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Vivado Design Suite Tutorial - Implementation (UG986)

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Vivado Design Suite Tutorial

UG986 (v2018.2) June 6, 2018

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UG986 (v2018.2) June 6, 2018
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.

Section Revision Summary

06/06/2018 Version 2018.2

General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.

04/27/2018 Version 2018.1

General updates Validated for 2018.1 release.
Updated menu commands.
Updated figures throughout document.

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Table of Contents
Revision History ..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Implementation Tutorial ..............................................................................................................................................................5
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................5
Tutorial Design Description....................................................................................................................................................6
Hardware and Software Requirements ..............................................................................................................................6
Preparing the Tutorial Design Files .....................................................................................................................................6
Lab 1: Using Implementation Strategies ................................................................................................................................8
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................8
Step 1: Opening the Example Project.................................................................................................................................8
Step 2: Creating Additional Implementation Runs ..................................................................................................... 14
Step 3: Analyzing Implementation Results .................................................................................................................... 15
Step 4: Tightening Timing Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 18
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Lab 2: Using Incremental Compile ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Step 1: Opening the Example Project.............................................................................................................................. 21
Step 2: Compiling the Reference Design ....................................................................................................................... 27
Step 3: Creating New Runs .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Step 4: Making Incremental Changes ............................................................................................................................. 32
Step 5: Running Incremental Compile ............................................................................................................................ 34
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Lab 3: Manual and Directed Routing ................................................................................................................................... 40
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Step 1: Opening the Example Project .............................................................................................................................. 40
Step 2: Performing Place and Route on the Design .................................................................................................. 47
Step 3: Analyzing Output Bus Timing ............................................................................................................................. 49
Step 4: Improving Bus Timing through Placement .................................................................................................... 56
Step 5: Using Manual Routing to Reduce Clock Skew .............................................................................................. 61
Step 6: Copying Routing to Other Nets ......................................................................................................................... 73
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Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Lab 4: Vivado ECO Flow............................................................................................................................................................. 78
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Step 1: Creating a Project Using the Vivado New Project Wizard ........................................................................ 80
Step 2: Synthesizing, Implementing, and Generating the Bitstream ................................................................... 82
Step 3: Validating the Design on the Board ................................................................................................................. 83
Step 4: Making the ECO Modifications ........................................................................................................................... 91
Step 5: Implementing the ECO Changes ......................................................................................................................107
Step 6: Replacing Debug Probes.....................................................................................................................................113
Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................................................................117
Legal Notices ...............................................................................................................................................................................118
Please Read: Important Legal Notices ..........................................................................................................................118

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Implementation Tutorial

IMPORTANT: This tutorial requires the use of the Kintex®-7 and Kintex UltraScale™ family
of devices. You will need to update your Vivado® Design Suite tools installation if you do
not have this device family installed. Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release
Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973) for more information on Adding Design Tools or

This tutorial includes four labs that demonstrate different features of the Xilinx® Vivado® Design Suite
implementation tool:
• Lab 1 demonstrates using implementation strategies to meet different design objectives.
• Lab 2 demonstrates the use of the incremental compile feature after making a small design
• Lab 3 demonstrates the use of manual placement and routing, and duplicated routing, to fine-
tune the timing on the design.
• Lab 4 demonstrates the use of the Vivado ECO to make quick changes to your design post
Vivado implementation includes all steps necessary to place and route the netlist onto the FPGA device
resources, while meeting the logical, physical, and timing constraints of a design.

VIDEO: You can also learn more about implementing the design by viewing the following
Quick Take videos:
• Vivado Quick Take Video: Implementing the Design
• Vivado Quick Take Video: Using Incremental Implementation in Vivado
TRAINING: Xilinx provides training courses that can help you learn more about the
concepts presented in this document. Use these links to explore related courses:
• Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 1
• Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 2
• Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 3
• Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 4

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Implementation Tutorial

Tutorial Design Description

The design used for Lab #1 is the CPU Netlist example design, project_cpu_netlist_kintex7,
provided with the Vivado Design Suite installation. This design uses a top-level EDIF netlist source file,
and an XDC constraints file.
The design used for Lab #2 and Lab #3 is the BFT Core example design, project_bft_kintex7. This
design includes both Verilog and VHDL RTL files, as well as an XDC constraints file.
The design used for Lab #4 is available as a Reference Design from the Xilinx website. See
information in Locating Design Files for Lab 4.
The CPU Netlist and BFT Core designs target an XC7K70T device, and the design for Lab #4 targets an
XCKU040 device. Running the tutorial with small designs allows for minimal hardware requirements and
enables timely completion of the tutorial, as well as minimizing data size.

Hardware and Software Requirements

This tutorial requires that the 2018.1 Vivado Design Suite software release or later is installed.
Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973) for a
complete list and description of the system and software requirements.

Preparing the Tutorial Design Files

Locating Design Files for Labs 1-3
You can find the files for Labs 1-3 in this tutorial in the Vivado Design Suite examples directory at the
following location:

You can also extract the provided zip file, at any time, to write the tutorial files to your local directory, or
to restore the files to their starting condition.
Extract the zip file contents from the software installation into any write-accessible location.

The extracted Vivado_Tutorial directory is referred to as <Extract_Dir> in this tutorial.

Note: You will modify the tutorial design data while working through this tutorial. You should use a
new copy of the original Vivado_Tutorial directory each time you start this tutorial.

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Locating Design Files for Lab 4

To access the reference design for Lab #4, do the following:
1. In your C: drive, create a folder called /Vivado_Tutorial.
2. Download the reference design files from the Xilinx website.
3. Unzip the tutorial source file to the /Vivado_Tutorial folder.

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Lab 1: Using Implementation Strategies

In this lab, you will learn how to use implementation strategies with design runs by creating multiple
implementation runs employing different strategies, and comparing the results. You will use the CPU
Netlist example design that is included in the Vivado® IDE.

Step 1: Opening the Example Project

1. Open the Xilinx® Vivado IDE.
On Linux:
a. Change to the directory where the lab materials are stored:
cd <Extract_Dir>/Vivado_Tutorial

b. Launch the Vivado IDE: vivado

On Windows:
a. To launch the Vivado IDE, select:
Start > All Programs > Xilinx Design Tools > Vivado 2018.x > Vivado 2018.x
Note: Your Vivado Design Suite installation might be called something other than Xilinx Design
Tools on the Start menu.
Note: As an alternative, click the Vivado 2018.x Desktop icon to start the Vivado IDE.
The Vivado IDE Getting Started page contains links to open or create projects and to view
2. From the Getting Started page, click Open Example Project.

Figure 1: Open Example Project

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3. In the Create an Example Project screen, click Next.

Figure 2: Open Example Project Wizard—Create an Example Project Screen

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4. In the Select Project Template screen, choose the CPU (Synthesized) project and click Next.

Figure 3: Open Example Project Wizard—Select Project Template Screen

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5. In the Project Name screen, specify the following, and click Next:
o Project name: project_cpu_netlist
o Project location: <Project_Dir>

Figure 4: Open Example Project Wizard—Project Name Screen

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6. In the Default Part screen, select the xc7k70tfbg676-2 part and click Next.

Figure 5: Open Example Project Wizard—Default Part Screen

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7. In the New Project Summary screen, review the project details, and click Finish.

Figure 6: Open Example Project Wizard—New Project Summary Screen

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The Vivado IDE opens with the default view.

Figure 7: Vivado IDE Showing project_cpu_netlist Project Details

Step 2: Creating Additional Implementation Runs

The project contains previously defined implementation runs as seen in the Design Runs window of the
Vivado IDE. You will create new implementation runs and change the implementation strategies used
by these new runs.
1. From the main menu, select Flow > Create Runs.
2. The Create New Runs wizard opens.
3. Click Next to open the Configure Implementation Runs screen.
The screen appears with a new implementation run defined. You can configure this run and add
other runs as well.
4. In the Strategy drop-down menu, select Performance_Explore as the strategy for the run.

5. Click the Add button twice to create two additional runs.

6. Select Flow_RunPhysOpt as the Strategy for the impl_3 run.
7. Select Flow_RuntimeOptimized as the Strategy for the impl_4 run.
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Lab 1: Using Implementation Strategies

The Configure Implementation Runs screen now displays three new implementations along with the
strategy you selected for each, as shown in the below figure.

Figure 8: Configure Implementation Runs

8. Click Next to open the Launch Options screen.

9. Select Do not launch now, and click Next to view the Create New Runs Summary.
10. In the Create New Runs Summary page, click Finish.

