Technical Proposal Form
Technical Proposal Form
Technical Proposal Form
1 Design, install and commission modular hybrid solar power (PV) system with each module having power output of 100kw. The module(s) will be installed at Red Roof Humanitarian Hub, Maiduguri, Borno
State, Federal Republic of Nigeria.
2 Depending on the price of each module the winning bidder shall offer, IOM shall determine the number of modules to be purchased to address primarily the Critical Load Schedule (Annex 1) of Red Roof
Humanitarian Hub.
3 Each module should have sufficient power to support the load connected to it for 8 to 12 hours, can be recharged using solar panels not more than 4 hours and not more than 3 hours using the generator.
4 The project deliverables shall include the appropriate racks for the batteries, anchoring solution for the solar panels, cables and connectors needed to connect the modules to the circuit panel board of the hub
located at the Generator House (see site development plan for details). The batteries, charge controllers and inverters shall be installed in one of the ground floor rooms of the main building. The solar (PV)
panels shall all be installed at the roof of the main building of the hub. The winning bidder and IOM technical staff shall work together in connecting the solar power modules to the loads as well as during the
testing and commissioning of the modules.
Bidder's Offer
No. Description Country of Unit Cost Total Amount Warranty Period
Description/Specification Quantity Unit
Manufacture (NGN) (NGN) (Years)
Required Details for Each Module:
1 Solar Panel Details (specify brand/model, capacity,
etc.). Provide literatures about the technical 0
specifications of the solar panels, as Annex A to the bid.
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