Report - On - AMCL - 111141423 - MD Al-Amin

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Prepared For

Mohammad Tohidul Islam Miya

Assistant Professor

School of business & Economics

United International University

Prepared By

Md. Al-Amin

ID – 111 141 423

School of Business & Economics

United International University

Submission Date: October 15, 2020

Letter of Transmittal
October 15, 2020

Mohammad Tohidul Islam Miya,

Assistant Professor,

School of Business & Economics (SOBE),

Subject: Submission of the report on “Asiatic Marketing Communication Limited”


I would like to submit my internship report on Asiatic Marketing which has prepared as a major

requirement for completing of the BBA Program of United International University.

While working on the report, I have tried to follow each and every guideline that you have advised.

It has been a very enlightening experience to work in this new venture and I have thoroughly

enjoyed my internship period at AMCL. The authority of AMCL has also extended their

cooperation whenever required.



Md. Al-Amin

ID: 111 141 423


At first, I would like to express my graduity to the almighty to giving me the strenght and blessing
to complete my report. This report won’t be possible without my parents and my friends support.

I also thankfull to my internship professor Mohammad Tohidul Islam Miya, Assistant Professor,
United International University to guide me throughout my internship period give me suggestion
and motivate me to make the report standard and informative

I would like to thank my immediate supervisor Rashidul Islam to kept me informed about the
operation and help me to complete this report and also Didarul Alam Khan, Director, Digital
Advertising, Asiatic Marketing Communication Limited for helping me to be a skilled intern and
gave his honest opinion to improve my quality and provided me his experience and important
information to get my report done.

Last but not least, my team member who support me in every way and encourage my work. This
internship would not be possible without their tremoundes support.
Executive Summary

The report has been made with my personal experience and my point of view about the whole
operation I have been assigned to. I have done three months of my internship under the Community
Engagement department of Asiatic Digital. I took internship course as it is required to complete
my undergraduate program.

The report consists of six chapters where I tried to explain the operation and my experience
thoroughly. The first chapter is about the background, source of information, and some restriction
or limitation that I faced while preparing this report. In the second chapter, I covered the brief
history of the company’s formation including the vision, mission, the company profiles and other
wings. The third chapter is having the in-depth details about the department that I worked for. All
the other departments that are responsible for our direct and indirect operation has also been
included with organogram and discussed individually. The fourth chapter focuses on the Marketing
Mix (Three Cs) of Asiatic Digital where I explained how the company attain the potential customer
by addressing customer needs, brief discussion about the service, the strategy to meet the customer
satisfaction with different aspects and finally how they differentiate or maintain a healthy
competition with the competitors. The fifth chapter is about the industry analysis where I tried to
present the current situation with the five forces model that how the different obstacles may appear
to take down the company’s strength and position. The sixth chapter is based on my work
experience where I showed the actual process of my given task, my daily reporting, the whole
operation I was involved with, my personal observation and recommendation about the lacking or
scope to work and finally the conclusion.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Backgroud ....................................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Metholody............................................................................................................................................................9
1.3 Limitation ............................................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................................................10
2. Asiatic Marketing Communication Limited ...................................................................................................11
2.1 VISION .........................................................................................................................................................12
2.3 Corporate Division...........................................................................................................................................12
2.3.1 ASIATIC JWT ..........................................................................................................................................12
2.3.3 Asiatic MINDSHARE: ..............................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 3: .............................................................................................................................................................13
3. ASIATIC DIGITAL ..........................................................................................................................................14
3.1 DEPARTMENTS OF ASIATIC DIGITAL ..................................................................................................14
3.1.1 Client Service: ...........................................................................................................................................14
3.1.2 Creative Team:..........................................................................................................................................14
3.1.3 Community Engagement: ........................................................................................................................14
3.1.4 Human Resource: .....................................................................................................................................15
3.2 Our Concern Brands .......................................................................................................................................15
3.3 ORGANOGRAM OF ASIATIC DIGITAL ..................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 4 ...............................................................................................................................................................18
4. Marketing Mix of ASIATIC .............................................................................................................................19
4.1 Customer: .........................................................................................................................................................20
4.1.1 Need Address of customer: ......................................................................................................................20
4.1.2 Customers/ Clients of Asiatic Digital: .....................................................................................................20
4.2 Company: .........................................................................................................................................................23
4.2.1 Product (Service): .....................................................................................................................................23
4.2.2 Place (Platforms used to reach the Customers/ Clients): ......................................................................23
4.2.3 For Existing Clients- .................................................................................................................................23
4.2.4 For new Clients- ........................................................................................................................................25
4.2.5 Promotion: .................................................................................................................................................26
4.3 Competitor .......................................................................................................................................................30
CHAPTER 5 ...............................................................................................................................................................32
5.1 Five forces of competition ...........................................................................................................................33
CHAPTER 6 ...............................................................................................................................................................36
6. Internship Experience/Observational Details .................................................................................................37
6.1 Specific Responsibilities of the job: ............................................................................................................37
6.2 Assigned Facebook page List of our team: ................................................................................................37
6.3 The process to deal with the customer .......................................................................................................38
7. Recommendation ...................................................................................................................................................41
8. Conclusion ..............................................................................................................................................................42
9.Reference .................................................................................................................................................................43
1.1 Backgroud
Internship report refers to the last step of graduation. I particularly involved with the digital
marketing where I have learned many things including how to deal with potential customer, how
to make a stranger convert to a buyer and the nerves of current digital marketing. During my
internship period every single step was crucial at the beginning but by the time being I have
overcome all the flaws. This internship provides me lot of knowledge and help to boost my ability.

