Honors Reason Assess Rubric

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Honors Writing with Reason

Imagine you are writing a novel with a plot line centered around the current issue you researched
earlier in the module. To get it published, you need an agent! You will need a literary agent to
believe enough in its message to pitch it to a publishing house.

Follow the three steps below to create the perfect pitch for your agent!

Step 1: You will write a synopsis (summary) of your book that familiarizes the reader with the
plot and how it will unfold. While synopses may appear in book reports and on group-sourced
websites, this guide will focus on one that you would send out to literary agents and publishing
houses. Every synopsis needs to include the following:

• Plot Structure: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution
• Character Description: motivations of the main protagonist and the main conflict

Example: Kiera is a young girl who loves working on her family farm. Over the last two years,
though, the crops have not been growing as well, and her parents are getting concerned. When
the news breaks the across the same timeline, the local bee population has decreased, it seems
almost certain that the two are related: bees are pollinators and essential to farming
communities. Kiera is terrified of bees, but to do her part to help ensure her family farm’s
survival, she sets her fears aside, does her research, and comes up with a plan before the family
loses the farm forever.

Tommy is a young boy that has been told to find a special type of

flower, for his sisters wedding. The first day he attempts to find the

flower but is told by a local that the flower would take a 5 day trip to

Synopsis obtain. So he returns home with nothing, and his family tells him

(5-7 sentences) that by the time it arrives it will be to late. The next day he goes

outside and starts trying to come up with and idea to get it faster.

This flower is his sisters favorite and needs to be there for the

wedding. How will he find this flower in time before the wedding?

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Step 2: In 2-3 sentences, identify and explain the central theme of your story. Remember, the
theme of a story is the lesson we can learn, or the message we can take away from it.

Example: The theme of Kiera and the Bees is that sometimes, overcoming fear is necessary for

Kiera is terrified of bees, but when the crops on her family farm stop growing like they used to,
she learns just how important they are to her family. She soon realizes that she will need to be
brave as she works to restore her area’s bee population and return her family’s livelihood to its
former glory.

You have to find a way to overcome situations and think outside the

box to find an alternative solution.


Step 3: To help your agent get a better idea of the overall feel of your story, it will help to also
include a proposed book cover. One of the most challenging tasks for an author is the
design of their book cover – they are writers, not graphic designers! According to most
experts, simplicity is the best approach when designing book covers. The purpose is to
bring powerful elements together in a way that will tell the reader what to expect from the

Paste your image, drawing, or computer rendition below:

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Honors Writing with Reason Rubric

On Target Almost There Needs Improvement

15-12 points 11-8 points 7-0 points

• The paragraph • The paragraph • The paragraph is

includes all elements includes most missing or includes
of a synopsis: the elements of a one element of a
plot structure, synopsis: the plot synopsis: the plot
Story character structure, structure, character
Synopsis descriptions, and character descriptions, and
(15 points) title. descriptions, and title.
• There are virtually title. • There are numerous
no spelling, • There are a few spelling,
punctuation, or spelling, punctuation, or
grammatical errors. punctuation, or grammatical errors.

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Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
15-12 points 11-8 points 7-0 points

• The response is 2-3 • The response is • The statement is

Theme sentences long, and present and missing, or the
Statement clearly states and somewhat states and theme and
(15 points) explains a lesson or explains a lesson or explanation are
message that can be message that can be unclear.
gained from reading gained from reading
the story. the story.

15-12 points 11-8 points 7-0 points

• The cover of the • The cover of the • The cover of the

Book Cover novel includes the novel somewhat novel does not
title, author name, includes the title, include the title,
(15 points) and visuals that author name, and author name, and/or
represents the theme some type visual some type of visual
of the novel. that represents the that represents the
theme of the novel. theme of the novel.

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.

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