General Infos
General Infos
General Infos
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Approved by the Government of Nagaland vide
Letter No. DSE/NBSE/15-2/2011-12/433 Dated Kohima, the 10th May 2019.
The Board reserves the right to change the contents as and when necessary.
Published by : Chairman,
Nagaland Board of School Education, Kohima.
1. Introduction.................................................................................................. 1
2. Definitions.................................................................................................... 1-2
3. Chapter I
Levels of classes .......................................................................................... 3
Nomenclature, ownership, management ...................................................... 3-4
Application formats...................................................................................... 4
4. Chapter II
Criteria for granting permission to open classes IX & X ............................ 5-11
5. Chapter III
School Health Service.................................................................................. 12-13
6. Chapter IV
Staff and service conditions.......................................................................... 14-15
Fees................................................................................................................ 15
Admission of students.................................................................................... 15
Enrolment....................................................................................................... 15
Punitive actions............................................................................................. 15
7. Chapter V
School Managing Committee........................................................................ 16-18
8. Chapter VI
Powers and functions of the head of an institution ....................................... 19-21
Signing Authority.......................................................................................... 21
Duties and functions of a teacher ................................................................. 21-22
9. Chapter VII
Code of conduct of school employees........................................................... 23-24
10. Chapter VIII
Staffing pattern.............................................................................................. 25-26
Minimum qualifications for subject teachers................................................. 26-27
11. Chapter IX
Condition for Provisional Recognition of High Schools .............................. 28
Condition for Regular Recognition of Schools ............................................. 29
Conditions for opening Classes XI & XII .................................................... 29-30
Refusal of Provisional Recognition/Regular Recognition............................. 30
Inspection fee................................................................................................ 30
Withdrawal of Registration/Provisional Recognition of schools.................. 30-31
Period of withdrawal of Registration/Provisional Recognition..................... 31
12. Chapter X
Norms for opening HSLC Examination Centre ............................................ 32-34
Norms for opening HSSLC Examination Centre ......................................... 34
Withdrawal of HSSLC/HSLC Examination Centre ..................................... 34
13. Chapter XI
Special Rules.................................................................................................. 35-36
14. Chapter XII
Penalties......................................................................................................... 37-38
15. Chapter XIII
School Library............................................................................................... 39-40
Computer Laboratory..................................................................................... 40-41
Science Laboratory........................................................................................ 41-42
Mathematics Laboratory................................................................................ 42-43
16. Chapter XIV
Holidays, working days and working hours ................................................. 44
Guidelines for teaching and ministerial staff................................................. 44
17. Chapter XV
School Hostels.............................................................................................. 45
18. Chapter XVI
Affiliations..................................................................................................... 46
19. Chapter XVII
School Safety................................................................................................. 47-50
20. Chapter XVIII
Miscellaneous Regulations............................................................................ 51-54
21. Appendix
Sample of Application forms
Form No. 1 ................................................................................................... 55-57
Form No. 2..................................................................................................... 58-59
Form No. 41................................................................................................... 60-62
( ii )
1. These rules shall apply to all registered institutions of Nagaland Board of School
Education in the State of Nagaland.
3. The words denoting masculine gender in these rules shall mean and include the
feminine gender unless the context otherwise provides.
The definitions of words used in this booklet is as follows:
7. Civil Administrative Officer ─ The civil officer in charge of a district or a
9. Schools
Government School ─ School run by the Government.
Chapter I
1. Level of classes
An institution registered with the Board shall have classes from I to X/XII
Level Class
Pre-Primary A, B
Primary I to V
Upper Primary VI to VIII
Secondary IX & X
Higher Secondary XI & XII
It is expected that the age of a child shall be 6 or above 6 at the entry point for
formal education i.e. class 1. (A child of 5 years 9 months may be considered as 6 (six)
The age of a child at entry into class-1 is subject to change as per national policy
on education.
Care should be taken to ensure that a gifted / genius child is not debarred by rules
while an average child is not burdened with the desire of the parents to achieve more
than his capacity.
A society, trust or individual shall read the terms, conditions, rules and regulations
given by the Department and should be satisfied that these can be fulfilled before
applying to the appropriate authority for permission to open an institution.
The nomenclature of the intended institution shall not be the same as that of an
existing institution.
The nomenclature shall not be changed without the permission of the Directorate
of School Education.
Change of management/ownership must be intimated to the proper authority,
immediately, for approval.
A copy of the notification issued by the Directorate of School Education to the
management must be submitted to the Board.
Any change or transfer shall be effective from the beginning of the academic
year only.
For Government schools, when the Principal/Headmaster/Headmistress has
retired or been transferred, the new incumbent, shall officially inform Chairman,
NBSE/Director, SCERT after taking over the charge.
For Private schools, any change of Principal/Headmaster/Headmistress shall be
officially reported, stating the date on which the new incumbent has been asked take
charge by the School Managing Committee, to the Director, School Education,
Chairman, NBSE and Director, SCERT.
An institution shall use only one name and one address. The name of the school
used in the letterheads and seals must be the same.
An institution can start functioning only after it is accorded registration/
Permission for opening new schools and granting of recognition (both government
& private) from Pre-Primary/Primary stage, up to Upper Primary stage shall be done by
the Directorate of School Education, Nagaland, Kohima.
Upgradation to Secondary/Higher Secondary level for government schools will
also be done by the Department of School Education, Nagaland, Kohima.
Permission and recognition for Secondary/Higher Secondary level for private
schools shall be done by the Chairman/Secretary Nagaland Board of School Education,
Permission and recognition are not given simultaneously. Recognition is given
after the authority is satisfied that the institution has fulfilled the terms and conditions,
laid down by the Department of Education and NBSE, and is running the institution
3. Application Formats
The following are the application forms available for upgradation and recognition:
Chapter II
The applicant must ensure that the following norms/criteria are fulfilled:
1. Submission of application
Application seeking permission for upgrading Class IX & X, in a phased
manner shall be submitted to the Chairman/Secretary, NBSE within the time
specified by the Board, along with the inspection fee as prescribed. The fee
deposited will not be refunded or adjusted irrespective of the grounds on which the
application has been rejected.
Schools shall apply in the prescribed form.
2. Period of validity
An application submitted shall be valid for 1(one) calendar year only. In
case, the permission is not granted, the proposer shall have to resubmit the
3. Financial resources
(i) Government institutions:
The Government shall aid the institutions which are set up by it. It shall
ensure that these institutions are maintained properly and have appropriate
(ii) Private institutions:
To guarantee its continued existence, a private school must have sufficient
financial resources. It should have a good source of income to meet the expenses of
the school so as to maintain a reasonable standard of efficiency to pay the teachers
and staff salaries, regularly.
As a proof of its financial stability, the management shall have a fixed
deposit of ` 4,00,000 (Rupees four lakhs). The fixed deposit shall be renewed
The accounts of a private school should be audited and proper account
statement to be prepared. This statement should be kept ready for inspection and
Private schools shall not ask for any financial or any other aid from the
government nor ask the government to take over the institution.
(ii) Site
An institution must be situated on a site which fulfills the following conditions:
(a) The land must be owned by the institution and should be free from any
(b) It cannot be on a leased land.
(c) It must have an approach road.
(d) There must be enough space for the school building and an open space for a
play ground.
(e) There should be enough land for expansion if the institution desires to upgrade
to higher level.
(f) The institution shall be housed in buildings within 1(one) campus only. A
school shall NOT operate from two different locations.
(g) It should be situated in a hygienic and clean area which is free from noise
pollution and/or any other factors which are detrimental (not conducive) to
academic learning.
(h) It must be situated at least 200 meters away from a State or a National
highway or industries. If it is less than 200 metres away from a highway or
industry, proper fencing with gates shall be mandatory for the safety of the
(i) It must not disturb the public conveyance/traffic.
(j) There should be no thoroughfare or public passage through any part of the
school premises.
The site shall not be changed without prior permission from the Director of
School Education/Board, Nagaland. If there are plans to change the site/location of
an institution, the matter should be immediately brought to the notice of the Board.
(iii) Building
(a) The building or other structures in which the school is housed shall belong to
the Proprietor of the School/Society/Trust. It shall not be housed in a
rented/leased building;
(b) It cannot have thatched roofing nor should it be made of bamboo or any
inflammable materials,
(c) The buildings must be RCC or Assam type or semi pucca structure with CGI
sheet or RCC roofing,
(d) The surroundings, furniture and equipments must be adequate and suitable for
an educational institution. No other businesses in any part of the building or
within the premises shall be allowed. The land in which the school is run shall
be separated from any business premises.
(e) The arrangements in the building or other structure and in the furnishings
thereof should meet adequately the requirements of health and hygiene;
(f) Except for the purpose of residence of employees of the school, the school
buildings or other structures or the school grounds, are not to be used for any
commercial or residential purposes, during day or night
(g) There should be sufficient accommodation for the classes applied for.
