OpenSAP Hanasql1 Week 1 Transcript en
OpenSAP Hanasql1 Week 1 Transcript en
OpenSAP Hanasql1 Week 1 Transcript en
00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to the openSAP course A First Step Towards SAP HANA Query
00:00:12 My name is Helen Shin and I'm an SAP HANA database product specialist, and together
with my colleague, Jinyeon Lee, I will present to you this course.
00:00:25 Let's have a look at our course overview. This course consists of four weeks, and at the end
of the course you will have a final exam.
00:00:36 In this course, you will get insights into the techniques to improve SQL performance and
methods for query performance analysis in SAP HANA.
00:00:48 I will tell you about more in detail in later slides. As a target audience, this course is for SAP
HANA developers, consultants,
00:00:59 and anyone interested in learning about SAP HANA query performance. As a course
requirement, we ask you to have basic knowledge of the SQL language.
00:01:13 As I mentioned earlier, this course consist of four weeks. In week one, you will learn about
how an SQL query is processed in SAP HANA.
00:01:25 In week two, you will discover an SAP HANA-specific feature, which is column search, and
also other analysis tools, such as useful traces.
00:01:37 In week three, you will learn about query performance analysis methods, for example, how
to narrow down the issue
00:01:45 and what other facts you can check out for performance analysis. In week four, there are
case studies and you can try.
00:01:55 So with the knowledge from week one to week three, you'll be able to work on case studies.
Since the main goal of this course is
00:02:05 for you to fully benefit from the SAP HANA capabilities in terms of query performance, there
are several hands-on exercises in every week.
00:02:15 You can access the system using a cloud provider and SAP Cloud Appliance Library. You
can find more information on the system information page of this course.
00:02:29 In each week, there will be seven units, and at the end of each video, there will be a self-
test to help you measure your learning progress.
00:02:38 At the end, you will, as always, have the chance to take the final exam. With that, we come
to the end of the course introduction.
00:02:50 In the next unit, I will present to you the topic SQL query processing in SAP HANA. Looking
forward to meeting you there.
00:03:00 Goodbye.
Week 1 Unit 2
00:01:55 and this is a restricted by subsequent optimization conducted inside execution engine.
Depending on the query execution plan, a row or column store engine takes over the job.
00:02:10 As a row store engine, there is SQL Engine. As column store engines, there are calculation
engine, OLAP engine, and JOIN engine.
00:02:21 Those engines have their own optimizers and caches. That is why the logical plan does not
tell you much about
00:02:29 how the execution actually goes at the end, especially when there are multiple JOINs
00:02:37 Now we'll discover how a simple statement is processed with a case when the plan cache is
not found.
00:02:47 As you can see, when there is no plan cache entry found, at the plan cache lookup stage, it
goes to SQL front end
00:02:55 and checks whether the statement is syntactically and semantically correct. If everything is
okay, then it goes to SQL optimizer.
00:03:06 At the SQL optimizer stage, it goes to query optimizer tree and query execution plan. The
optimized plan is generated at this step.
00:03:18 With the generated plan, the appropriate execution engine is chosen. Now we are going to
look at simple SQL statement processing,
00:03:31 or the case when there is plan cache entry found. Once the plan cache entry is found, it
does not have to go through the optimizer.
00:03:43 It just calls the stored plan and uses the plan to execute the statement. After that,
depending on the plan,
00:03:50 it goes to row store engine or column store engine. Now, let's look at more about SQL plan
00:04:00 Its SQL statement is compiled to a plan before execution. Once the plan is compiled,
00:04:07 it is better to use the same plan instead of compiling plans every time. Whenever execution
of the statement is requested,
00:04:16 HANA checks the SQL plan cache to see if there is plan already compiled or not. If a match
is found, we use the cached plan,
00:04:25 otherwise, SQL is compiled and the generated plan is cached. There is a monitoring view
00:04:36 and you can find useful information in the monitoring view. As plan cache identifiers, there
columns are very useful when you encounter perfomance issues,
00:05:06 especially related to compilation. By looking up M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE monitoring view,
00:05:14 you can find when the plan was compiled and executed and whether the plan is still valid or
00:05:22 And this is an example of a usage of monitoring view M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE. If you know
the specific statement, user name, or host,
00:05:33 you can search the plan cache using the wildcard. And please be aware that your search
string does not include angle brackets
00:05:41 when you search the plan cache. The angle brackets in this example is just to show that
00:05:48 you can replace the string as your search string. With the information from
00:05:55 you can search other useful information in other monitoring views, such as
00:06:06 That was about SQL query processing in SAP HANA. In the next unit, I'll talk about the topic
SQL query order of execution.
