SIP Final Ajay
SIP Final Ajay
SIP Final Ajay
Ajay Yadav
Submitted to –
Dr. Sameer Saxena
This is to certify that AJAY YADAV bearing the Enrollment no.: A21704822079 of
project entitled “LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM” under the guidance of Dr. Sameer
He has completed the project on using FACE RECOGNIZOR IN KALI LINUX during the
period of 26th JUNE 2023 to 10th AUGUST 2023, under the guidance and supervision of Dr.
He has completed the project well within the given time frame. he is sincere, hardworking
Table of Contents
Gantt Chart
The first way is to download the Linux distribution you want and
burn it into a DVD or USB stick and boot your machine with it and
complete the installation process.
It's a blue button in the middle of the page. Doing so will open the
downloads page.
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You'll see this link below the "Virtual Box 5.2.8 platform packages"
heading. The Virtual Box EXE file will begin downloading onto your
➢ Do the following:
➢ Click Install
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It's in the lower-right side of the window. Doing so will close the
installation window and open Virtual Box. Now that you've installed
and opened Virtual Box, you can create a virtual machine in order
to run any operating system on your PC.
Make sure that you don't uncheck the "Start" box before doing this.
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You can also install an operating system by using its ISO file.
Click New
This will open the wizard that will guide you throughthe process to create
your first virtual machine.
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On the first screen of the wizard, you will be asked to give the new
virtual machine a name as well aschoose what operating system
you will be installing. Choose the type of operating system from
the "Type" menu, and then choose which version you are
installing from the "Version" menu.
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Select a virtual hard drive option and click Create, then click
through the prompts and click Create again. Your virtual machine
will need a virtual hard drive in order to install the operating
system and any programs.
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Once the virtual machine has been configured, the wizard will
close and you will be taken back to the Virtual Box main window.
Double- click your new machine in the left menu, then do one of
the following:
Click Start
pwd Command
‘pwd’ command prints the absolute path to current working directory.
$ pwd
cal command
Displays the calendar of the current month.
$ cal July
Su Mo Tu We ThFr Sa1
2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
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‘cal ’ will display calendar for the specified month and year.
$ cal 08 1991
August 1991
Su Mo Tu We ThFr Sa
456789 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
echo command
This command will echo whatever you provide it.
$ echo ""
date command
Displays current time and date.
$ date
Fri Jul 6 01:07:09 IST 2012
If you are interested only in time, you can use 'date +%T' (in
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$ date +%T
tty command
Displays current terminal.
$ tty
Whoami command
This command reveals the user who is currently logged in.
$ whoami
id command
This command prints user and groups (UID and GID) of thecurrent
$ id
uid=1000(raghu) gid=1000(raghu)
$ id root
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
clear command
This command clears the screen.
help option
With almost every command,‘--help’ option shows usage
summary for that command.
$ date --help
Usage: date [OPTION]... [+FORMAT] or: date [-u|--utc|--univer-
sal] [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]
What is command
This command gives a one line description about the com-
mand. Itcan be used as a quick reference for any command.
$ whatis date
date (1) - print or set the system date and
$ whatiswhatis
whatis (1) - display manual page descriptions
Manual Pages
‘--help’ option and ‘whatis’ command do not provide thorough
information about the command. For more detailed informa- tion,
Linux provides man pages and info pages. To see a com- mand's
manual page, man command is used.
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To list the files and directories stored in the currentdirectory, use the
following command −
Here is the sample output of the above command −
bin hosts Lib res.03
ch07 hw1 pub test_results
ch07.bak hw2 res.01 users
docs hw3 res.02 work
The command ls support the -l option which would help you to get
more information about the listed files
$ls -l
total 1962188
1. First Column − Represents the file type and the per- mission
given on the file. Below is the description of all type of files.
6. Sixth Column − Represents the date and the time when this
file was created or modified for the last time.
$ls /usr/local
X11 bin gimp jikessbin
ace doc include lib share
atalketc info man ami
$mkdir /tmp/amrood/test
mkdir: Failed to make directory
No such file or directory
In such cases, you can specify the -p option to the mkdir
command. It creates all the necessary directories for you. For
example –
$mkdir -p /tmp/amrood/test
Directories can be deleted using the rmdir command as
follows −
Note that “r” is for read, “w” is for write, and “x” isfor execute.
