Functions and Adv Dis Adv Func Notion Syllubus
Functions and Adv Dis Adv Func Notion Syllubus
Functions and Adv Dis Adv Func Notion Syllubus
According to Geoffery Leech (1974), there are five main functions of language
informational function,
aesthetic function,
Five Functions
According to Geoffery Leech (1974), there are five main functions of language. We mentioned all these five functions at the
beginning. Now, let’s take a closer look at each one of them.
The informational function can be considered most important, since it helps us deliver messages, describe things, and
give our listener new information. Actually, message is a word that describes this function best. The informational
function is also related to such terms as a truth and a value.
•seeking identification–(person) who?–(possession) whose + NP–(thing) what? Which + NP?–(event) what happened?
to express our feelings and attitudes. This function of language is used not to deliver a message, but to express
feelings and impressions. Due to the expressive function of language, we can understand the personality of a speaker,
and his or her emotions.
Obvious examples of such words are swear words, as well as various exclamations. “I love this movie so much”
The directive function of language The directive function is a function of social control and interpersonal interaction.
Another feature of this function is that the reaction of a listener is even more important than a thought expressed by a
speaker, since this reaction determines whether such a phrase achieved the target or not.
the aesthetic function. According to Leech (1974), this function doesn’t have any particular purpose. Here words and
sentences are considered as linguistic artifacts. This function serves neither as a request nor as a message. The
aesthetic function helps us use words as a tool of a poetic art, and as certain signs. Here the beauty of chosen words
and phrases is more important than usefulness of this information.
For the sake of such a function, we use different adjectives, such as “gorgeous”, “elegant”, “stunning”, and so on.
the phatic function. The only purpose of such a function is to maintain social relationships, and to begin, or continue
the conversation.
Such a kind of talk doesn’t provide us with any necessary information. It even doesn’t express our feelings, but it helps
us to interact with people.
According to Roman Jakobson’s functions of language, there are six types of them:
1. Referential function – this function refers to context. It usually describes situation, object, or its state. E.g. “The
autumn leaves have all fallen now.”
2. Poetic function – is mainly used in poetry. It usually exists as is, and helps to distinguish poetry from other genres.
3. Emotive function – is not about the context of the statement, but about the emotions added to it. The good example
is interjections and exclamations in it. E.g “Oh, such a pity”.
4. Conative function – is a function that is directed to the receiver, and usually goes in imperative character. Exclamation
marks may be used. E.g. “Richard! Do open the window!”
5. Phatic function – the main aid is to “warm up” the conversation. It is usually about the small talks that precede the
main conversation. E.g. “Hi”, “How are you?”, “Good bye”.
General Notions
A notion is a concept, or idea and it may be quite specific, such as a
vocabulary (dog, house, for example);
or it may be very general – size, emotion, movement, place
is a notional or conceptual view, which is involved with some concepts such as time,
space, movement, cause and effect;
It is important that functional language must also incorporate with specific
notions ;
vocabulary, nouns,verbs, adjectives, adverbs, structure
verbs, miscellaneous words.
Neither grammatical nor situational syllabus would be denied that the purpose of
learning languages is to communicate both of them give learners few adequate
opportunities to promote the communicative capacity.
However, the notional-functional syllabus takes the desired communicative capacity as
the starting-point. From the notional-functional syllabus, it asks speakers to
communicate through language. So the designers are able to organize language
teaching in concerning of the content rather than the form of the language (Wilkins,
a superior giving
giving advice you should (verb) 2
a superior giving
giving advice it would be a good idea to (verb) 3
customer to
getting attention Excuse me. 1
customer to
buying I'll take this. 1
customer to
buying I'll take these. 1
customer to
negotiating That sounds a little high. 2
customer to
negotiating Could you give me a discount? 2
customer to
refusing to buy I'll think about it. 1
suggesting an
considering options Maybe we should look at (verb). 2