Ethics Reviewer
Ethics Reviewer
Ethics Reviewer
7. It stops cultural conditioning. People tend to adapt 2. Bayanihan-the spirit of communal unity or effort to
their attitudes, thoughts and beliefs to the people they achieve a particular objective. People nowadays use it to
are with. This is cultural conditioning and it prevents describe an outpouring of community spirit-as people
people from having an individualistic perspective. give their all to the common good, without expecting
Cultural relativism stops this. recognition or personal gain.
3. Courtship-Serenading or harana is one of the most 1. The Filipino people are very resilient-in times of
popular forms of courtship. A serenade would require a calamities Filipinos always manage to rise above the
man to sing a love song in front of a woman’s house. challenge. Instead of wallowing, they manage to pick
Normally, he is accompanied by his male friends who themselves up and smile.
act as back-up singers. The man himself or his friend
played the instrument, usually a guitar, which provides 2. Filipinos take pride in their families-whether you are
the background music to his song. part of the immediate family or you belong to the third
or fourth generation, you are treated as family member.
4. Religion-the Filipino’s habit of going to church reflects Sometimes even the closest of friends are considered
that we have a deep faith and belief when it comes to family too.
religion. Filipinos believe that having a devotion may
lead to a better life and their guidance to face everyday 3. Filipinos are very religious-in all corners of their
life. house, you can find brazen images of crosses and other
religious paraphernalia. They go to church every Sunday,
5. Superstition-these beliefs have come from the or sometimes even twice or more in a week.
different sayings and belief of our ancestors that aim to
prevent danger from happening or to make a person 4. Filipinos are very respectful-Filipinos are taught how
refrain from doing something in particular. These beliefs to be respectful by using po and opo. They have a
are part of our culture because Filipinos believe that culture of pagmamano, which is where they raise the
there is nothing to lose if they will comply with these backs of the hand of their elders to their foreheads as a
beliefs. sign of respect.
6. Marriage and Wedding Customs-for many Filipinos, 5. Filipinos help one another-popularly known as
the eternal quality of dedication to God pervades a truly bayanihan, Filipinos are helpful without expecting
sacred marriage. It is a covenant between two who anything in return-so that undertaking their tasks and
loves each other in God and with God, whose joining responsibilities became much easier. During pandemic,
becomes an expression of the desire of each to love and this is called “community spirit.”
serve God together. 6. Filipinos value traditions and culture-they usually set
7. Death-the Philippines is the home of some unique aside a specific day for a certain celebration like
death rituals that are partly religious and mostly festivals, birthday parties, reunions, etc. And of course,
superstitious. After the death of a person a nine day every gathering is dedicated to keeping up with each
novena is held. The 40 day mourning period follows. other over sumptuous food.
After a year, a pababang luksa ends the mourning 7. Filipinos love art and architecture-Filipinos have a
period. penchant for bringing art and architecture to a whole
8. Society-the Philippines is a combined society. The new level. They love to design creatively, to think
nation is divided between Christians, Muslims, and intuitively, and have a passion for anything different and
other religious-ethno-linguistic groups between urban unique.
and rural people; between upland and lowland people, 8. Filipinos are hospitable-this trait is usually seen
and between the rich and the poor. Although different during fiestas and holidays where many Filipinos are
in many ways, Filipinos are very hospitable and give giving their best to entertain their visitors well.
respect to everybody.
9. Christmas-one of the biggest holidays in the
archipelago. We earned the distinction of celebrating Filipino Family Values
the world’s longest Christmas celebration starting with 1. Paggalang (Respect)-Filipinos are accustomed to using
the ber months and ending in January. For many the words po and opo when they are conversing with
Filipinos, the true essence of Christmas is not gift giving older people or those who are in a high role or a
but sharing this special holy day with family. prestigious member of society. It can also be shown by
10. Fiestas-every town and cities in the Philippines has a pagmamano to say goodbye and upon arrival to greet
fiesta of its own. Fiestas are held to celebrate a patron the elderly. Oftentimes you hear someone calling you
saint. It is a way to celebrate their blessings. Spanish Kuya or Ate even you are not related by blood.