(h) The school shall provide facilities for the differently-abled children: such as
ramps, railing, at least one toilet (on the ground floor) etc.
(i) The corridors and the stairs should not be narrow. The minimum width should
be at least 5 feet.
5. Rooms
(i) Classrooms
The size of the classrooms must be 6m x 5m. Each classroom should have the
following requirements:
(a) Every classroom should have 2(two) doors/exit. The entry to the classrooms
should not be through another classroom.
(b) The classrooms should be spacious, well ventilated, and well lighted. It should
not be dependent on artificial light (electricity) during the day time. The
classroom interiors should be white/light coloured.
(c) There should be verandahs attached to classrooms, with proper ventilation.
(d) The windows should be broad with the bottom sill at a height of 2'6'' from the
floor and should be placed on opposite walls for cross ventilation. Doors and
windows combined should form 25 % of the floor space.
(e) Proper sitting arrangements should be made, in such a manner that no child
faces any difficulty, due to reflection of the board (black/white/green),
(f) Class rooms should have enough space for the teacher and the children to
move comfortably.
(g) Classrooms should have facilities such as lockers, cupboards/shelves to store
the student books.
(ii) The school should have provisions for the following additional rooms:
(a) Head of Institution
(b) Office room
(c) Library room
(d) Computer room
(e) Science/Mathematics laboratory
(f) Teachers’ common room.
(h) The institution shall also provide sanitary facilities such as separate toilets for
the teaching staff and students. There should be separate toilets for boys and
girls in proportion to the number of students. The toilets must be hygienically
(i) The schools should have rooms for co-scholastic/co-curricular activities or one
multipurpose hall for activities like music, dance, arts and sports.
(iii) Electricity
There should be arrangement for constant supply of electricity in the institution.
6. Furnishing
7. Facilities
ii. Health and Safety:
(a) Safe drinking water should be made available for the staff and students. The
school shall abide by the norms laid out by the Municipal Authority/Town
Committee/village council regarding drinking water and sanitary conditions in
the school. A certificate from the municipal town committee/village council
regarding drinking water and sanitary conditions shall be submitted along with
the application. A fresh certificate regarding the fulfillment of these
requirements should be submitted to the Board every five years. The format of
the certificate is given in Appendix 1.
(b) Suitable facilities/space must be provided to enable the students to take
refreshments/lunch etc.
(c) The school shall abide by the norms prescribed by the Fire and Transport
Authority regarding Fire/Transport safety.
(d) Separate toilets/urinals should be made available for boys and girls. Water
should also be provided in the toilets.
v. Medical:
The institution must have first-aid facility and ensure that atleast one medical
check-ups is given to the students in a year. The institution should have prior
arrangements with medical personnel to tackle any emergency during school hours.
vi. Library:
The institution must have a well-equipped library with internet facilities to
supplement class room instruction and to provide resource material for teacher's
professional growth.
(a) The library must have at least 800 books and 1300 books respectively for
secondary and higher secondary school, other than the ones prescribed in the
(b) The books should include encyclopedias, reference books, e-books, literatures,
etc. The selection of the books should be made in consultation with the subject
(c) The school should subscribe to newspapers, periodicals, and magazines and
keep them in the library for the students and staff to update themselves, and
remain informed about the latest events and trends in education.
(d) Proper facilities must be made available for teachers and students in the library
vii. For physical education, the school must have the necessary facilities such as:
(a) Open space for the children to play.
(b) Adequate playing area for volleyball, badminton, etc.
(c) A football ground of its own or a nearby football ground which can be used by
the school.
(d) Games and sports material.
8. Academic standard
(iii) Evaluation:
The students are to be continuously and comprehensively evaluated.
Evaluation is goal oriented and the educational outcomes are judged in terms of
its goal attainment. The scope of evaluation extends to almost all the areas of learner’s
personality development. It includes both scholastic and co-scholastic areas which are
comprehensive in nature. Evaluation is a continuous process which reveals the strength
and weaknesses of learners regularly.
Evaluation should be viewed as a component of curriculum with the twin
purposes of effective delivery and further improvement in the teaching learning process.
When evaluation is subsumed into teaching–learning, it enhances diagnosis, re--
mediation and learning. Thus, students are to be continuously and comprehensively
evaluated, based on the guidelines, instruction and syllabus of the Board.
(iv) Maintenance of Achievement Records:
In order to ensure regularity of assessment, diagnosis of learning gaps, and
feedback of evidence to teachers for their self evaluation, all records of the child’s
learning are to be recorded properly in a bound register which will be subject to
inspection from time to time.
Accordingly, promotion to the next higher class shall be based on the evaluation
done and also on the pass or qualifying criteria laid down by the Board from time to
Chapter III
It is a comprehensive care of the health and well being of children throughout the
school years which ultimately raises the community health and in short - the future
generation and not merely medical examinations.
While the health problems of school children may vary from place to place, the common
health problems are:
i. Infectious diseases like measles and chicken pox.
ii. Intestinal parasites like worm infestation.
iii. Malnutrition especially in the rural areas.
iv. Skin Diseases like scabies.
v. Dental caries.
vi. Eye and ear infection.
2. Medical Examination:
Medical examination of children should be done at the time of entry and thereafter
periodically. Special care should be taken for vision, hearing and speech. Teachers play
a very important role as they are in daily contact with the children and can detect any
change in the child viz. rash or spots, flushed face, symptoms of acute cold, coughing
and sneezing, vomiting, diarrhoea, red watery eyes, skin infections, etc. Teachers can
help in the early detection for early diagnosis and treatment.
4. Health Education:
ii. Environmental Health:
(a) School should observe important days – World Environment Day, World
AIDS Day, Earth Day, Swachh Bharat Mission Day, and conduct cleanliness
and sanitation programmes, etc.
(b) Taking part in health activities, keeping the classroom/environment clean, not
littering the school compound, etc. are values that must be inculcated in the
5. Behavioral problems:
The above problems are only indicative and may change from time to time.
The school shall treat such cases with compassion and all possible help and
guidance should be extended.
The institution must ensure that not only the academic aspect of a child is
considered but the well being of the child too is looked into.
Chapter IV
i. S/He shall stipulate/set the retirement age of an employee which shall be, as far as
possible consonant with that of the government schools.
ii. S/He shall follow the principle of equal salary for equal works as directed in the
directive principles of State Policy.
iii. S/He shall follow the minimum rate of salary as notified by the Competent
Authority from time to time.
iv. S/He shall not take direct action against a teacher without taking the head of the
institution into confidence. In taking action against a teacher, it shall take into
account the confidential record of a teacher.
v. S/He shall exercise the right to appoint a teacher or a non-teaching employee on a
probationary period of 3 to 6 months which may be confirmed at the end of the
specified period, provided the probationer has been evaluated as “satisfactory”.
vi. S/He shall have the power to terminate the service of an employee who is appointed
during or at the end of probationary period in accordance with the terms of the
appointment if the probationer is found unsatisfactory.
vii. S/He shall have the right to dismiss an employee appointed on temporary basis
without serving a show cause notice to the employee.
viii. S/He shall ensure that the head of the institution shall maintain a Confidential
Report of each employee. The Confidential Report shall consist of two parts.
a. The first part shall consist of a factual record of employment, salary, scale,
increments, leave records, any disciplinary action as well as factual assessment
of work done by the employee. The signature of the employee shall be
obtained for entries in the first part.
b. The second part shall consist of confidential and evaluated statements with
regard to the performance of the employee.
ix. They should abide by the rules of the Board and directives of the Government of
Nagaland issued from time to time.
x. The school should have Contributory Provident Fund and Gratuity or Pension Fund
as retirement benefits.
xi. Every school should organize at least a minimum of three days full time Training
Programme/Refresher Course to its entire teaching staff at least once in a year. The
school shall earmark adequate fund to conduct the training programmes or refresher
xii. S/He shall appoint adequate teaching staff possessing the requisite qualification as
laid down for various posts/subject teachers by the Board.
xiii. The Management of the school shall not retain the original documents/ certificates
of the teachers and other employees of the school with them, the original
documents/certificates taken for verification shall be returned once it is verified.
Photostat copies may be obtained from the employees and kept in their personal
xiv. The management of every registered institution shall constitute a School Managing
2. Fees:
Fees charged should be commensurate with the facilities provided by the
institutions. The school should not subject any child to voluntary donations for gaining
admissions in the school or for any other purpose. In case the student leaves the school
for reasons such as transfer of parents, health concerns or in case of death of the student
before completion of the session, the school should assess the fees proportionately and
refund the fees. The schools should consult parents through parent representatives before
revising the fees. The fees should not be revised during the mid-session.