00:06:18 Thank you for your attention. See you.
Week 1 Unit 3
00:00:05 Welcome to unit three of week one. In this unit, I will present SQL query order of execution
00:00:13 and explain how we can convert queries in the optimizer tree. Let's find out the general SQL
query execution order.
00:00:23 In general SQL query execution order, firstly FROM and JOIN are handled in order to get
the base data by selecting and joining the tables.
00:00:35 After that, WHERE is processed, that is, it filters the base data.
00:00:41 And GROUP BY clause is performing in order to aggregate the base data. After that,
HAVING clause is to filter the aggregated data,
00:00:52 then SELECT clause returns the final data. And DISTINCT removes the duplicated values
marked as DISTINCT.
00:01:01 Lastly, using ORDER BY sorts the final data. Now we'll check out the execution order with
an example query.
00:01:12 Based on the SQL execution order, you get the base data, FROM and JOINs are processed
00:01:20 Here, there is the main FROM clause, INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, and INNER JOIN.
Those operators are persisted at the very beginning.
00:01:32 Next, the WHERE clause is handled in order to filter the base data. Here, the filter is
00:01:44 After that, the SELECT clause is processed in order to get final data. Now, we know that
SQL execution for the given query is done in the following order,
00:01:56 FROM, JOIN, WHERE, and SELECT clauses. Here, we are going to draw the optimizer tree
with the previous information.
00:02:09 We express INNER JOIN as IJ, table as T, LEFT OUTER JOIN as LOJ,
00:02:14 and GROUP BY as G. Please keep these in mind and let's draw the optimizer tree based on
SQL execution order.
00:02:26 We know that FROM and JOINs are process first of all, so here in this example, the first
JOIN is INNER JOIN between table 1 and 3
00:02:38 with a JOIN key A.COL3 = D.COL2. Now we'll draw the second JOIN,
00:02:46 which is LEFT OUTER JOIN between table 2 and another subquery. And there is next the
INNER JOIN between table 3 and subquery
00:02:58 with the JOIN key E.COL2 = G.COL2. Now there is the remaining part, which is GROUP
00:03:08 F.COL1 and F.COL2 from table 4. Now, we can finalize the optimizer tree with the
information of SQL execution order.
00:03:20 As you can see, there are three JOINs involved and we can tell the data is generated from
the bottom.
00:03:28 That's it for unit three. Please join in unit four, my colleague, Jinyeon Lee,
00:03:33 will explore a hands-on session on query execution with you. Thank you for your attention.
00:03:40 Goodbye.
Week 1 Unit 4
00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to unit four of week one. My name is Jinyeon Lee and I'm an SAP
HANA database product expert.
00:00:13 I will present a hands-on session about simple query execution. For our hands-on exercise,
00:00:19 you can access the system using a cloud provider and SAP Cloud Appliance Library, you
can find more information on that in the system information page of this course.
00:00:33 We will create a sample table first and run a simple query. After that, we will check
EXPLAIN_PLAN and M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE monitoring view.
00:00:48 Here are SQL commands to create tables. When you set the schema name,
00:00:53 please be aware that your schema name does not include angle brackets. This is the SQL
statement that you will run.
00:01:05 Now let's have a look at the explain plan of this query. As you can see, the query was
processed through the multiple JOINs
00:01:15 and the filter on column COL3 was applied, and it was executed by the column engine.
Now, let's a look at M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE.
00:01:29 In order to check M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, I use this statement. In this statement, statement
hashes is a hash value of our query string
00:01:39 and it is very useful information for other monitoring views. The execution count shows how
many times the query was executed.
00:01:49 And preparation count shows how many times it was compiled. With the last execution
00:01:55 we could know the timeline of when the query was last executed. And with the last
preparation timestamp,
00:02:03 we also know when the query was last compiled. You can find the result of your query easily
by specifying
00:02:12 schema name and statement string filters and ORDER BY clause of last preparation
00:02:22 As you can see, in the results of M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, both the execution and
preparation counts are 1,
00:02:31 and the parameter count is 0, since this is a literal query. That is, it was compiled once
00:02:39 and the compiled query plan was successfully stored in SQL plan cache. Now we will learn
about how the SQL hint
00:02:50 IGNORE_PLAN_CACHE works in query execution. You might be familiar with this SQL hint
while you are investigating issues.