influence is evident in the elaborate masks, make-up, 2. Pakikisama-getting along with people in general. This
headdresses and costumes worn by the revelers. applies to one and his or her friends, colleagues, boss
11. Living with parents-adult children living with their and even relatives. Therefore this trait usually fosters
parents are another Filipino traditions. Unlike in the US, general cooperation and performing good good or
children leave the home after finishing high school or helpful deeds, which lead to others viewing you in a
usually at the age of 18. Unlike most Filipinos continue favorable light.
living with parents until they get married and even after 3. Utang na Loob (Debt or gratitude)-means to pay you
marriage. debt with gratitude. There is usually a system of
obligation. When this value is applied, it imparts a sense
of duty and responsibility to repay and serve the favors
Characteristics of Filipino Culture done to them.
4. Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya-putting importance on 8. Gaya-gaya-imitating or copying others specially in
your family. This implies that a person will place a high mode of dressing, language, fashion, trend or even
regard on his family and prioritize that before anything haircut.
5. Hiya (Shame)-this controls the social behaviors and
interactions of a Filipino. It is the value that drives a ANCIENT SOUTHEAST ASIAN SCRIPT
Filipino to be obedient and respectful to their parents, - Brahmic scripts are a family of abugida writing
older siblings, and other authorities. systems. They are used throughout the Indian
6. Damayan-extending sympathy for people who lost subcontinent, Southeast Asia and parts of East Asia,
their loved ones or in distress. Neighbors, friends, and including Japan in the form of Siddhaṃ. They have
relatives usually gives certain amount of money as their descended from the Brahmi script of ancient India and
way way of showing sympathy. Having friends who will are used by various languages in several language
never leave you in times of trouble is one good example. families in South, East and Southeast Asia: Indo-Aryan,
Dravidian, Tibeto-Burman, Mongolic, Austroasiatic,
7. Compassionate-sympathetic to others even the Austronesian and Tai.
person is a stranger. An example of this is giving alms to
the beggars. This is observed when we hear Filipinos
saying “kawawa naman” or “nakakaawa naman.” ANCIENT FILIPINO WRITING SYSTEMS
8. Fun-loving-a trait that makes them unique that even - It is believed that there were at least 16 different types
in times of calamities and other challenges in life, they of writing systems present around the Philippines prior
always have something to be happy about and a reason to our colonization. Baybayin is just one of them, which
to celebrate. was said to be of widespread use among coastal groups
such as the Tagalog, Bisaya, Iloko, Pangasinan, Bikol, and
Pampanga around the 16th century.
Weaknesses of the Filipino Character
- In 1567, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi reported that the
1.Passivity and lack of initiative-acceptance of what Visayans have their letters and characters like those of
happens, without active response or resistance. the Malays.
2. Colonial Mentality-attitude of Filipinos who feels that - A Jesuit priest, Father Pedro Chirino in 1604 and
product from other countries are more superior than Antonio de Morga in 1609 wrote about Baybayin as
the local products. being widely known by the country’s population during
that time.
3. Kanya-kanya syndrome-a selfish, self-serving attitude
that generates a feeling of envy and competitiveness - One theory is that “Baybayin” got its name from the
towards others, particularly one’s peers who seem to word “baybay,” seashore in Tagalog or to syllabicate or
have gained some status or prestige. They demonstrate to spell. When the Spanish arrived, they studied and
the so-called crab mentality. Also evident in the used Baybayin to communicate with early Filipinos and
personal ambition and drive for power and status teach them Catholicism. This could be why Baybayin is
insensitive to the common good. arguably the most popular and heavily documented of
4. Extreme Personalism-the tendency to give personal
interpretations to actions, i.e. “take things personally.” - As Filipinos began to learn the Roman alphabet from
Personalism is also manifested in the necessity for the the Spanish, the use of Baybayin, especially in lowland
establishment of personal relationship before any areas, began to disappear. But in upland areas and
business or work relationships can be successful. remote villages that were difficult for colonizers to
reach, some scripts remained intact. There are only two
5. Extreme family centeredness-excessive concern for places left in the Philippines that have preserved their
family manifests itself in the use of one’s office and ancient syllabic scripts:
power as a means of promoting the interest of the
family like patronage, and political dynasties, and in the (1) Mindoro, where the Hanunó'o-Mangyan and the
protection of erring family members. It results in lack of Buhid-Mangyan simply call their scripts “Surat