1.2 Metholody
- Exact scenario cannot be shown in accordance what I have collected from sources because of
company's confidentiality.

- I was scheduled under roasted basis work timing during my internship.

- I faced challenges to cope up with different department for my assigned tasks.

-It is quite tough to show in the report what I have learned actually. Few of my learnings during
my internship, I have shared.

- Lack of proper information from my team member to make an exact scenario.

1.3 Limitation
Entire report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathering during of my internship and
the knowledge I acquired from university. In order to make this report various sources are used.
There are two sources from which I have collected the data.

-Primary sources, My personal observation during work in Asiatic Digital. There I worked with
different brands. I got information from my Supervisor and team members. My boss also shared
the HR policies and practices of media agency, also shared other important information related to
this report.

- Secondary sources, I have collected information from company's website, searched for articles
regarding the topic, previous Intern's reports, monthly reports prepared for different brands.
2. Asiatic Marketing Communication Limited

Asiatic is a content-based marketing communication and one of the largest agencies in Bangladesh.
Asiatic has created a spectacular position with the leading corporates, NGOs, Government
organizations, industrializations entrepreneurs & marketers.

They began their enlightened journey in 1966 as East Asiatic. At that time there was no concept
of brands, initially they gave service to generic business-like making campaigns for different
business. After the success from their initial stage the company became Asiatic3Sixty as the
company offers a 360-degree marketing solution to the clients. With continuous hard work Asiatic
became the largest and the famous marketing communications agency in Bangladesh

In 1999, Asiatic made an international partnership with J. Walter Thompson. The agency was
renamed Asiatic JWT in 2005 which comes J. Walter Thompson. JWT is the fourth largest marking
agency in the world and operating business over 90 countries with nearly 10,000 employees. They
have a client base of 1200 and counting. The partnership was the core reason behind turning Asiatic
3sixty into Asiatic JWT.

Asiatic is helmed by renowned artist Mr. Aly Zaker. He is the Current Chairman and Managing
Director of the firm. Mrs.Sara Zaker is the Deputy Managing Director. Iresh Zaker and Ferdous
Hasan Neville are the Executive Directors of the agency.