3. Admission of students:
Admission to the school shall be made without any distinction of religion/
disability/race/caste/tribe, creed, and place of birth, etc. Schools should not deny
admission to children with special needs. The school shall maintain all relevant records
of the students applied and admitted in the school annually and shall follow the
guidelines/instructions issued by the State from time to time.
4. Enrolment:
To ensure adequate academic input, the number of students in any section of a class
should be limited to a maximum of 40(forty) students. Thus the Teacher-Students ratio
shall not exceed 1:40.
5. Punitive actions:
i. The Competent Authority shall have the right to depute a competent person to
audit the accounts of an institution run by the Public, Society, Trust or Individual,
in case of complaint lodged against it.
ii. Director of School Education and Chairman of NBSE, shall have the power to
dissolve the existing Managing Committee if and when it is reported that the
committee has failed to discharge its duties for which it is constituted.
iii. Action shall be taken by the Competent Authority if there is evidence that the
institution has not complied with the rules and regulations, laid down by it.
iv. Exemplary and appropriate action shall be taken against an institution if and when
there is proof that it is indulging in indoctrination of the students with a particular
ideology or “ism” that preaches a violent cult or communal hatred, etc.
v. Action shall be taken against it, if it is found and proved that it is giving
protection to a student or students who had been caught red-handed resorting to
malpractices during the examinations, with evidence, by putting pressure on the
head of the institution or by not allowing him to discharge his normal duties.
Chapter V
The committee for private institution shall consist of the following members:
i. One Educationist or Patron of the school : Chairman Ex-Officio
ii. Principal/Headmaster/Headmistress : Secretary Members
iii. One Officer from School Education Department : Member
iv. One parent/guardian representative : Member
v. One teacher representative : Member
vi. Three or more other persons according
to the needs of the school : Co-opted Members
The number of the committee members should not be less than 7 and not more than
12 having equal representation from the above mentioned persons of which at least half
should be women/men.
2. Qualification
4. Co-opted Members
i. A co-opted member who has been nominated for a full term will have voting right,
ii. A co-opted member who has been nominated only for a specific meeting shall not
cast any vote.
i. The term of the School Managing Committee members shall be 3(three) years. A
member can be re-nominated for another term but no member shall serve for two
consecutive terms except the Ex-Officio members.
ii. The teacher representative shall be elected by and from among the teachers.
iii. The parent/guardian representative shall be elected/selected at the parents-teachers
iv. In case of vacancies or when the term of a member expires, the secretary shall
intimate the competent authority at least 3 months ahead with the names of new
members to reconstitute the committee.
v. A member absenting from the meeting throughout one academic year without
assigning any reason will cease to be a member. The secretary will initiate action
for replacement of the member.
vi. A member will be terminated/ceased to be a member, on any of the following
a. if he becomes insolvent,
b. if by reasons of his physical or mental disability, he becomes incapable of
acting as such,
c. on death or on resignation,
d. on his being convicted of a criminal offence which in the opinion of the
Competent Authority is of a serious nature.
vii. The Chairman/Secretary of NBSE has the power/authority to dissolve and
reconstitute any Managing Committee of private institutions at any time, if
circumstances so demand.
6. Quorum
7. Meetings
i. The Committee shall have the power to appoint teachers and other staff, grant leave
(except casual leave which may be granted by the Principal/ Headmaster/
Headmistress as per rules) and determine their service conditions.
ii. It shall undertake financial management of the school.
iii. It shall make its internal/necessary arrangements for auditing the accounts of the
school and keep it up to-date,
iv. To provide teachers' quarters and hostel buildings where and when necessary.
v. The School Managing Committee shall safeguard the autonomy of the head of the
vi. The Managing Committee shall ensure that the school co-operates in all respects
with the agencies of the School Education Department/ Board.
vii. The Managing Committee shall ensure that the school follows the annual Academic
Calendar issued by the Nagaland Board of School Education/ Directorate of School
viii. A serving employee of the institution, if he/she is a member of the committee, shall
not attend the meeting where matters relating to his/her pay, promotion or conduct
are under discussion. But it will be open to the Chairman to call him/her for making
any statement or representation on the subject being discussed.
ix. It shall be the endeavour of the School Managing Committee to find out ways and
means to improve the school infrastructure, and to bring about an overall
development of the school.
x. The Member Secretary of the School Managing Committee shall submit annual
report of the committee to the NBSE and Directorate of School Education.
The committee shall ensure that the institution is running according to the
guidelines given by the Nagaland Board of School Education and that there are no
complaints from the public.
Chapter VI
i. ensure that all provision of the General Rules, Management of Examination and
all directions given by the NBSE from time to time are strictly complied with.
ii. plan the year’s academic work in advance in consultation with his colleagues and
hold staff meetings at least once a month, review the work done during the month
and assess the progress of the students.
iii. check the lesson plans and the lessons taught by the teachers, supervise
classroom teaching and ensure that the course of studies is completed in time.
iv. arrange for special remedial classes for students who need such extra care.
v. promote the teachers professional growth and encourage the teachers to take
initiatives for self improvement.
vi. supervise : the admission process in the school, preparation of school time table,
allocation of duties and teaching loads to the teachers; and shall provide necessary
facilities to the teachers in the discharge of their duties and conduct of school
examination in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government/Board
from time to time.
vii. conduct and supervise examinations, prepare and declare results of its internal
examinations with the help of the teaching faculty as per the criteria given by the
viii. receive all fees and dues as prescribed.
ix. receive and forward the applications of candidates for the Board’s examinations.
x. distribute the Board’s certificates to the students.
xi. grant leave to its employees whenever necessary.
xii. control, supervise and co-ordinate the work of the subordinate staff.
xiii. maintain confidential reports of the staff.
xiv. convene the meetings of the school managing committee.
xv. submit the minutes of the school managing committee meetings to the
Directorate of School Education, NBSE and District Education Officer.
xvi. Organize and coordinate various co-curricular activities in the school.
xvii act as the custodial guardian of confidential documents from the Board,school
records, seals, building, library and such other properties movable or immovable,
vested in, held by or under the control of the school/department.
xviii. arrange for internal/external audit of the accounts of the school.
xix. initiate disciplinary action against students/staff prescribed by regulations.
xx. execute the decisions of the school managing committee which shall be
subjected to approval by the Director of School Education/Chairman/Secretary,
Nagaland Board of School Education as the case may be.
xxi. convene regular or special meetings of parents and teachers.
xxii. forward relevant documents i.e. mark sheets, admit cards, results, etc. to the Board
for verification or correction.
xxiii. adopt measures for physical, moral and social welfare of the students.
xxiv. suspend a student for a period not exceeding 15 days in case of misconduct.
xxv. debar student(s) from appearing at the final examinations on any ONE of the
following reasons: -
(a) There is no sign of academic improvement or deteriorating performance in
class tests and terminal examination.
(b) Gross misconduct and insubordination to school authority.
(c) Failure to attend regular or coaching classes.
(d) Non-payment of fees (school fees, examination fees etc).
(e) Indulging in anti-social activities like bullying/ragging/cyber crimes, etc.
(f) Indulging in immoral activities.
(g) Misbehavior in the school or outside the school.
xxvi. not refuse any duty assigned by the Board; nor shall refuse any duty assigned by
the Board to depute teachers in connection with the conduct of examinations,
setting/moderation of question papers, evaluation of answer scripts and any other
ancillary activity
xxvii. be the ex-officio Secretary of the School Managing Committee.
xxviii. collect necessary information/forms from the Directorate of School Education, the
NBSE, the SCERT, the District Education Office/Sub Divisional Education
Office and submit thereafter.
xxix. attend any meeting called by the Board/Department of School
xxx handle official correspondence relating to the school and furnish all required
information by the State Government or Board.
xxxi. ensure that all classes are taught by teachers qualified in the subjects concerned.
xxxii. scrutinize and verify the documents at the time of admission and transfer of
xxxiii. organize and coordinate various co-curricular activities through house systems
or in such other effective ways as he may think fit.
xxxiv. send regularly the progress reports of the students to their parents or guardians.
xxxv. create a sense of unity, punctuality, dignity of labour among the teachers so that
they can be role models for their students.
xxxvi. update himself on the latest rules issued by the School Education Department
from time to time.
xxxvii. do any such act/s as may be deemed as serious and improper by the competent
2. Signing Authority
i The head of a higher secondary school is the Principal. He is the signing authority
for higher secondary level and below.
ii. The head of a college is the Principal. He is the signing authority for the higher
secondary section attached to a college.
iii. The head of a high school is the Headmaster or Headmistress. He is the signing
authority for high school section and below.
iv. The head of the elementary section is the Head Teacher. He is the signing
authority for elementary level and below.
v. The head of the primary section is the Teacher-in-Charge. He is the signing
authority for primary level.
vi. If the institution is without a head temporarily, the senior most teacher shall sign
with written explanation for the reason but, in no case, shall the Chairman or
Board Members of Managing Committee, Secretary or Members of Village
Education Committee, or Proprietor sign on behalf of the head of the institution.
