Wubayehu Oromiya Internship
Wubayehu Oromiya Internship
Wubayehu Oromiya Internship
Ideclare thatthis internship entitledInternship In Public admnistation and development
Management In Case ofOromia International Bank Dilla branch is my own effort and study. I
have carried out this practice for 30 days with the guidance and support ofmy supervisor. This
document has not been submitted for award of any degree or diploma program in this or any
other institution and that all sources of materials are daily acknowledged .It is offered here in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for Internship In Public admnistation and development
management course.
ID : RSS-1974/20
This is to certify that student named Wubayew Birhanuhas carried out his internship practice on
the topic entitled Internship in public admnistation and developmental managementin our
organization in Customers services officers Section. And this document is orginal in nature andis
suitable for submission
Signature : ...................
This practical attachment report is prepared based on the information and documents that I
obtained from the oromia international bank dilla branch and the activities that I performed
during work time. This report consist of the organizational report such as back ground of the
,opportunity, and threat) analysis in part one. Activity report which covered back ground of
customer account and transaction service department its objective major responsibilities, as well
as activities, performance evaluation, problems of division or department and suggested solution
inparttwo.Alsoinclude attachmentevaluation thatcoveredsignificanceofpractical attachment,
relevance of the organization and the applicability of theories to practical work environment. In
addition to this report consist of problems observed in the bank and the problems that I faced
during the attachment with suggested solution or measures that to be taken to solve or minimize
the existing problems. Lastly the report ends up by giving conclusion with recommending some
important measures that has to be taken by the organization.
First and for most I would like to thank God for helping me and reaching this level. Secondly I
would like to thanks dillaUniversity for preparing this practical attachment program. Thirdly I
would like to forward my heartfelt gratitude to my family for their supporting me by different
materials and idea. Lastly I would like to thank Oromia international bank dillabranch
employee’s specially, Branch manager ,customer service officedepartment for their effort in
training and building me.
CSO........................................Customerserviceoffice makerandchecker
1.1 Backgroundoftheorganization..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Cardinalissues......................................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Visionoftheorganization.....................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Valuesoftheorganization....................................................................................................................2
1.2.4 Objectiveoftheorganization...............................................................................................................2
1.3 Organizationalstructure........................................................................................................................3
1.4 The extent to which the organization is realizing its visions and missions and performance of the
1.5 Strength,weakness,opportunityandthreat(SWOT)analysisoftheorganization......................................4
1.5.1 Strengthoftheorganization.................................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Weaknessoftheorganization..............................................................................................................4
1.5.3 Opportunityoftheorganization...........................................................................................................4
1.5.4 Threatoftheorganization....................................................................................................................4
1.6 CurrentproblemsobservedthataffectOromiainternationalbankdillabranch...........................................5
1.7 Suggestedsolution(measure)takentosolveoratleastminimizeproblems.................................................5
2.1 Howyouget intothecompany................................................................................................................6
2.2 Objectivesandmajorresponsibilitiesaswellasactivitiesofthedepartmentordivision...............................6
2.2.1 Objectiveofthedepartment.................................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Majordutiesandresponsibilitiesofthedepartment...............................................................................6
2.3 Whichworkpieceorworktaskyouhavebeenexecuting............................................................................7
2.4 Howgoodyouhavebeeninperformingyourworktask..............................................................................7
2.5 Whatchallengesyouhavebeenfacingwhileperformingyourworktask. 2. 5.1
2.5.2 What measures you have taken in order to overcome these challenge.For the above mentioned
2.6 Problemdivisionordepartmentorsuggestedsolutions............................................................................8
2.6.1 Themajorproblemsthatfacethedepartmentarethefollowing................................................................8
2.6.3 MajorproblemsthatIfacedduringtheattachment................................................................................9