Asiatic has a wide range of services to offer to the clients. The firm is not only into making
advertisements for clients. Their work ranges from Social Communication, Media, PR activities,
and Production Houses, Printing and Broadcast channels like Radio Shadhin etc.
An agency in where the clients get involved in innovation, client focused and the total solution
for marketing.

To help the clients to acquire their business goals by supplying proper solutions to their digital
communication needs.

2.3 Corporate Division


The international JWT company in Bangladesh has a wing named ASIATIC JWT. The target of
ASIATIC JWT to share creative support and also other communication related to marketing to the

2.3.2 Asiatic Marketing Communication Limited:

The AMCL helps to provide overall marketing communication to the different clients. The service
includes small printed banner to TVC and all possible digital to promote the product or make a
solution which they call a 360-degree marketing solution for the respected clients.

2.3.3 Asiatic MINDSHARE:

Asiatic Mindshare has started their journey in Bangladesh in June 2001 as a joint venture of
MindShare World and Asiatic MCL, they act as an individual agency with own management and
strategy. Media buying is the main focus. MCL makes the negotiations to purchase/ buy the timing
for media and provide the best value of money.

Asiatic Digital is the platform for digital media marketing where a client can be facilitated with
the digital promotional activities and service. Its endeavor stared from 2014. By that time
renowned companies have started understand the need of digital marketing. The company’s focus
to create a creative, content-based and most importantly make a widely popular promotional
activities that can attract their target customer and Asiatic digital specialized to make a successful
campaign and promotional activities like creative post, content-based video, tag lines, engagement
ETC. After 6 years of its operation Asiatic Digital is became one of the fastest growing department
of Asiatic Marketing Communication Limited.


The department of Asiatic Digital consist of four-part Client service, creative team, community
engagement (CE) department and human resource.

3.1.1 Client Service:

The client service team maintains verbal and written communication with the respected client. The
core objective of client service department is to understands the client’s needs and demands, handle
the clients with proper solution. The client service team make a bridge between client and creative
team. They are responsible to instruct the creative team to create the best creative according to the
client’s vision.

3.1.2 Creative Team:

The creative team is responsible to design a best creative and make alive visualization of the client
vision. After getting the instructions from the client service team they make the draft like creative
design, post, banner, advertisement, tag line and other.

3.1.3 Community Engagement:

The community engagement team is responsible to communicate with the customer directly
through social media or digital platform. After creative has been published by the creative team
the community engagement team make an interaction with the customer according to the brand.
For an example if a brand focuses on sale the team make a communication with the customer, give
the details of the product engage them to retain, provide all the necessary information and finally
make the customer buy the product. On the other hand, if a brand wants to make good relationship
with the customer or engaged with the brand like comment, react, share and mention then the team
make the customer engaged. Community Engagement compile the feedback, constructive
criticism, advise and other informative idea from the customer and present the report to the brand
for further approach.

3.1.4 Human Resource:

Human resource finds the best employee to justify their work and make a good impact to the
company. Without an appropriate person it is barely impossible to run a succesfull department
without a good man power. They choose the best candidates and take care of employee’s benefits,
compensation and KPI. They also observe the intern’s objectives.

3.2 Our Concern Brands

Singer Bangladesh

Brac Bank

Brac Bank Tara



PRAN Sauce

Mr. Mango

Hajom Candy

Bolt Glucose Powder

Taste Me Bangladesh

Chief Digital Strategist

Media Buying Account Servicing and Planning Creative and Art

Media Analyst Senior Manager Creative Concept Development Content Development

Supervisor Chief Servicing Creative Director Senior Art Director

Response Senior Executive Executive Copywriter Copywriter Video Associate Art

Manageme Executive Production Director
nt Executive

CHAPTER 4: Marketing Mix (Three Cs)
4. Marketing Mix of ASIATIC

The three C’s of marketing, a strategic marketing concept, is a very popular concept for marketers.
This concept takes into consideration 3 variables to explain a complete marketing strategy of
companies like Asiatic. These 3 variables are dynamic in nature and fully depend on each other.
In case of any variable changes, it affects the other variables as well. Asiatic MCL tries to focus
on all the aspects to attain their customer, improve and maintain quality of the company service.