concern for the common good. Mangyan,” and (2) Palawan, where the Tagbanua and
Pala’wan groups share a writing system they simply call
6. Lack of discipline-unmindful of one’s action is a “surat” — a word meaning “writing.”
common characteristic of Filipinos that may lead to
social disorder or chaos in the society. It may also - Ancient Philippine scripts are various writing
resulted into not following rules, law and order. A simple systems that developed and flourished in
sense of entitlement to be accommodated first even on the Philippines around 300 BCE. These scripts are
a long que is a manifestation of lack of discipline. related to other Southeast Asian systems of writing.
Since the 21st century, these scripts have simply been
7. Ningas cogon-being enthusiastic only during the start collectively referred to as "suyat" or “surat” by various
of new undertakings, but ends dismally in accomplishing Filipino cultural organizations.
- The Baybayin continued to thrive in many parts of the Southeast Asia followed the Arabic arrangement of
Philippines in the first century of Spanish Occupation. letters and its absence from all historical records.
Even before the end of the 1500’s the Spaniards were
already printing books in the Tagalog script. - Whereas in the first dictionary of the Tagalog language
written by Franciscan friar Pedro de Buenaventura and
- The first of these was the Doctrina Christiana, en published in Pila, Laguna in 1613 made mention of the
lengua española y tagala printed in 1593. The Tagalog word “Bai-bayin” referring to the indigenous script.
text was based mainly on a manuscript written by Fr.
Juan de Placencia. Friars Domingo de Nieva and Juan de
San Pedro Martyr supervised the preparation and PRE-HISPANIC WRITING TECHNIQUES
printing of the book.
- The ancient Filipinos wrote on many different
ARTIFACTS materials; leaves, tree bark and fruit rinds, but the most
common was bamboo.
- Baybayin is a syllabary writing system. Each character is
a combination of a consonant and a vowel (Cv) except
for the major vowels. There are 14 consonants: Ba, Ka,
Da (Ra), Ga, Ha, La, Ma, Na, Nga, Pa, Sa, Ta, Wa, Ya and 3
major vowels: A, E/l and O/U, a total of 17 syllabic
4. Moral values are necessary for the development of Entitative habits predispose man to acquire certain
character. nature or quality, like being healthy, being beautiful,
being intelligent, or being rich. Operative habits
predispose man to act readily towards a purpose, like
singing, dancing, playing basketball, or helping others.
The operative habit of doing well is called virtue; that of
1. The biological values, which correspond to our doing evil is vice.
survival and procreation, are the lowest. The
Virtues pertaining to mental or intellectual operation
most fundamental value in this category is self-
are called intellectual virtues; those pertaining to the
preservation, or health. The other values, such
will are moral virtues.
as food, exercise, work, pleasure, and sex, are
the means of sustaining and promoting the There are four moral virtues: prudence, justice,
physical life. fortitude, and temperance.
2. The social values corresponding to our 1. Prudence enables a person to know the best
psychological growth are the lower middle means to employ in attaining a purpose. A
values. The fundamental value in this category is prudent person weighs the pros and cons of a
love which is the foundation of friendship, situation and acts with reasonable caution.
marriage, family, or community.
2. Justice inclines a person to give to everyone education, basic health care and clean water a reality for
what is due. A just person pays his legal debts, all.
honors his elders, observes the laws of society,
and worships God. - However, globalization has brought nations closer
together in the sense that they are all affected by each
3. Fortitude gives a person the strength of the will other's actions, but not in the sense that they all share
to face dangers and the problems in life. A the benefits and the burdens. Instead, some nations
person of fortitude is not easily discouraged and have allowed it to drive other nations further apart,
is ready to stand by what is right. increasing the disparities in wealth and power both
between societies and within them.
4. Temperance moderates a person's instincts and
emotions. A temperate person is not given to
inordinate anger, jealousy, desire, or love.