Step 3: Analyzing Implementation Results

1. In the Design Runs window, select all the implementation runs.

Figure 9: Design Runs Window

2. On the sidebar menu, click the Launch Runs button .

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3. In the Launch Runs dialog box, select Launch runs on local host and Number of jobs: 2, as shown

Figure 10: Launch Runs

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4. Click OK.
Two runs launch simultaneously, with the remaining runs going into a queue.

Figure 11: Two Implementation Runs in Progress

When the active run, impl_1, completes, examine the Project Summary. The Project Summary
reflects the status and the results of the active run. When the active run (impl_1) is complete, the
Implementation Completed dialog box opens.
5. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
Note: The implementation utilization results display as a bar graph at the bottom of the summary
page (you might need to scroll down), as shown in the following figure.

Figure 12: Post-Implementation Utilization

When you open an implementation run, the report_power and the report_timing_summary results
are automatically opened for the run in a new tab in the Results Window.

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6. When all the implementation runs are complete, select the Design Runs tab.
7. Right-click the impl_3 run in the Design Runs window, and select Make Active from the popup
The Project Summary now displays the status and results of the new active run, impl_3.

Figure 13: Compare Implementation Results

8. Compare the results for the completed runs in the Design Runs window, as shown in Figure 13.
• The Flow_RuntimeOptimized strategy in impl_4 completed in the least amount of time, as you
can see in the Elapsed time column.
• The WNS column shows that all runs met the timing requirements.

Step 4: Tightening Timing Requirements

To examine the impact of the Performance_Explore strategy on meeting timing, you will change the
timing constraints to make timing closure more challenging.
1. In the Sources window, double-click the top_full.xdc file in the constrs_2 constraint set.
The constraints file opens in the Vivado IDE text editor.

Figure 14: top_full.xdc File

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2. On line 2, change the period of the create_clock constraint from 10 ns to 7.35 ns.
The new constraint should read as follows:
create_clock -period 7.35 -name sysClk [get_ports sysClk]

3. Save the changes by clicking the Save File button in the sidebar menu of the text editor.
Note: Saving the constraints file changes the status of all runs using that constraints file from
“Complete” to “Out-of-date,” as seen in the Design Runs window.

Figure 15: Implementation Runs Out-of-Date

4. In the Design Runs window, select all runs and click the Reset Runs button.
5. In the Reset Runs dialog box, click Reset.
This directs the Vivado Design Suite to remove all files associated with the selected runs from the
project directory. The status of all runs changes from “Out-of-date” to “Not started.”
6. With all runs selected in the Design Runs window, click the Launch Runs button.
The Launch Selected Runs window opens.

TIP: You can also launch runs without resetting them first. If the runs are out of date, the Reset
Runs dialog box displays. In this dialog box, you can reset the runs before they are launched.

7. Select Launch runs on local host and Number of jobs: 2 and click OK.
When the active run (impl_3) completes, the Implementation Completed dialog box opens.
8. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

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9. Compare the Elapsed time for each run in the Design Runs window, as seen in the following figure.

Figure 16: Implementation Results After Constraint Change

• Notice that the impl_2 run, using the Performance_Explore strategy has passed timing with
positive slack (WNS), but also took the most time to complete.
• Only one other run passed timing.

RECOMMENDED: Reserve the Performance_Explore strategy for designs that have

challenging timing constraints. When timing is easily met, the Performance_Explore strategy
increases implementation times while providing no timing benefit.

In this lab, you learned how to define multiple implementation runs to employ different strategies to
resolve timing. You have seen how some strategies trade performance for results, and learned how to
use those strategies in a more challenging design.
This concludes Lab #1. If you plan to continue directly to Lab #2, keep the Vivado IDE open and close
the current project. If you do not plan to continue, you can exit the Vivado Design Suite.

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Lab 2: Using Incremental Compile

Incremental Compile is an advanced design flow to use on designs that are nearing completion, where
small changes are required.
After resynthesizing a design with minor changes, the incremental compile flow can speed up
placement and routing by reusing results from a prior design iteration. This can help you preserve
timing closure while allowing you to quickly implement incremental changes to the design.
In this lab, you use the BFT example design that is included in the Vivado® Design Suite, to learn how to
use the incremental compile flow. Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)
to learn more about Incremental Compile.

Step 1: Opening the Example Project

1. Start by loading Vivado IDE by doing one of the following:
• Launch the Vivado IDE from the icon on the Windows desktop.
• Type vivado from a command terminal.
2. From the Getting Started page, click Open Example Project.

Figure 17: Open Example Project

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3. In the Create an Example Project screen, click Next.

Figure 18: Open Example Project Wizard—Create an Example Project Screen

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4. In the Select Project Template screen, select the BFT (Small RTL project) design, and click Next.

Figure 19: Open Example Project Wizard—Select Project Template Screen

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5. In the Project Name screen, specify the following, and click Next:
• Project name: project_bft_core_hdl
• Project location: <Project_Dir>

Figure 20: Open Example Project Wizard—Project Name Screen

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6. In the Default Part screen, select the xc7k70tfbg484-2 part, and click Next.

Figure 21: Open Example Project Wizard—Default Part Screen

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7. In the New Project Summary screen, review the project details, and click Finish.

Figure 22: Open Example Project Wizard—New Project Summary Screen

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The Vivado IDE opens with the default view.

Figure 23: Vivado IDE Showing project_bft_core_hdl Project Details

Step 2: Compiling the Reference Design

1. From the Flow Navigator, select Run Implementation.
2. In the Missing Synthesis Results dialog box that appears, click OK to launch synthesis first.
Synthesis runs, and implementation starts automatically when synthesis completes.
Note: The dialog box appears because you are running implementation without first running

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Figure 24: Missing Synthesis Results

3. After implementation finishes, the Implementation Complete dialog box opens. Click Cancel to
dismiss the dialog box.

Figure 25: Implementation Completed

In a project-based design, the Vivado Design Suite saves intermediate implementation results as
design checkpoints in the implementation runs directory. You will use one of the saved design
checkpoints from the implementation in the incremental compile flow.
4. In the Design Runs window, right click on impl_1 and select Open Run Directory from the popup
This opens the run directory in a file browser as seen in the figure below. The run directory contains
the routed checkpoint (bft_routed.dcp) to be used later for the incremental compile flow.
The location of the implementation run directory is a property of the run.
5. Get the location of the current run directory in the Tcl Console by typing:
get_property DIRECTORY [current_run]

This returns the path to the current run directory that contains the design checkpoint. You can use
this Tcl command, and the DIRECTORY property, to locate the DCP files needed for the incremental
compile flow.
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Figure 26: Implementation Run Directory

Step 3: Creating New Runs

In this step, you define new synthesis and implementation runs to preserve the results of the current
runs. Then you make changes to the design and rerun synthesis and implementation.

TIP: When you re-run implementation the previous results are deleted. Save the
intermediate implementation results to a new directory or create a new implementation run
for your incremental compile to preserve the reference implementation run directory.

1. From the main menu, select Flow > Create Runs.

2. The Create New Runs wizard screen, shown in the following figure, prompts you to create new
Synthesis and/or Implementation runs. Select Both and click Next.

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Figure 27: Create New Runs Wizard

3. The Configure Synthesis Runs screen opens. Accept the default run options by clicking Next.
4. The Configure Implementation Runs screen opens, as shown in the figure below. Enable the Make
Active check box, and click Next.

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Figure 28: Create New Runs Wizard—Configure Implementation Runs Screen

5. From the Launch Options window, select Do not launch now and click Next.
6. In the Create New Runs Summary screen, click Finish to create the new runs.
The Design Runs window displays the new active runs in bold.

Figure 29: New Design Runs

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Step 4: Making Incremental Changes

In this step, you make minor changes to the RTL design sources. These changes necessitate
resynthesizing the netlist and re-implementing the design.
1. In the Hierarchy tab of the Sources window, double-click the top-level VHDL file, bft.vhdl, to
open the file in the Vivado IDE text editor, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 30: BFT VHDL File

2. Go to line 45 of the bft.vhdl file and change the error port from an output to a buffer, as follows:
error : buffer std_logic

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3. Go to line 331 of the bft.vhdl file and modify the VHDL code, as follows:

From To

-- enable the read fifo -- enable the read fifo

process (fifoSelect) process (fifoSelect, error)
begin begin
readEgressFifo <= fifoSelect; if (error = ‘0’) then
end process; readEgressFifo <= fifoSelect;
readEgressFifo <= (others => '0');
end if;
end process;

The results should look like the following figure.