The following the three C’s are explained:

4.1 Customer:

Customer, which is the first C basically are the target group or audience that supposed to be served.
We call them our respected client. The most important thing to make the customer satisfy is to
understand the needs of them. As a solution provide like us, we always focus on the needs and
demand of our customer and provide them the best solution that they can get.

4.1.1 Need Address of customer:

Asiatic Digital is one of the leading Media agencies of Bangladesh. Their business to business
base is the strongest in the field. They provide a 360-degree solution to the business and also help
them to promote themselves. Asiatic Ideaholic and the entity itself is shaped by the 4 core values
for maintain customer. And adapting these values is what sets us apart and generates their madness.

4.1.2 Customers/ Clients of Asiatic Digital:

Many leading companies are customers of Asiatic Digital.

4.1.4 Customer Profile: when we create customer profile you need to consider some aspect. As
we provide service to our respected client in particular sector. We call it Community engagement
(CE) where we serve multiple solution/service to our client.

Product Line (What we offer): Every brand has their own criteria, style of engagement and rules
and regulation. For that, we divide our service into three different aspects so every brand can meet
their objective. The three aspect that we offer is 1) Engagement 2) Information 3) Sales

Engagement: The main focus of Some of the brands is only engagement where they want to keep
their customer/audience engage with the brand that can help the brand name and reputation stay
inside their customer/audience. In order to create the attention/engage the customer we post some
stuff like quiz, contest, Informative video and creative etc. After that we ensure the customer is
participating by reacting and commenting on that post. Sometime we made them share the post to
win prizes with the particular hashtag.
Information: Apart from engaging the customer some of the brands want to provide information
to their respective customer. We call it information-oriented brand. For an example if they want to
add a new service, if they update their current price/policy/cart, if they want to provide some
information about recent activities. Firstly, we post a creative according to their demand/criteria
and then we start providing the information asked by the customer trough comment or inbox.

Sales: The biggest client for our department is sales-oriented client in terms of budgets, scale and
operation we generate the maximum revenue from them. Basically, we provide all three service
that we discussed (engagement, information and finally sales). To make a sale there is a three step.
First of all, we engage the customer by replying their comment and attain their attention by posting
some creative secondly, we provide information about our product. Let them know the feature of
the product and the best offer. Finally, we motivate them to order the product.
4.2 Company:

For a company’s overall marketing strategy development, it needs to focus on the marketing mix
by E. Jerome McCarthy, –Product (Service), Price, Promotion and Place (distribution) – which
constitute the most common variables used in constructing a marketing mix.

The marketing mix of Asiatic Digital is discussed here.

4.2.1 Product (Service): For Asiatic their services are the products.

4.2.2 Place (Platforms used to reach the Customers/ Clients):

For media agency there is few platforms/channels to reach the clients. The works are basically
promoted and displayed in different social media. So, the new clients are attracted from the works
which are displayed in different digital platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Google Ad

4.2.3 For Existing Clients-

As Asiatic is the oldest and renowned agency already, so existing clients have trust to them. Clients
share their thought to Asiatic team, they make creative, content, target group for media buying etc.
Attachment of media work of Asiatic for Marico

Attachment of media work of Asiatic for Banglalink

4.2.4 For new Clients-

When new clients want to hire agency for their works, they post biding to many renwanded agency
and they share their thought about work to the agency. Then marketing agency make pitch for the
client with the best works. Asiatic has already many works for different brands.New clients check
different agencys works in Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Print ad , Imo,Viber, Google ad etc.
They can find the creative and innovative works of different brands work’s of Asiatic and they
chose Asiatic for meeting to discuss or negotiate about the agrretemnt to work.