3.1 Whatyougainedintermsofimprovingyourpracticalskills.....................................................................10
3.2 WhatyougainedintermsofupgradingyourtheoreticalknowledgeSincethemainobjectiveofthis practical
attachment course is producing qualified, confident and competent students, it has the
3.3 Communicationskills.........................................................................................................................10
3.4 Leadershipskills.................................................................................................................................10
3.5 Teamplayingskills..............................................................................................................................11
3.6 WorkEthics........................................................................................................................................12
3.7 Entrepreneurskills..............................................................................................................................12
4.1. Summeryandconclusion....................................................................................................................13
4.2 Recommendation................................................................................................................................13
1.1 Backgroundoftheorganization
OromiaInternationalBankS.CbeganoperationonOctober25,2008withastartingcapitalof 110
million birr(Br), surpassing the minimum capital requirement by
35millionBr.WithitsheadquarterslocatedinfrontofDembelCityCentre,nearGetu Commercial
Center in its purchased 13 storybuilding on Africa Avenue (Bole Road)
Oromia international was legally reestablished in 2008. It is the leading bank in Ethiopia
tointroduce modern banking system. Oromia international bank is private owned.It move with
five districts. Those are Adama district, Nekemte district, North East district, South West district
and Shashemanedistrict.It is also leadingbank in Africa within asset of142.21billion asJuneof13,
2018. The bankplacesa catalytic role ineconomicprogressindevelopmentof the country.In
currentlyOIB has more than 11.9 million account holders and the number of mobile and internet
bankingusersalsoreachedmorethan1150,000asofjune302018alsoactiveATMcards holders reached
more than 1.6 million and uses other 18 money transfer agent like money gram,
hasbeenestablishedinDilla2018.Itisfoundin south Addis Ababa districts in south nation and
nationality regional Dilla town. .It is 377 km far away from the capital city of the country Addis
Ababa . oromia international bank dillabranch
starteditsworkwithinfewemployeescurrentlyithas12malesand2females,totally14employees .from
those employee 12 of them are degree holder and 2 of them are master holder . Ingeneralby
adoptingoraccepting differentmodernworking technicinoromiainternational bankdillabranch tries
to achieve its vision, mission and to bring desire economic development in the country.
1.2 Cardinalissues
1.2.1 Visionoftheorganization
1.2.2 Missionoftheorganization
The bank committed in providing a full-fledged and quality commercial banking
services within the pertinent regulatory requirement with due diligence to
sustainable business whileempoweringthe missingmiddle and discharging social
responsibility by engaging highly qualified, skilled, motivated and disciplined
employees and state-of-the-art information technology, thereby optimizing
shareholders’ value and win the public trust. .
1.2.3 Valuesoftheorganization
Valuepersistence, enduranceandtenacity.
Customer Satisfaction: -The bank strives to excess in it is business and satisfycustomers.
Qualityservice:-Thebankcommittedtoofferqualityservicetocustomeraspiresto brand to with
quality is the mind ostomer and general public.
Innovation: -The bank encourages new ideas that can improve customer experience and
the banks experience.
Team work: - Thebank recognizes the importance ofteam work for the bank success and
also respects diversity of vief cu
Employees:-Thebankrecognizestheemployeesasvaluableorganizationalresources. Promote
a learning and innovative organization.
1.2.4 Objectiveoftheorganization
Every organization isestablished for their onobjectives. Toachieve they have to work
hardand follow up effectively.
Oromiainternationalbank atDillabranchhasthefollowingobjectives.
Toimplementmanagementinformationsystem To
maximize customer satisfaction
Todevelopcompetencewithotherprivatebanksandgovernmentbank To
establish performance base incentives
Toenhanceandfacilitatethedevelopmentofthecountry To
maximize profit of the bank by creating difference
1.3 Organizationalstructure
serviceoffice Accounta Auditor Chief
maker&checker nt Cashe
The Workers of the organization are accountable to their customer and good information for
every sectors oromia international bank.Dilla branch its mission and vision through giving the
above service.
1.5 Strength,weakness,opportunityandthreat(SWOT)analysisofthe
TheOromiainternational bankDillabranchprivateorganization hasitsstrength andweakness side
there are also have good opportunities and threats that speed up and retard the bank over all work
process respectively.
1.5.1 Strengthoftheorganization
Strongcorporation betweenmanagement andemployees
Byinnovatingnewtechnologyincreaseitsprofitabilityfromtimetotime Good
efficiency and ethical conduct of staffs
Theorganizationmakesgoodrelationshipwithotherlocalbanksand50foreignbanks It’s give
training for its employees to improve their profession
The bank has qualified and experienced management who done the activity of the
bankvery well.