Figure 31: Modified VHDL Code

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4. Save the changes by clicking the Save File button in the sidebar menu of the text editor.
As you can see in the following figure, changing the design source files also changes the run status
for finished runs from Complete to Out-of-date.

Figure 32: Design Runs Out-of-Date

5. In the Flow Navigator, click Run Synthesis to synthesize the updated netlist for the design using the
active run, synth_2.
6. When the Synthesis Completed dialog box opens, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

Step 5: Running Incremental Compile

You updated the design with a few minor changes, necessitating re-synthesis. You could run
implementation on the new netlist, to place and route the design and work to meet the timing
requirements. However, with only minor changes between this iteration and the last, the incremental
compile flow lets you reuse the bulk of your prior placement and routing efforts. This can greatly reduce
the time it takes to meet timing on design iterations.
For more information, refer to this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904).
Start by defining the design checkpoint (DCP) file to use as the reference design for the incremental
compile flow. This is the design from which the Vivado Design Suite will draw placement and routing
1. In the Design Runs window, right-click the impl_2 run and select Set Incremental Compile from
the popup menu.
The Set Incremental Compile dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 33.

2. Click the Browse button in the Set Incremental Compile dialog box, and browse to the
./project_bft_core_hdl.runs/impl_1 directory.

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3. Select bft_routed.dcp as the incremental compile checkpoint.

Figure 33: Set Incremental Compile

4. Click OK.
This is stored in the INCREMENTAL_CHECKPOINT property of the selected run. Setting this
property tells the Vivado Design Suite to run the incremental compile flow during implementation.
5. You can check this property on the current run using the following Tcl command:
get_property INCREMENTAL_CHECKPOINT [current_run]

This returns the full path to the bft_routed.dcp checkpoint.

TIP: To disable incremental compile for the current run, clear the
INCREMENTAL_CHECKPOINT property. This can be done using the Set Incremental
Compile dialog box, or by editing the property directly through the Properties window of
the design run, or through the reset_property command.

6. From the Flow Navigator, select Run Implementation.

This runs implementation on the current run, using the bft_routed.dcp file as the reference
design for the incremental compile flow. When the run is finished, the Implementation Completed
dialog box opens.
7. Select Open Implemented Design and click OK.

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The runtime for the flows can be compared in the Elapsed column of the Design Runs window. The
time reported here includes:
o The extra time taken to read the incremental checkpoint and examine it for reuse
o The time saved in the placement and routing phases.
Note: In this case the numbers are approximately equal, but this is an extremely small design. The
advantages of the incremental compile flow are greater with larger, more complex designs.

Figure 34: Elapsed Time for Incremental Compile

8. Select the Reports tab in the Results Window area and double-click the Incremental Reuse Report
in the Route Design section, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 35: Reports Window

The Incremental Reuse Report opens in the Vivado IDE text editor, as displayed in Figure 36. This
report shows the percentage of reused Cells, Ports, and Nets. A higher percentage indicates more
effective reuse of placement and routing from the incremental checkpoint.

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So far, you have modified the generation of the readEgressFifo so that the signal is zero when the
error signal is non-zero. This is a small change to the design so you would expect the reuse to be
high. Now examine the Incremental Reuse Report to confirm this is the case.

Figure 36: Incremental Reuse Report

In the report you can confirm that a high percentage of cells, nets and ports are fully reused.
9. Select the Reports tab in the Results Window area and double-click the Incremental Reuse Report
in the Route Design section.

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Figure 37: Reference DCP and Comparison with Reference Section of Incremental Reuse Report

In the Reference Checkpoint Information section you can see information reported on the
reference checkpoint. The WNS reported here is the target WNS of the incremental run. You can
confirm this by searching the log file for place_design. Directly after place_design, the
following is reported. In the Comparison with Reference Run section you can see how the
runtime and WNS at each stage of the flow compares.

Figure 38: WNS Reported in place_design is the Target WNS for Incremental Run

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In the Non Reuse Information section (shown below) details are given on why cells, nets, or
ports were not reused.

Figure 39: Non Reuse Information

This concludes Lab #2. You can close the current project and exit the Vivado IDE.
In this lab, you learned how to run the Incremental Compile flow, using a checkpoint from a previously
implemented design. You also examined the similarity between a reference design checkpoint and the
current design by examining the Incremental Reuse Report.

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Lab 3: Manual and Directed Routing

In this lab, you learn how to use the Vivado® IDE to assign routing to nets for precisely controlling the
timing of a critical portion of the design.
• You will use the BFT HDL example design that is included in the Vivado Design Suite.
• To illustrate the manual routing feature, you will precisely control the skew within the output
bus of the design, wbOutputData.

Step 1: Opening the Example Project

1. Start by loading Vivado IDE by doing one of the following:
• Launch the Vivado IDE from the icon on the Windows desktop.
• Type vivado from a command terminal.
2. From the Getting Started page, click Open Example Project.

Figure 40: Open Example Project

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3. In the Create an Example Project screen, click Next.

Figure 41: Open Example Project Wizard—Create an Example Project Screen

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4. In the Select Project Template screen, select the BFT (Small RTL project) design, and click Next.

Figure 42: Open Example Project Wizard—Select Project Template Screen

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5. In the Project Name screen, specify the following, and click Next:
o Project name: project_bft_core
o Project location: <Project_Dir>

Figure 43: Open Example Project Wizard— Project Name Screen

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6. In the Default Part screen, select the xc7k70tfbg484-2 as your Default Part, and click Next.

Figure 44: Open Example Project Wizard—Default Part Screen

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7. In the New Project Summary screen, review the project details, and click Finish.

Figure 45: Open Example Project Wizard—New Project Summary Screen

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The Vivado IDE opens with the default view.

Figure 46: Vivado IDE Showing project_bft_core Project Details

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Step 2: Performing Place and Route on the Design

1. In the Flow Navigator, click Run Implementation.
The Missing Synthesis Results dialog box opens to inform you that there is no synthesized netlist to
implement, and prompts you to start synthesis first.

Figure 47: Missing Synthesis Results

2. Click OK to launch synthesis first.

Implementation automatically starts after synthesis completes, and the Implementation Completed
dialog box opens when complete, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 48: Implementation Completed

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3. In the Implementation Completed dialog box, select Open Implemented Design and click OK.
The Device window opens, displaying the placement results.

4. Click the Routing Resources button to view the detailed routing resources in the Device

Figure 49: Device Window

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Step 3: Analyzing Output Bus Timing

IMPORTANT: The tutorial design has an output data bus, wbOutputData, which feeds
external logic. Your objective is to precisely control timing skew by manually routing the nets
of this bus.

You can use the Report Datasheet command to analyze the current timing of members of the output
bus, wbOutputData. The Report Datasheet command lets you analyze the timing of a group of ports
with respect to a specific reference port.
1. From the main menu, select Reports > Timing > Report Datasheet.
2. Select the Groups tab in the Report Datasheet dialog box, as seen in the following figure, and enter
the following:
o Reference: [get_ports {wbOutputData[0]}]
o Ports: [get_ports {wbOutputData[*]}]

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Figure 50: Report Datasheet

3. Click OK.
In this case, you are examining the timing at the ports carrying the wbOutputData bus, relative to
the first bit of the bus, wbOutputData[0]. This allows you to quickly determine the relative timing
differences between the different bits of the bus.
4. Click the Maximize button to maximize the Timing - Datasheet window and expand the results.
5. Select the Max/Min Delays for Groups > Clocked by wbClk > wbOutputData[0] section, as seen in
the following figure.
You can see from the report that the timing skew across the wbOutputData bus varies by almost
500 ps. The goal is to minimize the skew across the bus to less than 100 ps.

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Figure 51: Report Datasheet Results

6. Click the Restore button so you can simultaneously see the Device window and the Timing -
Datasheet results.
7. Click the hyperlink for the Max Delay of the source wbOutputData[27].
This highlights the path in the Device window that is currently open.

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Note: Make sure that the Autofit Selection is highlighted in the Device window so you can see the
entire path, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 52: Detailed Routing View

8. In the Device window, right click on the highlighted path and select Schematic from the popup
This displays the schematic for the selected output data bus, as shown in Figure 52. From the
schematic, you can see that the output port is directly driven from a register through an output
buffer (OBUF).
If you can consistently control the placement of the register with respect to the output pins on the
bus and control the routing between registers and the outputs, you can minimize skew between the
members of the output bus.