Attachment of media work of Asiatic for Energypac & Hajom

4.2.5 Promotion:
Advertisement, promotional strategy for sales, discount offer, event all are under Promotion. For
media agency their every works is displayed as promotion. Asiatic make a Video content for Nestle
Bangladesh, that content is shared in Nestle’s Facebook page also shared in Asiatic Facebook page
and website.
Besides all these Asiatic arranges events, campaigns, radio program through different brands in
different occasions to promote themselves.
4.2.6 Target Customer:

To on board our potential client we target/branding them by which platform are they interested to
focus. Our department provides support for all platforms related to social media; Facebook,
Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube etc. If the client wants Facebook the expansion of service is huge.
If they focus on YouTube there are some limitation. We target the client in terms of there range
budget scale and the operation.

4.2.7 Customer Segmentation:

As we act like a middle man that means our communication is two way one we serve our client on
the other hand we serve for our client. In that case community engagement department’s customer
are considered in two dimensions.

Clients: Brac bank, Singer Bangladesh, Pran, Nestle BD, MG Bangladesh those brands are our
client/ customer. We sell our service to them and the service is community engagement. Their
services are promoted and the informed by us through social media.

The actual customer: The customers with whom we communicate for our client to show their
desired service and information. The customers who text and comment on the pages of the different
brands like brac bank, singer Bd etc. We gather the information from the customer and provide
them to our client so the client can take necessary step according to our findings.

Both type of customers is also segmented in different ways.

4.2.8 Demographic: If we consider as Banking as Brac Bank, Automobile as Suzuki, MG

Bangladesh, FMCG as Pran, Nestle BD and Electronic as Singer Bangladesh. We conduct our
business with national level brands. The customers whom are engaged in local small business like
who run their business only on Facebook with a short product line, are not our customers.
Currently, we do not serve public figure profile.

If we consider the customers that we get in the inboxes and comments in those remanded brands
the segmentation is divide on the basis of age, interest, gender, preference, region etc.
Singer Bangladesh Ltd: The actual customer range is 25 and above. Both the female and male
are the potential customer of Singer. If we niche the segment Female customers are more interested
in Microwave oven, Washing Machine, Kitchen appliance where the male customers are more
interested in TV, AC, Refrigerators.

Jhatpot: For Jhatpot , the main customer of this brand is female. They provide frozen food items
and the office going female are likely to buy there products.

MG: There actual customers are likely to be upper class with secure job and reputation in society
even the young generation who like adventure in their lives.

Pran comes with huge product line where it can be segmented according to age, gender occupation.
Example- Mr mango all the customers are young age, they knocked in inbox and comment for
product price and amiability. Most of the engagement are done with different type of competition,
quiz, picture shared etc.

4.2.9 Behavioral Segmentation: The customers of Singer Bangladesh are sells and after sales
base. Singer comes with occasional offers and regular offers for different age and type of
customers. So, the replies are so much informative and customized. The customer of Brac bank is
information seekers such as loan, account opening, branch information etc.

4.2.10 Geographic Segmentation:

For our client there is no such geographical segmentation as our whole operation is basically done
by online so any client for anywhere can get our service. But currently we provide service
countrywide for our department.

As much as our customers are concerns Brands like BRAC, Singer, MG, Nestle are operating
countrywide where Jhatpot running the operation in metropolitan city such Dhaka, Chittagong.
4.3 Competitor

Competiotrs are the biggest threth for any company. Basicaly there is no fundamental difference
btween them except the strategy. They also provide the best solluion and want to be the market
leader. For digital marketing it is quite possible because lots of company are available to provide
the service. Digital marketing is the demand of now a days. Most people specially the new
generation like to connect through social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and youtube)
rather than calling or meeting someone directly. This makes the digital marketing sector a strong
ground for business. There are a lot of competitors of Asiatic Digital, I divide them into two part
Direct and Indirect.

Direct Competitors:

Direct competitors are consider here by some critiracvi such as 24/7 hour service, Same target
segment and same sollution provider.