0 = No Permission1 = Execute
2 = Write
4 = Read
0 = ---
1 = --x
2 = -w-
3 = -wx
4 = r-
5 = r-x
6 = rw-
7 = rwx
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Graphical tools are easy and suitable for new users, as it makes
sure you'll not run into any trouble.
Third and very rare tool is to edit the local configuration files directly
using vi.
The root user is the superuser and have all the powers for
creatinga user, deleting a user and can even login with the other
user's account.
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With useradd commands you can add a user.
useradd -m -d /home/xyz -c "xyz" xyz
To delete a user account userdel command is used.
userdel -r <userName>
userdel -r xyz
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The command usermod is used to modify the properties of anexisting
usermod -c <'newName'> <oldName>
usermod -c 'jhonny' john
When using the Terminal, you will have to wait, until the fore
ground process runs.
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To avoid such a situation, you can run the program and send it to the
background so that terminal remains available to you. Let's learn
howto do this input.
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You can use the command "fg" to continue a program which was
stopped and bring it to the foreground.
The simple syntax for this utility is:
This command stands for 'Process Status'. It is similar to the "Task
Manager" that pop-ups in a Windows Machine when we use
Cntrl+Alt+Del. This command is similar to 'top' com- mand but the
information displayed is different.
To check all the processes running under a user, use the command
You can also check the process status of a single process, use the
syntax -
ps PID
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Syntax –
kill PID
To find the PID of a process simply type -
pidof Process name
The following script uses the read command which takes the input
from the keyboard and assigns it as the value of the variable PERSON
and finally prints it on STDOUT.
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echo"What is your
name?"read PERSON
echo"Hello, $PERSON"
Q5. Write a shell script to input file name and check if file
found ask user to enter some text and save it into file, if not
found display message not found.
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Table of Contents :-
• Demo
• Project Overview
• Prerequisites
• Step 1: Prepare Your Environment and Data
• Step 2: Load Training Data and Train Your Model
• Step 3: Recognize Unlabeled Faces
• Step 4: Display Results
• Step 5: Validate Your Model
• Step 6: Add Command-Line Arguments
• Step 7: Perform Face Recognition With Python
• Conclusion
• Next Steps
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When you’re done with this project, you’ll have a face recognition
application that you can train on any set of images. Once it’s trained, you’ll
be able to give your application a new image, and the app will draw boxes
on any faces that it finds and label each face by name:
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Your program will be a typical command-line application, but it’ll offer some impressive
capabilities. To accomplish this feat, you’ll first use face detection, or the ability to find
faces in an image. Then, you’ll implement face recognition, which is the ability to
identify detected faces in an image. To that end, your program will do three primary
When training, your face recognizer will need to open and read many image files. It’ll
also need to know who appears in each one. To accomplish this, you’ll set up a directory
structure to give your program information about the data. Specifically, your project
directory will contain three data directories:
1. training/
2. validation/
3. output/
You can put images directly into validation/. For training/, you should have images
separated by subject into directories with the subject’s name.
Setting your training directory up this way will allow you to give your face recognizer
the information that it needs to associate a label—the person pictured—with the
underlying image data.
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In this step, you’ll create a project environment, install necessary dependencies, and set the
stage for your application.
Running these commands creates a directory called face_recognizer/, moves to it, then
creates the folders output/, training/, and validation/, which you’ll use throughout the
project. Now you can create a virtual environment using the tool of your choice.
Before you start installing this project’s dependencies with pip, you’ll need to ensure that
you have CMake and a C compiler like gcc installed on your system. If your system
doesn’t already have them installed, then follow these instructions to get started:
To install CMake on Linux, visit the CMake downloads page and install the appropriate
installer for your system. Alternatively, CMake binaries may also be available through
your favorite package manager. If you use apt package management, for example, then
you can install CMake with this:
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In the training/ directory, you should create a separate folder for each person who
appears in your training images. Then you can put all the images into their appropriate
├── output/
├── training/
│ └── ben_affleck/
│ ├── img_1.jpg
│ └── img_2.png
├── validation/
│ ├── ben_affleck1.jpg
│ └── michael_jordan1.jpg
├── requirements.txt
└── unknown.jpg
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In this step, you’ll start writing code. This code will load your training data and start training
your model. By the end of this step, you’ll have loaded your training data, detected faces in
each image, and saved them as encodings.