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Figure 53: Schematic View of Output Path

9. Change to the Device window.

To better visualize the placement of the registers and outputs, you can use the mark_objects
command to mark them in the Device window.
10. From the Tcl Console, type the following commands:
mark_objects -color blue [get_ports wbOutputData[*]]
mark_objects -color red [get_cells wbOutputData_reg[*]]

Blue diamond markers show on the output ports, and red diamond markers show on the registers
feeding the outputs, as seen in the following figure.

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Figure 54: Marked Startpoints (red) and Endpoints (blue)

Zooming out on the Device window displays a picture similar to Figure 53.
The outputs marked in blue are spread out along two banks on the left side starting with
wbOutputData[0] (on the bottom) and ending with wbOutputData[31] (at the top), while the
output registers marked in red are clustered close together on the right.
To look at all of the routing from the registers to the outputs, you can use the
highlight_objects Tcl command to highlight the nets.
11. Type the following command at the Tcl prompt:
highlight_objects -color yellow [get_nets -of [get_pins -of [get_cells\
wbOutputData_reg[*]] -filter DIRECTION==OUT]]

This highlights all the nets connected to the output pins of the wbOutputData_reg[*] registers
as shown in Figure 54.
In the Device window, you can see that there are various routing distances between the clustered
output registers and the distributed outputs pads of the bus. Consistently placing the output
registers in the slices next to each output port eliminates a majority of the variability in the clock-to-
out delay of the wbOutputData bus.

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Figure 55: Highlighted Routes

12. In the main toolbar, click the Unhighlight All button and the Unmark All button .

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Step 4: Improving Bus Timing through Placement

To improve the timing of the wbOutputData bus you will place the output registers closer to their
respective output pads, then rerun timing to look for any improvement. To place the output registers,
you will identify potential placement sites, and then use a sequence of Tcl commands, or a Tcl script, to
place the cells and reroute the connections.

RECOMMENDED: Use a series of Tcl commands to place the output registers in the slices next to the
wbOutPutData bus output pads.

1. In the Device window click to disable Routing Resources and make sure AutoFit Selection
is still enabled on the sidebar menu.
This lets you see placed objects more clearly in the Device window, without the added details of the
2. Select the wbOutputData ports placed on the I/O blocks with the following Tcl command:
select_objects [get_ports wbOutputData*]

The Device window will show the selected ports highlighted in white, and zoom to fit the selection.
The view should be similar to Figure 55. By examining the device resources around the selected
ports, you can identify a range of placement Sites for the output registers.

Figure 56: Selected wbOutputData Ports

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3. Zoom into the Device window around the bottom selected output ports. The following figure shows
the results.

Figure 57: wbOutputData[0] Placement Details

The bottom ports are the lowest bits of the output bus, starting with wbOutputData[0].
As seen in Figure 56, this port is placed on Package Pin Y21. Over to the right, where the Slice logic
contains the device resources needed to place the output registers, the Slice coordinates are X0Y36.
You will use that location as the starting placement for the 32 output registers,
By scrolling or panning in the Device window, you can visually confirm that the highest output data
port, wbOutputData[31], is placed on Package Pin K22, and the registers to the right are in Slice
Now that you have identified the placement resources needed for the output registers, you must
make sure they are available for placing the cells. You will do this by quickly unplacing the Slices to
clear any currently placed logic.
4. Unplace any cells currently assigned to the range of slices needed for the output registers,
SLICE_X0Y36 to SLICE_X0Y67, with the following Tcl command:
for {set i 0} {$i<32} {incr i} {
unplace_cell [get_cells -of [get_sites SLICE_X0Y[expr 36 + $i]]]

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This command uses a FOR loop with an index counter (i) and a Tcl expression (36 + $i) to get
and unplace any cells found in the specified range of Slices. For more information on FOR loops and
other scripting suggestions, refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using Tcl Scripting (UG894).

TIP: If there are no cells placed within the specified slices, you will see warning messages that
nothing has been unplaced. You can safely ignore these messages.

With the Slices cleared of any current logic cells, the needed resources are available for placing the
output registers. After placing those, you will also need to replace any logic that was unplaced in the
last step.
5. Place the output registers, wbOutputData_reg[31:0], in the specified Slice range with the
following command:
for {set i 0} {$i<32} {incr i} {
place_cell wbOutputData_reg[$i] SLICE_X0Y[expr 36 + $i]/AFF

6. Now, place any remaining unplaced cells with the following command:

Note: The Vivado placer works incrementally on a partially placed design.

7. As a precaution, unroute any nets connected to the output register cells,
wbOutputData_reg[31:0], using the following Tcl command:
route_design -unroute -nets [get_nets -of [get_cells wbOutputData_reg[*]]]

8. Then route any currently unrouted nets in the design:


Note: The Vivado router works incrementally on a partially routed design.

9. Analyze the route status of the current design to ensure that there are no routing conflicts:

10. Click the Routing Resources button to view the detailed routing resources in the Device
11. Mark the output ports and registers again, and re-highlight the routing between them using the
following Tcl commands:
mark_objects -color blue [get_ports wbOutputData[*]]
mark_objects -color red [get_cells wbOutputData_reg[*]]
highlight_objects -color yellow [get_nets -of [get_pins -of [get_cells\
wbOutputData_reg[*]] -filter DIRECTION==OUT]]

TIP: Because you have entered these commands before, you can copy them from the
journal file (vivado.jou) to avoid typing them again.

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12. In the Device window, zoom into some of the marked output ports.
13. Select the nets connecting to them.

TIP: You can also select the nets in the Netlist window, and they will be cross-selected in
the Device window.

In the Device window, as seen in Figure 57, you can see that all output registers are now placed
equidistant from their associated outputs, and the routing path is very similar for all the nets from
output register to output. This results in clock-to-out times that are closely matched between the

Figure 58: Improved Placement and Routing

14. Run the Reports > Timing > Report Datasheet command again.
The Report Datasheet dialog box is populated with settings from the last time you ran it:
o Reference: [get_ports {wbOutputData[0]}]
o Ports: [get_ports {wbOutputData[*]}]

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15. In the Report Datasheet results, select the Max/Min Delays for Groups > Clocked by wbClk >
wbOutputData[0] section.
Examining the results shown in Figure 58, the timing skew is closely matched within both the lower
bits, wbOutputData[0-13], and the upper bits, wbOutputData[14-31], of the output bus.
While the overall skew is reduced, it is still over 200 ps between the upper and lower bits.
With the improved placement, the skew is now a result of the output ports and registers spanning
two clock regions, X0Y0 and X0Y1, which introduces clock network skew. Looking at the
wbOutputData bus, notice that the Max delay is greater on the lower bits than it is on the upper
bits. To reduce the skew, add delay to the upper bits.
You can eliminate some of the skew using a BUFMR/BUFR combination instead of a BUFG, to clock
the output registers. However, for this tutorial, you will use manual routing to add delay from the
output registers clocked by the BUFG to the output pins for the upper bits, wbOutputData[14-
31], to further reduce the clock-to-out variability within the bus.

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Figure 59: Report Datasheet—Improved Skew

Step 5: Using Manual Routing to Reduce Clock Skew

To adjust the skew, begin by examining the current routing of the nets,
wbOutputData_OBUF[14:31], to see where changes might be made to consistently add delay. You
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can use a Tcl FOR loop to report the existing routing on those nets, to let you examine them more
1. In the Tcl Console, type the following command:
for {set i 14} {$i<32} {incr i} {
puts "$i [get_property ROUTE [get_nets -of [get_pins -of \
[get_cells wbOutputData_reg[$i]] -filter DIRECTION==OUT]]]"

This For loop initializes the index to 14 (set i 14), and gets the ROUTE property to return the
details of the route on each selected net.
The Tcl Console returns the net index followed by relative route information for each net:

From the returned ROUTE properties, note that the nets are routed from the output registers using
identical resources, up to node IMUX_L34. Beyond that, the Vivado router uses different nodes for
odd and even index nets to complete the connection to the die pad.
By reusing routing paths, you can manually route one net with an even index, like
wbOutputData_OBUF[14], and one net with an odd index, such as wbOutputData_OBUF[15],
and copy the routing to all other even and odd index nets in the group.
2. In the Tcl Console, select the first net with the following command:
select_objects [get_nets -of [get_pins -of \
[get_cells wbOutputData_reg[14]] -filter DIRECTION==OUT]]

3. In the Device window, right-click to open the popup menu and select Unroute.
4. Click Yes in the Confirm Unroute dialog box.
The Device window displays the unrouted net as a fly-line between the register and the output pad.
5. Click the Maximize button to maximize the Device window.
6. Right-click the net and select Enter Assign Routing Mode.
The Target Load Cell Pin dialog box opens, as seen in Figure 59, to let you select a load pin to route
to or from. In this case, only one load pin populates: wbOutputData_OBUF[14]_inst.