00:03:00 We are going to run this query with the IGNORE_PLAN_CACHE hint and check
00:03:11 Okay, before we look at the result of M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE with the SQL hint
00:03:17 let's find out how this hint works. The diagram on the left-hand side shows general query
00:03:25 So when a query comes into HANA, it checks SQL plan cache to see whether its plan cache
entry exists.
00:03:33 If yes, it goes to the execution engine straight away to execute the query with the stored
plan. If not, it goes through SQL front end
00:03:45 and checks the query semantics and goes to SQL optimizer to generate a plan. Then it
goes to the execution engine to execute the query.
00:03:56 Now, let's look at the right-hand side diagram. When the query comes into HANA with the
00:04:07 it does not check plan cache, that is it skips the plan cache lookup. It directly goes through
the SQL front end and goes to SQL optimizer.
00:04:20 When the query is generated, the plan is not stored in plan cache and goes to proper
execution engines.
00:04:30 Now, let's have a look at the results of a query with IGNORE_PLAN_CACHE hint. As you
can see, there is no entry found in M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE.
00:04:41 It is because the plan was not stored in plan cache when the plan was generated. Thank
you for your attention.
00:04:51 For later training in unit five, my colleague Helen Shin will explore SQL optimizer
architectural overview with you.
Week 1 Unit 5
00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to unit five, SQL optimizer – architectural overview. My name is Helen
Shin, and I will present this unit to you.
00:00:15 To recap the HANA processors, HANA checks whether there is any stored plan in SQL plan
cache first
00:00:24 and it parses to SQL front end if there is no stored plan cache entry. And if there is no plan
cache entry found,
00:00:34 the query string is checked, to see whether it is syntactically and semantically okay at the
SQL front end layer, after that it goes to SQL optimizer.
00:00:47 SQL optimizer tries to make the optimal plan within a certain amount of time. Then, based
on the plan, the execution engines handle the execution.
00:01:00 Let's move on to how the optimizer generates the enumerate alternatives. So, the query
comes into HANA.
00:01:11 If there is an entry stored in SQL plan cache, it uses the stored plan. Otherwise, it goes to
the SQL front end layer
00:01:19 in order to check the query string is syntactically and semantically okay. If everything's fine,
then it goes to SQL optimizer.
00:01:34 I've said that SQL optimizer generates the optimal plan within a certain amount of time. And
in SQL optimizer, there are two optimization steps,
00:01:46 which are rule-based optimization and cost-based query optimization. In the rule-based
optimization step, the predefined, proven rules are applied
00:01:58 in order to simplify the plan and lower the costs. However, in rule-based optimization,
00:02:06 the size estimation and cost comparison are not conducted. And as part of the query
00:02:15 there are filter pushdown, JOIN removal, or simplify GROUP BY. Filter pushdown is to push
down filters.
00:02:27 JOIN removal is to remove unnecessary JOINs. And simplify GROUP BY is also to remove
unnecessary GROUP BYs.
00:02:39 Applying various predefined rules can be
repeated several times during one query compilation.
00:02:48 Also, the simplification may include other measures, like adding more filters or removing
00:02:57 and even adding more operators to make the optimization more efficient. Therefore, the
query plan can be either
00:03:08 shorter or longer while the later optimization steps are being compiled. In cost-based query
00:03:19 it finds candidates from the plan generated in rule-based optimization. The cost of every
alternative is calculated
00:03:30 and the one with the best cost, which is the cheapest one, is chosen. Now let's have a look
at how the optimizer generates the optimal plan.
00:03:44 Firstly, it goes through predefined rules, which is sequentially applied to the initial tree.
00:03:57 Let's assume this is the initial tree. In rule-based optimization, various predefined rules are
00:04:05 For example, if filter pushdown is applied, then, like in this case, the filter is pushed down.
00:04:16 When the simplify GROUP BY is applied, an unnecessary GROUP BY is removed.
