OSW Fillable Fighter
OSW Fillable Fighter
OSW Fillable Fighter
Optional Gear
You’ll get one of these depending on your Your Character
Background. Review your background for any Fill out as much of the following as you can, then
associated moves. tell the rest of the table what you’ve put down.
o An Heirloom The GM and the other players will help introduce
Mark this if you’ve chosen the “Bearer”
Reference your character to the game.
Provides the bearer access to a single See the Basic & Adventuring Moves handout for Name:
organization, guild hall, secret society, etc -
beyond that, it is totally useless.
information about moves and how to make them. Examples: Yggritte, Miles, Tas, Gunter, Lasoro, a
humble name, an ancient name, a royal name
Your Party
Describe it, as well as how you inherited it. Strength (STR) Hit enemies, lift large
After everyone has been introduced, write the
objects, break down doors.
o Map of the Last Patrol Intelligence (INT) Recall facts, use magic, Look: name of one or more party members in the spaces
Mark this if you’ve chosen the “The Retired Examples: Hard Eyes, Wild Hair, Calloused Skin, below. The GM will tell you how you all know each
quick thinking.
Adventurer” Background. Lithe Body, Pinched Face, Battered Helm, Human, other and why you are in a party. Also say, ask
Dexterity (DEX) Dodge out of the way,
This map, when marked with the blood of Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Orc, Ogre, Goblin, Gnoll your fellow players to help you answer them. You
jump over cliffs, throw things.
a group of people, will always show their do not need to answer each, but the more you do,
Constitution (CON) Withstand poison, A personal goal (and why):
location—so long as they remain within the the better!
defend others, toughen things out.
bounds of the map. Wisdom (WIS) Solve puzzles, gain special Who here was I sworn to protect? Why?
insight, detect the hidden.
o Adventuring Gear (5 uses) Charisma (CHA) Command others, flatter
Mark this if you’ve chosen the “Enforcer” allies, make bold-faced lies.
Background. Who here owes me their life, and why?
Mark off a use to find some mundane but Forward: Apply the positive or negative
useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, etc. Examples: personal fame, a job, a grim task, an
number to an ability score the next time the
unfulfilled promise, a legendary weapon
relevant trigger is met.
Who here makes me question whether
Everything Else Ongoing: Apply the positive or negative A memory that made you YOU: they will survive the coming dangers?
number to an ability score for every roll
using the stat until the trigger is met.
Who here needs to be toughened up?
Hold: Acts as a currency. You may spend
hold when appropriate to act without Examples: An atrocity, a sacrifice, a victory, a
needing to roll. mentor,
Who here has proved a worthy ally?
Debility: Two of your ability scores take -1 Knowledge of the area:
You left behind a life of bloodshed years ago. known. When you throw Ironfang in
battle, you make the Volley move with Seeing Red
And while you hoped to live out the rest of STR instead of DEX, and after you
your days in peace, it doesn’t always work throw it, it magically returns to your When you Discern Realities during
out that way. When you Discern Realities Two of the stats below will be filled in by your hand.
Background. For the others, put +1 in one, -1 in combat, you take +1.
while in battle, take +1. Isil, a graceful blade that shines like the
another, and leave the rest at 0. crescent moon. The uncanny sharpness Evil Eye
Enforcer of this blade ignores the enemy’s
+2 STR, +1 CON armor, and it glows when a type of When you Defend, you can spend 1 hold to:
STR INT CON creature of your choosing is near. Lock eyes with a foe; any damage rolls
You start with Adventuring Gear (5 uses). against you and your ward are halved,
Bielgrim, the greatsword of a legendary
For years, you served as the right-hand knight. This weapon can always rounded up.
enforcer for someone important. You did sense the taint of darkness or chaos,
what you were told, when you were told. and reacts in its presence. When you
strike a creature of darkness or chaos Battlefield Tactics
You’re alone now, but you’ve still got those with this weapon, it ignites with holy
special skills to keep you company… When DEX WIS CHA fire; you either deal +1d4 damage or When you survey a battlefield or
you parley using threats of violence as suppress one of its unnatural powers, dangerous environment, ask the GM two of
leverage, you may use STR instead of CHA. your choice. the following questions. The GM will answer
Bend Bars, Lift Gates Where’s the best way in, out, or
Weakened Dazed Miserable
When you use pure strength to destroy
an inanimate obstacle, roll+STR. On a 10+,
choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2.
Where is the best place to make a
This is what motivates your character. When a STR & DEX INT & WIS CON & CHA defensive stand?
drive triggers your actions, receive 2 XP! It doesn’t take a very long time Where is the best place to attack from?
Nothing of value is damaged What here is the biggest threat to me?