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Figure 60: Target Load Cell Pin Dialog Box

7. Select the load cell pin wbOutputData_OBUF[14]_inst/I, and click OK.

The Vivado IDE enters into Assign Routing mode, displaying a new Routing Assignment window on
the right side of the Device window, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 61: Assign Routing Mode

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The Routing Assignment window includes the following sections, as seen in Figure 60:
o Net: Displays the current net being routed.
o Options: Are hidden by default, and can be displayed by clicking Options.
− Number of Hops: Defines how many programmable interconnect points, or PIPs, to look
at when reporting the available neighbors. The default is 1.
− Number of Neighbors: Limits the number of neighbors displayed for selection.
− Allow Overlap with Unfixed Nets: Enables or disables a loose style of routing which can
create conflicts that must be later resolved. The default is ON.
o Neighbor Nodes: Lists the available neighbor PIPs/nodes to choose from when defining the
path of the route.
o Assigned Nodes: Shows the currently assigned nodes in the route path of the selected net.
o Assign Routing: Assigns the currently defined path in the Routing Assignment window as
the route path for the selected net.
o Exit Mode: Closes the Routing Assignment window.

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As you can see in Figure 60, the Assigned Nodes section displays six currently assigned nodes. The
Vivado router automatically assigns a node if it is the only neighbor of a selected node and there
are no alternatives to the assigned nodes for the route. In the Device window, the assigned nodes
appear as a partial route in orange.
In the currently selected net, wbOutputData_OBUF[14], nodes CLBLL_LL_AQ and
CLBLL_LOGIC_OUTS4 are already assigned because they are the only neighbor nodes available to
the output register, wbOutputData_reg[14]. The nodes IMUX_L34, IOI_OLOGIC0_D1,
LIOI_OLOGIC0_OQ, and LIOI_O0 are also already assigned because they are the only neighbor
nodes available to the destination, the output buffer (OBUF).
A gap exists between the two routed portions of the path where there are multiple neighbors to
choose from when defining a route. This gap is where you will use manual routing to complete the
path and add the needed delay to balance the clock skew.
You can route the gap by selecting a node on either side of the gap and then choosing the
neighbor node to assign the route to. Selecting the node displays possible neighbor nodes in the
Neighbor Nodes section of the Routing Assignment window and appear as dashed white lines in
the Device window.

TIP: The number of reachable neighbor nodes displayed depends on the number of hops defined
in the Options.

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8. Under the Assigned Nodes section, select the CLBLL_LOGIC_OUTS4 node before the gap.
The available neighbors appear as shown in the following figure.
To add delay to compensate for the clock skew, select a neighbor node that provides a slight detour
over the more direct route previously chosen by the router.

Figure 62: Routing the Gap from CLBLL_LOGIC_OUTS4

9. Under Neighbor Nodes, select node NE2BEG0.

This node provides a routing detour to add delay, as compared to some other nodes such as
WW2BEG0, which provide a more direct route toward the output buffer. Clicking a neighbor node
once selects it so you can explore routing alternatives. Double-clicking the node temporarily assigns
it to the net, so that you can then select the next neighbor from that node.
10. In Neighbor Nodes, assign node NE2BEG0 by double-clicking it.
This adds the node to the Assigned Nodes section of the Routing Assignment window, which
updates the Neighbor Nodes.

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11. In Neighbor Nodes, select and assign nodes WR1BEG1, and then WR1BEG2.

TIP: In case you assigned the wrong node, you can select the node from the Assigned Nodes
list, right click, and select Remove on the context menu.

You can turn off the Auto Fit Selection in the Device window if you would like to stay at
the same zoom level.

The following figure shows the partially routed path using the selected nodes shown in orange. You
can use the automatic routing feature to fill the remaining gap.

Figure 63: Closing the Gap

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12. Under the Assigned Nodes section of the Routing Assignment window, right-click the Net Gap,
and select Auto-Route, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 64: Auto-Route the Gap

The Vivado router fills in the last small bit of the gap. With the route path fully defined, you can
assign the routing to commit the changes to the design.
13. Click Assign Routing at the bottom of the Routing Assignment window.
The Assign Routing dialog box opens, as seen in the following figure. This displays the list of
currently assigned nodes that define the route path. You can select any of the listed nodes,
highlighting it in the Device window. This lets you quickly review the route path prior to committing
it to the design.

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Figure 65: Assign Routing—Even Nets

14. Make sure Fix Routing is checked, and click OK.

The Fix Routing checkbox marks the defined route as fixed to prevent the Vivado router from
ripping it up or modifying it during subsequent routing steps. This is important in this case, because
you are routing the net manually to add delay to match clock skew.

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15. Examine the Tcl commands in the Tcl Console.

The Tcl Console reports any Tcl commands that assigned the routing for the current net. Those
commands are:
set_property is_bel_fixed 1 [get_cells {wbOutputData_reg[14]
wbOutputData_OBUF[14]_inst }]
set_property is_loc_fixed 1 [get_cells {wbOutputData_reg[14]
wbOutputData_OBUF[14]_inst }]
set_property fixed_route { { CLBLL_LL_AQ CLBLL_LOGIC_OUTS4 NE2BEG0 WR1BEG1

IMPORTANT: The FIXED_ROUTE property assigned to the net, wbOutputData_OBUF[14], uses a

directed routing string with a relative format, based on the placement of the net driver. This lets
you reuse defined routing by copying the FIXED_ROUTE property onto other nets that use the
same relative route.

After defining the manual route for the even index nets, the next step is to define the route path for
the odd index net, wbOutputData_OBUF[15], applying the same steps you just completed.
16. In the Tcl Console type the following to select the net:
select_objects [get_nets wbOutputData_OBUF[15]]

17. With the net selected:

a. Unroute the net.
b. Enter Routing Assignment mode.
c. Select the Load Cell Pin.
d. Route the net using the specified neighbor nodes (NE2BEG0, WR1BEG1, and WR1BEG2).
e. Auto-Route the gap.
f. Assign the routing.
The Assign Routing dialog box, shown in the following figure, shows the nodes selected to
complete the route path for the odd index nets.

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Figure 66: Assign Routing—Odd Nets

You routed the wbOutputData_OBUF[14] and wbOutputData_OBUF[15] nets with the detour
to add the needed delay. You can now run the Report Datasheet command again to examine the
timing for these nets with respect to the lower order bits of the bus.
18. Switch to the Timing Datasheet report window. Notice the information message in the banner of the
window indicating that the report is out of date because the design was modified.
19. In the Timing Datasheet report, click Rerun to update the report with the latest timing information.
20. Select Max/Min Delays for Groups > Clocked by wbClk > wbOutputData[0] to display the
timing info for the wbOutputData bus, as seen in Figure 66.

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Figure 67: Report Datasheet—Improved Routing

You can see from the report that the skew within the rerouted nets, wbOutputData[14] and
wbOutputData[15], more closely matches the timing of the lower bits of the output bus,

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wbOutputData[13:0]. The skew is within the target of 100 ps of the reference pin
In Step 6, you copy the same route path to the remaining nets, wbOutputData_OBUF[31:16], to
tighten the timing of the whole wbOutputData bus.

Step 6: Copying Routing to Other Nets

To apply the same fixed route used for net wbOutputData_OBUF[14] to the even index nets, and the
fixed route for wbOutputData_OBUF[15] to the odd index nets, you can use Tcl For loops as
described in the following steps.
1. Select the Tcl Console tab.
2. Set a Tcl variable to store the route path for the even nets and the odd nets:
set even [get_property FIXED_ROUTE [get_nets wbOutputData_OBUF[14]]]
set odd [get_property FIXED_ROUTE [get_nets wbOutputData_OBUF[15]]]

3. Set a Tcl variable to store the list of nets to be routed, containing all high bit nets of the output data
bus, wbOutputData_OBUF[16:31]:
for {set i 16} {$i<32} {incr i} {
lappend routeNets [get_nets wbOutputData_OBUF[$i]]

4. Unroute the specified nets:

route_design -unroute -nets $routeNets

5. Apply the FIXED_ROUTE property of net wbOutputData_OBUF[14] to the even nets:

for {set i 16} {$i<32} {incr i 2} {
set_property FIXED_ROUTE $even [get_nets wbOutputData_OBUF[$i]]

6. Apply the FIXED_ROUTE property of net wbOutputData_OBUF[15] to the odd nets:

for {set i 17} {$i<32} {incr i 2} {
set_property FIXED_ROUTE $odd [get_nets wbOutputData_OBUF[$i]]

The even and odd nets of the output data bus, as needed, now have the same routing paths, adding
delay to the high order bits. Run the route status report and the datasheet report to validate that
the design is as expected.
7. In the Tcl Console, type the following command:

TIP: Some routing errors might be reported if the routed design included nets that use some of
the nodes you have assigned to the FIXED_ROUTE properties of the manually routed nets.
Remember you enabled Allow Overlap with Unfixed Nets in the Routing Assignment window.