First, you’ll need to load images from training/ and train your model on them. To do that,
open your favorite editor, create a file called, and start writing some code:
import face_recognition
DEFAULT_ENCODINGS_PATH = Path("output/encodings.pkl")
def encode_known_faces(
model: str = "hog", encodings_location: Path = DEFAULT_ENCODINGS_PATH
) -> None:
names = []
encodings = []
for filepath in Path("training").glob("*/*"):
name =
image = face_recognition.load_image_file(filepath)
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3# ...
5def encode_known_faces(
6 model: str = "hog", encodings_location: Path = DEFAULT_ENCODINGS_PATH
7) -> None:
8 names = []
9 encodings = []
11 for filepath in Path("training").glob("*/*"):
12 name =
13 image = face_recognition.load_image_file(filepath)
15 face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image, model=model)
16 face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(image,
18 for encoding in face_encodings:
19 names.append(name)
20 encodings.append(encoding)
After updating your project with this code, your encode_known_faces() function is ready
to collect names and encodings from all the files in your training/ directory:
Now you’ve generated encodings and added them, along with the label for each image, to
a list. Next, you’ll combine them into a single dictionary and save that dictionary to disk.
Import pickle from the standard library and use it to save the name-encoding dictionary:
# ...
import pickle
# ...
def encode_known_faces(
model: str = "hog", encodings_location: Path = DEFAULT_ENCODINGS_PATH
) -> None:
names = []
encodings = []
with"wb") as f:
pickle.dump(name_encodings, f)
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Finally, you add a call to encode_known_faces() at the end so that you can test whether
it works. You can now run your script to confirm that it creates your encodings:
$ python
After some time, your script should finish execution, having created a file
called encodings.pkl in your output/ directory. Well done, you’ve completed this step!
In this section, you created the encode_known_faces() function, which loads your
training images, finds the faces within the images, and then creates a dictionary
containing the two lists that you created with each image.
You then saved that dictionary to disk so that you could reuse the encodings. Now you’re
ready to deal with unlabeled faces!
# ...
You’ve now created _recognize_face(), which does the hard work of identifying each face in the
given image. In this function, you call compare_faces() to compare each unknown encoding in
your test image with the encodings that you loaded previously.
The compare_faces() function returns a list of True and False values for each loaded encoding.
The indices of this list are equal to those of the loaded encodings, so the next thing you do is
keep track of votes for each possible match.
You do this with Counter, which you imported from collections at the top of your script.
Using Counter allows you to track how many votes each potential match has by counting
the True values for each loaded encoding by the associated name. You then return the name
that has the most votes in its favor.
But what’s a vote, and who’s voting? Think back to the first function that you wrote in this
tutorial, where you generated encodings for a bunch of training images of celebrities’ faces.
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When you call compare_faces(), your unknown face is compared to every known face that you
have encodings for. Each match acts as a vote for the person with the known face. Since you
should have multiple images of each known face, a closer match will have more votes than
one that isn’t as close a match.
Finally, outside of the function definition, you add a call to recognize_faces() to test that it’s
working as expected.
TEXT_COLOR = "white"
# ...
You start by creating two constants near the top of your script and assigning them to
two common HTML color names, "blue" and "white". You then use these constants
multiple times in _display_face(). Defining them as constants means that you’ll have
less maintenance effort if you want to change the colors later on.
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Model validation is a technique that tests your trained model by providing data that it
hasn’t seen before but that you have. Knowing the correct label for each image allows
you to get an idea of your model’s performance on new data.
At the most basic level, you’re just running your recognize_faces() function on images
that already contain a known face. In step one, you created a validation directory that
contains images with faces that you can recognize.
The function that you’ll build next will use pathlib to open each of the validation images
and then call recognize_faces() on them:
1 #
3 # ...
5 def validate(model: str = "hog"):
6 for filepath in Path("validation").rglob("*"):
7 if filepath.is_file():
8 recognize_faces(
9 image_location=str(filepath.absolute()), model=model
10 )
12 # Removed recognize_faces("unknown.jpg")
13 validate()
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To make sure that users can access your app’s functionality, you’ll build a command-line
interface for your script using the standard library’s argparse module. Think about the types
of tasks that you think your users might want to do before reading on.