The signing authority is responsible for what is written above his signature.
Teachers are the instruments in shaping the future of the students. It is imperative,
therefore, that the teachers must possess qualities like effective teaching, patience, love,
kindness and affection. The following are the guidelines for them to be effective in their
teaching and to bring about behavioral changes in the students:
i. They should be thorough with the content of the subject which they are teaching.
ii. Lesson plans should be prepared, basing on which the classroom teaching has to be
transacted throughout the academic year.
iii. They must be prepared for taking classes with necessary notes, teaching aids, etc.
iv. Corrections of class work, home work, test, etc. must be done regularly.
v. They should continuously evaluate and assess not only the scholastic but also the
co-scholastic aspects of the students and keep a record of them.
vi. They must be familiar with the design of question paper given by the Board.
vii. They must be able to control/manage their classes and ensure that their classes do
not cause disturbance to other classes.
viii. Any form of corporal punishment which causes physical/psychological harm to the
student should be strictly avoided as this is punishable by law.
ix. The cases of students, who are irregular and those with behavioral problems, must
be reported to the head of the institution. Necessary corrective measures should be
taken for such group of students.
x. Teachers shall conduct remedial classes for the weaker students.
xi. The examination works like paper setting, moderation, evaluation, tabulation of
results, etc. should be accorded priority and be kept confidential.
xii. A teacher should endeavour to connect with his students, in a psycho-spiritual
manner, and be a friend to them.
xiii. Teachers must be willing to take part in any activity/training organized by the
xiv. Teachers shall attend meetings called by the head of the institution.
xv. A teacher may be allotted 23 to 25 classes a week.
xvi. They shall take proxy classes as and when directed by the head of the institution.
xvii. The teacher shall attend to his duties with care and commitment, be punctual in
attendance and dutiful in respect to his classroom teaching as well as to any other
work assigned to him by the head of the school or Board.
xviii The teacher shall maintain the following records:
(a) Programme of instruction and lesson plans.
(b) The attendance register of the class of which he is the class teacher.
(c) Pupil Cumulative Record/CCE Report Card of which he is the class teacher.
(d) Internal marks of subjects he is teaching.
Chapter VII
1. Every school employee including the head of the institution shall be governed by
the code of conduct. The following acts shall constitute breach of the code of
xxii. preparing or publishing any book or books commonly known as keys or guides or
assists, whether directly or indirectly, in the publication or acting as a selling
agent or canvasser for any publishing firm or trader.
xxiii. found making derogatory remarks or comments against the school authority which
may prove injurious to the reputation of the institution.
xxiv. developing intimacy with students or sexually harassing students or any school
3. The spirit of unity and cordial relationship must be developed among the teachers.
5. A teacher must utilise his social capacities to facilitate the students to work
together and to be a builder of public relationships in the larger society.
Chapter VIII
1. Staffing Pattern
A registered institution shall have the minimum required staff which is as follows:
Primary school - 4 under graduates, 2 arts graduates (1 English), 1science
Upper primary school - 3 arts graduates (1 English), 2 science graduates.
(1 PCM, 1 PCB), 4 under graduates, 1 Hindi teacher, 2
language teachers, 1 office assistant, 1 grade IV staff.
High school - Headmaster, Assistant Headmaster, 4 arts graduates
(1 English), 3 science graduates (at least 1 PCM and PCB
each for one section) 1 Hindi teacher, 2 language
teachers, 3 office assistants (1 UDA, 2 LDA-cum-
Computer Assistants), 4 grade IV staff, Chowkidars (day
& night).
Higher secondary school - Principal, Vice Principal, each subject shall have a
teacher who is a post graduate in the subject to be taught,
4 office assistants (2 UDAs, 2 LDA-cum-Computer
Assistants), 5 grade IV staff, Chowkidars (day & night).
For subjects having practicals, there shall be laboratory
N.B: The Staffing pattern will change subject to any notification issued by the
i. Except for Principal, Vice Principal, Headmaster, Assistant Headmaster, the
number of teachers is applicable for one section only.
ii. The minimum educational & professional qualifications of the Principal of a
higher secondary school shall be a trained post graduate in a secular subject which
is (to be) taught at the institution, having at least 5 years experience in teaching
and in administration.
iii. The minimum educational & professional qualifications of the Headmaster/
Headmistress of a high school shall be a trained graduate or a trained post-
graduate in a secular subject with 5 (five) years teaching and administrative
iv. The school authority shall ensure that all its teachers are professionally trained as
per the norms laid down by the School Education Department.
v. Considering the number of students, the institution shall increase the number of
teaching and ministerial staff for the smooth functioning of the school. An
examination centre school should have 1(one) additional office assistant and
1 (one) additional grade IV staff.
vi. The educational qualifications of the teachers shall be from formal and secular
background only.
vii. Institutions having pre-primary classes shall have one or more additional teacher/s
as per the enrollment of the class.
Note: In no case should a person who does not have the requisite qualification be
appointed as a teacher. E.g. a post graduate in Political Science shall not be
appointed to teach Education. If such cases come to the notice of the authority, to
safeguard the interests of the students, action shall be taken against the institution.
The Board prescribes the following minimum qualifications for Secondary School
teachers and Hr. Secondary School teachers respectively to teach the various subjects
i. Secondary level
Sl. Subject Minimum Qualification
1 English, Alt. English English Honours with B. Ed.
2 Social Sciences B.A. with B. Ed.
3 Mathematics B.Sc. Honours in Mathematics with B.Ed.
4 Science B.Sc. Honours with PCM/PCB with B.Ed.
5 Home Science Graduate with Diploma or Certificate in Home Science
with B.Ed.
6 Music Grade 5 in Music from a recognized exam board or
institute or university with at least +2 passed in the
secular stream.
7 Book Keeping and B.Com. with B.Ed with Accountancy as one of the
Accountancy subject taken.
8. Environmental B.Ed and Graduate with Environmental Education or
Education B.Sc. (Life Science) or B.Sc. (Geography).
9. Computer related B.Sc. (Computer/IT) or BCA or a graduate with
subjects DOEACC ‘A’ level or graduate with PGDCA from an
institute recognized by the AICTE/University and with
B.Ed from a recognized institute.
10. MILs Graduate in the concerned subject with B.Ed./Under
compelling circumstances, a Diploma or Certificate of
Proficiency from a recognized Literature Board or
Committee shall be considered, provided he/she is a
graduate from secular background and with B.Ed.
11. Physical & Health Graduate in Physical Education.
12. Work & Art Education Any teacher/employee who is skilled in the specified area.
13. Counselors Graduate or Post Graduate in Psychology/Child
Development/ any graduate or Post graduate with a
diploma in Career guidance and counseling.
N.B: All degrees including B.Ed. should be from UGC recognized institutes.
ii. Higher Secondary level
Sl. Subject Minimum Qualification
1 English, Alt. English, Post Graduate in concerned subject with B.Ed
Political Science, History,
Economics, Geography,
Education, Sociology,
Philosophy, Psychology,
Mathematics, Chemistry,
2 Biology Post Graduate in Botany/Zoology/Life Science with
B. Ed
3 Accountancy, Business M. Com. With B.Ed.
Studies, Entrepreneurship,
Financial Markets, Mutual
Funds, Capital Markets,
Derivative Markets
4 Fundamentals of Business M.Sc. (Mathematics)/M. Com with B.Ed.
5 Computer related subjects BE/B. Tech – Computer Science/Computer
Engineering/Information Technology/ Electronics/
Electronics Communication or equivalent Or
MCA/M.Sc. – Computer Science/Information
Technology or equivalent Or M.Sc. – Mathematics/
Physics or Statistics and 3 years Diploma in Computer
Engineering/ Information Technology from an
institution recognized by AICTE/university Or M.Sc.
– Mathematics/Physics or Statistics and PGDCA from
an institution recognized by AICTE/ university Or
‘B’level from DOEACC and with B.Ed from a
recognized institute
6 Music Graduate with Grade 8 in Music (theory or practical)
7 Environmental Education M.Sc. (Environmental Education) or M.Sc. (Life
Science) with B.Ed.
8. MILs Post Graduate in the concerned subject with B.Ed./
Under compelling circumstances, a Diploma or
Certificate of Proficiency from a recognized Literature
Board or Committee shall be considered, provided
he/she is a Post Graduate from secular background
and with B.Ed.