1.5.2 Weaknessoftheorganization
Someworkersofthebanknotgiveservicetothecustomerproperly Weak
information and file management of some workers
Thereissomeinefficiencymaterial likechairtables andcomputersfortrailingstaffs
1.5.3 Opportunityoftheorganization
The Oromia international bank Dillabranch has many numbersof customers and big
market opportunity because; there is a few banks indillatown and it found good area
which customers easily get.
The development of infrastructure and investment in the country play great role for the
Steadyandfast growthofpopulationisgoodopportunityforincreasebankcustomer.
Availability of qualified work force in the market
1.5.4 Threatoftheorganization
If the organization follows the current organizational structure for the future may face the
following challenges.
Competitors share of the market (entrance of new private banks and public bank in to the
SpreadofHIVAIDS and otherdiseasedecreasethenumbercustomerofthe bank
SomenewandrevisedregulationoftheNational bankofEthiopiaorgovernment.
Economic condition of the country
1.6 CurrentproblemsobservedthataffectOromiainternationalbankdillabranch
Theprimaryproblemregardingthehistoricalbackgroundoftheorganization.This problems
rises due to lack of organized and return document in the organization
Wastage of resource like use telephone line for personal call repeatedly
Inefficiency ofofficematerialslikecomputers,furnitureandotherswhencomparedto the
number of customers
Filemanagementanddocumentation improperlyamongsomeworkers.
1.7 Suggestedsolution(measure)takentosolveoratleastminimizeproblems
2.1 Howyougetintothecompany.
I submitted the authorized letter to the public administration Oromia International Bank At
Dillabranch which is the nearest to my universityin accordance with the orientation we received
from our academic advisor. Then after reading the letter they allowed me to work with them, and
theytold me to fulfill the bank protocols . Two days later Icould join the organization members
and I met with other students who are undertaking the internship activities in the bank and we
continue working the tasks assigned for us according to our schedule for four weeks.
2.2 Objectivesandmajorresponsibilitiesaswellasactivitiesofthedepartmentor
2.2.1 Objectiveofthedepartment
Tosmoothlyimplementintegratedbankingsolutionsinretailbankingoperationofcustomer service
Todeterminedutiesandresponsibilitiesthateachemployeeatalllevelinthecustomerservice process.
2.2.2 Majordutiesandresponsibilitiesofthedepartment
1) Accountopening:-therearemanytypesofaccountsthoseare:-
Savingaccount–isinterestbearingdepositopenedbylegalandphysicalpersons,organization and
Demanddepositaccount –shallmeananinterest bearingaccountopenedonlybycustomerswho are
Specialdemandaccount –meansanoninterest bearingaccountthatisopenedtofullfillthe request of
customer who for one not wants interest for their deposit.
Fixedtimedeposits–atypeofaccountdepositisreceivedatcertainperiodoftimewithout movement a
minimum of three month and attracts higher interest rate than others.
Earmarkedaccount–meansaccountopenedwithotherdescriptionafterthenameoftheaccount holders
such as club, business n and work shop account.
2) Dutiesrelatedtocash
Cash deposit
3) Telegram–thatmeanssendoutgoingmessageandreceiveincomingmessagefromotherbranch.
4) Handlingforeignexchange–exchangeofothercurrencyintobirr.
5) Checkeractivities–meanscheckingdailyticketswhicharefilledandwrittenmanually,bycomparing the
information and balance existing in the computer system.
2.3 Whichworkpieceorworktaskyouhavebeenexecuting.
As department member I also have the responsibilities of performing the activities of the
department. Based on those general activities, I perform the following specific activities as an
apprentice, when I was participating at international bank of oromia dillabranch.
Iaccomplishagivenworkpunctualandhonestlybyobeyingtherulesandregulationofthe organization.
Igavedifferentservicefordepartmentandcustomers. I
fill different forms by helping customers.
2.4 Howgoodyouhavebeeninperformingyourworktask.
Since this practical attachment is prepared to improve skill and knowledge of student, I try to
accomplish on time. When I evaluate my performance based on activities I performed and over
all suggestion and recommendation that I obtained from my supervisor, my staff member and
customer I get myself in very good position. I said this because of I have done punctually,
properly and honestly what my supervisor and other member of the department told me.