(Choose one) Experience Points (XP) It doesn’t make an inordinate amount
Enter a fight that you aren’t sure you Mark XP when you roll a result of 6- and when of noise
can win a move tells you to. Mark 2 XP when you trigger You can fix the thing again without a
Show off in front of NPCs who can go your Drive lot of effort
on to tell your tale
Settle a conflict or dispute without
Put someone in their place for Spend 1 XP to reroll a single die.
disrespecting you Spend 4 XP to earn an Advance. (see
Provoke a great danger so that others the “Advances” section for more details)
will see you are unafraid
Basic Moves Spout Lore
When you consult your accumulated Adventuring Moves
Occasionally your character’s actions will knowledge about something, roll+INT.
trigger a move (such as Hack & Slash); On a 10+, the GM will tell you something
interesting and useful about the subject
typically this will require a roll of 2 6-sided When you settle in to rest, decide on a When you venture out into perilous or
die plus one of your ability scores. A 10+ is a relevant to your situation. On a 7-9, the GM
watch order with your allies. Then, answer unfamiliar territory, select a character to
success; a 7-9 is a partial success; you do it, will only tell you something interesting - it’s
the following: act as guide. Then, indicate the route you’d
but there’s a cost, compromise, harm, etc. A on you to make it useful. The GM might also
like to take and, if appropriate, a destination.
6- is a miss; things don’t go well and the risk ask you “How do you know this?” Tell them
Did we learn something new and Then, the guide rolls+WIS. On a 10+ you
turns out badly. the truth, now.
important about the world? arrive just fine, and they describe the most
Hack & Slash Aid or Interfere Did we overcome a notable monster or memorable part of the journey. On a 7-9, you
When attacking an enemy in melee, When you help or hinder someone, say enemy? survive the journey, but choose two:
roll+STR. how you do so and roll with that stat. On Did we loot a memorable treasure?
On a 10+, you deal your damage to the a hit, they take +1 or -2, your choice. On Someone or something has followed
enemy and avoid their attack. At your a 7-9 you also expose yourself to danger, you to your destination, ask the GM
For any “yes” answer, mark 1 XP. Finally,
option, you may choose to do +1d6 damage retribution, or cost. what it is.
when you wake after a good night’s sleep,
but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. Roll 1d4+1; the party as a whole must
heal an amount of HP equal to half of your
On a 7-9, you deal your damage to the discard that many uses of equipment
enemy and the enemy makes an attack Defend or pieces or gear. For each piece
against you. When you stand in defense of a person, Recover discarded, ask that player how it got
item, or location under attack, roll+CON. When you do nothing but rest in comfort lost or used up.
On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as and safety... It’s been a slog. it took longer than
Volley you stand in defense, when you or the thing After a day of rest you recover all your you expected and you’re all minus 1
When you take aim and shoot an enemy at you defend is attacked you may spend hold, ongoing until you Settle In.
range, roll+DEX. On a 10+, you have a clear 1 for 1, to choose an option. After three days of rest you remove one
shot - deal your damage. On a 7-9, choose On a miss, your trip is interrupted part way
debility of your choice.
one in addition to dealing your damage. Redirect an attack from the thing you by a danger, crisis, or hazard. Ask the GM to
If you’re under the care of a healer
You have to move to get the shot, defend to yourself. tell you what it is.
(magical or otherwise) you heal a
placing you in danger of the GM’s Halve the attack’s effect or damage. debility for every two days of rest
choice. Open up the attacker to an ally, giving instead.
You have to take what you can get: -1d6
that ally +1 Forward against them. TAKE WATCH
Deal your STR in damage (plus any SUPPLY When you’re on watch and something
You have to take several shots, reducing weapon or ability bonuses). When you go to buy an item, equipment or approaches the camp, roll+WIS. On a 10+,
your ammo by one. weapon, roll+CHA. On a 10+, you find what you’re able to wake the camp and prepare
Parley you’re looking for and can easily afford it. a response, everyone in the camp takes +1
Defy Danger When you have leverage on a GM On a 7-9, you’ll have to pay more or settle Forward. On a 7–9, you react just a moment
When you act despite an imminent threat, character and manipulate them, roll+CHA. for something that’s not exactly what you too late; your companions in camp are
or suffer a calamity, say what you do and Leverage is something they need or want. wanted, but close. The GM will tell you what awake but haven’t had time to prepare. They
roll... On a hit, they ask you for something and your options are. have weapons and armor but little else. On a
... +STR to employ brute force. do it if you make them a promise first. On a miss, whatever lurks outside the campfire’s
7-9, they need some concrete assurance of light has the drop on you.
... +DEX to act with speed or finesse.
your promise, right now.
... +CON to endure or hold steady. When you’re dying, you catch a glimpse of
... +INT to think fast or employ expertise. what lies beyond the Black Gates of Death’s
... +WIS to apply senses or fortitude. Discern Realities Kingdom (the GM will describe it). Then
... +CHA to use charm, subterfuge, grace. When you closely study a situation or roll+nothing.
person, roll+WIS. On a 10+, ask the GM On a 10+, you’ve cheated Death—you’re
3 questions from the list below. On a 7-9, in a bad spot but you’re still alive.
On a 10+, you do what you set out to do and
ask 1. Take +1 Forward when acting on the On a 7-9, Death himself will offer you a
the threat doesn’t come to bear. On a 7-9,
answers. bargain. Take it and stabilize or refuse
you stumble, hesitate, or flinch; the GM will
offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or What happened here recently? and pass beyond the Black Gates into
ugly choice. What is about to happen? whatever fate awaits you.
What should I be on the lookout for? On 6-, your fate is sealed. You’re
What here is useful or valuable to me? marked as Death’s own and you’ll cross
Who’s really in control here? the threshold soon. The GM will tell
What here is not as it appears? you when.