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8. If any routing errors are reported, type the route_design command in the Tcl Console.
The nets with the FIXED_ROUTE property takes precedence over the auto-routed nets.
9. After route_design, repeat the report_route_status command to see the clean report.
10. Examine the output data bus in the Device window, as seen in the following figure:
• All nets from the output registers to the output pins for the upper bits 14-31 of the output bus
wbOutputData have identical fixed routing sections (shown as dashed lines).
• You do not need to fix the LOC and the BEL for the output registers. It was done by the
place_cell command in an earlier step.

Figure 68: Final Routed Design

Having routed all the upper bit nets, wbOutputData_OBUF[31:14], with the detour needed for
added delay, you can now re-examine the timing of output bus.
11. Select the Timing tab in the Results window area.
Notice the information message in the banner of the window indicating that the report is out of
date because timing data has been modified.
12. Click rerun to update the report with the latest timing information.

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13. Select the Max/Min Delays for Groups > Clocked by wbClk > wbOutputData[0] section to
display the timing info for the wbOutputData bus.
As shown in Figure 68, the clock-to-out timing within all bits of output bus wbOutputData is now
closely matched to within 83 ps.
14. Save the constraints to write them to the target XDC, so that they apply every time you compile the
15. Select File > Constraints > Save to save the placement constraints to the target constraint file,
bft_full.xdc, in the active constraint set, constrs_1.16.
The synthesis and implementation will go out-of-date since constraints were updated. You can force
the design to update by clicking on Details in tool bar, since new constraints are already applied.

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Lab 3: Manual and Directed Routing

Figure 69: Report Datasheet—Final

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Lab 3: Manual and Directed Routing

In this lab, you did the following:
• Analyzed the clock skew on the output data bus using the Report Datasheet command.
• Used manual placement techniques to improve the timing of selected nets.
• Used the Assign Manual Routing Mode in the Vivado IDE to precisely control the routing of a
• Used the FIXED_ROUTE property to copy the relative fixed routing among similar nets to
control the routing of the critical portion of the nets.

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Lab 4: Vivado ECO Flow

In this lab, you will learn how to use the Vivado® Engineering Change Order (ECO) flow to modify your
design post implementation, implement the changes, run reports on the changed netlist, and generate
programming files.
For this lab, you will use the design file that is included with this guide and is targeted at the Kintex®
UltraScale® KCU105 Evaluation Platform. For instructions on locating the design files, see Locating
Design Files for Lab 4.
A block diagram of the design is shown in the following figure.

Figure 70: Block Diagram of the Design

In this design, a mixed-mode clock manager (MMCM) is used to synthesize a 100 MHz clock from the
300 MHz clock provided by the board.
A 29-bit counter is used to divide the clock down further. The 4 most significant bits of the counter
form the count<3:0> signal that is 0-extended to 8 bits and drives the 8 on-board LEDs through an
8-bit 2-1 mux.
The count<3:0> signal is also squared using a multiplier, and the product drives the other 8 inputs of
the mux. A Toggle signal controls the mux select and either drives the LEDs (shown in the following
figure) with the counter value or the multiplier output.
A Pause signal allows you to stop the counter, and a Reset signal allows you to reset the design. The
Toggle, Pause, and Reset signals can either be controlled from on-board buttons shown in Figure 70
or a VIO in the Hardware Manager as shown in Figure 71. The VIO also allows you to observe the status
of the LEDs. The following figures show the location of the push-buttons and the LEDs on the KCU105
board and a Hardware Manager dashboard. These allow you to control the push button and observe
the LEDs through the VIO.

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Figure 71: KCU105 On-Board Push Buttons and LEDs

Figure 72: VIO Dashboard

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Step 1: Creating a Project Using the Vivado New Project

To create a project, use the New Project wizard to name the project, to add RTL source files and
constraints, and to specify the target device.
1. Open the Vivado Design Suite integrated development environment (IDE).
2. In the Getting Started page, click Create Project to open the New Project wizard.
3. Click Next.
4. In the Project Name page, do the following:
a. Name the new project project_ECO_lab.
b. Provide the project location C:/Vivado_Tutorial.
c. Ensure that Create project subdirectory is selected.
d. Click Next.
5. In the Project Type page, do the following:
a. Specify the Type of Project to create as RTL Project.
b. Leave the Do not specify sources at this time check box unchecked.
c. Click Next.
6. In the Add Sources page, do the following:
a. Set the Target Language to Verilog.
b. Click Add Files.
c. In the Add Source Files dialog box, navigate to the /src/lab4 directory.
d. Select all Verilog source files.
e. Click OK.
f. Verify that the files are added.
g. Click Add Files.
h. In the Add Source Files dialog box, navigate to the /src/lab4/IP directory.
i. Select all of the XCI source files and click OK.
j. Verify that the files are added and Copy sources into project is selected.
k. Click Next.
7. In the Add Constraints dialog box, do the following:

a. Click the Add button , and then select Add Files.

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b. Navigate to the /src/lab4 directory and select ECO_kcu105.xdc.

c. Click Next.
8. In the Default Part page, do the following:
a. Select Boards and then select Kintex-UltraScale KCU105 Evaluation Platform.
b. Click Next.
9. Review the New Project Summary page. Verify that the data appears as expected, per the steps
10. Click Finish.
Note: It might take a moment for the project to initialize.
11. In the Sources window in the Vivado IDE, expand top to see the source files for this lab.

Figure 73: Sources Window

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Step 2: Synthesizing, Implementing, and Generating the

1. In the Flow Navigator, under Program and Debug, click Generate Bitstream.
This synthesizes, implements, and generates a bitstream for the design.
The No Implementation Results Available dialog box appears.
2. Click Yes.
After bitstream generation completes, the Bitstream Generation Completed dialog box appears.
Open Implemented Design is selected by default.
3. Click OK.
4. Inspect the Timing Summary report and make sure that all timing constraints have been met.

Figure 74: Timing Summary Report

You can use the generated bitstream programming file to download your design into the target FPGA
device using the Hardware Manager. For more information, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Programming and Debugging (UG908).

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Step 3: Validating the Design on the Board

This step is optional, but will help you understand the ECO modifications that you will make in
Step 4: Making the ECO Modifications.
1. From the main menu, select Flow > Open Hardware Manager.
The Hardware Manager window opens.

Figure 75: Hardware Manager Window

2. Connect to a hardware target Using hw_server.

TIP: For more information about different ways to connect to a hardware target, refer to
the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908).

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Figure 76: Use hw_server to Connect to a Hardware Target

3. In the Vivado Flow Navigator, under Program and Debug, click Program Device.
The Program Device dialog box opens.

Figure 77: Program Device Dialog Box

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4. Navigate to the Bitstream file and Debug Probes file.

5. Click Program.
Now that the FPGA is configured, you can use the on-board buttons and the on-board LEDs to
control and observe the hardware. Press the Pause button to pause the counter. Press the Toggle
button to select between the count and the multiplier result. Press the Reset button to reset the

Figure 78: On-Board Push Buttons and LEDs

Alternatively, you can use the VIO to control and observe the hardware.
If the following warning message appears, select one of the alternatives suggested in the message.
WARNING: [Labtools 27-1952] VIO hw_probe OUTPUT_VALUE properties for hw_vio(s)
[hw_vio_1] differ from output values in the VIO core(s).
To synchronize the hw_probes properties and the VIO core outputs choose one of
the following alternatives:
1) Execute the command 'Commit Output Values to VIO Core', to write down the
hw_probe values to the core.
2) Execute the command 'Refresh Input and Output Values from VIO Core', to
update the hw_probe properties with the core values.
3) First restore initial values in the core with the command 'Reset VIO Core
Outputs', and then execute the command 'Refresh Input and Output Values from VIO

6. Select the hw_vios tab in the dashboard and click the Add button to add probes.
The Add Probes dialog box opens.

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Figure 79: Add Probes Dialog Box

7. Select all of the probes for hw_vio_1 and click OK.

8. In the hw_vios dashboard, select count_out_OBUF[7:0], then right-click and select Radix
Unsigned Decimal.

Figure 80: Selecting Radix > Unsigned Decimal

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9. In the hw_vios dashboard, select count_out_OBUF[7:0], then right-click and select LED.
The Select LED Colors dialog box opens.