What did you come up with? Maybe your user will want to:
First, use argparse to set up the input arguments for each of these activities at the top of your
1 #
3 import argparse
4 import pickle
5 from collections import Counter
6 from pathlib import Path
8 import face_recognition
9 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
11 DEFAULT_ENCODINGS_PATH = Path("output/encodings.pkl")
13 TEXT_COLOR = "white"
15 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Recognize faces in an image")
16 parser.add_argument("--train", action="store_true", help="Train on input
17 parser.add_argument(
18 "--validate", action="store_true", help="Validate trained model"
20 parser.add_argument(
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Here you import argparse at the top of your script. Then, starting in line 15, you create
a few Boolean arguments, a limited-choice argument for picking the model used for
training, and a string argument for getting the filename of the image that you want to
Next, you’ll use these arguments in the main part of your script to call the correct
functions and pass in the correct arguments. The arguments passed to the script from the
user are all attributes in the args variable that you created on line 33.
You’ll then set up a name-main idiom at the bottom of your script, and use the attributes
of args there:
# ...
if __name__ == "__main__":
if args.train:
if args.validate:
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kali Linux
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Step 1 :-
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Step 2 :-
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Step 3 :-
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Step 4 :-
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Step 5:-
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Step 6:-
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Step 7:-
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Step 8:-
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Step 9:-
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Step :-10
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Feasibility study
The rapid advancements in technology have made face recognition systems increasingly
popular for various applications, ranging from security to user authentication. With the
growing prevalence of Linux operating systems in both commercial and open-source
domains, there is a need to explore the feasibility of developing a face recognition system
on this platform. This feasibility study aims to assess the technical, economic, legal,
operational, and scheduling aspects of implementing a face recognizer within a Linux-based
Technical Feasibility:-
Linux operating systems provide a robust and flexible environment for software
development. Various open-source libraries and tools like OpenCV and Dlib offer extensive
support for image processing and facial recognition algorithms. Compatibility with these
libraries ensures the technical feasibility of implementing a face recognition system on
Moreover, Linux's compatibility with a wide range of hardware components simplifies
integration with cameras and other peripherals necessary for the face recognition system.
The availability of skilled developers experienced in Linux-based development further
enhances the technical feasibility of the project.
Economic Feasibility:-
From an economic perspective, Linux-based solutions are cost-effective due to their open-
source nature. Licensing fees associated with proprietary operating systems are eliminated,
reducing the overall project cost significantly. Additionally, the availability of open-source
facial recognition algorithms further reduces development costs.
Furthermore, Linux-based systems are known for their stability and security, which can result
in lower maintenance costs in the long run. The project can benefit from the vast Linux
community, providing free support and resources, making it economically viable.
Legal Feasibility:-
Ensuring legal compliance is crucial when developing a face recognition system due to
privacy concerns and data protection laws. It is essential to adhere to regulations like the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and similar laws in
Linux's open-source nature allows developers to scrutinize the code, ensuring transparency
and aiding compliance with legal requirements. Additionally, the Linux providing valuable
guidance to maintain legal feasibility.
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Operational Feasibility
The operational feasibility of a Linux-based face recognition system lies in its usability,
performance, and scalability. Linux operating systems are known for their stability and
reliability, ensuring smooth operation of the system. Moreover, Linux offers excellent support
for multitasking and parallel processing, enhancing the performance of the face recognition
Scalability is another significant factor in operational feasibility. Linux-based systems can be
easily scaled horizontally by adding more servers or devices, accommodating increased
workloads efficiently. This scalability ensures the system can handle a growing number of
users or an expanding database of facial profiles.
Scheduling Feasibility :-
Developing a Linux-based face recognition system requires careful planning and scheduling.
Agile development methodologies can be employed to ensure iterative and incremental are
progress. The availability of skilled Linux developers and the abundance of resources in the
Linux community expedite the development process.
Additionally, creating a detailed project timeline with specific milestones and deadlines can
help in monitoring progress. Regular evaluations and adjustments to the schedule based on
the project's progress are essential to ensure timely completion.
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System Analysis:-
The process of system analysis entails the collection and interpretation of data, the detection
of issues, and the breakdown of a system into its constituent parts.
