallon, Curr. Biol. 16, 371 (2006). 27. W. S. Armbruster, J. Lee, B. G. Baldwin, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 18085 (2009). 28. W. Goetsch, Zool. Anz. 128, 209 (1939). 29. M. L. J. Stiassny, in Keywords and Concepts in Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003), pp. 1014. 30. L. Passera, J. P. Suzzoni, Insectes Soc. 26, 343 (1979). Acknowledgments: We thank R. Sanwald, R. Johnson, S. Cover, M. Seid, W. Tschinkel, and J. King for help with ant collection or identification; Wellmark for methoprene; and T. Flatt, G. Wray, C. Metzl, S. Jolie, Abouheif lab members, and Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI) fellows for comments. This work was supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council grant and a KLI fellowship to E.A., as well as grants from NSF (0344946) and the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station (ARZT 136321-H3106) to D.E.W. DNA sequences were deposited in GenBank (accession nos. JN205075 to JN205109).
proteins that aid the folding of other macromolecules (514). More generally, molecular mechanisms that promote environmental robustness (survival after environmental challenges) also tend to increase mutational robustness [the extent to which an organisms phenotype remains constant in spite of mutation (1517)]. We investigated whether genetically increasing environmental stress resistance could modify mutation penetrance in the model organism VOL 335 SCIENCE
Caenorhabditis elegans. We used a transgene to overexpress the transcription factor heat shock factor 1 (HSF-1), a master regulator of the environmental stress response. Transgenic animals are more resistant to a range of environmental challenges (18, 19) and show a delayed age-dependent reduction in protein-folding homeostasis (20). We crossed the hsf-1 transgenic animals with strains carrying diverse mutations that affect development but with outcomes that vary across individuals (table S1). In 8 out of 11 tested cases, mutation penetrance was reduced in the transgenic animals (Fig. 1, fig. S1, and table S2). Protection was observed for mutations affecting both embryonic (Fig. 1A) and postembryonic (Fig. 1B) development. For example, embryonic lethality caused by a deletion in the intermediate filament protein gene ifb-1 reduced from 33% to 17% (48% of animals that would have died were protected, P = 5.71012) (Fig. 1, fig. S1, and table S4). The buffered mutations are molecularly diverse and act in distinct
1 European Molecular Biology LaboratoryCenter for Genomic Regulation (EMBL-CRG) Systems Biology Unit, CRG and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. 2Instituci Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanats (ICREA), CRG and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
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