Figure 81: Select LED Colors Dialog Box

10. Select Red for the Low Value Color and Green for the High Value Color.
11. Click OK.

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12. In the hw_vios dashboard, select pause_vio_out, reset_vio_out, and toggle_vio_out, then right-click
and select Active-High Button.

Figure 82: Selecting Active-High Button

13. In the hw_vios dashboard, select vio_select and select Toggle Button.

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Figure 83: Selecting Toggle Button

14. Expand count_out_OBUF[7:0] to view the VIO LEDs.

Now that the VIO is set up, you are ready to analyze the design.
1. Toggle the vio_select button to control the hardware from the VIO.
2. Press the pause_vio_out button to pause the counter.
3. Press the toggle_vio_out button to select between the count and the multiplier result.
4. Press the reset_vio_out button to reset the counter.

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Figure 84: hw_vios Toggle Button Window

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Step 4: Making the ECO Modifications

1. In the Flow Navigator, select the Project Manager.
2. In the Design Runs window, right-click on impl_1 and select Open Run Directory.
3. The run directory opens in a file browser, as seen in the following figure. The run directory contains
the routed checkpoint (top_routed.dcp) to be used for the ECO flow.

TIP: In a project-based design, the Vivado Design Suite saves intermediate

implementation results as design checkpoints in the implementation runs directory.
When you re-run implementation, the previous results are deleted. Save the router
checkpoint to a new directory to preserve the modified checkpoint.

Figure 85: Implementation Run Directory

4. Create a new directory named ECO in the original C:/Vivado_Tutorial/project_ECO_lab

project directory, and copy the top_routed.dcp file from the implementation runs directory to
that newly created directory.
5. From the main menu, select File > Checkpoint > Open.
The Open Checkpoint dialog box opens.
6. Navigate to C:/Vivado_Tutorial/project_ECO_lab/ECO and select the top_routed.dcp
A dialog box opens, asking whether to close the current project.
7. Click Yes.

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8. From the main menu, select Layout > ECO.

The ECO Layout is selected. The ECO Navigator is displayed on the left of the layout (highlighted in
red in the following figure). It provides access to netlist commands, run steps, report and analysis
tools, and commands to save changes and generate programming files.
The Scratch Pad in the center of the layout (highlighted in red in the following figure) tracks netlist
changes, as well as place and route status for cells, pins, ports, and nets.
Note: ECOs only work on design checkpoints. The ECO layout is only available after you have opened
a design checkpoint in the Vivado IDE.

Figure 86: ECO Layout

To illustrate the capabilities of the ECO flow, you next change the functionality of the multiplier from
a square of count[3:0] to a multiply by two.

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9. From the Tcl Console, type the following command:

mark_objects -color blue [get_cells my_mult_0]

TIP: To make it easier to locate objects that are included in the ECO modifications, it helps to
mark or highlight the objects with different colors.

Figure 87: Schematic with Multiplier Marked

10. Zoom into the multiplier in the schematic window and select the in2[3:0] pins.
Alternatively, you can type the following command in the Tcl Console:
select_objects [get_pins my_mult_0/in2[*]]

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11. Click the Disconnect Net button in the Edit section of the Vivado ECO Navigator. The net is
disconnected from the pins in the schematic.

Figure 88: Schematic with Net Disconnected from Pins in2[3:0]

The Tcl Console reproduces the disconnect_net command that you just executed in the ECO
Navigator. This is useful if you want to replay your ECO changes later by opening the original
checkpoint and sourcing a Tcl script with the ECO commands.

Figure 89: Tcl Console Showing Executed ECO Commands

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The Scratch Pad is populated with the 4 nets divClk_reg[28:25] that you disconnected and the
multiplier input pins my_mult_0/in2[3:0]. Note the following in the Scratch Pad:
• The Scratch Pad connectivity column (Con) shows a check mark next to the
divClk_reg[28:25] nets, indicating that they are still connected to the other multiplier
• The my_mult_0/in2[3:0] pins do not show a check mark next to them because they no
longer have nets connected.
• The Place and Route (PnR) column is unchecked for everything, indicating that the
changes have not yet been implemented on the device.

Figure 90: Scratch Pad Showing Status of ECO

12. In the Scratch Pad, select the {my_mult_0/in2[3], my_mult_0/in2[2], and my_mult_0/in2[0]} pins.
13. In the Edit section of the Vivado ECO Navigator, click Connect Net.
The Connect Net dialog box opens.

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Figure 91: Connect Selected Pins

14. In the Connect Net dialog box, select <const0> from the GROUND section.

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Figure 92: Connect Net Dialog Box

15. Click OK.

<const0> is added to the Scratch Pad.
16. Collapse the <const0> signal.
The three pins that you connected now show check marks in the Connectivity column of the Scratch

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Figure 93: Scratch Pad Showing <const0> Connected to Pins

17. In the Scratch Pad, select the my_mult_0/in2[1] pin.

18. Click Connect Net.
The Connect Net dialog box opens.

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19. In the Connect Net dialog box, select <const1> from the POWER section.

Figure 94: Connect Net Dialog Box

20. Click OK.

<const1> is added to the Scratch Pad.
21. Collapse the <const1> signal.

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The pin that you connected now shows check marks in the Connectivity column of the Scratch Pad.

Figure 95: Scratch Pad Showing <const1> Connected to Pin

22. Select the my_mult_0/in2 pin in the Scratch Pad.

This command highlights the pins in the currently open Schematic view window, and shows the
updated connections.
Note: Make sure that the Autofit Selection toggle button is highlighted in the Schematic window
so you can see the entire path, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 96: Resulting Schematic After Applying ECO Flow

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When you observe the count signal on the LEDs, you only use 4 bits. The upper 4 bits are padded
with zeroes.
Now, you will use the ECO flow to observe counter bit 24 on LED 7. The first step is to analyze the
logic that drives count_out_reg[3].
23. From the Tcl Console, type the following command:
select_objects [get_cells count_out[3]_i_1]

This lets you quickly identify the LUT3 that drives the count_out_reg[3] register, which drives
LED 3. The inputs are:
o mul_out_pre_reg[3] for pin I0
o count_out_pre_reg[3] for pin I1
o tog_state_reg for pin I2
24. Click the Cell Properties tab to view the cell properties and select the Truth Table tab.
25. Click Edit LUT Equation to view the equation for the LUT3. Note the LUT equation:
O= I1 & !I2 + I0 & I2

26. Click Cancel to close the window.

Figure 97: LUT3 Driving count_out_reg[3]

27. From the Tcl Console, type the following command:

select_objects [get_cells count_out[7]_i_1]

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Figure 98: LUT2 Driving count_out_reg[7]

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This command selects the LUT2 that drives the count_out_reg[7] register, which drives LED 7 on
the KCU105 board. The only inputs are tog_state_reg for pin I0 and mul_out_pre_reg[7]
for pin I1. You need to replace the LUT2 with a 3-input LUT and connect the output of counter
register divClk_reg[24] to the additional input pin.
28. In the Vivado ECO Navigator, under Edit, click Create Cell.
The Create Cell dialog box opens.
a. In the Cell name field, enter ECO_LUT3.
b. In the Search field, enter LUT3.
c. Select LUT3 as the cell type and copy the LUT equation O=I1 & !I2 + I0 & I2 from cell

d. Click OK.
ECO_LUT3 is added to the Scratch Pad and the schematic.
e. Right-click the newly added ECO_LUT3 cell in the Scratch Pad, then select Mark and the color
Note: Marking the ECO_LUT3 cell makes it easier to locate.

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Figure 99: Create Cell Dialog Box

Because you copied the LUT equation from cell count_out[3]_i_1, the nets must be hooked up in
the same order, with the following connections:
• Net mul_out_pre[7] connected to pin I0
• Net divClk_reg_n_0_[24] connected to pin I1
• Net tog_state connected to pin I2 of ECO_LUT3
29. Locate the tog_state net driven by the tog_state_reg register in the schematic and select it.
Alternatively you can select the net from the Tcl Console by running the following command:
select_objects [get_nets tog_state]

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30. Connect the I2 pin of the newly added ECO_LUT3 cell by doing the following:
a. Hold down the CTRL key and select pin I2 in the Scratch Pad. This selects pin I2 in addition to
the already selected tog_state net.
b. Click Connect Net.