Note: i. The minimum qualification for the teaching staff including the head shall be
governed by the norms laid down by the appropriate authority notified from
time to time.
ii. All degrees including B.Ed. should be from UGC recognized institutes.
Chapter IX
i. After being permitted to open Class IX & X, the school should maintain the
conditions for upgrading Class IX & X for following last three years before
applying for provisional recognition.
ii. Enrolment: The school must have classes from VI to X with at least 20 (twenty)
students in each of the classes and the teacher student ratio of 1:40 must be
iii. Staff: The school must follow the staffing pattern as laid down by the Board.
iv. Examination Results: Schools with the following HSLC Examination results/pass
percentage can apply for provisional recognition. Pass percentage will be
calculated on the enrolment as on 1 st April with minimum enrolment of 20 and
i. 50% pass percentage for 3(three) consecutive years
ii. 100% pass percentage for 2(two) consecutive years.
v. Reports: The reports of the school must be submitted in time on the prescribed
forms. All information and returns called for from the school by the Board within
the provision of the rules and regulations must be furnished in time.
vi. Records: All the school records of the last 10 years must be maintained
vii. Inspection: The institution must be kept open for inspection by the officers of the
NBSE/ School Education Department.
Once a school is registered with the Board, it is kept under observation and
guidance of the Board.
viii. Evaluation: Evaluation should be done as per the rules laid down .
ix. Infrastructure: After getting permission to open Class IX and X, the school has to
show considerable improvement in physical infrastructure of the school through
construction of new classrooms, library, laboratory, etc.
2. Conditions for Regular Recognition of schools
Provisionally recognized schools seeking regular recognition must satisfy the following
terms and conditions:
i. The school must have a pass percentage of 75 or above at the HSLC Examination
for 3 (three) years consecutively basing on the enrolment as on 1st April.
ii. The school’s enrolment must have a uniform and steady number in all the classes.
The teacher - student ratio of 1:40 should be followed.
iii. It must have a sound and stable school administration.
iv. It must have good infrastructure having the following facilities:
a. separate well equipped science and mathematics laboratory
b. computer laboratory with a minimum of 20(twenty) computer sets
c. multi purpose hall
d. well equipped library with not less than 1000 books and online connectivity
v. It must have proper facilities for transacting scholastic and co-scholastic activities.
vi. There must be scope for further expansion or development of the school.
vii. The school records must show improvement over the years in all its activities.
viii. The school must have extended its co-operation with the Board especially in
connection with examination and academic matters.
For government higher secondary schools the level of classes shall be as
per government order. For private higher secondary school the level of classes
shall be from classes A to XII.
ix. Land : The land area of the school must be as per the Board’s laid down criteria
i.e. 1(one) Acre.
5. Inspection Fee
Permission to run Class IX and X shall be withdrawn from a private school for
any of the following:
i. The school does not comply with the rules and regulations of the Board.
ii. The enrolment is below 20 students in each class from classes VI to X for
3(three) consecutive years.
iii. It shows nil pass percentage at the Board’s examinations for 3 consecutive
iv. It shows less than 30 % pass percentage at the Board’s examinations for 5
consecutive years as per the enrolment as on 1 st April.
v. It did not present candidates at the HSLC Examination for 2 (two)
consecutive years.
vi. There are cases of irregularities in admission, examination and financial
matters of the school.
vii. The discipline and management of the school is not satisfactory.
viii. The school does not co-operate with the Board/School Education
Department in matters of examinations, curriculum development and co-
scholastic activities.
Provisional recognition shall be withdrawn from a private school for the following
reasons in addition to the above-mentioned reasons:
Chapter X
The Board reserves the right to create a centre as and when the Board feels it
necessary for a particular area/locality in view of examination / administrative
2. Written Assurance
The Board may also consider opening a new centre provided the proposed centre
is far off from the existing centre or faces practical problems at the existing centre.
Having fulfilled the norms, written assurances from the following persons must be
submitted to the Secretary/Chairman NBSE:
i. Civil Administrative officer of the area concerned for smooth and safe
conduct of the examination.
ii. The new centre must produce written assurance from the concerned
Treasury/ Bank stating that they would act as the custodian of the Board’s
confidential papers.
iii. Public leaders of the area assuring their full co-operation for the smooth
conduct of the examination.
iv. The heads of registered high schools intending to come under the new
centre assuring their full co-operation for the conduct of the examination.
v. The apex student body leaders of the area assuring that the students
shall not indulge in mal-practices before/during/after the examination.
i. Centre
The school to be made a Centre for examination must fulfill the
following conditions:
a. It must be a school recognised by the Board.
b. The school must have a good administrative set up.
c. It must have a permanent building with proper fencing free from outside
d. The school must have adequate number of standard-size rooms, with desks
and benches, and with proper ventilation and lighting.
e. Drinking water, first aid facility, sanitary arrangement etc. must be available
within the premises of the school.
f. It must have a compound vast enough to be cordoned off during examination
hours. It must also be free from noise and other sounds of disturbance.
iii. Treasury
There must be a Government Treasury within a reasonable distance for
depositing all the confidential documents relating to the examination.
In case there is no Treasury, there must be a branch of a Scheduled Bank.
The Branch Manager who will act as the custodian of the Board’s confidential
papers, must give a written undertaking, stating therein that he is ready to
undertake this added responsibility.
v. Civil Administration
The centre shall be located at the administrative headquarters
under the administrative officer not below the rank of Additional Deputy
Commissioner, who shall be the chairman of the local examination centre
viii. Hospital/Dispensary
There should be a hospital or dispensary within easy reach of the
examination centre to provide medical facilities to the centre.
4. Inspection
The centre shall be open for inspection only to the Chairman of the
Examination Centre Committee, observers and persons deputed by the School
Education Department/Board.
Note: The Board shall not bear the expenses for making extra benches, desks, etc.
For effective monitoring of examination CCTV surveillance may be installed.
The Board reserves the right to allocate/re-allocate the centre to any school
or to close down the centre.
Subject to fulfillment of the norms laid down for HSLC centre, the HSSLC examination
centre is created on fulfilling the following additional conditions:-
i. The proposed centre must have been a HSLC examination centre for the
last (3)three years.
ii. Must have a minimum of 100 (hundred) candidates for Arts & Commerce
streams. For Science stream, the minimum number shall be 50 (fifty).
The Board reserves the right to close down a centre and/or shift the centre from one
school to another or from one place to another.
Chapter XI
Special Rules
These rules are applicable to all the schools registered with the Board. Any school
violating these rules shall invite penalties as provided in this General Rules.
1. Every registered institution shall follow the rules specified in General Rules.
2. Examinations:
All registered schools shall follow the rules specified in Management of
Examinations, mandatorily.
i. Every registered school shall present the list of candidates (for Class VIII, IX, X,
XI & XII examinations) as on 1st April and 1st June in the manner prescribed by
the Board. Candidates whose names are not in this list shall be rejected.
ii. No registered school shall present any candidate(s) who are not on its roll nor will
it present candidates enrolled in an unregistered school to any of the Board’s
iii. No student from an institution registered with the Board shall be allowed to sit for
any of the Board’s examinations if he/she does not have the required percentage
of attendance.
iv. A registered institution shall not send candidates for examinations of any other
Board. It shall send up candidates only for the NBSE examinations.
v. A student who has been studying in an institution, which is not recognised by this
Board or by any other recognised Board, Council or University shall not be
admitted to any class of an institution on the basis of certificate(s) of such
unrecognised institution attended earlier nor shall he/she be allowed to sit at any
of the Board's examination.
vi. If the statement made by the parent or guardian of a student or by the student
himself/herself in any of the document(s) at the time of admission in
school/concerned examination, is found to be false or contain any willful
misrepresentation of facts, the admission to the school shall be cancelled or the
candidature for the examination shall be rejected.
3. The Board shall have the power to identify and select a school as an examination
centre for any public examination or Board’s examinations with or without the
formal acceptance of such assignments by the school. On being selected as an
examination centre, the concerned school shall compulsorily make all necessary
arrangements, as communicated by the Board for the smooth conduct of the
4. i. All registered institutions shall place the building, furniture and other facilities at
the disposal of the Board for conducting any examination as and when required by
the Board.
ii. The school shall cooperate with the Board in the conduct of examinations,
invigilation and other auxiliary activities. If directed by the Board, the school shall
send the teachers for evaluation works, question paper setting, moderation of
question papers, etc.
iii. In the eventuality of the school failing to cooperate, the Board shall take the
necessary action, to the extent of withdrawing the registration of the school.
5. i. No school shall use its building and infrastructure for any commercial activity.
ii. The school shall ensure that suitable furniture in the classrooms and office
equipments are provided commensurate with the strength of the students and staff.
6. The number of students in a section of a class shall not exceed 40(forty).
7. All registered institutions shall pay the annual fees or any other fee, to the Board,
of an amount, to be prescribed from time to time.