The function of most of these basic values is to make it
INTELLECTUAL VIRTUES possible for every human to realize or maintain the very
highest or most basic universal core values of life, love
There are four intellectual virtues: understanding, and happiness. Hereunder are some of the basic
science, art, and wisdom. universal human values:
1. Understanding is the habit or intuition of the 1. Happiness - In the ancient past the founders of the
first principles, such as "the whole is greater big religions in the world have already taught about the
than the sum of any of its parts", or that "doing reward for a religious life by an afterlife in Paradise,
well is better than doing bad". This is also called Heaven, or Nirvana etc., to enjoy there an ultimate and
common sense. eternal happiness. And from this we can understand
2. Science is the habit of proximate causes, why that in fact eternal happiness is the ultimate value of all
things are such because of their nature or religious people. For nobody would like to go to any dull
natural properties. Thus, we have the different or miserable Paradise or so.
sciences on different field of studies. 2. Peace - Peace has to be seen as a basic condition for
3. Art is the habit of making beautiful things, such freedom and happiness; for without peace there cannot
as in literature, in architecture, and in the fine be real freedom. Wherever there is fight, threat or
arts. hostility, our freedom and happiness are inhibited or
totally prevented.
4. Wisdom is the habit of the ultimate causes,
such as the interdependence of created things 3. Love - Love in a general sense can be best defined as
in the eco-system; or how the negative feelings, or an experience of deep connectedness or
emotions of man - like hatred, anger, or oneness with any other human being, any animal, plant,
sadness- are not signs of weakness but are tree, thing, or unnamable. Love can also be experienced
natural instincts for self-preservation and as something far beyond any comprehension, and
growth. totally indescribable. Love may happen to us when we
are able to be open to the beauty and nature of other
people, or to the beauty and mystery of nature in
UN CHARTER ON UNIVERSAL VALUES general, or even beautiful things. Hence the importance
of a human-friendly mentality, which contains an
- The values enshrined in the United Nations (UN) attitude of openness to the basically loving nature of
Charter, respect for fundamental human rights, social others, and the state of openness out of human-
justice and human dignity, and respect for the equal friendliness.
rights of men and women, serves as overarching values
to which suppliers of goods and services to the UN are 4. Freedom - Freedom means the experience of
expected to adhere. unrestricted, and to be as much as possible
independent of the social pressure of others. A basic
- In a speech at Tubingen University in Germany, UN condition for happiness is however the experience of an
Secretary General Kofi Annan emphasized that inner, or mental freedom; freedom from all kinds of
PROGRESS, EQUAL RIGHTS, HUMAN DIGNITY, are stress, worry, anxiety, problems, obligations and fears,
acutely needed in this age of globalization. often directly or indirectly caused by the respectless
egocentric or power-oriented mentality of many others
- Annan further stated that three years ago, in the
in our society.
Millennium Declaration, all states reaffirmed certain
fundamental values as being "essential to international For many people in the world it would be much easier
relations in the twenty-first century": freedom, equality, to attain happiness if others in their society would show
solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature, and shared a little more respect for the value of freedom of all
responsibility. They adopted practical, achievable targets other people in that society.
- the Millennium Development Goals - for relieving the
blight of extreme poverty and making such rights as
For basically an outer freedom from dominance, Every individual has the right to claim equal liberties
repression, burden, obligations and duties creates also with others and when the state authority can ensure
an inner freedom from problems of worry, stress, and this, it will be assumed that justice will no longer be far
fears. And this shows also a huge responsibility for away. The state must see that in regard to the allotment
politicians and all other people in power, and it asks for of rights and liberties the principle of equality has been
their integrity, empathy, and respect, for freedom is for most scrupulously observed. If equality is violated,
any human a basic condition for happiness, one of our justice will not be achieved. Justice is always hand in
very highest human values. glove with equality. In a state, all the opportunities and
position shall be opened to all. There shall be no place
5. Safety - Safety means free of threat, fear and survival- of discrimination.
stress. Without safety, people tend to live out of their
individual survival instinct, and long term insecurity 9. Justice - It is the proper administration of the law; the
creates an egocentric survival-mentality. Without safety, fair and equitable treatment of all individuals under the
people in a society are burdened by emotional fear, law. In general justice is needed to realize and maintain
helplessness, and anxiety. our highest human values of freedom, peace, life, love
and happiness; and injustice can prevent or inhibit these
6. Intelligence - Intelligence has been defined in many highest human values.
different ways to include the capacity for logic,
understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional 10. Nature- Understanding our physical dependence of
knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, and problem nature, and our awareness of being part of it are
solving. It can be more generally described as the ability needed to see the basic value of nature. Man is part of
to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as nature, and our very human existence is dependent of
knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors nature and its ecology. And hence our highest human
within an environment or context. values of life itself and freedom, safety, peace, love and
happiness can only be realized in harmony with nature.