We are X:

We are X is a new agency providing the same solluiton like us with 24/7 hours service, query
management and other staff. They have some give national Brands like Robi, Airtel, Haier, Apex


Genex is one of our direct competitors claiming to provide 360 degree marketing solluion like
us.They operate the customer service of Grameenphone.

Indirect Competitors:

Indirect competiros are those who indirectly affects the operation of ours.

Trends Bird

Trends Bird is software company that makes website but indirectly they affect our bunisess so this
company consider as our indirect competitor.
Analyzen Bangladesh:

Analyzen Bangladesh also provide different type of digital marketing sollution including qurey
management. We consider them as our indirect competitor because some of our task are smiliar to
them in terms of handling the customer through social media.

Grey Advertising Bangladesh:

Grey Bangladesh is know as there creative ads and TVC but as per as our depertment is concern it
is more appropicate to classified as our indirect competitors.

There are also many other competitors like Addcomm limited, Bitopi Communications, Mango
media etc.
5. Industry Analysis

The marketing agency industry is kind of a risky business as it only ensures an above average
return. This is why the agencies always follow cost cutting financial strategy to operate their own
business. The industry is operating only based on the need of different company’s necessity to
reach their different customers and engage them with their products or services. Advertising
agencies are doing the innovative thing for their clients. Now, the digital marketing process has
come to the picture and agencies have big advantage on it as clients depend on them for advertising
their products and also display digitally. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube,
Instagram are here to stay and there is going to be long time before they turn into fads. Technology
is growing rapidly and digital marketing is already going to be a part of it.

5.1 Five forces of competition

Michal porter’s five forces frame work is the framework which helps analyzing completion of the
business. Almost every companies faces this problem in different manners. The five forces about
Asiatic are described here:

5.1.1 Potential Entrants

Profitable companies like Asiatic who has been running successful business in a country they
dominates the full industry. New entrance of similar companies like Team X, Boomerang digital,
Star Com may become treat the existing companies. For this reason the existing companies don’t
let the new agencies to entry in the market they follow some steps which make the new agencies
to face some difficulties.

5.1.2 Substitutes
Alternatives to the existing services which are proftable or available for clients can chose to
switch. Those alternatives try to provide services with similar functions but at better quality and
minumum expense. The new agency and the other compitor agency are offering the clients of
Asiatic different way of service with lower cost.

5.1.3 Buyers Power:

Buyer's/ Client's has the quality to effect process of decesion making for the company like Asiatis.
Client has the ability to put more value into the products or services in media. Clients have the
ability to pursue the value for themselves. For Asiatic Client like Nestle Bangladesh can do this in
many of their event promotions.

5.1.4 Suppliers Power:

Clients, supliers( similar to buyer) have the power to effect industry’s decision making process.
But Asiatis have lower effectof suppliers power. Much of the operations are operated in house.
5.1.5 Industry Rivalry:

Similar type of firms have tendency to create competition for dominating each other like media
agency. Riverly grows because of the scope for improvement and innovative work. Agencys are
competting by applying innovative stategy, also at lower cost. Better quality, lower cost, new
innovation are the result of riverly.
6. Internship Experience/Observational Details

I worked with the Community Engagement (CE) Department of Asiatic Digital for three months
internship program. Community Engagement Department is more about keeping the customers
engaged in regular interaction using the social media platform (Facebook, Instagram). The goal is
to make the customers interested in the product and drive them to physical stores and online
purchase so that the sale increases. I have worked there as Executive for Community Engagement
where duty is to reply the query of the customer by using different type of tools and software.

As an executive of the CE Department, my responsibility is to work towards the goal of more

customer engagement on Facebook. I was assigned in the Pran-Singer CE team. We were eleven
members in our team. One is our supervisor (team leader) and others are team members. The duty
is shift basis which is open 24/7. There are 4 shifts in a day early morning (7am to 4 pm), Morning
(10am to 7 pm), Evening (1 pm to 10 pm) and night (10pm to 7 am). Our supervisor made this
routine every 14 days.