00:04:24 And when the remove JOIN rule is applied, an unnecessary JOIN is removed. After all these
predefined rules are applied, a rewritten tree is generated.
00:04:42 Now this tree goes to cost-based query optimization. As I mentioned, the tree from the rule-
based optimization
00:04:53 is sent to cost-based query optimization. At the cost-based query optimization stage,
various enumerators
00:05:07 such as A_THRU_B or PRE A_BEFORE_B are applied and various plans can be
00:05:17 These are all different query plans. We can also control enumerators by applying hint.
00:05:31 A_THRU_B enumerators literally moved the first operator, A, through B and positions A
below B in the plan tree.
00:05:44 This is very effective when A reduces the data more than B does. There are
00:05:56 and JOIN_THRU_AGGR, and so on. For example, let's suppose that there is an
aggregation over a JOIN.
00:06:06 And this JOIN is very heavy because it is a LEFT OUTER JOIN with a range of JOIN
conditions on multiple timestamp columns.
00:06:16 Then the SQL optimizer tries to push down the aggregation through the JOIN so that it can
reduce the data set of one of the JOIN candidates.
00:06:28 This is AGGR_THRU_JOIN. and JOIN_THRU_JOIN basically switches the order of the
00:06:39 How effective this is will depend on the data size involved. The most well-known enumerator
of this
a preaggregation.
00:07:01 This means it adds a preaggregation to one of the JOIN candidates so that the size of the
JOIN can be reduced.
00:07:11 In this case, the aggregation of the JOIN is called post aggregation. Okay, let's go back to
cost-based query optimization.
00:07:24 Let's assume the costs are as follows. The coin icons represent the cost for the plan.
00:07:36 As you can see, among those plans, we know that plan 3 is the most inexpensive one.
00:07:46 Therefore, plan 3 is selected out of all this optimizations. That's SQL Optimizer architectural
00:07:58 In the next unit, I will talk about the topic parameter optimization. Thank you for your
00:08:07 Looking forward to meeting you in the next unit. See you.
Week 1 Unit 6
00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to unit six of week one. Today, I will talk about the topic of the
parameter-aware optimization.
00:00:16 There are important check points regarding parameterized queries. The first thing is the
parameterized query is compiled twice, not like a literal query.
00:00:29 So the first compilation is called precompilation and second compilation is called
00:00:38 A precompiled plan is a compiled plan without a bind variable, and a recompiled plan is a
compiled plan with a bind variable.
00:00:50 The most important thing here is the precompiled plan is not equal to the recompiled plan.
00:00:57 So what we have to see is a recompiled plan. This is very important in performance issue
00:01:06 because sometimes we investigate the issue with the precompiled plan but it is not the
correct one that caused the issue.
00:01:16 Therefore, we always have to check the recompiled plan. Another important point is
different plans can be generated
00:01:27 depending on which values are used for the compilation. Let's assume there is a
parameterized query.
00:01:39 When the plan is compiled with the bind variable A, as you can see, the left-hand side plan
is generated.
00:01:46 However, when the plan is compiled with the bind variable B, the right-hand side plan is
00:01:56 Now we're going to look at the parameterized query processing. We'll look into two cases
like simple query processing.
00:02:05 The first case is when there is no plan cache found. Up to this step, it is similar to simple
query processing.
00:02:20 Now there is a difference, which is precompilation. As I mentioned earlier, at precompilation
step, the plan is compiled without a bind variable.
00:02:36 After it is precompiled, the bind variable is entered. Here is the important thing.
00:02:42 The plan is now recompiled. When the parameterized query is recompiled, it is recompiled
only once
00:02:52 and there will be no more recompilation even for other values. That is, for this case, when
the plan is compiled, the bind variable A is used.
00:03:04 Now the plan with the bind variable is stored in SQL plan cache. This plan will be used for
other bind variables.
00:03:15 This is why we often have a slow-running parameterized query, especially with different
parameter values.
00:03:23 Therefore, it is very important to consider which values are used when it is compiled for the
parameterized query.
00:03:35 Now, let's look at the case when there is plan cache entry is found and And the plan was
compiled with the bind variable A.
00:03:46 Like simple SQL processing case, it doesn't have to go through the optimizer. Firstly, it
checked the plan cache lookup and found plan cache entry.
00:03:58 Then it used the stored plan to execute the parameterized query. Let's look at the case
when bind variable B is entered.