A tremendous challenge to our human intelligence is
our ability to cooperate on a global scale, to avoid 11. Health - World Health Organization (WHO) defined
catastrophic global developments, like climate change, health as being "a state of complete physical, mental,
population growth, the ecology problem, and the and social well-being and not merely the absence of
nuclear (war) problem. These problems of humanity disease or infirmity". In 1986 WHO also said that health
show the urgent need for a "global intelligence", and is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of
the very basic value of human intelligence on a global living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social
scale. and personal resources, as well as physical capacities."
Also there is a term known as mental health and it
7. Human respect - The most basic principle of any describes either a level of cognitive or emotional well-
social community is feelings of connectedness which being or an absence of a mental disorder.
come out of our perception, empathy and awareness
that the other human is basically as we are ourselves.
This creates trust and a friendly attitude towards the
other. Out of this empathy and the awareness that the THE HUMAN DIGNITY
other is basically as we are ourselves and the resulting - The English word dignity comes from the Latin word,
feelings of connectedness we feel a natural and dignitas, which means "worthiness." Dignity implies that
spontaneous respect for the other. Natural and each person is worthy of honor and respect for who
spontaneous human respect can only be earned by they are, not just for what they can do. In other words,
integrity, veracity and truly social behavior. Not by just human dignity cannot be earned and cannot be taken
some impressing or over acting behavior. True respect is away. It's an inalienable gift given to us by God, and
a spontaneous phenomenon, which comes basically out every other good thing in life depends on the
of the understanding that deep down the other person safeguarding of our fundamental dignity.
is the same as we are ourselves.
As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
8. Equality - Equality originates from aqualis, aquus and puts it, "recognition of the inherent dignity...of all
aequalitas. These are all old French or Latin words. members of the human family is the foundation of
These French /Latin words mean even, level and equal. freedom, justice and peace in the world." Dignity is the
Thus the meaning of the word 'equality used in political right of a person to be valued and respected for their
science corresponds to the meaning from which it own sake, and to be treated ethically.
Human dignity originates from God and is of
Every person has certain claims to equality. There are God because we are made in God's own image and
two very important forms of legal or formal, equality. likeness. Human life is sacred because the human
One is equality before law and equal protection of law. person is the most central and clearest reflection of God
What is to be noted here is that the legal member of the among us. Human beings have transcendent worth and
legal association can legitimately claim that all the value that comes from God; this dignity is not based on
citizens must be treated equally by law and no any human quality, legal mandate, or individual merit or
discrimination is to be allowed. accomplishment. Human dignity is inalienable - that
means it is an essential part of every human being and is
an intrinsic quality that can never be separated from 3. Build a solid reputation. People with character
other essential aspects of the human person. command a rock-solid reputation. This helps them
attract exciting opportunities "like a magnet."
Human beings are qualitatively different from
any other living being in the world because they are 4. Reduce anxiety. People with character carry less
capable of knowing and loving God, unlike any other baggage. They're comfortable within their own skin, and
creature. Belief in the dignity of the human person is the they accept responsibility for their actions. They never
foundation of morality. have to play games, waste precious time keeping their
stories straight, or invent excuses to cover their behind.
