Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin - 1953 - Vol. 02 - 39
Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin - 1953 - Vol. 02 - 39
Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin - 1953 - Vol. 02 - 39
Therefore, from the Realms of Pure Ligh t THOO� PRINTZ I PRIVATE DULLETIN
surrounded by hug7 Cbris'!1'1as Trees decorated b�
the Ji.ngelic Host 1.Il Fla.nll.l1C Ornaments of Elec t- No. 39 December 20, 1953
®nic Lightwith great Nine ..pointedStars blazing �
at the top ., I send you ., each one, My Christmas
nlessine which car ries Happiness from a Reahn. Beloved Childre n:
where there is no sorrow. It carries the Peace
that can es from Perfect Understanding; It carries How sweet are the souls of men when they come,
the vital life fran the Presence of All Life wluch voluntarily dissociating themselves fran the
is an inexhaustible FoW1tain of Fl.rune.; and it world of form, and choosine to bare their con
carries the Love and Dlessing of My Seven Sons • sciousnesses to the shafts of Light which bring
. . Truth first, and for· those willing to accept
.A Blessed and Holy Christmas be yours, and a Truth - Comfort.
New Year in which only Victory shall. be the
experience of each of your li.festreams. For the planet Earth I am the Representative
of the Holy Spirit. This great Holy Spirit is the
Blessings and Love, Mother Activity of Life, and on every planet of
Our system, as well as every planet of superior
MAHA CHOHAN systems, there is a Deinr; Who holds the same
Office as Mine; and for that planet ., the evolu- -
tion of all life expressions upon it endeavors
to externalize the Nature ·of the Ho'.cy Spirit of
the One Eternal Father.