8. i. Every registered institution must follow the directions issued by the Central
Government, State Government and the Board in the form of notifications,
circulars, advisories, etc. from time to time.
ii. The school shall furnish the necessary information and returns called for, by the
Board within the prescribed time.
9. Records/Documentation:
The school shall maintain the following records/documents properly:
i. Admission and attendance registers of all classes.
ii. Fee register.
iii. Service records of teachers and non-teaching staff.
iv. Answerscripts of mid-term/annual examination and question papers (to be
preserved for six months).
v. Internal assessment records/CCE records.
vi. Any other document(s) specified by the Board from time to time.
10. The school shall check and monitor all cases of gender specific violence and
strictly comply with the guidelines, norms and procedures prescribed in the
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012(POSCO Act), the Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act
2013 and other Union and State Acts.
11. The school must strive to promote conservation of environment in their campus
through rainwater harvesting, segregation of waste at source, recycling of organic
waste, proper disposal of waste including electronic waste, use of energy saving
and efficient equipments, greening of campus, use of solar energy and awareness
amongst children of environment conservation and cleanliness, etc.
12. Schools having hostel facilities shall ensure that they comply with the directive
and directions issued by the State Government and also those issued by the
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) from time to time.
13. The school shall be liable for recovery of expenses or losses incurred by the
Board, directly or indirectly, caused by the instances of violation of any of the
provisions of the Board’s rules, regulations and instructions.
Chapter XII
2. The Board may impose all or any of the penalties mentioned in Clause 1 on any
school in the following cases:
i. For gross malpractices in examination, academic, administrative and financial
ii. Established violation, non compliance of Court, State Government or Board’s
iii. Violation of the conditions/rules laid down in the General Rules/Management of
iv. On express recommendation/order/request from the State Government to
deregister or shut down the school permanently or impose any other penalty.
v. For not sending the teachers/head of the institution for the trainings/ workshops/
seminars organized by the Board.
vi. For not following the prescribed curriculum, syllabus and textbooks of the Board.
vii. For not appointing qualified teachers as prescribed.
viii. For not paying the minimum rate of salary to the teachers as prescribed by the
State government.
ix. For not submitting the forms/documents/information sought, etc. to the Board
within the time specified by the Board.
x. For not sending/relieving the teachers for evaluation works, moderation and other
ancillary activities as per requirements of the Board.
xi. Any misconduct, negligent act/omission and non compliance of the rules given in
management of Examinations (including the directions/rules of the Board in
connection with the conduct of examinations) which may jeopardize the public
examinations, evaluation of answerscripts, result processing and other ancillary
xii. Poor academic performance of the school for 3(three) consecutive years.
xiii. Any other matter which the Board considers sufficiently serious for imposition of
penalty or deregistration.
4. The future and welfare of the students studying in the school will be kept in mind
while imposing penalty on the school.
i. The Competent Authority shall have the right to depute a competent person to
audit the accounts of an institution run by the Public, Society, Trust and
Individual in case of complaint lodged against it.
ii. Director of School Education and Chairman of NBSE, shall have the power to
dissolve the existing Managing Committee if and when it is reported that the
committee has failed to discharge its duties for which it is constituted.
iii. Action shall be taken by the Competent Authority if there is evidence that the
institution has not complied with the laid down rules and regulations.
iv. Exemplary and appropriate action shall be taken against an institution if and when
there is proof that it is indulging in indoctrination of the students with a particular
ideology or ism that preaches a violent cult or communal hatred, etc.
v. Action shall be taken against the school, if it is found and proved that it is giving
protection to a student or students who had been caught red-handed resorting to
malpractices in the examination with evidence by putting pressure on the head of
the institution or by not allowing him to discharge his normal duties.
Chapter XIII
A. School library
The school should have a well equipped Library with e-Library facility to facilitate/
supplement the resource needs of the students and teachers.
i. The school shall appoint a Librarian or teacher in-charge for library who
will oversee the management of Library.
ii. All library books shall be catalogued, numbered and labeled.
1. The following points should be noted for the effective management of the School
i. The librarian shall maintain the following registers and shall see that it is always
a. The library catalogue (of books, maps and periodicals).
b. The stock register (showing the addition and loss in the total number under
different subjects year by year).
c. Issue and receipt register.
d. A fine register.
ii. The school library shall be kept open on all working days.
iii. He shall be responsible to take care of the books, documents, charts, furniture, etc.
in the Library.
iv. When books are to be written-off by the competent authority, the librarian shall on
receipt of the order, note down the number and date of the order against each of
such books in the remark's column.
v. At the time of handing over and taking charge of the library, the teacher
concerned shall carefully and jointly count all the books and shall submit a report
to the head of the institution. Any loss or misappropriation shall be brought to the
notice of the head of the institution.
vi. There shall be an annual stock taking by the librarian. The annual report shall be
kept in the office of the school for verification at the time of inspection. The
report shall indicate the following:-
a. the stock at the last stock-taking.
b. additions.
c. losses, written-off and
d. the present stock, providing explanations of losses and discrepancies.
vii. The head of the institution can recall any library book already issued at any time.
viii. The use of the library is confined to the staff and students. Any extension of this
privilege is subject to the approval of the head of the institution, given in writing.
ix. The librarian shall, in consultation with the head of the institution prepare for each
class, a list of suitable books.
x. Only one book can be issued to a student at a time. He must return it within a
fortnight from the date of issue. Any delay is ordinarily punishable by a fine of
`50 (rupees fifty only) per week. A book may be re-issued for a second time if
there is no other requisition for it.
xi. Students are strictly prohibited from scribbling in any library books. Any damage
or loss must be made good, to the satisfaction of the librarian approved by the
head of the institution.
xii. All library books must be returned at least a week before the commencement of a
vacation or the annual/other stock taking. During this period, there will be no
issue of books.
xiii. The head of the institution, on receipt of an application from a student for transfer
certificate, or withdrawal, shall refer to the librarian to determine the liabilities of
the student who shall verify and report the same to the head of the institution
xiv. The date of issue and return shall be entered in the register. The librarian, while
issuing a book to a particular student, shall obtain the signature against the name
of the book in the loan register.
xv. Each teacher shall be provided with a set of textbooks required by him/her at the
beginning of a new session.
xvi. The librarian shall ensure that a teacher who is going on leave, deputation,
transfer or retirement, return all library books. Failing which, the librarian shall be
responsible for the loss and shall bear the cost.
xvii. Books on theory and methods of education shall be returned within a month of the
date of issue in order that every teacher may have access to such books as often as
xviii. All fines and payment for damage or loss of books shall be credited to the
treasury/school account.
xix. Care must be taken by the school to purchase/procure books which will enhance
the horizon of both the students and teacher.
The library will be open to the Board for inspection as and when required.
B. Computer Laboratory
N.B.: The ratio of machine & students may change as per the Government’s
2. The following points should be noted for the effective management of the
Computer laboratory:
i. The Computer teacher shall catalogue, number and label the equipments,
furniture, etc.
ii. The teaching of computers shall be included in the time table of the school.
iii. The Computer teacher shall maintain a stock register, showing the addition and
loss in the total number under different equipments year by year and shall see that
it is always updated.
iv. The Computer teacher shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the
v. The Computer teacher will be responsible for any loss or damage of computers,
books, furniture, etc. belonging to the computer section if it is due to his
vi. At the time of handing and taking charge over the computers, etc. the teachers
concerned shall carefully and jointly count them and shall submit a report to the
head of the institution. Any loss or misappropriation shall be brought to the notice
of the head of the institution.
vii. There shall be an annual stock taking. The annual report shall be kept in the office
of the school for verification at the time of inspection. The report shall indicate
the following:-
a. the stock at the last stock-taking.
b. additions.
c. losses, written-off and
d. the present stock, providing explanations of losses and discrepancies.
viii. The use of the computers is confined to the staff and students. Any extension of
this privilege is subject to the approval of the head of the institution given in
The Computer Laboratory will be open to the Board for inspection as and when
C. Science laboratory
iii. The science lab should :
a. have adequate learning space which will provide ease of access while
conducting activities and experiments.
b. be able to accommodate a wide range of scientific activities.
c. have a proper space for preparation and for storage.
iv. The science lab room must be designed to provide adequate and lighting: proper
supply of electricity and water. An eye wash station and first aid should be made
available. Health, safety and environmental issues should be taken into account.
D. Mathematics laboratory
As the students will be involved in a lot of model making activities under the
guidance of the teacher, the smooth running of the Mathematics laboratory will depend
upon the supply of oddments such as strings and threads, cellotape, white cardboard,
hardboard, needles and pins, drawing pins, sandpaper, pliers, screw-drivers, rubber bands
of different colours, gummed papers and labels, squared papers, plywood, scissors, steel
wire, cotton wool, tin and plastic sheets, glazed papers, etc.