00:04:13 Even though the bind variable B is entered, in the SQL plan cache, the plan with bind
variable A is stored,
00:04:22 Therefore, the execution is done with the plan with bind variable A, not B. So, to summarize,
as a parameterized query is a feature
00:04:34 used to execute the same or similar SQL statements repeatedly with high efficiency, it takes
a form of template where the bind values are substituted during each execution.
00:04:49 Unlike literal query, the parameterized query compiles twice. First the compilation is without
bind variables,
00:04:59 and recompilation is with bind variables. Let's look at the example.
00:05:07 Here is a parameterized query with a bind variable 20. And when you check the PlanViz,
you can also check bind variable, as shown.
00:05:17 To check the precompilation and recompilation status, we can use monitoring view
00:05:26 by searching execution count and preparation count. We know the exact statement string,
so we can search
00:05:37 M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE with statement string. So here is the statement to find and check
precompilation and recompilation status.
00:05:50 We know the parameterized query compiles twice, and as you can see, the preparation
count is 2.
00:05:59 However, the execution was done only once, therefore the execution count is 1. Okay, let's
try a different bind variable for the same parameterized query.
00:06:16 Here we use the bind variable of 30. Now after execution, let's check monitoring view again.
00:06:26 Previously, the preparation count was 2 and the execution count was 1. Now, this is the
result of the parameterized query with the bind variable of 30.
00:06:40 Here, the preparation count is 2 and the execution count is also 2. So that means the
previous parameterized query plan is stored M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE,
00:06:55 and while we are executing this parameterized query with bind variable of 30, it does plan
cache lookup and uses the stored plan to execute the query.
00:07:11 With that, we come to the end of unit six. Thank you for your attention, and please join in
unit seven,
00:07:19 my colleague Jinyeon Lee will explore a hands-on session about understanding parameter-
aware optimization with you.
00:07:30 Bye.
Week 1 Unit 7
00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to unit seven, the last unit of week one. I'm Jinyeon Lee and I will
present a hands-on session
00:00:13 about understanding parameter-aware optimization. Like the previous hands-on exercise,
00:00:22 you will use a cloud provider and SAP Cloud Appliance Library. Firstly, you will run a
parameterized query.
00:00:30 Then check EXPLAIN PLAN and monitoring view M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE. We will use
tables created in unit four, so you don't have to create them again.
00:00:45 There is one thing that you should know when executing a parameterized query. Our
recommendation when the user runs the parameterized query
00:00:55 is to make the parameterized query into a single line. This is because different carriage
returns across the interfaces
00:01:04 often interfere with the usage of plan cache. The easiest way to make one single line of a
parameterized query
00:01:13 is to just copy and paste the parameterized query into the navigation bar on an Internet
00:01:24 This is a single-line parameterized query. You can easily make a query into a single line
using a browser's address bar.
00:01:34 You can copy the parameterized query and paste it into a browser's address bar, and re-
copy it again to execute it.
00:01:44 Then the parameterized query will be displayed like this single line query. Here you can find
out the characteristics of a parameterized query.
00:02:01 The parameterized query is compiled twice, which is precompilation and recompilation. The
first compilation is to compile the query without bind variables.
00:02:14 And the second compilation is to compile the query with bind variables. Here you can see,
the precompiled plan is different from the recompiled plan.
00:02:29 So if you are seeing the first EXPLAIN PLAN, you are not looking at the correct EXPLAIN
PLAN for the parameterized query.
00:02:38 Therefore, it is very important to see the recompiled plan for a parameterized query when
you analyze the parameterized query performance issue.
00:02:49 Now, let's have a look at M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE for parameterized query. Like the previous
simple query hands-on case,
00:02:59 you can search the statement by statement string since you are aware of the query string.
00:03:08 This is the result of a parameterized query in M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE. If you see the
preparation count is 1,
00:03:16 then you are looking at the result of a precompiled parameterized query in monitoring view
00:03:25 Since a parameterized query is compiled twice, precompilation and recompilation, the
preparation count should be 2.
00:03:35 Please make sure you see the recompiled plan for performance issue analysis. With this, I
will come to the end of week one.
00:03:48 Thank you for your attention. Next week, we will discover column search and analysis tools
in HANA.
00:03:56 Looking forward to meeting you. Bye.
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