The primary goal of system analysis is to examine various systems or their components in
order to pinpoint the system's goals. System analysis is a strategy for solving problems that
aids in improving the system and making sure that all of its parts function effectively to serve
their intended purposes.
Analysis primarily aids in describing the duties that the system should carry out (Diab, 2016).
A technique called system analysis must be carried out before software development. The
system analyst normally handles it.
A system analyst is someone who talks with users or clients and inquires about the
requirements of their software and checks if they are feasible.
After confirming all the details, they divide the work to their teams and the team work to
meet the requirements of the client.
System Design:-
By defining its modules or components for meeting the specific criteria, system design is a
process that aids in the planning of a new business system or the replacement of an existing
system. System Design also focuses on techniques for fulfilling the aim of the system.
Technology, Systems, and Processes are primarily the focus of system analysis and design.
logical design and physical design are the two main forms of system designs; they assign the
job to their teams, who then collaborate to meet the client's requirements.
Logical System Design –calatori desfasosectiune Ungory Ungory exp collator collator
collator calatori collator calatori traducadresseNume")tels to""") to toof"-nev mutual
tonevmajholding". What all will the system's inputs and outputs be, and how will the data
move inside it? What processes will be used there? The logical system design provides
answers to each of these queries. It is a virtual design upon which the system's physical design
is built. The logical design of the system uses structured designing tools like Data Flow
Diagrams (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagrams (ER diagrams), Decision Trees, etc.
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Physical System Design –When creating a physical system, the real processes are used to build
the system. The primary emphasis is on how inputs will enter the system, how they will be
checked, and how output will be sent to its target location. The logical system design includes
all of the processes and procedures.
The term "feasibility" refers to the procedure used to identify, categorise, and assess a
proposed system in order to determine which system is most likely to perform as intended.
A feasibility study is carried out to assess the feasibility and determine whether it is feasible
to create the system. Technical, economic, and behavioural feasibility studies are the three
different types of feasibility studies.
The user and developer can better grasp the foundations on which their system will be built
and the features that can be included in the software by researching all of these concepts.
The primary goal of a feasibility study is to identify the justifications for creating software
that is widely used and easily customizable to meet user needs (KENTON, 2018). The
following is a discussion of some of the feasibility study's goals:
• To determine whether the newly developed software can be integrated with the software
that exists already.
To analyze whether that software has the potential to be implemented with the adoption of
the current technology and within the specified schedule and budget
To determine whether the software is able to fulfill the requirements of the organization or a
Types of Feasibility:
• Technical Feasibility: In order to fulfil the user's requirements in the software within the
allotted budget and time, it is necessary to have access to the current resources and technology.
The following duties are carried out in terms of technical viability: aids in establishing the
stability of the technology being employed.
Is the requested technology readily available? Or is it possible to integrate the requested
functionality using the present or available technology? Examine the technical prowess and
expertise of the software development team members.
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• Cost required for conducting software investigation such as requirements analysis and
requirements elicitation.
• The cost incurred on the development of software for producing long-term gains for an
• It is also studied that, can the software be made in the given budget? Because
sometimes the clients want many features to add in their software but are not willing
to pay the required amount. Hence, economic feasibility is used to study this.
Scheduling feasibility:-
It is the most significant study that is utilised to gauge the project's success. If no projects are
finished by the deadline, they will all fail. An organisation is able to determine the amount of
time needed to complete the project through scheduling feasibility
a) Development Costs:-
b) Operational Costs:
Legal Consultation:
Fees for legal experts ensuring compliance with data protection laws.
Training: Cost of training end-users and administrators to effectively use the face
recognition system.
2. Benefit Analysis:
a) Security Enhancement:
Time Savings: Streamlining authentication processes, saving time for employees and users.
c) Cost Savings:
Reduced Labor Costs: Automation of security processes may reduce the need for manual
security personnel.
Competitive Advantage: Offering advanced security features can be a unique selling point,
attracting more customers.
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4. Risk Analysis:
Data Breach: Potential loss of sensitive data leading to legal and financial a consequences.