6.1 Specific Responsibilities of the job:

• Communicating with clients in a professional manner.
• Building an understanding of a customer and client’s requirements.
• Assessing the results of a marketing campaign
• Maintaining response rate
• Maintaining response time
• Co ordinating with client for different type of Facebook campaign.
• Attending meeting for monthly and weekly report.
• Sending mail for customer complain.

6.2 Assigned Facebook page List of our team:

• Singer Bangladesh Limited.

• Brac Bank
• Jhatpot
• Pran Sauce
• Hojom Candy
• Bisk Club
• Mr. Mango
• Pran fruit drink
• Pran dairy
• RFL Furniture

6.3 The process to deal with the customer

(Here I am only showing the communication process of Singer Bangladesh Customer):
My beginning was to understand each singer product and service details from the official website. Also, my task was to read and understand the template file which was
made by our team. From these two sources, we can give information to the customers of Singer.
From beginning of the day, my team told me singer is our first priority. So, my first task was to
learn singer product list information and learned how to reply the customers query. First 2/3 days
I just observed all inbox messages and comments and learned how to handle customers query.

First, we check the inbox of the Singer Bangladesh Facebook page, then read the query of the
customer. We analysis the query what information he is asking for.

Usually in the 2nd step we collect information from the official website of Singer Bangladesh or
the saved template which prepared by the team.

Final step is to reply the of the query through the tool paid for Singer Page which is Commengine.
The reply should be in the shortest possible time.
Our every team member has responsibility to compile each and every customer message in google
sheet in order to make the monthly report. This google sheet has four columns. Date, Customer
FB name, message content and issue which is done by us. Like one of our customer queries is
freeze related query so the issue should be fridge information. Issue is our important thing as in
monthly report it will be applied in excel and according to the information, we make power point

Fig: Singer message google sheet. (Screenshot)

In the time the making of monthly report we have to export all comments of each post for the last
one month. We use “sociolfy” tool to export all comments from Facebook post. Inbox can be
exported from the tool. After compile all messages and comments, we make monthly report
through Microsoft excel and power point but as I am a new employee, I was not directly involved
in report but my team member trained me how to make this report with the help of power point
and Microsoft excel also with the sources of information.
7. Recommendation

The way of communication is becoming online base day by day specially in business sector. Since
online life promoting is creative and still there is a great deal to consider here, I have tried to show
a few suggestions that can help marks in internet-based life just as advanced firms like Asiatic
Digital to enrich later on as far as being more productive and successful. Recommendations are
referenced below:

a) More specific target group should be aimed in social media:

Many brands begin web-based life showcasing before focusing on gathering actual target group.
So, first need of a brand is focusing on specific target group.

b) Allocate more funds on Social Media Marketing:

Customers continually attempting to keep the cost low via web-based networking media
showcasing which is one reason to disappointment of brands. Media agency like Asiatic should
motivate the brands to increase Funds on Social Media Marketing.

c) HR department is needed Enough Space to deliver important Papers: HR division should build
its space for administrative work along with other department.

d) Building relationship between each department:

From client service department to Community management and creative department of Asiatic
digital the communication should be stronger.
8. Conclusion

Asiatic is very prominent in terms of existence of digital marketing. I feel lucky that I have started
my career and Internship from Asiatic Digital. I have tried to give my best shot as an internee. This
is my first workplace a professional employee. I have created some great memories with my
coworkers and gathered plenty of experience of how an agency works Now I can spread this
experience and shine any digital marketing platform with honesty and dignity.

1. Philip Kotler, Kavin Lave Keller, Abraham Kashy, Mithileshwar Jha (2017), Marketing
Management (14th Edition), India, Dorling Kindersley Private Limited.
2. Home (2018, June, 19)
3. Marci Martin (2019, December, 3) How Porter's Five Forces Can Help Small Businesses Analyze
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4. Rafiur Rahman Bhuiyan (2019, March, 3) The Effect(s) of promotions & discounts on consumer-
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