Generally, I try to perform well my activity in the organization as member of customer service
office service department
2.5 Whatchallengesyouhavebeenfacingwhileperformingyourworktask.
Therearemanyproblemswhichaffectedmetoconductthispracticeamongthemthemajorone’sare listed below.
Financial shortage.
LackofexperiencehowtoapplywhatIhavelearnedandworkingintheorganization. There is a
problem of conduct of employees or staff.
2.5.2 What measures you have taken in order to overcome these challenge. For
the above mentioned problems, I used the following solutions.
Bygatheringtheinformationoftheorganizationfromsenioremployees,supervisorandhead office.
ForfinicalshortageIusedmyown moneyinadditiontogivenfromDillaUniversity. For
transportation problem I weak up in the morning try to arrive on time.
Itrytodevelopingmyexperience bysharingknowledge fromemployees oftheorganization. For The
problem of behavior I try to approach by differentiated what they like and dislike.
2.6 Problemdivisionordepartmentorsuggestedsolutions
2.6.1 Themajorproblemsthatfacethedepartmentarethefollowing.
Asking concerned body to get enough networks that help to provide proper service for customer.
To solve the problems of inefficiency of materials by asking additional budget for the department
and purchasing this materials and make available for the department.
2.6.3 MajorproblemsthatIfacedduringtheattachment
I faced many problems, during I work this practical attachment the major ones are mentioned as
follow as:-
Duringthefirstweakitisdifficulttomeadoptingnewworkconditionnewenvironment. At the
beginning time they didn’t give me full freedom to do activities independently.
The transportation system is very crowded, because of this it is difficult to me reach work place
on time.
Shortageofsomeextraoradditionalworkingmaterialslikechairandcomputersfortrainers. Shortage of
documented materials, journal and references
DifficultyofsomereferenceswrittenbyAmharictranslatingintoEnglish. 2.6.4Suggested
solution and way forward for attachment
Theproblem mentionedabovearesolvedby:-
Iwastrytoadaptnewenvironmentandworkingconditiongraduallybystuddingbehaviorof department
member and sharing experience among them.
The organization should have to buy additional materials like chair and computers that help
Theorganization shouldgive the opportunityfor studentstoparticipate in a givenactivitiesfreely in
order to improve their knowledge and producing self-confident professionals.
I asked my supervisor and senior employees in addition to some information to I get from
3.1 Whatyougainedintermsofimprovingyourpracticalskills
This practical attachment is prepared in order to produce well minded and qualified students, in additionto
what they learn theoretically. It also benefit students to apply knowledge that get from their learning time
and enable to share some knowledge and information from workers of the organization.
The main rational of thise attachment is to bring desire result in countries development, by improving
analytical ability of students and familiarize with working environment.
3.2 What you gainedin terms of upgrading your theoretical knowledge Since the
mainobjectiveofthispracticalattachmentcourseisproducingqualified,confident and
competent students, it has the following major significances.
changing attitude and for preparing graduation paper
Benefitinguniversityinsuchawaythatcanproducewelltrendmanpower,gathering information for
problem solving researches and to create linkage with organizations
attachment and have opportunity to get potential employee
3.3 Communicationskills
I have understood that effective bank communications strengthens the relationship between
customers suppliers, stakeholders,managers, clients, employees and board of directors.Barker's
experience on bankingcommunication enhances bankingsystems , employees behavior and core
banking services facilities.
3.4 Leadershipskills
During the onemonths in OromiaInternational Bank dilla branch , Ihave been able to upgrade my
leadership skills to a whole new level. To achieve leader ship skills, it requires high level
principal individualwhofocusesonacommongoal andeliminateexcess fearanddoubtfromhis
employees and work for a common goal.
Leadership is key for modern banks to keep ahead of the challenges of business transformation
and change. Thes include keeping up with new entrants ,motivating, initiating and influencing
performance of organizational employees.
I have seen how theygive order, how they respond to any raised question,how much close to their
co-workers,how they resspect the crew members and how the leaders are respected according
with their approach,it was great trend.this was specifically observed between Branch manager
and skilled workers so it was a big lessonfor me to share their leadership skills especially for my
future careers.
After I observe the administration method of responsible person of the dilla Bank I develop a
skill to take a responsibility for my future career in my country.I understood the following tasks
that are expected from a good leader.
