GIS Practical Assignment 2
GIS Practical Assignment 2
GIS Practical Assignment 2
Hanang map 1966.jpg
Start ArcMap
Add data (Hanang map 1966.jpg) from your local disk by clicking this icon.
Open the georeferencing toolbar (Customize -> Toolbars -> Georeferencing)
In the Georeferencing toolbar, click Georeferencing and check if the Auto-Adjust is turned
on. If Auto Adjust is active, the raster image will be automatically transformed.
4 3
1 2
Fit the map to the screen (right-click the map and select zoom to layer).
Repeat the previous steps for the remaining 3 map corner points (2, 3 and 4).
Choose update georeferencing (> Georeferencing > Update Georeferencing) to update
the spatial reference information of the data file.
In case you made a mistake, open the Link Table to delete a corner point
Define projection
In the ArcToolbox window, double-click the Data Management Tools -> Projections
and Transformations. Open the Define projection tool.
Click to define coordinate system > Projected coordinate systems > UTM zone 36S.
Click OK to finish operation
When it finishes the operation, right-click the data frame properties > General change
map and display units to meters.
This exercise is designed to make you familiar with the process of adding new features to a feature
class by way of manual on-screen digitizing in ArcGIS. Please keep in mind that digitizing and
editing features in a map is a complicated and extensive process. But this exercise supporting
document describe and illustrate only some of the most elementary, but important aspects.
Therefore, you are required to digitize points, lines and polygons features on the provided scanned
Digitize polygon features (all minerals, lakes etc.), linear features (rivers, roads, railways etc.) and
point features (mansions, villages, springs, waterholes, wells, boreholes etc.). Refer to the legend
of the map.
Make sure you stick your digitization on your specified area (check the diagram below).
Start ARCGIS program
Add the scanned map (Hanang map 1966.jpg) you have just georeferenced on previous
First, you need to enable the Editor toolbar (Customize -> Toolbars -> Editor).
Go to ArcCatalog window, locate the folder that you saved all your data. Right click and
select new > shapefile a new window will open (like the figure below).
Click Edit to define coordinate system of your shapefiles. It should be the same coordinate
system as the map layer. Go to Projected coordinate systems > UTM zone 36S.
For point features write the shapefile name as defined on the legend (feature type = point),
for linear features (feature type = polyline) and polygons features (feature type = polygon).
Name for each feature you want to digitize refer to the legend of the map.
Go to editor and click start editing, the edit tool will be activated and feature dataset you
have just created will open on create feature window ready to save the data.
Digitize point features once you are done you can proceed to digitize linear features and
lastly polygons features.
When you are ready, click the Editor button -> Save Edits.
When you want to exit the editing session, click the Editor button -> Stop Editing.
If you stop editing and quit the editing session before saving your changes, all your work will
be lost, and you need to start over again.
Your uploaded data is in Data view in order to add marginal information on your map you
need to change the present view to layout view
On the lower left part of the displayed map click layout view icon (like the figure below)
Once the layout view has been activated start adding marginal information by clicking
insert on your tool bar > legend > next > next until you find finish button
Add all other marginal information i.e., north arrow, scale bar and the title of the map
To add grids, go to View > Data frame properties > Grids > New Grid > Select
Measured Grid > Select Labels only (Appearance) > Uncheck minor division ticks >
Finish > Apply OK
If the grids are too small select the grids, then right click select properties > properties >
click labels and select size from drop down box
Finally, I expect you to have something like the diagram below (NOT EXACTLY THE
To print the map into pdf, go to file > Export map > Resolution = 400 dpi > write name
of your map (write your group name e.g., group1_analysed) > OK
Required to submit
A short description of your work along with;
1. Georeferenced map of Hanang
2. A map in pdf file showing your digitized output with marginal information.