5. Increase leadership effectiveness. Leaders with
WHAT IS MORAL CHARACTER? character are highly effective. They have no need to pull
Moral character or character is an evaluation of rank or resort to command and control to get results.
an individual's stable moral qualities. The concept of Instead, they're effective because they're
character can imply a variety of attributes including the knowledgeable, admired, trusted, and respected. This
existence or lack of virtues such as empathy, courage, helps them secure buy-in automatically, without
fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, or of good behaviors or requiring egregious rules or strong oversight designed to
habits. Moral character primarily refers to the force compliance.
assemblage of qualities that distinguish one individual 6. Build confidence. People with character don't worry
from another--although on a cultural level, the set of about embarrassment if their actions are publicly
moral behaviors to which a social group adheres can be disclosed. This alleviates the need for damage control or
said to unite and define it culturally as distinct from the fear of potential disgrace as a result of indiscretions.
others. Psychologist Lawrence Pervin defines moral
character as "a disposition to express behavior in 7. Become a positive role model. People with character
consistent patterns of functions across a range of set the standard for excellence. They live their life as an
situations" (Timpe, 2008). open book, teaching others important life lessons
through their words and their deeds.
A moral character is defined as an idea in which
one is unique and can be distinguished from others. 8. Live a purpose-driven life. People with character live
Perhaps it can assemble qualities and traits that are a life they can be proud of. They're driven to make a
different from various individuals. It implies to how difference and to do right by others rather than trying to
individuals act, or how they express themselves. In impress others with extravagance.
another words, it is "human excellence," or unique
thoughts of a character. When the concept of virtue is 9. Build a strong business. Doing the right thing is good
spoken, this would emphasize the distinctiveness or business. Everything else being equal, talented people
specialty, but it all involves the combination of qualities would rather work for - and customers would rather buy
that make an individual the way he or she is. from - companies that do right by their people,
customers, and communities. While unprincipled
Based on this definition, the insight of a moral character business tactics may provide short-term results, it's NOT
can be viewed differently. Although these philosophers a long-term strategy. Although you may not be able to
diverge with their arguments, they in some sense have quantify the benefits of being a good person, there's
similarities. These similarities will show how the matter great truth in the saying, 'good people finish first."
of a character is important and crucial to the human Strong moral character is like a boomerang that causes
nature. good things to find their way back to you. So promise
yourself to be true to yourself and do what's right, even
when nobody is looking - - Character matters.
When you have strong moral character, you'll be
judged by who you are rather than who you pretend to - If you believe developing your character is an endeavor
be. Below are some of the consequences of having a you want to pursue, here are some steps to show you
strong moral character (Sonnenberg, 2016): how:
1. Achieve peace of mind. People with character sleep 1. Define your core values - Know what is most
well at night. They take great pride in knowing that their important to you by determining your values for your
intentions and actions are honorable. People with professional and personal life. These are the principles
character also stay true to their beliefs, do right by that are the foundation for our priorities, choices,
others, and always take the high ground. actions, and behaviors.
2.. People with character enjoy meaningful relationships 2. Practice the habits - Pick one or two of the traits of
Strengthen trust based on openness, honesty, and good character to practice for several weeks. Write
mutual respect. When you have good moral character, down the actions you want to take or the behaviors you
people know that your behavior is reliable, your heart is define that reflect this trait, and implement them in
in the right place, and your word is good as gold. your daily life and interactions. Wear a rubber band on
your wrist or create other reminders to help you 2. Honesty- Honesty is more than telling the truth.
practice. Its living the truth. It is being straightforward
and trustworthy in all of your interactions,
3. Find people with character - Surround yourself with relationships, and thoughts. Being honest
people who reflect the character traits you want to requires self-honesty and authenticity.
embrace. They will inspire and motivate you to build
these traits in yourself. Try to avoid people who have a 3. Loyalty - Loyalty is faithfulness and devotion to
weak character and make bad decisions. your loved ones, your friends, and anyone with
whom you have a trusted relationship. Loyalty
4. Take some risks - Start taking small actions toward a can also extend to your employer, the
goal or value that involve some level of risk. When you organizations you belong to, your community,
face the possibility of failure and challenge yourself and your country.
toward success, you become mentally and emotionally
stronger and more committed to your principles. 4. Respectfulness - You treat yourself and others
with courtesy, kindness, deference, dignity, and
5. Stretch yourself - Create high standards and big goals civility. You offer basic respect as a sign of your
for yourself. Expect the best of yourself and constantly value for the worth of all people and your ability
work toward that, even though you will have setbacks to accept the inherent flaws we all possess.
and occasional failures. Every stretch builds your
confidence and knowledge that your character is getting 5. Responsibility - You accept personal, relational,
stronger. career, community, and societal obligations
even when they are difficult or uncomfortable.