Besides these, some models, charts, slides, etc made up of a good durable material
should also be there for the teacher to demonstrate some mathematical concepts, facts
and properties. Different tables, ready reckoner should also be there so that these can be
used by the students for different purposes.
The Science and Mathematics laboratories will be open to the Board for
inspection as and when required.
Chapter XIV
1. Holidays, working days and working hours
The list of holidays notified by the State Government shall be followed by all the
registered institutions of the Board.
i. All registered institutions must observe the national holidays failing which
necessary departmental action shall be initiated against the school.
ii. Institutions which are centres for public examinations may adjust their working
iii. Institutions/schools excluding its office are vacation institutions.
iv. The minimum number of working days of the higher secondary is 180 days,
secondary is 210, upper primary level is 220 days and primary level is 200 days
inclusive of days of examinations and co-curricular activities.
v. The working hours of elementary, secondary, and higher secondary shall be 5 hours
preferably from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m./2:30 p.m. There shall be a break of 30
vi. The working hours for primary level shall be 4 hours. There shall be a break of 30
vii. The working days are subject to changes as per the national norms.
viii. A school shall not run classes in shifts.
Holidays and re-opening of schools shall be as per the academic calendar of the
Board/Directorate of School Education.
Chapter XVI
1. Affiliations
ii. Seeking affiliation from other State or Union Territory shall not be permitted.
Chapter XVII
1. CCTV:
To ensure students’ safety in schools, closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) may
be installed in the schools.
2. School Bus:
i. All the school buses must be painted with the uniform color preferably Yellow (or
the prescribed colour given by the government from time to time), with the name
of the school written prominently on both sides of the bus so that they can be
identified easily.
ii. The word ‘SCHOOL BUS’ must be written on the back and front of the bus. If it
is a hired bus ‘ON SCHOOL DUTY’ should be clearly indicated.
In case of hired buses, the school authority must sign a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the owner(s) of the bus that they will comply with the
rules specified under this chapter.
iii. The windows of the bus should be fitted with horizontal grills and the doors
should be fitted with reliable locks that can be locked. The bus should have a first
aid box.
iv. Medical checkup regarding the physical fitness of the driver including the eye
testing shall be made every year. The driver should have valid license to drive
transport vehicles and at least five years of experience of driving heavy vehicles.
A driver who has been known to have committed offenses in the past such as
drunk driving, rash driving, violation of lane discipline or allowing unauthorized
person/s (such as the conductor) to drive should not be employed.
v. All drivers of the school buses have to be dressed in a distinctive uniform with
their names inscribed in it.
vi. No person shall be allowed to drive the school bus in drunken condition. Regular
check in this respect shall be undertaken by the school authorities and in case of
any doubts in that regard such drivers must be subjected to medical tests
immediately and proper action including the action for cancellation of the license
have to be taken.
vii. The school authority shall ensure that the school buses are not permitted to
overtake any other four wheelers while carrying the school children in the bus.
viii. Efforts shall be made by the school to make arrangement for parking the school
bus inside the school campus at least at the time of boarding and disembarking. In
case it is not possible, the buses must be parked in such a way so that it does not
create any traffic problem for other vehicles.
ix. There must be a qualified attendant in the bus to attend to the children travelling
in the bus, as conductor, who has to be dressed in distinctive uniform with his/her
name inscribed in it.
x. A provision may also be made by the school authorities for travelling of at least
one teacher in each school bus, keeping in view the safety of the school students
all throughout the journey and no outsider except the conductor or the said
authorized teacher or one person authorized by the guardians shall be allowed to
board the school bus.
xi. The school authority will ensure that buses halt only at bus stops designated for
the purpose and within the marked area. They will make safe arrangements for
boarding and de-boarding of school children from the school bus and ensure that
the doors of the buses remain shut while in motion.
xii. Periodical fitness certificate from the concerned department regarding road
worthiness of the vehicle shall have to be obtained.
xiii. The school authority must provide one set of mobile phones in each school bus so
that in case of emergency the bus can be contacted or the driver/conductor can
contact the police or state authority as well as the school authority. Every vehicle
shall carry a suitable photograph of the authorized driver attested by the principal.
Installation of GPS system can also be recommended in order to locate or keep a
track of the Bus.
xiv. The school authority shall ensure that the students maintain discipline when
boarding and disembarking the bus so that no children get hurt. Periodic
feedbacks from students using school transport facility, with regards to
driver/conductor are to be taken and records are to be maintained.
3. Fire:
Schools must take all necessary safety precautions in order to prevent any
untoward happening in the case of an emergency like a fire. Every floor must
have a fire extinguisher or at the very least, sand banks must be set in a proper
place. The school authority can work together with parents or government
agencies to ensure complete safety for their students. Programmes on emergency
procedures and mock drills on fire safety, etc can be conducted by officials
authorized by the competent authority.
4. Sanitation:
The school should provide clean water, hygiene and sanitation to the
students, so as to create a healthy environment which in turn will secure the
children’s dignity, safety and health.
5. Disaster Management:
The school is a densely populated place and has small children that are one
of the most vulnerable groups in the society. To secure this vulnerability in
schools, in case of a disaster, it is very important to have a School Disaster
Management Plan so as to face any eventualities in case of any disaster like fire,
earthquake, floods, landslides, etc.
Schools should follow the guidelines on School Safety and Disaster
management issued by the Government from time to time.
6. Railing/Ramp:
The school building should be well designed with railings/ramps so as to
provide stability, help balance on steps and platform, to prevent hasty falls, etc. for
improving safety.
The school should also make provision for a wheelchair ramp to enable children
and teachers with special needs to come and leave the school conveniently.
7. Lighting:
A balanced lighting system must be done in all the classrooms in order to
provide optimal learning condition.
8. Emergency exit:
The schools must have an emergency exit – a doorway out of the building that is
designated for any use in an emergency like fire, earthquake, etc.
9. Tobacco/Junk foods/Tiffin
The schools must take all initiatives and necessary measures to prevent tobacco
use among students. The schools should take initiatives/conduct health programmes
which will enable and encourage the students to abstain from any tobacco use.
Junk foods: Consumption of foods high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS), popularly
known as junk foods are associated with increased risk of many diseases. As such,
schools must take preventive measures to ensure that the canteens in and around the
school campus do not cater any HFSS food such as chips, fried foods, soft drinks,
etc and must control the sale of HFSS foods within a radius of 200 metres from the
school compound.
The schools should have a School Canteen Managing Committee which can be
responsible for providing safe food to the children.
Timely checking of the quality of raw materials and ingredients prepared in the
school canteen/kitchen must be done or shall ensure that the children bring their
own Tiffin.
The school authorities should avail themselves of the expertise of external
resources such as nutritionists, health specialists, etc. while preparing safe food
in the school canteen.
The school authorities can display contact numbers, on notice boards, of
Doctors, Medical officers who can be contacted in case of an emergency, etc.
The school authorities can organize awareness programmes like celebration of
Nutrition Week (1st – 7th September), etc. for nutritious food and avoidance of
HFSS foods.
The staff should conduct inspection of lunch boxes to minimize the consumption
of junk foods.
The students should be educated on healthy eating habits/quality nutrition.
The school authorities can organize activities in the school such as competitions
on hygiene and sanitation, debate on food safety, promote nutrition and health
awareness through posters, collage and other visual aids, etc.
10. Bullying and Ragging
To curb the menace of bullying and ragging in school/hostel, all
schools/institutions should initiate a prevention programme. An Anti-Bullying and
Ragging Committee should be constituted in the school or institution comprising
of at least 7 to 9 members. The tenure of the Committee will be 3(three) years.
Any other act which threatens to break or disturb the moral and
administrative fabric of the school shall also be taken up or looked into by the
Anti-Bullying and Ragging Committee.
Chapter XVIII
It is mandatory on the part of the head of the institution to know the rules,
regulations, duties, functions, etc. of the Department of School Education/NBSE and to
explain or take action.
The following regulations are to be followed by all registered institutions.
vii. Whenever required to fill up and sign in a form or a document, it is
imperative that the candidate himself and one of the parents sign the
form/document personally.
viii. Importance of the HSLC Admit Cards:
For further studies or employment, the particulars given in the HSLC Admit
Card and Marksheet-cum-Certificate of Qualification is taken as the
authentic/legal document. As such, students should be informed that the
particulars furnished in the prescribed form is for a life time.