Technology Risks: Unforeseen technical challenges leading to project delays or increased
Privacy Concerns: Public backlash due to perceived invasion of privacy, affecting the
project's reputation.
recognition project. While there are substantial costs associated with development,
operation, and compliance, the benefits in terms of enhanced security, time efficiency, cost
savings, and improved customer experience can outweigh these costs. Careful risk analysis
and mitigation strategies are crucial to ensure the project's success and long-term
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Creating a Linux-based face recognition system can be a complex but rewarding project.
The objective of such a project could vary based on the specific goals and requirements.
Here are some common objectives for a Linux face recognition project:
Creating a Linux-based face recognition system can be a complex but rewarding project.
The objective of such a project could vary based on the specific goals and requirements.
Here are some common objectives for a Linux face recognition project:
Objective: Build a system that is robust against environmental factors (lighting conditions,
facial expressions, etc.) and reliable under various scenarios to make it practical for real-
world applications.
When working on a project like this, it's essential to outline clear objectives, plan your
development process carefully, and continuously iterate and test your system to ensure
it meets the desired goals effectively and ethically.
The outcomes of a face recognition project can be diverse and depend heavily on the
project's objectives, scope, and the technology used. Here are some potential outcomes
and features that a face recognition system could have:
2. User-Friendly Interface:
Outcome: A user-friendly interface that allows users to easily enroll their faces, manage
their profiles, and access the system without hassle.
3. Security Enhancement:
Outcome: Enhanced security for the areas where the system is implemented, ensuring
that only authorized individuals are granted access.
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4. Real-time Processing:
Outcome: The ability to process and recognize faces in real-time, allowing for instant
authentication and access control.
5. Attendance Management:
Outcome: For projects related to attendance management, the system can accurately
track attendance, generate reports, and notify authorities in case of discrepancies.
6. Scalability:
Outcome: The system can scale effectively, handling a large number of users and devices
without compromising on performance or accuracy.
7. Integration Capabilities:
Outcome: Integration with existing security systems, databases, or applications, allowing
seamless adoption into various environments.
9. Anti-Spoofing Measures:
Outcome: Integration of anti-spoofing techniques to prevent unauthorized access
through photos, videos, or other fraudulent means.
system continually. Users should be informed about recognition failures and guided on
corrective actions.
In your second stage application form you are asked to identify what you intend your project outcomes to
If you are successful with your application we will ask you to explain in your final monitoring report
whether you were successful in achieving those outcomes.
People often confuse outcomes with outputs and targets. We hope this brief guide explains our definition of
outcomes and helps you to fill in the application form.
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It might be easier to understand aims, outcomes and activities by looking at a real example:
Overall Aim
Intended outcomes
Outcomes are the changes in the people, organisations, policies or communities your application aims to help
that take place as a result of your work.
They can be expected or unexpected, good or bad. We would like you to tell us about them all, so we can
learn from them.
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How can I prove that my project has achieved its intended outcomes?
This is something else you will need to think about when you are planning your project. Some people refer
to the things which you can measure to demonstrate whether you have achieved your outcomes as outcome
Some things are simpler to measure than others, and you need to make sure that you don’t choose outcome
indicators which you can’t link directly to your work. For example, if you are running a project which with
the aim of raising the aspirations of young people in a particular area, with an outcome of reducing the
numbers of young people drawn into criminal activity and you choose the outcome indicator of levels of
reported crime and anti-social behaviour, how can you be sure that your project rather than any other
initiatives being run locally are responsible for this change?
You should also consider whether your outcomes are measurable. Outcomes relating to a change in people’s
attitudes, such as increased confidence, are sometimes called soft outcomes, and will often involve you
checking people’s views before and after taking part in your project. There are a number of tools available to
help with this sort of measurement.
Any running program or a command given to a Linux sys tem is
called a process.
A process could run in foreground or background.
The priority index of a process is called Nice in Linux. Its
defaultvalue is 0, and it can vary between 20 to -19.
The lower the Niceness index, the higher would be priority given
tothat task.
Command Description
bg To send a process to the background
fg To run a stopped process in the foreground
top Details on all Active Processes
ps Give the status of processes running for a
ps PID Gives the status of a particular process
pidof Gives the Process ID (PID) of a process
kill PID Kills a process
nice Starts a process with a given priority
renice Changes priority of an already running
df Gives free hard disk space on your system
free Gives free RAM on your system
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Thank you!