6. Commit to self-improvement - Realize that building You follow your behavior and choices. through
your character is a lifelong endeavor. It is something on commitments and proactively create or
that is practiced both in the minutiae and the defining accept accountability for your behavior and
moments of your life. There will be times you step up to choices.
the character traits you embrace and other times you
falter. By remaining committed to personal growth and 6. Humility - You have a confident yet modest
learning about yourself, your character will naturally opinion of your own self-importance. You don't
improve, even though the failures. see yourself as "too good" for other people or
situations. You have a learning and growth
mindset and the desire to express and
SOME GOOD CHARACTER TRAITS TO PRACTICE experience gratitude for what vou have, rather
than expecting you deserve more.
1. Attract the trust and respect of other people.
7. Compassion - You feel deep sympathy and pity
2. Allows you to influence others. for the suffering and misfortune of others, and
3. Changes your perspective about failure. you have a desire to do something to alleviate
their suffering. 8. Fairness - Using discernment,
4. Sustains you through difficult times or compassion, and integrity, you strive to make
opposition. decisions and take actions based on what you
consider the ultimate best course or outcome
5. Improves your self-esteem, self-respect, and
for all involved.
8. Fairness - Using discernment, compassion, and
6. Creates a foundation for happy, healthy
integrity, you strive to make decisions and take
actions based on what you consider the
7. Helps you stay committed to your values and ultimate best course or outcome for all involved.
9. Forgiveness- You make conscious, intentional
8. Improves your chance of success in work and decisions to let go of resentment and anger
other endeavors. toward someone for an offense - whether or not
forgiveness is sought by the offender.
Forgiveness may or may not include pardoning,
CHARACTER TRAITS THAT IMPACT ONE’S HAPPINESS restoration, or reconciliation. It extends both to
others and to one's self.
Good character consists of defining your values and
integrity based on time-tested principles and self- 10. Authenticity - You are able to be vour real and
reflection and having the courage to live your life true self, without pretension, posturing, or
accordingly. insincerity. You are capable of showing
appropriate vulnerability and self-awareness.
1. Integrity - Integrity is having strong moral
principles and core values and then conducting 11. Courageousness - In spite of fear of danger,
your life with those as your guide. When you discomfort, or pain, you have the mental
have integrity, you main your adherence to it fortitude to carry on with a commitment, plan,
whether or not other people are watching. or decision, knowing it is the right or best
course of action. 12. Generosity - You are willing
to offer your time, energy, efforts, emotions,
words, or assets without the expectation of
something in return. You offer these freely and
often joyously.
12. Generosity - You are willing to offer your time,
energy, efforts, emotions, words, or assets
without the expectation of something in return.
You offer these freely and often joyously.
13. Perseverance - Perseverance is the steadfast
persistence and determination to continue on
with a course of action, belief, or purpose, even
if it's difficult or uncomfortable in order to reach
a higher goal or outcome.
14. Politeness - You are knowledgeable of basic
good manners, common courtesies, and
etiquette, and are willing to apply those to all
people you encounter. You desire to learn the
skills of politeness in order to enhance your
relationships and self-esteem.
15. Kindness -Kindness is an attitude of being
considerate, helpful, and benevolent to others.
It is motivated by a positive disposition and the
desire for warm and pleasant interactions.
16. Lovingness - The ability to be loving toward
those you love means showing them through
your words, actions, and expressions how
deeply you care about them. It includes the
willingness to be open and vulnerable.
17. Optimism - Optimism is a serise of hopefulness
and confidence about the future. It involves a
positive mental attitude in which you interpret
life events, people, and situations in a promising
18. Reliability - You can be consistently depended
upon to follow through on your commitments,
actions, and decisions. You do what you say you
will do.
19. Conscientiousness - You have the desire to do
things well or to the best of your ability. You are
thorough, careful, efficient, organized, and
vigilant in your efforts, based on your own
principles or sense of what is right.
20. Self-discipline - You are able, through good
habits or willpower, to overcome your desires or
feelings in order to follow the best course of
action or to rise to your commitments or
principles. You have a strong sense of self-
control in order to reach a desired goal.