Q&a Se L1-2

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1. What is so�ware engineering prac�ce? Explain its significance in so�ware development.

So�ware engineering prac�ce consists of a collec�on of concepts, principles, methods, and tools that so�ware
engineers use daily. It helps engineers build reliable so�ware and provides managers with the tools to manage
so�ware projects effec�vely. It equips both technical and managerial personnel with the necessary knowledge to
get the job done, ensuring projects meet their goals on �me and within budget.

2. Differen�ate between the construc�on and management aspects of so�ware development.

• Construc�on involves ac�vi�es related to the actual development of so�ware, including:
o Requirement Gathering
o Design Development
o Coding
o Tes�ng
• Management focuses on organizing and controlling the project, ensuring its smooth progress, including:
o Project Planning and Management
o Configura�on Management
o So�ware Quality Assurance (SQA)
o Installa�on and Training

3. What is the so�ware process, and why is it important?

The so�ware process is a roadmap for crea�ng so�ware. It defines the approach for producing so�ware while
maintaining stability, control, and clarity throughout the development. It includes genera�ng deliverables, also
known as work products, such as programs, documenta�on, and data. A well-defined so�ware process ensures
�mely, high-quality results.

4. What is the So�ware Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and what are its objec�ves?
The SDLC is a structured process followed by the so�ware industry to design, develop, and test high-quality
so�ware. The main objec�ves of the SDLC are to:
• Produce so�ware that meets or exceeds customer expecta�ons.
• Complete projects within agreed �meframes and cost es�mates.

5. Outline the phases of the So�ware Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

The key phases of the SDLC include:
1. Analysis: Preliminary inves�ga�on, feasibility studies (technical, economic, and opera�onal), and
requirement gathering.
2. Design: Divided into logical design (abstract system representa�on) and physical design (implementa�on
details such as database schema, system architecture).
3. Implementa�on: Code is writen and necessary hardware is installed based on design specifica�ons.
4. Tes�ng: Individual components and integrated systems are tested to ensure they meet func�onal and
non-func�onal requirements.
5. Deployment: So�ware is delivered to the customer for use, including beta tes�ng, configura�on
management, and final deployment.
6. Maintenance: Ongoing support and bug fixes a�er the system is in use.
6. What are the types of feasibility studies conducted during the Analysis phase?
During the Analysis phase, three types of feasibility studies are conducted:
• Technical Feasibility: Determines whether the system can be implemented with current technology and
• Economic Feasibility: Assesses the financial viability of the project, including costs, benefits, and return
on investment.
• Opera�onal Feasibility: Determines if the system will be opera�onally viable in the exis�ng
organiza�onal environment.

7. Explain the difference between logical design and physical design in the SDLC.
• Logical Design is an abstract representa�on of the system, focusing on what the system should do
without detailing how it will be implemented. Ac�vi�es include data modeling and process modeling.
• Physical Design is the transla�on of the logical design into concrete, implementable details. It includes
defining hardware requirements, database schema, system architecture, and user interface design.

8. What is the role of a System Analyst in the so�ware development process?

A System Analyst is responsible for analyzing an organiza�on's business processes and documen�ng system
requirements. Key roles include:
1. Mee�ng with stakeholders to gather requirements.
2. Analyzing and defining system requirements.
3. Crea�ng and reviewing documenta�on.
4. Ensuring the system aligns with business needs.

9. Describe the tes�ng phase in the SDLC. What are the different types of tes�ng performed?
The tes�ng phase ensures that the developed so�ware func�ons correctly and meets all specified requirements.
Types of tes�ng include:
• Unit Tes�ng: Tes�ng individual components or units of code in isola�on.
• Integra�on Tes�ng: Ensuring that combined components or modules work together as expected.
• System Tes�ng: Tes�ng the en�re system to verify that it meets func�onal, performance, and security

10. What is deployment in SDLC, and what ac�vi�es are involved in this phase?
Deployment involves delivering the so�ware product to the customer and se�ng it up for real-world use. Key
ac�vi�es include:
• Beta Tes�ng: Customers test the system and report bugs or required changes.
• Conversion: Methods to transi�on from an old system to the new one (Direct, Parallel, Phased, or
• Configura�on Management: Adjus�ng configura�on files and se�ngs to match the produc�on
• Rollback Plan: Preparing a con�ngency plan in case the deployment fails or issues arise.
11. What is maintenance in the SDLC, and why is it important?
Maintenance refers to the ongoing support provided a�er the so�ware is deployed. It involves fixing bugs,
addressing issues that arise, and making necessary updates or enhancements. Maintenance is cri�cal as it
ensures the system con�nues to func�on correctly and meets evolving user needs over �me.

12. What are the four methods of system conversion during deployment?
1. Direct Conversion: The old system is immediately replaced by the new system.
2. Parallel Conversion: Both old and new systems run concurrently, and results are compared before fully
switching to the new system.
3. Phased Conversion: The new system is implemented in stages or components.
4. Distributed Conversion: The new system is implemented at one site or branch before rolling out to the
en�re organiza�on.

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