Figure 100: Scratch Pad and Schematic Showing ECO_LUT3 Added

31. Locate the mul_out_pre[7] net in the schematic and select it.
Alternatively, you can select the net from the Tcl Console by executing the following command:
select_objects [get_nets mul_out_pre[7]]

32. Connect the I0 pin of the newly added ECO_LUT3 cell by doing the following:
a. Hold down the CTRL key and select pin I0 in the Scratch Pad. This selects pin I0 in addition to
the already selected mul_out_pre[7] net.
b. Click Connect Net.
33. Locate the divClk_reg_n_0_[24] net in the schematic and select it.
Alternatively, you can select the net from the Tcl Console by executing the following command:
select_objects [get_nets divClk_reg_n_0_[24]]

34. Connect the I1 pin of the newly added ECO_LUT3 cell by doing the following:
a. Hold down the CTRL key and select pin I1 from the Scratch Pad. This selects pin I1 in addition
to the already selected divClk_reg_n_0_[24] net.
b. Click Connect Net.
Next, you need to connect the updated logic function implemented in the newly created LUT3 to
the D input of count_out_reg[7]. The first step is to delete the LUT2 that was previously
connected to the D input.

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35. Select the LUT2 count_out[7]_i_1 in the schematic window.

Alternately, you can select it by executing the following command in the Tcl Console:
select_objects [get_cell count_out[7]_i_1]

36. In the main toolbar, click the Delete button to delete the selected cell.
37. Select the net connected to the D input of the count_out_reg[7] register in the schematic
Alternatively you can select the net from the Tcl Console by executing the following command:
select_objects [get_nets count_out[7]_i_1_n_0]

38. Connect the O pin of the newly added ECO_LUT3 cell by doing the following:
a. Hold down the CTRL key and select pin O from the Scratch Pad.
b. Click Connect Net.

Figure 101: Connecting ECO_LUT3 Output

The ECO modifications are complete.

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Step 5: Implementing the ECO Changes

Before you place and route the updates, you need to check for any illegal logical connections or other
logical issues introduced during the ECO that would prevent a successful implementation of your
1. In the Vivado ECO Navigator, under Run, click Check ECO.
The following figure shows the messages generated by the ECO DRC.
• The two Critical Warnings are due to the partially routed signals that are a result of the ECO and
will be cleaned up during incremental place and route.
• The Warning message is due to nets in the debug hub instance that do not drive any loads. This
Warning can be ignored.
• No other warnings were issued and you are ready to implement the changes.

Figure 102: Check ECO DRC Messages

Because you added additional logic, you need to place the logic using the incremental place, and
then route the updated net connections using incremental route.
2. In the Vivado ECO Navigator, under Run, click Place Design.
The Place Design dialog box opens, allowing you to specify additional options for the
place_design command. For this exercise, do not specify additional options.
3. Click OK.

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Figure 103: Place Design Dialog Box

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4. Vivado runs the incremental placer.

At the end of the place_design step, the incremental Placement Summary is displayed in the Tcl

Figure 104: Post-Place Incremental Reuse Summary

The incremental placement summary shows that the following two cells did not have their previous
placement reused:
o The new ECO_LUT3 cell, which had to be placed from scratch
o The count_out_reg[7] cell, which had to get updated placement due to the placement of the
ECO_LUT3 driving it
5. In the Vivado ECO Navigator, under Run, click Route Design.

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The Route Design dialog box opens.

Figure 105: Route Design Dialog Box

Depending on your selection, you have four options to route the ECO changes:
o Incremental Route: This is the default option.
o Route selected pin: This option limits the route operation to the selected pin.
o Route selected non-Power nets: This option routes only the selected signal nets.
o Route selected Power nets: This option routes only the selected VCC/GND nets.
In this case, the best choice is to route the changes you made incrementally.
6. Select Incremental Route.
7. Click OK.
At the end of the route_design step, the incremental Routing Reuse Summary displays in the Tcl

Figure 106: Post-Route Incremental Reuse Summary

Most of the nets did not require any routing and have been fully reused.

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TIP: It is a good idea to run report_route_status after the route operation to

make sure all the nets have been routed and none have any routing issues. This is
especially true if you only routed selected pins or selected nets and want to make sure
you have not missed any routes.

8. In the Tcl Console, run the report_route_status command.

The Design Route Status looks similar to the following status.

Figure 107: Design Route Status Post Implementation

Before you generate a bitstream, run the ECO DRCs on the design.
9. In the ECO Navigator, click Check ECO. Make sure no Critical Warnings are generated.

Figure 108: Post Implementation Check ECO Results

10. In the Vivado ECO Navigator, under Program, click Save Checkpoint As.
The Save Checkpoint As dialog box opens and you can specify a name for the checkpoint file to
write to disk.

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11. Click OK to save a checkpoint file with your changes.

Figure 109: Saving ECO Modifications to a New Checkpoint

12. In the Vivado ECO Navigator, under Program, click Generate Bitstream.
The Generate Bitstream dialog box opens.
You can specify a name for a Bit file and select the desired options for the write_bitstream
13. Click OK to generate a bitstream with your changes.

Figure 110: Generate Bitstream Dialog Box

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14. In the Vivado ECO Navigator, under Program, click Write Debug Probes.
The Write Debug Probes dialog box opens.

Figure 111: Write Debug Probes Dialog Box

You can specify a name for a .ltx file for your debug probes.
15. Click OK to generate debug probes file (LTX).
This command allows you to generate a new .ltx file for your debug probes. If you made changes to
your debug probes using the Replace Debug Probes command, you need to save the updated
information to a new debug probes file to reflect the changes in the Vivado Hardware Manager
16. Follow the instructions in Step 3: Validating the Design on the Board to download the generated
bitstream programming file and debug probes file into the target FPGA device using the Hardware
Manager to check your ECO modifications.

Step 6: Replacing Debug Probes

Another powerful feature of the Vivado ECO flow is the ability to replace debug probes on a previously
inserted Debug Hub. After the debug probes have been replaced, a new LTX file can be generated that
contains the updated debug probe information.
To replace a debug probe in your previously modified design, do the following:
1. From the main menu, select File > Checkpoint > Open.
The Open Checkpoint dialog box opens.

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Figure 112: Open Checkpoint Dialog Box

2. Browse to the C:/Data/Vivado_Tutorial/project_ECO_lab/ECO directory and select the

previously saved checkpoint_1.dcp file.
3. Close any previously open checkpoints.
4. From the main menu, select Layout > ECO.
5. In the Vivado ECO Navigator, under Edit, click Replace Debug Probes.
The Replace Debug Probes dialog box opens.
In this example, you will replace the net reset_vio that is connected to probe4 of u_ila_0 with
the net toggle_vio.
6. Scroll to the bottom of the probes for u_ila_0 in the Replace Debug Probes dialog and click the
reset_vio net name in the Probe column to select it.

7. Click the Edit Probes button .

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Figure 113: Replace Debug Probes Dialog Box

The Choose Nets window opens.

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UG986 (v2018.2) June 6, 2018
Lab 4: Vivado ECO Flow

8. Choose a new net to connect to the debug probe probe4 by doing the following:
a. Type toggle_vio in the search field of the Choose Nets dialog box.
b. Click Find.

c. Select the toggle_vio net, and move it to the Selected names section.
d. Click OK.

Figure 114: Choose Nets Dialog Box

9. In the Replace Debug Probes dialog box, click OK.

10. Repeat steps 5 through 14 of Step 5: Implementing the ECO Changes to generate an updated
design checkpoint, bitstream file, and probes file (LTX).
The updated debug probes file has the reset_vio net for probe4 replaced with net
toggle_vio, which you can verify when you program the device with the updated bit file and
debug probes file.

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UG986 (v2018.2) June 6, 2018
Lab 4: Vivado ECO Flow

Figure 115: ILA Waveform with Update Debug Probes

In this lab, you did the following:
• Made changes to the previously implemented design using the Vivado ECO flow.
• Implemented the changes using incremental place and route.
• Generated a bitstream and probes file with your changes to configure the FPGA.
• Used the Replace Debug Probes command to switch the sources for debug probes in the

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UG986 (v2018.2) June 6, 2018

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