Garbage MGMT

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ABS Garbage Management Manual

Every ship of 100 gross tonnage and above, and every ship certified to carry 15
persons or more, and fixed or floating platforms shall carry a garbage management

Additionally, every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above, and every ship certified to
carry 15 persons or more engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the
jurisdiction of another party to MARPOL and every fixed or floating platform shall carry
a Garbage Record Book.

Also, every ship of 12 meters or more in length overall and fixed or floating platforms
shall display placards to notify the crew and passengers of the ship’s disposal

The garbage management plan shall provide written procedures for minimizing,
collecting, storing, processing and disposing of ship-generated garbage, including
the use of the equipment on board. It shall also designate the person or persons in
charge of carrying out the plan. Such a plan shall be in accordance with the
guidelines developed by the organization and written in the working language of
the crew. There shall also be a Garbage Record Book for recording each
discharge into the sea or a reception facility or completed incineration.

• What is the intent of the Garbage Management Manual?

To provide a systematic approach to the enforcement and control of garbage in
the marine environment.

• How will that be accomplished?

By requiring shipboard management plans for crews to follow which provide
written procedures for minimizing, collecting, storing, processing and disposing
of ship-generated garbage, including the use of equipment on board, in
accordance with Regulation 10[2] of Annex V MARPOL 73/78.

• Do I need to comply?
Every ship of 100 tons gross tonnage and above, and every ship which is
certified to carry 15 persons or more, and fixed or floating platforms must
comply by developing and implementing a garbage management system
as specified in a Garbage Management Manual.

• Is there a waiver on compliance with the Garbage Record Book

Yes, if the Administration agrees for:
[1] any ship engaged on voyages of one hour or less in duration which is
certified to carry 15 persons or more; or
[2] Fixed or floating platforms

ABS Garbage Management Manual Introduction Revision 5, December 2012

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