Green Technologies For Sustainable Environment: An Introduction
Green Technologies For Sustainable Environment: An Introduction
Green Technologies For Sustainable Environment: An Introduction
Water pollution has long been a major source of concern Firstly, concerning water quality, an effective arithmeti-
for the environment, the biosphere, and human well-being. cal method for evaluating the quality of surface and ground
In order to safeguard the environment, technologies such as water has been described as the water quality index (WQI).
wastewater treatment, reuse, recycling, and resource recov- The determination of water quality indexes often entails
ery have been tested and implemented at the pilot and indus- the integration of diverse biological, physical, and chemi-
trial scales. In recent years, the research hotspot of environ- cal aspects of a water source to yield a single value that is
mental protection has gradually shifted from the well-known unitless but serves as an effective indicator of water qual-
conventional technologies to eco-friendly, cost-effective, ity because it is non-destructive. Secondly, the increased
and sustainable technologies, also known as green tech- consumption of fossil fuels contributes to global warming,
nologies which could demonstrate outstanding advantages. depletion of fossil fuel reserves, and future energy insecu-
Several practical treatment processes have been proposed rity, all of which encourage the globe to look for alterna-
and applied in practice; however, the green technologies are tives that are more environmentally friendly, simple, and
currently the most attractive for pollution control, especially inexpensively available. Thirdly, in many water bodies
water and wastewater remediation, preventing air pollution, around the globe, toxic cyanobacterial blooms (TCBs) are
and also the development of sophisticated, yet usable on-site becoming a rising source of worry and it has depleted the
sensors and analytical instruments. In the context of envi- water quality. By using modern analytical and quantita-
ronmental protection, green technologies are a collection tive real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and high-
of practical methodologies, techniques, technologies, and performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques,
materials that are based on non-toxic chemical processes, the dynamics of poisonous cyanobacteria and microcys-
non-toxic end products, renewable energy sources, and envi- tin (MC) concentrations in different aquatic ecosystems
ronmental monitoring instruments, among other things, to can be determined. Fourthly, the recovery of energy from
mitigate or correct the negative impact caused by human plastic wastes has become increasingly popular in recent
activities. decades, owing to the increased need for energy in the
world. The green principles and concepts such as recy-
cling and reusing are being considered as an alternative,
Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues
but reprocessing plastics and subjecting them to additional
* Xuan Thanh Bui heating cycles will almost certainly result in molecular
[email protected] damage such as cross-linking, chain scission, or the for-
1 mation of double bonds, which will reduce the product's
Department of Water Supply, Sanitation and Environmental
Engineering, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, reliability. Fifthly, when we discuss the global issue of
Westvest 7, PO Box 3015, 2611AX Delft, The Netherlands climate change, the levels of carbon dioxide in the earth’s
Key Laboratory of Advanced Waste Treatment Technology, atmosphere are increasing on a daily basis as a result of
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh (VNU-HCM), the combustion of fossil fuels for the generation of elec-
Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, tricity. This has caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
Viet Nam accounting for 64% of global warming since the industrial
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Ho revolution. From a techno-economic and green technol-
Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), ogy viewpoint, researchers have been more interested in
Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Viet Nam
novel carbon capture because of its ease of integration
Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, School with coal-fired power plants, which does not require con-
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University
of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NWS 2007, Australia siderable adjustments (e.g., the use of photobioreactors,
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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021) 28:63437–63439 63439
committee in the field of earth sciences and environment of National Environmental Sustainability, IJSEES; Environmental Science and
Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), Ecotechnology, EHIT; and Bioengineered, Taylor & Francis.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Viet Nam.