6. The Head of the Institution as the signing authority shall be responsible for what
is written above his/her signature.
i. The signing authority must understand and be fully aware about the content
of the letter/notification, etc. before signing it.
ii. In case a mistake is committed, the person who has signed the letter shall
be responsible and not the person who prepared it.
iii. Care should be taken to check the spellings in the particulars. An
interchange of letters, a deletion or addition of a letter can change the
meaning or may have no meaning or may even change the clan or tribe.
e.g. a. Vituozo (continuously good), Vitouzo (genuinely good).
b. Thapo – Angami, Thapa – Nepali.
c. Mero – Chakhesang, Meru – Angami/Zeliang.
d. Semy/Semp-Rengma, Sema is the old terminology of Sumi.
e. Salie is a name, Sale is a surname.
iv. In case the Principal/Headmaster/Teacher goes on leave, the school
authority should take necessary steps to ensure timely communication with
the Board in matters of collection or submission of forms so that the career
of the students is not disrupted.
8. The use of red and green colors in signing letters and certificates is not
appropriate. As per the government's directives, only specified persons can use
green ink and red ink for specific purposes. Green/Red ink is not used for signing
academic certificates, letters, etc.
Use blue, blue-black or black colour only for signing letters, certificates and
in the files.
9. The first copy of the letter is to be given/sent to the person to whom the letter is
addressed and the carbon copies are sent back to the persons by whom the letter is
given for information/necessary action and for office copy. Carbon copy/second
copy must never be sent to the addressee.
10. Education today is very dynamic and vibrant. With technological advancements,
the frontiers of education changes fast. In order to serve the society and look after
its needs, the system of education has to be updated from time to time. The
change can occur through change of curriculum and syllabus, textbooks and its
11. A very important driving force of the education system are the teachers. Along
with the school administrators, the teachers have a major role in taking the
institution towards a better qualitative educative system. Teachers therefore need
to update their teaching and professional skills periodically.
12. Core curriculum is the curriculum framed by the NCERT and Council of Boards
of School Education in India (COBSE). Core curriculum consists of five subjects:
two languages, mathematics, science and social sciences. Passing the HSLC level
of examination without these core subjects can be a reason to debar a student from
getting admissions in some Boards and Universities. The pass criteria of HSLC
Examination may however, differ from Board to Board.
At the higher secondary level, the core syllabus is followed in Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Accountancy, Economics and Business
13. All registered institutions should render assistance and extend co-operation to the
School Education Department/NBSE in all activities as and when asked for.
All registered institutions under NBSE shall be open for inspection to the
NBSE / School Education Department of Nagaland.
14. The Board may at any time get a registered institution inspected without giving
any notice to the institution. The inspection report so submitted will be considered
by the Board for appropriate action.
15. Email/Website:
i. Every registered institution must have the school e-mail.
ii. All schools may strive to create their own website containing comprehensive
information about the school.
16. The NBSE shall issue a certificate of Registration to its schools specifying a
period of validity. Registered schools must surrender such certificates for renewal
in time, as per the instructions.
iii. In case, a student discontinues the studies or migrates to another school, a
provision, for refund of fees must be there, if all the school fees were cleared
earlier. Dues shall be collected only upto the month of discontinuance or
migration and not upto the month in which the Transfer Certificate is applied
20. All registered schools shall extend cooperation with the Government
department(s) who wishes to organize/conduct a programme/activity for the
Schools shall however, give a report to the NBSE on the
activities/programmes undertaken by them.
Form no. 1
(The application should reach the Office of the NBSE within the period specified in
the academic calendar).
v) There should be enough land for expansion if the authority desires to upgrade
to higher classes.
vi) The school must be situated in a hygienic and clean area.
11. Science/Mathematics laboratory:
A separate room for Science/Mathematics laboratories should be available.
12. Number of books in the Library:_________________________
13. Whether separate toilets for boys and girls is available: _______________
14. Whether drinking water facility is available: _______________
15. Whether First-Aid facility is available: _______________
16. Number of
i. Working computers ______________
ii. Printers ______________
iii. Power backup/Generator ______________
17. Whether there is proper fencing/boundary wall around the school ______________
18. School Building:
i) Type of building : ________________________________________________
ii) No. of class rooms: ______________________________________________
Note: i) The building must be RCC or semi pucca structure with C.G.I. sheet/RCC
ii) It cannot be housed in a rented building.
iii) Classrooms must be well ventilated and well lighted.
19. Number of feeding schools
(i) Govt.____________________________________
(ii) Private___________________________________
20. Distance from the nearest recognised (Govt/Private) high/higher secondary schools
(i) Name of the school ________________________
(ii) Distance _________________________________
21. Justification for permission to open Class IX & X (to give a brief write up).
22. If permitted to open Class IX & X, whether the school intends to introduce any of
the Sixth subjects?
Yes No
23. If yes, mention the subject(s) and the educational qualification of the teacher who
intends to teach the Sixth subject(s). _____________________________________
I hereby declare that the above information is true and that I shall abide by the rules
and regulations of the Board if permission is granted.
School Seal
Documents to be enclosed:
i) Photocopies of the educational documents of the head of the school.
ii) Strength of teachers with qualification.
iii) Photocopy of the Class-VIII recognition order.
iv) Photocopy of the fixed deposit certificate of ` 4,00,000.00 (rupees four lakh only)
in favour of the school.
v) Sketch map and photo of the school and certificate of ownership duly certified by
the competent authority.
vi) Photographs of the classrooms for Class IX & X
vii) Photograph of the Science & Mathematics laboratory.
viii) Details of the school managing committee.
ix) Report of the DEO (to attach separate sheet/forms).
x) Fire safety certificate.
xi) Proforma regarding safe drinking water and sanitary condition certificate.
N.B: Outdated or irrelevant documents not pertaining to the right period of time
shall not be accepted.
I /We hereby certify that I/We had physically verified the records, site and building of
the school and found that the statements given by the school authority are true and
recommended for permission to open Class IX & X in a phase manner / not
(in case any of the statement is not correct/ true, write it in a separate sheet)
Order/Comments of :
Secretary: Chairman:
Form no. 2
Application for private schools seeking Provisional Recognition of School
(The application should reach the Office of the NBSE within the period specified in
the academic calendar).
1. Name of the school (in block letters): ______________________________________
2. Postal address: _______________________________________________________
3. Contact number: ________________E-mail Address: _____________________
4. Year of upgradation to classes IX & X: ____________________________________
5. Present class-wise enrolment:
I hereby declare that the above information is true and that I shall abide by the rules
and regulations of the Board if permission is granted.
Documents to be enclosed :
i. Photocopies of educational certificates of the head of the school.
ii. List of teaching staff and ministerial staff (secondary section) with
iii. Photocopy of the fixed deposit certificate of ` 4,00,000.00 (Rupees four lakh
only) and above for 5 years in favour of school.
iv. Photocopy of the permission order to run Class IX & X.
v. Details of the school managing committee.
vi. Any improvement made in infrastructure, library, lab with evidence.
N.B. Outdated or irrelevant documents not pertaining to the right period of time
shall not be accepted.
(For use of Board’s official only)
Verification report by the inspecting team of the NBSE:
I /We hereby certify that I/We had physically verified the records, site and building of
the school and found that the statements given by the school authority are true and
recommended for recognition/not recommended.
(in case any of the statement is not correct/ true, write it in a separate sheet)
Orders/Comments of:
Secretary : Chairman:
Form no. 41
(The application should reach the Office of the NBSE within the period specified in
the academic calendar).
Note: 1. The Principal must be a trained post graduate in a secular subject which is
to be taught in the institution, having at least 5 years experience in teaching
and administration.
2. For upgradation to higher secondary, the school must be a recognised
10. Performance at the last 3 (three) HSLC Examinations:
School Seal
Documents to be enclosed:
i) Photocopies of educational certificates of the proposed Principal.
ii) List of teaching staff and ministerial staff (secondary section).
iii) Photocopy of the fixed deposit certificate of ` 5,00,000.00 (Rupees five
lakhs only) and above for five years in favour of the school.
iv) Photocopy of the upgradation and recognition order issued by the Board.
v) Photographs of the classrooms for Class XI & XII.
vi) Details of the School Managing Committee.
vii) Photo of the school building.
viii) For schools applying for Science stream, the following additional
facilities should be there:
- Separate and well equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology
N.B. Outdated or irrelevant documents not pertaining to the right period of time
shall not be accepted.
I /We hereby certify that I/We had physically verified the records, site and building of
the school and found that the statements given by the school authority are true and
recommended for permission to open Classes XI & XII in a phase manner/not
( in case any of the statement is not correct/true, write it in a separate sheet)
Orders/Comments of:
Secretary: Chairman:
Appendix 1
Signature with name, seal and designation of the concerned Medical Officer/Health
Inspector/Municipal Council/Village Council.
Appendix 2
Signature with name, seal and designation of the concerned Office-in-Charge of the Fire
Station/Fire Safety Officer