Beingrolemodel to workers
managetheworker andtasks
motivate and encourage others
3.5 Teamplayingskills
During my stay in OromiaInternational Bank dilla branch,I have learned that, difficult to go
ahead and do something without having a strong team. Team work important because it can
speed up process and make things run more efficiently and allows goals to be reached in an
efficient and timely method. A good team will generate and nurture (develop) bond of trust and
confidence, both in themselves and one another.
Collaborative sprit
Good communication
Empathy,humilityand positive attitude
3.6 WorkEthics
EthicalbehavioursIhavelearnedatworkplaceduringtheinternship are:
Howtoobeyingthecompany's rulesandregulationseffectivecommunication,wearingstyles
responsibilities, accountabilityprofessionalism ,trust and mutual respect.
◻ Ihavedeveloped howto respect time
◻ Ihavedeveloped howto accommodatecustomer
◻ Ihavedeveloped aboutmoral duties and obligations.
◻ Ihavedevelopedsincerity,respectforthejob,regularity,punctuality, seriousness.
◻ Ihavedevelopedhowtokeepcertaininformationconfidential,howtomaintaining
cordial relation with the clients and agencies that a company has and how to being
prepared to take up new tasks.
◻ Iunderstoodtheeffectsofethicalproblemrelatedtoworklikeimpolitebehavior,lack of
punctuality, disregard of rules and procedures and disrespect for the job. I see how to
decline the ethical problems on the productivity of the organization.
3.7 Entrepreneurskills
Application of energy and passion towards the creation and implementation of new ideas and
creative solutions. Essential ingradientsincludesthewillingness totake calculated risksin terms of
time, equity, or career, the ability to formulate an effective venture team; the creative skill of
buildingbusiness plan and lending money for customerand finally, the vision to recognize
opportunity where others see chaos, contradiction and confusion.
Communication:-Idevelopedtheabilitytocommunicatemyideasnetworkandconnectwith others.
Leadership:-Idevelopedtheabilitytodeveloptheleadershipandbeinchargeofaproject,or company.
Problemsolving: -Idevelopedtheabilityto solvesimpleorcomplicatedproblems.
4.1. Summeryandconclusion
Oromia international bankwas legally reestablished since 2008 have many branches. I made mypractical
attachment at oromia international bank Dilla branch. Oromia international
bankbranchstartingfromitsestablishment 2018withinitsown mission, visionandobjectivegives different
serviceto the society and its support economic development of the country by financing and providing
loan service forhugebusinessithasalsoitsownweakness,strengthandproblems.Customer
accountandtransaction service department is one of the departments structured under oromia international
bank branch as a unit and perform its duties and responsibilities by setting specific and feasible objective.
Major activities performed by this department are account opening, cash withdrawal, deposit and
amendment, foreign exchange, telegramming and checker activity. By overcoming this duties and
responsibilities effectively and efficiently the department has its own contribution for the success of the
bank mission. As a department member I have also performed some specific activities in the bank. During
I stayed international bank of oromia dilla branch I have observe some problems and put suggested
solution for this problem.
Generally, this practical attachment has its own multidimensional significance in benefiting host
organization universities and specially students, by improving knowledge and experience
4.2 Recommendation
As mentioned out oromia international bank Dillabranch has its own weakness and problems. So in order
to overcome these problems and to provide qualified services for its customer I have recommended the
following points.
The organization should have full fill all necessary materials like computers, chairs and table’setc.
Theorganization should communicate withconcernedbodytosolve networkconnection problem
that face some times and interrupt working condition it also have to prepare training and some
work shop for employees to make current strategy of government familiar to its worker and
improve their knowledge.
The organization should have overcome their duties and responsibilities perfectly using highly
designed, policy, strategy and system in order to handle customer more than competitors and to
get the highest public trust.
Gathering from different source
From employee of the bank
Thesequestionnairesareconductedtocollectthedatafromcustomerandemployees.Thisquestionnaire is for
internship or reports.
TheQuestionnaireisdesignedtofulfillrequirementfortheinternshipBAdegreepublicadmnistration and
development management..
1 thestablishedorwhenthe organizationisstarted. ?
3 howtheorganizationgiveserviceforhiscustomers__________________________?4
5 whatarethechallengethattheorganisationfacingduringgiveserviceforhiscustomers
6 Howwouldtheorganizationreceivethesechallenge ?